Career Planning and successful Applications

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Develop your career step by step Although everyone’s situation is unique, there are some key steps to take in order to develop and progress your career. The diagram shows the main elements of career planning; start this process early on in your course and you will save yourself time later. This process continues as your career develops too. Check out the Plan: Me model to help you put these steps into action. There are four main aspects to career choice and development: 1. Self awareness: To make choices you need to know what interests you, what motivates you, the skills you have and those you wish to develop more. 2. Opportunity awareness: Explore opportunities open to you, whether directly related to your degree background or in new career areas. 3. Decision making: Review and evaluate your options and make decisions, focusing on areas of particular interest. 4. Transition: Find out how best to present yourself – in writing and in person – so you can start to put your plans into action.

Self awareness

Opportunity awareness

What do you enjoy doing?

Research occupations, employers, further study and training opportunities

What can you learn from your experiences? What do you really want from work?

Who do you know to talk to who can help you find out more about opportunities for you?

What skills and strengths do you have and what are you good at?

Keep a file of key contacts and information you gather

What would you like to improve?

Process of career development Transition

Decision making

Check deadlines and how to apply

Be clear about what you want, and rate your options in order of preference. How achievable and realistic are they?

Develop a good CV and work on your cover letter and applications Prepare for interviews and assessment centres Are there aspects of your plans you need to refine?

Find out what you can do to improve your chances e.g. work experience Have a plan B – if you are struggling with this seek help from the Careers Service

6(Taken from Law and Watts, DOTS Career Development Model 1977,2003)

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