A military caliber life serving your country

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American Armed Forces The members of the U.S. government understand the reality of the need for a strong military presence in the world, and one of its main tasks is to keep up the most potent and efficient air, land, and seaborne fighting forces the Earth has ever seen. This is mostly done in the hope that the United States rarely has to mobilize and deploy any forces to neutralize an impending threat. The stronger the military force, the lower the odds that another country will actually want to fight against it. However, as the tragic and reprehensible events of September 11, 2001, show, no caliber of military might is truly sufficient enough to guarantee against the need for military force or action.

The central strength of the military is the might of the people who fight for it.

No matter how big the vessels, there will be a need for sailors to sail them. Swift aircraft need pilots to fly them. And regardless of how precise and technologically advance the missile launchers, there will always be a need soldiers to fire them. And not only will there be a need for people to plan strategies during wartime and maintain optimal training conditions during peacetime, there will be a need for people to manage the execution of such protocols. That’s where the American citizen comes into the picture. It’s all about doing a civic duty to uphold the beliefs and values that every American, soldier or civilian, holds absolutely dear to their hearts. And though serving the country comes with certain financial and social benefits, they’re all overshadowed by the sense of immense pride one receives the moment the uniform is worn. The specific educational benefits available for military service today are plentiful in number and very important for when a tour of duty is completed. For example, receiving a direct commission into the Army following graduation will guarantee that student loans will be paid in full in return for a soldier’s service. This gesture alone shows that the U.S. military values both brains and brawn when it comes to the welfare of each and every soldier who serves their country. And here at Caliber Life, we make it a point to keep that sentiment going, no matter which part of the soldier’s life cycle one might find themselves in. National pride is the bedrock foundation on with the United States was established and there’s nothing in this world that can change that. So, aside from showing pride in country by joining the armed forces, one can also show pride as an American citizen by

6/25/2014 8:47 PM

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