AAF Newletter November

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NOVEMBER • LA Info Night

Location: TBD

• Resume Workshop Location: Greg 215 • Barn Dance

Location: Miner Farm Tickets are still being sold through 11/10 in the Communications Library! -Busses will leave from outside the English Building. Please

Thursday November 10th @ 7:00p.m. Friday November 11th @ 8:00p.m.

check the Facebook event for specific time information

• AAF Scavenger Hunt

Sunday November 13th @ 1 to 3p.m.

Starting location: Outside the Illini Union (Quad Side)

• Coffee Wars

Tuesday November 15th @ 6:30p.m.

Location: TBD

• Chicago Portfolio School/November General Meeting

Tuesday November 29th @ 7:00p.m.

Location: TBD

• Bar Crawl

Tuesday November 8th @ 7:30p.m.

Theme: Ugly Holiday Sweater Locations: TBD

Wednesday November 30th @ 9:00p.m.

ADVERTISING IN ONE WORD What is one word that best describes your love for advertising?


A “Closer” Look at CTRL+V’s Newest ProductioN Have you seen Jade Hilton & Stewart Arp’s Chainsmoker’s “Closer” cover music video produced by CTRL+V? If not, then you’re advised to view that immediately. See how CTRL+V produces content and listen to these two talented musicians. Here’s Jade’s personal insight on her musical passions and experience with the video’s production:





My love for music began at a young age. Growing up my parents signed me up for violin lessons, piano lessons, and musical theatre camps. I always had love for the spotlight, so naturally I performed in all the school musicals and talent shows. At 14 years old, I taught myself how to play guitar and started writing/performing my own songs. I’ve performed at venues like the Virgin Mobile Mod Club in Toronto, Canada, and on campus at Joe’s Brewery and the Krannert Center. Recently, Stewart Arp and I released a cover of the Chainsmokers “Closer.” With the help of a few AAF members who helped film the footage, I edited the final music video.

Anissa Vasquez, VP of CTRL+V, did a great job directing her team, and we were incredibly thankful to West Quad Apartments for letting us shoot the video in their model apartment. The video posted to Stewart’s account has already reached 11,000 views, even drawing in attention from the Chainsmokers. It was a great experience working with Stewart and AAF. The video has brought us one step closer to our goal of playing music for the rest of our lives. Be on the lookout for more music from Stewart and I!


Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc. is the sponsor of NSAC 2017 Focus – Tai Pei: Frozen Asian Foods The research team worked hard and efficiently by conducting primary and secondary research on frozen foods and potential target consumers. With their findings all wrapped up to go, strategy is well on its way continuing to work their magic.

“Overall it was an educating experience. I think I speak for the whole team by saying we gained pivotal insights and some experience that will benefit everyone moving forward. The team worked spectacularly together and the whole process was great to be a part of.”


AdOlympics Community Outreach’s annual AdOlympics was held on Sunday, October 23 at the Armory Racetrack. Committee teams participated in creative games, relay races while enjoying some awesome company and food (thanks, EatStreet)! All $200 of the proceeds were donated to Habitat for Humanity. Congrats to NSAC on being AdOlympic’s big winner!


INSIGHT + INTERACTION Forbes and Gary Fox-Roberson from Leo Burnett, gave their respective speeches on the importance of branding and the importance of producing good work. Following the two sessions, there was a breakout session where members were able to choose one of four workshops to visit.

Insight+Interaction is an annual conference held by the American Advertising Federation. This year on October 6-8th, it hosted over 30+ speakers from all realms of the advertising industry in Chicago. Coming from different backgrounds, these speakers hosted sessions on various topics such as “Why Good Work is Better” and “Stalking worked for me. What will work for you?” The conference was luckily held at the Chicago Portfolio School this year, which allowed AAF members to attend

and benefit from this conference. The conference started out on Thursday, October 6, with agency visits. AAF Illinois members were able to visit Schafer Condon Carter (SCC) where they toured the agency, were given information about the agency’s work, and even a Q&A session was offered with agency members. The conference officially kicked off early in the morning on Friday where a delicious breakfast was provided, along with opening remarks by the hosts of the conference. Then Pat Hanlon from Thinktopia &

I personally attended Jamie Anderson’s session on, “How the CIO became more important than the CMO,” where he talked about the importance of digital advertising and how the industry is changing fundamentally as technology improves. This session allowed me to understand the importance of staying updated with advertising news and being relevant in terms of understanding trends of how things are selling in this market. After Jamie’s session, the day continued with one more speaker and another breakout session. In the second breakout session, I attended the “Brand You” session where students learned about the importance of branding myself. An important pro-tip that I picked up was, in order to brand yourself, you


need to reflect upon three areas in your life: Your Value: what do you bring to the table? Your Image: are you coming across the way you want to come across? The People: do you have people who can vouch for you? can you reach out to them and ask them why they hired you? By combining these three questions, you can figure out your brand identity. Saturday’s sessions mimicked the style of Friday’s by having multiple presenters such as Ozzie Godinez from PACO Collective who discussed the importance of diversity in the advertising industry. Later in the day, students were able to breakout into mini sessions and attend their specific realm of interest. I went to the Account Management workshop where I learned how to get my foot in the door along with other pro-tips by four various Account Directors, including our very own alumni Nora Stanton.

CREATIVE WORKSHOPS The Creative Workshop has been in effect and moving along quickly. Workshops on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator have concluded. In November, EVP Creative Emmett Chen will be covering the basics of InDesign, Premiere Pro and After Effects. It’s an awesome opportunity to gain exposure into the fundamentals of multiple Adobe programs. Interested in designing a creative resume with InDesign? Make sure to stop by Gregory Hall’s Media Lab on Sunday, November 6. Don’t forget, if there are any topics you’re interested in learning about, contact Emmett and make a request. Online tutorial videos will be coming out shortly, so keep posted.




Indesign: Creative Resume



Adobe Premiere: Basic Editing



After Effects/Adobe Flash



Online Portfolio

WORK BY: Jesse Perez, Leo Pellegrini, Sarah Beyer, Kelsey McGrath

The Power Of mentorship Mentorship is a valuable asset in the advertising industry. Luckily, AAF Illinois offers the Mentor/Mentee Program, a mentorship program which allows AAF members to connect and grow together. This year, we have 50+ mentors and 160+ people in the program. Mentors and mentees will have access to professional development events, Mentor/Mentee social events, and an enhanced AAF experience. As a member of the program, mentees will become connected to AAF’s executive board and AAF leaders. The mentors will serve as a resource for classes, study abroad, internships, networking and beyond. More so, members in the program will inevitably create meaningful connections with other mentors and mentees. As a result of this program, the at-times overwhelming, AAF’s 450+-student body feels smaller and closer. This program has made a significant impact on my life, and I’m confident it’s only going to get stronger. We’re looking to connect alumni who work in the advertising industry to the program as mentors, recruite more mentors so mentee families can consist of fewer mentees, giving a more personal experience to members, and we’re also

working on establishing a brand for the program. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the Mentor/Mentee program. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the opportunities it presents. And for those who are still looking to get involved,

reach out to Melissa Andrikos to get matched with a mentor! You’d be surprised how much your life can be impacted by having someone who believes in you.






We asked. You voted. The results are in. Get ready to book your flights, pack your bags. We are going to...

Cultivating Pursuits to Reap Perfection Creativity stems from the mind, passion drives from the soul, and encouragement floods from the heart. These three functions propel us towards reaching our ambitions and play as our strongest assets. Time is an important factor that influences what we believe to be our greatest passions, and through encouragements garnered by different surroundings, creativity starts to unravel and produce some of our best achievements.

our annual invasion of Chi City with Advasion, and the countless opportunities to develop my skills and vision in the ad industry. And just like that, my college fairytale. #AAFamily doesn’t fail to provide persistence and chances. Now, I want to encourage you. Be curious, be ambitious and thrive on seeking success. With much love and thankfulness,

Unknowingly stepping foot towards my AAF journey since freshmen year in AdBuzz, to leading the committee sophomore year and now being able to reach out to all of AAF through weekly emails and adding our newest edition of a newsletter, this adventure has expanded my perspective towards advertising, and overall life. AAF has stretched me to continuously think beyond the borders of ordinary, taught me the importance and diligence needed in leadership, and inspired me to know that no matter what major or interest, you can bring your talents to the table and strive to be the best version of yourself. Whether it be starting, halfway done, or finishing up college, there’s simply not enough time for everything. As we know, time doesn’t match the pace for us, we need to hustle and run towards it. I can’t imagine my college story without the imprints of this chapter. I fell in love with all the brilliantly talented members whom I’ve befriended,








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