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McNie . and the fee

seems only fair to raise tuition.“’ Another student asked, that in light of the Wright Commission and treasury board documents, what was the Davis government’s philosophy on education. The question was answered with the old political manoeuvre of trying to return the question to the inquisitor. When this failed, MC Nie was accused of playing ‘fucking little political games’. McNie was clearly apprehensive .and unwilling to accept the validity of student’s claims and criticism, often trying to stress that “the people of Ontario are paying too much money on education.” Thirty-nine per cent of the provincial budget is allotted to education. The students agreed while pointing out that the money was spent in the wrong places: ‘high salaries, excessive and alienating bureaucracies, phallic symbols like the John Robarts library, etc.‘. A student suggested that instead of taxing the people of Ontario so much, that the corporations who reap the benefits of an educated professional class should shoulder “the burden. McNie accused the student of going on a ‘political tirade’ which brought a severe and critical response from many of the students present. “McNie, you’re there to represent us and don’t you forget it ! ” After a series of well taken points by the grad students, which McNie again feebly replied to, it became clear that no satisfaction was to be had by either cathartically discharging or reasonably debating the issue. McNie was a washout. One last important point was made. “Our bitching is not simply a self-interested matter of $100.00. In fact, if you closed down the university and put the money from the fee increase into improving the living conditions of the people of this province, chances are you wouldn’t get a debate here.” But needless to say, that isn’t where the money is going.


University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 13, number 22 friday, 3 november, 1972 -.

OFS going down

Jack McNie, Ontario minister of colleges and universities, was on campus last friday to formally open the new $2.8 million chemistry building. President Matthews, followed by a retinue of The possibilities for effective the vice-president finances, the concerted action on the fees issue dean of science, the chairman of by post-secondary students under chemistry, the contractors, the the banner of the Ontario Jack McNie, the architect, Federation of Students is dwinpresident of the Graduate Student dling. Student council waffling, the Union and the President of the possibility of an administrative Science Society, walked up on backlash against students, and stage to an all but empty government indifference to the _ humanities theatre to proceed with student position all are steadily the ceremony. eating away at whatever student A small group of students there solidarity and enthusiasm there to discuss the fee hike, hissed their may have been for protest action. disapproval and waved placards 4ave robertson photo by gord moore demanding that the fee increase be rescinded. After a few blase and mythological short speeches about the university of Waterloo., president Matthews introduced Jack McNie who was to pull the ribbons unveiling a plaque for the new building. Mr. McNie promptly began a rhetorical speech on how “some universities are being faced with the necessity of cutting back on building projects as well as paring academic budgets.” It was not long before a stu_dent in the audience stood up to criticize the university officialdom and McNie for “participating in such a pompous ritual when there is a much more important issue to discuss. ” The only salient effect of the disruption was a cold stare\ from president Matthews. After the ceremony was completed and the contractors had padded their wallets, and chemistry got a new home, president Matthews announced that McNie would be available for discussion in the graduate lounge. Confronting about 50 students in the lounge, McNie attempted to start with a joke but failed miserably. The student audience was not very sympathetic. The debate started with a demand for an explanation of the recent fee increases and OSAP cutbacks. The explanation was not forthcoming. The perma!ence of this year’s fee hike was confirmed by ]ackMcNie The same unanswered question building exwas asked again and again, with -last friday at the grand opening of the new chemistry tension. The poor turnout for the debate with NcNie validates the MC Nie finally explaining that-“the OFS referendum results at this university. cost of living has gone up so it recent disappointing

Last friday, University of Western Ontario administration president Carleton Williams announced to a senate meeting that students withholding fees in january-as proposed by the OFS and approved in a province-wide referendum last month-would suffer “academic penalty”. Western’s vice-president, A.K. Adlington stated sanctions against students participating in a fees boycott would go only as far as withholding transcripts. However, OFS supporters fear the psychological effect on students may seriously affect support for a possible strike, Williams, 31~0 chairman of the Council of Ontario Universities The campus centre board may receive severe budget cuts unless. (COU) tuesday denied rumours it can quickly justify the need for that the COU planned to advocate projected expenditures sufficiently withholding the second installment to sway the administration. of students’ OSAP cheques until The official projected budget for fees are paid in full. Such a move was determined to the campus centre for may 1973 to be technically illegal by OFS in- april 1974 reduced funds for salaries, supplies, repairs and vestigation early in the .year. Now replacement, it seems, the student awards building and maintenance, %and program. The people are under pressure. Recent only area not cut was janitorial OFS inquiries found a distinct services, which in fact realized an decrease in co-operation fromlocal officials. A source in the increase of 10.2 per cent. Financial services represenstudent awards office of the provincial government said the tative, S.S. Farrell, in translating the budget committee’s proposals, decision was up to the universities to a meeting of the campus centre after all. board Wednesday said that all nonIndications are that a struggle academic departments are having within the COU is afoot, the results their budgets cut and that the of which may be a determining proposed budget was only a 1.9 per factor in whether or not financial from the past. sanctions are imposed on cent reduction ‘Which compared favourably with boycotting students. If such a debate over ad- other departments. At first glance this is true, but a ministrative-governmental rescloser look reveals certain ponse to the student boycott threat problems with the argument. Of actually comes off, it is expected compared, such that representatives from the U of the departments as the cultural services program T and Western will be squaring off counselling services; as chief protagonists. The U of T and janitorial services are not included brass have taken the opposite the operating budgets. position from that of Western in in the janitoral services assuring students that there will be Removing expenses from the campus centre no sanctions against students for compossible boycott committments. A budget for a more realistic parison leaves the budget cut by COU executive meeting was slated 15.3 per cent. j for this week. At U of T, -despite the soft-core Farrell said that if the proposed attitude taken by the adbudget is unacceptable, the board ministration, the student council must submit an alternate proposal and give on tuesday almost scuttled the to the budget committee, OFS’ planned mass demonstration *good reason for all centre on Queen’s Park by voting nonoperations. He noted that a good support for the action. Like the deal of money could be saved by Western council which played it closing the building at night. If the safe by simply deciding to en- campus centre is to stay open, courage students to write in comprehensive information will be complaint letters to universities needed to convince the budget minister Jack McNie; U of T committee to continue to subsidize backed off from the student %-hour ’ operation. mandate for action on the fees In justifying cuts in repairs, strike. Western and U of T, as two replacement, building and of the largest campuses maintenance, -Farrell said funds represented by OFS, showed the supplied in the past have often not strongest been utilized. He failed to take into support for OFS demands in the October referenaccount that it has been at least dum both in terms of percentage two years since there has been an turnouts and percentage in favor of operative campus centre board to the proposed boycott. implement the use of such monies. However, individual college He also ignored the greater need student councils on the mamoth for such budgets with the present U of T campus, spearheaded by board trying to compensate for that of Victoria College, have in- lack of proper maintenance in the -. dicated to the OFS executive that past.

Ca m S centre-budget cut-


on page 2


on page 3

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2.the .I




3 november,


photo by brian&re

Serge Koim

-I Rational view of pollution . control With the growing awareness of overpopulation, pollution and their global effects, the European experience with pollution control and resource management in denselypopulated, industrialized areas is receiving world-wide notice. Professor Serge Kolm of the Sorbonne in Paris, and currently a visiting lecturer at UW, spoke to a small audience monday afternoon about the European approach to the problems of technological man and his wastes., These problems are not newimperial Rome and the city-states of the middle ages were confronted with air pollution and growing piles of garbage. The European environment, extensively modified by long intense habitation and use, has not generated among Europeans the predominantly “nature’‘-qriented ecological viewpoint of the new world. The cultural personality of the old world, in large part created by a population dispersed in many small old communities, has made the solution of these problems more difficult and at the same time, simpler--such an historical legacy develops a more “rational” view of what is valuable and should ,. be retained. . The simple dictum, “Thou shalt not pollute,” although ideal, is B&ally inadequate in setting pollution policies. Ther, modynamics and human carelessness indicate that some degree of pollution is inevitable, whatever the technological level. The optimum situation is a compromise determined by politics, the market place, the technologies involved ad principally, the legal question of who “owns” the environment. Since the breakdown of

the market place as a system responsive to the people’s needs and desires has necessitated the extensive intervention of government and the political process, the major options for pollution policy are : l forbidding the production of pollutants in specified areas. 0 the institution of progressive taxes on polluters. l the use of grants to subsidize those who reduce their emissions. 0 establishing a market in licenses to pollute. l a combination of any of the above. In the short run, each of these options can be equally effective. However, the long term results of particular choice must be considered in the light of environmental “ownership”. ‘Commons’-areas held for use by all members of the community-have long been a feature of man’s social habits and include land, water and air. The latter two, because of their par titularly mobile nature, cannot be considered as private property, and the regulation of their use poses much greater problems than for land. The long-term effectiveness of the policy options is contained in the implicit assumptions each makes about environmental ownership. Subsidization by grant and the market system of licensing imply that the common-the total environment, is owned by the major polluters and can be used by them at will, lending a high probability to widespread collapse of the biosphere. Forbidding certain disposal methods in designated areas and taxing the polluter for his environmental damage costs’ imply that the common is shared by all and that each has the responsibility of at the least maintaining that which he uses. These two basic policies will tend to orient the production system toward the optimum efficient utilization of human, technological and material resources and hopefully , increase substantially that intangible “quality of life.” Professor Kolm went on with examples of approaches to the pollution problem made by several European countries. The Ruhr region of Germany, heavily populated and indus trialized, possessing only a few rivers (and those with low flow) acted 60 years ago to combat the rising pollution levels. Among other measures, a regional hierarchy of organization, founded on river-basin-based organizations of all concerned users, made monies available for water treatment. Some rivers were designated as sewers and others to be restored as much as possible for other uses. At the time this allocation of tasks was found to an optimal situation on the local level. Several drawbacks were also apparent-there was insufficient co-ordination on the larger scale, the incinerators used to reduce water pollution instead increased air pollution, and the Rhine downstream was effectively ignored. The program was too restricted, but it did show that effective action must be based on

Going down continued

Serge Kolm, visiting lecturer from the Sorbonne pollution control measures must supercede national

recognizes boundaries.


geographical regions rather than becoming more aware that their political. national programs will only be The French, acknowledging the truly effective when there are German experience, in 1966 began more stringent international a second nation-wide water controls. pollution program organized on the The problems we are faced with river-basin system that started in today, fueled by the widelythe Ruhr. The program’s financial / pervading growth ethic, will never incentive, a combination of the tax become tractable until our models and subsidy options, is governed of the world become more in tune by the individual polluters’ with reality. The organizational variation from- pre-set emission level of the growing global culture standards. The French, like the does require indices and measures Germans, were unable to deal _in order to gauge its performance. effectively with pollution in inHowever, the view that the ternational waterways. satisfactoriness of the conditions in Italy, a third country to institute which we live are adequately nation-wide policy, supplies loans reflected in the currently-popular to industries .at lower-than GNP index and its annual growth, standard rates provided they use is absurd. Witness peoples of the less polluting equipment and lower world, living quite happily, ,who their emissions. This policy have no GNP. We should have an essentially - says that the enindex of the quality of life, that vironmental rights belong to the while not excluding tangible gross polluter, but within the short timeindices such as the GNP, includes span of the French and Italian micro-economic factors, and ‘such programs, they have had basically intangibles as happiness. The the same results. Although index should reflect optimum claimed to be a traditional stage,‘it conditions for the development of seems doubtful that the powerful the world, but unfortunately, how people with vested interests in such an index ought to be defined is Italy -the polluters being paid to only beginning to emerge from pollute -will be in any hurry to extreme chaos. effect positive change. My impression of professor Kolm was of a brilliant man, Europe-divided into many dedicated to ameliorating some of industrialized, politically and autonomous regions that in our most pressing problems, general do not correspond with the well able to convey his interest. I was pleased to hear his suggestion optimal geographical divisions, many but growing towards political and that the rural depopulation industrialized nations are uneconomic unity-is a closely dergoing should be at least watched laboratory in the by providing material evolution of national and in- stabilized by extending ternational pollution control. As incentives, agricultural support to ensnow, stained red by air pollution support. To quote from the Ruhr, falls in Sweden ; vironmental Kolm: “To be a conservative is to and as the Dutch watch the Rhine bearing its international load of be a revolutionary.” garbage to the sea; Europeans are -norman taylor ‘./ \




they are willing to take on the organizational tasks involved in a major demonstration on U of T’s next-door-neighbour, Queen’s Park. They will also push for a reversal of the stand taken by1he campus-wide administrative council. Toronto’s York University and Glendon College have also committed themselves to support the action. OFS general co-ordinator, Craig Heron commented that efforts are being made to involve both high school and community college students in the protest. OFS represents only one of Ontario’s 22 community college student organizations . Although no date has as yet been set for the opening of this session of the Ontario legislature, and therefore no date for the demonstration, the planning continues. Not all member councils have yet ratified the action, but unless a number of nay votes are immediately forth’ coming, the federation executive will continue with I the organizational chores for the march. A general meeting of the federation is scheduled for November 25 in Toronto. It is this meeting which will make the initial decision, to be approved by the parent organizations, on whether or not to proceed with the boycott. The decision is to be based on the progress of OFS negotiations with the government. Thus far, in the face of the referendum vote and confrontations here and elsewhere, McNie has not backed off in the least from the government position of higher fees and lower loans. There has as yet been no acknowledgement of an OFS executive request for a meeting with premier Davis. As Heron said, “I think negotiations are a bit bogged down, to say the least.” This may be at least partially explained by the fact that the “overwhelming” student vote in favor of boycott action actually represented 80 per cent of those voting. Those voting however only represented about 32 per cent of the student population affected. Which means that only just over a quarter of the students who will be paying out the extra money have actually made that (on paper), committment to concerted action. -liz



Guest lecture

Me-szaros will sue

Trudeau asking that he initiate a full-scale inquiry into the handling of his case. Academicsacross the country have appealed to the PM and Mackasey to either reconsider the charge that the noted marxist is a security risk or to substantiate the claim. York professors demonstrated, outside the university October 23 while their colleague was in court to dramatize the fact that the professor cannot appear on campus without contravening immigration laws which prohibit his beginning work without landed status. York president David Slater has personally appealed to Mackasey for a special investigation of the case. The Canadian Association of University teachers has sent a telegram of protest to the minister, and is asking its individual faculty association members to write letters of support for the beleaguered academic.

DOWNSVIEW (CUP&-The Trudeau government appears anxious to rid Canada of Istvan Meszaros, the Hungarian-born professor hired by York University last March. Three motions on the case were heard October 23. One was a move by the government to dismiss the application for a writ of mandamus which would force a quick decision on the professor’s application for landed immigrant status made in mid-September. Meszaros a”n‘d lawyer Paul Copeland agree that an expected long delay normal under proceedings is part of a subtle government tactic to psychologically discourage the professor. The academic originally applied for landed immigrant status last march from London, England. When the request was refused by letter, he flew to Toronto as a visitor and launched a new application through the Orillia immigration office. This time he was refused for unknown “security” reasons which the government has still to Major structural changes at explain. He -came to Canada, he Radio Waterloo were ratified at a staff meeting tuesday said, to force the government to general open his case and clear his. ‘name. evening. The changes affect both programming and the He has taught in British in- the of the station. stitutions since 1965 and has been management I John Dale, station manager, cleared by both British and Italian resigned as of tuesday evening and security. a steering committee was formed Meszaros determination to clear of the his name in Canada has led him to to look after the affairs station. refuse two offers from imDale’s resignation was basically migration minister Bryce a move to create more- working Mackasey-one for a one-year certificate after which he could not capital for Radio Waterloo. Since re-apply for landed status; and one the salary of the station manager for another review of . the case, IS almost half of the total budget of provided the professor returns to the station it was -felt that eliminating the position of station England first. The latter option was vital to the would leave Meszaros no right of manager economics of Radio Waterloo. ’ appeal. Dale was hired at the beginning An immigration board is currently considering whether or of the summer to create a “viable infrastructure” at the station. not the man is in the country legally. A .‘no’ decision would Once this structure was formed, enable the government to begin Dale felt that his job was satdeportation proceedings. Other isfactorily done. hearings are proceeding on the He will sit on the new steering landed immigrant application committee, along with music made october 6. director Dave Assman, production The most recent development in director, ,Bill CuIp, technicaI the case is Meszaros’ intention tot director, Gerry Wooton and news sue Mackasey’s assistant Zavie director, .Randy Hannigan. It is c Levine. Levine was quoted by the hoped by these people that some Globe and Mail as having said sort of working collective can be _ “this is no golden haired boy” in established at the station. response to a question as to why Although the meeting attracted only one fourth of the staff at the the government has refused Meszaros an entry permit. There station, discussions carried on for are unsubstantiated rumours that -two hours about the new format Meszaros is a spy for the KGB. that the programming will take. “I have from my lawyer that The new format will hopefully create more interest as well as such a remark is highly slanderous and I intend to prosecute,” said create a more suitable situation for Meszaros. He has also sent a interested persons to learn about telegram to Prime minister radio. One of the aims is to let

Bear ’ ecology?

Radio Waterloo again

Stephan Herrero recent/y inagurated the urban planning schovl’s guest lecture series, and did so from an essentially mahstream posit& of environmenta/ development.

peoplelearn about radio in general not just the peculiar workings of Radio Waterloo. In the past, two hour music slots have been given to one person who is responsible for doing the music, announcements and announcing. Often these programs went on the air without prior planning, which led to a lack of expertise and a definite lack of cohesion aof programming. . Hopefully with the new programming the emphasis will be taken from straight music shows to shows . that contain a certain amount of production and script work. One of the goals is for Radio Waterloo to produce six hours a day of it’s own programming. This could range from guest lecture series to producing or taping dramas and other theatre work. Four people are now required to ‘produce and air a four hour-music show. There will be an announcer, a script writer and an operator as well as a person to select the music. This eventually will lead to several persons gaining experience in one area of programming and will in the end produce a much more pleasant type of program. The present schedule at Radio Waterloo will be converted day to day to the new programming format. The first day of this new programming was aired thursday of this week. -randy


Campus continued


centre page


Programs co-ordinator Nikki Klein also pointed out that the budget ignores the fact that the campus centre is being more widely used than ever by an increasing variety< of people and organizations. She said that comparative studies could not be made as there are no studies to compare with. Even looking at the bookings log does not give a true picture because it does not document the number of groups that are turned down for lack of space. The program budget, based on 25 cents per BIU campus is usually sufficient for only one term and not for a whole year. A turnkeys’ committee .% is preparing and circulating a petition asking that the budget committee give the campus centre a more feasible budget to continue operations. They would appreciate help in presenting opposition to the budget and any students who would like to respond to the issue can contact Nikki Klein or any turnkey at the campus centre. -ron


After a seemingly endless series of sucky introductions, Stephan Herrero, an american professor of bear ecology at the university of Calgary, inaugurated the usually boring Annual Guest Lecture Series of the School of Urban and Regional Planning. He spoke about a recent skirmish in the Battle for Lake Louise or Environmental Sanity. Imperial Oil (67 per cent owned by Esso), Ski Club of the Canadian Rockies, and the park’s -own National Parks Commission, were defeated by a marriage of young people, nature lovers, and local owners of real eatate just outside the national parks. Herrero emphasized the importance of a “broader user base in citizen participation” to avoid the present elitism of conservation groups. In view of projected tourist development, Herrero thinks “the big challenge is how to ration use of the parks? In the Lake Louise area a major problem is the bad precedent set by a long history of private business development on public land. In 1888 the CPR was given a special dispensation to construct a railway through the park, design the resort town of Banff, and import Alpine guides from Europe. The construction of the Trans Canada Highway through Banff National Park injected an uncontrolable number of tourists, and by 1968 the Government was also trying to cash in on this investment by soliciting bids for an Olympic Village. The Esso proposal was specifically designed for the affluent ‘apres skiers’ at $43,666 per condominium unit, and would have established the principle of wide spread private investment in a national park. ’ The primary source of these contradictions seems to be the lack of any coherent national park policy. At the moment this is a toothless political document which claims “to maintain, unimpared” the natural enviipnment, but encourages real estate speculation in a protected area. In fact, the park authorities suppressed citizen participation in the design process by limiting debate in public, hearings, and kept confrontations by concerned scientists behind closed doors. Sensitive to vocal public. opposition, the minister for indian affairs and northern development was finally forced to reject the proposal, and make a vacuous statement about the natural values of the -environment. Although Herrero viewed the Lake Louise confrontation as a great victory in reality it would seem rather hollow. Since no principle inhibiting development of our National parks was crystallized in law, and other proposals have appeared, it would seem that “citizen participation” in planning will continue to be a futile circus. -jim





4 the chevron



. ”


’Second I



It seems that for this year’s second Presidential election almost no one is concerned about the usefulness of a student union. Only two peopleJohn Chisamore and Shane Roberts-have offered to revitalize the Federation of Students in their short four month term. The election takes place next thursday, november 9.


, THE CHEVRON: Why are you ‘running for president of the student federation? CHISAMORE: Because I’m probably-crazy. I think I can do a good job-if you call it a job. I want to see things done that haven’t been done; I want to see some of the things that were started this year maybe continue. I would like to take a chance with it and see whether or not I can do some of the things that should and can be done with the Federation. And if they can’t be done then somebody else will probably get their try at it. I have also felt the strong inclination that many people are havingthat maybe we should fold it because of the amount of apathy around. We might lose a lot of ground by folding it but maybe we’d gain a lot of student support. That might be the opinion I will come out with after I’ve been President for a while. But I think things can be done. If I am elected I will go into it enthused and try to make it .. run. ROBERTS: First of all I would have preferred to see other people in the running in which case I wouldn’t run ; but as there’s not, there is a necessity for a choice other than is offered. With what’s happening at the university for the first, year, the new senate act coming in, representation on the board of governors, and on the



it is a critical

time for the federation

to back up

the students who are in these things and to take a concern in activities other than just acting as an entertainment service, an agency for the students. Also the increase in fees and the change in the levels of


no time for the federation

to be falling apart or

moving away from certain important issues. And that’s why I’d like to get into council and see that some of the people already working on projects are able to continue and have the support that they need to do that. And that other groups that are just starting things get the backing of the federation as far as the federation can offer any support. _


THE CHEVRON: What are your feelings towards the educational process at Uniwatthe methods employed and the product produced? What is your attitude towards the administration and what student interests would you try to advance against it? CHISAMORE: I could come out and say it’s probably average as far as what I think all university education would be. As far as it being what I expected or what I was told, its neither. It’s more like a built up high school, especially in the faculty of mathematics where the final ’ exams are compulsory. If you can’t write examinations then you will end up quitting, like a lot of my friends are; they get ninety per cent averages throughout the school term and they just haven’t got the memory capacity to write a final exam. They flunk their exams and they end up with a fifty. They’ve sweated all fuckin’ year over doing these fuckin’ useless assignments and things and they end up with the same marks, or lower marks, than people who don’t do any of the assignments, just write exams1 and cram like hell the night before. And that’s the same as it was in high school. I’m really upset because when I came here i. wanted to teach high school mathematics. After first year I went home and I was teaching mathematics in high school up to grade thirteen level as a part-time teacher from May until June. From teachers I understood that I was doing very well, so at that point I figured I had learned enough tQ teach high school mathematics. After that I got really d&ppcMnted in the system because it teaches very closed subjects; it seems to close you in and tries to head towards a !Vlasters or a PhD in some closed field, and I don’t think education should be that closed. I think it has been indicated that the administration doesn’t care about the students, that all they care about is dollars and cents business. Gellatly just looks at students as so many BIU’s. That’s the way it’s run and I think it should probably be changed. In fact, I know it should be changed; the problem is to fin.d a format under which we can change it. The administration are not stupid people; I dealt with the administration when I was president of Village 2

time. around




council-some of them are very good and they’re very interested in students. Some of them also, again not mentioning any names, are in the process of using student support to up themselves in the administration, game. ‘Because if it gets to the point where an administrator has 5,000 students behind him then they will move him up the ladder two places to get him away from students, where he isn’t arousing students to that degree, and give him a nice desk job with a big salary and he’ll keep his mouth-shut. The administration works such that the people lower down on the ladder have to worry about the people higher up. How do you get around it? Well, they’re all businessmen and they’re all human-you can try blackmailing them, that might work. You could try using force, but if force doesn’t really work that much you can try to threaten people. But trying to threaten Burt islike trying to threaten a brick .wall to move. Matthews can be used. He’s come out and said that he’s against the fee hikes. I think this can be used to somewhat an advantage for students if we can get all the presidents on our side. Also we can use Matthews very well to get in to committee meetings where people are talking about finances. If Burt agrees with you, and he agrees with you strongly, there’s a number of cases where he will, or might, take a chance and bring you into a closed meeting. Again, this just comes from not going in and yelling and screaming at him, cause that’s not going to do anything. You’ve got to present things to anybody in the administration in an intellectual manner and you’ve got to know your facts. They know facts and there’s no two ways about it. This is where the Senators are going to have to be well read. They walk into a Senate meeting and everybody else knows what they’re talking about; and if you don’t know what you’re talking about then you might as well not even be there. ROBERTS: Some of the terms used like the productivity of the university and all reflects that the university is, to a very large extent if not to a total extent, here to serve certain business’and industrial interests, to serve the system as it exists. And I see a lot wrong with that in that in academic terms you could discuss as systematic bias, which means systematic exclusion of examination of certain ideas of certain fields. The university is not the centre of the examination of all types of knowledge and evaluation of things within !their ownmerit, but tied in” with whats being done here. Even in theory its not the theoretical worth of something but its how much it can back up what exists. The hands of the university are tied and, as much as they might try to do other things, the prof’s hands are tied; but whats ‘worse is that many’of them don’t try to do anything. The facutty seems to be bought off at a time when so many people in the society are facing financial problems. The faculty members to have accepted their raises, which are superior to so many people, I think was morally wrong. Like, if, going back to the 1972 taxation report which concerns the income levels from 1970-anybody who earns over eleven thousand doflars~ year is in the


3 november,


top 10 per cent income bracket in this country. And I can’t see that a lot of people in this university, as hard as they may work, that they’re producing that much more, making mpre of a contribution than a man who works with his hands or works in another condition and gets paid two dollars an hour or even more than that. The university is a sellout on many levels, the students are sellouts too often, but maybe that can be excused more, in the sense that many of them may not realize it yet and may not have been confronted by certain contradictions in this society; whereas for faculty members its less excusable for most of them. Its a matter of seeing an alternative to which they can work and do it to an extent within this system wi’ hout cutting themselves off corn pletely. A lot of students have decided that whats here is a lot of shit and they’re not going to try to use their energy and their time and their life to fight to change it. They’ve droppedout, they’ve realized also that even for those that, try to change it, its going to affect us a certain amount, a certain amount of the system is going to wear off, its perspective, its way of looking at things is going to be absorbed uncohsciously even by those of us who understand that everything ’ has to be re-examined, everything has to be re-evaluated outside of the set of values that we’re being given here. The administration I think has really played things cool, they’ve played everything quietly. I don’t have enough familiarity-as much as I would like to have, as much as I can get-with what happened at Guelph, but I understand that during the time that Burt Matthews was at Guelph for so many years there was a series of referenda pertaining to compulsory fees for the student union. And the idea was that every couple of years, I think it was three, that the issue was brought up again of whether the students should have to pay fees into the student governmentand after a while it was decided that students, wouldn’t have to and ‘the student union fell apart. I think that the administration here would like to see the student federation collapse, not because of what its doing but because of the potential that it may represent-like to an extent it ties their hands. The federation may not present any activechallenge to them and the students may not, but instead of having a free hand in any direction they may want to take the university they’re’going to have to keep in below the threshold level, in order not to stir up any student reaction; its at this point that the federation or any kind of student union is critical. If the students ever do come out of an apathy, ever do decide that their activities should be manifested in some kind of open activities, the student federation is a tool for them to co-ordinate their actions, to organize their energies, and to present a real challenge even if its temporary, to the system as it exists. So I think that the administration is just biding its time and waiting to see the crises with the student organization and seeing how they can reek some havoc in the federation. THE CHEVRON: How would you describe your own political position-not in the sense of party affiliationbut rather your general orientation? CHISAMORE: Well the word political isa very bad word, I think, because everything in life, I think, is political. If I own a business that paints houses, it’s political by the fact that I’ve got to convince the person whose house I’m going to paint that I can do a better job cheaper than anybody else; the word political means to me, you know-, conveying an opinion and trying to win someone over to your side of the argument. This is where it’s political in a down to earth sense. It’s hard to describe my own politics because I can be radical if I feel strongly enough in that manner and conservative if I’m strongly conservative; like it’s a matter of choice as far as I’m concerned. If I can personally justify reasons for being radical to my own personal satisfaction then I will become radical. If I think , something is worth fighting for and that’s the only way we can get it, then I’ll be the first one down there at the picket yelling-and screaming. If I think we can get it through other channels and it will probably be more B effective in the overall run, then I’ll try.the other channels ROBERTS: In a larger sense I think there is little doubt that my overall viewpoint of society is certainly left of centre. I wouldn’t like to identify with any groups because with any groups there are certain good evaluations of the society but their approaches to changing things are



3 november,


,the chevron .e


THE CHEVRON: Do you intend to run an “educational” program ; what is the rationale behind it and what types of activities would be sponsored?


either immature or unrealistic. Even if people don’t like what’s here in society, changing always involves a certain amount of sacrifice and, its a matter of whether or not putting up with the hassles that exist will be less th_an the problems engendered by trying to change it. So I see society in the large part as a system of repression, but not totally, which keeps the people down iri order to serve the interests of certain minority groups which are usually fina ncia I. THE CHEVRON: A somewhat cliched question: how would you describe the mood of the campus at present? Does that please you, should it be changed and how? CHISAMORE: That is something I’m finding very hard to say. I could come out and say everybody is over there. I could sit with people I wanted to work with-say in the office of the president, if I’m elected-sit down with the people working with me’and ‘do something with where they are; like if they’re completely into sandbox, take that and do something with it. Bring in entertainment that is more educational than entertaining. People like being trained, it’s a bad thing to admit but people do. This is where I think that the BSA and the board if education are both running efficiently. After a couple of months, you know, they’ll get trained to the pubs and speakers and they’ll start showing up because they know it will be a fairly good quality speaker or fairly good entertainment at the pub. I would like to see the time when we’re running brie or two pubs and we’re turning people away at the doors; and the same with speakers, one sp~eaker or one a month who is going to draw enough people. ROBERTS: The mobd of the campus has largely been described in terms of apathy and with this has been the assumption that students are not getting involved, or not reacting, because they’re not interested. I think this may really be an imprope’r assumption in that if the students were concerned, as I well think they may be, there is going to be little reason for them to come forth,-to get involved, to back any of those who are developing action, if they think that they are powerless, that even together they wouldn’t have much influence on changing things. Over the years we’ve had different movements, one whit-h is easy enough to talk about is the anti-Viet Nam thing. The number of years that people have worked against the US war machine and have tried to stop that war through the means that have been available-and still it goes on and on. Even with the tre-mendous mobilization, mass education programs with heightened awareness of what has been going on, we still haven’t been able to stop it, and I think that people really don’t have faith now in student movement’s being able to enter the battle on equal grounds to protect student interests or larger interests in society.They may be right-like a lot of people who have tried things their limbs have been cut off from behind them and the students have seen what has happened. The students lack of initiative, even in following those who are willing to give some direction, may not be as pessimistic a view ‘of their consciousness; they may just be making sure that when they do get involved its going to be an opportunity for their energiesto be expended in what’s going to be maxim’ally productive. Of course there comes in the problem that any of us who are trying to deal with the problems, who are trying to organize or educate-educate sort of implies that some of us know things and some of us don’t, let’s say promote education and distribution of information-we’ve got to try to find out whether the students are interested; we’ve got to try to get away from the assumptions and try to determine concretely where the students heads are at, if that’s possible. Even if it means losing a lot of time I think we’ve got to do it because there’s no sense in us wasting time when they might not want organization and just want information or background. And if they’re not interested and not really in any way interacting with the tederation, either by getting information they wanted or- by organization, then it may be best that the federation went into a large program of researching so that as those who were concerned came forth we could provide them with as comprehensive and as thorough a view as possible. That way anytime the council came forth with any kind of statement or position, what we base it on, the information, is unquestionable, -unquestionably thorough. I don’t think this is going to be a very easy process and you may be going through a phase that takes several years before there is going to be any significant change in students.

THE CHEVRON: The lastexecutive encountered a lot of trouble over the prestige the Board of Student Activities, the group responsible for entertainment on campus, should enjoy. What is your attitude toward BSA and its notion of entertainment? How will you organize it, what programs will you encourage and do you have anyone in mind to run it? CHISAMORE: I felt the whole thing was fucked up. We were running three pubs against each other and we weren’t talking to the societies about the entertainment they wanted to support. I strongly believe, and I will commit myself to run, on a next to nothing subsidy. People who were in the council executive prior to this election were getting to the point where they just wanted to hire somebody full-time like at Western. But if you go to Western you’ll know that students don’t like what they’re getting because he’s trying to make money and he’s not doing a very good’job because he doesn’t know what the students want. If it’s being run by students, students probably have a better idea of what they want. If you have an entertainment co-ordinator who is kept on call, you’re getting over-all advice. But BSA can be run. I’ve already talked to Doug Griesbach and Jeff Beckner. And Doug is of the same belief and I think Doug can-do it himself if everyone else keeps his fingers and nose out of it. We’ve already worked out tentative plans for events. BSA is getting to pull itself out of the Federation and it shouldn’t--it’s part of the Federation and it has to work in conjunction with the other boards like the Board of Education and the’ Creative-Arts Board. To some people a speaker is entertainment. People want to go and hear ‘someone of the same intelligence speak, so in some way they are being entertained, same as by watching TV or reading a book or playing your own instrument. We all have to work together andjnot apart. ROBERTS: Coming in this late in the year its really difficult to change the direction of something that already has a lot of momentum. Certain basic things that the federation has provided such as movies, weekend pubs and special weekends such as winter weekend, I think are like staples of the university life at Waterloo and are something that is going to stay and should stay with. us. There has been almost what are experiments-like coffee houses and pubs which have run on for the duration of the week-and these were useful, I think, in order to determine whether or not people wanted to come. And I think that it is evident by the losses we have incur%d by these that we shouldn’t put these on for a,whole week. For the financial resourses that have to be put into it I do not think it‘ is worthwhile and I don’t think we can justify it to the students who are paying for this large sub/ sidisation. Theres been some very good suggestions thyoretically of putting BSA funds into some thing’s which would be’ fun, creative and, while providing us with a limited degree of entertainment, would lead us on to so’me active involvement by the students. The federation has been losing money by becoming overly involved in commercial music adventures and I think the students in the end have been losing from this. There are certain basic things that have got to stay with BSA services that we should provide for the campus, just plain escapes. I think that any council that takes over should investigate the total working of BSA right down to people selling tickets at the door, and restructure it so that the services that are good are offered in a morel efficient way.

CHISAMORE: I have my theories about the by-laws because I think that some of them, in setting up the boards, are pretty fucked up. It doesn’t say what the Board of Education is supposed to do except enhance the overall education of the students, which could mean anything from showing porno movies to showing them how to do it right in order to get the most satisfactionthat-can be an education. We have a birth control clinic which is providing an educational program in a way. I haven’t thought of any specific direction for it to go. Again speakers are a bad thing to bring in because people are so apathetic about going to them. I would be more willing to bring in speakers maybe at the society levels, and programs like the birth control clinic which are valuable. I mean when we have about 12 girls a week getting pregnant on this campus-what is . that, is that just a lack of knowing what’s going on with their own bodies or is that just the fact that they really don’t care? There’s-a lotof things that can ‘be done, it’s just really hard to pick a general direction without having people I can talk with who are generally interested in doing the bulk work and then finding out where they want to go‘ with it. ROBERTS: We would definitely want to see an educational program go on and, it can be said, largely continued because there’s been a lot of educational activity this year with the human awareness week, with’ the epvirorunental awareness week atid with a lot of speakers brought in. I think that the same kind of thing should be continued, but I’m not sure how much they all cost. But we’ve got to make sure that with the amount of time taken that the students get a chance to get involved if they wish. In any educational activities that we have, we can’t lead the students by the nose saying “this is a view of reality, you’ve got to accept it and this is the truth”, which is the ,same kind of nonsense that is laid on in the university. You’ve got to include ceytain things that are excluded from the educatiohal backgrounds’ people get in the university. I can see bringing in the speakers, hopefully some Canadian ones. We’ve just brought in some American ones, some were very good, but I think that it would be worthwhile to concentrate on Canadian problems and if they are continental problems we-can make sure that the Canadian view comes across. THE CHEVRON: The Federation of Students is a legally constituted corporation with considerable funds, a substantial office staff and many ongoing “serviceoriented’! operations like the Campus Shop and the Record Cokop. Would your main aim be the maintainence and development of the federation as b “serviceoriented” organization or would you use it to achieve \ other ends? What are those ends? CHISAMORE: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with providing services. students supposedly don’t have that much money-but the Record Co-op shows how much money students do have to spend on records. People say we have a lot of money in the Federation of Students, but after you pay salaries, which you do need, pay for’ the operation of the Chevron, Radio Waterloo which could do with another $10,000 to get it operating, well, I think that these things are making a bit of a profit and we shouldn’t stop them. In providing services we could get into a whole enterprising thing and maybe charge more money, make more profits and then take that money back into the federation and use it for educational, political, even entertainment purposes. Now that isn’t really so good, because the whole idea of providing the services was to provide them on a non-profit basis. The problem is that it keeps a lot of the office staff tied up, kekps them tied up immensely. The Record Co-op is getting very, very large and almost to monstrous proportions as far as what’s going on. It takes a lot of work to do it; it’s almost to t,he point where we should hire a full-time person to do it. Pay him $100 a week, or $90 a week and have him organize it, just like the campus shop. But it would probably mean an increase in the salar .ies or an increase in t,he price of’ records. But again I don’t think an increase will stop people from buying records because, probably, if they weren’t buying them here they’d be buying them, somewhere else. Like there seems-to be the market for the records. It’s just that the Federation itself is going to have to make-and by the Federation I mean the students t large themselves -will have to try to make some kin of policy decision as to what to do with the services. That’s why I think that the reps are going to have to seriously consider this and seriously try to back to the students. They have to make the decision t hat “OK, we’re going to provide the services, we’re going to make a littl e profit off of them, and the money from the -continued on page 28





the chevron



, Eleanor Pelrine

author of “Abortion

in Canada”


Physics 145 \ University of Waterloo. l November 7, 1972 7:30 pm . Sponsored by \ K-W WOMEN‘S Coalition . for Repeal of Abortion Laws .








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3 november,


Blase’ drug experts Last friday, a group of four speakers, lured to this campus by the university’s chemistry department, assembled in the ‘humanities theater to take partin what was billed a drug symposium . The format for the symposium consisted of two lectures in the morning and two more in the afternoon, followed by a panel discussion. The first lecture by professor R.E. Shutes, a Harvard university botanist, dealt mainly with primitive man’s use of hallucinogenic plants. Shutes indicated that use of plant hallucinogens such as peyote, mushrooms and certain types of beans were an integral part of tribal society. The drugs were neither looked upon as a threat to their society or as requiring legislation from within the tribes. The control seemed to come from the individual, since if the in-

the chevron

dividual consumed the drug or plant at the wrong time or in the wrong way, he would be disgraced by the other members of the tribe. Perhaps the lesson to be taken from these tribes is that the use of hallucinogens can be tolerated without law enforcement if the user or. the society sets it’s own standards, based on moral as opposed to legal guidelines. The first lecture was perhaps the most interesting and provided a welcome relief from the normal arguments about the abuse or nonabuse of drugs which are usually discussed at similiar drug symposiums. However, the second lecture by Dr. H. Kalent of the Addiction Research foundation of Ontario, fell into the category of the routine lecture on “Social and pharmacological considerations in non-medical use of drugs.” With statements like “No drug is completely harmful or harmless. It depends on how much one takes, how often one takes it, the reason it is taken and the circumstances in which it was taken.” Kalent seems to be talking to the first-timeattender of a drug lecture. For these people, Kalent’s lecture complete with overhead pro jet tor , graphs and statisitcs, was probably interesting. Kalent’s lecture leaned heavily towards the pharmacology and tended to shy away from social aspects, especially the question of why are drugs a problem to start with. This question was never dealt with by the symposium. The third lecture of the day dealt with industry’s role in the combat of narcotic abuse. The lecturer was Irvin J. Patcher, research vice president, for Brystol-Myers. Codeine and morphine have for a long time been accepted as

Last friday’s information

drug symposium to an uninspired

where the illustrious audience.

panel supplied


medically legitimate drugs for the given to addicts to break their treatment of pain. These drugs are dependance on heroin. Unalso addicting, and with heroin are fortunately, methadone itself is the major forms of narcotic abuse. addicting and its effects are not Every year thousands of dollars long-lasting. --. worth of these drugs are stolen Patcher went on to describe the from doctors and hospitals. AC- 1 work being done in the search for cording to Patcher, the drug in- narcotic antagonists. These are dustry is attempting to find drugs that reverse the effects of replacements for these drugs, narcotics. Instead of a- pleasant specifically replacements which euphoric state the user becomes’ are non-addicting . sick. Another drug that is being inThe fourth and final lecture was vestigated is methadone, a drug given by a lawyer, A.C. Wheally,


and unenlightening

and was mainly a discussion of the LeDain commission. Although he did come out in favour of the Le Dain report, the lecture was pretty much routine stuff. The panel discussion took much the same form, it seemed it was there just for the sake of having a panel discussion. The participants appeared for the most part uninterested and very little enlightening. conversation or questions and answers resulted. -randy


Turn out to VOTE the presidential election November 9,-1972




Cbssified uds are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for< th6 first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. All classifiedt must be paid in advance. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.



One pair of girls wire rimmed glasses in brown case Found outside BIO II building near ring road tuesday night October.24. Phone 744-5812.

For Free black female cat, apartment trained. Call 578-1088 after 5pm.

Red lbq@ Identify and daim. Call B45-0983 z&u&y, november 4 noonmidnight. LOST Reward paid for information leading to return of green CCM ten-speed taken from EL wednesday evening October 19. Write Mr Doug Hartwick, 95 King Street North, Waterloo, Ontario. Men% silver maduation ring (71-72) with red stone, Please return. Good reward. Phone 821-3111.

second year business students preferred apply Neil Coburn, CA. Phone 743-8275.


Datsun 4-door, must sell superch,eap. See Merle, 15 Ellis Avenue. 7423030 after 5pm.

Hong Kong St. Paul’s College. Old boys please note. We are organising an’ Alumni Association in Ontario. First gathering scheduled for November 4 in Toronto at Moon Wah Restaurant at 6pm. We need your name and address. Please contact Ian Chan at 73 George Street, Toronto 181 or phone 416-9237177. ’

Men’s 10-speed bicycle. Type: Tour de France with simplex gears, 3 months old; bought new for $125. Selling $75 or best offer. Phone 7445812.


Buick Electra automatic, V-8, power: brakes, steering, seat, windows, antenna. Will pass safety regulations. Loves winters. Phone 8841608 after 6pm.

Waterloo Motor Inn require night auditors 20 hours per week, first or

60 gallon

Bikes, good condition. 650 BSA 1972; 650 BSA 1970; 750 Kawasaki 1972. Phone Doug 576-7128. Tire F78.15 almost new. With rim. Separately sell for $35. Will sell for $20. 885-0404. RIDE AVAILABLE


Problemes avec des tours de francais? For assistance based on considerable experience with the French language call Ruth 884-3148.


including stand, light, fish, etc. $90 or best offer. Ext 2665 or send phone number to Jim Ross, Biology.




Ride offered: to Regina leaving December 10th. Share expenses and driving. Call Bob 884-7533 evenings.


Girls-one place now available in towne house. Full use of home and equipment. No restrictions. Mrs Marion Wright 9-4 745-l 111; evenings 885-1664. Two single rooms and one double room for rent; available winter term; 10 minute walk to university. Phone 5760577 after 9pm. Wanted girl to share double room in apartment corner of Bridgeport Road and Moore. $45 per month. Phone Chris or Marg at 579-6374 or U of W ext 2324. Two bedroom apartment for winter term 10 minutes walk from campus. 578-6306 after 5pm.

TYPING All typing done efficiently and promptly. Call Mrs Marion Wright 745-1111 9-4; 885-1664 evenings. HOUSING

3 november,


One half of double room for rent. Kitchen and laundry facilities, close to university, male only. Call 884-1381.

Girl needed to share furnished apartment with same from January to April. Cheap. Very close to campus. No rules. Call 884-1047 (collect) lollpm. Furnished accommodation for three girls, own kitchen and bathroom facilities. Private entrance. Phone 8840916. WANTED Wanted-want to rent a cassette tape recorder for a month. Price negotiable. Urgent. Call Susan, 745-2003.



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3 november,







Unive&ity Players The Marquise” by Noel Coward. A performed comedy. Directed Maurice Evans. Theatre of the Admission $1.25; students, Central box office. 8pm. Sculpture exhibition 9-4 Free admission.

Chess Club meeting. 7:30pm Everyone welcome.

“The rarely by Arts. $.75.


Free yoga class. 8:30-9:30am batives room physed building. Kinetic Gallery

Scu’lpture exhibition 9-4. Free admission.

Com’ Art

Free yoga class. 8pm CC110 Art

WEDNESDAY IEEE sponsored trip to the Pickering Power Station. One bus leaving south campus hall. 11: 30am. Reserved tickets available in Eng. Sot. office. $50 IEEE members; $2 non-member

Poets Margaret Murray, Jim De Bock and Jay Moore reading their own house. corn posit ions. I kt hu s coffee Priceless. 9pm CC coffee shop. Pub Dance with Bramble. 8:3012: 30pm; food services. Admission Sci Sot members $1; federation members $1.50

Kinetic Gallery

Sculpture exhibition 9-4. Free Admission.


University flying training ground school. Fee $15 books extra. 7-10pm MC3003. Advance registration contact Peter Yates, federation of students office, campus center.

Free yoga class. 8 pm CCllO. SATURDAY Players “The The University Marquise” by Noel Coward. A rarely performed comedy. Directed by Maurice Evans. Theatre of Arts. Admission $1.25; students $75. Central box office. 8pm.

Free yoga class. 8:30-9:30am batives room, physed building. Campus Gemini”

Center 8pm.




Free yoga class. 8pm CCllo. SUNDAY Kinetic Gallery


This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers,. social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday , afternoons by 3 p.m.


Kinetic Gallery.


Sculpture exhibition 2-5pm. Free admission.

Computer MC5158.


Fumed Oak drama by Noel Coward. Theatre of Arts 11:30am free admission. THURSDAY _

MONDAY Free yoga class. 8: 30-9:30am batives room physed building.


Kinetic Sculpture exhibition Gallery 9-4. Free admission.


Science Club meeting. 7pm


9-4. Free admission.

free yoga class 8: 30-9: 30am batives room, physed building.



Waterloo Christian fellowship supper meeting. 5:45pm CC1 13. We offer food for stomach and thought and good fellowship besides. All are welcome. Still Life drama by Noel Coward. Theatre of Arts. 11: 30am Free Admission. BaHai’s on campus-fireside. 7-llpm SSc355. All are welcome. More information call 745-8097. Canadian studies lecture series. Top:@.~ “The Canadian Indian”. Speaker E. P. - Patterson of History. 7-9pm BIO I room 271. Everyone welcome. .

ilable at : box office,sams, kadwells,federation office

Student wives’ club. Films and Dr Bean speaking on breast cancer and cancer of the cervix. A very important meeting for women. All students’ wives‘ welcome. Brine; a friend. 8Dm E4-4362. Sir Kenneth Clark’s civilization series. Subject: The Light of Experience and Th e - p ursuit of Happiness. 7: 159pm AL105.- Everyone welcome. No admission charge. Sponsored by English Dept. Weekly meeting of the University of Waterloo Christian Science informal group. Discussion and experiences related to the practical value of an, understanding of God. 3:30pm HUM151.



Free yoga class. 8pm CC110 Gay Liberation meeting. 8pm welcome.

Movement general CC1 13. Everyone



will be starting new classes November 7 at 7:30 pm at Doon Conestoga College. These classes involve Personality Development, Mind Expansion, ESP, and Psi Awareness. For further information, phone

Pelrine, author of’Abortion in Canada will be discussing abortion issues. 7: 30pm Physics 145. Sponsored by K-W Women’s Coalition for Repeal of Abortion Laws.

FRI. & SAT. NOV. 3 & 4- 8 P.M.


The University Players present “THE MARQUISE” by Noel Coward A rarely performed comedy by Noel Coward 1927, set in 1735, and played in 1972. Charming, witty, pure entertainment Directed by Maurice Evans Theatre of the Arts Admission $1.25, students 75 cents Central Box Office, ext. 2126 Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students

IIJES. NOV: 7,il:30 Film - ART FOR TOMORROW Surveys the ideas and works Narrated by Walter Cronkite. Theatre of the Arts Free- Admission


A.M. AND 12.~NOON of several


TUES. NOV. 7 - 4:30 P.M. Final Coupon The Chamber Central Box


Exchange for Players of Toronto Office, ext. 2126

- , ,

WED. THURS. & Fil. - 11:30 A.M. NOV.

8 - FUMED OAK j 9 & 10 STILL LIFE Drama - .by Noel Coward Theatre of the Arts Free Admission Creative Arts Board, Federation

of Students

SAT. NOV. 11 - 8 PI&




OPEN: Mon thru

at no extra&charge


Sat. -9am-9pm Sun -Warn-9pm






albert & hazel POST OFFICE Mon. - Sat. 9 am - 6pm


THE CHAMBER PLAYERS OF TORONTO Theatre of the Arts Admission $2.50, students $1.50 Central Box Office, ext. 21,26.





friday, -- -


is distributed each tFidag at Reid’s bookstore in Kitchener and at me ~BookBar% in Waterh

WANT HELP WITH LIBRARY .RESEARCH? HAVING TROUBLE FINDING MATERIAL IN’THE LIBRARY ON YOUR TOPIC? THENcome to the libra-ry workshops both the Arts-Library and the Engineering, and Science Library.

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OPEN . 9A.M.g

WORKSHOP TIMES (both libraries) Nov.

11 P.M

a.m. p.m.

These workshops will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please sign up at the Reference Desk of either library any time up until the workshop begin; we can only acComodate 20 people on the Arts Library and 12 people in the EMS Library at one time.


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REMEMBER: gato the workshop which suits your particu!ar needs. If you need help with “arts” research go to the Arts Library; if you need help with “engineering, math or science” research, go to the E.M.S. Library (4th floor, Math-Computer Bldg.)



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3 rwvernuer,



chevron, U of W. Be concise. The’chevran reserves the right to shorten letters.

cter line. F of legal reasons, letters


mm&r. A pseudonym wilf be printed if you have a good reason.


‘Graduate students are, in the main, out of touch, out of focus, out of reach.. .they cannot escape what all of us must eventually face, reality.. .undkremployment and overeducation.’ ‘It remains that concern with our society is a,more valid vehicle for mistakes than concern that grads are fat, drunk and entertained.’ ‘We would also not subject an overburdened undergrad population to the presence of academic and social prima donnas.’ (excerpts, Chevron, Friday, Oct. 20, Page 32, Jon McGill)


You’re right! I think we should eliminate those overindulged graduate studies programs. The social sciences and interdisciplinary departments are specific to problem ridden sectors of our society that will sort themselves out regardless of any amount of intensive research into causal relationships. the environmental ‘and ecological problems associated with a burgeoning ‘future-shocked’ population are so far out of touch, out of focus and advanced that they, as the graduate students, are out of reach in any case. It’s the graduate students that are not facing reality, dealing with specific problems, or searching for subsistence support while trying to offer some input to a-solution. The overburdened dergraduate population, sho$d refuse, and rightly so, to deal with this middle class section of university life. The last thing that should be done is to allow them to attend federation pubs, or walk on the hard-earned F.O.S. carpet, or read the signs that say “Federation members, 25 cents; Others 75 cents”. After all, the overburdened undergraduate has willingly paid the fees, and she or he expects to get what has been paid for; good student government, representation, and rugs in the pub. The bartenders at federation sponsored pubs are undergraduate volunteers and the building with the pool table and newspaper office and no day-care facilities (is a result of critical evaluation of undergraduate needs. I think you have dealt fairly and judiciously with the graduate student population as a whole and I commend your evaluation. Shit! department

g.e. grisak, graduate student, of earth sciences.

1 1

, z;;I;;l;y;;;So”;t;;;;RES, -


Grads bitch again


’ 1 vote






In my article of Oct. 20, there are no attacks, implicit or explicit, on the value of advanced study in areas which affect us all. The body of criticism deals with the attitudes of the G.S.U., and the editorial comments of the Grad Bag. I stand by those criticisms, despite the fact that I may have been to all-inclusive regarding the graduate students as a whole. There is also no attempt tocompare the G.S.U. and grad students with undergrads or the Federation. Both groups on this campus have their share of inept representation and myopic goals. However, since grads have such a high opinion of themselves and their work, perhaps they would consider rejoining the Federation, in an attempt to make that corpse into a living, working unit. Your implied criticisms of the Federation, expressed via very weak sarcasm, are applicable to the very thing that I criticised, the Grad Club. Since you, Fred Hetzel, and Stephen Gregory would like to believe in the maturity and quality of grad students, it seems strange that you would be so intent on repeating Federation mistakes. I have no quarrel with graduate studies programs, Mr. Grisak. In the areas which you mention, advanced studies do a fine job of dealing with the symptoms of an ailing society. If you would have me believe that grad students are in fact, dealing with the causes of the ailment, then I reply-shit. Finally, for those of you who would expect fairness on your terms, look elsewhere. The society for whom you labour so heroically may offer the fair treatment you so richly deserve. jon mcgill grad history.


$1788. Engineers sportsmen We wish to make a comment or two about the HomecomingParade this year. It was an excellent one, being well organized and well run. Therefore, many people were interested when it came to the awarding of prizes, but unfortunately, something happened to mar the event. The engineers were responsible for the mess. It appears, that, in their opinion, they had quite a float. We mean, after all, think of -all the work they did to get all those beer bOXeS . .. ..from Labatt’s; and that big balloon .. . .from Labatt’s ; and that sound truck.. ..from Labatt’s (of course). So at the ‘end of the parade, a couple of drunks knocked a couple of boxes off the float. Big deal ! Was it necessary for two engineers to get on the sound system and yell obscenities and threats in retaliation? Then, when they were awarded third prize for a “worn out” theme, they refused to accept. (First place or nothing, eh kiddies? ) Thank-you, Eng-sot (even your president was there) for such a fine display of sportsmanship. don ablett john dark Chris trothen dermis ablett john chambers

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Election of .President, Federation of Students, for the -remainder‘ of the academic year 1972-73 will take place


THU-RSDAY, NOVEM.BER 9/72 The polls will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will be located in the foyers of the folIOwing-buildings: Arts & Integrated Studies:



- Environmental Studies: Engineering: Mathematics: ’ Phys. Ed . & Rec.: Science (& Optometry) : Renison: St. Jerome’s :

You must present

your i.d. card to vote. L6 Chief Returning Officer Federation of Students



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3 novepber,



Kicking his way through the broken sprockets and flywheels of the Liberal machine, Energy Minister Donald Macdonald, a man likely to be assigned to try to put it all together again, proclaimed the dreaded “backlash. ” It was “... a Tory redneck attack on Quebec ,” said “It was an attack on the Government’s Mr. Macdonald. bilingualism policy, even though it didn’t concern most of Ontario. ’ ’ Macdonald, the dispenser of favours and collector of dues for the federal Liberals in Ontario, had just spent -a humiliating evening in his Toronto Rosedale constituency fighting off somebody named Beamish. He warmed to his subject: “Immigration was also an issue. They [the voters] were against immigration, French Canada and better social justice . . . that seems to be the mood in Ontario and it’s a pretty ugly mood.” Similiar thoughts sprang from the lips of other Liberals. Gerard Pelletier, for example, put the Liberal defeat down to greed - the rich provinces got tired of sending money to the’ poor ones. Thus we are to believe that the election was a classic confrontation between niceness and charity, and nastiness and greed. The bad guys won. It is a neat theory, and it partly explains what happened. Robert Stanfield, cast in the mould of earnest incompetence, did provide shade for the weirdest assortment of Kupiak running in people - from the Nazi-minded Toronto’s Lakeshore (he proclaimed that his victory would embarrass,Brezhnev more than both Bobby Fischer and Team Canada - fortunately we were all spared) -to the blimpish Lt.-Col. (Ret.) Strome Galloway’(big on discipline up there in Ottawa-Carleton). It was not only the strange cast the Conservative party chose, but the lines it gave them to speak, including the platitudes of the leader himself, that lend credence to Macdonald’s charges. The election in English Canada was fought by the Tories in a manner calculated to pander to latent racism. Peter Reilly, the successful Conservative candidate in Ottawa Wrest, sensed it early in the campaign. “There is a good deal of racism being given new life in this area, ’ ’ he said. “It masquerades as being concern for public servants. ’ ’ Reilly went on to say that racism “will not be tolerated in my campaign.” He then campaigned against the federal government’s policy of bilingualism; the following passage appears in an article by Clair Balfour in the Toronto Globe and Mail: “But he [Reilly] repeated that merit should be the sole criterion for success in a public service career, regardless of language. “ He added the problem is so serious that the only solution may be to slow the program to be fair to public servants. “That form of fairness to the English-speaking means being unfair to French-speaking Canadians, he was reminded. He shot back: ‘I’ve never believed you rectify one injustice by perpetrating a second one.’ ”

This supplement was prepared by Nick Auf der Maur, Ken Bolton, Drummond Burgess, Robert Chodos, Nick Fillniore, Dennis Forkin, Sharon Gray, Dennis Gruending, Eric Hamovitch, Richard Liskeard, Brian McKenna, Terry Mosher, Rae Murphy, Malcolm Reid.

Berthio, Le Devoir

Bilingualism and biculturalism and the federalism represented by Trudeau were inventions of English Canada to stifle separatism in Quebec without dealing with the issue. What happens now, when even the empty gesture is withdrawn?

-Trudeiufs broken dream Prime Minister Trudeau didn’t fare too well at a Chicoutimi rally only three days before the election. A bunch of hostile students greeted him with the slogan “ Le Quebec aux Quebecois” to which he replied “ Le Canada aux Quebecois,” thus confirming the fears of those who were concerned that the prime minister was engaging in “outright French Canadianism, ” to borrow a phrase from Douglas Alkenbrack, Tory MP for the eastern Ontario riding of Frontenac- Lennox and Addington - heavy Loyalist sentiment there. Whether Trudeau knew it or not, part of his 1968 mandate came from English Canadians who were fed up with the antics of disgruntled Quebecois and felt that at last here was a man to put them in their place. After all, he was pretty tough on separatism, and he could be tough with the separatists in their own language, no mean feat. Besides, what harm could a few Frenchmen do in Ottawa? Trudeau has been tough on separatism - he delivered a double whammy to some 497 law-abiding opponents of the regime in October 1970. He has also engaged in the tactic of sweet reason. (His reason may not have been sound, but it was sweet.) By allowing Frenchspeaking Canadians to communicate with and work in the federal civil service in his father-tongue (his mother is English-speaking), what Trudeau regarded as the frustration which gave rise to Quebec nationalism could largely be siphoned off, or so he reasoned. Trudeau seems to have lost on two counts in his efforts to bilingualize the civil service. On the one hand, he misinterpreted the recommendations of the B&B Commission to read that all civil servants should be bilingual: by jeopardizing the advancement of those who could not speak French and by thrusting language courses upon thousands of unwilling subjects, he alienated a substantial



What rough beast ’ slouches to Ottawa? , Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold Mere Stanfield is loosed upon the world


number of Ottawa’s .deeply-ingrained English-speaking civil servants (the Liberals lost two Ottawa-area seats to the Tories). On the other hand, his policy has failed to produce substantial positive results. A report leaked to the nationalist Montreal daily Le Devoir (and picked up by the Toronto Star - strange ally - and other Englishlanguage papers across the country) shows that the proportion of French-speaking people holding high posts in the federal civil service has not increased appreciably since Trudeau came into power. The report says that 71 per cent of those hired to fill such posts are unilingual English Canadians, that only 5.2 per cent of civil servants in Ottawa are in Frenchlanguage units (1.1 per cent if you exclude language services such as the overburdened translation bureau), that only 8.1 per cent of those who take language courses follow them far enough to obtain proficiency in French (it costs $29,000 to make an English-speaking civil servant bilingual), and that there are no French-language units in the prime minister’s own department. The federal civil service recruitment. office in Quebec City, which has by far the largest number of qualified and experienced French-speaking civil servants of any Canadian city, was closed as part of Trudeau’s 1969 austerity drive,. The 1975 target date for full bilingualism in the civil service cannot possibly be met. Yet there prevails among-English Canadians the sentiment that somehow Trudeau is turning Canada into a French country in which English-speaking citizens are gradually losing their rights, and that the Quebec ministers in the federal government are sub-Canadians. Late in the campaign Robert Stanfield admonished two of his candidates for using advertisements that had racist overtones. An ad for a Tory candidate in Thunder Bay.. read, “John Erickson knows that we need a Canadian -‘.


Last Post Special

on page



/ 1

14 .


the ,chevyon

3 novembq-,

1,972 4

’A gift for Rent!-Uvesque The cartoon in La Presse summed up what the French newspapers and radio hot lines were saying the day after the deluge. Pierre Trudeau and three Quebec ministers - Jean Marchand, G&-ard Pelletier and Jean-Luc Pepin - are depicttd in a lifeboat,- looking melancholy and wearing life jackets. The name of the boat is “ French Power. ’ ’ And the tiller man is saying Tout Z’monde dkbarque . The 32-year-old executive assistant to another Quebec minister had trouble disguising his tears as the final results from the west rolled in. “The bastards,” he spat out, “the bastards gave it to tivesque on a silver platter. We sell Quebecers on the idea that French Canadians can participate in federalism and play an equal role in running the country. And just when it’s starting to work, English Canada kicks us in the teeth. ” “It’s a victory for wealth and bigotry,” added a Liberal backbencher from a Montreal working-class riding. “And never mind the Tories or the NDP. A lot of the Liberals who went down in Ontario and the West will blame their defeat or?nothing but the backlash to French power. It’s obviously a victory for Uvesque and what he’s been saying. I almost hope Trudeau lets Stanfield form a government. I think we would be very interesting in opposition, especially since the only French cabinet minister the Tories would have would be that pig Wagner. ’ ’ Quebec independentists we’re gleeful with the results, calling the Conservative showing a “ triomphe o’rangiste, ’ ’ and a crushing blow f& Trudeau’s brand of bicul“This shows us that Canada will never’ tural federalism. accept a strong French presence in government and the Ottawa bureaucracy,” said Camille Laurin, Parti Qu&b&ois leader in the National Assembly. “ The only conclusion Qu&&ois can draw from this is simple. The only government we can ever call our own has to be I






Cabinet and a Prime Minister that will represent all Canadians. ’ ’ Jack Homer, re-elected with a huge majority in the Alberta riding of Crowfoot, advertised against overexpenditure of federal money in Quebec. In most carts of the country though, anti-Quebec feeling was not expressed quite so explicitly. -British Col&mbians regard French as a foreign language, making the Ottawa government seem all the more distant and alleviating the need for any explicit reference to the “French issue.” The same is true, to a large extent, for other parts of the country. Trudeau’s most spectacular move during his time in office was undoubtedly his invocation of the War Measures Act in the absence of war or insurrection. He told a Regina audience sarcastically that the opposition would also have taken a stand against the FLQ, but “somehow the War Measures Act would have been different. It would have been gentler. ” Liberal minister Otto Lang told a Saskatoon ially that Trudeau had shown himself to be “strong in that he would not be bullied or blackmailed. ’’ But one of the big surprises of the campaign was that Trudeau did not play this up any more than he did. Had he done so, he would likely have lost far less of the anti-Quebec vote. - Trudeau’s Quebec policy has been two-pronged, bilingualism on the one hand and the War Measures Act on the other. He could have run on the WMA part, but he didn’t; he didn’t run the anti-Quebec campaign many had expected. Defending bilingualism became a bit difficult after that report was leaked, but he stuck to it. Trudeau was supported in 1968 as.a good Frenchman, a credit to his race, so to speak. Now people aren’t so satisfied he’s such a credit. Of course,@e racism implicit in the campaign against the “privilegea position of the French” was not all. There was the cooked-up scandal over-immigration: was Canada’s purity being undermined by uncontrolled immigration policies ? And the Canadian people were also told that they were victimized by the unemployed. In the Toronto riding of Scarborough East, thexlected - Conservative was doused with champagne while he sliced into his victory cake. People are fed up with the welfare state, he told his cheering supporters. One of his chief 2 / Last Post Special



located- in’ Quebec City and not Ottiwa. ” Laurin’s view was reinforced as he stepped into a taxi the morning after the election. ‘ ‘ Hey’ ’ said the driver, “they told us they don’t want us in Ottawa, eh, M. Laurin. I, guess we’ll have to go with you guys.” This attitude was shared overwhelmingly by independentists of all stripes in Quebec. P&quistes’noted that not only was over half the Liberal representation in Quebec, but that many elected outside’ the province were from French areas, like the five Acadian constituencies in New Brunswick, parts of Ontario and St. Boniface in Manitoba. Only one candidate in Quebec was endorsedby Ren& Uvesque and that was Roth LaSalle, an independent who defected from the Conservatives. tivesque even did some campaigning for LaSalle in Joliette. In 1968 the nationalist MP was

elected by a margin of. 172 votes as a Conservative. This time he won by 5,000. The feeling is that the results underscore Quebec’s isolation from the rest of Canada and will provide an enormous amount ,of fodder for the PQ propaganda machine. “We’re going to say, ‘you tried Trudeau’s road to Ottawa and it’s a dead end”’ explains one PQ strategist. “The only road left is the road to independence. ’ ’ The Pkquiste explained that the party is ,gearing for an influx of disappointed and disenchanted federalists. “This federal election has turned out to be the greatest recruitment program we could have imagined. ” Left-wing.unionists are somewhat fearful that an influx of disillusioned federal Liberals will further prevent .the PQ from becoming a party of the left. As for the Conservatives, they were all but demolished in Quebec, losing almost 10 percentage points of their popular vote, mostly to the Crkditistes. Claude Wagner, whose popular appeal was supposed to have built a solid Conservative base in the province, barely scraped in in St. Hyacinthe, winning by some 700 votes. The rest of the Tories’ Quebec caucus is composed of Heward Grafftey, who is not on speaking terms with Wagner; in fact, they loathe each other. Grafftey managed to get elected by the simple expedient of never mentioning either Stanfield or Wagner in his speeches or his campaign literature. The Conservatives had trouble making third place in most Montreal ridings, usually losing out to Crkditistes and ND’Pers. The Liberal vote was so all-encompassing in the 30 Montreal area seats that a grand total of only two opposition candidates managed to save their deposits. -However, voter turnout, especially in the PCquiste strongholds in the east-end working-class areas was very poor. In some areas it was not even 40 per cent.

campaigners, an Ontario cabinet minister, gushed that “mothers were concerned about the direction youth was taking with government handouts. ” Meanwhile, the defeated candidate, Labour Minister Martin O’Connell, blamed his defeat on an “irritable, grouchy’ ’ electorate. “ The underlying issue,” he said “may well have been that middle income people were not prepared to accept any more of the burden of the just . . . or more equal society.” The mean, miserable and reactionary campaign that the Tories waged seemed to merge with the bitchy mood.

abroad in the land. But then who created the national grouch? Things really haven’t been working out right in Canada for a number of years. An honoured place in the body of Canadian political mythology is occupied by something called “traditional voting patterns. ’ ’ These patterns are supposed to recur, comet-like, at regular intervals, coinciding with general elections. Their one function in life is to “reassert themselves. ’ ’ The problem with the concept is that there are almost no voting patterns in this country that have remained


, “Everybody




Girerd, La Press? j

. _

On foreign ownership, the Conservatives say in a policy statement they would require that Canadians be allowed to participate in the ownership and management of foreign controlled firms. But Stanfield has said little about this program or how it would be accomplished and, in fact, has made statements recently which suggest he would do little or nothing about foreign ownership. He apparently is not prepared to establish a screening board and without a review board his policy on foreign ownership is not credible. The easy way for a newspaper, as for a citizen, would be not to support any party in this election. But this is not a responsible course for a citizen in a democratic society - or for a newspaper that believes it has a responsibility to provide comment and opinion on the issues of the day. We have concluded, therefore, that on the basis of the two issues that concern us most - unemployment and Canadian independence - we must withdraw our support from the Liberals . . . Of the alternatives, both of which are unattractive, we prefer the Conservatives. - Beland H. Honderich, Toronto Star

stable for long enough that they could be called “traditional . ’ ’ British Columbia, for instance, will return pluralities of Liberals, Conservatives or New Democrats, depending on its mood. Ontario oscillates back and forth between the Liberals and the Tories. Newfoundland, once solidly Liberal, then became solidly Conservative, and now isn’t solid at all. The only pattern that seems to be stable is a continuing instability. Five of the last seven elections have produced minority governments, and three of them have been totally inconclusive. Only twice in the last 15 years has there been a countrywide trend of any kind, and only once has there been a genuine sweep. John Diefenbaker, in 1958, took a majority of the seats in every province except Newfoundland. He won two thirds of the seats

in previously Liberal Quebec. He shut the Liberals out in all except four provinces. Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s election in 1968 was a majority of a different order. The Liberals took fifty seats fewer then the Conservatives had ten years earlier. Large parts of the country resisted Trudeau’s appeal. Newfoundland, bucking the tide again, voted Conservative out of dissatisfaction with the provincial Liberal regime. In the Maritimes it was Robert Stanfield’s coattails, not Trudeau’s, that were the decisive factor. The prairies were still Diefenbaker country, and a large proportion of the people who drifted away from the Conservatives went NDP rather than Liberal. To the extent that there was a sweep, it was concentrated in the three large provinces of Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. And yet, in the context of 1968, the Trudeau victory was a landslide. The country had had minority governments for the previous six years, and the happy political certainty of the Louis St-Laurent era was evidently a thing of the past. With Quebec crawling with separatists, the west mad at the east, and campus-based radicalism at its height across the country, a majority of any sort was not to be sneezed at. The man who achieved it had unquestionably struck a, popular chord. He would put us on the map, keep the country together, give us some elan. It was 1968, the year after Expo and the centennial, -and in the Canada that elected Pierre Elliott Trudeau, all things were possible. There were two overriding promises in Trudeau’s 1968 campaign, one of them explicit, and the other implicit. The implicit promise was to do something about Quebec; the explicit one was to do something about regional economic disparities. “If the underdevelopment of the Atlantic provinces, ’ ’ Trudeau said during the campaign, “is not corrected - not by charity or subsidies but by helping them become areas of economic growth - then the unity of the country is almost as surely destroyed as it would be by the French-English confrontation.” The Quebec policy was not the only one to have problems; the regional development policy ran into snags too. The first snag was the Liberals’ sorry weakness in the Atlantic provinces, and the improbability of winning any more seats in that region so long as Robert Stanfield was leader of the Conservatives: it made the electoral motivation to show results in the area somewhat

CLAUDE RYAN’S ADVICE In the last four years; the image that we had of the Conservative party has given way to a different one. Mr. Stanfield remains the worthy man we thought we had discovered in 1968. However, as one goes west, the team that surrounds him includes a high proportion of people who have a conception of Canadian unity even more rigid than that of Mr. Trudeau. Mr. Stanfield has shown that he is open on the question of bilingualism: nevertheless, the fiercest opposition to this measure, which is only the beginning of a real solution, has come from his group. On the more difficult question of relations between Quebec and the rest of Canada, Mr. Stanfield has unceasingly reproached Mr. Trudeau for his rigidity. Each time he has been pressed to say what he would do himself, he has generally repeated in different terms the position defined by Mr. Trudeau . ... Where the quality of its candidates warrants it, electors wishing to cast an independent vote Monday should support the NDP. - Claude Ryan, Montreal Le Devoir

less urgent than it might have been. Quebec, on the other hand, was not only a centre of Liberal strength; it was an area of the country that tended to act up, and there were distinct political advantages to keeping it quiet. More than had been expected of the industrial incentive grants handed out by Trudeau’s new department of regional economic expansion went to Quebec, with correspondingly less for the Atlantic provinces. More important, the grants program showed little sign of being of much value anywhere, if we ignore for the moment--its value to plant-owners. By 197,1, the government’s regional development policy was coming under heavy criticism, notably from the areas it was supposed to be developing. It was criticism of the way the government was proceeding, and not of (Continued


. ’

on page 4)

The bo-redleadingthe boredIt is one of the more distasteful aspects of our parliamentary democracy that general elections afford the national press the occasion to display by far its shoddiest wares. Usually, it does little harm to be intermittently reminded of the moribund state of political writing in this country, which can be laid at the doorstep of incompetence, the generally inferior character of the public education system, and the fact that newspapers are, after all, owned by the same class that operate used car lots, erect, tenements, and appear at weekly Chamber of Commerce gatherings. A country that has made Charles Lynch the highestpaid reporter, and Peter Newman the most respected political analyst, has much to answer for. It is people like these, it must be remembered, that brought us Trudeaumania, the 1Gerda Munsinger affair and intermittent reports of Soviet infiltration, and skilfully guided a troubled nation through the dark nights of the War Measures Act with restraint, fortitude and keen perspicacity. Rarely, however, has such spontaneous consensus emerged from the Ottawa Press Gallery’s Tower of Bab-q ble as during the months of September and October immediately past. A deeply thought-out set of alternatives were outlined for a people who after all, needed to have the problems defined for them: Check one. Pierre Elliott Trudeau is: - arrogant - cloistered in an ivory tower - unconcerned - a man who never had to work for a living - a crypto-socialist. Robert Stanfield is uncharismatic but: - honest x_ - diligent -


- a man who deserves a chance. The government is full of: - technocrats - bureaucrats - autocrats - hippies - Frenchmen. The country is: I - disillusioned - weary - searching - angry. Mr. Trudeau has many faults, but one of them is not his contempt for the press. The press believes - and perhaps it has a point that it made Pierre Elliott Trudeau. And the press has been scorned. Hence it has the right to unmake Pierre Elliott Trudeau. This is, if not acceptable, at least inevitable. The national press, however, went beyond. “I know that one way to get a story onto the front page this time is to make my lead somebody saying there are no issues in this election,” a Toronto reporter lamented last month. And the word spread. From the first week of t election, the editorialists all failed gramm ac?” school teachers - proclaimed this is a dull election, an election with no issues save what Mr. Lewis was raising, an election with no meat in it. In 1968, Pierre Elliott Trudeau was bragging that he conducted an election campaign making “no promises. ” That is code for ‘ ‘no ,issues. ’ ’ But 1972 had more issues than the last three federal elections combined. Housing policy, pipelines, regional disparity policy, the tax system, welfare, immigration policy, Quebec, dying farms, wheat prices, fisheries policy, industrial development policy, local initiatives policy, youth policy, northern development, language pol-

icy, civil service, unemployment, food prices, wage-price controls, strikes, pensions .. .. The press, however, was bored. ’ More than that, the press did two things: it consciously and systematically avoided serious coverage reflecting the debate over these issues, so as to give the public the impression that nothing of any substance was being debated; and it decided on its own what the real issues were. 2 Of course, traditional lip-service was paid to unemployment and inflation as the key issues. That being despatched, the Toronto papers decided that the awkward influx of Caribbeans, and the excessive spending on unemployment insurance cheques, were the issues that the government was ignoring. The Toronto Star boldly declared on its front page that the unemployment insurance situation was such a scandal that it was the main issue in the election. _ Few Canadians are really aware of the domination of the Toronto press over what they will read in Saskatchewan papers or see on Newfoundland television stations. Because much of the Ottawa “commentator corps” is employed or syndicated by the Toronto media, and because Canadian Press carries lightly rewritten stories from the Toronto papers on its service a great deal of the time, the power of the Toronto claque is amplified through CP, and Broadcast News, the CP service,which forms the basis of most private radio and TV newscasts. Tied to the Toronto claque of the Toronto Star, the Globe and Muclean’s, is the Ottawa claque of Southam, FP and CBC, which boast such hearties as Charles Lynch, and Ron ‘ ‘ No- Problem” Collister. It is the task of these men, knit even more tightly by being on the campaign trail together during election ’ time, to-tell us when to be bored, and when to be angry. Sensing their true calling, they achieved the former magnificently; .



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STROME GA,LLOWAY He is against - Wasting the taxpayers’ money on crazy programs in al 4 of c om’munist agitators, homosexuals, drug addicts, U.S. Army deserters and draft: dodgers, as the Trudeau-government is now doing.



role in the nnd the UN.




The best vote in this election is no vote at all. No matter how you look at it. They might, if they see there’s no votes coming in from Newfoundland, get excited and send us down bigger parcels of money. Better still, they might go about their business and leave us alone. .For what little entertainment we got out of this election none of these birds deserves a vote. That’s the only thing you get out of elections in the long run - a few laughs while these nut cases are dashing about cutting each other’s throats. You may feel it’s worth the effort just to get at least seven of these jokers out of Newfoundland and settled away in a nice house in Ottawa. But they won’t guarantee us they’ll stay away. Chances are that in a fe,w years’ time they’ll be back here inflicting themselves on us again. Don’t vote - it only encourages them. - Ray Guy, St. John’s Evening Telegram 4 / Last Post Special





was big on discipline

the concept of a regional development policy, but it was criticism nevertheless and Jean Marchand, the minister responsible for the program, didn’t like it. By mid-1972 one of Marchand’s most effective critics, the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, had toned down, fearing its attacks might help kill the scheme entirely. But there was another phenomenon to reckon with: several corporations shut down their Ontario plants and moved-to the Maritimes, to escape high wages and troublesome unions - and collect a government regional development grant. That didn’t help the _government much with the difficult task of selling its plan in Ontario. It was the two rich provinces of Ontario and British Columbia that were to cost Trudeau his majority. The regional development program, and the Trudeau government in general, also had the misfortune to be around at a time when the economic boom of the sixties was coming to an end. Liberal governments, prepared to use only a limited range of measures, can have only a partial effect on the state of the economy in the best of circumstances. In Canada, tied to the United States so that its economy is at least as sensitive to changes in American policy as it is to anything Ottawa does, the government is almost totally at the whim of circumstances beyond its control. Still, what the Trudeau government actually did only aggravated the situation. It perceived inflation as the principal problem, and in order to fight it took measures to slow down the economy, with the inevitable consequence of increased unemployment. The result, after three years of the policy, was high inflation and unemployment. The United States, without


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the benefit of Trudeaunomics, had roughly the same thing, but voters have always held their governments responsible for the state of the economy and Trudeau’s burden was a heavy one. As it became clear that the presence of Pierre Elliott Trudeau in the Prime Minister’s Office would not lead to miracles, the perception of him as a man changed too. The streak of arrogance and aloofness in his personality that had been overlooked in 1968 was noticed with increasing frequency. He was the man who asked western farmers why he should sell their wheat, who said opposition MPs were nobodies a hundred yards from the House of Commons, who told the Lapalme Guys to eat shit and Newfoundland Conservative MPs Jim McGrath and John Lundrigan to fuck off.

The piddling questions His four years were running out. He wanted to wait until the economic situation improved before calling an election, but the economic situation didn’t improve. He tried to patch things up with business, usually Liberal but now reported looking longingly toward the Conservatives. Finance Minister Benson had displeased business with his talk of tax reform (which didn’t amount to much when it finally assumed the form of legislation): he was replaced. Labour Minister Mackasey had displeased business with his reform of the labour code: he was replaced. Corporate Affairs Minister Basford had displeased business with his competition act: he, too, was replaced. A May budget included substantial tax concessions for business; the long-awaited foreign-ownership policy turned out to have all, the power of a popgun. First the election was going to be in April, then in June; Trudeau played on the developing anticipation, but always chickened out before it was too late. There was still little sign that defections from the Liberals would be massive (perhaps only because of the weakness of the opposition), but the 1972 election would clearly not be another 1968. When Trudeau finally bit the bullet as August turned into September <he did not walk, in the immortal words of Peter C. Newman, “into the future, burdened with hope.” He was scared to death. He put on a brave front, told Peter Desbarats of the Toronto Star that he hoped people would listen to him this time, presumably not just adore him. He also mentioned that he saw the election as “a catharsis, as a bath of fire in which you’re purified, and you settle all the piddling questions of whether this little thing was right or wrong. ” And so he went among the masses. “ The Land Is Strong,” he sloganized. He said that “the onslaught of dissatisfaction and disbelief that Canada could even stay together four years ago has been dissipated.” He

3 november,

said that “ Canada now weighs in the world with- the full weight of its potentialities.” In Summerside, PEI, he asked for a mandate to continue the “social journey. ” In Vancouver, B.C., he told a man pestering him about Vietnam to ‘ ‘fuck off. ” Trudeau went from coast to coast speaking to Canadians, but always the “piddling questions” came up. Throughout the campaign, Statistics Canada kept issuing reports citing the jobless l increase and the increase in the cost of living. The so-called battle against inflation had been lost although more than seven per cent of the work force were thrown into the breech. As prices rose, Trudeau expressed his joy that the farmer was getting a better price - he wasn’t, but that was just another piddling question. There was a continuing shortage-of jobs, but that was because there were too many kids born after the war. Regional disparity grew, but then that was yet another piddling question. And so the Trudeau procession rolled along. With the exception of David Lewis, who took a leaf from George McGovern’s campaign book and launched out at “corporate welfare bums” and other things that go bump in the night during the later stages of People’s Capitalism, the campaign seemed to be programmed well enough. Yet things began to go wrong. Trudeau seemed (at least to the Toronto Globe and Mail) .to swagger, and if the Canadian people didn’t want a prime minister who swaggered then Trudeau had had it. Simple. And Trudeau was vulnerable. He was locked into a set of policies which were centred on his brand of federalism, and the centre was not holding. Time was growing short. A bitter Bryce Mackasey, with an obvious allusion to his Ontario cabinet colleagues, blamed the Liberal loss on a lack of courage to defend government policies. But what was there to defend? The essential attack on the government came from the right, while it was itself moving toward the right. Thus the problem is not so much that Trudeau deserved to be defeated and in fact was, the problem is how, why and by whom. True enough, the Liberals deserved everything they got. But in the debacle we seem to have gotten, Stanfield. And what did we do to deserve that?

The Canadian .newsmagazine In the December issue: l The Strikebusters: the story of Canadian Driver Pool and how it works with police and government to break strikes. l Canada’s plan to attack the U.S.: the story of Cbl. J. Sutherland Brown’s Defence Scheme No. 1. l The Hockey Brain-drain: the story of how the hockey barons are destroying Canada’s national sport. plus: news briefs, Claude Balloune’s Last Pssst, reviews and The Last Page.

IUiake sure





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(8 issues) subscription: $4.00 (institutional rate: $7.00)

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Send cheque or money Last Post 430 .King St. West Room 101 Toronto 135, Ont.





3 november,


.-..-_ .,._ . . _ ,,_..---.___,- -__ -._._




She read well, I think, * For we occasionally twisted and winced and nodded At recognition of guilt, puritanical purities, Apocalyptically At our shadows. Her glasses cascaded down her nose And time was ever at her heels.

A -vakntine for Miriam Driving home. pqems new and selected, by Miriam1 Waddington, Toronto: Oxford Univ-ersity Press, 7972. many kinds of love-love of country, love between tien and women, parents and children, people and landscape. She has consistent/y searched for, and struggled towards, the discovery of her essential identity as an artist, a woman, and a Canadian in a changing world. Through her rootlessness she identifies many roots, and through her /yrica/ images of Biblical legends, pagan fairly tales, and local landscapes, she bridges the inner world of the psyche and the outer world of reality. Within the boundaries of her created world she revea/s the possibility of love, survival, and the new.” Her themes have always been easily libelled. She writes of the real issues of being alive: of life and love and the losing of both, of being a Canadian, and a Jew and a nomad, of disenchantments, loneliness, of a society that has not always waited for her, of the sensuousness of living, of taking a lover and of losing one, and always the awareness of how simple it wou Id be “to toss it in” and see only the horrors, becoming a “Menstrual crone”. But, this is not to say that she is a chauvinistic writer. Sh? sees with the eyes of a human being who deals with human problems. -0

Miriam Waddington begins her latest collection of poems with a very discouraging note. She announces, like an actress leaving the stage, her swan song. -0


This is my last song to you, I am getting ready to leave to /earn a new language to accept my fate of ten provinces and thb junction of two rivers, something small poor with not many people and a lot of dry silence. “Voyagers ” -0

If she is serious and since she is one of the most honest poets in this country, there is no reason not to take her seriously, then we have on our hands a very tragic situation. Mrs. Waddington is one of our best poets and her absence from print, is a serious loss to Canadian poetics. Miriam Waddington was born in 1917 in Winnipeg of Russian Jewish parents. She spent her early years there and many years later she still is making sentimental journeys back to those days on the Divorkin homestead for the rich poetic metaphors and memories stored there. She <Ittended a high school in Ottawa and graduated from the university of Toronto in general arts in 1939. Shortly thereafter she married Patrick Waddington. She then worked as a social worker for the Family Service Association. In 1945 she took work (M.A.) in the advance degree children’s psychiatric clinic at the university of Pennsylvania. She returned to Montreal, taught at McGill, and then went into early retirement to care for her small children. During the revival of poetry which was centered at Montreal in the 40’s she participated on an active level by being associated with first Statement and Preview. She became an associate professor at York university and except for a sabbitical when she travelled and wrote in Europe for a year, her most recent centre has been in Toronto. She has published a great deal in various journals here and abroad. Her previous poetry collections are Green World (1945), The Second Si/ence( 1955), The Season’s Lovers (1958), The Class TTumpet (1966), Ca// Them Canadians( 1968;(. the text of the well-known photographic study of the Canadian people is made up of poems which she wrote for the collection) Say Yes (1969). She has also written a study of the Montreal poet A.M. Klein (1970). Her new book is called Driving Home (1971) and it is published by Oxford \ University P,ress in Toronto. This collection represents thirty years of writing. Thirtyfour of the poems are new and eighty-four (it-e from her previous collections. This volume serves as an excellent sampling ,lnd introduction to the poet. The cover reads: “Using prairie geography, lewish folk/ore, dnd Canadian history, as well as her experience as a socia/ worker and teacher, she seeks to explore the inner sources of


I have been converted to all the new religions / agree that the perfect age to die is fifty. I have discovered that ice is the perfect medium for foretelling the future. “New Religions”

All of a sudden the boys I used to go around with were sixty years old and telling me- money isn’t everything. “Fence Post” -w ’ It is refreshing to see with her viewpoint a vision that is not as singular as someone like Margaret Laurence who deals with similar themes. I first heard her read at York unive’rsity when a group of secondary school teachers met there to discuss Canadian literature. I have forgotten the theme’s details but I shall never forget the day. The Canadian Tradition in literature, 1970 -0 Miriam Waddington r-dad on Saturday An old paper of,her own researchdate unknown, as we huddled in cloth coats, fur hats, seal boots. Blue dress over bulging blue stockings, Framed by green chalk boards In a whitewashed room Made larger By her dainty silver pin which vaguely Resembled a crown.

Two nuns in traditional garb Broke my point of view -So I took no notes And heard only the right parts. Her hat’s hues. -


We concluded tradition, To be easily catalogued.



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Excep; perhaps Mrs. Waddington, A mirror in that auditorium. f it isn’t obvious,

it was love at first sight. -0 Perhaps one shouldn’t come to her poetry until one is at least twenty-five for she writes not of the idea of things but of the bite of things. .You must ‘have loved and lost to feel: -1c Year curves to ending now and thou dost say me, wife I choose another love, and oh *the delicate delicate serpent of your mouth stings deep, and bitter iron cuts and shapes my death, 1 was so fool. “Thou didst say me” --. And you must hav&sd twice to say: and me saying goodbye what gift could anyone ever bring you now except to start all over again? “Gift: Vznus 24 degrees in Virgo” -0 So what is she saying that is new to Driving Home! She is once more making a beginning just in case. -0 I want to whittle a new totem pole out of a poor little Manitoba maple and turn all its faces to the sun ai7d / search for a living element in the dead p/aces of my country. “Totems” Another poet friend, Dave Cavanagh, tells me that any poet worth his salt shows us what ‘to doubt and an honest poet will eventually tell us that we must even doubt the language: It strikes me as a truth and Miriam Waddington seems to have dealt with it. -0 Why can’t I be satisfied with images out of language as I us&d to believe in it! why can’t I say your hair is black as a raven’s wing your foiehead I white as milk your kiss cold, the west wind? “Language as I used to believe -0

in it”

a favourite of Mrs. Wallace Stevens, W,lddington’s, has told Us much about the writing of poetry but perhaps nothing rljore significant than the fact that all I,oc)try is dbout the writing of poetry. Mrs. Lz ,ddington deals with this in one of her 1 )ot'n1.4.

So suddenly I shed the dull, the brown, the faded winterberry and became the red passionate dictionary full of scattered words and wider meanings, hidden s ynon yms, a world of undone acts, of tremblings, leanings and unassembled limbs. Something like old times I sense the bulb, the hidden impulse stir, / fee/ the rhymes though wobbly and unsure plain and home/y, creep into the place marked private no trespassing here that is inside and near. “Getting older” -0 Her message is an ageless one and it is one which is often overlooked. She is standing a little ahead of some of us on the road -_and she is whispering babk the message of her experience. Her voice is seductive‘ and her story is born on the wings _of love. But most of us haven’t time or we do not care. And that is the’ pity. -0 My icons are not angels or holy babies they have nothing to do with saints or madonnas they are most/y of seashores summer and love which I no‘ longer believe in but I still believe in the images I still preserve the icons The world is getting dark but I carry _ icons I remember the summer I will never forget the light. “Icons” Last year I never gozo=d to‘sending my immature Valentine to Miriam Waddington but I am worried about the murmurings in Driving Home and so I am sending it now out of seasori and out of love. -0 / came to your word pages like a visitor to see the imprisoned. My legs were scarce/y six years o/d The tree was bare except knowing that once more the wind would tie wind-knots in my The pony stood there again and the year was pre-plastic.




The icons were collected and put on display. There was no need to feign reverence. The pi/grim’s journey completed; there was nothing left to say so I said yes. The miracle came in discovering y_our poems were my poems or was it my poems were your poems. Perhaps that is what it is a// about my finding you to be me fou finding me to be you. 0. An old and good friend has &‘nounced that the show is about to close. There is Ijrobably no way to lure her back on the stage if she has made up her mind to leave it. Perhaps applause will no longer work t)ut it is certainly worth trying. Miriam W,ddington’s latest book Driving Home cleserves it. --dare mackdldch





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of O.A.A.

SHE-k-t :

Brightness at noon

u. of ML -players I 0 In Debussy Four students presented a number of works by Debussy in z the Theatre of the Arts last Wednesday noon to an appreciative audience of several hundred people, taking the two performances together. Pianists Ken Hull and Joanhe Elligsen, soprano Margaret Elligsen, and flautist Glen Soulis were the artists-where the term ‘artists’ is to be taken very seriously indeed. How did we manage to get such talented people as these at Waterloo, which does almost as little as possible to deserve them? Whatever gods there be who do this for us, let us hope that they continue to smile upon us! The first group of pieces, played by Hull, were from three different sets: the “Prelude”, from Suite Bergamesque, “Hommage a Rameau”, from the first series of “Images”, and “Jardins soul la Pluie”, from Estampes. All of these different pieces were quite representative of this unique composer, whose compositions, especially for the piano, seem nearly to live in a world of their own. They require a special delicacy of touch to bring off wellit’s very easy, for instance, to overplay them so that one has simply a maze of notes, or on the other to- become a- bit sloppy; either sort of treatment, which can leave a piece by, say, Brahms or even Chopin still ma king something of its point to the listener, is simply death for Debussy. Ken Huli clearly un-



‘742-1351 .#..*B derstands this and his playing, especially in the third piece here, approached closely to the utter lucidity which is the Debussyan ideal. ’ Margaret Elligsen, accompanied by her sister, was next up with a pair of songs, one, “Nuit D’Etoiles”, being the first published song of the composer, the other, “Fantoches”, dating from 1892. I don’t know these songs, and didn’t have time to look up anything about them, unfortunately; and I have to admit that, unlike Ravel’s cycle, “Scheherezade”, they didn’t really grab me as songs. Miss Elligsen, not in her best voice I think, sang them with considerable intensity of feeling, and if they didn’t quite come off, I’m inclined to blame the songs. Perhaps more -hearing of this literature is needed-one doesn’t cotton to Debussy’s piano music straight off either, after ‘all. Three of the,Book One Preludes were next, done by Joanne Elligsen. I think her pianistic manner isn’t quite so well suited to Debussy a% Hull’s, and wasn’t quite convinced by her account of the first, “Minstrels.” But perhaps it was a matter of warmup, for in the third, “Les Collines D’Anacapri”, she was just terrific, especially in the very difficult concluding bars, which were done with real panache; deservedly, this brought down the house. Glen Soulis didn’t exactly “appear” in the next piece, a ravishing number for unaccompanied flute called “Syrinx”; in the 12:30 performance, he stayed down in the performer’s entryway, and the effect was magical-a singularly. haunting, lovely piece which Ken Hull aptly described as evocative of decaying empires. And Soulis’ performance was absolutely -spot-on; though his work is not strange to many of us (you can hear him, e.g., in the KW Symphony), I’ve never heard ‘him sound better.



King & Young Streets, Waterloo





The concluding set was four of the six “Epigraphes Antiques” of 1914, which are set for fourhands, one piano. I kept wondering when Ken was going to fall off his _ end of the bench on these, and also whether Joanne’s right arm was going to get hopelessly entangled in his left, but it all got sorted out all right. The pieces are, I think, rather more difficult to get in to than the earlier pieces for so‘10 performer; perhaps all those hands are a wee bit much for Debussy’s limpid manner. But they’re intriguing, and I for one will want to hear them again. My thanks to the performers too, for their enterprise in bringing us these rather. rarely-heard pieces, in far better renditions than one has any right to expect. All in all, a splendid, even stunning occasion ; let’s hope we’ll be able to hear these extremely capable people again ere the year .is out. incidentally, for those whg were really turned on to Debussy at this concert, let me recommend the super-brilliant performances of the “Images” and the “Children’s Corner Suite” by Michelangeli on DGG-you can order it at a big saving at the Record Co-op, e.g., and I think they have some at the book store. It’s pianism to make one go all tingly. -jan




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best great ’ c-w


F OX film festivala hit

The film festival being held at the Fox Theatre in downtown Kitchener is turning out to be quite a success for both the manager of the theatre and, it seems, the audience. Audience reaction has been so favourable that the manager plans another, similar festival (w’ith different films) five or six weeks after the close of the present one. All of the current films have won critical acclaim but, besides that, are of the kind that cater to the general public taste. That is to say, they are bawdy and’ yet intellectually interesting for their filmic expression and for their themes. The Conformist, -for example, uses what has been described as ‘baroque’ imagery to outline the character of a man who worked for fascism in Italy to be “normal.” The festival includes films by Fellini (Fellini Satyricon, The Clowns, Juliet of the Spirits), by Truffaut (The Wild Child) and by Canada’s Claude Jutra (Mo‘n Oncle Antoine). Frank Zappa’s 200 Motels has been shown and Performance, with Mick Jagger, will run November 8. Having read the list of movies that are being included in this festival, I am impressed by the abundance of good films. One would like to see thim all perhaps (and bulk rates were availablefifteen films at 1.25 each-to encourage such an action) but so much at one time seems too much. It is difficult to digest so much fi-lmic food at one sitting. If attempted, one is not able to appreciate just how good each film actually is. Seven films have, yet to be shown, including Fellini’s Juliet of the Spirits, Truffaut’s The Wild Child, King Lear and Death in Venice directed by Luchino Visconti. Juliet, according to one critic, is not the best of Fellini’s work since its subject, a middle-class woman’s fantasies about her ‘husband’s infidelity, did not allow such extravagant treatment as Fellini seems bound to give his subjects. According to this critic, Fellini can sympathize only with upper! and lower class attitudes. Nevertheless, it is easily recognizable as a Felliqi creation. The Wild Child by Truffaut is the (true) story of a boy found wild and of the attempts by his captors to “civilize” him. The original document describing this attempt was written in the 18th century; therefore, Truffaut has used some old film techniques-the oldfashioned kind of fadeout, for example. King Lear should not need

describing except to say that Paul Scofield who plAyed Thomas More in A Man For All Seasons is Lear. Death in Venice is based on the Thomas Mann novella of the same ;lame. It should be interesting for its setting (Visconti is a stickler for detail) and the film score using Gustav Mahler’s music. The subject sounds a bit heavy: the aging of an artist is paralleled with the decline of his society. Cost per film is $1.50 with a student card. You can take the trolley (as far’ as Kitchener city hall) or drive (there’s plenty of parking off Charles St. a’nd in Market Square). For further information about which films are showing and when, check the Chevron. -lynn


It’s a Sellers’ market The biggest recommendation to this flick is its star, Peter Sell&-s. Can you ever put out of your mind the classic The Mouse That Roared-or Seller’s impeccable character stereotype in The Party? Then there was The Pink Panther and Dr. Strangelove. Therefore my expectations at the onset were understandably high. Can Sellers do wrong? Sadly the answer in this instance must be yes. A movie comprising the supeisaturated Doctor in the House theme must be a “wow” to stay afloat ip the vast sea of ’ “Doctorman ia.” Unfortunately, this movie is portrayed more in the Woody Allen tradition, which I personally consider to be at least four notches below the best Sellers style. If you can forgive and overlook the totally unreal context of the actions and the plot which is not replaced by imaginative absurdity (a la The Producers), or even by supersior wit in the dialogue, there

For those of you who have been seduced by the influences of “country-rock” into going a little .further toward the real thing, The Best of the Best of Merle Haggard (Capitol ST-11082) is just the thing for a C-W “sampler.” Although a long way from bluegrass or hard-core country blues, the more commercial sounds of Haggard and his crew will,‘be much more palatable to the ungttuned ear for a while; if you find yourself really digging the tunes here, you know you’re ready to walk over to the C-W bin and start looking through the whole selection. This album is just what the title -says: the best of the biggest attraction in country-western music today, and some of the%uts are live tapings, where Merle is at his best. All the song? but one were written by him, and you’ll find in the amazing range of moods and music here the enigma -*which keeps a lot of young rot k fans from embracing C-W music more fully. Merle Haggard, I believe, is an honest reflection of that curious may be a half dozen or’ so belly but classic mixture of political laughs. These laughs though, are conservatism and humanitarian all on the side of crude ethnic individualism which the typical humour, Three Stooges-type (Southern) country-western slapstick and more than coaudience has adopted. The same incidental allusion to Terry man who derides hippies, draftSouthern’s Candy. Sellers at most dodgers, free love and drugs in his times is unlikable, unfunny and classic “Okie from Muskogee” hence unforgivable. Too much (recorded live in Muskogee, by the exploitation of the un-subtle way) is also the man who evokes blatant sock-it-to-us tactics of sex Woody Guthrie’s ghost in “Hungry and slapstick is relied upon. Eyes” and other songs which So it doesn’t live up to my ddplore the plight of the ordinary expectations? So what? All this man at the mercy of the “bosses.” could be forgiven but for the And the same Merle Haggard who blatant male-oriented viewpoint raucously celebrates the drinkin’, colouring the whole picture. I was drivin’ life in “Workin’ Man’s disappointed in seeing this, Blues” can turn around and especially in the context of these present lyrical C-W balladism at times of Cosmopolitan Magazine and Dr. Reuben. I was outraged. I its best in “Today I Started Lovin’ You Again.” ’ came to laugh and found myself If you’re tempted at all, try this gritting my teeth. This superficially taste of C-W; if it doesn’t fit, you television-type movie presented can always go back to the blandall women characters as either sex ness of Poco. objects, subservient Edith Bunker types, or jea lous, vindictivelove Although they still haven’t stereotypes. gathered a large audience in I tried in vain to reconcile this as North America, members of that either (a) a satire on women’s lib small but dedicated band of or on the female stereotype, which Pentangle believers will rejoice to ,it wasn’t, or (b) a satire on shodlearn of a new release from them, dy hospitalization administration called Solomon’s Seal (WBpractices. The obvious degrading Repiise 2100). Significantly their portrayal of the women in the film fifth album (though John Renupstaged the effect of any satirical bourn and Bert Jansch have don@ intention. several albums alone or This is a man’s movie void ofany collaborating), this LP is strangely redeeming features possessed divided. even by the worst James Bond Side One is the usual Pentangle film.’ (Imagination plus gimmickry fare, which means the “usu&” plus self-ridicule equals honesty). high quality musicianship and In the Bond movies, at least the tightly controlled arrangements. women contribute to the plotOne of this group’s problems has here all the power remains in the been, ironically, that they are so hands of the “boys in green”. consistently good-both live, and The male supporting\ actor to on record-that you can listen to whom the action of’the movie has them without appreciating their been directed seems to be playing outstanding ability. This side it doing a’ prolonged young features their usual blend of Jimmie Stewart imitation. You’ll traditional folk tunes and more recognize him from the Cactus modern compositions of their own Flower, where he seemed to do the writing, things like the “Cherry act truer to Stewart’s style. Tree Carol” and “Sally Free and When a gifted comedian of Easy.” Sellers’ stature stoops to parkut Side Two is a pleasant ticipate in such a traumatic viosurprise, starting off with the lation of taste it’s time to return to beautiful “Willy O’Winsbury”, a the late shows. Where does it song as entrancing because of the hurt? Mainly in the pocketbook. lyrical vocal line as it is for the guitar duet of Jansch and Ren-gail puder

3 november,


bourn, and ending with “Lady of Carlisle”, with Jansch on B’anjo and Renbourn turning in fin& breaks on acoustic and electric guitar, vocals and harmonica. “No Love is Sorrow” and “Jump Baby Jump” in between display Jaqui McShee’s shining voice and the two guitars better, I believe, than. on ariy previous album. Danny Thompson on double bass and Terry Cox on percussion turn in the-ir usual solid backing. These fdur cuts are for those Pentangle fans who like the group but think, “Just another Pentangle album.” Give this one a try. If you’re not familiar with Pentangle, but appreciate musicianship above what is usually passed off as music in popular music today, Solomon’s Seal is a pleasant place to start. Just-a ndte in passing: Bonnie Rait has released her second LP, called Give It Up (Warner Bros. BS 2643)’ and I have yet to hear anyone say anything but praise for it. A fine collection of backing musicians has been gathered for this album, and it seems to have been lovingly put together in friendship and mutual love of the music. From the rousing dixie-rock opener, “Give It Up or Let Me Go” to the gentler closing tune, “Love Has No Pride”, Bonnie and friends are a joy to listen to. She seems by far the most promising of the spate of female singers to surface lately in the wake of genuine musicians !ike Joni Mitchell and Carole King, and Bonnie plays all her own bottleneck steelbody guitar work. -george

s kaufman

‘B1ackul.a’ lacks bite First there was the black Western, then came the supersuccessful black adventure-detective films and, well, would you believe a black Dracula? Named Blackula? It all starts in Count Dracula’s castle in Transylvania in the 1700’s, see, when this visiting king of some/African tribe is bitten by the good Count and doomed to human bloodlust forever, or until the legendary wooden stake is driven through the heart, or until he’s caught in the rays of the sun, whichever comes first. His t’rue love, alas, is just killed off. But, when he awakens in 1972-after ungraciously biting the necks of the two gay businessmen who set him free-he finds his true love again, or at least someone ~$0 looks enough like her after a couple hundred years. But the girl’s sister’s boyfriend, who just happens to be a criminologist, suspects him of being a vampire; and, when he doesn’t show up in a picture taken of him, well, you can just imagine what happens.’ And that’s the trouble with this film; you can ‘imagine what happens next, all through this silly, . campy movie. It’s a cheaply done, poorly thought out addition to the ‘already overburdened genre, and there’s nothing to recommend it at all, not even some mild porno. On the other hand, it’s cofeature at the Odeon, Horror on’ Snape Island, comes very close to being of classic stature among horror films. It’s all here: gore, suspense, a deserted island, sex of sorts and a cast of shady characters which can all be suspect until the very end. If parts of Snape, Island don’t scare you, you can’t be scared. Too bad it has to be downstaged by “Blackula.” -george

s kaufman


3 novem


the chevron


0 ver the edge Now that the Yes concert is over, I could tell you that you should or shouldn’t have gone, or if you did go I could relive with you the sad or happy moments, or tell you how you should have felt. But I won’t. I will relay a bit of background information, talk about what I learned from it, and present some other people’s feelings. As often happens with big name non-Canadian groups, border hassles delayed the arrival of the! equipment. The thirty-foot trailer load did not arrive until about seven-thirty, and it’s amazing that the stage was ready when it was, at 10. The stage was ready, but none of the equipment was hooked up, and the hour between Tranquility’s set and Yes’ was spent hooking up the stereo sound system and the intricate lighting. By the time Yes got on, at midnight, 5,000 people, myself included, were at the point of screaming. But what can we do about that? If we demand that groups only do concerts every second or third day, then we will have to pay much more to see-the group: the price for stretching out the agony that must be theirs for twenty hours a day during -the tour. Perhaps the whole concert trip, the mass culture thing is fucked, and we should get into groups from Toronto, rather than Timbuktu. Along these lines, perhaps we should demand more intimate settings. Yes had hoped to play in a more acoustically suitable setting, but they got the barn. From where I was sitting, the screaming reverberations coming off the wall muddied the or-iginal sound to such an extent that often the main theme was lost altogether. Yes wisely chose to do only material off their records, and for me this alone kept the concert from being a complete flop. Only because I knew the musii: well was I able to, for example, pick out Steve Howe’s fine guitar work from the ‘chaotic din df noise hitting me. To those who were unfamiliar with Yes music, I can appreciate the sentiment that Yes lack any musical sense, for the Phys Ed building hid it well. Over ninety per cent of the people stayed until the final bow at one-thirty-through the long, long wait-to give Yes the five minute applause necessary to g&t them back for an encore. They also encouraged Yes with applause numbers they before the recognized, and Yes responded to the enthusiasm as best they could. Most people I talked to really enjoyed the concert in spite of the problems, and for the feti I have

spoken to that did not, can only, suggest that, had the problems1 been rectified, and not the music different, they might have enjoyed it a lot more. The person sitting next to me said, ‘For four dollars, I could have I bought their record and stayed home and listened to it.’ Could have heard it eight times too, and generally much better music (from the stud/p rather than the barn). But live perfbrmances add a whole new dimension to the experience. The performer’s personality and the integration, of that personality with their music makes the live- concert a much different experience. Live performances are an important part of musical apcirpreciat ion. But when cumstances mar that appreciation, then the situation is pointless. Remember concerts where you couldn’t hear the vocals or make out the words, because the sound system had to be turned up to get the sound to the back. Remember the Cat Stevens concert last year where people were crammed into PhysEd like sardines, only to wait an hour while they tuned the piano. Remember sitting in Toronto, one of an audience of six or seven, and being able to hear everything fine but having to put up with a group that was pissed off because no one was there. The present state of the music industry, which makes important the very things which destroy a live performance, is fucked. Though I enjoyed the concert I couldn’t help feeling ripped off, and I couldn’t put the finger on anyone. Bill Graham points to the large ,fees charged by the groups, Neil Young 10 the middlemen and Paul Williams to the advertising hypes. They’re all part of something larger, something that makes money by ripping off our culture. And the energy Yes gave me from their performance makes me unsatisfied with just saying piss on it: it’s time to put a Spaniard in the works. -bob


Jazz l


and form

A modern jazz opera? Sounds mildly boggling, doesn’t it, especially given the failure of previous “Third Stream Jazz” efforts by such as Dave Brubeck and Gunther Schuller, mini-talents seeking at the fringes that which is beyond their grasp in the center. Well, Escalator Over the Hill (JCOA 3-Lp-EOTH) isn’t really “Third Stream,” in that it is preeminently jazz and not some bastard admixture of divergent musical forms; and although the piece follows some of the conventions of “The Opera,” most happily with the inclusion of a detailed and profusely illustrated libretto, it ultimately works to the extent that i? provides a congenial setting for such major jazz and rock talents as Roswell Rudd, Jack Bruce, Linda Ronstadt, and Gato Ba rbieri.

2 1

Religion, rock and Preston

Yes guitarist system.




The narrative line of EOTH is little more than a loose collection of anecdotes concerning the desultory. adventures of “Jack” and “Ginger,” at “Cecil Clark’s” Rawalpindi Hotel, and is at times presented in such a selfconsciously trippy manner that one is reminded of some of Frank Za ppa’s excesses in 200 Motels. The use. of obscure literary imagery, apparently the contribution of co-composer Paul Haines, seems to have little contextual relationship to either the putative events of the plot or the accompanying music, and becomes even phonier when delivered by a Jet Set personage such as Viva. Although EOTH is subtitled a “Chronotransduction,” or a work which involves transferences between different levels of time, the big word conceals only a kind of “Bubble-Gum Avant Garde” attitude which mistakes confusion for complexity. Fortunately, however, Carla Bley’s music transcends Haines’ libretto by presenting us with some of the finest modern jazz of recent times. The “Hotel Overture’” on Side 1, containing several motifs which reappear throughout the work, ovires much to Kurt Weill, but succeeds in developing, rather than merely parodying, that mood of intensely, experienced decadence which is never far below the surface of EOTH. “Hotel Overture,” along with “Air India Radio” ‘and “Rawalpindi” on Sides 5 and 6, showcases Rudd, Barbieri, and such underappreciated jazzmen as Don Cherry and Perry Robinson in extended, exciting pieces which combine free improvisation with intelligently structured ensemble themes in a stimulating and all too rare manner.




by the sound

Several of the shorter numbers are also quite successful, notably those which utilize the vocals of Jack Bruce and Linda Ronstadt and John McLaughlin’s guitar. Ronstadt sparkles on a far out C & W song called “Why,” while Bruce whips Cream on “Businessmen,” “Detective Writer Daughter,” and “Little Pony Soldier; ” McLaughlin’s ability should be news to no one, but is asserted again with delightful bolos throughout much of Sides 3-6. The musical settings provided by Carla Bley are far superior to those usually associated with these artists, and they sound appropriately appreciative: J’ack Bruce, particularly, has not been heard to such good advantage since Cream’s first two albums. EOTH largely consists, in other words, of highly enjoyable and expertly rea lized con temporary jazz, which leads me to recommend it strongly despite its deficiencies as an integrated or uniformly mature work. In addition to its intrinsic excellence, this release is also- notable in that it comes from the Jazz Composers Orchestra Association, a nonprofit group dedicated to bringing to public attention some of the jazz musicians who have been unjustly ignor’ed by recording companies. Escalator can be obtained only from the JCOA, at 1841 Broadway, N.Y. 10023, N.Y., at a cost of $12. The JCOA also distributes such labels as Nessa, ECM, and Futura, and all serious jazz fans should at the very least send away for their catalogue. EOTH would never have seen the light of day if its creators had relied on the conventional mode of producing records. and for this they deserve both our thanks and our support. -paul


Going to a concert at Waterloo Lutheran’s theatre-auditorium is enough to make one limit a attendance at musical events to symphonies and jazz quartets: if for no other reason, they stat$on time. The audience at last week’s Billy Preston-Taj Ma ha I concert waited longer for the shows to start than the length of the concert itself. Billy Preston, however, managed to thaw out the audience with his peculiar brand of religion-tinted rock. Preston is best known for his enthusiastic performance of “that’s the way god planned it” in the concert for Bangla-Desh, dnd he showed the same fervor before the surprisingly small audience at WLU. Preston is one of the most contagiously energetic and joyous performers around: in little time the listeners on their feet, dancing and clapping. Neither he nor his group are outstandingly talented, but Preston’s enthusiasm and his obvious love for performing make up for that lack. Preston, a large person with a great explosion of hair, dances around stage belting out vocals, playing first the organ, then the piano and then ending in the centre on the portable organ. He opened the concert with his version of “Hey Joe” which became “Hey Brother,” and went on to play several songs he had done with the Beatles and with Ray Charles. But he was at his best when performing his own material favorably resembling his old mentor Ray Charles. . Unfortunately, he seemed to think quite highly of his young musicians individual abilities and several times called on organist, bassist, gitarist and drummer for short solo runs of which they are really not capable of sustaining. But the crowd seemed to love it anyway, if only because Preston was loving it. Taj Mahal both preceded and suceeded the Preston set because the idea of two separate Preston shows was abandoned after the late start. Taj Mahal is now interested not in performing, but conducting workshops, as he calls them. Although he proclaimed audience participation and told the audience he wasn’t playing at them. he became quite upset when one student insisted on whistling along instead of humming. So much for audience participation. -deanna kzyfman




the chevron

JEANS & CORDS Famous American Brands



the essence of schooldrunk-spirits guided by the old hands who knew where to sit in the barn and just when to yell obscenities. In those days of the past, well timed shouts could be heard on their third echoes around the barn and many times even got a chuckle out of the players who were on the ice going about the. serious challenge of establishing athletic prowess. Many drinking-virgins broke through the maidenhead barrier of voluntary control at some point during, before, or immediately following the ‘u-o’-tee-game’. Hormones rushed to the bloodstream of players almost as often as did alcohol when goals were scored by ‘our guys’ or ‘those guys’. The basic difference between the teams was smooth skating on their side and heavy checking on ours.

vs Wutefloo


\ ~

hockey was hot 19 KING

In the olden days, a hockey game against the university of toronto blues meant getting up early in the morning with a bottle in hand and heading for Waterloo arena to see the best in Canadian intercollegiate hockey at the Waterloo barn. It was an introduction to Waterloo freshmen as they learned


3 november,

As does everything, however, change in mammoth proportions took place; more on the Waterloo hockey team than with the toronto group. We got much worse and less together; they got a bit better and togetherness remained. The blues advanced to a point last year where they easily handled the soviet student team at varsity arena. Four of those soviets mesmerized the NHL Sl-stars during the recent team canada series. Coaches changed at Waterloo also. Don Hayes left the position and Bob McKillop replaced ‘the chief’. Win-loss records also changed for Waterloo-the wins decreased and losses grew. The Waterloo basketball team then began to attract full hbuses while the ‘barn’ had no overflow problems. According to chevron underground sport analysts, hockey is back where it was four seasons ago and the toronto blues are back to test this claim. The game goes tomorrow at one in the afternoon, but ‘the barn’ has been bypassed in favour of Kitchener’s auditorium. There are apparently many canada hockey tournaments being staged, and the one at the arena will also see action from the *lutheran golden hawks, fresh from a 2-8 drubbing at the hands of the warriors and mcmaster. The week’end’s final game will go at eight pee em on sunday and the warriors may be featured, depending, of course, on the outcome of their skirmish with the blues. Basketball onlookers are spouting claims of ‘we’re number one’, but with the hockey group hairing a head start on the fans, they have a long way to go. But let’s not get carried away, a dunking by the blues will kill any hope of hockey revival on this campus.











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3 november,


the chevron

photo by george


off to Toronto

Gals top hockey tourn.ey The waterloo field hockey women go into the final OWIAA playdowns as the eastern section leaders following two wins and a tie last weekend on their home field. With guelph, western and macmaster also participating, the athenas fought and ran themselves to their physical limit to etch out a two-win, one-tie record. On, the first day of competition, Pat Binnersley scored a hardfought goal for the Waterloo girls and clinched a win as both sides could not produce another score. The first Saturday game was a discouraging one for Waterloo as T the western squad outplayed them and potted an early goal. The last ten minutes saw a fired-up Waterloo team take control pf the game and finally score with one minute remaining to even the score. Toos Simon’s late goal saved the athenas from what would have been their only loss of the series. A third game, played against macmaster, was another close contest, but again Toos Simons put one away to sneak a well battled win for the home team. MacMaster went into that final game having won their two previous matches also, but had to accept the loss and end with four points in the tournament. On the basis of their two wins and one tie, the athenas cameout on top with! five points. The same teams now head for Toronto to take part in the second part of this unique playdown procedure. All four eastern teams play one game against each of the western squads. Instead of replaying the top teams in a sudden death final, the points accumulated in both the sectional playdowns and this weekend’s tournament will be tallied to produce an overall champion. , Toronto, queens, york and mcgill represent the eastern section and all represent formidable op,position for the athenas, but coach Judy Moore says, “We have never looked so confident.. .and we should do well in Toronto.” To do as well as the coach hopes, the group will have to get their game together a bit earlier and get a bit hungrier when the ball finds itself close to their opponents goal. All this accomplished, the athenas will be the team to beat.

Fast field hockey.action they are off to hog town

last weekend saw.the Athena squad to continue the OWlAA playdowns.

top the Waterloo

village 2 south it was even a’tighter game. Each team had a couple of good opportunities but couldn’t hit for the score. It wasn’t until Sue Hamilton kicked a single for’ village 2 south that the game was over.

Self defense Women’s self defense has gone over big. There was a large turnout for the first two sessions. New comers should turn up on Tuesdays at 9 :00 pm in the combatives room. This Sunday at 10: 30 am will see the first time that the sauna will be open for ladies only. The men’s locker room will be closed to men from lo:30 until 12: 30 am to allow the girls some privacy. The entrance will be Blue North. , So wear what you want and come on out and be the first to see the inside of a real men’s sauna. Recreational women’s ice hockey begins today at 12 :00 pm at Queensmount Arena. Any one interested is asked to meet at Blue North at 11,:45 as there will be a car pool. Bring your own skates and a hockey stick. ***** The first round of the preliminary football playoffs went off pretty well according to predicted results. Only one major, upset occurred as vl-south A week ago Wednesday saw the defeated last year’s finalists, last football game of the season to optometry, by a 14-13 score to determine the first and second advance. place finishers in league A. St. Kin and ret trounced the Paul’s and V2 south were both greenbriar 40-2 while VII-north defeated the CCFU’s handily 35 undefeated going into the game. The game remained scoreless 13. St. jeromes advanced by a narrow 9 - 6 victory over lower eng after the first half as neither team could get anything going. During _ independent as the jocks matched the feat by taking vl-east 13 - 8. the second half village--2 south’s Sue Hamilton got 2 singles to give The mudders took science as them the lead. expected, handing them a 26 - 9 decision while v&west defeated coThe playoff games this Monday saw two of the biggest upsets of the op math 22 - 0 and Conrad grebel outscored regular math 14 - 6. year. Village 1 north and st. Paul’s were playing on mudhole number In the quarterfinals, another two while physical education & ret major upset occurred as the jocks outscored VI-west 24-14 to elbattled it out on mudhole number iminate the village team from one. In the st. paul’s-village 1 north the playoffs. Kin and ret, favored game, st. Paul’s dominated most of to be in the finals and now favored to win, narrowly beat the mudders the play. Quarterback Kathy Lucas was good on enough passes 8.- 2. In a match of village strengths, to give st. Paul’s a 7 - 0 victory over the favorites, village 1 north. St. v2-north could do no wrong while Paul’s struck early on a TD pass vl-south found it difficult to hold on to the ball giving up a couple of play to Judy Hart and never looked back. interceptions and a fumbled touchIn the physcial education ret vs down to lose 34 - 12.

Games of the L week



This weekend


Scores for v2-north were led by Phelan with 12 points with touchdowns also going to Gotziaman, Dillon, and McKay. Ian ‘Smith scored all 12 points for the south team. In the. church college matchup, defending champions Conrad grebel defeated st. jeromes 14 - 6 on touchdowns by Griffith and Mathies, with two singles by Taylor to round out the score. Zeto Baccarani scored for st. jeromes.


jeromes, will be trying again to take the title. The meet begins at 7 : 30 and a list of events and times are posted on - the flyers around campus. On Wednesday, November 15 at 7 30 pm in the gym the badminton singles tournament will be played. Draws will be made as players arrive. Monday November 20 at 8:00 pm in the red activities area will see the first round of the archery tournament as all able archers let loose their shafts. Entries should be given in at the intramural office, (phone ext. 3532), or be there on the day of the tournament. Results of the squash tournament held last week showed Neil Richardson as the eventual winner, defeating Les Parsneau in the final round 3 - 1. Bob Hamilton won the consolation championship. _-

Ball Hockey

In league A the roadrunners and erb street ballers are tied with 5 points each with the t-nuts in third place with 4 points. League B shows sons of the nabols undefeated with 6 points followed by the NADs and eager dycks in second spot with 4 points. League C also boasts an undefeated team in Adam’s Apples, , followed by the rushins and harry’s hackers in second place, each with 4 points. InStructional


League action finished yesterday with final positions in two of the three leagues as yet undetermined by press time. League C has completed its schedule with co-op math receiving a bye to the second round playoffs with 11 points on 5 wins and one tie. Second place professionals, will also receive a bye as they went undefeated with a 3-O-3 record. Sysdezzies united took third with parts-ola one point behind in fourth place. Playoff action begins Saturday. Teams should check with the intramural office to make sure of playoff times. Put your money on the pros.

Due to the overwhelming demand for squash instruction a second series of classes are being scheduled. If you are interested in receiving instruction simply sign up in the hall near the men’s and women’s tote rooms by November 10th. Class times will be Mondays, 7 : 00-8 : 30 pm and Thursdays 10 : OO11:30 am and 7:00-8:30 pm. Please indicate which class you would be able to attend. Over 75 people enjoyed the first series of lessons of squash. Contact Doug MacLean at 884-7808 or phone the intramural office for further information.



Playoffs began yesterday in the lacrosse league as all five teams entered the final rounds. Village II south played renison yesterday. Barflies meet st. jeromes and math plays the village II south renison winner on Monday. Doug Bannon of math won the scoring championship with 27 goals and 26 assists for 53 points. Second is teammate Pat Fallon with 21 goals and 22 assists for 43 points. Bob Denny of math topped the goalies with 3.5 goals against average.



There are four team and individual tournaments scheduled for the next two weeks. Tomorrow the co-ed curling bonspiel takes place at the glenbriar curling club. A maximum of 16 teams will be entered in the day’s events with the first draw to take place at 9 :00 am. Then, this coming Tuesday in the physical activities complex pool, the co-ed swim meet will take place. Last year’s team winner, st.


In the semi-finals, the surprising jocks team was trounced 34 - 12 by Conrad grebel. Grebel took a 13 - 6 lead at the half, then spread it out to the final score. Mathis and Griffith scored 12 each with ‘Sawatzky adding the final 6 for Conrad grebel. In the kin and ret vs VII-n game, the score was 8-7 in favor of VII-n. on a touchdown by Randy Mangolt and two singles by Mark Meyer. Kennedy scored the 6-pointer for kin and rec. Bill Dalliday tied the score at 8 minutes of the second half with a point single. Then Larry Leigh of kin and ret broke the game open with an interception which he ran back for the go-ahead touchdown. Two singles by Meyer brought the score to 14-10 with 4 minutes left. Then adding to the effort, Meyer intercepted a kin and ret pass and took it to the 10 yard line. But on three plays VII-n could not cross the goal line and lost the ball on downs. John Janetas then secured the victory for kin and ret by ’ scoring the last touchdown with 2! minutes left.




the chevron

3 november,





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proximity to Grant McLaren’s course record of 24.49.1 gave any indication as to the strength of two m rl-1~ - -wara a r/r/e team contenders (Guelph. and Toronto journeymg to Camsus). Fielding a token force of OUAA Western beat each individual country championship warriors’ runner to take first place cross contenders, Waterloo warriors with 35 points to 40; Queen’s -toured the hallowed ramparts of finished reasonably close with 48 the university of western Ontario points. on Saturday. A sedate affair, the Warrior placings were much culmination of a day% running by improved. John Arnett - 4th in various strata of athletic en- 25.38; Bruntz Walker - 5th in 25.59; highschool, devour. . .intramural, *Ted McKeigan - 7th in 26.05; Mike faculty and varsity. Lanigan - 26.21 with Stephen Peet Starting time anomalies led to anchoring the 5 man team, 15th in warm-ups anything from two 27.28. hours to two minutes due to a Another pleasant day’s sport in communications error hitherto which we generated just a little thought to be unique to the warrior more of that indefinable chamcoach’s style. pionship ingredient. Such was the field, that only the -arthur taylor -


Housman “Shoulder.the sky my lad, and drink your ale”. / (Last Poems)

Shakespeare -


“For a quart a king”.

of ale is a dish for (The, Winter’s


Borrow _

“Good proper

ale, the true and drink. .” , (Lawengro) l

Browning “There they are, my fifty men and women”. m)



j John Chisamore Federation . President ’ on Nov. 9,1972


poetic justice .







3 november,




by Dennis Mcgann George

positions coach Tom Watt has eleven players with junior A experience to choose from, alpng with a. few European players. HOW do the warriors intend to deal with this group of bubbling talent? According to McIu%p, “We expect to do more hitting than last year...“. There you go, babe, there you go. Never thought the answer was that simple, did you? Watch for game results and see how the bruisers fare against the players. (Did the Soviets teach us nothing? )

Council elections The women’s intercollegiate’ council announced the opening of nominations for members-at-large open to female undergraduate students. The term of office begins in January and runs for a full twelve months. _ Nominations must be sponsored by two varsity athletes or by members of the present council. Closing date for nominations is November 20 and the completed forms must be presented to the physical education receptionist before that day. Elections will be held on November 23 with the four most popular nominees fulfilling the members-at-large positions. #


The athena basketball women will experience their first taste of action in Guelph this weekend. The group will face six other university teams and a squad from North York. Coach Sally Kemp talks of new height added to the team, not only in morale, but also physical stature. The presence of rookies Judy Halaiko and Chris Toplack, account for this increase. Perrenial rivals from the university of Windsor will also be included in the tournament, offering their usual top-calibre play. Little mention has been made this year of ‘the athena’s hip-high ball-whiz-kid Loretta McKenzie, the squirt who made spectating- a good experience. Her ball-stealing escapades and quick moves aided the athena team immeasurably, at least in the surprises she offered. The first opportunity for this campus to see the 1972 basketball model of the bouncing athenas will be next Saturday when they host the university of guelph. Still on basketball, the male squad is now down ~ to sixteen players with only one freshman included. The lone and lucky first year student is Jim MacLean who will now learn the wonders of playing for ‘a stoned-out crowd in the people’s gymnasium. Footballer Bill Ross will now join the squad now that the season has abruptly ended. -Talk was big on the topic of one Trevor Briggs who transferred from loyola of Montreal to Waterloo. The loyola MVP found his make-up year too heavy and decided to forego basketball this year (or at l least that’s how the press release reads). The basketball warriors will be on view for the first time this season on Tuesday, November 14 when they meet mohawk college of Hamilton in an exhibition game. Hockey coach Bob McKillop talked this week on the topic of tomorrow’s game against the Toronto blues saying, “We look for our usual tough game against Toronto. They have their usual strong team. ’ ’ According to the Waterloo coach, toronto only has two positions to fill. For those two

Coach wins one Coach Arthur Taylor of the warrior track team overcame the headache of dropping to fourth place in the OUAA championships. He did not comment on traclunen claims that the athletic department’s attitude toward the sport is the main reason for defending champions and top national competitors refusing to participate with the university of Waterloo team. All Taylor would say was, “We left at least fifty points at home that weekend”. The cross country squad is in much better I shape, probably because they train on the roads and in the fields, meeting face-toface with athletic department people only on the odd occasion. The group is ranked well up at the top to take the OUAA championships in Guelph tomorrow. Taylor commented simply, “Oh yes, we’ll win.” Taking time off his coaching duties, Taylor is the new “masters” Ontario champion in a 3,000 meter race held last weekend.




‘babes back? Rumours eminating from the natatorium suggest the unbeatable waterbaby inner-tube-water-polo winning streak is being challenged by the upstart ‘furried freaking’ team. A universal challenge has been issued by the rookie squad and the ‘babes are expected to take to the tubes. Team coach Jacque Strappe, recently returned from Woodstock,, is not saying much these days. Said Strappe, “These days, I’m not saying much.” But observers with the ‘baby organization foresee asummit meeting between the squads as soon as the furry freaks get tired enough. Spokesmen for the freaks plainly stated that no games will be played unless the waterbabies put their world championship title on the line.


the ___ chevron _


Entrepreneur interested in contacting investors who would like to purchase 300 to 500 lb. of Mexican gold. Realize a profit of $50,000. All inquiries answered. Contact: Mary* Jane Consultants P.O. Box 1401, Kitchener.

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Volleyball The male volleyballers took to the net for the first time last monday in an exhibition match at york university against the yeomen. The six-game series ended with little gained except experience as each team managed three wins in the match. . Games one and two went to the hosts with little Waterloo opposition. The warriors then managed to grab game three and in so doing regain their pride but not for long as the yeomen once again came out on top in the fourth game 15-12. The Waterloo volleying men got together in the fifth game trouncing the york guys 15-7, then squeaked out a final game win 18-




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The match represented the first test for the warriors and coach Gerry Baycroft tried many new and yet unpolished plays. Free substitutions were frequent on both sides of the net as both the Waterloo team and their york opponents attempted different combinations. The see-saw scoring result was the produce. Tomorrow at nine a-hem, the warriors go into a full tournament on their home floor against seven other teams including the Queen’s golden gaels who proved more powerful than any other team in the OUAA league last season. Defending tournament champions from _ the university of western Ontario will also make the trek to Waterloo in hope of regaining their title.

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THE DEAN OF ARTS COMMITTEE ON A & B REQUIREMENTS Arts Faculty Council at its meeting instructed “ ...that a Dean’s Committee * consider Group A and B requirements.” requirements, also outlined on page Calendar, is attached.

of April 11, 1972, be established to A copy of these 97 of the 1972-73

In the course of the Committee’s work it has become plain that there exists a wide spectrum of ideas and views on the philosophy of education implied by our A and B requirements and of possible alternatives to them. It is essential that the Committee gain a clear perspective of your views and so invites individual and group submissions pertinent to the topic. I Will you please direct your written comments to J.F.H. New, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. The deadline date for submission is Wednesday, November 15, 1972.

$Horneo am cum@ come




very fast football game


Home-a-cum-cum came for the warriors last saturday and many wish they did not come at all.The Waterloo lutheran golden hawks physically defeat the warriors as well as out scoring them in the annual contest between the two teams. The hawks out scored the& warriors 44-8. The warriors would have made it into the OUAA playoffs if they could have reversed roles with the hawks. In the sudden death playoff games the hawks will face the university of Ottawa gee gees while western and Windsor will square. off in the other game. Offensively the warriors- looked strong for the first series of plays, .then the hawks defense found the warrior weaknesses. The warrior offense barely came out ahead of the hawk defense in yards rushing. The warriors gained forty seven yards rushing, but only when both halfs of the game were added together. The hawk defense gained five yards on the warrior offense in -the second half. A shotgun offensive formation was the thing that got the warriors on the score board. It should have been tried earlier in the game since warrior. quarterback Bob Spree had some difficulty getting rid of the ball before the hawks swooped in for the kill. Spree spent most of the game examining the condition of the sod on the field at seagram stadium. He came to the conclusion that some areas of the field may need to be. resoded in the spring but they would be okay for the intramural flag football championships. He even offered to donate the sod growing from his helmet for the resoding operation. Steve Boghossian was offered numerous opportunities to exercise his right leg by kicking the ball as far away from the warrior goal line as possible. The end result of this

exercise was to keep the hawks away from the easily passed warrior -goal line. Pete Bedford did the trick to the hawks even though the hawks know that {he was the person to watch when he joined the warrior offensive unit part way through the fourth quarter. A pass from Bob Spree, out of the shot gun offense, hit Bedford in the hawk’s end. The fans that were leaving began to return to their seats thinking that they could see the warrior offense. even up the score. History sort of repeated itself this year as the warriors finished even in the won-lost record. This season the record was three wins and three losts. The record for last year was the same except there were four wins and four loses. Playoff hopes of the warriors were related to the results of the last game last year as was the case this year. The results were also the same, warriors out of the playoffs. Three warriors have been named to the all star team of the western section of the OUAA. John Buda was selected for both the offensive and defensive tackle position. Stu Kock and Greg Plyley were named to the -defensive team. -george




JJWO gazette

possibly enter the now widely expanded national hockey league next season and showed promise by leading the warrior attack with a goal and three assists. This one-season weight-man on the track team wore a skull cap for a helmet and assumed the role of team policeman battering opponents when necessary. The team, known for its heavy bodychecking is back in stride again with Crosby in the line-up (that is, as long as his bones hold together). Little Dickie Smith gave up his post with the oakville oaks to journey with the warrior fans showed his rumoured unerring The kitchener memorial shot with twogoals in the lutheran auditorium is one of the sites for walkover. Talk at many levels give this weekend’s canada -hockey him an excellent chance at the tournaments. The first game goes league scoring title. tomorrow at ten in the morning Another new warrior player is with the hawks (?I from lutheran Mike Guimond who also claimed facing the mauraders from two goals in the lutheran game. macmaster. Other scorers for the warriors The big ‘match-up’ takes place . were Bill Stinson, Peter Paleczny at one in the afternoon when a and the team’s only five year vastly improved university of Waterloo team once again meets the formidable university of toronto blues. The two individual team winners then meet in a sunday night battleat eight pee em. The warriors made an auspicious debut last friday in an exhibition match against the lutheran golden chickens. They picked the birds apart until the WLU crew squaked home to roost on an 8-2 mauling. En route, the warriors planted six straight goals past a tiring goaltender. Waterloo is now being considered the powerhouse they were in the past (last year being overlooked for the moment) due to the addition of many new faces and supposedly ‘supreme’ players. Cam Crosby, after suffering two broken legs in his last two seasons with the warriors is back again and -proved to be outstanding in the lutheran game. Crosby could

The first hockey win

veteran Roger Kropf. Sonny Kumpf and Bruce Davies replied for the golden hawks. Russ Elliot is yet another impressive warrior addition this season. Elliot played for the burlington mohawks, winning the mid-Ontario junior B scoring title last season. In goal, the warriors are loaded with talent. Jake Dupuis heads the list with the necessary credentials. He played with the Guelph CMC’s last season as the number one goal man. The CMC’s won the national junior B title. The blues have lost many players from their national championship team last year, but to predict a close contest would be worthless at this stage. The blues have been known to win the championship games when they needed to. In the past, while the warriors proved capable during the season, play-off games saw the blues in a much superior ’ league. photo by dick mcgill


hopes of a ’ Liberal , ceremony and even that is virtually political polarizations so dramatically into . The last slim government faded as the \BC ignored by the undergraduates. the House of Commons, as thii one has. /majority returns came in. Here the anti-Eastern Major weekends and events such as The Maritimes ’ are clearly Stanfield Homecoming are usually handled by the country. Ho-wever, tti Liberal recovery in feeling took on more of a class form, with Newfoundland and P.E.I. are a blotch on _, the demise Of the 1fiSt V&@k Of SfJCid BSA but this year was unofficially ofCredit as a national party and a conjoining ,ficially chaired by Doug Austrom, the Conservative mandate. \ of NDP provincial and federal politics. treasurer of the federation of ‘students. In Quebec, Liberals ,and Separatists are. Any semblance of national represenDoug assumed the position in the conagreed that the election poses a crisis for tation in the 29th Parliament will have to fusion following’ Paul Dube’s resignation Quebec federalists. Trudeau entered take the form ofregional caucuses; i.e. PCas head of BSA. There was very-little time to beat back the’ Socredpr federal politics Liberal-NDP. If the NDP is in for him to decide on the policy for this Nationalists by showing that Frenchthe driver’s seat it is crampedi and at best 1 Homecoming: “After a week and a half of Canadians could play a strong role in they-have one hand on a greasy wheel. contemplation of Homecoming, I had *Ottawa. Quebeckers, like any structural -peter warrian . arrived at two alternative approaches: one \,s compelled to opminority, _ are a very sarcastic attitude, the other an portunistically grab what can be had attempt at providing variety in more within the present system. In this respect participational, forms of entertainment. Trudeau, Marchand, etc. have performed The major feeling of disenchantment with like old style, sleasy Quebec politicians, the student body in general prevailed so I most blatantly in recent times with the decided on a compromise of the two.” manipulation of DREE grants. However, Doug and his colleagues hoped to show they have. over-succeeded and- caused a by extremes of over-indulgence that the polarization with other poorer regions. student popu.lation spends too much time , There has been relatively little racist pacifying itself, ‘getting drunk in order to backlash, as such, in English Canada get- laid’, and in a drunken, sexually “Uncensored skin _ flicks! Pubs every , Monday’s general” election saw Pierre outside of a few Ontarioridings populated obsessed crowd atmosphere. This -hope of afternoon and evening with booze, drugs enlightenment of the sick student- body Trudeau and the Liberal Party defeat by civil servants. That is, as yet there allrrl maybe even sex!” Advertisements hasn’t. Unfortunately, eastern political failed because Austro.m lacked the courage themselves, with the help of the Canadian ‘such as L these attracted hordes of and real desire to carry it off completely. electorate. The voice of the people came , and economic power, resented in -the frustrated+ energetic students to the prairies consistently in this century, has Such originally planned events -8s a, forth in ‘more of a yawn than a roar, varied entertainments of Home-A-Cum,’ been exercised by an overbearing, campus-wide 1 jerk-off contest,, live however. ’ Come last week. and distinctly Gallic face. If an strippers, and dance marathons were ‘The Land is Strong’, ‘separatism is smirking Homecoming, lest you forget, is sup never realized. Two excellent performers, dead’, and ‘Canadians never had it so overwhelmingly Quebec-basedkLibera1‘ posed to be the week in-which graduates high party tried to govern as it has in the past Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee, good’, did not jive with inflation, return to the university to receive their performed to calm, appreciative crowds all unemployment, persistence of the PQ, and four years, a real racist backlash will diplomas and reminisce. However, very storm out of the Prairies with sufficient week, despite the vulgarity going on the chilly shadow of. Richard Nixon’s nose few graduates stay for more than the above their heads in the campus centre over the landscape. The real message in ,fury to warm the frozen sod. 3 great hall. the Liberal campaign was THE MAN is The’ sense of participational enStrong. 1 \ tertainment was strong and cheerful on The impression is inescapable that the . . the first few nights at least, of the skin , Liberalslost and theConservatives didn’t ’ 8 b flicks. But by 2 a.m., the floor of the great. win. Since the ‘voters are never able’ to j ’ -_. hall was knee-deep in refuse while a hardy / chant as ‘a- visible- chorus, .one is left to ’ I F few spent an hour moving the furniture impute ‘both cause and motive; However, back to its original place. By the end of the most fundamental in the past four years , week, the rugger team had disrobed twice seems to have been the condensation of a c ,for public ‘consumption’, people who do central and arrogant power into the person \ member: Canadian university press (CUP)‘and Ontario weekly newspaper association not normally frequent pubs had been of one man-Pierre Trudeau. (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published fifty-two drawn by the ‘get-drunk’ advertising and If The ,Man was defeated anywhere, he - times a year mi2-1973) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of , Doug Austrom was disillusioned: ,was, defeated _ in Ontario; Here the Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the, - . “‘All this effort and for what? Three parqdoses o# power appeared most - federation. Offices are located in the C~pUS centre; phone (519) 8851660, 885=1(i61 , weeks of speeding around making glaringly. That is, an insecure and in- or university local 2331; telex 089-5248. arrangements and I stand in the gym’at decisive electorate feared most the return _ I . . ‘ 2 a.m. after the YES concert and see a of a strong Liberal majority: If there was a ’ -_ : Friday circulation: 13,000 . . \~ floor littered with paper, broken bottles, conscious effort by the electorate it was to cans and cigarette burns. It’s somehow put Trudeau in a minority position. Most appropriate that it ended this way. People still seem prepared to accept him as Prime People who were around h\ere the past two days and n’ights’bob mason, norman taylor, liz willick, have been complaining to me about the’ Minister, if gnly as the better of three less &on colpitts, doug epps, jim legge, jane o’eonnell, brian cere, -melvin, rotman, tony di franco, gord , way they were presented grovelling in the than ideal choices. The economy and, moorehdavid cubberley, lynn bowers, dennis mcgann, george neeland; ron smith, murray noll, dick chevron photographs last week. That’s peripherally, nationalism, were the issues. , mcgill, peter warrian, john keyes, kim morifsugu, randy hannigan, paul stuewe, george kaufman, exactly what they were doing and they Yet Stanfield didn’t represent an atdear-ma kaufman, tomemacdonald, dudley Paul, eilen tolmie, who kisses and runs to europe, dave just don’t realize, it.” robertson, arthur taylor, jacques straptie, jon mcgill, peter Watson, sally kemp, pat reid, sue murphy, tractive alternative, Toronto Daily Star deter hopkins, gerry baycroft, Susan johnson, dennis green, james harding and Big Blue Machine or no. i Welcome home. _Lkim moritbgu No-election has ever projected regional ’ \ _


I the-e-.


’ -+


’ \ ’ * -


, , ’


3 november,


ohoto bv gord moore

Second continued





page 5

profit is going back into the Federation to help provide a better educational program.” Or else they have to keep providing them at the level they are going now-break even and maybe take in a little bit of subsidy. ’ See that’s the thing-we just sink a certain amount of money into those services and they continue by themselves. There might be a need to get somebody full time, I don’t know. It’s a very hard decision because the students like the services; if they didn’t like the services then they probably wouldn’t be using them. You know in this way we can put the squeeze on businessmen-we’ve already knocked out one or two businesses as far as record sales go-and maybe they will in turn put the squeeze on government, and say look, you keep increasing the fees-these student governments which seem to have money lying around are gonna keep getting into businesses, and they’re gonna keep cutting, our throats.,And so that might work in itself-that might be an attack on the government and on the fee increases. ROBERTS: Providing certain services for the students is a worthwhile area for the federation. As far as keeping on all the services we provide now, there’s a question there as far as the man-hours they take up and the manpower the federation has to draw on. ,For the amount of money the federation has, to the extent it is obligated to serve student interests, I think they go beyond being just a service management. Some of the services have in the past helped to balance out the budget, some of them simply ” drain federation actually contribute, not resources. Maybe it’s possible that the services that help to back up the federation could be expanded, I don’t know if that is possible or not. But, certainly, I don’t see the federation as primarily a service agency or any type of a service group; I think that a certain amount of service is a part of the tradition of the university and I’ve heard no good reason for eliminating most of them. THE CHEVRON: If elected will you be content to govern in isolation from the student body or will you attempt to involve them directly in the process? How will you involve them? CHISAMORE: My flyer says “student involvement”. There’s a lot of things I’ll probably steal from Terry-l wouldn’t say steaI,1 cause a lot of the things he said I agreed with. His idea of roving-council meetings-when I was head of the Village 2 we held our meetings all the time in the great hall; this year the president has instigated a roving one and he holds it in each quad lounge, moving them around the village in this way. I think it will work here, again, it will take a lot of work on the part of both the president and the speaker setting up a list in advance of where. you’re going to meet-making arrangements to get the halls. I think we could meet in the church colleges, in the village great halls and on campus. It seems that when the reps come to council the engineers sit together, the arts sit together; they seem to sit like that, I’ve noticed. They seem to caucus between themselves but they should also know what the other students on campus are thinking about before they go off on their own tangents. The Federation meetings should be publicized a week in advance-coffee will be provided for observers, that anybody is welcome and that anybody can speak. Especially if the agenda is published ahead of time-if you’re going to be talking about something political or entertainment-wise you’ll get a certain class of the student population who happen to be working in that field coming out. ROBERTS: This is setting up a dichotomy of either working in isolation from the students or trying to get them to parttcrpate. One thing the participation ‘is predicated upon is the students becoming involved investing the amount of time, investing a certain amount of interest and putting work into it. The first thing I don’t think we can do-involve a significant number of students, the type that should be involved in a campus wide organization. The other one, governing in isolation, I think has been a big mistake. It may provide for a more efficient machine at some time,

but at all times the workings of the federation should be constructed and operated such that at any time, any single student or any group of students that want to come along can join right in. This involves the workings of the federation being open and publicized, making sure the information of what we’ve been doing is as accessible to the students as possible. While they may not be involved they may really be interested and they should have the opportunity to scrutinize the organization, to know what we’re doing and why, and how we are going aboutJt, and at any point to come along and to make criticisms of what is going on even if they are not involved, as long as they know the background. The way the federation is set up, the way the university is set up, is very unconducive to the exchange of information. In the high schools we had a home room system, there was a representative from the home room and he was exposed to those people all the time; whether or hot they made use of that opportunity, there was the potential for easy communication, -for all types of feedback and dialogue. That situation doesn’t exist at the university. There’s no effective way either, for council reps to address their constituents or for their constituents to address them and I don’t know any real way to solve this. There are a few minor things that can be done but it’s going to involve a process where the council members are going to have to take an interest in trying to solve these problems; and I think any council member who is not interested in trying to improve the situation which exists here and isn’t willing to invest some time in helping us to experiment the fine ways td produce communication, shouldn’t be on the council. There has been a problem where the council seems to be partially reflective of the student body, in that there’s an unw<illingness to-get involved in things. This may be either because certain council members aren’t inierested or because they don’t see the council operating effectively enough for it to be worthwhile for them to invest their time. Any executive who comes in should try to talk to each one of them and find out the people who have too many commitments to school, too many commitments to other things-it’s understandable that they can’t do much inthe federation and it would be best that they-would leave so that they could devote all their energy to it. But anybody who is interested in doing things with the council and interested in experimenting and developing new roads of communication, I can see it being worthwhile for them to invest a lot of time. THE CHEVRON: Do you see the student federation as a viable agency for social change? What connection do you see between’ the university and the community? CHISAMORE: As a viable means of social change? In its own way, yeah, I think it can be. I think it can awaken students who want to find can get a good look at politics and conferences an.d this is how big time politics works. Also you get to know the runnings of a corporation-because it is a corporation and it does have a quarter million dollars a year to spend. This is different than any other corporation because it doesn’t have to make money; the money is just given to it and then you spend it. / You see, students themselves are always radicals, they always have been radicals and they always will be radicals. Right. Because students seem to have a lot of time to lay around and think; like once you’re working

nine to five you’re usually pissed off by five o’clock and _ you don’t want to think anyhow-you want to go and drink beer and go to bed, or watch TV and get entertained. Students seem to have a lot of time where they can just think about society in general and where it’s headed. l think the federation could be a viable output of this thinking. I’m positive it can be, as soon as the students realize that it can be, that they have a voice on the federation-they don’t have a voice singly but they do have a voice in mass. And if they can get together they can say something. As for the second part of the question, we can’t segregate ourselves completely from the community, but I think the Federation of Students in the-first place should interest itself with student problems-on the campus-getting our educational system changed so it’s better and then after we’ve started into that, and we’re working in that, we can look to the community and say, “well, what’s wrong with the community”, and maybe we can make some major social adjustments in the community. ’ ROBERTS: The universities seem, in a large part, to exist separate as much as they can, from the immediate communities and don’t relate to the society except through certain limited levels of the society or of the community, through certain government, business and industrial channels and I think this is really ridiculous. It , probably reflects the general social system and its makeup. If you go right down to the class room level, where people are working with surveys or experiments with statistics, too often the work we’re doing while we’re learning, the work itself is sort of a ‘busy’ work, it’s a rehash of so much that has been done. It is not really worthwhile; -we’re learning methods, but there is no content in what we’re doing. This is not making use of the community as a resource, academically, to do this, because disregarding what we may have to-contribute to the community, every time we work at any type of method or any type of study, we should be trying to go right out and get first-hand, field information. The students of the university, as far as keeping drawn j to critical issues, I think can be an element of social change, but I don’t think it is something that we can necessarily control. We can determine where we stand in relation to issues and what our values are, and then we can hammer away stubbornly at them. I think that in the end it will have effect, but I don’t think that it is going to be something that is going to come back to us in concrete steps, something that a lot of us are looking for, and I guess what we depend upon to get our energy. In a sense we have to determine what we are going to do and just go in that direction, constantly re-examining what we are doing, in case we are making a mistake. But just because we aren’t getting results it doesn’t mean that we should give up trying to be an agent in the society. photo by brian cere

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