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u Liberal

by Les Rose Chevron election reporter

U of W students threw their support behind Ed Good, the Liberal who took the Waterloo North riding. Poll results from Renison College were Liberal 63, PC 55 and NDP 47. I spent some time last weekend trying to decide who would win locally and provincially. First, I examined the personalities of the leaders of the three provincial parties, I found agreat similarity between the three men. All were dynamic, more or less middleaged, and highly respected by all party members. The three local candidates were also well-matched for experience and abilities. When it came to party policy, what the Conservatives lacked in new left-of-the-right policies they made up for in a record of a&=


in new

When Good’s victory was announced the crowd of 40 at his headquarters gave a happy but uninspired cheer. Good% response reminded me of Stanfiel#s-sincere but very unemotional. I saw T.ed Isley after the results were announced. He seemed quite pleased. He had done almost as well as Don MacPherson and both men were only 1200 votes behind the winner. Isley felt that with more time and more experienced supporters, he would have done much better, The results indicate that many people are dissatisfied with the present government, he said. MacPherson explained the defeat by saying that many people must feel that the Conservative majority of the last election was too great. The election is over and the Conservatives are back in full strentgh.

ievement in our prospering province. All things considered., I soon gave up trying to makeapre-elecI even passed up tion forecast. M on day ’ s chance-of-a-lifetime where all one had to do pools, was pick the first-and last-place parties. Tuesday night, I visited the headquarters of Ed Good and Ted Isley watching the results come in. We% ther, perhaps, discouraged supporters from coming down.

SalI alwich The quality of food at the campaign headquarters reflected the vote in Waterloo North. The Liberals had numerous coffee sandwiches--ahem--good and donuts. The NDP offered stale donuts, bad coffee and platitudes. The Conservativesofferednothing.





Ted kley resigns to his defeat. (Chevron photo by Pe tt Wilkinson)

week for I-&h birthday



bookstore was one of the areas on campus

Red power: by Peter



by TV-13

for a Tenth


adian Indian is at the position of the American negro 15 years ago. Leading members of the CanaThe young Indian people may dian Indian Young Council, such as be rebelling-but unlike negro Redbird and Tony Nardamin, aBlack Power, it will be a silent gree that the only way the Indian revolt. can survive is by contributing to A four-day Indian-relations conthe white society. ference opened Wednesday. From tdMost Indians feel they have the first day’ bull sessions, it apnothing to contribute to society but pears as though “Red Power” will they doi’ said Redbird. be the main theme. He pointed out that the Indian has The purpose of the conference is the only culture in Canada. The to help promote relations between Indian knows himself, while obthe Indian and the white man,, About viously the white youth doesn’t, 40 delegates, both Indian and white, as the hippie generation shows, he are attending. added. Morning sessions were devoted C aboiarai and Sabigijig both said to general meetings, but during the Indian youth is caught between afternoon sessions, the delegates two societies-that of their fore broke up into smaller discussion fathers and that of the white. groups for informal discussion. “This situation has come about The conference, sponsored by because of more education and trathe campus native Canadian afa vel among the younger Indians,~~ fairs committee, opened on a re Wabigijig pointed out. laxed note but from the first ‘<Unlike our parents, who livein speech, the phrase Red Power a maybe world, we are not afrzdd kept cropping up. to express ourselves because we Red powerists such as Duke Redare able to see things more clearbird, Carol Waoigijig and Lloyd ly.” C aboiarai spend most of WedIn his address to the delegates, nesday morning trying to explain Caboiarai attacked the materialist the concept, world. “Which is more important-to While the black powerists advocate violence, the Indian has no have money and succeed or to develop the inner self?” he asked. such ideas. He continued, 1‘ Automation has Redbird considers that the CanChevron staff




caused much unemployment. What about future years? What influence will automation have? J‘More and more unemployment,‘* he answered. Caboiarai suggested that emotional maturity is more important to him than money. “This emotional maturity is ex= hibited in the church. All a priest or rabbi has to do is make a suggestion and things happen,” remarked ‘Nardamin. “Red power e comes from strength of influence.”

IV0 Vietidcs The K-W Committee to End the War in Vietnam will notbeallowed to voice its opinions over a loudspeaker on the Kitchener city-hall steps tomorrow. It has been granted permission, however, to have a parade along King Street--provided they do not use bands or floats. Alderman Earle Weichel suggested at a Kitchener council meeting Monday that the committee be permitted to use the city hall steps following the parade. Alderman John Young said the group should be told it could use city-hall square for such a meeting, but not the city-hall steps.

Tenth Anniversary Week is goconcert by protest singer Phil ing to be the highlight of the school Ochs are all taking place next year. weekend. Jammed into one week, beginFor the last two weeks a 20ning Sunday, are a highschool day, member p o s t e r committee has open house, Homecoming, and fall been working diligently in one of convocation. the television studios in the enginBrian Her, chairman of the board eering building. There are over of student activities, is chairman 50 displays in preparationforopen of the Tenth Anniversary Week, and house, and each requires descripas such has a budget of $10,000 tive material alongside. In all, allocated by the administration. over 400 freehand posters will be All classes, the school of physidrawn, under the direction of C harcal education, have been cancelled lotte Cahill, arts 3. next Friday. Iler sent a letter to An operations center for the enthe four deans requesting the cantire Tenth Anniversary Week will cellation last summer, for the unbe set up in the food-services iversity will be invaded by ahorde building starting Tuesday. A cornof over 4,000 highschool students munications center will be set up from 80 schools in a period of one here to coordinate the acrosshour Friday morning. campus walkie-talkie units being They will be guided in groups of used. 20 around the campus, and will And that% not all. On theTue+ have a choice of four tours--arts, day, the four church colleges are math and science, and engineersponsoring a “Consultation on the ing tour and a campus tour. Schools church and the universitys9 with are still calling Iler at a rate of U of T philosophy lecturer Emil three to four per day, asking if Fachenheim. they can come. On Thursday, at the Theater of Fall convocation isFriday afterthe Arts, a comic review of &SSnoon the Theater of the Arts. Dr. ical music, PDQ Bach, will be preTed Batke, vice-president for de- sented. velopment, will be the guest speaker. Tenth Anniversary open house is next held Saturday and Sunday. Iler expects more than 15,000 areareside&s to participate. Approximately 100 guides will be stationed throughout campus at all times, Homecoming 67 is climaxed by the U of W-WLU football game on Saturday afternoon at Seagram Stz+ dium. In addition, two formals, two dances, a folk festival and a

on city hall steps Alderman’ Mervyn Villemaire, who voted against Young% suggestion said the Vietnam war committee is similar to the Toronto church group which wanted to asist U.S. draft-dodgers. “1 oppose this because there are plenty of means in the press for them to make their views known. “If our American friends heard that a group spoke on the city-hall steps against the way Mr. Johnson is conducting his war, they wouldn’t like it ” he added Alderman Robert ‘Wagner said Canada is still a free country and he couldn’t see why the meeting should not be held on city-hall

steps. mayor Bill Butler said he hadno objection to the meeting and the parade, provided a loudspeaker was not used on city-hall steps. ‘% such a thing was held on the city-hall steps it would.appear to some the city had some part in it.” Alderman Russell Honsberger, opposing Young’s suggestion, said the city would be drawing a pretty thin line when it said who could and who couldn’t stand on the cityhall steps. Alderman Wagner said following the debate the city should have some place like London’s Hyde Park for such protest meetings.


Co-op will

be razed as are to rise

apartments by Doug Chevron

gin construction on a new $2,2c)O,000 residential complex in March, and hopes to open it in September 1968. The building, opposite the Waterloo Manufacturing Co. Ltd. plant, will accommodate 272 single students and will include a further 64 apartments for married students, bringing the total occupancy of the Co-op up to 7oo

Yonson staff

All nine houses rented by the Waterloo Cooperative Residence Inc. on University Avenue may be torn down within five years. The owners are planning to build apartment buildings on the site. The Co-op is now in the process of building a new residence to replace the leased buildings. Bruce Burns, ” spokesman for Major Holdings and Development Ltd. of Kitchener said if zoning and financial requirements were met, four houses would be razed in late 1968 to make way for the first of + series of apartment buildings. The houses affected are Carver House, ElysiumHouse, Valhalla House, and Blake House, all just east of Phillip Street. Burns said the Waterloo official plans had been amended to permit apartment buildings and commercial development in the area, and if the rezoning was approved and mortgage money acquired, Major Holdings would definitely carry out its plans. He said that the buildings “,would not rent primarily to students” , but stressed that no final policy concerning students had been set. The Co-op has been aware of these plans for some time, and has acted accordingly. It plans to be-

?he financing airangements were approved Monday night by Central Mortgage and Housing Ltd., which will issue a mortgagefor 90 percent of the total cost. The remaining money will be acquired through private debentures issued to various contractors, students and principals in the cooperative movement Al Wood, generi manager of the Co-ob, stated that several tenders









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Nominations have also been extended in the science constituency pending a constitutional hearing scheduled for October 25. The hearing will decide whether the math faculty should be represented


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fees Ottawa,

entitles and

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flowers Security

Department is unthe case at the


to discuss



A few weeks ago, an anonymous WLU student dumped detergent in the engineer% pond. The student, who called himself Wonder WUC, also posted a declaration of war on the engineering bulletin board. He announced that he would carry out warfare which consisted of id innocent practical jokes”. Since then nothing more has been heard of Wonder WUC and it is not known if he is responsible for this latest incident.

and scheduling excursions to the Legislature, the Shakespearean Festival and Expo. McCarthy said hundreds of school buses stand idle in July and August while thousands of youngsters have nothing to do. “1 predict that in ti few years many of the school buses will be on the road most of the summer and that students and parents will be enthusiastic about the provision of these first hand experiences,” the minister said. A typical six week excursion from Toronto might circle through the Trenton Air Force Base, Fort Henry, Upper Canada Village, Ottawa, Algonquin Park and the Indian village at Midland, McCarthy also proposed the conversion of ships to floating classrooms. Now, how do you get rid of your little sister in grade six all summer?

in the by-election. Math students were part of arts or science until the math faculty was formed last year, The two seats were made available by the resignations of John Wilms, former chairman of the board of student activities, and Terry Taylor, a science reprosentative. Elections for the graduate seat vacated by Peter Fried will be held October 31. The two candidates are R.A. Fisher, and R.M. Kindler. Polling stations for this election will be located in the Engineering Foyer from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and in the Psychology Building from 11:OO a.m. to 2:00 p.m.





more council elections

The St. Jerome’s constituency has been left open following the resignation of Mike Sheppard, past president, Student Council. Since no nominations were received by the original cut-off date, October 17, nominations have been extended.


2 chairs, fast service Students $1.50





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*You may be able to keep your bored kid brother off your back next summer. Ontario is considering a plan to keep high schools open for six weeks to provide special classes and activities for students who would otherwise be idle andbored, said Dr. James McCarthy, deputy minister of education. (( Our young people are no longer prepared to accept the school only as a preparation for the future,” saidMcCarthy inanaddress to the Ontario Public SchoolTrustees Association Monday. “Ultimately I would hope that this province would become agreat laboratory where students could see at first hand or do many of the things that now the school can only tell about .” This outlook calls for the teaching of live history, holding science classes at Toronto’s Island School

Resignations from the Student Council left four seats open to election, Stephen Flott, chief justice, judicial committee, announced.

742-4489. Bridgeport






Schools to be open in summer










Vandals chose the ‘Engineering Lecture building as a target for their artwork Sunday night. Red flowers and graffiti such as “holy poop” adorned several walls on the building. No damage was done inside the building. The Physical Plant and Planning Department is trying to remove the red oil-base paint with various solvents. So far they have had only partial success. If sOIvents fail, repair work could cost more than $1000. Since sandblasting would ruin the texture of the brick, the damaged areas may have to be completely replaced.



742-4488, Weber



life today for

lem encountered in booking groups for campus events, council is considering two possible solutions: --obtain a booking license for the Federation -create a new board of student activities position to handle all campus bookings (‘The chairmenof the events concerned presentiy handle the bookings) l The Jefferson Airplane and Simon and Garfunkel have been signed for Winterland weekend.





Wood said, “This is a largescale project for students tohandle”, so the Co-op has no present plans for any future residences. “We should be thinking about it though,” he said. He felt his major worry would be filling the Coop during the summer term.




The leases of the four houses immediately in question do not expire until May 1968, and the Co-op has been promised use of the houses after that time until the Philip street residence is completed.

Council Briefs Treasure Van will not be held in Waterloo this winter unless a director can be found for the event immediately, council decided Monday night. l Council is willing to discuss speaking privileges for representatives from the Co-op and the Village, l Ticket sales for arts-theater events are up 50 percent this term. Because of the persistent probl




had already been received for the project, and the contractors would be named Monday night in Toronto. The rates of the new building will be $340 single and $365 double, as compared to $320 and $340 at present in Hammarskjold House.

of W payment

students of

to postage


the in cash.

Chevron Send

by address

up at U of A now

The prohibition era at the University of Alberta has ended. The board of governors decided that any campus organisation with a majority of members over 21 can get a liquor licence for specific on-campus functions. The board however did veto a bar in the new Students’ Union Building.

“It is too difficult, to control,” said university president Waite? Johns, ‘(you have to weed out who is under and who is over 21. The law is strict.” The Students’ Union, would like to see liquor permits issued for special functions in the new Student Building.

Loyoka pres damns


“Student activism is dangerous not only to the university but to society itself.99 With these words the very re verend Patrick Malone, president of Loyola University, greeted 400 upperclassmen. The president went on to counsel his wards that %ny power play from students carries with it a high price...possibly the life of the.

university itself. Danger, pressure, agitation, and riot make it difficult to teach. This is in itself an infringement of academic free dam? Following this inspiring oration Malone told his chattels, about the long promised Student Centre. “It seems unwise to recommend to you to proceed with the project.” Really, father?


during changes

off-campus promptly

terms. to:


Non-students: Chevron,

$4 University

annually. of Waterloo,


as Waterloo,

Give students role it7 decisions

Alcsu~~dcr Kozlovski and Yuri Seldiakov talk with Waterloo students and faculty members. (Chevron photo by Glenn Berry”;)

Russians by Glenn


Chevion staff


Gone are the days of supporting at least now that draft-dodgers, we are hosting Russians. Three Russians from Expo connected with the academic world in one way or another Visited M&laster, Toronto,and Waterloo. They were at Waterloo Wednesday night. A%lexander Kozlovski, a postgraduate student at the Leningrad Electric Communication Institute, works at the information desk at the Soviet pavilion at Expo. Kozlovski is vice-secretary of Young Communists League in Leningrad, his home town. He appeared, at first, to be a rather withdrawn individual. Later, he freely answered questions and kept the discussion rolling. Roger Sanders, second vice-president of Waterloo Lutheran University, peppered Kozlovski with questions about the educational system in Russia. As information officer and interpreter for the Soviet Union, he is often asked bothersomelines of questionning. One woman once asked, “‘Are you from Russia?” -Yes” “Are you really a Russian?” ‘Why, yes .” “Where were you born?” “In Leningrad.”

Registrar refuses council invitation Registrar Trevor Boyes may still have to face the wrath of Boyes had council personally. been invited to answer complaints at Monday night’s council meeting. However the registrar wrote President Steve Ireland asking that instead, a council committee of informed mernbers be formed to meet with hirn and his assistants privately. .He expressed concern over the treatment the Chevron would give him. According to Ireland, we also had “a certain apprehension about walking into a lynching” in council chambers. When the invitation was first issued, treasurer Ross Mackenzie had warned, “It is important that things stay below the hostile level.” But the general opinion of COLlrlCil on Monday was expressed by Chalmers Adams, who felt “the point of having Mr.Boyes here was to dangle the rope over his head.” councfl decided to re-invite Boyes to its next meeting October 30 at St. Paul%.



“Where’s &tat?” “In Russia.” “?Do you speak Russian?” ‘Da.” “Oh.,.thank you.” Yuri Seldiakov has perhaps the most glamorous vocation of the three delegates. He is anhonest to goodness Russian nuclear scientist. Seldiakov is serving at Expo as a demonstrator-lecturer in the atomic section. His researchis at the industrial level. He has helped develop process control computer systems which his company markets in Europe. Seldiakov offered conversation only when clarification was necesFor example, he tried to sary. explain his hand-made computer systems without referring to computers produced i.nNorthAmerica. In fact, he resented the implication that he was at all familiar Business with International Machines computers. Alexander Chicherov, who was


at the CUS congress at Western in September, was invited by Chairman of the Board of External Relations, Stewart Saxe, to bring people here. Chicherov is a member of the presidium of the Committee of Youth Organizatfons of the USSR. All youth organizations are responsible to his committee, “This makes him one of the top twelve men in student affairs ,“said Saxe. This position is not to be disregarded in the Soviet Union, According to Saxe, they are responsible for the development of Siberia since the end of the work They have the authority camps. to initiate vast spending sprees in the interests of youth and welfare. Saxe arranged, while in Russia this summer, to have 25 to 30 Soviet students visit our campus for three days early next January. They will be here in the interest of the exchange of knowledge and ideas, the primary function of the Board of External Relations.

“‘Students have a vested interest gate the areas in which student in the operation of the university participation is essential. He and therefore must be considered concluded with a challenge to the in all aspects of university operafirst year students “to give the tion,” said Bill Kirton, science world a new and better society.‘* socfety chairman, at a meetingfor . Kirton’s executive objected that science freshmen Monday night. his speech didn’t accurately re“The only way for this to take present the views of the science place is for students to have resociety and that Kirton shouldn’t presentation on almost all decfhave expressed his own views while slon-making bodies within the uniacting in the capacity of society versity, particularly at the faculty chairman. and department level,” he said, Dr. McBryde, dean of science, He suggested a program of comwas unfortunately not present to munication with faculty and adhear Kir ton’s “radical remarks “. ministration “to put forth our polAt a meeting Sept. 13 McBryde icies within the university with accused the Federation of Students the goal of having these ideas irnof influencing the freshmen unplemented, or, at least considered fairly with pamphlets sent to them by the university.‘8 by the Orientation Committee. He said the university is beAt “The university: an event,” coming a vast industry more conSept. 19, Federation president cerned with quantity than with Steven Ireland refuted McBryde’s quality in the individuals it turns claims and accused himofsupresout. sing the vital issues. The individual student must “be considered a member, though a . Several students were interested junior member, of his faculty.” in seeing if McBryde would have It requires that the universitypershoved the question ofstudentparform its real service to societyticipation under the table or conthat of giving leadership and continued the debate in public. science,” he continued. At the close of the meeting Dr. Kirton urged that the dean of Irish of the chemistry department s cience form a science faculty gave an impromptumeeting of nurcommittee, with substantial stusery rhymes from ‘A spacechild’s dent representation, to investiMother Goose’.


geographer born in Waterloo county. Porter was the University of Waterloo% first chancellor, and was granted an honorary doctorate In a ceremony following conat lastyear’sfallconvocationhere, vocation next Friday afternoon&e - after gaining his master’s degree arts library will become the Dana before being called to the bar. He Porter Memorial Library. In was attorney-general for Ontario addition, the social-sciences from 1949-58 and subsequently building will be officially named chief justice of the Ontario Supthe Isaiah Bowman building of the reme Court until his death in May social sciences, after a prominent of this year.

VP wanfs

by Bob Verdun Chevron features editor

“Students should be represented in their departments,” said Dr. Howard Petch, the university’s new acade.mic vice-president. He waS appointed this Summer in an administrative shift that moved vice-president Ted Batke to a new department for campus development , At 42, Petch is a man with definite ideas for the academic scene at this university. His ideas on student representationare: “I feel strongly for greater student and f acuity involvement. The time lost in consulting students and faculty is easily made upwhen the decisions are implemented. ‘&I- don? think students on the board of governors is the correct Representation is most answer. important at the department level. Departments have agood deal of independence. They make the decisions of what courses and handle matters of quality in the courses. “Joint student-faculty committees in the department are the answer. The problem lies in how to select the students. You have to pick those who are mature in judgement and who can meet the time deman.s .‘* In his opinion, the engineering faculty council’s recent decision to have two student reps, ‘is good, but its one step up from the real

place for student representation. If student representation is not effective at the department’ level, then it is not effective anywhere.” Just who is Petch anyway? Most students on campus don’t even know we have a academic vice-president. Before his appointment at Waterloo, he was principal of Hamilton college, the science and engineering division of McMaster UniHe was also director of versity. Research. An active scientist, he has served on many national

Dr. Howard Petch . . . academic vice-president.

to be renamed

The arts library is being renamed, says Brian Iler, chairman of Tenth Anniversary celebrations .

student science bodies and societies and is currently the president-elect of the Canadian Associationof PhysiCiStS,

Petch was first approached by a Waterloo faculty member who was a friend of his. President Hagey then asked Petch ifhewould like to come to Waterloo, particularly to coordinate the research programs here, He declined unless the position was more suited to broader interests. Why Waterloo anyway’? He felt that this university was very flexible in what it wanted to accomplish and the methods it would use. Waterloo is concerned with being of service to society,” he said. He has a diversified background with studies and concern beyond He is particularly pure science. concerned with the role of the social sciences in education today.q “Universities should be concerned about the quality of living. Flexible programs in the environmental sciences are needed. The school of architectures program in environmental science is not broad enough.” He feels that planners, civil engineers, public healthpeopleand others try to solve problems from their own little corner. They need to know more of each other’s fields so cooperation is feasible. There are many departments responsible to the acadennic vice-

voice president. The departments under him include the registrar’s office, the library, and coordination a’nd placement. He finds cooperative programs very good in many fields. “I would like to see the plan exploited in other fields, f or example library s cience,” What about the academic development of the near future? Petch there will definitely be said teachers’ education courses. A medical school? He said that we would without question have one, but not in the next ten years, “h the first decade of this university there ha been tremendous physical growth. The emphasis has been on quantity. For thenext ten years, the emphasis must be switched to quality.” On student responsibility in general: “Traditionally, university stu- _ dents have been treated likeadoleThey were not asking for scents. the same responsibilities as others who were out working, Now that they want the responsibility, they must be accountable for their actions. They cannot just say it’s a prank and expect easytreatmeant. “A discipline appeal tribunal is something to work out, especially the procedure or mechanism. It’s something students should be very much involve6 in;”

Erich y, October

20, 1967

(8: 17)









10% Student


by Marold



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(An independent column by the staff idiot on matters of political misinformation of irritation to Chevron readers.) This week’s election surprised nobody as Big Brother John Parmenter Robarts and his cronic cronies gave the plebs what they wanted. Yup there% nothin’ like a basic program of “continued propserity” to show your constituents what a thinking politician you are. Last weekC .D. Martin claimed the NDP would form the opposition and the Liberals would have only a handful of seats.He contradicted himself in the next paragraph saying the NDP would make a breakthrough in votes if not in seats. But anyway he expected students to vote for the leftwing idealists regardless of how much of an imbecile the particular candidate was. 0



D. Goldbrick


No particular Stab at Mr. Martin, but the results of the polling station for on-campus students went strongly to the Liberal Ed Good. Good won in the rest of the riding because he had that good solid funeralhome image that the godfearing burghers desire. The NDP candidate in Waterloo North riding, TedIsley, lost because he% a bush-league country politician who sat in the provincial legislature awhile back asaCCF (CanadianCussed Farmers?) So now thi s riding will be represented by afuneadirectar who’s a political virgin. But that’ s a lot better than a nobody Robots yesman Tory whose only rememberable words were the

slogan “I back slack Mat” or something. There’s always Social Credit for people who haver?t got the guts to step into the polling booth and really spoil their baly lots. Social Credit never has because any campaign funds they have to spend all their money to pay their candidates’ deposits. 0 The Kitchener riding was even funnier than Waterloo North. There an incumbent Tory was taken on by adynamic (hecch!) liberal with a good German name-Breithaupt, and a scatterbrain NDP lawyer who runs in any contest that will take him. He got absolutely smeared in the lastfederalpoll. Anyhow, when the votes started coming in, NDP led Liberal by 100 to 200 votes right up till the last poll came in. Big Brother’s candidate was somewhere down by the Sacred. The NDP. claimed it won and supporters were dancing in the streets when the last poll came in and gave victory to the Liberal. Shades of Dewey and Truman? The important thing is that Big Brother Robots and all his crummy government have some more bodies across the legisla-ture. Maybe we’ll see less of the Ontario Government Trade C msade (Buy Conservative). If NDP and liberal merged, they could easily win a major ity. But Pm not sure Fd even like that as an alternative to Big Brother. Pm basicly a fasSandy Baird and I would cist. like to see the government get the hell off our backs and their hands out of our pockets.


our new True Accounts bea+ lop all hdlow.

the congenial

has a brand new look. The Dylan-type serenado starts at 7:30 at Seagrams. It’s a bringyour-own-somethingto-siton deal-like a cushion, well-padded girl.... The Road Runner Festival will start at 7:30 and run continuously to 1:30. Each show is one hour long and you can amble inanytime. After the conceti, you can head over to the dance-coffeehouse at Food Services. It starts at 9:00, if you can’t get into the concert. While two top rock bands are making much sound waves in the big room, complete with a compliment of go-go girls, the Four Just Men and Just One Woman and the Barry Wills Trio will beperforming in the Carnival Cage. They don’t have a cannibal clause in their contract, so stick to the


Chequin~ hlbw


and ANNE would I you to d


y ave. & philip St; bf=Ib,







Offering $10.75

a STUDENT worth

Last weekend, the Chevron hosted the annual conference of the Ontario region of Canadian University Press. It was held in the Walper Hotel, that cosmopolitan establishment in the core of Metropolitan Kitchener. The conference was a real bash, and H.D. was there to take it all in (beats spending another weekend in Bridgeport at the Grand with the General.) Anyway, the Chevron made a good showing-like in organ&+ tion, seminars, parties, and so on. We won some notoriety when our features editor put on the best one-night show by any drunk at the conference. We got centered out because we’re the only paper in CUP to put our editorials at the back. Everybody else uses page four. YOU know what goes on page four in this paper1 8 WORDS AND ENDS: Two five-year olds, a bqy and a girlShe: Let’s play pregnant, He: OK. How do we play? She: It’s easy. We both go into the bathroom. You shave and I throw up.

has fun for all

Okay* so what’s happening next weekend? As much as possible, Fat’s what. Three nights long and two days longer should about tucker you out, kaput. &fter a tiring week of wading through Tenth Anniversary you can relax at a real live beer garden a$ Caesar’s Forum. The Science Society will be running the ‘( sau= nag’ starting at 8~30. Also, for those who skipped classes to rest up, Renison is running a dance at Food Services. The Reefers start the action at 9:OO. Go hard, people, there’s no classes Friday. You have all day Friday to sober up. Unfortunately, neither Don Messer nor Juliette were available for the concert, so Phil Ochs is coming instead. Ochs has been in hidim for a while and apparently Enjoy

The modern idea of a welfare state is a strange brectd of funnymoney. Like the Ontario NDP leader who would give share holders a rebate for their losses in the Prudential fiasco. A reward for capitalistic speculation? And then there’s Rig Brother’s Student Award Plan (you shquld excuse the expression). I*m all in favor of paying the token tuition we presently have, but I ain’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.




for $10.00


ummy cheap sandwiches and the coffee. Try not to get too sober, this ends at 2 am. This year’s parade will be a combined effort between U of W and WUC. Sue WilkinsoS our Parade chairman expects hundreds (almost 50) floats entered between the two schools. The procession starts from Victoria Park at 9:00 shunts up King, University and once around the ring road. : The Saturday afternoon drunk will feature the annual Warrior+= C hickenhawk game as an alibi. This is WUC*s big day, too, so get your tickets early at Seagram%. We might even win. Saturday night there are two formals. Guys wear their best and girls can appear in either long or short dresses, but neither both nor neither. Corsages and boutinnieres are in order. The Food Services formal will feature two groups. The Beltones and Love With Linda willplay continuous music from 9:OO to 1:OO. The decorations will be the highlight with a custoti-made colourchanging Clairaudient four$ain and extensive ultra-violet. The other formal is at Paradise Gardens on the Guelph-Kitchener highway. The Paradise House Band will play from 9:0 0 to 1:OO. Re freshments ($oze) will be avail‘able at both places. . According to Homecoming ‘67 chairman Marty McGinnis, % ertain public parties may spring up after the dance, at the last minut e.”

Another by Dianne


Chevron staff

Waterloo’s the-many on campus.

$74000 electron probe microanalyser is one of highly sophisticated pieces of research equipment There are only about a ddzen in Canada.

The FASS Knight? Did you miss the FASS knight and his knights of mirth and folly last week? He will be reappearing again on October 25 in AT 246 at the FASS production meeting. The F ASS knight will be looking for additional people who are interested in production of theshow. This means costumes, make-up, sound, props and publighting* licity. Previous experience is not necessary but will help. review, sponsored by This the circle K Club, seems to defy d &nition. It has been described as ‘Yantas tic” (Norwich Gazette)’ and *‘a realscorcher”(Smokey the bear).

Last year tickets for four performances were put on sale at 7:30 am and were sold out within 30 minutes. Despite rumors of a FryerAdlington-Staff-S t ud en t s takeover, FASS still stands for Faculty-Administration-Staff - Stud ents . FASS’68 will gallop through five performances fromFebruary7-10, accompanied by such trusty warriors as Kadie Fryer, Zlugniew Polonski, and their army of thousands. Why have only half the fun? Join the FA&s inner cores and all the rollicking drollery that comes with it.



The university has plans for another contribution to the commune ity up its sleeve. An industrial research institute is scheduled to begin operations December 1,1967. The institute should prove a boon to existing local industry, said university offidals. It should also prove helpful in attracting new industries to the, area, they added. A grant of $146,000 announced Monday by the Hon. D. M. Drury, has made the establishment of the institute possible. The grant should cover the expenses of the institute for three years until it is self-sustaining. The university will announce the appointment of a director, a senior scientist with administrative experience in industry, within the-next few weeks. i technical field officer will complete the initial staff. University personell will cooperate with industrial representatives on an advisory board. The university will conduct research on technical problems and provide educational services,~uch as training courses and technical seminars, in industry. “The Institute willnot,however, compete unfairly with consultants testing or reand commercial search laboratories,“said university spokesmen. ‘Nor will its operations bepermitted to interfere with the primary function of the university.” The institute, a non-profit body4 wffl direct its fees toward future expansion. One of the first projects undertaken by the institute will be a study of existing technological conditions within local industry. The purpose of this study will be to asses the degree of development and to determine the types of research on presently existing scientific problems the university can conduct. The institute will also keep industry informed how to use the university to increaseproductivity or to develop new products, and will over see research grants, “‘We are sure there is agrowing




need for the services of such an institute within the KitchenerWaterloo area,” said Professor Ernest Holmes, associate dean of engineering and an instigator of the institute. “The industrial expansion of the TWO Cities has been considerable within the past two or Many of the newer three years. industries have not had time to develop their own research facilities .” “The Institute should be able to make substantial contributions to such companies, and it should also help attractfurther new industry to this part of Ontario,” he explained. Although the Institute will be particularly concerned with local needs, it will be “free to

operate on a national basis as needs arise.” The institute should strengthen the close relationship between local industry and the university established by the co-opprograms and by the university’s willingness to accept research work done by graduate students in industry for higher degrees. The university has already undertaken research on behalf as such companies as Imperial Oil, Cyanirnid of Canada and Canadian Westinghouse. ‘%Ve feel the institute will complement industrial liaison at the undergraduate level by developing close ties at the graduate level, through research activity ofdirect interest to the contracting companies ,” said Holmes.

Co-op corner

in bed

Breakfust by Ian Leacy Chevron staff

The boast that the Co-op instills a sense of business through involvement in it’s operations seems to be coming true, Jim’ Oatman and Mide Brown started their business endeavours apt 12 with an offer to supply breakfast in bed at 25 cents a shot. The operation was a success as 35 residents of ’ Hammerhouse signed up. These ent repreneurs were not satisfied with the limited service which they offered. After due consideration _they instituted a maid service with the breakfasts. Saturday the Co-op held its mortgage burning celebration with a Co-op style dance and party after the ceremonies. The dance featured the Sketch of T.O. and Labatt’s of London. About 300 people crowded the dining hall and main lounge of Hammerskjold. It was also noted that Porky managed to set a new style in drinking... no hands necessary. The Co-op was invaded Tuesday night by a band of scouts from the YWCA leaving a wake of

customers and peppermint patties. The power of a female salesforce in amale residenceshould never be underestimated. The preparations are well under way for the championship rack-out this Sunday. The rack contest is similar to a sleeping marathon. With the many fine racks in the Co-op this should prove to be a long, action-packed contest. Jasper Jensen, the organiser of the contest, reminds all contestents that “style is as important as endurance.” The division council meeting on Monday night provided a surprise when John Monkman resigned as division manager. Monkhad shown himself to be a most capable and industrious manager and the benefit of his experience will not be lost. He has promised to help Mike Crabb with any problems which he may run into as the new division manager. The construction of thePhillip’s St. project has now become certain as all details of zoning and financing of the project were finalized on Monday night.




This Sut&y THE









and take time to attend





Planned for young and old it will feature a coffee house and a village put on Fri. evening.

32 King Street South (3rd floor) 744 -2911.

In the parish hail you’ll find art exhibits and craftsmen at work. All are welcome.


- Thursday

Ikpromptu entertainment 5Oq minimum



Professional $1 minimum

Water & Duke Sts.


So you’re-going

- Friday’& Gibbons



press that does not pass, f”rom trousers or shirt, or aught you choose from our collection of permanently pressed attire. Go forth assured of neatness 1 that does not cease-and a good look that’s worry-free.

I 1

Flower Shop will provide you with a beautiful corsage

Saturday Sunday



feaf@ag: Walfcr

the photo exhibit “The church in mans world” from Expo. The Church of St. John the Evangelist Fri. Oct. 27 7 - lo:30 Pm Sat. Ott 28 IO:30 Am - 5: 30 PM

-Sunday entertainment

fAy ,.week Kimalins


and deliver it too. Phone 743-3684

697 Belmont W-Kit.




1967 (8: 17) 205

Chevron photo by Glenn Berry




Volunteer Heather Urquhart along with three other U of W students, spent two months this summer doing volunteer work in the MexIn this article ican moun taips. she tells of her experiences and some of the problems she encountered there.




“Even the journey of a thousand miles begins with one stel?-A proverb Sounds feasible, doe&t it? But if that one step is persuading a mother that washing a sick child’s face won’t make the evil spirit


works enter his body; if that one step is holding a trembling girl% hand as she learns to carefully wash a’ deep sore, is it still worthwhile? The members of WASP (Conference of Inter-American Student Projects) are convinced that even these seemingly insignificant gestures are steps in the direction of progress and human development. La Arena is the kind of village a tourist would probably miss on his tour of, Mexico-unless, of course, he is inclined to wander along overgrown jungle paths. Located in the state of Hidalgo, 200 miles north of Mexico City,

dwellings like this leave much to be desired.

in Mexican it is one of hundreds of similar villages in an area known as the Garden of Eden of Mexic-emitropical vegetation, with palm, orange and banana trees, coffee plants, jungle undergrowth, vib= rant, multi-coloured flowers-a paradise complete with snakes and bugs. To reach the town, we had to drive 18 kilometers in the back of a truck along a narrow winding mountain road and through the Montezuma River to the main town of Pisaflores. From Pisa our guide took us on a ‘&hour hike along devious path straight up, down, and up again* until we finally reached our destination. The two other students and I were members of the Conference of Inter-American Student Projects, sent to Mexico to work on community development in the c ‘ rancho9’. &lost of these had no road, no electricity, a few wellhidden outhouses, no doctor and, more likely than not, an empty school houe. Common problems encountered were illiteracy, disease, malnutritiow of which have the same simple, yet as we realized later, also infinitely complex solution: education. In spite of the training program in Canada, which included Spanish, Mexican history, culture, and community depychology velopment, we still had no concrete conception of what was in store for us in Mexico and the problems of which we soon became a living part. Ask any former CIASPer what he remembers most about his stay


Four school children pose, eager to have their picture taken, in Mexico and the reply will sound a familiar ring-the people. CIASPers remember the warm smile of an aged Mexican woman, living a lonely subsistence yet welcoming us, strangers to her* and sharing her coffee and beans with us.

They recall

the bea

of pride in

the dark eyes of a Mexican father as he and his new Canadian friend build a primitive bed to keep his young son from having to sleep on the ground, They remember the long consultation with the elderly wise mm of the village and the trusting of the village and the husbng


hand clasp of a trembling girl discovering for the first time that she has no reason tofearthe nurses who administer immunization shots, The filthy pig nuzzling at your feet under the breakfast table, the strange ceremonies and music of a wake, the dish of gooey-looking nutrition generously offered by a neighbour have all made their im-


But it is the people with their warmth, their generosity and their simplicity that make the seemL ingly vain struggle against igno* ante and superstition, and expee ience that he just can’t forget.


20, 1967 (8: 77) 207








PLAYERS oy wart Kelly.

General Publishing







Nov. 2, 3, and 4 at 8: PM Arts Theater Students






Memberships may also be obtained Mon. - Fri. 12:00 noon - I:30 PM in engineering foyer. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to look at your own campus and surrounding area from the air on .Oct. 28, 29, or 30, 1967.


Arts Calendar

WED, OCT. 25 12: 15 Theater of the Arts Noon Concert Foiksongs - featuring Paul and Steve Free admission 4: 15 Theater of the Arts Dr. Earle Birney rading his own poetry. - Winner of the Governor General’s Poetry (‘42 & ‘45) Free-admission

Winner Medal for

THURS. OCT. 26 12: 15 AL1 16; Thursday Film Series “SECRET OF THE PLANT WORLD” Through timelaspe photography the growing, budding and flowering of many plants are seen. “SECRETS OF THE BEE WORLD” A study remarkable bee society. Free admission 830 Theater of the Arts Concert Hall P.D.Q. Bach.

All tickets

of the

OS Students



In this volume, composed of cartoons from mid-l 966 to early 1967, Kelly returns to his earlier style as he lampoons world figures, the hypocrasy of international politics and sharp businessmen.

Pogo meets the Loan Arranger in Prehysterical Pogo by Walt Kelly. This is one of the great humov events of the year.

Let there

There are distinct changes, too, in Kelly’s style as his characters indulge in what can only be described as patter about the world. The fantastic setting of the story, a lost world, permits Kelly to indulge in a soft lyrical approach as he introduces humans into the strip for the first time on a major-scale. Also he uses the white spaces of his cartoons to provide background drawings of deep absurdity or joyous humourdity.

Arts Board

This year at homecoming... flatter her with an expertly

to the graduate student October 24, 1967.

The humber as follows.

to be elected

of representatives





group 2392




delivery King


be arranged

E. Kitchener


per constituency

will open at noon today within

each faculty

will be




English German and Russian Geography and planning History Philosophy Psychology Romance languages Sociology

1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1

Chemical Civil Design Electrical Management Mechanical

2 4 1 3 1 2


and systems



Biology Chemistry Physics

2 2 2

for nomination. Nomination papers may be collected office and must contain the signatures of one nominator the nominee, Nominations should be sent to the scrutinoffice.

The election will be held on Thursday, October 26, 1967, from for the above constituencies will be loacted as followes:

9 until

5. Polling stations

A.RTS - Arts foyer ENGINEERING - Engineering foyer MATHEMATICS - Physics foyer Science - Chemistry-biology foyer.

All graduate of voting. All inquires




In addition, there will be a polling station for that constituency.


Alfred Kunz is chasing after children 9 years of age and older, But not to worry since he needs them for the children’s choir which he is organizing. Rehearsal are Fridays at 7 pm in ALll3. Interested persons may phone extension 2439 in the university.


All graduate students are eligible from the Federation of Students and two seconders, plus that of eer, the Federation of Students



Nominations for representatives and will close at 5 on Tuesday,


composed corsage from

However, more sopranos are needed for the chorus, andcellists and violinists are needed for the orchestra. All interested persons should contact the creative arts people in AT254 or phone them at extension 243gi

‘The big land’ will premiere during the Carol Fantasy, December 1, 2 and 3. At the same time, the university chorus and symphony orchestra will perform other works including selections for Handel’s “Messiah” .


- Creative

be singing

Alfred Kunz’ s people in the music department are busy now with a number of singing activities. The university chorus and symphony orchestra are rehearsing “The big land”, an oratorio which is the Centennial project of Professor Larry Cummings and Alfred Kunz.

This is one book that everyone should read. It can provide you with something you can rarepi find in this troubled world: happiness.


SUN. OCT. 29 8:30 Lower floor of english lecture building Experimental Film Series - First evening in series RELATIVITY EMSWHILLER - SINS OF THE FLESHAPOIDS KUCHER BROTHERS LIGHTS - SOUNDS - MIXED MEDIA Students $2. Others $3. Series tickets only from theater box-office AT254, local 2126 Federation


Kelly first drew major attention to himself in the early fiftieswhen his sharp-witted cartoons drew notice for their attacks on Senator Joseph MacCarthy. In the years that followed Kelly returned to a more philosophic style and

(at $2.50

V. McKNlGHT 2111DEF 744-2408 or Ext. 3117) RON KRIEG 304 South 2 576-7569 KAREN MUNN 578-0258 SHABEER AHMED ‘102 South 3 576-5526 LEN GREENNER 745-0337



his Pogo strip for more than 18 years. For most of that time, the strip has ranked among the topten American cartoon series.

For its contribution to the Tenth Anniversary of the University of Waterloo, the Flying Club is arranging a Flight over the University Campus. For those interested a special membership may be obtained. per person) from any of the following people


students should


are eligible to vote; be addressed to: MR. STEPHEN SCRUTINEER, FEDERATION

in the psychology


cards must be presented


By order of: The Graduate




specifically at time

the life with

Svetlanti: Twenty


to a friend

Svetlana Alliluyeva. $6.95

Reviewed department


by Robert

by and Whiteside


of political science

tTwenty letters to a friend’ is first and foremost a moving story. Svetlana Alliluyeva% exuberance and embrace of life have been sustained in spite of great odds. The suicide of her mother, imprisonment of her mothers s sister and execution of her maternal uncle, together with the failure of two of her marriages, evoked in her great sorrow, but seemingly have made more intense the things which were left to her---a sensitivity to nature, devotion to her country and her committment to love. Because it allows for the greatest possible intimacy between writer and reader, the letter form which she has chosen is an effective style for her personal story. The first few chapters seem to be lacking in olcganization and continuity, much like the letters most of us write. She has a tendency to leave one subject for another without having developed the As she progresses however this first. quality becomes less apparent and her exposition becomes more thorough and clear. From this sampling I would hazard

Shadbolt by Dale

Stalinism than Stalin himself. In the letters she asserts that it was Beria, chief of the secret police, who was responsible for the liquidation of so many innocent elite members, including members of her mother’s own family. Beria* it seems, held Stalin in some kind of a spell, in the absence of which presumably Stalin would not have permitted the attrac-

the guess that Svetlana Alliluveva has at+ other book to write-if not agreat Russian novel, then certainly interesting and readable essays. Svetlana remarks in the concluding pages of her letters that she has been compelled to wrestle with conflicting feelings toward her father. This is very evident and one of the most interesting fete tures of her narrative.. Stalin was devoted to her as a small child. Even though Stalin% personal outlook became generally embittered after his wife% death in 1932, Svetlana remained the apple of his eye, his”little housekeeper)‘, until the beginning of the war. Then things were very different. She rarely saw him and when they did meet their communication was very strained. He brutally ended her first romantic attachment, to a Jewish film director, by imprisoning the man. He refused even to meet her first husband, life, also a Jew. Thus in her personal her father was two different people to her. But Svetlana was confronted as well by the contradiction between Stalin as a parent-both affectionate and abusiveand Stalin, the totalitarian dictator, the repudiated leader, the judge and the executioner of thousands. Svetlana chases an understandable means of justifying her filial loyalty. This was intimated in her earlier assertion, made upon her arrival in New York, that there were others to blame for



ities. In this sphere of political We then, not Stalin, but Beria was supreme, Certain objective factors support her view. Beria was considered so formidible

I am a Canadian


by John George Diefenbaker. RCA Victor. .

When I first saw Doris Shadbolt, she was trying to make her slide projector work, After a few minutes, it did and we were able to sit down in the theatre of the arts andta& _ Mrs. Shadbolt, a small but animated woman in a green suit, was soon launched into telling me of her career. It seems odd that the acting director of the Vancouver Art Gallery should have been born in Preston, but it is from there that she went on to study fine arts at the University of Toronto. Mrs. Shadbolt married a westerner and found herself at the Vak couver Art Gallery. It was here that she first developed an interest in the great West Coast painter Emily Carr. Mrs. Shadbolt has become the leading authority ‘on Emily Carr and has authored a biography of that artist. In addition to the biography. Mrs. Shade bolt is working on a (complete catalogue of Emily Carr’s paintings. Despite all these qualifications, Doris Shadbolt claims that she is not an Emily Carr specialist. This may be true, but she seems to become even more lively when she speaks of a musical to be basedon the life of Emily Carr and the growing interest in the works of this native Canadian artist.

Fine light Fisher. OPUS $1.50

by Prudence

Mrs. Doris Shadbolt (left) addressed 300 people in the Theater of the Arts on Sunday on the subject of Emily Carr. At this time, Mrs. Shadbolt is working on the sending of an Emily Carr exhibit to Europe in 1971 to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of her birth. Mrs. Shadbolt was quick topoint out that she regards Emily Carr as primarily important as an historical person and that the only relavant art really is the art of the moment. She wants university


Napoleon by H.A.L.

a threat to the rest of the post-stalin leadership group as to prompt them to assasinate him shortly after Stalin’s death, But the very fact that such aswift removal of Beria after Stalin% death was possible makes one wonder why Stalin himself could not have done the same. If Beria was the real sovereign over state internal security, how could he have been removed so effortlessly upon Stalin’s death. It .is possible however that although the substance of rnany decisions which Beria made was in defiance of Stalin% will his authority had Stalin’s consent. Perhaps this is what Svetlana means by Beria’s (( spell”. Unfortunately her document&ion is slim-mainly reference to her mother’s distruct of the man. She fails to expose on one hand how Stalin% character might have made him vulnerable to Beria’s influence, and on the other what specialpersonality traits Beria possessed which would make such influence possible. Despite thi s shortcoming, Svetlana’s narrative makes a worthy contribution to a richer picture of Stalin and Stalinism by balancing the extreme simplicity of the totlitarian models of the Soviet system. The absoltism of Stalin’s power is open to question. Svetlana shows us that he had several roles--father, husband, political leader, and that his behavior in one role did not precisely conform to that in the others.

Dief, ex-chief took no risk when recording new hit disc



acting entertainment



Chevron staff

This is a paperback reissue of a classic biography of Napoleon Fisher gives the from Oxford. broad outlines of his herds career in the ornate and sonorous prose of the period of which he writes. It is an evaluation of Napoleon’spolicies and his total effect on the European scene. My constant complaint about books on Napoleon is that there

for those long autumn

are seldom enough maps to permit following the battles properly and this book is worse than usual. However there is an appendix of Napoleon% maxims which should stand students in good stead if memorized before an exam. 0 Birth by Victor

students to be fully aware of where in the work the action is in a& of such modern artists as Snow and Hayden. Of course, in the modern art scene one is involved with multisensory environmental problems. Mrs. Shadbolt still does not know if a planned exhibit of custom autos will squeeze through her gallery doors.

Reviewed by Chevron staff This is probably the secondbest moment0 of John George Diefenbaker that could appear in this The best one will never medium. be placed on the market as a record because it will never be made. I refer of course to the thousands of tapes that the CBC has amassed over the years. These tapes could provide a record which would more than amply supply anyone who wanted to remember Diefenbaker with a suitable moment0 of those eleven years that Dief really was chief. The CBC made use of those tapes the day after Diefenbaker lost the party leadership. They provided the listener with tales from John Diefenbaker’s early years as a prairie lawyer, andinterviews with the old man in his heyday. The best of the latter was the memorable tape taken from the television show 44TelescopeL’ which saw Die fenbaker passionately stating how he would have defended Louis Riel as he had defended dozens of others on various capital offenses. Since we do not have these tapes available’ to us, the best the Canadian buying public can do is to settle for second best, The idea to put Diefenbaker on a record was prompted by the suc-

of our


Serge. Doubleday

by Chevron Recommended revolutionaries, the revolutionary’


staff to allprospective this odyssey of s flight acres s

Europe is handled in a truly masterful manner. Serge’s characteriz&ion of the revolutionary personality is not, however, as incisive as that of DOS Passos (a man of the right) in “Midcentury**., Be neath the arterial fervour of revolutionary ideals, there throbs in Serge’s heart the question: “Is it not as simple to die as to live?** The reading of this book by the French general staff would surely have prevented the debacle of postwar French imperialism inIndoch0

cess of Senator Everitt Dirksen in the United States, and on the publicity about to be generated by the Progressive Conservative convention. - The chief doesn’t seemas relaxed on this record as he generally dots. There is a certain tense ness that usually isn’t there. The second side of the album is involved with anecdotes about Sir John A. Macdonald. Dief was as-

suredly trying to stress his resemblance to Sir John A. so that the Tories would not oust him, The success of that side of the record speaks for itself. The first side is a mixed bag of anecdotes, the Canadian Bill of Rights and the sonnet “High flights’. It is impossible to understand why the latter piece with its sirens and aero-engines was put on this album.

evenrngs “In

the president’s

and my

OpitIiOtI” by Donald Pearce; Prentice-Hall $5.95

This book is a collection oferrors made by first year students in essays at the Santa Barbara campus of the University of California. Books like this are usually guaranteed to boor in their attempts at humour but this book is extremely amusing because it lays bare the American subconscious. In what can only be called Freudian slips, students make the following state.ments: Friday,

14Censorship is leadership and without that leadership+ our whole way of life would whither away.” “The answer to the spread of Communism is simply to stand with a gun at the four borders of the compass.” “From the time the world gan, men have been fighting dying for our country.‘y


Of course the book is funny as well as horrifying, and is well worth the reading. 0 October

20, 7967 (8: 77)



. The wildlife. campus (that was)

The hawthorne

bush between St.

Groundhogs are virtually extinct on campus since their field was excavated for the health services building. Their cousins, the muskrat family, still more fortunate have burrows on the banks of Laurel Creek.

By Glenn


Chevron Photo Editor

The university has destroyed the natural habitat of severalvarieties of wildlife on campus. AsDr. Noel Hynes chairman of biology, put it, there is nothing that can be done about the conservation of thewildlife on the south campus. Dr. David Sprott, dean of mathematics, interprets the nearly wanton clearing of the land as a cleanit-up, construct, and replant campaign. He also said when referring to future construction, Vd like to see things thought out before the plants are taken out.� Sprott was disappointed when the hawthorn bush on Laurel C reek was torn down. One reason for the removal given was that girls might be attacked in it. According to Sprott, the only thing that would attack someone in there would be the mosquitoes.

He also takes a dim view of the notion that conservation means To him it means making parks. leaving the land alone. Sprott owns several acres of woodland in Waterloo and in the Lake of Bays l33giOI-L

Our ambitious biology departr ment under Dr. Hynes is attempting to improve the chances for wildUfe in the area. Already a fence isolates 23 acres of the campus. The area will eventually become a reserve for the species which can no longer survive on the south campus, Of this, 12 acres will be bush, ‘This is a natural home for birds like flycatchers and goldfinches, The ponds to be created will be stocked with plants. However, no attempt will be made to put fish in them.

Probably the last of the turtles, this ambitious itudents who pitched into i




mes and the Village was the home of several alder flycatchers.

per was fished out of the creek by some ngineering pond. _

This male became violent when his nest was discovered by photographer

David A. Sprott.

A severe storm last summer trapped this racoon against the railing on the storm sewer from Columbia. When Chevron photo editor, Glenn Berry, attempted a rescue, the torrent flushed it under and up onto the nearest bank and safety. Friday,


20, 1967 (8: 77) 2 7 7



leads track


yes,> but want

Qbcmtity by Hugh


read between the lines of this excerpt, it appeared in the October 6 issue of the Queen’s Journal. The following weekend at Royal Military College, the track and field Warriors were restricted on the number of entries per event, The invitational meet at the military camp in Kingston included RMC ) CM-e French equival-

Chevron sports

“With no restrictions on the number of entries per event, Waterloo, who flooded each event with competitors, came away with the team victory.‘$ Does that imply quantity but not ~uauy? Whatever subtle hints we may

Bob FinZay . o . three-miles

ent of RMC at St. John$s--McMas= ter, Toronto and Waterloo. When total final points were tallied McMaster held second place with 75 points. Waterloo finished first with 78. With such a short season as track and field has (as far as O&AA competition is concerned), it takes a very enthusiastic and capable

Bruce Westell. . . shotput

George Neeland . . hurdler



An opportunity for graduates in all disciplines international diplomacy and trade promotion.


to represent




man to come up with a winning team. Coach Neil Widmeyer is just that. Bringing the Warrior track and field team from a last-place finish two years ago, to a respectable fifth-place standing out of more than ten schools last year, Widmeyer expects to see a further improvement this year. But overconfidence will not be the cause of defeat. The team has won all four of its meets so far this year, yet when asked to make a prediction on the outcome of the OQAA finals on Friday, Widmeyer did not count on a victory. CCMany of ourpointsinthe small= er preliminary meets were won through seconds and thirds which will not be seconds and thirds in the finals? He continued, “Yet still there are none-of the 21 competitors we will be entering whose past performances are not good enough to place them in the point-winning categories.” Who will win? “Toronto would have to be considered the favorRunners like Bailey, and a ites. large selection of people should give them the best chance in the finals.” The Warrior team this year has much more depth than last year, With Pan-Am competitor George Neeland, mile-runner Ken Inglis, and Bruce Westell, last year’s OQAA polevault champ, competing this year, the team’s best times


and distances have improved in almost all of the 16 events. High hopes rest with several individuals such as S&fried Kindler in the shotput, discus and highjump; Terry Wilson whose best throw of 195’ 1” in the javelin is much better than the O&AA best last year; Bob Finlay, whose PanAm success in the 3,000 meters can hardly be overlooked; Dennis McGann, a freshman who has been consistently winning in the 220yard dash; Bruce Walker, another freshman has been a recent upstart in the longer distances. The quarter-mile relay team of Bob Munday, Dennis McGann, Bob Lachey and Dave Lorimer is also a very strong competitor with a time of 43.8 to its credit. The team, in its last two meets showed marked improvement as McMaster (last year’s OQAA champions) was downed 142-115. RMC at this meet scored 24. Wednesday in Windsor, theteam continued its trends, compiling 87 points to 48 of Western and 32 of Windsor. S&fried Kindler and Bob Finlay led the- way as Kindler scored two firsts in the shotput and polevault, and Finlay scored another two in the mile and three miles. So today in Western the OQAA finals will be held. Optimistshope for a win-pessimists, a good showing-but whatever it turns out to be, Waterloo’s fans can attend the meet bearing Waterloo jackets with no fear of being ashamed.


- GIMICS All applicants must write examination to be held at 7 P.M., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17 1967 in the arts lecture building. No application needed.

Positions with the Department of Trade and Commerce or the Department of External Affairs.

For more details get our booklet from your university placement appropriate office of the Public Service Commission of Canada.


or contact

A Taste Of


, Homecoming Food Services 2 (TWO)


Bldg. -




Sadie Hawkins Style ADMISSION:














Bananassplit by



Chevron sports

Friday the 13th was an unlucky day for the Bananas intercollegiate tennis team. About ten teams were invited to play at Carleton in the OQWCIA round-robin tournament but the only three that showed up were Carleton, York and Waterloo, The \problem was that all the girls competing in the three events were rated tops in Ontario. As a result the first singles went to York while Carleton won the second singles and doubles competition. Waterloo team members were Mary Ann Gaskin, first singles; Brenda Wilson, second singles; and Marilyn McLelland and Janet Eastwood, doubles. BADMINTON The intramural badminton daubles tournament was run off last week with Joanne Ferguson and Paula Scott winning first place for St. Paul* s. Second position was taken by Brenda Wilson of Renison and Verna Campbell of science. Bonnie Weber and Marilyn McC onnell, representing Renison, were third followed by Janet Shafley and Sue Sharpe of phys-ed in fourth place. The current point count for the Brownie Trophy shows phys-ed in first with 76 points. St. Paul’s is second with 46. Renison has 35third sped-followed by arts with 33 points. Scores for the Brownie Trophy come from participation as well as championship points. Since the badminton tournament was completed in one night the time remaining will be open for womens recreational badminton starting at 7 on Monday.

on 73 Intercollegiate badminton tryouts are also scheduled for 7 on Monday at Waterloo Collegiate. All interested girls are welcome. NEEDED officials are still needed for women’s intrarrural volleyball. Anyone (men too) interested is asked to contact Seagram Stadium and leave his name and phone number with the secretary. VOLLEYBALL A roux&robin tournament is being drawn up for intramural volleyball to start October 30 at 7 pm at WCI. The other dates are November 6, 20, and 27, all at 7 pm. See your unit representative if you are interested. INTERCOLLEGIATE TRYOUTS Volleyball = Monday at Seagram Stadium. Basketball - Tuesday at 7:30, Seagram.

Grunt When will it end all this misery and pain of watching our heroes .while they try to feign an image of victory in the minds of the horde, when everyone knows the score’s real on the board? The season’s near over and our record is poor, so it’s onward to Guelph where we must win for Shore’. So to it, you Warriors drink blood with a thirst. ‘cause you’re only in third when you should be in first.



victorious by


limping out of the trainer’s room. He had a operation last summeron his knee and every game it swells so badly he must have it bandaged to relieve the swelling. “We missed Irvine and Gilbert and I think if they’ed played we would have won that game,” said Coach Carl Totzke after thegame. Gilbert has virus pneumonia while Irvine is out of action with-- a leg injury. Totzke continued, “1 doubt if they will be back next week for Guelph, but I hope so. We didn’t have a successful halfback today but our passing was good. They used very little pass offense aswe expected and relied on their strong running game. There were breaks for both sides but Mat used theirs and we didn’t? Actually the game was very close as the statistics show. They had 320 yards total yardage to our 307 and they had 20 firstdowns to our 17 .** lcThe Warriors are the strongest team we have played this year and that includes Toronto:’ said McMaster coach Kennedy after the game. “The two reasons why Waterloo lost were the choice to receive the ball in the second half and that we were in better condition. While we had the wind in the third quarter we scored two touchdowns and this proved the winning margin. Your squad seemed tofalterin the fourth quarter while our boys still manage-d to keep up afullheadof steam.*’ The Warriors travel to Guelph tomorrow to play at 2.


assistant sports editor

A weak second half proved the downfall of the Warriors as they lost their second game in a row) this time to the Marauders of McMaster. The Warriors played a strong first half and led 7-6 but after the full 60 minutes the score stood at W-9 for the Marauders. The Macmen struck early as they marched down the field and fullback Cass Quinn made thefirst of three field goals. After Ian Woods had saved the Warriors from a McMaster single with a great run the Marauders marched again for another field goal. The wind was against the Warriors in the first quarter but when they switched ends the Warrior offense started to move. WhenBill Poole recovered a McMasterfum-’ ble the Warriors scored their only TD as Bob McKillop passed 16 yards to Don Man&an. The Warrior defense played strongly for John Watson eludes the Warrior defense behind the blocking of Tom Man. Watson ran for the rest of the half and held the 106 yards on 16 carries. The Warriors play the Griffins of Guelph tomorrow at 2. score to 7-6. (Chevron photo by Pete Wilkinson) The Marauders controlled the ------------------__-----------.--.-.---------------------play in the second half when the Warrior game both offensively and defensively fell apart. McMaster scored on the first set of plays as Mike Birerley caught a l&yard and again later as John pass; Watson ran around left end foranother touchdown. by Paul Cotton, Assistant Sports Editor Quinn kicked his third field goal after Tod Reynolds made thelongest run of the game. Reynolds ran is workAre the Warriors jinxed? What do they have to the CQAA is giving them atwo-yeartrialand a McKillop punt back 70 yards and ing through a complete recruiting system to ready the had it not been for a good tackle by do to win another game? Waterloo squad for next season. The Warriors lost to a good team last Saturday. McKillop he would have gone all the For the Monday-morning coach, there was at WW. The score was rounded out The Marauders will probably finish first in the league this year. The Macmen now have a 3-O record and leask one play last week the coaching staff called, when Dick Waring, the McMaster Coach Totzke sent in the third-down pass play that QB, conceded a safety touch after have a easy season left. failed and gave the Marauders the ball on their own a wind-assisted The Warriors played a strong firsthalfbut seemed McKillop punt had line. In the dressing room after the game forced his team to itsown goal line. to fade in the last 30 minutes. Either they failed to four-yard use another play if The Warriors made only one move the ball down the field or if they penetrated the Totzke said it was a mistake-h@d he had to do it again. McMaster end they couldn$t find the necessary scoring march in the second half that was Another decision the coaching staff made was a definite threat. They got to the punch. ko receive the kickoff in the second half. The MarauWhen the Warriors did get going they seemed Marauder 279yard line where they ders chose to play with the wind. During the third faked a field goal and McKillop to lose steam and had to give up the ball. The Warquarter the Macmen won the game with two touchdowns. riors looked very weak at the end of the game-the threw a pass to Manahan, The pass When the Warriors had the wind in the fourth quarter team’s conditioning leaves a little to be desired. was ruled complete because of pass Perhaps this is the reason for the last two losses of they failed to present any sort of attack. interference by an eager Marauthe Warriors. The coaches made the right decisionbecausein der. Next year when the Warriors go into the On- most games a team can use a strong wind to end the After Ron Howse had moved the tario-Quebec Athletic Association, they will be in the game. If the team is winning, the opposition not only ball to the four-yard line-the Wp has to beat the score but also the wind. Naturally if three-team western division with McMaster and Westriors gave up the ballwhen athirda team is losing it wants the wind to help win the game. ern. .According to McMaster coach Jack Kennedy, his down pass went incomplete. team will be happy to be in the same division as the Late in the secondhalf DonManMustangs and Warriors. With a possible 19 players ahan, who led the game in pa&&g returning next year, the Macmen will definitely be a Afterthoughts with 65 yards on 13 completions, powerful team. had to leave the game. He went up -Doug Shuh played a great game against Mc- for a pass and had his feet cut out Warrior coach Carl Totzke says one of the reasons Master. He played bothwaysformost of the game. On from under him. He strained his his team lost was that Brent Gilbert and Brian Irvine did not play. Surely two players cannot be the whole offense he plays guard while on defense, middle lineback when he fell but was up and backbone of a football tear-n and determine the outcome backer. walking in the dressing room after -There was a good-sized crowd at last Saturof a game. This can only indicate that the Warrior the game. bench lacks the necessary depth for a good team. day’s game. We hope students continue their support Bill Poole, one of the backbones We’re sure the Warrior coaching staff realizes tomorrow as the Warriors meet Guelph. of the Warrior defense, also came ,













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- TIME 0,lJT

MCI\P,ASTER Quarterbacks, Wcrring, Quinlan: halfbacks, Watson, Timm-wI Reynolds, Graydon, Lucyk, White, Hunson, Quinn, Grant, Tedosoft, Emerson; centres, Brecasin, BroMb’; guards, Agro, Snees, O‘Brian, Fryer, Dearborn: tackles, Crawzyk, Johnston, Honey, Tellier, Tyro, Strong; ends, McQueen, Allan, Birerly, Arm-

rud, Nogradi, Weher; encls, Anderson, Manahan, Francescut, Scorgie, Findrn, Haehn. First Quarter l-McMaster (Quinn (RG) . . . , 3:35 2--McMaster, Quinn (FG) . . . .ll:ck Second Quarter &-Waterloo, Manahun (TD) . , . 7:35 4-Waterloo, Haehn (C) Third Quarter 5-McMaster, Birerly (TD) 3:20 6-McMaster, Watson (TD) 1:: 1: .‘14:45 Fourth Quarter 7-McMaster, Quinn (FG) . . , . . . . . 3: 4c: &Waterlco, ( ST 1 7:@l Yardctjcks . . ’ “. Rushing-McMazter 196 yus., Water/co ’ lC4. PassingLMcMaster 94 yds.; Waterloo 131). Individuoi rushingWatson-lC6 yds., McKillop 33. Pass receiving: Quinn 33 yds, Manahan 65 yci:;. First downs-McMasfer 20, Waterloo 17. Penal ties McMaster 73 ycls., Waterlco 3G. Fumbles! lost-McMaster 1 1, Waterloo 2 1. Interceptions by: McMasier 2, Waterloo 0. Passing-Waring A ‘13, McKillop 1’2 27. Punting-Allan 4 for 38 yds. overage; McKillop 5 for 36.4 yds. average.




If an airplane can fly without wings, if we -can play cricket and soccer in the same field, then we would have one match against the University of Western Ontario. No doubt it started on the scheduled time, but we lost untimely. I mean to say the battlewas decided in a half-hour and the rest of the time was utilized to develop stamina and discussion like the United Nations after every big war

and after their families visit Expo 67. Scoring speed was pretty fast as we accepted in a quarter of an hour about a quarter of a dozen. We proved to the Londeners that not only are we innocent, but we are young as well and we don’t like aggressiveness. Hence we never let the ballgo to their side. We always played in our own pavilion and if the ball tried to go to the other side, the referee didn? like this injustice. He whistled half-side. Each and every effort was made-even precautionary measures were adopted. For example,

the but and val

44substitute players” the ball remained in this tug-of-war, occured.

were used in our side the inter-

During the break, an energetic speech was given by the coach which injected a superhuman power in our players and the picture was absolutely different when the game was resumed. Now we were playing offensive and the ball was crossing their crease every now and then. Seeing this dramatic change, I asked my coach why he didn’t de liver the speech before the match, He laughed and said he would do it next time,

During the last 20 minutes of play we were given seven long and two short corners and one penalty, but* unfortunately, we didn’t score any goals. Till the last minute of the game, we wereplaying like polo men, fuming like a tiger, and crying like a lion. If I analyze the that our team stronger but what operation, placing Most important is fore the match.








MacDonuld ::.‘: 2 1 0 66 2:3 4 Carleton 2 1 0 66 64 4 Montreal _. 1.1. 2 2 0 78 72 4 Waterloo 1 7 0 64 45 2 RMC . . . . . .. . . . . 1 2 0 61 74 2 Guelph . , . 1 3 F 80 69 2 Loyal0 . . . 3 3 0 2 c3 0 Laurentian 0 4 0 0 265 0 Saturday-Bishop’s at Lutheran; Waterloo at Guelph; MacDcnola ot RMC; Montreal at Carleton; Ottawa at Loyola; McMaster at Laurention. ONTARIO-QUEBEC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Saturday Toronto.. . . , . . 26 Western 20 Sundav Queen’s . . . . . -41 -McGill

game, I can say was definitely we need is coand passing. the speech be-

w s

“It is better to lose with spirit than to win with courage.”

Queen’s . Toronto . Western . . . . . ..I McGill Saturday. ’ ‘l’ Western at Cunodion



CENTRAL CANADA lNTERCOLLEGlATE CONFERENCE Saturday McMaster . . . . .21 Waterloo 9 Llitheron . .52 Laurentian ,I 1 0 Montreal .:::I..73 Guelph 8 Ottawa 36 Corleton ,,, . : : : ‘?O RMC .._’ .:::::.13 Bishcos 20 Loyolu . , 0 MucDonald ‘. 31 W L T F A P McMaster 3 0 0 ICO 24 6 Luthcron 3 0 0 91 11 6 Bishop’s .:I__ 3 1 0 33 48 6

Lost, thought, and fought This soccer story was written by a grad sociology student in the Briiish ‘manner of sport reporting.
















0 0 0

61 34 ?9

26 68 76

-1 0 0

0 2 3 7 Toronto



20, 7967 (8: 77) 273



/ St. Paul’s leads Fryer cup mce


Federation Applications

of Students







o Chairman,

GRAD. BALI. 68, by Nov. 10

. Chairman,




ORIENTATION 68, by Nov. 24

0 Chairman,

HOMECOMING 68, by Nov. 24

a Chairman,

WINTERLAND 69, by Dec. 8

Written on


or before


should above


be submitted

date Iler,



Board of Student Activities, Federation Building

by Paul Solomonian and Gord Dearborn

One of the rabbits, deciding to get back to the Mae game early, cut about half a mile off the course and had the distinction of circling the Seagram oval all alone before 2700 fans.

Chevron sports

The revision of the system to award points for the Fryer Trophy has not been completed, but there is no doubt that St. Paul’s has opened an early lead. Two weeks ago the college won the track and field competition and last week added harrier and ai+ chery. The highlight of the week was the &.husia~tic response to the archery tournament last Thursday at Seagram gym, as 64 intrepid archers came out to show their skill. St. Paul% led the unexpected bnout with 19 entrants, followed closely by Renison with 18. Len Kushnier, Village East, amassed 33 out of a possible* 45 points on five arrows to beat out St. Paul% Frank Brown (31) and Larry MoKinly (29). The performance of the latter two archers boosted their unit to the overall championship with 54 points. Village East was a distant second with 36 and Renison third with 33.





Students will find the Yellow Pages one of the most useful reference books around. Looking for Archimedes? You’ll find him in the Yellow Pages under hundreds of different headings from A to Z. Your local Yellow Pages are loaded with products and services that .would be nonexistent today without Archimedes and his physics principles. So, whenever you want to find something specific gravitate to your local Yellow Pages. And like Archimedes, you’ll shout Eureka!

Tuesday, October 24 (Columbia Field) 4:3Q p.m-St. Paul% vs Con. Gre. 5:.3O p.m.--C&op vs Renison Wedmwiay, October 25 (Columbia Field) 4:30 p.m.-Grads vs Sci 5:30 p.m .-Math vs Eng. SOCCER Sunday, October 22 (Columbia Field) 1:00 p.m .-East vs Phys. Ed. 2:00 p.m .-West vs South 3:00 p.m.-St. Jerome’s vs Renison 4:00 p.m.-St. Paul’s vs Co-0p Thursday, October 26 (Columbia Field) 4:30 p.m.---Grads vs Sci. 5:30 p.m .-Math vs Eng.

at Guelph

2:00 p.m.

$ SOCCER ;*. ;*. Wednesday, Warriors vsToronto, Seagram ‘... ‘... 3:00 p.m. ‘... *.*. :g WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELD A.. Thursday, Warriors at Windsor 1:00 p.m. ‘... I.*. -0.. i:: TRACK AND FIELD .*. .*. Saturday, Warriors at 0. Q.A.A. Champ.*a + .:.: ionship, London, Afternoon $ WOMEN’S INTERCOLLEGIATE VOLLEY::: BALL .*. .*. .*. Tryouts, Monday, October 23, Seagram l:.:. :*. Gym 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. $j WOMEN’S INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKET. :;:; BALL :.;. I Tryouts, Tuesday, October 24, Seagram. :.f .:.; Gym 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. :.I .:.:

VOLLEYBALL Wednesday, October COURT A 7:30 p.m.-St. Paul’s vs Con. 8:00 p.m.-St. Paul’s vs Co-op 8:30 p.m .-Phys. Ed. vs North 9:00 p.m .-Phys. ,Ed. vs South 9:30 p.m.-&i. vs. Arts 10:00 p.m.-Sci. vs. Eng. COURT B 7:30 p.m.-Co-op vs. Renison 8:OO p.m.-Con. Gre. vs Renison 8:30 p.m.douth vs East 9:00 p.m .-North vs East 9:30 p.m .-Eng. vs Grads 10:00 p.m .-Arts vs Grads



$; BASKETBALL SCHEDULE :::: Tuesday, October 24, 1967 ‘.‘t ‘.‘, Court A Court B ‘.f ‘..a l .-. West vs East Math vs Grads ‘..I 9.0, Phys. Ed. vs South l t, Sci. vs. Eng. ‘..a ‘..a Con. Gre. vs St. Jer. ‘.‘* ‘.‘c ‘.‘a Renison vs St. Paul’s ‘.“ -A $; FLAG FOOTBALL :z Monday, October 23 (Columbia Field) *.*a *.-a 4:30 p.m,-Grads vs Sci. :.:. .l .*c I 5:30 p.m .-Math vs Eng. !si Tuesday, October 24 (Columbia Field) l .** l .*s 4:30 p.m .-East vs Phys. Ed. l .*, :.: . I 5:30 p.m .-West vs South l .*,


l .*,

i:i: Wednesday, October 25 (Columbia .:.: Jerome’s vs Renison :.:a 4:30 p.m.-St. .:.: 5:30 p.m.-St. Paul’s vs Co-op 0.. 0..


l .* l .*

let your fingers

do the walking

;:; LACROSSE zi Monday, October .*. .*. 4:30 P.m.-St. .*. .*. .*. .*. 5:30 p.m.-St.

.:. .-. .*. .*.



23 (Columbia Jerome’s vs Renison Paul’s vs co-~


-.---------.........................................................-------------. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-._.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.~.~.....~.....~.................~..



















8‘.*. INTERCOLLEGIATE ‘... Warriors


-An informal basketball league will be formed for interested Phys-ed clinched at least a tie students. Teams will play at least for first place in the Village league last week with a 2-O decision over _ once a week at a nearby highschool. Players engaged in intramural south, A victory over the winless basketball are asked NOT toapply East team on Sunday will give them due to a shortage of gym space, a perfect 4-O season. In another Games will be without officials or big contest Sunday, West plays recorded scores and teams may South in a game to decide second be formed by any group of students. place. Groups of seven to ten wishing A real horserace is shaping up to enter a team are to call the in the residence circuit. Conrad intramural department (local 310 G rebel and St. Paul’s are tied with 56). A person in charge of the four points with Renison and St. team should be named and the squad Jerome’s deadlocked one point given a name (Celtics, for examback. The winless Co-op squad for scheduling purposes. holds the key as it must play both ple) Deadline is Tuesday at 4. Schedleaders while St. Jerome’s and ules will be posted Thursday at Renison wind up against each other. the gym, outside the arts coffee Grads lead the faculty loop but shop and in the engineering foyer. the race there is far from over as half the schedule remains to be WA U of W rugby tear-n has played. Teams are reminded that been formed. Exhibition games all games must be completed bewill be played this year against fore finals start on the 29th. such teams as Trent, Cornell and Last week% results: U of Michigan. Thefirstgamewill St. Jerome’s 1 Co-op 0 be played tomorrow on Bauerfield Conrad Gre. 1 Renison 0 West ,l North 0 against York at 11.


St. Paul% defeated Renison 1839 in the university harrier meet last Saturday, with four runners finishing ahead of Renison’s best. A disappointing response at the league meets resulted in only two five-man teams, both from the residence circuit, competing in the final, along with a couple of rabbits from the Village. PaulPlousSOS led three teammates across the wire, giving St. Paul% ten low points plus eight more for Allyn Willarcr s eighth-place finish. Other runners on the team were Larry Stief, Doug Inkster and RickOsepchook.

‘::: FOOTBALL ::* .. Saturday, ‘.Z.


Lacrosse and flag football have been hampered by a lack of cornpleted games. Finals start Ottober 29 and league play must be completed by then. A total of 18 games remain to be played in football and 13 in lacrosse. Results last week= LACROSSE Phys-Ed 9 South 7 FOOTBALL West 1 North 1 Science 6 Engineers 1 co-op 13 St. Jer. 0

Phys-ed 2 south 0 St. Paul% 2 ConradGre 1 Renison 3 co-op 1 Grads 1 Engineer 0 Arts . 1 Science 0 KICKING Saturday morning tournaments were given an auspicious welcome when the nine-iron tournament was held three weeks ago. However, less than 15 punters turned out last Saturday for the football-kicking competition. Dave Shaw, phy s-ed, nipped John Bennet of Conrad Grebel in the finals with kicks of 57 and 54 yards. Bennet fell just short with a 10%yard total. Art Webster, also of phys-ed, rounded out the top three with 102.




. .

. ..

. .

. . ..a..




. .

. .

. .

. .


25, 1967 Grebel


WATERLOO October 24 WILSON 2 p.m. North 9 p.m. Con. Gr. 3 p.m. South 10 p.m. Co-op 4 p.m. East 11 p.m. Renion 11 p.m. Arts 12 Mid. Eng. WATERLOO October 25 WILSON 2 p.m. West 9 p.m. St. J. 3 pm. P. Ed. 10 pm. St. P. 4 p.m. Math 11 p.m. Sci. 11 p.m. Grads 12 Mid. Math WATERLOO October 26 11 p.m. Sci. 12 Mid. North NOW ON SALE AT SEAGRAM STADIUM --,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . l l l ~-*-~-~-=-=-~-~-*-*-~-*-~-*-~-*-~-~-~-~-*~~-~-~-~-*-*-~---*=:* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ._._.___-_______--.-___1----.---------l---.-..--.........--.~..











2: l






,fans ,

No matter what the weather, the Warriors will always be supported. The cheerleaders never miss a game at which they can cheer the Warriors on and instill some spirit in the crowd. The team this year consists of nine girls including three of last years squad. Bubbles Lindhorst, man and Liz Baker turned this year.

Sue Kaufhave all re-

Bubbles is from Brampton and is in math 2. Sue is a local girl and is in arts 2. Originally from Agincourt, Liz is enrolled in math 2. The rest of the squad consists of girls in first year. In total the new girls have 14 years of experience. Four of the girk are in first Peggy Law and Suyear phs-ed. san Richard hail from Oakville while Marilyn Hunter is from Thornhill. Sue Russell comes to support the Warriors from Kit chener. Lorie Woolfor who comes from Don Mills Collegiake is enrolled in math. Arts is represented by Lesley Buresh from Georgetown. The girls are looking for more boys to help them lead the cheers. They already get lots of support from the fellows in the Warrior band, but they need some male yell leaders.

CHARGE!!! Liz Baker, math 2, leads team in inspiring the crowd to oral support

Lorie Woolford

Marylin Hunter

the cheerleading of the Warriors.

At the team.

time, there (ChevTon

are photos

only five complete outfits fbr the by Glenn


Sue Kaufman

Dorothy “Bubbles� Lindhorst

and Fred


Lesley Buresh

Sue Russel

Sue Richards Friday,


20, 1967 (8: 77) 275


. I


GREAT-BOOKS OF THE WESTERN WORLD 54 copies plus a set of 8 and a set of 10 a total of 72 books for $300,00 or best offer

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To the editor= I would be interested to know what Dr. Reesor meant by the answer, ‘<NO; I would have blood on my hands”, September 29 when ,asked whether she would dispense contraceptive devices. Would she, as well, condemn birth-controlfor i?narried couples (unconceived legitimate children have just asmuch blood as illegitimate)? Let me suggest that if fear of pregnancy is the only thing that is keeping girls out of bed, then they are not more “moral” than those who HAVE obtainedthepillandwho are enjoying its benefits--which, lwhen properly prescribed and used ‘in a real love relationship, farexteed its dubious disadvantages, Furthermore, in a real (an therefore exclusive of other partners) love relationship, there is no more danger of contracting VD 4b.n there is in marriage. Attempts to frighten young pea‘ple about sex can cause severe emotional problems, which can make satisfactory sexual adjust’ merit impossible even in marriage, . By all means, discuss the pros and cons of the moral issues, and by all means, EDUCATE peopleabout pregnancy and VD. A how andwhy approach to sex would be far more useful than a “Don’t or else” attitude and would possibly be educationdl, increasing our knowledge, rather than insulting our intelligence. RUSSELL J. BAIRD engineering 4A






in . . .




is what

Engineering we Sell.






To the editor: i. The recent demands by students for greater participation in UI& versity affairs must beaccompanied by maturity and integrity in the student representatives. Mr. Warrian suggested that an unsatisfactory stratification of the faculty existed in undergraduate teaching. I would suggest that he determine the facts before generalizing on a university-wide basis on such an



During the current first-year engineering program, which runs from this September to August 1968, the majority of the faculty involved will be senior. Of the 14 faculty members involved in the engineering program, four will be


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Watch bulletin boards for further information or contact Jim Lindsey at the BOARD OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS office in the Federation Building

professors, six will be associate professors, two will be assistant professors and two will be lectuers. The dean of engineering and the chairmen of mechanical engineering and design will be involved in this teaching program. The chairman of civil engineering was involved in the 1966-67 first-year program. I would suggest that if Mr. Warrian examined the engineering pro= gram in upper years in alldepartments he would find an equitable distribution of faculty. He would also find that virtually all the faculty members in engineering are deeply involved in research programs and in a variety of administrative duties. If the quality of Mr. War&&s article is any indication of his&& tiative and ability, it would seem that the Canadian Union of Students will experience a somewhat uninspired program during the 1968-9 period. B. G. HUTCHINSON Associate Professor, civil engineering To the editor: In a recent article (84Faculty unions mean student power”, oc+ tober 6) Pete Warrian uses some old cliches to ~make sweeping generalizations about faculty. His rw marks show he is completely unaware of the many steps taken outside his own major department to avoid the very stratification of faculty which he blithely assumes to be general. Naturally, one wouldn’t expect the average student in political science to be informed about the 1970 report of the faculty of engineering, the term appointments of deans and department chairmen, the first year tutoring program in engineering, the heavy involvement of senior engineering faculty in first-and second-year teaching, or that research grants are not controlled by the dean anddepartment chairmen. But Mr. Warrian is not the average political-science student. He is the social-action officer of the Federation and president-elect of CUS and it is his business to be informed. T.A. BRZUSTOWSKI mechanical engineering Fpi




fpgs houdbjr skys To the editor: Being an engineer and a firm believer in progress, I believe the time has come to change the typewriter. I also believe the University of Waterloo should get credit for such an engineering breakthrough. I have developed a sy stern that could make the typists of of the U of W the fastest in the world. My system is easy. Although the typewriter is a useful device, its one big defect can be cured at once-if the ’ most commonly used letters were most easily reached keys. For instance, the most commonly used letter is E; therefore let Us call the symbol under the right index f!nger (J) E. Let the symbol E equal the letter J. In a likj fashioq ihj right indjx fingjr should hit T so ljt F mjan T and vicj vjrsa. Rjvjrsj M a-d A and K. KS you now sjj$ D, fyping is duch jksijr. Now switch 0 knm L, fhjn P knm H. I km-n G spluom fpjn bj rjvjrsjd, Fpgs cldhojfjs fpj frknsorgf-

gln; fyhgni niw cldjs dlrj nkfurkoovy knm ducp dlrj qugcaoy. R. P. Hylkema engineering 1A

Anti-anti-Saxe ‘We need more

comp/aint: like him’

To the editor: In recent issues your newspa= per has seen fit to print a number of highly unjust comments and unforended criticisms of Stewart Saxe. The most naked examples have been in the Goldbrick COI+ umn. I gather from a number of senior students that this continues a policy commenced last year. It certainly appears to me that Saxe is doing this campus far moti good than your slander columnist would have us believe. Ofientation 67 and externa&relations are certainly two of the hardest to handle and most controversial programs on campus. Mr. Saxe holds both positions and so far he appears to be doing a remarkably good jog. However, Mr. Goldbrick appears to know otherwise I am sure that all students, including Saxe, would appreciate at least one issue in which facts were printed. We ex= pect the staff of the Chevron to do somewhat more than just print locker-room back-stabbing. Mentioning facts, let% set one thing straight. The majority of students consider that Orientation 67 was one hell of a success1 Certainly though, no program offered to over 5500 students can please everyone. Mr. Saxe came amazingly close. And now a final and most important point. Please note that if the students of this university are going to keep in touch with the times, only one thing is going to help them. No! Not the Chevron (the establishments joke book) but more leaders like Stewart Saxe. MIKE PRATT ‘arts 1 A dithcontherting






To the editor: This summer saw a first on our glorious campus. A building-the %rk*‘-was officially opened by the “peoplti before it was offlcc ially opened by theadministration. @he administration has still not officially opened the building.) This is the beginning of another student tradition. The birth of a new faculty this year brought a building to house the new child: the Temple. In fitting tradition, it is the duty of the students to again beat the administration to the official opening. Since facilities of the math faculty in the Temple are used by everyone, it could be humiliating if the Temple were christened by another faculty than the mathites. A little consideration must also be given to the method forthis critical task. A processional to the Temple of the masses of worshipers, led by their high priests, followed by an offering (live, dead or burnt) would seem suitable. (And* artsy types, thearts-theater building or modern-language bu& ding (whichever label you prefer) has never been opened by anyone to this day. Hail tradition1 SNU PEEE civil 3B

Architects The Liberals took three seats that the NDP should have had. Theclosest race was in Downsview where Liberal Vern Singer scraped through with a 279vote margin. A recount might just give the seat to the NDP. Here in Kitchener, Morley Rosenberg just missed by 51 votes. Scarboro East was lost by just over 200 votes. The Tories also managed to grasp victory by slim margins in four ridings. They wonHumber by 148 votes, Welland by 255, Fort William (which had a sitting NDP member) by 461 and Waterloo South by 689. The last defeat shows us the dangers of complacency. Heads will roll intheNDP organization in Galt. It all goes to show how easy it is to lose, Altogether there are over 15 ridings in this province that the NDP lost by margins of less than 2,100 votes.

I suppose I ought to be happy with the results As compared to the 1963 of Tuesday’s elections. election, the Tories lost 47,000 votes andthe Grits went down by 3,000 votes while the New Democrats picked ‘rip an additional 280,000 voters. The reason I am unhappy is that the NDP with 20 seats and 26 percent of the vote still stands third in the province after the Liberals with 28 seats and 32 percent of the vote. The NDP badly needed to form the official opposition in the legislature. Opposition would have given the party the forum it needed to prove to Ontario that it is aparty responsible enough to form {the next government of this province. This did not happen. What the future holds for the party is hard to tell. The Liberals didnot present too bright an image in the last Parliament, when eight NDP members were able to function as a de-facto officJa1 Perhaps this trend will continue and opposition. the people will realize this and be less eager to elect Liberals next time round. Anyway, we are stuck with John Robarts, Bill Davis and the rest of that happy crew for another four years. I have no doubt that they will carry on just as before.

One pregnant female who should have danced all night. Please return to Nurses’ Office.


And don’t




8:30 lower

in engineering floor

Halmar Florisits King


CALL for 24-Hour


WANTED 28 25

UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Requires cellos and violas


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Series tickets only Students $2. Others $3 Minimum age 16 years Co-sponsered by and Film Society

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.lanuary February



CHILDREN’S CHOIR Children 9 and up.



The University Bowman

of Waterldo


Dr. F. Kenneth University





of British of the







in Canadian


Dr. Hare, a member of the Spinks Commission on graduate studies at Ontario universities, and former dean of arts and science and professor of geography at McGill University, is presently master of Birbeck College, University of London, He will dedicate the Isaiah Bowman building on Thursday afternoon and in the evening he will present this commemorative lecture at:







will be


Top-quality hi-fi quipment. Dynakit PAS-2 preamp, FisherSAstereo amplifier (75 watts per channel), Fisher FM-200-R stereo FM tuner. $350 for the lot, will haggle on separate items. 5781213, evenings only.

The best in sound


dct. 29

“The All I can say in conclusion is that there another election in 1971 or so,



see what’s

The biggest surprise of the evening was in Waterloo South where the NDP machine was supposed to deliver the riding. Id~?t knsw why it didn’t, but it seems the Tories are not as moribund as pre viously thought.


Yellow Latin book (Morford unprepared translation) and a red plaid pencil case. 576-4077.



The NDP will certainly win on the recount because they did not have scrutineers at a vast number of polls but the armed-forces vote will mean that Breithaupt will retain the seat for the Liberals.

to that for freshmen

l&It was through a clerical error that all bills were the same,” he said. J’Those who came preparedwith certified cheques for the full amount were giver. $50 change. “Not until three or four days later was this error rectified. Then each freshman architect was billed for the extra $5@*, Headlam said. 1‘ We are not very happy with this;






The biggest surprise was in Kitchener where Morley Rosenberg just narrowly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, No one expected the NDP to do well in Kitchener and the party machinery was in terrible shape. Two entire zones of the city were canvassed by a few students from the University of Waterloo.

but necessary, what wentwrong. in seven ridings, PCs 65, NDP 21

dentical eers.

/ I

The NDP did not fare too well in the local area but that was not too surprising.

Waterloo North was a sad case, but the election of a cadaverous Liberal should not be surprising when one remembers that the German Liberal north part of Kitchener is part of the Waterloo North riding,

The .juestion of course is why did theLiberals come out ahead of the NDP in seats. After all, 220,. 000 more people voted Tuesday thar, in 1963, and both old-line parties actually lost votes. The reason probably is that turnout was up three points to 65 percent. That, however, is not the total answer. The most likely answer is that the Liberals lost fewer votes than the Tories to the NDP, and those voters who generally vote Liberal in federal elections and don’t give a damn in provincial elections decided ‘to stick with the party label for a change.

Postmortems are painful especially where one tries to see If a thousand voters had voted NDP the final results would have been and Liberals 25,

The business office is out again for more money. This time their prey is the first-year architects. The U of W calendar makes no distinction between those who register in the regular engineering course and those who register in the school of architecture. But according to Arthur Headlam, controller in the business office, ‘efreshmen who planned to register in the school of architecture are advised that their fee would be $50 above the regular engineering fee? One of Headlam’s jobs is to act as cashier at registration. But the bill for freshmen architects was i-



pay $50 more



116, arts October

All members

of the university



26 are invited

to attend


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Free Delivery

The Sketch From Yorkville FOOD





Oct. 20


8:30 $7 - Single

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Z. Toth


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742-0438 October


1967 (8: 17) 2 I7


u of Hogtown

best, of course



by Rich


Chevron staff

Wealth, prestige staff, library and holding s, science facilities, graduate offerings: these are the criteria used in a recent survey of Canadian universities by Macleans magazine. Applying these five standards to the 50 universities across the country, Macleans came up with the top 20. The foremost university (multiversity is more fitting) is of course Toronto. Macleans and the Webb, an author C. Wellington associate professor of philosophy at Toronto, gave U of T a TVGuide-like five stars. By way of expanation they rated it best in staff (with men like Frye, C reighton, Wilson, and McLuhan) library holdings (2 l/2 million volumes), range of courses, graduate offerings and science facilities. With Toronto standing alone at the top, Webb grouped the three major Quebec universities in the second-best group. McGill, Laval and Montreal ranked high in faculty and library holdings, University of Waterloo? Macleans rates us number 18.



- 1967

by Ed Penner student emeritus Much has been written, said, argued and disargued this last year concerning legalizing marijuana. To most observers it appears the battle-line has been drawn between the young and the old--the former for it and the latter against it. 01’ Pennergs latest research, however, has proven this proposition to be quite false. Actually, it seems the majority of our population over 35 are just dying to turn on. I mean how can three or four dry, even extra dry, martinis before dinner compare with the sybaritically fuliginous product of the magical hemp plant? No friends, opposition to legalizing marijuana uomes not from our senior citizens nor from their staid and gray-walled institutions. Actually the Great Anti-Pot Battle is between waged by ‘those who stand to lose the most by its emanJoseph Seagram and cipation: Sons. You don’t believe me? Well just cast an eye on the minutes of the board meeting last Seagram’s which I bought from a cleaninglady who wanted the price of a dime-bag.

this requirement. It has 2 l/2 million books. McGill has 970,000 5 volumes. In 1965-66 Waterloo had 3900 students. For this number, according to guidelines set down by the association of university libraries, there should have been 295,000 books in the library. It held 120,~ 000. ’ This year there are over 6,000 students. The guidelines say a minimum of 488,000 books. Library holdings at the present, total 180,000 books and 3500 current periodicals. ’ Number of books, however, is not a valid reflection of a university’ s strength. Dr. Howard Petch, academic vicepresident of the University of Waterloo, questioned this concern of quantity over quality. “The rate of obsolescence is fantastic, even in the social science s.” At one of the other universities with which he had been connected, ‘(the holdings in sociology were larger than Waterloo’s, but were of absolutely no scholarship value. It is the quality of the holdings that is important.” It is easy to understand that an older university would build up a

Minutes of the board, Oct. 4 1967Jos. Seagram and Sons Ltd. Opening address of the chairman. <‘Gentlemen, we CHAIRMAN: are now facing our greatest crisis since prohibition. Our marketing and sales research people have discovered a staggering drop-off in sales to the under-21 set andan almost equally large drop in the under-35 group. “As you gentlemen know, teen-

right about the seriousness of the situation, Mr. Chairman, but you don’t drink marijuana, you smoke it. And you’ re also right about the unpatriotic angle-the whole business smells to high heaven of dirty Commit subversion designed to corrupt the ideals and morals of our young people. “When I was a kid we drank good old Canadian rye, none of that Marywana stuff for us, nossirll

agers and university students make up a large proportion of our sales. If they stop buying, we’ll be ruined in a month. “Research tells me that our young people are substituting some new kind of Mexican drink called Mary-ja-wana in place of our own 100 percent Canadian Five Star”. “This is serious, gentlemen, and not only that, it’s unpatriotic. It must be stopped, so let’ s run a few ideas up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes”. A BOARD




ran&s us 78th in &da

Their resume says: t4 One of the fastest-growing new Ontario universities with a good staff in most subjects: an excellent engineering school: students tend to the left and welcome U.S. draft-dodgers. The main pub: the Waterloo Hotel.” The only two universities place ed below Waterloo are Victoria (strong hippie element) and York (some faculty strife ). , Eighteenth out of 20actually 18 out of 50. Some 30 universities are not mentioned, including Simon Fraser, Sir George Williams and Waterloo Lutheran. The survey is an overall view, taking into account all facets of the unit versity. The engineering program obviously was a strong point for What then are the areas Waterloo. that brought the evaluation down? Comments from students and staff seem to point to library holdings as a major deficiency. Both the Carter and Spinks re ports commented on the inadequacy of library holdings in Ontario universities, especially those sup porting graduate studies. Spinks recommends that even a moderate university needs a Only Toronto, million volumes. of all Canadian universities, meets



I’ll bet those Russian trawlers are bringing it in from Havana by the boatload right now1 (‘The only way to fight this, gentlemen, is with a hand-bitting barrage of good clean prcpaganda?. ‘&By George he’s CHAIRMAN: Let’s have some suggesright. tions? BOARD MEMBER: “As I see it, we’ve got to concentrate on the young, as they make up most of our sales. How about a series of ads showing an 18-year-old kid with long hair lying in the gutter covered with ashes and the con-

great amount of deadwood material over the years. Early editions of revised technical and historical books account for many extra, almost useless, volumes. The library is purchasing approximately 10 percent more books Arts enrollment went this year. up 25 percent. This discrepancy leads to another potential reason for a lower rating-depending on government funds for survival. Because Waterloo is such a new university, the majority of operating expenses come from the provincial government. Since the same formula is applied to all Ontario’s universities Waterloo gets no advantage. Tuition’fees and research grants make up perhaps a quarter of expenses. Few grants or endowments also tend to restrict the budget. Faculty salaries are on a par with most other universities, allowing Waterloo to keep a “good staff in most subjects,” as Macleans says. Certainly Waterloo is praised for its engineering school. The geography and planning psychology and mathematics studies are ac= claimed. If these were the only areas of scrutiny Waterloo would be near the top.

tents of a broken dimebag strewn around him. “And get this-a boyscout helping him to his feet again, a clean start in a life free of all the evils of pot!” 44A great idea, CHAIRMAN: Harry1 Channel a couple hundred thousand through our anonymousdonor fund to the temperance people and the homeand-school association to organize a ‘Mother’s march against grass’. Better send a few bucks to the Boy Scouts to print up a new-merit badge also.” ANOTHER BOARD MEMBER: “Getting back to the patriotic angle, Mr. Chairman, how aboutgeb ting the Canadian Legion to beat up anyone with long hair or hemp on his breath. It seems to work well in the Southern U.S.” CHAIRMAN1 “Goodthinking, Al. Send a couple of crocks of V.O. to the local Legion hall to get the ball rolling. &%nd Charlie, get out to the universities and buy me a couple of professor-it doesn’t matter what kind, just so they’ll swear their research has proven beyond a doubt that Mary-whatchacallit causes cancer, dyspepsia diarrhea, &arrh and the bends. Better put in stomach ulcers too, maybe that will stop the lies and rumors which have been circulating about our economy blends? A BOARD MEMBER: t‘Why stop there, Mr. Chairman? U of T can

What then are the subjects that cause Macleans to say only ‘(most subjects”? It would be unfair to name individual departments but there seems a consensus that the arts faculty has several weak spots. Although Waterloo has some of the better scientific re search facilities in Canada, some of the departments are knowntobe understrength. This, then, is what Macleans looked at. The whole multiversal structure, not just the strong points. Waterloo does have sev= era1 singular features. The cooperative program has won the praise of businessmen, educators, and most important of all, students. The co-opprogram, initiated in 1957, was a Canadian first with Waterloo and even today only the French-language Universite de Sherbrooke offers a similar option. The undergraduate planning pro-= gram in the geography and planning department is unique in CanadaJn the faculty of science, the new optometry school offers the only English-language instruction in the field. Within a few years the school will probably develop its own research and graduate facilities. With the age of computers now upon us Waterloo% unique faculty of mathematics offers the largest computer in Canada: theIBM system 360 model 75. Studentparticipation in running the computerscience center is very high, comparing with the best in North America. These are just four of the stronger points in Waterloo% assessment. Baianced against this must be the weaknesses mentioned earlier: number of library holdings, lackof extra-governmental funds and understrength departments. To cover the 50 universities it was difficult to find standards applicable to all. Some points had to be sacrificed to allow a relatively fair poll.

prove, for a price, that pot-smokers become impotent after three months. And if that doesn’t stop this whole subversive plot, no&ing will. t’And while we’re at it lets buy Marshall M eluhan back from Fordham to head up this whole anti-plot-plot campaign. He can have all the media doing what we want by next week,*’ CHAIRMEN; crTopdrawer brainstorming, men. &‘Just one last thing, and I think w@ve got the problem beat. Kelly,. you and Felloni catch aquickflight to Rome and see what you can do about a Papal edict.. .)’ * * * So there you are, heads, you know where the enemy lies. And a formidable enemy he is. But don’t give up hope. Word has just reached me *,lat Seagrams prepared for any Butcome, have just hired a couple of Mexi= cans who claim they can firm& and distil1 the upper leaves and flowers of the magic hemp plant, *** Thought for the day: The taste of space Marshall McLuhan put his telescope to his ear. “What a lovely smell,” he said, ‘(is here? a.j.m.smith



The travelling-circus student council may be a rangling circus, but it might as well stop travelling. President Steve Ireland decided to move the council out of the board and senate room this year in an attempt to get it closer to the people. So far the meetings have been held at Renison College and the Village. There was only a handful of spectators at the Village on MonRevolting Of course those pimply-faced, brash, ignorant, little twits are revolting. It is natural for those inaplty designated human beings between the ages of 15 and 20 years, to be in this state. Youth is too brash and inexperiened to be effectual. No-youth is unnaturally (forced by its elders) revolting--in the only ways it knows how. Man is naturally and essentially good. Youth is a part of man. Therefore, youth is . . . (?). Youth is revolting against the persistence of age and against the puritanical tradition of Glasgow and London. Don’t ask me . . . I only enjoyed it.

they ain’t

day, at Renison two weeks ago the small audience acted like a coffee club. Even if there were a sigr6ficant number of spectators, they wouldn’t be tempted to stay very long. Luigi Ireland’s circus knows nothing about show business. The council sits in a big square and talks to itself. In many cases, the talking is more like muttering, for some of the council members are hard to hear even at the council table.. We suggest an mjection of hoopla: a little sawdust, a couple of lion roars, a calliope, ‘balloon and popcorn vendors. If they can’t afford a skywriter, a sound truck and some costumed clowns as pullers, the least they could do is put up some posters a couple of days in advance. I Seriously speaking, this out-inthe-open format for council could be of significant benefit if people would come. Council might spend its time and money more efficiently if some of its electorate were in the gallery. The next meeting will ‘be held the Monday after Homecoming at St. Paul’s College. Let’s at least get a few tablethumpers out to that one.


year in Kitchener

Kitchener city council has refused the K-W Committee to End the War in Vietnam use of the cityhall steps tomorrow. “I oppose this because there are plenty .of means in the press for them to make their views known,” said Alderman Mervyn Villemaire. “If our American friends heard that a group spoke on the city-hall steps against the way Mr. Johnson is conducting his war, they wouldn’t like it ”

Three cheers for Alderman Wagner and the others who voted for allowing the meeting. The question here is not really whether the cityJ hall steps should be u3cu 111 1llG cl nti-Vietnam demon------_-- r-- --I- -A! _‘itstration but the reasons ior rejecting **“x-a




’ Isn’t it just too bad if “our American friends” don’t like it. Since when did a city council in Canada, a free and sovereign nation, begin making decisions on the basis of what another country would or wouldn’t like. They sure don’t always make decisions that citizens in their own city like. This is election year in Kitchener.


Alderman Robert Wagner said Canada is still a free country and he could see no reason why the parade and meeting on the city hall steps could not be held.

It 9s


dain ridic ulous


1ust d


o We’re searching for some award for PP&P. The university buildings -and-grounds boys deserve it for consistent design excellence in efficient surface-drainage systems. Not only do the campus paths carry more water when they’re flat or dish-shaped, but the grass does not get as soaked and can be watered sooner. An 1A engineer knows roadways should have a crown.

Only the Waterloo Chronicle could have an editoiral on lefthanded shotguns. l

0 The union is also going to give PP&P an award. PP&P called the Chevron office at 459 on Wednesday to say they would come over to look at our sponge they call a roof. Everybody knows PP&P knocks off at 5.

A member

of Canadain



The Chevron is published Fridays by the board of publilations of the Federation of the Federation of Students, Dniversi ty of Waterloo. Opinions are independent of the Uni versi ty, Student Council and the board of publications.

Dear God: What is going on up there? Is it fall cleaning or what? Is it necessary for five days’ rain without end? Do you not think of the poor University of Waterloo? (Waterleek) Do you not think of the pre-fab lea k-of: the-mon th buildings ? Especially the Chevron office? We only got 27 wastebaskets, pails slarkroom trays and empty bottles (assorted). Or is this a hint to start building the boat? (Only 35 more days.) (Elephants coming.) -M’D’N’T’S’L ‘K’R

editor-in-chief: Jim Nagel news editor: Brian Clark in tercampus: Frank Goldspink assigning: Patricia McKee acting features editor: Bob Verdun

photo editor: Glenn Berry sports editor: Peter Webster acting entertainment editor: Dale Martin advertising manager: Ross Helling

chairman: Offices in the Federation building, U of W. Publications 6111 local, 2497 (news), 2812 (advertising, 2471 (editor), Night 7825959. NIAGARA FALLS: 0295-759. TORONTO: Donna McKie, 439-0331. OTTAWA: John Beamihs, LONDON: David Bean, H. D. Goldbrick, THON (!): John H e 11iwell, 229-0456. BRIDGEPORT: copies.




John Shiry. 744744-0111. Telex Ron Craig, 356828-3565. MARA744-6.130. 8,200

20, 7967 (8: 7 7) ‘2 79



4 arrested with pot ' was found both inside and outside the apartment, police said. Bail was set at $1,000 for Roy, a native of Copper Cliff, and the case was adjourned until Tuesday. Roy is in second-year honors English and philosophy. Bail of a $1,000 was also set for Johnson, philosophy 3. His case was also adjourned to the same

LONDON (Special CUP)-Four University of Western Ontario students were arrested this week and charged with possession of mari-


Three of the students, two sporting hippie haircuts and beards, were charged Monday following a midnight raid by RCMP officers on a Maitland Street apartment in London. The charges against Angus Johnson, 20, John Robinson, 19, and John Roy, 20, were laid after half a pound of marijuana valued at about $200 was seized. The fourth student, Mark Kirk0 18, of Sydenham Hall, aUW0 men’s residence, was arrested Tuesday. He was charged with possession and held without bail untilTuesday. An RCMP spokesman saidit was generally possible to make about 100 marijuana cigarettes from an ounce of the drug. The narcotic

date. Robinson, a grade-13 honors student, who is in a first-year so= cial sciences course at the UWO, was remanded without bail until Friday. Assistant crown attorney John McGarry told the court heopposed bail for Robinson because the investigation was incomplete.

CUS: 7 out, 7 in WOLFVILLE, N.S. (CUP)-Acadia University has dropped out of the Canadian Union of Students. 5.4 percent of the students turned out Monday, voting threeto-one to pull out. A student-council three weeks earlier withdrawal.

resolution called for

CUS president-elect Peter Warrj.a.n of Waterloo travelled to Aca-

dia for the vote. He blamed lack of familiarity with CUS for the students’ decision. Warrian said the council had made up its mind on CUS and was just looking for ratification. Acadia is the first CUS member to withdraw since the LondonCongress last month Last Friday, &versity of Windsor students voted 576-552 in favor of the union.

The design department will present a series of undergournd or experimen ta1 films for Tenth Anniversary Week. For the lecherous, there’s some no t-so-subtle eroticism, with titles such as Eclipse of the sun virgin and Sins of’ the fleshapbids.

fA;s week on campus Today The arrival of the CHEVRON, a weekly event designed to cause all 11 o’clock classes to be dis’ turbed by paper-rustling. UKRAINIAN CLUB meeting in food-services at 7 pm,

Tomorrow International day of protest a-. gainst the war in VIETNAM. Local demonstration begins at Waterloo cenotaph, 11 a.m. Kitchener city hall, noon. Queen% Park in Toronto, 4: 30. DANCE featuring Major Hoople’s Boarding House and the Nowe Sound at 8:30 in Village red and green dining halls. Guys $1, girls 50 cents. featuring the ComDANCE mancheros and Bobby B rittan Group sponsored by Homecoming 67 at 8:30 in food-services.

Sunday COMMUNION followed by-free dinner and discussion at All Saint’s Anglican Church, Hickory and Hazel St., 5 pm.



Special Tenth Anniversary memberships for U of Wflying club on sale Monday thru Thursday. Special membership entitles mem= bers to a flight over campus on Tenth Anniversary weekend. meeting at 349, CIRCLE K New members welcome.

Tuesday Duplicate BRIDGE in SS lounge, ~- ‘C pm. First meeting and election of AFFAIRS officers for ARYAN Meet H.D. GoldCOMMISSION. brick at 7:30 in CB 109. Open lecture by Dr. Emil Fackenheim on”MYSTIC%-Humanism & Judaism”, concluding a day-long consultation on religion in AL116. 8. pm on campus, Sponsored by the church colleges. Organizational meeting of var. sity SAILING at 8 in Village red hall.

Wednesday Math HOCKEY practice in Waterloo arena at 4 for players with last names A-M. Amateur RADIO CLUB meeting at 5:lO in E2357. FASS production meeting at 7 in AT246. People needed to help with props, costumes, publicity, lighting and sound.

Thursday Lecture by Dr. F.K. Hare, president of UBC, on role of the social sciences in society. 8 pm,AL116. Official opening of Isaiah Bowman building of the social sciences.







Begin Monday,


16 At


Sign for Appointment

350 KING

Arts Coffeeshop .-

ST. We

Bulletin Board



Friday HOMECOMING weekend begins. CONVOCATION, followed by dedication and naming of arts library. 2:30 arts theater.

- Photos after Christmas





ALSO available




are facilities for dancing committee meetings.






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