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Eleanor Pelrine on abortion “King Pierre has held the carrot in front of the Canadian electorate on yet another issue.” Trudeau, Eleanor Pelrine told about 40 people at UW tuesday, after many promises of an imminent parliamentary debate on the abortion issue and the ‘reform’ law, is now crying “murder” and “no concensus.” Pelrine, author of a book called “Abortion in Canada”, places the blame for the chaotic situation surrounding the abortion issue squarely on the government. Since her book was published two years ago, she has travelled the country speaking to interested groups and calling for the repeal of all abortion laws. She bases her argument on the premise that abortion is a matter of individual choice and individual decision. “It wonders me?” Pelrine says gently, “that those women who have the traditional role in society of raising children do not have the choice of having them.” A large, attractive woman who speaks smoothly and intelligently, she stood for election in the recent federal election in the Eglinton riding in Toronto, where she opposed Mitchell Sharpe, “self appointed chief apologist for Pierre Trudeau”. Although she believes that needed social reforms are possible through the electoral system of party politics, she has plenty of criticism for her own party, the NDP as well as for the governing Liberals. While sticking fairly strictly to her abortion topic, she admitted to “paranoia” about ‘ ‘King Pierre’ ’ and his powerful cohorts. She hopes to convince the NDP’s upper echelon in Ottawa which is now in the position of holding the balance of power in Parliament, that abortion is a major national issue. She notes, however, that the party leadership is none too close to her own views on the matter, even though NDP policy favors repeal. NDP governments in Manitoba and Saskatchewan were criticized for their lack of action on the issue, though Pelrine holds higher hopes for B.C. Pelrine noted that the government attempts to place the blame for the failure of the abortion law on the “conservative medical profession”, when, in fact, “the law was not working at all”. The

Canadian Medical Association, Psychiatric Association, and various provincial and community have all come out in support of repeal. The present law, said Pelrine, “places an impossible burden on women and the medical profession”. Referring to the bureaucracy involved in obtaining a therapeutic abortion through the hospital boards, she denied the necessity for the medical paperwork involved as well as -the damaging psychological ordeal for the women who waits for the fate of her unwanted pregnancy to be decided by three unknown people, in many cases, men. . She estimates that only half the hospitals in Canada with at least a one-hundred-bed capacity have set up therapeutic abortion committees. “Many hospitals refuse to establish committees because they are ‘religious’ hospitals, even though they are publicly finanted.” Those hospitals which do have the structures usually also have quotas limiting the number of abortions done in any given period. Also the standards for approval of therapeutic abortions vary with the individual committees. Pelrine notes that of an estimated 100-150,000 women who will seek to end unwanted pregnancies in Canada this year, only 50,000 will receive legal abortions here. Some will travel to the states or elsewhere, others will turn to illegal, often dangerous methods, and still others will go through with nine months of pregnancy to give the child up for adoption or keep it and try to deal with the backlog of resentment imposed by the unwanted responsibility. The lengthy question period which involved a discussion with two of the few men in the audience on the question of life and the


University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 13, number 23 friday, 10 november, 1972

foetus elicited a comment from Pelrine “people who split hairs with me about when life begins are inevitably male”. She agreed that she was advocating “snuffing out potential life, and I make no apology for that.” Abortion in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, she said, is safer than tonsillectomy and ends that “potential life” before it is capable of independent survival or even bears much resemblance to the human form. It is important, she said, to consider the woman involved, .her family and other children, and the economic and social environment into which that unwanted child-would be born. Repeal of the abortion laws, Pelrine feels could lead to the establishment of clinics specifically designed to perform abortions in safe and sterile medical conditions on an outpatient basis. She recognizes the need for an effective program of birth control education and availability, but in the final analysis, the decision of when to bear a child belongs to the woman involved and to her alone. -liz


East withdraws


student union

OTTAWA (CUP+On november 5, delegates from about 40 Canadian universities and community colleges established a new national student union, but not before representatives from Quebec and the Atlantic provinces had walked out. Creation of the National Union of Students Association Nationale des Etudiants (NUS ANES) followed three days of protracted, and sometimes tedious debate on a constitution proposed by a fourmember steering committee, set up at a previous conference at Windsor last May . But the fledgling organization’s

future is uncertain because potential members must conduct referendums on their campuses before being allowed to join. Although a few student councils have already authorized their delegates to join the new union, only Simon Fraser University has conducted the necessary referendum. Delegates authorized the “central committee” or executive of the NUS to solicit grants from potential members to finance its formative stages. The only committment made at the conference was a grant of $1000 from the University of British Columbia student-council. The Quebec-Atlantic provinces walkout occurred after delegates reached a bitter impasse over methods of membership in the new union. Quebec representatives, who came from the English-speaking universities and some English and French CEGEPS, demanded representation based on region. Loyola, which introduced the proposal wanted all NUS delegates to be appointed by regional student unions, with all five regions of Canada having equal voting power. They were especially adamant that their representation come from the growing Front des Etudiants du Quebec (FEQ), rather than from individual institutions. The Loyala proposal drew on the example of FEQ where Quebec is divided into six regional government bodies. The regions elect a maximum of 100 delegates to a general assembly, but representation is not based on population. Montreal has about 60 percent of the students but only 30 assembly delegates and other regions have at least eleven. The Quebec delegates contended that the method prevents one power bloc from controlling the organization. Each region must meet before an assembly meeting to develop positions scheduled for discussion at the assembly. -continued

on page 2

Results of Federation Presidential Election 2,222 students voted, representing 19 per cent of the student body. Shane Roberts 1129 votes (50.3 per cent) John Chisamore 1093 votes (49.7 per cent) Breakdown cent]




Eleanor Peirine listens attentively to a questioner Women’s Coalition for Repeal of the Abortion

during Laws.

a discussion

on abortion


by the K-W

Env. St. Arts I.S. Science St. Jer. Eng, (in and out term) Renison Math



67 61 83 60 46 50

33 39 40 54 50

50 35

50 65




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New union from page 1 The proposed constitution called for representation from individual institutions based on two votes per school. The plan was favoured by most delegates from the west and Ontario, but it was amended to a modif ied representation by population formula after the walkout. The Atlantic provinces wanted representation from provincial organizations, with each province having equal voting power. The Maritimers feared the organization could become controlled by Ontario and Quebec under representation by population with insufficient attention paid to Atlantic region problems. They also claimed representation by institution would - result in too unwieldy a body. Having been voted down overwhelmingly (16-73-8) Friday, november 3, the Atlantic delegates supported the Quebec proposal, but it was defeated by a vote of 2754-11, Saturday morning. A compromise then began to emerge as Ontario and British Columbia delegates appeared willing to allow each province the right to appoint its members to NUS as it chose. A measure to allow schools to give their regional or provincial associations their proxy votes gained wide support and was eventually passed. Although the delegates came close to agreement on methods of delegate selection, the conference wered over the allocation of delegates to - various regions and provinces. Just after the‘ Quebec ‘proposal for regional representation was defeated, the University of Guelph introduced a motion declaring that both institutional and regional appointments were valid methods of delegate selection. Most delegates west of the Ottawa River hoped that this,. along with proxy voting proposal, would sufficiently appease Quebec the and Maritimes . Immediately after the Saturday lunch break, delegates overwhelmingly approved the Guelph declaration. Cameron then introduced his plan, but it was immediately at tacked for giving over-representation to the Atlantic provinces. “If the Maritime provinces are going to get 24 per cent of the votes then I wonder if they are willing to pay 24 per cent of the fees,” Susan Geason, admmistrative assistant of the University of Toronto part-time student council said. The University of Alberta threatened to withdraw if the proposal passed. The prairie delegates, who had strongly rejected the regionalism concept, caucussed and produced a plan for modified rep by pop-one vote for continued

every XKN) students in an institution or fraction thereof. The Atlantic delegates angrily rejected this plan and McGill and Bishop’s universities made a counter-proposal which the prairies and many in Ontario and BC found equally unacceptable. The plan called for a 166member organizational assembly of which 36 delegates would be chosen on the basis of three per province, and 70 would be allocated by provincial student population. Cameron accepted it. But the proposal contained a contentious preamble which said “recognizing that representation by institution is an artificial and unjust standard, and that representation by strict population is equally prejudicial. ” The preamble antagonized delegates who wanted strict institutional representation and appeared to apolarize them against any regional percentage proposal.

Caucus and compromise The two dissenting regions immediately caucussed. Delegates were sharply divided on whether the new proposal was acceptable. Then, Carleton University council president Bruce Cameron, who served on the national steering committee, entered the caucus room with a compromise proposal. The proposal, which originated with BC delegates, could have united the delegates because the Quebec-Maritime caucus gladly accepted it, but its failure amid angry recriminations wrecked NUS as an initially Canada-wide organization. The Cameron plan would have allowed each province to determine its mode of representation but would have divided the size of

representation as follows: 6 per cent to each of the four Atlantic provinces, 20 per cent to Quebec, 26 per cent to Ontario, 7 per cent to each of the three prairie provinces and 15 per cent to BC. Chairman Dan Boisvert from Loyola University ruled the McGill proposal out of order. Cameron challenged the chair but the ruling was upheld 49 to 19, with 29 delegate votes, mostly from the Maritimes, abstaining. At this point, Dawson CEGEP from Montreal walked out, saying “this conference has proven to us that the federal concept of representation within the present boundaries of Canada ~cannot permit democratic process.” Amid considerable uproar and confusion, Cameron’s original percentage proposal was rejected and the prairie rep by pop’plan was accepted. Tom LeRoy from St. Thomas University in Fredericton then walked to the microphone and read. a biblical quotation from Isaiah, referring to the decay of civilization. When he finished, the delegates representing the six Atlantic Province schools at the conference walked out together. They spent the rest of the day caucussing among themselves and with other delegates, sounding out the possibilities of eventuaklv joining the national body. The Memorial delegation from University of Newfoundland later wrote to the remaining delegates wishing them well and hoping MUN would join at a later date. Immediately after the eastern walkout, most of the 11 Quebec Chairman delegations left. Boisvert left with them, to be replaced by David Dick from UBC. “We’ve got to start somewhere,” Simon Fraser representative and steering committee member Michael Warsh said. “We must continue to form this organizatbn and by starting small, we will build

10 novemljer,


to cut the number of general NUS meetings from two to one a year by a vote of 16-28-18. In a controversial move, they added a by-law which requires onehalf of all NUS standing and special committees be composed, of women. The vote was 24-16-8 with such traditionally conservative student councils as University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon campus and York University voting for it. They also ruled community colleges must be represented on committees in the same proportion as their NUS voting power. Only 24 institutions were left when the constitution was approved. The walkouts cut the size from 51 to 39 and other schools left to catch trains or to catch the attractions of Ottawa. Schools which stayed throughout the conference and indicated interest in joining NUS and which went on record as approving the constitution were UBC, Simon Fraser, University of Victoria, Columbia College, Caribou College, Vancouver City College, Camosin College, Douglas College, Capilano College, and New Caledonia College from British our strength. I urge the remaining Columbia; the University of delegates mostly from Ontario, the Saskatchewan Saskatoon and prairies and BC to remain and Regina campuses ; the University proceed.” of Manitoba and University of Winninpeg ; the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Victoria College of University of Toronto, Glendon College, Atkinson College, Lakehead, Trent, Carleton and York universities, the universities of Ottawa, Windsor and Guelph, And proceed they did. Through along with the U of T part-time more than five hours of seemingly students’ council, all from Onendless wrangles over amendtario; and Champlain CEGEP ments to the proposed confrom St. Lambert, Quebec. stitution; some major, but most Except for brief appearances, minor. The constitution was not the University of Alberta student finally adopted until late Sunday council reps left after the chairmorning. man addressed them in French. Cameron left the meeting after The U of T undergraduate reps the walkouts, because he had lost played no role, although they his credibility with the remaining delegations. He did not play a popped in and out from time to time. Quebec’s Vanier CEGEP and major role in the conference again until Sunday during the elections to John Abbott CEGEP left observers the central committee, when he throughout. All Atlantic schools appeared ran and was defeated twice for willing to negotiate further and member-at-large and for said they would return to their’ treasurer. student councils to discuss it. An The remaining delegates Atlantic student union conference changed the proposed name of the will be held november 18-19 in organization from National and the NSU wiIl be Association of Students to National : Charlottetown on the agenda. Union of Students. The word “associatien”was retained in the NSU central committee representatives are Warsh from French for translation purposes. They also adopted Declaration of BC, Roy Ellis and Jerry Tr’inker from Saskatchewan, the Canadian Student, which Jack Kushnier from Lakehead, Ontario, formerly served as part of the and members-at-large Teri Ball Canadian Union of, Students’ from UBC and Lin Gibson from constitution. University of Manitoba. Russell In the context of this year’s Freethy from University of Vicstruggle against governmenttoris was elected treasurer. ordered fee increases and student The committee is trying to award difficulties, the declaration organize a policy conference for seemed particularly appropriate. february when it hopes a It includes the clause, “The significant number of institutions Canadian student has the right to wilI have joined NUS through be free to continue his education referendums. Only resolutions without any material, economic, which have received three weeks social or psychological barriers, notice before a meeting can be created by the absence of real considered NUS policy. Otherwise equality of essential conditions.” they must be approved by member Delegates beat back an attempt student councils after the meeting.

Endless wrangling


10 november,



St. Jerome’s

Ancien regime liv& on The decision of the St. Jerome’s college council on the distribution of the salary increases for the personnel employed by the college is interesting in its rejection of a certain proposal put before it. A committee had been studying the question for some time and had come forward with a scheme, until now, unheard of in the university community. Having negotiated a seven per cent increase over last year, the question of how that was to be distributed was approached. Outside the academic community, a seven per cent increase would be meted out to all personnel. Thus the employee sitting comfortably at $30,000 would receive his seven per cent, while the janitor working for $6,000 would also get seven per cent. Continued application of this approach rapidly increases the disparity in wage levels throughout an organization. Among academics this disparity is compounded by the use of merit pay, the reward presented to those on faculty who manage to publish ‘learned’ articles. An interesting point in the for discussion of salaries academics, is that as far as merit pay is concerned, the University of Waterloo has the highest rate of relegated to these increase rewards among all Canadian The faculty universities. association pressed for this year’s increase to take the following form: of the negotiated increase of 6 per cent, 3.5 per cent should be allocated for merit pay, while the remaining 2.5 per cent should be distributed to all faculty as a cost of living increase. The question that comes to mind is : what is this institution-a teaching establishment or a publishing house? The proposal forwarded by the committee looking . into the question of increase distribution was uniquely enlightened when considered in the light of the institution which fostered it-a hierarchical university college. The basis of the proposal was simply to take the 7 per cent allotted and divide it by the total number of employees working at the college, and then give each of them the same monetary increase. This represents a major departure from the norm; no percentage increase, and no merit pay. The cumulative effect of such a policy would be the narrowing of the disparity and the imposition of a much more egalitarian salary structure. However, when this proposal met its test before the college council, consisting of representatives of staff, faculty and students, the results were both


disappointing and revealing. The understandable opposition posed by the more senior faculty members and administration had been expected. The destruction of the hierarchy is directly detrimental to their position. The opposition posed by some of the staff and clergy was more of a surprise; one wonders about the motives of these two groups in opposing a proposition of the egalitarian dimensions represented here. The clergy’s stance is particularly interesting, as one considers the religious and philosophical implications involved in their decision. The deciding vote was 14 ’ opposed, with 12 in favour. The staff did not vote, and were excluded from. the final solution. For staff, the increase will be along the percentage basis, with the increase for faculty worked out separately. The money allotted for faculty salary increases, in the end, will be distributed roughly along a half and half division, with half of the money being distributing as merit pay, and the other half divided equally among those concerned. The emergence of the committee’s proposal is indeed encouraging and the prospects for future settlement will have to take this approach into account. As far as the entire Canadian university community is concerned, nothing along these lines has ever been considered, and as far as St. Jerome’s college is concerned, the question will no doubt arise again during the next salary negotiations. -john


Economic conference at UW The university of Waterloo will be holding it’s first major economics conference this weekend, Saturday through tuesday. The conference, titled “Policy Formation : Canada” will include “senior people from the academic world” government, labour, industry and the world of finance”. This collection of up to 150 of Canada’s economic elite will be discussing such topics as how the entering of the UK into the Common Market will affect Canadian trade patterns, and the Canadian economy’s involvement with that of the United States. The conference, organized by Dr. R. A. Mundell, chairman of the economics department, is being jointly sponsored by the university, Ford Motor Co of Canada, Ltd, the International Acceptance Corporation Ltd, and IBM Canada Ltd. _ “We have been particularly fortunate in the timing of this conference, which has been in the many planning stages for months” Mundell said. “Coming immediately after the national elections, it can contribute a fresh outlook into some of Canada’s most pressing economic problems.” Mundell refered to a number of factors affecting the Canadian ecomony ; new enlarged trading blocs, more agressive U.S. and Common Market trade policies, and new Canadian isolation in international economic affairs. He also pointed out that international competition is becoming increasingly tougher and Canada is going to have to develop new policies to avoid being absorbed completely. In Mundell’s opinion, “not all the developments are completely unfavorable, of course, but it is time to rethink some of the basic precepts of the past.”

QCLU opposes Bill 51 MONTREAL (CUPI)-The Quebec Civil Liberties Union (QCLU) is awaiting an answer from Quebec justice minister Jerome Choquette on its demand for the repeal of bill 51, popularly known as the “permanent War Measures Act”. The bill, quickly bulled through the National Assembly at the end of the spring session, give a mixed police-judicial commission sweeping powers of search and seizure against “organized crime, terrorism and sedition.” QCLU president Jean-Louis Roy, who is also director of the French Canada studies program at McGill University, said the QCLU objects to the haste with which the bill was passed and to the lack of real discussion in the National Assembly. Roy hopes to organize opposition to the bill in Quebec. He and other QCLU members will meet with leaders of Quebec’s political parties next week to obtain explanations of their positions. “We are firmly determined not to come back from the meetings with the parties with vague answers,” Roy declared. The QCLU disagrees_ with the way organized crime, terrorism and “sedition” are mixed together in the new law. “The motivations behind these three activities and their social impact are very difRoy said. “You’ll never ferent,” have a social consensus agreeing with organized crime, but you may find a consensus agreeing with some terrorist activities.” He gave the example of the “October crisis” when the federal government was saying terrorist acts had some support in Quebec. “That is why it sent in the troops.” also referred to the ROY Palestinian reaction to the Munich incident. “We say the Munich terrorism was wrong, but many Palestinians support the guerillas. ” Therefore the QCLU’s position is

that “if the government wants to organize a commission on organized crime, it should be completely separate from permanent measures against terrorism and ‘sedition’ “. The QCLU also objects to the composition of the commission which, it believes, creates “even more confusion than there already is between judicial and police activities in Quebec.” “We believe that the police and judicial powers should be separated,” Roy said. The QCLU strongly opposes the “anonymity” of the commission, which is allowed to carry out search and seizure raids without a warrant, but which is “not obliged to answer any questions about its activities for 90 days.” “They are not even obliged to say it was their action,” Roy pointed out. “If they decided to raid the McGill Daily and seize documents for example, they could do it, and nobody could ask them why.” The first such raids have likely already occurred. The offices of Agence de Presse Libre du Quebec, the Mouvement Pour la Defence des Prisonniers Politiques and the Cooperative de Demenagement were all burglarized> a few weeks ago by persons unknown. Only files and political literature were taken : valuable equipment was left untouched. If the police did it, they’re not saying, at least not for 90 days.

UIC screws library worker Then there is the story of the woman who, after paying into the “new Unemployment Insurance Plan” and undergoing the appropriate “process’‘-didn’t get it anyway-and more. Beverly Robertson has a job in the UW Library which she was

( htwron


forced to leave temporarily because she was pregnant, a tragic happenstance in view of the bureaucratic forces she was about to encounter---cosmic forces. To qualify for the benefit she was told to get a notice of separation from her employer, UW, which she attempted to do early to save time and hassle. But the employer told her that she couldn’t get a notice of separation until she was separated. So Beverly waited until she was separated. This was on October 9. Later, experts at minipulation of the process told her she could have beaten all the mess by quitting six w eks earlier. She didn’t want to l o this because the university doesn’t hold jobs open for any longer than six weeks leave I of absence. So by that suggestion she wouldn’t quite have had time to give birth to her child, much less take care of it-a dilemma indeed. Upon separation, she was told that the employer would send her notice of separation along to the other bureaucracy. And she needed a certificate to certify that she was pregnant-so she got that and, after finding that the employer hadn’t sent her separation notice to the unemployment people, she took the notice down herself with the certification of pregnancy. With that done she proceeded to wait out the two weeks during which the Unemployment Insurance Commission doesn’t pay benefits-and she had her child. She also didn’t receive the report card that was to come just prior to getting her benefit-and didn’t receive her benefit. So she phoned and was told that the files would be checked and she would be notified-and wasn’t. Her husband phoned and was told that the files would be checked and he would receive word-he didn’t. He phoned again and was told that each time he phoned he caused a delay in the process. But he phoned again anyway and was told that the files were lost. Still, all was not lost. Divine intercession intercededRobertson’s husband had friends in the Ottawa bureaucracy-the file was processed. Not yet however was the benefit to come. By the time this process was finished, Beverly was ready to return to work. This meant that she was now employed and was no longer eligible for unemplyment insurance benefits. She had received her last paycheck on October 7 and wasn’t to recei-de another until the end of december This is because she is not employed at the university until monday and she misses the count for this month’s pay; and next month’s pay doesn’t appear until the end of next month. And she can’t register a few days early for this month’s count due to insurmountable problems with regulations and red tape. Now she must pay the usual portion of this month’s paycheck towards her various benefits in order to keep them up. Except that she doesn’t get a paycheck out of which to pay that portion because she isn’t working for the university yet. This means that she now owes the Unemployment Insurance Commission and assorted other friends about $30. Ah, the joys of technocratic state welfare institutions. -dudley





Birth Control

Eichler agreed that no problems had been aired on the campus, but said she would be surprised if the committee did not discover disparaties similar to those investigated elsewhere. A report presented to the AUCC last week. said that women are

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rights? The UW presidential advisory committee on equal rights for women and men seems to have been set up to fulfil1 an information gathering function rather than in response to any overt demand. According to administration president Bert Matthews, the need for the committee was sparked by information requested by the Association of Universities and Colleges in Canada (AUCC) standing committee on the status for women. “Sometimes the questionnaires involved considerable work to find the answers,” he said. The committee structure was seen as a way to aid Margrit Eichler University of Waterloo’s liaison person with the AUCC committee. Professor Eichler of the department of sociology and anthropology now chairs the Waterloo equal rights committee. Other members include Professor E. J. Ashworth, philosophy ; Dean G. Kenyon, faculty of human kinetics and leisure studies; Carol Vogt, computing centre, Paul Wiens, library; and two students yet to be named. Most universities in Canada have a committee similar to the one set up at Waterloo, Matthews said. But none seem to have been formed in response to a serious problem on campus, but rather to gather information. “We may uncover some problems,” he added.

~~er!~~~ LhXroZEn bZ t:Z efforts were being made to correct this. The report also noted that a survey of Canadian universities found there were either no differences in salary or fringe benefits based on sex, or differences were being corrected. But the problem does not just lie with equal pay. The numbers of women compared to men employed 1 as faculty, attending graduate schools and in honors versus general programs will also be under investigation. Staff employment as well as faculty is under the terms of reference for the committee. The committee may make recommendations for policy changes as well as suggest structures to facilitate the end of equal rights. Student members have not yet been appointed and Matthews noted he was waiting for the new federation president to take office before approaching him to appoint students. -deanna


Circle K

The U of W club is one of hundreds of clubs which work with the community and with the university itself. Every September Circle K runs a used book store, providing an inexpensive source for textbooks, which may be extended into the winter term to facilitate co-op students. For students who are interested in part-time work, Circle K has a list of part-time jobs around Kitchener-Waterloo. These jobs range from babysitting and gardening to hospital work and salesman work. Job listings are updated weekly and posted in the campus centre and at their office (M&C 3040). For hitch-hikers and drivers who dislike driving alone, Circle K has a ride service box situated in the campus centre. Where you can find out who is going your way or wants to be going your way. For the community, the club supplies tour guides to show visitors around campus and helps run blood donor clinics every term in conjunction with the Red Cross. In addition, the club has donated 100 cassette tapes to the “Talking Books” program initiated by the National Institute for the Blind. Books are recorded on tapes so that the blind people in K-W can enjoy books which aren’t published in braille. Circle K partakes in many activities outside of these. If you are interested in working in the community or university, attend one of their meetings held each monday at 6 pm in CC room 113.

services November 5-11 is international Circle K week. The Circle K club is an international service-oriented organization affiliated with Kiwanis International, available for university students interested in service work.

The Chevron needs people interested in contributing to the newspaper’s photography. If you are interested in come in photography and in the content of the Chevron, and help us out. We are in the campus centre. Ask to talk . to a photo co-ordinator.


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We have new hours:


10 november,



0.F.S. Call to demonstrate NOVEMBER 21, Queen’s Park more information

coming *

Federation of Students



10 november,


tlit1 ( hfwron


Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Lettersmustbe typedona3Zchara-


c ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with cpurse year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

Against pessimism Jim Legge’s brief vomitting of blatant prejudice for an american professor in “Bear Ecology” fails to enhance his otherwise acceptably written article. What irked me was not only did Legge minimize the significance of the conservationists’ victory in the Lake Louise conflict, he reveals total pessimism through his comment that “‘citizen participation’ in planning will continue to be a futile circus.” What sort of enriching attitude is, “what’s the use ?” And who is he to say it is all futile? Is he a concerned conservationist? If people can prevent the corporation’s prostitution of park land for the elite skier then what is so wrong or hopeless? Fighting for our ecology is a continuing struggle. We surely do not need outfield pessimism, particularly from the press. Legge, your attitude is a cop-out. Invest a little insight into the word “optimism”. And smile. don g. zielinski honours geog. I

Math Sot challenged I would just like to comment on the article, “Engineers Sportin the last issue of the smen” chevron (volume 13, no. 22, friday, november 3, 1972) in the feedback column. I would like to say that I agree completely with the math people who wrote the article and stated that “the Homecoming Parade was an excellent one, being well organized and well run”, but that is the one and only point we agree on. The first point we disagree on is that the engineers were responsible for the mess. To begin with, we had nothing to do with demolishing our own float. It was not “a couple of drunks” that knocked a couple of boxes off the float but a number of people from other floats that released their built up frustrations on our entry. The second point about two engineers on the sound system yelling “obscenities and threats in retalliation”, was totally misconstrued. Rather the person on the microphone was myself. I simply stated that it wasn’t funny, was not appreciated in the least as we were going to use the float on the campus grounds, and that considerable number of manhours had gone into making the float. Thirdly, the writers of the article certainly implied that we were out to get first place and nothing else. Obviously this is partly correct, why enter a competition if you do not plan to do your best? The fact is though, that when we saw the other floats, I did not feel that we would get first, and in fact the people who place second in my (and others present > opinion should have received first. The reason we

would not accept any prize was because of the reaction we received at the end of the parade. If our president was allowed to us6 the loud speaker facilities, when we were to be awarded the prize, I believe that the motive for rejection would have been cleared up then and there, but for some unknown reasons the people running the parade would not let him explain our reason for rejecting any prize. Fourthly, on the point that it was a “worn out” theme, I admit, we did use similar construction materials as last year, however in a completely different manner and configuration, constructing the “Good Ship Eng. Sot.” and boasting “we are, we are, we are, we are the engineers”, but then again what are engineers known for most? Next, concerning making arrangements to get beer cases. the balloon, and the sound system, it did take a lot of time and effort, were not and those boxes prefabricated or assembled. About 250 man hours went into the actual building of the float, so it did take a lot of work. My last point is this, what would you have done if you saw your float being wrecked by a number of other participants after you had spent a lot of time and effort on it? Sit back and do nothing? I doubt it. I hope this clarifies some of the points that appeared in the article from Math Society. It’s unfortunate that a few members of the Math Society find the need to resume unnecessary friction between the two societies, contrary to the opinion of the student body. bob satnik mech eng 2a

P.S. It might be noted that when one of the writers of the math article was approached and put straight on a few points by Eng. Sot. he didn’t have much to say.

Easy enumeration It was with great interest that I read the sad tale of Stephen Clodman (feedback, act. 20) concerning the hassles he had trying to himself enumerated. Being on a work term in northern Alberta, I could not return to my native Kitchener to exercise my franchise. So, come enumeration time, I had myself registered at the camp where I have temporary residence. It was a relatively simple procedure, all I did was give my name and occupation. Come election day, I just said my name and was allowed to vote. If I hadn’t been enumerated,. all I would have had to do was state my name and occupation while playing with a bible. The surprising aspect was the number of non-eligible voters who voted. As long as you lived in camp, you could vote. I must admit, a lot of the ineligible voters had a better knowledge of Canadian politics than those who could vote. Undoubtedly, this was a unique situation, but it goes to show that there are places where a “simple and fair procedure” exists even if it is slightly abused. mike arnold 2b them. eng.

Federation of Students is accepting applications for Editor(s) of a Campus Magazine of un knohn character, e.g. literary, cultural, informational, etc.

Coach takes umbrage Further to your article on track last week, perhaps I should comment on the trackmen’s claims that the athletic department’s attitude was the main reason for our eclipse in the OUAA championships and the failure of some of our athletes to turn out. The athletes from Waterloo who chose to compete in the championships were squarely beaten by a better combination of other athletes. We were not the team of yesteryear. On the suface it was not so apparent, but we really had neither the athletes, ability, nor the will to sustain the dynasty that had already produced four consecutive championship teams. Sure we left a number of points back on campus-this is a healthy sign. It means that athletes have the freedom of choice and there is no way that anyone should have the power to deny that right. This year, perhaps more than in previous years, lines of communication were open to all parties concerned with a ready ear to listen to problems and by and large, we had a sympathetic response to our needs. Having said that, it is as well to understand the possible course of such misunderstandings. That is the position of track and field viz a viz “major” and “minor” sports in the sociological context of the current philosophies of most athletic departments. The very nature of track and field as a sport generates conflict with the establishment, by virtue of the incompatibility of values totally out of context with the development of “major sport” athletes. Inherent in “major sports” is a tendency to preserve a social status quo by the production of hungry members of’ an ever material-hungry society. Important is the fact that track is basically an individual sport with different disciplines and commitments, producing an athlete who rarely needs or wants the material reinforcements of our society. This in turn, gives the athlete an uninhibited freedom of mind and action not prevalent in most “major” sports. Also, in the case of runners particularly, there is a contiguity that tends to increase the intensity of this state producing, to my mind, the very essence of “athlete” in the noblest form. Unfortunately, the reason that track and field may always be a “minor” sport is that social pressures in our educational system may well prohibit schools from any choice in the matter as witnessed in the U.S. schools athletic programmes which are almost demonic in the pursuit of athletic perfection for material gain which, for most athletes in “major” sports, means the forfeiture of their very souls. What I am saying is that contingent upon the above premise, the relationship of the athletic department to the track and field intercollegiate programme here is as good as some and better than most-all things considered. Changes will be a long. time coming, but change we must, for we epitomize some of the ills of our society. arthur h. g. taylor varsity track coach

No salary will be paid, however there is a $3500 budget for the magazine Send Applications In Writing Before Nov. 17 To:

David Villeneuve Federation of Students Campus Centre

. . ..SafeZy! x

’ westmaunt pharmacy

place 578-8800

open weekly 9 am-10 pm Sundays & holidays 11 am-9 pm Free Delivery __--.


LITTLE SHORT STOP STORE 223 Weber Street North (University at Weber) -_ OPEN 9A.M.g 11 P.M.

One free loaf

Buttermaid bread with purchase of bag or jugs milk.


6 the



council has not made a decision since many council members have resigned lately and have not yet been replaced. The University of Waterloo student council decided October 25 not to support the demonstration either. Attempting to comply with OFS requests for a “united front”, council decided that if a demonstration is called, Waterloo people would participate as much as they could * However, council was reluctant to support the action with the small interest shown on the campus on the issue of tuition and loan hikes. Only 15 percent of the student body TORONTO (CUP)-Ontario voted in the OFS referendum on students will demonstrate against the issue. tuition fees and loan hikes outside Meanwhile at U of T, the Victoria Queen’s Park at the opening of the College Students’ Administrative Ontario legislature november 21. Council (VUSAC) executive has The turnout may be small, decided to, take over the task of ‘however, since three large student trying to organize a demonstration unions have refused to participate. from the main SAC. The University of Toronto, VUSAC president Gord Barnes University of Western Ontario, and said the executive was angry with Queen’s University represenSAC’s decision. He is sending a tatives voted against the action at letter to all U of T campus student the Ontario Federation of Students, councils asking them to “commit (OFS) meeting *in late October. yourselves to this action to the Since the meeting, both U of T’s greatest possible extent.” student administrative council . The letter states Barnes thinks (SAC) and Queen’s student council “U of T’s participation in such a have voted against participation in demonstration is a necessary and the demonstration. UWO’s student integral component of the

OFS demo on





Graduation Portrait Special Each package, offer includes the sitting fee and the retouching of one negative of your choice from a selection of Black and White proofs. Retouching extra negatives $3.00 each.


$32.50 No. 2 Package

& WHITE No. 1 Package

3 - 8x10 B&W mounted

No. 2 Package

2 - 5x7 B&W mounted



$22.50 4 - 5x7 mounted 6 - 4x5 unmounted


$26.50 No. 3 Package

1 - 8x10 mounted 3 - 5x7 mounted

1 - 8x10 B&W mounted 3 - 5x7 B&W mounted

No. 3 Package


2 - 8x10 mounted 2 - 5x7 mounted 4 - 4x5 unmounted

Block buster event. Albert Weber coop has first annual preSentatiOn banquet nov. 12. Problemes avec des tours de francais? For assistance based on considerable experience with the French language call Ruth 884-3148.

Guitar 1970 Gibson S.G. standard, perfect condition, Humbucking pickups. Ask $300. Steve 884-3468. One Underwood 21 typewriter. Seldom used. Originally $140 asking $90. Call 885-0370 before 5 pm; after, call 7420067. Ask for Doug. ‘Voice of the Theatre’ speaker cabinets. Lansing speakers. $800 pair. 885-0845 ask for Paul Koegler. WANTED

FEDERATION OF STUDENTS Applications are invited for the following positions on the EXECUTIVE BOARD of the Federation of Students for the remainder of the 1972-73 term which ends Feb. 28, 1973. Vice-President (must be voting member of Students’ Council) Treasurer; Chairman, Creative Arts Board Chairman, Board of External Relations Chairman, Board of Education Chairman, Board of Student Activities Chairman, Board of Communications & Publications Chairman, Board of Cooperative Services Chairman, Board of Student Grievances Federation Critic-at-Large Speaker of Council written submitted November

applications stating qualifications to the undersigned not later 17, 1972 at 4:3O p.m.

should be than Friday

President-Elect Federation of Students

745-2420. Swivel office chair, new condition, half price. Ladies midi coat bought last winter. Also ladies tent coat both size 14. Phone 884-2873.

SPRING TERM RESIDENCE St. Paul’s College is now con- 1 sidering applications for Spring Term residence from students in co-op programs who are presently on campus. Inquiries should be directed to the College office. The Spring Term fee of $370. covers 7-days-occupancy and 5days’ mea Is.


province-wide fees action.” The fees issue is “simply the most critical to confront the university and,” Barnes declared. “We will give students a chance to vote with their feet,” Barnes said. He is “fairly optimistic we can get a turnout that will give government some indications of how students feel.” The initial reaction to VUSAC’s proposal has been favourable, he said. Also, U of T SAC may reconsider their decision at this week’s council meeting, according to one SAC representative. Of% general co-ordinator Craig Heron has said the demonstration is definitely on, with or without U of T participation. He told SAC last week that the withdrawal of the largest student body in the province, in addition to Western and Queen’s student councils, could have scuttled the plans. Fuel was added to the fees hike controversy last friday at the installation of Carleton University’s new president, Dr. Michael Oliver. “Raising university fees without compensatory adjustments in student aid to ensure continued accessibility for middle and low income families is avoiding a serious problem rather than solving it,” he said.

detached 5 bedroom house, on Bridgeport road across from Tower’s Plaza. $200 per month including utilities. Call 742-0067. Available immediately accommodation for male or female students. New townhouse, Lakeshore Village $44 per month. One free month. Previous occupants have paid april rent. Phone 884-3132. Two bedroom sublet january 4303.

FOR SALE For sale in good condition 2 step tables and 1 cocktail table $19. Drapes white background size 95 x 144” $8. Phone


Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. All classifleds must be paid in advance. Deadline is, tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.



1 - 8x10 oil coloured 1 - 8x10 B&W mounted 4 - 5x7 B&W mounted

10 november,

H-frame pack in good condition. Phone Andi 743-6719 before noon or sundays.

apartment furnished, to april. Phone 578-

One half of double room for rent. Kitchen and laundry facilities, close to university, male only. Call 884-1381.

TYPING Typing done, 35 cents per page. Call

576-0783. Typing done in my home, rates reasonable, near universities. Call 5762190. HOUSING


Attention co-op students 3 bedroom townehouse for rent may to august 73. Cheaper than residence, close to university. 884-7922. May





Girls-one place now available in towne house. Full use of home and equipment. No restrictions. Mrs Marion Wright 9-4 745-1111; evenings 885-1664. Furnished accommodation for three girls, own kitchen and bathroom facilities. Private entrance. Phone 8840916. HOUSING


Wanted to sublet january to april one three or four bedroom townhouse or apartment. Phone 885-0543..

Rap Room Volunteers HIVAL TRAINING SESSION Wed. Nov. 15, 1972 I 530 - 7:30 Counselling


in Student .Services

Buffet Supper






CEGEP . studmts may strike MONTREAL (CUPI)-Quebec community college students may strike this month to protest provincial laws affecting student enrolment at the CEGEPs. These laws would result in limiting CEGEP enrolments to students who can afford the education without outside employment during the school term. The Quebec government wants compulsory weekly class time increased to 45 hours, thus forcing working students to quit their jobs or quit school. The resultant decrease in working class students would contradict the original concept of





Cryogen Laboratories 5794400


the CEGEPs which was to move toward universal accessibility to higher education. The government nqw charges no tuition fees to CEGEP students which results in a solid working class student population. Another government proposal would give CEGEP administrators the right to exclude students they dislike. The proposal arises out of a student strike last spring after the general strike by the common front of labor unions, and probably as well, from student activism before and during the period of the War Measures Act crisis. The government attempted at the time to force students to make up days missed during the common front general strike which included CEGEP teachers. Students at the Rosemont CEGEP in Montreal walked out as well, and the Front des Etudiants du Quebec mobilized walk-outs across In the face of the province. organized student opposition, the government backed down. The FEQ itself was formed mainly because of the desire of CEGEP students for an organization capable of uniting them in common struggles. The french equivalent of the Canadian Union of Students, the Union Generale des Etudiants du Quebec (UGEQ) had disintegrated in March 1969. A system of regional representation was worked out in recognition of specific regional needs. It was designed to provide decentralized government and to guarantee, respect ‘and recognize the autonomy of each member region. Quebec schools’ insistence on regional representation led to the walkout of Quebec delegates from the founding conference of the -National Union of Students in Ottawa last weekend, when most delegates opted for a modified representation by population formula.


PREGNANT? Adoption i




National Family Planning Counfl,

The FEQ has defined itself as “the grouping of Quebec students which undertakes to defend the politic al, social, economic, cultural and pedagogical rights of the Quebec students as a social class”. At last report, the fledgling organization included some 42 CEGEPs, 26 private colleges and 11 universities, approximately three times as many member organizations as approved the NUS constitution. A meeting of the general assembly of the FEQ is to be held this weekend in Quebec City. At the meeting, Front delegates must decide how to assess and collect fees, and determine how the organization could finance a long struggle with the Quebec government in the event of a student strike.



NEED HELP? Services, Pregnancy Testing, Etc. . . .


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(Experiences in the Kitchener area from Just released-Now available in all local gift shops-$6.00 per copy A sequel to “Little Apples Will Grow Again”, area.

1928) @ookstores about


the Doon I

MATH WEEKEND FRI NOV. 10 12:00 noon-Free pub in the . Campus Centre 2:00 pm-Chess Tournament finals 8:30 pm-Pub Dance- in Food Services w-ith Cycle

SAT NOV. 11 10:00 am-Car

Entry Math

8:30 pm-Pub


The Chinese Student Association held their annual general meeting Entry on november 2. As of november 3, Math the new (executive for the current school year is as follows : president, Chuen Lok Lam ; vicepresident, Lily Choy ; secretary, Gee Kin Yeo; treasurer, . Bin Le Ly ; cultural convener, YauShing Wong; sport convener, Patrick Ho; publication, S-Chyn Lo.

Rally, Briefing in M & C 3002 Dance in Food Services with Yukon

forms available in the Sot off ice, M & C 3038.

9:00 am-Mixed forms available in the Sot office, M & C 3038.

Curling Bonspiel (2 games)

8:30 pm-Folk Concert, Village II Great Hall, withTigger & Joe Gemini;John Constant;Joyce Harper; ’ Admission $30 Mathies $.15


Btiwedffitiputispfing wateC # ~~/-“--‘---‘--~ “-.**,..--J’-,_------A‘. _ ..-._-..m-

And thatb the tath!




$ the





10 november,


, I.








TORONTO PRICES ON CAMPbS calI : 884-5169 884-5786 885-0936

This week on campus is u free column for the announcement of meetings, speciul seminars of speakers, social events and other huppenings on campus-student, foculfy of stuff. See the chevron secretary of call extension ‘233 1. Deadline is tuesdoy afternoons by 3 p.m.




lxthus coffee house. Coffee, tea, friendly people, live entertainment. Priceless. 9pm campus centre coffee shop.

Kinetic Gallery

Math Weekend free pub. campus centre pub area.

12 noon

Chess tournament finals. Sponsored by Math Weekend.


Free yoga class. 8pm CCllO. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society.

MONDAY Gay Liberation movement genera I meeting. Everyone welcome. 8pm cc113.

Free yoga class. 8 : 30-9 : 30am physed building, combatives room. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Soceity.

Free yoga class. 8: 30-9: 30am physed building, combative room. Sponsored by Ananda -Marga Yoga Society.

Rap room‘ volunteers final training session. Buffet supper. 5 : 30-7 :30pm Counselling Services, Student ServiCes building. .r

Art ’

CPL Forum. A member of the Canadian Party of Labour will conduct a forum dealing with Arab Liberation, Zionism and revolutionary movements in the Middle East. Everyone welcome. 8pm cc135. SATURDAY Swimming Athenas vs Guelph in the seasons opener. Come early for gallery only holds 400. Admission is free. 7pm u of w pool. lCar rally briefing in MC3002. loam. Entry forms available in Math Sot office MC3038. Sponsdred by Math Weekend. Pub dance with Yukon. 8:30pm food services. Sponsored by Math Weekend.

Kinetic Gallery

Sculpture exhibition. 9-4. Free admission.

Art Campus Center movies. “Lady of Monza”. 8pm campus center great hall.

Free yoga class. 8pm CCllO. Sponsored ‘by Ananda Marga Yoga Society. Organizational meeting of Women’s Liberation movement. Come and help us set up a Women’s Resource Centre. All welcome. 8-11~~7 CC1 10.

Chess Club meeting and match against Concordia Chess Club. All members please attend and new members welcome. 7 : 30pm CC135.

CUSO general meeting PHY145. 4: 30pm.


Norman White, constructing his Kinetic Light sculptures. 9:3011: 30am. Design Studion E4-3381. Free admission.

Norman White, electronic artist, giving guided tours of the Kinetic Sculpture exhibition. 3-5pm Art Gallery. free admission.

International Students Assoc. pub with Chinook. 8:30pm food services. 50 cents ISA members; $1 federation members; $1.50 others. Sculpture exhibition Kinetic Gallery 9-4. Free Admission.

BaHai’s on campus-fireside. SSc355. All are welcome. formation call 745-8097.

7-l lpm More in-


Sewing Machine Operators Male or Female

A. Koenig Mfg. Ltd.

Norman White, electronic’artist, giving guided tours of the Kinetic Sculpture exhibition. 3-5pm. Art gallery. Free.

THURSDAY Free yoga class. 8: 30-9: 30am physed building, combatives room. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society.

Norman White, constructing his Kinetic Light sculptures. 9:3011: 30am. Design Studio E4-3381. Free admission

call : 662-2000

concert-Folk You with Gemini. Don and Dennis Ableit. Theatre of Arts. 11: 30am. Free admission.


The Chamber Players of Toronto. Theatre of Arts. 8pm. Admission $2.50; students $1.50.

For canvas work, full or part-time. Experienced or willing to learn.. I ,


Co-op night 1972. Talk on co-ops by Patrick Kerans SSc 139 lounge 10: 30pm. Discussion and free refreshments.

Free yoga class 8pm CC 110.

‘Still Life’ drama by Noel Coward. Theatre of Arts. 11: 30am Free Admission. I \

The value of a diamond varies not only with the size, but with the degree of perfection in color, clarity and cut. We’ll show you all the factors that influence the cost of a diamond. And help you find the finest for the price.

l6lixkd curling bonspiel ( 2 games). Entry forms available in Math Sot office MC3038. Sponsored by Math Weekend. 9am.

Film “The Manhattan Project”. A 1% hour BBC documentary on the building of the A-born b. Sponsored by the Physics Club. 7: 30pm PHY145. Coffee and soft drinks available afterwards. Everyone welcome. .

Conrad Grebel series Ararat Trio. Theatre of Arts. 8: 15pm Admission $2.50; children 12 and under $1.50 central box office ext 2126.



Pub dance with Cycle. 8:30pm Food services. Sponsored by Math Weekend.

Free yoga class. 8: 30-9: 30am Physed \ building, combatives room.


Sculpture exhibition 2-5pm. Free admission.

Co-op night 1972 Film “0 Give Me a .Home” about housing co-ops. AL124 10pm.

Folk Concert with Gemini; Joyce Harper; John Constant and Tigger & Joe. Admission 30‘ cents;’ mathies 15 cents. 8:30pm. Village II great hall. Sponsored by Math Weekend.

Kinetic Sculpture exhibition. Gallery. 9-4. Free admission.




WEDNESDAY Co-op night 1972. Patrick Kerans and J R Roth, Auditor, will discuss co-ops and ,answer questions. first ,floor lounge Hammarshjold House, 139 University avenue. 9pm

Weekly meeting of the University of Waterloo Christian Science informal group. Discussion and eyperiences related to the practical value of an understanding - of God. 3:30pm HUM151 Canadina studies lecture series. Topic: Social Conservatism and the trouble spirit. Speaker S.F. McMullin of English. 7-9pm BIO I room 271. Everyone welcome. Environmental Studies Society Red Garter pub. 8:30pm campus centre pub area.\ Sir Kenneth Clark’s civilization series. Subject: The Pursuit of Happiness and The Smile of Reason. Everyone welcome. 7: 15-9pm AL105. No ad-mission. Sponsored by English Dept. Waterloo Christian fellowship supper meeting. 5 : 45prh CC1 13. We offer food for stomach and thought and good fellowship besides. All are welcome.

373 Hamilton Rd.


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- l


10 november,



Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

on this fair campus of ours. we do suggest a breaking Labatt’s monopoly, in reply general concensus that it such good fucking beer.

Prison plea for pen pals I am a poor lonely inmate at London Correctional Institution wanting someone to write to. I will appreciate hearing from any one out there in the free world. All letters will be answered.

anyone wants to look it up. However, since the Star circulates over 515,000 copies of its weekday editions, and is readily available in Kitchener-Waterloo; and since the editorial stance of the Toronto Star is much more widely accessible (in a wide variety of forms) to the general public than that of the chevron, we hardly consider it necessary to reprint those views in a paper which is at least making an attempt to provide an alternative to the established media. the lettitor

Super Consumption sick

Charles heil 134-688

p..o. box 69 london, ohio 43140 We had a similar letter, enclosing a poem entitled ‘A prison poem in search of a woman,’ from another lonely American con. How they came by our paper, we don’t know, but if anyone is interested the address is : frederick boyed slumkoski box 777 monroe, Washington 98272

Star praised I think it’s time that students stop thinking of themselves as God’s gift to society. About 80 percent of us must honestly admit that we are here in college only for the good of ourselves, and the big financial payoff we expect; not for any good we might by chance give back to society. This being the case, why should we demand public gifts; we should be expected to pay back the investment cost with future earnings, just like any other profit-oriented business. The Toronto Star published an editorial concerning this, which I am enclosing. I would like you to reprint it on the chevron editorial page in order to give fair representation of the opposing viewpoint in this fee strike debate. bob wells chemistry 4A The above letter was printed in last week’s chevron minus the final paragraph. This week we received another copy of the letter as well as a new one “appealing to our sense of justice and responsibility as a newspaper” to “present both sides” of the story. The editorial appeared in the October 17 issue of the Star, if

In regards to religion, rock and, Preston...Taj Mahal did not become upset just because one student was “whistling along”. He was reacting against the whole drunken high school atmosphere and behaviour of the audience. Billy Preston did not “thaw out the audience”. The audience drowned themselves out with wine,! beer and smoke. It was the same kind of atmosphere that Kim Moritsugu wrote of in “The ecstasy “People were presentmachine”. ed as grovelling in Chevron photographs...that is exactly what they were doing and they just don’t realize it.” It’s time that people who only want to get drunk or stoned out of their minds stayed home. At least if they stayed away from concerts. I’m not sure if it’s the effects of advertising, but the way the socalled “poor” students pour booze down it seems as though they think it is made by a non-profit organization that wants them to have “fun”. Booze and smoke are OK, but this continual superconsumption of them is a kind of consumerism which is really getting sick. get back to Taj Mahal...I only wish we could have .f heard more of him. sue heffernan man-environment 2

Ale and lager In response to the widespread concern among the student populace at this institution of mass education, the conclusion has been reached that correctional action regarding a certain matter must be undertaken immediately forthwith and with due dispatch we do hereby submit that there exists a dearth of variety of ale and lager at the licensed functions occurring

To of to is

feedback wit, the the not

malcolm turner don thompson j.b. medley a. weizer laverne j. milot larry drebent linda fearn Pauline lee debbie rogers sandy brazier janis anderson joan Powell

Airport bitch I would like to urge all those who do not want Pickering airport to express their views to the following people. Urge for official public hearings : Hon. Donald Jamieson Minister of Transport Parliament Bldgs. Ottawa, Ont. Hon. William Davis Premier of Ont. Queen’s Park Toronto, Ont. For support and money: People or Planes Box 159 Claremont, Ont. For the time it takes, a letter is certainly worthwhile. It would also be appreciated if you would drop a copy of your letter and its reply off at the Probe office (Bio 2, 158A) for future reference. Stop Pickering Airport David Galloway

The trough of culture Dear Sir: In the November 3 chevron, the article “Fox Film Festival A Hit” by Lynn Bowers seems to be little more than a free advertisement for Premier theatres. If the Festival is a hit, surely some comments could have been made regarding the unadventurous booking policies normally followed by local movie houses. When Mon Oncle Antoine runs for several months in Toronto, for example, it is ridiculous to bring it to K-W for only one night. I must also take issue with several of Bowers’ substantitive comments. To describe all the films being shown as “bawdy and yet intellectually interesting” is both inelegant (are “bawdy” and “intellectually interesting” really antithetical in the mind of Bowers? How sad.> and misleading : if Wild Child and King Lear are bawdy, so is Burt Matthews. From Mr. Bowers’ use of secondary sources (which are not credited) it is evident that he has not seen most of these films, and thus his remarks are extremely vague as well as occasionally misleading : to state that The Conformist “outline(s) the character of a man who worked for fascism in Italy to be ‘normal,’ for example, is again an awkward turn of phrase as well

as an oversimplification-the film is more concerned with a corrupt society than with an individual’s character. Without wishing to denigrate Bowers, who is at least interested in good cinema, I would suggest that’ the Chevron be somewhat more critical in both its attitude towards the Festival and its choice of reviewers, assuming that U of W students are not such clods that theymust be led to the trough of “Kultchah” by the reins of unqualified Pollyannaism. rob britt It must be noted, in all fairness to both Bowers and the Chevron, that an entertainment editor reworded Bowers’ description of The Conformist from “the story of a man who spied for Nazi Germany” to the quoted and admittedly awkward wording of your letter. The change was made at the last minute to at least make it appear that Bowers had seen the film he was talking about, since he had obviously not. On the other hand, we were happy to have seen the Fox festival come to town, and wished to do everything to encourage a repeat in this cinemastarved town. As no one else has had the time or inclinationincluding yourself, who seems to find time only to write complaints after the fact-to do an article on the festival, we ran Bowers’ while knowing it was not the best that could have been done. . .Next time contact us before it’s too late to do anything about it but bitch. the lettitor

Milk rip-off Just over a week ago, I decided to purchase a carton of milk from the machine on the third floor of the math building. Instead of receiving a half-pint (10 fl. oz. ) container, for 15 cents I only got an 8 oz. container. Of course, the display carton in the window was the larger 10 oz. type. This is equivalent to a 20 percent increase in price. Surely this is deceptive advertising ! Along with the current boycott of fifteen cent pastry items, I suggest a boycott of these ridiculous milk prices. When a five gallon container can be purchased for just over $6, it seems that somebody intends to make a lot of money from selling milk. nigel burnett sci 2

GSU assailed The defence by the GSU members of their stance and attitude can come as very little surprise to anyone who has been remotely connected with this lame, ineffective, elitist organisation. McGill may or may not have a personal vendetta to wage against these petty-minded, empire building, little pseudo-bureaucrats, but his comments could hardly be nearer

the truth. Indeed what further proof is required than the reply given by Gregory to McGill’s articles. ‘Some of us remained above that tiresom outburst of immaturity’, adopting a ‘responsible and mature role’ and a ‘more balanced’ attitude are hardly comments that can be squared with the campus centre being ‘a haven for drug users and other dirty people’. Archie Bunker would be hard put to find such a bigoted, narrow minded, selfimportant and supercilious attitude. So much for ‘education’, for, whereas one can find some semblance of an excuse in ignorance for all the prejudices displayed by Bunker, such cannot be claimed of our university graduate students? The level of conversation that our Mr. Gregory wishes to shelter from such depravity as pervades the campus center is an embarassment on which to comment: how many times one got drunk last week and which of the first years would be the best screw are among the more elevated subjects to which our graduates can aspire in their more erudite moments. Such an attitude as Mr. Gregory’s is all the more incredible when considered in the light of the pretentiousness of the graduates and the disgusting, brown-nosing that is so evident at GSU pubswhen faculty ( ! ) might be present and there is the need to ‘make a good impression. ’ But whereas Gregory accuses McGill of ignorance in matters concerning the GSU, we cannot permit such an accusation against him concerning that organization. ‘Our mandate is clear’ is a very strange way of interpreting a less than 10 percent turnout last year. And in the light of that statement, it is a little difficult to avoid the conclusion that the literature sent out to graduates this summer is a bare-faced lie when they stated they were proud of being a voluntary organization, claiming over 88 percent membership. I could go on but Gregory and his cohorts do not deserve the time I have already devoted to them. You, Mr. Gregory are so palpably fraudulant, so obviously ignorant, so undeniably petty that I recommend you go back to your test tubes (for whatever nefarious tasks you perform with them) and that the GSU follow you there. john joisce poli sci

Closing note If the person who wrote the feedback- letter about Canadians, the university and the federation would care to identify him or herself, we would be able to print the letter. the lettitor






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.I0 november,


Don and Dennis Ablett Programme includes such songs as Scarborough CaroLCountry Roads, Together Alone, plus some own songs such as If I Were A Gigolo, and others. Theatre of the Arts Free Admission Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students

Fair, Oh of their


Artists With Their Work In conjunction with the KINETIC SCULPTURE EXHIBITION in the Art Gallery, University of Waterloo, two of the artists will visit campus. ’ MARTIN HIRSCHBERG HIRSCHBERG, MARTIN FRI. SAT. .kinetic artist, drawing and NOV. 10 & 11 engineering on paper his Noon to 4 p.m, current sculptural concept. Modern Gallery Saturday.

SUN. NOV. 12 2 -5 p.m.

Languages open also


Foyer. this

MARTIN HIRSCHBERG will be in the ART GALLERY giving guided tours of the KINETIC SCULPTURE exhibition. ART GALLERY.


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NORMAN strutting Sculptures



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The ARTISTS WITH THEIR WORK programme is made possible through the co-operation and financial assistance of the Art Gallery of Ontario and the Ontario Arts Council.


10 november,


the chevron


The stork brought us Explaining how the Chevron gets put together each week is much like telling children where babies come from. You can try to tell the details of how everything really happens-which is difficult and really quite boring-or you can go the easy route and mystify the whole process down to a simple, understandable, but totally misleading tall tale. While most readers don’t know-or, probably, care-about the technical processes involved in putting out a newspaper, it would not be valid to write about the process without mentioning the technological element, since so much of the human endeavor expended in the Chevron offices is determined and overshadowed by machine technology. Newspaper production is a frustrating combination of human creative energy and mechanical limitations and deadlines; but it is also an often exciting game to see how far those limitations can be bent and how often imagination can overcome dulling routine. The problems of journalism are compounded in a student publication like the Chevron. Where a traditionally-structured paper like the K-W Record doesn’t have to worry about lack of motivation or copymoney and syndicated copy from outside companies being the respective solutions a student newspaper relies almost exclusively on volunteer staffers, and cannot depend on outside news to fill its pages. A student, or volunteer, publication-as corny as it may sound-is no more than the combined energies of its own readers. While the Chevron does have four fulltime paid positions, these people can do little more than keep the mechanical routine of the newspaper running smoothly; the writing, the inspirations, the ideas and most of the creative work must come from volunteers willing and able to put use to the facilities

made available staffers.

to them

by the


The editor holds the various departments of the paper together and tries to maintain some kind of leadership; the production manager is almost wholly tied up with the technical details of deadlines, printing and layout work; the news co-ordinator must inspire and channel the staffers writing for the paper; and the advertising manager must provide the ads so that the paper can continue financially. These people , as you can see, provide the framework for the creative and journalistic work of othersthey cannot produce the newspaper, they can only provide that the mechanics of producing one are there. Their work is office work. It is up to, students who care about what goes into it-or, indeed, that there is a student newspaper at all-to volunteer a certain amount of time each week to help put it out -either in writing (news, entertainment or sports), editing (layout work) or photography. The Chevron does not have enough volunteers; it seems most students who care about a student newspaper are too busy criticizing what is in the paper after it comes out, or complaining about the “clique” which controls it. At present, there aren’t even enough volunteers working on the paper to comprise a “clique.” Maybe a mini-clique, or half a clique. We want more viewpoints, more helping hands, more enthusiasms, more ideas. Our deadline nights are Tuesday and Wednesday, but the work you can do for the paper is anytime. If you don’t like what’s in the Chevron this week-we don’t either, for the most part-come to the Campus Centre and visit us. Its (y)our paper.


by ellen


No more than the combined energies of its readers 1 The “human” part of producing the Chevron occurs on campus - speakers, sports, etc. -and mostly in the Chevron office. Once a piece of copy is written, it is subjected to the critical eye of whichever editor happens to be sober at the moment. Often a photograph can be added to the story by one of our artistic cameramen; or one of our fine graphists -such as you see slumped over his drawing table above-will add a finishing touch with his pen. After everyone has had a chance to get rid of all derisive and sarcastic comments, a small amount of constructive criticism is sometimes even added. Laying it all onto pages, sizing pictures, hassling over objections, writing headlines and urging stories out of staffers is not an easy task. It involves innumerable petty routines and busywork, and often the agony of deadline nights is not over until four or five in the morning for the last persons out of the office. But there’s an aesthetic victory in watching the dawn which most students miss while dozing fitfully in their beds worrying about tomorrow’s exam or last night’s date. And sometimes it even engenders some pride in the result when Friday’s papers arrive on campus. ,


IO november,


After the copy and layout pages leave the Chevron on deadline nights, they travel first to‘ our print-shop, Dumont Press Graphix. The stories have to be “perforated” onto tape to be fed into the Compugraphic computer. This is done, naturally enough, on a “perforator”, a typewriterlike machine shown to the right, which punches the computer’s “code” onto the tape. The tape is fed into the computer and the copy is “shot” onto film-like paper, which is then developed. The finished copy is pasted onto the pages, along with the photos, which have been shot to the right size on Dumont’s large press camera. When the copy and graphics have been pasted on the page correctly, the entire page is then shot by the camera again. The “page negatives” comprising the paper are then taken to Fairway Press where the negatives are imprinted onto press “plates” and locked onto the large printing press, on which the paper itself is run off. If, as we, you refuse to admit the possibility of alI that happening to a simple thing like a student newspaper, you may call it “magic.” It is. What happens once it is delivered to campus is more hazy and less technical, but also contains elements of magic. Some copies disappear, others turn up inexplicably in waste cans or covering doors to the gym during rock concerts. Several students have actually been caught reading the damn thing, and will be dealt with according1y:One thing in a.lI .this is certain: .with all the supposedly talented profess&s and graduate students supposedly “specializing” in areas of interest to them, and thousands of undergrads supposedly learning, researching and becoming periodically disillusioned with it all, that energy disappears before it reaches a forum-the Chevron-which could share it with everyone else, and perhaps grow. Now that’s magic. Black magic.








10 novembef,


sho, par for



to re

which is exactly what would projects to be effective. By money they could not a powers. Agencies were not they

same jargon their clients. camaradrie dig into the

else these operators spoke the and wore the same type of clothing as Even if they did not inspire a sense of in ‘youth’, here was an opportunity to public purse. Jobs for the summer of




by Tony

Di Franc0

Under the sheltering roof of a fine and weathered chalet in the midst of the Laurentian mountains a mass of longhaired civil servants moved from barroom to meeting hall engaging themselves in high sounding perceptions. What prompted the government of this country to foot the bill for such a collection of risky looking types? Were these not the same who had in years previous fomented unsightly demonstrations throughout the land? Or at least had contact with those who did? What purpose lay behind this gathering? Was the state asking the service of this lot? Indeed. This very group had a mandate-Youth. They were to spend the government’s wealth, 33 million dollars of it, promoting and officiating over projects for the 1972 version of the Opportunities for Youth program. The program had survived the criticism of the previous year and was preparing to crank its new found gears into motion. Those of you who have sold encyclopedias will understand the nature and sentiment of such a gathering. The new must be initiated and the old must be reinvigorated in a, wholesale rally. The Opportunities for Youth program was revealed to the country in a speech to the House of Commons by prime minister Trudeau on march 16, 1971. “We are saying, in effect, to the youth of Canada that we are impressed by their desire to fight pollution; that we believe they are well motivated in their concern for the disadvantaged; that we have confidence in their value system. We are also saying that we intend to challenge them and see if they have the stamina and self-disipline to follow through on their criticism and advice.” Youth had been of concern to the liberal govemment since the days of-Lester B. Pearson, manifest in the formation of the Company of Young Canadians (CYC), a program which backlashed and embarrased the government and consequently gave rise to a number of studies on youth. The Committee on Youth, the largest of these studies, published a report called It’s Your Turn, whose mandate it was to study: l the aspirations, needs and attitudes of youth; l the government’s present role in regards to youth. Major recommendations of this study were that the CYC be disbanded and that a Canadian agency, along with five regional agencies, be set up to accomodate the needs of youth. These agencies would receive a complete and systematic appraisal

of their programs after three years. By the time It’s Your Turn reached the desk of the Secretary of State (july 1971) the Opportunities for Youth program was already in operation. In isolation from reality the prime minister’s announcement of OFY in march may have been an indication that the government was already taking steps to implement these recommendations. A less cursory look would reveal that this was not so. The Committee on Youth had suggested that youth was not a class in itself, but rather, like the rest of society, was made up of different classes. Mr. Trudeau conveniently lumped youth together in his speech as a distinct and concerned class, and then proceeded to isolate a particular segment of youth, a particular class, the middle-class youth, as a target for governmental grants. Two problems which had been worrying the government led to the implementation of such a program. The first was student unemployment during the summer months. The second was the inactivity of youth; a combination of unemployment and inactivity would lead to serious unrest-it should be remembered that in march 1971 the country was still under martial law following the ‘October crisis’. In answer to these problems the government, specifically the department of the Secretary of State under Gerard Pelletier, set out to provide youth with Meaningful activities which involved the notions of youth initiative, potential social benefit and a sense of government responsiveness. Since the most vocal of youths were university students the program was geared to them. The task was then set to the civil servants to operationalize the program. What had transpired in the minds of the politicians had to be translated into budgets, personnel and administration. Cam Mackie, one of the persons <who had devised the actual proposal and who is presently working with Manpower’s Local Initiatives Program (LIP), was chosen to be director of OFY. He quickly put together what has been described as a guerrilla bureaucracy, a collection of young social workers and radical types. That these new bureaucrats conceived of the program in different terms than the politicians was soon clear, and not altogether to the displeasure of the mandarins watching over the. scheme. The program was out of the hands of Mr. Trudeau’s government. Or so it seemed.

The fact is that these exactly what was needed a scheme. The old time removed from youth to

hip new bureaucrats were to pull off so controversial civil servants were too far gain their confidence and

If nothing


a premium.





operation there were 8060 proposals of projects were funded, creating 27,832 was easy money, 24.7 million dollars The direction of unrest was refocused the government itself. To a large

which jobs. worth. away extent

discontent channelled



into away



a dicussion from the


and criticism actual causes


2316 Here from the being

of the to the

program, methodology. The very nature and format of ‘the program was geared to that section of youth versed in the writing of reports-college educated youth. In their enthusiasm and empathy with this youth the operators (project officers), feeling some family kinship, acted out the traditional paternalistic role. Wild and ‘far-out’ proposals were funded in an air of excitement without much research into their feasibility. The criteria were sufficiently vague that consistency was almost precluded. Reactionary and conservative groups screamed to the press that the government was funding revolutionaries and communists. Almost everyone who had knowledge of the program, from the left and from the right, watched with suspicion and interest. It seemed, ostensibly, that this ‘planned anarchism’ was backfiring and was heralding the demise of the liberal government. Not surprisingly though, if you consider the motives of the program, the liberal government did not flinch. Although there were no set criteria for the selection of projects, there was nevertheless a hidden curriculum of rules set for the operators. The Treasury Board had sent out a memo delineating guidelines to be followed: l young people be involved in planning, management and evaluation

@projects should be assesed on the basis of the precision, viability and potential for the achievement of their objectives *new programs, ideas or services get higher ratings *no duplication of service in either the private sector, government or existing agencies. l projects must have support from organizations l a ratio of secondary to post secondary students must be kept @average cost per job be no more than $1,000 for post secondary students and $800 for secondary students 080 per cent of the grants must be salaries What seemed like a chaotic enterprise takes on new dimensions with these guidelines. The first three criteria seem reasonable enough for an innovative youth program. The last five give a




programs, and in most car give any support, they req they would have control 01 1971 program it was not u sponsor responsible for tl projects. In Ontario one ind person for more than t projects. Of course there were, not have such restrictions





generally they

in 1

fr so

did not

anyway. Wacheea, a Toront $25,275 “to provide accon transient youth” spent muc bank loans and looking for transients which were s1 Toronto. If they did come Wacheea. The last three criteria set 1 concerned the nature of projects. The cost of jobs * average of $1000 for post-s $800 for secondary student job averaged to just over $E amount from which to university costs. Projects could receive up total costs to cover operat severe limitation to the effec since even this amount wag needing more money were tc their communities. Youth lessons of this society unde were being funded to innova ‘value system’. The only wa was to work with existin structures which caused tl A task force commissionec evaluate the 1971 Opportun stated: “Although OFY did pro some students it did nothinl which create student user as it was, Opportunities fc not be truly identified programme. ” What was it then? It wa perience of most of. the p engaged in innovative ard Quite the contrary, their in curtailed. Yet OFY survi coming out with gener: coverage.

For the 1972 program tl million dollars with a subEta sophisticated staff. It bega costly conference in the La Morin. The tone of the cc distinguishable from a 19( except that here the member

services which were presently had said that his government

than 10,000 dollars a ye ,P their communities, solicit& the persons involved believe viable and revolutionary course this would have to knowledge of their employ1 sneaking in radical propos; this did happen the disguise of the groups were able to The definition of radical 1


mean anything



Projects which were “duplications of service in either the private sector, government or existing agencies” were not to be funded, and projects were to get support from organizations. In essence this was saying that existing -agencies were fine and youth should concentrate its efforts providing


to fight

for the disadvantaged. services




neglected. Trudeau was impressed by pollution and their concern So while not duplicating

by agencies


did not trespass on established same time must receive their




be innovative

local service


get their

as long as it and at the

sanction to act. agencies are not known

from slappin

publishing obscure avanteIt did not matter that ,hr consistent philosophy. It WE the nature of the program 1

anything program

to unite them outs which would cater



10 november,



< hwron


fond of comparing OFY with the university“OFY is giving examinations to persons who wish to put their theory and idealism into practice. We mark the exams and decide who passes and who fails.” True enough, the OFY program is as removed from reality as is the university. Social

lquish their powers, e necessary for youth ccepting government ,ively oppose those epared to admit that carrying out their I, before they would red a guarantee that r r;he project. In the :ommon to have one finances of several idual was the contact enty environmental “I, groups which did n agencies. But these Taught with internal :complish their ends group which received lation and food for of their time getting he projected 300,000 posedly headed for hey did not stay at the Treasury Board, employment of the s to be a maximum Dndary students and The actual cost per b-hardly a sufficient ve enough to pay

20 per cent of their g expenses. Again a reness of any service, rely given. Projects to solicit funds from 1s being taught the ;he pretext that they and materialize their they could be funded structuresthe very is;ltial frustration. y the government to 2s for Youth program

would be destructive if its operators were of the same mind. What they were unified on was playing the civil servant game, and consistently falling prey to numerous petty power plays and intrigues rampant in the civil service. Much of the emphasis of this meeting was placed on the bureaucratic nature of the program. Lessons were given concerning the hierarchy of the civil service, the ‘do’s and don’ts’ concerning the press and public statements. The field workers were chosen, they were told, because of their experience with youth and the ‘community’. What this experience was no one was prepared to discuss. Perhaps no one knew. The message was-go to your communities and solicit proposals, use your own discretion and don’t overstep your limits. Those who did were relieved of their duties. The ensuing months showed no change in the attitude of the field workers. A major consideration was keeping their jobs. The problem was how to fund radical groups outside the notice of government officials. It had perhaps not occured to them that it was precisely this group of radicals that the government was prepared to fund anyway. The youth that the government had stated it would challenge with money was now further abstracted. To receive money they had to qualify in the eyes of the field staff. The OFY operator became an expert in youth affairs. An animateur who understood the relationship between change and its agents and one who could discriminate between a socially viable form and one which was not. One of the junior managers of the program was

On the surface it seems incredible that so confused a program could last as long as it has and even provide substance for other programs like LIP. How can a government so insult its citizens, young and old, by channelling millions of dollars into programs which neither alleviate unemployment nor forge new avenues of social reform, and yet remain virtually unscathed? Yet the government sustains criticism of this type and throws back the rhetoric that it is an experiment, an attempt at citizen participation. From an economic standpoint better means of creating employment could be found; only in very few instances have these programs contributed significantly to social change. Can the government seriously believe that it is making new inroads to social change through these granting programs? It seems not. One is then left wondering just what the social implications of such programs are-after all they continue to grow. Some have suggested that they are a front for an up coming guaranteed income plan. Yet surely there are more efficient and cheaper methods by which this can be done. With the possible exception of LIP, and some of the longer term grants such as those from National Health and Welfare, the monies provided to participants hardly comprise a substantial income. While it has been argued that these programs are a form of social control consciously devised by the government, it might be closer to the truth to argue that the government, recognizing a potential crisis, set up special social assistance programs which flounder their way through, focusing discontent on their own mode of operation and diverting it from the problems the program was intended to challenge. In this way some of the pressure is temporarily alleviated. While there is no delineated plan devised, nevertheless the state is conscious of its ends and through its power maintains a social stability which reduces the jeopardy to its existence. Youth was seen as a-threat to this social stability

~ ~~ -graphic

le some income for y alter the conditions loyment.. .Structured Youth can probably s an employment :ertainly not the exects that they had esningful programs. ltive was most often 1 its first summer, r favourable press budget grew to 33 r’ly larger and more ta operation with a !ntian village of Val 3rence was scarcely 3 civil rights rally, qere being paid more , tiate youth and proposals. Many of ;hat this was truly a ’ ans of change. ‘Of 3 done without the , There was talk of in disguise. Where 1s so good that none lake it. I so varied it could n existing agency to ‘de literature. e:d workers had no nore consistent with t they did not have ! of their jobs. For a all points of view, it




is strone.




and it became necessary to integrate them back into the mainstream of society. The programsOFY, LIP et al-provide a useful means to accomplishing this integration and thereby reduce the threat. In the fury to complete grant applications for the 1972 version of OFY, students were kept busy from january until the closing date in march preparing briefs for funds. During the selection period expections were kept on edge, and after the final selection energies were spent either complaining about not being funded, or else attempting to salvage their sanity if they were funded. In 1972 there were some 10,000 applications made to OFY. This certainly accounts for a sizeable porportion of youth kept busy-particularly university students. In Kitchener-Waterloo alone there were close to 200 applications for grants, most of them from the university. Revising the structure of the program became more important than what it was accomplishing. Energies were concentrated on criticism of the decisions and the manner in which they were made. The causes of the discontent remained fully intact but further from remedy. Radical activites were legitimized, as long as they did nothing to alter the power structures of the extabhshed order. As Lorne F. Huston points out in a critique of grant programs, “The Flowers ’ of Power,” in Our Generation, fall 1972: “...A Tenants’ Association .. . would furnish legal information to tenants concerning their rights, or their leases but it could not attack one of the main causes of the problems of tenants-that of the social-economic inequality of landlords and tenants.” One of the questions that entered the thoughts of persons participating in the programs was-who was using who, and to what end. From the moderate and often apolitical participants the argument stated was that there was much to be accomplished socially, and although they would prefer to see it occur more rapidly, this was not viable. There is a lot of bandaging to be done and with government monies services to this end could . be provided. An evaluation task force commissioned by the government found that these ‘bandage services’ were not very significant; rather, “what is important is that they (the participants) were enthusiastic about the value of their summer employment. ” Understandably, many ‘disadvantaged groups’ felt resentment that youths, who were better off financially than they were, told them how to live. In the past, CYC recieved much criticism for attempting to provide services without altering overriding economic conditions. Tenants in Ontario Housing, living in ghetto-like conditions, felt considerable bitterness that a project should receive $15,000 to run a recreational service for them. The more active and radical of the participants were, perhaps, most torn in the contradictions. It reduced their credibility; It was obvious that working on one of these projects almost precluded the social change they sought-particularly when that change involved the elimination of so many existing structures and institutions. Some thought that they could use the resources of the govemment and secretly set out to undermine it. If this intention was perceived they received no money. Where this intention wasn’t recognized and funds were given, so much time was wasted covering up the ‘real intention’ and overcoming internal disorder, that no time was left for action. On the direct level these programs seem to buy off radical ideas by channelling energies ,mto a project where the rules are set and the limits given. The money can be cut off-even if this is rare,. nevertheless, the possibility remains sufficient to hinder action. On an indirect level the government had upstaged the discontent by labelling ineffectual and spectacular projects ‘radical’,where in fact only the verbiage might be. A further consequence is the monopoly the government has on the term ‘project’. A project only becomes legitimate if it is funded, as in most cases no money means no project. Perhaps the only real potential of these grants is that the recognition of both their insidiousness and their blatant hypocrisy will hopefully contribute to a claim by the citizens of Canada for control of a government which perpetually attempts to mask the discontent rising from social injustice without seeking to eliminate the causes.

n 16



10 november,


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10 november,

the chevron


Nice while a


lasted After a three week marathon of international art films, the Fox Theatre is about to resume its province as a secondrate commercial house. And the owner in Toronto is feeling better. Though a delightful orgy of art for young film enthusiasts (70 percent of the total audience was made up of students), the festival is being written off as another lesson for the distributors, a pain in the ass for the projectionist (the full time man took his holidays), a severe repression for the sex-starved regulars, and a chagrinning experience for the staff. Unsatisfied customers deserve a paragraph to themselves. Arguments for demanding refunds ranged from “I can’t understand French” to “It ain’t in colour.” On Halloween, one disgrunted viewer treated the staff to a prophylactic execution of obsenities before making his exit. The theatre manager regretfully admitted that “some of these films have fostered more complaints than the worst of our sex pictures.” ’ With all the’carryings on I couldn’t help but stick around and write the memoirs of the Kitchener International Movie Festival. Daily attendence was as follows, with the first twin city showings noted (+). King of Hearts 188 Fellini Satyricon 445 Virgin and The Gypsy 329 The Magus 286 *The Clowns 318 The Conformist 279 *Mon Oncle Antoine 756 *ZOO Motels 572 Uiysses 419 Marat Sade 341 *Murmur of the Heart 181 *Lonesome Cowboys 185 The Devils 340 *Investigation of a Citizen 254 386 Juliet of the Spirits 206 *The Crook 304 *The Wild Child 179 *Claire’s Knee 272. *King Lear 787 Performance unavailable *Death In Venice *Le Boucher (matinee substitute 30 for Marat Sade) Out of the twenty-two films shown five are masterpieces, six are excellent, six are above average and three are undeserving of such company. The remaining two should be confiscated and disposed of before any more people are subjected to the frustrating experience of having to walk out without getting their money refunded. Let’s start with the undesirables. First and fast, for fear of further publicity, is Andy Warhol’s Lonesome Cowboys. As a filmmaker, Warhol is a con-artist. He is representative of film history to about the year 1910.

I left my seat several times, to buy popcorn, visit the washroom, and admire the young assistant manager as he refused to give pissed-off customers their money back, and every time I came back the same shot was still on the screen. Watching people stomp out seemed a much more exhilerating and even significant experience than going back to myseat and seeing Viva get debagged one more time. Incidently, those who left at the beginning should have stayed a while longer to watch the camera pull back. That extreme close-up of a nipple turned out to be none other than a puckered elbow. The second undesirable is Ken Russell’s The Devils. Although an advocate of the festival, I must sympathize with the girl who got physically ill in the middle of this picture. Russell surely must have been possessed to have turned out such a horrifying film. I demur the forceful and inhumane manner in which he seems to have directed this picture. The Devils goes the way of all flesh and succumbs to a goriness and vulgarity that has no place in what was historically, an act of enormous faith. Moving up the ladder, I felt that Joseph Strick’s Ulysses, Guy Green’s The Magus, and Frank Zappa’s 200 Motels were undeserving of this festival. The first is a burlesque which takes the book’s original sex and broadens it for commerical purposes. The photography is horrible, the music insulting, and the direction lacks imagination. The entire interpretation reeks with a purposeful obscenity. At Saturday’s showing the film’s so-called frankness and honesty evoked giggles and unrestrainable outbreaks of laughter, certainly not a characteristic response from readers of the novel. The second undeserving film, The Magus, is an elaborate, ill-cast, worthless, literary whim, with overdone photography and banal music that should be fun to watch but isn’t. It wins first prize for best kitsch of the series. About 200 Motels, the less said, the better! The following twelve films are above average to excellent, however, I am still wavery about Peter Brook’s King Lear. Perhaps, some of the magic of this film was lost when a few customers started bitching about the director’s name not being on the advertising flyers. Apparently, they had come to see the Russian King Lear directed by Grigori Kozintsev. Or perhaps I keep thinking of Brook’s Marat Sade, with its superior sense of proximity and involvement and its ingenious presentation of the grotesque. Where Marat Sade succeeds, King Lear seems to fail. Maybe Brook should have left his “cinematic confrontation with Shakespeare” to the Russians. I didn’t see Don-Cammell and Nicolas Roeg’s Performance, but according to Mike Grace, a fellow film enthusiast, it’s a firstrate intelligent cinematic exploration of

A scene from

the film by Francois


identity, reminiscent of the neo-realist style. Philippe de Braca’s King of Hearts, the first of eight French language films screened during the festival, is a charming, somewhat over-ambitious morality play, which makes a good moral point but in the slowest and most frustrating of ways. It is an entertaining, uni-level satire, not likely to foster hours of film class discussion, but appropriate as the introductory offer in the series. The small audience enjoyed it immensely. Other French films in the festival were: The Crook, a jim-dandy workof art, directed with considerable dash and flamboyance by Claude Lelouch; Claire’s Knee, a silly art film, in which director Eric Rohmer, whose style is far superior to his content, subjects the audience to a relentless flow of screen conversation that sounds brilliant but has no substance; and The Wild Child, Francois Truffaut’s purest and most radical film. In it Truffaut maturely and artistically depicts hunger, fear, affectionand intelligence and makes an outdated chronicle come to life with his use of black and white photography and old techniques such as the iris in and out. Of these three films, I feel that Truffaut’s is the most successful. The Canadian contribution was Claude Jutra’s Mon Oncle Antoine, a discerning, perceptive, sympathetic narrative study of a young boy living in a small Quebec industrial town, his relationship with his uncle, the undertaker, and his discovery of a weak, dishonest and boring adult world. Though rather slow and a bit too long, it is still a fascinating, poignant, well directed, superbly photographed, real life portrait of growing up. The Sunday matinee substitute for the delayed acquisition of Marat Sade was Claude Chabrol’s Le Boucher, one of the most enjoyable art films in the series. It is a mature and complex love story, brilliant in cinematic technique, and entertaining on an intelligent level. It is a film about sex and violence. And yet there is no sex, and all the violence takes place offscreen. It is a refreshing contrast to today’s flashy, artificial super-stud thrillers. The most popular director was Frederic0 Fellini, with three films in the festival, each of which were well attendled. The least favourite, and-l tend to agree, was Fellini Satyricon, a meandering tour of ancient Rome featuring first class orgies, murders and abductions. It is a selfsustained ‘trip’ into a magical underworld, fun from a visual point of view, but frustrating to those who demand at least a superficial narrative. Less heavy was Fellini’s Juliet of the Spirits, a colourful, vivacious, stylish and erotic film, admired most’ by the ladies in the audience. Being both a visual and aural stimulus, and an invitation to armchair psycho-analysis, it is what I would call a ‘Satyricon for Women’.


Wild Child”


After the ostentatiousness of Satyricon and the Freudian bawdiness of Juliet of the Spirits, The Clowns was a welcome relief. It is a simple, personal joyous film that provides a sympathetic insight into the characters with whom Fellini so strongly identifies. For the director, it is the ultimate exposition of exorcism. It is his boldest effort at aborting his obsessions out of his system and bringing them down to everyday proportions. Instead of allowing us glimpses through a key-hole, Fellini swings the doors wide open. And there he stands, like the‘Ancient Mariner, holding us with his glittering eye. Moving into the masterpiece category, we come upon Elio Petri’s Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, a work of art suitable to all mentalities. On the surface, it is a well-made political thriller. On a higher level, it is a compelling study of how feared homosexuality finds relief only in acts of sadistic brutality. Petri’s direction is impeccable as he suggests, tantalizes and then leaps sharply ahead to the next scene. This picture was a welcome sight, especiallly after The Devils the night before and Lonesome Cowboys the night before that. Christopher Miles’ The Virgin and the Gypsy is the most honorable screen adaptation of D.H. Lawrence I have seen, without doubt more senuous and powerful than Cardiff’s Sons and Lovers, or Rydell’s The Fox, or even Russell’s Women In Love. Miles’ mode of expression and the devices he employs are’decorous. He has a unique gift for atmospheric landscape and domestic detail and his use of imagery not only enriches and intensifies the film as a visual experience but also conveys a significant portion of the story’s meaning. Louis Malle’s Murmur of the Heart is an exquisite, inoffensive film on the subject of incest. Malle handles this touchy subject in an engaging, perceptive manner. His film is virtually flawless. It is a small masterpiece. It takes a while for it to sink in but Luchino Visconti’s Death in Venice is a genuine work of art. The classic music, the extraordinary costumes and setting, the unique moody manner of direction, the stunning montage, and the effective, almost complete lack of dialogue all combine to make Death In Venice a superlative feat of technical ingenuity and monumental art. If there is any picture worth seeing twice it’s The Conformist, Bernard0 Bertolucci’s study of homosexuality as a breeding ground of Fascism. Reviewed many times, I have only to add that, of the 22 films, Bertolucci’s is the most impressive and convincing, the most nostalgic and personal, the most definite in style and structure and the most sensual and intriguing. It is the most dreamlike in form and the most realistic in content. It is the best. In the November 3, 1972 edition of the Chevron, Lynn Bowers wrote that a similar festival is coming up in five or six weeks. If this is the case, I suggest that the Toronto booker switch to the Waterloo Theatre. It is closer for university students and its established clientel is more appreciative of art. However, I doubt if another festival is in the offing. -george turzanski



the chevron

10 november,


Soap opera fi Im doesn’t convey real Holiday It is regrettable now that there is finally a film biography of Billie Holiday that the film is slick and superficial, little more than a black version of “Funny Girl”. “Lady Sings the Blues”, starring Diana Ross, is being pushed by Paramount as their big winter movie, late entry into the Oscar race. Probably it will do quite well because of the publicity and beta use of the strangely favourable reviews from the “right” reviewers. After pondering Arthur Knight of Saturday Review and Judith Christ of New York praise the film, I have to conclude that they are writing more about Billie Holiday herself and not about the film. And there is a lot to be said about Billie Holiday. Her’s is a rags to riches story but one that is tragically shortened by her addiction to drugs and frustrated by racism and prejudice. Raised in Baltimore and separated from her mother, who worked as a cook with a white family, Holiday is indentured as a maid in a brothel. She leaves Baltimore and flees to her mother after a dissatisfied customer follows her home and rapes the 15-year-old girl. But running to New York only changes the locale-she again works as a maid in a brothel in Harlem. It is only a short time before Holiday changes her cleaning uniform for the less strenuous and better-paying job as one of the house prostitutes. Instead of following the pattern in which aging prostitutes find themselves soliciting on the streets, Holiday had enough strength to leave her relatively comfortable existence to find a job singing at a Harlem jazz club. Holiday, with no musical training, no agent, no backing, becomes the most reknowned jazz singer of the 30’s through sheer determination and talent. But the road to the top was blocked to her because of her race. Although she was the first black singer to travel with a white band, a tour through the south left its scars. Drugs seemed to ease the pain, but unfortunately brought the pain of addiction. _ Drug addiction didn’t stop her from singing and composing, only people could do that-people like . narcotics agents who arrested her for apparently political reasons and people like state board members who refused to license Holiday after her arrest. The board was still refusing the license for cabaret work in New York at her death at age 44 in 1959. Her last years included rearrest for drug possession and one

minor triumph, the publication in 1956 of her autobiography. The book typified her don’t-givea-damn-for-convention attitude by beginning, “Mom and Pop were just a couple of kids when they got married. He was eighteen, she was sixteen and I was three.” That’s Billie Holiday’s story, though, and one that was not presented in the film. Instead we get a girl-makes-good film with a black Motown star instead of a Bronx Jewish singer as the star. Under the direction of exTorontonian Sidney Furie (“Ipcress File” and “Little Fauss and Big Halsy”) the movie fails to convey any sensitivity for Billie’s character, other than to run Ross through the tired old cliched scenes which in Hollywood have come to typify the Great American Rags to Riches Story, which reached its decadent apex in “Funny Girl”. Part of the problem lies with Furie’s approach, which leans toward soap opera (his publicity blurb says he directs for visual excitement but without resorting to the unreserved stark realism of the so-called New Wave directors). Perhaps Furie should have considered using more “realism” since the film lacks a sense of the era of big bands and jazzclubs. It is _ difficult without knowing the history of Billie Holiday to know in what decade she is performing. She is presented as an accomplished singer from the moment she receives her first “break” to the concert at Carnegie Hall. “Realism” is also lacking in Furie’s presentation of Harlem which is no slum, but a neonlighted pleasant neighbourhood. According to Paramount publicity, however, “the vista is truly Harlem as it was, is, and probably always will be.” Holiday’s tour through the south with an all-white band is the turning point in her life because of the introduction of drugs. But here again the humorous, good-fellow approach overshadows the personal agony Holiday was undergoing. A scene with the band members trooping into a segregated roadside bar has one of them call back to her, “Billie, you’re not missing a thing”. From the looks of the restaurant, she’s not. “Lady” is Diana Ross’ first movie and though she does a fairly credible job of singing Billie Holiday’s lyrics the dramatic parts suffer for lack of her acting ability. The character she creates is not solid enough to evoke a response on its own without the audience relying on its previous knowledge and feeling about Billie Holiday. This may again bring the

problem back to the direction which tried to play so many scenes for laughs and which could not bring about a feeling of a wellrounded character, especially with an inexperienced actress like Oia na Ross. Billy Dee Williams is Louis, Holiday’s main emotional support through all the drug crises and fights to be re-licensed. He provides a solid performance, though one that is certainly not inspiring. The film indicates that Louis is in the numbers racket though he later becomes deeply involved in Holiday’s career. Richard Pryor as Piano Man is a more interesting characterization but one that is marred by a little too much mumbling and mugging to the camera. Paramount’s publicity release applauds the production as the “most nearly integrated in motion picture history”, 34 speaking roles played by blacks and 30 by whites. The release points out “minority” personnel also worked in technical jobs. Its about time, but I hope they keep their jobs on other films, now that Paramount has patted itself on the back. “Lady”, financed by Berry Gordy, president of Motown Records, is a film that could have been helped with tighter and more decisive direction. A different approach would have helped Diana Ross give a much more believable performance as Lady Day. It’s probably a faint hope that the attempt will be made again; this is probably what we are stuck with. j I admit, in the face of opinions from reviewers like Knight and Christ, that this view of “Lady Sings the Blues” is highly personal. And although I can’t summon up nostalgic sobs for the jazz age, not having lived through it, I am usually the first to feel choked up at films. I have even been known to sob quietly at high school productions of ‘Carousel”. But “Lady Sings the Blues” touched nothing; it flowed slickly by, giving no opportunity to know who Billie Holiday was, or what caused her suffering. -deanna kaufman

The curse of the lost horror movie 0

Remember “King Kong”? Remember the original “Dracula”? “The Curse of the Mummy”? House on Haunted Hill”? “Abominable Snowman”? What has happened in the past few years to that sacred institution, the Horror Film? Why are all the good ones just memories, or meat to be cut up by commercials on late-night television? True, every now and again a decently horrifying film sneaks through to remind us of the classic stature of those old thrillers, like “Night of the Living Dead’, or “Horror on Snape Island”, but mostly the real horror has been formulized and slicked out of current “thrillers.” Modern directors and writers tend to play for the cliched lampoon of the classics, or the dull predictability of the horror-mortality tale. Most recently, we (horror film devotees) have been beset by a series of slick, Hollywoodized collection of vignettes passing as horror films. First, there was “The House that Dripped Blood”, a series of bland short stories (mostly involving murder most foul) loosely connected to the house of the title. Then came the highly-publicized “Tales from the Crypt”, five short classic tales stolen from the great old pulp magazine of the same name. And now, still another cutesy collection of short tales, titled “Asylum,” playing at the Capitol. It might even be one of those great old Hammer films of

yesteryear, except that it’s too slick and plays the scenes more for chuckles than screams. And, saddest of all-as also with its two aforementioned predecessors-it gives a bit part to Peter Cushing, aging alas but still powerful enough to remind us of the good old days. Unlike the good old Hammer and Al scaries, these new tales are so over-produced and simplemindedly written that even the slowest viewer will always be at least a step ahead of the screen characters. Perhaps, as with Westerns, love-ins and rock concerts, the institution has reached the end of its own formulization and credibility. If that be the case, I wish the theatres would just bring back some of the great old classics-which, by the by, a whole generation of moviegoers have yet to see-instead of serving up this endless parade of zombie-like imitators of the real thing. “Asylum”, “Tales from the Crypt” and its brethren, while mildly amusing on their own, do little for the hard-core horror movie lover than raise images of the long-gone dead. -george s kaufman

> / This week’s federation flicks **Tales from the Crypt-a disappointing replay of short stories from the old .pulp magazine of the same name. Not scary at all, in fact rather silly and pretentious. kj +House,that Dripped Bloodthe same sort of thing, but done better. A mostly entertaining series of short tales which, like “Tales from the Crypt”, trots out some good actors, like Peter Cushing, for Cameo appearances. If you’re into the genre, you’ll probably be amused by this one. w * * *too much ;y + + more than most ;* *just enough ; * too little.)


10 november,



the chevron


‘If it ain’t natural, it ain’t real’ So goes Beaver Harris’ “invocation” on Attica Blues (Impulse AS-92222), an album created by Archie Shepp and other concerned jazz musicians in the aftermath of the massacre of prisoners and guards at New York State’s Attica Prison.. Although the validity of what might be loosely described as “protest music” has been undermined recently by the mouthings-off of such holier-(and richer)-than-thou political dilettantes as the Rolling Stones and Jefferson Airplane, Attica Blues is a sane response to inhumanity and injustice: the dead are honoured, but the necessity of continuing to live, of continuing to celebrate the possibilities of the future, is never forgotten. The faces change, the dance goes on; if it ain’t natural, it ain’t real. The one overtly militant song, “Attica Blues,” makes marvellous use of the Black gospel-R & B-soul tradition, while connecting events at Attica with the corresponding macro-phenomenon (in terms of Amerikan attitudes towards offing non-whites) of the war in Vietnam. The remainder of the album features Shepp’s tenor sax in a variety of settings, and vocals by Joe Lee Wilson (of “Money Blues” fame) and 7-year-old Waheeda Massey, whose performance on “Quiet Dawn” is simply amazing. Wilson excells on the two-part whose refrain “We’ll be, we’ll “Stream,” be!” pretty well sums up the good energy of this exceptionally vital album: it’s real, it’s natural, and Archie Shepp just seems to keep on growing. The premature death of John Coltrane deprived us of another strong anchor against the storms of gathering darkness. Although he is most highly regarded for his post-1961 recordings, Coltrane also produced some excellent albums in the mid- and late-50’s, two of which (Lush Life and Coltrane) have been reissued on More Lasting Than Bronze ( Prestige PR 24014). The set contains a good sampling of his work with various sized groups, of which three trio tracks with bassist Earl May and drummer Arthur Taylor are absolutely delightful. Four numbers recorded with a sextet of second-stringers are occasionally graceless and mundane, although even here John is able to singlehandedly make some kind of valid musical statement by simply ignoring his accompanists-his perking up of “Bakai” after a dismal Mal Waldron piano solo is typical. The remainder of the album features him with a quartet and quintet including Red Garland, very laid back but again enjoyable to the extent that Coltrane takes most of the solo space. If you’re into the later accomplishments of this consummate artist, I’m fairly sure that you’ll enjoy these recordings; same person, slightly different space, with the natural and the real once more carrying the day.

JAZZIN’ BRIEFS I Sing the Body Electric (Columbia KC 31352) by Weather Report: an almost completely successful sequel to their first album, with the reed work of Wayne Shorter a good deal more aggressive and self-assured. Four excellent studio tracks include a passionate, but in no sense trite, anti-war piece (“Unknown Soldier”) and a celebratory nymn to harvest time (“Second Sunday in August”), but even more impressive is the “live” Side 2, which indictates that Weather Report is not-unlike all too many rock bands-the creation of clever recording engineers. They are, with the release of I Sing the Body Electric, the finest jazz group on the contemporary scene, and you owe yourself a listen. Queen of the Blues (Roulette 9045- 117) by Dinah Washington: although a charismatic performer “live,” as anyone who ever saw her 300-pounds-of-joy version of “All of Me” will attest, the late Dinah Washington’s recording career was not terribly illustrious. This 2-LP reissue is vitiated by sparse arrangements and dragging tempi, as well as two irritating voice mannerisms: a downward trill at the beginning of a phrase, effective once or twice but maddening when constantly re, peated, and the too careful enunciation of individual words, which usually reveals only the banality of 4O’s-50’s pop lyrics. Bessie Smith’s monarchy remains unchallenged. Piano Reflections (Capitol M-l 1058) by Duke Ellington: a reissue of some 1953 sides featuring a piano trio led by the Duke. The 14 cuts include such classics as “Kinda Du kish,” “Passion Flower,” and “All Too Soon,” and are given the sort of mellow, sophisticated performances which capture most of what was good about the Bad Old Fifties. Perfect for a prelude to a kiss when in a sentimental mood, though things ain’t what they used to be. The Best of Dizzy Gillespie/ Charlie Parker/John Coltrane (Roulette 9045~120), 2 Lps: by no means “The Best” of any of these artists, but nevertheless a fair introduction to Parker and Coltrane. The Parker sides are from a 19,47 quintet including Miles Davis, whose immature, super-cool playing gives little indication of the heights to be achieved later; “Bird,” however, is in superb form on four ballads

and the classic “Scrapple From the Apple,” and the album is worth having for these tracks alone. The Coltrane material is from 1960, when John was just beginning to experiment with the free, modal style of his later and more productive years, but is still of more than historical interest, particularly in terms of his developing communion with pianist McCoy Tyner. The Gillespie stuff is from a 1953 Paris Concert, straight ahead with lots of technique and not much feeling, not unpleasant but hardly memorable, either. On balance, a fair amount of valuable and no longer readily available material, curiously packaged but still worthwhile for anyone interested in the roots of contemporary jazz. -Paul


Audience receptive to jazz Despite the last-minute substitution of saxophonist Ted Moses for guitarist Sonny Greenwich, Sunday Night’s jazz concert was a qualified success for the first major undertaking of the Jazz’n’Blues Club at U of W. An appreciative audience of over 100 people enjoyed 2% hours of excellent modern jazz, and although the club lost money on the event, why should they be any different from the federation? Pianist Don Thompson and drummer Terry Clarke were outstanding, bassist Rick Homme somewhat less so, although I understand that this was one of his first engagements with these musicians. Ted Moses was suffering from a cold and sinus congestion, and while he had difficulty in bringing off extended solo statements, this was probably not a representative sample of his playing. These handicaps notwithstanding, the quartet was able to produce musical tapestries of great beauty and complexity, and provided a welcome alternative voice in that musical wilderness of BSAsponsored extravaganzas known as the local concert scene. More jazz concerts will hopefully be forthcoming.

Sleeping beauty awakes Having been turned on to ballet by the inimitable Maya Plisetskaya this summer, Panda and Pooh thought it would be worthwhile to check out the indigenous talent at the Canadian National Ballet’s production of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty in Toronto last Wednesday. So we valiantly fought our way through the traffic, paid a ritual visit to Grossman’s, and settled primly into our sixth row orchestra seats (who are these people?), fully primed for an evening of splendiferous ostentation. And nearly fell asleep, at least during the first two acts. Despite the lavish costumes, additional choreography by Rudolf the Nureyev himself, and Peter Ilyitch’s rich melodies, the overall presentation was so tedious and unimaginative that even prima ballerina Veronica Tennant seemed inhibited by the general langour. But, as we are both fond of saying, someday our Prince will come, and this time it was Mr. Frank Augustyn, who singlehandedly turned on both Ms. Tennant and the rest of the company. Not to mention the Panda, who was barely restrained from proposing to him on the spot (proposing what we hesitate to mention) ; and even the normally staid Pooh, an unrepentent womanizer of some ill repute, experienced unusual sensations throughout his lower nedulla. Ms. Tennant appeared to be similarly affected by the energetic and energizing dancing of Mr. Augustyn, and together they pas de deux-ed most delightfully for the rest of the ballet. Excellent work was also turned in by B*luebird Cathleen Cool, and an appropriately enthusiastic ovation closed an ultimately enjoyable evening. After which we motored up Yonge St., passed four men pounding the daylights out of a fifth, picked up two scruffy hitchhikers at Zumburger’s, sped back to K-W, and retired to our respective abodes. But that’s another story. . . . . -panda

and pooh


20 the c-hevron




presentation A TER From Columbia Picturea









AT 7:00 & lO:lOp~ HOUSE” AT 8:3OpM SAT. & SUNDAY 2 ph

of ‘Earnest’ This term Blackfriars are presenting Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. The play will run in the Humanities Theatre at 8:30 pm on November 16-19 and November 23-26. Tickets (75 cents for students and 1.25 for others) are available at the Central Box Office in Modern Languages. Earnest is being run as a piece of ‘high comedy’, a dialogue of wit and black humour. Director Mita Scott sees the play as more than comedy, however. Wilde, she says, is using humour to explore the human mind. In doing so his play becomes more than a comment on the breakdown of a society (as represented through certain characters in the play) but a rich psychological statement as well. With her cast Scott has spent much time exploring the characters in Earnest to make them convincing as well as comic. The plot of Earnest is essentially the deception the two men carry out in order to marry girls not of their station in society. Characters in the play include a dowdy governess, a pompous, frank highsociety lady, servants, the two pretty girls sought for marriage and their two suitors. All of the major characters are delightfully articulate. The cast for the play is made up of Jay Moore, Russ Scott, Julie ‘Knight, Robin Keeler, Pat Young, Ruth McArthur, Nick Rees, Paul Roland and Ana McNeil. The players have been chosen not only for their talent and aptitude in their particular parts but also for their ability to work together as an ensemble rather than as ‘stars’. It will be noted that Pat Young is playing a female role, that of Lady Blacknell. This was not intended as a gimic, notes Scott; there were just no females suitable for the part whereas Pat possesses and can portray the dynamism which is so much a part of Lady Blacknell’s ’ character. Earnest should be interesting for the time in which the play is set, the late 19th century. Most of the sets and costumes have been designed and built by the Blackfriars’ technical crew. -lynn





At 8:30 pm on Thursday November 16 WLU Players’ Guild co-rtarrlng (In alphabetkal Elmer Rice’s The WDDDYALLEN* JOHNCARRAOlNE~LOUJACOBI~LOUISELASSER~ANTHONYDUAYLE will present Adding Machine. Tickets-$1 for TONYRANDALL~LYNNREDGRAVE*BURT REYNOLDS*GENEWkDER *Producedby CHARLES H.JOFFE ExecutiveProducer JACK BRODSKY AssociateProduecr JACK GROSSBERG students and $1.75 for others&r&ply adDirector WOODY ALCEN Basedupon thabook@ DR. DAVID REUBEN are being sold from the players’ guild office in the student union building at Lutheran and will be available at the door of the theatre auditorium where the play is to be

sometimes on stage movements and relationships in the abstract. This effect, the ‘alienation effect’ of Expressionistic theatre, will be heightened with dim stage

miming Actors in this production will include George Olds, Gary Hoffman. Linda Gaudet, Mark Cumming, Veronica Blythe, John Korcok and Grace Huisman. All have had acting experience. George Olds will play the god-like (or diabolic?) character Lieutenant Charles. Gary Hoffman is the pathetic Mr. Zero, the centre of the play and his vindictive wife will be Veronica Blythe. The list of charaters also includes a floozy (Grace Huisman), a ‘snot-nosed kid’ (Mark Cumming), Mr. Zero’s love-lorn secretary (Linda Gaudet) and a righteous motherkiller (John Korcok). -lynn


1972 -


Kinetic artists h ere I



presented. The production is scheduled to run three nights, November 16- 18. The Adding Machine is an exexample of American pressionistic drama, a classic in the history of American drama. At the same time, since the play is set in 1920’s US, it has nostalgic value for contemporary audiences. The plot is very simple. A man called Mr. Zero, after several years of service to his employer as an accountant is fired in favour of an adding machine which is to replace him. Mr. Zero is so upset that he kills his boss. He is tried, found guilty and condemned to death by a jury made up of his own friends. Surprisingly (perhaps) the murderer ends up in heaven where.. .Though the plot is simple, you may note it has social, spiritual implications which though trite now, could become interesting if given the proper dramatic qualities. Director, Peter Cumming, believes he has preserved Rice’s intentions in the play even though he is ,producing it ‘in the round’. (Originally, it was produced for a proscenium stage.) Cumming has practical and personal reasons for using this form’of theatre but he notes that the visual effects could be exciting. Whereas in a proscenium performance the audience will focus attention on the actor’s face, the in-the-round form commits the audience to focusing sometimes on faces and

10 november,

Two artists will visit the University of Waterloo campus to explain and demonstrate their work in kinetic sculpture. Martin Hirschberg will be drawing and engineering on paper from noon until 4 pm today and Saturday. Hirschberg starts on paper to solve design problems before technicians can fabricate the different elements for his sculptures. Norman White, an electronic artist, will be constructing kinetic light sculptures in design studio, E4-3381, tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Both men will be available in the art gallery to give tours of the kinetic sculpture exhibition. Hirschberg’s hours are 2 to 5 pm sunday and White, 3 to 5 pm, monday, tuesday and Wednesday. Hirsch berg’s present interest is to transform his previous experiments in light piping and the reflexion and refraction of light and plastic into more rough, natural and organic forms based on observations of refuse washed up on Northern Ontario lake shores. The final product would be a combination of treated acrylic sheeting with natural materials like sand, grass and twigs. White primarily uses electronic digital circuits controlling matrices of small lights. All of the design and fabrication from circuit design to shaping and assembly are White’s own work as cornpared with Hirschberg’s use of technicians. Kinetic sculpture which makes use of materials like plastic, motors, lights and electronics are seen by some people as less “serious” than works from marble and bronze. Although a Norman White sculpture could have become a radio, it is obviously not functional. The artist deliberately chose to deprive it of its functional property. J. S. Bodolai, curator of the Electric Gallery in Toronto, comments that artists like those exhibiting at the Waterloo gallery are making it easier to remove the prejudices against contemporary media. The kinetic sculpture exhibit will continue until november 19 in Modern Languages.


friday _’ 10 november,


Corn pet it ive soccer \. Tuesday afternoon in a cold rain the competitors in the soccer finals weke chosen. In the first game between Coop Math and Village 1 South, the game was so even that at the end of regulation time neither team had managed to tally a score. But with 2 minutes of overtime left, Don Ablett of Co-op Math put a shot past the Village 1 South goalie to put the mathies in the finals. In the other game, Village 2 North advanced past the St. Jeromes Bagbiters with a 2-l decision.

th.e chevron



Ina VanSporensen’s 5 firsts put Village 2 East in third with 50 points.

Recreational Floor


Mucket Farmers took a 4 point game from Village 1 South 7-l to take the league lead with 10 points. Grads hold second place with 7 points. Raiders held on to third while Village 1 West and Co-op remain tied for fourth spot. Ball Hockey After 4 games,

only one team remains unbeaten and untied in the league. Adam’s Apples, led by captain Tom Thompson have Sixty-two swimmers turned out scored 42 goals while allowing only 12. They lead the “C” league with at the local natatorium to plow the the Rush-Ins holding second on 6 placid waters with various strokes points. In League “A”, the once and turns. Outstanding swimmer tied Erb Street Ballers lead with 7 of the meet was Ina VanSpronsen ahead of the T-Nuts. of Village 2 East as she won the 5 points-one ladies individual events and set The Ballers have rolled up 43 goals for against only 16 past their new records in all of them. goalie. Roadrunners hold third In the two ladies relays, Renison won both and set records in both as with 5 points. In “B” division, the Eager well. In all, 11 records were set at Dycks and Sons of the Wabob have the meet. 6 points each for a share of first Outstanding male competitor place with the St. Jeromes NADS was Andy Kadziolkaof Optometry in third and the other three teams who won three events and came second and third in the other two. tied for fourth. The long sleeve sweat-shirt relay saw a speed strip as Renison Recreational Broomball outstripped the rest to take the title Co-ed broomball is going strong in record time. on Friday afternoons at Moses Springer. Twenty-four teams are In team competition the Men’s title was taken by Optometry with entered in the schedule and’ play once a week at the rink. In last 116 points. St. Jeromes was second with 50 points. The ladies com- Friday’s games, the Cosmos took Pork and Beans 6-0, the Wreckers petition was very close as Renison edged out St. Jeromes 75-63. and St. Paul’s “A” and Kleene







Co-ed swim meet

Sweepe TF(T&P) 0* Squash

each tied O-O, and the bagged the Mixed Bag 2Wtructional

Due to the success of the previous squash instructional clinic held in the early fall, a second session has been arranged and will begin within a week or two. Sign up sheets are located on the bulletin board beside the Girl’s locker room. Classes will be held Monday and Thursday from 7-8: 30 p.m. and Thursday morning from 1O:OO a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Please indicate your class preference when signing. C+ed



Skip John Pearson led his rink to a 1 point victory in the annual co-cd curling bonspeil held November 4 at the Glenbriar curling club. Pearson’s rink beat Ed Bridson’s Village 1 East rink by 1 point by blanking one end to. gain the title. photo by Randy Hannigan

Members of the winning team were John Pearson, Dale Bower, Ian McLennan, and Lorna Huechert. Ed Bridson’s rink comprised Dave Louden, JennyLou Petrosky and Pat Monroe. Third place went to Co-op Residences skipped by Tom Ford.

Competitive Basketball

Monday-evening saw some close games played in the intramural basketball league. Usually powerful Kin & Ret had trouble with Co-op Residence and just squeaked by 32 - 29. Upper Eng took Regular Math 48-40. The . Flaming A’s outscored Conrad Grebel40 -.37 and Geology pulled out a 2 pointer 33 - 31 from Enviromental Studies. The game to watch next week will be Kin and Ret against Arts-both undefeated in League IV.




November 20. The entry date for this event is November 17. -x1,

Tennis regulations


Any faculty, staff or student member of the University Community who has paid their Athletic Fee.

l Who can play?

0 Court

d u>ing the warrior out of the money.



(a) whites are preferred (b) only smooth soled shoes are permitted. Absolutely no barred, heeled, or rippled shoes are permitted. 0 Change Facilities: During the winter session only the dressing room at the Waterloo tennis club can be used for changing. l Equipment: Your personal equipment is preferred, although there are some raquets available at the tote room PAC. l Conduct: Anyone abusing the regulations will lose playing privilege. l Scheduling:

Women’s sports

and Women’s

BadTournament will begin November 15 at 7 p.m.‘The entry date is November 10. Also, don’t forget the Archery Tourney


of spikes and saves last weekend played good hosts and finishing

l Court

up to 48

(a) The determination of playing days is an experiment. Adjustments may be made at a later ‘date. (b) Special Events: Advanced bookings may be made for such special events as Kinesiology skill classes, intercollegiate Hockey program or instructional inAs of November 3, St. Paul’s tramural program, or clinics, leads the church college league tournaments by the Waterloo with a 2 - 0 record as they beat St. Jeromes 5 - 0, and Gunner’s Gang 5 tennis club. All these events must be pre1. Renison is second, winning booked well in advance on mutual against Conrad Grebel 6 - 2 and consent between interested partieing Gunner’s Gang 2 - 2. In the Village 1 league, Village 1 ’ ties. For further information, contact South Trojans and Village 1 North Mr. Peter Hopkins, <Director of are all tied with a 2 - 0 record. Men’s Intramurals, Ext. 3532. Village 2 West and Team Waterloo Due to the lateness of the also hold- first place with 2 - 0 completion of the tennis courts, records in the Village 2 League. All there will be no tennis instruction results and league standings will this term. There will be extra be printed next week. instruction classes next term.

Upcoming events

The jock gym echoed with the sounds tournament. The home squad again

hour may be reserved hours in advance.


(a) Two courts from 9 a.m.-ii p.m. on the following university days: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday (b> one court from 9 a.m.1lp.m. on Fridays. The alternate days are scheduled for the usage of members of the Waterloo tennis club. l Court Reservations: by phoning 743-7691 or visiting the Waterloo tennis club clubhouse. One-court

Sunday morning saw one of the . biggest breakthroughs for the female population at the university of Waterloo. There was a tremendous turnout in the men’s sauna room. It was the first time the sauna has been formally opened to the women. If such a good percentage shows up in the future maybe they’ll get their own saunas. There wasn’t even a raid S-unday morning and everything was pulled off with no problems. Today is the deadline for entries for the badminton tournament next Wednesday night. It will be a singles tournament and draws will ( be made as players arrive. Recreational ice hockey got under way at the Queensmount arena last Friday. There was a good turnout of girls. If you are interested bring a stick and skates to Blue North at ll:45 a.m. on Friday. Rides will be provided.







Bonanza Drive-k Lincoln






OPEN TILL 3 AM Charcoal







shooting practice ended with only two goals, one each for Clara Kisko and Judy Schaming. The victory earning goaltender Judy Cronin OWIAA Field Hockev her fifteenth shut out in sixteen wins this ’ season (the earlier Queen’s game was the record-upsetter). At two-thirty on Saturday afternoon, the whistle blew to begin a game the athenas knew was with maximum points. Waterloo was one point behind and needed a inevitable. The university of toronto women have never lost the win over the home team. field hockey trophy. No one is sure Prior to the final championship match j which pitted these two how many years they have dominated the sport and the other teams against each other for the second consecutive year, the teams can only guess what the, winner’s trophy looks like. Coach Five points of a possible six were athenas disposed of three other would-be contenders. Judy Moore says, “I think they with the Waterloo women’s field have won this championship nine hockey team last weekend when -‘The first encounter saw an ‘upthey journeyed to the university of tight’ Waterloo squad facing the times before, but nobody really girls from Queen’s. This early knows.” Suffice to say, recorded t&onto’s Scarborough college for history begins with the caveman, the OWIAA final tournament. morning Friday game began sadly The athenas established a lead in for the athenas as their opponents the invention of fire and toronto the western conference division by potted two early goals to force a winning at field hockey.. There had to be a definite game gaining two wins and a tie in fast running attack by the Waterloo girls. Toos Simons placed two wellplan for the athenas. If they lost, contests held on columbia field the the championship went to Toronto; weekend before. The girls from earned goals past the Queen’s Toronto entered last weekend’s ‘keeper (her nineteenth and if the game ended in a tie, the . domination would conmatches with six points and a twentieth goals of the season) to toronto flawless tournament record. The tie the score and end her scoring tinue-so the only alternative was water100 women _ foresaw a and hockey career with the to play an all-out game with victory in mind. meeting with- the u of tee group Waterloo athenas. some time ago and their one point Such was the goal of the Waterloo A fast break was capitalized by team, a gamble with eight fordeficit encouraged prayer for an Binnersley on a whistling shot upset over Toronto by another from the top of the ‘dee’ which left wards and two half-back-type defenders. This constantly atteam. That wish, however, wasn’t the Queen’s goaltender sprawling tacking team meant a lot of rungranted and the university from and the athenas with their first win, although the game was a close ningfor an energetic athena team toronto went into the final game and more than once their efforts and heavily-contested fight. McGill came at the athenas after almost paid off but putting the ball lunch on Friday with a fast forover the goal line is what counts, not rolling it along the mark. ward line. Their speeding wings and ever-present center-forward, Toronto’s breakaways were few kept the athenas at the point of and of the four which they exhaustion throughout the first managed, the athenas turned back half. - two-the other two decided the championship. Waterloo’s game plan of using seven or eight forwards for a very A goal during the last minute of aggressive game ran into a bit of the first half was disappointing for difficulty with the presence of this the athenas but they returned after speedy forward line. The girls the break with even more zeal. After thirty minutes, they could from Montreal however, were outendured by the athenas and finally not upset the defending champions slowed down enough in the second and a totally exhausted team half to allow Pat Binnerseley two congratulated the perennial goals for the second Waterloo champions. The Waterloo women finished vie tory. with sixteen wins; four losses and six ties for a respectable season record. They scored forty goals As is the custom at women’s while allowing only fourteen in the hockey tournaments, competition twenty six games played. A fit was forgotten momentarily on team was the essential ingredient Friday evening to allow a banquet for the athenas. A fitness gained by and entertainment at Wetmore competing in tournaments every college. Each team presented their weekend in a sport which ranks own brand ofI song, dance and with lacrosse as the most laughs after consuming a buffet of strenuous for women. Of the fish, beef, salads and lotsa milk. twelve players, six were invited to The girls in red from York joined participate in a- junior developthe athenas on the field early ment program for Ontario hockey Saturday morning, but the players. yeowomen must have consumed A drizzly, wet, weekend in too much of the banquet food, for Toronto ended the 1972 field hockey they were slow and always a few season for the waterloo athenas, steps behind the athenas. but already Judy Howe has plans Playing the whole game in their for 1973. -dermis mcgann opponents circle, the athena

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10 november,

Food and festival

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10 november,



Polo win, tie


horses pay off Television always tends to bring out the best in all of us and the polo team is no exception. Last Saturday in front of the CHCH cameras, down at McMaster the warriors had their last big- tournament broadcast to a viewing audience of at least ten. Others originally tuned in but turned channels after they didn’t know who was playing or even what was happening. To show the moms and dads back home that they do have a sporting life on campus, the team put up its best showing of the year. After quickly jumping into a lead against Guelph they almost blew it, but under tremendous cheers from the thousands of warriors fans in the mat gallery, the polo club closed ranks drew in their reins and the horses went off to victory winning 8-6. Earlier in the morning, another brutal match occured and Waterloo tied Western again showing the many fans that the polo club do indeed have the horses. The score was 5-5. The top scorers for the Warriors over the two games were Doug Lorriman with 6, followed by George Roy, Jim McFadgen and Brian ‘Zack’ Bachert with 2 each while newcomer steady Bob Trott got a single. Strong in net was the versatile Jock McCallums fresh from his right wing position over near the left post just off the neutral centre line. Other strong members of the squad were Steve Lutton, Gord Thorn, Lawrence Pavan and Bob Brisebois. For any interested in seeing more polo action featuring the amazing warriors watch channel 11 at 2 pm maybe this weekend, or maybe next weekend; or maybe not at all. The western game is to be shown. Head Coach Norm McKee was asked after the game by wild dizzy Don McForce, color commentary commentator for CHCH if his team did an outstanding job and McKee was heard to say, “I feel the team did an outstanding job.”

If any of you do watch the upcoming game against western these stars are a must to watch. If you don’t happen to see the game but happen to see them wandering around campus here is some background information so you can point them out to your friends. Norm McKee-Coach--coached and played waterpolo in Scotland, branch executive of K-W YMCA and general all round good guy. Bob Brisebois-is a friend of Barb Anderson, rookie from Deep River, alternate policeman after the departure of our missionary to the Sudan. * Jim McFadyen-playing in his final season at Waterloo, has been a stalwart member of our defense for the last four years, will join the ranks of the unemployed arts students in spring and is a local Hamilton boy. Steve Lutton-came to us from Toronto, played for Rubber Duckies of York Mills, a first year Honours Math Co-op student and nominee for the Lady Byng Trophy for polo. Bob Trott , just another rookie, graduated from our inner-tube farm club, most exciting moment of polo was when he learned to swim, undoubtedly the most cannonading shot in the league, unfortunately the most inaccurate shot on the team, and loves to sing the national anthem so loud it wears him out before the game. Gord Thorn-chairman of team silent set committee and has an irresistable urge to return to the game after 2 years of doing other things. Doug Lorriman is a four year veteran and our ‘hoky’ man and thereby offensive leader. This blond bombshell, affectionally known for obvious reasons as pretty boy. George Roy is the team hippie, superstar, team workhorse and has plans to get his hair cut for the OUAA championships (swimming) in March. Jon MacCaluman-notable distinction of being second string for the last 8 years and the most exciting moment came this year when the coach asked him to play first. string. Local Hamilton boy. Brian Zachk Bachert is a versatile, long haired, baby-faced wierdo and shouldn’t be playing in this league of men. The most important moment came when he found a hair on his chest causing the game to come to a sudden halt while team mates gazed in amazement. He never wears knickers, is the teams Chaplin and ‘occasionally hangs out around Hamilton. -2ack

******************* 4


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lFjcull!LYRESTWRANT 576-7490

( hwron23

Gird!s b-ball second The university of Waterloo basketball athenas made a respectable showing their first weekend on the courts by taking two of their three games in the Guelph pre-season tournament last Saturday. Their only loss, 39-33, was against Queen’s university in the first game. The athenas other two games ended up 41-88 over Windsor and 56-39 over Laurentian enabling the black and gold to bring home the consolation championship. The athenas have quite a new look this year due to the, loss of five old timers, including Patti Bland, Sue Murphy, and Jani Meyer and the addition of five rookies. Loretta. McKenzie, last year’s MVP seems ready to take over the reins on the court and give the team the court general that was so much needed last year. She will get strong back-up support at the point position from Joan Parker. Although these two were rookies last year, a year of university play and some summer basketball seem to have given the confidence needed. The athenas seem to have a good balance between strong rebounding, good outside shooting and

skilled ball handling which should make them a threat to all the teams in the west section OWIAA. Three veterans who are looking very good are Jan Liddell, YonLuypaert and Mary Anne Krzyzanowski. All three had their names included in the top scoring for the weekend. There are three rookie guards who will be worth watching as all three have good shooting potential. Debbie Sitts from Tillsonburg will be an asset with her play making ability and good shooting while Becky Duffy will gain points from the outside for sure. Little Sue Hamilton, a great little digger

defensively will really add to the fast break possibilities. The post positions have two new faces in Chris Toplack and Judy Halaiko along with second year Sherry Bandy. What Sherry lacks in height she more than makes up in her great inside moves. Two other veterans who will add stability are Suzy Killough and Toos Simons. These two have not come into their own yet due to a shoulder injury for Sue and field hockey season which has kept Toos off the court until this week. The athenas first home game will be Tuesday at 8 p.m. against Guelph.






10 november,



Through miin and mud and farmers’ fields For three days prior to the running of the OUAA cross country championships, the Guelph course was rainfall-drizzles, subjected to sprinkles and cloudbursts. Teams from ten universities arrived at the ‘agriculture college’ and looked over the six-mile course through sheets of rain, warming up for the event around and between numerous puddles on a football field on the edge of that school’s experimental forest. The course was an excellent one, according to Waterloo coach Arthur Taylor. “It definitely is a cross-country course, not just a flat race,” he said before the event. Rumours and predictors made the university of Toronto the strong team based on their strength in having five top distance runners, but the Waterloo warrriors were considered close contenders, having more experience on a course of this rugged nature. The university of western Ontario was the only other team with any hope of victory. Individually, Ken Hamilton and Python Northey were the heavy favourites for first place. Hamilton, a runner from York university upset Northey in the 10,000 meter track event at the OUAA championships last month, but Python had finished ahead of the York runner in cross-country races. The final placing then, would depend on Hamilton’s ability to adapt to the uneven terrain of a cross-country course. Almost eighty runners stood poised on the football field’s goal-line as, for the first time, all was quiet awaiting the starter’s pistol. Only the rain was audible as the runners leaned forward and lurched into a sprint as the silence was broken, first by the sound of the gun then by well-wishers’ shouts aimed at their favourites. The puddles, which were so carefully circumvented during the warm-up, now were unimportant and the runners splashed their way

through, trying to get in a good position before the course narrowed to almost single-file through the woods. Northey and Hamilton, as expected, took positions in front and soon broke away from the other runners pushing a very fast early pace. As the competitors disappeared across the hip-high grass of the fields, spectators began a routine as exciting as the race itself. With maps of the course in hand, and car keys ready, another race began. This secondary event was more a car rally than a foot race. Spectators dashed to waiting cars and vans, speeding along country roads to catch another glimpse of the race. The first look at the runners since the start was afforded as they emerged from the woods in which they were engulfed four minutes after the start. At this point, with wagons, cars, bicycles and assorted means of transportation abandoned along the road, spectators jumped out shouting, seeming not to have stopped since the starter’s pistol rang. Hamilton and Northey were still together, but the rest of the field were very much in touch with the leaders and the only assumption which could be made at this point, one and a half miles into the race, was that the university of Toronto would win unless something dramatic occurred. The first ten places contained five blue-clad Toronto runners and neither Waterloo nor Western had enough consolidation to present a threat. Murray Hale, Jon Arnett and Bruce Walker were running well for Waterloo, all within the first twenty to cross the country road at this point and once again become submerged by underbrush on the other side. Western was well up there but if all positions were kept, Waterloo was solid for second with Toronto too far in front to be threatened. As a tired and trailing Ryerson runner crossed the road and entered the field,

Python Northey leads Ken Hamilton of York and the rest of the field across a freshly ploughed to the bushes and cow pastures. All a part of any cross country runner’s life and love.

jon Arnett pionships.


a roaring



the car rally began once again. A van reportedly driven by Dave Smith edged a small Datsun containing course officials and the meet director into the ditchand seemingly out of contention for the rally prize. Defending champion Grant McLaren was also in the unfortunate vehicle, but somehow they all made it to the next viewing area before the runners were visible. Sharp-eyed observers and those with binoculars picked out the leaders as they grew from specks on the horizon to full size to be Northey and Hamilton almost a quarter-mile ahead of the field. Sax and Sharp of Toronto were together in third place entering the cow pasture. Northey forged ahead of Hamilton as both runners were overtaking a very surprised heifer. A freshly-ploughed field looked dangerous but all runners made a successful portage splashing through the small stream on the other side. All was going well for Toronto and if everything continued, Waterloo and Western were solid for the next two positions. As before, Hale, Arnett and Walker were in the top twenty. Danny


farm before










Anderson, still limping from his unfortunate incident with a steeplechase hurdle at the track championships showed manifestations of pain as he grinded along in thirtieth position. The car rally began once again, across the starting point to the other side of the course. Toronto had first place all e to themselves with four runners in the top ten, and Northey had opened a substantial lead on the rest of the field. A soaking wet Ken Hamilton had slipped to third place and Toronto now had Sax challenging the Waterloo runner for the lead. Over the road and up a long hill the runners went, and at one point had to follow a tractor as the field was being ploughed. As they came down gravel road to the finish, twenty five minutes had elapsed but Northey was still leading. Down the road they came, one grimacing runner after another, all not too pleased with the gravel underfoot. Most unimpressed by the surface was Bruntz Walker who lost a shoe in the muddy field and tried to run in the bushes beside the road. He slipped from nineteenth place to twenty-third before limping to a stop with a blistered right foot. Walker’s non-finish put Waterloo two points behind western and in third place as Northey took top honors with a 31.51 minutes time for the six miles. Sax and Sharp of Toronto outran Hamilton to give Toronto second and third places while Paul Glynn trailed Hamilton for another top Toronto finish. Twelfth was given to Murray Hale, Arnett took eighteenth place, Freshman Mike Lannigan was twenty-ninth and Anderson finished in spot number thirty-three. “The difference between winning and losing cross-country is so thinly defined, that if we took Toronto on today, we would massacre them nine times out of ten,” Arthur Taylor comm.ented this week. “We had difficulty applying the ‘here and now” to the race” he added. “Toronto should never have been allowed to get their runners in that position.” But they did, Bruntz lost his shoe and Waterloo finished third. Everyone was pleased with the course and although not all runners did as well as they wished, it was a good day in the country...even for the rally drivers. Pictures and article by Dennis McGann


10 november,


t ht

Heavy-handed blues edge warriors

by George Pat Reid

At the Kitchener Auditorium on the week-end, one of nine,*regional Hockey Canada playdowns was completed with the U. of Toronto Blues advancing to the finals (Dec. 16-18) with a 4-3 victory over the U. of Waterloo Warriors and a 9-2 walkover of the Lutheran Golden Hawks. Other regional winners who will also advance to the finals in mid-December include : St. Mary’s University Huskies, Moncton U. Eagles, U.of Sher’ brooke, York Yeomen, U. of Ontario, Calgary Western Dinosaurs and Laurentian University . One of the best games of all nine regional tournaments had to be the Waterloo-Toronto game which wasn’t decided until the second overtime period when Mike Keenan of Toronto deked a hapless warrior defenceman and beat a remarkable Jake Dupuis in goal, to give Toronto their 4-3 victory. Toronto went in front 1-O on a goal by ex-Lutheran hawk Doug Tate, then Mike Guimond tied the game for the warriors with the first of two goals he scored. Toronto pressed the warriors relentlessly and it paid off with 2 more goals, one each by Bruce Herridge and Harry Sems as Toronto took a demanding 3-l lead. Then it was the warriors turn to apply the pressure and it paid off with Guimond’s second goal of the game and then Dickie Smith scored late in the third period to force the overtime encounter. The warriors started the game by taking the play to Toronto, while varsity came out swinging, (their sticks). In the first period, varsity was given two penalties for crosschecking, which was a mild term for clubbing an opponent over the head with the stick. There were other occasions of toronto stick coming in contact with warrior helmets, but they went unnoticed by the referee. Waterloo had a number of good shots on the Toronto net but the varsity defense managed to keep the warriors from getting away any good close shots. Dick Smith of the warriors had a great chance to score on a ‘breakaway, unfortunately a Toronto stick found its way around Smith’s body, taking him to the ice. The first period ended with varsity in front by a score of 1-O. Warriors’ first goal came in the Mike Guimond second period. scored on a shot that went through the legs of a Toronto defenseman and into the net. The varsity cross checking and high sticking activity continued into the second period. Nick Holmes of Toronto knocked Cam Crosby to the ice with a stick to the jaw. Then he skated the width of the ice and hit Roger Kropf in the mouth guard with the same stick. For his exuberant display of stick handling, Holmes received four minutes of rest in the penalty box. In the third period, Waterloo


( h~wron



For the warriors, the biggest gains were in the departments of , confidence and respect, two areas wher they were void last season. Few people had given the warriors much chance of even being close to the Toronto blues, who are supposed to have their toughest team in quite some time. Jake Dupuis, warrior goaltender, suffered the game’s only in- 1 a pulled hamstring, but jury, managed to finish the game. It won’t be known until later to-day whether or not Dupuis will be able to play in goal for the warriors when they travel to Michigan Tech on the week-end. Warriors next home game is Fri Nov. 24 against Queens. This weekend they play in Mich. Tech. on Fridav & Saturdav and onen the regular schedule next Saturday against McMaster in Hamilton.

photo by dick mcgill

Dickie Smith thinks he’s on his way to the goal and a/I alone, lower the boom. Doesn’t differ much from the NHL.

but a big bad varsity


is about


Matthison and possibly Sue Robertson all having been on previous athena squads. Newcomers to the team include Sue Gillespie, Julie Potticary, Sue Alderson, Cathy Adams, Kathy Brown, Margret Murray and sister Maida Murray. This list however, is far from complete. The men’s squad opens its season at the OUAA relays at York next Saturday and may be in line to give Toronto, the meet winners for the past two seasons, more than just a few surprises. The warriors have been training , harder than any previous season and feel they will be starting the long five months of competition in top condition. Many of the swimmers have been sneaking in a few extra miles of running and swimming in the wee hours of the morning that may mean the big difference in the months to come. If the first intersquad meet was any indication of the upcoming year, very few records should be left intact by March. There is a good chance the re-writing of the record board will start this afternoon. Some of the warriors to be seen in action this afternoon are cocaptains George Roy, Rolfe McEwan, and Doug Munn, sprinter Graham Patterson, Eric Robonsin and Jim Low, both backstrokers, and Dave Robinson. New additions to the team include Pat Cullen, Dave Wilson, Richard Knaggs, Garth Webb, and a nvmber of new divers. The warriors will have a full strong team in the pool this winter, and will be out to improve on their third place OUAA finish of last year.

became determined to overcome their two goal deficit. The warriors came back to tie the score on goals by Jim Nickleson and Guimond. Guimond picked up a pass from Nickleson and attempted to pass the puck out in front of the Toronto goal, but the puck hit the goalie and went into the varsity n&t. Toronto’s rough tactics continued through the third period. The referee was not sure that he actually saw Toronto’s Mike Keenanhit Kropf on the chin with an elbow. It was easy to see that Keenan was pleased at the referee’s indecision, his teeth became evident. This smile disappeared when he took a penalty for high sticking a few moments later.


With the final intersquad swim meet taking place this afternoon the athenas and warriors have never looked stronger going into an intercollegiate season. Last week, two team records fell to newcomer Maida Murray while scores of others were threatened.

athenas could go all the way in regaining the league championship lo& last spring after winning two titles in the first three years in the s league. Some of the girls who will be in the Wednesday meet are Laura Foley, Liz Saunders, Chris Lutton, Bridgette Zirger , Debbie Farquhar, diver Laurie Martin, Beth Breen, Joy Stratteny Maryann and Joyce , . , , Schuett, .

Toronto was playing one man short. Nickleson tipped in the tieing goal on a shot from the Toronto blue line by Danny Portland. The tie, however, had to be broken by sudden death overtime. Part-way through the opening moments of the first overtime period, one would have wondered if either team really wanted to win the game. Both teams approached the period defensively and very cautiously. The play continued this way, with frequent heavy activity in front of each goal, until-Toronto scored in the second overtime period. Waterloo could finish first in their section of the league this year. It looks like some exciting hockey will return to the barn (Waterloo arena) for the first time in a few years. The old ‘fade-in-thestretch’ trick will not be a part of the warrior hockey team-act this year.

afternoon. On Wednesday evening at 7 pm the athenas will play host to the girls from Guelph. Last year’s dual meeting staged in the agricultural city saw the visiting athenas win 65-35. Allison Bays and Ann Walton both made the collegiate nationals last spring and will be in the lineup for Guelph. Other newcomers are expected to strengthen their team. This Wednesday’s meet is one of very few home contests for the athenas this fall. A large number of new’ swimmers have joined the athena’s squad this fall, and along with the eleven returning members, will mean a full squad for the first time. Up to this season, the team has always’ been handicapped at the championships being two, three or rno’ short of the full team complemah liecessary to cover all events. Power and depth mean the

Veteran sw/mmer joy 3tratten IS lust one of the athena will be. facing Cuelph on Wednesday evening.

hit water Wednesday







the chevron


North American le ttzme bogco tt

The friendl” farmers Will take care of you

by Don Humphries Canadian University


n the coming months Canadians will be approached to again help the United Farm Workers of America (UFW) fight for fair wages and living conditions. The UFW has called a lettuce boycott against the big growers in the south-western United States to back demands for recognition of the United Farm Workers Union as the bargaining agent for lettuce workers. The same farm workers, led by Cesar Chavez, brought the grape plantation owners to their knees after five years of continuous boycott action. The issues involved in the lettuce boycott are essentially the same as those in the grape boycottobtaining the same basic human rights for the Mexican-Americans (Chicanos) as white workers have. The lettuce boycott started more than two years ago in Salinas County, California, which produces 74.5 percent of all summer lettuce shipped from California and Arizona. The owners had signed “sweetheart back-door agreements” with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in late july. But on august 11, 1970 the Teamsters and UFW reaffirmed a 1967 jurisdictional agreement giving the UFW jurisdiction over all agricultural workers. The UFW called massive strikes against the lettuce plantation owners on august 24, 1970. Some 7,000 workers walked out in the Salinasand Santa Maria Valleys to back demands that the UFW be their collective bargaining representatives. Because of the strike, one company, Inter Harvest, allowed a card check election supervised by the Catholic Bishops’ Committee. The workers overwhelmingly supported the UFW and the union negotiated a contract with the company. As company representatives said, “The Teamsters had our contract but UFW has our workers.” The plantation owners-mostly corporate interests-sought and obtained an injunction prohibiting all UFW strike activity in the Salinas area on September 17, 1970. The workers refused to surrender to the owners and held a vote to determine further action. They opted for the boycott. The existence of the UFW means much to Chicanos because it’s a union with a difference. It is their union and they control it. Before Cesar Chavez and the UFW appeared on the scene, farm workers were the worst off of any workers in the United States. A typical example would be Jessica Govea’s family. She is special assistant to Chavez and co-ordinator of the lettuce boycott. She led organizational efforts in Toronto during the grape boycott. Every member of her family had to work in the cotton fields in order to survive on the low -piece-rate they were paid. ( Piece-


rate involved payment by the pound instead of by the hour.) The family would get up at 4 am, pack a lunch, and drive one hour to get to the fields. They worked without a break until 6 pm. Babies were put in boxes and left either in the car or at the end of the row of crops their parents were picking. There were no toilets or drinking water in the fields although California law requires them. If the foreman didn’t like a worker or if the worker complained about the conditions, he was fired. The worker’s name would go on a blacklist and he couldn’t get a job with any of the surrounding plantations. To be a farmworker meant to be continually on the move from one job to another.The children could not receive proper schooling, if .indeed they got any. Jessica Govea needed four years to learn English, and she was lucky. The children attend school for six out of nine months. They either fail or pass on to another grade without really learning anything. No miminum wage for men exists in California. The minimum wage for women and children is $1.65 per hour, but is not enforced. The housing provided to farmworkers usually consists of shacks without sanitary plumbing. The Sunset Labor Camp in the movie “The Grapes of Wrath” is still in use. It was originally built in the 1930’s by the federal government and was later sold to the county. People are still living in those original corrugated steel shacks-and paying rent for them. Cesar Chavez came to the grape fields in 1962 with his family. He had obtained a grade eight education after attending 38 different schools. With his family beside him, Chavez worked in the fields dongside other workers who were organising a union.

Farm workers have been attempting to organize for more than 70 years. Every time they tried, they have been thwarted by land owners and government. American Indians were the first to toil as farmworkers in the fields of California. They were followed by Chinese (who comprised 90 percent of the farmworkers in the 1870’s), Japanese, Philippines, and today Chicanos. Farmworkers are the least protected of all American workers under federal and state laws. They have no protected organizing rights and cannot legally insist on union representation elections or collective bargaining. Chavez organized in the fields for three years.Workers paid dues of $3.50 into their organization and slowly the union began to grow and to serve its members. People in the Chicano communities were being exploited by educated Chicanos who operated outlets called “service centres”. The centres essentially provided a liaison service with white authorities because most Chicanos spoke only Spanish or were unacquainted with the laws. This liaison service was provided but for a fee. Typical charges were $5 to make a phone call, $10 to write a letter or $25 to get a motor license. To end this exploitation, the union set up its own liaison centres-but the union centre does not charge fees, and even teaches people to solve their problems without the assistance of others. To counter the lack of medical care, the union set up free clinics in trailers None of the local doctors would help, so doctors from Los Angeles andSan Francisco came to treat the farmworkers and other poor people. The union also set up credit unions to help eliminate loan shark companies which were bleeding people with outrageous interest rates.

10 november,


After these programs were implemented, people realized they weren’t changing the social and economic conditions under which they lived. The workers were still being treated by the farm owners as possessions to be held in utmost contempt. It smacked of 18th century wage slavery. In September 1965, grape pickers at a large rally in Delano, California decided to withdraw their labour to support demands for better pay and working conditions. At that time, the union had only $65 in the bank to serve as a strike fund. Perhaps the most important aspect of the strike was the determination of the workers to hold out until they had won the same basic human rights that white people enjoyed. The owners ‘imported workers from Mexico to break the strike. Union supporters constantly had to persuade these people to quit in support of the strike. Many did leave, but for those who did, there were always more poor and desperate Mexicans looking for work. A congressional Committee came from Washington in 1966 to investigate the situation. It hasn’t been heard from since. The grape boycott was called in response to the imported workers. Because the union did not have any money, people hitchhiked to cities all across the US to set up boycott committees. After five years, the majority of grape growers signed contracts with the union. Only days later, the UFW called the lettuce boycott. The lettuce boycott has run into much ” more organized resistance than did the grape boycott. On October 6, 1970, Judge Gordon Campbell ordered the IJFW to stop all boycott action. Again the owners were using the courts to their advantage and the order followed a September injunction prohibiting UFW strike activity in Salinas county. The UFW appealed the decision on the basis of the American constitutional right of free speech. Campbell ordered Cesar Chavez to jail for refusing to call off the boycott. The incident attracted American attention with such public figures as Ethel Kennedy and Coretta King coming to join a 24-hour vigil, set up by workers outside the jail. On december 23, 1970, the California Supreme Court ordered Chavez released pending a fina I decision on the case. In march, 1971, the Teamsters and UFW extended their jurisdictional agreement for three years, reaffirming UFW’s right to ,photo by bob fitch

Security guard standing watch over the lettuce harvesting crew of rn-ostly students at a California newspaper estimated that 500 to 600 high school students were brought into the fields to break the strike.





3 friday,

IO november,


1972 ~bto

represent all agricultural workers. At this time a moratorium on the lettuce boycott began. The California Supreme Court then finally ruled unanimously that a substantial portion of Judge Campbell’s boycott injunction violated basic guarantees of free speech. On may 7, 1971, the first in a series of meetings between the UFW and a growers’ committee was held to discuss farmworkers’ contracts. The meetings dragged on through the summer and fall with the growers’ committee rejecting every compromise attempt put forward by the un Ion. The purpose of the meetings became clear. They gave the growers the time they needed to harvest the summer lettuce crop without union interference. In november the growers again rejected a union offer and made it clear they intended to fight rather than settle with the union. It was also in november that the Western Growers Association convention was held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mike Schultz, Imperial Valley lettuce grower and California governor Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager, was elected president. It was these patriotic gentlemen who sold lettuce emblazoned with stars and stripes and la belled “Re-elect the President Lettuce”. Money from the sales of this scab lettuce was used to help re-elect Nixon. The Free Marketing Council, (FMC), the public relations arm of the lettuce industry, began filing charges against the UFW boycott with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in december 1971. Charges were filed in 13 cities across the US in an effort to head off the lettuce boycott. In response to the FMC, NLRB General Counsel Peter Nash, appointed by Nixon in august 1971, filed a complaint in Fresno, California Federal District Court against the boycott on march 9, 1972. Judge Cracker set the hearing for April 6. As the UFW mounted a campaign to pressure Republican officials, Nash sought negotiations with UFW lawyers and a postponement of the April 6th hearing. On may 3, 1972 Cesar Chavez announced the UFW had reached agreement with the NLRB reaffirming the UFW’s right to boycott. More than l,OOO,OOO letters had been written to Republican national chairman Senator Robert Dole protesting the efforts to quash UFW actions. At the same time, Chavez announced resumption of the boycott. While this little battle was taking place, two important events occurred. The AFLCl0 granted the UFW a charter, clearing the way to organize a national union of farm

workers. And in Florida, the UFW signed a contract with Coca-Cola Company covering more than 1,300 mostly black citrus workers. It represented the first contract. ever won by Florida farm workers. The threat the UFW now faces is the biggest it has ever had. It is the threat of government acti-farmworker laws. _ The Arizi>na legislature passed a law on may 9 this year, designed to take away the workers’ right to boycott. It outlawed all agricultural strikes and boycotts. Cesar Chavez began a 24-day fast to “remove the Growers Fear” by organized farm workers and for the “spirit of justice” in Arizona. The UFW began circulating a petition to recall Arizona governor Jack Williams, who supported the bill. More than 90,000 signatures have been obtained. During nls tast, Chavez was visited by George McGovern. McGovern announced. his support of the lettuce boycott and urged his supporters not to eat scab lettuce. On june 4, 6,000 people, including Joan Baez, joined with Chavez to end his fast at Phoenix, Arizona. Chavez announced the launching of a campaign to obtain l,OOO,OOO pledges supporting the boycott. Some 200,000 signatures have been obtained so far. In California, lettuce growers are attempting to get a law simiiar to Arizona’s passed by way of referendum. It would also outlaw all agricultural strikes and boycotts. The growers employed a public relations the necessary company to obtain signatures to get an initiative on the november 7 ballot. An initiative is similar to a referendum, but if passed it immediately becomes a law. The firm, Blanchard & Associates, paid people to solicit signatures. They gathered more than 63,000 signatures to place the initiative, called Proposition 22, on the ballot. Since Proposition 22 was included on the ballot, mounting protest has revealed that signatures were obtained by fraudulent means. California secretary of state Edmund Brown Jr. has received more than 5,000 affidavits in which the signers declare they were defrauded into signing the initiative petition. Many people were told the initiative would help farmworkers, would lower food prices, would set a minimum wage for farmworkers or would be an action against high-priced supermarkets. People signing the petition were not permitted to read the attorney-general’s statement describing the initiative, because it was covered by different coloured cards on which the misleading statements about the initiative were printed. Contrary to the law against



by Clayton Peterson

using minors, children and teenagers were subcontracted dy public relations agents to circulate petitions. Many signatures, addresses and dates were forged. The UFW has been getting support from many sectors to stop Proposition 22. Among those opposing Proposition 22 are California’s Catholic bishops, Democratic Party organizations, the California AFL-CIO and Einer Mohn, director of the Western Conference of Teamsters. To some people the reasons for the stiff opposition to the UFW in the south-western US are obscure. But one has merely to examine the ownership of the kind of farms the UFW wants to o[ganize. The lettuce boycott is not being carried out against the small family farmer. It is a direct challenge to the power of the corporate farm and agribusiness. An putstanding example of agribusiness in the US is Tenneco corporation. Tenneco owns or controls 1.8 million acres of land in the western US. Its farming and land development profits hit $22 million in 1970. It also received $1.1 million in farm subsidies from governments that year. Tenneco is the 34th largest corporation in-the United States. It is involved in manufacturing, oil and gas, packaging, shipbuilding, life insurance and banking Tenneco became involved in farming in 1967 when it gobbled up an old-style corporate farm, the Kern County Land Company. Kern County is California’& third largest land owner and has reportedly been buying land in Saskatchewan. J.I. Case farm /

machinery is also owned by Tenneco. Tenneco can plow its own land, which is fertilized and sprayed with chemicals from its own chemical division, using its own tractors which are fueled with gas and oil from its own wells and refineries. Tenneco does not yet have its own supermarket chain, but with the development of its distinctive brand name products (Sun Giant brand) such a step would be only logical to guarantee its brand name receives adequate distribution. This is what agribusiness is all aboutthe complete control of every aspect of agriculture. The production of food, its processing and the marketing of the final products is largely controlled by agribusiness. It means that large corporate farms hire people to produce the food, just like GM hires people to make automobiles. Five percent of US farms in 1969 recorded more than half of all sales. One percent of US feedlots now handle 52 percent of the beef and 90 percent of all broiler chickens are raised by five companies. (It is this type of agricultural society that the Task Force on Agriculture, commissioned by Canada’s Liberal government, advocates. Although the minister responsible for the Wheat Board, Otto Lang, has officially claimed that the Trudeau government rejected the report as government policy, no attempt has been made to limit the growth of multi-national agribusiness.) Other large land owners in California include Southern Pacific Railway-2.4 million acres, about 150,000 agricultural; Standard Oil-300,000 acres; and Kaiser Corporation-l 10,000 acres. To tackle such corporate giants, a vast supply of money would seem to be required. But it:s not. No one in the United Farm Workers Union is paid. Each member receives room and board plus $5 a week strike pay. There are 150 full-time boycott organizers working without pay across the United States. But what benefits would accrue to the workers if they could bargain through the union of their choice? Living and working conditions would improve drastically. There is no excuse for 15 percent of the farm workers showing symptoms of pesticide poisoning There is no excuse for California farm workers having an occupational disease rate twice the rate for all other industries combined. There is no excuse for the lack of proper sanitation in the fields. The life expectancy of farm workers is 49 years. They have shown their determination to extend their lives and the life of their union. But a unien is not an accurate description. It is more a movement, or La Causa. Viva La Causa. Boycott non-union


fflec member: cauadianunivemi~press (CUP) and ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA). The chevron is tgpeset by dumont press graphix and published fifty-two times a year (197% m1973) by the federation of students; incorpoxked, un@rsity of waterloo. Content is the msponsibility of the chevron staffs independek of the federation. Offices are located in the campus centre; phone (519) 885-1660, 885-1661 or university local 2331; telex 069-5248.




This week’s collection of obtuse journalism was brought to you by david cubberiey, gord moor-e, tony difranco! george kaufman, deanna kaufman, brian grupp, mel rotman, liz willick, ron colpitts, dennis mcgann, george neeland, glen arbeau, arthur taylor, ron smith, kim moritsugu, dudley Paul, tom macdonald, ellen tolmie, lynn bowers, brian bachert, sally hemp, john keyes, george turzanski, brian cere, dick mcgill, paul stuewe.








If you worked for the Chevron what changes would you make? What do you like or dislike about the paper?

Margaret Shaver Science 1

Bill Stadnyk Physics 1

Terry Math

Heale 1

I think it’s too amateurish except for the photography which is quite good. I somewhat dislike the hatchet editorials. News should be presented on both sides and in an informative way. In general, it’s a good campus newspaper, but I don’t like the editorializing.

There should be more stuff on the Villages. A lot of the things in the chevron don’t pertain to anything I know. I like the sports coverage but not really anything else. Us kids in first year don’t know the people running for federation president, so we don’t feel close to things like that.

by kim moritsugu and gord moore

I was going to work on the chevron but too many other things kept me busy. To work there you have to spend a lot of time, maybe all night two nights a week. In some ways it’s a good paper. But if they’re going to criticize something, like the Ike and Tina Turner concert, they take up two huge pages. When something is great, like Edgar Winter, much less space is used. It seems like it’s hard for the chevron to say something good. I think the paper is actually politically biased but most newspapers are.

Nora Znotinas Programme librarian computer centre

3ruce Taylor rllath 1

Joan Walker Kin 3

like the chevron. It’s not like the gazette. It gives the on campus lews and other important news. rhere are good write-ups on ;hows and concerts. I like record veviews the best, and concert -eviews. I just sort of skim .hrough the paper. I don’t feel t’s biased.

The coverage of athletic events is good, but you’ve got to say more a bout girls’ volleyball. I like reading the stories about society’ in general because it’s good to get off campus with some of the stories. Those interviews with the Federation president ia I candidates were really good.

Dan Shaughnessy Chem Eng 1A I think it’s pretty good right now. There should be a little more on sports; better write-ups on sports, that’s what I’m interested in. I don’t really read any newspapers that much. I like the music reviews.



Steve Silverstein Arts 1

zand Stevenson rin 2A ;ot an hour? The articles are all )ne-sided and only represent a imall minority of the university copulation. They let anyone write n the chevron. It doesn’t show tverybody’s attitude. They have I few good things like music and :oncert reviews. I don’t like it vhen they try to find fault with he university. That bit about the lkin flicks was the worst part. -he federation had finally got its Ihit together showing free novies during midterm exams to elieve tensions, then the hevron turns around and talks ibout insulting people’s inelligence. The flicks weren’t ven dirty. We kind of enjoyed hrowing the paper airplanes round.

10 november,


What a question! This year’s chevron has improved over last years. There’s neither anything really terrific in it nor anything really bad. The gazette has the information you need, it’s right there-the administration’s viewpoint and the administration’s need. Policy changes, hours changes, the new postal code, that’s what you read the Gazette for. The chevron is totally different. I usually read it for something to do. I enjoy reading it, it’s interesting-the university has to have some kind of newspaper.

I’d like to see it come out twice a week and with a humour section. First off, they’re biased. Someone was writing on Xaviera Hollander and the guy was a fascist. He obviously had no feeling as to what was going on. The girl who wrote editorial on the Frankenhouser, Jr. didn’t represent how the people who saw that fiasco felt. Generally the paper doesn’t offer that much to the average student. The average student here is really apathetic. The chevron should appeal to that student by offering different sections for each faculty. Arts, for example, is the biggest faculty on campus. It should have a list of things going on, like intramurals, interesting lectures being held in ordinary and special classes. There are some really good lectures going on in Environmental Studies and Planning that are not made public.

John Chisamore Math 3 That’s a very good question. When I look at what’s happening, I’d say the editor is doing a good job. I’d like to see a big cartoon or poster on the back page. Although they say they need people down there, there has to be a training period, which can’t be done on deadline night. I think the chevron is one of the best university papers shows the opinions of the editor, the production manager and the news editors. If it just reported news and not opinion, the students couldn’t form a basis for criticism. They can find out the straight news on TV.

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