With respect to personal financial relationships, contracted research includes research funding where the institution gets the grant and manages the funds and the person is the principal or named investigator .on the grant Conflict of Interest: Circumstances create a conflict of interest when an individual has an opportunity to affect CME content about products or services of a commercial interest with which he/she has a financial .relationship The ACCME considers financial relationships to create actual conflicts of interest in CME when individuals have both a financial relationship with a commercial interest and the opportunity to affect the content of CME about the products or services of that commercial interest. The ACCME considers “content of CME about the products or services of that commercial interest” to include content about specific agents/devices, but not necessarily about the class of agents/devices, and not necessarily content about the whole disease class in which those .agents/devices are used With respect to financial relationships with commercial interests, when a person divests themselves of a relationship it is immediately not relevant to conflicts of interest but it must be disclosed to the learners for .12 months The provider collects disclosure information from all Individuals in control of content. Those who refuse to disclose this information are disqualified from participating. For any person who reports a relevant financial relationship, the provider uses a peer review process to resolve the potential conflict of interest. For presentations that have the greatest potential for bias, the provider asks an independent third party reviewer to conduct a second peer review as an additional
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I have NO actual or potential . conflict of interest in relation I have no relevant financial interest .to this program or presentation
Husam is a 6 year old lovely beautiful boy. Diagnosed with Pre T ALL. Received first chemotherapy treatment. Relapsed. Received another chemotherapy treatment. Relapsed. His leukemia became resistant to chemotherapy. Admitted to KAUH for palliation. I was seeing him daily to manage his symptoms. One day I went into his room and heard him asking his mother to read for him “Mama read for me” I gave his mother a regular children story book but he said “Mama read for me the Quran” Husam died the next day.
When my child was diagnosed with cancer I wept into tears. Not because I am objecting what Allah Has Decided for me, Not at all. But I needed lots of help and support and I was afraid that I will not be able to get all the needed demands. My tears were calling for help, so can you help me? Who will protect my rights?
My Journey with Patients with Cancer Advocacy Patients with Cancer & Not Cancer Patients (This is stigmatization that is not acceptable, because these patients do not own this disease) My trip to China in 2010, Representing Saudi Cancer Society of Saudi Arabia where I presented the seven rights of patients with cancer
There Is Nothing More We Can Do !
"When you treat a disease, you may lose or win, but when you treat with dignity a human body with a disease you always win, no matter what was the outcome of the disease". Adopted form literature by Dr. Bassim Al Beirouti with modification 2010
Cure with Dignity & Death with Dignity NOT Cure with Humiliation Or Death with Humiliation
Patients with Cancer are People of Strong Faith & Belief in Allah Through Them I Get The Reminder To Renew My Faith & Belief in Allah I Always Listen to Their Advises: Life is not Worth Fighting for it Get Ready To Meet Your GOD Your Good Deeds are the Ones That You will Take with you Whatever Comes From Allah is Really Welcomed & Should Be Accepted Many of Patients with Cancer Died after Saying Al Shahadatine; a Death that I Wish to die Like
I Do not want to see them anymore They are not my priority anymore They took their chance and failed treatment Let me utilize my time to the best and try to cure new patients with higher chance of cure Oh, these patients are depressing Oh, they are really a pain in the neck Let us get rid of them, sister get me the DNR form
Detach & Depart Listen to me & Take care of me “Do no Harm” including psychological ones Learn How to Break Bad News Do not tell me that you are busy with another patient, I am also a patient If you are not ready to take care of me, I do not want to see you anymore
1. 2. 3. 4.
As parents, the first step toward cancer cure is to know your child bills of 7 rights and your duties and responsibilities. Your child has the right to be treated & you as parents have the right to discuss the treatments options and get a second opinion. For Adolescents and young adults discuss your child’s right to preserve the fertility. Because passive smoking has been proven to be a causative agent of cancer, smoking in public areas should be prohibited.
5. Some patients with cancer their life depends on blood donors, so blood donation should be encouraged by the public. Donation of blood for these patients will give a new life for them. 6. When you are diagnosed with cancer your treatment should meet the national (if any) or international standards, that is what is meant by Globalization of cancer care across the country and across the world. 7. The patients with cancer need psycho-social support, spiritual support, & holistic palliative and hospice care.  That’s why public awareness days have been established to help patients with cancer to know their 7 rights.
The Right to know about the disease The Right to be Treated The Right to Consent for the Treatment The Right to disclose or hide information about the disease from all other family members or friends
The Right that your case is being discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting called a “Tumor Board” The Right to have a Second Opinion
The Right of Fertility Preservation for Adolescents & Young Adults. ď‚ž Fertility Preservation is the standard of care, are we there? ď‚ž
The Right of having Anti-smoking campaigns. ď‚ž The Right of Smoking Cessation reenforced in public areas, closed areas, malls, & restaurants. ď‚ž
Save the life of a patient with cancer; donate blood. ď‚ž The problem of directed donations or referred donations rather than Volunteer Donations ď‚ž
Globalization of cancer care at national and international levels. Globalization at all levels not only treatment guidelines Globalization in Cancer Prevention and Early Detection It should include free access of patients with caner to any country where they can get their treatment available OR their treatment will be brought to them
Holistic Care for Patients with Cancer: › Pain, Mal-Nutrition, & Depression are very
common among patients with Cancer
Psychological Support Social Support Spiritual Support Nutritional Support Palliative Care Hospice Care
Important messages for patients with cancer: 1- Cancer is a curable disease nowadays. 2- Patients with cancer bills of 7 rights. So get your rights right. 3- Fertility Preservation is the standard of care, are we there? 4- Anti-smoking campaign. Smoking Cessation reenforced in public areas & restaurants. 5- Save the life of a patient with cancer; donate blood. 6- Globalization of cancer care at national and international levels. 7- Psycho-social support, Spiritual Support & Palliative and Hospice Holistic Care for patients with cancer.