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Campus Events -Friday,




CC Bombshelter is open from noon-l am. Feds zover, others $1 after 9 pm. DJ after 9 pm. The Muslim Friday prayer.

Student’s 1:30-2:30

Association pm. CC 113.




starring AI Pacino, Faren Feds $1, others $2.8 pm. AL

house. will be HH 280.

Dharma Buddha Sangha: An introductory workshop on the three jewels of Buddhism. Given by Stanley Fefferman and sponsored by the K.W. Dharma Study Group. Friday’s talk: free. Weekend Workshop: $15 (meals included). 8 pm. PAS 3005.



Women Environment Conference. cities and women at work. For more WPIRG, ext. 2578. 9-5 pm. MC 5158.

4Women in info contact

Hom>coming ‘80 at WLU. All WLU alumni are invited back to enjoy the parade beglnning at 10:00 am. leaving from the Athletic Complex parking lot. The annual meeting will be at 12 noon in the Paul Martin Centre. Football game versus Western at 2 pm., Seagram Stadium. There will be a post game party in Seagram gymnasium and the Homecoming Dance at 9 pm. in the Student Ballroom. CC Bombshelter IS open from 7-l cover, others $1 after 9 pm. DJ after Fed


am. Feds 9 pm.


see Friday.



Hair Cut for Terry Fox. Local hairstylists (Cambridge) will be at your disposal for a hair cut at a low fee of $6 per person. Donations are also accepted. All proceeds will go to the Canadian Cancer Society, care of Terry Fox. Due to lack of facilities, It is advisable to wash your hair before coming. 10 am 6 pm. Matador Tavern 250 Hespeler Road, Campbrldge. Ecumenical University lo:30 am.

Reformed community. HH 280.

Waterloo Jewish Intercampus event of on Columbia Field 4. to both or either. All

Worship Refreshments

for entire afterwards.

Student’s Association first the year. Soccer game at 2 pm. Dinner 4-8 pm, CC 110. Come welcome.

chapel services 7-8 pm.


The film “Nobody Waved Good-bye” at 7 pm in the Kitchener Public Library. free and everyone is welcome.


see Friday.

will be shown Admission is

Eckankar introductory talk. Learn more about this unique path to self-realization and God-realization. All are welcome. 7:30 pm. CC 110. The Cine-Club presents “La Cage aux Folles”. A hllanous comedy showing the problems of a homosexual couple dealing with an upper-class “proper” family, when their children decide to get mart-led and the families meet. In French with English subtltles. A contribution of $2 at the door will be welcomed. 8 pm. EL 112. Chess Club Meeting -- Come! Experience the joys of the sport of kings (and queens, and pawns). We will also talk about the upcoming tournament.



Music Appreciation Kitchener Public Library. lunch available for $1.

S&ies Noon.

featuring Admission

Haydn. is free,

- A Celebration of Life” to be held in A series of workshops, the Campus Centre. demonstrations and displays surrounding the theme of increasing and enhancing mind and body awareness. See ad inside the paper. Library Research Shortcuts Political Science. 2:30 pm. Meet desk in the Arts Library.

for Students at the information

Conrad;Grebel College coffee and discussion. Course Kooistra, Chinese Humanities CC

Chapel Services 4:45-5:15 pm.

in Reformed Doctrine D. Th. 7-8 pm. Conrad Magic Theatre.


Circus of $7/students

Taiwan. $5.50.



Conrad Tuesday.



“God, Man interdisiplinary Discussion . Kooistra. parables


and the World”, course. 5-6 pm. HH

Fellowshib Supper at 6 pm. at 7 pm. HH 280.



a non credit 334.

with chaplaln Dlscussion of

Rem Jesus

Free astronomy films at WLU. Four short films on astronomy and associated sub)ects. 7 pm. Arts Building, room 2C8. AdmIssIon IS free. Jane Barker, from the Centre for Alternative Industrial and Technoloylcal Strategies. will discuss alternatives British workers have developed when faced with massive layoffs or plant closures. At the Labour Centre, 141 King St. E, opposite Market Square, Kitchener. Info phone WPIRG, ext. 2578. 7:30 pm. Meditation. Free Introductory Env. 354. For alternate lecture phone David & Shannon Bourke,

Dance of the Royal Courts. Elaine Blagl Turner and accompanying dancers provide a delightful glimpse of the Baroque period. Theatre of the Arts. Cinema Bancroft Hall.

Gratis - “The Turnlny and Shirley MacLalne.

Point” starring Anne 9:30 pm. CC Great

to by

CC by

Rem 251. pm.




“Bodyworks “The Noon. Bring

- a Celebration

Ascent Waterloo your own

Waterloo meeting welcome. Conrad Tuesday.


see Monday. of Life”

Man” by Jacob Brownowskl. Public Library. AdmIssion IS free. lunch.

Christian Fellowship with Thanksgiving worship 4:30-7 pm. HH 280. Grebel

see Tuesday.




(IVCF) service.

supper All are


- see

see Monday.






by Chaplaln Grebel, rm.


UW Liberal Club will meet to elect executive and delegates for upcomlng conventlon. New members welcome. If unable to attend, leave a message for Wim Simonis in the Federation Offlce. 4:30 pm. SCH 230.


“Student Life”. Take a break from your studies have some fun. Everybody welcome. Sponsored the Campus Crusade for Christ. 4:30-5:30 pm. 110.

for students at the lnformatlon

“Alternative Strategies to Layoffs and Plant Closures”, a talk and dIscussIon with Jane Barker, Centre for Alternative lndustrlal and Technological Strategies, Essex, England. For intormation, phone WPIRG, 885-1211 ext. 2578. Room 2083 PAS. 3:30 pm.

Transcendental Talk. 8 pm. arrangements, 576-2546.



- a Celebration

of Life”

8see Tuesday.


CKMS Ra&o Theatre AuditIons. We need actors of all shapes, sizes, voices and levels of experience. We also need sound effects people to make the actors sound good. Be there! 7 pm. Bauer Warehouse. Fed


KW Probe organizational meeting for Environment Week, Oct. 14-16. All interested people are urged to attend. Coltne and get involved in this exciting programme! 5:30 pm. ENV 221.

“Bodywol;ks Grebel College and discussion.

Library Research Shortcuts Canadian PolltIcs. 2:30 pm. Meet desk in the Arts Library.

Library Research Shortcuts for Students in French Canadian Literature. 2:30 pm. Meet at the information desk in the Arts Library.

The Junior Farmers are holding their first regular meeting in CC 113 at 2 pm. New members welcome. Conrad coffee

Music at Noon featuring David Falk, bantone: Marjorie Beckett, piano. WLU Theatre Audltorlum. Admission is free.


The Canadtan Chamber Ensemble performs in the Theatre of the Arts. Tickets cost $9, $7 or $5 for students and senior citizens and are available from the University box office, 885-4280. 8 pm.



are available for students interviews for permanent up at the reception desk,lst

CC Bombshelter is open from noon-l am. Feds cover, others $1 after 9 pm. DJ after 9 pm.

Supermarket Tour. Meet at WPIRG office, CC 217B at 3:30 pm. But let us know you’re coming so we can arrange for guides and transportation. 8851211, ext. 2578.

The A.S.U. invites you to attend a coffee Home baked munchies and entertainment provided. 8-12 pm. Undergraduate lounge,


Registration packages going through graduate employment. Pick them floor, Needles Hall.

Biology seminar at WLU. Mr. Warren Maidens will speak on “Within the Federal Government.” 11:30 am. 22 Bricker St. Admission is free.

Last day to submit nominations for WPIRG’s Board of Directors. For information or forms contact Waterloo Public Interest Research Group, 217B, CC 885-1211, ext. 2578.

Fed Flicks: “Cruising”, Alien and Paul Serving. 116.

see Monday.

Cam Conrad of the Ontario Federation of Secondary School Teachers will answer questions about the Federation and the day-to-day life of a teacher as well as giving information of the future for secondary teaching. lo-11 am. Needles Hall, 1020.

A pot luck dinner at 6 pm. Price of admission IS a food dish or a $3 ticket obtained in advance from the Turnkey Desk. At 9 pm the Square Dance starts, featuring the band Rural Delivery. CC Great Hall. Latin American Issues film/and dlscusslon on mining in Bolivia (“I Spent My Life In the Mines”) and the Dominican Republic (“We Want Our Nickel Back”). Emmanuel United Church, 22 Bridgeport Road, Waterloo. 7:30 pm. Fireside: Information

Introduction and Informal

to the dlscusslon.

Baha’l Faith. 8 pm. CC 135.




3, Number

12; University

of Waterloo,








3, 1980.


3 3

Safe Water group petitioning for community vote “Are you in favour of the discontinuance of the fluoridation of the public water supply of this municipality?” is the question on a petition presently being circulated both on the UW campus and throughout the city of Waterloo. At an organizational meeting of the Waterloo Safe Water Society last Tuesday the petition was discussed. Efforts are underway to have the question placed on the ballot of the November 10th municipal election. In order for such a question to be placed on the ballot, ten per cent of the - population must sign the petition. As of Tuesday, there were 2150 names gathered, with a total of 4000 signatures needed by the October 14th deadline. The water supply of Waterloo was fluoridated in June 1967, when city council, without any input constituents, from the decided to fluoridate the

water. The Waterloo Safe Water Society is asking for a chance to let the public decide for themselves what they take into their bodies. Their literature claims that the fluoridation of water supplies does not prevent cavities, as only proper diet and oral hygiene can do that. Interest was stirred up in those attending; some people said that their rights were being violated. In addition, the literature of the society claims that fluoride and fluoridated water not only fail to prevent tooth decay, but that long-term use may lead to several chronic ailments, including mongolism in newborns, cancer, and the mottling - of teeth.

the quality of the fluoride used, the pamphlet states, “They (the chemical companies) don’t even use food grade fluoride, but rather commercial grade fluoride, which, even if fluoride weren’t poisonous, would still be unfit for human consumption...”

“The reputations of the ADA and the USPHS are at stake...thery must use brute politicalforce to keep their fluoridation bandwagon going...”

idation plant on Hallman Road in Waterloo cost $100,000 to build.

Fluoride, according to their pamphlets, is an industrial waste product, and in the States, “industries throw over 100,000 tons of fluoride into our atmosphere yearly.” In response to the question of

According f_o the society’s president, Jim Colley, the city of Waterloo pays $17,0'00 for the fluoride alone, which is supplied by Sulco Chemicals in Elmira. The recently constructed fluor-

the health problems of fluoridation. One *of his children is hyperactive and in a controlled test, he had his child drinking fluoridated water for three weeks and found him

Finally, in response to the question of why the American (and Canadian) Den%1 Association (ADA) and the US Public Health Service (USPHS) are so totally behind fluoridation, the society’s pamphlet concludes by saying,

Colley, in his address to the cited his group, personal experience with

almost impossible to handle. When he took the ‘child off the fluoridated water, a difference was noticeable within 36 hours. The way in which local government has handled this matter has prompted him to run for city council November in the 10 election. Herbert Riedel, a UW PhD student a,nd the local

organizer, said that he was very pleased with the result of the meeting. Those interested were assigned an area of the city in which to canvass for signatures for their petition. All residents of Waterloo, including students in residence, are able to vote provided they are Canadian citizens or British subjects . Jim Murray

“Long-range industrial strategy” necessary TORONTO (CUP) - Over the past five the days, University of Toronto played host to the Ontario Federation of Students’ (OFS) fall conference. OFS represents 170,000 students across the province, including those at the U of T. The conference began last Wednesday with a day long women’s caucus. Women’s issues were later to be dealt with in a women’s issues committee women’s workshop, in issues committee meetings and in papers on the subject. OFS workshops attracted famous people: Paul Anisef and Antony Turrittin, co-authors of the controversial Is The Die ’ Cast? report and John Okihiro, who will be helping them write a follow-up study, attended a workshop on accessibility. Ontario Liberal leader Stuart Smith, Liberal Universities and Colleges critic John Sweeney and former NDP critic David Cooke were on hand for a Government Forum. All three expressed their opposition to the Tories’ “regressive” post-secondary education policy. There were no representatives from the Ontario government present at the forum. One delegate said that

the absence of any government representative revealed more about government policy than any statement they could make at the meeting. Smith expressed anger at the way the Conservatives had allowed postsecondary education expenditure to slip to such a low level, a phenomenon that was causing “the rest of Canada to look in disbelief.” Cooke, who was recently replaced by Ted Bounsall, also attacked the Progressive Coqservative “cutback” policy. To the deskthumping approval of the delegates, Cooke outlined the NDP post-secondary education policy as one which was an “almost direct duplication of OFS policy.” He attacked the OSAP programme which was now operating as a “disincentive to attend school at the postsecondary school level.” Although the two political parties were united in their attack on government underspending, they differed on how their policies would correct the damage. The Liberals rejected “discretionary tuition fee increases” as simply “sneaky”. At the same time, Smith said students, like everyone else, should share the burden ‘of inflation. In terms of specific recommendations, Smith reiterated his pro-

mise to put an immediate freeze on tuition fees, allowing for a proper accessibility stud.y and stated he would restructure OSAP if he was elected. Both parties refused to see the government’s postsecondary education policy as an issue which affects students only. Cooke and Smith called for greater allocation of resources to research and development at the gradulevel. ate school They agreed that universities with their research facilities have a key role to play if Ontario is to break out of its “branch-plant economy”. The Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) decided, at its workshop on employment, that a longrange industrial strategy was necessary to Ontario’s development, and that education should be part of that strategy. Jay Drydyck, OFS researcher, began the workshop with an introduction of a entitled paper Students and Employment. He stated that the last real work done by OFS on unemployment was in 1978. Drydyck claimed that student unemployment over the summer was 18.6% in Ontario, an all time high for this province. This was worse than the average, although it was by no means

the worst, he said. Drydyck pointed out, however, that this had very “scary implications” for the future, not only of post-secondary education, but of society. The major OFS policy on employment, as Drydyck explained, was one of direct job creation. That is, OFS called for the Federal government to develop a program which would provide useful work throughout the year in community controlled projects which would expand in the summer to absorb the influx of unemployed students. OFS felt that the most effective short-term solution to growth of unemployment was for work to be provided by the government. The government, however, has pursued a policy of personal and corporate tax cuts since OFS started looking into unemployment in 1975. Drydyck pointed out that such indirect methods of job creations do not work because consumers may save the money instead of putting it back into the economy, and consumers may spend the money on imported goods, creating no new jdE33 in Canada. It is because of the pursuit of the Ontario government of a policy of indirect job creation that OFS brought a motion endorsing a longrange strategy. One OFS member pointed out that, rather than aid industrial development, the

government might cut back in non-industrial areas. It was hoped that a welldeveloped strategy would guard against this. Drydyck was of the opinion that it was significant just to start looking into such a strategy,

which he felt would take at least a couple of years to fully develop. “We now realize the need,” he stated, “for a long-range industrial strategy.” Ira Nayman Marcus Pratt The Varsity

As of press time, the October 2 General Meeting of the Federation of Students was in full swing. The meeting, attended by about one hundred and fifty students and Iate in starting due to long lineups, was chaired by Mark Winnett who explained the rules of order (based on Robert’s Rules) for the meeting. Voters, undergraduate, fee-paying students, were issued voting cards and were allowed speaking rights limited to five minutes. “The right of jhis assembly to exist overrides the right of any individual here,” stated Winnett, and reminded those present that any who were disorderly and “couldn’t find the door, would be shown the door,” but added that he hoped this would not happen. Motions scheduled for discussion at the meeting concerned the striking of an Election Action Committee (Freeman/Waterman), and the adoption of a Fee Hike Strike [Thompson/Anderson), and a motion that the Federation “defend any student of UW who is participating” in such a strike (Thompson/Anderson).

ImP*t is the student newspaper at the UniversiQ~ of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications Waterloo, a corporation without share oapital, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 8851660 or extension 2331 or 2332. Imprint is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a student press organlzation of 63 papers across Canada. Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the term. Mail shouldbeaddressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre ltoom 140.” We are typeset on campus with a Camp/Set 510, paste-up is like-e done on campus. Imprint: ISSN 07067380.


Fditor Business Manager


Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, andmfuse advertising.



- --

“Why should I write for the IMPRINT?” Many students ask themselves this question each September during the paper’s annual big drive for new members. Unfortunately, too many students shrug off the question, thinking “not enough time”, as they head off to the CC pub. While such a comment might be justified for a borderline student, the time necessary for average involvement would hardly be noticed by anyone safely above the passing minimum. After all, one of Parkinson’s laws is “work expands to’ fill the time available”. While the satisfaction derived from working for a student newspaper should be reason enough, there is one major tangible benefit of involvement that usually doesn’t occur to students until January of their fourth year - the month when permanant job interviews take place. In professions ranging from computer science to psychology to kinesiology, good writing and communication skills are an asset if not a necessity for advancement. Interviewers are usually looking more for writing ability, and skill at

Are you against the university

giving knowledge to the CIA, such as Steve Harvey’s enhancements to the C-370 compiler? by Phyllis Oliveira


Judy Majsztrik Math & Computer 1 I am against the university

Bev McBride Geography 4 giving

knowledge to the CIA because you don’t know if they are going to put it to good use 0r not.


I am thrilled that a prestigeous establishment such as the CIA would even bother with us. How exciting.


, ^

Teahan English

It does not seem politically university Canadian American intelligence.


sound for a t0 support

Michael Ludgate Math 2

I object to the U.W. administration giving knowledge to the CIA, because they could p-erhaps use it against human _ rights.

Marc Kealey Political Science 1 Steve, you’ve got a tough fight against corrupt orgtinization. Good luck.

John Curtis Psychology


I feel that the U.S. should realize that there is a border separating tKe two countries. I am tired of- seeing power politics ruin the little man.

OOPS! Two weeks ago, in the campus question, we ran a picture of Sandra Hoffman above the response of Joanne Allen, who was situated above Sandra’s response. J.nne night. eh.

Imprint -- --I 4

team and organizational work than they are for a 90% average. The value of such skills in the working world cannot be underestimated - I’ve had many an interviewer tell me how hard it is to find technical people who can write. Writing for the IMPRINT can also indirectly help one’s marks - the writing practice will make one’s work reports, senior honours essay, lab reports, etc., a lot easier to write. And these can be difficult enough without the writing being a major chore. Work on the IMPRINT would be of advantage to just about anybody; if you have writing ability, what a way to show it - if you don’t an excellent chance to develop it. And there’s a lot to do besides writing. The sacrifices are minimal - I estimate niy average was between 1 and 2% lower because of my extracurricular activities, of yhich the IMPRINT was only one. However, as I am about to begin my second post-graduation job in a field outside my major, the rewards for such involvement are coming back and how! Stephen W. Coates Former IMPRINT Science Editor

Cruising in bad taste

I . . . _ . . . . . , , , “ , , j


Kelly Honours

3,- 1980.

Reas0.n to write

Camxms Question -



It is noted with interest that the Federation of Students is showing the movie “Cruising” this week as part of “Fed Flicks:’ which comes under the jurisdiction of the Board of Entertainment (BENT). The movie, which depicts a particular gay lifestyle in much the same exploitative manner as Hollywood depicted blacks for decades, has been roundly panned by critics

and minority groups alike for the highly inaccurate and biased (and potentially dangerous) view it Dresents. The general attiiude has deen that gays and other minority groups deserve better in a supposedly enlightened era of film-making. They do deserve better. The decision to show the film is certainly even less enlightened than the film itself. Liz Wood




3, 1980. --lmprint


CKMS general meeting J

Refunds up, and station runs $5,OflO deficit . At a general meeting of. ‘the members of Radio Waterloo Inc. (CKMS) held on Wednesday, October 1, 1980. it was renorted that ----a ten per cent Or k17 bf uw students obtained their CKMS refund of six dollars this fall. Last fall, only 979 students obtained refunds. However, because of higher enrollment this year, a greater number of refund requests was to be expected. Dave Assman, program co-ordinator for- CKMS, stated that CKMS had a deficit of $5000 after the fiscal year from September 1, 1979 to August 31,198O. The reasons given for the deficit were: the cost of the

from fourconversion track to eight-track tape in the CKMS studio, the installation of a new tower, and the addition of two new positions on the staff of CKMs . However since the CKMS studen; fee increased from five dollars last fall to six dollars this fall, an extra $10~000.00 has been obtained to cover the deficit.

at CKMS who has been responsible for the basket‘-ball broadcasts on campus, Perren Baker, acting president at CKMS since last February and a member of the board for the past two years, and Roy Gilpin, a newcomer to the Board of Directors. The new bylaws are similar to the old ones except that the number of people eligible to be members of Radio Waterloo has been expanded to include graduate, parttime and correspondence students as well as registered full-time students who pay their student fees. A change has been made in the provisions for board members must be students at. UW.

Other items on the agenda of the meeting were the election of three new .directors to the Corporiation of Radio Waterloo and the adoption of a newI set of bylaws. The three new directors are: Mark Suits, a -twoyear veteran programmer

McGill society deep in debt MONTREAL (cyp)The three Years. The bulk of the overdraft McGill Student Society is ’ $785,009 in debt to the went to pay- for equipment not provided for in annual university and McGill budgets. . wants its money back. “In& past, executives The debt was incurred in the last three years as the <have proceeded with all said sorts of projects,” its Society - expanded business operations and society vice-president of Salim Tharani. covered budget deficits. finances, No provision was made in “But nobody made any commitment to reduce the any society budget to begin repaying the debt and the deficit.“wants university now The society placed $125,000 some indication that the” in short term &posits last society ,is’ going. to start year using the interest as paying, the money back. working capital, Armour said “I wouldn’t call this a it was “a bit unusual that the student society should be crisis,” said John Armour, McGill University Compenjoying a short-term investment while they owe us troller. “The society has been increasing its -commercial undertaking and it’s normal for some money to be said Armour. outstanding”, “It just got beyond what it should have done. We’ve got to bring it gradually back into line.” Since 1978, successive student councils borrowed more than $591,000 through overdrafts on the society’s account with the university. No interest is charged on the overdrafts, and a further $144,000 was borrowed in two installments as interestfree loans payable within .

money.” Tharani


The repayments will substantially reduce the extra revenue the society expected, to gain from the fee increase students approved last year. (Fees were increased,’ by 23 per cent, to bring in an extra $108,000 this year). “I wouldn’t say that another fee increase is appropriate”, Tharani said. “We’re just going to have to live within our means from now on.”

Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in Village 1 for the academic Spring term 1981 -should obtain an application form from the Housing Office in Student Village 1, and must submit it to the Warden of Residences,‘prior to Friday, Oct. 31 1980. Applications received after this date cannot .be considered for appointment for . the Spring term 1981. I I .+-



are now Village

renting for 1 or phone

1981 the



884-0544, or local

CKMS, only about twenty present at the were meeting (ten others voted bY Proxy). Weather Picken


t On-Campus - Residence r-


Rooms.are currently available in Village 2 for Women.

Please inquire/ at the Housing Office, Village 1 Ctimdex, or < call < 884-0544. F.ederation

of Students


of Waterloo


Students’ -Council


Nominations to fill Students Council vacancies open-on, Friday, October 3,198O and close on Friday, October lo,1980 for the following seats: I \ i

Village accommodation will be available for the Winter term -cornmencing January 5. The Residence fees including meals will be singles (if available) $997.00,Inter-connecting $962.00 and doubles $927.00 for the’ term. Students wishing to apply for this accommodation may obtain Residence Application Forms from the Housing Office, which is located in Village 1, or write to: University of Waterloo Housing office University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

Village 1 sin gl e rooms inquire at Housing Office,

been necessary if UW students had involved in CKMS. 9,383 students who obtain a refund from .I

Centre, the guide pointsout some During a tour, organized by the Computing of the features on UW’s new 4341 computer. The tour was for students and Alan Amgold s interested community members.

society’s executive committee with a debt repayment plan whfch calls for t&e society to turn over $205,000 to McGill by the -end of the 1980-81 financial year.




Also, the number of have members required for’ more quorum at meetings has - gotten been reduced from 80 to 10. Of the This reduction might not didn’t



3,&at - ,.,I/1seat ,,;,I’ 1 seat .iI / 1 seat

Arts, regultir HKLS, kgular Scierice, co-op --- Renison )”

Nomination forms are alFdilablefrom Helga-Peti in \the Fed Offick locat.. -A’in 1X135, and must be returned to that offi& no later than 4:30p.m. on October 10,198O. I Election Committee Federation of Students




3, 1980.


6 -

Math-Stats opens many new positions ,

Methodology sus Survey stated that

At a meeting of students and faculty on Monday, J.B. Davis, Co-ordinator of

have allowed the sions Mathematics - Statistics Division “to open an

for the CenMethods Staff, budget expan-




The Apple




increased number of positions.” Careers in Business, Agriculture, Census, Household and Institutional Survey Methods are now available to eligible candidates. responsibilities Job within these departments include: survey would design and follow-up, quality control of data collection, data analysis, and research on department-specified topics. Qualifying students should be completing a BSC or a BMath(honours preferred) said the coordinator; sometime in 1981 with at least six Statistics half courses completed. As well, additional courses in Computer Science and experience in a Statistics related job are considered to be an asset. Davis stated that since Statisticians are expected to work in a project team setting, communications and leadership capabilities are also essential

attributes and will be evaluated during an interview. University graduates will be hired as “Junior Methodologists” or levelone statisticians earning between $11,299 and $19,174 per year. Due to the strong competition for qualified people, Junior Met hodologists will be

flexible hours, superannuation (pension plan), and long-term medical disability coverage, language training and PIPS (Professional Institute of Public Service) support.

advanced quickly (after 8 to 12 months) to the next salary level drawing an annual income of $19,775 to $22,537. According to Davis, advancement beyond level 3 is a major jump and must be done through internal competition.

Statistics Canada, in with the conjunction Public Service Commission, will be involved in university recruitment at Waterloo this fall. Davis commented that usually 250 and 300 between are received applications from across Canada each After screening, year. and 80 between 60 students will be interviewed for approximately IO to 12 job vacancies.

Continuing education opportunities look good, as part-time says Davis, course fees are refunded by the government upon course and completion leaves of absence for fulltime study may be obtained. Further employbenefits include: ment

It was noted, however, that job openings generally become available throughout the year, creating 10 to 20 more positions by the end of April. The deadline for November graduate interview applications at Waterloo is October IO. Sharon Mitchell

Ext. 3700

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prise. The latter book contains a collection of articles written for Macleans about the KitchenerWaterloo area which also became a best seller. More Food That -Really Schmecks continues her first recipe book. It is ,

‘r ,

Original recipes, remedies\ date from \ SCOOPS,


, _ ~~~~~dt



Staebler is oriented. currently working on a based on the book collection of articles she The articles has written. have appeared in books on the. subjects of sociology, anthropology and other texts. . .

last year both on the radio and on television. However, as a writer she unapproachable. remains She herself states that she is a writer “who just happened to write a few recipe books that became . bestsellers.” _ Evelyn





Edna Staebler, author of the bestsellersFood That Schmecks and Really More Food That Really Schmecks and winner of the women’s press ‘club award, was the guest of honour last Tuesday at an open house held at the home of Mrs. B.C. Matthews. The event was sponsored by the University of Waterloo women’s club. \ -

Staebler, educated at the University of Toronto, has maintained a high interest in free lance writing and has written articles for Reader’s Digest, Chatelaine, and Macleans.

It was on an assignment for Macleans, in which she was to write an ‘article\ about Mennonite food, that . her first recipe book Food That Really Schmecks came to be. During the assignment, Staebler visited and lived in the homes of Mennonites where she became acquainted . with n their food and recipes, and then produced a long, enthusiastic account of her This resulted experiences. in a request for her to write _ a book based on the article. Staebler agreed and the product was a unique collection of recipes com-

bined with humorous and delightfully entertaining tales which she obtained through her travels and interactions, particularily with the Mennonites.

Hamilton in

. -

.ASU getsheti

The Arts Student Union (ASU) has a new president as of last week, following the resignation of the former president, Drew Kent. Doug Hamilton, who was elected-; as vice-president last March, has taken over as ‘ ASU president after council voted 6 to 2 to! accept Kent’s resignation during a September 23 Staebler also has written ’ meeting. There were two main other books, including reasons for Kent’s resigCape Breton Harbour and nation, according to HamSauerkraut and Enter-.

Her originality is displayed with the addition of recipes for mustard plasters, lotion for chap-a .’ ped hands; and a remedy for, drunkenness. Staebler acquired the remedy from a recipe book dating back to 1880, which her mother received on , her honeymoon.


president .

ilton. First, ,Kent retu-rned to UW as’ a part-time student this fall, but the ASU constitution demands that the president be a fulltime student. Second, Kent was “headstrong” and “some council members felt that he was overstepping his bounds,” said Hamilton. ASU council members ,asked Kent to stay on the ASU executive, but Kent has withdrawn from ‘~the union. “The council would still like Drew to act in-the

ASU,” said Hamilton, adding that “Drew does a lot of good for the ASU.” The ASU council meeting of September 23 was the cause, as well as the scene, of the resignation. Deborah Kieran, who stated she found * the display of “high school politics” exhibited by the students at the meeting ua disgrace”, subsequently resigned her position as representative for the Psychology Society in the ASU. ’ - . , Glenn St. Germain

Series examines S. America today ‘x

of An ’ examination political events in Nicaragua was the first topic of a j film-.lecture series entitled Latin American Issues: what lies behind the ,/ headlines? Sponsored by Global Community Centre, the Kitchener Chile Information Centre and WPIRG, the five part series will, according to the sponsors hopefully increase public and underawarenes.s standing of problems that exist in Latin American countries today. Last Thursday evening’s workshop focused on/ the political climate of Nicaragua both during the 1978 popular revolution against the Somoza Dictatorship and the climate today following the successful movement. k The mood of the revolution was brilliantly deqicted in the award winning film Nicaragua September 1978.

Photographed throughout the country and narrated primarily by N.icaraguans, the situation speaks ‘for itself through the film media. Though the author’s commentary is biased towards the revoglutionaries, it is informative. Following the film viewing, a discussion of the present political climate under the revolutionary government was led by Oxfam . representative, Dave O’Connor. O’Connor has just returned from an extended stay in Nicaragua. The film and discussion evening will be held every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Emmanual United Church, to examine situations in Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador and the Dominican -Republic. The public is welcome. Laurie Duquette

\ 1 )

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Ckrification of Xerox debate ’ ’ The Editor, I am shocked at the demonstrated ignorance

by your correspondents in regard to matters of copyright photocopying, and patent. Perhaps I can clear this up. A copyright, in this and

most - English speaking countries, is not given to an author but is acknowledged as his right from the moment of conception of the idea. A work need not

our obtstanding collection. They rely on our expert counsel and ’

We’ll keep ‘jtou posted

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be published to be under of a text in a review or copyright. Personal letters critique. Similarly, in a are covered under common scholarly paper-not a law and although the book where the length of recipient or holder of such the quote -and the editor’s c,orrespondence may disjudgemerit would be the pose of the letters as he deciding factors-one may wills, he cannot reproduce quote from authority quite them without the explicit freely, provided references permission ’ 6f the author. are given. An individual The same prohibition who goes to his library and applies to manuscripts and wishes to copy a chapter or other non-published matso of a book is free to do so. erials. Patents, however, The law does not prohibit must be applied for, and- this. Reproduction for each nation has a granting personal purposes is body. Only an invention of totally valid. A check of some sort can be given a the copyright page bf most patent. Words are ndt texts reveals that the book pgtentable. Devices are is protected against *being patentable. Recipes cannot “lent, re-sold, hired out or be patented nor can otherwise circulated, trademarks though the withdut the publisher’s latter can be registered. ‘,prior consent, in any form You may copy patents at or binding or cov\er other will. Indeed for a nominal than thkt in .which it is sum the granting body will published.” Copying a text send you a copy -of the is quite safe; giving the patent. A pate’nt only stops copy to somebody is quite the reader from building illegal. and commercially using Some people may wonthe device in question. der why they sometimes Patents only last a short come &ross entire books time, a few years-what which ’ are photostatic the government deems to reproductions in the be a reasonab,Je scornpetlibrary. This is a rare itive edge. The purpose of phenomenon but I suspect patents is to disseminate a fair number of people knowledge not conceal it. have observed it. This is Upon expiry of the patent the result of the library period anyone may build, particularly wanting a use and sell the device in ‘book which is out of print question. However, at any and very unlikely to come time anyone can copy a back into print. The library patent. The words themphtotstats another libselves are not protected in rary’s copy and binds it in any fashion whatsoever. the same cover as the Copyrights are generally publisher uses. The pubvalid for the life of the lisher is notified. before author and fifty years this is done and is thereafter. The United recompensed just as if he States vntil recently folhad sold the library the lowed another system but book. The author, in turn, it .has now conformed to finds. recompense from the this more universal publisher. method. Copyright materCertain texts are not ial, -however, is copyable. covered under copyright. Anyone may take advanNewspaper items, unless a tage-of the “fair co.timent” copyright notice is atrule and quote a small part tached, are in the public




Doors opeii at 11:30 “Scream

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domain. The-same is true of encyclopedia articles. Dictionaries and recipes are in the public domain. All works that have existed. for -more than fifty years past the death of their author are in the public domain. However, anonymous works are not. They are the property of the publisher. Copyright law is far from simple and exceptions to all the above cases can be found. Nevertheless, they generally hold true. If you do not stand to make financial gain from your copies then you are reasonably safe from prosecution. ’ ’ ‘I hope this helps clear somewhat this muddy issue for your rea-ders. Photocopy machines are a fact of life and one with which authors, editors and pubiishers have &me to grips. They are interested only in their fair share of the profits, not in persecutiag university sttidents. The university’s legal warning is g legal necessity to protect it from a complicity charge in case someone should overstep the bounds of photocopying etiquette. ’ Allan Jenoff

send letters to Imprint, cc


University Waterloo



News, “educational


A class of psychology students at the University of Manitoba may sue the school for “educational malpractice”. The decision follows the victory of the class of graduate students to have the grades assigned by thclr professor overturned. The students went before the university’s board of graduate studies to protest professor Harvey Keselman’s unusual teaching methods. Ken Zaifman, the students’ lawyer, said this is the first time an entire class has campaigned toprotest a gether to professor’s instruction and examination methods. again “Students are beginning to assert their rights in the classroom in a way reminiscent of the 60’s,” he said.





students had failed the course but the university records of all the students now show they passed the that course. The students sajr Keselman gave them insufficient finish tests time to throughout the year and that the final exam contained typographical errors and blurred printing. They also said they had been tested on subjects which had not been taught in the course. Zaifman said a number of the exams given to the students were-speed tests. “Tt’s awfullv hard to do a speed test when You can’t even read it”, he said. Keselman said he feels the decision puts academic freedom in danger. “I’m concerned with the prospect in the coming

Public Service

years of some committee coming forth with guidlines to the instructor concerning time limits for examining students.” The issue of academic freedom is not in question, according to Zaifman. If academic freedom means lack of fairness in the classroom then something is wrong with people’s sense of academic freedom. Keselman disputes the committee’s ability to judge on non-course related material. He says the time needed to complete an exam is known only to a person with an expert knowledge of the material. The students are now considering suing the university for “breach of contract and educational malpractice” to entrench students’ right to get a satisfactory education,



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dream of free enterprise utopia.-


SepziratistS .-voice,their



They dream of a free enterprise utopia, of a land where the pioneering spirit. in once again revered. And they see a day when this promised , land ’ is delivered in the form *of an independent Western Canadian nation. They are Western separatists, the latest most visible political and certainly cowboys to ride out of the West’s current middle-class malcontent. From community halls to radio stations it is the dirty thirties all over again - only this time the strongest protest is coming from the right.

Graduates Fall Convoca.tion! There is still time to phone our studio for an appointment. - Graduate Attire Supplied -

“Surely, after 100 years Fed’s Elmer Knutson thanked Gaglardi “for the of economic mistreatment, same rhetoric we’ve heard you should have a choice,” says Doug Christie, the for ,114 years,” he received a 34 year-old leader of, standing ovation. 0 Western Canada Concept. “The federal government “Knutson referred has been using Western to TrUdeSU Ss the money from resources for ‘single most dangerfrivolous spending for the . Mirabel airport, the World’s OUS perSOn In tianFair and the Olympics.” ada’ “. “It’s done to keep the 1 The separatists have sweet, selected few in power,” he says. “It’s a attracted mainly the elderly, corrupt way to float the old-line Conservatives who feel thwarted that their solid Canadian debt .” Christie’s message, well support, for the Tories is received by 62 people at a useless because of Ontario’s third-time-lucky love affair July meeting in Vancouver, Prime Minister is a common one in the West. with It is a feeling that-the West is Trudeau. Many are the being bledEesource dry to legendary “tennis shoe” ’ feed-Ontario and Quebec;.constituents, the very ones that. the federal government who guaranteed late-B.C. is some agent out to wreak premier W.A.C. Bennett’s ec2omic ruin, and that many re-elections. -The movement has yet to somehow big government, big business and big labour attract the- New Conserare conspiring to rob the. vatives, the residents of West. Vancouver’s billowing suburbs, who.. regularly elect

. Forde Studio; ’ 745-8637 2,59 King St: W., Kitchener






. /

“B.C.I’ ehasB enjoyed - its -a USUsll tical



Tii&aEt . U~$~~e;~~~~9

S@re Of POli1UUacv this

the movement will keep its image, deserved in many ways, as part, of the nutty summer.” right-wing fringe. : Knutson, who spoke to 1_ the 300 people at the B.C. h&enjoyed its usual Vancouver rally, has refered share of political. lunacy this as the “single summer. The day after he to Trudeau most dangerous person in allegedly shoved a teleand as someone vision cameraman on his Canada” who must be stopped before back, Universities Minister into a Pat McGeer took his seat in “he turns this’country the legislature dressed in socialist dictatorship.” full boxing regalia, complete The separatists’ biggest with T-shirt reading Take a challenge is in finding a Camera man to Lunch. leader under which the five There is a tendency here active separatist organizato write off the separatist tions can rally at attract the movement as, another humsuburban conservatives, orous examnle of the West’s Knutson is now trying to lunatic frmne. but the . raise a ~“war k~chest” of numbers attending separ$250,000 to attract .a atist rabies. at least in B.C.. leadership candidate, Until inIicate a growing sense of that time, the movement is frustration,. alienation and doomed to the in-fighting even paranoia amongst rivalries and petty debates traditional Conservatives. that have so-far limited any The day after Christie of their effectiveness. spoke, a rally here for the Western Canada Federation drew more than 300 people. “The only hero to That meeting, ^ _however, emerge from the _ _ showed some of the schizomovej;nient is Loqis phrenia, of the movement, Riel.” the Weld-like-to-be-patriots but-vou-neonle-aren’t-listening-to-us syndrome. So far the only hero to emerge from the. movement When former B.C. cabinet minister and evangelical is a man named Louis Riel. minister Phil Gaglardi told This is a bizarre twist on the meeting that “divisionhistory as the first Riel was neither a separatist nor a ism” was a “cancer” that “must, of necessity, be particularly marked - supeliminated,” porter of a unilingual he got strong English state in the West. applause. Yet when West”


. .


^\ ”



11 -



z,Got a f&A,wite. topic you’d like to *: in Imprint? -a* see featured


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Yet Christie refers to him as “an honorable gentleman” because “he had a faith, a belief, in the people of Western Canada.” And he blames “Canadian history books” for drawing a poor picture of Riel. Christie has been flogging bumper stickers reading “Louis Riel - Where are you now that we need you?” The separatists’ lowest “point so far has been Christie’s ill-fated 2,500 kilometre journey to Manitoba. In Winnipeg, he drew an audience of eight. At a Brandon University cafeteria, only two people, one a reporter, bothered to attend. The separatist scenario has each of the four Western provincial legilatures deciding to hold a referendum new federation on a including the two territories. MLAs would then write a constitution, which also would be presented to the public in a referendum.

“Platforms include.. essentially a collection of conservative ideals and values.” But the composition of the new nation has led to the self-destruction of at least one group,,-the B.C. based Western National Association, sending Christie off with his WCC. Stan Bennet, his chief protagonist, now heads a group called the Western Canada Party. want to Some groups maintain the monarchy, while others are content that the West simply form a nation before any other blue prints are revealed. Platforms include the eliminationion of tariffs, the use of only a single official language, the elimination of legal abortions, the reintroduction of capital punishment; essentially, a- collection of conservative ideals and values. A popular analogy with separatists is that of the cow representing Confederation. Fed by the West, Ontario and Quebec get all the milk, “while the Maritimes get stuck with the shit.” Former provincial Liberal leader Gordon Bigson says the federal proposal for an export tax on gas could well

be the equivalent of. what the tea tax was to the American colonies. And for those attrcted to the comparison with the American revolution, renegade former Sasketchewan Tory leader Dick Collver has formed a party advocating the secession of Western Canada and its union with the U.S. “Even if you create a new constitiution, you are talking about something new that’s never been tried.” said Collver, a wealthy investor with holdings in Arizona. “Why not join the U.S. with a constitution that’s been functioning for 200 years and works like a darn?”

“One now defu’hct group even went so far as to write a pithy national anthem.” Collver became the West’s first separatist MLA when. he left the Tories to sit as an independent separitist. When fellow Tory, and longtime friend, Dennis Ham followed suit, Collver formed the Unionist Party, a name culled from combining the words “union” and “best”. One now-defunct group even went so far as to write a pithy national anthem, titled, naturally, The Anthem of the West. One of the five verses is: When we found ourselves in ’ slavery dwelling , We were sad. to see our. country dying Be with courage of the heart Be resolved to make a start To save the future of Our . . Land Nevertheless, the evident amateurism might be balanced by businesses’ attraction to the Western alienation message. Vancouver Board of Trade president Bruce Pepper recently said B.C. ’ was not prepared to forego its resources for the sake of national unity. Nor, he said, would B.C. aid a federal government “determined to forge ahead to perpetuate the subsidy of Eastern Canada and to hell with the West.” Tom Hawthorn Canadian University Press


I\ -\






’ ‘ _.


Ctii$Ienge ton studiedsome

Imagine that this rs. 1965. You’re walking through the streets of a big city such as Montreal or New , York:‘ You turn a corner. Before you is a gathering of four or five thousand scantily clad men and women. A rally of the uninhibited? Perhaps! But back in 1965, you would probably never suspect these people had come to run 26 miles, 385 yards in a race commonly known as the marathon.

’ Now,

in 1’980,



be no doubt

touted in’ fitness all the publicity running became


no longer



As the ‘70’5


literature. surrounding a sportopen

as being runner



running and to everyone: it


for elite

no longer


-in one’s

mind as to the purpose of this mass gathering. A running boom seems to have occurred during the - ‘70’s. In the late 1$60’s, television bombarded us with fitness ads: “‘Participaction” constantly reminded us that the ,average 60-year-old Swede was in better condition -tha,n , rthe average young Canadian. Although these types of statements were never conclusively proven, they nevertheless made people aw%re of’the relatively sedentary life-style of many Canadjans. . At the same time,. books such as “Aerobics’ by Kenneth Cooper appeared. The general public was becoming more awaregof fitness and running was highly With fitness,

of these

Runner, Dec. 7979). Running seems to be very important to marathoners (an average rating of 7.4 on a lo-point scale). Many marathoners stated personal cha’llenge as their reason for involvement. Personal control over their lives and a sense of freedom rank high as positive benefits of marathoningl A sense of accomplishment is experienced at the finish of a race.


so did the running


In 1972, at the Munich.Olympics, American athlete Frank Shorter won the marathon. This caused some excitement back in the U.S., asAmericans ha,d ne,ver been known to win marathons. This further increased the interest in runnin,g, and more people began to realize that with training, running a marathon wasa goal within grasp. Today, the popularity of the sport is highly visible..Books on the subject, such as “Dr. Sheehan on Running” and James Fixx’s “The Complete Book of Ruoning” compete in a flooded market: Hollywood has not amissed the opportunity to “cash in” on the boom either. Both “Running” and “See How She Runs” are recently produced movies focusing on marathon running. , As ‘the popularity ever increases, so does the

number and quality of running shoes available to the fitness buff. Fashion, too, has entered the world of running, as reflected by the range of styles and colours in runnjng clothing. There is no doubt that running has come of age during ‘the last decade. But what about marathoning in particular?-What makes some people run for fun, fitness, or because it’s the “in thing to do,” while others-want to pursue that ultimatechallenge - the marathon. Drs. W. McTeer and J. Curtis (of UW) conducted a sot io log ica I study of marathoners (Canadian Runner, Sept. 1980). The average age was found to be 35 (late twenties for elite ‘marathoners). It is interesting -that. most were found to be highly educated (at least 60 per cent had first university degree) and of high socioeconomic status (63 per cent over $20,000 per year). The authors suggest that people of higher social status are perhaps more health conscious and knowledgeable of running’s benefits because they have been exposed to more information. The cost of travelling to marathons,and the expense of equipment are also thought to account for the predominance of marathoners from a high socioeconomic bracket, c Seventy nine per cent of the marathoners in the study were previously involved in one or more sports; track and field being the most common (42 per cent). Seventy six per cent currently participate in one or more other sports.the most popu tar being the individual sports such as cross-country skiing, squash etc. SeGenty eight per cent of the marathoners consider themselves “participants” rather than “competitors”. Curtis and McTeer also dispel1 the myth of the

lonely long distance runner, and 46 per cent of females married. Marathoners also logical characteristics:OrIick, Mike Rodgers, marathoner (far left of Waterloo IO except photo

female ,marathoner. Above, Houston, Dot Ranney and daily frigerator run.

from Brian

left to right, Mike Farrance on their

as 66 per cent of males involved in thestudy are share certain Power and


(far left) the top US marathoner and U W Jay Thompson. Rich Hughson, U W Prof. photo at right) leads at start +of 7979 km classi’e All photos by Alan Adamson at right which is by Jacob Arseneault.


. L I .


October \

3, 1980. Imprint

13 -


There are several seasoned veterans of the arathon right here at UW, as well as some long stance running enthusiasts who are relatively new marathoning. Dr. Rich Hughson of Kinesiology, who is a world ass marathoner, speaks of the set-up of the course. Nhen lining up, runners try to organize according to le pace they will run. There are often signs posted to id this. This organization is never completely uccessful, but it is always seen to that the top-rated larathoners get into the front line. There are water stations beginning at 6 km. and very 5 km after that. Sponging stations are located etween water stations. Splits (times) are given at 7e first mile, then every 5 km.” The UW marathoners were asked how they lecame involved in the sport. Dr. Rob Brown of the Math Dept.: “I ran middle istance in high- school (cross-country and 10,000 -reters). It seemed natural for me to move up to lnger distances as I got older. I did better in them.” Lois Scott, Phd student in Kin and Sot, and a Iember of Caroda’s Field Hockey Team, is new to qarathoning. Her first marathon will be in Toronto kt. 5. “I got involved through training for other ports. I like to run long distances.” Says Dr. Jay Thomson, of the Kin Dept, “I was on a liet and exercise program to lose weight, so I had jeen running. An ‘Australian grad student (John [neen) interested me in distance running. I ran the ‘Walk for Millions”(28 miles) in 1968. In April, 1969, ran i,n the Boston Marathon with Mike Houston (also 7 the Kin Dept.).” Dr. Thomson won a marathon in Ohio in the early ‘70’s. How d’o marathoners train? Dr. Houghson:“l run

about 80 miles per week. This includes at least one long run of about 20 miles. I have hard and easy days.” (A hard day may be 8-l 0 miles at a fast pace.) Brian Farrance, UW’s Head Athletic Therapist and grad student in Physiology: “I do 60-80 miles per week when in tra-ining, at least 10 per day. I do one or two long runs per week (14-20 miles). I maintain during the rest of the year by doing 6-8 miles per day. ” From Lois Scott: “I do a lot of mileage (60-70 per week).~ I cut down the mileage close to the race.” What is it about marathoning that runners enjoy? Rocca Morra, a third year Kin student says “Finishing. Meeting the challenge. It makes all the training worthwhile.” And Dr. Brown comments “I like the people, the other runners - the comraderie.” Dr. Thomson: “Physical and mental challenge. I learn things about my capacities. I enjoy my friends’ successes. I like running in a race with good runners. It’s like Walter Mitty. You see people you hear about, like Bill Rodgers.” (Rodgers has won the last four Boston Marathons). Dr. Hughson: “The race is strictly competitive for / me. I like finishing and winning.” And wh-at do marathoners perceive to be the drawbacks of their sport? Farrance: “The long training runs are tiring, but I feel satisfaction after I do them.” Dr. Thomson says, “Time, You have to omit other things. I don’t race much because of the weekend It takes away from other travelling involved. commitments, like family. “I don’t see pain as a disadvantage, because it is self-iposed. You must prepare yourself for marathoning in order to minimize pain.‘: . Dr. Brown believes that it’s “Minor ailments such as blisters and nagging pains. Also bad weather. I dislike training inside.” Dr. Hughson says he, “Can only do three or four per year. To run it properly is exhausting.” Further, how do marathoners keep going? What

their mental strategies? For Dr. Hughson it’s “competitiveness. I want to get to the finish before the next guy.” Scott says, “I just want to run a good time (under 3:30). I’m not putting any pressure on myself.” Dr. Brown maintains one should “set goals. Don’t think about physical and mental discomfort. I often do arithmetic in my mind. Don’t go too fast. I tell myself to relax while I’m running. When I get tired toward the end, I tell myself I can keep going.” From Morra: “I want to finish.” Dr. Thomson: “I want to meet the challenge, to honor the commitment I made by lining up. The long training runs help to prepare you mentally.” How long does it take to recover? “I wait 4-5 days before running Farrance responds: at all. It takes one week to a month before you can run well again, depending on your base ‘(previous conditioning). Rest, fluid replacement, and foods high in carbohydrates aid your recovery.” Morra: “I like a light run the next day to get rid of the stiffness. After one week, I can start hard training runs again. I only run two or three marathons per year.” From experience Dr. Thomson says: “It takes three or four days to get rid of stiffness. It takes six to eight weeks to recover sufficiently for short races (10 km). Another marathon should not be attempted for three or four months, To aid recovery, reduce training mileage and pace and eat a balanced diet.” What advice do these people have for aspiring future marathoners? Dr. Brown advises, “Don’t try it too soon. Make sure you can run 20 miles comfortably. Start the race conservatively.” Veteran Dr. Hughson suggests: “Run shorter races first (10 km).” Dr. Thomson: “Be prepared. Don’t be pressured into it by friends or publicity or you will end up having bad experiences. The goal should be completing the distance. Don’t worry about time.” Farrance cautions: “You should be able to handle 60 miles of training per week easily. Be able to run 15-16 miles at a moderate pace, and 20 miles at a slow pace. Start the marathon slowly.” Farrance emphasizes the danger of starting too fast by relating his own experiences. “I have ‘hit the wall.’ (Hitting the wall is the term runners use to describe the feelings associated with the depletion of muscle glycogen stores.) “It feels like you’re running in deep sand. You are putting out effort and not going anywhere. I get leg cramps and begin to lose my. mental preparation. I must tell myself I can keep going if I hang on. If leg cramps are severe, they may force you to drop out. The exhaustion is not pleasant. You start weaving all over the road, talking to people without realizing it. People tell me I talked to them during the last few miles, and I can’t remember seeing them. I have been very sick to my stomach after the races in which I’ve ‘walled out’. It isvery important to run at a reasonable pace.” Marathoning is certainly a very de,manding sport, requiring a great deal of training and dedication. Physical and mental toughness are required along with a realistic knowledge of one’s own capacities. It is certainly not an event to be tried without being adequately informed and prepared. Th ere are several other marathoners on campus whom I did not have the chance to speak with. .The following deserve honorable -mention: Dr. Larry Cummings of the Math Dept., Dr. Ralph Haas of Civil Engineering, Dr. Rich Holmes of Philosophy, Dr. Allan .Best of Health Studies, Dr. Ian W$ams of Kinesiology, Steve King, a 4th year Kin student, Robyn White, a Kin grad student, Debbie Salzman, a Health Studies grad student, Scott Hadley, of 4th year Math, and any others out there whom I may not know about. If you would ike to see marathoners in action, the Toronto Labatt’s Marathon is being staged Sunday. Oct. 5. It starts at Queen’s Park, follows Queensway W., turns and comes east via Lakeshore Blvd., to Spadina North, and back to Varsity Stadium. Tarnmy Home




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3, 1980. Imprint

15 -


Exuberant M&s wins audience _ Carolyne Mas was typecast in two ways from the moment she broke out of the New. York club scene a year and a half ago: as a woman and as a member of that looselydefined coterie called street rockers. The first stereotype is ridiculous, of course, <except to people such as the entertainment writers at Time magazine, who lumped her together with such dissimilar performers as Ellen Foley and Pat Benetar in a cover story feature on “Women in Rock”. The second stereotype is more insidious.

success. Born to Run may have won many converts, but it was also a death knell of sorts. The form has become overly structured, as are many of the forms of rock, until it threatens to become a parody of itself. More to the point, this type of music can’t survive Ronald Reagan,’ Shere Hite and Eurocommunism. Life in the Eighties is nastier, and not quite as black-and-white. The subtler ambiguity of the music now coming out of England (Joy Division, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Teardrop Explodes) will hold sway. Springsteen is, of course, the greatest of the street rockers, practically a legend in his own time; and so when Carolyne Mas’ self-titled debut album came out, she was immediately compared to him. Such a comparison is unfair-it can only be one-sided,- and while there are musical similarities, Mas retains more of a sophisticated urban outlook shades of Greenwich Village rather than the Jersey flats. Once they got past these stumbling blocks, the critics were generally quite kind to her. And “Stillsane”, the hit single, was the best anthem of hope released that summer, and one of the all-time songs to kazoo along to when one is drunk. Unfortunately, Mas fell prey to the dreaded “second album syndrome”: Hold On, released earlier this year, was a weak effort. The songs weren’t as memorable, and the production lukewarm. She seemed to have run out of ideas; the title song is based on an extremely simple riff, and there was no progress in her writing. Overall, the album is certainly pleasant, but uninspired.

“Street rock” is as imprecise a term as “New Wave”; nevertheless, legend has the genre originating on the East Coast of the United States in the mid-Fifties, when gas was cheap and plentiful, and the economy, still on its postwar swell, could support the little guys and keep them in cigarettes and Chevys. The streets have never been anything but mean, dirty and lonely, despite what West Side Story tried to tell us; but from roots of R & B and jazz rose a music filled with an almost desperate idealism, a longing for a future that was moxy yet romantic, cool without being cold. This form reached its apex in Springsteen’s Born to Run (1975), a vividly painted picture of characters trapped by the myths they were trying to live, running from the disappointments and betrayals of reality and trying to find each other through the smoke screens of convention. Later DeVille

entries in the field, such as Mink and Tom Petty, have had less


Chinese Magic Circus Mystifies

Jacob the butler

Even if you do see it, you won’t believe it. This Tuesday, October 7th, at 8:00 p.m., the fabulous Chinese Magic Circus will be appearing at the Humanities Theatre. How many people can balance six chairs on top of four wine bottles and THEN do a single-hand stand on top? You’ll see this and much, much more. Definitely an amazing acrobatical show and not one’to miss.


On Monday, October 6 at 8:00 pm the Cine Club is showing the spectacular French film “ta Cage aux Folles”. This fabulously funny work by E. Maliaro is the story of a middle-aged homosexual man whose son decides to marry the daughter of a very publicity-conscious Chief of the Department for Moral Decency. The possibilities when the two groups of “parents” meet are limitless and fairly obvious. Even the most predictable situations, however, are treated with warmth and wit. Humour is delicately applied with a pallette knife-never laid on with a trowel, and the audience is, above all, made to understand that the characters in this sticky situation, with the possible exception of the “butler”, are not stereotypes, but human beings. The film is in French, but for those of you who do not speak the language, there are English subtitles that are very well done and do not detract at all from the amazing wit of the movie. One last word of note; the Cine Club has only 120 places in the auditorium, so get there early if you want a seat. Mike Ferrabee

All this is rhetorical preamble, of course; it has nothing to do with how good she is live. Great pubs have been pulled off by bands who may never get a decent two minutes fifty down on vinyl-Teenage Head, for example. I saw Carolyne Mas in Ottawa almost a year ago, at a rock club called Barrymore’s. She appeared on stage with a band that looked like the first five people one stops on Yonge Street to ask what time it is. They were good musicians, but the total lack of stage presence created an impression of refreshing candor, letting the material speak for itself. L Wednesday night at the Motor Inn was a different matter. Mas’ band has picked up an undeserved cockiness which their playing doesn’t justify. The one really talented musician in the group (David Landau, who appeared on both albums) was replaced for this tour by an unknown graduate of the adjacent-notes-repeatedstaccato school of guitar. And Mas seems to have lost her sense of when to be raunchy and when to benice. She has a fine voice when she mellows down, and yet we hardly ever heard it. She seems to be mimicking the macho posturings of traditional rockers rather than letting her own style develop. The sound was even worse than the usual Waterloo Motor Inn melange; the vocals and saxophone, which should be mixed high, were homogenized into the rest of the instruments. There were some innovations in the music -a long sax into to “Stillsane”, for example-but even the best material from the first album was blunted by the arrangements, which seemed designed to let the musicians be a self-indulgent as possible. There were no less than two separate sessions in which everyone got their little solos, and enough drawing out of the,songs to ruin much of their impact.






There was no dance floor (in order to accomodate the sellout crowd of 600 and lose as little money as possible) but it’s doubtful whether one might have caused the audience to respond. They finally shook themselves awake more than an hour into the set (which started at 9:45) when Mas, ha,ving run through less than half the material on either album, invited the crowd to move their tables right up to the stage. By the end of the set, which lasted an hour and forty-five minutes (including two encores), they were on their chairs cheering. Mas had won them over by her sheer exuberance. Make no mistake: this lady has the energy of ten-“ a lot of sass”, as a friend put it. And she’s a good songwriter. But she’s falling into rock cliches in an attempt to be a “ good performer. The secret of rock lies in carefully rationing wildness-covering the insanity with a thin veneer of intelligence, holding back just enough to make it art. Loss of innocence is acceptable, just as long as a sense of discipline develops. Carolyne Mas has learned how, but she hasn’t learned how much. And until she does, she won’t be the superstar she has the potential to become. Prabhakar Ragde





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-1he Demics The Demics Hypnotic Records Have you ever heard of the Demics? Last March they released an E.P. and now they’ve released a full album, under Hypnotic Records, a new label. Being a new company, Hypnotic has to start out with a good group and make a name for themselves. They’ve almost succeeded. Sound quality is satisfying, though the lyrics are hard to understand, as they are sung in a slightly slurred fashion. Still, the lead singer, Keith Whittaker, even when slurring, stands out from the instruments’. The music itself is very punkish, with hard rock influences. Such is evident in the second song of the second side, “The News,” where Whittaker sings “Turn that f--in’ thing off.” Sax player, Steve Kennedy, shows he really knows his stuff in “The News”and the electric guitar does very simple, though interesting work in “Talk, Talk,” the drummer performs well in New York City, and there is some beautiful vibrophone, bass, and guitar playing in “All Gone Wrong.” This is a good album to get, especially if you’re into repetition, for it does get boring at times, but is still worth the money. Look forward to seeing more of them; they should return. Cliff Goodman Supertramp Paris A & M records Supertramp has finally put out a live album, and it’s a double live at that. Entitled Paris, and recorded at the Paris Pavilion (that’s right sports fans, Paris, France), the album could be .the pinnacle of Supertramp’s career. In true Supertramp style, the recording quality and sound reproduction are excellent. The group is not overpowered by the audience, the treble is not lost in a blur of distortion, and the bass is not lost in a huge airload or an underpowered P.A. One would almost swear the album was recorded in the studio. Yet it must be live, for the added naunces, the extended songs, the changes in arrangement, the added special effects, and the audience participation are all there.


3, 1960.



Not only is the sound good, the performance is excellent. Although this is the 109th show of the tour, Supertramp sounds neither tired nor bored. They are really enjoying themselves. John Helliwell’s jokes to the audience and to the rest of the band, and his introductions to the songs show how much the group loves to perform. And perform they do. Every cut on the album, from the first cut, School, to the last, Crime of the Century, is well known. The album is a great buy for someone who wants a good collection of Supertramp’s finest. Overall, Paris is an exceptional album. Having seen Supertramp live, I can tell you that the special feeling present at that concert comes through on this album one hundred per cent. Rod Shaver

Need th&.following



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Symphony Resurrected

Soprano Janice Taylor were impressive soloists for this great consort. The acoustical qualities of the new theatre, the main attraction of the evening, disappointed no one. Those who tout the hall as the most accoustically _advanced in Canada probably do not exaggerate. The strings could play in a silvery whisper, yet their sound would fill the hall. The brass could sing with gusto and force, and yet the clarity of their tone was not lost in a blur of ethos. Not a soul could have left the theatre without being thoroughly dazzled by its accoustics, which were given a true test by Mahler’s now tumultuous, now tranquil work. “Resurrection” is a taxing work for a conductor, not only for its technical demands, but for its sheer length. The conductor also needs the stamina of an athlete. Armenian was up to the task, for not only did he keep orchestra, choir, and soloists a unified whole, but his interpretation maintained a thread of continuity through the entire evening. He did indeed merit the multitude of curtain calls that the audience granted him. But, oh, what an audience. It must be noted that the concert was a “gala” performance, as much a social as a musical event, with all the attendant frivolities that must be endured.


On Saturday Sept. 27, the Centre in the Square was officially inaugurated with a gala performance of Gustav Mahler’s massive Symphony no. 2, entitled the “Resurrection.” Musically, the concert was an unabashed success. In describing the exhilirating range of expression, the cohesiveness of the large choir and 100 piece orchestra, and the superb acoustics of the new hall, one is compelled to use only superlatives. The execution of this gargantuan work was, of necessity, a group effort. Raffi Armenian conducted the “cast of thousands” which included the K-W Symphony amplified by guest members of the London Symphony Orchestra, and a massed choir composed of six leading local choirs, among them the Kitchener Bach, KW Philharmonic, and WLU Choirs. Soprano Gaelyne Gabora and Mezzo


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3, 1980.








Chamber Music Enchanting


Done to your individual taste

Creative Board

The presence of Vice-Regality is a case in point. His Honour, John Airdj recently of the Liberal party and newly appointed Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, was present. That (in my opinion) dusty relic of Imperial days, God Save The Queen, was resuscitated for one more time. The audience, comprised of many of our leading citizens, local merchants, and politicians showed itself to be quite “rude” indeed: ,-They commited that most cardinal theatrical sin of applauding between movements. There was, admittedly, much to applaud. The orchestra, showed great dexterity in expression, particularly in the last movement. Armenian’s interpretation captured the contrasting moods of the different movements, stirring us with the eerie first and soothing us with the dance-like second. The mass choir showed great control, and were remarkably well balanced and tuned. Both the soloists excelled, but Janice Taylor’s solo of the fourth movement was a high point of the evening. So even though the thrill of the closing bars came from the monumental dimensions of the sound, the performance was successful in nearly every facet of this demanding work. One can only look forward eagerly to the KWSO’s next herculean task. On November 22, they will take on no less than Beethoven’s Ninth. Dave Dubinski


Uct. Yth

Rolph Looser and his cello, who performed last Friday evening in the K-W Chamber Music Society’s “Connoisseur” series, are a most faithful and enchanting couple. Looser, a Swiss cellist ’ from Zurich, accompanied by local pianist Ralph Elsaesser, gave a splendid concert that owed much to its setting for appeal. The concert, like all in the “Connoisseur” series, was held in a studio in the home of UW Philosophy Prof. and chamber music enthusiast Jan Narveson. The intimacy and the relatively small audience (the capacity is about 50) furnish an environment for which chamber music is best suited. --The programme opened with Beethoven’s “Sonata in G, Op. 5, no. 2,“an early work of Beethoven. In this work, the cellist let the instrument sing with her most expressive voice. The expression marks for the first movement sostentuto e espressivo - are ideal descriptions of his performance. Next was Schumann’s “Five Pieces in Folk-Style, Op. 102,” a suite of five little “stories” of contrasting moods and textures. Looser presented the variety of moods with sensitivity. My favourites were the jovial and playful “Mit Humor” and the I robust “Nicht zu rasch.” The cellist did let one of those muchdreaded squeaks escape during the suite, and made a few other slips in timing. These imperfections, however, are like beauty marks, as their rarity only enhances the excellence of the artist. Looser then performed “Ballade” composed by Frank Martin, a modern Swiss composer, who, by no coincidence, was Looser’s teacher. The work was hauntingly melancholic with a lush texture, and was full of intriguing contrasts. The piano would play, for instance, a smooth legato while the cello would be pizzocato. ended with Shubert’s The evening “Sonata in A, Arpeggione.” AS the title suggests, the sonata is a lyrical work, that is built around soaring melody lines. In this last piece, as in the entire performance, Looser played with sincerity, confidence and control, which are the marks of a master. He was always expressive, but never at the expense of the technical demands of the , cello. The KWCMS is offering an excellent set of series this year. Next on their agenda is the Canadian Chamber Ensemble, formerly the Stratford Ensemble, who will perform Saturday October 4, at 8 p.m. in the Theatre of the Arts. For information about this, or any other concert, the number of the KWCMS is 886-1673. David Dubinski




Regular Length




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17 -


f I





are requested on the Campus

for the following Centre Board:


Housing Available

Ride wanted for two people from Stratford to U.W. campus or Sunnydale on evening of October 18, after evening performance of Henry V. Please call Alex at 886-0224

Secretary with five years experience typing math will type anything at a reasonable rate. IBM Selectric typewriter neat, accurage, fast typing. Close to universities. Call Gillian at 886-5859.

Available Renison College Male-Sharing with smoker on campus residence. Call Renison college.



WiII do light moving with a small truck. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 884-2831.


A. One (1) undergraduate student (full or part-time) and from each of: Arts Engineering A (studenfs now on work term) Engineering B (students currently on campus) Environmental Studies Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies Integrated Studies Mathematics Scjence B.One (1) graduate student (full or part-time) the graduate student body at large.




One pencil case and contents Monday Sept. 29 at lo:15 pm, at corner of Segrams Drive and Albert. Phone 885-6490 after 9:00 Pm.

Student with van available for your moving needs low rates. 885-7362.

D.J. Service Apartment

Typing Experienced typist, essays, theses, etc; no resumes, math papers; reasonable rates; Westmount Area; call 743-3342

elected by and from


Must sell plants, skis (2 pairs), books, second hand clothes, records, coleman stove, two life jackets Saturday October 4, 1980 12 noon - 5 p.m. Phone 885-1449.

We Play the Music YOU want to hear!

by and from the non-

Monday: “Huggy’s Strip Night” Every Tuesday: Summerfesl Wednesdav is Huggy’s Variety Show \Tnw men Sundavs 12 noon-10 txm.

Term of Office One year, from November 1,198O to October 31, 1981, except for the faculty representative who will serve for two years, to October 31,1982. 1. Nominations must be submitted to the Chief Returning Officer, University Secretariat, Needles Hall, Ext. 3183, University of Waterloo, by 4:30 p.m. on October 17, 1980. Nomination forms may be picked up at the University Secretariat office or at the Turnkey desk.


ABC. Disk Jockey Services. Add a professional touch to your party, banquet, wedding, or reception! You want good music in all styles and tastes: we have it. Call Paul on campus ext. 3869. Residence: 886-8492.


C.One (1) faculty member (full-time) elected by and from the faculty at large, including faculty members of the church colleges. D.One (1) staff member (full-time) academic staff of the university

18 -

Ride Wanted

Call for Nominations Nominations representatives



THE ‘GRAND 6 Bridae

a celebration

St. W.. Kttchener

- 744-6368

of life

Three days of-workshops, presentations and displays in praise of mind and?body.

At the Campus Centre October 7,8 & 9 Tuesday, October 7 Wednesday, October 8 Thursday, October 9 Workshops

Workshops Quitting


Movement 10:30-11:30 a.m. CC 110 Hatha Yoga 1:30-2:30 p.m. CC 113‘ Massage 2:30-3:30p.m. CC 110 Reflexology 2:30-3:30p.m. CC 135 Cancer

and the Environment: we winning or losing?


Special Events To be held in the Great Hall


ADday inthe



CC 113

for Fitness

CC 113

T’ai Chi

3:30-5:00 p.m. CC 135 Special Events


To be held in the Great Hall

CC 110


& Dance

presentations by the K-W Gymnastics Club and the U. of W. Dance Department.

At 12 noon



& Square


a food dish or ticket obtained in advance from the Turnkey Desk. Dance follows dinner with Rural Delivery


At 9:30 p.m. Cinema Gratis presents


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CC 110



To be held in the Great Hall



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2:30-3:30p.m. .

Special Events


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and Kayaking 7:00-8:30p.m. CC 135

The Turning


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1:30-2:30 p.m.



Birth Control Centre Herbal Creams and Ointments Fine Arts Outers Photo Contest Display

Bio-energetics; Speaks


4:30-5:30 p.m.

*At 12 noon the U. of W. Table Tennis Club will give a demonstration. -1


10:30- 11:30 a.m.


10:30-11:30 a.m. CC 135 Stress Management 1:30-2:30 p.m. CC 113 Women’s Self Defense 2:30-3:30p.m. CC 135 Outer’s Club 3:30-4:30p.m. CC 113 Massage 4:30-5:30p.m. CC 135



All day in the Great


Fitness Testing Hull

Whole Foods Fine Arts Outers Photo Contest Display


$5.00, faculty and staff $10.00. Dress: for exercise

Fine Arts Outers Photo Contest Display

Snonsoredbv the Campus Centre, the Federation of Students, Organized by the turnkeys





3, 1980.


19 -

1980 football

’ mayupset


traditions Intercollegiate football is annually one of the most eminently predictable enterprises in Canada. Every the same poweryear houses win big. Every year the same also-rans embarrass themselves. Power change only alignments very slowly and predictably. In most of Canada this season, such is again the case. For the football purist, all is as it should be, but for the ardent fan who seeks a real contest, the Ontario Western Division. has become a playground of delightful upsets. Indeed, it would appear that 1980 may be a watershed year for the Western Division, a year in which traditional powers are humbled and traditional doormats come of age. At this writing the University of Toronto Blues, once billed as the “best game in town,” are 3O. They have amassed 96 points to lead the nation, and the 32 points they have given up is tops in the The Blues Conference. have built up an awesome

passing attack on the strength of quarterback Dan Feraday’s arm. Feraday passed for 335 yards and three touchdowns while destroying McMaster 41-l; this against a secondary which had been considered the defensive the team. strength of Feraday also passed for 211 yards in a 31-g blasting of previously unbeaten Guelph. Defensively, the Blues secondary picked off five Guelph passes in the second half, one of which was returned for a touchdown. They were virtually impregnable against the run to show why their unheralded defense leads the conference. It is not outside the realm of possibilty to expect the Blues to go 7-O, but they will more likely lose at least one game,.probably to Western, still burning from a loss to York. The Guelph Gryphons have dramatically turned their program around and will certainly improve on last year’s 3-4 record, a season in which they could only handle the league’s weaklings. The Gryphs

upset a favoured Wilfrid Laurier team 9-7, and nipped a resurging York team 33-31. However, a 319 spanking at the hands of Toronto proves they are not ready to -unseat the giants quite yet, and that last week’s national topten ranking was decidedly premature. But Guelph is close. It has a capable quarterback in Mike Eykens, and the country’s leading pass catcher in flanker ‘Andy Balson. The Gryphons will surprise more teams this year and should finish at least 5-2. usually hapless The York Yeomen are 2-1 and could easily be undefeated. Coach Frank Cosentino has accomplished in his three years precisely what he set out to do - turn the laughing-stock York program around. In his last year, the Yeomen may be playoff-bound. Only inexperience cost York a win against Guelph - and then by only two points. After losing to Guelph, York stunned the mighty Western Mustangs 30-23, their first win ever against the Mustangs, who had ac-

Rugby Warriors burn Brock Badgers 42-O The Warriors continued to they look strong as brought down the Brock last Badgers 42-O in Saturday’s OUAA match. The Warriors, with a of backs, superior set appeared to have little problem scoring a%ainst the Badgers and at the half

led 18-O. Scoring for Mike Waterloo were Peever, Phil White, John Beemer and Captain Bernie Lesage. In the second half the already heated tempers became hotter, but pack leader Ian Cathery did an admirable job in calming

Athenas play well in field hockey The women’s field hockey team travelled to York University last weekend to take part in that university’s Early Bird tournament. The first day of play the Athenas defeated McMaster 5-l with two goals from Lisa Bauer and Jean Howitt, and one from Cheryl Chapman. In their next game they battled to a O-O deadlock with Guelph. The following day Waterloo suffered two losses, 1-O to Queens and 3-0 to Toronto. Assistant Coach Wendy Frisby had these comments about the weekend. “In the first two games on Friday, everyone played well. It was an improve-. mentover last weekend (in . Michigan) .” About the two losses she said, “We got off to a slow start against Queen’s,” but she added “the game against that, Toronto was our best

game.” Assist ant coach Lois Scott agrees with Frisby. She told the team after the Toronto game that, “that was our best game. A lot of good things happened for us out there (on the field). U of Toronto is a perennial winner of national field hockey titles. The Athenas played nose-to-nose with this team throughout the contest, and had several scoring chances. It looks like Waterloo will be very competitige in league play this season. It is interesting to note that York defeated U of T 3-0. The end of a dynasty? Who knows. With so many strong teams in the league, the Ontario finals at Waterloo November 1 and 2 should provide some exciting field hockey, UW’s next game is Oct. 9,4:30 at Columbia Field vs. Western. Tammy Horne

Brock before things got out of hand. The second half scoring opened excitingly as Lesage recovered a blocked kick and ran it back all the way for the score. Waterloo continued to dominate the less experienced Brock team and by the end of the second half they had managed to put another 24 points on the board. Scoring in. the second half were Lesage, White, Cathery, Beemer, Al Hycke and Rob Kitchen. The Trojans (B-league) came back well after their opening defeat against Queens to trounce Brock 12-0. Bill Troy opened the scoring for the Trojans on a blind side run in which he shook three tacklers before Tim Wallace scoring. converted, giving the Trojans a 6 point lead. Then it was 4 year Queen’s veteran Rob Bruce who took the ball at Brock’s 14 yard line and side stepped his way in for another 4 points. Wallace converted and the game ended with the Trojans 12 and Brock 0. This Saturday R.M.C. comes to Waterloo for what should be a hard hitting, aggressive game. Game times are: Warriors 2:00, the Trojans at 3:30 on Columbia field. Come out and watch! Tim Wallace


Warrior running W,‘Jim yards against Western. cumulated a six game aggregate score of 206-19 against York before that game. York could also finish 5-2, but inexper- d ience makes 4-3 more likely. They have an outstanding running back in Keith Vassallo, and a super kicker in Sergio Copobianco. Best of all, they are, in the words of Western coach Darwin “exceptional opSemotiuk, portunists.” Western is also 2-1, and no, they should not be 3-0. York was full measure for its victory over the Mustangs. The Mustangs are starting more younger players than they have in the past, and they are more mistakes making than a Darwin Semotiuk team usually makes. They should bounce back from the York loss and finish 61, probably beating Toronto in a shootout. But they are not out of the woods. Toronto is top dog until someone proves otherwise, and Guelph could upset anyone this year. Yes, will probably Western finish 6-1, but they could as easily finish 4-3. McMaster MarThe auders are the fourth team at the 2-1 second place logjam. Where York’s and improvement Guelph’s, was forseen to some McMaster has extent,




come from limbo to play the. spoiler role. Although Toronto stomped them 411, the Marauders have played some exciting football this year. They upset Laurier 22-21 to completely wreck any hopes of a late-season WLU playoff bid. They played gritty defense to stop Waterloo 10-8. Mat will probably not win again, but players such as running back Carlyle Buchanan will continue to give stronger teams fits. Buchanan scored a league record 106-yard touchdown ramble in the Laurier game. Windsor is l-2. Despite what anyone thinks, that is where they should be. Windsor is an overrated team with an overrated quarterback. Scott Mallender is good. Last year his 1821 yards in the air, and his 53% pass completion figure were admirable. But he is no where near the saviour he was labelled last season. Windsor has lost to York and Western. They beat Waterloo, but so will everyone else. They may win three games, but they will more likely win two. Wilfrid Laurier’s Golden Hawks are the season’s shocking disappointment. They are o-3, and will

as he tries to gain David Trahair

probably beat only Waterloo: perhaps York as well, but probably not. They lost to Toronto, and then were upset by both Guelph and .McMaster. In view of Laurier’s refusal to discover the forward pass, perhaps those games were not upsets. For too long the Hawks have relied on staid, obsolete offensive tactics. The rest of the league has caught up to them. And now to Waterloo. Ah, the Warriors. They are O-3 this season, and they will likely finish 0-7. The writing was perhaps on the wall when they lost a pre-season game to Carleton which they should easily have won. Waterloo lost a 10-8 game to McMaster which they statistically owned. They were 32-17 by a outclassed Windsor team that is in the league’s lower echelon this season. Finally, they were destroyed last week by Western 36-3. The Warriors have already played the team they should have beaten-McMaster. They will not beat York this year. And nothing they have shown this year indicates they will upset anybody. And that is really too bad, because there are some superior ball players on this team. Bruce Beacock

Sdccer warriors beat R&W 6-O in exciting game Last weekend on sunny Seagram’s Stadium field, Waterloo handily defeated the Royal Military College Redmen 6-O. Normally such a one-sided score indicates a dull game for the spectators; however, the finesse and great teamwork the Warriors used to move the ball around the field made it an exciting game. Early on in the first half, Harry Christakis picked up on a John Tracogna goal-post shot and fired it in to initiate the scoring. Veteran midfielder Chris Th.omas added one, and Tommy Abbott another on a dazzling break from midfield to finish off the first half and make the score 3-O Warriors. At the half Ted Klos

turned his untouched net over to the tending of Peter Bulfon, while RMC stayed with the same keeper all game. But as Klos remarked, “their defence was weak so the goalie didn’t have much of a chance.” In the second half the Warriors continued to show their ability to score as Eric Tratnik’s throw-in landed at the far side of the RMC net allowing Cord Hirano to crack a shot home for a 4-0 lead. The Redmen couldn’t match Waterloo all game as the Kingston based team was continually pushed into their own end. In the final ten minutes Waterloo managed to add two more tallies to the scoresheet. The first goal

came on a penalty shot and the next on a cross-field pass from striker Tommy Abbott that permitted ever-present Harry Christakis to finish off the game. Coach Ron Cooper showed surprise at the fact that R,MC was unable to score, as he feels his team could have shown more hustle and gotten on the ball more quickly. “The team isn’t shutting down the opposition at midfield enough.” He is confident that with their increasingexperience the Warriors will be able to correct this problem. With this win the Warriors have a 1-0-l record. Their next home game is against Brock October 4th at 8:00 p.m, at Seagram Stadium. Debbie Dickie






‘sports *


/ New volleyball



20 ,z

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ctiach _.dke@rnG--of dynasty In assessing his goals for the season and the team, new Warrior volleyball coach Dave Hussonstated this week that he hoped to build U of W’s reputation as a volleyball power to match its basketball reputation, and that he feels he has a good nucleus of players with .which to do so. Husson~may be just the man to provide the experience and coaching skills to put the Warriors on top of the OUAA ‘rankings. He replaces Jim Fairlie as head coach and brings with him a-n impressive string of accomplishme,nts. Currently living in Guelph, he started the volleyball sect’ion of the Guelph Oaks Athletic Club 8 years ago and


coached the junior men’s Championships in Halifax, team for 6 years. His teamswhen’ he was with the reached the nationals 5 out Guelph Oaks Senior team. of those 6 years and were Don Shilton a player last bronze medalists in 1677year, is returning as 78 and 1978-79. assistant coach and has Husson has coached been running early trainseveral UW players on his ing and practices since teams and hopes to September15th although develop a strong varsity official practices don’t team for this and success-. begin until October 1. ive seasons. The Warriors Shilton said that approxihave lost six players mately thirty people tried. including last year’s MVP Rob McRuer, and the _ out, from’which a team of fifteen will, be seected. previous year’s MVP Doug Coach Husson - hopes to Willoughby. ’ Despite these losses there are six strong have the number narrowed, returning players includto at least twenty by the end of the week. ing team captain John Kervin. Kervin, a thirdPromising candidates year engineering student for the team include Jason last year, was chosen as an Close from Alliston, Rob OUAA all-star as well as Vauderberg, and Pearson being named an all-star at Toye, a defensive specialthe National Senior ist from Meriville Second-

ary School in Ottawa. Also new to the Warrior organization, and bringing with them substantial experience and talent are 2nd year students Paul Craven, a power hitter, and Ian Renfrew, a setter. Last year, the Warriors won the West division and came second to York-in the OiJAA Championships. Husson expects major competition within the division to come from Guelph and Western, and in the eastern division from York, Queens and _-Laurentian. Husson was also candid about the things he aad his team will have to work on. It’s a relatively small team and he said that, “we’ll ‘r-f


have to have a strong defensive team to make up for our size.” Husson also stressed a “diversified at tack” and a “quick offense”. A part of earlier problems, he said, has been the lack of consistent coaching. The Warriors have had 3 coaches in 5 years, but Husson hopes that his past -coaching experience with several of the players will help to quickly establish a strong relationship between the team and coach. In total six players have played for Guelph Oaks teams under Husson. The coach considers the youth of his players to be an asset since he won’t be

losing anyone--this year. Husson also empha’sizes the importance of good team unityland the ability to play well together, and he feels that these two qualities already exist among the players. The team will play its first home game at 8:00 Friday November 7 at center court, and end its season at the OUAA finals in February. Coach Dave Husson is sure that the U of W. will be there, and is confident that this year’s team has the ability and potential to bring home the top honours, as befits the emerging powerhouse of university volleyball the Waterloo Warriors. Ruth Anderson


midd en to limelight-

Band ati anodyne to-faiG_ Last Saturday at the University of Western Ontario’s Little Stadium, the University of Waterloo Warriors Band inaugurated its new instruments and new image by trouncing the Western Mustang Band 28 to 24. Highlights of the game included a marching version of “Chicken” at halftime, and antiphonal, renditions of “Colonel Bogey” and “Hogan’s Heroes” played as duets between two bands, 50 yards apart. The Warriors Band established its superiority early in the concert and never looked back, outplaying the Mustang Baud 38 tunes to 4. “We didn’t ,/want to get overconfident before going to Western,” band coach Steve Hayman said. “Although we’ve never had any trouble beating them before, and although this was a rebuilding year for them since their sousaphone section seems to have used up its eligibility, they were still some kind of band and we had our hands full trying to cant ain them. Like ,I always say,’ on any given day any band can beat any band, unless the latter

happens to be us.” Hayman refused to speculate on the‘ order of finish in the OUAA band standings this season, although he conceded that _ Waterloo had first place locked up since before the season started. “Second place should be a real dogfight between the Mustang Band and Toronto’s Lady Godiva Memorial Band. But we shouldn’t have any problems finishing first. I realized this when several Western students, and even a inember of their football team told us how much better our bxand was than theirs. But it should

Givemea W ,... givemeanE we getting?... Wet.




,... givemeaT


Fill in the clues as- you would any cryptic diagonal going from top left to bottom right. \ propaganda.

Z.Incorrectly hum bar” of song. (6) 4. Sort of tire of the ceremony. (4) 6. A place to go to curl up on some ice? (74 8. Give up-andlie about in the yard. (5) 6. It writes about a hog’s sloppy home..@)

really be a real interesting, you know, season, standings-wise. And j it isn’t over ’ until -the end either, you know. You know, you never know how its going ‘to turn out until you know the results, you know.” Anyone interested in joining and ensuring the continuing success of the above group is invited to talk to Coach Hayman at 884-8239. Instruments are available. As an amusing diversion, ti game of “Football” was played between teams from each school between performances of the bands.

crossword, It will spell

,... whatare Charlie Lee


then look at the out a little piece of by Fraser Simpson

11. . ..and yet it wouldn’t be an eyesore for a pig! (3) 12. Insect left antelope to fly. (5) 15. To find the secret of a good . mattress when to visit here‘s ,


$ris’***(29396) . ..the same for Quebec. (4) 17, Slung back in some peanut butter‘ ruthlessly, and got the tower. (6) l

Down 2. Belonging to father’s sister! (4) 81 Girl comes in to remind you of it. (5) 4. Cared about and was in the running. (5) 5. A real worker, we hear, although he never goes to work. (6) 7. They naturally cause faults to show up* (7) 10. Two notes gone strangely in exchange for Christmas drink. (6) i2. Beth Elgin is some girl. (5) 18. To be wrong or make a-mistake. (5) 14. She’s always in’the tanner’s heart. (41






19 year old, second year Megan Piercy, Kinesiology student at UW, is the current National Orienteering Champion. Piercy, who transferred to UW this year from McMaster, has been on the National Team twice, competing in the 1978 World Championships in Norway and the following year in Finland. This year marked the first year she has/been National Champion and she hadl to take the title who had had a virtual away from someone monopoly on it for four years. That someone is susan Budge, also 19, and also a second year Kin student (actually she has a double major of Kinesiology and Health) at UW:


Budge first became the location of the twelve National Champion in (in this race) checkpoints they must visit, in 1976. That same year, at uwhich the correct order, before the age of 15, she was the youngest competitor ever they are finished. in the World ChampionAt Mansfield, it was ships. She repeated as the charactetiistic for the National Champ in 1977, entrants to begin their 78 and 79 before relincourse at a walk, taking quishing her title this year their first compass readto her friend and teaming, breaking into a trot as mate, Piercy. they disappeared. More Budge and Piercy were than a few returned to the both involved in compstart to another try etition this past weekend reading. as the Ontario OrientOrienteering is a deeering Championships manding sport, requiring took place in Mansfield, the ability of a crossOntario. country runner with the The course at Mansfield mental acui?y needed to ran up and down steep, plot the shortest twistsandy hills, primarily ing course from one through a mature hardcheckpoint to another. forest. It was Perhaps it is the physical wood considered fast because of and mental demands of the the absence of undersport which keeps the growth. of participants number Competitors start at down. intervals of two minutes, That a lot of people who and are lost to sight in the may have stayed in the heavily timbered country sport do not because of in less than 30 seconds. In initial frustration, was a effect, they are completely feeling expressed by both on their own since even if Budge and Piercy. they see another compet“When you start,” said “it’s more of a itor there’s no way of Budge, knowing if that competitor recreation, because it’s SO is looking for the same hard to read the map. Itjs che&point. _ frlistrating because you end up walking a lot.” Competitors are given a look at a contour map of Piercy agrees: “It frusthe area one minute before trates people who expect to When their run all the time.” She their start. “runners may start-time arrives, they are continued, provided with another be good runners but you map, this one containing can’t run faster than you

Mrest Point military Ontario champoinships.






can read the’map.” Both athletes felt that it took .a year of competition to gain enough experience with the map and compass to enable one to compete seriously. Budge qualified that: “They say it takes three years to become an advanced orienteer. But it depends on what help you get.” In Scandinavia, Piercy contends, orienteering is “just as popular as hockey. It’s one of the national sports.” - At the ionships, as far back remember inated by

World Champcompetition for as anyone can has been domNorway, Swe-

den, Finland and Switzerland (the site of next year’s World Championships). These four, in a class by ts>mselves, are followed by. another group comprised of Czechoslovakia, Great Britain and Hungary. The Canadians follow closely (the men’s team finished eighth and the women’s team tenth at the last world meet). At the Ontario Championships, competition for as far back as anyone can remember has been dominated by Sue Budge. This year was no exception as she had the fastest time on each day of the two-day meet. Piercy recovered after a bad first day to finish fourth over-all.





at final

Still at least six years away from what should be their peak age, Piercy and Budge are already’ seas-


international oned as competitors. For them, the *future should be bright. Jacob Arseneault

not as soft as thought

theoretically, that there 1 had aways known, were certain dangers inherent in being open to suggestion. Unfortunately this fact had slipped my mind when Sue Budge, one of the runners training with the women’s cross country team, suggested that I ought to participate in her sport, orienteering, sometime. Sue, one of Canada’s top orienteers, must have known better than I what I was in for, but somehow suppressed any sign of a giggle when I agreed very readily to the idea. After all, I thought, priding myself on my fairness, Sue and Megan Piercy, another top orienteer, participate in the workouts of the women’s cross country team, and so nothing would be more fitting than for the cross-country coach to try out their event. And so it was settled that I would debut in the sport on September 21 at Milton. registration desk was dominated by the question of whether or not swimacross bodies of ming water was or was not illegal in the sport; it was finally agreed that one could not swim, though it



m -f-rue coqesslons -


I found myself even more firmly trapped when -1 recalled that the men’s cross country coach, Les Roberts, was a great orienteering enthusiast; I suggested to him that he might wish to come to Milton as well, and the next thing I knew, he and I had agreed to run together over something called an “orange course” at this coming meet. This troubled me a little, as in all fairness to Sue, I must say she had suggested a yellow course, and I did get the feeling that orange was somehow more threatening. It’s not that I was totally ignorant of the sport; like many sports fans, I was aware that orienteering involved running around in the woods carrying a map and a compass. What more could there be to-it? I began to suspect there might be something more when I picked Les up the morning of the meet, and he emerged from his apartment dressed like a’ commando, in what seemed to me to be military survival gear. My apprehension increased even more as we pulled up at’ the regarea for the istration meeting; the road on which we parked was s&rounded by swamp. Conversation as we walked to the

3, 1980. Imprint


UW Studentsnational a




was permitted to walk across the bottom of a lake, for example. I hoped desperately that this discussion was purely academic in character, as neither the legal nor illegal alternative had much appeal. By the time we had reached the registration desk, Les had escalated his ambitions, and wanted to run a “green cotirse,” as there had been no such thing in his heyday. Unable to make any intelligent judgments, I agreed. In about an hour and a half, we would have to start. This was an eventful and educational hour and a half. Sue’s mirth at my suggestion that I might run in shorts caused rn\F to adjust my sartorial intentions; I wound up in rain pants, a t-shirt, and a denim shirt to protect my

and Sue Budge. photos by Jacob


Orienteering is a sport in which competitors with the aid of map and compass make their unknown and way around an citherwise unidentifiable ccurse through rough and uainhabited country. It is a race and may take place in winter with the use of cross-country skis, or in the Iake country with canoes, but its original and most common form is O?I foot. First developed by the military in Scandinavia as a training exercise, it has become a popular sport in all of Europe and is now gaining acceptance in North America. Soldiers still use it in their training (there were several West Point cadets at Iast weekend’s Ontario championships) though their numbers now are small.

arms. Several people glanced with pity at my nice new running shoes, apparently doomed to soiling, but there was nothing to be done, as they were all I had. Watching the competitors warm up was some comfort, as this confirmed my suspicion that orienteering was a “soft” athletic event, ready to be revolutionized once the “real” runners saw fit to compete in it. So despite several anxieties, I remained confident of a comfortable afternoon. My first clear‘notions of what was involved arrived at the start, when I was handed my map; with a compass borrowed from Les, I immediately determined the direction in which we had to head to reach the ‘first “control station” -completing the course involves visiting several such stations marked on the map and punching a card with a punch there, identifying that station, as proof of one’s visit. We would (at least) begin along a path which, while slightly rocky, could, be run with< only a slight probability of spraining one’s ankle. And, even better, the map showed that the first station was on the edge of an open area; little did I realize that ‘fopen” does not suggest to an orienteer, as it does to me, grassy fields with no trees. After wandering around for a while in the midst of some trees, and repeatedly re-evaluating where on earth we might be, we stumbled across the first station. Now the straight iine connecting the first and second stations on the map passed directly through “uncrossable marsh” so we took the hint and devised a roundabout route avoiding that. All we had to do was connect with a nearby path, which would lead us


on page



right to advance to the OUAA finals being held, next week at- Glen Abbey. His finish This week there was goes in the semi-final% only one recipient of the with another second place -Molson’s Athlete of the finish in the Waterloo Wee\, Andy Bishop of the Invitational, where he shot aolf team. a 67. Bishop, a fourth year Waterloo finished 12 civil engineering student, strokes behind Queen’s in is participating in his first \ the competition last week year on the golf team. and Bishop feels the Last Thursday, _the competition at the finals Niagara Falls nativeshot a’ come from will again competitive course record Queen’s and possibly 71 at the very difficult Toronto, although he feels Toronto Westview course. Waterloo is quite capable during the OUAA semi- _ of taking the title. finals. His two-round total The toughest part of golf earned him second low, competition at the univermedalist honours in the sity level is the amount of competitian along with the time lost during the school

week. All takes week means missed the first term.

confusibn settin’g in; not merely trees, but-boulders also look alike, and these almost directly to a are utifortunately the main fenceline within 100 yards physical features which of our goal. are marked on maps. A fe’w This path proved somepeople passed by, mostly what elusive, and we orienteers on the orange wound up fighting our way course. searching for a over boulders and through nearby station, ’ regrettrees, all rather obstintably not ours. ately set out to impede our We did find. the fifth progress. Nonetheless, a station, rather discouragpath, in fact the correct ingly after it was found by path, was soon found, and, al competitor, a woman of liberated, we found ourabout forty who strode up selves running for the first to it calmly with no time of the day. Here of apparent doubt. On our course we were sure to way to the sixth station make up time. 1 we *crossed her path and learned that we had seen We did a pretty good job finding the third station hey-making her fourth after our run; the search approach to. the previdus station. Encouraged by in\iolved a minimum of this, we raced along our baffled references to the map. And \’ the fourth chosen path to the, next station was, b+ly two‘ station, and set out into the hundred yards away! We woods at what we thought struggled efficiently along was the right place. _ We did succeed in a couple of cliff faces and soon spotted the station;‘ finding every spot near this-was almost becoming this station which could be identified fromfeatures. ‘too easy. appearing on the map. We The’fifth station was due north about a half mile even found _ a control away, but directly through station intended for competitors on one of the other forest. As Les pointed out, trees have an a.nnoying c;ourses. But after what habit of looking alike after seemed hours of searching, a couple of\hours, and so tie had not found the sixth station. By now my cold we had to proceed with compasses in hand, cautwas bothering me a lot and iously trying to avoid I was soaked in sweat and misdirectiori. Cldsing in on utterly fatigued; furthermore, my back was aching our quarry, we found. some

terribly. Les was determined to find the sixth station, and ,I was determined to return immediately to the finish area. We compromised; Les abandoned the search for the sixth station, and set out to find the remaining ones, while I hurried back to my car. After three hours in the bush, what had I accomp’lished? I’d found six out of nine control stations (having accidentally found the ninth returning to the finish), and two out of three ain’t bad; I’d managed to totally exhaust myself running what ofi the map amounted to about four miles, over three hours.

Athlete of. the week


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. tournament play place during the which, in effect, two or three days of classes in eadh of five weeks of the


I’d learned that orienteering was substantially harder than I’d thought; it more than - just was in -the running around of i-pit was bush-m .ost knowing where to run. I’d also learned that running through forest, over rocks, atid across “open” fields, was much more demanding than running on roads, tracks, or even on “cross country” terrain. I also had _ a new sense of h .ow fired I could feel, and how sore my back could be. After the afternoon, Les took his course map and analyzed it, trying to estimate how long he thought it would take Sue <Budge to complete the course he had done eightninths of in 3 hours 10 .mintues, and I had done two-thirds of in about 3 hours. And what’ was his answer? “Oh, about fortyfive minutes.” He also told me, somewhat after -the fact, that one should never have one’s introduction to orienteering at an “A” meet like the one at Milton. I still don’t know what a? “A” meet is nor what a “green” or “orange” course-is, but I’ve noticed that there’s a ‘fB” meet in Guelph in a week or so. And my back doesn’t feel quikso bad now... ,\

Alan’Adamson Note: *for the adventurous the above f‘B” meet near Guelph byill be held tomorrow. Take highway 7, turn north at Norval. You’ll f-ind- it just east of Terra Cotta. Starting times, 10:30-12:30. You can register at the site and you ca% get more information by calling Vera Pugh at “petting

pff into

the wilds:








Referees -according to the Webster’s dictionary, a referee is a sports official having final authority in administering a game. However, as any arm-chair critic or sports player can attest, the only right calls a ref makes are the ones in favour of their team. Yet, according to Nancy Falls, Coordinator of Officials for the Intramural Pro. gram; “Officials are essential if an activity is to be run efficiently”.

ments all make use of officials whereas the recreational league of the Intramural Program does not. All officials are paid $3.50 per game. In order-to upgrade the quality of officiating, clinics are conducted. Falls points out that “In most activities, experts from the community are asked to the clinics to ensure that all officials are properly trained”. She feels that the conveners and ref-inchiefs of each activity are doing an excellent job and that the clinics have been

The Intramural competitive leagues and tourna-

well attended. To date, over 100 people have signed up to officiate in either the competitive leagues or tournaments. Mike Meuller, a 4th year Recreation student, has been officiating basketball for one year. He thinks that “Anyone who plays the game should also try to referee at some time so that they will have some compassion for the officials.” Mike also adds that he likes to see a game run smoothly and the reason he refs is to gain experience and to see what it is like to

be on the other side of the game. “Players tend to realize that you are only a student and as a result, they tend to cooperate with the officials,” says Mike Bolger, a 3rd year Math student and ref-inchief of ball hockey. Bolger, who has been reffing,for 3 years, would like to encourage other students to referee’because he believes it is a good experience and that it teaches you how to take control of a situation. -Both Steve D’eon of Environment al Studies and Mardy Fraser of HKLS feel that refereeing is a worthwhile experience. It gets you involved and you get to meet different people. As well, the money from refereeing Fraser comes in handy. notes that the refereeing system at Waterloo is very good compared to other schools he’s seen. The Intramural program is still looking for more officials. The activities which require referees are basketball, flag football, ball hockey, soccer, volleyball, broomball, and especially ice hockey, which begins October 17. According to Falls, the time commitment depends on the individual. Intramural Office in the PAC in room 2040. So the next time you’re watching your team on the tube or playing an Intramural sport, remember, you could be in the referee’s shoes. Kerry Jarvis


at Intramural



Flag football

With one week left in the regular season of Women’s Flag Football, the S3 Bombers of the CFL appear to be flawless. They have managed to win four straight games without being scored upon. Their success is a winning combination of an awesome defense and an explosive running back by the name of Sharon Daly. If there is a team for them to beat, it would have to be the powerful Minota Hagey club of the NFL, who are also unbeaten. Coach Chris Higgens has led Hagey to the finals in the past three years and this year should be no exception. Rumor has it that these two powerhouses will be under the Seagram lights, Wednesday, October 22; 1980. Warren Delany

Slopitch Reminiscent of the opening game of the Toronto Blue Jays baseball season, 32 co-ed baseball teams braved the cold weather of the first two days to participate in the annual Co-ed Slow Pitch Tournament. The tournament fielded some strong

3, 1980. Imprint

23 -,

teams and according to the opinion of this sports reporter, the play of the the ladies represented quality of the team. In most cases (except when defaults occurred) enthusiasm and sportsmanship was evident among the teams. The Village 1 Dons team exemplified this feeling throughout the tournament. The ‘fun’ aspect was stressed rather than a competitive mentality or ‘win at any cost’ attitude. Sunday saw ideal weather and 16 teams entered in the playoff rounds. After each playing 3 close, hard fought playoff games, two teams emerged. to clash in the finals, St. Jeromes 4 and the F.A. All Stars. On the power of their strong hitting and tight defence, the F.A. All Stars defeated St. Jeromes 22-11. Congratulations is extended to the members of both final teams for a game well played. To the other teams, your fun attitude makes my assignment more enjoyable and remember, next year is a new season. Thanks. Matt Wever OOPS! Last weekend’s St. Jerome’s Softball Tournament had not one but two female players. Sorry about that, Patti Lou Down, we hear you had a good game!


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