
Page 1

. 4% Volume

8, number













3, 1967

to .shreds

Secrecy- rejected by



by Bill Webb Chevron staff

Student council is getting tough about the adminisfration andfaculty bawlking at changes in university government. Monday night at a regular meeting councillors re jetted secrecy of the study committee on university government. Then they raked the faculty ass01 ciation% brief to the committee over the coals. Federation president Steve Ireland was mandated by council to draft a letter to be sent to Cm rnau Batke vice-president, univeti sity development, advising him of council% intention to bring a tape recorder to the next meeting in order to make public the proceedings of the committee; and secondly, conveying to the committee, through Dr. Batke, council’s dissatisfaction with the attitudes and interest shown by com-

mittee members in their task. In addition copies of the faculty brief association to the committee will be distributed to junior faculty members along with a short council critique. A special council meeting Monday night will discuss the result’s of the student committee memb ers’ actions at the meeting Monday afternoon. _ The study committee was formed a year ago to consider briefs __-__--_---_---_--------Page 3 Full text of letter Full text of brief Page 10 Page 79 Editorial _____-_--__-------------and pass on recommendations to the senate on the future goals and structures of the university6 The Federation is represented by Ireland, Stephen Flott, grad history, and Brian Iler, civil 3B,presented

an original brief in May. The one presented by the faculty association Monday is the only other 0~ iginal brief to appear before the committee.



Council debated the secrecy of committee meetings and the faculty brief for five hours. They also expressed disappointment with the other members of the committee. Stewart Saxe, arts rep, attacked the brief and the committee on three counts. He was displeased with the committee’s decision to hold allfuture meetings behind closed doors. Finally, he said the faculty association brief was an unacceptable piece of work comparable to Russian toilet paper. Steve Flott, grad history, called the brief unprincipled and said ((its recom\mendations don’t flow

Steward Suxc (lejt) mukcs a point during council’s marathon debate on the faculty brief and the stud-v committee jbr university government. The meeting was moved to the Federation ojji’cc because council was jbrced to leave St. Paul’s re,f&tory at 1 am.

from any philosophy.” He added that the logic was faulty. Brian Iler, engineering rep, agreed with Flott and added that he was “flabbergasted at the quality of the paper” considering the importance of the subject. William Scott, provost for student affairs, agreed with the students and warned them of thetremendous apathy among the committee members toward what they were dealing with. He saidthe Federation brief was “much more carefully drafted? and was tra more logical document? He also wondered at the committee% lack of interest. Council contrasted the 17 briefs prepared by various faculty groups for the Macpherson report at the University of Toronto with the one brief presented here. In light of this, Ireland criticized university vice-president Ted Batke, chairman of the committee, who said the committee now had all the working papers necessary to make a report to the senate. Council~s opinion was that the committee was a sham, and that decisions on recommendations had already been made without student consultation. Ireland also criticized the fatulty and administration for failing to make proper contributions to conferences at other universities. He expressed his concern over the image this university has elsewhere and said, ;&we’re really coming across wishy-washy, because they’re just not saying anything.* Ron Rumm, science rep, suggested a one-day boycott of classes, with an open teach-in on university government to educate students on the importance of the issues at stake. Flott suggested that co un c i 1

stays closed A major move by students for a more democratic university was rebuffed Monday by the university study committee on university government. The three students on the committee asked that all further meetings be opened to the public. The committee voted eight to three with two abstentions to keep the committee closed, The committee met openly at 3 Monday to receive the faculty association brief on university government. At the end of the meeting, two of student representatives, Steve Ireland and Steve Flott moved that all future meetings be opened to the public and the press because there were no lecturers, junior faculty or assistant professors on the committee. Great difficulty was encountered by the students in putting the motion on the floor, since Ted Batke, chairman of the committee, began speaking against the motion before Ireland’s motion was sect onded.

Dean McBryde of science opposed the motion on the grounds that open discussion would inhibit the committee, and George Atkinson of the faculty association stab ed that the members would be prevented from giving true examples of wrongdoing or inefficiency in university government. The question was hurridly put, and only the three students, Steve Ireland, president of the fedem tion of students, Steve Flott, grad history, and Brian Iler, Civil 3B, voted for the openess motion. Eight committee members voted against the motion and three abstained= chairman Batke; provost William Scott who forgot to vote for the students motion; and Lawrence Haworth of the philosophy department who felt that he was not able to vote since he had only recent+ ly been elected to the committee. The committee normally has a membership of 26. Among the 12 members absent were president J. G. Hagey and registrar C.T.

Boyes who were both i& vice presidents Petch and Adlington, Deans Cross (graduate), Minas (arts), Sherbourne (engineering) and Sprott (mathematics) and two members from the board ofgovernors. The open meeting was the second that the committee has held. Faculty, students and staff were welcome. Vice-president for university planning, T. L. Batke commented that with this, the second major brief to be received,” We’ve got all the briefs we need.” Questions on the faculty brief were fielded by its parent, At&nson. Wyn Rees, principal of Renison College, blasted the brief for “fragmentation by narrow-minded departments. Who will discipline the departments.” Ireland also criticized the a-. mount of power put in the hands of the department as did Dean McBryde, -

Dr*. ed that igated demic reports

Hynes of chemistry suggestthis situation could be mitby requiring that all acat departments submit annual to the university.

After 45 minutes of discussion it was decided that sufficientquestioning had taken place. The committee decided that they would meet weekly on Mondays. .An agenda covering topics for future meetings as drawn up by the steering committee was approved. The members will consider membership in the university community, the nature of governing bodies, their composition, related bodies, the substructure, openness in university bodies, and university appointments. It was at this point that the stw dents introduced their motion to open uP the meeting. President Steve Ireland later expressed SU* Prise at Dr. Batke’s agitation at the motion. Notice of motion had been given to the chairman some days previous to the meeting.

publish and distribute its own“open public statement of our deep disenchantment with the committee”. He said it might even be %ecessary to name names” of those committee members council felt were incompetent or disinterested~ even if it meant putting Flott’ s MA degree on the line. ’ He said that since committee members had not yet been sworn to secrecy he felt completely free to report to the public on the meetings. Peter Warrian and Tom Patterson, executive board members, presented a motion calling for council representatives to refuse to participate in closed committee meetings. They also wished to express council’ s frustration with the committee’s work. Former council president, Mike Sheppard, in supporting the motion, reminded council of its obligation to follow last winter’s standing resolution that council not take part in closed meetings. Sheppard agreed with the ideaof a teach-in, but warned of the difficulty in getting students interested enough to make the boycott successful. “It must work tremendously or we’ll have the biggest bloody flop in history,” Ireland warned that even the faculty agreed that “this is an antiintellectual campus,” and that dZthere are not really that many$’


is cautious

Provost Scott, when asked his views, said it was not his position to ((put out the fire in the woods,” but that he wondered if itwouldnot be possible to attain the council% goals right within the committee by sticking with it. Saxe retorted with %ure Pllbet on Chicken Little every time tool “He warned council that “Big Brother isn’t very far away. 1984 is almost here, in fact it willprobably be here in 1974.” Saxe advised against ill-prepared precipitant action, and suggested council aim for a confrontation with&e %orporate elite” in the university next February. Scott rose to inquire into the IX++ ture of the encounter and of its pupose. “What are you going to do?What are you hoping to -accomplish? Scott’s question could not be answered immediately because the councillors were forced to leave the high emotion in the St. Paul’s refectory at 1 am. The walk down the hill to the Federation building seemed to cool down the councfflors. The discussion there, as the meeting reconvened, was kept at a lower pitch. Saxe said the goal of the l‘quiet revolution would be the creationof a completely free society. C reative arts board chairman Dave Blaney cautioned council to make a step in the right direction. “Don’t aim too high or students willbe left behind and alienated,” he said.

gain by strike

ents MONTEAL (CUP)--An ordinary bookstore sit-inat Sir George Williams University turned into a and major strike by students faculty. On Wednesday the students staged a simple sit-in at thebookstore to protest. the high cost of texts and the subsequent allocation of $90,000 profit to the athletic department. The students wanted: -A joint committee of students s faculty and admini&ration to be responsible for the bookstore’s operation. -A discount of ten percent for trade books and five percent for texts. -Bookstore profits turned over to the student union for use in cocurricular programs. -Bookstore accounts made public. -Time-Life inserts removed from all texts. These demands were presented to the administration and William the university treasurer, Reay, said. “Who’s running this university anyway?” Negotiations at this point turned off and students organized a sleep-in of hundred and twenty-five students. Student council held a special 3 a.m. Thursday morning and endorsed an all-day strike-teach-in. Later in the morning the faculty association met and backed up the students demand. Approximately 1,000 of the uni-


The U of W Broadcasting Association is now back on the air. Whiplash is the new show now on CHYM-FM with a completely d& ferent format from the old Campus Sound. Campus Sound went off the air at the end of the summer because CKKW felt the programming was of inferior quality. This was mainly due to summer and betweenterm slump which the station had been told to expect. At the announced fdll organ&+ tion meeting, the new recruits were told there was no show. ‘f’he new president of the association, Dave Clemis, science 1, was one of the new recruits. The old executive decided that new blood should try to revive the club and the proIs--. Clemis has high school radio experience and has worked at CJBQ

bookStore Sit-in at Sir George Williams what started the whole strike there last week.



CUP - McGill Daily photo

VersitY’s 5,000 students took part in the strike, many because profs had cancelled classes in SYmPathY with the strike. The commerce faculty students remained outside the mainstream of student opinion. Some opinions taken from commerce students were, “I’m going out for a job this summer. How do you think thi‘s strike will go over with an employer ?” And “One thing You arts students got to learn is that it’s the cornrnerce facultv that makes SGW famous across * Canada.” The sleep-in crowd had different views .

give bookstore profits to athletics? We need moreroomfor students, over 4,000 freshmen were turned away this year,” the all day boycott During strikers sprawled in the main lobby of the administration building and listened to folksingers and rallying speeches from student Placards with slogans leaders. like f&dent Power” and “We Want to Be Heard” were evident throughout the university campus. The strike-sit-in ended as scheduled on Thursday night but after the administration had given in to most of the students demands. “Why















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U of payment


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the Send

wag for new muguzine gratefully be accepted from nag university people, including liontamers and their kind. Send yourpoems, stories, songs, humor, drawings andphotos to‘Liontayles’, care of the board of publications, by neti Friday for the first issue. if you’ve got materi,al you want included, but you need a few more days, contact the editor, Mary Lou Eaglesham, at 576-2569 or through the pubs office. Other editors are John Bourrie, grad biology; Ed Wagner, English 3; business manager IanAllan, economics 2; forma& editor John Parlane, architecture.

Chevron address

by changes






terms. The


Non-students: University

$4 of



The Math football tea.m won the faculty league title with a win of 26-2 over the engineers. The 1;G crosse team finished the season with a 4-O record. They trounced the engineers 18-l to take thefaoulty league title.

to CCGOMath”

Physics and Chemistry. She was crowned the Science queen at the Beer Garden sponsored by the Science Society last Thursday night. Also our compliments to the first runner up Ela Agnu, 1st co-op chemistry and 2ndrunnerup Janice Bartels, 4th Honours BiolWY. -The society will hold an open meeting this coming Wednesday at 7:3O in the Chem-Biology link. This is the time and place to see your society in action.

Authorized Waterloo,


Admission is $1 for guys and 5OC for girls. Math society members with cards are admitted for half The dance starts at 8:30 price. in the Food Services Building. Membership cards can be picked up in the society office during regular office hours.

is answer


“Science is” is science. Tha& is “Science is” is the motto for the science society on campus. Decided upon after a riotous de bate, it has two functions. Firstand foremost is to be the cheer, leading the society at the various u.nia versity funitions. Secondly, it is considered by its originators, as one up on, twice as original as, and three times as rigorous as Math sociew s &&Go Math”. -The society offers its congrate ulations to Alice Kidd, 2ndHonours


Top-Valu drinks..

staying in the lounge temporarily because they had been unable to find an apartment. Magistrate Fair dismissed the charges on the grounds that the two had tacit approval from the floor members. No one hadobjected enough to their presence to call the police. The Kampus Kops were called in after the cleaning lady had registered a complaint,

There will be a general meeting of the math society on Monday. Amendments to the constitution will be dealt with breifly at this meeting. Suggestions for amendments should be left at the society office in MC 1076 on Monday to Thursday from 12~30 to 400. Ideas are needed for the society winter events. Students with genius-type ideas are welcome. The first society dance will be held next Friday, November 10th. The dance will feature the &‘Fa.mily Dog” and the Nowe Sound.


St. W., Toronto.


Math teams take league

- TV

Open Daily 8 to Midnight Sunday 10 till Midnight


If U of W’s lion is ever going to wag its style, let it be now. Liontayles, a new magazine of things creative, expressed in ballpoint, I’ndia ink or through the camera lens will appear in Deceme ber and April of each year, beginning next month with its first issue. What do you want to read? What do you want to look at? The tales the lion tells depend on you. The magazine will be published by the board of publicationspartof the Federation of Students, Not only students but faculty and * ministration are encouraged to cant ribut e. In fact, work will




Folksinger Joe Hall hadthe case of vagrancy against him dismissed. Hall was charged with vagrancy September 26 after staying in the West three second floor lounge in the student village for two days. Peter Soroka arts 2 wholivedon the floor last year was also evicted. He was fined@%.50 by the Pro= vost. Hall and Soroka said they were



in Belleville. The club now has about 25 members. They decided to go on CHYM because the soonest-they could get back on CKKW was January. They will be onCHUM-FM, every Saturday at 9:00 pm with plans to change to CHUM-AM later. At present the show will be an hour, lengthening to three as programming is developed, They hope to present a broad program for the community as well as students, including interviews, commentary, newS and music* Meanwhile, the old executive under Gerry Moellenkamp is proceedirg with plans to set up anFM station on campus. This is a major Project requiring a lot of student wwort . Its purposes are entertainment, information and practicdl training*

- I


ok Whiplash

Sound returns

as Ontario.



Judicial committee: no math votes in science The judicial committee met on October 25 to make a decision on the mathematics students right to vote in the upcoming science byelection. Following is the decision of the justices based on the Federation of Students constitution,

An artist 3 impression ‘of sidences and four married


WCRl’s student

Philip Street expansion. apartment buildings.

to expand

by Ian Leacy Chevron staff

“The Co-op is doing what the province should be doing--providing student housing now,” said Prof. William Scott, provost for student affairs, after the announcement of Waterloo Co-ops second building project on Phillip Street. This project was first approved by the general membership of the Co-op in January 1967. At that time a syndicate was formed consisting of the Toronto Co-op, Waterloo Cooperative Residences Inc., the University of Waterloo, architects and consultants, to develop and build the project.

The project will be built on Phillip St. between University Ave. The project will and Columbia. consist of four four-storey residences for single students and four three-storey apartments for married students. It will supply spaces for 272 students and 64 apartment units. With this addition Co-op there will have 600 spaces for 600 students making the Co-op the second largest university resience in Waterloo.




is still going strong in Toronto. Last Thursday night a lghyearold

U of W studetit

with illegal




of mari-

juana after Metro Toronto police stopped a speeding car on Dixon Ave. David Gunnar Lauren, 19, of



in Toronto








The Co-op has now survived four years of operation and many of the problems which first came with the Hamrnarskjold expansion. The lessons learned. have been applied to the design of Phillip St. The size of the houses has been decreased forti 35 to 16 students with more of the general activities concentrated on themain floor of each building. Music rooms s study rooms, exercise

land year

value $165,000, five and ten debentures bearing 6% and 7% respectively $80,000, and local investment $8,600 for a total cost of $2,200,700.

Tenders have been let for the project with completion date set for Aug. 1, which means the buildings should be open for the beginning of the next school year. I,

by the chief


election The

Stephen F lott : The justices agreed that the absolute number of seats awarded to each faculty, federated and affiliated college shall be regulated by the percentage registration in each of these constituencies as determined “in the fall of each session”. Thk judicial committee considers this last phrase to refer to the fall academic term preceding the annual general elections of student council. The distribution of seats will hold for the twelvemonth council periodfromthefirst of March to the end of February. That is, the distribution of seats in January 1967 will not be changed by fluctuations in September 1967 r egist ration. It is set by the September 1966 registrations . The justices decided that the seats awarded to any given constituency are effective and unchangeable for each full council

is called. justices




only those students registered in the faculty of science at the time the by-election was called (Oct. 6, 1967) are eligible to vote in that by-election.

Vote on council fate QUEBEC (CUP-APENP)--The student council at Laval University has asked students what form of government they want. They called for a referendum which will offer three choices: -A syndicalist student union working for its members and for society with compulsory fees -A social club or association concerned only with the material welfare of its members -Pure and simple abolition of the student association The student council called the referendum, to be held inDecember, in an attempt to clearly define

its goals.

rooms and lounge areas have been provided for this purpose. One suggestion that has had wide consideration at the Co-op is thepossibility of educational programs at Phillip St. The same as Rochdale

College has in Toronto. The details for financing the project were finalized when an Order





by the Federal cabinet on Tuesday Oct. 31 allowing a Central Mortcorporation &FYF and housing mortgage for $1,950,500 repayable at 6 S/870 over 50 years. This mortgage will cover of the project cost with the remainder being provided for as follows;


Mcwajuana charge ends Expo The police

It included

as given

session and are not awarded to a specific list of individual students. Consequently, eligibility to vote in any election is to be determined by each student’s de facto status at the time an


two other youths were driving to Montreal to visit Expo when stopped by police. Lauren was also charged with session of liquor. He appeared in tour Monday and was bail until Nov 14. Lauren, now living is in hon math 2.


This is the text of a letter sent to all the members of the University of Waterloo study committee oq university governmen t by the student representatives on the committee. By means of this open letter we, t.le student representatives to the University of Waterloo committee on the study of university government, wish to publicly voice our great disappointment with the attitude of the other members of the committee, the manner in which aiscussion takes place, and in particular, the type of tliscussion which occurred at last meeting of the committee held on October 30. The Student’s Council of the Federation of Stugents accepted membership on this committee as of September 20, its 1966, .2,nd in dGing so expected appointees to participate inafrank,honest ltiscussion of the university governins structure and to join in recommending chan;;es in tiat structure. The committee has not operated in a frank and honest manner . And we feel that the display



magistrate’s remanded on in the village,

The Waterloo fire departtient was kept busy Monday night dousing called to the scene just after midnight when the above car caught of Montreal on University Avenue. Earlier in the night they put of Waterloo Towers.




vorces disappointment

of this attitude at the last meeting of the committee demands that we state our extreme disappointment. We would first call to your attention the attendance. Of the 26-man committee, 14 were present. The absentees included wo of the three board of governors members, four of the five deans, and two vice-presidents. The absence of the latter two groups is particularly worthy of note. These members of thecornmittee



fire across from the Bank out a burning car in front




in ,t?e

university and we suspect their absence indicates a disdain for the official task of the committee because the more relevant decisions are being made elsewhere, as illustrated by the current reorganization in the higher levels of the administration which have been undertaken without regard for the existence of this committee. We feel that the attitude of the chairman was not contiucive to discussion as he over-directed the discussion, subtly attempted todiscouragequestions from the student representatives and, although previously infrrmed of the motion on openness

of committee meetings, could not disassociate himself from the discussion and could not conceal his anger. We are most disappointed that the motion to continue holding open meetings was defeated, especially since the committee members refuse toaddress themP selves to the arguments presented, While recognizing that we are at fault in that we did not adequately pursue some points raised by other committee members, we feared that we would appear obnoxious and thus prejudice our ability to communicate our ideas to them. Nevertheless, we wish to state that it was our feeling that the members’ minds were not open to any discussion of the topic. May we repeat for the benefit of those committee members not present that it is our belief that the deliberations of the committee are of such importance to all members of the university that ati must be able to witness the thinking, the debate and the decision-making about the recommendations that will go on. We feel it is only through open meetings that the views of the constituents of the


representatives to the committee We are also concerned that all but the senior faculty have been ignored in the faculty re!presentation on the commit tee. We therefore inform the committee that after careful consideration by the Students’ Council Monday night, we shall continue to serve as student representatives to the committee but we must state that we cannot bold the content of the deliberations in secret, and to assure that all reports to our constituents will be accurate, we intend to record tile discussions on tape. We hope that after carefulconsideration some of the members of the committee will request reconsideration of the motion on open meetings, and the the committee will decide to function in a truly open, honest and democratic manner. We hope too that it will become the real forum for discussion of all changes in the university’s governing structure. STEPHEN P. FLOTT BRIAN E, ILER STEPHEN W. IRELAND

can be obtained.



3, 1967 (8: 19) 227


by HahId

D. Goldbrick

He also called us jethe establishment’s joke book$‘. What establishment? If he means the university administration, he just hasn’t been reading thepaEverybody from Penner per. right on down to the lowly Bridgeport bureau-chief takes his cracks at the %oys” when they are deserving (like always>* If Pratt means the establishment to be the Federation of Students leaders, he just doesn’t know. If they want to say something in the paper, they can buy an ad or write aletter to the editor just like you. The Chevron is editorially independent of the student council and columnists often express opinions independent even of the editor. +

the mighty mouth

BRIDGEPORT (Staff)-1 guess its time for the super squawker to set a few things straight, In the last two issues, the Chevron has printed two Goldbrick FAN letters in ‘Feed back’. (Before I continue, may I remind them that tcfan*’ is derived from %u+ atic” .) The most recent, from Jim Robinson in physics 3, is a glaring example of the stupidity I thought only math and arts students were capable of. For the 69th time already, I am not Frank Goldspink, and I am a plumber. I ain’t about to replace the Penner philosophy and Iresent any comparison to “NDPleft&#’ C.D. Martin. Now about the other letter from misdirected, misinform= ed, and misappropriate Mike Pratt who wrote two weeks ago. This arts frosh saidtheChevron printed &<a number of highly unjust comments and unforended criticisms of Stewart Saxe. The most naked examples have been in the Goldbrick co1un-m.~~ First of al& that %n&e@$ amounts to slander because my column is always clean. Second, I don? know what unforended means. Third, the criticisms of Stooey were not unjust. I was merely pointing out a few of near-laughable aspects of a student politico who’s been called the official leader of the opposition. And myfellowcanadians, I hope he never retires. Mr. Pratt made other backstabbing unforended criticisms in his letter including that he expetted the Chevron to do more than 1Ljust print lockexoom back-stabbing”.

to changes: Hymmen wouldn’t widen (jobless pay)“-the parentheses are mine. Hymmen (two Ms) is the federal MP, and the Rehash should be a little less playful. Oh yes, I hope Mike Pratt writes a letter protesting the guest column by the Rehash’s city editor Sandy Baird in last week% Chevron. Someone must protest the unjust comments and unforended criticisms of Stewart Saxe in the ( Looking around’ column. l

That shameful tiddlywinks fiasco this weekend was shameful, that’s what it was. All those hippies and Yankees andus losing. Waterloo was wiped off the map. The only interesting thought I had on the whole thing was a peculiar comparison of the competition to the Olympic Games. I couldn’t help thinking defection (draft-dodging) like a bunch of Eastern Europeans at the Olympics.

Now back to usual weak attempts at finding humor in the everyday lives of the students of UniWat. A favorite scapegoat of mine has been spared for many weeks now. Pm referring to that Victorian family journa& the Kitchen-Water Rehash. They have been oft criticized for news page editorializing, fence-sitting editorials, and being prudish to the point of painting out female navels inphotos. Close examination of the paper in recent weeks has revealed a filthy-communist = fascist - degenerate infiltrating the headline-writing department. Rehash-watchers have spotted the following examples: “Lords take it lylng down” n story about the British House of Lords “69 complete safety &&*-no explanation necesa4 -And i!. e best one yet: 4dCool

@ MUCKIZlaKING DEPT: The expose of the season centerson our TenAnnivWeek celebration. On perusing the display in the social-sciences building, I was noting a special section about its new name, the Isaiah Bowman building. It was all done very quietly, so I smelled a rat. It seems that although Bowman was a native of this anti-warmongering Mennonite county, Isaiah started the Second World War. That’s right. He wasthe geographer that drew the boundaries of the 1919 peace treaty, the one that started the 1939 war.

Student autonomy here amazes U.S. The Canadians suppliedthe bestlooking girls to the conference of the Association of College Unions International, according to Ron Loomis, regional director of the association. The theme of the conference, held at Brockport, NY, was %igging the union for smooth sailing? The union, at American colleges, is a building which attempts to provide cultural social and recreational program in order to “.make free-time activity a cooperative effort with study in education? U of w’s campus center, now under construction, will be comparable. Approximately 250 students and faculty delegates from Ontario, Quebec and New York state exchanged ideas on such programs at this year’s conference. Paul Gerster, assistant to the provost and director of the campus center at U of W, was introduced to the conference as a regional coordinator between American and Canadian student unions. Delegates to the conference asked Gerster many questions aboutU of W’s residence Village. Villagers have privileges which theAmericans are still trying to introduce into their residences. American students also remarked about the amount of responsibility taken by Canadian students on campus. They said organization in the American system is done by administrative staffs. Students have little authority or responsibility on many campuses. Other speakers included Dr. Vincent Nowlis, a psychology professor at the University of Rochester who collaborated with Dr.


Alfred Kinsey in writing ‘Sexual behavior in the human male’, and C. Shaw Smith of Davidson College, ‘who won much audience response with his remarks on “The generation mp...” Smith was the originator of the College Coffeehouse circuit, aplan whereby colleges pool money so that a central booking agency can book talent to make the entire cir cuit, at lower prices to the individual colleges. Delegates to the conference enjoyed their own eecultural* social and recreational program” at the Saturday night beer blast where students danced on tables to the music of Your Father’s Moustache, an American group which covered the spectrum of popular music. At the close of the conference, Loomis praised the Canadian delegation from U of W, Waterlootheran and Loyola for their” contribution of oroginal ideas and demonstration of how Canadian students execute their own programs for student activities.” New members University






pointed four committee on university affairs. The four lucky individuals are

Prof, M. E. Arthur of Lakehead, DR. Maurice Lavigne ‘of Fdlconbridge Nickel Mines, Prof. Roger Rossiter of the University of Western Ontario, and Prof. David Slater of Queen’s This committee serves as an advisor to Davis. . ‘SHELL









GraduatePlacement Office 6th FLOOR ARTS LIBRARY






Tom Cayley

will be at the

’ PLUM TREE,TOO St, Waterloo,

Pastel portraits,

2, 1968:




For That Ideal Christmas Gift!









1% Albert



magnate, apnew members to his




TORONTO--Bill ario’s education

100 King Ontario







by the Canadian

tomorrow $25.00


and Sunday.

for onI;

Save the Children

$75. Fund

Students in Co-op Courses Summer


in St. Paul’s

’ SPRING TERM, 1968 Any student in residence to St. Paul’s, program, on

now on campus who is considering living in the spring term 1968 is welcome to come to see the College and discuss the College SATURDAY, November 11.

New applications for spring-term residence are now being received. There are still places for approximately 15 students. Application forms for both winter and spring terms are available through the College office


get optimurii


by Garth

“Peek-a-boo. Garth Mann,

I see you.” Three third-year test some of their equipment .


optometries, Barry Weaver, John Peroff and at the newly renovated Westminster Tower.

at old post

~~&tier building changes name! The old post office at King and DuPont in Waterloo has been renamed Westmjnster Tower. It is now the home of the U of W’S home of optemetry clinic. Completely renovated, it consits of nine fully equipped refracting rooms and one fitting room on the main floor. On the second floor,

there are rooms for lecturers, contact lens work, visual training and pathology. The third floor has a large refracting room with ten units available for the practice of first and second year students. On the bottom floor of Westminister Tower there is a mechanical optics laboratory where


students produce scriptions.

the patients’


Mann mountings according to the prescriptions. A new school Bleary eyed? Although optometry is a r elaof Optometry under the faculty tively young profession, its anteof science has joined the Unicedents can be traced as far back versity of Waterloo this year. as 660 BC. However, what has Perhaps Yost have noticed about been associated with the modern 85 students from the College of optometrist in Canada never really Optometry in Toronto wandering began inontario until 1919. Further around campus looking for classes development resulted in the estab(or more probably the nearest lishment of the College of OptoPub). The questions what is an optomemetry in 1925. This was an autonomous educational institutrist and what are the differences tion operated under the Optomebetween him and his associates in try in 1925. This was an autonoeye care have been asked of many an optometry student since his mous educational institution arrival at Waterloo. operated under the Optometry Act Optometry is the profession until the end of June 1967. which renders visual care to the A new era began for optometry public, dealing with the detection with the integration of the college and correction ,of errors of rewith the University of Waterloo fraction resulting in the pre- , under the faculty of science. There scribing of glasses or contact is also a school of optometry lenses. Also of concern to the in the United States, five of which optometrist are eye deviations and are in universities. imbalances, and the recognition Optometry at Waterloo is afiveof general eye diseases. year program leading to thedegree The most common miscondoctor of optometry. First-year ception confronted by the optomeis a general course preparatory trist is the general public’s conto the four years of the profesfusion between himself, the opthalsional optometrical program. Stumologist and the- optician. dents may transfer to the general The opth&nologis t or oculist science program and graduate with is a medical doctor who has taken a BSc degree if they wish. Also, postgraduate work in eye surgery any student who has completed first and diseases. The optometrist reyear general science at Waterloo fers any pathological cases tohim. or any recognized Canadian uniThe work of the optician is versity may apply for the first limited to the technical details of professional year. Upon completion of the training filling the prescriptions given to in optomerry , graduates will be elithe patient by the optometrist or gible to apply for registration as opthalmologist . He maKes the in the province, lenses and f&s the frames or optometrists -

examinations are All eye primarily done by fourth-year students and third year students in their second term. There are approximately 15 clinicians (grad under the uate optometrists) directorship of Dr. E. Woodruff,


- Federation Applications



of Students for






GRAD BALL 68, by Nov. 10






ORIENTATION 68, by Nov. 24


0 Chairman, a

Chairman, Written


68, by Nov. 24

The place is here, with haberdashery of the heartiest. From hat to dickey to muffling muffler, the warmest warmers are our specialty. Place yourself in good order for the cold days ahead, with a visit.

WINTERLAND 69, by Dec. 8 applications

on or before


should above


be submitted to Brian





of Student



Building Friday,


3, 1967

(8: 79) 229


EYES RlGHT: comment

by Thomas

J. Edwards

In response to recent deft wing in the world, in Canada, and on university campuses, I feel it is time an accurate, truthful view is presented. To that end I shall publish a weekly dissertation on political activity affecting the university student. rk ** This past month many students have advocated representation on university bodies. Do they deserve such concessions? I think not. These students who press for such participation are really not interested in the student body. They want power for themselves. They are concerned with furthering the ideals of themselves and their own tiny

group. What does the average student care about or need from a senate or board of governors? The main concern andduty


on student.

of the student isto attend classes and study to get an education. ’ The men on university governing bodies are responsible and capable in their fields. Many have run a very successful business- for years. They know administration. The senate concerns itself with affairs of academics and granting of degrees. The board of governors, the supreme body at all universities, has duties of no , concern to the student. They determine staff, salary and the general overseeing of students. * * * Recently one of the most ludicrous sights in the history of this university took place. That absurd g’peace march)’ held in conjunction FithI Communist-led marches around the free world. What more laughable sight could one behold than a bunch of affluent, wellclothed, university sucklings walking down King Street, embarassing the great majority of students with insipid, well-worn


Communist phrases printed on posterboard placards? One Kitchener man summed up the situation excellently: ((They bring a great deal of credit and revenue to the city. But how can you respect them when they start marching against our best neighbor and trading partner?” They fail to look attheother side.The Chinese and Russians are supporting a Communist invasion. This invasion has prevented the development of South Vietnam into an emerging nation--throwing it back instead into the vortexof chaoswhich warfare causes. No one can deny that war kills innocent people. No war doesn% These are the sacrifices t&t must be made to defend freedom. Do we blame the British for the huge plane raids to Hamburg and Dresden? They killed innocent people also. Do we blame the Americans for killing Japanese women and children in B-29 raids over the Japanese islands? Of course not. This is war.


Every once and a while one sees CfJIltrived photos purporting to show A rnerican atrocities. Even if one gives the point that this is a real picture it is often forgotten that the so-called National Liberation F rant-a euphemistic title for a hard core of killers-is famed for its torture tactics and Nazi-like techniques. Bowels strung out 10 to 15 feet are not Eyes burned out aren’t a pretty sight. pretty. The sight of a’ 12-year-old girl looking like she’s past middle age isn’t pretty. Yet these are all proven Cong tactics. Where are the university students carrying ‘<Stop the Viet Cong torture” and the “Gong, get out of Bietnam$’ signs? Where are they? Where are they? Or don’t leftwing killings and atrocities matter? I suggest to these members of the academic community to sit down and attempt to see both sides. This is the sign of a true academic. 4




Are those your regular clothes or are you going to a Halloween party3 We’re all fbr casualness. . . in its place! For most places, our no-iron and permanent press clothes are the happy answer. Come see all our “SlOPPY proof” styles.

A Night of Sights and. Songs From Various Countries Theater

of the Arts


Friday and Saturday, November 10 .& 11 1967,


A good looking shirt suitable as a dress or sportshirt by Lion of Troy $8.95


/ Tickets available at Theater of the Arts and bookings office, seventh floor of the library.



8: 30p.m. Open Daily till 6 pm



Thurs. & Fri. till 9 213 King, St. W Kitchener, Ont. 744-527 1

Ochs takes off glasses plays beat up <guitar (i,_A>,+ by Mary


He did look rather attractive with the steel rim glasses. His hair was an auburn colour and just long enough for father to criticize. He combed it in an odd fashion: a quick flick of the fi&ers through the hair. Who am I referring to? Why Phil Ochs. His I ’ /I

was simple. That flick his hair and the removal

mance through


Chevron staff


for the perfoe





or u&3 gAaaiw=3.




qqxwmce. about three

lit: a.P

‘. ‘,

For the second Halloween in a row Frank Stein, bioelectronits 156~. toured the camDus. Ian Baker, math 2, was too busy to make friends with ;he Transylvania-n graduate student. “Such student apathy and faciasm, ” said Stein. mm

em 0




Neti year’s crop of grade Mrteen students will face new produres for admission to Ontario universities. Fourteen uniVerSi* ties have adopted the plan, which is designed to assure students of consideration and eliminate the “no show” probL?m. Associate Registrar Mr. B. Ingram explained the universities’ point of view. “Some students . 1.. 3 A.Frr . cneap , tm~~lc gsu 1s insurance to assure them a place in university”. Some he said, pay tuition deposits to more than one university and make a final decision later. Under the new system this will be impossible. Students will use a standard application form with which they will apply to several


as if the chaos of the evening had ,


Unrvefsrtres adopt new admission policy


Jim and Jean. When he first came to Canada he was a regular folk singer. Then he went on a white-shirt-and-tie kick. Finally he disappeared into California to remerge the Phil Ochs the people heard on Friday night. Many have refered to him as a copy of Bob Dylan. He just laughed and replied in a very low mystic voice “Hey man, dig yourself. Hey ma.n . . . . . Wow . . . .man...hey, out of sight.” He likes to consider his music “himself” and people in the entertainment field think of him as unique. He writes his own music or 2t least 9f I don’t, then someone% been bulling my leg.” Sitting in his dressing room a& ter the concert, he was as casudl

ways takes off his glasses. I guess he just doesn’t want to see the audience. Left behind when he goes on stage is an old battered guitar case. It matches Ochs’s old battered guitar which is only a month old but was bought second-hand. Phil was not always this unconcerned with his


k’ ,l

He has gone through stages since he first

+h Tim /ll-v~-b YcccILbU sJAL’6A’~ trtiWAC11 CIA111 UIuveLUJ, c)zl~-+nrl



universities at once. If a student is offered admission by more than one university, he can only accept one. The university of the stude&s choice then notifies the other universities at which the student applied. These universities then how exactly how many positions

never happened. Yes, he does disk agree with the war in Vietnam.“It is spiritual suicide for the States, I do not believe in murder and that is what it is....murderI” In return for this comment, one of his friends from Toronto c&led him, among other names, a communist . Phil countered with rcg, kay, so I am.” He gave his background verydirectly. “I was born in El Paso Texas and was raised in Phio, Vi+ ginia and New York.” heattended a military college in Virginia and a college in New York where he majored in jburnalism and %-vine: to stay alive”. He graduated with the son of Barry Goldwater and Goldwater gave him his degree. Phil as a person is different, He is very self-cectered, When he got off stage from the first set, his first question was how he SOUUt?Uo Hlrnougn ne seemed - q&e worried that the reply was “f ‘lat”, he went right back on stage to w.-,lA-

they have left to fill. Mr. Ingram feels the new system will give a better break to av.-. _ erage and poor students who now are unable to get early final admission since top students have filled the universities’ auotas. He








pointed out that there is no rea~ Phil Ochs, protest singer of mixed popularity, performed at shortage of university capacity in s eagrams gym Friday to an audience oj’ mixed enthusiasm, Ontario; it is just a question of as they had waited an hour and a half to hear him. Photo tiue inhissa.meno~ch~t whether the student gets the unitaken by Barry Takayesu at the ‘6 7 Mariposa Folk Festival. He sings mainly for timself, versity of his choice.


No end to secrecy




For MUions

TOMORROW Miles Tol- Millions March Centennial International





has been organizcd with the co-operation of the Development Pro=rammc. The Kitchener-Water-

Plan Programme. This programme provides much needed financial assistance to give food, clothing, medical care and education to less fortunate children overseas.


\c-ill be ;(oinji to k‘ Parents

Anyone wishing to march, regardless of age, is asked to make out the attached coupon, contact Student Captain in his or her school or contact the Miles for Millions office. Those marching will be asked to secure their own sDonsors and obtain any sum of money per mile from their spon’sor. Check point cards will b;! supplied to the sponsors to indicate s&d donation.


This March is being organizcd under the auspices of the K-W Overseas Aid, who will be placing all collections into a trust fund. This Association o is made up of local, charity-minded citizens of our community.


Be a’Marcher To make a success of this endeavor, securing sponsors.

we are asking for volunteers

to march

and assist in

Be a Sponsor Jf. howcvcr,

yuu wish to take part

indicate on this ballot or contacl ,-------------‘-----------------------------------~

in this worthwhile our oflice.











is over.*’ was the

reaction of the four recently elected student senators at the University of British Columbia. However the senate doesn’t quite agree. Kirs ton Emmott ) Ray Larsen, and Gabor Mate, the undergrad I eps , and Mark W aldman, the graduate spokesman, were chosen by UBC students to sit on the university’s senate. The undergrad reps defeated three so-called “responsible” candidates who had campaigned for peaceful cooperation with the senate. The winners promised

during to work towards ending the secrecy that surrounds the senate. To that end they released the agenda for the first meeting anddisclosed several points which they intend They include: to put forward. -asking the senate to approve student-faculv control of the university.

project TO







f I 1 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~ I .. ... .. .... .. .. ; j ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHONE f I I WRITE OR PHONE US ;OR FURTHER INFORMATION i I LIIIII----III----I--------------------------------’


secrecy This






opening a public



by .

-Abolishing the two year language requirement in arts. -Diverting money intended for a clock tower to more useful functions such as purchasing library books. When

the student


tives attended their first the senate decided against



the public


A motion on student committee hppointments was deferred until the next meeting. The senate wishes to place the undergraduate reps on committees ‘dealing with

athletic ceremonies and universiw art. The students seem to be resisting this, instead they wish to be on those committees involved in library policy and new program curricula. The actions representatives

of the new undergrad caused the alumni

rep, Stuart Lefeaux, to comment, angrily, “I’ve been here for a year and have never spoken before. I arn amazed at thd new tenor of the senate, that after being on the senate only ten minutes students

are receiving




such consideration.*’

research (CUP)--Marijuana

mission cation.

in Ottawa

The narcotic



Hammond s aid : “There would value whatsoever


any indi-

head,R.C. to be no

in experimental work that is either designed to condemn marijuana which is already condemned, or an attempt to cast it out on the position that has al ready ben taken internationally .

, Friday,


not to be researched, if a recent decision by the narcotic com-


3, 1967

(8: 79) 231



O&s by Rich

with illusions of a new Phil O&s soon had them shattered. The new Phil Ochs is on record only. Except for some new songs there was nothing different about Ochs since his appearances at York and Guelph universities last year. The same battered guitar. The same almost-falsetto-like voice. The s&e cynical edge to the songs. one was experiencing And yet, something. One sensed theappearante of someone gifted. Phil Ochs used to be angry. He used to hit out at everything even remotely connected with theEstablishment, with the military, or with the rigid and class-conscience society in which he lived. Today he still strikes these targets but more subtlety. One of his songs’ “The war is his totalloss over, ” demonstrates of faith in the government of the USA. Feeling that all hope of an end to the Vietnamese war is gone he wrote a song to show what his group of friends have done. They have. simply declared the war over. “One of us must be insane. Now I declare the war is Over, It’s over.” A little later in the song one sees some of his type of reasoning coming through. There apparently is no meaningful way to show one’s opposition to the war so perhaps, “Treason might beworth a try,” Two of his older tunes brought on the most response from the 700 or so people at Seagram’s Stadium* His quiet “Changes” was sung to a hushed audience which had continually requested it. “I ain’t a marchin’ anymore” the lead tune from one of his albums’

Chevron staff

Phil Ochs finally made it to ate rloo. Many people were beginning to have their doubts around 8:30 last Friday night. Even after his arrival and stage things weren’t ready appearance, to settle down. One ham campus cop had to perform his own rendition of, “Hey you, put out that cigarette.” (voice solo, no musical accompaniment.) After a rather uninspiring introduction by the emcee, Ochs went through his usual progra,m of wellmixed old and new tunes. Anyone who went ot the concert





Wifh c/l&e Brown Appearing now at the Playhouse Theater in Toronto is a most delightful play based on the comic strip ‘Peanuts ‘. The time is “an average day in the life of Charlie Brown”; the scenery is simple; the costumes are minimal; the music is charming; and the characters are terrific. Due to the limitations of stage, this production presents only Charlie Brown, Lucy’ Schroeder, Snoopy, Linus and Patty. All come our with certain flashes of humor Charlie Brown, with peerhaps Snoopy and Linus the best. However all the characters are open to very extensive development *and noue uf them were fully exploited. The play is actually a series of short sketches quite reminiscent of a cartoon strip: you’re a good man, Charlie Brown’ is bound to offer any spectator an enjoyable evenine’s entertainment. “For your Dances, Parties, etc,”


but hasn’t

late .


THENOWESOUND 311 South 3 Village

tles brought unexpected 1 from the students.



a plane


Phil Ochs performed

‘One song that is sure to be sung at any college concert is “I’m gonna say it-now.” With words and phrases intended to please the souls of even the most decicated campus radical, O&s told the students that they don’t really have to take all the nonsense from the administration and teachers that they do. Och’s final song of the night expressed the belief of many SOcalled protest singers that the United States could be truly a great nation and an example to the rest of the world, if only it could get rid of the LBJ, militaristic, materialistic aura that surrounds the country today.


576-8858 I






Nov. 2,3,

in sand, brushed leather






Fitting is our Business”




Glenn Grainger Mgr. Open Tues. to Sat.




50 NORTH by Alan Easton Ryerson $2.50 (paper)

Tales nature, grossing stories.

of the sea’ by their very, see to be more enthan other adventure

So it is with this account of one man’s role in the second world war. This autobiography follows Alan Easton through the various commands he held as part of Canada’s anti-submarine forces. The book begins with an almost

the At/antic comic account of the shortcomings of the author’s first ship, HMCS Baddeck, a ship which never could seem to do anything right. It continues with a nighttime naval encounter with German naval forces off Ushant. In between, there is an account of hardships, lost sleep, lost ships and the few occasions when the escort vessels could close with their elusive underwater enemies. This book provides a wellwritten account of a bitterly contested field of battle.



and 4 at 8: PM 75c

One man battles





MsM1”aaa~ or DtStnT’IIBAfi (genuine plantation


Seagram Friday n,ight but showed nothing new.


Arts Theater Children






TUES. NOV. 7. 12: 15 Theater of the Arts NOON DRAMA - Mediaeval Drama Free Admission WED. NOV. 8. 4: 15 Theater of the Arts LECTURE BY DR. EARLE BIRNEY “THE POETRY OF MALCOLM LOWRY” Free Admission THURS. NOV. 9 12:15 AL116 THURSDAY FILM SERIES “THE FLAMING SKY” Explains the present-day opinion on the nature of the aurora. Free Admission

FRI. & SAT. NOV. 10 & 11 8:30 Theater of the Arts INTERNATIONAL NIGHT Music, dancing. Sketches from India, China, Bulgaria, Germany and other countries. Tickets $1 from theater box-office International club members and children under 12 75c From 7th floor arts library building. SUN. NOV. 12 8:00 Theater of the Arts SUNDAY SERIES _OPERA SCHOOL QUARTET Four singers from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto in a program ranging from Verdi to Gershwin. - Free Admission - Tickets I Tickets available from the theater box-office, phone local 2126 Federation of Students Creative Arts Board


Schic&ele9s interpretations

PDQ by Henzel


Chevron staff

Slightly fantastic! That’s the only way to describe the performance given in the Theater of the Arts Thursday evening. The production, PDQ Bach was a humorous study of Bach% contributions to music. To say that these contributions were a bit unorthodox would be an extreme understatement. The evening’s format was quite simple. Professor Schieokele of Southern North Dakota at Hoople would introduce the particular piece of music, and the musicians would then attempt. to play it, added of course by Professor Schickel@ s active participation. The first musical presentation was Serenade in D Major for Devious Instruments (~3644-36). It was here that we were first introduced to the musical intensity of Professor Schickele as he performed on the Windbreaker. Aside from the normal instruments, such as slide whistles, kazoos, and a shower hose, we were entertained A tromboon is a by a tromboon, cross between a trombone and a bassoon, encompassing the disadvantages of both. We were then treated to an original composition by Professor Schieckele. This was the Unbegun Symphony, so called because “1 was born too late to write the first two movements.‘$ The only word to describe this is plagiarism Quite simply, the Professor took two known pieces of music and played them simultaneously, one on strings and the other on horns and woodwinds. The final piece before the inter-




mission was Pervertmento for Bagpipes, Bicycle and Baloons (~66). The first featured per-for+ mer was Donald Vareller on bagpipes. Of him, I can only say that his cheeks were in superb form. Also featured was Professor Schickele, in a magnificent performance on the vicycle, playing both the dynamo siren andthehandle bar as a horn. An added highlight was the use of balloons to their fullest musical potential, The second half of the evening was occupied by two presentations, the first of which wasGross Concerto for Diveno Flutes (s-2) Here again we had Professor Schickele as the featured arti& playing instruments ranging from a nose hore, through a slide whisr fle to a left-handed sewer-pipeflute. The fiqal piece was Cantata: QIphigenia in Brooklytis @53,162). A relatively late piece of Mr. Bach it included, among other things, a bit of light operetta and Professor Schickele on wine bottle. ” You may be wondering as to what exactly was going on, considering the wonderful names the bits of music had, and the fascinating instruments used. Well, the whole thing was a laugh, a beautiful bit of burlesque. involved were exThe players tremely professional. The small orchestra provided just enough seriousness to contrast the antics of Professor Schickele and his band of merry minions. As for separate performances, wherever a solo was called for, it was hammed up in the best tradition of vaudeville. The introduw tions given to the various pieces P



PDQ Bach used odd instruments to produce odd music in the Theater last Thursday. The tromboon is a cross between trombone and bassoon, combining the disadvantages of both. were both humourous and intelligent. About the only thing to criticise

was the ending. It seemed as if, having run out of things to do, the performers straggled off the stage.

Original premieres

Everything happened at the grad society-sponsored underground film happening which was appropriately buried in the underground engineering lecture building. In the amphitheatre there was psychedelic music (above) with a gogo dancer and slides projected on the screen behind the musicians. Emshwiller’s Relativity plus The sins of the fleshapoids were shown.

Aside from this one minorfault, the performance was slick, entertaining, humorous, just enjoyable.

‘Big land’ Dec. i 7

The premiere performance of The Big Land (Dec. 1, 2, 3) willbe the work of many groups and-individuals, each with specific functions. The caliber of this performance will depend on how well the people involved can work together, and fulfil1 their respective roles. To these ends, several rehearsals each week are taking place. (Drop into AL 113 almost any evening for a preview.) The orchestra introduces the oratorio vigorously and dramatically; forecasting things to come. It even makes a subtle re ference to our national anthem, indicating to those perceptive enough to catch it, the theme of The Big Land. (In case the title hasn’t already given it away.) Throughout, the orchestra provides int reductions, accompaniment, and running commentary. Its sounds are often suggestive: the second movement is born in and out on a horn solo - a call to the wilderness. The movement itself concerns the clearing of bush and the settling of this wilderness. With the words “1 bend muscle and brow for the base instruments my young”, play low octaves, minor intervals apart: can you not feel the exertion, the strain of muscles, the sweat on the brow? And then DISSONANCE: what better way to express the ‘%lash of Empires”? The chorus speaks for all the pioneers: of the excitement of the new and challenging, of the beauty of the untouched land and waters, Eriday,

(‘All pure as paradise and as full of promise”. Talking in rhythm, it tells the history of our country; it chants of our cities, mountains, rivers, and lakes; in”free verse” (or, more accurately, in “ad liti’ or (‘every man for himsell? style), it describes our ancestors and their varying backgrounds, until out of this chaotic recitation comes harmony... and the birth, ourcounThese unusual techniques try* are very successful in creating the desired effects. But it is the individual, and not man collectively, who begins to doubt, to question his actions, his country, his fellow man. The soloists, therefore, tell of the fear which accompanied the anticipation and excitement mentioned by the chorus; of the remembrances of the old land; of the disillusionment upon discovering that old age, death, pestilence and war have followed them even to this, their Eden; of the realization that “We have been bartered; the world is not new”. And in c‘Hesitation in our Late Day”, the soprano, watching the setting sun and darkening clouds, asks if there is <‘day enough for a young nation”, for war and destruction seem to be everywhere... But “Can all beauty die?‘, shepleads. apassage beautiful in lyrics and music follows. What we see through her eyes makes us forget the ugliness. of course all beauty cannot die. Of course there is time for us to grow. There has to be, we all conclude. November

3, 1967 (8: 19) 233


How ought the university to be set up? For the past year, a committee of the U of W senate has been studying this problem? The Federation oj’students presented itsideas to the committee in a brief, published in the Chevron on May 12. Here is the full text of the faculty association ‘s brieji presented to the committee on Monday. The briej’ was prepared for the association by ProjI George Atkinson of the chemistry departnler1 t. PREFACE When the University of Waterloo committee to study university government was formed, the faculty association was asked to name a representativetoit. Dr, George F. Atkinson of the chemistry department was named, and the association then invited Dr, Atkinson to form a faculty committee on university government to inform and advise it on matters before the university committee. This brief has been drawn up by that faculty committee and has been approved by the executive of the faculty association. The brief does not offer a comprehensive plan for a utopian government system, but points to a number of specific areas in which the committee senses some widespread. desire for- change. Faculty members are traditionally individualistic, and it should not be hard to produce at least one supporter and one, opponent for each point touched upon in this document. In such a presentation, genera&&on and compression are both bound to blur shades of meaning which many feel to be important. The committee notes without apology that this has undoubtedly happened in this brief.



1. The board of governors to be replaced by a university council of more diversified character so that the corporate body in the university can act on a more integrated view of both fiscal and academic consequences of its decisions. 2. The senateto be relieved of being representative of certain special groups outside the university; to contain neither students nor newly-arrivedfaculty members; to be obliged to receive representations from the student body concerning the common interests of all students. 3. The faculty councilti to be given increasedpowers of representation before higher bodies of government; and possibly to be limited in size. 4, The academic department to be given a more recognized status in the pattern of government; and to be encouraged to include students in its deliberative mechanisms, 5. Service departments to issue annual reports for scrutiny throughout the university; to be allowed sab batical-like leaves toward improvement of their operations. 6. Representation of teaching and research interests by persons without administrative responsibilities to be increased on the operations council. 7. A standing committee of the senate to be created to reappraise the total operations and effectiveness of service departments. 8, A university ombudsman to be named on atenured term basis to examine and report on complaints of abuse of power by individuals or groups within the university, whether administrative, academic or student. 9. Advisory committees of administration, faculty and students to be appointed to consult with the registrar and the provost concerning the operation of their offices. I




We propose that the present replaced by a body of somewhat

board of governors altered composition

be to

‘Faculty are called to advise outside the university. Are they n@ equipped to do so within it?’ be called the university council. This body would be drawn from several sources: 1. E x-officio: the chancellor, the vice-chancellor, the vice-presidents, the provost, the treasurer. 2. Two members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council (the Ontario government). 3. For terms of three years: nine members elected by and from the senate, nine members elected from the c~Jrr1rmnit.y (Ihe initial nine members of this group to be elected by and from the present board of governors, and


2.34 l-hc CHEVRON


I ,



4. For terms of two years: two members elected by the student body, two members elected by the faculty. We propose that this group assume the powers and duties of the board of governors. That is, this body would become the’ corporate entity “The University of Waterloo".

This is our thinking about the composition of the university Council: The members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governorin-Council represent the interest of the province in its expenditures in the university and in the national articulation of its educational system. It might not be amiss for one to be a professional educator from elsewhere in the province, and the other a businessman. The members elected by the students represent the paramount interest in securing an appropriate and worthwhile education which must exist among those spending their time and money to obtain it. We hope the presence of student representative will keep before council the idealism which characterizes undergraduates. We believe sharing fiscal responsibility for carrying those ideals into reality will temper the radicalism often pointed out as an argument for denying students representation at the level of ultimate decision. We suggest that reports of the inevitable compromises between ideals and feasibility will be most acceptable if carried back to the students by their own spokesmen. The mem;bers elected by the faculty serve a rather parallel role to the student representatives. Collectively, the faculty have done a lot of thinking about education, both in terms of “nuts and bolts” and of general philThey are the working group which must fulfil o so&y. the policies established with the resources supplied. It is often overlooked that the faculty are frequently invited to deliberate and advise on education and other policies and practices outside the university. Are they not even better equipped to do so within it? The groups representing the senate and the community are made to balance each other. On paper, the university is committed to the principle that policies are clearly either fiscal or academic, and can thus be dealt with by separate bodies. It is our contention that few decisions of any nature in the university fail to have both fiscal and academic consequences, and indeed both fiscal and academic causes. It seems more appropriate to facilitiate this mingling of concerns by placing repre sentatives conversant with each of these aspects on the council. The principal officers of the university are included because of the value of their day-to-day knowledge of administrative matters in achieving speedy and efficient conduct of the council’s business. It should be noted that alumni are not explicitly represented. The present board already contains one alumnus, and in course of time we see no problem in alumni being named to council either as representatives of the community or of the senate.

(A comment

on conflict

of interest)

It has been suggested to us thattheuniversity enters into considerable business dealing with companies represented on the present board of governors. This situation is not unique to Waterloo, or indeedtouniversities. It is not always avoidable. If an officer of the Bell Telephone

Company sits on the board, from whom shall telephone service? Nonetheless, it seems best that the council crate under the formal constraint that at a members be obliged to declare themselves in interest and abstain from both the discussion when the council is concerned with contracts companies. We feel sure that public-spirited caliber required will not hesitate to serve on it such a constraint.



we obtair shouldop minimum conflict o and vat to (their men of t%i because o


The senate is the senior body for academic discu. sion and policy rationalizing in the university. It shov!c continue to consist of groups of representatives fromthr academic administration, the faculties and schools, an the federated and affiliated colleges as at present. WC

‘We do not recommend student membership on the senate. This is not a slight to students...’ would drop from it the representatives for two segments o the community-the highschool principals and the alumni and urge that they be represented in the council instead We do not recommend student membership on tnl senate. This is not to be interpreted as a slight to stud ents, for we would equally not recommend that a facult, member who has newly joined the university be appointc to the senate. In our opinion, the substantial amounts c work and thought required for properly fulfilling the dut ies of a senator can only properly be superimposed o persons who have become generally aware of theuniver sity’ s ways and policies, and particularly informed c many of its detailed procedures and methods. Even th wise revolutionary sets himself to become fully conver sant with that which he would overthrow, We do suggest that a stated duty of the senate be “t receive and discuss with representatives of the studer body any written submission on matters considered by th Federation of Students to affect the welfare of the studer body, and to* transmit to the council or other appropriat bodies such submissions with comments and recommen dations.” It is often said the senate is too full of persons bear ing administrative responsibilities. We offer as a remed that a simple majority of senators at any time should nc_ hold administrative posts of the level of department chair man or higher.




This body was formerly a main forum of debate fo the members of the faculty. At present, the growth c the university is converting faculty councils more an more and more into mini-senates-receivers of report and auditors of speeches. The effective work is no! carried out in committees. We recommend the preserving faculty councils a forums in which the labors of committees can be scrutin ized and challenged if found wanting in substance o careless in detail. We urge that faculty councils be give the explicit power to place expressions of their views, 0

I they won9 questions to which they seek answers before the senate or other appropriate higher bodies. We raise the question whether faculty councils would be more usefulifthey were reduced in size, One approach would be to limit membership to assistant professors who have been one year with the university and all faculty of ltigher rank. This is offered by way of example, not of recommendation.

The academic


Where in the university does the individual faculty member feel he has a voice inpolicymaking? .Five years ago the answer was probably inhis faculty council. Today the forum for reconciling conflicting viewpoints on substantive issues has come to be the academicdepartment. In addition the department exists as a administrative en-

‘Departvents should incorporate student members into their structures as they see fit’ tity for budgeting, and as a body responsible for organizing the undergraduate curriculum and translating it into day-to-day instruction. It will be recognized that these are important functions. We suggest that the academic department and its role be examined carefully in a review of university government. We propose formally delegating to the department: 1. The right to place before the dean of the faculty the name of their colleague whom they desire to see as chairman. The right to arrive at that name by a method of their choice. The right to request the removal-of an incumbent chairman for due cause clearly substantiated. 2. The right to discuss and consider the areas and levels at which new faculty appointments are required. 3. The right to determine major issues regarding undergraduate curriculum and instruction for students with major or honors specialization in the department9s field. 4. The right to convey to higher levelsof government smements, questions and requests which in the department’s opinion relate to the performance of its duties, and to receive due acknowledgement and replies. 5. The right to draw up a constitutional document or written set of rules to facilitate the carrying out of its duties and implementation of its rights. @‘or example the philosophy department% constitution). This proposal assumes a department is in goodacademic health and finds it possible to arrive at decisions. The more indecisive or violently divided a department finds itself, the more it invites its,chairman or dean to act without consultation when action isneeded. We do not seek to prevent such unilateral action, but we suggest that the more often it seems necessary, the more the administrator involved should ask such questions as: Is the department too large to be an effective forum? Is its division of interests or opinions a sign of the need for formal creation of smaller units? Is it being given adequate notice and information for reaching realistic decisions? Is it lacking leadership in setting basic policies and philosophies? We recommend that departments be encouraged to incorporate student members into their inter&l committee structures as they see fit. We further recommend that sue h student members be eligible to be sent for -7ard as part of a delegation to any higher level of u .versity government or any committee. Thus, if a department chooses, it might send a student who sits on its curriculum committee to make a presentation before faculty council or its committees. Naturally, the provision for such formal student participation in departmental planning should not be taken to preclude the traditional recourses such as student deputations coming to discuss matters with the department chairman. If students were guaranteed participation in university government at one level only, we suggestthat the



These include office services, and the office work. personnel, physical-plant and planning, business, purchasing and systems. Service departments should be helpful, courteous, .‘-efficient and unobstrusive. Matters referred to them should normally be heard of no more and require no followup until in a surprisingly short time the desired result is achieved. At present, purchasing probably operates nearest to this ideal. Systematic procedures are * obviously needed in dealing with large-scale business operations, but we can point to an unfortunate tendency for service groups to regard their own convenience of operation as more important than service. Usually, this unfortunate impression arises from a few employees regarding themselves as in higher authority than the teachers and researchers, to ‘say nothing of students, whom they are employed to serve. Since it appears not enough to remind the service groups that they exist to enable faculty and students to teach and learn and research with a minimum of digression into running the university’s business affairs, we recommend that changes in the government structure be made to provide for reviewing service operations not only by administrators who see clearly the advantage of smoothly-functioning offices, but also by a group representative of teachers, students and researchers, who on occasion suffer the effects of this tidy-mindedness. and researchers” beWe use the phrase “teachers cause we suspect that scrutiny by administrator-academics is less than effective. It is unduly idealistic to suppose a request for service from a dean is not treated a little more expeditiously and carefully than one from an assistant professor. Therefore, difficulties and delays never seen by such an administrator may indeed impede the daily activities of the lower ranks. Moreover, the administrator tends to be personally less involved in teaching and research and may seldom make the sort of request for service over which inconvenience arises. Moreover, he has a secretary or assistant to follow through any problems. We recommend in particular: 1. That each service department publish a brief annual report summarizing its budget, past activities and proposed changes. These reports, together witha summary of the overall budget, would put the service operation into better perspective. The need to indicate the achievements of the year should be salutary. If despite the normal supervision of the president% council on operations, it appears the path of a service group is depatiing from serving teaching and research, the annual report could serve as a focal point for questions and recommendations from departments or faculty councils to co+ rect the problem. 2. A program of leaves akin to sabbatical leaves should be set up to allow key servicepersonnel to pursue formal studies or make visits in search of ways to improve their operations. 3. The representation of those who, without administrative duties, teach, research and study in the university should be increased on the president’s council on operations, so that they may participate in evaluating the effect on these academic activities of alternative courses of action contemplated in the service departments. It would not be hard to catalog service operations . which have habitually gone astray, disrupting the workof the academic staff. We do not wish to do so in this brief.

But we will point out that the diversion of academic manpower by creating representation as described above will be far less than that devoted to the interminable following up of matters gone wrong or gone missing. Moreover, the latter and current wastage creates a concomitant waste in the service side in noting and responding to individual queries rather than to a consolidated critique of operations.






To a considerable extent, the scrutiny of the president’s council on operations rests upon prospective events or roams in a cursory fashion over many areas. Once a scheme is placed in operation, what happens? If the operations of service departments were subject to scrutiny by a faculty committee upon request, the complaint that “the administration~~ runs the university for itsown convenience would not stand up. Since the true good of the university in any matter must relate to its academic ends, we suggest that such an investigative group report to the senate. We propose a senate committee of fivefaculty members, the chairman of which shall be a senator, to serve as a standing investigating committee under thename the senate committee for continuous reappraisal. This com-

‘We propose university ombudsman 1 to deal with abuse of administration, fuculty or student power...’ mittee would act on request of the senate, on petition of ten faculty members, from at least two departments, or on its own initiative to investigate the powers, duties, structure, fiscal basis, policies, management and operations of any service department in the university, and to report its findings to the senate. This proposal is based particularly on the statements made to the committee that the library investigating committee of 1966 brought many useful things to light and pointed out previously unrecognized weaknesses in the library operations.




We propose a post of university ombudsman. The person appointed would require broad powers to investigate and report on reputed cases of arbitrary, obstructive, vindictive or nonexistent action by administrators or their subordinate bureaucracies, He wouldneedfree dom to deal equally with abuse of administrative power, faculty power and student power. Such a person should be a member of the university whose wisdom, persistence, and even temperament are generally recognized by all groups within his scope. He would need guaranteed access for reporting to whatever body or official he felt it appropriate to approach in digposing of a case. Equally, he would need a quarantee of security in his post for a stated term, possibly four or five years, and of relief from an appropriate portion of his normal duties during his term of office. We suggest that such an official would usually have only a tricle of minor matters to examine, but that the preexistence of his office could greatly facilitate handling an occasional major incident in a speedy, impartial and discreet manner to the greater satisfaction of all parties and at the least possible cost in disruption of the life of the university.


few employees regard themselves in higher authbrity than teachers and researchers, to say nothing of students’ largest number of areas of student concern could be most effectively dealt with by student participation in department-level activities. However, we also recommend student access to the senate and membershipinthe council. There they may share with the academic administrators the frustration of watching the ideas they have insinuated at the bottom of the pyramid slowly percolating upward toward them for final approval.

THE SERVICE STRUCTURE IN THE UNIVERSITY The operating departments The maintain

mechanical operation a group of departments

of the university must _ _ ._ _ _ _ who dothehousekeeping



3, 1967 (8: 19) 235




CO-op by Paul Solomonian Chevron sports

Somebody at the Co-op should have kept his hands in his pockets last week. But he threw a punch in a losing cause in a football game against St. Paul’s and the shock waves are still rolling. The Co-op flag football team was dropped from the league as a result of the fisticuffs, which were directed against a St. Paul’s player and a game official. Meanwhile, a win by St. Jerome’ s over Renison had left these two teams deadlocked with Co-op for second place with 2-2 records. St. Jerome’s claimed second by virtue of their win over Renison. Renison, on the other hand, felt the Co-op games must be taken into consideration (Co-op beat St. Jerome’s but lost to Renison) and claimed second because of a better point spread. A play-off was scheduled for Sunday noon, which St. Jerome% They later were bombwon 7-6. ed 20-O by St, Paul’s in the final. A protest was issued by St. Jerome’ s, stating that they did not have adequate time to prepare for the final game. As a result, they have threatened to withdraw from all intramural competition,


In the Village loop, East (2-2) shut out South (l-3) 11-O. Physed defaulted to North. West rounded out the standings with a O-4 record.


Kinler Fisher ballots






cast 77

will be located

Tedesco NOV.


in the St. Jerome’s College foyer. and close at 5 pm

Science No nominations declared vacant.

. -.. . -.. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . I.*, ‘.‘. I..* ‘..* ‘... ‘..a I.=. ‘..a I.., ‘... ‘... ‘..I ‘..I I...

‘..a ‘... I... 1.0. ‘..I ‘..I ‘..* ‘... ‘..a ‘..a ‘..I ‘..I *.-a ‘..a ‘-0.


FOOTBALL Saturday,


to date.

Guelph Regals vs Warriors p.m. Waterloo Arena

INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL --ST, DAVID% Tuesday, November 7, 1967 6:30 ‘7:3O 8:30 9:30

COURT A St. Jeromes vs Renison Co-op vs Conrad Grebel East vs phys-ed North vs West

COURT B 6:30 Grads vs Science 7130 Arts vs Math 8:30 3-B-M vs Chaney



when voting.

/ -

are received

by Nov. 8, the seats may be


2:00 p.m.

SOCCER Wednesday, McMaster vs Warriors p.m. Bauer Field HCCKEY Thursday,


If no nominations

1-LEGlATE at Montreal

The Poll Will open at 9 am





ID cards will have to be presented



VOLLEYBALL --ST. DAVID’S GYM Wednesday, November 8th, 1967 7:30 Grads vs Math 8:00 Grads vs Science 8:30 Renison vs, St. Jerome’s 9:00 Renison YS St. Paul’s 9:30 East YS West 1O:OO East vs phys-ed 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10~00

Volleyball Only two of twelve scheduled games were completed on October 25. Four others resulted in defaults. North, phy s-ed, C onrad Grebel and all five faculties have yet to form teams. Renison tops the faculty loop with a 40 record, as does South in Village competition. Results (showing games won): Renison 2 co-op 0 co-op 2 St. Paul’s 0 has taken an early

lead in the Tuesday league with 18 points and a 2-O record. Dave Hawkins and Ron Coulter are also at 2-O with 17 points, Don Cooke rounds out the top four with 16 l/2 points in two games. In Thursday league action, Steve Wilton and Hal Cook picked up 10 points in their first outings. Last week’s results (points are based on five for the game andone for each end won): Thursday League: Oliver 8 l/2 Holmes Cole 8 l/2 Trotter Leigh 9 l/2 Kirkby Solomonian 9 l/2 Weston Laking 9 C hisholm 9 Cornwall Lomas Wilton 10 Larden Cook 10 Seibert Paul Freeman had the bye. Tuesday Hawkins Bryant Cooke Krelove Steski Coulter Wilton Duncan

League: 9 8 8 l/2 9 l/2 9 8 l/2 7 l/2 9

Rajnovich Gilchrist Mitchell Britten Butterfield Sweet CeCile Stephens

2 2 1 1

l/2 I/2 l/2 l/2

2 1 1

2 3 2 l/2 1 l/2 2 2 l/2 3 l/2 2

Varsity play was cancelled last Saturday when the Granite Club cut back on ice time. The fourteen rinks will try again tomorrow.

Pent falls to U of W in Bauer field mudbath

% 7.5 %

- Dana


Hockey Hockey play opened this week at Wilson Arena. This sport will be highlighted by Tuesday night interLast locking exhibition games. week St. Jerome’s played phys-ed and this week East will play the Grads. Certain rule changes werepassed at the IntramuralCouncil meeting on October 17. While five of these are concerned with theplayers and game rules, the sixth involves the fans. This rule states that a team may forfeit a game if misconduct among its fans isprevConduct which endangers alent. the life and limb of officials or players will not be tolerated. Hopefully, incidents which occurred last winter will not be in evidence this season.

Curling Rick Krelove


54 21


The polling

Unplayed games and darknessat 5:30 p.m. have combined to delay the opening of the soccer finals. The pairings have been determined in all three leagues and finals will be held this afternoon. Tomorrow, the Village andfaculty champs go at it, with the. winner meeting the residence. standard-bearer in Sunday’s final. Village league games were completed a week ago and action last week-end finalizedthe other standings. Conrad Grebelprevailed over winless Co-op to finish tied with St. Paul’s with six points in the residence circuit. St. Paul’s is officially the pennant winner on the sirength of a win over Grebel in season play. Grads were undefeated in the ti culty loop with a 5-O for-and-against mark. engineering won the scramble for the runner-up slot with a win and a tie last week. The Grads shut out the Engineers 1-O in league play. Final standings in the faculty league: w L T Pts 8 Grads 400 4 Engineering 112 013 3 Science 013 3 Arts 022 2 Math

Lacrosse Math emerged as a definite threat to ti all the marbles with a perfect PO record in the residence league with a convincing 18-l victory over Engineering (3-l) to gain the championship. They await the outcome of the playoff between phy s-ed (3- 1) and North (3-l). The engineers gained second Phe with strong wins over Rendson (2-2) and CO-op (l-3). St. Paul’s (O-4) wound up by defaulting the Math.

2 spoiled



St. Paul’s defeated Math 14-O to gain a place in the championship final against the Village winner, but this will have to be postponed until the residence hassle has been settled. In less tumultuous proceedings, Math prevailed over Engineering and, in a very peaceful game, the Village final was called onaccount of darkness before it even started. It was scheduled for Monday at 5:30.

Result Richard Robert

St. Jerome’s

Sci. vs Arts Math. vs Arts St. Paul’s vs Conrad Grebel St. Jerome’s vs Conrad Grebel Phys-ed vs North West vs North

HCCKEY Tuesday, November 9:00 p.m, Wilson 10:00 p.m. Wilson

? Science vs Math St. Pqul’s vs. St. Jerome% 11:00 porn. Wilson Phys-ed Vs West 11:OO p.m. Waterloo East vs Grads (EX)

Wednesday, November 8 9:00 p.m. Wilson Conrad Grebel vs Co-op 1O:OO p.m. Wilson North vs South ’ 11:OO p.m. Wilson Arts vs Engineering 11: 00 p.m. Waterloo Renison practice

The Rugger Warriors brought home the gravy on the weekend with an 8-O victory at the expense of Trent University. The game was played in the mu& bath sometimes called Bauer field. And there is the first excuse for some scrappy play. The first half gave Trent the wind (and the hail and the snow) but they failed to capita&e on several loose ballsin the Waterloo backfield. Many times, scrumhalf Murray Brooker had to kick for touch to A little luck and clear his lines. a little skill from the experienced gave the home team the wind at half time and no score on the board. The game improved immensely at half time and the dozen or so spectators who braved the elements were treated to a much better brand of rugby. The forwards worked together under the leader‘Tar

your Dances, Parties, etc”


JUDO and

. Karat@ for Beginners Mon: 9:00- IO:30 pm Wed: 9:30 - 1 I:00 pm Fri: 9:00 - IO:30 pm SEAGRAM


ship of former Leeds University star, Peter Watson to keep the ball near the Trent line. Twice the Warriors chose to run the ball over the line from a penalty kick and both attempts failed. A third attempt saw Steve Shelley dive between the posts for the first points of the Warrior season. Ed Murphy made an easy convert and the score read 5-O. From this point, Waterloo dominated. Though they had trouble with the greasy ball* they produced two or three fine backfield runs. Winger Paul Grose climaxed one particular movement that saw the whole three-quarter line handle the ball before a slick winger slidinto the end zone on his backside for a try. Trent were treated to a traditional beer up after the game. Rugger songs were sung, the malt consumed and promises were made for a reversal of the decision at T rent this weekend. The Warriors play at Champlain College, Sunday at 2:30 pm in the rematch. Saturday sees the newly formed second team to be named the W.C’s, take on the London Forest City XV at 2:30 p.m. at Bauer Field. Spectators will be welcomed to the game and the bash afterwards. More players and socialmembers can be used by the club. Those interested should call Murray Brooker at 745-1269 orGeorge Tuck at 576-9257. Particularly needed are team manageresses to look after the team on road trips, to make sure they get there and back, to sendout oranges at half time and to generally look after the welfare of the team. All transportation and expenses are looked after by the club. The highlights of the seasonwill be on November 18 when the team travels to Dartmouth College at Hanover, New Hampshire.

Ho by Paul Cotton sports


For the first time in four years a Warrior captain took Bar-00 into the dressing room. Bob McKillop carried the traditional LutheranU of W trophy off the field before a happy U of W crowd. The WUC part of the crowd could not be very happy as their Golden Hawks had gone down to defeat by a 12-8 score. The Warriors improved. their league record to 3-2 while Lutheran suffered its first defeat of the season. The Waterloo victory leaves McMaster alone in first place as the Marauders remain the only undefeated team in the Unless Lutheran loses CCIFC. again, their last game of the se% son -will prove to be a play-off with Mat. The winner of that game will meet the winner in the Maritime League to decide the eastern representative in the College Bowl. The win was a big one for the Warriors as Lutheran had been rated sixth in the nation. The Warriors were not rated in the top ten. The Warriors outclassed the Hawks both on the ground and in the air. Bob McKillop was seven for 17 gain&g 117 yards while the Hawk QB Dave McKay threw for 94 yards on seven out of 16, On the ground the Warriors had 128 yards to the Hawks 118 yards. In the first quarter the Hawks had the wind with them and after six exchanges Mike Blackmore kicked a 36 yard single. The Warrior defense played a great game holding the WUC offense to their one point until late in the fourth quarter. TheWarrior offense did not stand still as they scored two TDs on runs by McKillop and Brian Irvine. McKillop went over on a dive after the Warriors had marched 45 yards to paydirt. Ed Scorgie set up the TD when he recovered a Hawk fumble. The march con-

w--swe-e-e-e-et &ted of some fine runs by Ix-vine and a 19-yard pass to Don Fritz. Late in the second half the Warriors had a third down and three situation deep in the WUC end and elected to throw. The pass to Walt Finden went incomplete and the Warriors were forced to give up the ball on downs. E the Warriors had failed to score later that would have been the biggest play of the game. h-vine’s TD came early in the second half after a 52 yardmarch. The Warriors again used their screen pass and when the Hawks were called for piling-on the offense did not waste the opportunity. lrvine carried three times starting from the 12 and on the third attempt went over to make the score 12-l. Lutheran came back immediately and started to march from their own 33 yard line. After movini the ball very deep into the Warrior end of the field theHawks lost the ball on a fumble. Severalplayers had possession of the ball but the wet conditions caused it the squirt all over the field. The Warriors got a big breakwhen Joe Sowieta finally smothered the ball. The Hawks were not to be held down for they scored their only major soon after. AdrianKraayeveld intercepted a McKillop pass on the Waterloo 40 and later Dave McKay hit Jeff Brown with a 7 yard pass for six points. The Warriors now had a four point lead and had only to run out the clock to win the game. The War rior defense not only held the WUC offense scoreless but they also kept them bottled up in their own end. The Warriors got the ball in the last minute but chose to use their running game as it was the safest way to keep possession of the ball. In the dressing room the War riors- hooped and hollered in their joy of winning the game. Bill Poole presented the game ball to Coach

it is

This was the first Warrior quarterback Bob McKillop takes the ball over for six points. Chevron photo by Brian Clark Waterloo TD in last week’s 12 - 8 victory over Lutheran. covering the ball. He played a Montreal to play the Carabins of the University of Montreal. They will be looking for another victory tomorrow and next week against great all-round game and will be a definite asset to the team the rest of this year and next year? This was the first time that Bob McKillop had been on a Warrior team that had defeated WUC in the Homecoming game. He was very happy after the game but especially because last Saturday% game was the last that he will play at Seagram’s Stadium. When asked about the future McKillop replied, “1 don’t intend in playing after this year. I have played at college just for the enjoyment the game of football gives me.*’ The Warriors now travel to

Carl Totzke whosimpl y replied, “How sweet it isI’# Coach Totzke also said, “We outplayed them in all categories and we played well enough to win.” Lutheran coach said, “Our running game was hampered by the weather. We rely on speed in our backfield and the w,et field equalized this factor.” Mr. Knight also agreed that the Warriors had played a great game and had deserved to win. Warrior Assistant Coach Ed DeArmmon commented that the Warriors did make a few mistakes. He said, “We got beat on the same play more than once. When Lutheran fumbled deep in our end we got a big break but breaks don’t just happen they are caused. Joe Sowieta made a great play in re.................... ..-.-. .-.-. .. ..-. .................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................










Ottawa to give them a very pectable 5-2 record.


WATERLOO Quarterbacks, McKillop, Pilkington; halfbacks, Stewart, Irvine; Sagon, Howse, Woods, Heibein, Fritz, Rotondo, Hensrud; centre. Howes; guards, Edword, Shuh, Poole, Manske; tackles, Haehnel, Moser, Gilbert, Kncchtel, Sowieta, Chatferson, Nogracli; ends, Anderson. Manohan, Froncescut, Scorgie, Finden, Hoehn. LUTHERAN Quorterbilcks, McKay, Harvey; halfbucks, Skinner, Gluck, Markowitz, Strong, Krauyevcld, Blackmore, Hendershot, Kruspe, Gionneliu, Passmore, McGregof, Strohock; centre, Szendrovits; guards, Robertson, McMahon, Buker, Robinson; fockles, Jamieson, Timusk, Spol tore, McDonald, Monteith, Chasczewski, Wilson; ends, Hamilton, Grown, Will, Markle. I-Lutheran, ‘&-Waterloo,

First Quarter BlocKmore fS)


Third I’rvine

&--Luther-art, S-Lutheron,

Fourth Buartw CIrown (TOI Kruspe (C 1



13 : ::o

pcond Quarter McKillop (TDI


Quarter (TD)




S:2il 6:.f5




time J?itt

A soccer Warrior goes up for the ball in last weekend’s game against Toronto. The Blues beat the Warriors 8 - 3.

with Paul Cotton, sports editor ......................... .-. .-.....-.-.-.-...‘.‘.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. .~-~‘~‘~‘~-~‘~-~‘~.~‘~-~-~...~-~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~-~-~.~-..~-~*~-~-~-~-..~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-...-.....-.~......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... has developed that skill of keeping the winning spirit in The Warriors not only beat the Lutheran Golden hand. More than one team hasgone into a game overHawks on the field last weekend but also in the dressing confident and come out on the wrong end of the- score room. A team cannot hope to win an important game or sheet. The football Warrior coaching staff led by Carl in fact any game unless it THINKS it can win. This last week. As quality is found in every winning team and must be in- Totzke handled this problem perfectly stilled if it is lacking. Thisis one of the many jobs of a result they came out on top last Saturday. Naturally if one team can get lrup” for a game so a coach and the fans. The Warriors were up for theHomecoming game can its opponent. Certainly the team that is up more and felt they could win it. Perhaps this is one of the will win if the teams are evenly matched. If the game is to be lopsided then a driving spirit could change the reasons they did beat Lutheran by the 12-8 score. whole result of the contest, The victory two weeks ago against the University The Hawks had to be up for their Homecoming of Guelph Gryphons certainly boosted the team’s morale. Having dropped two games in a row at this game but as it turned out they were not quite a match on the field and mentally. time the Warriors were out for a victory. After the for the Warriors Another method that is quite often used by a team 34-O rout over Guelph the Warriors had their COI& is to get the other squad overconfident. This is done dence restored. No matter what anyone thinks, an athlete likes to by outwardly showing your thoughts of a probable loss while inwardly you have convinced yourself you are win more than he likes to lose. if a team is to THINK going to win. it is going, it must have some encouragement. This plan of attack-of mentally winning the The victory over the Gryphons gave the Warriors game-can be carried out on to the field. In football the encouragement they needed. Good crowd support can really get the team going. If the is another way a team can get the necessary spirit it a little chatter team is losing its spirit, it needs someone that can needs to be a winner. where the coach and crowd When the hockey and basketball Warriors start bring it back. Againthisis A team% captaincan also help their seasons the students should get out to support come into the picture. their teams for this reason. The students are in for his team with a few words of leadership. some great games this year as the hockey team AFTERTHOUGHTS --The Warrior hockey team will hold its interwill again be near the top of the OQAA while the bball teams will be greatly improved over last year. squad game on Thursday. --The Warrior basketball teams have been picked Now that the Warriors had developed that drive every day for their opening game. that makes a winner they had to put it to use. All and are practicing week the players talked about winning the game and They play Pikeville College at home on November 22 the first step to winning a game is winning it in your and 25. --The Warrior track and field team is still active mind. Now the coach must step in. It is just as bad for as it has a full winter season of indoor track meets. should contact Coach Neil Widmeyer a team to go into a game overconfident as going out on Anyone interested the field thinking it is going to lose. The good coach at SEAGRAM Stadium. Friday,


3, 1967 (8: 19) 237



Xavier, Aberta tops in Canadian football

The Warrior rugger squad takes another line-out against York University in last week’s Waterloo won 8-O. Players are Ted Nelson (2.5), Carl Elstner (79) and Larry Haggen game. (20). .isc.xi game is tomorrow at Trent. Rugger is a new sport at U of W. and intPrPCt hnc to coach George Tuck. They enjoy socializing as much as playing. bee/l f&l tastic “, according

WCIAA CALGARY (CUP)-The Alberta Golden Bears clinched a tie for first place in the WCIAA with a 2346 squeeker over the lowly Meanwhile in Manitoba Bisons. Vqcouver, Saskatchewan had to come from behind to defeat the UBC Thunderbirds 14-6. In Winnipeg, the Bears trailed 16-3 at the half, but exploded in the second half with two TDSs and two field goals. QuarterbackTerry Lampert scored with only two minutes remaining to gain thewin. Hart Cantelon added the Bears other majors while Dave Benbow booted two field goals. John Milne and quarterback Kirk Kuppers scored majors for the Bisons. A late Bison march was stopped by the final gun on the Bear 20 yard line. Saskatchewan Huskies needed ten points in the last two minutes to defeat the UBC club.AnattempL ted UBC field goal was blocked, and the ball kicked along the ground to the UBC end zone where Wayne Gallop pounced on it for a TD. Then T-Bird quarterback Gordon Hardy fumbled on his own seven and Gord Car-vie kicked a field goal. The T-Birds had earlier taken a lead on a fourth quarter TD by alternate QB KentYaniw. TheHuskies scored two early safety touches by Tom Dutton and Wayne Strudwick, and held a 2-O half time lead. With only two games left in the season, Calgary will have to beat UBC next week, while Alberta will




of Education

Do lecturers permit students to determine the content of courses? measure of achievement and intelligence?

What are the alternatives? Is the department

the best focal point for undergraduate

Are you properly

counselled in selecting your programme?


Have you been able to approach senior and graduate students for assistance * in your studies? Do lecturers bring the insights from their research into the classroom? Have you benefitted from a lecturer’s research? Can yoi appeal to any person or body in the university concerning academic discrimination ? Have you ever been shafted?



History Geography Political Science Languages English Sociology Psychology Economics Joe Givens Mechanical Electrical Chemical

t’ Mathematics Paul Mills

Rae Struthers Pure Math

matters of

studies going on outside your department?

Are thk courses offered to you or required of yob relevant? Do you enjoy your course in Persian cooking?’ Should academic excellence be rewarded?


Getting tired of watching hockey games on TV? Well then do something about it. Come out and watch the Warriors Thursday night as they open their exhibition series against the Guelph Reglas of the OtiA SENIOR A league. After last night’s intrasquad game there could be several new faces in the Warrior lineup. Missing from this year’s Warrior squad will be Neil Cotton, but the fans will get a chance to see, Neil play in this one-he’s amember of the opposition, Game time is 8=30 at the Wateloo arena,

Chalmers Adams

Engineering Ted Gill Jim Windley Gary Block , Dave Trowbridge

Do half-courses satisfy the needs they purport to satisfy?

in the valuable or interesting


mean to You?

Frank Bialystok Lynne Bricker Joe Surich Ken Pudoirch Gord Campbell Peter Warrian Bill Ray ’ Bill Clothier

Are you aware of the courses available before registering?

Are you participating

WCWiofs meet

does your


Is TV a satisfactory way bf presenting material? Do you have too many courses? Too many lectures?

an accurate

MIAA OTTAWA (CUP)-The previously undefeated UNB Red Bombers dropped out of a-first place tie with the perennial champion St. Francis Xavier X-Men when they were downed 15-O by the lowly St. Mary’s Huskies. Meanwhile the X-Men were rolling over their Mt. Allison opponents to the tune of 69-6. Unless UNB can pull an upset in next week% encounter with St. F.X., the X-Men will be the champs again this year. In ‘their victory, the first place X-Men were led by Paul Brule, who followed up last week% 8 touchdowns with another 6 against MQunt A.

These people want your answers:

Do you need a study week? Can you study a subject in the depth you would like?

Should they? Are examinations

have to lose to the T-Birds when they meet them in two weeks.


Ian Calvert

Fred Dennis Lowell Scott

Biology Chemistry

Further information

available at Federatioa



Cornell flower powersquaps by David Chevron

During the championship playoff, The caption of the Cornell University tiddlywinks team, Severin Drix (right) discusses the next move with teammate Rich Garson. Chevron photo by Gienn Berry




in one week

International Night produced by the International Students Association has become an annual event on the campus. It is an evening of entertainment for young and old. For those who have not travelled abroad, there is the opportunity to see the culture of other countries right on the stage of theTheater of the Arts. With over 400 foreign stu’dents attending the University of Waterloo, an interesting program is promised. Under the direction ler, with Dr. Charles master of ceremonies

of EarlSteiPreston as andDorothy

Beausoleil convener, International Night should once more be of interest to all. There will be exotic dances from the East and songs from many countries in native languages. Some of the participating countries are Britain, China, India, Japan, Pakistan, Ukraine, West Indies and Canada. International Night will be on November 10 and 11, at 8:30 pm, in the Theater of the Arts. Tickets are available from the theater box office, foreign student office, bookings office, the executive of ISA mi membe&.


shot back . “The Dart “. Paul Freeman had this to say about bell; “The Dart kept spirits up when morale was low and spirits kept morale up when Dart’s humour was low? There was a general concensus among U of W *players that the best players in the competition were Rosie Wain (the only female in the game) and Phil Villar of Cornell. Rumm said that Villar is one of the best players in the world and is “dedicated and fanatical. He brought 40 pages of strategy between the rounds.” Villar, incidently, is not a student at Cornell or any other school and Rich Garson also of the Co> nell team is, a student at the U of Buffalo. As a result a protest was lodged with the North American Tiddleywinks Association before the competition. Rumm emphasized that this was not sour grapes but merely a precedent to findout what constitutes a legal university team.

In the course of the 3 round semifinal each team was to play each other team.



It was a dark day in Mudville for mighty Casey squidged out. When asked about the impossible happening, namely U of W% loss of the ‘North American Tiddlywinks championship tocornell, Ross Bell a member of our team described the situation as “bleak? Other members, Paul Freeman and Bill Webb, were overheard to mutter (in unison) a laconic ‘(shita*. However take heart followers of this sport of kings. All is not lost as U of W is still eligible for the world championship competition next spring if they can find the money to finance the trip to Oxford. (Lord Thomson andCocaColahave already refused sponsorship of our team. It has been suggested that the Athletic department should help finance the team from the $22 athletic fees, since this is the only sport in which we have a team of world championship calibre. The semi-final round robin competition started out on Saturday in the blue dining hall at the Student village with each of the four schools, U of W MIT, Cornell, and U of T, providing four two man teams. Tension was high (Tension had been on pot at the time) as the 32 players squidged off. The total point scores at the end of the 3 semi-final rounds put Uof W first with 200 l/2, Cornell sec-

U of W as host team had the legal prerogative of deciding who should play who, and when. They chose to play U of T in the first. round and build up a lot of points while Cornell and MIT would play to more or less a draw. Then between the second and third rounds when U of T would be playing the American Teams the winkers would coach them thereby hoping to decrease the Americans’ scores. The strategy apparently worked for the winkers built up a commanding lead by the end of the semi~finalS. On Black Sunday the finals -were pl.wwL We lost. Cornell had 61, u of w 51. The Chevron askedthe members of the Waterloo team who was the best player they had. Ronald Rumm replied, “1 need some glory”*. Ross Bell, often known as the Dart,


SUDBURY (CU+Laurentian University ~UclentS Wad a Pub. They let the university, the com-

The students planned to march the five miles from Laur+entian to downtown Sudbury but, despite the







would listen know u hey wanted a place ti drink. Over 700 of them demonstrated in downtown Sudbury against the board of governors of Laurentian. For over a year the studentsand faculty have been working towards establishing a pub called the *‘Nag% Head*’ on campus* However the board of governors have continually refused the students’ bids.

Ond with “’ ‘I38 and MIrI‘ 1’5 2/3 and 0 of T 118 l/2. This matched U of W and Cornell inthefinalsfor the actual championship. The scores also showed U of W to have a consistently better team with a commanding lead of 23 pointsover Cornell. ASter much cajoling, the highly guarded semi-final strategy of the U of W winkers was revealed to me by Ronald Rumm, secretary of the organization. Rumm knew that despite U of T’s gauche green sweatshirts they were inexperienced and a lot of points could be gained when playing them, whereas Cornell and MIT were expected to provide tough competition.


students 0f



men, and student leaders they were r&used a parade Dermit L An understanding city magistrate said he would arrest all student leaders if the demonstrators marched So students council simply &lled a meeting for Sudbury and the 700 showed up. J. D. Lamont, the student pre sident t eqlained the students views.





10% Student


Help Wanted We have an opening for an aggressive student to act as our part-time sales representative within the university complex. Here is an excellent opportunity to subsidize one’s income by a little effort and, at the convenience of the individual. We are a large and well known international organization. CONTACT:





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See this and other glorious diamond treasures priced from $100 to $5,000.

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FRIENDLY WALTERS STORES at Guelph, Brantford, St. Catharines and Gait.



.3, 1967 (8: 19) 239


Nothing for open

but praise house effort

To the editor: I think the Tenth Anniversary Week committee deserves a lot of credit from the people of this university. The organization was superb, especially on Friday when thousands of highschool students flocked to the campus to see what we have to offer, most of them arriving between 9 and 10 am. The speed with which they were divided into groups, alloted a guide and sent off on the first leg of their visit was symbolic of the work that went into the planning of the day.




in a variety

rings, laPal pins, tie tacks,


To the editor: We, the members of the Tenth Anniversary Week Committee, wish to thank the faculty, staff and students of the University of’ Waterloo for their help in making

Gold - Winter - fully crested with faculty and year of graduation. Fall and squall jackets available.



to say a sincere thank-you to the members of the Tenth Anniversary committee for all their time, effort and plain hard--and at times I’m sure frustrating--work that made the open house a most interesting and enjoyable time for all concerned. I only hope their diligence does not reflect po much on their courses this year. NANCY BLOOMFIELD math !2B

The traffic problem caused by over 80 buses on Friday and thousands of cars on Saturday and Sunday was handled without mishap. The bus and faculty tours were well organized, easy to follow and very interesting to see. It was only rarely that a group got lost or separated from its guide. The students enjoyed their visit. The only comments I heard from the general public were praise for the open house and hop& that there would be another one soon because “I didn’t have time to see everything.” On behalf of all students who are proud to say they attend the University of Waterloo I would like

of sizes and colors




With a 10% discount



the Federation




HOU RS: shop,




Please to ensure

submit fullest


to 4:30

by students


to Friday

and patronized

by ail.


information Office and

booklets are in Departments.

your application consideration



. 16








To the editor: The Tenth Anniversary open house was a spectacular success according to all reports that Ihave received--also according to that which I saw personally on Sunday afternoon when I toured most buildings with displays. I extend sincere congratulations and appreciation to the many people at the university who helped in planning, creating and organizing the complexprogram. Your efforts made the university come alive as a vital, interesting and exciting organization to many thousands of young and old, people, who previously hardly knew it existed. To Brian Iler who, along withhis staff, carried the overall responsibility for the program, I extend a special thanks on behalf of all my colleagues--students, faculty and staff--for the service they have rendered to the university. J. G. HAGEY president Conscience, not fear, should decide on sex


Applications and in the Placement

the open house last weekend a success. A special vote of thanks goes to the tour guides and special Highschool Day assistants who bravely withstood the cold and the rain on Friday. BRIAN ILER, Mike Milhausen, Ginny Lehman,. Jan Bartels, John McMullen, Dave Sheppard, Dave Trowbridge, John Koval, Dave Hallman, John Brewer, Charlotte Cahill, Dave Rupar, Jeff Pearson, Joe Recchia.


1967, /



TO the editor: ‘Very c crItI .‘i-dictory” is the opinion of “a parent” (Feedback, October 27) regarding my letter opposition to Dr. Helen Reesor*s statement on dispensing birthcant rol pills. (“NO.I would have blood on my hands.“) Parent makes a number of statemerits, most of which I agree with, none of which even attempt to show a contradiction in my letter. I find the personal vindictive of Parent’s letter most objectionable. There was no statement in my letter from which it could reasonably be inferred that I arnalecher. I suppose Parent was carried away with his righteous fervor ,for which I forgive him--but a statement of my feelings and beliefs in neces sitated by his derogatory comments o The student health center should dispense contraceptive devices. When and if it becomes legal SO to do, Dr. Reesor should bewilling to prescribe birth-control pills, according to her judgment of the medical (not mor al) circumstances of any single woman requesting such a prescription. Each individual should decide, according to his own conscience, and attitudes , whether religion premarital sex is right for him and that no one else should make that decision for him. Fear should enter into a decision of conscience, particularly when that fear is avoidable. In a real love relationship both parties would look forward tomarriage. However, college students * finances frequently makes marriage a far-off venture. If premarital sex would be emotionally acceptable to a couple and would in their opinion be better than

waiting three or four years, or playing into financial troubles h;l marrying to. make sex ?-ight*’ then they have a right to make their own decision. To marry now would be to exaggerate the importance of ‘sex. If my own engagement had been for three or four years rather than seven months,’ I would have personally felt that it was right FOR ME to engage in sex but would not have done so unless my fiancee concurred entirely with my views. The reasons and concepts which Parent puts forward for not engaging in premarital sex are basically, quite valid. However, they indicate a need for increased, not decreased, availability of knowledge about and devices for cant raception. Toincreasefear or to make sex seem dirty (“I would have blood on my hands”) is not acceptable in a university. RUSSEL J. BAIRD engineering 4

Let march


peaceniks to Hanoi

To the editor: Three Bronx cheers for the University of Waterloo. While American youths sweat, suffer and die in Vietnam to preserve the basic liberties we cherish somuch, concerned students from U of W decided to show their fervent humanitarianism and patriotism by protesting this war. With a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat, I humbly offer my gratitude and my congratulations. Unfortunately , though, I find it absurd that U of W students must descend tosofrivolous agesture as to act out such a tepid, chauvinistic, papier -mache irnitation of the real thing that takes place in the United States. Now, as thinking citizens of the free world we should at least be diverting our unfelt influence toward the government in hopes that the Prime Minister will take a vigorous stand in support of the war, and in particular, perhaps send Canadian youth to Vietnam to help our American allies. In doing this, the government would not only be aiding the cause of freedom, but also wouldbedemonstrating our gratitude to the U.S. for the many great things it has performed for the development of Canada. I suggest we give the students in protest marches as a peace offering to Ho Chi Minh and his buddies in North Vietnam. JOHN WELLS arts 1

Been year’s

waiting for this: first grub gripe

To the editor: Those Village tragedies, called lunch and dinner, were more repulsive than ever Homecoming weekend . Once upon a time, probably in September) -1 remember the meals were edible, but last week a subtle substitution of fat in the place of food was made, Fat seems to be the cook’s specialty; and it appears in most of his concoctions --f rench-f ried potato lumps) fried veal, fried rice and the most hideous of all, pork ripple (pure animal fat with tiny little pieces of pork in it). I don’t know what those guys down at the Village dinning hall beleive, but I for one think so many greasy foods is sickening. Why not have more meat similar to roast beef --not fried, please ! BILL

GALLAGHER engineering


Open hduse is big success, film steals show sociology This story was written by a Toronto highschool student, who worked on the Chevron staff this summer.

by Bryon


Chevron staff

The university% Open House turned out to be a brilliant public relations manouver. People from all over the province came to see $80 millionworth of educational complex that has been denied to them for almost 10 years. The response from the public was overwhelming. People were still arriving at 4~00 on Sunday and guides were forced to work until 7:OO. It was revealed in a survey that 46% would give to the university building fund, 36% probably would and 18570wouldn’t. Everyone was impressed and everyone enjoyed themselves. Although it appeared that they were walking aimlessly about, most people had a definite idea as to what they wanted to see. Attendance figures substantiate this fact. A Chevron survey revealed that only 25% of the Saturday and Sunday visitors saw the Arts’ exhibits. The most popular exhibits in Arts were the Sociology film and the Political Science display. Standing room only was the rule and many people were turnedaway from the presentation in AL124 by the Sociology department. Of all the exhibits, it received the most publicity and praise by the mass media, ’ The exhibit consisted of several films and slides shown simultaneously with lighting and sound effects. The filnis included one of the %hoice Boys’* and two which won awards--cJNeighbour9’ and gWxty Cycl_esY George Shun* who wasin charge of the exhibit, said that the sociology department wanted to improve its image and prove that sociol-


lacked by Trevor




ogists are kgthe people who study people”. He attributed its success to word of mouth advertising and the enthusiastic response from the public. One elderly woman said, “1 wish I had six more pair of eyes? The success of the PoliticalScience display can be attributed to the relevance of the topic presented and the interesting explanations given by the students and professors. One wall was covered with campaign posters from the lastprovin-

+.m -

&al election. Data from a survey conducted in Waterloo South by the poli-sci students in the last Federal by-election was also shown. In the Physics ~department, the laser beam display on Sunday drew a large audience. Due to the’amount of light in’ the room, most people could only see a fine streak of blue light. The general consensus of the public was that there wasn’t enough time to see everything. Many people said that open house should be an annual event.


Salesmen wanted /to sell hippie posters and underground buttons to friends; etc. Free samples-PO Box 1302, Station, St. Laurent, P,



Room for rent. Clean single room for rent, 5-minute walk to university. Phone 744-6881.


Furnished apartment, close to university, for 2 or 3 students during winter term. Write giving details to Wayne Tymm, 71 Morenz Crescent, Kingston.


Xeroxed notes for Math 330. Get full benefit of class. Phone 5784903. 65 Austin Cooper (IS? Oil cooler, tach, excellent condition. Phone 742-0090. Enjoy

the congenial


Typing done - fast, accurate. Phone 742-3142 after 6.


of the


Highschool day over, students praise campus The teenybopper invasion is over. Wnile on campus last Friday they practically overran the place all wide eyed withamasment at the many exhibits to be seen. Many abandoned their guides. of these, a highpercentage of females visited the%oys residences”. One of these girls, Mary Quail, North Albion Collegiate in Rexdale* fell in love with the village* s homey atmosphere. “The atmosphere was great and the boys----W,OW, %he intends to come here when she graduates. Norah Wilson, also from Rexdale thought the campus was sharp. She found the chemistry department very interesting but the consensus among the North Albion girls was the same. “The boy% dormitory is very impressivey Several girls from Central Peel High in Brampton brokeaway from the guide because they felt they could see more by themselves. They were not allowed to linger aS exhibits which impressed them. Some who left their guides became hopelessly lost and even some of the guides were lost at times. The girls from Scarlett Heights Collegiate in Etobioke paid tribute to Graham Campbell for the fine job he didas guide. Their reactions ranged from interesting andneat,


Satchel containing shaving gear and laundry last Friday on University or Weber Street South. Please phone Dave at 742-6361.

to confusing and muddy.Theyliked the campus because it was new. Roni Esco, Downsview Collegiate, when accosted, said’%he campus reminds me of Expo.” The weather failed to dampen her intentions of coming here next year. Michael C ichon, also Downsview was dismayed because the cumputer rejected his card which asked, <Why do girls not participate in premarital intercourse?’ Sheldon Levy, Downsview was upset because as he put it, “the guys in chemistry take it for granted you know everything”. Kay Simpson, West Hill Secondary, Owen Sound, complainedthat she didn’t get a chance to eat until 3 pm and found that the cafeteria was closed. She enjoyed the psych building and saw the pigeon but not the monkees. She found everyone on campus friendly including the two first year students who gave her advice. Believe it or not the food at the cafeteria was praised. Steffanie Rogienski, Pelham High, in Fenwick near Welland, thought that the cafeteria was really wild and the food good. When prodded she ad.mitted that any thing was good compared to what they have down there. She’ll be going to McMaster next year because we don? offer nursing here.

. from

Offering $10.75

a STUDENT worth





of meals for $10.00


Open house seems to have been a success, but how was it from the highschool point of view? As you’ probably noticed, more than 5,000 of us invaded the campus lasiFriday despite the pouring rain. The general opinion I heard was that open house was very interesting in its displays, but it failed to provide what students really came for-information on university life in general. Most students expected to see examples of classes and lectures,and get talks on the kinds of courses available, to find out if Waterloo fits their interests. What they got was a mixture of boredom, exciting demonstrations and disPlays. ’ Highly praised were the psychology display, the physics exhibit, the electin microscope, the mouse living under water, the the geography departlasters, ment’s work and the glassblower. Biggest criticism was that too many of us were there. LikeExpo when you get to a good exhibit, it was too crowded to see or hear properly. The giant numbers also caused some confusion inspite of the organization. ’ Students also disliked being pushed into unwanted tours which often took too long and showed too little of real interest, consequently making them miss other good exhibits.

College gals will find the Yellow Pages one of the most useful reference books around. Dreaming of an adventurous life? No need to go floating down the Nile on a royal barge. Just take a trip through the Yellow Pages. And like Cleopatra, you’ll find all the adventure you can handle. Your local Yellow Pages tells you where to find theatres, restaurants everything that’s happening in town. And, if you’d like to look like a ‘mod’ Cleopatra the Yellow Pages can tell you where to find the newest fashions, hairpieces, jewellery, perfumes and cosmetics. Everything that’s ‘in’ is in the Yellow Pages.

let your fingers Another



of P.P & P?.

. . Let’s


do the walking

not Friday,


3, 1967 (8: 19) 24 1




By Richard

M/hat did you find different Ashok



grad chemical engineer ing




Jayanti Mukhopadhyay


English 2

People are in a hurry to do something or the other all the time, Also the country is very beautiful.

S. P. Sood

K. Mtirugesan grad civil engineering

People in Europe and Asia do not have a real impression of Canada. They think it is just part of the Tv._ll--* -1-1~ uniEea states.

The people seem very free and friendly, and always willing to help you if you are in difficulty.

This concert

P. K: Roy grad civil engineering

I found the informal atmosphere in business and university life a change from my country. Also the snow amazed me.

grad biology

I was impressed by the friendly nature of the people.

grad chemistry


Most very king had snow came


people are keen onworhard. Also I never seen before I to Canada.


S. Uesugi

arts 1

Materialism tends to be the goal of the majority of people. Also university seems to produce parts for a giant technological machine,

* ji&


grad chemical




My first impression was from the window of an airplane. I was surprised at the size of the country.


Editorial The Homecoming committee got Dram Productions from Kitchener to book the Pozo Seco Singers. As they were not available, Phil Ochs was hired by Dram from the William Morris Agency in New York. The Homecoming committee got no word from Dram, from William Morrisor from Ochs about when he would arrive. Friday noon the Morris agency telegraphed Dram to say Ochs would arrive on flight 791 at 6:45. Because it was impossible to get Ochs from Toronto International Airport to Seagram Stadium by 7:30, the Homecoming committee got another act to fill in for the first part of the concert. At 5:30 the Four Just Men and Just One Woman were hired to perform at 7:30, McGinnis, Homecoming co-chair man, hired a car and went to the airport to drive Ochs to Waterloo in time for a belated concert. Dram did not offer to get him to Waterloo, nor did Ochs make any attempt to get to Waterloo from Toronto. At the airport, McGinnis waited for flight 791. It was delayed until 6:50 and finally landed at 7:15. No Ochs. Ochs had arrived at 6: 15 on another flight. After a few moments of searching the airport lounge, McGinnis met Ochs and the two started to Waterloo. Ochs said he told William Morris about the flight change two days previous. Yet for some reason Morris neglected to mention this to Dram or to theHomecom-

Why does there have to be a pattern to Homecoming? 1966. No chairman until mid-October. Marty McGinnis and Joe Recchia took over. 1967. The original chairman resigned in August because of marks. Marty McGinnis and Joe Recchia took over. 1966. No one knew who was going to be on stage at the concert almost until the act was there performing. Lightfoot was said to be coming. A Chevron headline October 14 said, “Gord Lightfoot heads Homecoming talent.” Then October 21, “Lightfoot lost in muddle.” He was replaced by the Mitchell Trio. 1967. The Pozo Seco Singers would Homecoming ads said so. But appear. the October 13 Chevron cgPozo Secoscanccl, Phil Ochs booked.” Things seemed set in 1967. Theconcert would start at 7: 30 and be over in time for everyone to move over to the coffeehouse and dance. Then, 7:30. No Phil Ochs. Instead, the Four Just Men and Just One Woman appeared on stage. Ochs was not yet in Canada. Or was he? No one knew exactly where he was. A mixup in telegrams, phone calls, plane arrival times and arrangements left everyone confused about just what was happening. After considerable investigation, here is what happened.

by Ed Penner Student emeritus

I’ve been putting off commenting on student activism for sometime now, but for lack of any other material I guess I’ll have to look at it in this column. Activism is a difficult subject to comment on in this university. Engineering and science in all probability will want 01’ Penner to stomp all over the new left; political-science will want me to supPort it, and arts will have stopped reading by now. Personally I have always re garded any type of politics, student OR government, as the worst type of corrupt abomination, attracting only the worst type of animals into its fold. This is not to say that Penner does not like politics; many enjoyable hours Pave been spent cursing the actions of those corrupt abominable animals.




committee. At 7:50 Ochs was somewhere outside Toronto on the 401 heading towards Waterloo with McGinnis. In Waterloo, Joe Recchia, (who severed connections with Dram last April) the other co-chairman .of Homecoming, explained the absence and introduced the fillin group, who took the stage for an impromptu performance. Recchia left. He had to emcee the coffeehouse and dance which was due to start. So the group, the Four Just Men and Just One Woman were on stage at Seagram with 700 people in the audience wondering what would happen next. There was no emcee. No Ochs. No McGinnis. Finally, around 8:45, McGinnis and Ochs arrived. The folk group left the stage and McGinnis took over for a few minutes to allow Ochs guitar to adjust to the temperature change. McGinnis, obviously distraught, introduced Ochs in a very unorthodox manner. It is not too often that a performer gets degraded by the emcee five minutes before show time but this was what McGinnis did to Ochs. With such stirring words as ‘(He can’t sing, he can’t play a guitar,” McGinnis brought on Phil Ochs. However true the words may be, it hardly seemed the time and place to broach the subject. Ochs seemed to laugh off the introduction and started his concert. He sang several songs then left the stage.

In regards to universities, I was still suspect, when you reghave always admired the golden , istered in the dean% office and it age of college-the days when was a clerk who put your name on

1 1 ’!

*’‘ 4


the enrollment list. When there weren’t many co-eds around to talk your ear off about Jean-Paul Sartre, quotations from Mao, why they hate their mother, Victorian hangups and why they make love. And so on. Perhaps those days never really did exist but I like to think that they did. 1 Getting back to student activism-l?m beginning to wonder if I should discuss it at all. Thework-

to work on a report to present to the Federation of Students would make me gag. Yet an activist pasitively wallows in the joy of it. Or if I see a picture of a grubby emaciated little kid staring at me with his empty rice-bowl, I immediately want to kick his face in for being so repulsive-looking, then I want to kick thephotographer’s face in for taking the picture, and then the news editor for his affrontery in allowing the picture to be printed where I could see it. It is only after some days of


. *

ing of the activists mind a,‘e totally alien- to me, and if you don’t understand something you shouldn’t discuss it (sage advice). Take the 01’ Penner as an exAs soon as classes are ample. finished, my only thought is to get bagged. Its not my fault-1 just want to pour back the suds and , iry--y;geidea of ruMing home

;‘/,. .,*


Tire w


* E

\ .

buildings were ivy-covered and the professors underpaid but dedicated, when only relatively wealthy students with Raccoon coats could attend, and those who did yelled things like ‘boola-boola” and ‘( 23 skiddoo” , and people only joined student council when they couldn’t make the football team, I long for the days when psychology majors could.nV hold their heads up in public, and sociology

Was it over? Was it just an intermission? Would there be an encore? Who knew? McGinnis, the emcee, didn’t appear on stage and many people started to leave, assuming the concert over. Finally, one of the Homecoming committee members, Mary Bull, got on stage and brought a little sanity to the scene. She was able to discover this was only an intermission. McGinnis knew the program would be a ix+ act format but he told no one else. Most of the audience returned to their seats and Ochs finished the program. A post-mortem on the whole affair indicates several things. Either Ochs, Dram or the William Morris Agency was at fault in not giving Homecoming a correct arrival time. The Homecoming chairmen cannot have all blame hoisted on their shoulders. But McGinnis should be chastized for his failure to pick up as emcee after Ochs’ first half performance. The blame must be laid on the Federation of Students’ booking and hiring policies. The archaic system of letting each committee (in reality each committee chairman) choose the talent and the method of bringing it in has proven useless. The foul-ups surrounding concerts in the past attest to this. What is needed is a newer, more effective Federation procedure to befollowed whenever bookings are made for student events.

sober thought that I want to kick in the face of the dictator or whoever allowed this kid to starve in the first place. But by that time I have forgotten how repulsive the kid looked and I no longer care. Now the student activist \fill be quick to point out that it is actually me who should be kicked in the fa& for allow@ a world to exist where grubby, emaciated little kids have to hold out rice-bowls to rich photographers. But I cannot carry the logic or the situation that far. And this is why Penner must refrain from any Comment on activists or the new left or whatever. Their individual worlds are too far apart. However, in closing, I must say that in activists are interested in . rest,,ing ‘%oola-boola”, destroying computer registration, and whoever is responsible for the registrzu? s office, then perhaps we’re not so far apart after all.

SOS: science on the spot There is a byelection in progress for two vacant science seats on student council. So far there haven’t been any nominations received. There are several things wrong. First there is a general apathy among the science faculty. We know. Science students are almost nil on our staff. Second, voting and eligibility . should be open to last year’s constituents. That is, the math students who were in science should be elegible to contest the election and to vote. It is bad enough that they are only indirectly represented by those candidates elected in last year’s council elections. Perhaps even last year’s math students who were in arts should be able to vote in this byelection. I The third point to be made concerns the presidentof the science society, Bill Kirton. While science students seem apathetic, their society is fairly active. The only prob. lem is an apparent lack of con-

fidence of the executive in their president. Bill Kirton should resign his position as president of the science society and run for one of the science seats on student council. Besides relieving the society of an internal conflict, it would leave Kirton in a more effective position on student council. At present Kirton sits on council ’ as a non-voting member like do all other society presidents. Many councillors feel however that society presidents should limit their participation to matters effecting their society. Kirton is a potentially effective council member. We would like to see him sit as an elected voting representative. So come on, science students. At least be as active as the math students who requested a judicialcommittee hearing on their representation. Make it a contest. And if Bill Kirton runs, show him whether you want him representing you on council.

Whose closet is, HE hiding in? Well then, why not have ? +, open j

Elevating complainin about was that it was too wet. Ididn’t mind thoo--it didn’t put a damnper on my weakend. In fa<t 1 had a lot of fun playing in the swimin pools all along the sidewalks. I bet that really impressed all the tinny-boppers, in their wet little shoes. And did you notice how PP & P took all the dirt off the path to the Village so that visitors couldn’t play in it? That was kind 0’ mean, but at least they put it back on Monday so when it rained on Tuesday we could make mudpies on the Way to class. You know, I think they would change their name to Pools, Puddles & Pot-

. meetings?

I I ,”


It is impossible to get to know 8,500 people individually. And that’s why the University of -Waterloo needs a new governmental structure. One of the real problems in the debate on university government is that people refuse to treat one another as nersons. Administrators and faculty have a habit of typing student leaders as radicals scrambling to seize power. Students have a habit of typing administrators and faculty as reactionaries scrambling to stay in power. Discussions tend to be filled with suspicion. Facts tend to be hidden because no one will be honest. This is, of course, not a problem unique to university life. Everywhere in life, people tend to think of others as types instead of individual human beings. U of W started out without the problem. Ten years ago, anybody I

could sit down for coffee with the president in the cafeteria. But there are a hundred times as ma ny people here now. If you’re lucky you may get to ride the library elevator with Unc1e Ierry* The problem of communication is acute* And, the body that is supposed to be trying to solve it, the study committee on university government, is itself hamstrung by it. Members should not come to meetings with their mind already made up. Students made a much better showing at Monday’s meeting than their elders. Seemingly more flexible, the students did not push useless points when it appeared they were not goint to get answers. Surely it is not asking too much that the 26 people on this committee learn to appreciate one another as equal individuals, to let down the barriers and deal honestly with the real problems.

It’s just plain ridiculous l It’s just plain ridiculous that the Federation of Students treasurer (among other things) would phone the information operator at a peak hour and ask how to make a martini. l It’s just plain ridiculous that the paving machines were chased around

the ring road by the Homecoming parade. l One of the bigwigs in the John Birch Society is named Daisy Ireland. l The annex 1 janitor has to take the garbage over to a container near the greenhouse every night. This is efficiency?

A member

of Canadian



The Chevron is published Fridays by the board of publications of the Federation of Students, student council and the board University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the university, of publications. editor-in-chief: Jim Nagel news editor: Brian Clark intercampus: Rich Mills assigning: Patricia McKee features editor: Bob Verdun

Yes Virginia, there was a ray of sun in October. In fact, the weather office claimed that the sun appeared 10 days last month. There were 23 days of heavy overcast, 17 of which had some rain. Scenes like the above were typical, especially on Homecoming weekend which experienced rain, drizzle, dense fog, and even snow. Chevron photo by Rob Brady

photo editor: Glenn Berry sports editor: Paul Cotton entertainment editor: Dale Martin advertising manager: Ross Helling

Offices in the Federation building, U of W. Publications chairman: John Shiry. 744-6111 local Night 744-0111, Telex 0295-759. TORONTO: 2497 (news), 2812 (advertising), 2471 (editor). Donna McKie, 7825959. NIAGARA FALLS: Ron Craig, 3565046. LONDON: David Bean, 432-033 1. OTTAWA: John Beamish, .828-3565. MARATHON (!): John Helliwelj, 229-6456, BRIDGEPORT: H. D. Goldbrick, 7446130. 8,200 copies.



3r 7967 (8: 79) 243


Farm/i ous le dwellers to campus

return by Glenn


Chevron photo editor

The most impressedvisitors for Tenth Anniversary Week had to be Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schweitzer, now residents of Waterloo. The Schweitzers used to live in the little white farmhouse just west of the chemical-engineering building. They owned the 126 acres of the south campus where all the main buildings are presently located. Reflecting on their 36 years here, the couple remembered the location as their open farm. They raised two children, both now living in other cities. Their daughter, Katherine agraduate of Waterloo Lutheran now living in Atlanta, Georgia, cried the eve of her departure. She claimed she would never see such a beautiful sunset as the one that night. Mr. Schweitzer recalled the numerous times his son, Lloyd, got strangely wetted by the waters of

the hallowed Laurel Creek. He also retold the story of how the family dog alleviated the groundhog surplus by grabbing one’ and methodically dunking it in the creek until it drowned. Their farm was the first to be sold to the university. The property was to be a city industrial site. Mabel and Stanley Schweitzer admitted they were ready toleave. Although they enjoyed seeing the nuns walking on their property at nights, they did wish for privacy in their later years. They thought students would be interested that there used to be a beach for swimming. At the bend in Laurel Creek at the foot of the Village hi& there was a sandy swimming area which was very popular with the friends of the family. The couple made a tour of the campus which took in the library, the math building and the science complex.

Batke predicts scholarly ddAs we enter the second decade of our university we too might ask toward what we go.” Dr. Ted Batke, university vice-president in charge of development, spoke to more than 450 people at* tending the 15th convocation last Friday. Batke said the scholarly mind sees the future as an idealized past while the artistic mind is able to “sense future forms in the flux of the present”. He added that it is necessary to reach a balance between the scholarly and artistic minds. To achieve this, future developments at Wat-


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erloo will include a variety of professional schools-law, medical architecture, environsciences, mental studies, creative arts, education, management sciences-he predicted. The most important contribution that the university can make is c‘forging a new philosophy of freedom for a humanity now grop ing for guidelines in the era of its most intensive transformation,$’ said Batke. Man today is constantly fighting for freedom. We must focus our attention on the human life of man. This will be mainly the concern of

a burning

The original owners, of the campus, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schweitzer, were fascinated by the bioZogy displays. Steve Liu, grad giology, explained the workings of the heartbeat detector apparatus on the half-dead frog. 1


balance -

the humanities in the university although all faculties will become involved. Batke told the graduates that man will cease to be amazed at the feats of the pure and applied sciences. They will continue to flourish but the university should become more involved in the new explorationsof the human spirit. c( We are determined at Waterloo to become a great university, in tune with the intellectual demands of our time.” he said. In closing he said that Waterloo today can proudly claim that “this is where the action is!”


L Mousey-Tung now has an owner. After being in an underwater membrane for Tenth Anniversary Week, the engineering faculty gave him to Edgar Re’ichenbacker, an eight-year-old student at Lincoln Heights Public School.



744-6111 TODAY DANCE at Village Hall, 10-2. Music by the Nowe Sound, 50$, All welcome. St. Aethelwold’s Players present “THE DIGBY PLAY OF MARY MAGDALEN.” Theater of the Arts. 8 pm. MONDAY




The Chevron advertising

ONE WEEK PREVIOUS to publication.



University government committee, 3 pm, board and senate room. TUESDAY Sometime between 9&5. Business Officefith. floor library. GARY ROBINS GETS HIS STUDENT LOAN (finally) Gary: “It better come through. Pm broke? Aryan Affairs Commission, first annual BEER HALL PUTSCH, Federation building, 8 pm. . GOD DEAD-CR JUST t‘Is UNEMPLOYED?” Lecture by WIE, ber Sutherland, general secretary of IVCF in Canada, at Hammerskjold lounge, 139 University Ave., 8 pm. Political-science unionpresents Butler, Breithaupt and Rosenberg to discuss election results. Everyone welcome, SS347 at 430.

photo by Eric Covington)

WEDNESDAY CIRCLE K meeting changed from Monday to Wednesday this week in SS350. Following weeks in ML354, 6~15. SCM is meeting underground at 142 University Ave. at 10 pm. First meeting of U of W TIDDLYWINKS CLUB inthereddininghall in the Village. Every Wednesday. Memberships will be taken at this time. THURSDAY Exhibition HOC KEY-Warriors vs Guelph Regals, OHA senior A. / Waterloo Arena, 8:30. FRENCH FILM SERIES. Second fiw Les quatre cent coups’ (Truffaut). Series tickets $3,Tickets available at door. P145 at 8:30. FASION SHOW by student wives club. St. Notre Dame College, 8 pm $1. Entertainment, refreshments, door prizes. , FRIDAY URBAMZATION 1967 symposisponsored by geography and um, planning department. Discussions on policy and planning, urban&+ tion in Canada, etc.

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