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UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO volume 13 number 11 friday, September 8, 1972


Student as.‘ scab la bor

mainly on the basis of overwhelming experience. The only other applicant to apply for the position, created to enable the council to beef up its educational and political program, was David Robertson the current vicepresident. The selection committee also recommended that Robertson’s

The use of scab labour, including UW students has helped to keep a. strike at Ontario Hydro, which began July 21, out of the public eye. The strike, in which collective bargaining was abandoned after two weeks, is still far from settled. The successful use of scabs, with no lapse of hydro facilities for the general public, has meant that few people are even aware of the strike. Union president Bill Vincer explained, “We are striking against the employer. Up to this point we have not taken action against the public, and do not intend to”. delaying bargaining, BY management has put financial pressure on union members, who are presently forced to survive on a weekly $30 strike pay. “I feel it is a matter of staying with it until Hydro is willing to come to the table and negotiate in reasonable conscience,” said Vincer. The issues involve job security and work conditions, rather than drastic contract improvement. The union raised objections to management implementing certain decisions made without consideration of the workers: * A committee, Task Force Hydro, was established by the Ontario Government to study the company’s role within the community and its place within the province as employer; to study the concept of ‘make and buy’, which in fact, is



fee n


Who goes to university? Who pays for it ? Who controls the money? How and why? These are some of the questions to be examined in a series of departmental meetings and seminars set up by the Federation of Students over the next month. The educational program on the financing of post secondary education is designed to provide students with enough information with which to make a decision in the October lo-12 referendum on an Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) fees boycott. The program is part of an intensive educational campaign on OFS-federated campuses across the province to protest increased . tuition fees and decreased student award grants. I In march the provincial government announced an undergraduate tuition fee increase of $100, a graduate increase of $395 and a teachers’ college fee hike of $600. In addition, the loan portion of the student awards program was increased by $200. The announcement received immediate student opposition when 1,000 people marched on the provincial legislature. Summer OFS meetings to discuss possible concerted action in opposition to the increases put forward five demands of the ‘provincial government : l that the grant portion of the student awards program return to its original level-$200 more than the present level. l that the age of student independence (a determining factor in the granting of student aid) be lowered from 25. 0 that part-time students have access to the aid program. l that fee increases be deferred. @ that there be full public and formal consultation with those affected before such changes are made. OFS representatives link government overexpenditure on

With looks of rapt attention fifty per cent of the participants in Wednesday’s general meeting ctim donut dunk eagerly await the next bevy of facts outlining their rol,e in student politix. Political analysts were quick to point to the “cross pollination syndrome”as an explanatioti of the dismal turnout, noting that due to post registration alienation everyone was in the pub getting snaffoed. ‘:* photo by chuck stoody -_ e

education in previous years, declining university enrolment, fading job markets for degreeholders, and the overall level of unemployment and economic inflation with the government demands that students finance more and more of their own education. OFS pamphlets urging students to withhold second-term fee installments pending -a strike decision and an explanatory letter from the Federation were distributed with pre-registration information. Representatives from the federation met with a high degree of success Wednesday in convincing students to pay 60 per cent of their fees now and 40 per cent at a later date. Many students, prior to coming here, were unaware of what the OFS fee strike proposal entailed. After some discussion and reading of the OFS pamphlet, a great number of students were willing to sacrifice the 10 dollar penalty and split their fees. The federation was pleasantly surprised with the many people who had sufficient understanding of the proposals, and who did not hesitate to split their fees. Splitting payment of tuition fees is a commonplace procedure. This action will allow students some leverage if they decide to call a fee strike. A brief meeting attended by 130 students in the campus centre Wednesday afternoon was the kickoff for UW’s pre-referendum campaign. Federation president Terry Moore explained the federation’s hopes and plans for the next month’s learning sessions. Meetings for all students will be publicized at the faculty level with continued

on page 2

, -

Man bites dorr In a short-lived meeting, which surprisingly failed to reach the normal rhetorical heights, UW student’s council affirmed the selection committee’s recommendation for the position of executive assistant. Hired is Brian Switzman, a twenty-five year old bon vivant with- a list of studentpolitical achievements as long as council’s collective arm. Switzman, a veteran of three year’s on U of T’s SAC and one year on the executive, was hired

on page 3

on page.2

Daycare moved The Federation of Students day care center will re-locate in the former integrated studies farmhouse in a month opening up spaces for 23 to 25 children ages two to six. The day center will be run on a co-operative basis using ,.parent and student volunteers. A full time co-ordinator, graduate of the .Ryerson day care program, has been hired. The federation presently operates a day care center in room 113 of the campus center but all places have been filled. Applications are being taken for a waiting list for the new center. The integrated studies farmhouse is located off Columbia street on the north campus. Information and applications can be obtained by contacting Pauline Pariser or David Robertson at the federation office in the campus center.

photo by gord moore




“the ctievron



8, i972

What problems .have you encountered ‘since arriving on _campus?








Gary * . ‘aula




Greg Grant, Judy Brisson,

I was a little disappointed in the jttident residence. I thought that ‘or the price you have to pay, you’d ;et kitchenettes or something. I Nas also surprised to find we have to pay to use the washing machines. I don’t think that’s fair.


I’m lost. That’s about it. ior me, travelling to campus is a hassle. I live in Gait and it takes about two hours to get here. But I wouldn’-t live in residence because it costs too much.

aspects of sex or deeper attitude problems and lack of selfunderstanding. As a result, the birth control centre -plans to extend its educational role into the community through such things as conferences on wxuality and communication, designed to lend some objectivity to issues that send people reeling away from honesty and selfconfrontation. Part of this movement towards community education involved last month’s .mail-outs to freshmen. Asked by co-ordinators to write something about the birth control centre, Ling seiied the opportunity to compose a straight-to-the-point editorial on the problems of campus sexual habits, directed at both students and their parents. In it he wrote that one has to “.. .start with the realization that among young people, abstinence is not the sole or dominant standard,” and went on to talk about the problems mentioned above. Nothing in the letter is earthshattering. However, officials refused to mail the letter on the basis that it, was a bit too provocative, or as Trevor Boyes the co-ordinator said, “...a bit too much all at once.” In short, as Boyes himself indicated, the university is sensitive about public feelings and its own image as well. Ling was forced to write something amounting to a greeting to Waterloo High, telling students to After several years of operation, “have a good time playing with all the staff of the birth control centre those machines in the boy’s is impressed with at least’ one washrooms.” fact-the alarming degree of Ling realizes that the univerignorance and fear of sexuality of sity’s fear is well-taken if one looks many of their clients. Richard at the situation from the point of Ling, one of the directors of the view of institutional public centre, and his colleagues feel that relations. However, if the many students are simply afraid to university wantsto bill itself as an ,talk openly and constructively educational institution, it might about attitudes towards sexuality make an effort to assist in and contraception. programs of this nature. During a survey conducted this Ling has pointed out that no summer as part of a project on sex courses are offered on human education, people from the centre sexuality, and suggested ‘that the were shocked to discover that university ought to run an openmany students and the general ended course free to the public. publie still associate sex with What the Federation of Students attitudes they consider “dirty”. has been promoting for years-a Ling believes that the guilt of commti*ity education centre-is parents has been and will continue nay viewed by the birtli ,cox#rol to be, passed on to their &l&en. centre as a necessary @id imThe subtle effects may restit in portant project. ’ ’ ’ I , . .__. , +fudley pa@ ._ ignorance-of some of the practical .

Sex still /- seen

as dirty



Engineering are





’ Integt@ed


Ariel Parkhill, Arts The only problems Vi/e en!‘ve had iio problems really. I countered are dumb things, like all the different places you have to go. registered by mail. Just my own A lot of kids have problems finding ignorance, maybe, that-l sent the

Hammar House. They told us it the various departments trying to As for would all be cleaned up but other complete the. schedules. than washing the walls, it hasn’t housing, the rents in Kitchener are been touched. The campus is really high. They knoww they’ve got beautiful though. It’s sort of like the market, eh? Theyreally exploit the students. being in the countryside.

Hydro strike $ontin_ued from page 1

the contractihg out of, design and construction “to contractors who are the right political stripe”, Hydra formerly did all of their own design and construction. The new plan includes a built in potential for loss of jobs. An ,example is the distributing station at Niagara Falls which was contracted to H.G. Acres Co. This alone will affect 1,000 union members. . A continental work week, also planned by management, would force 4,ooO tradesmen to work any five days, any eight hours between 7 am and 7 pm. (This would replace the regular, monday to ,friday, 9 to 5 work week.) Convenient as this may sound to management, it is very disruptive of people’s lives. Wage increases are also an issue,, as management is trying to force a raise of 4 to 6 percent to be applied unevenly in different levels. The union prefers to keep the wage increase even across all levels, to prevent fragmentation of the membership due to discontent. Morale is high within the union, despite management strikebreaking tactics. When workers go on strike, it is usual procedure on the part of the company to continue operations by use of a skeleton managerial staff. In this case, however, Hydro has been hiring university and .high school students to do jobs such as -reading hydro meters. These people are crossing picket lines via the telephone wires; They .are interviewed and hired in private homes, sent around in unmarked cars, and report directly to management by phone. Others are hired directly as scab workers. The people in the middle are the regular, in most case? returning, summer help. Once they cross the picket lines, they become strike-breakers. These students are blacklisted by the OHEU and all affiliated unions. ‘At least six U of W students are knoti to be involved in strike-breaking ; two are employed in Pickering. The union here contactedthe Federation of Students, and spoke to-Bernie Mohr , who is chairman of external on the . / , I j relations

sheets back incorrectly. I might have had a lot of problems, but I really got a lot of co-operation from second and third-year students, especially when l moved into the village.

federation executive boa’rd. They wanted to know if the federation could stop the ’ students from crossing picket lines. Mohr turned to the department of co-ordination and placement, who found alternate jobs for these students, but they chose to stay with Hydro. Co-ordination values their good relationship with the unions, since a large, percentage of co-op students are placed with unions, who sometimes make exceptions to accomodate them. On the other hand, co-ordination niust have the support of company management to continue the program successfully. In the event of strike-breaking they are placed in the uncomfortable position of appeasing A games room is to be added to the campus center this fall to the, union, without offending management at the same time provide‘ games facilities to serving the best interest of the students and to generate funds for student. They are sometimes in the campus center renovation, campus center chairman Niki position to offer an acceptable Klein told the chevron Wednesday. alternative to the student with another company. It is ’ then the “The university froze renovation to all non-academic student’s perogative to accept or budgets reject this offer. services some time ago and we and -The Federation of Students is need funds to fix up furniture carry out redesign of the building politically sympathetic to labour, by the campus. and. has given strong support to as recommended striking workers. The students at center board report of last year,” Pickering were informed that the Klein explained. federation will not back them if The room wifl house pin ball machines, pay as you play shufthey are sued by the union. Mohr expressed three concerns : fleboard, pool arid other revenue generating games. Room 211 will that students may generally get the reputation as scabs or Ftrike be used until enough funds have breakers ; -be physically hurt by the been raised to renovate two lounge nature of the situation; and that areas in the great hall. The games sttidents must choose either to will then be moved to the newly respect the picket line tid lose opened area. their summer’ earnings, or cross the pickets and’ take the consequences, continued from page 1 - He checked with co-ordination, the possibility of breaking down made sure the jobs were available into smaller seminars. and the students will not be Moore explained that the penalized, then called them back. sessions will be designed to look at Mohr described the attitude of university education in terms of these students towards the whole who goes, who pays, the individual th@g as one of ignorance. They are and social returns, funding and not aware of the political situation, allocation priorities, the existing only sf the reassuranc& of progl’am, and possible changes management. and alternative ways of financing Both the federation and cothe student burden. z ordination should take it upon The referendum ballot itself will themselves to advise students be designed to provide an inagainst crossing picket lines, and dication of how concerned students to warn them of the possible are-with the possibilities for consequences of strike-breaking, action ranging from none to which automatically blacklists - withholding second-term fees. them ori the union books.

Campus centre games * room

Fee strike









,the chevroc

8, 1972

3 .

photo by ellen tolmie

The new facility “won’t be able to accept people in financial need, paricularly workers, if it must pay full operating costs,” Davis explained. Davis is also concerned that the, principle of parental control in the operation of the centre, a principle integral to the operation of the COop, will be lost. The governing council’s resolution on operation <did state that “parental involvement .. .is essential”.

U of T s~:,~~~~~~~~1~~~~~

partially \ s





care TORONTO (CUP&The university of Toronto last week (aug. 31) took a significant step in acknowledging some responsibility to provide day-care facilities, but shied away from \ full support. The governing council, the new supreme body of the university which came into power July 1, decided to provide capital subsidies for day-care, but refused to provide operating subsidies. It also rejected it’s own committee’s recommendation that children with no connection with the university be allowed to fill unused places in the facilities to be established. Meanwhile, a five-month oc-’ cupation of an unused university building by parents who need space for their children, is continuing. The occupation began in Aprilwhen the Campus Cooperative Day-Care Centre, which two years ago won a fight for a first centre, was’ refused use of the building. The Campus Cooperative group needed a centre for ,children aged 2 to 5. Campus Co-operative representatives are working on a response to the policy, says Bob Davis, a parent involved in the occupation. The parents are planning an informational program on campus after classes begin. They are upset that the general policy was set before the campus had a chance to discuss it, and before specific current needs were dealt with. Although the university agreed that access to the facilities should be on the basis of personal and financial need, this may not work out in practice, says Davis. He points out that even though the Coop centre has a very low rent, and uses a large number of volunteers, it still must charge at least 40 doll$~;~q$r&*’ month per child. c

made it clear that the university would have final control. The council’s decision comes after more than two years of pressure. When the first Coop centre was set up as a result of a March 1970 occupation of U of T’s main administration building, then president Claude Bissel established an advisory committee to recommend what it felt were the univ:ersity ‘s social responsibilities. One of the few recommendations the committee made was that the university should support day-care for both its own and the surrounding communities. It disbanded\ last March when the U of T administration refused it adequate funding to carry out its work. A second committee, solely on daycare, was set up in response to this spring’s occupation. Its recommendations included a proposal that the Campus Cooperative Community Day-Care Centre eventually be provided with space.

Campus Food, mces I




Price increases have gone into effect on a wide variety of food services cafeteria items. In announcing the increase, food services director Bob Mudie said, “This is as a result of relative nroduct cost increases and overall balancing of values throughout the a la carte menu.” Mr. D. Sheahan, head chef in’ the south campus hall, explained that many prices are rising at a rate which is “out of hand”, a fact of which the consumer is certainly aware. Trying to keep meal prices under $1.00 is getting difficult. Swiss steak was available to food services at 84 cents a pound last year. This year, the price is $1.15 for the raw steak. Bacon has risen from 49 cents per pound to 85 cents per pound in the past 12 months, the same bacon the consumer buys from grocery chains for about $1.15. The chevron

will print a detailed look at price increases on the food services menu in the next issue of SL-_ this paper. *,I j.* i.*_ ,

to frustration.

co-ops and communes When is a co-op not a coop? When it’s a commune. And that seemed to be about the extent of the theoretical and/or practical distinction between the two as far as Wednesday night’s orientation session on coops and communes was concerned. , The entire discussion was joyless, loveless and generally lacking in co-op-eration and commune-ication. The four resource people presented no overview, no. analysis, no parameters-, no direction. Although no one comes to such affairs expecting a formal lecture some structuring is necessary if those who are to be ‘oriented’ are to engage in any meaningful learning *process. The closed mbnologue dialogue of psychologist observers and communal in-crowders in such situations becomes singularly unproductive. Question : “Why form coops and communes?” Answer: “What’s the alternative.” One resource prof described “a very fundamental contradiction in our youth culture-in individual freedom (your own thing) vs. cooperatism.” “People are as selfish in the coops”, he said, “as they are in the free enterprise system.” Attempts were made to go beyond _a simple ‘fucked-upindividual-as-root-of-all-evil’ approach to social problems. “The failure is the failure of those who attempted to against the system to overcome the inheritance of capitalism within them.” But the talk bounced back and forth among a dozen of the group of about thirty. Expressions ranged from disappointment to boredom to confusion to frustration. People came and went as silences were filled with comments on food coops, living coops, zoning bylaws, capitalism, kids, selfishness, the nuclear family and ‘the real world’. Question : “What causes groups to break up?” Answer: “Evolution.” One definitive comment on the cyclic health of local coops in.

dicated that perhaps the flow of the session was after all, merely an extension of the search for a viable communal life style: “We ain’t goin’ anywhere. We’re just goin’ to the next step-in a chaotic, anarchistic way? I dunno.” -Eventually, one of the. silent majority voiced what must have been a fairly common question in the minds of the uninitiated. “How many people know each other here ?” he asked. “I get the impression there’s a certain undercurrent of dialogue...” The reply came from a longstanding member of ‘the community”: “Welcome to Waterloo, friend”. -liz willick

Man bites dog continued

from page 1

honorarium for the position of vice-president be augmented by $500. The rationale behind this was a “strong feeling” that he “was fulfilling his position with a great deal of care and more than ample amount of work.” Several council members including external relations chairman Bernie Mohr objected to the proposal. Mohr noted that the raise was equivalent to a salary of $75 a month over an eight month period; he indicated the gap ,between that figure and the honoraria of the board chairmen and suggested that ‘the difference is a little hard to accept’. Council President Terry Moore admitted that the committee made its recommendation in light of ‘a particular financial difficulty’ on Orientation time commonly the part of Robertson, much of means a number of radical which derived from his summer speakers come to campus. This job with the council which year, Leandre Bergeron is one of provided a minimal income. Mohr them, but unlike the others on the ‘noted that many council members program, when he talks of were in a similar position and that revolution it means the unpreferential treatment was comfortably close and threatening perhaps not warranted. prospect of revolution in Quebec. Robertson’s contribution to English-Canadian media council affairs was at no time gleefullyreported the results of the questioned; however education Quebec election of 1970 as the board chairman David Peltz’s defeat of separatism. Only the assertion that the job entailed five cynical mentioned the fact that times as much work as that of the that staged and jerry-mandered board chairmen raised some exercise in which the Parti eyebrows. Mohr countered testily : Quebecois got about 25 percent of “1 think you’re full of shit David.” the votes but gained ‘only ’ seven Other members questioned seats in the National. Assembly whether an honorarium, usually made a travesty of political considered to be an award for democracy. The most important outstanding service granted after political development was the the fact, should be guaranteed at movement for popular political this. However the motion passed power represented by the FRAP . easily, 113-O. and more recently by the Common Other council business inFront, with the brief interlude of cluded the announcement of an the psychodrama of the War organizational meeting of the Measures Act. power structure committee under Leandre Bergeron has been a the chairmanship of Steve Monierpolitical actor in these events and a Williams, an engineering rep. The. chronicler of Quebec popular committee is intended to formulate history and movements, most a clear picture of the operative notably recorded in his “Petite power structure within the_ unHistoire du Quebec” and its comic, versity, and should provide student musical and dramatic politicos with much factual reproductions. material on which to base their With national electioneering and battle plans. Student participation hockey playing in the fore, Quebec on the committee is invited and currently appear politics relevant information can be obrelatively calm. However, the tained from - the Federation of general strike and its aftermath Students offices in the campus will likely make events leading up centre. to the Quebec election of 1974 one of Council members were made the pivotal political events of this aware of the loss of an arts rep, a decade. It will be well worth grad rep, the council speaker and a hearing Bergeron’s account and board chairman. Nominations for thursday , the two elected reps will be opened weather forecast, September 14 at 2 : 30 pm in arts soon. lecture building 116. ’ : ; ‘Jc , -.I;+:‘“’ / 1:,I I-, .~7 ddvid - , cubberley T I : : “.,





\ ‘





the . ---khqktin -- - -






8, .I972

\ -


James Cotton, a’ black american blues {singer scheduled to appear in the campus centre pub for the fist week of orientation, returned toCh$ago monday night without ,perfoF_m’n_g 9n camPus* . The return to Chicago,Cotton’s home base, was’-precipitated by various hassles’ both at the peace bridge in Buffalo and in JSitchener . ’ Cotton’s papers were not in order at the border and after some confusion, the band’ was asked to post a $100 dollar bond on their equipment, well below the often requested 2,ooO dollars. After discussions between Cotton and Pual Dube, chairman of the board of student actitities, the bond was paid and the/ group moved on to Kitchener. _

Management at the Riviera -Motel apologiied but informed Cotton that reservations made a month before were not in order. Management had changed hands the group was told, and no spaces were available. The Conestga Motel, ‘where the reservations were transferred, proved to be . unacceptable to Cotton and the group returned to Chicago. ,

There were some commentsabout discrimination as shortly after the shuffle at the Riviera, a vacancy sign lit up at the --motel. Arrangements were quickly made and James and the Good Brothers are performing in Cotton’s stead. outdoor. gig on Sept 28. Pay $20. Contact Stuewe at the chevron office, ext. 2331.

Bauer Wa’rehouse



From Preston arena’ area to school monday, Wednesday friday. 8am’or earlier to 5pm. Share gas. Plione 653-2977 -after 6pm.

Panasonic 6” pop-up TV with AM & FM radio, 3 months new. $150 or best offer. Must be seen. 653-2977 after 6pm For sale men’s ten-speed bicycle; condition. $50. Phone 884-2053. I

1965 Plymouth...rebuilt miles; all maintenance available. 884-8657.



Working girls want someone to share 2 bedroom apartment broadloomed, sauna. Brybeck street, Kitchener. $78 monthly. Available after Sept 10. Business 743-4156 ask. for Cathy; 742-3332 after 6pm. I

engine with 20,000 and diagnostic records

135 mm Takumar lens f 3.5, excellent condition, 90 dollars. Phone Chuck 885-1660 WANTED

_ _





Cbslflod ad8 are accepted between 9 and 5 1 in the.chemn office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and f&e Cents each per extrra word. Deadline is tuesday aftemons br 3 p.m. /











and or. /


Hofner ele&tric guitar for sale. $120 or best offer Ian Angus at 742-2356

or come and visit at


WANTED Used fridge or small freezer . dresser. 656-2110 or UW ext. 3643.

Selling double bed, desk, bookcase, chest of drawers, chesterfield and chair. Phone 745-2420.

call us ohm&it. 2336’







The Campus Shop - Downstairs Mall - Campus Centre This Sale Will Continue Indefinitely

Paul .

Student to babysit and do light housekeeping at least 10 hours ptr week. Hours flexible, walking distance of university. Phone 885-1546 Ms Francis.


Come and get iiivoivedl . , If you can’t wait htil Sept. 18, \


: ,/



the chevran

8, 1972


.----Fid nwantc zan#d

This week on campus is a free column 1for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, sutiror G.CI,aJ wIIu other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

TODAY lxthus Coffee House: All are welcome to share the relaxed atmosphere, free coffee and entertainment. Come and talk about life, love, God. 9pm CC coffee shop. Warriors Band. Leave name, address, telephone numbe$,at ML 254. SATURDAY lxthus Coffee House. All are welcome to-share the relaxed atmosphere, free coffee and entertainment. Come and talk about life, love, God. 9pm CC coffee shop. Warriors Band. Leave name, address, telephone number at ML 254. .

the Villages and Church Colleges over s . _“The Strolling Players” are performing the supper hour. Watch for them. at several surprise locations on campus during the noon hour and at Warriors Band. Leave name, address, the Villages and the Church Colleges telephone number at ML 254. over the supper hour. Watch for them. I

Girls wishing to try out for the following teams should meet in the, women’s tote room in the Phys. Ed. complex at the following times: Field hockey...monday...4pm Volleyball...thursday...5: 15 Basketball...thursday...4: 30 Tennis...tuesday...4pm Track & Field...tuesday...4pm For further information athletic dept at ext. 3156.

Warriors Band. Leave name, address, telephone number at ML 254. THURSDAY Touring musical group Pommersche ^ . . . .. Speeldeel lhna mom trrangen hermany will perform authentic German folk songs and perform European dances. 3 & 7: 30pm’ Fairview Park Mall.



Waterloo Christian Fellowship can be met at Sixth Coffee House this and every friday evening in CC snack bar, 9pm. Also thursday evenings in Camous Centre from Sept. 14. .

Warriors Band. Leave name, address, telephone number at ML 254. MONDAY Rap Room organizational meeting (peer-counselling group). New and o(d volunteers appreciated. 5: 30pm Student Services 2092. “The Strolling Players” are performing at several surprise locations on campus during the noon hour and at

.-- --...

Introductory Talk on Transcendental Meditation “The physiology of consciousness”, sponsored by SIMS; 8pm MC 2065.

Introductory Meditation, sciousness”, l”r\ fil\Pl-

nplannedpregnancy n


K-W Women’s Coalition for Repeal of the Abortion Laws meets 7:30pm HUM 151. All women welcome. Phone 744-8220 for more info.

U of W tryouts for Golf Team 8:30am: Rockway Golf Course.,To try out one must have a handicap of 5 or less. Please be prompt.

. .








DT a

and referral

talk on Transcendental “The physiology of consponsored by SIMS, 8pm


. l .birt.h control venereal disease

E l

Warrior Band. Leave name, address, telephone number at ML 254.

Warrior Band. Leave name, address, telephone number at ML 254.


Information and help for

“The St :rolling Players” are performing at sev #eraI surprise locations on campus i during the noon hour and at QCUXCA.._. and Church Cnlle~es the Vill tib”-r -. .-. -.. --.* -c3-- -nwr - -the supper hour. Watch for them. . .

“The Strolling Players” are performing at several surprise locations on campus during the noon hour and at the Villages and Church Colleges over the supper hour. Watch for them.

Students ,International Meditation Society group meditation and discussion. All members welcome. 8pm ENG II 1101.







Campus Centre Room 206 Monday to -Friday 10a.m.d : 30p.m. Tuesday\ to Thursday 7-9p.m. or call extension 3446

- I












, 170 WEBER ST. S --- WATERLOO . / Phone




I-I 3 I





G ray Coach U niversity Service Direct from Campus Entrances To-Toronto and Woodstock-London . _ Express via Hwy. 401 a’ ’ Effective Sept. 8th.. SEW WOODSTOCK-L0ND.h SERVICE Express via Hwy. 401 -_ Read ‘Down . -Read Up Sundays Fridays -. Ar. 6.45 p.‘m. 6.05p.m.. Lv. - South \ Campus Entran’ce 6.35p.m.i Lv. - Kitchener. Ar, 7.10p.m. I \ ’ *“Te,rminal a ’ 7.25p.m. Ar. -Woodstock 8.05p.m. Ar,


Lv. 5.55p.m. Lv. 5.15 p.m.

- ToRoNTo SERVICEExpress via Hwy. 401 LEAVE UNlVERS-lTY z , .Mon. to -Fri.-4.50p.m. 1. -‘-12.35p.m. & 3.35p.m. Fridays RETURN iUSES FROM TORONTO ,;TO CAMPUS Mont0 Fri. - 7.00a.m. S,undays -8.30p.m. & 10.5Op.m. Additional 9.50p.m. Sunday Trip from Toronto runs locally via Guelph. Al’1Sunday Evening Trips from Torontc run via lslington Subway Station. Toronto and London buses loop via University, Westmount; Columbia and Phillip, serving designated 4stops.--Buses will stop on <signal ai intermediate points en route and a I,ong U n iversity Ave. RDDITIONAL DAILY EXPRESS SERVIC FRoM.KITCHEf%ER’BUS-TERMINAL See Tim,e Table No. 4 ’ BUY “k0-TRIP TICKETS” AND SAVE MONEYS! . < 1-ORides WATERLOO-TORONTO $24.65 WATERLOO-WOODSTOCK - $14.9C $27,6E WATERLOO’ONDCN-




Tickets have no expiry date; they do not have to be used by purchaser; . they may ‘be used-from -N Kitchener Terminal or from Waterloo. A FOR COMPLETE , Open C.O.D.








and Chargex







cards honorkd -

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in Canada j



742-2411 ’

of the Villager

Shde Shoppes-. Ltd.‘: : I





‘ihe. &evron

8, 1972

,A new

OTTAWA (CuPbcanafian student council I’epreSeIltatiVeS will meet in earlv November to attempt to initiate” a new national student union, following several country wide the summer.

meetings during

stitutes agreed that a national students’ union is the best vehicle for tackling problems facing ‘_ students. Only the U of S Saskatoon But it appears major support for campus was opposed. Delegates passed a statement of principles the new organization comes from western Canada, with little in- listing priorities in forming a new union, although no delegation had terest in -Ontario and almost none in the Maritime provinces. the power to commit its. students’ The new organization would, _union to definite plans. either replace or resurrect the The prairie schools indicated a association will be now-defunct Canadian Union of regional Students (CUS) which died in 1969,, organized even if a national body is not established. amid charges that it had adopted Meanwhile, plans for the too radical a political stance. conference are well A r preliminary meeting at the november University of Windsor in may set behind schedule. Bruce Cameron, president of the the ball rolling, with the formation Carleton University students’ of a national steering committee, association and a member of the mandated to solicit proposals for national steering committee for the new union and write a draft the new union, said the committee constitution. had hoped to have a preliminary Delegates from Ontario’s larger draft of a constitution sent universities doubted the feasibility to member councils ‘by now, but

had hoped to have a draft constitution sent out, feedback returned and a new document produced on which councils could then have mandated delegates to act on in November,” he said in an interview. “Now I don’t know how successful this timetable is going to be.” Cameron noted “a certain amount of arrogance” among Ontario student councillors toward the idea of a national organization. “In Ontario there’s a feeling that we’ve got to get OFS off the ground and in dealing with the Wright report (the provincial government’s report on post-secondary education) we find the national issues tie in anyway, and there’s a certain amount of arrogance that we can do it ourselves,” he said. “There’s a feeling that national issues can be dealt with by Ontario as Ontario, and with only informal


“The problem with the Atlantic provinces is that the universities are now in a fairly conservative state and are suspicious of CUS’ and anything like it.” Cameron said that the november conference will probably see an organization form with representatives from most provinces. Indications are ‘that the conference will take place in Otta.wa but final plans have not been made. Steering committee members are chasing various sources of funding, including the federal government. Originally students planned -the conference in Toronto during the annual meeting of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, but apparently they now

attended the Windsor conference, while the main protagonists for a national union were delegates from Simon Fraser University, the University of Saskatchewan Regina campus, the University of M am l t o b a, and the host Universitv of Windsor . At a conference of prairie student councils in Regina july 14-’

16, rel?reSenbtiveS from eight





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8, 1972




and Janis One of the newer commonplaces entering the mainstream of Youththink consists of a reconceptualization of the role of Pop Hero. Once seen as demilmythological hedonists accessible only to groupies and the beautiful people, our musical solos have fared no better than politicians or sports stars before the relentless tide of subjective journalism. Among the ‘more down-to-earth revelations: Hendrix was a smack freak; Peter Yarrow has a thing for teenyboppers; B.B.King supports Nixon. Human touches, all, nicely calculated to provide a little vicarious titillation when laying out $4-plus for the latest “In *Memoriam” album. And there’s the rub: “nicely calculated. ” There is a pressagentry of doom and destruction as well as one of applecheeked success, and the progress of the New Necrophilia is evedent in Columbia’s packaging of these two releases. If Billie Holiday had been neither Black nor a jazz singer, Hollywood would have cranked out a tearstained biography years ago. Her life was almost too incredible: a $100 a trick prostitute at 15, devoted to the consumption of the maximum amount of alcohol, drugs, and men, her entire career was a struggle between the demands of public performance and the attractions of narcotized oblivion, culminating in a %premature burn-out in 1959. As the darling of a relatively small cult of jazz fans, however, who react pathologically to the suggestion that jazz and drugs have always been intimately associated-a true but musically irrelevant observation-her reputation rests exclusively on a number of very fine recordings.



God Bless the Child is a two-lp ‘collection of her late 30’s work, with arrangements which will sound thoroughly corny to contemporary ears, and containing several songs distinguished only by the fact that Billie chose to record them. But her unusually striking voice, technically limited but unsurpassed in emotional range, is always a pleasure, presaging her more mature work for Savoy and Decca. While there are better examples of her art available-her Savoy recording of “Strange Fruit” is among the finest vocal perforances anywhere, ever-this album will not dis,appoint those already familiar with her, although others might be better advised to begin

-* : +%F&Z5 _iz:. a*r>r ’ -ii,*. .i,-.,‘l*k.., * / . . * ‘

Money Young3 harveist with either All or Nothing at All (Verve 68329) or The Billie Holiday Story (Decca DXS-7161). And the packaging? Tasteful. A nice tribute to a lost (but not forgotten!) soul, etc., etc., with nary a word about the real-life escapades of a very human lady. In the Consciousness II approach to obituaries, the good that men do lives after them, while the gamier stuff is oft interred with their bones. By contrast, the career of Janis Joplin sometimes seemed like an institutional advertisement for Southern Comfort. You can check your own memories here, but my recollection of the predeath Joplin hype goes something like this: hard working, energetic, tough, confident, drinks hard but only to get herself up for performing. A macho babe, man, ball you as soon as look at you. Then the o.d. The revisionists do their homework, belatedly. Hmnn. Turns out good 01’ Janis was one very confused person, clinically schizophrenic in behaviour, sexually unliberated in the contemporary sense-‘He won’t like me if I don’t sleep with him’-and a compulsive (rather than occasional) drinker. Will the real Ms. Joplin stand up? Is there a real Ms. Joplin? I don’t have the answer, but I do know that record company hype is so untrustworthy that I’m often tempted to ignore it and simply deal with the real plastic vinyl reality of the lp an sich.

Heart”) and 3 very ragged tracks culminating with “Ego Rock,” showcasing the minisculely talented, maybe, Nick Gravebites. There’s some energy here, but this Lp will probably do no more than remind you of the excellence of Cheap


The second lp is, if anyone still needs it, the definitive proof that Full-Tilt Boogie would have bombed at a Food Services pub, let alone on stage behind Janis. In the studio they could manage a degree of technical proficiency, but live they committed musical atrocities which even Janis Joplin couldn’t overcome. Since all of these cuts were recorded live at the ill-fated “Canadian Festival Express” of 1970, let the potential buyer beware. Jams is not in top form either, on the second lp, which includes several drunken raps offering a minimal degree of stoned insight into her life. The songs-“Half Moon, ” “Move Over,” “Ball and Chain” -will again be superfluous if you have Cheap Thrills and Pearl, and the packaging is strictly el cheapo. So it’s a pretty sad release, one which moved me to play her earlier records and reexperience the incredible energy rush of “Combination of the Two” and the little-girl-lost poignancy of “Mercedes Benz.” I don’t need Joplin in Concert, and I’ll be happy to give it to the person who writes the most cogent explanation of her appeal-as a person and-or as a musician-in 300 words or less, and sends it to me at the Chevron. Type or print, please.

& B, 50’s cool) with his own thoroughly experimental attitude, disregarding standard chord progressions and the theme and variations format of less daring improvisers; add a group of accompanists (Don Cherry, Charlie Haden, Eddie Blackwell 1 who’ve played with him for years and the result is an adventurous album of structured spontaneity-art is tension-from one of the masters of contemporary music. Walking

the Blues



31290) by Otis Spann: long the backbone of Muddy Waters’ band, the late Otis Spann is here shown to have been an equally satisfying solo performer. St. Louis Jimmy takes 4 vocals and Robert Lockwook Jr. supplies muted guitar accompaniment, but Spann’s highly rhythmic and assertive playing dominates the proceedings, a rockribbed left hand anchoring the flights of fancy of the right. Particularly fine are 3 piano solos, extended workouts on basic blues themes, and if there is an essence to this deceptively simple art form, it’s here. Bad Luck and Troubles naby ZB 31291) by Memphis


Slim, Arbee Stidham, and Jazz Gillum: two lps of superior urban blues featuring Slim’s vocals and piano and Gillum’s harp; guitarist Stidham is a bit over his head, but handles several vocals capably enough. The emphasis, however, is on Slim, a less than well-known disciple of the ‘Leroy Carrmusical atrocities Roosevelt - Sykes school of blues The music on Joplin in Concert is piano, ,whose style fuses generally inferior to her previous barrelhouse, boogie, and blues in a recordings. It’s a double set, one way which may at first seem much with Big Brother and one with Fullless sophisticated than Spann’s, jazz’n’blues briefs Tilt Boogie, and begins but wears well after several promisingly enough with “Down Included here are fine Science Fiction (Columbia KC listenings. on Me” and “Bye, Bye Baby,” 31061) by Ornette Coleman: a versions of such classics as “In the strong tunes from the under“Troubled in Mind,” representative set from a man Eve&n’,” appreciated BB & THC album on who, now that both Coltrane and and “I Don’t Want My Rooster Mainstream. The remainder of the Crowin’ After the Sun Goes Ayler are gone, stands as the first lp, however, consists of songs Down”. foremost innovator of modern jazz. done better on Cheap Thrills Coleman integrates several . -pad stuewe r-l(‘Summertime,” , * -.‘%. , , ._* . , “Piece r_. .,, ““‘:*of _ My ^ ~ ^ 1 traditional jazz styles (hard bop, R

In his latest album, Neil Young is basically marking time and reaping the profits of the market. Harvest marks the coming of age of Young as a professionalized performer, but is no advance in terms of his musical development. This is a much cleaner musical production than his earlier efforts. There is much less overlay of voice and instrumentation in contrast with, for example, After the Gold Rush. However, it leaves both his lyrics and voice much more exposed and both come across poorly. Young’s lyrics, always melancholic, approach the banalities of Cat Stevens in “A Man Needs a Maid”: “I was thinking that maybe I’d get a maid Find a place nearby for her to stay. Just someone to keep my house cleanFix my meals and go, away A maid-a man needs a maid.” Chauvinism aside, this is made all the worse with the London Symphony Orchestra as a backup, and is repeated in ‘!There’s A World”.We don’t really need Love Story from Neil Young. The best music on the album comes from those cuts where the instrumentation is more out front and Young gets help from back-up vocals, in particular James Taylor and Linda Ronstadt on “Heart of Gold” and David Crosby and Graham Nash on “Are You Ready for the Country’. A clear and notable exception is “The Needle and the Damage Done‘. On this cut, Young performs solo and the lyrics are a sensitive account ‘of heroine addiction. However, this single good piece is washed out by “Alabama” which has simply been stolen and rehashed from “Southern Man” on After

the Gold Rush.


one comes away feeling is but a thinly disguised euphemism for rip-off.






the chevron


James Bay reject: by Kieth

. election promise a disaster


On April 29, 1971, against a background of stereo music and wide-angle screen play, Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa informed Liberal party members of his government’s multi-billion dollar scheme for a hydra-electric power development around James Bay. The plan, which had been under consideration since 1964, is to affect 144,000 square miles of land between latitudes 49 and 55, thereby covering one-quarter the area of the Quebec province. The actual area flooded will be immense as shown below: River


A’rea flooded [square miles]

Nottaway Broadback Rupert La Grande Great Whale Caniapiscau Total

I ‘

788 344 555 2,437 35 905 ----mm 5,064

The total project will be divided into two sections, the more southerly being the Nottaway-Broadback-Rupert complex (NBR), and the more northerly the La Grande-Eastmain complex. These are then broken down into reservoirs each to be worked on as separate units. The generations stations are a second group of projects dependent upon the completion of the reservoirs. The NBR calls for approximately 24 power stations and 9 reservoirs, the Eastmain-La Grande calls for 8 reservoirs and 8 power sites. The total power produced by such a project is conservatively estimated at 17,545 megawatts (I MW equals 1,000 kilowatts) with 5,545, from the NBR and 12,600 from the Eastmain-La Grande. The datefor the first power flow is not yet known, but 1980 seems a likely date.


an election


Considering the large amount of media coverage, one is still left wondering about the extreme urgency withwhich the Liberal government of Quebec is undertaking to put the plan into operation. Bourassa’s election promise of a 100,000 jobs by the end of 1971 may be one factor; he predicts the project will create between 125,000 and 135,000 jobs. Possibly this many jobs will be produced on a temporary basis over 10 years, but that still w,iII not solve the unemployment situation in the long run. made to the national A presentation assembly by Hydro Quebec indicates drily 29,000 jobs will be created at the peak of construction in 1977. Furthermore, the Quebec office of planning and’ development, in an unpublished report, indicates that only 10,000 permanent jobs will be directly created. If they use the same kind of predictive mechanism as was used on the Churchill Falls Power Project, where they over-guessed nine to one, only about 1,000 jobs will be created. Using advanced guess-estimate techniques we can see the possibility of between 1,000 and 12,000 permanent jobs being created, and between 29,000 and 135,000 temporary construction and service jobs being created. The carrot thus held out to the Quebec voter is the promise of an unknown number of jobs in northern Quebec. A second possible reason for the rush is to reverse the flow of Icapitpltl-$ yf the, province. .,s_, Ever since the “October ,crisis” honey has

been leaving Quebec and 6 billion dollars of investment would certainly help reverse the trend. The power produced would also hopefully attract new industry, hence a second possibility to make more money.Following the same line of reasoning, increased affluence and a decline in unemployment would strengthen the Liberal government’s position. The Levesque separtists continue to harry the government and tend to make investors wary of coming political instability. If the Liberals can gain strength by this project it will most likely be at the expense of the separatists. Thirdly, an election in 1974 leaves Bourassa only two years to get the project well enough along to really influence the voters.This issue is taking on even more significance as criticism mounts against the project. A failure now could just &bout do it for the Liberals in Quebec.

Law suit and protection of rights The federal government, always slow in dealing with Quebec, seems to be playing right into the hands of the provincial government. Fears of a separatist temper tantrum has led the federal government to institute a ‘hands off policy’. This policy appears to have failed miserably as the national political machine has been continually drawn into the affair. On May 3, 1972, the Quebec Indian Association started action a,gainst thk Quebec Attorney-General, the two provincial agencies and the contractor already at work on the project, claiming the law creating the James Bay Development Corporation (JBDC) is unconstitutional. A second suit by the same organization calls for an injuction against any further construction of the project. The suits were sparked by the fact that 6,000 Cree Indians might loose their traditional way of life and become almost totally dependent on welfare. The federal government found itself involved when it learned that the department of Indian affairs had beensupplying money to begin the court case. Whether this was intentional or whether the government thought the money was going somewhere else, no one seems to know, or at least wants to say. The Indians have demanded that Jean Chretien and his department of Indian affairs help protect their rights. The transportation ministry has not become involved as well, since the courses of certain rivers will be altered. Under the Navicable Waters Act the province must in theory receive permission from the federal department before diversions can take place.



a joke

This project will be the first major test of Jack Davis’ Department of the Environment. If he fails to do justice in this situation the department will more than likely become just another bureaucratic rubber stamp. With the speed at which Quebec is going ahead with the project this seems ‘to be exactly what is happening. Also the federal-provincial task force report on the associated environmental problems is more of a joke than a scientific report. The 30,000 dollars allotted to this project wouldn’t pay the salaries of three good environmentalists, yet was intended to. produce an ecollogically accurate report on 144,000 square miles of relatively unexplored land.

Unofficially, pressure is also being brought on Quebec to “buy Canadian”. Lately this pressure has increased with the announcement that Quebec has given a sizable contract to an American firm to supply earthmoving equipment for road and dam construction. Also, the final engineering repdrt was done by a New York firm; only contracts for road building have been given to Canadian firms.




Probably the two most pressing questions for both Bourassa and the people of Quebec are how much the project will cost and where the money will come from to finance it. So far, neither of these questions has in any way been answered. Bourassa’s orginal April announcement stated a cost of 6 billion dollars. The engineering firms hired to do a preliminary study kstimated 7 billion dollars. More recently, the Financial Post and other sources indicated 10 billion would be more realistic, while the January, March issue of Nature Canada stated the NBR complex will cost 4.1 billion dollars and the Eastmain-La Grande section 7-10 billion. By simple arithmetic that adds up to a minimum of IV.1 billioh and a maximum of 14.1 billion dollars. These figures are nothing more than guesswork since only preliminary feasibility studies have been carried out on the NBR complex, and because until this summer no real work had been done on the Eastmain-La Grande section. Escalation of cost is common in an overunionized over-capitalistic system, so we can expect at least a one-third increase overall. Already the first several hundred miles of road from Matamagami to the Rupert River has exceeded estimates by 110,000 dollars a mile, and construction is not yet completed. The question of total cost will remain undetermined for some time. An equally nebulous question concerns financing. The James Bay Development Corporation, as a crown corporation, owns 50 per cent of the shares, Hydro Quebec controls 40 per cent while the remaining 10 per cent is unclaimed. It is hoped that hydro sal.,es can be ,


made to American -a Attempts to obtain 1 has led one America don’t have an Alice i finance down here”. No large stock SI nounced. Consolidatl has purchased power dollars over 20 years, portion of the Quebec insulate U.S. debt tuation in the U.S. d build a 25 million do border to transmit the verified whether this original estimate. producing 1,100 MW i for the United States 1,440 MW over the “additional 800 MW 1 necessary” to keep t active. So over the nE Edison will take appr possible 300,000 MV




One reason no one from Quebec may b estimated that it will, ( mill = l/IO of one 1 kilowatt of power. At is 5.5 mills. A study government, and leak nuclear reactor therl scale would cost no kilowatt hour. Them natural gas would be as nuclear power. Also by 1980, f devices may be dev unit area would be :ti of present fission g environmental hazarl fuel and heavy wate Talk of pulp and p; operations has bee1 rather dismal f inar ,i mediate future looms

,A--’ /

8, 1972






European investors. ?rican capital though inancier to say, “We Nonderland ability to

much of the timber from the flooded areas. Andre Lafound, Dean of Lava1 University’s Forestry Research Foundation, has stated that so much timber is available that it would ‘flood the market’, taking away a valuable source of income particularly in woodlots in areas where unemployment is already 30-40 per cent. The increased wood production will also lead to additional stock piles at a time when the demand for pulp and paper is d*epressed and with no sign of recovery.

have yet been anEdison of New York Iwever, at 271 million ris will erase a minor dro debt, but will also lments against f lucr. Quebec Hydro will line to the Canadian lwer. It has not been ; a cost figured in the 1 -generating units, ually, will be set aside le Americans will buy ;t five years and an 7 year for 15 years if New York power grid !O years Consol idated nately 13,440MW of a

EcolocGcal and environmental conslquences The problem receiving the greatest press coverage, and stirring up most of the public criticism, has to do with the protection of the environment. The actcreating the JBDC (Bill 50) states that the environment should be protected, yet it is unfortunate that the rest of the bill completely disregards environmental quality and successfully negates any former bill, laws or acts concerning the area to be developed. Bill 50 gives the JBDC the power to “promote the development, exploitation and harnessing of natural resources in the vast territory lying between the forty-ninth and the fifty-fifth parallels.” No mention is made of any serious obligation by the corporation. ~~The whole tone of bill 50 can be obtained in Section 42, which indicates very clearly that provincial laws respecting protection of natual resources do not apply whenever they are in conflict with the bill. Elsewhere‘ in the act, complete powers of expropriation are given to the corporation, and no provincial sanction is needed. What the Quebec government seems to be doing is creating a small empire under the control of the JBDC. It looks almost like the charter given the Hudson’s Bay Company by the English monarch during the 1600’s. Although the idea of development in this area has been under consideration since 1964, no work was done on the ecological impact of the project until three months after it was announced to go ahead. Only then was a joint federal-provincial task force set up. People working on the task force were told that due to

nent ‘locking to buy power le cost. It has been between 7-11 mills (1 : U.S.) to produce 1 sent the average cost pared for the Quebec o the press, indicates power on the same rl? than 8.5 mills per lower from coal and the same price range In operated nuclear ed. Their output per ai hundred times that ators, causing fewer and less expense i’n quirements. as well as lumbering :ed to brighten the gicture. In the impossibility of cutting


the chevron

8, 1972



time constraints their work was to be “largely taken from existing sources rather than field studies.” As a result, the report reads like a badly scratched record “....not enough timeno sufficient data.. . .” In the introduction, the task force study states “Because of the time constraints imposed on the production of the report’(1 year) the task force wishes to note that it may contain views and value judgments to which not all members unreservedly subscribe.” Translated this can be taken to mean that due to lack of money, time and in-’ formation, the report is a series of educated guesses of which no two study members agree on. Certainly money was a problem ; 30,000 dollars is not much to do a study on a 144,000 square mile area on which existing information sources are almost non-existant.


‘Drawdown’ generation




w.. .-






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From both the results of this study and other sources, here are some of the findings: Climatologists vary in their view of what will happen to the weather. It is unlikely that the actual volume of water will have anything more than a very local effect. Holding fresh water back from James Bay in the spring will be of greater importance since the shore of James Bay depends on fresh water circulation to melt the ice and stir up nutrients from the bottom. If not enough fresh water comes down the rivers spring may be delayed in parts of Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. Scientists are also very worried about the cumulative effect of increased development of, hydro electric power sites on all sides of James Bay and Hudson’s Bay. If too many rivers are held back or diverted longer winters and lower mean temperatures could easily, if not inevitably, result. Although the possibility of earthquakes remains remote, some geologists -feel that the additional weight of water on the land will cause active movements in the earth’s crust, Faults might establish themselves at strategic places along the reservoirs, either draining or diverting the water, resulting in an empty reservoir. The river estuaries will definitely be affected. The change in temperature \and salinity will generally cause changes in the water chemistry. This will in turn change the density and composition of the micro-organisms in the water, so some change in fish and bird habitats is predictable. Scientists Continue to new dynamic “ultimately, a say that equilibrium will be established, but whether this will be beneficial or detrimental to the flora and fauna cannot be predicted.”

and wildlife ‘

The fish and wildlife of the inland areas will be seriously affected. For example, the Atlantic salmon that the Canadian government had just spent several months trying to defend at the international conference on the environment in Stockholm, is in danger of having its spawning grounds destroyed. Furthermore, I white fish, sturgeon, lake trout, arctic char and northern brook trout may all be greatly reduced in number. These are al I shallow water spawners and their eggs remain in shallow water for the entire winter. The first four of these species are commercially marketable, while the last is one of the most sought after game fish in eastern Canada. As the ‘drawdown’ process occurs a problem arises when the huge reservoirs and upstream areas begin losing water during the winter. As the water level drops, the eggs, layed in shallow water of less than 20 feet, are exposed and freeze, killing the next generation of fish. Nine of the fifteen rivers in the proposed development have a drawdown of at least 20 feet. T,he fish are an especially valuable source of income for the native people, who also receive one to thirteen per cent of their protein from fish. Moreover,’ many birds, otter fisher and other fur-bearers depend in part on fish as a food source. Wildlife may be in real danger. Beaver and ‘otter will have their homes exposed to predation while their young are in the den, and fishers, martens and wolves will have their hunting territories reduced. All these animals are fur-bearers providing up to 60 per cent of the income of Indians in the area. Moose, caribou and beaver are a valuable food resource accounting for up to 70 per cent of the protein in the Indian’s diet, while yielding additional income through trapping and guiding. Decreasing the number of small ponds and the actual footage ofshore l’ine will

1 1

remove both moose and beaver habitats. Many ducks also use the area for a staging ground as well as for nesting; they too will have their habitat reduced. In addition, blue geese, snow geese and several types of ducks that are declining alarmingly will have their nesting grounds and resting sites reduced.



of native


The most significant element in the area is the 6,000 Cree Indians. Although arguements have arisen as to how the development will affect them, the Indians taking the matter to court is certainly an indication of their apprehensiveness and discontent. The task force feels the Indians are more dependent on welfare than many people realize. However, Nature Canada feels it is one of the few really intact Indian cultures we have ‘left in North America. ‘Intact culture’ implies a cultural group that derives its livelihood from traditional methods of hunting and fishing. It means an‘ intact system of native customs and world view, altered possibly by contact with white men, but not changed in its’fundamental structure. In many parts of Canada the welfare system has completely destroyed the Indians’ positive self-image. The result has been extremely high rates of alcoholism, a slow form of suicide to many Indians. Crime rates and general psychiatric disorders are also common, all made worse by the fact that medical and social care are almost non-existant. This social problem is almost certain to exist in the James Bay area. First the project will destroy trap lines two and three centuries old; new ones will be made available, but won’t be as good. Many trappers will opt for welfare rather than attempt the hard job of reestablishing a line in an unknown area. Indian villages centuries old will ultimately be displaced and new ones established at sites , chosen by the government. Furthermore, the influx of tourists and rapid development may lead to great problems in which the Indians will again become secondclass citizens exploited as cheap labour. It is also apparent that neither the federal or provincial governments are willing to do much about the situation. Premier Bourassa has said only that “the Indians will not be an obstacle to the development of James Bay.” Pierre Nadeau, past president of the JBDC, has said, “When you consider the thing cooly, without emotion, you must conclude that it is possible to develop the natural resources of this region for the economic benefit of all Quebec, and the common g-ood of all Quebecers without any harm to Indian priviledges.” Undoubtedly there is enough land for both the Indians and the power project, but unfortunately the areas to be flooded represent the best land, land on which the Indians have built their livelihood.



no better

As a result of public pressure the Bourassa government has generally retreated from the originally proposed development scheme. The decision to develop the NBR has been overturned in favour of beginning with the more northerly Eastmain-La Grande section. For the time being, therefore, a great deal of the wildlife and forest reserves will be saved. The Indians will not be affected as much since most live along the southern sections, which may not be developed as part ,of the project after all. Pierre Nadeau recently-resigned as chairman of JBDC, indicating a take-over move by Hydro Quebec which now controls the project. Hydro Quebec has offered to provide the ‘financial muscle’ in order to assure the completion of the project. Reactions to the new?r scheme remain unchanged. Although the area is not as ecologically valuable, Dr. John Spence of McGill university has said, “It (the new project) will be devastating for the community of Fort George.. . . little is known about the country north of La Grande....” As for the Indians, the Cree say they will not accept the James Bqyproject as presented. They ask for a downscaling of the development in such a way that their bush will be safe-guarded, andthey want continuing consultation plus a share in project decision-making. Financially, the development costs continue to rise. The present plan, although it will produce about half as much power, now costs as much as the original. These costs may further escalate since the La Grande basin has 1nqt.. yet_ Jwq. sfudl~&-?r! ;c!e?ail:. ‘. ..: . I I , a I 1 + . . r.


d i ‘.;,’






the , chek




8; 1972


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Ike & Tina Turner


Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov.. 1 Nov. 8 N-ov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 *-Dec. ,6 Dec. 13

Krakatoa - East of Java Changes Lady of Monza Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice Derby. Lord of the Flies 2 I Want What I Want .Goodbye Gemini The Fox Beware the Brethren Say Hello to Yesterday Honeymoon Killers My / Old Man’s .Place 1

& King Biscuit


8:30 . ,Sept. 10 Tix-on sale at Federation offices, Central Box Office,

Sponsored by Campus Centre Board

_Synthesis, and Waterloo Lutheran .






the chevron.

8! 1972


13 <

And the music was disappointing too, repititious and second-rate country rock for the most part. Elton John also did sound-track music for a movie called ‘Friends, music which was almost as bad as the movie. Then he put out an album called Madman Across the Water, more mediocre repitition and bland, unimaginative lyrics. And everyone who had been impressed by Elton John’s first album said What ever happened to Elton John for&&&es? Including me. But now. Wham. Here’s Elton John again, in an album called Honkey Chateau, for obvious reasons, not worth going into, minus his original band still but well on his way to getting where he was promising to go on that first LP. (UN193135 for serial no. fans). This’ is good, solid Elton John stuff again. Mostly. Bernie .Taupin still has his good highs and his more occasional lows on the words, and Elton is coming on a little more commercial than before, but good, Elton Jc$m’ stuff notwithstanding. “Honky Cat’:, the lead cut, is an engaging little toe-tapper, and Taupin at his simplistic best, and the instrumental arrangement is catchy without trying to be “heavy”, rare enough these days. Between Elton’s vocal stylings and his piano playing and organ solo on ‘Mellow’, this cut could almost be a tribute to Ray Charles. Whether intentionally or not, ‘mellow’ invokes the spirit of the genius. It’s also a good example of Taupin the lyricist at his poetic best and his banal Once upon a time there was a worst. How could anyone mix young man who named himself into the same song such fine lines Elton John, after some famous as: freinds of his. His friends had names like John Baldry, Mick “You make me mellow, I make you mellow, Jagger and Rod Stewart. They wreckin’ the sheets real fine, had bands, and Elton John sometimes sang with them. Just Heaven knows what you sent me for fun. lord, Then, in the fall of 1970, Elton But God this is a mellow time...” John put out his first album (called Elton John) which, as the and such a disasater as : publicists say, burst upon the rock scene with the brilliance of a “I love your R#oman nose, the prairie dawn. Part of this was due way you curl your toes.. . ” to lyricist Bernie Taupin. More of it was due to the enchanting “Think I’m going to KilI Myself quality of Elton John’s voice, is a light-hearted look at the which could croon like Ray . manic-depressive stage of being a Charles or rasp and scream-talk teenager, finely off-set by the like his Famous Friend Mr. tap-dance music arrangement. Jagger. A lot ’ of it was also The audacious change of due-who can say? perhaps most direction at the chorus will catch of it-to one of the -best back-up you off guard nicely. bands ever put together to record ‘Susie’ is an example of Taupin music. All since departed, alas, at his worst and the music is nothing more ’ than a thinlyrecording on their own. replay of ‘Son of your Elton John’s album-let’s be disguised fair, Bernie Taupin’s ,too- was Father’ from Tumbleweed easy to listen to, a real catcher, Connection. Ironically, as they say, the fine music coupled with mostly album’s best cut is also the one sensitive lyrics and, of course, released as a single (quite sucElton’s voice. cessfully, top-40-wise), called And the concerts. Elton John “Rocket Man”. Although grabby would come on in flaming-red in a formula top-40 way, it’s shorts, or a jump-suit, and of scream and jump up and down on probably the best combination these two’s words and music and his piano. And the fans, who since the first mostly came to hear the or- arrangement album. Taupin’s lyrics are-and chestrated, lyrical pieces on the this is rare -really interesting album, looked at each other. and insightful: ‘Could this frantic rock-n-roll “And all this science freak be Elton John? And that I don’t understand, short hair. This guy was weird. It’s just my job, five days a week, But a lot of people seemed to like I’m a rocket man...” this schizophrenic “rock star”. That’s side one. Listen to it a lot Including me. if you get the album. Side two is But then came a long drought. not quite as His next album, called Tumblefortunate. is loud. “Slave” is weed Connection, was a “Salvation” another bit of self-conscious sentimental little nretentious, concept album-get this-a prattle from Taupin, ala tribute by English rock stars to “Connection”, i.e. a bad attempt the American Civil War, at country-rock. “Amy” is good, hard-driving rock, which is just especially the glorious south. right for Elton’s voice, but Who needs that kind of tripe?

Elton John back

Taupin’s words drag it down if you bother to listen. “Hercules” is a catchy, controlled rocker in souped-up 50’s style, and “Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters” is a nice rock ballad to NYC. All in all, an intelligent and often intriguing rock album, one very much worth the listening if you’re a disillusioned Elton John fan and even if you’re not but would like to be. And the New Riders of the Purple Sage (NRPS), another group which made a big splash with its first LP about a year ago, is back. And out of the shadow of Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead gang. Although Garcia does “guest” on this album, along with Nicky iHopkins on piano, he has been more than amply replaced on steel pedal guitar by Buddy Cage who, if anything, plays the instrument with even more authority than Garcia. Cage gives these cuts a lilting, countrified sound, not on the first album. This shows a much different direction than the first LP. The group that recorded the first album would never have included a flat-out rocker like “I Don’t Need No Doctor”, done with appropriate flourish on this record. There’s still a lot of the sound left of the too-close and too-long association with the Dead here, especially on cuts like “Rainbow”, but there’s also a lot of good original stuff, mostly by founder and prime mover John Dawson and bass man Dave Torbert. Torbert’s unabashedly C-W ballad ‘Runnin’ Back to You’ is probably the best cut on the album, good solid Nashville feeling. The presence of Hopkins and Garcia is decidedly felt still, but this is a group now of new confidence and one that has gained life from the Dead but ‘need no longer rely on them to sustain it. If you’re going to talk about country-rock as a real category from now on, you’re going to have to talk about NRPS. As the lead cut says, “Dim lights, thick smoke and loud,loud music is the only kind of life you’ll, ever understand. ” Hope so, hope so. -&eorge


Joannie in her pretentious



The cover is simple: white, with a stark black-and-white photo of the early-sixties-liberal journalism variety, showing clean-cut Americans -young and old- being led to buses by hefty, faceless American cops. This, unfortunately, is the latest manifestation of the Baez evolution. Beginning as a quiet singer of folk ballads and strong protest music, Joan Baez has come to see herself as America’s liberated darling, Nashvillizing her background music, becoming something of a cause celebre of the liberal left (mostly because of’ the activism of her ex-husband) and, finally, feeling compelled to fill each new album with fresh-astoday’s-headlines relevance. In Come From the Shadows (A&M SP4339), the new Baez is revealed in all her pretentious glory, covering on one record ‘in’ ‘topics from prison reform to the ‘death of Janis Joplin to Bangladesh to “Bobby”. This is not a put-down of Joan’s sincerity or her dedication to pacifism, ending the war, freeing laborers, etc. It’s just that buying a Baez album has moved from being an act of music appreciation to that of a political action. You have to be a believer1 to touch the stuff. (It’s still a lot easier to listen to Joan’s songs, however pretentious-sounding, than hearing someone like Mick


Jagger give lip-service to , “revolution”. ) Joan simply hasn’t the talent to write her own material. She turned out several nice things on her last album, “Blessed are...“, but the repetitious dirges on this one seem to prove they were about all the good music she had in her, and not the beginning of. something big. The material she does select from other authors-which usually save her albums -are disasters. She turns Lennon’s “Imagine” into lifeless muzak, and Kenny Roger’s C-W ballad “A Stranger in my Place” is too formulized by the Nashville mafia-Norbert Putnam and the rest of the Area Code 614 gangto catch spark. Putnam, Buttrey, McCoy and company used to be quite a treat to find hiding in the background of an album, but these days it seems they’re backing everyone but the New York Philharmonic and it’s becoming all too obvious that they do one thing quite well, , and that one thing is wearing more than a* little thin. Every artist who ventures into the Nashville scene to record these days-and that’s a ~ lot of people-all seem to emerge with similar, sounding albums: slick but increasingly boring. An-yway, let us hope that Jo&i snaps out of it all, returns to her guitar, and heads back to the roots. Meanwhile, if you’re \ tempted by the cover of Come from the Shadows, pass it up and buy one of her old Vanguard LP’s ’ instead; you’ll listen to it a iot longer. Speaking of passing things up, Virgil Fox’s latest attempt at drawing the feelthy <hippies away from rock to good music,Heavy Organ at the Fillmore, should be put on your No-No list also. Fox’s fawning and condescending vocal interludes are much too long and hopefully even embarassed himself when he heard the playbacks. Fox, while ’ I guess he plays a mean organ, is just enough of a bore to ruin even Bach, whom he exalts to the level of semi-religious reverance. The parts where he stops jabbering and plays are often quite exhilarating, but they are too far between. And Fox’s orgasmic rantings are just too obnoxious. If you’re tempted to buy “Heavy Organ”, go instead to the classical bin and get the real thing, minus the lectures. -george


1 4 . ..:


_,chyon.,._.. _\ .




-- try


8, 1972

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Orggnization Meeting Monday September 11 7:00 PM FEDERATION OFeFlCES CAMPUS CENTRE R.oom 235 Federation of Students .


feedback.Less&7 to be learned I read with interest in the August your story, “U of W Act-students lose again”. I believe it was a fair report of the private bills committee, in general. I was there. with some other members of the National Canadianization Committee, and there are a few comments I’d like to make if I may. , First, the most impressive people at the private members bill committee meeting were the students of university of Waterloo. They demonstrated, as far as I was concerned, that they were more than capable of managing the representation they were asking for in university government. I believe the Chevron report is perfectly correct in saying: ‘The members of Parliament didn’t even make a pretense of hearing what was to be said; they just couldn’t care less. Everything was cut and dried; the decision had already been made outside of the committee debate.’ Secondly, if the whole thing was cut and dried, what-are the conclusions to be drawn? The first is that the university administratration and the Government in power are willing to waste endless time and the taxpayers <money to put on a show of\genuine concern about public representation, when in effect they don’t give a damn about it.. But there is another conclusion that is even more unsettling. The government of Bill Davis doesn’t care two hoots about, for instance, the proportion of Canadians on university faculties. Bill Davis himself married a U.S. bride who didn’t take Canadian citizenship, even though her husband was a cabinet minister, until he became Prime Minister and it was obviously politically necessary to _-do so. The few apparent gains made in the university of Waterloo Act were already established by precedent in the new university of Toronto Act. And they were established a little before in that Act simply because_, the government of Bill Davis, the colonial government of Bill Davis, felt it 18 Chevron

had to give -a few tokens to the natives to try to keep them quiet. They were reacting to the expression in the community of power that might hurt them. That is all. There was no more sincere desire to serve the people of Ontario in the slight changes than there can be spied in Mrs Bill Davis’s late taking of Canadian -citizenship (anything but political expedience), though doubtless we must all entertain (to soft music . and shadowed lights) the possibilty ’ of -her great desire to share with Canadians their marvellous citizenship. Fianally, the lesson for the student representatives who do have various kinds of representation is very clear. They will have to fight with everything they have got. And if they do, if they muster power, the new university of Waterloo Act need be only the beginning. _ If the colonial government of Bill Davis believes that it can only keep power in Queen’s Park by handing all the power over university ‘of Waterloo, tomorrow, to the students of the university’ of Waterloo, they will rewrite the Act tonight. The lessonsof the Private Members Bill Committee are quite L clear. But I fear that the students of the university of Waterloo won’t read them. They will believe, instead, that the administration of the university of Waterloo and the Government of the province of Ontario are fair-minded men devoted to a genuine idea of participation and justice for the people who they draw their power from and whom they ultimately represent. Such are the tragic and refreshing beauties of youth. robin mathe’ws Ottawa

-HURRY: This fall enroll in the chevron free school of- jourpalism


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Wow, man! Got back to campus yesterday and looked around. Dig all the great chicks, eh? This women’s lib shit is really alright, man, cause look at all the chicks that come to college now instead’ a . just gettin’ a job outa highschool, you know? And how about that James Cotton Blues Band, man? Like, I got stoned outa my fuckin’ Petunia patch before I went to see them and, Pow! Dynamite, man. I don’t care what these guys say about Bobbie Gentry and Eddie Arnold, man, no white guy can put out the blues like the brothers, eh? Except maybe Bobby Curtolla, but a buddy of mine used to have a friend who had a brother playin’ in his back-up group, man,- and the word is that Bobby’s got some soul blood runnin’ the circuits, if ’ ya know what I mean, eh? Listen, I know it’s a drag puttin’ out the fuckin’ chevron every week, and it seems like nobody ever reads it, but, like me and a lot of my buddies always pick one up, like searchin’ the personals column for chicks and eyeballin’ the movie ads, ya’ know? Keep it up, man.



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8, 1972


Volunteers have turned out in Apparently he was good enough to be droves vying for the honor of enconsidered ‘All Canadian’ last year. tertaining on cold, wet, fall afternoons. Little Stu Koch plays linebacker. Wally Delahey has once again After four seasons, he was an OUAA assumed the huge responsibility of all-star and is now back for his fifth and deciding which players are most fit to - final effort. receive the cheers, boos and warhoops September 22 is the date set for the from the alcholic crowd. Bob McKillop, first game. Guelph will try to provide a former performer himself, will assist some opposition but last year the in priming the performers as will Peter Gryphons won only one game, so none Hopkins. is expecting much from this squad. Alas! a screw has been tossed. into Games continue until October 28 the works....where to find an accurate .with two other performances being ball tosser. There are lots of willing and staged at the stadium de Seagramable bodies, primed in the art of aptly named to commemorate the only receiving the sphere but no volunteers outdoor watering hole in Waterloo to initiate the action. county. Chuck Wakefield did the honors last By late October, outdoor drinking year, with moderate success. The becomes a pain, so the athletic quarterbacking ’ position notdepartment arranges indoor areas for withstanding, Delahey ‘feels that the pucking consumption ; now, the offense must be more consistent than warriors provid,e necessary aversion last season.’ He expresses this conbetween snorts. fidence by depending heavily on Brian Drinking may be going out of style, Beatty and Rick Howse who what with the newly-invented noxious demonstrated last year, to the joy of weed an’ all, but the good-‘ol-days can the participants in the stands, that always be remembered on Saturday they were capable of running at least afternoons when the community coke five yards whenever they were given flask is passed from one set of freezing the football. fingers to another. Shifting from cheek Howse was so good that only three to cheek to keep the rear warm and the other guys in the whole league could odd jumping up and down in the vague do better, and he didn’t enter into the pretense of team support only to warm ball-carrying business until halfway ;he legs and test the vocals, is all part through the season. of the game. . Big John Buda plays offensive tackle. The university of Waterloo is not the

Footballing with a ’


It’s autumn again (almost); as usual, this season follows immediatly on the heels of warm summer sun. If you happen to be a normal, average university student this means a return to the bottle. But w-hat good is a stiff drink in the out-of-doors without a football game in front of it? None at all; so this year, as customary, the studentfunded athletic department will be sponsoring football games for your enjoyment. _.

only place where this type of entertainment is being doled out to the parched masses, others know a good thing when they see it, and all but Laurentian university is on -the thing. To organize the mud-warfare on the field, the OUAA (Ontario Universities Alcoholic Association?) has arranged two sections of teams. (By the way, there has to be something happening on the field according to Ontario Liquor Legislation....same as having food with booze on Sundays.) There is an Eastern section ,where four teams (Carleton, Ottawa, Queen’s and Toronto) will swop (‘home-‘anhome’) paries. The western section (which includes our guys) has seven teams.. This separation, with four teams in one section and seven in the other, makes one wonder if the organizers themselves get heavily involved in the events they plan. Be that as it may, the final chance for red-nosed fans comes on November 25 when the best from the west meets whatever we here in the east have to offer. That .game smells of heavy jackets, mittens, mufflers and-two or three thermoses.

Cheerleaders wanted One important and very integral part of a football ‘experience’ is the appearance of the people with’the funny clothes who try to goad over four thousand high and happy people into a choral group.

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The very fact that those four thousand people actually do sing, yell and scream, ‘Waterloo, we love you....etc’ is ample proof of their mental condition at the time of the performance. Joining hands and h,earts together in a medley of songs and school cheers is very important when one is into the football spirits, so again’ this year a group of people are trying to form themselves and into song cheerleaders. Last year the- group was mostly uncoordinated (but who notices?), however, and did a helluva job at getting the team on the benches to sing shout together. This year, some of those courageous people have left the scene for the pursuit of bigger and better things (?). The vacuum created remains unfilled. The remains of last year’s squad is appealing to anyone interested in helping out. There is no sexdiscriminati0.n in the art of song and cheerleading, so if anyone out there feels like sacrificing the annonimity of drunkeness in the stands, then take to the cheerleading squad, and show it there. Contact the people’s athletic department for more dope on this (P.S. they say they need you!). ’ After all, to see all the action in a football game what could be a more strategic position than standing with your back to the field,‘\directly‘ facing the four thousand participants in the stands. Hell, there are never more than twenty,four on the field, and most of the time at least half of ‘em are stone’ sober. 4ennis mcg&n

; Ij ; j i 1 1 <

\ !\




your own 8 King


betrothal East,


rings ”




8, 1972


by Randy Hannigan

On-campus sport

preview While the back to school sporting interests traditionally involve the following of the Warrior football team and the village girls, another aspect of campus sports should not go by unnoticed. This term’s intramural program is definitely offering something that people should be involved in and take advantage of.

Along with the ring road bicycle race, there is a track and field day, an engineering challenge run and a mixed curling bonspiel. The entry deadline for the challenge run is September 15.; entries may be on a team basis or individually. This event takes place at Seagram’s stadium prior to the Waterloo-Bishops football game. The average time per member of last years winning teams, to cover the three miles was just under seventeen minutes. There are three other upcoming running events which require teams or individuals. On September 23rd there is a twenty four hour team relay, followed on October 7th by the octoberfest marathon and five mile jog. Individual tournaments are being staged in golf, tennis (singles), archery, squash (singles), badminton and swimming. For all’ the competitive events, entries are taken according to competitive units and points are awarded for participation and performance. These points go towards the Father Townsand and Fryers trophies.

Club and Instructional program September 11th to 15th is the organizational week for the athletic clubs oncampus. If more information is needed contact the intramural department about what-club activities are offered. Also check the blue intramural flyers for more detailed information. Instructional programs are also offered and these, too, are listed on the blue flyers.

Retreat iona I --activities

A full slate of recreational team factivities will be offered to all students, {faculty and staff this fall: Recreational activities are characterised by the bbsence of officials and a lower level of competition, the emphasis being on In the competitive level, this term’s enjoyment and physical fitness. activities ,range from archery to the Being offered this fall is seven-a-side annual ring road ^ bicycle race. Team touch football, ball hockey, floor activities such as soccer, flag football, hockey, co-ed volleyball, five-a-side lacrosse, basketball and hockey are on squash, co-ed inner tube waterpolo, the agenda. Entries must be in by ‘hockey, co-ed broomball and threeSeptember 18, or sooner, for the first ’ man basketball. three team activities. These activities Entries are not limited to the are run on a schedule basis with games competitive units and points are not being played during the evenings, for a awarded nor are championships held. period of several weeks. , Any interested group may enter any of The team tournaments are usually these events by filling in an entry form one day activities offered once a term. ‘and sending it to the intramural office.

Competitive activities


Unorganised free time activities are a vital part of the intramural program and the time may be used by any person wanting to get a little bit of physical activity. Some activities such as squash are’ almost -- _- exclusively free time activities.

Staff, faculty fee hike’ The cost for staff and faculty to participate in the intramural program will be raised to twenty dollars; thirty,

in Soviet hockey The recent happenings in Munich’,s Olympic village, has served once again to remind that politics is squarely in the middle of the sports arena. The CanadianRussian hockey series also displays its share -of political maneuvering. The involvement of Pierre Trudeau in the decision to bar World Hockey Association players from the games ‘and the ensuing law suits have been brought to the public’s notice via countless column inches in the commercial press. The CCCP’team, however, has of late, been receiving its share of the political spotlight. A group called the ‘Canadians for Fair Play Committee’ have issued flyers proclaiming that ‘sports and politics are just the same’. The primary gripe of the CLLU centers around Russia’s domination of the smaller Soviet

nations: Thcgroup questions the placement of 30 Russian players on a hockey team of thirty-three, when the Russians represent only 50 percent of the Soviet Union. While the teams are in Canada, the games are being played in four separate cities, but in the USSR, Moscow will be the site-of all four games. This according to the CLLU, is a blatant display of discrimination The inscription CCCP (USSR) on the team uniforms is deceiving, according to the committee, and they suggest now that Canada has >played the Russians, they also challenge teams from the Ukraine, Byelorussia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia where hockey is also a popular sport. The group considers Russian strategy unsportsmanlike; including cross-checking (mostly double) and charging, supporting with the example of the Russians love of tank warfare. Reminding spectatorsof the 1968 international playoffs in the downtown streets of, Czechoslovakian cities and in Hungary during the 1956 series. Along with all other political repercussions from this series, anyone who mouths the concept that sport is a vehicle of in; ternational goodwill has got to be reduced to the farm team.

1972 - 73



Free time activities


if a locker is needed. Although the exact date of implementation is not known it should take effect very soon. This increase was announced by the president’s advisory council on Wednesday of this week. This fee brings into line the staff and faculty payment with that of students. The previous fee was five dollars.

Women’s intramurals Since club and instruction programs are largely co-ed in nature as are some specific co-edathletic events, the girls can refer to the blue flyers or the women’s intramural “pinky” flyers. The competitive activities for the girls this fall consist of flag football,: slow pitch, a tennis tournament, volleyball, basketball, mixed curling, a swim meet, badminton singles tournament and an ice hockey league. Again, see the flyers for more information on entry dates, and starting times.








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Auditions for solo parts in Haydn Mass 2 Sopranos, 1,alto, 1 tenor, and 1 bass For instrument rental contact Mrs. Sandra Rrnwn 1572 For booking Music Practise Stud ios contact Miss Mary Schmieder, ext. 3512 For further information contact Alfred Kunz, Director of Music, AL 6, ext. 2439 - .

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_ WED & THURS. SEPT. 13 & 14 -7: 30 pm SUN. SEPT. 17 - 2-00 pm MON. SEPT. 18 - 7:30 pm AUDITIONS FOR FALL PRODUCTIONS - THE MARQUISE (Major . . - I- ppc~ 3, PI UIIICU IA.wan, aiiu . m.... .Lilt:.I \iluull # 3illl lluul pruuuLLIUfIS) all by Noel Coward All auditions in Theatre of the Arts For further information contact Maurice Evans, Resident Drama Director, ML 121, ext. 2533

WED. SEPT. 13 - 7.:00 pm - Dance Studio THE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO REPERTORY DANCE COMPANY Introductory Meeting



Fall Production) I


SEPT. 14-7 : 0Op.m. -Dance Studio AUDITIONS FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO REPERTORY DANCE COMPANY for further information contact Ruth Priddle, Director of Dance, ext. 3147



the, chevron


8, 1912

fleecing , the mot-so-great _ . - white hunters,\



Or 9

_-one day in the life of the freakin’ lidn safari ‘/



s we left the outskirts of the Calt’ settlement behind, we knew that we were finally * on our own, alone in the deepest,darkest southern Ontario. I looked over at Marc, our faithful native guide, and regained some amount of confidence; after all, we had planned long and well for this trek and were presumably prepared for all that lay before us. Roderick, my longtime companion and trusted wallet-bearer, also glanced nervously around. The brightly-painted billboards which lined the roadway and the long lines of family-filled cars and station-wagons -many from across the border to the south-were grim reminders of, what we were to face before returning again to the safety of civilization. ,For we were venturing’ into ‘the most dreaded territory of all-the domain of the fearful “Commercialists”, scourge of the settlers and all who dared pass through their land... feared, yes, but still they held a mystical power over terror and imagination@any were drawn here to test themselves against the money-fiends and human nature,but few returned unmarked by the meeting, and many did not return at all. All these thoughts were running through our heads as we sat tensely in the bus,. aiming directly for the heart of legendary “Freakin’ Lion Safari” country, homeland of the cursed “Commercialists”. And we knew we were attempting the trip as few had dared-we were escorting a busload of small children in and out. Several of our party were survivors of a previous foray to “Freakin’ Lion Safari” country, but they wore the nervous, haggard look of those who had seen too much, and were little comfort to us.

.. # r Downtown Kitchener



King W.

l ‘*’ 2.’

l r.’


interested in mind-expanding feature writing for the chevron call .or visit our office in the campus centre...tell’em George sent you.


Our only defense was that we knew we were to be tested severely many times, and that we would have to keep our wits about us each time if we were to emerge again to tell of our adventures. And I was right-whenI ,our first challenge

came, we found we were not mentally ready for it despite our long days of preparation and briefing. Just as we hit the frontiers of the “Commercialist” territory, we were confronted without warning by a sign that jumped out from the roadside foliage: “Gas Bar Open”. Though taken by surprise, we managed to marshal our forces and persuaded the bus driver to drive on past it’s menacing price-per-gallon indicators. Our first obstacle successfully thwarted, we felt a little better, but knew we couldn’t let our’ guard down twice on a trip like this. And, sure enough, we immediately found ourselves trapped in a long line of cars in the approach to the feared blind pass called “TollGate” by the natives. Wedged in ahead and behind by explorers in a similar situation, we were ’ nearly helpless against onslaught from the sides. Thinking quickly, I had the staff) blindfold all the children-and not a moment too soon, as a dreaded “Program Pusher” approached the driver’s window in full battle dress. “Would any of the children like a full-colour program of the safari?” she shot, lips curled back to reveal the traditional battle-smile of the Commercialists. “No,” I fired back, nodding toward the children / (who, by now, had also had ear-plugs placed securely in position by the alert staff), “no one’s interested, thank you”. Then she,,attempted a last desperate tactic With a near-fatal thrust of the deadly pointed front of her safari blouse, she murmured, “And how about you sir?” I was grazed, but with great. effort I retorted, “No, I’m not interested.” The aim was true, and helplessly she fell back and began to turn upon easier, less-prepared prey behind us. She instantly spotted a wounded New-Yorkstation-wagon full of screaming children and leapt in for the kill. Thank god, I said wearily to myself, for those long hours spent in my basement talking back to late-night television commercials; it had paid off in the field.




8, 1972




thee member: canadian university press (CUP) and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA) ; subscriber: last post news service (LPNS). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published fifty-two times a year (1971-72) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus center ; phone (519) 885 1660, 8854661 or university local 2331; telex 069-5248.

grafi ks, tom macdonalc

I was helped back onto my seat by the other members of the party and regained most of my strength by downing a ration of the special “Carling” provisions we had stocked for the trip. Before we had time to talk about the encounter, Marc yelled from the front of the bus that a giant open-handed “Toll-Taker” was charging our vehicle. It was obvious he had wreaked wanton destruction on many of the smaller parties ahead of us and was now closing in for his big kill of the day. He was still a car-length away, but I could make out his learing grin already. I called quickly for Roderick to bring the wallet up, and got off two quick shots at point blank range, which was enough to hold him off for awhile. We were safe for the time being, but we had spent a lot of our ammo on the “Toll-taker”. Suddenly, I knew my fears were well grounded, as I glanced around us. On all sides, the horizon was filled with new danger-while pre-occupied with the Toll-Taker, I had not realized we had now entered the whispered-of centre of “Commercialist” territory...Souvenirland. Souvenirland! A shudder passed involuntarily through my frame as the stories told of this dark country returned to my brain, blood-curdling tales of parents running ~ mindless, babbling, from the terror lurking there, grim stories of children shouting hideously at their mothers and fathers and the parents just as mysteriously turning suddenly on their own offspring, shouting and pushing, threatening in hysterical voices. And now we knew these were not the inventions of frightened explorers, but all-too-real dangers, dangers we must now face ourselves. I shouted for everyone to brave themselves for the onslaught, and in a split-second, it was upon us from all sides. As we battled from the windows of the bus, having to aim carefully due to the lack of ammo left in our wallets, we could hear the spinechilling battle-cries of the ruthless souvenirscalpers rise above the din of battle around us. “Lion Mugs, $1.99!” “Souvenir African Drums, $1..50!” “Toy Lions, heads actually move.. .on sale$2.99!” “Full-colour guide map to the safari...just 75 cents “Safari hats, sale.. .only 89 cents!” “For only $1.50 you can get your picture taken beside two stuffed lions, with an authentic African background! Instant Polaroid prints!” “Double-decker bus trips through the Safari!” “Rent an air-conditioned car!‘: “Snack bar open!” So far, we seemed to be holding the charge off, but some of the children were beginning to turn againstus, shouting, pulling our sleeves and

“It’s just a dollar, it’s just 2 yelling frantically, dollar?” We knew if we were to survive, we had to gel out of this place and retreat until the mysterious effects had worn off the members of our party Swerving crazily and just barely missing several other stranded explorers, we weaved our way in and out of obstacles and finally broke free and headed back toward the road to civilization.


lthough many members of our staff were holding their heads in their hands ant ~ mumbling incoherently or moaning aloud, and though many of the children were stii shouting bitterly at us, I considered our party hat been one of the lucky ones. Looking about us, on all sides, I saw woundec and dying explorers trying to limp back to safety. Some were loaded down with wounds and scars from Souvenirland. In the back of one station, wagon as we passed it, I could barely make OUT the bodies of the small children under the weighi of the macabre toy lions, safari hats and spread out guide maps. Tin-foil hamburger and french-fry wrappers ant empty coke-it’s-the-real-thing cups were scatterec about the edge of the battleground, grim sentine to the struggle which had taken place. As we pulled back into the outskirts of the Cali settlement, the natives seemed unaware of the /ncidents which were even now still taking place back in the bush, village life was going-on a: usual. They seemed not to care about the scar: which would stay a lifetime, the horrible memories to be endured, the psychic ant financial ruin inflicted -out there. “They just don’t know,” I said sadly to Roderick beside me. “Roderick?” Desperately, I turned around. My courageous friend lay lifeless across the seat, empty change-purse still in his hand. He had spent his last laundry money defending one of the children against a charge of the Deprivations. He had even tried to use his heavy weapon, his checkbook, but the ammo had been no good in this barren land. An American Express and a Chargex card lay useless beside him. Slowly, holding back the tears, I turned and gazed back at the retreating countryside. Sure, we had made it out, but at what cost? How many more would follow our path; fall victim to the merciless laws of human nature? I could only hope that someday, all this would be tamed, civilized. I was comforted by the shopping plazas and neon signs of town. It was good to feel safe again. -george kaufman


alice cooper was wrong. right on, but wrong. school’s in. i suppose you wonder why i’ve called you all here? well, here we all are again, mostly the same old cast doing the same old act (it’s still the same old story, the fight for fame and glory) and you’ve got your choice this orientation can try to find some educational (whatever that means) parts of the program and attempt to wring a little something from the federation’s lineup of things-to-do-when-you-got-other-things-to-do, or-you can say fuck it and go to the pubs and concerts and get honkered a lot. we finally have a logical break-down of society on this campus out in the open: we have a new faculty club, a new grad club, and the campus centre-federation offices, which is essentially an undergrad club...but will liberation lunch ever replace the steaks in the faculty club? the strike by workers at the local Dare plant passed the 100 day mark a week ago, and scab labour seems to be keeping the company going. the going is getting more than a little rough for the workers and families by now, but you can help by continuing to boycott Dare products. if you are new to this area, please help this unionfrom being broken...when shopping, look for the Dare label on cookies, crackers, etc., and leave them on the shelf. if you would like some background knowledge of the strike, drop down to the chevron for back issues, we’ve been covering it from the beginning, and much of the energies this summer were spent on it...drop down anyway. we need staffers and you need a good student newspaper, maybe we can work something out. papers are just like governments, you often get the one you deserve. we offer opportunities for expression, companionship, yuks and free pizza. besides, it’s a good excuse not to study. speaking of extraordinary meetings of the student body, were you one of the select group of 7 to make Wednesday’s? last time a general meeting was held, 300 students took the library...this time seven took a nap. well, maybe interest in university politics will pick up as the shit becomes more apparent. in a way, it’s the federation’s own fault for making the first two or three weeks of classes seem like a continuous carnival. what the hell can be wrong with university education when you can bop out and see Tina Turner shake her stuff? waiting for you to get down here, the following misled souls and misdirected revolutionaries put this one together: sports-randy hannigan, dennis mcgann and nuts, who dropped in ; entertainment-melvin rotmanpater peter the Pierre warrian, paul stuewe and guest lecturer g.s. kaufman ; foto freaks: gord moore, ellen tolmie and chuck stoody; news- krista tomory, dudley Paul, brute Steele, tony difranco, keith dewar, deanna kaufman, thecopulating flies, boris the mad russian came back and we’re glad he did, liz willick, Winnie the pooh, ron culpitts, Steve izma, tom macdonald and peter Watson at the drawing ‘boards, george kaufman, gord moore and david cubberley, courtesy of mercury records. Uncle George’s handy household hint for the week: Four a.m. is time to saddle up and ride off into the fucking sunset. gsk.



the chevron



8, 1972

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