AAF Newletter April

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UPCOMING EVENTS • Spring Benefit Concert

Location: Illini Union 314A Tickets $5, purchase at door cash/venmo

• ADVASION: Chicago

Location: Chicago

• Masquerade Mixer

Location: HERE, Champaign (308 E Green St.) Dress Code: Black and White Cocktail Attire

• AAF Barcrawl

Location: TBD Theme: Hawaiian

• AAF Formal

Location: C-Street

• AAF Award Ceremony

Location: Illini Union

Thursday March 30th 7:00-8:30PM

Friday March 31st Entire Day

Saturday April 1st 8:00-11:00PM

Wednesday April 12th

Friday April 28th

Wednesday May 3rd


NSAC has officially wrapped up the Tai Pei Frozen Food Campaign. Thank you to all NSAC members for the hard work. Also shout out to Soryane for helping out with the plans book. Regionals will be held in South Bend, Indiana, from April 20-22.

We’ve seen great results! Our $10-$15 million dollar year long campaign will net more than 10 billion impressions for Tai Pei, successfully increasing brand awareness, preference, and ultimately the sales among Tai Pei’s 18-25 year old target audience


Working on the plans book was a really fun yet stressful process due to time restraints. But of course, it was a team effort which made it easier. The directors helped a lot with suggestions and recommendations. I enjoyed playing around with different layouts and shades. In the end, the plans book turned out nicely if you ask me. You would definitely be able to tell there were many late nights spent in the media lab creating it by looking at the finished work.


About 2 years ago when I decided to transfer from Millikin University to UIUC, I decided to take a break from my music career and focus on a few personal matters in my life. However, during this time I found myself writing many songs. I was trying to really develop a staple sound, since I was kind of all over the place in the past. During this hiatus I wrote my song “Coffee”. I set out to write a cute, happy love song about spending time with someone you love, and not wanting them to leave your side. This later turned into a metaphor involving a cute girl and a cup of coffee. The story goes like this...when my sister graduated college, my parents wanted to take us on a nice family vacation to Hawaii. I was on a plane, on my way to paradise, and decided I wanted a cup of Coffee. All of a sudden inspiration hit me. I remember quickly scribbling down the lyrics to the song on the back of a magazine because I didn’t have any paper. As for the music, I couldn’t bring a guitar with me. So once I was in Hawaii, I went out and bought a ukulele. I remember finishing writing “Coffee” overlooking the Pacific Ocean on the beaches of Kauai with a smile on my face. STEWART ARP

@StewartArpMusic @StewartArpMusic @StewartArpVEVO


Animation is a powerful tool for creating delightful and intuitive experiences. When working on the animation for AAF, I wanted to create something that had functionality, intention with beauty, and fluidity. The animation for the AAF website homepage focuses on the ideas of creating your own brand and making an impact on the world around you.


Creating the animation in Stewart Arp’s music video was an interesting experience. My goal when working on this project was to create something that was fun and appealing to viewers. With symbolic animations and synced transitions, I felt like I was able to achieve this.


@haydengallup @haydengallup http://haydengallup.com/



CHICAGO ADVERTISING + INVASION = ADVASION. Students visit advertising agencies and media companies, while having the opportunity to network with alumni and other industry executives at the end of the night. To help you start on the right track, here are the list of offices we’ll be visiting. Tip: Studying the companies that you’ll be visiting is a definite way to leave a lasting impression that you’re curious and interested in what the agencies do!

Originally founded in New York, DDB has expanded their offices nationwide, including the Chicago office which is made of 300 people to run their full-service advertising agency. They optimize their service to clients with teams in account/project management, research, analytics, creatives, strategic planning, and media. PEOPLE: Wendy Clark (CEO North America), Paul Gunning (CEO) MISSION: “We pursue collaborative relationships with our clients and partners in an effort to find the hidden potential of people, brands and business through creativity.” CLIENTS: Jeep, Capital One, Kohler, Juicy Fruit, State Farm Insurance, etc.

Founded in 1948 and with 450 offices located across the globe in 169 cities, one man’s vision spurred into a full service agency. Ogilvy & Mather believes in these two essential factors to a brand: the quality & the diversity of people in the operation. PEOPLE: John Seifert (Global CEO) MISSION: “Only first class business, and that in a first class way.” CLIENTS: Morton Salt, Nestle, Dove, IBM, NASCAR, Tiffany & Co., etc.

The agency values endless possibilities and collaborations with their energized working community. Energy BBDO uses strategies based on human truths to be instilled across their markets. Effie Awards have been awarded to their clients’ brands and has helped them be known as “the world’s most awarded agency network for creativity and effectiveness.” PEOPLE: Tonise Paul (President & CEO) MISSION: “Reflecting our unwavering belief that in the absence of great work, nothing else matters.” CLIENTS: 5 Gum, Aleve, Alka-Seltzer, ALTOIDS, Extra, Orbit, Quaker, Ziploc, etc.

The brains behind understanding consumer insight, Nielsen highly prioritizes analyzing consumers actions on what they view and purchase. They have recently been awarded as “one of the best employers for Millennials” by the 2016 Fortune and Great Place to Work. As they study consumers across the globe to provide analysis on consumer trends and habits, the company strives to help their clients meet their consumer’s needs.

If unicorns were to exist, Digitas would be the loyal believer of their existence. DigitasLBi is a marketing and technology agency. Colors of the rainbow are embedded in their personality and they use unicorns to represent the characteristics of each office location as a global, yet local agency. Offices spread across the globe with 7 in the U.S., 17 in Europe, 7 in AsiaPacific, and 4 in the Middle East/Africa.

PEOPLE: Mitch Barns (CEO), Steve Hasker (Global President & COO)

PEOPLE: Nigel Vaz (Global President), Ewen Sturgeon (Global CEO), Doug Ryan (North American President), Tony Weisman (North America CEO)

MISSION: “So let’s put our heads together. We’ll bring out insight to your business and help you grow.”

MISSION: “We make brands count” – “Without data, brand stories are based on guesswork. Without stories, data means nothing…”

CLIENTS: Coca-Cola, Nestle, Walmart, CBS, NBC Universal, The Walt Disney Company, etc.

CLIENTS: Dunkin’ Donuts, Teladoc App, American Express, Whirlpool, Buick, Maytag, etc.

A worldwide agency that breaks away from the traditional and distinguishes itself apart from digital and social agencies. They believe in change and ask their clients to bring their greatest problem to help them make a difference. PEOPLE: Gordon Bowen (Founder & Global Chairman), Simon Pearce (U.S. CEO), Laurel Flatt (President, Chicago)

You may recognize this full-service agency when you see black bold framed glasses, an apple or a pencil. Leo Burnett uses the idea of humankind as their operating system, which entails people, purpose, participation, and prosperity. Creativity and data are both key tools that help Leo Burnett successfully work with clients. PEOPLE: Rich Stoddart (President Worldwide), Andrew Swinand (CEO North America) MISSION: “Creativity has the power to transform human behavior” CLIENTS: Allstate, Nintendo, P&G, Samsung, GM, Intel, Coca-Cola, Marshalls, Kellogg’s, Delta, Firestone, etc.

MISSION: “...We are a change agency. One that believes in the power of creativity to have a transformational effect on companies, brands and communities.” CLIENTS: Disney, Dr Pepper Snapple, Hallmark, JCPenny, Olive Garden, P&G, UNITED, Verizon, etc.

Not only do they openly host AAF Illinois at the annual networking event post agency visits, but Schafer Condon Carter is an agency that understands the digital age while providing pro bono services to charities throughout the 25-years of the agency’s story. SCC encourages rooftop parties, bikes and dogs (yes your dogs!) to the office. Let’s not forget to mention, the 2016 World Series Champions, the Cubs, is one of SCC’s very own clients.

The social media platform that ultimately shaped online communities and networking has an office in Chicago and it’s one of our stops during AdVasion! The Chicago office is looking for talented people who are motivated to innovate and take on new challenges to better the world.

PEOPLE: Tim Condon (Founding Partner, CEO), David Selby (Managing Partner, President)

MISSION: “To give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” Mark Zuckerberg recently added, “Our next focus will be developing the social infrastructure for community.”

MISSION: “Think again. Some companies have a mission. We have an obsession. To think smarter. Work hard. Relentlessly challenge ourselves. To dismantle convention and deep-six the status quo. And to unleash your brand’s potential like never before. We are here to crush it every day. Every single one of us.” CLIENTS: AdCouncil, Campbell’s, Cubs, First Midwest Bank, Giordano’s, Johnson&Johnson, Land O’Lakes, Pepsico, Rotary, Solo, Terlato Wines, etc.

PEOPLE: Mark Zuckerberg (CEO)

There are 8,000 people in FCB’s community across the globe, which includes 120 offices in over 80 countries. This agency believes in the power of a never finished story to keep their work alive by always moving forward. FCB creates a welcome environment inviting people to be curious of what they do, and giving them a reason to return, which they believe is “the circle of brand life. Done well, it’s a circle without end.” PEOPLE: Michael Fassnacht (CEO & President) MISSION: “At FCB, we believe the best part of a brand’s story is never finished…It begins with a belief–every successful brand has a purpose. Find it. Know it. Live it. Find it by interrogating the pat. Know it by understanding the present. Live it by anticipating the future. When a brand’s roots are strong, when they touch bedrock, there is no reason to fear the winds of change.” CLIENTS: Fiat, Michelob Ultra, A24, Radio Flyer, Archer, Boeing, Valspar, K-Mart, Choose Chicago, Verisign, KFC

Winning the title of “Global Media Agency of the Year” 11 times consecutively, OMD USA has also been awarded the “Agency Network of the Year” from Festival of Media Global 2016. OMD is a worldwide industry having locations in the U.S., Asia, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. PEOPLE: Monica Karo (CEO), Scott Downs (COO) MISSION: “At OMD we are dedicated to our clients’ growth. It starts with our unwavering commitment to deliver sharper insights, smarter ideas, and stronger results.” CLIENTS: Pepsi + Empire (TV show), Apple iPhone, Intel, etc

ADVASION: LOS ANGELES I was lucky enough to go on the first AdVasion trip to California and it was so worthwhile. We visited 10 agencies in 3 days, which according to Steve Hall is a new record for the most agencies ever visited by AAF in a short period of time. We toured agencies like David&Goliath, 72andSunny and Kastner & Partners, and had the opportunity to network with alumni that were so passionate about the industry they work in. It was also fascinating to see the entertainment side of the industry when we visited Sony TV, got a tour of the lot and saw a live taping of the ABC show The Goldbergs! One thing I can’t forget is the people in my car loved having Steve Hall as our driver since we learned all the best places to eat in Santa Monica. We hit up his favorite taco joint that was too good for words. If you ever have the chance to go on an AAF trip, try to go because you meet new people and learn more about this crazy industry we all hope to work in some day.


LEO BURNETT MOSAIC CAREER FAIR AND CONFERENCE On Thursday, March 9, some of the AAF Illinois members headed to DePaul University to participate in professional development workshops led by a few Leo Burnett professionals in the strategy, technology and multicultural group. The event started with an introduction from Renetta McCann, Chief Talent Officer of Publicis Communications. Three main presentations followed after. Diego Figueroa, SVP, Strategy Director of Lapiz presented on HumanKind, which emphasized the importance of understanding and connecting humanity into advertising. He described the advertising world as human and believes creativity has the power to transform human behavior. Figueroa touched on the value of data or“current buzz word of advertising” as a way to understand human behavior. He encouraged listeners to learn to love understanding people, what moves them and makes them tick. Figueroa says that no one is born knowing, and encouraged students to search for information and use it as an advantage.

The last presentation called Advertising: The Real Deal–Dismantling the Myths, given by MERG (Multicultural Employee Resource Group), laid down the basis of roles within the industry. Intriguing comparisons were made to help students understand certain roles, for example, account management is like the line of defense of advertising. For those interested in strategy, panelists shared that strategists look for people who have fresh minds and are more creative in nature. He emphasized that future advertisers should always have an opinion to show that they’re curious, interested and invested. The event was capped off with a career fair with agencies including Leo Burnett, DDB, FCB, Publicis Health, MSLGroup, and more. Attendees were able to have one-on-one conversations with representatives of the agencies and learn more about the values, positions and internship programs involved. The Mosaic Career Fair is annual and it’s a chance to gain great professional insight into the advertising industry.

The second workshop was called Connecting Technology and Creativity: Top 10 Trends You Need to Know taught by Charles Duncan, SVP, Technology of Leo Burnett. There were many insightful points mentioned in the presentation. Duncan mentioned that “creative technology” is made of implementation of conceptual thinking and knowledge. He advised to not let perceptions get in the way of progress and to always have a plan, even if you have to change it.


Earlier this semester we introduced the Sandy’s Award. As the academic year is coming to an end, we want to celebrate and recognize the advertising excellences in works created by members from each committees within AAF. The Sandy’s Award, which is named after our advertising department founder Charles H. Sandage, honors the individual member or client team’s dedication and hard work they put into producing quality and creative works the clients desire. In the following weeks, a committee will be selected weekly. The VPs from the selected committee will be nominating five entries of the best work their members have produced. Entries do not only have to be client work, but passion projects or activity works are also acceptable. Later, three executive members will be randomly selected to judge the five submitted entries and vote for the best. The winner(s) will receive a certificate to show acknowledgement for their work. The winners will also be featured in AAF’s social media pages. Towards the end of the semester, there will be an AAF Award ceremony that will include recognition of the Sandy’s Awards. All entries will be reentered to compete in categories instead of just among agencies.








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