NSAC @ Illinois - Pizza Hut

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that’s a pizza moment #147

contents 01

executive summary




lay of the land






print ads


social sharing


commercial storyboard


pizza culture


rewards / app


what consumers want




potential users




main data







executive summary History of Pizza Hut: Pizza Hut started out as

Expansion of Brand: Pizza Hut has started to

the original family, a mother that funded her sons’ dream of sharing a delicious product. This traditional family has transformed into one of the many social groups we see today. They’re engaged with one another and are living moments that extend from a child winning a little league game, to a guy sitting on the couch with his roommates, to really needing a break when he gets caught in the rain umbrella-less. We’re acknowledging that these moments are better when they are being shared.

grow their brand in what we term: Phase 1. They’ve revamped and joined their competitors. The Flavor of Now demonstrates that Pizza Hut is continuing to innovate. They’ve discovered what their consumer wants from a choice meal. We’re here to usher in Phase 2.

Future of Pizza Hut: But there’s a new world out there. One that has shiny phones and interconnected networks that criss cross every which way, with many ways to create and sustain friendship. The market is highly saturated, both within the pizza category and in the digital category, but there is an open space for a brand who sees that there is a lack of emotionality.

Pizza goes Digital: Pizza has historically been a shared product; there’s a reason they cut it into slices. So why are people focusing solely on how fast it can get to your door or the amount of toppings possible. Important? Yes. All that there is? Definitely not. Phase 2 is a digital landscape ready to be taken advantage of, connecting our consumers who are looking for more in their experiences than just products. A brand that acknowledges the moments that actually happen, rather than the ones that are manufactured.

it’s about the pizza moments. 1



▶ Worlds largest pizza company

▶ Allowing your competitor to better engage the consumer and hence inspire activation (Novak) (8)

▶ First ever online purchase (21) ▶ Delivery units is the fastest growing part of the business (21) ▶ With your new image, the new flavors (21) appropriately give customers more variety fitting the current cultural food obsession with fast casual dining (14)

▶ Recent rebranding as a “too much, too soon” of a change for current consumers (14)



▶ Americans are hyper connected, and digital provides more opportunities to be a user-defined brand (9)

▶ Competitors like Papa John’s and Domino’s are becoming more innovative with their use of media and expanding and increasing sales in the past years (3)

▶ Digital allows a two-way engagement between brand and consumer through big data insights and transparency (9) ▶ Sharing a meal with not just family members, but friends is integral to the millenial lifestyle


▶ Eight consecutive quarters of declining sales in the same stores from early 2014 (6)

▶ The digital space is highly saturated. Standing out is a challenge

what is digital? Digital is a space to share experiences with friends, family, coworkers and the world beyond our front door. Our network today is huge, vibrant, and heavily saturated with content. In the mobile marketplace alone, over 90% of American adults own a cell phone and 58% own a smartphone (13). The ability to connect and create has never been easier. With that connectivity, comes clutter. The digital space is crowded with irrelevant content that seeks to grab the attention of a massive audience for only a fraction of a second. The impact is short-lived and quickly forgotten.

67% 67% of cell phone owners check their devices even when they don’t notice a ring, vibration, or message alert (13)

44% 44% of cell phone owners sleep with their phones so that they don’t miss any calls or messages (13)

29% But only 29% of adults say that they can’t live without their phones (13) The clutter is wearing thin and distracting us from memorable experiences. We’re forgetting why digital is here in the first place; to make our lives easier and to share experiences with our networks


social sharing of authentic experiences 68% share content to give people a better sense of who they are and what they care about. (19)


Digital has not always been cluttered. It was never intended to be a distraction. The digital atmosphere is a brilliant space to share experiences with the people in our network. The best digital execution contains content that has a voice, a personality, and a swagger that stems from real moments. Social media and the digital world is a place to grow and share personal identity.

pizza culture

Where is Pizza Hut: Pizza Hut stands at the tip of the iceberg, ready to capitalize on the phenomenon, but not yet raking in the attention. In order to maximize the impact, Pizza Hut will need to insert itself into the conversation in a way that’s unique to the brand and relevant to its consumers. With other options on the table, Pizza Hut must show its consumers why it’s the pizza of choice for them.

Frequency of written mentions of selected foods, 1800 – 2008

Mentions per million words

Pizza has carved out its own place in conversation. It’s recently become a social phenomenon ahead of steak and ice cream, and it’s the only food that’s spawned items such as “pizza blankets” and “pizza glasses” without brand reinforcement. With over 8 mentions per 1 million words in popular culture today, pizza leads the discussion as a solo rider.

Years from 1800 – 2008


what do consumers want? Consumers want digital to simplify their lives. They want their digital platforms to be a tool to share their experiences with a larger network.


potential users Experience Sharers represent the largest consumer base for pizza, the strongest influencers of pizza culture, and they’re already strong buyers of Pizza Hut. Exuberants are primarily men between the ages of 18-24 who grew up loving pizza. It’s convenient, and for some, a necessity. These men are digital natives. They seek shared moments out of a fear of missing out, which is made all the more apparent when scrolling through social media and viewing others’ experiences and moments. They seek connectedness.They are also the drivers of today’s “pizza culture”. Famillennials are primarily mothers between the ages of 25-35. They are active within the home and the workplace. They are developing their new identity by connecting with their children

44% of Millennial moms are said to have made purchases on their smartphones in the past week (16)

Millennial mothers spend 2.8 hours per day on their smartphones (7)

With 70% active on social networks, (16) millenials are 2.5 times more likely to be early adopters of technology (22)

and juggling many other responsibilities. Mothers hoping to do what is best for their children look online for support, direction, and for affirmation from their peers. 70% of all millennials say that they are more excited about a decision they’ve made when their friends agree.(2) They take advantage of technology for mobile ordering. Moms are looking for convenience to allow them extra time to interact, engage and be in the moment.


main data millennials


Percentage of Millennials surveyed that value experiences over material possessions (11)

66% Percentage of Millennials that feel increasingly disconnected from the physical world (11)


insight our target markets want to share in new experiences with others. The Experience Sharers are becoming increasingly distracted with digital content. To the point that brand messages are becoming increasingly irrelevant in consumers’ daily lives. Now, more than ever, they are valuing experiences over possessions. Brands that excel in developing personal relationships with its consumers are the most successful in creating long term connections. Experience Sharers find experiences that they share with

others as more impactful and memorable than competing content. Pizza culture shows us that people are already conversing about pizza, a perfect addition to complete a memorable experience.

position pizza hut as the gatherer that brings people together. 9

“ you me and pizza ” 10

brand manifesto at pizza hut, we’re firm believers that the best moments are the real ones.

The ones that are with other people. Friendships lose something when it’s done only between screens. We can design apps to facilitate just about every aspect of human interaction. But when it comes right down to it, nothing beats being in the same room.

There’s no quicker way to get people together than pizza. It’s there on the last day of little league - when everyone goes home with a participation trophy and a full belly. It’s there when Mom’s out of town, and Dad’s too tired to do anything but change into sweatpants. It’s there in the queasy morning after a birthday bar crawl. Sure, Facebook puts people in contact, but pizza brings them together. Being together is when real moments happen. The best thing you can share over pizza isn’t even pizza. It’s an inside joke or an impromptu singalong. No matter what it is, it’s a pizza moment.


“ that’s a pizza moment” 12


social content

pizza hut – 60 second radio spot CHARACTERS: Normal mom, Snobby mom, Voice over SETTING: Normal mom’s foyer BACKGROUND SFX: Young girls running around and giggling TITLE: Sleepover SNOBBY MOM: Again, I really appreciate you hosting this sleepover. I know the girls do, too. NORMAL MOM: No problem! I’m happy to— SNOBBY MOM: I would, but, well, the yacht club meets every second Friday, you know? (laughs). NORMAL MOM: Sure… SNOBBY MOM: As for the sleeping arrangements, here’s what you should know: Tammy likes Teresa and Alice. But Alice doesn’t like Teresa. Teresa is besties with Julie and Ava. Julie and Tammy are in the same scout troop, but Amy will feel left out if she sees the two of them together. NORMAL MOM: Uh, okay. I’ll keep that in mind. SNOBBY MOM: What food were you thinking of getting? NORMAL MOM: Uh, actually I— SNOBBY MOM: Julie and Alice are pretty picky. I’m pretty sure they like my kale and quinoa smoothies, though. I try to only buy food from free-range farmers that is made with anti-gluten and Omega D-3 Fish Acid and— NORMAL MOM: I was thinking Pizza Hut, actually. SNOBBY MOM: Oh, pizza. Yeah! Everyone loves pizza. VOICE OVER: Pizza Hut - That’s a Pizza Moment.


print ads The print work feels like a pizza party. It’s recognizable and fun. We didn’t set out to make something that took itself too seriously. We looked for moments people could identify with, and we expressed them in a playful way.


storyboard for commercial


delivery diaries Everyone knows when you order a pizza it comes with the smell of a satisfied stomach, the little plastic thingy that saves the pizza from a caving in box, and of course the delivery boy. The delivery boy is something that is integral to the pizza transaction, we can’t imagine all the things they must see and the stories they must hear that come from the pizza moments they witness. WHAT WE PLAN: choosing the highest ranked franchises of Pizza Hut in the country, we’ll coach and outfit delivery boys with GoPros, giving them the capability to capture those real stories. The content filmed will be pushed to Twitter and Instagram where we tag the participants. The generated, organic interactions that come from no sponsorships and just the love of sharing, will build word of mouth and continue to spread through individuals social networks. If this promotion picks up there will be a second phase of the tactic where consumers will send in videos to a sponsored Snapchat feed under the #PizzaMoment. By submitting their videos, which could be anything from a cutesy moment with grandma to an all inspired pizza dance, prizes could be won by those that are voted through Pizza Hut’s Twitter and Facebook page, as having the best #PizzaMoment. This will be the Kick off to the campaign and integrated into the social concept under #PizzaMoment. It will be the first reveal of the sponsored handle to set a tone for the content we wish to gather from this tactic and campaign. Twitter and Instagram will be utilized taking advantage of the platforms that are being used as visual, conversation starters.




Everyone has those moments where they could just use a pizza. Pizza Hut’s, “That’s a Pizza Moment” campaign catches people in a vulnerable, human moment – being caught out in the rain – and brings them this “pizza” they could desperately use.

The umbrella is tech equipped with a mobile hotspot and an NFC/ Beacon that prompts people in the area to download the Pizza Hut App. Those helped by the umbrella receive a complimentary pizza order through the app, and bystanders receive a special discount. Small cameras also dot the perimeter of the umbrella, capturing footage of the encounters which can later be used for marketing.

In the end, the footage of the encounters will be used to create promotional/ social videos. This will be used to gain attention through different media publications. The social videos will be shared with the participants of the experiential event. #PizzaMoment will accompany the content. The success will be measured through social mentions, earned media impressions, and participant/bystander app downloads (linked to NFC prompt)

Pizza Umbrellas is a unique guerrilla tactic that injects Pizza Hut into an unfortunate everyday “pizza moment.” By assisting consumers in their moment of need in a fun way and offering participants/bystanders a chance to have a positive pizza moment to turn around their day, Pizza Umbrellas is a meaningful, opportunistic, and reciprocity invoking tactic that will create buzz for the brand.

This will be taking place in Atlanta with 25 umbrellas in use for a total of 500 impressions. On the first day, Pizza Hut will sponsor the hashtag #PizzaMoment on Twitter. This will be the kickoff of #PizzaMoment, first direct sponsorship of the hashtag in unveiling the organic content. The commercial/pre roll will only be the revealing of the concept of Pizza Moment. Pizza Hut will sponsor a Snapchat feed updating for 24 hours on what’s happening with the umbrellas. With 200 seconds of the best interactions captured by the cameras under the umbrella in real time, this will initially be pushed to the agency first to choose what content, specifically, will be viewed.


rewards / app The Rewards Program is for those dedicated to acknowledging the “pizza moments” and getting something in return for it. This is for the one’s that are checked in to using the most convenient, savvy way to get pizza to these moments. Here’s how it will work. Create a personal profile-- one that has your picture, name and keeps track of all your individual points called “slices.” You’ll be updated real time on your progression and the different menu items you can redeem your slices for. The more you buy Pizza Hut, the more slices you get and the more free food that comes your way. There’s a special function to this reward system though. When you’re with a group of your friends, family, co-workers or even people you’re studying with, sharing a slice makes these moments better, less awkward and definitely more enjoyable. Through the Pizza Hut app you can make a “Pie” group with those that are around you at that moment. You can add the amount of points you want to and then share all of the group points together, accessing even larger rewards. We want you to be able to “Take a Moment” and truly appreciate the moment you’re having. Pictures are still great, but there has to be more than just our own faces in the screen. Through the app you’ll be able to take a picture of the moment, using filters to stylize it, and then the ability to push the content out on a personal Facebook and Instagram. For the first time you share, Pizza Hut gives you a few free slices to add to your rewards account.


ecosystem Traditional



Diaries & Umbrella



App Conversation Pizza Moments 19

media and media schedule 20

media rationale That’s a Pizza Moment’s media plan focuses on addressing target audiences where they are. Through the use of digital programmatic buying gives Pizza Hut the ability to hyper-target relevant content where and when it will have the most impact. Mobile devices are the most frequented gateway to the internet for your target markets. Through these devices the consumer socializes, searches, communicates and purchases. Mobile platforms also provide a seamless conversion for consumers to download the app. Combining mobile’s connectivity with digital display, social media, and digital programmatic buying allows Pizza Hut to direct relevant content to its audiences. While the target markets lives in the digital world, they still have ties to traditional media. Both markets engage heavily in primetime television. We dedicated a portion of the media spend to reach them through the peak of television season, during programs they connect with. There are a few magazines that are still relevant to the target markets. Magazines readers are prone to higher rates of early adoption than others. Given that both target markets greatly value their peers opinions, allocating advertising dollars in the direction of influential magazine readers will help create a trickle down effect among the markets. A smaller portion of the budget has been allocated to online radio in an attempt to make Pizza Hut’s advertising more ubiquitous. This decision is supported by the prevalence of online radio among young people and both outlets’ (Pandora and Spotify) alignment with this campaign’s digital goals.


of Americans ages 18-29 access the internet on their phone, with 72% ages 30-49 doing the same. (13)

individual rationales Social 37% of people ages 18-29 and 25% of people ages 30-49 use Twitter (12) 1.01 billion mobile monthly active users as of March 31, 2014 (5) 53% of young adults ages 18-29 use Instagram. (Uncluttered advertising space) (2)

Magazines ▸ #1 in reader engagement ▸ Magazine readers are 41% more likely to be early adopters (10)

100 million monthly active users Application requires engagement (finger must be pressed against screen to load any content) 73% of college students would open a Snapchat from a brand they recognized (17)

Online Radio ▸ Ubiquity ▸ Digital Relevance

Out of Home ▸ OOH influences active people when they are more likely to use mobile, boosting viral sharing (20)


budget / kpi We’ll be using a percentage of sales formula to designate the budget for the entire campaign, ensuring that funds are efficiently used on mediums that will carry the message of this campaign and reach our target market at high impact touchpoints. What we’re measuring: analytics, social mentions, click-through rate (by 12%) and conversion rate to application downloads by 15%.


/2 =

$607 Million


$66.7 Million

Total Sales in 2014

Percentage of Sales for Campaign

Total for Campaign Budget (1) (15)



Digital (as a medium) for sharing authentic experiences

Digital, Traditional, and Social integrated seamlessly for shareable experiences

Experience Sharers: the exuberants and the famillennials

SOCIAL Strategy: ▶ recognize pizza moments in everyday life ▶ provide a method for sharing authentic moments with Pizza Hut ▶ ”You, Me, and Pizza”

“That’s a Pizza Moment”

App Promotions Creative Experimental


references 1) Friedman, Nickey (2015). The Secret Way

5) Kelso, Alicia (2014). Pizza Hut Approaching

10) (2014). The Men, the Myths, the Legends: Why

Domino’s Pizza and Papa John’sAre Killing

Digital with ‘high Sense of Urgency. Retrieved

Millennial “Dudes” Might Be More Receptive to

Pizza Hut. Retrieved from: http://www.

from: http://www.pizzamarketplace.com/

Marketing than We Thought. Retrieved from:





high-sense-of-urgency/>. (4)


johns-are-ki.aspx>. (2)

millennial-dudes-might-be-more-recep6) Kurt Kane (2014). Best Global Brands -

tive-to-marketing.html (Erin 1)

2) Grohol, Dr. John (2015). FOMO Addiction:

Interbrand. Retrieved from: http://www.

The Fear of Missing Out. Retrieved from: Psych

bestglobalbrands.com/ 2014/interviews/

11) Pew Research Center, ComScore, U.S. Census,

Central.com. (Erin 3)

pizza-hut-kurt-kane/>. (5)

and BCG (2014). 2014 Millennial Mom Report. Retrieved from: http://www.babycentersolutions.

3) Hartung, Adam (2014). Pizza Hut - How Lock-In

7) Millennials and Product Associations. (2014).


Causes Growth Stalls, Irrelevancy and Bad

Chicago, Illinois: All Terrain. (Max 2)

Report.pdf (Erin 5)


8) “Mobile Technology Fact Sheet.” Pew Research

12) Yum! Brands (2015). Pizza Hut. Retrieved from:


Center. Pew Research Center, 2015. Web. (Max 1)

http://www.yum.com/brands/ph.asp>. (11)

9) Moreno, Matt (2014). Pizza Hut’s Rebranding

13) US Chamber of Commerce Foundation

4) Johnson, Lauren (2015). Study Shows Which

Plan: Sriracha And ‘Skinny’ Pizzas. Retrieved

(2012). The Millennial Generation Research

Mobile Ads Get Millennial Moms’ Attention.

from: http://www.newsy.com/videos/pizza-hut-

Review. Retrieved from: http://www.

Retrieved from: http://www.adweek.com/news/





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Results. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/

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millennial-moms-attention-162869. (Erin 4)


thank you Account Director Erin Heiser

Creative Director Danny Zillmer

Strategy Lead Max Braun

Media Lead Trevor Zaucha

Promotions Lead Matt Renne


Stel Bernardo Kamarri Chrusciel Simran Devidasani Westin Elliot (1st term) Yoojin Hong Brielle Keane (1st term) Annie Keller Jay H. Kim Lisa Vuong Ben Minard Gabi Peters Taylor Peterson Stephen Roth Alan A. Sanchez Liam Miller Kelly Diedrich Nora Stanton Mike Brodecki Emily Woodward (1st term)


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