Overseeding-Your-Turf-CWST Overseeding? Verticutter? Slit-Seeding? Slice Seeder? What to do!?

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Overseeding? Verticutter? Slit-Seeding? Slice Seeder? What to do!? cwsportsturf.com /blog/overseeding-verticutter-slit-seeding-slice-seeder-what-to-do/ Keith Kitchen Overseeding? Verticutter? Slit-Seeding? Slice Seeder? What to Do!? Caring f or sports turf can be dif f icult, not only due to the wear-and-tear f rom constant use by athletes, but because those responsible f or the turf may not have the knowledge necessary to keep the turf healthy and looking attractive. Of ten, sports turf is managed by small municipalities, school districts or park services that have not had the benef it of extensive training in the maintenance of the turf used f or sports. T heref ore, it is important to understand the dif f erences between the many methods f or preparing and maintaining turf .

Overseeding Overseeding is the process of adding seed to or over existing turf , and can be accomplished in a variety of ways. T his can occur bef ore the season begins or to address problems that develop af ter the seasons begins. During sports seasons, high traf f ic areas can get worn away, allowing brown patches to develop on the f ield. T hese areas include: • Soccer and lacrosse goals • T he center of f ootball and rugby f ields • Sidelines • Outf ield areas of baseball diamonds • Entry and exit points In those cases, overseeding the entire f ield Is not necessary, but by overseeding the area as soon as thin turf develops can help avoid the f ormation of bare spots. However, it is important to choose grasses that germinate and establish quickly, such as ryegrass or f estulolium. T hese grasses germinate in three to f ive days. Ref Sports Field Management Magazine

Verticutter One overlooked method f or boosts turf health is the use of a verticutter. A verticutter has vertical blades, normally arranged between .025 and 1.5 inches apart on a disc that dredge up thatch and open the canopy in order to allow the turf to breathe. Not only does the process remove excess thatch, but it also extracts organic material at or below the plant crown area. T he machine is of ten conf used with an aerator, but the machines provide dif f erent benef its. Verticutters dig deeper into the turf , severing stolons and stems, creating visible results. Af ter using a verticutter, it is important to make a pass over the area with a mower to remove any residual debris that could cause damage to the turf surf ace. Ref Grounds Mag

Slit or Slice Seeding A slice or slit seeder cuts grooves into the soil placing seed in the grooves in order to provide

good seed to soil contact. T he slit or slice seeder actually overseeds as it removes thatch and opens the canopy to provide better nutrition f or the turf . Slit seeders of f er a higher germination rate than broadcasting seed that may not come into contact with the soil. However, it is possible to use a verticutter to create the slits and then broadcast seed immediately af ter in order to allow the seed to f all into the slits cut by the verticutter. A slice or slit seeder combines both processes which can be a time and money saver, especially f or heavily used sports turf f ields. Overseeding is a critical part of maintaining healthy, green sports turf . It can eliminate high-traf f ic areas and keep the f ield looking lush throughout the season. Whether using a verticutter and broadcaster to overseed the lawn or a slice/slit seeder, overseeding should be done whenever it appears that areas of the f ield are getting thin due to high-traf f ic. To learn more about verticutters, seeders and overseeding, visit us at Commowealth Sports Turf by phone or online today.

Keit h Kit chen Owner at Commonwealth Sports Turf Services Growing up on a working f arm that f eeds your f amily gave Keith an appreciation f or the importance of planning f or growth. It was corn and peanuts then, now it sports turf . Af ter graduating f rom Virginia Tech with a Bachelors of Science in Agricultural Economics and spending 5 years with Southern States, Keith partnered into a new business venture overseeing natural turf maintenance f or Luxury Lawns, a startup maintenance company. Continued growth over 20 years has placed Luxury Lawns, a company Keith now owns, in the top small businesses in the Midlothian area specializing in residential turf management, landscape design and installation, and hardscape applications. Af ter success in the residential turf market, Keith launched Commonwealth Sports Turf and now manages the day to day operations of the business.

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