FAMILY CENTERED CARE: CURRENT and FUTURE DIRECTIONS IMANA Convention at the International Medical Center Jeddah on Presented at the
29 December 2014 by
Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr. MB ChB (MUK).MPH (Harvard), DrPH (Harvard)
Professor Faculty of Medicine, and Chairman of the Ethics Committee and Institutional Review Board, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Holistic Approach to Patient Care
A holistic approach to medical treatment incorporates social, psychosomatic, spiritual, emotional dimensions.
It recognizes the role of the family in the providing social and psychological support to the patient.
Physicians trained in the biomedical model were reluctant to acknowledge the family’s role in care.
This is changing towards recognition of the family as a part of the therapeutic process.
FAMILY CENTERED CARE: CURRENT and FUTURE DIRECTIONS on 29 December 2014 by Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule
The Family as Part of Holistic Care
Family members are involved in medical decisions when they act as proxy decision makers.
They can be donors of organs and tissues.
They help the patient experience a home ambience during their visits to the hospital.
Family visits are a social obligation and are encouraged.
The neuro-humoral-immune axis in patient care.
FAMILY CENTERED CARE: CURRENT and FUTURE DIRECTIONS on 29 December 2014 by Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule
Family as Guests of the Hospital
Family visits are a social obligation and are encouraged.
The family members are honored guests with all the shari’at rights of a guest.
The family members are honored guests with all the shari’at rights of a guest.
Family visits should not interrupt routines and procedures.
FAMILY CENTERED CARE: CURRENT and FUTURE DIRECTIONS on 29 December 2014 by Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule
Providing for the Needs of the Family
While the physician understands the role of family support for the patient, he may not realize that the family is also in need of care and support.
The family needs psychological support; they are anxious and worried.
They need reassurance about the patient’s condition without breach of confidentiality.
Caregivers must avoid involvement in family conflicts.
FAMILY CENTERED CARE: CURRENT and FUTURE DIRECTIONS on 29 December 2014 by Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule
Family Involvement in Terminal Care
Comfort: pain relief, communication, hygiene, wudhu all the time.
‘Ibadat-friendly hospital.
Spiritual preparation: allay anxiety, present death as a positive event.
Legal preparation: debts and a will.
Prepare family for mourning.
FAMILY CENTERED CARE: CURRENT and FUTURE DIRECTIONS on 29 December 2014 by Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule
Research on Family Centered Care
FAMILY CENTERED CARE: CURRENT and FUTURE DIRECTIONS on 29 December 2014 by Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule
Future Challenges
The future of the family’s role in care is threatened by several factors.
A high technology hospital environment discourages family involvement in providing social and psychological support.
There is less time for family members to be involved in patient care because of lack of time due to their work commitments.
The transition from a large extended family to the smaller nuclear family also means that there are fewer family members available to provide social support to the patient.
Rising divorce rates and family break-up threaten the family’s role as a cohesive social support network. FAMILY CENTERED CARE: CURRENT and FUTURE DIRECTIONS on 29 December 2014 by Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule
The Tauhidi Paradigm
Lack of integration due to atomistic view of the cosmos: analytic but not synthetic.
Integration is not addition but is fitting according to the laws, sunan.
The tauhidi paradigm provides a conceptual basis for integration.
Integration calls forth balance among the components integrated.
FAMILY CENTERED CARE: CURRENT and FUTURE DIRECTIONS on 29 December 2014 by Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule
Thank you!