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Camgus Events --Friday,




Waterloo Christian Fellowship’s Drop-in Centre. A place to meet people, talk, read books from our library and to chase away loneliness. Everyone welcome and encouraged to come in and take some of the free literature offered. 10am-noon. CC135. CC Bombshelter is open from noon to 1am. Build your own sandwich and saladbar until 8 pm. DJ after 9 pm. Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm. Students’ Association sponsors a Friday prayer. 1:30-2:30pm. CC113. Fed Flicks - Monty Python’s Life of Brian. 8 pm, 10 pm. AL 116.Feds $1, others $2. Muslim




presents “The Nightingale”, a ballet for children. Humanities Theatre. lo:30 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm. $2.50, $2 for children & seniors. Man-Environment Studies students will share their experiences of astudy-trip in India in 1980.Slides and discussions will be presented from lo:30 am 12:30pm: Potluck lunch 12:30- 1:30 pm. Also the following workshops: 1:30-2:30pm, “Health-care Systems in Rural India”, 2:30-3:30pm, “Politics of Development”, 3:30-4:30 pm, “Religions in India: A Western Perspective.” MC 5158.


Bombshelter is open 7 pm-l am. DJ after 9 pm. Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm. Fed Flicks - see Friday. CC




Reformed Worship for the entire university community. Refreshments afterwards. lo:30 am. HH 180. The community is invited to visit WLU’s community open house from l-4 pm. There will be interesting things to see and do, plus coffee and conversation. Ecumenical

Denis Bolohan “A Touch of Glass”. An environment of light. UW Arts Centre Gallery, Modern Languages. Free admission. 2-5 pm. Conrad Grebel College chapel services follocired by coffee and discussion. 7-8 pm. Fed Flicks - see Friday. Only one show at 8 pm.




Denis Bolohan “A Touch of Glass”. An environment of light. UW Arts Celltre Gallery, Modern Languages. Free admission. Hours, Monday through Friday, 9-4. CC Bombshelter is open noon-l am. See Friday. Waterloo


Fellowship’s Drop-in Centre -

see Fridpy. are available for students going through graduate interviews for permanent’ employment. Pick them up at the reception desk, 1st floor, Needles Hall. Brock University will have a representative on campus to talk I about their teacher training programme. NH 3004. 2:30-4 pm.



How to Find a Government Publication in the Library: A Library Research Strategy Workshop. Meet at the Information desk in the Arts Library. 2:30 pm. Dr. L.J. Dickey of the Pure Math and C&O departments will speak on “Inversion and the Dunce’s Cap”, an introductory level lecture. 3:30 pm. MC 5158. and Blues session at the Kitchener Public Library. A preview of new jazz records purchased recently by the library. 7 pm. Chess Club meeting. 6:30 pm. CC113. If you don’t come, I might just kill myself. So be there! Jazz

film “Goin’ Down the Road” will be shown at 7 pm in the Kitchener Public Library. Admission is free.



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WCF Morning Prayer Meeting. Start your day off right with a little prayer and sharing. Open to everyone, especially to new Christians wanting to grow. 8-8:30 am. CC 135. Denis Bolohan “A Touch of Glass” - see Sunday. Waterloo Christian Fellowship’s Drop-in Centre - see Friday.

“Tarot, Playing Cards and Tradition” - an illustrated slide-lecture. 8 pm. Humanities Theatre. Free admission but tickets are required. Available from the box office, HH.




- see Monday. Nippissing University will have a representative on campus to talk about their teacher training A special music at noon concert will be held programme. NH 3059.9-lo:30 am. featuring Galliard Ensemble from Toronto. Theatre Waterloo Christian Fellowship’s Drop-in Centre Auditorium, WLU. Admission is free. see Friday. CC Bombshelter - see Monday. CC Bombshelter - see Monday. WLU music faculty is having a Music Appreciation Library Research Shortcuts for students in Series featuring Schubert. Kitchener Public Library. Environmental Studies. Meet at the Information Noon. Admission is free. Lunch available for $1. desk in the Arts Library. 2:30 pm. Phone 743-0271to reserve. Conrad Grebel College chapel services - see Cults - a discussion. Dr. Darrol Bryant, Professor at Tuesday. Renison and Dr. Ben Hubbard, Professor at St. Jerome’s will lead the discussion about a cult’s right Liberal Club meeting. New members welcome. If to exist vs. the public’s rights. Everyone welcome. unable to attend, leave message for Wim Simonis in Bring a lunch. 12:30pm. CC 113. Federation Office. 5 pm. SCH 230. Library Research Shortcuts Workshop for students in Environmental Studies. Meet at the Information desk in the Arts Library. 2:30 pm. “Student Life”. Are studies getting you down? Come out and find out how your life can have meaning and purpose. Everyone is welcome. Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. 4-5:30 pm. CC 113. Conrad Grebel College chapel services followed by coffee and discussion. 4:45-5:15 pm. Course in Reformed College 251. 7-8 pm.


Conrad Grebel

Free - In Concert: “Beautiful Feet.” A fresh new band from Gainesville, Fla. as well as a “now” message. AL 113. 7:30 pm.

Denis Bolohan “A


of Glass”

Man and World -a non-credit interdisciplinary course. HH 334.5-6 pm. Discussion Fellowship. HH 280. Supper at 6 pm. Discussion of Jesus’ parables at 7 pm. In Concert: “Beautiful Feet” - see Tuesday. Expect the unexpected when the Anna Wyman Dance Theatre presents excerpts from its dramatic modern repertory. 4:30pm. Theatre of the Arts. Admission $2.50. Gay coffee house. Men and women welcome. Sponsored by Gay Liberation of Waterloo. 8:30 pmmidnight. CC 110. God,



WCF Morning Prayer Denis Bolohan “A Touch Waterloo Christian see Friday. CC

23- see Tuesday. Glass” - see Monday.

Meeting of


Drop-in Centre -

- see Monday.


Man” by Jacob Brownowski. Noon. Waterloo Public Library. Admission is free. Bring your own lunch. Music at Noon Concert at WLU featuring Alumni Recital Series. Theatre Auditorium. Admission is free. Queen’s University will have a representative on campus to talk about their teacher training programme. ML 246. 3-4:30 pm.




Conrad Grebel College chapel services - see ’ Tuesday. Waterloo Chiistian Fellowship (I.V.C.F.) supper meekingwith the film “Cult Explosion”. 4:30-7 pm. HH 280. Film at 5:45 pm in AL 113. , Students Association presents a public seminar on the Iranian revolution and its impact on international relations. Guest speaker: Prof. W.G. Millard, McGill University. 7 pm. MC 2066.


In concert:

- see Tuesday. closing session. Film “I am a Refugee” with discussion of future plans. Emmanuel United Church, 22 Bridgeport Rd. Waterloo. 7:30 pm. Sponsored by WPIRG, Global Community Centre and KW Chile Information Centre. Biology Seminar at WLU. Dr. Erica Dunn will speak on “Regulation of Temperature in Bird Development.” Arts Building 2E4. 7:30 pm. Admission is free. , Anna Wyman Dance Theatre, a noted dance companyr, from Vancouver. 8 pm. Humanities Theatre. $7.50, students $6.50. Latin







17, 1980,


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of Waterloo,



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