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Date: Octsber 3,1969 Mr. Trevor Boyes, Registrar To: .Mr. D.P. Roberston, Director of Aeademid copy: Services J.D.. Adams, Information Se&es x , From : Reporting of Enrolment Fi-gures ’ Subject: As you know, it has’ been, our practice to obtain enrolment figures from the Registrar.. -It was *my un+rstanding that Muriel, De Gre was in contact with you regarding this year’s enrdlment figures. ai’ ’ /I was not aware that the Gazette had obtained enrolment figures until this week’s issue of the Gazette . arrivedon my desk. , . In checking with Bob Whitton, &e’ editor, I learned that he liad obtained the. information from Ross Gren\ ier, Associate Registrar and from Brian Ingram. Whether Mr. Grenier should have known your policy on this -matter’ and qot released this information or
10 number
0Ve~enrolmentI -
whether Mr. Whitton was wrong in asking the Associate Registrar rather than the Registrar, is immaterial at this point since the inforniation has already been published. . In this case, after the Gazette came out Wednesday we asked the downtoi;vn tiedia not to use the information since it was not official and we told the Chevron that the information was not official. In regard to‘ the rights of Information Services and ’ the rights of the IQegistrar, it is my view that the RegisI trar has the right to determine whether members of ’ his staff may or may. not release information without his approval. I feel we have the right to determine whether ‘or not we will release information sb long ai i the party providing the information is aware of the purpose fo: which the information is intended, I hope you will agree that this is a fair distinction bet ween our respective rights. On the matter of speculation -of eilrolm&t figures , I find myself in- both* agreement -and disagreement ’ with you. On several occasions prior to and during ,
Waterloo, Ontario
registration I heard officials of the University tiaking open‘ statements that. our enrolment would be ,ll,OOO students or more. I was in’disagreement with the use of this type of ‘speculative figure because of the lack of information. In all queries to this office: we used- the projected figure of 10,000, which, to the best of ‘our knowledge, was the safest speculative figure we could use. The University, however, would ha’ve appeared ridiculous ,if we had refused to give out any type of speculative figure. I It is impossible for either of us to try to prevent. the use of speculative enrolment figures. We‘ can only try to see .that the figures to be used. are consistent and reflect a reasonable statistical premise. ;editor*s notes-A copy of this menio, . which is reproduced exactly as received, appeared mysteriously in the Chevron office frida y afternoon. Adams didn’t tell the Chevron that the information was not official; the Chevron called Gazette editor Bob Whitton, iuho indicated the figure inight nbt be
tuesday 7 'October
SW admh7 S Burnaby (CUP)-The Simon. Fraser University administration began dismissal procedure5 against eight of 11 striking professors from the department of political science, sociology and anthropology, and placed the eight on suspension until their firing is completed. In a letter to each of the professors, administration president Kenneth Strand made good an administration threat issued September 24, the day the PSA .department went on strike, in an effort to bring .administrators to. the nekotiating table and end an administration trusteeship over the department. The eight profes,sors are deposed department head Mordecai Briemberg, Kathleen Aberle, John Legget, Prudence Wheeldon, Louis Feldhammer, Nathan Popkin, David Potter and Saghir Ahmad. All of- the ‘professors except ‘Ahmad were denied teriure, demoted or placed, on probatiori by the administration tenure cornmittee in late august, Qverturn-
ing recommendations made by the departmeut’s bwn . tenure committee. Ahmad, a visiting professor in the PSA department, had strongly supported PSA resistance to the administration. Strand and acting administration vice-president Strivastava set ‘a deadline df 5pm &&&d&y for the. professors to declar’e they would attend -regularly scheduled classes and teach course material as described in the university calendar and approved by the academic senate. Failure to respond, they said, would constitute ground for dismissal. None of the striking faculty responded. The suspensioxis, according’ to Strand, became effective at noon friday. The professors were relieved of all teaching and committee duties, and lost all voting privileges “in any decision-making body in the university”. They are still eligible for salary, and welfare and libfary benefits-until their firing is completed.
Strand also forbade the profkssors to “engage in any activity that causes or may cau& ‘a disruption of the norrrial activities of this ‘uniyersity”-in effect, a command to cease aiding or supporting the nine-day old PSA strike. ,’ ~ _ According to Strand, the professors “abused the trust of those students who enrolled and paid for instruction” at SFU, and ‘:who now find their programs of studies disrupted and thwarted”by their a&ions. Course re-scheduling is particularly difficult at this, time during the university ,year Strand said, “and it may prove impossible to provide instructiion in these courses. ’ ’ In. an open letter to SFU students issued today, Strivastava encouragkd students affected by the PSA strike to apply for course transfers if they desired. “Every effort ‘will be made to acconimodate transferring students,” he said.
Striking RSA faculty -member John Legs&t spoke in the campus .center _thursday at noon. He along with three teaching assistants from the beseiged department of Simon Fraser University are 0~ a national speaking tour explaining their strike.
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proved acceptable. About two- . how members .Board of governors rep Craig , Some memberS of the univer’ the manner of selection gf reps are appointed, said he felt he would thirds of the members s&ill be .Watt said, “We cannot have.elect-s sity act committee seemed to be in a legal general meeting of the . Davidson from iriside the university (divihave difficulty persuading his reluctant about making the leap federation. ed representatives -who will have fellow governors to: accept the ded about e$ally between facinto the single-tiered university Watt went 0~ to say he felt that to. go back tq their constituencies and administradraft .as published. . ulty 9 students government. perhaps the university was adopevery time before they can -de“Certain constituencies’ have tion) and the oth’er third -from The committee is working out ting. the single-tier governing cide anything. ” ’ outside the university (with the right to determine how ‘memthe details for a “unibopy”, or concept without realizing its full -Patt,erson said, “It is unclear bers’ *II be elected-or appointed, about a quarter being Blumni). single governing council, to re- ‘implications. _ , what kind of. body this is, who ___---m-e----------------e-w tihile the proposed ’ council will place the senate arid board of act draft summary represents whom-, and so bn. I page 77 page 70 editorial . -------------------determine such matters for governors. . think that while it is -possible “The board will be sure to ask ‘?$e~-~&\~ &Gs of things others,” he said. “I strongly beAt a meeting thursday intended to philosophize. about the differthat we need time to digest. It lieve it should be one way or the . that question,” said Davidson. to discuss feedback on the cornence <between representation of Faculty association rep Tom would be sheer folly to say we other. ” the individual points of view, in mittee,‘s draf‘t act that was pubBrzustowski said, “Many people must have a deadline,” he said. Dayidson preferred to- see the lished in august, several conpractice it is not riearly so clear. find it difficult to accept the Throughout the discussions on council determine the manner of cerns were expressed about the “I think it would be worthdraft tict without a corresponding the single-tier structure, comselection for all members. basic structure. . while to make the draft more uniset of bylaws. ” pletion had been planned ‘in time He was asked if $he SelaSenate, rep Lynn Watt, said, form although I am going to wind . Administration president Howtive strength of the constituen“Since’ I represent the seriate, , to present the act to the provinup disagreeing with a number of ard Petch agreed and added that cial legislature’s winter session. .cie$ as proposed in the draft had I could not popsibly. accept the people on the committee as to some people plan to reserve draft in this form’. One’ major the form it should take.” _judgment until there is a Getter “Is there a generaLfeeling that concern involves the way stuunderstanding of the. proposals dent *representatives are to be our whole philosophy with respect regarding formation of an acachosen. ” ) There will be a public meeting tonight in the campus center great to representation on the proposed demic cbuncil: ” . Student reps are td be lchosen ;hall. to discuss the’draft of the university act. The meeting, called council might well be reviewed? ” “There is a general feeling in a manner determined by ‘the by federation president Tom Patterson, starts at 7: 3Oprin. Y asked committee chairman federation of students. FederaThe Vietpam ‘moratorium day group is h’6lding an open meeiing * that there is no reason to expect Ted Batke. “I feel there is cona traditional continuation of tion president Tom Patterson of all interested people tomorrow night at 8pm in the great hall. cern that we have made the things that are not pinned down,” had argued for this prov&ion ic Their proposal is to close down the university ori October 15 as a modes of representation look explained Brzustowski. the.cofimittee. He felt it should gesture toward stopping the Vietnam war. 1.Io.& On the matter-of who decides * continued on next page b be left to’,the students to decide
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