The Bible
Contents Week 1 What Makes The Bible
Week 2 Parts of The Bible
Week 3 How to Navigate the Bible
Week 4 Experiences with the Bible
Just as kids today know which TV channels to turn to when they want to watch sports, movies or cartoons, they should know which parts of the bible to look at for the stories of Jesus, the wisdom of Solomon or the letters of Paul. That is why I want to focus on, ‘Exploring The Bible’ with the goal of giving them a rough understanding of its contents, what it’s for and about, and how we can use it in our everyday life. They will learn What the bible consist of [Hint: Its only four different things] The difference between the Old and New Testament Where to turn for certain stories, events and information How to navigate the scriptures [with or without a smartphone] How and why to apply it in their personal life
It’s come to my attention that many of our kids don’t have this understanding, and it’s time to put an end to it! Though they have state of the art bible apps and software, they should have a general understanding of what certain books of the bible are about, where to turn for what and how to navigate it in case they aren’t near their computers [or their smartphones aren’t charged]. This is a very basic, yet critical lesson I hope each weeks instructor takes to heart. Thanks for participating! Do contact me if you’d like to brainstorm or would like a better understanding.
Week 1 The week 1 instructor will take on the task of introducing the series as a whole. Discuss that in general the bible is a collection of books, centered around men’s encounters with God. You will go over
How it was written
[men were led by God]
Why it was written
[our learning and edification]
Why it’s so important
[guidance and instruction]
The week 1 lesson is more of a promo of the lessons to come. Work to excite the students about the overall series as well as whetting their appetite to learn more. You can ask them about famous bible stories they know of, or, famous films that are based on scripture. Be creative. The goal of course is to inform them that the bible is a collection of men’s encounters with God and is important to us for that reason.
Suggested Activities
Bible Jeopardy Here you will give the kids an answer, and they will have to think of the question. For instance, “Matthew, Mark, Luke and John” they would then respond, “The four gospels”. The more work
you put into preparing this the more fun it can be. The kids can also have a breakout session where they get online or brainstorm a book review of given books in the bible [who wrote it, what its about, etc].
Scripture References 2 Timothy 3:16 Romans 15:4
Week 2 The bible consist of 4 different things. The History The Prophets The Gospels The Letters And that’s it. The kids need this knowledge to know just what it is that they’re reading whenever they open the book. In, ‘The History’ explain how certain books are mere snapshots of Gods encounters with His people throughout time. They should know that books like, ‘Exodus’, ‘Kings’ and ‘Chronicles’ can be looked to for such. Secondly, when explaining, ‘The Prophets’ they should understand that these are men that God ordained to speak on His behalf. You will review books
like, ‘Isaiah’, ‘Jonah’, and more to fortify this point. Next, in “The Gospels” the kids must know that this summarizes the life of our LORD and savior here on earth, His miracles, His journey and His mercy. They should know how to locate the gospels and just what they are. And finally, the kids will learn what, ‘The Letters’ to the church were all about. Why they were written and where to find them.
Suggested Activities Cook something. Let the kids see the ingredients and make it right in front of them. While that is getting ready, cut out pieces of paper that is titled with the 4 contents of the bible as seen above [The History, The Letters, etc]. They can put it together from a bundle of other confusing things, sort of like someone in a kitchen making a dish.
Week 3 This may seem unnecessary given that we now have bible software/apps, but if the batteries are dead or the phone isn't charged Kids should have a loose understanding of where what is in scripture [i.e., know that Psalms is in the old testament]. Simply put, the week 3 instructor is given the task of providing a mental map for the bibles’ contents, allowing kids to know how to get to what when turning. They will gain an understanding of the bibles sequence and order, why certain books and events are listed where they are and more. Again, this seems unimportant given current technology, but providing them with a mental map of scripture allows them to put key stories, verses and events in their proper place, and know where to look for what.
Suggested activities Race
Give the kids hard cover bibles and let them race to see who can get to certain scriptures first. They can do this with their smartphones as well, only, with smartphones, give them a certain thing in the bible, and see who can pull it up first. Scriptures 2 Timothy 3:16 Romans 15:4
Week 4 Here the instructor will discuss how they turned to certain scriptures in the bible, and received guidance, wisdom and breakthrough! The best way to start this week off is with an engaging story. You can end with something like, “What got me through that? How did I endure?” and then introduce the topic. From there you must get into the following: Reading vs. Studying Hearing vs. Doing Knowing vs. Results In, ‘Reading vs studying’ simply explain the difference between the two. The kids should know that while reading the bible from cover to cover is good, they must also stop, meditate on, and ponder what they’re reading. It’s the difference between swallowing and chewing. Then, in, ‘Hearing vs Doing’ you must emphasis the importance of both hearing the word and then completing the process by doing it. Finally, in, ‘Knowing vs Results’ be sure the kids realize that
knowing what the scripture says is not an end only a beginning. They must live a life of seeking scripture for guidance so that they can apply it regularly and get results!
Suggested Activities Here you can play on, Reading vs. Studying, Hearing vs. Doing, Knowing vs. Results. You can make it into some sort of sports challenge where one of the other wins depending on which is more important [in some cases they would tie]. You can also break these into crash sessions where they discuss times in their life where they or someone they know did the Word and saw results. Make them share.
Scriptures James 1:22