Content is king – why the future of seo depends on it

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Content Is King – Why the Future of SEO Depends on It /blog/content-is-king-why-the-f uture-of -seo-depends-on-it/ Chris Dill

Content Is King We all heard it, we know it, it was proved. And content and SEO are connected, they depend one of each other; the entire SEO strategy is based on unique and quality content and it doesn’t matter how many tools and techniques will be invented, without content there is no SEO, there is nothing to search f or and nothing to optimize. Google, the giant search engine, it is always used f or content – to f ind content. If at the beginning rules were dif f erent, but nowadays the requirements have changed. T he results are more human oriented, which means the content has to be relevant f or people, to give them answers, to encourage them to interact with the writer and to encourage them to share it. It is not enough to have the right keywords in your content. It has to be readable, it should be original and unique. Plagiarism and duplicates are not shown any more in search engines.

Humming Bird (more inf o), the “new” algorithm that Google launched, is also more human oriented and it shows that content is the king, the f uture of search engine optimization. T he density of the keywords is just not that important anymore f or SEO content writing. With this new algorithm, people need to adjust and adapt their content marketing in order to survive on this new market. As we already discussed, the f uture of SEO is the content and it has to be connected with the users. T here are some questions that any content should answer: like “How”, “When” and “What” are users searching, “When” and “What” are they clicking and “How do they interact with the webpage”. If you want your website to be popular, you have to understand that content rules the entire inbound marketing world, which includes SEO too. It doesn’t matter if we talk about blogging, social media marketing, search engine or video marketing, content is everywhere and it is the one who makes things move around. So if you want to take advantages of the relation between content and search engine optimization, you need to work a little bit with it.

Optimize Your Content According To New SEO Rules If you do this, the internet marketing strategy will show you results. As I said, all the big search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo are not indexing the website according to the keywords density; the important thing now is if the content is usef ul f or users, if they are reading it and if

the inf ormation is shared with other users through social media signals.

Target People, Not Search Engines

Jason DeMers of SearchEngineJournal says it simply:

“Answer people’s needs.”

T he days when you could get high ranks by writing f or search engines are long gone. You need to f ocus now on how people think and what are they searching; what kind of answers they need and expect. If your content is relevant f or people and shared through social media platf orms, your website will get higher ranking. T his will lead to more sharing, more endorsement f rom Google, and a higher rank. Eventually you will reach the top- just in time f or Google to shif t algorithms and knock you down to page 100 (just kidding). We at Virginia SEO have a f eeling that content in the wave of the f uture, and will continue in this direction f or a long time. Internet marketing has changed: everything is about people now, and the f uture of SEO is strongly related to the right content you publish. If you were already f ocused on the quality of your content and not the quantity of it, it won’t be a big change f or you. However, plagiarism, keyword density and duplicates won’t survive any longer online. Unique content will really make the dif f erence f rom now on. Image Credit: MoneyBlogNewz by Google Main Search About Latest Posts

Chris Dill SEO Expert at Virginia SEO Christopher Dill is a Christian entrepreneur who loves web design, marketing, and anything on a computer. He is the creator and author of T he Dill Design, a local Virginia web design company. He also runs Virginia SEO, which is a SEO and inbound marketing company. Chris is currently f inishing up his Master of Inf ormation Systems at University of Phoenix, and works by day as a Senior Network Engineer.

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