april issue10

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2nd Chance A non-profit organization that targets boys and girls that would like to play sports, but cannot afford to.

Featured Artist Gemynii Unique ―Tears of Haiti‖

A pictorial look at what is happening in the Greenville, NC area!

Book Of The Month Be Inspired An in-depth look at Naturally Me and QC Broker Information Magazine

A pictorial look at what is happening in the Trenton, NJ area!

How to eat to live!

A look into the Event that will be happening on April 24th in Greenville,

A look into a Speed Networking Event that took place in Charlotte, NC.

The Delta Love Young ladies around the Greenville, NC area competed for fun and scholarships.

As I was sitting on my patio, I looked out and saw this old truck. Around the old truck, trees and the grass grew. The Holy Spirit had awakened in me to say, ―This truck symbolizes life. No matter how beat down, dirty and ugly it may get, there is always an opportunity for growth.‖ In life we are going to have trials and triumphs, the battle is how do you handle while you endure through the process of both. ―Through the fire, to the limit, through the fire, through whatever…‖ are the famous words to a Chaka Khan song. No matter what, we have to endure through this journey through life. From the beginning of a thing, to the end of it, we will have to learn to tolerate comfortable and uncomfortable times during life and be thankful for each moment. What do we have to learn - patience, love, kindness, being slow to speak, not to be judgmental, and the list goes on. How do we accomplish these things - through prayer, meditation and mostly through the applying of the WORD. Each day we receive new mercies…Each day we can start anew…Each day we should be thankful for the life we live. No matter the situation or circumstances, we are to be grateful for the journey and the experiences while we are here. Life is granted in order for us to be our greatest selves. Jesus gave the greatest gift and that was His LIFE. Something that is so precious and dear to each and every one of us…He gave up so freely…not easily…but freely! What opportunities of growth are we overlooking because we are paying attention to our situations in our life and not the blessings? In life we are going to have trials and tribulations, but we are to be of good cheer….Hold on to the truth of hope and continue to press towards the mark of the true high calling! We have to stand firm in who we are in this life…no matter what. Each step of the way shapes who we are in life. If you run from the experience, you will never get a chance to see what the end will be. Move forward because the process gives you strength to handle while going through. In this issue of IMPACT Magazine, we will be displaying what‘s going on in the Greenville, North Carolina area. We have the Be Inspired section, were we will be highlighting businesses, Naturally Me and QC Broker Information Magazine. On April 24 th, we will host ―Pillow Talk – Intimately Speaking‖ with Host, Narubi Selah and Aay~Tee of Charlotte, North Carolina. At the Pillow Talk event, IMPACT will be donating a portion of the proceeds to 2nd Chance. 2nd Chance is a non-profit organization that targets boys and girls who desire to play sports, but financially are not able to. IMPACT loves all of the possibilities that life is providing for us! Remember to live life to the fullest, love hard and to walk in peace! Be a Blessing to Someone Today!

Tunisha C. Brown Editor-In-Chief

Second Chance Sports, Inc in conjunction with NCYFL is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. Their mission is to target youth boys

& girls ages 715, from challenged and low income neighborhoods, that want to play youth sports, but can‘t afford to pay league fees. The organizations consist of volunteers & parents who have a vested interest in the children. It is 2nd Chance‘s endeavor to increase the self-esteem and confidence of the children as well as promote leadership, discipline and academic success by providing the following: Conditioning Camp for all ages, SAT College Prep/Tutoring, Mentoring to keep the children in school, off the streets, away from gangs, to avoid drug and alcohol abuse, and to teach the fundamentals of a team sport.

A Sensible Guide to a Fulfilling Love Relationship

Naturally Me was created in 2008 by Chaundra Smith after finding herself unemployed. It was during this time that she also served as an intern for a company offering all natural bath & body products. As an intern, Chaundra not only learned how to make her own products but she also discovered her passion...to help others. It is this passion that led her to develop Naturally Me and it continues to be its‘ driving force. Naturally Me is based upon the belief that ‗what you put ON your body is just as important as what you put IN your body‘. That is why Naturally Me products are 100% natural and certified vegan. There are no sulfates, parabens, or petroleum in Naturally Me‘s Products. Naturally Me encompasses a wide array of products including body cream, body oils, shampoos, conditioners, soy candles, and even pet products. Hand-made and infused with love, you‘ll enjoy the feel of a spa in the comfort of your own home. There are several companies that offer good products, but why have good, when you can have great...NATURALLY ME! To get more information on Naturally

Me, you may visit the website at www.naturallymestore.com

Coretta Livingston has been an information broker all of her life by helping, meeting, and introducing people for networking purposes. January 2009 Coretta realized she needed to be doing something else besides hair so she decided to start a magazine; the QC Info Broker Magazine. The objective was to help give exposure to business service and events in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. With the economy on a spiral downward Coretta had to figure ways to advertise her business while helping others. After accumulating over 25000 contacts via email and social networks, she began offering the email blast services to people and the rest fell into place. Coretta‘s goal is to be the glue that connects everyone. One of Coretta‘s biggest accomplishments thus far has been to be appointed the social media contact for THE DIDDY PARTY DURING CIAA. The party sold out and made history for CIAA. Coretta slogan for her busisness is keeping you connected in the queen city and her motto is ―Ask me anything I should have the answer if I don‘t i will connect you to the person that does.

Chanel as the First Lady for the 1st grade Living History Project.

Pastor Daniels & Kingdom Church celebrating the 80’s!

Precious Memories: Tammy Warner & Family on Vacation at the Coco Coco--Cola Factory in Atlanta, GA.

Choose natural, whole foods

over processed

You've heard it before. The U.S. government wants you to pay attention to your food choices. The recently released 2005 Dietary Guidelines encourage you to: 路 eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole-grains; 路 choose less saturated and trans fats, and; 路 exercise 60 minutes per day. Putting these Dietary Guidelines in context of our genetics and the evolution of man, you'll notice we are very far removed from living and eating according to Nature's original plan. The changing landscape Our food options have changed through the centuries. About 72 percent of the calories consumed by people in the U.S. are from foods that never existed in Paleolithic diets: refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, white flour, high fructose corn syrup, shortening (trans fats). Questions arise: Are humans designed to thrive on KrispyKreme donuts, Cocoa Crispies, Pringles, Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Big Macs, ketchup? Or is that one reason why we are now confronting the "diseases of civilization?" Almost 40% of all deaths are due to heart disease; 25 percent are due to cancer (of which, one-third are related to nutrition). Our activity patterns have also changed; our daily lifestyle lacks physical activity. We no longer need muscles to roll down the car window, open the garage door, or change the TV station. We can just push a button ... and too easily be too sedentary for our own good. This includes children who sit in front of the TV. Aging healthfully Every one of us gets older every day. If your goal is to have the body and health of a 39-year-old when you are in your 80s, you need to consciously make that happen. Although, as high school and college athletes, you likely considered yourself bullet proof, by the time you reach mid-life, you may be starting to feel more vulnerable. You watch your parents die of heart attacks, your classmates succumb to cancer. You feel your joints ache. Not even the healthiest marathoner or the strongest triathlete among us is bullet proof. Hence, the time to make dietary changes is now -- before you have the heart attack, hear the words "you have cancer," or break a bone due to osteoporosis.

The purpose of this article is to encourage you to stay active and fuel your body by eating closer to the earth, closer to the food choices of our long-ago ancestors, closer to the Dietary Guidelines, and farther away from refined sugar, trans fats and sodiumfilled processed foods. Refined sugar Pop-tarts, Cap'n Crunch, Pepsi, Gatorade and gels are just a few examples of refined sugar. In the year 2000, the average American consumed 152 pounds of sugar; that's about 400 calories of sugar per day! In contrast, early man consumed no refined sugar. Some athletes drink sports drinks non-stop -- 200 sugar-calories per quart. Suggestions: · Keep a bottle of plain water on your desk so it's ready and waiting. · Limit your intake of sports drinks to during exercise that lasts longer than one hour. (No one needs Gatorade for lunch.) · Recover from workouts with water and the natural sugars from watermelon, orange juice, strawberries and watery fruits. · Prevent sugar cravings by eating bigger breakfasts and lunches. (You won't get fat from eating more at these meals; you'll simply curb your afternoon urge for sugary snacks like cookies and candy.) Trans fats Industrialization is responsible for the creation of trans fats -- the processed, partially hydrogenated fats that are in commercially baked and fried foods. Trans fats offer a pleasing texture to baked goods and prolong their freshness. But trans fats rarely, if ever, are found in natural foods and our bodies don't like them. Trans fats create an inflammatory response that contributes to heart disease and cancer. They are health-eroding. Suggestions: · Trade in store-bought muffins and donuts for whole-grain breads and bagels. · Eat heartier lunches (salad AND sandwich, not salad OR sandwich) so you'll be content to have an apple for dessert, instead of apple pie (transfat filled crust) or crunchy (trans-fatty) chocolate chip cookies. · Snack on nuts, dried apricots and yogurt. · Skip the fried chicken, french fries and other fast-but-fatty foods that clog your arteries.

Salt The typical American diet offers 1.5 teaspoons of salt per day; that's about 3,750 mg sodium (and more than the recommended 2,300 mg). This includes the salt in processed foods, cooking and what's added at the table. Most of our sodium intake comes from processed foods: Spaghettios (1,980 mg/can), ramen noodles (1,700 mg/ packet), American cheese (360 mg/slice), commercial salad dressing (300 mg/ 2 tablespoons). Only 10 percent of our salt intake comes from the sodium in natural foods (65 mg per egg; 125 mg per eight ounces of milk). In the Stone Age (2.6 million years ago), hunter-gathers survived with little or no salt added to their food. Questions arise: Were our bodies designed for today's high salt intake? Or is this a reason why we are plagued with hypertension, strokes and cancer? For athletes who exercise for more than four hours straight (as one might during a triathlon), sodium is deemed necessary to replace that lost in sweat. Athletes who experience muscle cramps are told to increase their sodium intake to alleviate the problem. But if these athletes never consumed lots of salt in the first place, would they be better off? Some health professionals believe so. Costs and benefits of dietary changes The "typical American diet" is tasty, convenient and comforting amidst the stresses and strains of our too-busy lives. But the costs are mounting: Escalating health insurance premiums; obese people who crowd the hospitals; children who never get to meet their grandparents. Today is the time to start making a few dietary changes that bring you closer to the earth. For example, drink more orange juice, less orange soda. (Better yet, eat more oranges.) Each day, you can make a few choices that reduce your intake of refined sugar, trans fats and sodium-laden processed food. You'll enhance your likelihood for better health when you are 80. Even fit athletes can succumb to the diseases of civilization. Much of the information in this article is from Cordain L.: "Origins and evolution of the Western Diet: health implications for the 21st century". Am J Clin Nutr 81:34154. Feb 2005 Copyright Nancy Clark, M.S., R.D., March 2005

Are you ready? On April 24th, join IMPACT Magazine for "Pillow Talk— Intimately Speaking." What is Pillow Talk? Pillow Talk is about intimate conversations...in a relaxed adult atmosphere. Come hear the smooth sounds of Above Water blended with the melodies of RaSheeda Waddell and the enchanting words of Essence and Gemynii Unique. Gemynii Unique will also be displaying her art at the event. "Pillow Talk" will be hosted by the Infallible Def Poet Narubi Selah of Trenton, New Jersey; Co-Hosted by the Disciplined Emotionalist, Aay ~ Tee of Charlotte, North Carolina; and the Intimate Relationship Coach, Nikeema Lee of Greensboro, North Carolina. This is an experience you will not want to miss!

VIP Consists of: Select Seating Free Drinks - For Entire Evening Free Food (catered by Select Entertainment (Raleigh, NC) Featured in IMPACT Magazine Gift Give-Aways by Moni Haute Boutique And More... Show Location: THE JAPAN INN 739 Red Banks Road Greenville, North Carolina For Tickets or Information Contact: 252-355-8319 Or to purchase online: www.impact-magazine.webs.com IMPACT Magazine events are trailblazing and uniquely done ...come out to enjoy this exclusive experience! Talk to you soon!

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