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volume 12 number 17 friday 1 October 1971

by<Bill Lindsay the chevron

’ (On September 13, the executive council of the federation of students met in an unannounced meeting and, after nearly two hours of debate, voted to fire Alex Smith, editor of the chevron. (The reason given was financial mismanagement, the only charge with which an editor of the chevron may be removed by the federation under federation and Canadian university press by-laws. (As of the day of the executive meeting, Smith’s salary as editor was cut off.) In a noisy, confused meeting monday night that lasted almost seven hours, the council of the federation of students refused to accept the executive’s firing of chevron editor Alex Smith. Earlier monday night, chevron staff members voted informally in a staff meeting that Smith should resign, with the understanding he

Pcige wtiffles -

Council might remain as a paid member of the chevron staff in a position other than editor. The decision of the- staff was relayed to council by news editor Bill Sheldon when the chevron ‘issue came up on the agenda. During the proceedings, council’s conduct ranged from businesslike to riotous then to

sleepy and nostalgic as 2 am approached. At one point in the debate on the executive firing, federation president Rick Page tried to cajole the council by declaring that if members did not have enough faith in their executive to back them up on this, then he would resign as president. “You can just get another cookie to take all this,” he warned. Peter Meeting chairman Warrian usually able to keep sessions in check, seemed often hard-pressed to keep order. Warrian, stepping down for a moment from his position as speaker, advised council that in his opinion “financial mismanagment” had not been proven, though he urged Smith to resign voluntarily. Warrian labeled Page’s threatened resignation a “juvenile ego trip” - to the scattered applause of the gallery - and asked that all members cool down and consider what they were saying. When debate began, Page assured council members that executive’s firing of Smith was completely legal under the the federation constitution. “The constitution allows firing of a chevron editor for mismana-

I mler~tion tflC>y just

president Rick threaten to.



politicians never fade away, Bill Lindsay, the chevron

Several councillors decried the professionalism of the chevron and other parts of the federation and called for a return to an. amateur student effort. Smith fired back that it had been the federation council, when they had approved the media budgets last year, which had placed its stamp of approval on the concept of a more professional media. Science representati;e George Greene compared the executive’s . motion to last spring’s “fiasco” inyolving radl’o Waterloo. “Certain members are intent on controlling campus media by controlling the purse strings,” he charged. “Radio Waterloo is only a shado,w of what it should have been and the morale and capabilities of the chevron are being similarly threatened now.” Page accused council of “shirking your responsibility” by not firing Smith and said the federation should “go under” if it failed to meet that responsibility. Onlookers again admired his flair for the> dramatic. Council members continued to speak out of turn and traded mild insults. Finally, a roll call vote was called at 12 :30 to accept or reject the executive’s minutes. The motion to accept the‘micutes was defeated by a vote of seven against, six for and two abstaining. Of the three executive members who had originally voted to fire Smith, John Dale - who has since


on resignation, -

reverses gment of funds and Smith is guilty of that, as the executive decided,” he told members. Despite his assurince, council members continued to voice throughout the meeting confusion as to the legality of what they were considering. Several members expressed concern that council should decide

Federation council refused to ratify the executive’s decision was present, but logic wzs conspicuous by its absence


on the issue before a Canadian university press investigation of the firing - called by Smith - had met to decide on the facts surrounding the firing. But a motion to table-the debate urlltil after. the CUP investigation was soundly defeated. At this writing, it was uncertain whether or not the CUP in-

to fire chevron


Alex Smith. Bill Lindsay,

A quorum the chevron

Of editor

vestigation team would still meet. Smith was called upon several times to defend himself against particular charges included in a memo which Larry Burko had introduced to council and against the more vague charge of financial mismanagement included in the executive’s firing motion. He maintained throughout the meeting that mismanagement of funds explicit$y implies going over the federation-approved yearly budget, which he claimed he had not, done. Smith pointed out to cquncil that he had operated the chevron last year at a surplus, and anticipated doing so this year also. He protested the charges of overspending, reminding council that the contract he had negotiated with this year’s printers was five percent below anticipated levels, while the provision for printing costs in the chevron budget for this year had been set at’ 10 percent above. He cautioned them not to bandy about the term “mismanagement” of funds, which might not hold up in legal interpretations. What corancil was talking about, he offered, was editorial allocation, which was part of the job he had- been hired to do. Debate became quickly heated again as members seemed to take sides and range far afield from the topic of the motion, probing the entire question of student media and council’s rights and responsibilities for the content of media beyond budgetary considerations.

resigned from the executive abstained on monday night’s vote and Heather Webster reversed herself and voted against accepting the firing. The vote over, council still seemed perplexed as to what it should, or could, do about firing Smith. Sheldon was again asked: to tell council exactly what had been the consensus of the chevron meeting, but before he could finish, Burko jumped up and interrupted him with shouts of “Liar, liar!” Enough ‘calm was restored to allow a motion to be made that council accept the staff’s alleged decision that they be allowed to determine Smith’s fate in a democratic manner as long as he rescinds his editorship. The motion was passed. Burko then moved nonconfidence in the federation executive tid the motion was seconded. A. majority expressing nonconfidence in themselves would have brought the council and the federation down in ruins and necessitated a new election. Everyone grew quiet and a great deal of soul-searching took place as a number of members tried to analyze their worth to the student body. The non-confidence motion was defeated by a vote of 8-3, with two abstentions, including Page’s. The chevron has not received official word of any resignations from the federation executive.

1 1

Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charfotie. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline I’s tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.



The awards cover the cost of round trip transportation between the awardee’s home and place of study, registration, tuition, lab, and other school fees, room and board and, where necessary, intensive language training. An sward can be used for almost any field of study except for a person intending to do independent or unsupervised research. Technical trainees are not permitted to use an award for apprenticeship programs. Each rotary district may endorse a candidate for an awsrd if in the opinion of the trustees the candidate meet the requirements of an award.

In 1973-74 the rotary foundation will offer four educational awards. Graduate fellowships for those who have or are about to receive a bachelors degree. @Undergraduate scholarships for those who are studying but do not yet have a degree. aTechnical training awards for high-school graduates who have been employed in a technical field for at least two years at the time of application. eAwards to teachers, for those who have been employed as full time teachers of the physically, mentally or educationally handicapped for at least two years at time of application.




The arts society has called a meeting for thursday October ? at ? pm in AL 105 to set up an english society. The arts society

is a union


course clubs with only english not having a functioning organization. Arts society funds are administered by representatives of the course clubs plus the arts of society hecutive.


A vast range and variety of community programs and services are available to the public in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. The directory of community servicel; outlines purposes, programs, qualifications, costs, and other useful information related to 143 voluntary organizations and government departments producing several hundred programs that directly serve the public This includes iliformation on social, health, yelfa?e,. housing, day care, $lucatidnal, recreational, and cultural programs. The directory, six months in the making, is the first of its kind in the twin cities to bring together detailed information on such a com-




prehensive basis. The directory is designed to serve as a real aid to individuals and groups seeking particular services or wishing to familiarize themselves with the services available in the community. A community information center will be opened in KitchenerWaterloo to provide walk-in and telephone assistance and to assist individuals in reaching the services they need. $he directory will serve as an important supplement to the CIC program ‘in the future. The directory is available: to the public and can be obtained from the social planning council office, 144 King st E for 2.00 dollars a COPY -


. . Want the right to live co-operatively or communally? You may


, imagine trying to work within that structure? Many of us feel we have to fight for it. Wilmot shouldn’t have to and each time a Township Council is having a by-law like this is passed it sets hearing this Monday, Oct. 4 at 11 precedents that other communities a.m. feel freer to follow. They want to pass a, by-law We could pack the council room redefining a legal family living in those presenting one house. The by-law would and support meet demand that people be related by protest briefs. All interested blood, adoption or working for in room 211 at the campus centre at 1 pm on Sunday afternoon. someone in the house. Can you



coalition of all Ontario women who supprt abortion law repeal. This will be a decision-making conference and every woman who registers will be entitled to participate and vote. Registration will take place on friday October 1 at Jarvis collegiate. The conference begins at 10 am on Saturday. Au women who believe that they should have the right to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to bear children are urged to attend.

This committee is sponsoring an Ontario women’s abortion action conference on October 2 at Jarvis collegiate in Toronto to form a


far Queens

Park? meetings with elected yepresentatives and for bringing issues directly to the people. Many people around the university have been looking for a candidate to represent the youth voice and Koop may be that man. To register in as a candidate a person must live in the riding for twelve months and put up a $250 deposit which is refunded if the candidate receives- 50 p&cent of the winner’s votes.

There will soon be a fourth candidate in ’ the upcoming p&incial election in the riding of Waterloo north. John Koop, a graduate of the university of Waterloo english and drama, announced that he had looked into entering the election, and decided. to run as an independent candidate. Koop feels that there is a need to move away from the concept of party politics. He stressed the need for open i\





Phone 576-

1968 MG Midget very good condition, radio, snow tires, no rust. 35,000 miles. $700 or best offer. 745 -9053.

Mid-july, silver ring, pink stone. value. Reward. Tui, ext 3225 or 578-8604.

Two pair Lange-dynamic skiis, CM. and 215 CM Nevada bindings, excellent condition (1970). One pair Eastern Blue Glass skiis 207 Ptione 743-3703 after 6 pm.

Felt hat at blues concert. 5327. LOST

My U of W jacket mistakenly taken from 177 Albert street friday, september 24. Please contact Anver, 193 Albert St., Waterloo. 742-8285 PERSONAL







It you believe in a revolutionary transformation of society and communalism contact like minded people write Community for the Humanist Revolution. care of P.O. 453, Waterloo, Ontario


File cabinet, 2 or 3 drawers. Phone Don or Pat at 744-7449 after weekend. We need cheap good condition furniture: bed, chesterfield, and lounge chair. Urgent. Call 745-1336 after 5 pm. RIDES WANTED Ride needed to Peterborough October 7 or 8. Will share gas cost. Call Joan 576-2449.

I don’t believe it. 388 Erb street west. Purveying waterpipes, copperpipes, holders, candels, rugs, dishes.



Double room for rent, kitchen facilities, close .to university. 743-9568.

1968 25Occ Suzuki Scrambler, excellent condition. Phone 479-3966. Anyone interested in the New Democratic Youth please phone 74.2-O 0848. Bean Bag Chairs from $25. Six assorted colours. Contact Dan Muellar 578-4481. Audubon Wildlife Films. Five shows of general interest scheduled in the Kitchener Waterloo Collegiate, first 1971 Honda 750. Dark green, imshow October 2, 1971. Tickets at $5 maculate, must sell. Call Jon 579 per set of five shows obtainable from 5271. K. D. Hunt, MC5118 _

Three girls wish two bedroom furnished apartment from january to april inclusive, near university. Phone 579 1857.

Mature lady will baby sit children $3 per day. Reference available. 7421390. .

Three girls looking for +wo bedroom apartment close to univet :ity. 579 4984.

Radical Communal farm needs people four miles from university. Phone 7420848. ” HOUSING

1968 Envoy,excellent condition 26,000 miles, snow tires, $750 or best offer. Phone 576-2411 after 5 pm.


This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakecs, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call- extension 3443. Dead&e is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.



Federation Flicks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. 8 pm AL116 Sponsored by federation of students.

Free Monday Night Movie. ‘Stage Coach’. 9 pm campus center great hall. Sponsored by Campus Center Board.

Tropic of Cancer pub with Skin Flesh and Bones. 50 cents admission. 8 pm CC pub. Sponsored by Optometry society.

Career Information Talk - representatives from Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation will be on campus to talk with interested students. 3:30 pm EL211.

Free Movies - check schedule at campus center. Sponsored by Federation of Students 8 pm campus center great hall.


Faith Missionary Church, 110 Fergus avenue invites you to their services. Sundays 11 am and 7 pm. Monday Youth time 7:30 pm. A bus will call at campus center 9:15 am.






lslington at 9 pm for campus

students to:

to the

mceive chevrorr,

the unhrersity

Watertoo Christian Fellowship invites you to join us for supper. Special speakers and just plain people getting together in Jesus. 5 pm CC113..


Seminar, “Compton Scattering from Molecules and Chemical Bonding.” Speaker Dr Paul E. Cade, University of Massachusetts. 3: 30 pm MC5158.

U of W student Liberal club meeting. 3:30pm ML212

Informal Christian Science test imofiy meetings. 9 pm SSc228.

7-10pm MC3007. All those interested in cheerleading both males and females please attend




in cheerleading,

required. Attitude most important. All welcome. 4:30 pm Combatives room,

Physical Education

Physical Education

6y 6f

All those

both males and females, please attend practices. No previous experience required. Attitude most important. All welcome. 4:30 pm Combatives room,




Math Society pub dance featuring “Spott Farm”. Mathies 25 cents federation members 50 cents. 8-12 CC pub.

Flying club ground school. All welcome.

Bus leaves

by Federation

Flicks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. Sponsored by Federation of Students. 8 pm AL116


Russian Club meeting. Everyone welcome. 7-10 pm MC3007.



Ski meeting with movies and fashion show. All welcome. 8 pm MC2066.

General Meeting - Armenian Students Association. 7 pm EL208.

Federation Flicks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. 8 pm AL116. Sponsored by Federation of Students.



General Meeting of Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers to &ct executive’and take on new members. 7: 30 pm Eng 2/3324.

free Movies - check schedule at campus center. 8 pm campus center great hall. Sponsored by Federation of Students.

subway station

All those interested in cheerleading, both males and female’s, please attend practices. No previous experience required. Attitude most important. All welcome. 4:30 pm Combatives room, Physical Education Bldg.

Duplicate Bridge - open pairs. Entry fee 50 cents per person. All bridge players welcome. Partnerships can be arranged. 7 pm SS lounge.



Anyone interested in joining Badminton Club come out. Membership is $1. Play is restricted to club members. 7:30 to 9:30 pm Physical Education Bldg.


Pub with Jam Band. Admission’ 50 cents for Eng. Sot.; $1 for others. 8: 30 pm Festival Room food services.



All those interested in cheerleading both males and females please attend practices. No previous experience required. Attitude most important. All welcome. 4:30 pm Combatives room, Physical Education building.

Toronto Express Bus leaves campus center for Islington subway station at 1:30 and 4:30 pm. Sponsored by Federation of Students.

fees l

student Send

A chalet to rent near Collingwood or a group of people with the same idea. Peter Schrama, Renison College, room 152. 745-2101.

Men’s Peugeot 10 speed bike, 2 months old. Call Chuck 579-2548 11 Austin Drive, Ap’t 11.



On august 12, women from a number bf organizations met in Toronto to initiate plans for the establishment of an abortion ‘law repeal coalition in Ontario for the repeal of the federal abortion laws. A committee, called Ontario R women for abortion law repeal coalition was formed,







off-c&mpw Waterloo.

Bldg. terms.







e rl by Nancy Murphy the chevron

Major Holdings and Developments, Limited, has given notice that it will not renew the leases on the co-op houses at 132, 134, 136 and 138 University avenue, which expire as of October 15. since students had However, already be en ass igned rooms before notice of the decision was given at the end of july, the company has granted an extension until the end of the fall term. Cathy, an occupant of 138 University ave., explained that the thirty’students involved have been “on tenderhooks”. “Most of the kids in the houses prefer this style of living to the apartment style of living at Philip St. or Hammarskjold House, or even to the isolation of the other two co-op houses on Clayfield or Erb streets. Some of them are already looking for houses”. looking for houses”.













132 University avenue has’ had separate arrangements with the colop as non-members renting the house and beingautonomous, Their lease also expires act. 15, and no extension will be granted unless the bulk of arrears from last year are paid up.

Sfudent awards explained ,

by Deanna Kaufman the chevron

The arts society represents the, largest sub-grouping of students on campus. There are close to three thousand students enrolled in arts through the university of Waterloo and its affiliated church colleges. Every member of the artsoc, anyone enrolled in a discipline of the arts faculty, has paid a $2.50 fee to the federation. These society fees are collected for the federation and then distributed by it to the various societies through council. In addition to these funds the federation allots 15,000 dollars to the societies’ budget. The societies must bargain for their share of these monies but artsoc will no doubt get some. The total will be in the neighbourhood of 8,000 dollars with which the artsoc will work. Phil Benovoy is the new president of artsoc for 71-72. He was acclaimed as was his predecessor, Allistair McPhee. Two acclamations in two years shows a marked lack of interest in the expenditure of several thousand dollars. This apathy is a tradition with artsoc. Very little has happened within the society, that has been of interest to its members. In other words the students let their money go without too much worry. The artsoc has always had money but has *been little more than an in- termediary between the federation and the many clubs who submit their budgets, to the artsoc executive.

The structure of the artsoc is unique. While all the other groups on campus act as an interim organization betw,een their members and the federation, the artsoc has been, until now, just a liason for its ~ clubs and the federation. All the club activities are open to anyone. Non-members are free to participate in any events shed&d by any club. Phil Benevoy has already started other interests within the society. Such things as undergrad tutoring and student faculty liason. He wants to establish an arts anti-calendar and a club for the 900 or so mature students on campus. For the student. there are social and academic activities planned. The society fee paid by the arts students will be available to anyone who wants to have it back. The executive committee of the artsoc has to be completed first. Elections for secretary and ’ treasurer will be held October 12. After this date the federation will give the artsoc their money and then refunds will be available in room 177b in the humanities, for those who want them. Besides having no money to work with this year, so far, the artsoc is : at the moment undergoing an audit that shouldn’t be being done. Carl Sulliman, said that all book auditing should be done by the federation auditors, employed to work for ’ student organizations. . Benovoy ‘has initiated an audit, at his personal expense. There were no businesslike books concerning the artsoc expenditures. At his takeover he arranged to have a proper accounting method established. This is now being done.


“When I see something that mustbe done, I want to do it and I want to do it now,” says Walter Pitman, “pragmatic” radical and NDP MPP for Peterborough. Pitman i!s being brought to the ca.mpus center & thu&day, october 5 at 12: 15 pm by the NDP youth groups at the university of Waterloo and ~~ Waterloo __ __ Lutheran university. He will address the CC v crowd on “You, the university and your future”.

h d fl


? it

n e4 Y t S


Pifman . . ., -COmes to center .

. .

At Queen’s Park, Pitman has been NDP spokesman for the two biggest spending departments, education .,and. university affairs. He is considered by his party to be an “outstanding critic of govern---- __It inaction on pollution and he rmy!r the picket line during yh: walked -re terborough Examiner strike ‘9 In 1 the titles department, Walter owns deputy ’ leader of the provincial party and chairman of the NDP caucus. , , ,,_ , (‘c -1


An application without errors takes an average of days to process and the awards office is finding -more errors in the applications forms which causes delays, said Albert R. Dejeet, awards officer. About 40 per cent of the applications received this year had to be returned to students for correction. The province has also adopted a more complex and gnr\k:-z-- ’ p--w* vxrhiph ronlliroc a 42

L a w .


If a student hasn’t applied for an award until mid august and then wonders where the money is in September, the awards office is not too sympathetic, he said. The office encourages students to students to ’ apply early and reminds pre-registering make application. Unfortunately, it seems many students seem t.o forget until after they come back from holidays or a job. Dejeet admitted that late application is not always the problem. From his files he found an example of a student who applied on may 4 but who had to wait 84 days for a reply. Another student’s application took i30 days. In cases like these it usually a combination of errors in programming, editing by the awards office or in the information given by the student, he said. The awards office is seeing 40 to 50 students a day trying to help straighten out loans and trying to arrange emergency loans for those -_-- who must nav a-

* , Because of the necessity to pay full fees at registration this fall, students depending on their government award may feel that the computer in Toronto has forgotten them. But, the student awards office explained, of the 5,200applications received so far only 1,450 are still outstanding. And the deadline this year was sepI tember 30 instead of the end of October as in

Traditional artsoc’apathy leaves. thousands un tendeopreviousyears. by Steve Brown the chevron


The present situation has A trade was affected, in which 140 University, as that lease the co-op leased the houses from prompted the Waterloo codoesn’t expire until january , 1973. operative residence’ incorporated 132 to 148 University ave., and Mr. Van Veldhuisen, in the received 140 University at the planning and development to renew the search for new dept. of nominal fee of $1.00 annually. houses, according to vicemajor holdings, and a member of In 1969, the lease on 142 to 148 the university president Paul Zendrowski. of Waterloo senate, was withdrawn by major holdings. Since actual purchase will has stated that the projected The houses were not all require the sanction of the construe tion of college square is demolished at the time and it was not the reason for his company’s members-at-large and will take felt that the co-op was removed action. considerable time, the present cobecause of noise and neighbours. opers in the university houses will “We are not tearing them (the During the summer of 1971 the not be aided by this action. houses) down for the purpose of the company warned co-op president The lease with major holdings Harland Harvey that the oc- plaza. They are in such poor actually had its origins with a land cupants of the houses would be condition that we feel they would cost too much to repair.” trade between that company and evicted if there weren’t a general the co-op in 1967. clean-up of the houses. Van Veldhuisen also explained Major holdings owned the land The demand was met, but at the that this plaza will be built on the on which the Philip st. complex end of july he received notice that land already vacant along Philip now stands. Co-op owned the land the leases would not be renewed. st., facing the university. Conat 140 university. These arrangements do not effect struction will begin this fall. .

On Sept. 23 the co-op division managers informed the students that they would need alternative living arrangements for the winter term. Until then, they had to base their future plans on rumour. However they have been informed that they can be accommodated at Philip street or Hammarskjold house. The difference in fees per term is not considerable, as shown by the following breakdown of cost;






FACTS ABOUT COITUS issued septem ber 1970

WED.aOCT. 6 Positions



Available:. PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT 3 First Year (regular & co-op) 3 Second Year 1 Third Year 2 Fourth Year 2 Second Year , 1 Third Year 1 Fourth Year

Nomination Forms Available Now in M-&C3038


WHAT IS KNOWN ABOUT COITUS Coitus, from’ the latin word coitione, meaning to bring together, is a mpular method of bi-sexual reproductions. Originally, it was used solely :o reproduce the species. Thus its historical significance is great. In fact, some historians claim that without-it our present society would not exist :oday. More recently however, it is taken merely for the accomp’anying ‘high”.


~1 Active



,The active ingredients are a group of hormones amounts by various glands of the body.

D Methods


in small

of Using:

The active ingredient is almost invariably taken directly into the oloodstream (mainlining). Coitus itself is generally taken by a curious ?itual that is described extensively in literature. . I


of Action


Coitus briefly stimulates the higher centers depresses the central nervous system.

of the


and then





These depend on the user, the intensity and the setting. The effect: are generally intense excitement along with a feeling of inner fulfillment oiLC&adrng to outbursts of euphoria. In the process of “coming down” a user may feel a sensation of relief followed by a feeling of loss OI rejection.


of Action

Is a function

o Hazards


of how

long it lasts.


Coitus induces psychological dependence of great intensity and unusual rapidity. Tolerance levels build up, and withdrawal can take decades.. Examinations of ex-addicts indicate great physical deterioration. Users may retreat into chronic use in order to avoid having to cope with getting fucked. Since’coitus is a social drug, it may lead to fraternization with social groups of questionable morality. Ex. cessive use may cause cancer or malnutrition. In 85 per cent of all birtldefects in Canada, the mother had used coitus immediately before pregnancy.

o Treatment: NO successful method for the treatment developed. A worthwhile long term solution was attempted by the”‘Christians”. It appears

of addicts has yet been (beha-viour modification) to have failed.

WHAT IS NOT KNOWN ABOUT COITUS? Some researchers believe that long term use of coitus may result in chronic lethargy. It is not clear whether the deterioration seen in some societies is due to the use of coitus or to the life style with which it is associated.

It is believed that capitalism, religion

the use of coitus and war.









short have



lead to hard




on driving?

An Agency of the Province of Ontario Division : 33 Russell Street; Toronto

4, Ontario


by Luk Aujame

federation- council

a& april, an American team of ping-pong players went to China. Before its visit was over, the 14 of dpril, president Nixon announced that the embargo on a list of “strategic” materials was raised, a decision which was later followed by the announcement that the United States would vote for China’s admission within the United Nations and that Nixon himself would go to China. The 14 of april, the Bengali movement for selfdetermination was crushed by, Pakistan’s president-general Yahia Khan, using modern weapons-mostly furnished by the United States, and planes having stopped in China on their way from West Pakistan. At the same time, Ceylon’s president, Mme Bandaranaike was crushing a peasant’s revolt, receiving, for a job well done, the congratulations of both Mao and Nixon. This introduction may seem, at first, to be unconnected with the call of the national student association (US) which can be read above. Nevertheless, it is essential, to understand the m’eaning of this international campaign at the initiative of the NSA, to be able to grasp the situation in which this campaign is started, at the same time that it must be made clear what Nixon and Mao- tse-tung ~are trying to agree on behind the back of the Vietnamese people- and whythey are doing so. For those who may be sceptical about this last statement, the same question was raised, in a more “brutal” way by a Saigon newspaper, Chinh Luap: “We have before us two hypothesis: either Washington exchanges the life of South Vietnam for peaceful relations with Peking, or China sacrifices the Vietnamese communists for a temporary alliance with the United States.” Everything seems to indicate that the Chinese communists have the intention of choosing the second hypothesis. From the open support to Yahia Khan and Mme Bandaranaike to the opening of diplomatic ties with Malaysia-specialised in the witchhunt of communists, and Czechoslovakia following the pseudo-14th congress of the C.P.T.\ which ratified the “normalisation” in process since the august 21st 1968 invasion by the Warsaw Pact armies of this country, the Chinese government has shown a face which contradicts every declaration made so far on their “proletarian internationalist” policy. In itself ‘the fact that China, as a country where capitalism has been replaced by a planified economy, is trying to pass an agreement with the United States cannot be condemned. China is submitted to the economic and political pressure of the US imperialism, and finds itself even more isolated to resist it by its break with Moscow. In addition, the “cultural revolution” almost \ stopped the economy for a number of years, thus worsening the





Huynh Tan Mam, president ~ of the socith Vietnam student union and 20 of his comrades have been jailed and charged with “treason” and “rebellion”. It was his convictions and determination to speak out against the American intervention. in his country and for support for Vietnamese self-determination, that has brought him to trial. . Of particular importance has been Mam’s ratification and implementation of the “People’s Peace - Treaty,” a document drafted by the representatives of the south Vietnam student -union, the north Vietnam student union and the United States national student association. Though he has been already crippled, and partially blinded and deafened .at the hands of the Saigon regime, he is once again on trial, although this time for his very life, because of Thieu’s determination t6 crush any student struggle for peace, independence and self-determination to incrush any student struggle for peace,

US-China dynam


dependence and. self-determination of the Vietnamese people, especially at the moment the national elections are taking place. We, Students of the United States realize our responsibility in organizing a defense for Mam and those who feel the repression of the Saigon clique. We call upon all student unions from every country to join in this campaign of solidarity for the defense of Huynh Tan Mam, for his colleagues and for all political prisoners in south Vietnam. We appeal for all other student unions to prepare for coordinated aand simultaneous actions with -actions planned in the Unit&d States this fall in support of the Indochinese people’s struggle for independence. To this end we urge all unions of students to send either their president ordelegate to attend a conferencein Washington Kto be held in October of this year, planning for simultaneous actions on a single date.

. . alters a~~~rs~o~a~~~~~


appears in its full proportions . . .





“fictitious capital”. It is in this that resides the cause of the crisis of the international monetary system set up ! at Bretton Woods in 1944. If it is in order to preserve their own internal security and their domination of the world economy that the American capitalists try to “extricate” themselves from Indochina, they have at the same time to put the burden of their bankruptcy on the other nations, as ~~41 as on the American workers. This is the meaning of the drastic measures taken by Nixon to stabilize the economy: a 10 per cent surtax on all imported goods, the non-convertibility of the dollar, and a wage-andprice freeze of 90 days. It is in the light of this analysis that the significance of the international campaign




their lives. Although the conditions of living. The point, did before the Geneva’s revelation does not come from of those trails cannot however, is that qeking shows agreements. Both are per- the fact that they reveal outcome b e d et ermined in advance, it signs that it is ready to accept, mitting Saigon’s regime and anything new-for -example, must be made clear that their in order to break its isolation, Nixon’s administration to gain that the attack by the North only protection is such the “normalisation” of the 1 time, in a period where both Vietnamese Of the tWO US -organised solidarity political and social situation in find themselves in critical destroyers august 2 and 4 1964 Solidarity not dnly with Vietnam in terms dictated by situations. in the Gulf of Tonkin us&d as a t h ose Vietnamese students but the US government. Such Saigon’s ‘regime is slowly Pretext to start bombarding with the Vietnamese people as signs are actually more than collapsing. In its “vietHanoi, was entirely set up by a whole. The withdrawal of US visible. In its july 19 editorial, namisation” of the war, the US Johnson, was already known. troops is not something L’Humanite (organ of the army . has gone through a Their hlpOl?hlCe COllleS from mechanical By trying to iLset French communist party) process of systematic that they are Offihd SWTt?t a date”, Nixon wants to Save wrote the following: destruction of the country. An documents showing Openly t0 time, time which should “As expected, the an- example of the most the American people the lies permit him to consolidate his nouncement of Nixon’s trip to “modern” methods used by which the successive ad- positions both at home and in China raised a lot of the Americans in Vietnam was ministrations have used to South Vietnam, and regroup hopes. .,The Vietnamese peace recently revealed by pentagon justify their war of aggression. the forces which would impose plan does offer to the United officials : an electronic device The time of their publication a compromise to the VietStates conditions of settlement placed in trees and which can is also of importance. It nameSe Peking being the are more than detect any human movement follows ‘Orne Of the most major element which of those forces reasonable. It guarantees~ the in a given perimeter is con- massive demonstrations The demand of “Out Now’; security of withdrawing US nected to plastic fragmen(500,000 in Washington, 250,000 expresses the determination oi troops. It accepts the tation bombs are in San Francisco) for the the American people to have simultaneity of this withautomatically fired on-the spot immediate withdrawal Of US nothing to do with a war whick drawal and the liberation of (Plastic has the advantage troops from Vietnam, Laos, is not theirs, as well as the prisoners. It insures the self- that it cannot be detected by x- and Cambodia and where support to the right of selfdetermination of South rays when it has entered large numbers of labourn dtermination for the VietVietnam in accord&e with bodies). organisations participated * for namese people. The result of the Geneva’s agreements.” ,this the first time. The fact that the Solidarity then is also witk “pacification” programme is judicial apparatus has not those The Geneva’s agreements, who in the United States signed in 1954 by France and that the determining political stoPPed the Publication of are protesting against the war North Vietnam as the result of factors in South Vietnam are these PaPers-in spite Of against their own government the French army’s defeat in now more the cities than the Nixon’s Pressure, Proves a solidarity which would giv; where the con- again that the mobilisation Of the feeling to the American Dien Bien Phu, ratified the country, division of Vietnam in two by tradictions of the regime are the American PeOpk? againSt people that they ire not the creation of the artificial more explosive,. Evidence of the war and its consequences isolated in their effort tc of the is shaking the US government impose peace . border on the 17th parallel and the decomposition ’ opened the way for the government is given by the in its very foundation. At the same _time, the establishment of a “puppet” The expenditure of 200 consequences of the war in recent elections , during which regime in Saigon supported by the opposition was physically billion dollars in Vietnam has every country give a reality ta the Americans. The Geneva’s threatened by the police to brought the American this solidarity. It is not agreements were nothing insure a majority for Thieu’s economy On the verge Of necessary to insist too much more than the repetition of administration. The facade of disaster. The deficit of the on the results in Canada of the preceding settlements on democracy that the October 3 balance Of paymeIlt reflects us eCOnOmiC Crisis. The Korea in 1950 and Germany in presidential elections are the fact that the American “importation" of the' wage 1945 (Potsdam) which both led going to be is another economy has produced too freeze (Douglas and Chrysler) to the artificial divisions of example. So is the opposition many Products of all sorts~ lay-offs (GM), inflation acthose two countries. They df the South Vietnam student including military OneS. (It companied by demand; of contain, thus, but a farce of union to the war and to their should be noted that Nixon has employers of higher The own government and which no intention of stopping arms productivity and the breaking self-determination. support to the right of self- has resulted in the arrest of production: the 18 of august he of unions (Texpack, La determination for the Viet- Huynh Tan Han, president of declared in Dallas: “Military Presse), It is also not namese people has meaning the union and 20 of his spendings will not be en- necessary to insist too much only if it is based on the comrades. dangered bY the recent on the incapacity of Trudeau’s reunification of Vietnam. The The main reason for this measures, on the contrary, the government to do anything US army is fighting in In- decomposition can be summed defence capacities of the about it, dochina in the name of self- up in a few words: the country should be reThus this campaign exdetermination for South Americans are not winning the evaluated.“) There is almost pressesthe will of not giving Vietnam, or so have said war. The resistance of the at hand 8 crisis of overpro- up to the illusions that the war successively Eisenhower, Vietnamese people nourished duction. A menace which is is going to stop suddenly and protected by the growing Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. aggravated bY the fact that the because troops are being withThe programme of the NLF opposition to the war in the US sector of the economy that drawn (they are replaced by and more recently Mme itself, has in fact stopped the produces military products the “automated battlefield” Binh’s 7-point peace proposal, US military machine. has been financed bY inflating that is systematic massacres; for the establishment of an The pentagon papers affair t,he dollar and credit, through that peace is something that independant, neutral, peaceful reveals the point the political different finanCia1 manipUk+ has t0 be imposed to Nixon by South Vietnamese government crisis has reached in the US. tions creating enormous The American people and all of their can only lead to an impasse, as The importance quantities of what is called other people. friday

1 October









55 King St. N. 24 Hour _




“The Boots That



shove Canada

up your ass

Alnchitka protesters close 49th parallel VANCOUVER (CUP) - In what demonstrators refused to let them pass. The newsmen sat in their car student leaders called a successful demonstration, about 3000 people and waited the half hour until six assembled at the peace arch in- Pm. ternational border between British About 150 demonstrators blocked Columbia and Washington State a truck crossing one mile east of for a four-hour blockade of the the Peace Arch just before 2 pm. Canadian-american border on Almost at once an elderly man tried to ram his small car into friday September 24. The border demonstration protesting the U.S. Canada but was prevented by the crush of demonstrators. The forty Atomic Energy Commission’s members of the RCMP present did proposed nuclear test on Amnot intervene despite the man’s chitka, an island in the americanowned chain off Alaska, was protests. At about 3:45 pm with trucks sponsored by the University of backed up about two miles from British Columbia’s alma mater ,society, or student government. the border, the driver of a large trailer truck attempted to drive Another 1200 Burnaby high through the makeshift blockade of school students skipped classes hay bales and people but and marched to the U.S. consulate demonstrators prevented him in Vancouver. For about an hour, speakers at from getting any more than the the demonstration including UBC cab of his truck over by putting bales of hay and a four by four student president Steve Garrod, political science prof Phil Resnick under his tire. For good measure they also opened the valves of his and united fishermen and allied air brakes and let the air out of his workers union president Homer tires. Stevens told the assembled As a result of this confrontation, demonstrators about the test and reinforcements came, over from about its repercussions on Canada. the Peace Arch so that soon there “If the warhead were to eventually be used,” said Garrod, “it were 600 demonstrators blocking the truck crossing. would explode incoming missiles over Canadian territory.” About 50 people at the Sumac crossing 40 miles east of the Peace Members of the Surrey, B.C. detachment of the RCMP Arch were repeatedly dragged remained on the scene and spoke to from the road by the RCMP and traffic was blocked only indemonstrators. termittently. No arrests were ‘Detachment chief inspector Jim reported. Riddelle said no incidents were reported ‘at the Peace Arch but The blockade at the Aldergrove said demonstrations which con- crossing, 20 miles east of the Arch, tinually break the law, such as became effective around 4 pm came over blocking a port of entry, were not when reinforcements going to be allowed forever. from the truck crossing and the Peace Arch. It effectiveness lasted Most cars attempting to cross the border in the four-hour period until 5 : 55 pm when a truck successfully rammed the line between 2 and 6 pm were diverted to other crossings and there was knocking\ over, but not injuring, little trouble. One Vancouver two demonstrators. The RCMP say they are thinking of laying charges family with a small boy who had become ill while vacationing in against the driver. The Aldergrove blockade apWashington state was allowed through, but a man identified only parently got one fat Californian by the jowls. as a “pressman” did not turn back and instead attempted to run the “You can take Canada and shove blockade. Forced to stop when it up your ass,” he replied to the demonstrators blocking the road demonstrators when they told him did not move, he returned to they were blocking the border Canada after arguing unbecause of the particular dangers successfully with the RCMP. posed to Canada by the Amchitka Two CBS newsmen also tried test. unsuccessfully to get demonAll blockades ended promptly at strators to let them through ‘6 o’clock but further demonbecause the said they had news strations are planned for other film which they had to send to New Canadian-american border York. After taking a vote, the crossings.

MATH SOCIETY All Math Students ‘having requested a. Society Fee Refund are advised it is available now in M &X 3038 Please Bring Your Fee Statement 6 276



ver by Gord Moore, chevron



is presently working The chevron without a paid editor. On September I3 the executive of the federation of students passed what was considered a “quickie” motion to immediately withhold the editor’s salary of 80 dollars per week. Alex Smith, at 26, was a Ryerson journalism graduate out of a job. He was charged with mismanagement of funds within the chevron printing budget, a charge which concerned the issue of September 10. That particular issue of the chevron carried the now infamous (on campus at least) Molly Mock-Up 16-page spread in five colours and on a specially weighted paper. The printing cost of Molly MockUps to the chevron was 2,638 dollars. The total cost of the issue was 4,157 dollars as compared to the usual $1,700 expenditure for a regular 32-page paper. Smith maintained the executive was out of order in firing him and had called for a Canadian university press investigation to determine whether the decision was valid. There is speculation as to whether Larry Burko, who had some past grievances with Smith (notably concerning the Voices magazine) was ego-trippingin his efforts to have Smith removed as editor. (Zt any rate, the fall issues brought much dissens!:?n among part of the staff. Some of the entertainment, sports tied photo staff working together on.- the paper from janudry to april last winter began to use staff meetings to express their grievances. The staff, which included Burko, were discontented with Smith’s method of dealing with his staft in decisioq making.

There are.many technical and trivial arguments from both sides surrounding this magazine which cost 10,000 dollars, including the mailing costs. But two things remain clear: Smith felt he had made the best decision for the magazine by excluding the vast majority of the staff, while a large number of the staff, on learning what Alex had done, felt betrayed in a way. Only Smith, Al Lukachko, Bill Sheldon and Tom Purdy, ail either chevron editors or coord inators, and a few outside people preparing stories knew of the magazine in its formative stages. Why didn’t Smith inform the staff about his idea instead of letting them hear it through the grape-vine? Why did he wait until his re-election campaign to properly explain this issue to his staff? This has remained a hotly debated issue among the chevron staff, especially since last spring’s election for editor. Smith was re-elected at that time.

When Smith’s salary was terminated as of September 20, he was in a very insecure position. He didn’t know if enough of his staff would support ‘him during debate or at council to regain his paid position. Smith had been asked at least twice whether or not he would resign, if asked. He replied that he would

and leave the positon vacant. Since he was already without pay, the staff had at least temporarily rid themselves of what they believed was causing the dissension. Smith could stay and work with the staff as a -coordinator without pay for one. week while the staff made up its collective mind whether or not a new



Again I return to the recent past. With the first two fall issues of the paper there was growing dissension among the staff. And as the staff began dealing with the situation they decidqd they must take action.

omplaints The biggest Smith were:

Brian Cere,


8 that he couldn’t the staff;




the Monday relate

Q that he had taught’the since he became editor;

to that staff



editor night








o that nearly the only thing he was successful at was making the chevron look pretty with his graphics work.

Actually, their discontent goes back tb the time when Voices was in its early production stage. As staff, they felt they ‘had been left out of an important decision on whether the chevron should produce a colour magazine, with contemporary writing, photography and foruniversity poetry I supposedly students across Canada.

at Tondays


was at times




the chevron during

of not, on the grounds that he thought he had not misused funds and was helping his staff more than they gave him credit for. * The issue, rapidly evolving at times within the past two weeks, came to a head at last monday night’s regular staff meeting. Only now there was one additional problem. That concerned ttie printing of last friday’s story on the manipulation of campus media. The article, written by Smith, appeared on the second last page next to the masthead. in it Smith directly attacked Rick Page, the federation of students and Larry Burko, although Burko was not named.

At a previous staff meeting there had been a general agreement not to run editorials of this nature irniess they appeared under the “Bullseye” logo and next to the story they concerned. At any rate, because the editorial was printed, many of the staff, which includes Burko, demanded Sinith’s removal from the editorship. Smith, for the most part, :ouId not understand the staff’s ire.

mood in the chevron not so heavy.



Burko is presently completing his degree, and, as past-president is a member of the federation council. Up until last friday, Burko had an office in the federation bf students roffices. He continued to play an active role in the “pleasureable” sjde of student affairs, namely booking concerts, pubs and the like, although he received no pay for his services. Burko stopped doing this work last week because, as he said, “it seemed I was spending more time explaining that I wasn’t stealing funds than booking entertainment”.

-The consensus Andat times



At staff meetings, and in private he either refuted these discussions, arguments or gave reasons for their existence. Still, that part of the staff was not satisfied. In the meantime, Smith had difficulties in finding enough. of his supporters to give him an indication of how he stood within the entire framework of the chevron.

As much as he tried to explain how the article came to be in the paper, the majority of the staff could not, or would not, understand. To many, this latest move by Smith was the last straw. Either Smith went or else about 40 percent of #his staff did. Most of the staff present, feeling that they were not at fault for the problems that were dividing staff, felt Smith should be fired.

Staff At finally



monday meeting the staff decided to remove Smith as editor

paid coordinating position could be created fof which he could apply. The majority of the ,staff present really wanted a collective with the position of editor left vacant for an indefinite period of time. The staff is in the midst of mulling the whole situation over before any definite changes are made concerning the staff structure. In the meantime, Smith’s opinion of his situation is this: legally, und&r federation by-laws, he remains editor until he resigns, even though his staff assumes he is not editor. To him, the council action on monday was “only accepting the chevron’s iepoi-t of the staff feeling, and the federation can not iegally act on it to fire me”. Be that as it may, the federation did vote to uphold the decision of the chevron staff earlier monday evening. The staff’s two-part decision left Smith in a very insecure position, but was to accomplish two objectives. First, no one Person would be in a position to make important staff decisions alone. Second, if Smith was accepted in the new position his journalistic and creative talents would be put to a better use in which the entire staff would ultimately benefit. The important thing to note here, though, is that prior to this motion council voted against ratifying the earlier decision by the executive to remove Smith as chevron editor on charges of nismanagement of funds. Rick Page, present federation president, explained that he would resign if the cotincil did not ratify the executive board decision to remove Smith on these charges. The motion was defeated with seven .against, six for, and twb abstaining because the majority of council members viewed Smith as operating within his printing budget, even though they seemed to feel the unusually high sum of money spent on the Molly Mock-Up issue was highly irregular. Since monday’s council meting the chevron staff feels that the outcome of Smith’s position is in their hands when -this monday’s staff meeting comes up. Smith has indicated that he will wait fop the results of this staff meeting before his future with the paper. II deciding

friday 1 October 1971 (12: 18) 277 7



froths _again .'




by Kenn Hyslop the chevron

We feel a touch of pride from To find something


2 Locations

SOMETHINGSPECIAL Inn of the Black Walnut Kitchener

Gemuetlichkeit or: warm fellowship, eat, drink and enjoy. In the new vernacular, peace brother. These are the phrases exemplifying Oktoberfest, the K-W version of Woodstock. For nine days and nights an expected 3@0,000 will sway to the throes of oompah music, beer and wienerschnitzel - mostly beer. Last year 169,000 revellers consumed 140,000 gallons of beer and 75 tons of sausage. That’s a lot of revelling. This year promises to almost double those figures but fortunately not the prices. K-W Oktoberfest was recently incorporated as a community owned enterprise holding it’s own identifications symbols, and patents. Only those groups agreeing to the rigid standards of the Oktoberfest committee on plans, price, entertainment, and services available will be an official part of the program. These rigid standards were deemed necessary by the organizers to insure that the festigal never falls into the hands of hucksters and fast-buck promoters. The format of the corporation is patterned after other community events on the scale of the Calgary Stampede, the Canadian National Exhibtion and the Quebec Winter Carnival. “The aim of the program is to maintain the genuine atmosphere and flavor . of our German beer festival,” explained Herbert J. Schneider, committee chairman. .

The symbol to watch for is an encircled beer stein, displayed as accreditation of membership in Oktoberfest. The four large GermanCanadian social clubs of the area form the nucleus of this celebration and supply musicians, dancers and cooks as well as locations for the beer quaffing. The Concordia club will continue it’s festival tradition at 429 Ottawa street south with it’s large dance hall, quaint shenke, or beer cellar and old-world Germanic atmosphere. The Transylvania club shall operate a huge beer, hall in the Kitchener auditorium annex and the Kitchener memorial auditorium as well as presenting a program in their clubhouse at 16 Andrew street in Kitchener. Schwaben, the second largest area club, will offer beer and the culinary expertise of their cooks from 1668 King street east. Fourth and youngest of the German-Canadian clubs, the Alpine is widely known for it’s folk dance groups. It is situated at 464 Maple street in Kitchener. These four clubs set the singing, dancing, uniquely German tenor of Oktoberfest as well as supplying locations for many of the festival celebrations. A word to the would be linguists ;-. if anyone asks you about the food (or the girls) just say, “It really schmecks”, and smile. From the eighth to the sixteenth

Oktoberfest offers a full card of events leaving us only sunday to rest our beer besotted palates. o October 8: friday at noon Oktoberfest opens with a bang and a gurgle in front of Kitchener’s city hall at noon. A fanfare of trumpets and a 21 morter salute officially declare open the third annual Oktoberfest. The evening will boast a traditional barrel-tapping and gala receptions throughout the twin cities. $ October 9: Anyone awake on Saturday morning can take in the Oktoberfest parade and watch the gaily decorated floats and people accompanied by Bavarian dancers, beefy-. oompah bands, and clattering beer wagons drawn by magnificent, matched draft horses. At noon you can either head for the closest beverage establishment or catch the .Bogenschuetzenfest, an eagle shooting contest for archers at Centennial stadium. o October 8 to 11: A kirmes or carnival, for children will be located in downtown Kitchener, happily ‘somewhat near a beer garden for the thirsting parents. o October 12 : Tuesday night is Munchen night at the Transylvania club and liesure lodge. Local industries will be saluted for the fame they have given the community. o October 13: This is brewers night, dedicated to those who produce for beer-drinking citizens. The best floats, bands and marchers will be selected to share three thousand dollars in prizes. 8 October 14: Hofbrau night honors those in the meat packing industry. It also honors anyone! who eats as the accent will be on food. o October 15 and 16 : This last weekend will be dedicated to food and drink. Entry to most beer halls will be less than two dollars and full course meals will run under three dollars. First come first served will be the rule. No reservations.

orit Forget Chevron Staff Meeting

WE RENT refrigerators (beer)? black & white television colour television beds chests desks lounger-chairs etc. You name it we probably have it (we sell used and new articles also)

Parkdaie Mall I

8 278





House of Furniture 46 K-ing St. North Waterloo - 576-5440


by Don Nichols the chevron idnappings, murders, student riots, smashed computers and broken bones form of violence. represent one Damaged blood cells caused by working in improperly pressurized subway tunnels and damaged lungs caused by working in polluted mines and smelters’ represent another form of violence. During 1970 in Ontario alone, there were. 370,000 occupational accidents resulting in workmen’s compensation payments. And that does not include many of’the slow-death victims of lung damage. That’s violence. But how little attention is paid to it compared to the violence allegedly caused by the FLQ last October. That was used to justify the restriction of the fundamental rights and freedoms of all Canadians. Our system is hypocritical when it condones one form of violence but uses another form to justify harsher laws and more restrictions. It may, be easier to see the hypocricy in our own system if we first look at what has happened in the United States.


US example Prior to the events of October there had been 200 bomb explosions in Quebec in the past six years. Six deaths resulted. For the U.S., in the fifteen months prior to april 1970 there had been 4,300 bomb explosions, 1,475 attempted bombings and as a result, 43 deaths, 384 injuries and 21 million doll&s in damage. New York City had a bomb incident on an average of once every other day. The americans have considerably more experience than us with violence and they are better able to both glorify and condemn it in the same breath’. Thus ‘ they glorify violent revolution providing the revolution referred to is the one which brought about an end to British colonialism in the United States. But officially they condemn revolution which might bring to an end economic colonialism. The right of all americans to bear arms and use those arms in defence of I/fe or property is considered to be aimost sacred. But when the Black Panthers decided to exercise that sacred right all hell broke. loose. The Black Panthers were clear in stating that unnecessary violence. although they I they opposed felt it was necessary to arm themselves for self defence. Suddenly those people who were such staunch supporters of the right to bear arms qualified their stand to suggest that it wasa right of White America but a crime of Black America. It is interesting to note that the panic created by the Black Panthers bearing arms far exceeded the concern about members of the Mafia doing the same thing.


to Canada

Coming back to Canada and the FLQ we should consider what actually happened. It boils down to the kidnapping of two people and the murder of one. Both the and the murder were unfortunate., One is bound to feel sorry for the widow of the late Mr. Laporte. However, murder is rather common in Montreal where, in fact, the very large number of gangland murders receive almost no mention in the press. The difference in reaction to gangland murders and the murder of Pierre i-aporte is that the gangland murders are not directed towards the establishment. A similar situation exists on picket lines. The slightest skirmish involving strikers leads to headlines in the newpapers and demands for control over trade union violence. On the other hand, ‘goon squads’ wielding clubs to break through picket lines, represents an accepted form of violence. The word violence conjures up a vision of something sudden and dramatic - an accident, a murder, or a beating. There are however, many actions which are less sudden, less dramatic but equally violent. The men who were forced to work on the subway construction in Toronto without having the tunnels properly pressurized were subjected to violence. True, the breakdown of their blood cells did not reveal itself as dramatically as a bullet wound, but it can lead to an even more painful death. The men who have their lungs destroyed in the smelters and mines in northern Ontario are equally subjected to violence; We can not point and say “This man will die on such and such a day because of the violence of his employer”; but we can say that thousands of men have had ye-ars taken off, their lives because of the working conditions. . Still less idramatic, but equally violent;‘ are- the effects of unemployment. Violence to a man’s


spirit is just as real as violence to a man’s body. of When a government condemns hundreds thousands of men and women to unemployment, that government is guilty of committing violence. when the committees or Unfortunately, professors study violence and write articles on violence, they almost always refer only to the dramatic sudden forms, the kind of violence that is maintained by bullet wounds and beatings. What they are really talking about is a rather limited and very narrow kind of violence. Specifically, they are referring to violence which has not been sanctioned by the powers in our is society. By the same token, violence which sanctioned, that is, the violence of unsafe working conditions and unemployment, is not included in their definition. are More people and. groups of people We protesting the established order of things. have seen a great increase in demonstrations by peace groups, tenants associations, and community acition groups. As is bound to happen occassionally in large demonstrations, minor accidents can lead to major confrontations. Unless the police are careful to avoid unnecessary violence, the confrontation between the police and the demonstrators is bound to be violent One cannot help thinking that some police off icers deliberately provoke violent response in demonstrations in‘ order to strengthen public opinion in favor of more restrictive laws which then leads to more demonstrations and more violence. This circular process of protest and repression is familiar to trade unionists in British Columbia and Saskatchewan. It is” difficult to escape the conclusions that premiers Bennett and previously Thatcher had deliberately forced some unions With a few unpopular into unpopular strikes. have strikes to use as examples, those Premiers been able to restrict the rights of trade unions ant transfer greater power to the courts and manager? of corporations.

FLQ The FLQ crisis should be seen as just one part o the cycle of violence and repression. The curren cycle began on the eve of the June 1968 elections -You .may recall, watching the CBC televisior news that evening when the lead item showec prime minister Pierre Trudeau watching the St Jean Baptiste parade in Montreal. A tomato wa: thrown in the general direction of Trudeau ant right on cue the Montreal police moved into the crowd with clubs swinging. Although they me with no resistance, within minutes several or lookers were handcuffed by police and taken of to jail. One is forced to conclude that Trudeau wa! incredibly fortunate to have the police put on tha little show in front of him when the televisior cameras were so well placed. Or was it a wel calculated demonstration to strengthen his future -position.

(510 Dutton


$1.50 at the door

Almost overlooked by the press at the height 0’ the October crisis was the growing strength o FRAP, a working-class-based-movement opposec to the Montreal dictatorship run by Trudeay(: . crony Jean Drapeau. The powers granted by the War Measures Act were used to effectiveI\ destroy FRAP and enabled Drapeau to not only bc re-elected as ma~yor but to have a city council ful of ‘his boys’.




Anyone familiar with the history of trade unionism in Canada knows that the spectre o violence has been the rallying cry used by th( governments to gain popular support for anti union legislation. But where else can you find ( progres movement which has effected so much ~ with so little violence? Certainly there have been occasions when tradl unionists responded to violence with violence They have not always followed the ideal (?) o turning the other cheek. But that ideal has neve been widely applied in this or any other society On the whole, the non-violent record of the tradl union movement is outstanding. Still, the record of repressive legislation and e parte injunctions justified by the need to contrc trade union violence, is unequalled in any othc area. Obviously violence is just a scapegoat use to slow down social change. ’ The record-of the trade union movement place a special obligation on the shoulders of trad unionists, with their experience in . defendin themselves against phoney charges of violence I There is a need to attack the violence i,nherent i our society. Not just in the dramati manifestations but also the equaliy violent uses c poverty and unemployment.


744 4446 friday

1 October





q m

campus question How do you stand

on the abortion

by Sergio Zavarella the chevron l

law? I


Sybille Zank Gen Arts 1 I don’t say!




Cindy Harris Hon Math 1

Candy Grant Physed I’m for it absolutely. it’s a personal decision. It’s a woman’s right to decide whether or not she wants one or

Whether or not to have an abortion should be-a decision made by the parties concerned and not by the laws of the country.


I believe a person has the right to judge whether or not \he is ready to take responsibility for a

Oh! I’m all for it. I think it’s a good idea rather than bringing children in the world.

I’m not entirely for Ii beration women but I think abortion 5hould be legalised in certain cases.

Nancy Mather Gen Arts 1

Debbie Saunders Gen Arts 1 1 ’ :I I

I really don’t know wha(t my views are, because I’m not in a situation were I have to decide. It’s a ljretty serious decision to make.

Just give us a call - we deliver free .of charge


Well! I think it deI)encls on circumstances. Personally I have wou Idn’t an abortion but for someone else it will depend on the circ‘u nistances.

It should be a per\onal perrogative.



westmount place pharmacy 1


I’ Saturday October 9


members) - $2.96 (other)







g opposed LNew York-An inexpenslve apricot kernal extract called Laetrile, used in foreign countries in the treatment of cancer, is being ignored by the medical industry in the US and by some important I)eople in the food and drug administration (FDA). Why is Laetrile ignored in the US? An official of the national cancer institute says the explanation ‘is that the production process for Laetri le @mygdalin) is already in the public domain and hence unprofitable for exploitation. An application by the McNaughton of San Francisco, a nonprofit research to test IL,ttatriIt; on cancer patients in untll)l)rovc~d ior more than a year on I >r (‘ll,lrltxs t clwards, a former surgeon ( omrl~i4\1onc~r of the l-DA. Kec~~ntly, tl~~n1~1(1 tli,lt 01q)Iication.

Foundation institute, the US sat the desk of who is now the FDA

[:,I-. tians Nicper, of a clinic in Hanover, Cernltlny, rtll)orted this spring that-he had been using I ~lltltrile in cancer treatment for four years. In trca,lting 70 Ijatients, he has observed “regression of histologically confirmed tumors and

l>r t rnesto (‘ontreras, an American-trainecj ( <In( car 5l)tlc inlist L\cho operates a clinic just over the bordtlr in 7 ijuana, Mexico, reports he has trt~ntccl sf94hrdl hundred terminal cancer patients in the past eight years. The majority had already tritld all the approved methods of cancer (orrclction: radiation, chemicals, surgery. “f-rtquclntly tlnough to be significant, I see arrest ,oi the discaase-or even regression-in some 15 l)ercc~nt of the very advanced cases.” And f’rom the Phillipines, Dr. Manuel Navarro, a 1)roi~+4c)r of \ctrgclry at the uniyers.ity of Santo I onlcls III ,\lcln~ld, r<lports that n‘ttcr 18 years, he 11,1\ ~r~~~lttql n1ort’ than SC)O patients with Laetrile. sz\l‘it Ii vf’ry rcirfh th~( options,” he says, his patients tn1I)ro\ftq!, or (tt I~~nst ~~xpericnced relief of pain. [)~~~ltl Burk, a cell biochemist who is director of thcl_ Cytocheniistry department of the national (ancer institute, estimates there “upwards of 200,000” terminal cancer patients in the US Lz-tho \voulcl btl eag:tlr to have Laetrile tested on them. t ftb \,licl, “I get tbt’o or three phone calls a dayI’vtl had tl~o ~1Iready this morning-from people I\ tlo ;l\k nit’ \vhere they can get Laetrile.” [3llrk, lrlth ;I 4&ytlar interest in c:ancer research, I)r-ovicltl\ the n,Itional cancer research bureau with Itlborcl tory tlv,lluations of chemical cancer th~lt-,li~i~~s to IX) tested on humans. On the basis of hi.\ limitcld study of Latttrile, he says the only t+pl~~n~~t1on hcl can give for Dr. .tdwards foot(lr,Igging on the McNaughton application is th,lt’,thtb t-[>A hits in the lap of the medical indll\try”

t 10 \<IIcJ tticlrcl are two doLen chemical cancerthtir,llq, (Irug c urrently in use. All have a marginal

evilis-m, WASHINGTON (CUPI> - Two surprising and contradictory policy hints made by top american officials sunday September 26 leave Canadians still in the dark about the controversial pipeline. that is to carry oil from Alaska’s north slope to the US market. The first leak to the press came sunday afternoon when U.S. secretary of the interior Rogers Morton ,hinted in an exclusive US riews and world report interview that the MacKenzie valley and the Canadian north would be used as a transportational buffer zone .2 between the oil fields of Alaska and the markets of the other 49 states. His statement put a damper on the hopes of the major oil companies who have been lobbying for a trans-Alaskan pipeline to the south coast of that ,state, from where the oil would be shipped by supertankers thrqugh Canadian waters to American consumers. But then, only a few hours later in Anchorage, Alaska, Richard Nixon gave the trans-Alaskan pipeline his blessing and said he believes it can be built without causing an environmental catastrophe.

I)erformance record of cure ratio.s’ as small I,orcent in some cases. All are toxic.





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Yet, Laetrile is non-toxic. “No one has ever been I;armed by using Laetrile, as far as is known ” Burk said. He [Jointed dut that the FDA regulaily approves drugs which have side effects known to be harmful: - “Even aspirin, penicillin and tranquilizers have bad side effects.” The FDA’s response to inquiries on the subject (ire inconclusive. The bureau issues a 11/2-page typewritten “fact sheet,” composed a year ago, which gives some background on the McNaughton foundation’s application and some Interesting details about Laetrile’s discoverer (a I>r. Ernst Krebs of San Francisco). But nowhere tloes it indicate Laetfile could be of any danger, to ~~nyone. Yet the FDA concludes with an arbitrary 4trltenit~nt that an application to test Laetrile in hum,~ns should not be approved.




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Queries to the American medical association ,111~~ the American cancer society are equally futile -1he AMA sends a 2%~page statement, by t heir “de~)artnient of investigation.” The 4tcltc~mc~nt was written five years ago and does not rclttlr to any original resear’ch on the substance by tlic1 AMA. instead, it is a review of controversial clrti< Ies and news clippings. Thcl American cancer society’s 6%pages are a (Iul)lic-ation of the same effort, if a little bette*r rclsclarchecf and written. Again, nowhere is there tl ny indication they have done any qriginal rf~search with Laetrile. Several congressmen-at least eight so far, ln( Iuding Senators Proxmire, Mondale and Harthave become interested in the medical establishment’s indifference to what might be an ihexI,clnsiv~~‘tlon-toxic cancer treatment. One of them, rqjrclsentative H.L. Fountain (D-NC), chairman of thtl house subcommittee on intergovernmental rcblations L\‘hich supervises the FDA, called on f lliot Richardson, secretary of health, education ,~ntf welfare, to set up an independent committee of cancer experts to study data on the of 1 c\etrile in foreign countries. They reported that the McNaughton foundation did not supply them with enoil& data; that Drs. Contreras and Nieper didn’t supply them with enough data. Rather than .. \t~at-( h out this further information, they made thclir report based on their bias toward the tiit~cl ica I and pharmaceutical industries, t-u oniti!encling that the FDA deny the apI)lic,ation -which they did. REX Fountain could-call hearings on the FDA i)oIic-y toward Laetrile which might result in th& f DA approving research into its use. Until then, cancer Ilatients and others who belietie. that I acltrile ought to be tested in this country should \\rritc to Rep. Fountain and Dr.‘- Edwards in N’as hi ngton.

-and Somewhere near you.... . there’s an


This statement, ah interpreted by some as a policy leak, received a swift, jubilant reaction from oil company lobbyists and spokesmen.

Neither the Canadian public nor the federal government ahave been consistent in their reaction to the proposed pipeline which has , been in the works for over a year. If the pipeline goes through Alaska and the oil is shipped through British Columbia waters, there is the potential danger of oil spillage and the ecological dangers that accompany such leakages. The coastline there is difficult for commercial ships to navigate and has never been attempted on a large scale by supertankers. The Canadian, House of Commons unanimously endorsed a report last year that called on the government to oppose the tanker route if it were to run through Canadian territory.

geologists that both animal migration patterns and the permafrost, on which the balance of life in the Canadian tundra so delicately rests, will be radically altered. The hazard to tundr;i animal and vegetable life stems from the fact that the Pipeline, a massive obstacle to animals, has to be kept heated so that the oil flows smoothly and continuously. This consistent heating will almost certainly destroy the permafrost under the pipes.

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Either way the ecology of Canada’s north is a consideration that the federal government has to weigh against the demands of American oil consumers. The two national goveriments have been studying the ecological factor for the past twelve months, but no conclusitie report has yet been issued. _

The overland pipeline wo~la run through the Mackenzie Valley If the pipeline goes thru the Yukon and northern Alberta to ’ south to a terminal in Edmonton, where it would connect with other Edmonton, there are widespread existing oil transport facilities. fears by wildlife specialistg and

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1 October







Paul Stuewe

the chevrdn

Bless the Beasts and Children Odeon



in Toronto

the Beasts

and Children,

produced and directed by Stanley Kramer, is, in the words of the accompanying ptiess kit:


Wh en you need a twewriter



ST. W.

“A tale of six young boys, misfits all, progeny of affluent parents, stuck in a summer camp they hate. They are desperate, pitiable, and heart-touching. .... Their big breakout leads to a determined mission, an effort to save a buffalo herd from brutal “thinning-out by hunters ... The boys identify with the doomed herd.”

There is no question that the boys are “desperate” and “pitiable” : short flashbacks establish that they are the victims of the complete range of parental incompetence, from over-protection to gross rieglect. They are definitely not “heart-touching”, however, and it is the central failure of Bless the Beasts and Children that Kramer’s emphasis on the comic elements of his story renders the final tragedy-the shooting death of one of the boysdramatically arbitrary and emotionally unaffecting. The boys. never, in other words, attain the stature of tragic figures. We spend too much time laughing at them as they screw up in camp, and not enough finding out what lies at the core of their failure. All

742-I 582

of the boy actors have previous theatrical experience, and the slickness and sophistication of their characterizations becomes an insurmountable barrier to any acceptance of them as fellow human beings. Their selection reveals an inability to deal with reality by any means other than selective falsification : one need not have seen Warrendale to know that social “misfits” are not always cute or physically attractive. . The formal structure of the film, strongly resembles the “mission behind enemy lines” of so many war movies : there‘ are several more or less preposterous vicissitudes along the way, notably a pair of peckerwood cowboys who are finally frightened off by a B-Bgun, which serve only to attenuat.e whatever suspense has been created by the intentiqn of freeing the buffalo. Although Kramer &es flashbacks, slow motion, and other devices in an attempt to break up ,the linear narrative, Bless the Beasts and Children is an extremely slow-paced hour and forty minutes. Even lowever,

when Kramer fails, he succeeds in stim-


Concerts in Waterloo


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the Way‘it


On October 21, Cat Stevens brings his quiet, relaxed style to the physed barn. Again, there’s not much to say about the artist. He has top selling albums, is a personal artist and, like Melanie, has risen onto the pop scene quickly through extensive promotion and no lack of talent. A note of interest in the Melanie concert. A local group, Kit Carson, will be performing as the warm-up act for the October 9th show. The group performed three concerts in the campus center during orientation at the U of W this year. Kit Carson is an acoustic group, a band tie11 worth hearing.





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,The federation of students have announced bookings of two major acts ‘for October concerts in the physed barn. Saturday,october 9 at 8: 30, -it’s Melanie, the singing autobiographer and...well, it’s all been said by others elsewhere. . Look magazine put it this way; “Melanie’s songs spring from her own life, but they belong to you too.. ..She sings like Piaf or Lenya, or ‘Soul Sister Annie’ “. She’d be disappointed with any sales pitch other than, “Go”, so we’ll leave it at that.


Tickets for the Melanie concert are available at the federation of students’ office in the campus center and at the usual commercial locations. Cat St&ens tickets will be available from the same places soon.

ulating reflection upon the themes he attempts-and how many films have done that for you lately?’ Despite the shallowness of his protagonists and the turgid plot, there are individual scenes which indicate that this could have been a much more satisfying film. The boys’ initial discovery of the fa?e of the surplus buffalo is a masterful indictment of the “gun culture”, and the humiliation inflicted upon them by their peers are as terrifying as those of Lord of the Flies. Several of the adult actors contribute striking, although often unfortunately brief, characterizations, and the Arizona landscapes are also very attractive. In summary, Bless the Beasts and Children is a seriously flawed work which, as has occassionally been the case with Kramer, reveals a rather large gap between laudable intentions - and the techniques and materials available to a man who has spent most of his creative life in the Hollywood milieu. Comic and tragic elements have ‘been thrown together here with little regard for any consistent artistic purpose, and the resulting mixed grill can be recommended only to those for whom the “message” completely overrides all other considerations.

Concerts in Toronto Martin On rot Associates have booked two “sure thing” concerts in Toronto featuring extremes in the rock music world. On Saturday. October 9th, every heavy-bopper in the area south of Moosenee and east of Sarnia will defile his way into maple leaf gardens to catch Grand Funk Railway and side act Pepper Tree. If money speaks, Grand Funk is the most popular group in rock_ today with five gold albums and sell-out crowds wherever they play. But if you’re the kind of musically minded person who finds the critics generally lenient when panning acts (and Grand Funkthey unanimously pan), keep miles away. On a brighter note, Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention play massey hall on Wednesday october 13 at 9 pm. Zappa has added AINSLY Dunbar at drums and Howard Kalen and Mark Volum on vocals to the already powerful Mothers crew. Dunbar spent some time with John Mayhall and with his own group, the Ainsly Dunbar Retaliation, before coming to Zappa. Kalen and Volum were the front men for the Turtles during the era of “Happy Together”. (The tune, by the way, has been incorporated into Zappa’s new act.) This is a set worth catching. Tickets for both concerts are not yet available but prices have been announced at $6, $5 and $4 for Grand Funk and $6, $5.50 $4.50, $3.50 for the Mothers.




cadence and tangu id snrnis~xualir/...turtas out to be the kind of all-round fun that in the movies oft is tried but rarely 50 well achieved.” .i~i:V,~~m~

. by David Harrington the chevron

Zachariah Zachariah, currently showing at the Fox Theatre, is billed as the first electric western. during the early However, portion of this film; we were led to believe that we would be seeing just another attempt by rock musicians to capitalize on their musical fame. In the past, this has usually been in the form of a lighthearted escapade; with the musicians not as actors, but as drawing cards. However, in Zachariah; Country Joe & the Fish, White Lightning and The James Gang soon step out of the spotlight to let the more serious actors move in. The writers of the story (none other than the Firesign Theatre) present the main theme by way of a rather maze-like plot. Country Joe and his men, playing a band of misfit bandits, are joined by two small-town youths in search of the “good life”. Zachariah and Matthew who seem to have a subtle homosexual relationship, soon come to realize that working with the Crackers is not “where it’s at”(as Zachariah would say) and move on to bigger and better things. After a shooting contest with Job Cain, the fastest man in the west; Zachariah decides to move out, knowing that he and Matthew would have to shoot it out with

Job’s gang if they both stayed. His journeys take him to an old man on a mountain who talks to him of peace. Alas, one must keep moving while one is still young enough to move. Zachariah hits El Camino, a town typifying today’s society ; and

here he meets Belle Starr, the respected whore-about-town. He satisfies her, but not himself and so returns to the old man, having no where else to go. Here he encounters Matthew again, who is on his way to shoot it out with Job Cain (Elvin Jones). After seeing Matthew, Zachariah takes up his guns again to regain his quick draw. He kills a mouse in

the process and the old man with tear-filled eyes, cries “Zach, haven’t you learned anything?” Zachariah sees the light and has finally found the answer. The old man and he climb the mountain and sit among the seashells in total ecstasy. (sounds familiar, doesn’t it? ) The old man dies in happiness, leaving Zachariah to fight it out with Matthew. He refuses to fight, thus making it impossible for his best friend to kill him; finally, love conquers Matthew’s hostility, and the sun sets on Matthew and Zachariah hugging each other in by. John Rubinstein, played the role of Zachariah with great ease; far superior to the still excellent acting of Elvin Jones, Country Joe McDonald and the others. The photography also made the movie worth seeing. Some of the scenery, resembling that in Easy Rider, was beautiful (as are most western-sunset shots). Although they were somewhat trite, they were used very well. An example is the sequence in which Zachariah buries the old man, silhouetted against the setting sun and dark, blowing clouds. The mood was set well by the photography throughout. the whole movie.


* ’ The Grand


The Grand Waltz is a nice, harmless movie making absolutely no attempt to do anything but entertain. As such, it succeeds completely. A musical romance, it sells the story of Johann Strauss’s rise to fame. Set in Vienna, the film opens with Strauss the ’ nk-clerk.getting fired. However i>e doesn’t mind, because he didn’t want to be a banker anyway. Instead he gathers together a group of street musicians and organizes his own orchestra. At their ,I first public performance they play in a restaurant, where he is an immediate success. Just be coincidence, Vienna’s top opera singers are in the audience and invite him to some count’s castle. His music is played and Vienna’s leading music publisher, who is in attendance, is very impressed. By this time, Strauss has something going with an opera . singer; however his childhood sweetheart saves him and they get


by Dirk Deboeck the chevron

married. At their wedding the publisher drops in and signs Strauss up for a very lucrative contract. This goes on and on and on. Strauss continues his affair with the opera singer, joins’ the revolution (but not really,) and gets more-famous all the time. To add to the goulash (one of the favorite local foods>, Strauss’ wife knows of the affair and suffers a great deal. All ends well however, with the opera singer going to Budapest and Strauss returning to his wife. The film ends with Strauss, now an old man, standing alongside the emperor and receiving a standing ovation from the people of Vienna. . Why the movie was done this way is very mysterious. Vienna in 1850 was a very turbulent and interesting place, and Johann Strauss an interesting person. It was unnecessary to make up a wife different from the one he had, just to create a triangle romance.


was very little of ‘the colour of Vienna; neither was there an attempt at an indepth study of Strauss - all material which would have increased general audience appeal. We both enjoyed the music. Vienna today, and to a much greater extent then, is filled with people who sing and make music all day long. This is a welcome relief from the canned and just plain bad, electric music put out in North America today. The acting lacked zest, except perhaps that of Strauss’ wife whose occasional flashes could move you to sympathy, if you let them. As a musical, it was somewhat enjoyable though not memorable; the production is marred by the bad plot and poor characterization. If its Strauss the musician you’re after, &e film is worthwhile; if its Strauss the person, or you just don’t like his music, forget the film. actual




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by Jan Stoody the chevron

Dot Halliday rode into Tombstone a sick man. With this as premise, a tale unfolds whereby we witness his attempt to deal with his multi-levelled malaise, the existence of one sickness facilitating the eventual destruction of another. A tuberculoid, gambling killer, Dot (Stacy Keach) comes to realize that the time has to come to negate the past and do the best with the future left him. This death wish, a recurring theme in his consciousness, is instrumental in his killing of the Kid, a. boy who aspired to his life and likeness. It also motivates his involvement with Katy (Faye Dunaway) who is in the end merely a tool which is discarded once his selfinduced purgative nears effectiveness. It seems the logic of politiking has never differed. Wyatt Earp’s campaign speech for sheriff aptly illustrates this with lines such as “My brother’s death wia n& be in vati ctldt’ from t&s we are wna bald a ‘ :.

better town.... we are gonna build a better Tombdoes smash stone.” -pun intended. Wyatt definitely the good guy-bad guy myth, being largely motivated by, of course, power and glory. Those, who would previously have been depicted as ‘bad guys’ are now tusslin’ strong country folk, simple, uneducated, but nonetheless occasionally gentlemen, frequently with a code of ehties. ‘Good guys’ are shrewd, clean, more exploitative, should know better, ethical when convenient, and gentlemen. Contradictory? Yup, just like real life. The acting is mediocre, with intimate eye play and facial expression dominating. The’dialogue, although initially, horribly and intentionally cliched, gradually picks up, but only a little. In conclusion, we can only agree with pseudo badguy Ike’s sarcastic sentiment, “Sure makes you sleep good at night knowin’ Wyatt Earp’s upholdin’ the law.”

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HOW planners. 1commit -rape. _ by Boyce


Developers-planners-politicians, each a corner in an eternal triangle and each blaming the others that Canadians do not have people most in need, the housing they deserve.. . meanwhilethe the poorest 20 percent of the population, has no access to - adequate housing. The following speech by Boyce Richardson, associate editor of the Montreal Star, to the august convention of the town planning institute of Canada points to many injustices presently suffered by Canadians at the hands of not merely planners, but politicians and developers as well. And his words are strong, to a bbdy of professional planners that has increasingly been criticised for lack of action in planning for people’s needs rather than wants.


I read the stuff .I was handed when I arrived. I read this little booklet on the low-cost $200 million housing programme. The figures shohed that the federal government loaned money to people whose earnings were between $4,000 and 64,206 at a rate of interest of 7% per cent. Their monthly payments amounted to 26.5 per cent of their inc-omes. If a man was lucky enough to earn $5,000 or more, the federal government would only charge him 9’/2 j)er cent.

But terest.

to the

big companies

- zero


I looked into these figures’ a little more. Here was a much-heralded special fund for experimental programes for lowcost housing - one would be justified in assuming the idea was to serve the poor. The upper level of income provided for in this noble experiment was $10,000 a year: th ’ _ . charged for this experimental Low-cost housing was $250 a month. Much is made in the booklet that the experiment was designed to make housing available for people earning between $4,000 and $6,000; and that the average income of the homeowner under the programme was ,Cl’ilS BS,600 a year, compared with $9,325 under normal conditions.

What about the poorest?


QW I CAME here thinking quite a bit about what seemed to me to be the two major problems confronting this country. One is that the province of Quebec seems to be making its way out of Canada. This is a national meeting of a group of professionals cintrally concerned with building this country, and I know that many of you in the English-speaking parts of Canada must have been asking yourselves a simple but troubling question: “If Robert Bourassa, a convinced federalist, with a comfortable majority in his provincial legislature, could not accept the constitutional deal recently offered to him, just exactly what kind of deal can Quebec accept and under what kind of leader?” Whatever your excuse may be for not having reflected the existence of this great problem, I cannot think that YOU ‘have any-excuse for the fact that the second problem, that is to say, the increasing American takeover of the Canadian economy, has also notfigured in your discussions at all. That is strange. One of the developers enlightened us with quotations from the mayors of american cities, and concluded that we have much to be proud of in Canada that we have not permitted our cities to Jegenerate to such a degree. Like him, I believe it could happen here: and it may do so unless we recognize that there are fundamental differences in the values which we are applying to our city management from thhose operating in the home of private enterprise.



A challenge before us now is to push those differences further by deliberate and conscious policies. To do that we are to have to confront the going unrestrained power - of the big corporations. Nobody talked about it. A couple of passing references were made to Eric Kierarrs drid his thesis that the Canadian government, with a system of




chevron Y

and depreciation tax allowances allowances that is wildly out of balance, american comis practically forcing panies to take--over Canadian competitors. I thought, before I get on to summarizing what has been said, I would just mentibn some of these things that have not been said. For in much of what was said, the implications were clear enough. Mr. Kierans - and remember that he is a former president of the Montreal and Toronto stock exchanges - in his recent speech in Newfoundland, exposed a fact which really forms a background to much of the talk we have-had here about the way that people are trying to by-pass the electoral system. He identified what he called, I think - I do not have the. text before me, and speak from memory - the deferred depreciation tax loan fund, that is to say the amount of depreciation that cornpanies can deduct from their tax returns, and carry forward, so long as they reinvest it. This has reached at last count, the staggering fugure of some 3’/2 billion dollars, and Mr. Kierans says that this is, in effect, a loan made by the federal goverflment, at zero interest - at zero interest - to the biggest companies in the land. Besides this loan fund at zero interest, other sources of loans for individuals and smaller companies are from chartere.d banks, chickenfeed: unless I am mistaken, some $I% or from the industrial maybe $2 billion: c!evelopment fund especially set up for that purpose, some $350 million. This is what the young radicals today describe as the Corporate Ripoff - and the startling fact is that the federal government is hand in glove with the most powerful and ‘the richest people in the land in aiding and abetting this ripoff.

Very impressive: except that I happen to have had on hand this little j’ublication, Last Post, containing the report on Canadian poverty, written by the four young men who in their own inelegant words, told Senator Croll to get stuffed. They show that among the 4,500,OOO Canadians living in poverty, that is to say -- 21 per cent of the Canadian population, the average family income in 1969 was between $2,500 and $3,000. So the lowcost housing experiment didn’t reach a single one of the poorest fifth of *our society, the people most in need. Just another phony: is it any wonder that people are losing faith in the established political processes? Now please don’t get alarmed, I do intend to summarize what has been said: but I wanted to establish that to my mind there was a huge field of concern which should have been brought out at this conference but was not. Let me mention just one other thing. Here we are in 1970 spending a lot of money on an experimental low-cost housing programe, and it is loaded with high-rise apartment buildings for families with children. You cannot tell from the booklet how many. They carefully do not say. I will admit we have heard quite a lot about high-rise apartments. The developers were quite clearly devoted to them. Even Mr. Steinhart said he has nothing against them, and in fact promotes them. No one wants to say anything nasty about them without first apologizing for his temerity. In another publication that was handed out here, Robert Badley writes that neighborhoods have been transformed from closely knit single family units to sterile impersonal high-rise



giants. And then he adds: “I am not in any way suggesting that the high-rise way of life is less desirable.” What the hell does that mean? We are living in 1970. Every survey taken that I have ever seen of families living in high-rise apartments, publicly or privately owned, reaches the same result: 80 per cent of the peo& would rather have a house. It is even suggested in England in a recent report that a whole generation of emotionally deformed children is now being raised in high-rise apartments. I have raised three small children in a fou; room London apartment myself, and transplanted them suddenly into the space and freedom of life in Montreal: what a difference in those children! Yet here is a group of professional plannas who apparently think we should still be building high-rise experimental housing for children to live in, and who did not really challenge either the politicians or businessmen about their attitudes to this extremely vital subject. Okay: let’s move onto the conference itself. I have been asked to summarize and comment. Of course, as you can tell, I am a model of objectivity, so you will have no difficulty in telling what is summary and what comment. tjans l~Iut~~ct~ield, looking like a mischievous pixie behind that great lectern, got us away to an excellent start. Others before me have seized on some of his remarks. There ain’t no such anim$ as a planner, he said, we are all planners, 1 his non-c~xistctlt atiitiIal Leas under the dangerous illusion. sometimes, that he was Lad: I wonder, is that an argument for the non-existence of God? He said planning is the task of foreseeing evik that are likely to occur without planning. And he gave the professional planners credit for being able “to a very limited extent” to foresee what the reactions, interactions and so on of any particular event might be. Then we had the minister, Mr. Andras. Mr. Andras said he has discovered that a lot of federal departments are involved in the cities, and he has managed to convince his colleagues that that is so. The Prime Minister is even convinced ot: it.* SO Mr. Andras is free with blessings trotii on high to go ahead and coordinate the actions of the federal government. In other words, to clean up a shocking bloody mess, at last. Not only do we have a strong leader:,. able to whisk all those separatists into jail at the stroke of a pen - only to find them, unfortunately, popping up at his shoulder in the constitutional conference - but we have a leader who has the welfare of the cities at heart. Mr. Andras has discovered two key words: co-ordination and consultation two words to set the pulses of Canadians throbbing. On the one hand that seems to mean that if they build an airport they will make sure they also have some road.leading in and out of it; and on the other, they will keep on setting up more committees.


Before I leave the federal government, I think I would like to welcome the arrival of a new star on the semantic scene. This is the word thrust. It seems to !rave taken Ottawa by- storm. You no longer decide in your feeble human way that you will try to do something; you establish a thrust, or maybe two thrusts, -or if you are particularly dynamic, like this institute, three thrusts. There doesn’t seem to ‘ be a single Iimpwristed technocrat in. Ottawa who isn’t equipping himself with a dynamic image by establishing thrusts all over the place. At first I found it irritating, but then I decided it was -really appropriate for ‘Ottawa: the word thrust, after all, is more descriptive of the act of raping someone than of anything else. Then we had Mr. Howard Pawley from Manitoba. Now, this is a nice young man. I h,-lvcl got to admit I liked h/m. He was *~~‘~~,trnc~st and c~ngaged. -I met him lasl year and discovered that though he is a politician he has an utterly un’nerving habit of listening to what people say. I was chuntering on about something or @her that I had seen so_mewhere or ‘other, and suddenly I. realized that Mr. Pawley was actually listening to me and taking notes. It is doubtful if such a man will ever go far in politics. Mr. Pawley is a farm boy, and he has a . dream of an ideal world in which we manage our cities well, and at the\same time maintain the family farm. He said something I could not agree with: he said that there was no advantage stemming from the drift to the cities. That people should have the choice, if they wanted, of staying dn the family farm. But first, what does he think they are going to do? We don’t really need so many people tQ grow food any more. And since our society today is no longer dependent for its security on idnd, but is (l~~~~t~nclc~nt on the continuing devel obmont oi our human talents, we do need l)t~olIlc~ in tlicl cities. We do need better cities. We cannot, \ In the modern world, get along without ‘-ihem. And the real choice, to my mind, is not between giving the man the option of remaining on the-f-amily farm or moving into a choking smelly, appalling city; the real choice is between living in .a choking, smelly, appalling city, or in a city which is so built and managed as to fulfil the highest aspirations of human t,tling\ Th,~t is what it is all about. ti I didn’t think it m/as possible, I shouldn’t tiavtl bothered to write my two ,1rticlchs on urban problems, and I would not havcl bothered sitting here for three \‘clt-y hot days. I think it is possible to rclcast our cities, to work upon our t’conomic, political and social system in hut-h a way that people no longer will But Mr. Pawley not only dreams nostalgically of the rural past; he is actually doing something about trying to rclc ‘1st the city so%that these aspirations can be attained. I really liked the airy way in which he said he didn’t fear the ,setting up of a big government almost as big as the province. In- Quebec Mr. Bourassa fears that above all else, and specifically refused to allow the chairman of the Montreal Urban Community to be directly elected. rush, says Mr. Pawley, if it is for the good of the province. Straightforward, I call that. He was also admirable on the need to recast our provincial legislatures to give a proper weight to the urban vote.

Need communal values . NOW I really think he came close here to the hPart of the matter. If we are to recast our cities, to beat back this urban -l~roblem, as it were, we can only do so by the consc,ious adoption of a set of ~~ommunal values which arise, not from theories, but from the needs of the i)eople in the cities. This change cannot be brought about until the people in the cities have the power to bring it about. That is an important element in the american tragedy of today - that, and also the confiscation of th.e privately-


owned wealth by a iny elite, and of the public wealth by the war machine. What is happening in american cities is that the middle-class is withdrawing physically ‘lncl psychologically from their problems. Even Mayor Stokes of Cleveland, a black mayor, who knows what has to be done, finds that he cannot do anything, becatise the state legislatures are iR the hands of the suburban middle class, and the cities are in the hands of the state Iegislatur$s. This is a crisis beyond anything we know in Canada, and it is good to see a young minister like Mr. Pawley who is so clearheaded about what is needed, and so unworried by the uncertain political future that such. changes as he proposes would bring about. One could hardly disagree with the call made by Marcel D/Amour for a more sensitive appreciation of social needs, for a system of municipal government which would consider not just the simple matters such as housing, recreation areas, better transport and better planning - but also such things as poverty, loneliness and alienation. As I say I don’t disagree: but I find in Mr. D’Amour’s speech, as I have found among many people working in local government, a curious assumption that physical planning has been achieved. I don’t know where that idea comes from. Of the 300 municipalities in the Montreal area, only two have planning staffs so far as I know. They have been supplemented recently by the creation of ~~lanning mechanisms around the Ste. Scholas_tique’ airport. If. we could get decent housing, better transport services, better recreation management, if I even felt confident we were within five years of getting decent physical planning around our greatest city, I would not object to Mr. D,‘Amour’s concentration on loneliness and alienation. My belief, however, is that the lack of physical planning really designed to serve human needs is one reason why we have so much loneliness and alienation. \/2+ll, so much for governments. It was intclrc~sting to hear what they had to say, but let’s face it, ladies and gentlemen, t hesc> govern merits are only as good as !ho I)ressures which are brought upon t hw1 : and I might summarize bi suggesting that the representatives of the .govc~rnnients were, in essence, giving us t~ report on the state of the pressures to \vhich they feel they are bound to react in 1971.

Feeb.le little men Now on monday afternoon an event moved occurred which *I am sure everyone in this cijnference very deeply. Some little men, some feeble, tottering little men, undernourished, looking like a bunch of refugees, groped their way up on to the stage and proceeded to tell us their troubles. The developers. And believe me, they’ve got troubles. Delays, delays,.nothing but delays. Interference. Abuse of the democratic process. Here they are, just a group of Canadian lads trying to turn an honest buck, and no one appreciates the sterling work they are doing. Most of all, these citizens’ groups obstructing them at every turn. Who do these citizens represent, cried Mr. Stricker, with a heartfelt catch in his voice. But sir, says this little fellow, saluting, sir, that is my house you are knocking down. Ridiculous, says Mr. Stricker, how can it be yo_ur house if I am knocking it down? But sir, says the little man, I have lived there for 25 years, I have cultivated my garden, looked after my two cats, raised my I5 children and buried my wife from that house. Queen Victbria’s

ijortrait stood in my front parlour, sir. Could you not take your bulldozer somewhere else sir? Who is this guy, cries Mr. Stricker, losing patience. Is he some kind of a radical? Who does he represent? Why didn’t he speak up when Mackenzie King was making the rules of this game? Mush, cries Mr. Stricker, cracking his whip and driving his- bulldozer on. And on it clanks in a crescendo of corporate power. Theid were certain questions which were not put to these gentlemen which I really think should have been put. I touched on the background at the beginning of this talk. The reason that citizens are now wanting to get into the action at the point of implementation is that they cannot‘really trust the governments, and one might add, the planners, to do what they say they intend to do. That is perhaps why I was a little cynical about Mr. Andras’s sterling work in setting up his tripartite consultations. It is one thing to set up a ministry of urban affairs, a department of the enbironment, to pass tough laws against polluters, it is quite something else usually, when the established authorities are called upon to put their money where their mouth is. I have seen this in the north: the government has declared that northern development will be slowed so that the environment can ‘be preserved as a number one priority. ’ But in practice, whenever a native has protested against the group development activity, the Ottawa apparatchiks have climbed into the same plane with the oil company representatives, and by a mixture of persuasion, cunning, and deceit, have mercilessly shafted the protesting natives. Similarly, urban citizens feel they cannot afford any longer just to trust to luck that the rules df the game will be observed. They have td get out there with their banners. And one of the questions that they are implicitly asking these develqpers is: how come you guys have got all the money? And: how come the fact that you h&e got all the money gives you the right to buy up and knock down my home? Mr. Bud Andrews is proud of Canadian developers. And it is true that our city centres have not decayed, and developers deserve some credit- for that. But citizens have begun asking questions which are awkward. Such as: do we really need Place Ville Marie, or the Metro Centre? Is it right that the Bronfmans and the insurance companies should be running round like chickens with their heads cut off, in search of some profitable enterprise in which to sink their idle- investment funds, at a time when 20,000 homes for poor people have been knocked down in Montreal to make way for big highways, big complexes and big business? Is it right? Is that how we should be spending our money? It is, after all, our Inone!:, earned by the sweat of Canadian brows. People are begining to ask a very rude question: should not the public interest be represented in the investment decisions made by private corporations?

Pubiic land ownership The accountant of their group, Mr. Bennett, clearly watches Sesame Street, for he told us that two and two are four. (I half expected him to say, this programme has been brought to you by the numbers two million, two million and four million ) His realistic question is,. where’s the money coming from? But really and truly, that is,no more realistic a question than the citizens’ question: why should YOU be allowed to buy up my home and knock it down? . Mr. Bennett was asked about public land ownership. I couldn’t really follow his answer, except that he was against it. It didn’t work, they all knew. that. They don’t seem to have travelled very much, though Mr. Stricker said he had been in





Sweden and wasn’t impressed. I can’t say I’m surprised he wasn’t impressed. While they were speaking, Mr. Bryant of Sir George Williams university, who knows as much as anybody in Canada about urban land ownership around the world, leaned over to me and said it was odd how Canadian developers talked as if Amsterdam didn’t exist. I felt somewhat amazed that no one really challenged them about this, for I have talked-to planners in many parts of the country, and they are almost ‘all in favour of public land assembly being pursued by the municipality. In one report after another it has been recommended. Saskatoon for 25 years has pursued a public land ownership policy every bit as sophisticated as the best European practice, with the result that both their land is cheaper and their development is better than in other cities. I must admit I was disappointed that the planners did not take the developers up on their negative attitude towards public ownership of urban land. It is not as if the land is not already being bought: it is, in huge quantities. I said to Ian MacLennan that in Montreal 20 per cent of the urban land was publicly owned already; but he insisted it was more like 45 per cent. What is lacking is not intervention, but an underlying commitment to the use of that intervention to serve the ends of social justice. -l-his is a big topic, and one that your institute might like to talk about more in public in the future.

Citizens’ groups Strathcona, Vancouver, is an area which has been almost literally planned to death. It ran down because of a planning decision. The people were really betrayed by the politicians and the planners. And here, if anywhere, was a citizens’ group which had come to awareness of their problems, albeit late, and had, because of their unusual cohesion as a community, managed to fight the bureaucrats right up to the federal cabinet level, and bring off a decision which affected the whole ‘P country. The experience in Strathcona alone would justify this movement of citizens’ committees. It is creating a new awarenesss, 6 new set of values among thousands -of Canadians %who were previously passive spectators of urban I’ife. But it does strike me that far from being the menacing and powerful groups that Mr. Andrews and Mr. Stricker would have us believe, the citizens groups have little power and are miniscule compared with the vast resources of the governments and corporations that they confront. I remember Dave Spearing, who was a. consultant to SPOTA telling me that when the enemy started to be friendly, it might become necessary to invent artificial crises to keep the spirits and interests of the people high. And citizens’ groups cannot claim, do not claim, TJerhaps I should say, that they have solved all the pr&iems of city development. There remains a cofiflict between the interests of the people on the ground, and the social and economic health of the city and the society at large. Mrs. Rowlands suggested that in this conflict the neighbourhood appears to be emerging as the priority area. I have looked into this problem in Amsterdam, where the citizens’ groups are far more radical than here, where they occupy hundreds of old houses and fight the police in pitched battles; and where the problems of an intensely crowded, old and beautiful, inner city can only be solved by some sort of change. What sort, though, that is the problem?

friday 1 october 1971 (12: 18) 285 15




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OnChiria Joan Robinson -on campus this year as a lecturer in the economics department and described as “one of the truly great economists of today” lectured tuesday afternoon about present-day China. Not at all a dry theoretician, Robinson spent her time simply and warmly concentrating on her perceptions of how the Chinese people cope in practice with their reality in time and space. The following article is an attempt by Jan Laube to capture the content of her lecture. Laube is a graduate economics student and a chevron staff member.


HE COMBINATION OF the “Great Leap”, the disastrous harvest which followed and the Chinese culture revolution, gave the propagandists a‘ great gift wi,th which to obscure developments i’n China. The recent fall, however, cast some light on events in China and make it necessary to fabricate new lives. The largely sucessful economic development of China offers an alternative model to the ex-colonies of Europe now dependent on the limited markets and an&aid of industrial nations. . The aims and requisits of economic development are mutually-supporting and intersecting elements: give the people something to eat; establish national self-respect; accumulate capital and its implicit technology. 1htl ‘lims and requisites of economic developIllt’tl t are mutLraIIy-supporting and interacting c~lt~nic~tits: give the people something to eat; ~l\t,lblish national respect; accumulate capitol and 1t4 im~~ticit technology. Thus, it was first of all the increase of agricultural surl)Ius, due to developing technology and collected through the means of rent, which was the essential element in the birth of the industrial revolut,ion. In the:‘underdetieloped” countries this surplus is consumed ,by the landlords, and increase in utilization of the surplus requires the elimination of Land reform is therefore the this consumption. necessary first stage, even though this surplus is inadequate for the development of industry and of necessity defence. The land taken from rich peasants, those who hired people to till thd’ir land, and given to’the poor I)easants tiho had to hire out their labor, had to be ro-collected into communes. For the ‘individual Itlnd holdings of a sixth of an acre were inadequate Ihe mechanization and fertilizer to sit pport nc~cessc>ry to raise productivity. Communes also tltlo~c~cl ‘1 ‘more rational division of tabor.

Funds for investment in a developing capitalist economy the funds for inyestment are obtained through the forced saving imposed by inflation. imIn the more rational ‘Chinese system, provements to the land, terracing hillsides and the drainage ditches are done during the slack season. Work points are alloted to each working member of the commune on the basis of need, amount of work clone and helpfulness. The harvest is then distributed according to these points rather than in the arbitrary fashion of inflation. The projects are generally quick-yielding so the people can see what they have done. In the USSR and the developed countries of “western world” a great deal of force was necessary to extract the agricultural surplus from the countryside.

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. The Chinese, however, produced consumer and investment goods which the communes can use. Industrial goods are not neglected for it is the ,~l)l)tication of “l)ower to production” which defines d tlt4oped technology. Until 1960, Ch ina received Soviet help in the building of its industry. China paid the Soviet experts and paid for the essential raw materials, and russian withdrawal added to the cumulative effect of the disasterous harvest following:the years of the “Great Leap”. Though a great deal of useful investment was done in those years, the propaganda mills seized on the economic stress caused by these harvests and attributed them to the “Great Leap”. Russian withdrawal had a useful “side effect”. By 1963 China had developed its own technology transcending the know-how obtained from the Soviets. They had adapted the technology to fit their own needs, using ‘labor-intensive’ methods to erect projects usually done through ‘capitalintensive’ technology. It was necessary to bring the vast reserve of idle labor’into action - giving the population, at the very least, an el.ement of selfrespect.


. It


An integral part of the Chinese development has been a break-down of old mores: in Mao’s words, the difference between intellectual and manual work, between the town -and the country and between agriculture and indus’try. . An Indian economist has offered the opinion th,at the most important difference between the industrial developed and underdeveloped countries is a scientific revolution permeating the consciousness of the population; the attitude to solving ~~roblems in daily life. It is in the attempt to graph thcl theoriring oi the intellectuals with the practice of the workers that the differences are to be ~Iiniiriatc~~. Doctors, for example, are sent into the country where they train workers in the more essential and elementary medical techniques. The paramedical workers learn to recognize what they can treat and when they have to send patients to the doctors in the city. The doctors in turn learn what the most pressing problems are and orient their efforts towards the solutions. The analytical approach is learned by the workers; the practical by the doctors. In the mean time the population in the countryside receives better medical service. The “Thought of Mao”, often given credit for such endeavors as growing cabbages, is an attempt to inculcate the Chinese people with scientific and optimistic attitudes necessary for their progress. Progress they have made - surpassing us in the solution of problems that women’s liberation has only recently p&nted out. Care should, however, be taken in transposing the Chinese model into different surroundings. The differing national character’ of different countries, due t0 differing historical experience, has to be taken into account.



P laybo


See LEE’ at

,Brea kdown of mores






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In China quotas as to how much to produce is Ijroducecl and how much is sold to the government cjre decided in each commune, with the more fertile sections of the commune selling more than the less terti le.

. “Power to production” But if peasants are going to sell their produce they require goods in return. The emphasis on capital . goods in the *early twenties in Russia precluded the production of consumer goods. This and the payments mabe to peasants prodqced inflations in consu@er gddd prices. The peasants , soon: caught on, and stopped producing‘ for the* with disastrous results for russian market development. ._ i ,




. Economist



’ .

Lollipop Boutique: / Westmount Place (just behind Dominion) friday

1 oct,ober



18)’ 287 1 7

‘Riditig. ’ _ ,

Kitcihener The chevron submitted related to student concerns for the provincial legislature Wa ter7oo North ridings . The



three questions closely to each of the candidates from the Kitchener and




A Liberal government will first institute a trimester system. This will allow students some leeway in planning their work periods and should cut down on the normal influx of those seeking summer jobs. As routine mechanical jobs are becoming fewer, students should be encouraged to work in projects to help urban youth, to work in pollution and social service areas and to get jobs in the growing resort and leisure time areas such as the Bruce peninsula. This last would include expanded forest ranger programmes, water safety instruction and anti-pollution campaigns. For long term graduate jobs, we will develop an independent university commission to oversee the development of post-graduate education in Ontario. In the light of manpower demands and duplicated facilities, there must be a central agency to co-ordinate and approve graduate work. At a time when we are short of doctors, we do not intend to plan to turn out nuclear physicists who


Edith Maclnfosh


.On becoming a political ’ candidate or MPP, a person does not become an instant authority on everything. Having been a teacher, and having had practical work and communication with many graduates and students, I have found excellent and accurate information on academic developments readily available. Unemployment, a federal responsibility, is related to the whole condition of the economy. Inadequate opportunities for education in the 1920’s and 1930’s were blamed ~for problems of employment and growth in the 1950’s. The economic council of Canada stressed the role of education in economic and cultural growth by calling for large-scale investments in education in the 1960’s. The council’s latest annual review speaks about the 1966’s as a decade of “vigourous educational mobilization” and affirms that “the main pay-off is yet to come.” The high level of education enjoyed in this province is an investment in the future, more than a cost, The Davis government has initiated employment programmes for students this ‘past summer e.g. in the department of environment, the department of lands and forests. The Davis government continues to prod the federal government for the problem of unemployment is theirs to a great extent.





There are two questions involved here. First there is the question of finding a permaneilt career for the student after graduation, and a career whictl will make-’ full use of the -special qualifications of the student. These special qualifications go beyond the narrow limits of professional and-technical training to include the greater maturity of outlook which the student should have gained during his years at university. This question of careers cannot be solved by treating’ students as an isolated group. Student employment is simply one facet of the whole problem of employment in the Ontario economy. When that economy is sensibly and humanely planned, when the resources of Ontario are developed to meet the needs of the people of Ontario, when public investment is used to ensure balanced and steady economic growth, when small businesses are protected from the over-powerful corporations, and when women are given their equal place in then unemployment will become unthe economy, necessary. And in a fully employed Ontario, students will find, not only jobs, but meaningful careers. The second question involves temporary jobs for students, while still students. A full employment policy is one way to approach this. As employment is reduced, the competition for temporary summer ‘jobs is eased and more of them become open to students. This is not all. It is +part of the NDP programme to expand the recreational facilities of the province. If the rivers, lakes, and forests are to be made available to the people of Ontario in a way that will protect them from destruction and pollution, their use will have to be planned, controlled, and super~ vised. This is one task, which, by its nature, is partitularly suited for student summer employment.








1 -. -..

‘I.-What would your party do to solve student unemployment and underemployment? 2.-Would you foresee any’ changes in the student financial systems (grants and loans)! ..LThere has been severe criticism of the cost of education in Ontario in that it comprises some 50 per

cent of the provincial budget. How do you and your party propose to (a} curb the rising costs and (b) make these institutions more accountable to the people?

cannot find jobs. Within two years, a new Liberal government will insist that the majority of the total teaching staff of each Ontario university be Canadian citizens. Within six years, that ratio must climb to two thirds. The president of any institution that does not meet these guidelines will have to explain himself to the human resources committee of the legislature. Over 45 percent of all students are receiving ontario student awards, including 2,500 Ontario graduate fellowships. Of those 46,006 students, only about 9,766 (21 percent) have parents whose gross family income is $4,006 or less. If nearly all of those 9,766 students are in our universities, while some 20 percent of our population Over 45 percent of all students are receiving Ontario student awards, including 2,500 Ontario graduate fellowships. Of theose 46,006 students, only about 9,706 (21 percent) have parents whose gross family income is $4,900 or less. If nearly all those 9,700 students are receiving student awards, then less-than ten percent of economically poor students are in our universities, while some 20 -percent of our population exists on incomes less than !$4,600 per year. Obviously, the

sons and daughters of the poor are badly underrepresented at university. The 1961 census showed that the wealthiest four percent of Canada’s families occupied 28 percent of the law school places and 22 percent of the medical places. A liberal department of education will promote and finance elective accessibility programs which will shift this balance in favour of the deserving students who may not be able to afford this kind of draduate work. The present OSAP must be supplemented by specific selected programs geared to the poorest of our people The rhetoric of “equality of educational opportunity” will have to be backed up with money.

People who talk about curbing the cost of education are often the same people who are proposing new services. and demanding increased financial support. The education cost spiral is j being curbed. The cost of suggestions for changes in educational services in the past few months adds up to over one billion dollars which would double the education budget if implemented. We need less elaborate facilities in our educational in our educational institutions and more utilitarian rooms, equipment etc. Current estimates for the provincial department of education control the cost of education through controlling the rate of increase in educational expenditure. This deceleration in the rate of increase in spending is being accomplished without reducing the number of dollars ,being spent on each pupil per year.

of improvement and prosperity is linked directly with our investment in education. Even in difficult periods, we, in Ontario, have the highest rate of employment in Canada. The 1971 Ontario government’s budget gives top priority to increasing job opportuities in Ontario. The operation of Canada Manpower and implications of federal policies. are being studied. Ontario’s direct contribution to relieving unemployment in the first half of this year was over $16 million and created an estimated 12000 jobs as well as employing 14000 students during the summer months. Increased job opportunities call for modernizing capital equipment in Ontario business and industry, including agriculture, and contributions by qualified personnel to increase productivity and reduce inflatioary pressures. A Task Force is currently investigating world-wide markets for Ontario products and know-how. Hon. Robert Welchstates that quality education for students of all ages is the first priority in the distribution of available money. Ontario intends to pay 60 per cent of the overall costs of elementary and secondary school education by 1972. An objective is to equalize the financial capability of widely different jurisdictions so that as far as possible no community will be penalized by its lack of assessment, A committee on the costs of education in the schools of Ontario is currently conducting a full review of the costs of education in relation to the aims, programmes and priorities of the educational system.



It is unlikely that there is another jurisdiction in ’ the world where university students have had it so good in terms of opportunities for higher education and financial assistance over the past decade. Since most students have reached eighteen+he age of majority-I foresee making s these students more responsible for their own future. I foresee students loans being made on the basis of the individual’s potential. The question of student involvement in the governing of universities is still being examined and I don’t think a perfect answer has been found. We welcome, however, the move to involve students in this way. Ontario’s school population growth has been among the highest of all the countries in the western world. Our level


This question is tied in directly with the previous one. If students are to find well-paid summer employment, the need for additional financial aid is not so great. But to some extent it will always be there and it is our policy that no student should be kept away from university by the lack of money. When a student is unable to meet the costs of a higher education, he must be assisted. This assistance will almost certainly take the form of some balance between direct grants and loans, although what precise form it would take would have to depend on the state of the economy at any particular time. Obviously more direct aid is necessary now, .when the economy is in recess, than will be necessary in a time of expansion and full employment.


The candidates’ answers questions above.

are numbered



First, we will merge the three present departments of education, colleges and universities, and correctional services into one department of education. The present duplications, overlaps, empirebuilding and administrative tails will be removed. Competitive tenders on buildings will be required and we expect to cut constructruction costs by some 20 percent. Increased accessibility to the people: the changes in financing already referred to will help form a new policy.




It would be very easy to reduce the cost of education in Ontario. It could be done quite simply by providing poorer education and making it available to fewer people. A much more difficult task is to expand the range and quality of education and, at the same time, limit any increase in the cost to the taxpayer. The NDP will attempt to do just this. One major contribution to this principle is our “Concept of Sharing” plan. This provides for the meeting together of seperate and public school boards to work out a sharing of such facilities and services as buildings, busses, technical equipment, and so on. It is also part of our programme to shift the burden of educational costs away from property taxes, which are a regressive form of taxation, and have I them increasingly taken up by the provincial government.



This will make it possible to provide better educational facilities in those areas where’, under the present system, municipalities are simply unable to raise the necessary money. At the primary school level, an NDP government will substantially increase the per-pupil grants, and reduce the number of pupils per teacher. As well it will *provide a system of voluntary pre-school institutions in which culturally deprived, economically disadvantaged children will be able to gain the experience and background necessary to benefit from the primary school system. In secondary education the system must be changed to develop students’ minds rather than their capacity to pass examinations. An NDP government will co-operate with the economic planning agencies of the government in assessing the nature of the skills required for the future so that vocational, trade, and technological courses can be shaped to provide them. The NDP also realises that much more education can take place outside the monolithic school system. At the university level, it is our experience that the present Ontario system of “formula financing” has led to many wasteful practices and distortions of objectives. Formula financing is responsible for the present over-production of graduate students, partitularly in the sciences, by giving universities an irresistable incentive to expand expensive facilities, with little consideration of the consequences to society as a whole. It is time to cut the losses and to move on. to a new basis of support which can relate to real university needs, the special qualities of particular universities, and the over-all resources the province may choose to devote to this aspect of education.


Waterloo Ed Good,

North Riding


Education is a provincial government’s costliest concern, and it is getting more so all the time. Spending on schools, vocational institutes, universities and community colleges now accounts for 41 cents of every dollar spent by the Ontario government. In absolute terms, the current budget calls for an expenditure of $1.55 billion-which is ten times higher than a decade ago. We now have Canada’s largest, costliest, best-staffed, most experimental and most innovative, educational system. Unfortunately, it is not the most efficient, nor the most effective. It is wasteful. It is administrateively topheavy; it is remote from the people who pay for it, It is sometimes extravagent, it is occasionally grandiose, and it does not always teach to right things. And too often it ignores Canada’s cultural heritage. The educational priorities of a liberal government will be directed toward efficienies, greater effectiveness, and more control on costs. The system has been built, the task now is to get it running properly. Education in Ontario must become more responsive to the people it serves-and more responsible to the people who pay for it. This can’t , be done under . present financial arrangements: Education today is simply too big a business to be financed by municipal property taxes. Accordingly, a Nixon government’s most fundamental reform will be the transfer, within its first term of office,


Jo Surich,


There are probably several facets to the problem of student unemployment at two levels. The first level involves the needs for summer employment of those students who need to at least partially finance their own education, while the second touches on the growing problem of a lack of meaningful employment related to the training received at the university and community college after graduation. The difficulties of summer underemployment can ~ be partially met through a general quickening of the rate of economic expansion which will create jobs not only for those ordinary working men who are now unable to find them but also for student summer lab&r. In short term the NDP proposes to do this through a massive housing program which will commit the government of Ontario, and the private sector to the construction of 150,000 housing units in the first year of office. Such a program will create about 70,000 immediate jobs while at the same time filling a pressing social need. With the expansion of the construction sector, many other ancillary jobs will quickly become availablb. At the same time, several other areas of crying need could be stimulated to create meaningful summer work for students. Among these would be work in ecological monitoring and contbol, the expansion of recreational facilities near our large urban centres, and summer enrichment programs for children in economically deprived neighbourhoods. The problems of the lack of meaningful jots after graduation from the universities and community colleges are, of course, far more complex. Partly the current difficulties are the result of the over-expansion of many specialized university departments and graduate schools, partly they are the result of a general slowdown in economic growth, and partly they are the result of an economy which is largely under the control of branch plants of foreign corporations which do very little of the necessary research and development ifi Canada However, aside from the general pump-priming


of 8b percent of education _costs away from land assessment. Twenty percent of $1.55 billion is quite enough for municipalities to raise from land assessments; provincial revenues must payy for the rest. .The remaining elements of the liberal educational policy are directed towards increased efficiency and cost control. A Nixon government will reduce the costs of school and university buildings by requiring architects to submit competitive tenders. (In one school district, North York, this technique resulted in saving of 28 percent.) The liberal government would establish an independent university commisision to oversee the development of post-graduate education centres in Ontario. At present, there is no agency which can scrutinize applications for new graduate programs in the light of manpower demands and duplicated facilities elsewhere in the province. Post-graduate education is one of the costliest elements m our total “mix”; a liberal government hopes ensure that, at a tiinr: when we’re short of doctors, the graduate schools aren’t busy turning out nuclear physicists who can’t find jobs. A liberal government by using a trimester system would not release the full student population on the community at one time. This along with expansion of present student job programs would level the student employment more equally through the year. For example, students wishing to take jobs such as ski instructqrs, during the winter could fit this into a tri-semester program more easily then at


which will create much additional employment in Ontario, any responsible government in Ontario must assume a responsibility for the development of research facilities -which will generate those new productive processes and products which will allow Canada to compete effectively,on the world market. Innovation is at the heart of much of modern economic growth, and it is precisely that which is not .being done.



The overall health or lack of health of OUT economy has a magnified effect on new entrants to the labour market whether for just the summer months or on a full time basis. While this part of the problem falls largely in the federal field, I and my party will continue to urge the Ottawa government to bring into being policies aimed at restoring faith in our economic system and assuring sufficient growth to provide employment. Specificially, Ontario should contiue to provide special projects (e.g. Sweep) and should provide incentives to other organizations to undertake environmental work. During the past few years, Ontario has operated advertising campaigns to provide summer jobs. We should add to this a comprehensive information service for graduates. Information would not only bring the employer and employee together but would also attempt to forecast futtie needs so that course or program changes can be made by the student. I realize that Canada manpower is involved in this type of solution, however, an Ontario program could be much more related to the universities and colleges themselves thus offering greater opportunity for success. As a lecturer in urban planning at Waterloo lutheran I have seen how placement also depends on course content.


We would empower the legislature’s committee on human resources to carry out a wide-ranging public investigation of education costs, to determine the extent of duplication that exists in various areas between the colleges of applied arts and technology, the secondary schools, the agricultural institutions and the universities. The committee’s enquiries should be assisted by independent management consultants The present government’s approach to this idea provides an interesting contrast. The most searching review of educational costs ‘noe underway is being conducted under the authority of the former deputy minister of education-the civil servant who, along with Bil Davis had the most to do with incurring them. The accused ii standing in judgment of himself, so no one should be surprised at a “not guilty” verdict. Pass legislation requiring provincially-assisted universities and colleges to make full disclosure of their accounts according to uniform categories determined by the provincial auditor; and empower the auditor to establish regulations concerning budgetary and financial control procedures.


that is the only current education for the poor, is a university system of the well-to-do.

Again in the long term, education must be made into a continuous process which allows people to enter the system at any time during their lives and which stops to assume that all educational work must be done within the confines of the class room. Much technical training, for example, could well be done in the factories and by employers with assistance in theoretical training by the state through its school system.Large sums of money could be saved in this way, and could then be directed into socially useful and essential areas.




study ways of improving financial to needy secondary as well as post education students, in order to open education to all social- and ethnic

To start with, the NDP will work to make schools the social and cultural centres of the neighbourhoods in which they are located. Expensive facilities must be made available to the general public on a year-round basis for recreation, community services such as counselling and social assistance, and an extensive adult education program. A program of teacher’s assistants can help to relieve the need for more and more highly paid teachers while at the same time making it possible to give much more individual attention to those students with reading difficulties and other problems. Some savings can also be made in the areas of school administration, where costs appear to have run rampant in recent ye’ars, particularly since the inception of the county school boards.

that all courses should have a specific employment value, however, if government, universities and industry could share the. unemployment problem, solutions could be applied in any of the areas.

Fdr many years, the people of Ontario : felt that the ‘sky’ was the limit in education. Today however the prevalent feeling is t.o have the best system we can afford. The earlier philosophy was essential to cope with the casts associated with the high

We must assistance secondary up post-secondary peoples of Ontario


One of the natural costs of a highly developed industrial society is an educational system of enormous dimensions. It is mad for anyone to suggest that costs Fan be cut drastically overnight, or even that they can be cut at all, since large areas of educational need are still almost entirely ignored. However, the cost of educationncan probably be kept to a steady percentage of the-gross provincial budget, say forty percent, through a thorough re-examination of the goals and aims of our entire educational system.

At the same time, also; our university grant system must be reformed so that much less emphasis is placed on. the over-production of graduate students in fields in which there is obviously not as great a demand as the supply warrants. Probably extensive manpower research must be undertaken to set levels of training in our post-secondary institutions. Generally speaking, the principle of equal accessfor all people in our society must be applied to-university entrance. Ultimately, this must mean the removal of all fees such as tuition which act as a deterrent to university attendence. However, it is quite clear that given the current financial, position of the Ontario government, it is very unlikely that sufficient funds can be found to meet the increased costs. Probably, a long-term and progressive reduction in fees which parallel saving; made elsewhere in the educational system can work to effect a transfer of monies from a wasteful part of the system to a useful one. One of the major problems inherent in the present stuent grant and loan schemes is ,the difficulty of establishing independence on the part of a student. In view of the fact that all people over eighteen are now supposed to be citizens with all the responsibilities and privileges of citizens, it is probably unfair to assume that the state should be allowed to decide which student is independent and which is not. However, the giving of automatic grants to all students will lead to great disparities between students in terms of the funds they have available. (Although it would probably be legitimate to suggest that those disparities exist now.) An, additional difficulty with the loan system is that many people, particularly those of working class origins, live in very strong fear of debt, and consequently


Nor can we any longer afford to have standing idle about one third of the year.



I personally would like to see loans increased and grants reserved for very special circumstances. Every dollar bf grant could support approximately 15 dollars of loan under current interest. rates. My philosophy is that students should be considered as responsible adults and not as an economic part of the family. Re-payment of the loan upon graduation could be based on a percentage of income with any balance owing after a reasonable length of time written off as a grant. This system would insure justice to those graduates who select socially important but low income occupations. ’ I realize that this answer is a departure’ from, the current government policy but I must state it, as my experience with students has shown that they want to be seperate economic as well as social entities. I would help in this search for individual identity.

present. buildings

refuse to take student loans. Since method of financing a university they usually do not go. The result. which exists largely for the benefit

I would not suggest



birth rate and a large number of new immigrants. Education was justifiably a high priority item. Today, neti social measures have legitimate demands on our tax dollars and education must relinquish its singular dominance in government expenditures. In the public jurisdictions last year a majority of costs decreased from the year before but more-canbe done. Buildings and equipment must reflect the real world and school administration must be open to administrators who are specially trained in the art of management. Nothing in my answer must be construed as a cut back on salaries of quality teachers or the purchase of necessary, sometimes highly sophisticated, equipment. We must not overreact in the face of changing priorities. Drastic decreases in education spending are unrealistic but increases can be controlled without decreasing quality by astute administration. The question of accountability is as important as cost control combined with quality and requires an interested involved community of interest for each type of eductional institution. The government, in conjunction with community groups, must articulate educational goals so that each seperate contributing entity can see opportunity for its own satisfaction within the over-all goal. On the university campus students are an important factor in the community and should share with others in the responsibility of directing and evaluating their institution. . friday

1 October













8 pm


uper-jock in decline: liberating sport from sexist stereotmes T JI



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on Friday

-hat a student newspaper should devote an entire column to the problem of women in sports is perhaps as gross a trivialization of the women’s liberation cause as the “student as nigger” declaration is of the struggle of American blacks. Indeed women are in a particularly adJantageous position. Women resist disease better jnd are physically more resilient than men; in zeneral they last longer and last better (not Animportant if they believe in the finite as well as the good life). In a society-where the division of labour ascribes to men the role of breadwinner, surely our women, (at least our middle and upper class women) have the leisure time required to pursue excellence in sports-particularly in the amateur Olympic sports where there is little possibility of financial gain. Canada has produced a succession of outstanding women athletes from Ethel Catherwood and Bobby Rosenfeld to Barbara Ann Scott, Nancy Greene and Elaine Tanner among many others. Despite these advantages, however, m\any Canadian girls and women do not participate in sports at all and still others quit at an early age as their enthusiasm wanes. What prevents most women and girls from actively participating in sports is the lack of “social acceptability”. Mention sports to most Canadians and what immediately comes to mind is Hockey Night in Canada.or the Grey Cup Game--that is, the rough and tumble of the commercial and professional sports world. Because these athletes make their living through sports their activity is immediately accepted as one that is right and proper for the male breadwinner. Among women who do participate in sports it is the female professional who is most discriminated against, just as the prospects of the female as breadwinner are most frustrated in other areas of paid work. The prize money that women compete for on the ladies professional golf circuit, for examp,le, is a mere pittance relative to that for which the men corn Pete.


Attributes In terms of attributes required to be a successful professional athlete, we think of aggressiveness, ruggedness, high achievement motivation, physical strength and even a tolerable level of hostilityprecisely those characteristics we generally associate with masculinity. Queerly enough, a male who displays equally exaggerated physical flamboyance in movement off the playing field is considered effeminate especially if he combines his theatrical style with a seethrough shirt. It is a short mental leap from associating sports activity with male characteristics to equating sports with “maleness”. Since the socialization process leads us to think of females as passive, sympathetic, submissive and aesthetically rather than physically sensitive, girls are subtly taught to feel they cannot participate in sports and still retain their socially defined femininity. We should realize, however, that in the area of sports the social pressures are much more positive and weigh more heavily on boys than they do on girls. The attitude of parents toward their daughters’ participation in sports is at least permissive-they may frown upon their daughters’ interest and downgrade it but rarely do they forcibly restrain it. Young boys, however, are frequently forced to take an active interest in competitive sports and to picture themselves as the Bobby Orrs of the future. Fathers openly attack their young sons who fail to daydream of the fame an,d especially fortune to be garnered by the athletic star. Parents with a tomboy-ish daughter know that she will grow out of it; but those with a non-sport-oriented son.. feel

they have a pansy on their hands who, instead of growing out of it, will grow into that social netherling, the homosexual.

Social pressures Lighter though-they may be, the social pressures on girls deserve attention. Only during the preadolescent years do boys and girls have physical education classes together and enjoy equal encouragement to participate in physically vigorous activity. Once the age of puberty is reached girls are supposed to respond favourably to their assigned stereo-typed feminine image. They are generally expected to behave as women before they are in fact women physically. And it is in the period between puberty and marriage when pressure to play the feminine role is strongest-this is the time when a girl is on the market. Once married her femininity is no longer such an object of public attention, and it should be easier for a young married woman to maintain an active interest in sports without ‘being stigmatized as “masculine”. But by this time she is supposed to be raising children and running a household and her status as a female depends on conforming to these new standards. The girl who continues to display an active interest in sports beyond age fifteen does so because she is oblivious to these social pressures, because she is aware she is acting in defiance of her socially defined role or because the quality of her performance is so high that no one really cares. But this leaves the vast majority of potential sports enthusiasts among women-those who would take part not because they are good but because they enjoy the activity for its own sake-out in the cold. And even those who do achieve distinction in the “male” domain of the sports world are forced to overcompensate in a rather nauseating fashion. The female figure skaters who turn professional and join ice shows are then paid not so much for their skill as skaters but for a vulgar immature display of post-pubescent sexuality. Having spent all those years perfecting a highly refined art it is disgusting, let alone a tremendous waste of talent, that these women should have to sell themselves rather than their skill when they seek to repair some of the financial damage done during their competitive amateur years. It is worth noting that now because of excessive commercialization and competitiveness the status of sports has fallen among both males and females in the 16-25 year age grouping. Young men are no longer willing to drain off their social frustrations and political hostility by playing a game. Nor do they succumb so easily to dreams of fame and fortune to be gained by the super-jock. (“I wouldn’t buy a used car from derek sanderson either!) The “he-man” stereo-type of the athlete no longer appeals even to males.

Males liberated In shunning the long-standing pressures forcing them to be sports-minded, young men are liberating themselves and giving themselves a freedom of choice regarding sports’ participation that women have long enjoyed. The fact that women have been discriminated against in this area correspondingly has given them the right to be discriminating themselves. They at least have been relatively free to take it or leave it. Boys and men have not had the same righttheir conception of self, of their “masculinity”, has depended to a large degree on their athletic prowess. Now that*young men are extricating themselves from. the social pressure which has forced them to *define themselves in terms of their athletic ability, it may be possible for us all to choose with complete freedom what degree (if at all) we wish to participate and, if we decide to play, to determine for ourselves what satisfaction we hope to derive.

By Abigail Hoffman, reprinted from the Canadian Dimension. Miss Hoffman is a doctorate candidate in political science at the university of toronto and is also the reigning Canadian 800 meter champion. This past summer, she won,the gold medal in that I, event at the Pan-amqrican games..


“...a girl’s

~locrd of dust flag football.

and a hearty...“, Hike

TENNIS WIN Coach Gary Buckley took his tennis warriors to macmaster last friday for a game against Windsor. The hamilton court was used because of repairs to the hosting lancers home grounds. The final tally showed a 3-3 tie after the day’s matches. In the singles, John Pezzack lost the only warrior match 2-l giving up the final set 5-7. Don Burke and Brian Harris took their singles competition in straight sets. &hn Beatty needed three sets to outpoint his opponent 2-l. In the doubles competition, Pezzack and Harris teamed together but lost their ‘pro’ set 6-8. In the other doubles competiton, where the match isn’t decided until one pair leads by two sets with a minimum of eight, warriors Beatty and Derek Smith lost 6-8 also. Coach Buckley, an excellent player himself won with Sandy the city’s doubles Morgan championships this past season. Morgan is uniwat’s varsity squash coach. .

Say, who

was that


race between uniwat and Trent. By maneuvering into the best tactical position at the start, Simon Farthing, skipper of the Trent boat, forced Waterloo into the ,starting mark. Consequently Waterloo infringed on the McGill boats rights and was forced to retire. ThiS allowed Trent to romp home to victory. Trent will clearly be a strong contender in this weekends Ontario intercollegiate sailing championship.

, SW 1 M M 1 N G The uniwat swim teams will begin the long six month grind on Thursday . A meeting of all interested swimmers, both with and without past competitive experience will take place in room 1083 in the physed building at 4: 30. Last year coach Bob Graham’s Athenas had a perfect winning season as well as capturing the WITCA conference title. At the first Nationals, here at Waterloo, the girls placed third behind UBC and U of Alberta, the champions. The Warriors, in a building year placed sixth in the OQAA chamThe five team members pionships are looking for an even representing Waterloo last friday better year in the OUAA, the may place two on the final team ’ toughest swimming league in after all players get a shot at the Canada. positions.

The top seeded player this year will be Brian Robertson who has b&en ranked in Saskatchewan’s amateur division. Axe1 Larsen, at 5 feet 7 inches is fighting for the second seeded position. The team anticipates a better showing than last year’s fourth place finish. Forty prospects showed up for the first try out and only a dozen remain. The coach considers at least six of these to be closely matched and this afternoon’s game against Windsor will be very important for the final decisions on the final five.

SAILING The University of Waterloo sailing team opened its season with a second place finish at the RMC regatta in Kingston last weekend. The uniwat team, Ian Wells and Jim Hocking sailed in both A and B divisions, and had to gain a three quarter point lead going into the tenth and final race. Three of the five competing teams were so far behind that this last race was effectively a match


Last tuesday the Athenas field hockey team defeated guelph 6-O. Jan Myers scored 4 goals for Waterloo with Barb Jones and Barb Binner rounding out the scoring.

INTRAMURALS This is the Iast call for team entries in rugger and soccer. Probable players with no idea of who-to contact should trek over to the intramural office in the athletic building and see someone.

GOLF Despite the wet cold weather, 237 rounds of golf were played at Foxwood last week. The cut off point ended at 81. with 22 golfers qualifying for the playoff rounds. Pat Fallon shot a 73 to enter the final round one stroke ahead of Dave Forristal. TWO strokes back were Terry Redvers and Ivan Greer with 75, Three golfers, including football quarterback Chuck Wakefield ended the preliminary rounds with 77’s.

The track and field warriors finally met the western mustangs face to face. In the third annual dual meet, the warriors trailed the mustangs by three points after the day’s events were completed. Western took top honours in ten of the eitghteen events to compile 68 points to Waterloo’s 65. Sprinter Mike Murray entered the meet in a lethargic spirit and gave up the 100 yard event to Bill Lord by running a slow 9.9 second race. Last week in Hamilton, Murray’s winning time was threetenths of a second faster. Furlong runner Ted Humphries wtis also three-tenths slower this week and by doing so forfeited first place to the western sprinter who Qnly clocked 22.7 seconds to take the event. Dennis McGann, who had been handling the 200 meter chores for the warriors, won the OQAA event last year with a 21.9 second effort, but did not compete Wednesday because of a leg injury. One of the top performances of the day was turned in by George Neeland running the sprint hurdles. His winning time of 14.6 seconds established a new meet record. Neeland combined with Murray, Humphries and Frank Kolnick to set another meet record in the sprint relay event with a 43.2 second winning time. Terry Wilson, still not throwing the spear up to his potential, took that event with a throw slightly


short of the 200 foot mark. Elsewhere in the field events, Bill Lindley placed eight feet between himself and second place with a 47’7” triple jump leap, to set yet another meet record. Western’s Harvey Barkauskas took the weight events and left Ed Malloy , Waterloo’s freshman thrower, in his wake with two second place finishes. Pete Olver in the mile and Al Monksin the 440 rounded out the Warrior’s other victories. Monks, coming off a serious knee injury, also made up a fifteen yard deficit in the anchor leg of the mile relay to outlean the western runner for first place. The meet showed Waterloo the strength of the final unknown opposition. Even. with Grant McLaren missing from the mustang’s ranks, the western crew could have added few points had he been there, because his specific events were won by western anyway. The competition was won on a screwy, unique event introduced by the western coach to give his team an extra boost. Knowing that the warriors were stronger in the 440 than his runners, the coach, included a 660 yard event which is never run outdoors in any schedule. The additon of this event gave western five bonus points, the extra points needed to take the team title. With the addition of two warriors, Mike Strenge and Dennis McGann, who were missing on


Sprinter ‘extra-ordinaire’ Mike Murray left the fertile plains of the Ottawa valley to pursue academics, athletics and the odd female in southwestern Ontario. Before inhabiting the capital city, Mike lived a happy childhood in the sunny island of Jamaica. While there, he was a member of the national team representing the sprint hurdle event. In ‘66, he made the big move to the land of the north and his first surprise was the weather. On this topic Mike says, ‘ ‘It still surprises me,-and I’ve been here six years”. A year after his arrival in canada, Mike set his first national record as a junior athlete, but had little time to bask in the warmth of that limelight, for with fame and fortune came the curse of the spriti ter , the inescapable muscle injuries. The 21 year-old sprinter was so consistent at injuring himself in races th;it his coach would turn to the dressing room for an ice pack whenever Mike got into the blocks. Two years ago, Murray decided to cut the competing and give himself a chance to heal. This stage -lasted until last spring.

Soul group While off track, Mike looked around for something worthwhile to pass the time of day. He found it in a group called ‘Mike Murray and the soul survey’. For a year, being lead singer for a heavy-sound group took over his physical outpouring. The group travelled the provinces on both sides of Ontario and were somewhat of a success. Recording binds, management hassles and a yearning to get back into track took Mike out of show business and back into the locker room. Before his onslaught- of injuries, Mike won and set a junior

Wednesday, the score would have been foul points in Waterloo’s favour. With the exclusion of the 660 yard race that total would jump to nine. There are two more tune up meets for the team before the OUAA championships. The first of these will take place at seagram stadium next tuesday afternoon. There will be at least six schools involved next tuesday in the Waterloo invitational and it promises to be another closely fought Waterloo-western battle.

George Neeland, gold, two bronze year’s OQAA, stars the warrior track

winner of two me’dals at last once again for team.

the truck

Canadian record in the 110 meter hurdles. On the basis of that performance, he was included in the junior national team which competed in meets against England and France in 1967. During the summer months Mike spends his time in Toronto ‘not doing much but watching the calendar change, and train whenever I feel up to it’. He runs for the Tiger grganization track club with fellow warrior trackmen George Neeland and Dennis McGann. These three sprinters ran together on relay teams all summer and hventually won the national championships with the help of another Tiger runner. Mike indicates. that McGann and Neeland were responsible for him deciding to attend Waterloo and all three now live in the same tenement.

Track fun “I like the approach of the guys on the track team, it’s a lot of fun,” Murray noted. He added, however, that the sweat suits issued by the athletic department are substandard, adding “When I went to mat for the first meet, I felt embarrased to wear those warm up outfits. Compared to schools like Toronto, York and even Trent’we looked really awful. Clothes don’t make the athlete, but man, they can at least fit!” Upon graduation in kinesiology , Mike will head back to Ottawa as a teacher in high \ school. In Olympic,year, Mike intends to surprise a lot of Canadian sprinters who consider their positions . a safe at the moment. He hopes an intense weight training schedule ’ and a little less carousing will provide him with the background for a shot at the Olympic Games in Munich.

friday 1 October 1971 (12: 18) 2912 1 %‘4 cl, .!L , ,IB--U t tit* i I>,,** .a&.. t4:L) \-4/


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A buck to play a game of badminton? The intramural department this week approved the levying of a one dollar fee on anyone wishing to play badminton with the newly formed club. Unfortunately, the peak recreational hours of 7 : 30 to 9: 30 on Wednesday and Friday evenings are reserved for club members. No longer will the average student be able to amble over to the people’s gymnasium for a few easy games of recreational badminton between those hours. The choice is either to pay the buck for membership (and an additional quarter each evening for a guest) or find some other time to play. Varsity team practices, greatly decrease any other available times. A twenty two dollar activity fee is more than ample remuneration for a few games of badminton. With continuing scheduling of free time gymnasium use for specific groups, the normal, non-competitive individual is being phased out. To stay involved, and to enjoy this recreational activity, badminton players are urged to show up during free hours, raquet and bird in hand but with no money in the pocket.

jocktalk Randy Hannigan chevron staff

and John


A news feature starting this week will deal with sport on campus. These articles will deal with all aspects of sport, including the varsity, recreational, and spectator levels. The articles will also attempt to orient the student to the various activities available. Included will be coaches names, practice and recreational times, and the names of persons associated with the sport who should be contacted for further information. This article will convey the attitudes of both the coaches and the players, as well as the student body towards the various levels of activity. \ This week, squash is featured in a somewhat abbreviated form.

Squash Are you a squash player-a beginner, just average, or experienced? Do you want to know what squash is all about, how to improve your game or find better competition 3. There are several squash activities on this campus to do just that and they are open to all members of the university.

Instructional. First, there are instructional clinics. For the girls, these will be held on tuesday evenings starting next week. For the men, an entry list will be posted in the tote room next week and there will be an organizational meeting on act. 11th in rm. 1089 of the jock building.

Team league


There will again be a 5-man Squash League this year. This competitive program started last winter and proved to be a succcess. Six teams were entered and in the final Lydiatt’s Idiots defeated the Bureaucrats. To enter this leaghe, just find 5 squash players, invent a name for the team and get an entry ‘form at the jock office. Entry date closes act. 15 and competition begins act. 25. Starting on nov. 8th, there will be the Uniwat Open Singles Squash Tournament for the students, faculty and staff. At the same time, the Intramural Squash Tournament will be held. Further details and entry lists will be out in a couple of weeks..Last year, there were 108 players in the tour-

nament. Professor Jack Ord emerged as the best squash player on campus by defeating Varsity , Player Dave Harrison in the final





match and will be back defend his tile.



Ladder boards are available in the squash court area for private competitions. _ For further information on these squash activities, contact the following : 5man squash--Terry Morin (3532) Girls’ instruction-Sally Kemp ( 3533 ) Men’s ins true tion-Doug MacLean ' (576-4072) Singles Squash Tournament and Varsity Squash-John Cushing (744-3666).

Men’s varsity A record turnout of 19 players attended the first practice for the varsit;T squash team last week. Back from last year’s team are: number 2 player Doug MacLean, Peter “The Whip” Armstrong (No. 3), John Cushing (No. 4), and Abe Ibrahim (No. 6). Dave Harrison, the best player on the team last year has graduated and John Moore joined the faculty ranks this year. There are, however, several other promising players to fill the gaps and certainly, the six positions on the team are in doubt at this stage. Neil Richardson has been playing squash all summer and his game has really improved. John Pezzack, a member of the uniwat tennis team, is trying out for squash as well. John Frittenberg and John Hohmeier are out again and are looking for positions on the team. Newcomers to the varsity squash scene are John Frederick and Paul Dunning. John has 7 years squash experience at Ridley College and Paul, a native of Galt, has been getting expert instruction at the K-W Racquet Club for 3 years. One of the persons teaching Paul is Sandy Morgan and this year Sandy will be coaching the varsity squash team. Sandy has been club champion at the K-W racquet club several times. Last year hewon the Ontario “C’ singles squash tournament and this year he will be aiming for the Canadian Veterans Squash Championship. With plenty of young talent and

Sandy Morgan at the coaching helm, the University of Waterloo should have a good squash squad by the time the OUAA Championships are held here in February.



tf you intend to participate in the prescreening interview programme, you must register .with the Career Planning and Placement Office, 6th floor Math and Computer Bldg. in order to receive your .computer cards.



New Grey Coach University Service Direct blarriors’ Bob McBride the season tor Waterloo. warriors

(22) tries

to cut around



A half season of frustrations ended for both the players and fans Wednesday night as the warriors romped to a 22-6 victory over the Windsor- lancers to both avenge an earlier loss to said lancers and to win their first game of the season. The first half of the game saw the warriors do everything but score as they carried the ball to the lancer one yard line twice only to be denied twice without so much as a single. It wasn’t till late in the second quarter that the team finally got on the scoreboard with a single point that came on a- botched field goal attempt. The lancers scored a TD only to have it called back because of offensive holding so the warriors went to the dressing room with their 1-O lead still intact. The third quarter went together with the precision of recent practices and they finally put it all together. With a little over three minutes gone in the third quarter Chuck Wakefield hit Al Haehn with a twenty yard pass for the game’s first TD. Less than three minutes later Rick Weidenhoeft brought the crowd to its feet as he ran a Windsor punt back 74 yards for another TD. The next time the lancers got the ball they again went nowhere with it and they again punted and again Rick Weidenhoeft (30) ran the ball back for another TD, thCs time he






games in addition to Wiedenhoeft are two defensive players, Stu Koch who intercepted two passes, running one back to the Windsor seven and the other he picked off at the Waterloo five to stop a Windsor drive and Paul Coleman who played a tough game at linebacker stopping many plays at the line of scrimmage. The warriors are out to make it two in a row on Saturday when they face Guelph at Guelph.



to Toronto

22-6 first win of


only went for a mere 56 yards. The quarter ended N-0, warriors. Steve Boghossian finished the Waterloo scoring with a twentyseven yard field goal to make the score 22-O. Dave Middleton-scored the lone Windsor TD on a 57 yard pass play from QB Parichi. In contrast to the other games of the season the whole team is worthy of praise however a couple of players who had outstanding






via Hwy. Fri










& 4:50pm

& 5:25pm

& 7:OOpm




Lv. T.O. Terminal


& IO:5Opm




& 12:lOam








Westmount, and


The uniwat golf team has posted lost to Toronto by three strokes and a 20 win, 1 loss ‘record so far this in both tournaments the warriors season while entering two teams in had the low medalist, with Dave some tournaments. In others they Hollinger and Tim McCutcheon have sent a team to two differents both shooting 74 at Windsor and Ed the same day. Heakes was best at Trent with a 73. In a tune up for the OUAA In a tri-meet held at Conestoga c h ampionship the team played golf club both Waterloo teams another tri-meet, this time against finished ahead of Guelph and Brock and McMaster at Twenty Toronto and Tim McCutcheon Of the host course for the the warriors was low medalist. OUAA championship this year. -This past monday the golfing Tim McCutcheon was again low warriors sent teams to compete in medalist as he paced the warriors tournaments at Trent and Wind- to another one-two finish . sor . Today is the third annual In the Windsor tourney uniwat warrior Invitational, which is came out on top, edging Aquinas being held at the Galt golf and country club and the ten best college of Michigan by two strokes. Aquinas is reported to have the teams in the OUAA are competing. The results should be a good best golf team of any college division school in Michigan. indication of what to expect in the The team that travellea to Trent OUAA championship.


Please stops

& Columbia


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enroute driver




at designated









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From Kitchener

Bus Terminal


RETURN $5.25




to T.O.)







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to another







Steve Boghassian

[25) gets off a punt


a stiff



in Wednesday


Sergio Zavarella,




the chevron


1 October





feedback: &ko gives yiew of chevron controversy

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Dr. David Suzuki;’ university of British Columbia geneticist, will deliver the 1972 Hagey lectures. He is’Jhe first Canadian to be invited. Previous speakers have been from Oxford and Cambridge. ’


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. ’


later discovered was a deposit for the printing of a magazine called ‘voices’, 100 dollars each to Bruce Steele and Peter Warrian, which I later discovered was payment for I would like to make several articles written for the magazine remarks concerning Alex Smith’s That night I was also rather unfortunate editorial in ‘voices’. confronted with telegrams which friday’s chevron. in To begin with, I would like to had been setit to all universities Canada offering them as many point out one of the , major free copies of ‘voices’ as they criticisms of Smith’s term as editor needed for all their students. There of the chevron. Alex consistently were many letters and. telegrams made decisions of varying degrees of acceptance from .these schools of importance by himself without consulting his staff, which he as well. I brought the matter up with Alex and asked him why he should haye been doing as outlined in the Canadian university press was spending money allocated for of by-laws by which the chevron is a newspaper for the publication governed and through which Alex a magszine and why he was paying people to write. He said it was none has lodged his appeal for a CUP inquiry. Examples of this range of my business although I was and a from the expenditure of 10,000 president of the federation dollars for the magazine ‘voices’ of working staff member .at the time. Alex had previously approached which I will speak later, to the extra decision to run the editorial in council and been granted funds for- printing the last two friday ‘s paper. because Concerning the editoria;: first of issues of the newspaper, The all, the issue of Smith’s firing by he said it was necessary. magazine was never mentioned to the federation executive had been discussed in a staff meeting and. council. The week before there had been ’ the staff decided to wait until the a;n election for the position of editor council meeting this week so that’ of the chevron for 71-72. The two the staff could have an opportunity candidates were Alex Smith and to see the whole picture a’nd rather a tie of 25 than the chevron as a staff taking a Brenda Wilson.Therewas votes each on the first balloting. stand on the issue, just working The following monday was chosen with the problem rather than as the date for the next election. It reporting on and forcing a major was during this week that we rift in the staff. discovered the magazine ‘voices’. The specific issue of running I discussed the issue with several editorials by individuals on the and planned to editorial page was discussed in staff members discuss it further at the staff detail at the monday staff meeting meeting monday before the vote of last week and it was decided at was taken. Unfortunately only Alex’s prompting among others, turri i- % ~$3 at that if individuals were going to Brenda’s supporters the meeting. Smith dnd Al write editorials the standard Lukachko, the paid ‘production “bullseye” format was to be used assistant,‘had gone around and had and they were not to be run on the vote by editorial page but rather closest to all of Smith’s supporters so they wouldn’t be inthe story on the issue to which it proxy fluenced by the new information. ,referred. Smith went ahead and Smith won the election with the printed his editorial contrary to the sports staff, who supported Wilson, staff decision after everyone had not making it out for the second left on the Wednesday deadline balloting. night. The people at the meeting exHeather Webster, board of external relations [education chairpressed their displeasure at not man for the federation, noted at being consulted about any aspects the executive board meeting at of the magazine and were really which Alex was fired that many upset that Alex was not only paying people but also importing people present and past chevron staff members had spoken to her about and #paying them as well rather than utilizing the talents which Alex’s inability to work with his staff. It was also noted in the must exist on our own campus of executive meeting that it was very 10,000 students. Alex’s answer was difficult ,to determine who was that it had to be done quickly. He staff and who wasn’t because the gave reassurances about ‘the majority of those who objected to coming staff*. democracy on the Smith’s autocratic methods of ‘staff newspaper , and promised’ “that control and decision makin had something like this would not left the paper in disgust. Many of happen again”. these people have returned to the The issue unfortunately came up staff since Smith’s dismissal. in my “last week in office as president and I didn’t have the/ Concerning ‘voices’ : last march, when I \was still president of the power to do anything except wait federation, I was looking over the for the new council to deal with the books and noted three entries in problem. Rather than throw away the chevron section, 1,5Oq dollars, the 1,700 dollars already spent paid to a printing company which I council told Smith to go ahead with


or call the Career Ext. 2552, 6th floor,

At 35, Suzuki is considered to be one of the new breed of professors given to blunt statements, long hair and commune membership. His work at the university of British Columbia concerns the development and differentiation of cells involving experiments with the fruit fly. He has three timesXwon the E .W .R. Steacie memorial fellow-

for lectures ship, an award given bythenational research council. Suzuki is president of the Canadian society of cell biologists and was runner up for the master teacher award at UBC. Suzuki sees his area of science as one encompassing social and ethical broblems. He savs that genetics* and biological I &iences are creating the tools th\at will give some&e final control The lectures will be announced later but will be held in midFebruary in the H.G.‘Hagey hall of the humani ties. Suzuki’s selection was announced by R.R. Dubinski, chairman of the Hagey lecture committee.

fee ac

Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W.- Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. letters must br typed on a 32 charac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

Are You GraduatingThis Year!





I 5


the magazine, after being assured by Smith that advertising would cover the cost of the publication. The advertisers were unable to sell any ads for ‘voices’. Council also explained to Alex that the chevron budget was set out each year in may and to move money around in the budget council would have to be approached (this is done so that the chevron staff couldn’t, say, move money from printing and give themselves all salaries-no, this has never happened). Smith was told that the money allotted for printing was to be used for printing a newspaper, not magazines. The final cost of the magazine-was, as I said, 10,000 dollars. Then came summer: the staff was reduced to about twelve people, six of whom were receiving salaries or honouraria. The entertainment staff did number about twelve as well, but did not work out of the chevron office. The chevron had ceased to be a voluntarily staffed student newspaper, and the on campus news and features content had really begun to fall off. Just before the fall term, without consulting the staff, the federation executive, or council, Smith had 250 copies of the vitruvian man poster made at a cost of a dollar a piece and began to sell the posters at double the cost, as he put it, “to make money”, with full knowledge of the federation of students’ stand .against profiteering on campus. he also used paid chevron space advertising the sale of this poster. Last year the newspaper had to be taken to elmira to be typeset and then out to fairway press out by- the 401 when the typesetting office was moved there, so the staff needed a car to make the run several times a week. This was done after carefully calculating the cost of cabs and measuring it against the cost of leasing a car. This summer the typesetting contract was granted to a group here in town and even if cabs were used every time it could never be as expensive as the 105 dollars plus expenses that the car was costing. Alex retained the car for the entire summer, although according to people at the typesetting shop, the chevron car was seldom used to bring the copy. Smith used the car as a personal vehicle and the car sat in his driveway in Missassauga during his three-week vacation in South America. At last week’s staff meeting the staff decided to remove the car from the budget and request a transfer of funds from council as soon as it could be determined where the money was most needed. Why Alex didn’t use his own good judgement and discontinue the car when it was obvious that it wasn’t needed or being used for chevron business is a mystery to me. I would like to move on now to the first fall issue which has been very simplisticly looked at in a vacuum YbySmith in his editorial last friday. I will try to present the points which were considered at the meeting where Alex was fired by the executive. First of all, those on staff at the time noted that they had to stretch all the stories and articles to fill the sixteen page paper that they had thought was coming out. Little did they know that Alex had decided to run the “Molly Mockup” supplement at all, let alone in five colours. On top of that, have it done on opaque paper rather than regular

newsprint, with even the stretched regular section going on the opaque paper, which cost one and a half times as much as the usual newsprint. The cost. was 4,157 dollars plus 12 cents a copy for extra mailing (by weight) to 2,500 out-term students. A normal paper would cost about 1,700 dollars. When the content of the supplement was brought up, Smith noted that “the content was not important, and that he was only trying to create a strong visual impression on the incoming students”. It did seem like an awful waste of money and. newspaper space. The executive was faced with the problem of having to wait at least four issues of the chevron before the new term working staff could deal with Smith’s spending sprees. All they had were again Alex’s assurances that “it wouldn’t happen again” and he once again talked about planned staff decision making for the new term. The executive board were backed into a position where they had to act. Smith was mismanaging the funds by ignoring staff- democracy as outlined in the Canadian university press bylaws and moving money around in his budget. Even if the staff were to confront Smith immediately, he could still continue to ignore them and spend more and more money. It would take the fall term staff, many of whom would be new staff, Bt least two issues of the paper to become familiar enough with the situation to consider the question of removing Smith from his money-spending position. I believe they acted in the only way they could to insure that Smith would not mismanage further funds in a like manner. ’ Let me now bring the matter more up to date and reconsider Alex’s latest manipulation. At the first staff meeting this term, w.e had many new staff members and several returning old staff members including myself. Alex repeatedly brought up the question of his firing although he was continually reminded that this meeting was not the time for the discussion with so many staff members unaware of the background. It was suggested and generally agreed upon that people would learn of the situation while working on the paper. We weren’t going to write about the firing because it would obviously split the staff. As you may have noted, because I mentioned it before, Alex wrote his editorial, once again, without consulting the staff. He had ample time to bring it up at the staff meeting or earlier in the evening when people were around. He knew the staff’ would not have let him do what he did. I finished my work by 11 p.m. and left. Do I have to wait until the late workers (often by choice) hand in their stuff to make sure people aren’t reversing staff decisions? It’s really too bad when you can’t even trust the people you work with. Right now there are a lot of us working hard to put out a paper. Alex hasn’t worked on either tuesday deadline so I question whether he really cares about the chevron. It was unfortunate that the executive had to take- the action they did but I would maintain it was necessary at the time. To wait until the staff got together to confront him, he could have spent five or ten thousand

’ more on his particular brand of newspaper. By removing Alex’s power, the staff had room to act to es ta blish staff democracy . At the chevron staff meeting this monday the staff voted to fire Smith and next week will consider the possibility of hiring him as a technical advisor. At the federation meeting council voted, first, not to accept the executive board decision to fire Smith, which would have been perfectly legal, and chose to use the staff decision as a reason to fire him. This is quite illegal. The only way that the staff can legally remove Alex is to call a CUP investigation. The staff is satisfied with the action but council is still faced with a confusing legal problem due to their lack of knowledge of federation and CUP bylaws. On the question of radio Waterloo: radio Waterloo has been a touchy subject .ever since last ‘may when the staff of the station presented council with the ultimatum of passing a budget of 25,000 doliars or sell the station. Council decided that in light of the facts available on the station and its chances for licencing and developing an audience that it did not merit the large subsidy and voted to liquidate the station. The staff quickly presented a new budget of about 6,000 dollars which was granted by council. This summer the station was r.un by people receiving opportunity for youth grants from the government. Whether or not the station has a listening audience has been in contention all summer and into the fall. John Dale, federation board of communications chairman, was given the job of studying the station in committee. Dale became frustrated with the fact that no answers could be obtained in committee and with the fact that the conflict was growing. John resigned his executive position last week because he did not want to be responsible for the seemingly unresolvable problem any longer. With the whole communications board dropped in his lap Rick Page . asked Jerry Cook, who was communications chairman on my executive, and had worked on radio Waterloo for three years, including eight months as station manager, to act as signing officer for the station so the executive could keep track of what was happening until a new board chairman could be appointed. For Alex to have called John Dale incompetant in his editorial is most unfair. John did a good job while he was chairman and does not deserve the abuse. I think the most sensible thing for the federation council to do would be -to call a referendum on the matter andlet the students decide if the station is worth supporting with their money. On “mind blowing social activities” : Both Page and myself were elected on platforms of subsidized and incresed social program: If this form of amusement disgusts Alex, that’s unfortunate because gauging by attendance at events, people still seem to like getting together at social functions. One place the federation is falling down is in the area of communication with the students. I’m sure the federation council is aware of the problem. I hope this letter will clarify things somewhat. Larry


past president federation students chevron staff member



1 I I I





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Ancirews has a Flair For individuality 8 King Street East


friday 1 October 1971 (12: 18) 29525



Planner - citizen conflict resolved by participation U

PON EXAMINATION of the field of planning, the job it does, the people who perform that job, and the way in which it is performed, there can remain little doubt as to the fact that planners are indeed professionals. And yet, when one examines the backward steps, or at least the stalemate that exists in urban problems and planning questions in general, one can not help but wonder if there are any professionals around. Just ldoking at the conflict between the professionals, the developers and the politicians on the one hand and the citizens in the other, attests to the fact that all is not well with the planning profession. Quite often, in examining planning as a profession, analogies are made with the fields of medicine and engineering. Each has a specific body of knowledge. Each has experience. Each has responsibilities. Yet there is a,weakness in this analogy. Engineering and medicine do not depend so heavily on p‘eople for the information necessary to perform their tasks. It is this subtle and relative difference that draws the planning profession out to stand by itself. In medicine, the doctor has certain responsibilities and he must perform within certain well defined boundaries. He is the expert. He makes the decisions. Engineering is very similar. Be it a machine, a bridge, or a computer program, there are specific answers to questions and the engineer, because he





knows more than I&s left to solve

the lay man, is more the problems.


Not so when it comes to planning. In planning there are no specific solutions, theories or rules that are guaranteed to solve the problems at hand. To make matters worse planning goes through a major purge every decade or so and completely rejects the thoughts that it had been following so faithfully. The

neighbourhood plan? No. The gardeh city approach? No. Regional planning is now the answer. And so it goes on. Further complicating matters, every citizen thinks himself a planner and in some ways this is justified. No one knows better than a citizen exactly how he feels about housing, urban transportation or unemployment. This can be extended to state that no one knows better than a group of citizens how that group of citizens feels about specific issues. Some citizens and academics would like to extend this to the point of saying “no one knows better than all the citizens what all the citizens want” and be damned to professionals. This much co-ordination between the citizens of a city does not yet exist within our present social and political structures, so planners still have a chance. On the other side of this equation lie the planners. These professionals lay claim to a mastery of a body of knowledges. It must be admitted that there is something valid and specific that planners learn and know and this cannot

be detracted





to co-ordinate inputs from a number of fields. They are a jack of all trades but masters of very few. This sort of training is exactly what urban problems need. The problems lie with the inputs of knowledge. In any project a planner may consult engineers, architects, economists, politicians,-all of them professionals. But when it comes to the input from citizens, somehow there are no professionals around to make presentations. So that part of the input is effectively ommitted. The plan goes ahead and before long the planner is f ighfing those same citizens.

The planning profession is necessarily heavily dependant on input from the people it serves but there is very little communication or desire to voice opinion. Part of the responsibility for this breakdown must be squarely placed with the planners. In their high regard for themselves as professionals they have cut themselves off from outside advice. It is common for planners to consider the citizenry as not worthy of constiltation. “The citizens can never agree with themselves. They never lo+ok past their own doorstep-too introverted”. And yet with social animation being widely used in Canada, community groups are springing up everywhere, if only to harrass planners. They are educating themselves 1 more and more in the planning process and the dynamics of urban problems.

To further add to the conflict, many planners see their clients as those who pay their salaries rather than those who will be ultimately affected by the plans. In such a way, planners cati justifiably continue concocting massive highrise schemes for money hungry developers even though the people in the city would

rather not have their homes torn down and neighbourhoods smashed for the sake of a big new building. They would, however, like a little planning help and development money so they can improve the old houses and environment that they love so dearly. In order to move forward out of the planning stalemate that often has developed into fights (such as stop spadina in Toronto and stop concordia in Montreal), planners,civic professionals and consultants in general should drop their professional snobbery and lend some respect to the desires of the people for whom they are planning.. No one knows better than a slum dweller what it is like to live in the slum; no one knows better than he exactly how he wants to improve his life. They should take the desires of the city people and from that shape plans to which they agree rathel than taking the citizens ideas and trying to fit them into plans and concepts which are the s,talwarts of the profession. only in this way can the professional planner fulfil1 his responsibilty to his clients and maintain his professional ethic.

-+ A question



of rock


Rippling flocks of percussion, Swinging on softling billows Of strings, struck by the fingers Of the thoughtful, sleepy birds. True to the bird flight: Blue filling, eagle perception To see the wrong. Begin again the fleeting thoughts; Regain again the sin of the happy; L6ving strangers, holding children Of the earth, where it all Is made manifest. That

is the



’ Fly to a sun of brazen silk, If you understand the term. Cry for happy flavours of mind... Can you really feel the germ? Lie to place the awful blame On your living heart, the worm Of the true man: Flying Crying Lying Even...dying. Do you Do you Do you

member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (CINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1971-72) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Coritent is the r-esponsibility of the chevron staff, Independent of the federation and the university administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0395-748. clrculatlon 13,000 (fridays) .a no editor

understand the term? feel the hold of words? see the message of the



, Through their fingers and their They sing the endless wrong, They- play the timeless truth; They prophesy... the -way out.

voices .-

-Written under the influence of David Crosby’s album, “If I could only remember my name...“, by Brian Vynce.

At times one may find room to complain about the manner in which democratic instiutions may function in this country and on this campus in general but never haS there been such a lucid display of sheer anarchy and inneptitude as at monday night’s council meeting. the meeting lacked any sort of discipline and the petty political bickering reduced it to a three ring circus. the councillors need to do more homework, especially in the area of parliamentary procedure. it would also help if they were mature to the point where they could meet the responsibility entrusted to them by the students moving on to more serious matters, the chevron sincerely apologizes to henry crapo for misspelling his name in last friday’s article on the ndp.electioneering. here is a little note to rick page: there may be a new position opening up on the chevron in the near future, and with you looking for a job... (you never know-wierder things have been known to happen). there is a staff meeting this monday and although every time they are advertised, they are supposedly the most important and everyone should attend. once again there is a very important meeting. the major thing on the agenda is the proposed new position which might be filled with the lately deposed journalist of our mutual acquaintance. more important than this are the many bureaucratic and policy decisions that have got to be made durjng the same meeting. needless to say everyone must attend. it should be noted here that alex smith has been unoficially fired by the staff of the chevron. and this decision was ratified by council. and yet council has no legal jurisdiction to fire the editor except for ‘mismanagement of funds’ which of course they turned down. that leaves us with an editor that has been unofficially fired twice but is still legally ediior. very interesting. working harder to give you a better paper this week were, in sports, don mccuthcan, john cushing, terry morin, moira o’neil, randy hannigan, : on smith, ian wells, irene van eyk, and denis mcgann. the entertainment family is particularly large this week which can only attest to the manner in which it is run. if entertainment is your bag, you should see dave cubberley or mel rotman. those who helped out were dirk deboeck, jaine-o’connel, janet stoody, and a flash special for this weekross bell came in for a return engagement, paul stuewe-from the toronto bureau, brute Steele, david harrington, sue minas, gord pearson, lynn bowers,and jane morly-assistant toronto bureau. photogs this week were sergio zavarella, bryan Wilson, brian cere, bill lindsay, Steve izma and paul hartford. if you are interested in taking pits you should see Steve or gord moore. in news this week were joan Walters, deanna kaufman-who came to our rescue for tuesday nite’s 60 percent gord pearson who memorized the copy code, mart roberts, wes darou who was responsible for the article on coitus, una o’callahan, mary lindsay and nancy murphy, the co-ordinators are bill Sheldon, and george kaufman. it should be noted that alex smith also contributed. as to this and other cataclysmic cosmic occurences, L we can only articulate thusly: we are not amused.


I octo~~er









The way you walk in dungarees makes me (behind you) see through to nothing but skin .A I can’t believe the sad droop they give the quick ass I know rides under that drab sack-cloth kiss while you walk away bruised and loving every minute’s bite

. moustached










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