A SEO Resource List of SEO Resource Lists in 2014 (Sort Of)

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A SEO Resource List of SEO Resource Lists in 2014 (Sort Of) Chris Dill

As a SEO specialist I am f ully engrossed in the blogosphere and read anything SEO/SEM related I can get my hands on. If I have a moments downtime, I am crawling Search Engine Land of MOZ looking f or inf ormation. T hroughout my travels, I have come across a couple of pretty nice lists which contain inf ormation which is really helpf ul f or someone in my position. T hese SEO resources are not intended f or clients, end-users, or customers. T hey are great f or small business owners running their own SEO/SEM, SEO agencies or f irms, or marketers looking to jump into search tactics. Why would we go and compile a SEO resource list if there are already a billion lists out there, do you ask? Well, because we are experts, and this list is amazing. It will revolutionize your workf low and your day both. Plus we use this list ourselves here at Virginia SEO to keep track of what we are looking at- this list will be updated with the latest inf ormation as our strategies grow and change. You will see a page quality link and rating on each site. Take this with a grain of salt- this is not necessarily our opinion on the matter, but more so a combination of several f actors on of which is how the site is built. A poorly designed or organized site will receive a lower rating. We also use a site analyzer provided by Raven SEO Tools which analyzes the site using a variety of metrics such as mozTrust and Page Authority. If you page is listed here and you don’t f eel like our ranking is accurate, please let us know why you f eel this way!

Best – Top SEO Resources Moz.com Searchenginewatch.com Searchengineland.com Upcity.com Traf f icgenerationcaf e.com Rating: 100% Moz.com – T he Beginners Guide to SEO

Quality 100 T his is perhaps the best resource you can get your hands on when starting out with SEO, no matter if you are doing it prof essionally or as a business owner doing it f or your own company. Ready through this steps 1 to 10 and digest. I sometimes ref er back to this when I get overwhelmed with the billions of pounds of inf ormation out there on SEO. Rating: 100% Searchenginewatch.com – Ten Tips to the Top of Google Quality 100 T his is an awesome breakdown of the roots of SEO, and explains why a lot of SEO’s are f ailing or ripping people of f . T his is aimed at SEO’s and is def initely a must-read. Rating: 100% Searchengineland.com – SEO Checklist For Startup Websites Quality 100 Really great top down view of the various things to do to your website to make it a bigger f orce in the search arena. T his should be considered a f irst step, and might be appropriate f or non SEO’s to study. Rating: 100% Upcity.com – T he 2014 Def initive SEO Sof tware List: 215 Apps, Platf orms, and Tools Quality 100 An awesome list of awesome apps, tips, tricks, and resources. Between this list and the three above, you can pretty much f ind out anything you need ot know about SEO and the market. Rating: 90% Traf f icgenerationcaf e.com – Traf f ic Generation Caf é Blog Post List Quality 90 T his is a list of blog posts by Ana Hof f man, who writes on traf f ic generation techniques. A lot of these techniques provide great insight and tricks into generating blog or customer traf f ic through positioning and partnerships or tricks of the trade. You can read up on some great search traf f ic resources.

SEO – Optimization Related Resources Moz.com White.net Rating: 90% Moz.com – T he 100 Best Free SEO Tools & Resources f or Every Challenge – Interactive Quality 90

T hese guys wrote the book on SEO so of course their website is going to be amazing. T his page is well designed, sortable, and updated. It also contains some really good stuf f f or SEO’s like us. Rating: 72% White.net – 30+ Advanced SEO Tactics, Techniques and Resources (55+ Links) Quality 72 T his page contains a bunch of really nice resources that are still viable even though the post is f rom 2009. T he reason f or a lower score is due to the f act that some of the link on the page are broken- a SEO site with broken links is lame.

Keywords – Keyword Resources f or 2014 Moz.com Accel.io Rating: 95% Moz.com – Keywords to Concepts: T he Lazy Web Marketer’s Guide to Smart Keyword Research Quality 95 Back to Moz, which is a really great resource if you haven’t already noticed. T his blog post by Cyrus Shepard pretty much breaks it all down to easy to understand chunks. Rating: 57% Accel.io – How To Do Keyword Research For SEO Quality 57 T his is actually a book, which costs under $40. T his book comes highly recommended by a blogger over at Moz as well as a f ew more resources which I look at. When starting out at SEO keyword research was pretty dif f icult to wrap my head around.

Link Building – Strategies f or 2014 Woorank.com Linkbuildingbook.com Paddymorgan.com Rating: 72% Woorank.com – 10 Link Building Strategies f or Small Businesses Quality 72 T his is a great resource f or small businesses, or f or an owner starting out on doing his or her own SEO. It covers some basics that an untrained SEO could accomplish without tremendous ef f ort. Rating: 100% Linkbuildingbook.com – Big-Ass List of Link Building Resources

Quality 100 T his is pure cheater. T his list is put together by Paddy Morgan, who is pretty good at link building and has several books on it. T his site is a HUGE list of incredible resources on several topics, all surrounding link building. Rating: 100% Paddymorgan.com – List of Inf ographic Sites f or Link Building Quality 100 T his is a great list of inf ographic related sites which can be used to promote your linkbait inf ographics. I won’t regurgitate the already complete and well-designed data.

On-Page – Visual Optimization Resources Moz.com Seoworkers.com Rating: 90% Moz.com – On-Page Factors Quality 90 Again with the Moz- these guys must really know their stuf f ? I typically look at Moz.com f irst, and then go f rom there. Rating: 80% Seoworkers.com – SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Analysis Tool Quality 80 T his isn’t a resource list, but rather a tool. It does a great job of an on-page SEO analysis, and even of f ers help videos f rom Google’s Matt Cutts as an explanation. Couple this with Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools SEO analyzers and you got everything you need f or on-page.

Design – Design and UX Resources Searchenginejournal.com Searchenginewatch.com Rating: 85% Searchenginejournal.com – Landing Page Design Inspiration: SEO and UX Working Together Quality 85 Search Engine Journal is a great site, and they push out really good content. T his blog post by Geof f Kenyon does a great job of outlining how we can make beautif y websites that are also SEO optimized. Rating: 95% Searchenginewatch.com – 2 Ways to Implement UX Methodology Into Your SEO Tactics

Quality 95 Another great blog post f rom Search Engine Watch. T his post outlines the same as above, and highlights more on the business aspect instead of the design aspect. T his particular post is by Erin Everhart.

Blogging – Content Resources Distiller.net Jonathoncolman.org Rating: 95% Distiller.net – 7 Types of Content to Get Traf f ic and Links Quality 95 Another post f rom Paddy Morgan over at Distilled. T his is some awesome inf ormation- I disagree personally with one or two things mentioned here, but Paddy has been in the game much longer than me, and he is an expert. Rating: 79% Jonathoncolman.org – T he Epic List of Content Strategy Resources Quality 79 T his is a huge list of content strategy. T his is not 100% blogging, but blogging can be a part of your content strategy. Most of these resources discuss blogging at some point, and this list is just too good to pass up. T his concludes my short list of large SEO resources that can help you in the SEO and SEM arena. If you have anything to add, please comment below and let me know- I will add it to the list. If you don’t want to deal with any of this and want to talk about how we can help you out with something SEO related, drop us a line.

Christopher Dill Christopher Dill is a Christian entrepreneur who loves web design, marketing, and anything on a computer. He is the creator and author of T he Dill Design, a local Virginia web design company. He also designed and runs Virginia SEO, which is a SEO/SEM and marketing company. By using both design skills and a marketing plan, he can of f er his clients an end-to-end solution which can help a small business succede. Chris is currently f inishing up his Master of Inf ormation Systems at University of Phoenix, and works by day as a Senior Network Engineer. Chris’ hobbies consist of technology, computers, and cutting-edge sof tware.

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