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11 number







27 October


Health Services

ent needs suffer torship postponed by Hilda Eastern chevron staff


Are student needs being met by delaying the hiring of a full-time director for health services? In the spring of last year, the health services committee composed of appointed and ex-officio members with nine student representatives, considered the possibility of hiring a full-time director. Pat Robertson, director of academic services and then chairman of the committee, investigated and found the full-time directorship financially feasible. A full-time director would work a full 40 hour week doing administration and attending meetings. The remaining time would be spent on medical practice within the health services. A reliable source suggests a full-time director would have the time to implement further liason and communication between present services. This would compliment and broaden the services available to students and meet the needs more adequately. Helen Reesor who was director at the time of the proposal, then offered to increase her hours to three hours daily at the beginning of September and then to four hours during the school term. Subsequently, some committee members received a memorandum from Robertson recommending Reesor as director. The memo was set prior to the committee’s consideration of Reesor’s suggestion. The committee decided to keep her as director and to open the

directorship next year. Reliable sources say she has only sometimes met her hourly committment. Ron Eydt, warden of the village said Reesor had often been on call after hours. There has been some question as to the availability of a qualified practitioner, for the directorship. Guelph university had twentytwo applicants to its advertising of a full-time director. Two of the following sources suggest some direction : l The health services committee of the student council on april 22, 1963, said, “The policies (general) adopted from this report (recommending the need of a health services) will change as the need arises. ” l Dana L. Fransworth, director of the university health services of Harvard university suggested a “social worker in charge of its student health services...” “....For this person has the insight and intuition for dealing effectively with students, meeting with members of the faculty and administration, and for interpreting what is taking place far better than any of our non-psychiatric physicians. This has tended to improve the communication among the various branches of the university. ” Reesor sees her duties as director as, “doing spot checks on physicians, administering the budget and treating critical illnesses in the infirmary. ” She cited the hypothetical example of a student coming down with the flu and a director trying to trace it to prevent further infection. She said students might see this

as interfering and paternalism. Among the committee’s terms of reference is “to recommend to the medical director on general policy matter regarding the operation, staffing, equipment and physical resources of the health services, and on appropriate programs of health information, education and preventive treatment for the university community.” From the committee came a policy of “sick” and “well” to determine who would get treated. People who may have wanted the pill or a physical, fell under the category of “well” and weren’t treated\. . “Group insurance now covers costs for doctor’s fees specifically for prescribing birth control devices and examinations,” said Robertson. The policy of “well” has since altered. Two doctors have been added to the staff who specifically deal with physicals and birth control information, examinations and prescription of devices. Appointments of the latter, Dr. W. Nurse, a gynaecologist, have been booked till december at health services. How many girls are going to get pregnant waiting for this token service? Bad drug trips will be treated only in the day time when a doctor is on duty. University lawyers suggested the university would be legally responsible for anything which may go wrong when no doctor is present. The suggested use of local hospitals is out of the question. Since when, has the K-W hospital been receptive to bad drug trips?

-Pete Wilkinson,

the chevron

A syn thesizer, a generalist is the answer to inter-disciplinary education according to Burton Claire Matthews, administration president. He spoke at convocation last friday afternoon,

500 convocate

-bob robertson,



An unidentified university of Waterloo student was involved in an accident early friday afternoon. While crossing the tracks at University avenue, the car she was driving was struck by the Elmiry express and carried five hundred feet down the tracks. s

Amidst great pomp and circumstance 500 students received their degrees from the university on friday afternoon. At the same time Burt Matthews was installed as president and vice-chancellor of the university. Former president Gerry Hagey was installed as president emeritus. In his convocation address, Burt Matthews outlined the university’s areas of concern for the seventies. Autonomy was one of these problems. As the major funding .agency of the university, the government is now in a position to dictate university policy in the name of the general public. So far the government has only demanded the right to approve the establishment of new programs. The question of who will teach what, how it will be taught and to whom is still determined by the university. However this last vestige of university autonomy could be taken from the university if it does not justify the allocation of its resources to the general public. Another area of concern mentioned by Matthews was the administration of the university. The role of the administration is

to provide and maintain the optimal environment for learning in which the faculty can teach and do research and the students can learn. Decision-making in such an environment must come from a meaningful relationship among the several parts of the university. This relationship is needed to give the university a wholeness in the academic matrix. This wholeness is threatened by the way the university is fractured into disciplines. Each professor relates to the members of his own discipline and not to the members of other disciplines within the university. Matthews suggested that the university-solve this problem by creating a new type of professional for our society - a generalizer, a synthesizer capable of transferring ideas from one field to another, capable of functioning across disciplinary and professional lines. In this way the university could come closer to the community and would be more capable of taking on the job of continuing education and re-education, especially of those older students who will be coming to the university in the future.



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by Brenda Wilson chevron

THE CHAIRS Eugene Ionesco’s style in most of his plays produces a certain kind of humour, and The Chairs, performed to an almost capacity audience in the arts theatre last Wednesday wasn’t an exception. All of Ionesco’s techniques of producing humour, the illogicality, the exaggeration and benality were displayed competently by the two main players, Betty Trott, as the old woman and Carl Gall, portraying her husband. The play depicts a banality which is accepted as normal in the world but which Ionesco feels is unreal. The old couple, sitting at home, are going through the evening routine which they have practised for seventy years. The familiar story which-the husband is nightly forced to tell illicits Children at the Allen street flee school do their thing. The school will hold open house this -first hysteria then tears at his The school is located at 136 Allen street at Wednesday at 8 pm for all interested persons. inability to give the world his philosophy of life before he dies. Moove in Waterloo. But this night is different. He has arranged for everyone of any importance and of no importance to attend a meeting 3 after the printer decided on where the great orator will relate events in Quebec. HALIFAX (CUP) - Talks are the old man’s deepest thoughts. his own not to print stories from The Gazette appeared yesternow under way for the establishThus begins a play of gestures Canadian university press. day with a blank front page after ment of a co-operative print Nesbitt refused to print three Nesbitt did not inform the to noone, bells that announce the shop somewhere in the Maritimes arrival of noone, doors that open stories that appeared originally journal staff that he was not to combat attempts by printers and close to nothing, conversain the Montreal Star-not known printing the articles. They (the to censor news of the Quebec tions with empty chairs. as a heavily radical or antijournal) intend to see what legal struggle. government newspaper. action can be taken against the Squash night University papers who normalA spokesman for the Gazette printer. ly print at the Dartmouth Free The Squash Club is holding a staff said discussions are now Press-the name has nothing Squash Night on thursday. At In Newfoundland, the muse to do with the ideology-have going on between Atlantic region Lawrence of the was printed only after a call to 5:30, Barney newspapers to see what can be the federal been severely censored in the K-W Racket Club will give justice department done to establish a co-operative past week by the shop’s owner squash instruction and play with to get clearance of copy dealing print shop where all papers will John Nesbitt. ; some students. with the Quebec struggle. be guaranteed that the copy they Both the Dalhousie Gazette There is a general meeting of In Prince Edward Isdecide to- print will go in their and the St. Mary’s Journal have the Squash Club at 7:00 and at land, the cadre at the university papers. been forced to leave blank spaces 7:45, the ‘A’ and ‘B’ finals of the of PEI reported this weekend in their newspaper’s latest ediThe journal came back from open Squash Tournament will be that much of the copy they wanttions when’ the printer refused the Nesbitt print shop last week played. At 8:30, another instruced to run in their paper would to publish copy dealing with with a rather large hole on page tional clinic will be given by by probably not be allowed Sandy Morgan of the K-W v thnil.lCrl nriy’111bL1. ntar Racket Club.

Printing co-op to be established


The strange actions and normal responses which make up the play- come together to form an illogical world which has its own uncomfortable and mysterious logic. There is a feeling that if Ionesco could have created a play with no characters he would - have done so for his ‘real’ actors are no more or less real than their entourage of invisible ones. This is not to say that acting abilities were lacking in this play for they are not. The rhythm characteristic of Ionesco, the hustle and bustle heading nowhere, was brought off well in the ‘ballet of chairs.’ It is a play of movement and the players pantomimed with skill. When at last the orator appeared there was hope that he could explain all the old couple’s fantastic actions throughout; whether it be madness, hallucinations or just fond memories relived. But he is incapable and the absurdity and unimportance of the whole play then, becomes apparent as, it seems to say, may life in the moment of death. This play was perhaps the best of the noontime drama series ever performed. The next play, The New Servant, to be performed on novem,ber 11.

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A venture in small might be brought. 0 to touch

the chc The chevron darkroom is restricted to use by persons on chevron staff.

The notice hand-book

in the engineering was a fabrication.

group ..

a greater





to touch a greater functioning



to touch a new significance with others.



of himself of personal in relationships

At times our words can block us from meaningfully rela tin to others. ‘This program will utilize non -verbal proce f ures in addition to the basic verbal encounter group process to enhance personal and interpersonal experiences. The emphasis will be placed on personal spontaneity’and interpersonal understanding. The group will meet weekly on Friday afternoons from 2-4 pm. starting October 29th and continuing through the Winter term. The leaders are Warren Robinson and Larry Bloom field, both experienced group leaders. Enrolment will be limited to 10 persons, Interested persons should register at the Counselling Services Centre, 6th floor of the Math Computer Building (Ext. 2655). (Persons unable to. meet on Friday afternoons should also leave their names for an additional group may be formed at another time). tuesda y 27 October

1970 f 1 L-24)




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390 the Chevron

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The myth of separating authority in science from authority in pe@. 0 YOU CARE FOR your brain? If not, stop reading. If you keep on, you know that people today are both excited and frightened by science. Some people think science will help us to heaven on earth, others think it will help us to hell. Why-are there such contradictory views? The main reason is because most of the people who run science tell us it is neither good nor bad. For example, one man who cares a lot about brains is Jose Delgado. He stimulates them with electrodes to control behavior. You can look him up in the text, McKeachie and Doyle. In a recent book, Delgado lays it on: science itself is very powerful but it is neither good nor bad. Like a knife, it can be used by a surgeon to heal or by an assassin to kill. This is the most common view on campus, too. Ask around the faculty. This view says that science works very differently from the way ordinary people work. Among us, where does authority come from to decide what happens and what doesn’t? From real power among people ; from love, money, force. But not, supposedly, in sci-


ence. In science it comes only from a special method. McKeachic and Doyle tell us right off. In science, authority comes only from factual evidence derived from systematic repeatable observation (~3)

So scientists must get facts, they must make observations, or there is no authority in science at all. In order to get facts, scientific psychologists must observe someone. Like who? Like YOU. Don’t you have to be a subject in a psychological experiment? Isn’t it acourse requirement? To be a subject means to give or sell facts. When you do you get $5. And if you don’t.... ? Now where did the authority come from for that? Where did the authority come from for the essence of authority in science? Not from all that stuff in McKeachie and Doyle. It comes from real power among- real people. Just like anything else. Look how McKeachie and Doyle drum up authority for their own statement. They put it in italics; its the only sentence in the chapter in italics. And the book costs a lot. That’s impressive. But there’s something worse. On

by Bill Livant

pages 2-3 they contrast science with all those forms of pre-scientific thought. What was the trouble with them? Unlike science, they were “offered without any means for resolving the differences.” Look at all those poor guys with their pitiful proverbs on page 2. But suppose you were to say you won’t be subjects in experiments whose purposes you don’t help to determine, and whose human value has not been justified. Then the differences would be fought out, just like any other human problem. To give or sell facts just “for science” is the worst possible reason. For what is science? Where there is real struggle in the world there will be real conflict in scientific psychology, and where there’s not, somebody is making a mystery. Like McKeachie and Doyle. They try to separate from authority

authority in people.


We need some idea of psychology that allows us to ask how these mysteries are made. For a start I suggest that today Psychology products

is are

an industry people. In an


industry there are tools, maps, plans, raw materials, products. There are also .. . and most important . .. real people who work in it, real people who run it and set the problems. I am a worker in this industry; so is your instructor. Subjects are the raw materials, just like potash. Whom do we work for, and why ? Is this industry making good things or garbage, or both? You won’t find a word of this in McKeachie and Doyle when, in the last chapter, they come to Psychology in Todays World. As it was in the beginning, so it is in the end. But you’ll have to find out for yourselves if you care for your brain.


No wonder, to anyone who swallows it, science appears a powerful but neutral thing. No wonder the contradictory hopes and fears. The people who run things have the hopes, the people who suffer them have the fears.

Bill Livant teaches psychology at the university of Saskatchewan at Regina. This article was originally published in the Carillon.

I am the Redman I am the Redman Son of the forest, mountain and lake What use have I of the asphalt What use have l of the brick and concrete What use have I of the automob& Think you these gifts divine That I should be humbly grateful. I am the Redman Son of the tree, hill and stream What use have I of china and crystal What use have I of djamonds and gold What use have I of money Think you these from heaven sent That I should be eager to accept. I am the Re.dman Son of the earth, water and sky What use have I of silk and velvet What use have I of n ylon and plastic What use have I of your religion Think you these be holy and sacred That I should kneel in awe. _ I am I look And Save Save -by

the chevron --

the Redman at you White Brother I ask you not me from sin and evilyourself.

member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS). subscriber: liberation news service (LNS) and chevron International news service (GINS). the chevron is a newsfeature tablord published offset fifty-two times a year (1970-7 1) on tuesdays and fridays by the federation of students, incorporated university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, Independent of the federation and the university administratron.offices in the campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295 - 748. clrculatlon 10,500 (tuesdays) 13.000 (frrdays) Alex Smith, editor co-orindators:

Bil Ross

Duke Redbird, from The only good indian, New press (Toronto!.



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