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Camgus Events --Friday,




Waterloo Christian Fellowship’s Drop-in Centre. A place to meet people, talk, read books from our library and to chase away loneliness. Everyone welcome and encouraged to come in and take some of the free literature offered. 10am-noon. CC135. CC Bombshelter is open from noon to 1am. Build your own sandwich and saladbar until 8 pm. DJ after 9 pm. Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm. Students’ Association sponsors a Friday prayer. 1:30-2:30pm. CC113. Fed Flicks - Monty Python’s Life of Brian. 8 pm, 10 pm. AL 116.Feds $1, others $2. Muslim




presents “The Nightingale”, a ballet for children. Humanities Theatre. lo:30 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm. $2.50, $2 for children & seniors. Man-Environment Studies students will share their experiences of astudy-trip in India in 1980.Slides and discussions will be presented from lo:30 am 12:30pm: Potluck lunch 12:30- 1:30 pm. Also the following workshops: 1:30-2:30pm, “Health-care Systems in Rural India”, 2:30-3:30pm, “Politics of Development”, 3:30-4:30 pm, “Religions in India: A Western Perspective.” MC 5158.


Bombshelter is open 7 pm-l am. DJ after 9 pm. Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm. Fed Flicks - see Friday. CC




Reformed Worship for the entire university community. Refreshments afterwards. lo:30 am. HH 180. The community is invited to visit WLU’s community open house from l-4 pm. There will be interesting things to see and do, plus coffee and conversation. Ecumenical

Denis Bolohan “A Touch of Glass”. An environment of light. UW Arts Centre Gallery, Modern Languages. Free admission. 2-5 pm. Conrad Grebel College chapel services follocired by coffee and discussion. 7-8 pm. Fed Flicks - see Friday. Only one show at 8 pm.




Denis Bolohan “A Touch of Glass”. An environment of light. UW Arts Celltre Gallery, Modern Languages. Free admission. Hours, Monday through Friday, 9-4. CC Bombshelter is open noon-l am. See Friday. Waterloo


Fellowship’s Drop-in Centre -

see Fridpy. are available for students going through graduate interviews for permanent’ employment. Pick them up at the reception desk, 1st floor, Needles Hall. Brock University will have a representative on campus to talk I about their teacher training programme. NH 3004. 2:30-4 pm.



How to Find a Government Publication in the Library: A Library Research Strategy Workshop. Meet at the Information desk in the Arts Library. 2:30 pm. Dr. L.J. Dickey of the Pure Math and C&O departments will speak on “Inversion and the Dunce’s Cap”, an introductory level lecture. 3:30 pm. MC 5158. and Blues session at the Kitchener Public Library. A preview of new jazz records purchased recently by the library. 7 pm. Chess Club meeting. 6:30 pm. CC113. If you don’t come, I might just kill myself. So be there! Jazz

film “Goin’ Down the Road” will be shown at 7 pm in the Kitchener Public Library. Admission is free.



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WCF Morning Prayer Meeting. Start your day off right with a little prayer and sharing. Open to everyone, especially to new Christians wanting to grow. 8-8:30 am. CC 135. Denis Bolohan “A Touch of Glass” - see Sunday. Waterloo Christian Fellowship’s Drop-in Centre - see Friday.

“Tarot, Playing Cards and Tradition” - an illustrated slide-lecture. 8 pm. Humanities Theatre. Free admission but tickets are required. Available from the box office, HH.




- see Monday. Nippissing University will have a representative on campus to talk about their teacher training A special music at noon concert will be held programme. NH 3059.9-lo:30 am. featuring Galliard Ensemble from Toronto. Theatre Waterloo Christian Fellowship’s Drop-in Centre Auditorium, WLU. Admission is free. see Friday. CC Bombshelter - see Monday. CC Bombshelter - see Monday. WLU music faculty is having a Music Appreciation Library Research Shortcuts for students in Series featuring Schubert. Kitchener Public Library. Environmental Studies. Meet at the Information Noon. Admission is free. Lunch available for $1. desk in the Arts Library. 2:30 pm. Phone 743-0271to reserve. Conrad Grebel College chapel services - see Cults - a discussion. Dr. Darrol Bryant, Professor at Tuesday. Renison and Dr. Ben Hubbard, Professor at St. Jerome’s will lead the discussion about a cult’s right Liberal Club meeting. New members welcome. If to exist vs. the public’s rights. Everyone welcome. unable to attend, leave message for Wim Simonis in Bring a lunch. 12:30pm. CC 113. Federation Office. 5 pm. SCH 230. Library Research Shortcuts Workshop for students in Environmental Studies. Meet at the Information desk in the Arts Library. 2:30 pm. “Student Life”. Are studies getting you down? Come out and find out how your life can have meaning and purpose. Everyone is welcome. Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. 4-5:30 pm. CC 113. Conrad Grebel College chapel services followed by coffee and discussion. 4:45-5:15 pm. Course in Reformed College 251. 7-8 pm.


Conrad Grebel

Free - In Concert: “Beautiful Feet.” A fresh new band from Gainesville, Fla. as well as a “now” message. AL 113. 7:30 pm.

Denis Bolohan “A


of Glass”

Man and World -a non-credit interdisciplinary course. HH 334.5-6 pm. Discussion Fellowship. HH 280. Supper at 6 pm. Discussion of Jesus’ parables at 7 pm. In Concert: “Beautiful Feet” - see Tuesday. Expect the unexpected when the Anna Wyman Dance Theatre presents excerpts from its dramatic modern repertory. 4:30pm. Theatre of the Arts. Admission $2.50. Gay coffee house. Men and women welcome. Sponsored by Gay Liberation of Waterloo. 8:30 pmmidnight. CC 110. God,



WCF Morning Prayer Denis Bolohan “A Touch Waterloo Christian see Friday. CC

23- see Tuesday. Glass” - see Monday.

Meeting of


Drop-in Centre -

- see Monday.


Man” by Jacob Brownowski. Noon. Waterloo Public Library. Admission is free. Bring your own lunch. Music at Noon Concert at WLU featuring Alumni Recital Series. Theatre Auditorium. Admission is free. Queen’s University will have a representative on campus to talk about their teacher training programme. ML 246. 3-4:30 pm.




Conrad Grebel College chapel services - see ’ Tuesday. Waterloo Chiistian Fellowship (I.V.C.F.) supper meekingwith the film “Cult Explosion”. 4:30-7 pm. HH 280. Film at 5:45 pm in AL 113. , Students Association presents a public seminar on the Iranian revolution and its impact on international relations. Guest speaker: Prof. W.G. Millard, McGill University. 7 pm. MC 2066.


In concert:

- see Tuesday. closing session. Film “I am a Refugee” with discussion of future plans. Emmanuel United Church, 22 Bridgeport Rd. Waterloo. 7:30 pm. Sponsored by WPIRG, Global Community Centre and KW Chile Information Centre. Biology Seminar at WLU. Dr. Erica Dunn will speak on “Regulation of Temperature in Bird Development.” Arts Building 2E4. 7:30 pm. Admission is free. , Anna Wyman Dance Theatre, a noted dance companyr, from Vancouver. 8 pm. Humanities Theatre. $7.50, students $6.50. Latin







17, 1980,


3, Number



of Waterloo,



d The ELF&I in





sexual .



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harassment on campus: next page, plus soccer waterpolo, foot bail and more pages 14-15

Bodyworks photo contest winners, an owl rehabilitation centre, reviews, previews and much, much more: pages 8-13

’ .








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CC event: , “in -

’ praise of mind and body”


The philosophy, theory, and technique of massage therapy with workshop leader Karl C. Veiledal, RM was just one of the activities presented last week by- the Campus Centre Board and the Federation of Students in “Bodyworks - a celebration of life.” The event, held in various rooms of the Campus Centre as well a;s the Great Hall, ran over three days. Included in the presentations were workshops, films, a dinner, and a photo display (Fee winners of the Bodyworks photo contest on page 8). Topics we’re diverse. For eiample, “eating your way through university on $15 a month,” women’s weight training, bio-energetics, cycling for fitness, and Tai Chi, the ancient Chinese martial art, were only some of the presentations dff&!ed last Thursday. Alexis Murray, a coordinator .O’f the Bodyworks programmg said she was very thought it successful for the people who w&e interested. “The were well workshops attended and it was a worthwhile experience for’ people who participated,” ,she said.

offered through the latter university, but most of the courses are available from Waterloo. The program is in response to a desire on the part of many registered nurses in Waterloo Region to upgrade their qualifications. Waterloo does not have a school of nursing but those interested, who want to study on a part-time basis, have noted that it does teach many of the courses required. According to Don Kasta, UW’s director of part-time studies, K-W area nurses will be registered at UWO but will take courses at UW under a “letter of permission” arrangement. Most of the UW courses are available in the afternoons and evenings; others are available via correspondence. Although the agreement between the two campuses was only recently apprbved by the UWO senate, some nurses have *been enrolled in pertinent courses at UW for the’bast two years. Under the agreement any degree credits achieved are’ acceptable by Western as part of the program.

Reading ’ UW and UWO Co-operate in Machine, %Brailler for Arts BSc Degree Library V

The University of Waterloo and the University of Wetario are co-operating to offer a program leading to a bachelor of science degree in nursing. The degree is -

The UW 1ibrar.y has recently acquired a Kurzweil Reading Machine and a brailler.




The Kurzweil Reading Machine electronically scans print material placed f,ace down on a glass plate and feeds the images into a computer that recognizes each letter, groups the letters into words com- putes pronunciation and stress, and produces synthetic speech.. Controls on the machine enable the trained user to speed up or slow down the rate, have previous lines repeated, spell out obscure words, or mark certain words or phrases for later reference. The machine was donated to the Kitchener district of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind by Mrs. Elizabeth Burton of Guelph. In order to ensure maximum access to the machine by visually handicapped persons in the region - --it is being housed in the Dana Porter Arts Library, On the recommendation of the CNIB, the library has’ purchased a brailler to be, used in conjunction with the Kurzweil Reading Machine. The brailler is a writer with sjx keys which, when struck in various combinations create words in a braille format. -%th the Kurzweil Read--

ing Machine and the brailler are located in room 101 of the Dana Porter Arts Library. There will be demonstrations of the machines on successive Thursdays, November 6 and 13 at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. Please call 885-1211 extension 3648 for further information or to arrange for- a personal demonstration.

Reflections of Waterloo sooln at bookstore Reflections of Waterloo, a clothbound +book of pictures about the University of Waterloo and the community around it, is expected to arrive shortly at the bookstore. The book contains more than 100 pictures in colon, and black and white, and will sell for $13.95. - Theidea of t‘he book store publishing a picture --book about - u\r\i ‘.was tirst suggested by. Gabriel Schreiber of the book store, after receiving requests for “something with pictures of the campus” from many customers. Elsie Dodds, -book ,_.- -_ store --manager, arranged the

by Karen


financing; a committee was formed and work began on the book in 1978.

75-f-- UW’S 7,500 co-op students, will serve as an advisory body to the university in its ongoing ’ It all came together this of co-operadevelopment spring when the final tive education programs. selection of pictures was As soon as the present made; Professor Keith council is dissolved the Thomas of the English new advisory council will department wrote a text, be ‘formed from the and Dave Bartholomew, members of the IAC. New graphic services, designed members representing emit and arranged for ployers who hire students printing. Most of the from co-op programs in the , photographs are by Maurother four faculties at UW ice Green, of central will ‘be elect%d to ’ the 26 photographic.. member council, as soon ae Whenever Reflections of possible. Waterloo does arrive from A’UW engineering gradthe printer, Elsie Dodds uate, J.R. (Rod) Coutts, and ‘the members of her president of Teklogix Ltd., committee are hoping that Mississauga, will be the 5,000 (the initial run is ’ first president of the new 5,000 copies) people will Waterloo Advisory Counwant to buy it. cil. He is chairman of the present council. The new council meets one of the long-range planning objectives of Waterloo’s recently approved Third Decade Report which advocated an The (rWaterloo Advisory expansion of co-operative ‘Council was created at the education programs and of final advisory councils similar . Industri~~~%sor~fCo~? to the IAC. ;il (IAC) on Thursday. The The new Waterloo AdIAC has been an erpployer visory Council will serve as group giving advice on an umbrella organization UW’s k engineering and that will meet twice a year. -science co-op programs for Each faculty, will also have the past 22 years. the option of forming a The new organization, faculty co-tip advisory representing the employers council.

New Waterloo Advisbry ,,Council Created




OFS, Guelph, York look at sexual- harassment Sexual harassment is a phenomenon_ that has been with us probably as long as

the realization that there are differences between men and women.

Harassment still ua ’ very touchy topic” Under the present system at the University of Waterloo, a case of sexual assault is dealt ‘with in the same way as a complaint about low marks on an exam. While the problem of sexual harassment has existed for years, it has only emerged as a public issue in the past two or three. However, UW’s administration does not have any specific means of dealing with this problem, says Debi Brock, Board of Education Chairperson for UW’s Federation of Students. At the present time, if an incident occurs, the student has two options: she can complain to the Dean of the appropriate faculty, or she can write a letter, and make the issue public. However, there are problems with both of these methods according to Brock. The first method can result in the woman feeling her complaint is being ignored. With the second, there is a risk of public embarrassment of an innocent person (whether this is the student, or a falsely accused professor). The OFS Women’s Issues Committee has proposed that an Administration-funded office to deal specificially with the problem of sexual harassment be established on the campus of each of Ontario’s post-secondary institutions. This office’s duties would include counselling for those who have been harassed, keeping confidential records of harassment cases, making decisions as to what action can be taken in serious cases, and promoting awareness through educational campaigns. According to Brock, a member of the Women’s Issues Committee, the Committee found encouragement in the fact that the preliminary report of a presidential committee on sexual harassment at has made almost identical York University recommendations on the establishment of a sexual harassment office at that university. They felt that the fact that these two independent studies came to common conclusions gave added weight to their arguments. Brock, however, acknowledged the fact that progress will have to be fought for, as no university wants to bring up the topic, since it only brings bad publicity. But unless some action is taken soon, says Brock, the situation can only deteriorate. Rob Dobrucki

Not until recent years, however, has the problem received the serious consideration it now gets in the work place and in the courts. More recently still, members of post-secondary institutions in Ontario have become aware of a need to establish procedures for dealing with sexual harassment complaints that occur within their milieus. (See other story this page for details on the guidelines the Ontario Federation of Students’ (OFS) Women’s Issues Committee has put forth to deal with the problem.) But what is sexual harassment? According to UW student federation’s Debi Brock, as victims’ demands for protection and redress become louder, the need to define the nature of sexual harassment also becomes more urgent, and so does the need to increase the I number of people who are aware’ of what kinds of behaviour may constitute sexual harassment. In a brief prepared after the June 1980 OFS Conference, the Women’s Issues Committee described sexual harassment in the university setting as “the utilization of a professor’s authority to gain sexual compliance from a student., . Students (are) being h arassed when nonthey’ feel that complaince may result in denial of marks, denial of respect, and situations of discomfort.” As well, the brief states that a more “subtle” form of sexual harassment “takes place in a classroom where women students, as a group, are made to feel

uncomfortable because of comments made about the value of women students, women’s opinions, women in a field of study, etc.”


17, 1980. Imprint

said, do not help bring the problem out in the open.

York University is Presently in the Process of setting up an office to deal . * . . with sexual harassment grievances. A related ;iefinition * of, sexual harassment is found in the “Preliminary Report” of their Presidential Committee on Sexual HarassIn an interview Brock . ment. “Sexual harassment said there are often feelings is: unwanted attention of a of guilt and embarrassment, sexually-oriented nature; on the victim’s part,, with implied or expressed regard to letting it (an promise of reward for harassment incident) be complying with a sexknown. As well, she said, ually-oriented request; or “women might feel ‘Did I implied or expressed do something, did I bring it threat of reprisal, actual upon myself?“’ reprisal or the denial of Such attitudes, Brock opportunity for refusal to

According to Debi Brock, a UW student and a member of the OFS Women’s Issues Committee, sexual harassment is not perceived by many people to be a problem.

3 -

comply with a sexuallyoriented request.” The potential for problems of sexual harassment exists in all post-secondary institutions according to the Womeh’s Issues Committee. Though there is now little specific information available about the problem, Dr. Norma Bowen of the University of Guelph is currently collecting data about the occurrence of sexual harassment in Ontario post-secondary institutions. The results of h_e_rwork, to be released soon, may help to define the problem as it actually exists on Ontario campuses. Sandy Newton

New Co-op MA ‘81-82 The arts faculty council voted to introduce four new undergraduate programs and a co-op qA program in Economics at its first meeting of the academic year last Tuesday. The new programs are four year general arts progratis in the English, French, Philosophy, and Geography departments. Currently these departments offer three year general programs; all four year programs are classified as honours and have a greater number of major credit requirements. According to Gary Griffin, associate dean of arts undergraduate affairs, approval of these programs must be given by the Senate Undergraduate Council (or the Senate Graduate Council in the case of the Economics coop MA program) and the Senate itself before the program will exist. However, #Griffin says that barring any unforseen difficulties in these stages, the programs should certainly be offered in the 1981-82 academic year, the undergraduate and programs possibly even

sooner. The council also decided to continue using the arts course questionnaire as an instrument for gauging students how. judge courses and professors. Council voted ater lengthy discussion to accept the

recommendations of the studying the committee questionnaire, which gave more control of distributing the questionnaire and releasing the resblts to the individual departments. -Sandy


Dal U protests HALIFAX

(CUP) -



Dalhousie University students occupied the hallway outside the registrar’s office to protest classroom overcrowding which forced 30 students to stand throughout lectures or lean against walls. The September 24th protest began when one student stood up during class and said she refused to sit on the floor. “We’re paying $150 per class and we’re getting ripped off,” said one student. “They’re advertising to get students but they can’t cope with them”. “It was two weeks into class and we still didn’t have enough room”, said .anot her. “Nothing was being done. People were

uncomfortable. Who wants to sit on the floor?” University registrar Arnold Tingley said there were no other classrooms available at the time the course is scheduled. “The registrar is really sympathetic, but he said they are suffering from a space allocation problem”, said political science professor Paul Brown. Students said bigger classrooms used at the same time were only partially filled, and suggested an exchange of rooms. Tingley said an exchange was not possible. The students say that if something is not done soon they will take further action.

Issues group looks at Bolivia Last Thursday the filmlecture series “Latin AmerWhat Lies ican Issues: Behind the Headlines”, held at the Emmanuel United Church, centered on the political situation in Bolivia and in the Dominican Republic. in American control these countries was highlighted. Hector Abarca, from Latin originally America, presented an. introductory speech for the film “I Spent My Life in the and revealed Tin Mines,” that technology, culture, and government is saturated by American domination. The film, based on the autobiography of a tin miner in Bolivia, showed the resentful depression caused by the pitiful living working and conditions of- a miner. Diseases and fatal accidents, for instance, occurred frequently in these

mines due to improper ventilation and safety measures. The concept of exploitation was further reinforced through the slide show entitled “We Want Our Nickel Back.” The multi-national corporations were depicted as utilizing men and resdurces, for their exclusive aim of growth through

profit. The tentacles of the 1 corporations extend over to the Dominican Republic, exploiting men and resources. Abarca indicated the future of the Latin American countries would be bright. The rebellions in Nicaragua signified the increasing independence of these people, he said. Evelyn Schlereth

Mothers speak The Mothers of Confederation think it’s time to hear women’s views on the constitutional debate. The National Action Committee on the Status of Women will be holding the third meeting in its Feminist Visions Series on Saturday, October 18th at Toronto City Hall, second

floor. Registration is at 8:45 am. A $5.00 fee for the day (9:30-s pm) includes lunch. Included in the event will be presentations, workshops, and discussions on the many issues of relevance to women in the constitutional negotiations.

Displays, seminars, a whole foods luncheon, films, forums and speakers were just some of the many activities presented by K-W Probe and the Federation of Students for Canadian Environment Week. The theme for the event was “Environmental Challenges for the 80's. Photo by JWB


It w m

u the Stl&l2t


I1Bpp8p&pBPat Ehs UIliVWSiQy of Waterloo,


new-spape~ published by a corporation without &are

Imprint Publications Waterloo, capital, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Photie 556 1560 or extension 2331 or 2332. Imprint is a member of the ca;nadian University Press (CUP), ‘a student press organizatiorl of 53 papers across Canada. Imprint is also a member of the ‘Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). Imprint pllblishes~~Frida3d~theterm.Marilshouldbeaddressed ,to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140.” We are typeset on campw with a Camp/Set 510, paste-up is likewise done on campus. Imprint: ISSN 0705-7380.


Marg Sanderson Sylvia Hannigan



Business Mwer Advertising Manager Production Manager News E$itors Sports Editor Features Editor Prose &9Poetry

Liz wood

Jacob Arseneault Lois Abraham, Laurie Cole Paul Zemokhol x~ LaurieDuquette Angela Brandon, Michael Ferrabee


Imprint reserves the right to screen,edit, andrefUseadvertising.

a Editorial


Friday, October 17, 1980. Imprint -

‘The Women’s Issues Committee of the Ontario Federation of Students has proposed that the administrations of each univer-\ sity fund an office to deal specifically with the problems of students who are sexually harassed by their professors. Do you agree with this proposal, or might there be a better solution?

by Jacob Arseneault

J .


, .


J&n Brennan Elect. Eng. 1A It’s a good idea, if the problem is in fact serious, provided that it can be structured to deal with the problem effectively.

Carol Nisbet Dance 3 Students, both male and female, need a centre where they can exercise their rights, if they’ve experienced instances of sexual harassme’nti

*s* .0.

p ’


&ad Wadden Arts 3 It’s possibly a good beginning. But more public awareness of the I problem; ~com~ bined with the proposal would be more effective.

Sandra White Kin 2A It’s a good idea, provided that know it exists, and are convinced would be effective. I

Ooom-pah-pahing their schnitzel-strewn path through Umlaut gitg this issue were: Tim Perliah, Bob Dobrucki, Evelyn Schle+h, Sandy, Newton (at least twice), and Gatby McBride, who msy eventually become a.campus event. Sharon Mitchell, Glenn StGermain, and bier-, garten jester extraordjna&e John M&Iullen (who never lets you tapdance, except oG.the carpet) all looked simply Bastllckeit in their goodyear lederhosen, and GUff .~“rollermsdness” Goodman David Trahir, Alan Adamson, Karen Wein and Vivian Huang could finally make legitimate use of THE OXTOBEF&FESTEXCUSE. Uurie -“Great Snowy” ‘bucpette, Tammy Home (mit der vroommm), Tim Wallace, Karen Thrend3?41e, JD Pipher, Nancy Copper, Sally Sipos, Leslie Treseder, David Dubinski, and the Rabbit’s feathers really tickeled our collective gemutlickeit. Even Schultz (I-lmow-nothing!) Arseneault out wandering his own blitzed little way on the no. 8 Autobabn managed to show a brew-haha-ness fittmg to the fest. When challanges from the well-seasoned nudge, nudge veterans, the incomperable MD Cook, the ( ineffable Liz Wood (mit die H&de und die K&ze), theinescapableJWB, and the indispensibles: Lois, Laurie, Animal and Katherine came, as we knew it would, we were WUNDERRRA oops, Wf3& you know: “In Munchen stadt ein Hoffbrau Haus..” taunted the The Amazing No-Sleep Wizard Mike Ferrsbee-Schwartz, (with gratutitous accordian accompenient). “Mem Freund Johann hat ‘elnVolkeswagen” csme the decisive and formal rqjoiner. Vindicated!, polka-pole clenched ffmr;ly in his teeth, Paul Zemokhol is stffl our favousta schnitzel. Unkel Hann wouldbe proud Cover by Laurie D.

people that it

I Horace Lawrence Math 2A I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think it problem at this time. , is a widespread Perhaps it could be justified by-statistics which would indicate otherwise.


-’ ; Comment

“Pobr Canadians, they are a people without a heritage-blown to North America by the changing winds of long-past centuries, and forever destined to play squeeky second fiddle to their dominant southern neighhors.” Perhaps this isn’t your view of Canada, but how many times have you ‘seriously questioned what it means to be Canadian? Americans have always had symbols to identify themselves, but for Canadians it is a litle more difficult. After all, how many Canadians long to carry their heads high by cheering for Lacrosse-ball, Canoe-dogs anci Beaver pie? . For instance, the Canadian flag in undisputibly the best flag to hitchhikewithinEurope, to the extent that travellers of other nationalities use it to get rides. The simple reason for this is that people all over Europe seem to recognize Canada as a truly special country. And most of the people who offer hitchiking Canadians rides are, incidentally: able, to define better than most Canadians, what Canada means to them’as Europeans. When travelling abroad, it’s exciting to find a always Canadian flag displayed on a backpack. It’s ,fairly easy to discuss Canadian politics, or just talk with someone you can understand. However, when

these same people are asked what they think of their national identity, the answer is very often the same “Well... Uh... I’m not an American!” If the ‘only that way Canadians can identify themselves is through “Not” being this and “Not being that, then what exactly IS Canada, and what makes iv different from any other country? I think that much of the time we become so involved in our own regional and internal problems, that we forget what it really means to live here, and that’s too bad. We are the only horse in the race that gets so involved in our own inability to perform, that we disregard ‘the reality that we are one of the front runners. The’ beauty of living in this country is that it can mean something different to evcryone. I think, in fact, that this is the essence of being Canadian. Nevertheless, it is .a11 too unfortunate that the only instance when many Canadians take the time to think about their national identity and what it really means, is when they leave to travel abroad. Possibly if more people were to define for themselves, their personal interpretation of what it is to be a Canadian, this woui-d lead to anew perspective among Canadians as a whole! Mike Ferrabee

News ,


ELP examination update: 75% ‘-pass this September Last

month, a record of UW’s 4000 first year students wrote the English Language Proficiency Exam. The exam is compulsory for students in four faculties-Arts, Environmental Studies (ES), Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies (HKLS), and Mathematics. Of the students who wrote the exam in September, 75% passed. When the exam was first introduced, only 5 3% passed. Five years ago, the Arts faculty realized the need for a testing procedure to assess students’ ability to use the English language. Originally, the exam was only recommended to be written by Arts students. In its second year, ES and HKLS students began writing the exam. Now a passing grade is required for Arts students to graduate and Math students have begun writing. But anyone in any faculty can write the exam. According to Dr. A. McLachlin, who is in % charge of the exam and the follow-up writing clinic, the exam is “a way of identifying people who, for one reason or another, appear to be in need of assistance.” That assistance comes in the form of the writing available to any clinic student who wishes to participate in it. The exam is composed of two parts, a multiple choice section and an essay the question. Initially, multiple choice questions were taken from a bank in the USA. Now a bank has been formed from UW student writing. Hundreds of sentences ‘are selected each year from the exams themselves and from written at the essays clinic. ‘These sentences represent typical problems in syntax, punctuation, and word meaning that cost marks for students. 2,456

The sentences are constantly tested for relevancy. In the past, students have had a choice of essay questions. Now only one question is offered because, as McLachlin states, the markers “can validate the results more fairly” if only one choice is presented. McLachIin indicated that the results are actually better with only one question. The multiple choice part of the exam is written on


the university and they were “not ready to write.” McLachlin agreed that the exam wasn’t scheduled at the best of times. But he added that it was the only possible time. The clinic runs for ten weeks and the term is only 13 weeks long. With the increase in students writing the exam, more time was needed for marking. As it was, McLachlin said people “were here until ten at night and on weekends” marking the papers. The English Language Proficiency Exam and the writing clinic have had an “impact on academic attainment,” according to McLachlin. A few years ago, statistics showed that those who attended the clinic had a 1% higher grade point average than those who originally passed the exam in the fall-a “significant difference,” stated McLachlin. Due to the large number of students now writing, these statistics aren’t available for the present, but McLachlin maintains that the improvement holds. Cathy McBride





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Complete computer cards and marked by the computer. A unique marking system has been devised by UW for the essay portion. Tutors with a wide range of experience and background are carefully selected by the English department. Many apply but few make it to the interview stage and only one in four of those is actually hired., This year there are twenty-four tutors. The tutors then go through a training period. Each essay is graded on a 5-point scale and is marked three times. Most universities only mark once. Two of the markers must agree and the third

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Queen’s Kingston,

must be within one point either way. If these conditions are not met, the essay is marked again. “The marking is superlative,” said McLachlin. The markers are constantly monitored. Thus, a “readily defended system” has been developed, according to McLachlin. For the past two or three years, the faculties have been giving $100 to the top students of the scoring exam. This year’s winners are: Judith Lynn Al-Maim

university, the clinic is full and has a waiting list; thus there is no room for selfreferred students this year. ‘Students are scheduled with a tutor for three hours a week. The student is on a one-to-one basis with the same tutor for the ten week period and the sessions are timed to fit his/her schedule* The work consists of a series of impromptu assignments. There is no homework: all the work is done in the clinic. A student can stay in the clinic as long as necessary, whether that time extends beyond one term or not. Lori Ostrander, a first year math student, is in the clinic this term. She knows some students who are going to try rewriting the exam without the clinic, but she thought she should attend the clinic. Ostrander said, “It (the clinic) helps to improve your English skills and prepare you for writing exams.” But she added that the exam was scheduled at a bad time. For many students, the date of the exam was only their second day in town or at


University, Ontario

and Cheryl D. Fowler of Arts, Penelope A. Watt and Rachel E. Wilkie of Math, Darcy E. Fenton of ES, and Elizabeth L. Duke of HKLS. ihose students who failed or received low passing marks on the exam were invited to attend the writing clinic. Attendance is not mandatory-students may opt to rewrite the exam-but many students do take advantage of the clinic. Students may also attend the clinic if a professor recommends it or if the students merely wishes to sharpen his/her language skills. However, due to the increase year students

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Old Masters, Impressionists, The Group of Seven, Australian, Ojibway, Oriental and Modern Art, British Museum Posters, Escher, Wyeth, Danby, Folon, Curtis and others.




Cornell professor looks at US '80,'84 elections The 1980 U.S. Presidential election could be one of the most important events in American history, said Professor Walter LeFeber of Cornell University in a lecture 0; “Cold War Two and the U.S. Presidential Election” given last Tuesday at W.L.U. LeFeber, a renowned interpreter of U.S. foreign policy, believes that the 1980 and ‘84 elections will be of vast significance since Americans are realizing, by way of the Arab

the oil embargo and Iranian crisis, that U.S. world power is on the decline. In a paper presented to students and faculty at W.L.U., LeFeber states that American strength has been deteriorating since the early 1960’s and that now its citizens yearn for the “good old days” when the U.S. was the “greatest military power in the world.” In support of this the&y, LeFeber notes that there has been a recent

“Eisenhower States. The paper Americans terms with position in realize that War with upon them.


in the

contends that must come to their weakened the world and a second Cold Russia is now

Although the media has only recently discovered the Russian-American standoff, LeFeber says, the war has actually been in existenc_e for approximately 10 years. According

to LeFeber, its development can be traced from the beginning of the first Cold War, from 1945 to 1950, when the world was “bi-polar” or divided into two camps-Russian and American. During this era, vibrant anti-Communist and patriotic feelings abounded, states LeFeber, making the Presidential duty of formulating foreign policy a simple one. As a result, adds LeFeber, the U.S. had widespread control over most areas outside of the Eastern European Block. transition period A during the late 1950’s, however, brought new nationalisms to the surface making a “farce” of the two-camp world, says LeFeber, adding that the








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transition period led &to the second Cold War in the early 1970’s. LeFeber speculates that the fall of the United States from world power may be a key factor in the disintegration of U.S.-Soviet relations. Further, he attributes this downward trend to the “fragmentation” of the traditional American two-party political system. Originating in the late 1800's, says LeFeber, this two-party system remained solid until 1948, when black issues and civil rights introduced new .parties onto the ballot. He asserts that politicians believed anti-Communist feelings would be strong enough to ease existing internal strife, but that the devastation of the Viet Nam war ended this era of unified thinking, throwing U.S. politics into a state of confusion. To consolidate U.S. foreign policy, the States is in need of a “coherent” political system in 1980, the paper affirms, and Americans should take an interest in the upcoming

17, 1980.


6 -,

election by first recognizing that there are significant differences between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Carter, LeFeber explained in his address, favours strengthening ties with mainland China, raising the military budget 3 to 5% above inflation, supporting the SALT II treaty, and dealing with Latin American countries sympathetic and YGm:nistic level. In contrast, continued LeFeber, Reagan endorses the elevation of Taiwan relations (as opposed to mainland China], increasing defense expenditures 10%above inflation, withdrawing SALT II from Congress, and “de-emphasizing” human in Latin American policy. Finally, LeFeber commented that America still itself as the envisions “leader of the Western World” and that U.S. Presidents will continue to use their power in accordance with this belief-even if political support remains elusive. Sharon Mitchell




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General -feedback


The Editor, As a speaker at the Federation General Meeting on Thursday, I would like to relate some of my thoughts before, during and after the meeting. I was shocked at how little effort the Federation put into getting students out. If you remember March 17th when Bette Stephenson visited the Theatre of the Arts, the Federation printed and distributed personal invithe tations, plastered Campus with posters, while Neil Freeman urged Arts Student Union to call a Class Boycott. In sharp contrast to that, this general meeting of stul received little dents attention from the Federation. Over one week before the meeting I spoke to Wim . Simonis, Fed. V.P. who told me that the Federation would not waste its money for it knew advertising, that The Committee to Support the Fee Hike Strike would do the work for them. The committee did spend time, money and effort doing just that. I feel that this kind of attitude, indicates a definite dis-

interest in the students, on behalf of the Federation. Shortly before the meeting I was amazed with the degree of security enforced on students before being allowed into E.L. 101. This checking process was so slow that the meeting didn’t get underway until after 3pm. Following the Call to order, the meeting became preoccupied with rules of order and procedure, so much so that the students were beginning to wonder if anything would be discussed. Having decided whether to vote on ammendments of suggestions the meeting finally got underway. I have never spoken to such a large body of students at this University before, but I was sorely disappointed at the total disrespect one section of students had for the anything I, or others in support of the Fee Hike Strike had to say. This “MOB” was of course the ENGINEERS. These students did not come to and few if any listen, actually took the trouble to speak, they simply came to “Get this thing out of the way” and called the question on motions before many students had the chance to speak. One of the decisions made at the


17, 1980.


7 ,-

General Meeting was that Hike Strike will A second for general Fee 1980). new ’ 5) The quorum meetings was not reduced the Federation should continue to talk to position was introduced work to make Education an students, and address their for the fiscal year 1980from 30 to IO because election issue in concerns to the Federation. insufficient numbers of the 1981 which began on Sept. upcoming Provincial ElecUW students had gotten Sincerely, 1, 1980. involved in CKMS. We tion, an Election Action Maggie Thompson Perren Baker was PresiCommittee will be struck dent, not just acting currently have over 100 CK-MS for this purpose. For those President, since last Febactive volunteers. Quorum Clarification of you who don’t know, the was reduced because ruary. Also, Perren has insufficient members of Federation has always had The Editor, only been a Director for the 9383 current members a similar committee, every Your article on the one year, not two. time there is a Provincial October 3 Radio Waterloo 4) The article suggests that of the corporation were the provision for board attending general meetelection. However, on Inc. (CKMS-FM) General ings. It was the apathy(?) Thursday Fed. Pres. Neil Meeting was unfortunmembers having to be Freeman ately incorrect in several students is new. This is of the 9,000-plus members said that this time it would-work. . . our places: incorrect. We have always and of the quantity of own President is beginning at the station 1) David Assmann is the required board members to volunteers that prompted the reducto sound like Bette Administrative Co-ordibe students (at UW) since Stephenson and Bill Davis. nator at CKMS and is also this is required under the tion in quorum. I doubt if anything will the Secretary to the Board terms of our broadcast As the person who wrote. change, but just like last Under the old . the new bylaws and of Directors. licence. year, come March when all chaired the general meet2) The conversion of our bylaws, all of our Board of us begin to run low on recording studio from 4members must be students. ing mentioned in the money, are wondering if Under the new bylaws, only article, I felt that you might track to 8-track did indeed we’ll be able to find a contribute the above to our deficit 5 of 7 directors have to be appreciate summer job at all, let alone but only one new staff students. All directors must clarifications. one that pays a decent be members of Radio Yours sincerely, position was created in wage; when we will be that Waterloo Inc. Reinhardt Christiansen fiscal year (197% faced with another tuition hike, in addition to the increased cost of food, books, transportation, rent and just about everything else, we will remember the SOME ITEMS UP TO 70% OFF Oct. 2nd promises. Surplus items available at BARGAIN PRICES: Electronics, electrical tools, The question I ask is, hardware, telephones, handyman and gift items. why should the Federation Open: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Noon-9 p.m. Executive be so opposed to Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 .p.m. students who are working towards the same end . . . K-W SURPLUS 7452661 that is to put an end to 32;7 Breithaupt St. Kitchener education cut-backs and (Off Lancaster St.) tuition hikes. In the meantime the Committee to Support The


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17, 1980.


9 -

Rehabilitati,on: Hope for injured birds One cannot help but notice when speaking with Mike Furber, the serenity that is so much a part of his character. Perhaps it is this trait that makes him so aptly suited to his hobby. Mike Furber cares for disabled and injured wild owls. His owl. Mike is not alone in his efforts. rehabilitation center which houses six owls at present is an offshoot of a much larger operation in the Niagara Peinsula. Kay and Larry McKeever of Vineland have been pioneering spirits in this field of owl research and the force behind the Owl Rehabilitation, Research Foundation in operation since 1970. The. efforts of people like the McKeevers and himself, said Furber, stem from “a concern over the number of birds of preywhich are killed needlessly by cars, hunters, and general carelessness.” An attempt is made to rehabilitate an injured owl as far as possible. Hopefully this leads to full recovery and the bird can be returned to its species range. For the (approximately) one third which do not recover to this point, efforts are made to accomodate the individual in captivity. Here, it is hoped that the owl will mate with another of its species and their offspring will ultimately be returned to their natural habitat. ’ Mike, who began his project six years ago when he was fourteen years old, has developed a deftness in handling his feathered charges. As well, copious records are made of the histories and observed behavioral patterns of all captive birds. This information is a significant contribution to the scientific storehouse of these knowledge of birds. Each bird has its own sad history: The stark white male Snowy owl was hit by a truck and is now unable to fly. His constant companion, a female Snowy, was the unfortunate victim of an Mike Furber holds animal trap. Her legs Raised in captivity, have -been damaged to the pointwhere she will never be able - to hunt in the wilds again. A female Great Horned owl was hit by an automobile which permanently damaged her eyesight. Poor eyesight has impaired her ability to hunt and if free, she would surely starve. k Writing in the Ontario Naturalist (in August 19.75), Kay McKeever explains what procedures are taken upon receiving an injured bird from a concerned individual. An initial examination is made. For some birds, it is obvious that there is no hope for survival. Others may survive in captivity but miserably so. In both cases, the patients are usually mercifully put to sleep with an overdose of sodium penathol.

Hunting and flight therapy is a vital part of rehabilitation program For the McKeevers, the quality of a bird’s life is of vital importance. Only those individuals will be retained in captivity “which can take full advantage of the resident facilities offered, can defend themselves from harrassment by other occupants of the flight (owl pen), and have a reasonable hope of breeding.” In the case of “treatable” owls, the McKeevers often enlist veterinary services. Many patients require‘an X-ray diagnosis with surgery sometimes following. A common operation is the insertion of a

A growing number of bird3 of pre y are lbst to Now victims are being severe injury. restored and returned to the wild. stainless steel pin down a broken long bone in the wing or femur of the leg. The operation performed under general anaesthetic is reported by the Vineland center to be highly successful. Once treated to this point, the McKeevers must make a decision based on the owl’s recovery. If possible the owl will be prepared for release. If this is not possible, fit owls will take up residence at a rehabilitation facility such as the Furber center. When Mike Furber and his father first becam.e interested in owl rehabilitation, they learned all they could about the birds. Kay and Larry McKeever who were friends of the family gave the Furbers one year

in which to costruct an appropriate owl enclosure. (see box) Meeting with their approval, Mike then applied to the Ministry of Natural Resources for a license to keep owls. As soon as Mike received his license, the McKeevers transferred a few disabled owls to the Furbers. Twenty owls later, Mike’s interest in his work has only strengthened. Particularly exciting at the moment is the prospect that the male and female Snowy owls may mate and breed in perhaps two springs from now. This will be a first for the Furber operation. Asked why the breeding process has been so slow, Mike explains that owls are notoriously choosy when it comes to mating. The bond between the male and female, which will last for life, may take two years to develop. Species such as the Snowy owl, which are ’ sensitive to change, may take even longer to mate in captivity. When the big event does finally occur, it is marked by the female owl’s acceptance of a morsel of food brought to her by the male. Then the bond is virtually unbreakable. At the Vineland center, the breeding program has been very successful. Several disadvantaged owls have hatched and raised young owls over the years. These have been in turn, released by the McKeevers after a period of training in flight and hunting skills. The therapy seen to be ance any gram.

a Great without

Horned Owl. exposure to

other owls, the wild.

it is too tame to be returned to photo by Laurie Ouquette

More flexibility in new cage designs Much of the McKeevers’ work with cage I design has been a pioneer effort. Departing sharply from the traditional rectangular shape, they now favour cage shapes which give the owls more flexibility and variety _ (see below). The new designs allow three or four owls to co-habitate while still possessing clearly defined and defensible territories. The corridor type passageway has been effective in encouraging occupants to exercise more by flying. Compared to the rectangular cage shapes, there is much more “useable” space in a cage of this design. Size of a pen may vary from 100 to 700 square feet depending on the requirements of the species involved. Each of these outdoor pens is occupied by owls of one species. In general’the birds are in male-female pairs. The placement of perches, platforms and nest areas are aIf tailored to the limitations of the individual owls, though in general, a variety of perch types and heights is desirable.

hunting and flight programs are by the McKeevers of primary importto the success of rehabilitation pro-

8irds which have gone through a long period of convalescence usually need a quick review in hunting and flying before release into their natural habitat. For young owls bred in captivity, such therapy is an obvious necessity.

Hunting and Lflying therapy is conducted in large outdoor pens as possible, the owl’s natural

which simulate as near habitat.. Hunting training is particularity comical when the students are young fledglings. Sitting bewildered in a strange pen, they are suddenly host to a swarm of scurrying rodents. Not, knowing what useful purpose they serve, the owl sits patiently awaiting his supper. And waiting! Suddenly the rodents look interesting and the chase is on! Nature,has take,n over and its lesson is not lost on the voung bird. Since beginning this work, both the McKeevers and Furber have spent a considerable amount of their own time and money on the project. The biggest problem says Furber, is food. Fresh -

Such centres contributions

are valuable to wildlife

frozen rat meat must be continually obtained from a research facility near Guelph (Furber lives near Cayuga) and stored in a freezer. As a rough estimate, Furber guesses that he has spent $1000 on cages and food bills over the years. McKeevers’ investment has been considerably higher. Furber has much hope however that as rehabilitation facilities prove themselves as being valuable to wildlife, government will contribute to their support. Laurie Duquette




Found Three adorable kittens, almost ready for adoption. Abandoned by mother in a barn. They’ve been checked

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Honest Engineer. Thank you who ever you,are who found my wallet in Poet’s Pub on Tuesday, October 7th. The Board of Directors of the Graduate Club, University of Waterloo will be accepting applications for a Business Manager who will be responsible for administering all services and facilities of the Club. The person will be able to adapt to a constantly changing Board of Directors and be open to various viewpoints. The successful applicant ,will offer and maintain various student services, execute Board decisions, follow policy directives, stock and maintain a bar, suggest pricing policy, keep a complete set of books, hire and train part-time help and enforce all Club bylaws and LLBO regulations. Those interested are requested to submit a resume and a brief covering letter post-marked not later than Tuesday, October 21, 1980 to Graduate Club, University of Waterloo, Bldg. 104, South Campus, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. For more information call 885-1211, ext. 3803.

Services Interested in doing babysitting, house typing, sitting or house cleaning for Grad Students? Please contact the Graduate Club Office (open 11:30 to 3:30 Monday to Friday) Ext. 3803.

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more information please contact the Student Placement Office.





Best of Cannes plus NFB film screened Ott 16 Here’s a chance to see the cream of the commercial crop in a film entitled, The Best of the Cannes Festival at the Humanities Theatre, Thursday, October 16 at 8 pm. The feature length compilation is a result of the June 1979 Advertising Film Festival at Cannes, and uses a selection of TV and cinema commercials deemed best of over two thousand submissicns. “This is a Recorded In addition, a film shot by the National Message”, Film Board, will be shown. Tickets can I be obtained either in advance or on the evening of the screening at the UW Arts Centre Box Office, Humanities Theatre. Film fee is $2.00 (Stu./Sen. $1.50) plus a 50 cent one-night membership.

Worthy finale

The latest (and last) album by the androidesque Gary Numan is out and Telekon is a worthy finale a very strange musician’s career. Let me explain. Gary Numan is presently on his farewell tour: he is retiring. In a recent interview for the Toronto Star, he mentioned that Telekon would be his last. All that aside, Telekon ishis best yet. It’sall typical Gary Numan: thick, textured synthesizers, machine-like vocals with machine-like lyrics. What makes it his best is that he has finally found his niche, the music he was striving for. A retrospective look at his previous three albums shows how: Tubeway Army, the first, was unpolished around the edges. The various synthesizers clashed. Replicas, his first internationai success, was a bit better, with a hit single in England “Are ‘Friends’ Electric?” The Pleasure Principle was very well received with (“Cars” becoming a Top 40 mainstay for a long time) and brought him notice on this side of the ocean. However, The Pleasure Principle was commercialized to some extent and the sound and lyrics were toned down from the previous records. With Telekon, however the production is greatly improved. The synthesizers do not clash at all, rather, they fit together almost perfectly. And it’s back to its former freakedout level. The vocals are more machine-like; the lyrics are stranger than in his previous album.



11 (

Turner and her dancers bring Baroque to life

Canadian Trio: “a big success fl Despite the iess than ideai playing environment, 150 people attending the Hertz Trio performance on Wednesday at the Kitchener Public Library seemed to enjoy what they heard. This Canadian ensemble features Yael; Hertz on violin, his brother Talman on cello, and Dale Bartlett on piano. A technically sound and secure Hayden Trio in C major started the programme. There seemed to be some imbalance between the piano and the strings, but since it was the first offering in a poor environment, this was perhaps understandable. There also appeared to -be a lack of emotion and energy in the piece. This may not realy be a fault of the performers however since the Trio was written when Hayden had not yet learned to use the Cello (and to some extent, the violin) to its full advantage. Indeed, Talmon very nearly got into the upper register wherein lies the cello’s real




Elaine Biagi Turner and her company of dancers transported their attentative audience into the past last Wednesday, in the Arts Theatre. This presentation, fourth in a series of twelve, brought to life the dances of the Baroque period. Since the company was focusing on the dances of France, Turner began with a brief history of the growth and use of dance in that country. Turner pointed out how paintings were useful in reconstructing the Baroque dances. A person’s posture and clothing, for instance, could reveal much about the manner in which movements were executed. For example, women at that time wore corsets which not only restricted certain movements but gave a sense of verticallity. Thus, the upper portion of the body would remain stiffly upright. Twodancersofthecompanyexecutedthe basic individual steps involved in these Barogue dances, while Turner explained the differences and difficulties of the steps, after which Turner and two other dancers returned to the stage in costume of the period to perform whole dances. The petite steps seemed extremely difficult as they were accompanied by a complexity of dips and skips swiftly executed. Yet all dancers performed these with great precision. Although the dancers were excellent, Turner outshone both of them. The highlight of the entire program was her solo dance. She exuded much confidence and here movements were fluid and graceful. On the whole, this presentation was well organized and not overly technical. I feel it was a pity that more non-dance majors did not attend. AM Lehn

- violin

beauty. Second was Brahms’ Trio in C minor. With the exceptionof a few minor technical errors, this piece was played beautifully. The contrasting moods of the various movements came across superbly reflecting the tremendous musicianship of the three , performers. The last selection was a Trio in D major by Beethoven. Everything came together here -excellent balance, technical perfection and striking coherence. The final movement was

full of vitallity and flowed smoothly; the second was fullof lush, gorgeous tones; the third and final movement was powerful and spirited, and ended this piece splendidly. The small crowd demonstrated its appreciation for the performance to the extent that the trio returned to play a delightful piece from a Dvorati trio. Overall, the performance was a great success and a good indication of why the Hertz Trio is considered one of Canada’s finest chamber ensembles. R. Proudfoot

Muffins boppeth on 19th What better way to spend the latter half of the Sabbath, than rocking amidst a multitudinous sea of The Spaced? Yea, verily I say unto you. Forsaketh notthy goddess mother Martha, for she hath paid her almighty dues for the last 1,460 days. Furthermore, she hath performed according to the divine law of nature, everything tending towards the centre, such that her muffins overfloweth their cups, rising to, heretofore, unheard of pinnacles of perfection.

hath proven herself in. New York (Hurrah’s) and in Toronto (The Edge): furthermore, she hath an album in the -camel sac, (Metro Music) and a single (Echo Beach) in the Tower of Babylon. In the name of Martha, the muffins, and the holy spirit of rock and roll, -- kick yourself in the ass and come out to see Martha and the Muffins. MD Cook

Yea, though she boppeth and echoeth through the valley of the shadow of New Wave, she feareth no disillusionment, for with her muffins shaking up front she rocketh and rolleth not unlike a frenzied Tutankhamen, high on peyote-mead. .


Yea, her music knoweth no bounds and, like the music of the *spheres, it is highly danceable and lingereth on eternally. Though she hath not so many bad habits -as certain monks, her pockets areclean. She

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The Optometry students and the Federation of Students present:

Just looking at the titles of the songs shows the mechanical point of view that is Numan’s trademark: “I dream of Wires”, “Remember I was Vapour”, “The Joy Circuit”, “Remind me to Smile” (the albums best cut I think and a Top 40 potential if the masses will accept the weirdness of it). All in all, Telekon is a definite must for Gary Numan fans and qnyone who goes for this type of music; Numan shows himself here to be a capable songwriter, performer, and producer. It is unfortunate that, as far as we know, there will be no fifth album. Glenn St-Germain

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A HaIlowe’en Party! (Costumes

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The Arts

Expect the Unexpected! “She should be making scalpers rich on Broadway. Her company is strong, her choreography is marvelou: her overall concepts are all of 8 piece . . . This lady is world class, absolutely exhilarating. She can’t make a wrong move.” CBC Arts National

Thurs., October 23,8 pm Humanities


Student price i6.00

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Others $7.50

Tony van Bridge 6s G.K. Chesterton One of Canada’s most distinguished actors in a stunning portrait of this literary giant and beloved writer. Featured at the Shaw Festival in 1979.

first things first: “Ordinary People” is definitely not an ordinary movie. Super‘ficially, the circumstances look ordinary: an upper-middle-class family in a Chicago suburb with family problems. One can look at the ads and at what I just said and say “so what? What’s so great about this movie: it’s about ordinary people.” That’s the point, however. There are no stellar special effects to astound in this movie. It’s simply a story df a suburban family. . . The film focuses on a family of three: Donald Sutherland as Calvin Jarrett, who is trying to keep the family together, Mary Tyler Moore as his wife, who’s trying to make sense of what is going on, and Timothy Hutton as 17-year-old Conrad, who’s involved in trying to cope with what life is throwing at him. Ordinary people, extraordinary circumstances. Conrad is the central character here. The previous spring he and his older brother were caught in a storm while sailing. His brother drowned. As the movie begins, Conrad has just recently completed a fourmonth stay in hospital after slashing his wrists. He is growing increasingly unpredictable and erratic. The fourth major character figures here: Judd Hirsch plays a psychiatrist who tries to help Conrad straighten himself around in the face of his brother’s memory, fights with his mother, and his girlfriend’s suicide. Sutherland is at his best in this movie. The wild hair and moustache are gone; /

there’is no trace of the zany characters that Sutherland usually plays (eg, M*A*S*H’s Hawkeye and Animal House’s pot-taking but rather a quiet, concerned businessman. And he plays it convincingly, with warmth that one doesn’t expect when looking back at his past roles. Mary Tyler Moore is also good, bet uncharacteristic as the mother who has become cold in the face of her more favored son’s death. By far the most intense role belongs to Conrad. (It’s nice to see Timothy Hutton in something other than a Disney film.) He is convincing as he slowly moves toward insanity, unable to mentally cope. The technical side of the film is as goqd as the story line. The use of brief, lo-second (or less) flashbacks is a positive addition to the movie. They provide a look into the thoughts of whomever the flashback concerns. As well, hazy outlines and echoey voices, have been achieved. Robert Redford (yes, the Robert Redford) directed this movie, and he ‘proves, in my opinion, to be a precise, astute director. There are no loose ends, no contradictions, no errors of continuity. The best characteristic of the film is that it elicits emotion in a way that movies seldom do anymore; the audience was visibly moved in a few places, and the mood of the movie lingers for a long time. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is nominated more than once for an @car. Glenn St-Germain


Fri., October 24, Humanities Students


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12 ,-

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Questions and answers from Second City team The show may not have been a sellout, but a comfortably sized crowd certainly received their money’s worth of amusement in the two-and-a-half hour Second City show last Tuesday at the Waterloo Motor Inn. For those who have never seen Second City, they are a group of six actors who stage a series of about twenty short funny scenes using a minimum of props. Performers for this show were Richard Dumont, Patricia McFall, Dean Hall, Ken Innes, Peter Mifsud and musical director Elizabeth Acker. The show started with a scene located in “First church of rich Caucasians” and got progressively funny from there. The audience quickly found themselves at home ‘with the group, and large outbursts of unselfconscious laughter followed the show to its end. The group was careful, however, to keep its humor under control, without letting it dissolve into the ridiculous. As well, the troupe’s use of music fitted in perfectly with the show, adding atmosphere and zing to the whole performance. Material was suprisingly up to date, and distinctively Canadian. For instance, a spoof on the American Express ads (but) using the Canadian dollar) ends: “It’s good anywhere in the world, and isn’t worth much if you lose it. So don’t leave home without it!“. One of the highlights of the show was a group rendition of “This Land is My Land” sung by a Quebecoise, an Albertan, a Newfie and an Ontarian. Needlessly to say the words were altered a little. At the end of the scenes the cast remained on stage for improvisations. During this segment of the show, the audience gives two actors first and last lines

and they have to make up the middle. This is always funny and gets the audience involved. It was an exciting night’s entertainment (and all for a little more than the price of a movie). After the show the cast was good enough to give the imprint a short interview. The whole cast was present and here are some exerpts of the lively session. Q: What sort of time goes into a show before you perform it or take it on tour? About 3 weeks rehearsal, prior to a show, but if we write something wefirst try it out in the improvs and then, if it is good, put it in the next show. Q: Is it true you have three groups-one on television, one here and one in Toronto?




like a MacDonald’s inspector, making sure all the big mats are the same? Do you have someone who tours around with your company and also checks up on the Firehall and Edmonton and so on?

No. The performers scenes. They come and we expand them, them ourselves next didn’t for this particular

There is a producer in Toronto who is in charge of the Canadian groups and they come out arld see us. We also have a director who is closely in contact with Toronto, and they are in touch with Chicago. We get scenes from the other groups and they get scenes from us.

Q: Is there much competition or do you work as a group?

Q: If someone had just finished drama school what would he br she have to do to get into Second City? They’d have to join our workshop in Toronto. It’s run once a week. If there was an opening and the actor was good they would have a chance to be in the workshop. Q: Do you have specific writers that are centred in Toronto, say, a hired staff of six, * sitting in the Firehall, who does your writing?

generally write the from improvisations or will be expanding month, although we revue. /

We’re all in training for the cast downtown. We’re sort of what you might call a farm team. (one particular member of the cast) no actually I’m doing all this hoping to get into the UW. (joke!) Mike


We also have a group in Edmonton and that is the Canadian wing. The show started in Chicago in 1959, and has American offshoots as well. Q: Other than the improvisations, do you keep basically the same repertoire? For instance, how long are you going to keep the scenes you did tonight? This particular performance was tried out at the Firehall in Toronto about 6 months ago, but some of the material is ancient. We take the Best of Second City and perform it, but starting next month we will be doing our own show. Q: Did Belushi start with Second heard that he did.

City? I’ve

Yes he did, so did Jim Belushi, Alan Alda, Ed A&er, Alan Arkin and Dan Ackroyd (he is a Canadian and started in Toronto) and thoie are just the A’s. Q: Is there some sort of controlling factor that travels around to all the groups-sort of

One of the funniest scenes from Second City’s performance Motor Inn, was their rendition of “This Land is My Land.”

last week at the Photo by JWB

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Q: ’ Are you hoping you’re going to be another Dan Ackroyd, and wind up on Saturday night live and produce the Blues Brothers and that sort of thing?

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Oh no. We work very much as a groupthat’s what Second City is about. The emphasis is on an ensemble situation rather than a group of stand up comics.


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Hockey Tomorrow at 7:30 the Third Annual Don Hayes Memorial Hockey Game will be played at the Waterloo Arena. The game is played in memory and in honour of Don Hayes, a man who left a great mark on the Kitchener-Waterloo area. The past two games have left the Warriors and the Alumni each on the,end of 5-Z victories, and this year’s game promises to be just as exciting as its predecessors. The admission of two dollars goes to the Don Hayes Memorial Fund which is used “to provide bursaries to deserv ing undergraduate students who have maintained a “B” average and who are involved in athletics or sports training.”


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The CC Games Room Fall Pinball Tourney 1980 begins Monday Oct. 20th with a head start for practice. On this date, 10 machines will be announced as those from which the 3 tournament machines will be chosen, Tournament games begin Monday Nov. 3rd, and continue through Wednesday, Nov. 5th. Finals will be held on Thursday Nov.


Lisa Bauer Field Hockey


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Penalties seem to be the story for the Waterloo team when they play the Laurentian Voyageurs. They dropped last Saturday’s game 1-O on a penalty kick by Ariano Gulanio in the last two minutes. In the last two Laurentian tourneys they have also lost on penalty kicks in close contests to the Su’dbury team. It was acknowledged by most that the Warriors had out-played their nemesis, but the final results told a different tale and served to drop the Waterloo record to 4 and 1. This weekend the Warriors * play York, in Toronto on Saturday, and then come back Sunday to play Laurier at 1:00 at Budd Park in Kitchener. WLU is 7-1 and ranked in the top ten in Canada. Add to that the natural rivalry that already exists between the two teams and you have the makings of a very exciting game. In fact, one no Warrior fan could or would miss.


16 Ebv St. N., Kitchener


Frank Kosec Football

Swim On Thursday, October 23rd, everyone is invited to participate in up to two of the following skill areas: waterpolo (dribbling), competitive swimming, (front start) diving (front dive (flapike), and synchro maingo). You do not have to be an excellent swimmer, but it is recommended that you have the equivalent of a junior red cross as a minimum. Registration is free to all students, faculty and staff. All you have to do is register in PAC Red North [ext.

you can come and re-qualify your Bronze Medallion or Award of Merit badge in the PAC pool. To register, contact the receptionist in Red North (ext. 3302). Or for more information, contact Glenn White, Aquatics Co-ordinator at 8846835 or 885-1211 (ext. 3532).

Rugby Loss The Warriors suffered their second defeat of the season, losing 16-9 to the hosting York Yeomen. A light rain falling throughout most of the game made the ball hard to handle and consequently limited both teams’ offence. The Warriors offence, which has been extremely strong this season (106 pts for; 33 pts against) appeared lacklustre in Saturday’s match. The forwards, who accounted for much of the 37-3 win against R.M.C. the previous week, seemed uninspired and ineffective against the Yeomen.



14 -

Strong kicking by the Warriors gave them a 9-6 lead at the half as John Beemer hit two penalty kicks from the 38 yard line and Phil White -hit on a 49 yard long shot. The second half found the Warriors playing catch up to the Yeomen who managed to take a surprising 12-9 lead. Waterloo, though starting to threaten were held well by the York defence, and a try on the final play of the game left the score board reading York 16-Waterloo 9. The club-side Trojans had better luck in Saturday’s meeting with the Yeomen, coming off the field with a 3-0 victory. The game was characterized by hard hitting defensive efforts on the part of both teams. Al Huycke and Rob Bruce, the Trojan centers, made key tackles throughout the game while forwards Tom Hailer and Adrian Deane continued to provide the backs with the ball out of the loose. ‘Tomorrow marks the beginning of the “University of Waterloo’s First Annual Oktoberfest Rugby Tournament” being held on Columbia field. Both local and Toronto teams are entered in the competition which is scheduled to begin at ten o’clock. Come out and watch, you’re guaranteed to enjoy it. Tim Wallace

Field Hockey Lisa Bauer netted nine goals in weekend action to help propel the field hockey Athenas to a 4 win, 1 loss record on their road trip. On Thursday, Oct. 9, the Athenas took the University of Western Ontario 5-0 with two goals from Bauer. Bauer scored all the goals in a 3-O win over Western Michigan University, their first game in the Michigan portion of the trip. With another Bauer hat trick the Athenas defeated Bowling Green University 6-1, and Clevrland state University 1-O. Their only loss came at the hands of Dayton University 2-1, with Bailer credited for the single.

Cross word Will




. St. Paul’s College St. Paul’s has vacancies for the Winter Term, 1981, and will welcome applications for residence in the College. For application forms and further information, please contact the College office or call 8851460,.






15 ,-

Wa ,rr ‘10 r S soar / 0

The Warriors played great ball last Thursday night to take one point and a 20-20 tie from the powerful, number one ranked Toronto Blues, at Varsity Stadium. The Warrior team did it on the strength of some great defence and offence. U of T, the highest scoring team in the country, was held to only one touchdown, which came in the first half, and to only a fieldgoal in the second half. The Blues led 17-6 at the half and seemed on their way to their fifth straight victory over what appeared to be a hapless Waterloo team. Feraday hit his favorite receiver, Bill Mintsoulis, in the endzone on the first drive, and Dean Dorsey kicked three field goals to cap a strong first half. The Warrior defence gained more confidence as the on, as they game wore stopped the most potent offence in the league in the second half. Dan Feraday the muchlauded Blues quarterback, was outpassed 245 to 231 yards and was intercepted 4 times. The Warrior defence further produced most of the thirteen game turnovers in the second half, at a time when they most needed the ball. Quarterback Bob Pronyk led the Qarriors to three touchdowns on the strength of his passing. He completed 19 of 43 to the talented receiving core that is providing much of the offence’s clout this year. Bill Boug, allCanadian tight-end, caught 8 for 17 and scored the first Warrior major, with Larry D’Andrea catching the next touchdown strike. On the Warriors’ last drive, with only a few minutes remaining, Gord Grace caught a key twelveyarder that set up a one yard

run by Terrie Tyrrell. Dom Ruggieri provided most of the ground game with 52 of. the 72 yards rushing. He also caught 4 passes for forty yards to round out his , day. The Warriors have kept their playoff hopes alive (with a l-1-3 record) but, they must win both their next games against second place Guelph, and the resurgent WLU Golden Hawks to enter post-season competition. Whether the Warriors may have started their comeback too late or not will soon be known, when they face the Gryphons. It’s almost sure that the Warriors will go to the air, against Guelph, where they have been most successful and dazzling all season.

Cross Countn The Waterloo Invitational Cross Country meet was reborn last Friday; this annual meet, plagued in recent years by poor turnouts and not even held last year, attracted almost 100 runners from eight schools, and was treated to brisk sunny weather. l.he meet consisted of two races, one for men and one for women. The women’s race covered one lap of a course of the North Campus, while the men’s race was run over two laps. One of the most interesting features of the men’s race was the participation of Dean Foster and Dave Northey, two local runners best known for their superb performances in road races, After a conservative start, Northey moved into first place with about a third of the race to go and held on to win in 35:54, followed by Dave Mills in 35:59 and -

I Roger Martindill of McMaster in 36:18. Dean Foster took fourth place in 36:23. Waterloo’s finishers were led by Tom Boone in 6th he was place in 37:20; followed by Warriors Steve King in 12th, Mark Inman in 17th, Alan Wrobel in 23rd, and Bruce Harris in 29th. The team race was won by Toronto with 65 points, with Waterloo in second with 87 points, followed by York, Toronto’s second team, and Brock. Lynn Bermel of Queen’s took charge of the women’s race early and held on to win comfortably in 22:59. Waterloo’s Bay Brooke joined the leaders early in the race and fought with Cathy Mollenhauer through the last half, only to be outsprinted by the Queen’s runner in the finishing_-_-straight. - -Other Waterloo finishers were Jacquie Gibson in 9th Yvonne deJong in 14th, Rhonda Bell in 15th, Angie Hohlheimer in 18th, and Lisa Simkins in 36th. Queen’s scored 33 points to take the team competition from Waterloo, which scored only 46. This was yet another encouraging finish for the Athenas, participating in their last meet before the championships on October 25.

Water polo

Bay Brooke, competition

WaterIoo’s earlier


top female

finisher by AIan

is shown in Adamson

Saturday October 11th the Waterpolo Warriors drew on teamwork and a diversified offense to win two of three games at the Western University meet in London. These wins moved the Warriors into sole possession of second place at mid-season. The-first game was played against the hometown Mustangs. The score was Waterloo 6, Western 4. The the Warriors pressed Mustangs and led from start to finish.

The second game could have been the pivotal point of the Warriors’ season.Pressing the U of T Blues from start to finish, the Warriors scored 10 goals from 7 different players to swamp the Blues 10 to 4. Excellent teamwork was evident from start to finish with very few mistakes or bad shots being taken. The Blues, who took second place last year, will be looking to avenge the loss when the teams play at Waterloo November 1st. The final game against the champion McMaster squad was a disappointing 19-4 loss. The Waterloo team looked fatigued after their match with U of T, but look for the Warriors to give McMaster a surprise when they next play, right here, in November. With the season half over and the Warriors in second place by 3 points, the playoff outlook is promising. This should be a peak year for the polo team and coach Lou Wagner is already planning for the O.U.A.A. finals in late November. Surprise player *of the week, Kevin Duguay, is also the smallest player on the team. Kevin astonished everybody with a seven goal output on Saturday, after only scoring 3 goals last season, The Warriors, with the WLU Golden Hawks, will host the Oktoberfest Waterpolo Tournament Saturday and Sunday with games held at both universities.

Port tack! Last weekend, under the shadow of Fort Henry, in Kingston, the UW sailing team raced to a third place finish in the Canadian Sailing Interuniversity Championships. Two-boat teams . from eight schools were divided into two divisions for the

two days of competition, and with many names from the national and world levels participating, the competition was quite fierce. As always in sailing, though, consistency was the key to success. Skipper John Verbaas and his crew Ross Morrissey placed third in the A fleet, while Ted Mallet and his crew Darryn Lloyd finished fourth in the B fleet. combined score Their enabled them to nip Western by one penalty point in the sixteen race series. Perennial winners, Queen’s, did it again this year with a solid performance in both fleets for a low 33 penalty-point total. U of T was second, on the merits of a strong B fleet showing, with a 55. Next came Waterloo (66)) Western(67), Ualhousie (73)) Trent(80), host RMC(89), and Humber College(ll4). Five-foot waves and twenty-knot westerly winds greeted the sailors on Saturday, when Verbaas and Morrissey corn’ piled second, fourth, fifth, and sixth finishes. Team members Mallet and Lloyd finished with a second and a third before racing was suspended in the face of thirty-knot winds. “Half the’ capsized before the next race,” “so they decided it-we dumped into the dock.”

fleet had the start of said Lloyd, to cancel on the way

The forecast on Sunday was for snow and 66km/hr winds. However, Kingston lived up toits reputation as unforecastable; the remaining ten races were conducted in ten knot northerly winds and partly cloudy skies. Another event of significance happened at the end of the first day of races, when the Interuniversity sailing association met in their annual function and agreed unanimously that the sport of sailing be recognized as a university

sport by the CIAU (Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union), the governing university sports body.

Volley ball The Athena volleyball team returned from the Michigan State University International Invitational tournament this past weekend, with a three-way tie for 7th position, and a lot of experience. The 9 woman squad came out with a 3-4 win-loss record which the coaching staff-felt was a decent per-‘ formance for an opening tournament. pre-season That the American teams are together by Put scholarships and are three months into their training must also be taken into account. It took a couple of matches on Friday for the team to get into the groove, after which they pulled together to produce their first win. Though the next two games ended in losses, the level of play was quite good. Saturday was a complete turnaround with the Athenas producing two wins over Kellogs and their old rivals Western. Key defensive plays made by third year Brenda Bollenbach proved to be a definite factor in their comeback. Coach Pat Davis feels that a lot of positive things were accomplished this weekend and that with time and a little work many aspects of their game will blossom. After this showing the coaches are optimistic about the future of the team. Tomorrow, both the men’s and the women’s teams will travel to Brock University for their Invitational tournament.

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