First International Medical Center & The Islamic Medical Association of North America Conference
December 29-30, 2013
Ayaz M. Samadani M.D.
First International Medical Center & The Islamic Medical Association of North America Conference
Spirituality & Healing: A Relationship between Faith and Healing Healing Power of Faith
Ayaz M. Samadani
M.D., DCH., DTM&H.
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Public Health Council Dept. of Health & Family Services State of Wisconsin, USA Past President Wisconsin Medical Society
Disclosure Information •
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With respect to personal financial relationships, contracted research includes research funding where the institution gets the grant and manages the funds and the person is the principal or named investigator on the grant. Conflict of Interest: Circumstances create a conflict of interest when an individual has an opportunity to affect CME content about products or services of a commercial interest with which he/she has a financial relationship. The ACCME considers financial relationships to create actual conflicts of interest in CME when individuals have both a financial relationship with a commercial interest and the opportunity to affect the content of CME about the products or services of that commercial interest. The ACCME considers “content of CME about the products or services of that commercial interest” to include content about specific agents/devices, but not necessarily about the class of agents/devices, and not necessarily content about the whole disease class in which those agents/devices are used. With respect to financial relationships with commercial interests, when a person divests themselves of a relationship it is immediately not relevant to conflicts of interest but it must be disclosed to the learners for 12 months. The provider collects disclosure information from all Individuals in control of content. Those who refuse to disclose this information are disqualified from participating. For any person who reports a relevant financial relationship, the provider uses a peer review process to resolve the potential conflict of interest. For presentations that have the greatest potential for bias, the provider asks an independent third party reviewer to conduct a second peer review as an additional mechanism to resolve conflicts of interest. (SCS 2.1, SCS 2.2, SCS 2.3)
disclose relevant financial relationships to me and to the learners who participate in my activities?
Ayaz Samadani, MD In compliance with the guidelines established by ACCME I have NO actual or potential conflict of interest in relation. I have no relevant financial interest to this program or presentation.
Healing Power of Faith Faith as a sustainable health assistance for populations throughout the world
Healing Power of Faith
And Allah grants respite to none when his appointed time (death) comes. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.
Healing Power of Faith • Dua Prayers (Duas) Personal For Someone Else Distant Prayer Congregational Prayer
Healing Power of Faith
Healing Power of Faith
“How could you disbelieve in Allah when you were lifeless and He brought you to life; then He will cause you to die, then He will bring you [back] to life, and then to Him you will be returned�.
Healing Power of Faith • Focus
Research Interdisciplinary Sustainable – Attract new resources – Collaborate with existing resources
Complementary – Mutual benefits – Expand scope and reach – Enhance capacity of colleagues abroad
Healing Power of Faith • Seminars • Symposium • Courses – University – Study abroad
• Certificate • Residency • Continuing health professional education
Healing Power of Faith Education Psychological Benefits Enhancement of Immune System More Research
Healing Power of Faith
Priorities for Success • • • • • • •
Build institutional foundation and identity Secure and manage core resources Establish global Spiritual health affiliates and data base Sustain and expand seminars and courses Launch certificate program Facilitate Spiritual health research Strengthen partnerships
Challenges • Mainstream Acceptance • Personal Preferences • Diversity • Lack of Research • Resources
A Common Bond
Mosque Quba
Healing Power of Faith
It is He Who creates from the very beginning, and He can restore (life).