Why your business needs to consider inbound marketing

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Why Your Business Needs to Consider Inbound Marketing virginiaseo.org /blog/business-needs-consider-inbound-marketing/ Chris Dill

Why Inbound Marketing? Inbound marketing is a f orm of content marketing which promotes your company or your organization through blogs, podcasts, video, eBooks, newsletters, whitepapers, SEO, social media marketing, and other f orms which serve to bring customers closer to your brand, where they want to be. Basically, inbound marketing makes the brand easy to f ound and brings customers to your website by producing interesting content. In opposition, outbound marketing represents all the f orms of paid marketing, such as T V advertisement, radio, direct paper mail, spam, sales f lyers, telemarketing and traditional advertising. Now, why should you consider inbound marketing f or your business? T he traditional marketing methods are f undamental f or any campaign. T hey were ef f ective f or years – they worked and got results. So why do you need a change? T he customers are asking f or it. T here is a new type of customers on the market, the connected customers, and traditional marketing methods don’t work f or them. T hey are more f ocused on digital media, they are avoiding banners and every other type of advertising on the webpages and they talk to brands through social media. Nowadays, smartphones and mobile device became really

Nowadays, smartphones and mobile device became really popular and customers have the power to research products and services bef ore they even reached to your business. T hat is why you need to f ind and interact with your customers on the platf orms they usual use.

How does inbound marketing work? T he principle of inbound marketing is to create quality content that will attract exactly the people interested in your product/service to your website. T he customers will come to you naturally because they are interested in what you can of f er. Inbound marketing is a combination of quality content, SEO techniques and social media, which helps you to f ind people that look f or your product at the right time.

St eps To Inbound Market ing Success Inbound marketing has f our simple steps, in which strangers are transf ormed in promoters of your product: 1. At the beginning, strangers are searching f or some content on the web. T he most used platf orms are the social media ones. You can attract these people by having quality content on your website and promoting it on dif f erent blogs or other online channels. 2. T he visitors of your website will interact with your brand through dif f erent f orms and calls-to-action. In this step, you have to convert them f rom visitors into leads by gathering their contact inf ormation or at least their e-mail addresses. 3. If you already attracted visitors and converted them into leads, it is the right time to transf orm them into customers. It is the moment when people get close to your business. Send them important and relevant inf ormation through emails, and post it on social media platf orms. 4. In this last step, you need to delight your customers through some special tools: events, social inbox and smart content. Now it’s time to convert them f rom customers to promoters. If you manage to do that, they will bring other customers to you; we all know that mouth-to-mouth advertising works best. As you can see, inbound marketing connects you with your customers and its results are much more impressive that the outbound ones. It is like a lif ecycle marketing method and the stages that people are involved helps you to connect to people more than any other method. Inbound marketing needs personalization, but once you got people as your customers, they will be yours f or a long time.

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Inf ographic Credit: Sourced f rom 15 Inf ormative 2012 Marketing Inf ographics by Pamorama. Created by Hightable.com

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Chris Dill SEO Expert at Virginia SEO Christopher Dill is a Christian entrepreneur who loves web design, marketing, and anything on a computer. He is the creator and author of T he Dill Design, a local Virginia web design company. He also runs Virginia SEO, which is a SEO and inbound marketing company. Chris is currently f inishing up his Master of Inf ormation Systems at University of Phoenix, and works by day as a Senior Network Engineer.

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