The second amendment exists for a very good reason – why

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To many, the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution is one of the most important stated rights on our founding document

To many, the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution is one of the most important stated rights on our founding document. Most notably because it is this right that protects all of the others in a countries most dire times. Too often opponents against the 2nd amendment will say that it is outdated, or that citizens do not need assault rifles to hunt wild game. Yet, these are grand misconceptions when the actual nature of the 2nd amendment first and foremost is to protect citizens against tyrannical government, or any other threat that gives a human being the right to their own defense.

A Lack Of Freedom Still Exists The rise of democracy and capitalism have paved the way for a bountiful future for free citizens to enjoy. Yet, it wasn’t always this way, and in many parts of the world it still isn’t. This is due much in part to the fact that many countries governments hold too much power and constraint over their citizens. They achieve this in a variety of ways, but the most notable is the fact that many governments allow only their militaries to own firearms, while their citizens are left defenseless. In thousands of years the nature of man has not changed. Governments still become corrupt, those who have the power will exert it over those that they rule, and many of the elite will pacify the masses by force if they must do so. It is the United States 2nd amendment that protects and guards our freedom from the force that never sleeps, and that force is tyranny.

Disarmament Is A Real Threat The rise of communism, fascism, and dictators throughout history all have at least one thing in common, gun bans, gun registration, and disarmament of the people. banned guns in 1935 and a full police state followed in this new legislations footsteps. , the communist dictator of China and arguably the greatest mass murderer in history, was against the arming of citizens. He stated, “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, meaning those in power achieve agendas through force. , Russia’s communist dictator oversaw gun control measures in the country, and millions of deaths ensued both directly and indirectly because of this legislation. Italian fascist dictator , enacted gun confiscation within the country in his quest for power and domination. Socialist leader of Venezuela banned private ownership of firearms in 2012, and the amount of yearly homicides have only steadily increased. Dictator of Cambodia established gun control measures in 1956. , the communist dictator of Cuba enacted gun control measures in his country and kept them in place to maintain supremacy.

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6/29/2014 7:18 PM Print web pages, create PDFs

So, as we can see, dictatorships, communism, and fascism all have many things in common historically speaking. Many people died under these forceful reigns, government control was simply out of control, the people were kept quiet and pacified by force.

The Second Amendment Keeps Them In Check The 2nd amendment has kept government wary of its citizens. It is a system put in place as a check and balance between citizens and their leaders. After all it was our leaders who set this system in place from the start during the birth of the country. These were men who knew the history of forceful regimes, who valued individual liberty and personal freedom, who respected human beings rights to self defense. In essence the 2nd amendment has been the glue that has held this country together thus far, preserved our liberty, and will continue as long as we elect constitutionally bound politicians that represent “We the People’s interests.”

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Josh Wann at Josh Wann is an average joe who loves the outdoors and spending time with his family. He has dogs and loves kids as well as travelling abroad. Follow Me

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