
Page 1

Special Orientation



7,1982; Volume



5, Nuinber

8; University

of Waterloo,



the town. Y:Op p..m.’ Eniineering Society (Eng Sot) runs divisiohal ! ‘1:oo‘ +-_- 3:OO:- WCF The B&nbshelter 12 noon to-l:00 a.m. - sponsot+s.Dayuma: young . tqtir$, gets .addresses and introduces newr WCRI enjdys a rollek sk’ating party at theGreat .mis&onaries outreach tb a satage t’fibe in the ’ , D.J. z after 9:00 p.m. Sand&h’ Bar’ Hburs: Skate Place, 900 : 11:OO p.m. ? , Co&&to the realities, of Etigihews. EO:QOa.m? Atiazonidn j&tile. Matitiee prite:i$2.!#; Monday _ & Tuesday: noon : - 6:00- p.~ Cinema Gratis presents Mcmtj,.Python and;- 11:OOp.m. Fe&: F&i ‘i&O0 --“3:00 the I$d- clowns will be 200: Mathsoc is -,having a bela?ed ‘Magical - ---- _Wednesday to Fridayxoon the, Holy GraiC. Campus CentIe Great Hall, no cover charge;_Uthers, $1.00 after 9:OO p.m. ‘aroun$ io Uf& you useful advice and be friendly. I Mpstery bus tour. sponsored by the Campus Cer$re Boar+. 9:30 Th&‘II be found most easily at the main south \ 1:OO:iCaiolyn Mas - a free outdoor concert on \ 2iDO: ES students atid &ff are hdvinga baseball entrance, the biology underpassand.around the . *p.m. ’ _: ,- 1 the Village Green. , Hailed as the fem&Ie _ . game on the Village Green.! Village QalkwayareaX _ . “Springsteen”,she rocks like noother. With two 260: Engsoc bus pull and #ub drawl. -T Thurkday, St&&A - ( ._ ,.albums to her credit, Mas and’the band are \_ Therejs a St. Paul’s Orientation Commitiee ’ / 5:00: 4 MO& Meal at Renison Coillege. destined fo_rrock notoriety. at ’ .m’eeting at 11:30 a.m. From 9:00 T 11:OO Engsoc @agnostics. ‘_. 7:OO;Movies at St; Paul%. Wateyiod Christian Fellowship hosts a marsh_ Bombshelter opens at 12 noon to 1:OOa.m. DJ 9:00: Scisoc registration, ESC, 101A. \ mallow .roast at 1the BBQ; pit acrbss- from 7:30:nf after Q.:?$lp.m. Sandwich Bar hours (tl$ week): ---- Renison ---_----*__- is hbina __- --.-,-=- a niaht . _. . 3y” tour -y--* t& %I.._ ritrl Y..;*. , Still lost and do&~ed? ,clust i---A arnveur ---‘----I9 m-lrle cotirhd Grebel+t 8:O0. -’ ~ ’ Ind’on to,< 6 p;;m;~ No ‘cover- .thar&e for% FGd 8;OO: I&I‘C&ino night. .-+ __ . B.Ent clowns are still out the re with I I _^ ^^their antics I -&+b& others, $l.@)-aft&r 9:00 p.m. . and parapl?efielia to hcglp you. lU:UU a-.m. - Y 8:0& ES is having a street d_a_ncebetween ES i . / :L TqGGday, ‘SefiIe;mberl4, p.m. .., _ $javeS. .WCF has’ &v& &ilal&?;b;&idezthe Mr I . m&l CA,‘”L-IL. r&&&es fro& 12:OO‘t$ $00: $t$,~,~& is ~, Why not enjoy the en&of summer wi’t’h a-bike counter &tsi& the,PAC. 1 _ 8:Os): Dayurn+ q,See Wedne&ay. , , : 1O:OO: WCFcookZe e~~~~i;~jat u&et;&t’“. ,..._ . . ’ y’S ,.” Fl, ‘I 1 .Ttn. I-I-AI', 6 I -'r.. .; . , -,111’.bvpr~ . ..xt cc Ai,,* WC AL-f ,'..Ll P....,l.lz l2.A‘ ) _*-;.T,,r-b;---; - - - - -; 5 1’ - -<*‘+.-,., * ramy ~‘9, qiey a~ ult: LQUI~I uwm v.v.v.-~2 11XW; w arerlooJewlsn -~Xudents ASSOC. .8:00: Pub$or ~~ligi&not.yoti; ticket% Theri gdtoL t -,- G$;&&k+, ii j-$&&g 6 &.&$~f 1 :a($ I - [J 1 li _ ’ pit9 a’t 11:~. ___ &‘v ” , . mWJSA) hoId! the first ba$elprunchof the year: theyCAB+‘sponsored ‘plays, Babel’ Rap atid i~~~,riei;ta~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~fo~~e~~~t~on 10:00 .- X&00: Mir&Olympics $h-st . P&. 12:OOL ?:OOiJickie Washington, guitarist and ’ I- S&xtial &rversity in Chicagd, i-pthe Theatre >an4 cpiril?‘us’t~~rs!~~~~~~red.~y~~~~Recrea~ion piano play& extrbordinairet is playing a -free , of the’&ts,iML. ’ - ‘--. .--’ ;~~~~~~~~~~~s~~~~~~~* jr@ ‘?<:I30z 4:oq ,ph. -1L, l., _J afternoonconcert in CC$reat-l-$11. -+ _ :: ,3:3O -I- 6:00: The Drama-&p&ment is hold& - Sat&day, Septknber 11 -bpeti;auditions (l>n.HIi 18O)‘ s two major 1 &OO; Join &&X f&ra%isit to Waterloo Firmer’s ~r&liiction&his fall: v&&es, gcati ledy by Jack makket and theft-egr~i;‘breakfastat Fe Stme.‘ *’ y I-., 1. ~-$j-$ a$ Jac+.uo-Ttio;~~~~~ 1for-children Cro&I&etat the” Cc..j- :. ,, .i. -. dek. %+[i&?s~ h’Ttitn-TtttA

?’ St. .Paul’s &es ori$+‘Hayride,‘starting 38

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at 7:06



-them now to pick.tip theif gei’ns ot wisdom. Make

QI asks y&u to bring out your worst clot&? and . 2-j- r $$to.tb-Ta+ Party/ iit 8:0(! p.m. 5 ’ 1Q:OO:Er@soc.ip$&e5 a-;-&$ayu&,&i&~a’ting&~ma of some young . niissiohariesy out’r’eadh to’g‘*savage tribe in-thk

in ultimate>fi;isbee: pyet(inM+e l@Jrtor

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UWU: I ne -r!rss +.tnr

Cenfkk is holdiliga folk and .

’ &&isnrtd -~-“--.yr&k and --------

Ad&o;. (CSA) -hbIds--a sed book nighi. . cub- .of ‘fhe I term, co-

witI? Fkv+w . W$$e just s&&g to . ..L.. .I‘.3YVV roll at i .-.* . ..L thr L..2 ’ Wa&lIoo’ ‘Inn with. .Y’Cn -Al -fidaaeID. 1Wk’t 1 bC‘WC&r+’‘Rnmldhnr I I#%,

- 3- by Julie George .leave the Region of Waterloo except for the .I Dr. Leo Johnson, a University of Waterloo purposes’of employment, pending trial. history professor since 1966, has been charged When asked whetlier the University will be with 15 sexual offenses involving juyenile taking any< action, Doug Wright, Pkesident fimtiles. He is being held in the Cambridge’jail of UW, said “Any action.’ of the Univeruntil September 8th, when he will be released of the sity depends on the outcome on bail. trial.” , Last week, bail was set at $25,000. some University- of Waterloo proftissors have- be/en _ Police began -investigation of Professor said to have offered to sign the bail bond. The Johnson on the night of August 19th,following

Yorktien.,$ti$e ,,

finishing touches -

on the new Bombshelter





pubaddition’was finishedneartheendof Augus’t.

you in filling out your Ontarib Student Assistance Program (OSAP) application forms.



The OSAP clinic has been set up by the -Federation of Students to alleviate the demand by students for clerical assistance fr,om on-campus financial aid officeis during a peak processing period; -to provide assistance for students who are in the process of filling

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patio. The

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August 25th’ on further charges of sexua-1 offenses. A spdkesperson for the Waterloo Regional Police said the charges were the result of new information _----relating to incidents prior to the charges of ,Aug& 20th; additional neighbourhood girls were involved. ,The charges against Johnson are as follows: one couti! of g&s indecency; one count of sexual intercourse with a female tinder 14, two counts of attempt&d sexual intercourse with a ,

appeal procedure t6 students so that they may direct themselves to the appropriate individuals through the prop&r channels.

by L&n Gamache . k University Board of Governors to ‘A’ stream. Engineering undergive its approvil. No resistance is expected at this stage, in fact the graduates will be voting later this Board would probably be more month or at. the beginning of Octo’tjer aon whether or not to esthan.happy to adopt the proposal. tablish a Qbality of Education -Voter turnout must be 50percent Maintenance Fund (QEMF). In or greater of ‘A’ undergraduate epgineers with an approving ma: July Engineering ‘B’ undergradjority.of two-thirds plus one for the uates_voted ovefwhe!mingly (8 1Y$) in favour of the QEMF proposal. results of the referendum to be The fund calls for compulsory conr _ binding. This summer 78 perccit of tributions of fifty dollars after each the registered ‘B’ engineers voted. 3=y Most ‘A’ stream students are work term. The proposal states,+“Thisfund is familiar with the QEMF issue, -established by the undergraduate which surfaced’during last winter’s term. Engineering Society ,‘A:* engineering students of the Univershould requife less time to update sity of Waterloo in order to maintain the quality of engineering information atid co’iirduct the refeducation. This fund was conceived erendum, than was necessary over the summer. . as a constructive way for students / to address the problems caused by . inadequate funding of university According to Mark Liddy, education.” ’ Engineering Society .‘B’ President, If the referendum passes this the quality ofeducation has been on term, the final step would be for the a continuous decline over the last _ , , r, *,-%t. I, :i 1i *c.--w , LX‘I . :, i - ‘: Gn_ :. . : .<-, * ‘6r ci i ,It ..,* .=. . * -. . . L

Wednesday, Friday of

Thursday, this week,

and from



Johnson, aged 5 I, is an associate professor in the Historydepartm’erit here. He specializes in Canadian history, specifically labour and business history. He is also an expert on local Ontario history, and has written several books on that subject. He is currently working on‘s manuscript, on th_e history of Canadian Indians. ThLdate for his triicwill be set on September 8th. - ’

_-- .



by John


time convenient tq yourself istics to. see if. the clinic +. and., the student assistant. _ program is worth doing Simonis indicated, that the agRin,” said Simonis. hours might be’ extended if Simonis made it clear tha ’ the clinic will riot be doipg a$ necessary, with the Federation picking up the cost or reactual OSAP, assessments. applying to the Ontario Work “The main people we’re’hying Study Program .(OWSP). to reach are second and third (OWSP is paying for 50% of- year students who are filling . ’ the ,_three studerit advisors’ out ‘the appliqation forms for $5.00 . an hour .wsrges.,- The the fir&t ,themsebes.’ Federation is paying the other Regarding the overall ’ hdf.)-OSAP program, Simonis I’m not _ stated, “Peisonally, The last tjme such an satisfied Fith the program. ’ assistance progrqm- was run There are a lot of changes was in 1976 when the student which should b& made; but-for - ’ awa.rds people sa’ld that mis-now, it’s all we’ve got and we% guidinginformationtias being have to make the best of it.“; given bi thk advisors. The OSAP clinic seems \d. The Federation felt more& be a step in-the right directiop$ a posit&m to re-institute the I and according to Simonis, klinic t&s year because of the Waterloo is probably the @nly ._ financial assistance from the _university running such a Ontario WorkLStudy Proprogram this September. . _ gram. “We’ll be keeping stat_ - Len Gamaeke

. ~~~‘i~~~f~~~~~~~~, to 2:% p.m. through the remairider of the weekdays during September. According to Wim Sirnonis, Federation of Students Dresident, \the three studeni advisors have had prior exper-

last week. -. The schedule for assistance is set up so that you c&n get he;lp right away or you can make s)n appointment for -a


ten years due to the lack offinancial ’ educatiofl of undergraduate engineering students.” ’ support for programs. The situation has taken its toll on Additionally, “Neither students. laboratory ‘equipment, student/ ’ entering the ’ 1A, term.. nor those _ teacher ratios, and the number df entering the second term of a-teachirug assistants. Liddy said that double academic term=(e.g., when a the total yearly contributions from 4B winter term follows a 4A fall ther fund i.nitially would be in the term) will be required to convicinity of $200,000. collected from the ttibute. Students unable to find Money appr’oved engineering erriployment QEMF would be directed toward on a work term, or students,do&athree areas: (a) undergradbte 4B/4A sequence on the ‘catch up’ 1 teachingkquipment; (h) creation of an effectiye teaching program for program may apply for,a refund of their contribution.” teaching assistants (“They would be paid from these fundsand worild have their performance reviewed Overseeing the arlocation of ihe ’ after each term of employlhent”); funds would be a QEMF Corn-~ and (c) renovation of undermittee which’would co’ns& of the graduate’ facilities in order to Dean of Engineering, both pres-:. _ “improve their educational use or idents of the Engkeering Societies, to serve as leverage money to have the chairman (or -designates) of new facilities constructed.” The e_ach undergraduate engineering . proposal further state!, “All allodepa,rtmeot, and i;ne studeqt from cations must be&bade ta benefit the,’ i’ &h, of the Six en-gineering proc. ,I _. , :’ L ‘ __ _ _ , L

grams (one frbm ea/ch istream for a total of 12). Quorum for theproposed- QE M i; Committee would be l-3, thus assuring that student rep- rewntatives would always be in the majority. If the Quality of Ed’ucatipn Maintenance Fund should come to pass, its continuation w’ould be reconsidered by :anot,her referendtim conducted in the spring and fall ter?s of 198,5. -:“. Furthermore, “Each term/ the QEMF Cbmmittee . will make a 1 report to - thb on campus Engineering Society C-ouncil at coilncil’s third meeting: The QEMF c.ah. be , dissol$ed (before 1985). by t&o-L 1 thirds vote of both Engineering Society Councils . . . Any monies I remaining in the fund upon dissolution .should go into engiqe’aring scholarship funds.” \ I .*-.. ;I++,- -’


The U W Library offers. ,a full range of orientaiion and instructional-services designed to;introduce students to the lib&-y system and to assist them in their use of library resources. . .Guided introductions t’o the facilities and services of the Arts and/Engineering, Mathematics and Science Libraries are available to everyone. Tours begin at the Infofm&ion Desk in the Library which you wish to tour add last. approximately one half-hour. Tour Sche,d;le: September 7th to 10th. I:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. (Tuesday - Friday) I lo:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m., , . .I 1I:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. September I lth and 12th I :30 p.m.-, (Saturday and Sunday) 2:30 p.m. , 3:30 p.m, September 13 - i7 (Monday - Friday)’

Twa students receive assis;tance -from a UW Library staff member. The libraries are sponsorinQ okientation tours from mow until September 19. See the schedule at right for more \ information concerning library tours.

September September

-9:30 a.m. IO:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 15 -z‘ 16 (Monday - Thursday) M 18 and’ 19 (Saturday and Sfinday) _


I:30 2:30 3:30 7~30 2:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p’.m. p.m.

Tours of the University Map & De&&ibrary will 6e available at the following iimes: September 7th-to 10th (Tues. - Fri.) IT):3q a.“& & 2:30 p.m. September 13th to’ 17th (mn. - Fri.) IO:30 a.m. & 2:30p.m. Meet at the Inforrfiation Desk iri the Univertity’ Map & Design’ Library (located in Room 246 of the Environmental Studies Buildipg).’ Other


This week .‘R&y




Federation ’ of Students President Wim Simdnis wants undergraduate students who might. be interested td contadt him at the Federation office. T. ‘A. Brzustotiski, Academic . Vi&President- has asked Simonis to, submit’ the names of two undergraduatestudents from environmental

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At the Watetko iouse corner of King and Erb streets, downtown Wate&o.





. Ttiwatids: the d&loping arid printing on your next roll of , ~~ofour prSnt film brought in fo’r processing. . _,

-: l





- Stay on Gampus! l



studies toserveasmembers on the‘ndminating committee for dean o?environment‘al studies. The full committee is made up of Brzustowski, one senior faqulty member from outside ’ the faculty, five members of professorial rank from withiri 4) submit a re.port to the the faculty’, two undergradariat. by uate students, and one g‘radThe job of that librarycorn- President of the University mittee is to: I) re-iew the May 1, 1983. If you have any questions or uaehse~~usd~e~~alCommittee on present library space all& Library*Facilities will be made cation+nd u&.2) exas’mine the ’ if you want to ,be part .ofcrhe decision making process ,Iin up of the directof of academic varioius library space formulae services, three. faculty memand determine thkir appliceither of these two areas; conof tact Sitionis immediately, bers, one undergraduate stu: jability to the University since these committees are, dent, one graduate student, Waterloo; 3) determine if any scheduled to begin regular the university librarian, an’d_ -additional library’ space, and _ , the secretary fi-om the Secretof what kind, is required; and meetings shortly. . .


I -. ,:

Iriterested in bei’ng a mem-’ ber of a uniirersity committee wh&h may determine who the next dean of environmentalstudies may be, or which determines whether or not the university feQ.ukes additional library space?

Orientatfon activities include: - How to Use. the Card Catalogue briefing ‘sessions; - Research Shortcut Workshops which cover the “how-to” aspect of su,bject searches; - Special Library I’nstruction sessions fol individuals, small groups and classes; - Information Sessions for Giaduate Students; - Introduction to Library Research. Dates and times for a!1 bf t-k above are available at & Information D,esks in the Arts and EMSLibraries.

of sIflL;ICK




135, -&SC





films at:


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by Connie Silva On July 24th a-conference of Ontario Univeisity and College ‘Women’s Cehtres took place at McMaster University, sponsored by their Women’s Centre. I attended this conf:rence as a representative of -the Waterloo+ University Women’s Centre; othe; representati2res cam& from Carle: ton,’ York, c Guelph., Ontario Cdllege df Art, Western,: -Q ueen’s, and Hamilton To& Women’s Centre. - The conference consisted of -four workshops Qh’ volunnetworking, Latin teerism, hlmigrant


and W& .Doh (self-defence). Between these more struttured meetings, informal exchanges of information and

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idyesiZedbf these -ideas seemed partidularly .v&uable -I :;;;~~;t~~;~~~~;;~; ,s our Women’s ’ Centre with others in Ontario, I was astounded, as manyother delegates were, to learn thrit the McMasterCentre has an annual budget of $35,000, whereas the UW Women’s Centre receives $600, which was the lowest of all the budgets represented. Most women’s centres receive from- $2,000 to $5,000 .annually from itheir ,student governments. Of course our

,I ~ * t

Wofnen’s.: cy:: w”,” :nly recently: estabhs$e&l; whereas


McMaster’s has been going for several years and has a much larger membership. Sqme of the McMaster funding also* comes from sources other than the student-body. With these huge sums of money, the various, Women’s Ceritres hold cdnferences; produce newsletters and glossy brochures, ‘such as Ca‘rlettin’s How to Survive; invite prestigious speakers, such as Sheila Rowbotham; the English . ‘feminist theorikst; manufacture their own buttons; hold film sliows; and pay , expenses for t.heir own d& egates

t0 attend



The &ggestiqn -ihat p&titularly appealed to me was that the Ontario Wpmen’s Centres should form a network, keeping constantly in touch so as to proyide mutual support whehever necessary. The-York reps would like to start an inter-campus newsletter for Women’s Centres. Another controver$ial is&e which was discussdwas hhw feminist a women’s centre should be (a point of contention ‘at UW). Most of us agreed that it was import;gnt that feminists have a crucial’ role in the founding of Wo.mkn’s Centres, since their radical vikwpoint gives ’ a

ferences as-well as for other delegates to attend theirs! Most Women’s Centre rep- . 1 resentatives agreed that they


their respective ~~~~s~~~ federations, ~~~~ci~c~~r


our part, although we’& had our differences. thev’ve always been resolded ‘co&ally, and we’re hoping tha‘t our record of activities this’year and an increased membership will re‘sult in a higher budget next year. * Another ,exciting futtire activity to-come out of the conference was the Guelph,delegates’ proposal to invite Heather Bishop, the wellk’nown feminist singer and song--writer, to a jointly sponsored series of concerts at ihe


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s miet,at

campus::; -_.. -


gets goiBt

stro:g, though not necessarily femitiist, direction to the centre’s activities. For example, a non-feminist might only be interested in one issue ,concerning women, such as rape, whereas a.feminist associates rape with many sther problems and with women’s position in society as a whole. So the centre’s activities become more diverse and yet mOre focused. The McMaster Centre ran a well-organized although small ’ conference with lavish hos. pitality; The UW, Women’s Centi-e’ will. profit from my experience for example, wol men’s self defence shouldbe on ‘our agenda soon.

/‘I hug& BILD

&u-& gra-ts

The University of Waterloo received approximately 30 per cent of the equipment grants awarded by the-Ontario government’s Board of Industrial Leadership and Development (BILD). The grants total 2.04 million dollars for the current year. Most of the BILD grants are going towards research in with $495,000 for research in computer-aided 1 computers, design and $360,000 forcomp&er-aided graphics research. The-other major recipient of the grant money is the Faculty of Environmental Studies who are.getting $586,000 to set up a remote sensing facility. Earlier this year, Waterloo also received $670,000 in matching grants already received from industries. Most of these grants went to researchers-irr the Faculty of : &gin&sing. 1 “ a . c

5 September

Federation first charitv Cathy Whyte is looking for volunteers and she needs them immediately. She is the Federation of Students Chairperson for this year’s orientation, but more importantly, she is also organizing the 1st Annual UW Orientation Charity Auction which will be held on -Saturday, September 18.

“We’re expecing a lot of student participation,” said Whyte recently. She adds that students can get involved in every phase of the auction effort. Sl;e wants assistance with everything from coordination of the event itselfto collection of auctionable articles. Complete the cartoon and submit your response, name and other fun info of your choice mprint, CC 140, X. 2331. We’ll publish our favourites and give you the credit!

Two Waterloo win conservation Two University of Waterloo niors, Katherine Anne Sub:h and Kathryn Mary Satrfield, have recently been vard-ed $750 Scholarships in onservation for 1982-83 om the Soil - Conservation 3ciety of America. John Henry, chairman of e Society’s Scholarship jmmittee, . announced the lards at a general session of : organization’s 37th annual :eting in New Orleans last lnth. Suboch is in the environental studies program here td has been active in conrvation organizations such the Federation of Ontario aturalists. She is enrolled in e honours man-environ:nt studies program, an terdisciplinary curriculum, th emphasis on principles Id practices of environmenI conservation and manageEnt. Satterfield is in geography th emphasis on natural re-


students awards

source management. She has been involved in preparing environmental impact assessments, wildlife monitoring, fisheries inventories, and environmental inspection. She has also conducted research on subjects such as use of sewage effluent in agriculture, biogas production as an alternative energy source on small farms, and the effects of groundwater heat pump discharge. These scholarship awards are provided to encourage qualified juniors and seniors to compl&e their training and pursue a career in a conservation related field. Funds for the scholarship program are provided jointly by the Gildea Foundation of Columbus, Misssissippi, and the Society. Twenty-two other college and university students received scholarships for the upcoming year. More than 270 students had applied for the awards.

The Society is a private, non-profit, scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the science and art of good land use.

Residence Lottery A limited number of rooms in the Village Residences may become available during the Fall Term registration period due to late cancellations, and these rooms will be rented on a lottery basis on Tuesday, September 14th. Students without accommodation at that time should come to the Housing Office at 1:30 p.m. All names of those present will be taken and a lottery draw will be made for any rooms available. There is no point in coming to the Office prior to 1:30 p.m. September 14th, as no names will be recorded before that time.

“We don’t want used clothing or junk,” emphasizes Whyte, and she’s already well on her way to accumulating a respectable auction inventory. Of particular interest to students will be 50 or so dictaphones, calculators, and adding machines. There are also bicycles, and nights on the town from local establishments. Gordon McComb has donated his time, services, and some of his own inventory. He’ll be the auctioneer of the day and the event. will take place at his business location (GM Auctions) at 56 King Street North in Waterloo, opposite the Kent Hotel and adjacent to the Post Office.



sponsors auction

This effort by the Federation is billed as a good will gesture toward the KitchenerWaterloo community with every penny of the proceeds going to the local Federated Appeal, a communityfund drive which benefits thirty area charities and organizations. Some of the more commonly known ones include: the Salvation Army, Big Sisters, Big Brothers, March -of Dimes, Red Cross, K-W YWCA, A. R. Kaufman, Family Y, and Catholic Social Services, to mention a few. The auction will start at 10 a.m. and continue until all

MathSoc by Rob Dreyer

articles have been sold. A partial listing of items will be published in the K-W Record a few days prior to the sale. Regarding donations of articles for the auction, Whyte says all that is required is a phone call (885-0370 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.). She and her volunteers have an accessible van and truck for pick-up of all items, big and small. Whyte is optimistic that the annual event will go “a long way towards building a better relationship ‘between the students and the Twin City community merchants.”


The following is a list of upcoming events scheduled by MathSoc, the organization which is run by and for math students. Math Society encourages people to help organize and get involved in their parties, wine and cheeses, publicity efforts, orientation activities, and ‘mathletics’. Orientation Week Schedule: Wednesday, September 8th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., introduce yourself at the MathSoc drop-in centre and coffee stand (Math and Computer Science Building, third floor lounge); 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., “After ELP exam” coffee house ( MathSoc lounge). Thursday, noontime, scavenger hunt (meet at the lounge); 6 p.m. pub crawl(meet behind MC); I a.m. ‘all-nighter’startsat the red and green dining halls in Village 1. Friday, 2 p.m., Magical Mystery Tour (they won’t tell you where they’re taking you, but you can expect to be out until after dinner). Saturday 10 a.m., trip to Elora Gorge (meet behind M&Cand return at 5 p.m.); 8 p.m., casino night and pub, in Psych 3005. A MathSoc pink tie is your free admission ticket to all these marvelous events. You can purchase one for $5 at rooni MC3038.

BIGGER a FASTER WHY WAIT? You can get -high quality 4”x6” size prints back in just ONE HOUR from Heer’s Waterloo or same day from Heer’s in Kitchener.

@5iiiEF lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll c 0 u po

SAVE -kvv Offer valid on ONE R’OLL of C-41 film in 126, 110 or 135 mm..I.. niW.W”. 7@Cnl---p-.. rnnn MUST accompany order. COUPON EXPIRES OCT.


FURNITURE +omS&en&l’s




Ends i 8/82



llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l


in only


at our Waterloo


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120 King Street South, Waterloo Office Furniture 0 Stationery Open Daily to 545 p.m.. and Friday

886-7310 l Gifts ‘til9:OO p.m.






Four yeqrs.<ago, Nick Redding, Irnprin& first editorialsyanalysis of t,imely news events‘and issues, editor, wrote, “UW students need -and deserve a or*viewpoints about the u,niversity, the &ty, th-e proi ~good student newspaper which is dpen to all views, vince, the country, dr the world as they relate to . , which reflects student life, and which deals>seriously students needs and concerns,-, and objectively with major issues-facing students. Our second comfnittmetit is to have a ne\;spaper They need a.paper which welcomes humour in its by students. One which is colitrolled and:operated by students-and which offe’rs everyone a chance to G content; and prdyides ar? enjoyable’ learning experience for those who wish to contribute.” I, learn and partic-ipate in mo$ aspects-f newspaper. reiterate form& Imprint e’ditor Marg Sand&son’s j&rnalism. The student staff is respotisible for ‘content, editorial policies, photography, news t&-ught that Redding’s statement is probtibly the writing, reviewing, design, layout productbn, / -‘closest thing we have to a tradition which we continually atteypt to preserve. ” ( business affairs, typesetting, and advertising. Our , day to’ day duties and skills run the same gamut as This idmprint’s fifth year. In our first issue of the summer (volume 5, _number- 1) -cwe clarified, any other weekljr newspaper in the_cou&.ry, redefined, and emphasized what we recognize as Staff members who participate in any of these , both otir goals and responsibilities. we would like --areas are gaining ‘a solid’foundation of journalism to taktthii opportunity to say that communication eqeridn.ce. ConsequerQly, we encourage your ,with, by, and for students as well as the rest of the involvement as -,a staff member. No interested I ,&iversity-community ‘1sour main objective. . - student is turned away, $nd the oppo?tunity to learn, -L We aim to achieve a continuing dialogue with all at Imprint is 3 significant one. . \ Our third goal is to have a newspaper which is segments of -the student population. -We. offer you -{he opportunity to’cdmmunicatedirectly with other -truly for ‘students’. We feel we acctimplish this by students who share the same concerns or interests; di offering advertisements to students and recognized student qrganizations at far-below the cost of our . ’ Qr with the stqdent population at large. This can be accomplished through articles or information sublocal’and n@ional rates. W’e also offer claksified ads F’- -tiitted by individu$s, clubs, dr organizations, = L to students for the price,of an ice cream cone; and tie provide free Campus Events listings as a regular ‘, through lett@-s to qhe e@itpr,< ahd through lqnger, opinionated articles. which would-/be published on service. . , our yiewpoint And’commentary pages. All’that is ‘Furthermore, -we will continue to. provide as I’ required for the latter option ,is to approach .the \ much servi& infbrmation as possible, that is, ,- ;’ editor directly. health, birth control,. tenant rights, counselliqg While $2 &A not aiways cover al! t@eti+ws, & all ’ services, and others. We intend to follow up student le’&feds we%ouid like to (we fati’somelimitations inquiries and inve$gate.their complaints. _ . ue:t6 th’e.sizesOf OUI:staff and the number of pages e pubiish), we have renewed our effo’rts t,o cover as Finally, while we i-scognize that pur primary idp~La$ange of student-r’elated news and ,eveits as / responsibility ‘is to: the student population, we also os~~?$+&~r ih,at,to be successful we &ed studehts’ ackno-tiledge a similar respons&ility to the rest of.‘. lp&.,:jSq& people mai feel .that they have beefi c the universi’ty cbmmunity. This includes profes;no&d+t dneGnesor,another, but .we ask for a sors, teaching assistants, grad&e students, admi-n. ;~$$~~~~;&i&-$<ff<Ic~ to”be of seivice,. $%,...‘l-‘,T‘.: to -. istratiri-s;-arkl.staffworkei-s-notonly~~,~-heyrelate s~~~~~~~s.-i~~~~~.r~~~~~~~heG.ditor $-e c~ti~er~nec$; ye K the stude,n&&mmun-ity but also in their communi,1 Iil!~~,~nti~~~~.~~~at any letter as long &the.requ& ./’ cation and, dealings with each o-they: _ ,.r (.* I lefi$‘$&&t ,togih in$ur “l.ett&s poaicy” are.foll~&&l. lu< ~~~~~io~~~~~Si@BUji:.. calls ‘foii’ letters to _be .typed, We epctknd to ‘ill students ,aldng with the gyid (i@@d& a phone riumber),‘and limited t6-a university cbmmunity the invitatiQn to’utilize the , :r~&$g~,~~f gf$$@&.-.’ : ; channels for, infbrmation,, ideas,. and dialogue ’



. .

, :I ’ .


Put it upon the Am/screen.. . Speck, Bones, do either of you L knowwhat it is? 8 -’ \


Im&t i&e stud&t newmaper at the Universiw of Wate?leo, It-is gn editorially independent newspaper published 8-f’ Imbint Publications, Jkaterloq a corporation without shake capital. Imp&t is a memtier ;of,‘the $ntario. Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every second Frida3rdur~tnejSpr~terrnrtndeveIyFrida3rd~~ the,. rtguly term&. Mail should be addressed’ t6 %mprint,. Cam@- Centre Room 140, University of Watei-loo; Watirloo, Otikrio.” , Imp&.& ISSN 0?‘06-%30 ’ 2nd Class Posta& Registration Pending Imprint reserves the right to scpe&, e&t, and refuse advertising. . ‘~ Contrib&ng staff: John W. Bast, L&da Carson, John Curtis, Michsiine Duhamel, I& Gam”ache, Julie -George, -Gary Glad.s$one, Wendy Goer, Briaq Grady, Randy Ha,nniga.n,. SylviaHannigan,TammyHorne,W.JimJordan,JimKinnqy, Karena Kraenzle, Laura Kulper, Mark Lussier, Cathy McBride, Todd Schneider,Jeff Thompson, Susan Watt. Ta$e your mark! Set! Bang! The starter signals a good sta& as an exc&ptionally large field bethe Fifth Annu&l Imprint Orie-ntationMarathdn. Julie George, Ca&y McBride and Karena KraenzeI t&ke the early lead as they had planned during their Toronto tra y, but Scott Murray is right behind them, stopping to talk to advertisers a2on.g the way. JohnMcMullen,inspiredbyR.A.H.,isnextintheptikwhile the dynamic duo of Randy and,Sylvia Hannigan, cheered on by a crowd of children, follow up. Todd Schneider and Tim’ Perlich are Iqningclosf! together as JeffThompsoncoaches them from his bicycle. Susan Watt and Sheila; -McCoy are giving it their all, and Tammy Hoz?ne is right beside them. ,There’s notmuchdis@,ncebetweenanyotieinthefieldno~as theyapproachthehalf-wa;ymarkintheraoe.GqqGladstone, Mark Lussier andAllan’Mears start to make their moves to the front of the pack, but Wendy Goer, Brian Grady and’ Michelirie Duha+mel keep p&e. JohnCurtismovesto the head of t&e liqe for, & short time, but the others catch up to him. Ne’ar the aotiner 6f Au@& Boulevar?l and. 3 1st Avenue’Jimi Kinney and Laura Kulper make room for Linda Carson,who has come out 3f nowhere sporting g-purple outfit. No one is leading the race, no-one is trailing it, as they round the final’ turn. Then, as if on cue, everyone’joins hands and crosses the finish line together at Len Gamache’s desk “What tookyou ^ so long?” asks John W. Bast, ordering a platt& of chicken wings and a pitcher of ale.for the crew, while Jim Jox%n chronicles t$e historic moment for all to read. - 1 F@st section cover by Linda Carson. . Features section cover by John W. Ba&. , Arts section cover by Linda Carson and John W. Bast. ..

-. ‘._

_1 I don’t know. . 1bu~~h~y8r?/W -- r+tiing around like crazy.

, . I






:i _


Pint .is b&k for ,another year. Kirk, ,McCoy and Speck ~ .$emember what a%eQ&pa&r.iooks like, or how one but lmprint’S,staf.f.~~es. We> hay& set up two meetin& toi heI,0 veqiloffio a flying 4





.- _-





Nevy statt(: Thursday, September 9 at 2:3O,p.m,. Greeting’s! @print is now weEl into its fifth year of publicat‘iofi. During-that time a 1st of people have worked foi uswriting stories, dbing photography, typesetting,, t desigqing graphics, and much more. Many-of them decided to SJrop in one day and see what waShappening at Imprint. I . They’ve done a fantasticrjob,\And we know you can, too. If youwamt to.tea,in‘how to-do these,th.ings, or already know )- how, lmprin’t is d.efinitely the’pla&-for you. We are-you? newspaper - we want to get to>know you. We,are looking forward to meeting you on Thursday.

’ - _-I. _ .. . . :;’, %y--_-./*L -8- , .,1. A I’ *.




, -i

1. ,

c /’_.‘.z . .’

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There’s a lolt to do here xnow that things are g.etfin$&k , . intd,full swing!.A&I we can’t do it without your help. We’re looking forward to seeing you again on Thursday.


LettersHurt moviegoer not permitted to jump lineup

Classified Policy Imprint classified ads are a real bargain on campus. Cost is 5Oc minimum up to 20 words. 5~ for each extra word. Payment must be made in advance. Drop by in person to Campus Centre Wm. 140 and fill out the convenient form. Deadline is 12 noon Tuesday, prior to publication. Special Notes Deadline for the next issue oj Imprint is Monday, September 13th at 12 noon. Publication is Thursdagt, September 16th. We will then return to our regular schedule.

To the editor: With torn ligaments, a cast, and a pair of crutches, I recently joined the ranks ofthe temporarily disabled , . . and 1 am shocked! Last night, I decided to see Garp at the Waterloo Theatre (24 King N. - Waterloo). After hobbling past thecrowd, 1 requested permission to buy my ticket and sit inside the theatre. The “gentleman” selling tickets told me to stand outside until half the line had gone in. 1 explained that my ankle is to be elevated and rested as much as possible. He replied, “Well, I guess you shouldn’t be going to the theatre, then.” My three companions and 1 protested his callousness by taking our business elsewhere. My visiting sister later remarked. ‘“Theaires in Alberta certainly don’t treat the handicapped like that.”

SSeS The U W Arts Centre, in conjunction with Imprint, will be offering regular opportunities to win free passes to U W Arts Centre events in the ~~~~~~~~ classifieds. If you can locate the questions, and thenanswer them correctly, y’ou could win the free passes. This week we’\ e made the questions easy (just like your first lecture), but they’ll get increasingly more difficult as the term wears on (the parallel continues). This week’s answers can be found

Do all Ontario theatres mistreat the disabled? I sincerely hope not! What will you do about it‘? Warren Gaebel

Not yet, but hopefully

heard of abetter system. We needmore between students and the people

and organize


To Give Awav

The Nylons are part>f the U W Arts Centre Winter ‘83 Series for Students. Name the other two performances in the series, and two of the other series sponsored by the UW Arts Centre. If you get your answer to Lesley Anderson at the U W Arts Centre in Hagey Hall, in writing with your name and phone number soon enough, you could receive free passes to Quiet in the Land. There are a limited number of passes available, so act fast. Winners will be announced in next weeks Classified section.

An Imprint classified ad is the cheapest form of advertising available to students (photocopied notices do get expensieie). lf )‘ou can tell the editor of Imprint, located in CC 140, how much a 25 word classifed ad would cost (his arithmetic isn’t the greatest), and refresh his memory about who our advertising manager is, you could get some free passes for Sexual Perversitm\g in Chicago.

ILox& Bertrand i8BEE

Brian llWM!urdy 3A Chem

who structure




Yes, I haven’t comxnunication

somewhere in this Imprint. Good luck!



it is. If I could,


I wouldn’t


this term.

I’d change

have multiple

the job ra,n.Mng


Yes, but I’m glad I’m not a frosh anymore because job competition is stiff for them. If I could I’d move that stupid bulletin board from that narrow corridor in Needles Hall.




work.. I haven’t

got a job yet.





\ ‘-WAC mountiby Pam Pugsley Women’s Action Co-operative The Women’s Action Co-operative plans a massive local campaign against pornography this fall. The goal of this campaign is to have a by-law passed by Waterloo Council %which would prohibit the display of pornographic material. Do I hear cries of outrage, fear and pain from a thousand male throats? Certainly while discussing our plans with male acquaintances we’ve met with responses such as, “What? But you can’t deprive us of our fantasies!” and “Well, really it’s not so bad,” atid “You might call it pornography . . .” For this reason, the firSt part of our program will be educational: after all, if no-one understands what we’re on about, we’re unlikely to receive much support.


A major !part of our educational drive will be the showing of the filth Not A Love Story several times during the fall. Attendance at this film will be by invitation only, since it has

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g Imprint News. Tuesday, September




been banned for public circulation by the Ontario boayd of censors. You can get an invitation by putting your name down at the Women’s Centre, open at lunchtimes, or their orientation booth. We also intend to write articles for the university and local press, to gise talks when requested, and possibly to hold ademonstration in Waterloo, with leafletting. After the local elections in November, the campaign will assume a more political aspect, and we hope to recruit support from concerned Waterloo associations such as women’s groups, trades unions, professional associations, and so on. Naturally we hope that much of our support will come initially-from within the university. To that end, we’d +like to explain more about why we want to abolishpornographyfrom our sight. First it should be clearly understood that we, as feminists, have no objectionto the portrayal of gepui’nely erotic material, in which sexual activity is shown as mutual and affectionate. ’ Pornography differs from erotica in that it degrades or demeans human beings, usually women; moreover, it represents degrading sexual behaviour in such a way as ‘to endorse it. Literally, pornography means the portrayal of whores, so we can say that it describes women as whores. They are shown as things whose purpose is solely to gratify men’s lust. The endless succession of pages showing close-ups of women’s genitals in, for example, Hustler, demonstrates all to clearly how such magazines reduce women to gratification objects. In addition, the niajority of pornographic films depict violence against womehand are considered by Hans Eysenck to be hostile to women. He feels they “should fall under the category of ‘incitement to violence against minority groups’ even though women are not a minority group.” Pornography also lie! about women by representing them as masochisti& pornography is, in fact, chiefly about violence &d not sex. The sheer amount of pornography and the increase in its portrayal of violence against women over the last twenty years horrifies women and men who study its growth. In one Waterloo store we counted over thirty different pornographic periodicals, besides novelettes and coniics. Robin Morgan wrote in the New York Times in 1978: “Pornography consists no longer of seedy entrepreneurs . . . It’sa mgjor industry tied in with organized crime, prostitution, kidnapping rings and drugpeddling.” In North America the sale ofpornographic material each year grdsses more than the film and record industries I together. Somebody h&‘io be cdnsuming all that violent -hostility to women; the very size of the industry makes it highly dang;er.ous to women. Can you imagine -the outcry if ih& amount of hostility were directed against Blacks, jews, or Indians? As the stuff only endangers women, who cares? Noone. It’s respectable. If you’re not convinced that pornography really does express hostility to women, you might consider the widely held theory that the rise of porn in the 1950sand 1960s reflected the inability of men to cope with the increased independence of women. In real life women want to decide with whom, how, when and where they make iove; in the movies and magazines the women are supine, begging for it, smiling at the knives, caressing the guns, having orgasms for the rapist. Well, you might say, but does this hostility really represent a danger to women? Prove it! Unfortunately wecan’t. According to a recent article in Canadian Forum there is no scientifically &oven causal link between pornography and sexual offences, in particular rape. Scandinavian research even seems to show the opposjte: th& where pornography\is readily available, men’s mythical, uncontrollable urges go away. But big, gaping


holes have been discoverePIn this research: no-one considered that in a society where pornography is acceptable, women might be less re?dy to report rape. In addition, the most quoted researcher concluded that sexual offences decreased with the greater availability of pornography, but he included iape in “lesser sexual offences” which did not decrease. / However, more recent research into the effects of pornography shows, for example, that sexual fetishes cayl be created in the laboratory simply by associatiori; in that case why shduld not the portrayal of violence in association with sex in. porriography create a fetishism of violence, also? If sexual behaviour can be changed in a doctor’s office by use of pornography, as it can, then it seems likely that pornographic material would have the sameeffect on the millions who view it. Take, for exhmple, the latest issue (August) of PenthoGse; usually regarded as ‘Soft’ core porn. In this issue there are two pictorial essays explicitly associating women with knives or guns. In line with Penthouse’s ‘soft’ line, the women are notbeing ground into hamburger (Hustler) or brutaI-ized. In “Dressed to Kill” (p.62) each photograph shows a woman looking provocatively out of the picture at, of course, men; the women wear black leather, chains, handcuffs, coids around their breasts. In two photographs the woman holds a strop razor: white paint on her nipples in one of the pictures suggests she might be about to mutilate her own breasts, presumably for the delectation of the invisible but present male; in the other the pubic hair is highlighed with powder, so it looks as if she’s going to cut up her crotch. -‘7 The razor is a phallic symbol, but more importantly it’s an instrument of violence. The women in the photos, it’s implied, are so masochistic that they will slice themselves up to gratify the lust of voyeuristic men. They will love it; the act will give them pleasure too, and, since they are semi-pude and “dressed to kill”, it will de sexual pleasure. This is how pornography perpetuates the idea that women enjoy vio!ence apd pain and even find it sexually stimulating. But this is not all: the razor also promises castration, widely practised on young girls in the third world. This tantalizing suggestion contains the hostility to women conveyed by all pornography. The other photographic story in this month’s Penthouse is called “The Bank Robbery”(p. 114). Here the two women c&ry machine guns. During the robbery they shoot one man dead he is shown covered in blood - and kick another in the groin. The two women, then, represent the typical “castrating phpllic woman” (Andrea ‘Dworkin) who occupies so much male fantasy. After the bank robbery as well is before, the, two women have sex in various positions with each-other and with the male leader of their gang, while he waves a gun, sometimes at them. He gives them money. The significance ofall this is thal the “bitches” may be “castrating” but they will submit to a man who knows, how to handle them (with a gun) and they love it you can tell by the ecstatic looks on their faces. He pays them, so they are only whores anyway. Penthouse, and the similar magazine Playboy, is gradually becoming more violent, its aggressiveness towards women more blatant. Theorists point out that part of the process 01 becoming “hard core” is to soften up the readership bq introducing violence in the comic strips first. One of thih month’s cartoons clearly shows where Penthouse is going; a telephone operator intones, “at the sound of the tone the time will be . . .” She is holding a hot iron inches from a cat, which i$ strung up by its tail. Just substitute “woman” for “cat”. Unattributed references are from: Take Back the Night, ed Lorna Lederer; Pornograph, y by Andrea Dworkin. -




Drama audit&s


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Sessions) -.

Telephone Numb,ers Appointment only: 884-9620 All others: 885- 12 11 x 345 1 After hours: 885-l 211 and ask for Doctor on call. We have a Doctor on 24 hbur call 7 days a week. Also, the two community hospitals have Emergency Departments that are open 24 hours a day.


120 King Street South, Waterloo 886-7310 Office Furniture l Stationery e Gifts Open Daily to 5:45/ p.m. and Friday ‘til9:OO p.m.

The Drama Department is holding open auditions for its two major productions this ’ fall: Vanities, a comedy by Jack Hefner, and Jacob TwoTwo, a play for childi-en based on the novel by Mordeca: Richler. Vanities has three women’s parts, and any of the following skills would be ar asset: signing, dancing,b bator twirling, cheerleading, gym, nastics, and the ability tc handle a- Southern dialect Jacob Two-Two has lots o paits for men and women. Auditions will be, helc September 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th, from 3:30 p.m.’ tc 6:00 p.m. in Room 180, Hage: Hall qf the Humanities. Al interested mem-bers of thl university community - stu dents, faculty and staff - ar welcome to attend. For mor information call the Dram; Secretary, at ext. 3730.


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The Uniwrsity &f Waterloo’ Birth Cont&I ‘Centre ii responsible for this article. It isn’t <meant ‘to answer all your questions’ on birth cbntiol, but merely to give you an’ widerstanding of the basic information. If ysu -do have questions, or are thirtkidg of using any oj these inethods of birth controk we suggest that ji)pu first co&tact your”family @@or, Health Services (here at the Uviversity), or the Birth , Control Centre in room 206 ox the Camptis Centre, ext. 2306. b ‘-

. Methods

which work well: _



The two method$Tf .






,f intercourse



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-w&man has used an IUD. Some women’ hatie moderate to severe cramping+nd paiq fo> _several days after an I U D is-in&ted. If thepain ., : L persists or is very severe; see your doctor. I‘’ _,The IUD i$ between 93$ .end 98% e@ectivii depending upon the length of time the-I U D hasbeen in place, th? ‘type of IUD, .and thq . . _,, . individual woman. The most, common jr’UD’s -‘. for college women seem/ to\ be the copIjer> wound and hormonal types,’ The hormond IUD costs approximately eight times as-much C as thj3- copper wound IUD. and must bi‘replaced &&y year,‘and isnft quite as effective . bit it usually reduces the heavy, .,,p&ful periods assoc&ed with I~&. - 1 ’ c,- Any Goman using these yery eff&tivq. an3

serious risk‘or Bide effects to the.wop@‘$ and , 3_L“Othgr ’ names for ‘n$&‘;al ’ .birth”’ $tiol “there is less need fqr a visit to the doctof. . .i’nclbde symp&th.ertiltl, &lIings-,or’ rhythm ’ !‘.)I Foam&l Con&m: I -mtihods:Th&d are ail baied & the‘ fact t&t . _. /- . - rp* ‘ I ne conaom IS presently the oilly birth ’ most vriopeti dvyla,te’about 14 days before t& contrq! device used by the Na-n: It ‘is an easily ir, 1,, ji - start of their next \&$&ual - f available, relatively cheap method of contraL; ,eggcan live in the bo&$$$on - I \c+tion and gi%sej ‘some protection agkinst alid sperm ctin.f&tiliz?~~%& fpr &out 72-86 A:,,,,, n--i __-AI-,_-_ -_ ____ i5-venerea 11 YISGUYG. DCC;aUX LIKE arc no qyalq hours4 most women r can c&ceiire;for only standarc ds for coqdoms in Canada, you should @out one week of their mknstrual cycle. _purchas e ihemiionly from a goo-d pharmacy. _r All metho&of pitural birt@ontfol attempt The i: sohdom . to determine-‘&is period&$ nionitdring thi: . _ ^ muhi’be _. _ put on the fully e&et, > / \ ’ _dry penis before there is.+y contact with the ,body’s sign&s -of~~vulaio~~iRa~d~~~ taking - \ woman’s genitals. Thisis+xtremeIyi@I&ta~t, -v ‘1 tlmperatlire &Iilj~ d&ly?-,a@d ‘ex&inatiori. as the seminal fluid appearing at the tip of tke ’ ‘. of vaginal ,tiucous: ;C’~r&,.t$‘&&i$& ‘&St he - man’s penis (ldng b;ef& ejaculati@@%&n%ains You must learn to‘ insert the diaphragm ‘ ’ -Many women have minor sidk effects when kept, often for as long as’&; .&onths, uatil-& taking [he’pil , such as slight weight-gainTo? %: p 1 woman’s fe& ~fitiiod is kn$&g.. In$e&$uGe viable sperm jlvhidh can swim from&$$tioist i=orrectly, so that .it c0kers . th6 cervix r Can>then b<avoide.d$t this time, Qr:&-n; of tl& XmpleteQ. One- 6f the maj9-r causes of an . &ange iri thei 5 cQmplexidns. These tiie*usii&y area near the v’agina all the way into the uterus not serioys, gut ;he- following si& ef@ts ’ Lb ; tb, fertilize an &$, and cause pregflancy. unplanned, pregnancy in diaphragm users is: mt&$&&e *depe&ent ~‘~e~hod&. ca& be use&+ exherience d&lQe .A$“’ Th&e metho& A _small sp,a&%ohtaining no air,.$h$$be ’ incprrect insert&i: .. ” shoul,$n’t be&norecj;.ifyou cannot be’ uied w&ho& pa&s- in the legs, . stiaitiipg and &onsiderfib!e-cotimittment “left at the ~end of $3 cond,o,qr? $6’ ikceive.;the _Correct ins&~&n. .-is I &ualiy. -m&t easily -_<vision, sk~$$:he&aches& to t& ’ stop taking the $1 (use atiothe$orm of-birth sem,en. Vaseline, poils,(oir- iotions’shouid nevqr taught- bi, one woman to another, but the -method. In addition, youn& college 60rn& -cFntrc#and: iqF:,,yaur. doctod as soon as . ,be used qs lubhcahts, as they cause;:the doctor should be ab!e.Co help ybu.“You s.hould . -rrnn;LIA , .under the%tr&s /of seh%1w6+k and exam), $ . *: i’ ‘c&Iom’s rubbm to’d,&eriorat& ‘1 always check’ta tiakt%ure. the diaphragm is in correctly 5&te+ig YOU-r dei-;vix w@i .&e or fw6 [fingers’n ,t&%ag~n$fi is e$sy.tb feel the i-ubber covering , .yJ 15:; Uf<Y;j.;! . . ‘*Ethe c~@x~. I:, .~~e;~~~hr~~:~h~u’a~~~~~ted nQ &r;Pi than one htiuibefore intercaursb left-in _ ation occurs (called-c~it~s.interuptns-2:ig not-& The Intrauterine I&vice (IUD) ’ ,fo’r &ght.hours afterward. it doesn’t interfere-at’ : The container of foam should deshakkn very m&ha@, n,~~,&~~&&j& ..p.f-‘&hf.& all with sensation, either’-for .the man or t-he The IUD is a small plastic loop; 7-shape! or T- : , iffe&ve :w& to .tiix the active ingredietit intothe b&se, ~eptive fbam al‘orie, ‘-MeithOd.$ $&i&age not & shape (may -be-rwlound with &p‘per) which’ is ::a$ then the applicator (which comes with t,& , woman. Douching, ‘if done and it isq’t all eff~tive.inC~~~e-Semijnj~e.hy~~~~*~od.~c~,. inserted, *intoi theL.wyorp@ by 8 doctdr, and is :p?ckage) is pu&@l down+pver the head +t!e, -necessary, _ ,shouJd be left ‘until Bfter the . effgctive in pr&+nting pregnancg as long as it is ” doutil&hg;*ui-inafitiafing $qrectly @f@&i~,t+f$$&s$ ‘container. The app!icaioT will fill with foam, diaphregm is re.poved, _ - b=Wf~+w a baby, orb& pl+@vpfy#j An app%%tor $11 of contfadept&e foam ’ : ie pJa;ce: It’istho, w.qrk by &awing white which then sho’uld b”e ifiserted deep int’o ,t,he &a&, -’ z - -. ‘~kp..~.~;gI~s .; -.& the , ,blood.: eelis ,to- ,t.he- <womb, preventing .vagina. The.applicator should be pushed&to I ghould be ‘-used’if. you h&e.inf&courselagaip _f&lized egg fr+ impl&ting.’ - -. . B :’ ,._, ‘:;, %Thk,M,or&g x$&t ,h@@y:4i,::.,,P, if.1 .the vagina ts, far as-it will go coifqrtably, then withic. the _$iht hour , per@. Neither jell$nor foam ‘is: very effective I 16 addition, the copper in some +lU D”s is a ,\drawn back bpproximately one ir+ and , contraceptive .Thkre ye Ipiffereht types&Ztior&g &‘t& The IUD dcjesr$t- ,pr_evcnt _, p~llsit~ailable~~ut alId t&sa~$l+~g~pr&@ :.depress the plun@r to place the Qaina‘e-ar wheri used aith~~~‘the,~aphra’gm. ; f , good sperqicide. i . _/.Ithe conception, but. it ddes prevent lt& develop1cervix. The effectiveness’ & inter&&se-dependent. the fert&ed egg f~ornitnpl&$&$~~ @+&#& @etit’ 6f th&.f&iIi@d egg. Dependfng%n the’ i t&eufer& $he.pill‘taking;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Contraceptive foam should &ed .f&to methods vary from ‘arourid 8O.g: .to 9@@ , ty@, I g d’s’ba&? left ih place‘for op& year, two - within 72 ho& j,thir!y minuies. .bef&e intercoprse to. en&e ’ depending &J _ho% .coi$ci&tiously the of intercdurs$- &$<$$. & .adequate spreading of the foam&fter the p-an.’ . methods ate use~,ia,r?~~hownat;~rallyfeitilethe Year% o6anY Years- - .: ’ ’ effdctiie, but, it ig ,best to: sta& tfik ‘niohi@ The I U @ is ,ig$e$f@-during: a n&&t.rual ’ u.-Xter’. has ejacul+ed,. he.‘&ould with&& f$@$@e couple is (abavt.l10% ofall pesple are lessthan, They can qatise-vosifting ~,n&&,&. ;, ‘is not _ “vagina as SO&J @,,possible, holdihg the $a& of-: maximaUy$&il~~, ‘T&‘-biggest faetof in- the . period .to> enstire:. that a1 yomag These pi& .will only l$$&$$&&@$~-b&~~~@ ,the condo&&s not-io$llow any se&en to le& I eff&tivengs$ of th$e‘ methods is the u%ers the longlti%m‘eff&ctswtif t a?e ‘&igl& ‘out. I_ ,_ - -1. _ .- , I ihemsel-ves. \-I - They h&t be p&crib& . , M.ost failures.< tit#? the feamTand&&dom: -..+~~~&,~~~ <se, j \. -.‘..: _. _ Z ,,, .n@4ift.&pntL .A ,wrornan-~~~~~~~~-pre~~~~~~. I. _, , methoS) occur from b>ieakage (from an old or ... ..yec,, while.takieg them. . , :b Thip,ri;i:ed~Cation b ~~~~e~s~~~~y dii,~to~~~at defective coiiddin,‘& because no space.wasI5fc r vI,hdep&dem$ &&ads;c’ ” ’ ’ at the end), ffom failure to put ttie conQCr@+t@ ,.- The !-wi, metfiods ii$&is ca&or$,< t_he‘FQl ’ He@th $@rv$e3 tog?ther with a talk &ti& before all penis-vuIe& contact, 9r beca%$$t?& I 1 and the IUD, is&fer& very’ -littie $,&h -the ““;I@@ co$$ to, l+l.p &w&nah tirevent .q& __., man stays in {oo long and his penis shriti$$i,--- ;.gpantaneity ~~~e~~Ut,,~thre~~~~e q &oe$&s fut$< ye$d far this ,;&$dic&&p.- Kit&hen&$., allowing-sernen*QJeak outartiucd th? bottw’!‘, ~~$x&&natib~ &d.@,@sc&$on &$t..ii&\Nokah. 1 .-W8t&oo .h&pit& sU;l)l : && gis&& -@&of the condom. If any of-these tpings liapp&i:%&h e&oie’ &in& ‘t-6 .kome’ &dical risks .byt ,is geneI'a~l~,;nsym'path~tic. ‘; .’ m&i&&d 4 , >--an’extra akplicato!: of f&m, inserta. &6ned.ywhi& ark much =Ieb$seiiiotisthati tIie medical ~ ,, r ‘iately into the vagini, wilJ h&p q preveht risk+ df -pregnancy. . _.: by sbme women. . . “_. ’ The Pill: - ,’ -- ’ ‘;’ : ’ . If intercourse is iepeatefl; a new eond0ti &nd _ .an additional applicatpr ,of foam should be The birth contr61 pill usually cdmes in&- ‘1, ,used. If the woman. wishes t6 do-uche she d?y pat@. The first cycle&rts five days after : #should ,wait at least eight - ,hotirs ’ after “the‘beginningbfthe woman’s menstt;u$l period , intercourse. Both.-don&ms - and ‘foams are and Fnds wbe’n the pack is finiqhed. Otie. p-11 every d’ay at the&me time’evc I y ‘available withbut piescript&-n at any @‘od, $ust’b&&en pharmaqy,. . - ,_ . ’ _j . ,\_ day. The pill contains/hormones muzh 1ikF 2) The Diaphragm:‘. ’ j ’ $hose normally present in a wQman’S body d;ld 1 The diaphragm ‘is a dom&sha!ped, .rubber _ these mu,st @ i’nainta-ified at 8 constant level ia ’ gevice that fits eve; {he ceyvij! and holds the blood to preient pregnancy. contraceptive .cream 0r jelly agairr’st t’he The contracepfivt action c&not be guaranopening: of the* cervijr, thus blocking th$ e.ntry : X&d. dbrihg ‘Xhti fitst.’ Cycle, and so ahother. of sperm. A diaphragm should be fitted by g ’ method 6f contraception, such- as foam ‘and ‘-doctor, or trained titirse, .w!!1/Chooses the oondo,m,-shotild6e&ed. ’5 I ’ i correct size for the woman’s internal shape. After a pack of pills is finished, there is a Neither the .bowe.l nor> the bladder should seven day .‘rest’ period du-ring which there -is a ,be full when the diaphragmis fitted, and the fit, light men$trtial.‘period:,apzI t$e‘&xt-cycle 6,f: : should be checked after-a weight gain or loss of pills is sta&e@. oil the S*~ITJ$day..@~tha pr&ious pore than ten poun&, or- after abdeminal, , cyc!es. .!f any pills $re n$ssgd; th.ey should be surgery. About one and one half teaspoons *of taken,ae SQ~R as po’ss@,& \.I.a - . I ‘. - -. :- . -._ spermicidal cream orjelly(e.g. Ortho-Gynol or Ortho-Creme) is spread arotind thefnside of’ / _ .If2moretbanf&o’&lls . . ._ , , are taken off sched&;yI

. _





-h. \ _. i /

-. -\ \


‘7?7 John. Curti& h& bieri d&g Impr&t gra~hicsfor a’few &ars *jzow, und his&& has been d&eloping ,oi)er this tiine. His : Jigures rem&i x fairly simpie, but some feel that this is-the proper way in, which td convejt his hum&r. l%Ough his graphics somet<mes verge ‘dn the sexist, they often -make -a -charming corn-- metitary on W&&sity\\ l@e. I- = -3 ‘, ----z


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of Students



Attention all Clubs!

Cam-pus Shop

ln order to retainrecognitionduring the academicyear 1982-83, all clubs must do the following:

Fall & Winter Jackets

(excludingall society-recognized clubs)

(Regular and Talk) Crested sweaters and t-shirts. Co-ordinated shorts, sweatshirts, sweat pants, and hooded shirts Special Orders? We can supply you with everything you need; Crested T-shirts 81 Sweatshirts, Embroidered Sweaters, etc

1. Submit a list of their executivesincluding: - names - addresses - I.D.Numbers - telephonenumbers - Xtles - Studentstatus(grador undergrad) 2. Submit a membership list containing: - names,in alphabeticalorder - signaturesbesiderespectivenames - studentI. D. numbers - studentstatus(undergrador grad)


Lower MaI.1 Campus Centre Ext. 2188 Note: Federation fees subsidize this service to allow every-day low discounted prices I

As well, those clubs wishing financial assistance must submit detailed budgets and an outline of plannedactivities. : All pertinent information should be transmitted to Helga Petz in the Federation Mice, Campus Centre room 235, and is requiredno later than October 15,1982 t6 be consideredfor the year 1982-83.

Monday To Friday 10:00 to 12:45 2:00to4:30

“A Friendy Phe to Shop” for fee paying Federation members

TheCreativeArts Board of the Federation of Studentspresents,for your enjoyment, an unconventionalpair of one-actcomedies. TWO ordinary guys buildinga tower to heavenhave second thoughtson th ie

Almighty’s doorstm.

“1 wonder 11any mathematrcran has done serious research on the efficacy of prayer. For example: you’re walking down the street thinking “God, if I don’t get laid tonight, I don’t know what all.” (A common form of prayer) 1he’prayer IS uttered with no real belief in its causal properties. But if you do get laid - think on that for a moment, will you? If you do manage to moisten the old wick, how many people would stop before, during or after, and give thanks to a just creator?”







The two plays will be performed together, starting at 8 pm, September8,‘9,10, & 11, in the Theatre of the Arts, Mod&n Languages Building. Tickets will be $3 general, $2.50 for Fed members and $2 for all frosh. Warning: Frequent foul language may be offensive.

24 Hour




.. t






1.s .d mve- Martm; -Jotmny -Larson; : _ j im. Lurry, IattoO, And)/ Kau~lsl’m.,n,Carol _. ‘Ghan plgl tlv[s 1)Jresl,ey,L hadie I

The .*smen’s cdntingent,,fisi~hed*second in., Ontario last &son, losing out to Ci AU. @htimps Univeisiajr .of, ,Western InCarjo.. Five metibers of that t&$&areteturni~ thisseason,ana Marjama, Pat -Wardlaw~~.,Li~.~ AI&den,, PattmYoore,and ac$&‘Gibson. Anothe’rpdssible r&urnee is Ulrick6&gelder, rho i+$riently injured but maj-bt: ready for com&ition. In?$d$tidn, vkteran Rhonda Bell will be rejoining the @rri$$ this’.fall after being sidelined Jast season withan injury; lfc&’ Magreen Marshall (a; 3:43 marithonert and Lisa Ia$pf’@$~ti strong track runner) may,apply t@elr talents to toss-&@@ry this- season. ‘-This depth would be ‘a plus for I , > I!.at&oo;\ H&,$&~,~ the Athenas yvitif%l the lbss of key member’ ;ndreiA7’&azmowski, who has transferrep .t6 Ca<leton. Still, 16&h ..-&a6 Adamson states‘that &e women $e aiming to

3 -

i. GC.’ / .

I * +


: ,

- _





_ : .

I ~



:. . *’ interested iin. Feceiving coaching %nd moral support, did not run up to par in the.fihal meet. r club . - _ The Warrioi-s have l&t some- key -kunners through memb+ship is only $5.00 and you’can sign up at the injury clinic giaduation - Ted.M,urphy, Tom Schmidt, Ray Costello, and in PAC Blue Nqrth (lower level). Ga@ Hutchitison. Another. top ,‘compet&r, Mark Intian: 6 ’ ” i/Al&r A’dam-son, who $411 be chief administrator for th& men curreritly injuied, arid.hispartidipat$@thisseason is uncertain: . _ is w,ell as-the homen, coirntients that the strength ofthetnen’s Despite ,theSe losses, t>he men have several fiossible rerturtiqes. ,‘,._team is’hnkfibw6 at pres;efit, but he is hoping for,a finish iti the foi fhe coniing season - Rob I-Jardy, fioug Brown, Girl Orok; . a.UAA top ‘four. Adamson also emphasized that the mei7and -I, Bru& -Iiarsis, Dave Stuart, Dar( Vandervoort, -and -Markwome*n%would. be working together more closely this ‘season, ,H&&@ian. IA addition; the Warriprs will, gain top _freshman doing separat! wofk&ts l&it in the same vicinity. _ ..; +: :I ,; +.-+ -Therefore, one of This -chief goals is to develop a good’team . prtispect Mike Houston Jr.;& Waterloo. 1. i . Houst&s’f&the.r,, Mike Sr., isalso a top runnef*andafoime,r .+tmdsphere, where the guys and gals will provide each ot’her ~/W~ar& ,D,r.s )Ioi;ston -is curreqtly a pro%ssof iii t&c : -. :with mutua! support. Adatijon is op’timistic that a.posit,i,ve . Kinesiology department, and will once again be. a, Warrior environment will lead to good perforpancesfrom both squads. r cross;co’tidtry -coach. He will sh,are the honours wi@:Brian .. Both the kthenas -and the Warriors will meet tough ” Fatrari~~;:.~~~d.a~hletic theyapist at IJ W., -I _.!: ‘, ; ~ ‘. . compe&idn this year. Western, Guelph, and Torontoare likely I t? be strong .on thk; women’s side,-and-C!AU champ &nne-% 0 Marie Mal6ne Gibp ,rtinning for Que.en’$, For.,‘the*&ep, - .>-‘Queen’s, ToSonio, i and. ‘Lgurentian :will prdvid,e stiff , competitioti. q ’ i I *_ I If you wish td: see the cross-country teaim in action, t&-e is a ./ home‘i&itational me& October 23. \.

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. ,,,,

i. 1 In -addition to cross: decathlete, will coach ;hi ’ --country, Waterloo has an throwers. , outdoor track arid field team. The War.rior’s ‘strengths They are not as visible to mos’t ,dppear to be in the icing and. .-&&x~ts due to the abbrevtriple- jumps and middle disc :iated season and lack of ho&e tance events. Many members . ’ me$. ’ The outdoor track of the cross-country team will ,( season is $#atively low-key, likely run mitidle distance. , ~ : since it ;is 6ainly prepsration For the ;Ptherias, highj,um@ . for 6 longer inds$,season. appegrs to be the b$&vent. : _ -Leslie Estwick, former , IBoth ‘the qeh and women: OWIAA chakpion, , and I afe .in ,dite -:-Feed of. sprinters Elaine Veenstra will be strong ’ and throwers/ and welcome .’ contend&s. In addition, most ‘. any interested $uder& to try” of the cross-country women -out @e.list of org&nizational w-ill a!sp ,$omp&e in- iniddle f’ meetings)., - _ distance), providing depth in these events. Chiei administrator ‘Alan *-When asked about the Adwson ha: &noun$ed two ‘t&m’s goals for this season, assistant coaches for 1the Alan Adamson’s only comco,&ng season. Andy Heal, an ment was that’he would like to apprentice coach for the Onsee increased participation,&‘ tario Trackiand Field Assdc- I pecially in field events. Come. ..iatio,n, will coach the long and out+of. .the woodwork andyjdin, t. f: -.triple,;jgXmpers.. Sco&WhitT., T, -$p,, ‘Y-W , : by Tammy Htirt16




UW team finished UW wotien’s crdss country country’team finiihed s&ond in onlast year; they are iooking strong foi this year too, thanks in to team member Lisa- Ar&den&bove) who is returning to along with severdl team-members.


, s ,

The The tario part ’ U.W



,,.- “FOR-A

Warriors 1lLi@uf I by Jim Jqrdan The pla_ce: the Physical Activities Complex, UniverSity of Wat@oo; The- situation: The Waterloo Warriors a!? trailing the Generic Utiiverl;i‘ty No-names 76-73 with one minu,te to go in 2n important ~asketballgame. rhree thousand, Wat+or fans ’ are watching dejectedly. Suddenly a’ man, sitting-by the Red%outh exit, standsand starts p!aying a steady beat on t bass drum four feet in diameter. The people behind liti stand; pick up their nstruments @d start playing L rousing, repetitive tune. The ‘ans fo’llow .the lead of the$e ,eogle.and+join in by standing tnd clapping with the band. The Warriors, ‘spurred on )y the crowd, steal the balland _ sun it down the coui-r-for a luick two points. Aftera cheer hat drowns out the anfiocn:er’s voice, the crowd led ri-j;. tie band ctintinues:its relentess clapping. A “GUN shot is nissed. Waterloo grabs the rei Bound, passes the ball dgwn he court ‘&nd sinks a basket. The desperate, last.-second GU ~ hot falls short. as $9 .buizer _ ’ The Waterloo*Warriors Band celebfated its 15th anniversary with a reunion last_ Nove‘mber. .~ J ounds, and,the4%%d goes into The Warriors Band n@ihas. *over the Three I&&$,&. Warriors Band ‘1‘6th Annil he fast&t <rendition of The . 16 nototiousi glorious years riotes, in the 198 1 Na&nit-h”. versary Reutlion, held in coa: 91&k,. &$ :White -and %old behind it. It was @tided -in Classic. - junction with the 13th annu&l ver ?played to celebrate- the iqtory. / %” 1966 ,by-- David Greenberg, Naismith Classic bask&ball :th&‘-.+&hl:%; This yearwe have rno$e$ig _ .wurnament. H-ockey&l’6asTli& .bass drug 1is ‘. eti- . whd -‘jr&&p&:4fof tliings planned%~Z$ptem,ber ketball seasons continue in the blazoned *witha stylized War-- _ Anniversary” I$euiritin lait winter. ‘I iJ ior’g helmet, an@everyone in Novembe’r, along with the -18th the bind i,s travelli@& to beautiful.London,.Ontarrio for _ To get &-on all of this &id ’ he ban& is sportixig-a cap alid eight other ~leahers, or Chief th& Third Annual Complete h&t with a similar logo. This Centurions, of previous years. more, show up at the first neans one of two things: either And Utter Destruction of the meeting in the Village 1.Great , Past memories include, the -)i[all at 8:30 p.m. on Sebhe scenario above 1described band’s unofficial entrance into 3 Western M ustang Band, he Warriors Band spu&g t he the Oktoberfest dnd Univerwhere 9 football ga-Fe bettember j4thJor those of-you &ty ‘,- of. Western Ontario ween ‘the Warriors ast# Muswho ai-.e interested, but don’t :a’m to victory, or itdescribed -Homecoming parades, a tangs will be played’between. have ai itistrument w@.thqm, very good imitation of the rousing renditiop of _ The ’ -,gec?S for the efitertain,ment df don’t worry, the band had Varriors Band spuriing the . several of theirP*n. Come out :am to victoiy. Stripper at the O’Keefe Centre - mu& fans. and join the Warriors Band, in Toronto (we didn’t say we ’ The band6 ‘a+ gearing up “One of The ‘Bands in CanIn this case, it’s a very good played inside) f6r opera’fans, a for-its first official qhtrance in ada”. nitation. The real Warriors trip to the 1978 CIAU Basketland wouldn’t let a Waterloo ball Cha‘mp&shigs in Halthe K-W Oktoberfest parade ifax to inspire_ the Warriors, on Oc$ober 11th and UW’s :am fall ~bkhind (except may-Homecoming later in Otto- contact Cathy Brown, Cm& e at a football game, but we and the band’s -1eadtig of the Warriofs to their89-7fJviciory . ber. November brings the Centurion XI, ?t 884-4134.. ._ an’t help that). r : _j



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a-l? Vtiiii;;#, Ot FiW 4 Chipa (including •CkmChmdwrBack~~~~n,4*~Ot~konhn . BREAKFAST awed any Mno of dry.




@NlNG or TiKEq








armcnalr quarterlsacw. Y ou can watcn yoy~:~fl~o~~lte~port : \ Coach McCrae emphasizes -that the 1’ member-of Quebec’s provincial squad. by Tammy Horne - -, , l Athenas will havy a full schedule and will 198 I was a -year the varsity hockky . Syivia Boy& a Ph. Q. student in mathhave. many ,Qpportunities to compete ematics and a mainstay--to the middle :am would probably rather forget. against strong teamSShe is hoping for a. defence, will also -be back. Other 4ith leading scorer LisaBauer ill-and returnees include Ellen Clark, 1Shari finish among the top ‘four OWiAA arely able to play, and both-goalies or=j j,ME’ :L&JpJG;E, i ’ Carter, veteran defensive player Litida teams, an&feels that the clubshould,be. ijured, the Athenas contingent was - ‘.,I . H umphries, strong endugh and deep enough to 2. Linda Kbr_evaar, . .-and :verlly weakened, and lost a close .1-O - The excitement ,of the Top Forty )_lits’b&ding with ;icOn- - s I ’ accomplish this goal. Cyntha Struthers. nme to Queen’s in a game they had to temporapF M&sic guarantees stirn~l&ii$ *-conversation, Incoming prospects are at -‘present - 1 ., , in. As a result, the women’s field -.\ unknown, according to head coach Judy warm fgiendshi,ps and. the best of gcitid‘ tinies. : ’k ’ ockey squad finished a disappointing “I$oP&+, league competition wizbe “.>- I.-’ xth. . Mc%rae, who has coached the Athenas , tough. York afid Tb~qnto ars perehially This season,‘with 8 strong nucleus of. for the past eleven seasons. When . ‘strong, with national and .-’ ’ _ INVITES YOU To ~IS~TTHE. layers returning, the Athenas have the : queried about the team’s sirengtlis s ‘members. -Queen’s and Guelph ‘both otential to be-a force to be reckoned Coach McCrae answered, “If we get two have ‘the riiajority -of their players ’ o&fi b”EE.fq Ld”,&($E ’ ith, barring injuries. A healthy Lisa I or three quick freshmen, we should be a returning, ‘and both teams were fairly. . auer&ll return, along with nationally fast team: We will then be able to use strong last year. McGill is an unknown Come c&i, the sbip’s’b&dge and enjoy-a watm.and*riendly , srded player Jean Hewitt.. I quantity at pfesent, but they usually - mbre peopie on attack, sirice we will evening in an autbentk naut~ical atmo$ph&. A- pleasing __ Both women were members of the have stronger ability ‘to do &ore - cdntain a few Quebec provincial players, blend of Jazz, Dixiel&d. Music and FoIl&ger~ will surely. - ; bntario Select teim that played in an scoring.‘: and-have placed well consistently in the - , highlight your pl’easure c$se ‘aboard the i).&ean Q.ueen. 3 lternational tournament in Toro-nto. Another plus fo? Waterloo is the past. [owitt‘was the captain of that squad, abundance of msiture players, both For field hockey fans, the Athenas nd she also wais a member of Canada’s physically and mentally. Coach McCrae play three home exhibition games, Home Cooked ~d%als ‘- Daily Specials , , nder-2i’ tea& . ’ states, “They have-no @conceptions against York, Tbronto, and We&!rn. In , Goalie Barb Brubacher appears about themselves as players. They addition+ the leagie pre-final; which "CONVENIENTPARKTNG" '- _ zalthy for the coming season, and should be abli: toplayafujlgameagaitist determines who advances -- to the574. LANCASTER ST., iW’KITCHENER,, Illback Jennifer Shaw will return after better teatis and ‘they won’t panic in OWIAA final, will be held ‘October 23rd sloppy &m&or on bad fields.”


. . ,t

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lkZcI<ill~p r #’ needs linemen


. by Paul Condon The University of Waterloo Football Warriors, sixty-five strong, recently faced Head Coach Bob McKillop at the opening of his first football training camp in his new position. McKillop, who takes over from Wally Delahey this season, had mixed feelings as he assessed the personnel. “We have some terrific receivers and we have some experienced quarterbacks so our passing game should be in j good shape. We also have some very fast runners and that part



Imprint Sports. Tuesday,





of our game should be strong, as well. Where weappearto bein trouble or a little short of personnel is in ourdownlinemen. We need-more linemen, both offensiveand defensive if weexpect to do -well this season,” said McKillop. The receiving corps will be led by returnees Garry Garbut, the Warriors’ leading receiver last year with- twenty-five receptions, Larry D’Andrea (18 catches) and Gord Grace (10 catches). Grace was headed towards an outstanding season last year when he suffered a broken sternum and missed the second


half of the season. Two other returnees, Eric Thomasand Art Heier, along with newcomer Chris Naronowicz will give the Warriors a talented and deep receiving crew. “Naronwicz was on campus for two years without playing,” said McKillop. “He comes from Michael Power High School in Toronto. He can really fly, I’m glad that he decided to come‘out for the team.” Stan Chelmecki, starting his second year with the Warriors, threw the third highest number of passes in the league last year. , Leading the league was Dan Feraday from the University of Toronto. Feraday, who -is still with the Cincinnati Bengals at the time of writing, threw 3 15 passes last season. Mike Eykens from the Guelph Gryphons tossed 170 passes while Chelmecki recorded 142 attempts. X Chelmecki was successful on 62 passes for a 43.7% completion rate, good for 825 yards. George Goertz of the Warriors threw 68 passes. Between them, Chelmecki and Goertz threw a league-leading 25 interceptions. That’s one statistic which Coach McKillop will be-trying to reduce this season. Chelmecki may be backed up by a freshman. Wes Olmstead, from Regina, Saskatchewan, a walkon, has been impressive in the early workouts. “He’s big at 6ft. 1in. and he handles himself real well,” said McKillop. “We have some good runners in Dario Pretto (2nd year) and .Terri Tyrrell(3rd year). They are both fast and they both run aggressively. If\we can come up with the linemen to open the holes for them then our running game will be a good one. And we always have to hope that injuries won’t come into play and hurt our runners.” Kevin Adams and Mike White, both third-year players, will anchorlthe Warrior’s deep defense. Steve Parkhili and Mike Soligo are. being counted upon to have outstanding years as ‘linebackers. Both players are entering their fourth year of OUAA competition. Their experience should prove to be invaluable to the otherwise inex$perienced corps of linebackers. Some of the new.comers who have impressed Head Coach McKillop have been Sandy Mikalachki, a 5 ft. I 1 in. defensive halfback from London’(“He’s quick and he likes to hit”); Enzo DiMichele, a transfer,student from Sheridan College (“He has the best footwork of any of the linebackers that we have in camp”) and Vince Vetro (“He looks right at home in the defensive halfback spot”). Vetro is the brother of Laurier ’ graduate Dom Vetrp who now plays-with the Montreal .I Concordes. _ “While I wouldn’t want to use’an excuse, thecurrent ecnomic conditions have had an impact on this football camp,” said McKillop. “Four players whom we were counting upon, . -didn’t repor!. ‘Two of those players would have been starters. They all said that they had to stay at their jobs if they were to return to school this fall. I don’t know if other teams had this experience but it will sure have an influen~ce on our team this year.” The Warriors open their OUAA season this Saturday September 1lth, against the University of Windsor Lancers The game will be played in Windsor. Next Saturday, thr Warriors will play at Western before their first home game 0’ the season against McMaster on Friday, September 24th. Tha. game will start at 7:30 p.m.



The following is a schedule of home events for men’s and women’s fall sports over the next few weeks. We will provide updates as other activities begin their schedules. Come out and support our Warriors and Athenas. All full-time UW students receive a season ticket which allows them free admission to all Warrior football, basketball, and hockey events, All other sporting events are free to everyone. Men’s Football (at Seagram Stadium) Sept. 24: McMaster, 7:30 p.m. I Oct. 2: Guelph, 2 p.m. Oct. 9: Laurier, 2 p.m. + ’ L\ Oct. 23: York, 2 p.m. Rugby (at Columbia Field 29: Western, 4 p.m. I

:nt Oct. 23: RMC, 2 p.m. Men’s Soccer (at Seagram St :aditi m) . Sept. 15: Alumni Game, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 18: Laurentian, I:30 p.m ent. 22: Laurier, 7:30 p.m. %ept.‘29: McMaster, 7:30 p.m. L_ Oct. 2: Brock, 1 p.m. at Budd Park Oct. 17: Western, 12 noon Ott, 21: Guelph, 7:30 p.m. Men’s & Women’s Tennis (at Waterloo Park) Oct. 16: Doubles Ranking Tournament - Women Oct. 23,24: West Section Playoff Tournament - Men Men’s Water Polo (at PAC Pool) Oct. 2: First Round Playoffs Oct. 16, 17: Oktoberfest tournament at Laurier Men’s Golf (location to be announced) Sept. 20: Waterloo Invitational Men’s and Women’s Cross Country (location TBA) Oct. 23: Waterloo Invitational, 1:30, p.m. Women’s Field Hockey (Columbia Figld) Oct. 13: York,d4:30 p.m. Oct. 20: Western, 5 p.m. Oct. 21: Toronto,,4:30 p.m. Oct. 23, 24: OWIAA Pre-final

‘A.CTIVITY Interested in participatitigin one of the manyintkruniversity athletic programs at Waterloo? Coaches for the various varsity level teams are looking for students to come out to the initial mee&ngs and practices and try out for the teams. According to one department spokesman, “There’s not a year goes by in which we don’t have numerous ‘walkons’as members T of odr teams.” If you would like more information regarding interuniversitjr sports, contact the coach of the sport you’re interested directly. Warrior listings are for the men’s teanis and Athena listings are for the women’s teams. If youdo plan-to try out for one ofthe teams, you should attend the organizational meetmgs. Most ofJhose meetings take place in PAC Room 100 1, which is located on the bottom floor of the PAC building in the Blue South Corner,.which is,closest td the student villages. If you are unable to attend th& fiist organizational meeting phone ior contact the coach. More information on any aspect of the sports program cab be obtained from the receptionist of the ‘athletic departm&nt in the PAC b.uil&fig. _







Badminton Judy McCrae - 885-l 211, Ext. 3663 -= 669-8423 Basketball - Don McCrae 885- 12 11 L.Ext. 3088 669-8423 Cross Country Alan Adamson ’ 885 1211, Ext. 3156 886-8808 Curling T. B.A. , Contact W&y-Delahey, 885-1211, Football Bob McKillop ‘-- ’ 885-1211, Ext; 3#49 ?45-9356 G61f Carl Totzke .- - 885-3 211, Ext. 2474 88%4j88 Hockey . . Jack-Birch - -- 88!%1211 ,.Ext. 3156’ Derek Humphreys ,685-l 211, Ext. 3156. 8847343 Rugby Soccer* . JohnYincent 885-l 211 ,,Ext. 3257 893-3-l 94 Skiing, Alpine . T.B.A. Contact W&y Delahey, 885-l 2.l1, ‘Skiing, Nordic Nick Scheier 885-1211, Ext. 3156‘885-0739 Squash Barney Lawl’ence Contact Wally Detahey, 885-l $11, ‘Swimming and Diving Dave Heinbuch 885-1211, Ext. 3156 888-7533 Tennis -. . Carl Totzke 885-1211, Ext.. 2474 885-4188. Water Polo Lou Wagner _ 744:7111 ’ Volleyball Dave Husson $ 885-1211 i Ext. 3156 821-4873 Wrestling ’ John Gourlay 885-l 211, Ext. 3156 621-4968 -Track and Field Alan Adam&n 885-1211, Ext. 3156 886-8808





j - ‘_

Tues. Sept. 21 7:00 p.m. PAC RoQm 100-l - Wed. Sept. 15 5:00 p.m. PAC Room 1,001 Tuei;. Sept. 14. ?6:00 p.m. PAC Room 1001 Ext. 3151 . *@going Seagram Stadiutl” Tues., Sept. 7 1:30 p.?. Conestoga GC Thur. Sept. 16 6:00 p.m. PAC Room 1 QOl Tues. Sept. 7 4:00 p.m. Columbia Field Weti: Sept: j? 5:3Q p.m. ColumbiaZiel$l Ext: 3151 Thur. Sept. 23 6:30 p.m. PAC Room lOOi Ext. 3151 “_ Mon. Sept. 26. 5:OQ p.m. PAC Pool Deck, Thur. Sept. 9 &OO p.m. Waterloo TC .‘Mon. Sept. 13. 6:00 p.m. PAC Pool . T.B.A. Contact Wally Delahey, Ext. 3151 .T.B.A. con@& Wally Delahey, Ext. 3151 Tues. S&&.14 6:30p.m. PAC Room 1001

-----------, .



Qff the season



BUdN&S *’

Badminton Judy McCrae Basketball Sally Kemp . Cross Country ‘s - Alan Adamson Cijrling ‘Judy McCrae ’ Field Hockey Judy McCrae Gymnastic5 ’ Keyin Eby Skiing, Alpine T. B.A. _ Skiing, Nordic Nick Scheier ^ Squash b Wendy Frisby Swimming and, Diving ’ Dave Heinbuch Synchronized ‘Swimming Helen Gordon . Tennis Sandy Macovik Track and Field ’ -Alan Adamson Volleybail ’ Pat Davis Figure Skating - T.B.A. i ,

by Paul Condon n_l0hton, Al,certa next sumbc, back ,at the centre .halF Following - the Fotitball mer. I -,position. . . . 1Warriors ifi getting - off the An&h& offensivl s_tar, Kogmark thj U W Soccer Warribrs “We depend a lot oti having F&h I+ehn&;,w@o joined the swing- into action this Sat- _ team in1 ,mi$lseason, and who -players coming out witli the was seledted as ‘the Most urday and Sunday(September team who are really unkriown I lath a’nnd 12th); when they par- - V&uab_le .Plgyer to the >tart of the season. in last -ticipate ,in the McMaster Inseasqn’s OUAA. championThese walkons.form the basis vitationalZ&&cer tournament, ship tournament, will be back of most interuniversity The .Warriors will be urider ’ at UW this year t but he’s a teams,” said Coach Vincent. the direction. of second-year reluctant soccer player. “We take them as the-y-are and Head Coach John Vincent. Ko-Fann hails from Singatry to use, their best features in 1 When asked what he’ll be’ poFe atid is attending UW as a a Gay -that will --mximize the doing differently this year; he visa student. -It is ‘imperative performance of the team. By replied, “We’ll win the final.” that,he-maintain his good aca- , t!he time that they come out for Vincent’s comment re<Trred to deinic ‘standing an-d he is our team, they_havedeveloped last year’s championship game reluctant to become involved their patterns for that parin which the Warriors lost to in any activities that take him titular year. We keep changes Laurentian 2-O. Those two ’ away from his studies. He is-an to a minimum. We work with teams had finished one-twb excellent player who drew the players to develop, team ‘* during.league play. raves from the other coaches iri unity." “I’ve lost my entire mid-field . the OUAA after he joined the unit from last year,” said_ team last season. Coach VinThe Warriors will play their Vincent. “I’ll hake to start cent hopes tha? he will be able first hc&e game of the season working on that section of;he to persuade Ko-Fann to-join next Wednesdai- &$&ember team right from the first work- - the team. .- ) 15th) at Seagram Stadium. 7 au-t,. If we get s&ne talented - _That’ game will feature the 1^ ,newcomers to fill-those spots, Peter Bulfpn, the man who I- Warriors against thiir ahimni. ’ then we should have anoth-er saved -the’ Warriors in a lot of -One of the players expected to strong entry this season,” Vinclose matches last yiar, should play for *the Alumni will be cent concluded. be-back for his t&d yearas the . Harry Chri&kis, an OUAA Leading the returnees will War’riors’ goaltender. Pet* , All Star. ,in his playing%iays be the Warriors’ Most ValGardi_ner, ,a freshman last -- ,with the Warri<irs last year. uable Player of last season, season who finished second on The Warriors’ first league _ Tommy Abbott. The WaterAbbott in Warrior -scoring, game will be played on loo native had quite a seasOn will be back. I Saturday, September i&h at last year, He led the Warriors SeLast year’s Warrior ro>kie. /Seagram Stadium. 1~ will be a in scoring and was a league all of the year, Marii Formter, replay of last year’s champstar. He was selected to the Aliwill retuin. He fini ‘led behind ionship game with Laurentian Canadian soccer team and he i Abbott and Ga-$ner in tke visitors. Fans are invited to was selected to the Canadian scoring 1as.t season. Joe Francome out for that game. ‘There team for the World Student cavilla, another second-year is no admission charge. Game Games scheduled for Edplayer wikh the Warriors will - time is !:30 p;m. - .T : -\









- -. EVE


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885-l 21-1, Ext. 363 669-8423 T.B.A. . T.B.A: T.B.A,.> \* : . 885-l 211, Ext. 3533 63+5501 Thurs. Sept.-l6 5:OO p.m. PAC Rqorn iOO1 885-1211, Ext. 3156 886-8808 Tues. Sept. 14‘ 6:Ogp.m. PAC Rdom+Ol 885-121 i, Ext. 3663’, 669-8423 Meeting with the Curling Ciub T&.A. : 885-1211’, Ext. 3663 ‘669-8423 Mon. Sept. 13 4:QO p.m. PAC R&n 1001 885-l 211, Ext. 3156 884-74;11 Mon,Sept. 27 \ 5:00 p.,m. PAC ~~or%lOOl Contact PatDavis, 885-1211, Ext. 3146 885-f211, Ext. 3156 885-0739 Thur. Sept. 23 630 p.m. PA&born 160> 885-1211, Ext. 3156 886-1057 .Tues.Sept. 21 7:00&m. PAk.Room 1001 885-l 211, Ext. 3156 -888-7533 Mon. Sept. 20 5:Od p.m. PAC floom~_ 100’1 , . 885-l?ll, Ext. 3156 885-6477 Tues. Sept. 21 5:00 p.m. [PAC Room 1001 658-4691 . 658-6411 Wed. Sept. 15 6:00 p.m. PAC Room 1001 ’ 885-1211 F Ext. 3156 886-8808 Tues. Sept. 14 6:30 p.m. - PAC Room, 1001 ‘885-l 21-l) Ext. 3146 699-5305 Tues. Sept. 14 5:OO.p.m. PAC f$om 1 OQl\ I* Contact Pat Davis, 885-l 211, Ext. I..3146 E. c *.;,* -.: , -1 3”. rl .*;T’.a,, ,, ~ _ . ‘. &d .: .d -

I60 Univebity-,Ave. tit Qlr the .UNlVE&l~Y :SHOPSF PLAZA wATERlo; , _ 8864P45J), I. -- . I .,

Lation (Women) Leereation (Men) Lynn M&tag, Campus Recreation Sec. PAC, Receptionist


Important Numbers


Campus Recreation Office (Men’s) Campus Recreation Office (Women’s) EAC Toteroom (after hours 8811223) Sport Shop, PAC Seagram Gym, University Time _ (after hours 885-1230) Seagram Gym, to book non-university Waterloo Tennis Club Columbia Racquetball Club SecJrity$in case of emergency) .Health Services

Ext. Ext. -Ext. Ext. Ext.

Cashier’sOffice locatedon the first floor of 1ra.C.Needles’1. Hall. Membership feesare as follows: Annual: a) $60.00with l&ker .I ,b) $40.00without locker

2474 Rm. 2054 .3533 Rm.(2050 3532 Rm. 2040 3531 Rm. 2039 3302 Rm. 2039

‘p____-\’Il.-n nn-..1LL n--*x-1 erm;




time ,

885-1211 Ext. 885-1211 Ext. 885-1211 Ext. 885-1211 Ext.

3532 3533 2355 2370

885-1211 Ext. 886-1550 Ext. 8853920 8865870 885-1239 Ext. 885-1211 Ext.

3356 210 3211 3541

Dave Roebuck, Coordinator of Conveners Ian Chamandy, Coordinator of Officials Peter McNichol, Co-Aquatics Coordinator Rosalie Campagna, Co-AquaticsCoordinator Dave LeZvers, Co-Tournament Coordinator John Brioux, Co-Tourna’ment Coordinator Andy Raithby, Co-Publicity Coordinator Ondina Love, Co-Publicity Coordinator Diane Petryna, Co-Pablicity Coordinator Alice Armstrong, Fitness Coor ctmator *Carol Brown, Instructional Cot ardinator/ Noel Bucklev, Ret Team Soort Coordinator

Ext. Ext. ’ Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. C..L rat. Ext. Ext

3532 Rm. 2040 3532 Rm. 2040 3533 Rm. 2050 3533 Rm. 2Q5O 3532 Rm. 2040 3532 Rm,. 2040 3532 Rm. 2048 3532 Rm. 2040 3532 Rm. 2040 *c’)‘1 RIII. D- L”JV -lncr\ 3553 3533 Rm. 2050 3532 Rm.‘2040





b) $20.00without locker I .

No refunds will limited supply

be given


two weeks

of purchase.

of lockers is available.


i Cnildren . Children of membersare allowed to use the PAC facilities on Sundaysfrom l&l-5:00 p.m. and MUSTbe accompanied by the.memberwhen they are using the facilities. \

/ Lockers Lockers and basketsare availablefor facility users. Full-time student locker., will be assigned Friday, September17.


’ an& -Job -0pportunitie;s Presentlyover 700students per.year are involved in the organizationand administrationof the CampusRecreation programas;Council representatives,lifeguards,instructors, club executives,conveners, referee-in-chiefs,officials,student assistantsand volunteers. It is a fundamental objectiveof CampusRecreationthat the more students involved, the better the program. Whether you want -to gain somevaluableleadership-experienceor earn some-Rocket money or just be involved in an exciting program, come and seeus in rmrn 2040or 2050PAC. /


on page 19

-IY.,”.I”.-,,“” / =r.-..w..r.

I #g.&#@~fId _* I /

-0 I?y our highquality photofinbh3ng . b Ms&t cdoirr pfiotos back in b&one haw (Mktkioo) l Refirints in just 20 minutes% (Water+). .a l Custom- enlargements l Cibachrome prints from slides ii 10 minutes (Kit.) (Wat.) l Pasqport, citizenship photos in fitie minutes ’ ‘0 Audio-visyal rentals _






‘H.m. - 12%) p.m.


3. RecreationalSwim: NO lanesroped”in pool. Sat. & Sun.

200 p.m.

i 4 p.m.

Individual Activities

l$e&eation’ ., ‘.

1 .

The objective of this level is to facilitate the effective u&e dc one’s leisure time. More and niore gople_are l&ginning to p_refer to plan their own recreation. Over 3000 participatiokrs o&ur each week in this ca’sual informal tp.of play. Whether you want to swim, play a friendly game-or jog, this- typ of play should-be suited to you. J Facility times have been set aside for informal drop in forms bf recreation or for you to book. Please refer ttiour< section on Facilities for greater detail bn hours ofi dperatioh;

To Get Involved


-. ..

Simply plan it );ourself by: 1. Booking a squash or tennis court. 2. Drop in the pool during Recreatfonal or Fitness $vims. 3. Find a partner from the Partners Board. 4. Use the weightroom during operating hours. 5. Look at a weekly gyin schedule for open times or Ret i Badmintcyl. \






Open Gym Times the Weekly Gym Schedulesin

Check times. basis.




the PAC for open for activity on a first ‘come



Jogging and Weight Training


_ Pick up,a free brochure on jogging and weight training inclu$ng mileage routes from the C-R office and use the .. ‘* appropriate facilities. ._ ..


Squash and Racketball (see facilities) Simply

book a court

the day before

and play.



-*Swirriming (see facilities) 2. ,Tennis Instructors - Thurs. Sept. 16, 5:00 p.m. room 2045 PpC. 3. Swimming Instructors - Fri. Sept. 17, 6!30 p.m., Pool, PAC . 4. Fitness Instructors - Sat. Sept. 18, 9:OO-12.00 p.m., room 1001 PAC. 5. Squash Instructors - Thurs. Sept. 23, 5:00 p.m., room 2045 PAC.

Volunteers The Campus Recreation program needs your help to run the various activities and to assist others in task completion. We need people to write articles for Imprint use, take photos, cartoonis&, assist in special projects and other related actiyities. Working for this program gives you a chance to apply your classwork, whatever discipline, &e’ve got a place for you. To get into it, just drop by our offices, room 2040 or room 2050 PAC. WE NEED q0lJ.l

Athletic Club Executives (Voknteer, free club membership) -i


Conveners/Referees-in-Chief (Rate: $sb - $100 depending upon the number of teams)

Campus Recrea

Students are employed,as league organizers either as Convenors or Refqree-in-Chiefs. People selected fbr these positions are interested, have had previous organizational experience, and have played the activity. Selection will be \ Fade by the appropriate Director.


Each term over 100 maie &d,femalestude&s are emoloved to referee the various com&titive &gues and tour&&e&s. Students receitie special training through &inicsi& l&arn the. art of refereeing. This year, a new referee RATING SYSTgy* ... is in effect to improve our refereeing System. An “A” rated referee is one who has met all three of the following criteria: attend 1 training and 1 clinic session, have a good or ,better referee-in-chief evaluation and hand in at least 90% score on their exam. As well tl.&y mast have two of the foliowihg four criteria met: be certified, refer& 15 games, good or better team eialuation,‘bP reliable ahcl . responsible. A “8” referee is otie who has not met the !!A” criteria. The training sessions kill feature the following; , 1. Orientation to refereeing and assignment of g&mes 2. expert teaching for 1% hour clinic, ahd assignment of . _ games 3. pre-playoff review, problem solving, and assignment of games /

of Officials. contact Peter Hopkins, /

Thurs. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Wed. Tues.

Sept. 16 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Oct. 6 Nov. 2

Pool Staff and Instructors

5:45 p.m. '545 p.m. 5~45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m& 545 p.m. 5145 p.m.


General dpeiating Hours IrIIS ;


La.. Sun.

113 13s 135 135 135 CC 135 CC 135

($5.00-$6.OO/hour) ’

To become,and instructor: /


To bools,~ ho&s . call. _ 8&1211 Ext. 3% duiine OPEN hours !y,re~$erve gym tin&, after h&s,-??$n@&hboard phdfie ls.‘885-1238.\, . . .






- Thurs.



+, ‘ ‘11,,, - ’

Crcrqs Country Ski Maps and Rentals




Cross country ski inaps, outlining over 20 ski areas within 30 km from the University are gvailable from the C-R office as of Nov. l/82. The outers club have a limited supply of skis and boots for rent. r-





after 9:OO a.m., 48 hours in advance of Coufls are heavily booked, so f+e earlie: - I J courts are free of charge;

The gymnasiums are heavily-u’sed by a variety of groups from ,Univer+y events, i’ntercollegiate programs, skillsGeneral Booking &i Cqurt Times rlmx~r Ad rm-nr8l.C RaM.~.3t~mrr -..n grams. Thus, each wee.k LI..YYL” UI.U LU“ywci I.LL.FclLI”II .yzy Fall Schedule: the 0p.n free-time gymnasium spat :e does vary, It is Sept. 7 - Oct. 29, 1982 - exclusive University use of all ’ c in111 courts .~ .- */-IL. y- .important IEat you check the WEEkY cTv I cvbf . I 1.1 srucnrrr uLIIbyvYu . ’ the PAC for open times, &c Badminton times or other General Haw of Operation: programs. For specialrbookings contact Pat Davis, E%t. 3146. ’ Monday - Friday 900 a.m. - 1i:OO p.m. Space is kimited. \ ‘Sunday \ 1:OO p.m. - 11:OO p.m.’ ** Special events pre-empt general recreational use. Squash/Racquetball Courts _ ,’ *+ Closed: Monday, October ii, 1982 - Thanksgiving There are 8 American singles and 2 doubles co& I . -1,. open time. .. ----.1-n 1 Ior c- use auring Friday, December 4,1982 - Sunday, January 2, avauame I'AC Kacquetba%players 1983. normally book courts 1013 and 1014. Court time is 40 / /. minutes. Winter Schedule . Nov. April special court times and schedules are Regulations: available from the C-R office as of Oct. 15, 1982. 1. Phone bookings are riot accepted. ” 2. A member can book in person only one court time/hay as per book&g procedure. \ Pool 3. Eye protection is strongly reconimended. , PAC hours in effect from: 4. Oply non-marking San footwear is permitted. Sept. 7-12 limited opgration depending on staff availability 5. Your I.D. card or membhship card is to be shown when i Sept. 13 - Dec. 18, F below. . booking. 1. Recreational an~~it&ss Swig: 6.~ If you are not there within 10 minutes of you’ booked During these time& t&b areai?o$ the pool B. and c will be time, you lose your playi?g priviledge. ’ used fad fitness swims or person? swimming lengths. 7.- Special bookings will pre-empt bookings sucbas C-R Area A is reserved.‘fgr per%who are not swimming tournament, Kin classes, etc. continua, ,en@,,s;. : : J.. 2 ::’ %t!; Mon.



. _


We now have two exercise bikes for your us& The$are located in Red Activity area a’nd are available for use during open facility times in the PAC. _ j

1. One court hour/person/day c&be booked. 2. 1.0. cards or me&e&hip &rds must be .presented #when booking and playing. _ 5. Only tie-&‘s&oothfwhite s@ed shoes may be worn. 4. All players must, & fit+vhtt , wking, 5. Proper courtesy%$~~‘,at~ a-, P tirn?. ’ 6. Change facilititi dry available only&rln~ No$?mber ’ i\ April. I.,’ Racquets are available on a rental basis from PAC toter. 1. Call 8853920 your booking. the better. 2. All Universlfy

Exercise Bikes-

’ ’

Equipment Regulations:

- , Oct. 20 \ To Book’a Tennis Cohrt ,

set up tc ) improve your game. , .VI A r..l..-L:rT_lh~.~lu~~~v~ci rledas behind the historic Brubacher House. Come out anytime. Some clubs available ; through toteroom, PAC. (see facilities) / < ‘L Horseshoe Pitch ITWO areas located behind softball diamond on the Village ’ Green and 2 more areas beside Columbia field 5C near Brubacher House. Horseshoes are available& PAC r. 1 , -- -_. the --__ . ._ I ,’ toteroom. . : 7, : 1LOC~~~U --+orl hl.u.tb ~~VILII

_ If any group wants to book Seagram apart from the , Univqrdity tiines, contact City,Hall; 886-1550 Ext. 210. A rental charge is to be expected. No toteroom servjces are ’ available during non-university time.


\ --

Golf-I Course a* .. _ Nine nole pracnce course



Special’PAC Gym Closinti


Casuti Book&



Over 80% of the court space is available for recreatioT;al use. Simply book a court avd Play. Tennis racquets can be rented from PAC toterooms. See tennis facilit; schdlle fnr booking details. ’ . f . ” .’

times, our tote>oom isopen for service. (Tubes. Sept. 7 - Fri. Decl 3, 19821 Mon. - Thurs. 430 - 1200 midnight Fri.; . 3:30 - 11:3O p.m. Closed Mon. Oct. 11 - 15, 1982.

1. No bIack tape is to be used. 2. Only cle;t”,‘hon-marking footwear is perr&ed. 3. No coloured sticks. L ___ : ,3 ’ ‘ : ’ ..:. , ’ Tennis Courts At the Waterlm T&&is Cl& ‘tli~‘Un&rsity of ,Waterloo 1shares sorine of the court‘space.


,.“” ca.1.I. - .r.W y.Ul.

Tennis (see tennis facility schedule)

followipg and towel


Flexi Circuit




Want to find a partner in squash, tennis, racquetball or badminton? Simply sign up on. the Partner’s Boards near PAC Totercxlm, contact a friend and ptay.

A Flexi Circuit with 12 exercise stations is set up in the’ Red Activity Area PAC for free time use. Excellent exercise station for warm-up or down exercises: ,

A. Normal Hours:


Mon. Oct. 11;1982 y Thariksgivitig ’ Fri. Dec. 24,1982 - Sun. Jan. 2,1983 ’ (limited t&e during convocation and homecoming i - 24,1982) *-


’ \

(Sept. 13 - Dec. 3,l982) ,?.nn -:A..:,hr I

,i:OO p.m: - 12:OO midnight * AlI activities cease 15 minutes prior to closing times. * After Dee, 3, new times will be‘ posted. ’


1. Complete and return an Instructors application fs-rt_m to the PAC receptionist immediately. 2. Check back if you have not heard from us. Sometimes / st@ents are difficult to reach. 3. If l%&ed you will be required to attend a’staff training’ meeting. ’ . Training Dates: ?. General orientationmeeting and beet other, r by’invit$tioh. &%~‘%‘6.d:O&&m. * -1

a.nn e -

_‘4. ’ C. Other Bookings Through City


ext. 353;

Over 50 students are employ&d each term by Campus Recreation to staff our vast instructional program. For the rilost pari, we employ those students who are qualified to teach their speciality area, If you have taught or are qualified to teach or wish to teach, read on. We need ’ instructors for fitness, squash, tennis, racquetball, swimming and weight training.

During,the equipment

Gym Times: ’







Partner’s Board -

----= -J -=. cdgarn Gym and Stadium is’ owned and operated by the City of ‘Waterloo Community Servic&. The University of Waterloo rents various facilities for its events.

Campus Recreation utilizes a number of facilities on and ofr campus. Since there are numerous user-groups,-utilizing the 1 same facilities, it is important that you are aware that these schedulti do change due,to intercollegiate events, , University events afid some sp@al bookings. , Please check Weekly Facility Schedules for the gyms, .. pool and fields posted each. week in the P+C for accurate information. -

Over 40 guards are employed each term to staff the PAC pool during Recreational and Fitness swims and sped1 events. All applicants fre required L”6~ ‘I.-..-- ..-.J-& *a”= cul uyuauza bronze award; N.L.S. certificate ant i previous experience is preferred. To apply, complete and return an appyication with a photostat of your awards to the PAC receptionist by Sept. 15, 1982, 4:30 p.m. Staff will’be selected by the Aquatics Coordina’tor. There will be a MANDATORY ’ Lifeguard meeting of all successful’candidates on Thurs. Sdpt. 16, 7~00 p.m., room-1001 PAC. Any questions contact Sally Kemp, Ext. 3533. )




F&t Refereeing Clinics: Softball Flag Football‘ Soccer Ball Hockey Basketball HockTy . Volleyball

(l-R \-1.-L,


Each week time will be scheduled for Recreation. Badmint& Play is on a first come basis. Check the WEEKLY GYM SCHEDULE. Racquets can bwented through PAC toteroom

Interest meeting Monday, Sept. 20, 5:OO p.lm., room 166 C-2 MC for those who have a keen interest in weight training and th* use of the weight room. Members of this group would have access to the key to storage cupboard and would be respons,ible for monitoring safe anh effkient use of the ,. _, equipment. a 1 174,. .

*” -p.m.Village kWea# Quad /-, .LT . ._ Lou@e,(Room.202). I-


3. Contact the Coordinator 4. For furkher information

Pna.n.41 L”“IILLI

Drop-in Badmintqn

Weight Training Group

men’s - and is ---.--- - council -----.--- which -.---. -CRAC is a combi! led -- -----. --.- wornen’s. responsible for the good order\coti&@ of the Campus Recreation program, Each faculty anr) residence has at l-east one male and one female who represents their cons1ituents --.* ..--. L-r.on nLouncu.-.I s-r.1 rne c-L0unc-u meers aoour * 3I-.- rimes~~ per .tery. -n-1lney discuss rules, policies, budget and, conduct matters and make recommendations for the betterment of the program. If you want to be a representaXve, contact your Faculty Society oi? Residence council or the Campus Recreation off&. The Eitecutive for the Fall 1982 arei Rich Leslie, Andrea ivenningson, Al McPhail, Geoffrey Gladwell, Kim Helmer, -Ben~Mign&&.Fi~st CRAC Meeting: Wed. Sept. 15 at ZOO

Referees (A rating $5.00/game;B rating $4.00/&ame;less than full complime+gf refsrees $1.00 qore/game.

1, Rsgister in the Referees Book in the Campus Y Office, rooin 2040 PAC. 2. Attend,the first clinic in your sport.

AArr;rnr~r rsY..DVI,


The yeight Room is open for casual use during normal . l%C hours. There are two universal gyms and some ’ portable weights available. Light weights are available oxi a sigri out system with I.D. card from the toter&m. Occasionally, the weight room is booked for special classfs If you want to learn how to weight train, check our fn$ructionai program or pick up a weight training- b_rochure from C-R office.

Student Assistants ($200/$400per term)

,;.-A IS.“&.

Approximately 3O,hours/week are open for Recreational Fitness swimming. See WEEKLY POOL SCHEDULE for * I regular nours.

couit for Saturday, Sunday and Mon$ay. -1 Weight Room *

IEach term, Student Assistant positions are made available. These students are responsible for the monitoring, administration, organization and professional development of most aspects of the Campus Recreation program. ’ Students applying for these positions must have previous experience and a common working knowledge of the program. Winter and Spring 1983 applicatibns and job descriptions are available from the PAC receptionist. Application _) deadline is Fri. Oct. 22, 1982

’ -

Approximately 5dstudents%&h term are iybhly involved in the administration of our.13 -ATHLETIC CLUBS. They are responsible for their own budgets, program and equipment. If you are interested in being involved in Club.activities, ,_ simply attend. fhe appropriate Club Organization meeting or Tontact the Campus Recreation Office (see Club page), .

To becorriea referee:

there is d very high demand for the courts, so you are advised to come early (8:00-a.m.) to gdarantee yourself a preferred court time. On Friday mornings you can book

12~30 p.m.






’ Athletic Clubs Eaplan~~ofi



T& Athletic Club program is a popular area in the overall Campus Recreation program. Tlie clubs provide an opportuniiy for individuals who feel they have a need & join together to foster their interest in a particular activity, __ ‘\<-,,A club can satisfy many different needs whether it be social, instructional, recieatidnal or Competitive in nature. Some of the positive elements of being involved in a chib are that 1 the members are involved in the educational process of program planning+ decision:making ‘and acco&tabillty. The ’ club rel.ies on the interest and enthusiasm of both-its ’ members and leaders. Members and full ti’me stidents - are __eligible to join club prwams.

’ How to Join The* tire four I. Attend the 2. Attend one 3. Contact$e 4. Contact the


different ways t6 join an &iletic Club. organizational meeting for that club, 0; of the regular session times for club, or appropriate‘club executive, or Campus Recreation office, room-2040 PAC.

Club Executive meeting: All Mon.

Sept. 13, 1982 at 4:45 p.m.



clubs are to be represented in room 2045 PAC. I /.


The Archery Club provides the opportunity for instructional or recreational shooting, beginner or expert, indoors and outdoors. Highlight of the term’s activities will be club and intercollegiate tournaments. - Regular Sessions:Monday and' k&&day, 8~30 p.m. IO:30 p.m., Red Activity PAC; SdTdqy, 8:m p,m. - lo:00 p.m., Red Activity, PAC. c’h?i3~ftt~lf 1w art p1$y , , Fee:$3/term / ’ --Organi?a@ohalMeeting: Wed. Sept. 1$9:00 p.m., Red Activity, PAC . Contacts: Steve Czapor 886-3934 Herb Fichtner &85-6148 -Don Sutherland ’ Robin Hofikins _.

-_ . *










_.’ ~-B

Sally Kemp

Hi3there! We want‘to tell you about some things. that are available ,at YOUR -PLACE -~ I - the good 01’ . b , CAMPUS ‘CENTRE! n n n n

Newspapers, magazines, games & cards. Matches, coffee, ping-pong, piano & TV . Ice-cream, cigarettes, drinks & snacks Everything for those “attacks!!” Pinball, snooker, a study room too! There are lots of things to do. Entertainment, music, lots of Free Movies! Got a question? Want to k more - Just ask the TURNKEYS!






The Curling Club has 4 sheets of ice at the Granite Club for its members. There are men’s, mixed and instructional programs available. New members are welcome! Regular Sessions: Tuesday and Thursday, l&O0 p.m. - 12:00 midnight; Sunday, 9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Fee: $20/term, or $35/year Organizational Meeting: Thurs. Sept. 30, 4:30 p.m. CC room 113. Contacts: Sandy Smith Bruno DiGiacchino

Equestrian The Equestrian Club offers a variety of activities for its members. Previous activities have depended on the expressed interests of its members each term, and include hayrides, clinics, shows, trail rides, race track tours and film nights. Past interest has been in english riding lessons (the club organizes interested-members into lesson groups of all levels of ability - beginner to advanced). Fee: $3/term or $6/year Organizational Meeting: Thurs. Sept. 16, 4:30 p.m., CC room 135. Contacts: Kathy Rowe Jeff Woodhouse





The Fencing Club offers beginners instruction and individual lessons and intercollegiate team participations are possible options for club members. Everyone is welcome! Regular Sessions: Monday, 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Studio II PAC; Thursday, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., Studio II PAC. Fee: $5/term Organizational Meeting: Mon. Sept. 20, 6:00 p:m., Studio II PAC. Contacts: Perry Quan Charles Chee Steve Leung Dr. John Beatty 886-1351


Gymnastics The Gymnastics Club members accommodate a large range of ability levels. The club offers instruction for beginners and recreational members. The women’s varsity team is also formed from club members. All new members are welcome Regular Sessions: Monday, 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.,7:00 p.m.; Wednesday, 500 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.; Thursday, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, 7:00 p.m. - lO:.OQ p.m. in Blue Activity Area PAC. Fee: $5/term or $lO/year. Organizational Meeting: Wed. Sept. 15, 5:30 p.m., Blue Activity area PAC. Contacts: John Dubois Kevin Eby Phil Bruce

84-8770 or Ext. 3867

Mdrtial Arts * The Martial Arts Club provides instruction in the techniques and philosophies of Aiki-Jitso, Taekwondo and Karate. Qualified instructors teach both beginners and advanced levels. Regular Sessions: Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 p.m. - lo:30 p.m. Saturday, 10:OO’a.m. - 12:00 noon. Red Activity Area PAC. Fee: $15/term Organizational Meeting: Thurs. Sept. 16, 7:30 p-m., Red AcGvity Area PAC. Contact: Allan Evans




OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Saturday

10:OOam - 12:45am 12:OOpm - 11:45pm *




FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT WE HAVE AN ASSORTMENT OF 31 PINBALL-& VIDEO GAMES 4 Centipede n Rapid Fire n Ms. Pat Man w Mini Monaco n Phoenix n Black Hole n Plus Many More!

Peter Hopkins

For people who consider the open world to be their playgrounds, from the footpaths winding through fields, valleys and mountains, to the thrill of plying raging rivers in a canoe or kayak, from the cyclists’ ribbon of asphalt guiding him to his destination, to the crevaces and outcroppings that lead a climber up a cliff. For the motivated, the world offers the opportunity to wake up to the cry of a loon on a summer morning, or to ski away the miles along a trail of snow in the dead of winter. Join us! Some of the fall activities will include (depending on interest): flatwater and whitewater canoe trips along rivers such as the French and Petawawa; instructional kayaking in the PAC pool or out on the op&?%ers to challenge the rapids; cycling trips to spots as close as the Elora quarry or as far away as Collingwood; backpacking along Ontario’s own Bruce Trail and the various trails of the Adriondacks. The club also has a wide range of equipment available for renting for those needing it at modest prices. Rentals can be obtained from our equipment room, PAC 2010, during posted hours. Fee: $3/term or $5/year Organizational Meeting: Wed. Sept. 15, 4:30 p.m. CC room 135. Contacts: Betty Rozendaal Kathy McKenzie E. Jane Kempe , R%bY l The Rugby Club organizes the varsity and second teams. New members are always welcome and opportunities for instruction are provided. The club also distributes a newsletter and has been known to organize some enjoyable socials. Club activities include, workouts, tournaments, road trips and marathons. Cost: $lO/year Regular Sessions: Monday - Friday 5 - 7 p.m. Cal. 1 Organizational Meeting: Tues. Sept. 14, 8:00 p.m., CC room 135. Contacts: Fraser Jennings Derek Humphreys ,


The Sailing Club has just finished a busy summer. The activities included building a sailboard locker to provide storage space for students owning their own sailboards, as well as providing sailing instruction to over 50 beginning sailors. Also the purchase of a new windsurfer brings the equipment total to 3 sunfish sailboats, 2 windsurfer stars and, of course, the new windsurfer. Validated members can participate at their own leisure. Simply go to the PAC toteroom, show your ID card and club card and you will be able to sign 02 a key. It is expected the facilities will remain available past the middle of October. Also, anyone interested in serving on the club executive, please contact Peter Hopkins, room 2040 PAC. Fee: $5/fail term. Organizational Meeting: Tues. Sept. 14, 4130 p.m. CC room 135. Neil Cutcliffe Contact: Lynn Foubert

Skating The Skating Club encourages people of all abilities to join. Both beginner and advance sessions are available in free skating and dance. The facility used is the Rink in the Park on Seagram Drive. New members arc welcome! Regular Sessions: Monday and Wednesday, 930 p.m. 1l:OO p.m.; Thursday (U of W night) 1O:OO p-m, - 11:OO p-m, and Sunday, 7:00 p.m. - H:30 p.m. (may be subject to change). Fee: $23/term or $40/year (may be subject to change). Organizational Meeting: Wed. Sept. 15, 7:00 p.m., CC room 135. Contact: Mary Cook 888-7873 Gini Gincouskas 884-7366

Ski Even with Blue Mountain reporting good conditions (on the slide ride) the Ski Club did not involve itself in anv I excursions this summer. Pre-planning for the winter was our main goal and the result is a strong emphasis on a small nucleus of well participated events. Our forever and famous Jay Peak trip is on again, as well as, a year end week long trip to sun-filled, snow covered Whistler, B.C. As well, a first time Eastern Townships half-week ski study week visit is on. Come with us after exams to Whistler. Of course the club has many other enticing events in store around the university. Lessons and free skiing at Chicopee are being investigated and answers will be ready by our organizational meeting, along with our whole itinerary for the year, We’ll keep you posted. Fee: $5/year Organizational Meeting; Thurs. Sept. 30, 7:00 p.m., CC. room 135. Contacts: Mike Ellis Lexie Prokop

Sky Divxg Sky Diving Club is dedicated to the enjoyment of students who wish to jump from perfectly good airplanes. Members are offered an instruction course for the first jump, as well as an on-going training for intermediate jumpers. Our regular Drop Zone is-Grand Bend, the location of SWOOP (South Western Ontario Organization of Parachutists). During our fall 1981 term, we trained 54 students for their first leap into space. The courserwill be offered to those who are interested in starting. Fee: $5.00 club members fee. The cost of the course is approximately $89.00. Organizational Meeting: Thurs. Sept. 16, 7:00 p.m. CC room 135. Contacts: Dave Entwistle Rosemary Barabas

Table Tennis The Table Tennis Club offers all racquet sport enthusiasts an opportunity to learn and enjoy themselves playing table tennis. All levels of skill are welcome, especially beginners. The Club offers regular playing sessions, tournaments, clinics and films. As a member of O.T.T.A., we offer reduced membership rates to club members and regularly receive articles and tournament entry forms. For your playing enjoyment, we have tournament quality tables (Mark XII, JOFFA) and nets. Please bring your own racquets and balls. Regular Sessions: ’ Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. - lo:30 p.m.; Friday, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. and Sunday, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Blue Activity Area PAC. Fee: $3/term or $l/session for non-members Organizational Meeting: Tues. Sept. 21, 7:00 p.m., Blue Activity Area, PAC. Contacts: Peter Lum 888-7495 1 Patrick Leung ,



Preamble The instructional program attempts to offer a wide variety of lifetime skills courses. Certification programs are offered through some courses as a means of measuring achievement, whereas others offer one the opportunity to learn, or improve skills in specific areas. New courses of special interest will be tested out if a need is expressed and will be added to the curriculum if received positively. Likewise, if interest in a course declines, the program is dropped. Any innovative ideas will be willingly considered by our staff. The programs registered over 2800 participants last year.


on page 21


730 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. II:30 a.m. - 1215 p.~. ‘1215 p.m.-- I:00 p.m. 4~45 p.m. - 530 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 830 p.m.

Mon., Wed., Mon., Wed.; Mon., Wed., Tues., Thurs. Mori.,,Wed.,

’ course fee $15.00 Advanced: 730 a.m. - &I5 q.&< /I:30 a.m. - 1215 +.m. !2:45 p.m. -< 1:OQ p.m. 4~45 p.m. - , 530 p.m.

Dance and Exercise rhurs. ,$10.00


&on:, Tues., Mon., Mon., -


Fri. Fri. Fri.

Red Red Gym Red Red


Wed., Fri. Thurs. Wed., Fri. Wed., Fri. Wed.,

Adivitv Acti& 3 (Lifestyle) Activity Activity (!&i



‘Gym 3 t;ym3 Red Activity Red Activity Fri.


’ ’


$ program 0; fitness which incorporates simple dance novement to’popular music, a fun way to participate in bn \ exercise program. Zlqss offered: 2:QO noon - 1245 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Studio II +.. 200 noon - 1.2:45 p.m. Tues., Thurs Studio II 4:T p.m. - -!$:I5 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Studio II 430 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. ,Tues., Thurs. Studio II 930 p.m. - IO:15 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Studio II tiasters Fitness - $lO,oO ;or mature students, faculty and staff who may prefer to- : :, bxercise with their own group. This class will be conducted t a beginner level and will be geared to participants nvolved. Ilasses Offered: 215 p.m. Tues., Thurs. Red Activity ifestyles and Fitness - $15.00 L pilot course~tihich will combine one of our intermediate itness classes with a once a week lifestyle lecture session; ‘he lecture session will be conducted b) Marim Howell rom Campus Health Promotion and will be part of the egular Wed. class, that is the lecture will run from 1215 2:30 p.m. then a shortened-m@rcise period from 1230 - I:00 a.m. Lecture topics will include nutrition, diet and weight ontrol and dealing . Iass offered: 2~15 p.m. c I:00 p.m. Mcih.,,Wed., Frj. Gym 3

iki-fit - $12.00 ;et ready for the ski season with a program that wjll help nvelop strength in legs and upper body, agility, balance nd stamina. The program will be at the intermediate level cd will include tips on proper wartiup and injury lrevention. This would also be a good program’ for those I lterested in intermediate fitness. Ilass offered: :30 - 830 p.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. , Red Activity

nstructional-Jogging L $12.00 - Mon., Wed., Fri: 2:00 noon - meet in Blue Activity eginneti - for those who think they might be interestecl 1 Btarting to jog but need some guidance and company to et starfed and to keep going. The course will include ( r warmup and stretching to music, out of doors run, weather ermitting, stretch and strength warmdown to music. I r 8

_ .

Health*Wise provides you with the opportunity to be in charge of your careprogram. Together with CHP consultant, your health concerns are discussed, problem dreas are identified and an action plan is developed. You will receive a personal health profile which includes a copy of Evalu*Life, an index of your ’ cardiorespiratory fitness, body dimensions, lung volumes . and flexibility. In order to complte your Health*Wise Profile, you have the option of having your serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels checked. E’ees: (Payable at the time of assessment. Cash or cheque accepted) Students / $10.00 L Faculty/Staff/Alumni $25.00 ’ Gommunity $50.00 CHP also offers clinics in weight controksmokin&cessaitilq j , lifestyle and stress management. ContaQ,CHP at Health Services at Ext. 3541 for an-appointment ‘or further information. C.P.R. courses both BASIC RESCUER and HEART SAVER Phone for clinic dates ext. 3541. 5 THINK THIN Session I Registration Sept. 13-15 , Session II Registratidn Nov. 22-24 KICK IT Session I Registration, Oct. 4-6 STRESS MANAGEMENT Session I Registration Sept. 21 -Oct. 26 Registrationfor all courses at Healt,h’Services.



Racquetbill - Cost $25.0b - starting Mon. Sept: 27 Instruction for beginners in racquetball. Course will be \ conducted at Columbia Racquetball Club. Racquet and balls provided. Participants have use of club locker room. No towels provided. Dress, non-marking, white soled shoes, eyeguards are MANDATORY. Six 40-minute lessons over a 6 week period. Classes Offered: . Tuesday 8:40 a.m. .- 9:20 a.m.‘ 2:OOp.m. -24Op.m. =* + WedTesday Thursday 8:40 a.m. - 9120 a.m. Squash - Cosf $6.00 - starting Mon. Sept. 27 Basic instruction for beginners PLUS intermed!ate instruction foythose who feel they have m?stered beginner class, but need more inStruction in order improve. Five weeks on the courts instruction. Classes Offered: Pick bne time Beginner: Tuesday 6:50,7:30, &IO p.m. Wednesday 6:50,7X), &IO p.m. Thursday 6:50,7:30, &IO, 850 p.m. Intermediate: Tuesday 8:50, 9:30 p.m. Wednesday 8:50,9:30 p.m. Lo&ion:^ courts 1069 - 1072, meet at courts;

Blue & Green Grey


TuesdayThursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday



8:00- 9:00 8:00- 9bO 9:00-IO:00 9:00-IO:00 9:00-IO:00 9:OO-IO:00

p’.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. .

weight Training - Cost $8.00 One dav clinics for men or women who are interested in weight “triining to imp‘tove their uverall body fitness an! . strength. The course is designed fbr persons who are not familiar with using the weight room and will include warinup and flexibility exercises, ba@c weight qgercisi?s, .I< : <:a how to develop your own personaf+ro@am plirs practic&* , ,i’ .&&ri~“in the weight room, PAC. 1 Worn&% Clinics C: I . ‘ wed. sept! 22 500 : 7:00 p.m. 500 - 7:00 h.m.* ‘. Thurs. Shpt. 30 Mon. Oct. 4 5:00 - 7:OO p.m. Men’s Clinics: Tues. Sept. 28 7:00 - 9:qO pm. ’ * 500 - 200 p.m. Wed, Qct. 6 All classes meet’in rtim 1001 PAC.

. Adv?nced -1. You have b&n reiulaily -phpsically ’ the past 3 months (3 times a week). 2. Y,ou can do 15-20 bent knee’sit:ups hands behirid head. ,I( YOU can ‘& $&f&i &&&&~j&&~y 15 minutes.




&&for with

:. . -w

Cost $12.00 - startigi Wed. Sept. 22 Exercise- les+ns in which we wJ! WOJ& with the body and mind to develop flexibiiitjt $@ngth and al$ty to relax: Ldafion: Studio II, PAC * - ’ ,._ . Cla&3 Times: 4 . Wedne,$ays 530 - 7%) p.m. i 7:00 - &XI p.m. (if sufficient demand) _

4. kou,enjoy




1 -

/ i

*.’ I-‘ ;



‘. Bronze:! Fir,st requiiements fosifsuarding. Need good skill level in all strokes, knowledge of ‘rescue techniques and abiitv to


Special Rej$stTatiofi



Ballroom Dance G $12.00 - Starts Sept. 20 Registration ‘date - Thvrs. Sept. 16, 430 p.m., Red Activit)i-s Ar$?a?a: Begir&eis cla&&n~~various steps including wahz, jive,. polka, cha, cha, &mbd: - Class limit 2!%men/25 w(m)en. ’ Monda@ - Vjllagc ,I Great Hall, $&es start Sept.‘20, 1982. 7:30 p.ti. - beginner-2 ‘x . * ,I ,L. _ _ 22 - -a, z i 1.’ ’ -_ I , 8:3Q .p.m; 930 -p.m. - this class will olilU,,be&fered I 3 if othei two full. Y CI, --.. SC&a-$87.00 ,. .: -.-* Certification Na& Scuba ctour+se. ‘Wed; 7:00 - IO:00 p.m. You must have’a medical certificate; your own fins, $snor&le, mask and above average swimming ability. Register at 1st class, We& Sept. 15, ib&i 1001 PACat 7~00 p.m. Bring your bathing suit tp fiist’cl&s. All Scuba fees I&J!!?T be paid by Ott: 22,‘1?82. ,s c _ ‘ , -



a g@

’ , Advanced Swi&tii$ .I


-L for:

-7 iptense J , --. ,. . ,. workout. , ,.. Twice A-Week - Septe&er 21 - October 21 Yellow & Orazlge TuflThurs’ 8:30- 900 p.m. Maroon & Red ’ ” Tues/Thurs. 8:30- 9:o(hp.@. Blue 4 qTF:n Tues/Thurs 9:00-IO:00 p.m. ‘Gre* , ?, ** ,, ‘Fue#$hurs q:OO-IO:00 p.m. IWhite ’ Tues/Thurs 9:00-IO:00 p.m. ’ . Same @fefed &ober 26 b November 25.t ; _ Re$stTi eate -Oct. 20 with PAC. rectiptionist. -. , ,) , \ : . 11 .. =. .* . ’

Yoga -


the to I

l.\$ou have been regularly physically active for the past 2 months (3 times a week) -2. You can do IO bent knee sit-ups, hands / behind head. 3. You can do vigorous exercise or jog for -minutes. mm. If you answered, no to one or more of the ?bove, please register in-an intermediate class. If you answened yes to.ali 3 please proceed to advan&d questions.



Award of Me+ ’ I , ,Must have bronze akd Senior R.S. Cour* fee $15.00 plus ‘test fee. ’ ‘“: x Fridays I:30 - 430 p.m. - starts September 24 ’ Bronze Cross: Must hafe bronze and senior R.S. The course extends the canaidates capacity to respond in a variety of aquatic .emergen~ies. It will prepare candidate for pirticipation in R.L.S.S. Instructor training or National Lifeguard Service progiam. Course fee~$20.00. Tuesday I:30 ; 3:30 p.m. -<starts * September 21. .

National Lifeguard course - Cost $40.00plus


materials, Recent $10.00 Forty hour course dealing with all lifeguard skills and pool management. This course will be run over 2 full weekends and attendance at all sessions is compulsory. Recertification


Continued on Page 22

/ Tennis - starting Ties. Sept. 21; 6 weeks . Select your leve! carefully. All.classes meet at Wgterloo . _ Tennis Club, indoor courts. Beginner: Cost $6.00. This class is i& the real beginner. It will teach basic skills and rules of the game. - Beginnec/Refreshqr: Cost $7.00; This Glass is geared for the individual who knows a little about the game. Who has ’ taken &sons but still need guidance and practice with basic ntermediate _, I skills. ame as beginner except people registering for this program Intermediate>Cost $9.00. For the player who has been nould have already started ru!ning. , playing on a regular basis but wants to improve stroke and learn more advanced strokes. .qua Fitness - $10.00 - starting week of Sept. 20 Elasses’Offered: prOgr@ of water exercises and swimming. (10 weeks) Beginner: Tues. 7:00 - 8:OO p.m. lass offered: 9:00 - IO:00 p.m, , Tues. Ion., Wed. &I5 - 900 a.m. Wed. 200 - &OO,p.m. , Jes., Thurs. I 8i15 - 9:oO a.‘m.’ ‘~ tJ :/ Thurs. 790 - 8:OO”p.m. Thurs. 8:00 T 990 p.m. ,_., \ itness, A(Iorinesto You Refresher: Tues. 200 -I BOO p.m. et yogr‘group’into fitness - office, residence, fl& This 1 . Tues. 8:OO - 9:00 p.m. ’ ro&?m ii designed to help those groups that cannot fit Tues. 930 - IO:00 p.m. 1. Ito our scheduled offerings and to help us with our ‘7:OO - 8:OO p.m. We’d. i ,owded facility “problem. Here’s how to get st$rted: WeC,l* 900 - IO:00 p.m. Get a group of IO or more people together, IO:00 - 1l:OO ptm. . Wed. Locate a suitable space where a fif!ness clasS could ‘be Thurs. ‘7:w - 8:00 p.m. conducted. Thurs. _ @Q -. ‘. 900 p.m. Select the times you want and then contact us. ’ _ _ Thurs. 9:00 - IO:00 p.m. We will arrange an instruct+ fpr yoL. Interr&diatei Tues. &30,900 p.m. ’ he course fee will be $7.00 per lessbn for the group. Yoti Tues. 10~00 - II:00 p.m. , + ust have a minimum of IO lessons. For morexinformation, Wed. 8:00 - 930 mtact Sally Kemp at Ext. 3533. Wed. 990 - IO:00 p.m. - * wed. ’ IO:00 - ll:OO-p.m. you are registering f r fitness, you may also be -‘-_ Thurs. ,790 - 8:00 p&t. rterested, in some of the \ ours& ‘offered through -Thurs. 9100 - IO:00 p.m. ‘c’ -ampus.Health-fromotions. _ IO:00 - l&00-p.m. ; _ ( / -

, ‘1

‘. _/








. ,’







Men’s Tenhis





c .’ ~,

. ;

and Women’s Singles I

Tues. Sept. 2r - 430 p.m. Room 2040 PAC


< .-

Mixed Co&d Slow Pitch


Wed. Sept. 22 530-630 p.m. Room 113 CC *d.s


. Tues. Sept. 21 ’ 430 pm: ’ *-Room 2040 PAC


_ *

.-i -, Mon. Sept. 27 430 p.m. 7Room 2040 PAC


Men’s and’ Wo$en’S Frisbee Football Men’s and Women’s Badminton

,’ , *-


- _

,L Wed. Sept. 29 $45-530 p.m. Room 113 CC .

Fri. Oct. 22 - ’ Mon..Oct. 25 430 p.rnl I 445-530 p.m. 2040 PAC Room 113 CC .z-

-. Room

Men’s and Wamen’s e’ Fri’. Ckt. 22 . Engineer&g. - ,430 p.m. ‘Challenge Run ’ Room 2040 PAC




Fri. ‘Nov. 5 ’ 430 p.m. Room 2040 PAC




Mon. Nov. 8 445-530 p.m. Room 113 CC .


Volleytiall /


r Thurs. Nov. 18 430p.m. . Room 2040 PAC

Tues. Nov. 23 445530 p.m. Room 113 CC

Tues. Nov. 9 ~ 430,plm. Room 2040 PAC

Thurs. Nov. 11 445~530 p.m. ‘,Room 113 CC

with best ball 4 sorite novelty holes. .’ i. - I “. I

’ .:

Prelim. Sat. Sept. 25 . 900 a.m.-11:OO p.m. Sun. Sept. 26 l:Op-1l:OO p.m.Finals Mon. Sept. 27 . ~.: Waterloo Tennis Club

,I -

*,. A,B,C k&lsq$.play - Guaranteed 2 games .. : ,/ ’ 2,p_r

Sat. Oct. 23, 11:00 aim. - North Campus\


_j I ;




Guaranteed 3 games Minimum 2 women at all times: ‘.


Prelim. Mon.-Thurs. Nov. 15-18 7:00-l 1:3Q p.m. Finals Sun. Nov. 21 7:00-1130 p.m. PAC Thurs. Nov. 25 7:30-11:45 p.m. Main Gvm PAC

: . on court


Guaranteed 2‘matches A,B,C leyels’ of play ’ \ \\ \ Guaranteed 2 games Minimum 10 woinen


to enter


. , I -


,Mixed Curlitig ’ Bonspiel. _ -! ,: i I ccial








5 men or women per team Total score for .winning team Approx. 3%&s. * _ I- -

Prelim: Thurs. Nov. 11 7:30-1130 p.m. 7:30-l 130 Finals Thurs. p.m: Nov. 18

Mon. Nov. 8 _ * Wed. Nov. 10 430 p.m. 4:45-530 p.m.’ -Room 2040 PAC Room 113 CC

,. Wqmen’s

Meeting V, hour before race. Sat. Oct. 23 lo:30 a.m.



Men’s and Women’s Squash Singles -/ ,

Tee zff time. 2@&p:m. UW GbIf Area, -.‘:. North Campus ’

_ \ /- ’ :- $relim. F&Se@. 24 Guaranteed 2 games .’ . 3 ., ’ 1;3+XlO p.m. M. Pitch to your’own team, need Sat..Sept. 25 all day \. _ , 5 worn&r&am, everyone Final. Sept. 26 all day : ’ hit% each inning. Lx Yillage Green/Columbia I _~ 5 .2,:Fields 1 1 -c. ’ Sun. Oct. 3 ail day Guaranteed two games Village’ Green 7 peopjelfearii _ . Prelim. WtkOct. 27 A,B,C lev,els of pfay . - 7:3&%1:45~~n.m. Guaranteed Z’games . ’ - -;I%tals Wed. Nov. 3 7:30-11:45 p.m. A?‘, :.Main Gym ’

Thurs. Sept. 23 530-6~30 p.m. Robm 113CC ._


_I a




Sat. Nov.‘13 1st draw 9:00-3:00 p.m. 2nd draw 300~900 o;m: FORPOST


2 men or 2 women/team 3 ,’ Guaranteed 3 Six-end games Max 16 teams INSTITUTIONS.

Explanation ’ This level is the most structured Recreation program. T_he student ’ competitive units either by-place

3. As an individual, corn& to the organizational meeting yov will be placed on a team. . -:Note: Lat& entries will only be accepted as r&acement I tqams.

part of the Campus body is divided in&’ of residence or faculty.


Lqvels In most prograILs, there are at least two’levels of pa+icipation. The puqJo;e of &e level_s is to try and match people’s ~k‘il abiliti& within a I&ague in brder to equalize the competition. “A” revel ‘signifies an advanced ability, “B’I level is for those teams who have not had previous experience in playing together or for the teams that feel they could compete at this level better than at aiii “A” level. “C” l:vel indicates a lparning group. How to Enter There are three possible ways to enter a competitive league. All teams must submit an.entry form to the Campus Recreatiqn Office, room 2040 PAC prior to the final entry L date. 1. Contact yaur Campus Recreation. representative,for your ,

For Walking to Ypur Favourite SpoEs . . .


Eligibility for Campus Competition 1. All fuH iime





a valid


Fall & Winter 5


For ‘carrying, bc&ks _ I and tither “stuff’. ... I ! ’ ’


& RAIN JACK+ ’ Fork&ping &y and


’ ‘::



‘. 3






forget b&out the Bhel I

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Some of the more important spots in Uptown Waterloo \

I _-



0 :‘Duke”


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Af 0,W. ,Spbrt&: Goretex Clothing, L&we Backpackq, Scwba GearJA Suits, Wet Suit&, Tents; Sle@i&B6gs _ I Top Qw~qli.t~-Ski Equipme’& ,PS: Dddt


Favourite - ,. Spots . . .

; ; fan Ru’N~Mj-NG 1’ : -:I . ,-A. +-(,

’ warm! O.W..Spotrts has -1 the colour you want! 1 w



See the best &el&ion in town. From Sept; 1st to Sept. -1&h- Seiected ; &@Mjali i+ahu&s -20 t(# sooJ0 off \ ’, ,’ _ ,.2 t





’l/2 Price i _I

‘i KNAPSACKS. 1,-’ .I




, l Check,i iis outI



Clothes Jo’ keep you , extra warm while waltitig in line at Oktoberfest! From Sept. 1st to Sept. 18th, ‘I h 0.w. Spotis wlli. have’ - , seletited clothing at

At O.W. Sports we know. youkw@nt the best price, Selection & quality you can get. From Sept. 1st . to Sept. 18th: All Hiking Boots on Sale



gheduling Meeting A representative from each team must attend this meeting or they will run the risk of being, excluded fr?m ths league. , Schedules an+ rules will be distributed. Entry’ fees MUST + .. paid at the meeting. This fee will be refunded after t& playoffs if the team does not default ariy ames during the regular season. Note: Since changes -x o occur during scheduling, the ’ representative should be aw9re of his/her team’s aherr&? playing tinies’ang days. Captains are responsible tofor obtainini-the Re;+ised schedule two days after the schduling meeting from the C:R office. , , ’ .


-I gI I:


&ace I , , in ,October. Contact

0 :IN. Sports

ds.w rfers, Bht hing . Td.m’wch MORE!!, ’ ’


for full information!


\ -



.irf!@&j40 _,






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i 1




.I ‘ .



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. -







I -

1 ._




. _

. I”



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T--i .





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,,bringG ,


I’ ;‘,‘I(it’s how to ~tuh an ordim ,da$ into ail extra. day. ‘] _ _’ ordinary ,

lOur magic spell has three basic_ .ingredients: -.-

because’we&ant I / to Imake you -, hqjpyF I-, ’ ’. And into each magic potion-we add :GREAT‘FOOD. : .-the kind of appetizing,well prepared fare that a whole lot of RELAXATION. . . A even PatrickMcGinnis “Himself ‘- place nearby,,that’s far away from your ordinary day. wouldbe proud of. Between appeWer and dessert you’ll find ai McGinnis is The Kind of-PlaceYou C&Relax In. L menu full of taste temptersto ’ excite the tiole.fam#y. Cheese Nachos,-Merd‘Skins,Teaser Caesar,’So, drop in! Meet friends! Bring your family, soon! Come forAhe Super Wings, Honey Ribs, A ,Smothered Chicken,‘Pasquale’s food ; SbY for the funPocket,The Burger Burger, Mad AHkbids 1\ .Dogs and a whokelot more. Try ’ .them all%ndcome back for your iti% Hare than a Meal! favorites. k’s great food and good fun and an atmosphere you can’relax in. A plac for you and me and,for the family. l


Gamziche I .s -’ of those occasions she was exceptional and What do Frankie Valli l and the Four. impressive. Her appeal is both classical and Seasons, Liona Boyd,. Roger Whittaker, The popular, which is why her performances are c Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra, .&. always sold out here. If you haven’t heard and The StudentPrince, the Beaux,Arts;Trio; and seen her play, you owe it to yourself to take Die original Tiroler 1Kaiserjager have in advantage of this opportunity at the beginning ‘~ common? Basically nothing, other than ‘the of October. II fact that they wilIal1 be appearing at the Centre Tl”cket prices vary greatly from one type of in the Square over the next four weeks. show to another, but there is a half price i The Centre in the Square is Kitdhener’s special for students available on the day of a highlb-touted, . relatively.-ne,w, alleged superparticular performance (only if permitted by + theatre where’ most of the interesting the producer and if the show is not sold out. international performers who come to this You must produce your ‘student I.D.) It is , area can be-seen. Outside. of the university unlikely that you’ll be able toutilize this offer itself and the Kitchener- Auditorium, - it is for Boyd’s concert. probably the next best source for top quality The rest of the Centre’s schedule for the rock performers. ’ ‘. ’ ‘,. next four wee.ks is a veritable mish-mash. During the past year, the Centre .has Roger Whittaker will be appearing on , pr&en&dt’Carole. Pope a.nd. Rough Trade, September 13th, 14th and 15th. While he may Mur$y <McLaughlan, The Pointer Sisters, be internationally acclaimed and he may have - Gordon Lightfoot, Dan Hill, Bruce Cockburn a deep, smooth voice, his material seems . and many others’: ’ i mediocre and uninspiring. In particular, The The Centre offers the entire gamut of __ Lust Farewell (one of his more noted hits) is musical styles ranging from rock toclassical to one of those pieces which drags from contemporaryto country. They also present a beginning to end. In my opinion, it is in head to variety of dance performances, - musicals, head competition with MacArthur’s Put-k for mime, and comedy (Martin Mull, Second worst song of the last two decades. City). The K-W Symphony Orchestra will give a Getting back to this month’s line up, Frankie ’ ’ popular song presentation, in the “Boston Vallie a_nd the Four Seasons are currently on Pops” tradition. That’sonseptember 17thand their 20thanniversary tour and their Kitchener 18th. Victor Davies will be guest conductor stop is part of it. They recently gave an and Monica Gaylord will be playing piano. . outstanding display of nostalgic hits at the _The following week, the SymphonyOrchesOntario Place Forum. Vdlli has. the ability to tra will present a musical tour-through The excite and delight old fans and new ones alike. Resounding world of Brass. When you consider that his last hit was Grease At the end of the month, September 30th, in 1978; it is quite amazing, how .his appeal marches, overtures, and solos will be’persustains itself. ‘formed by Die Original Tiroler. Kaiserjager Two weeks later, the first lady of guitar, under the :direction of Lt. COI. Professor Liona Boyd, will grace the Centre’s stage for a Siegfroied Somma. This ,is Austria’s biggest display of classical guitar work akits finest. military band and hopefully they have alittle bit Liona Boyd was recently voted the number morqgoing for them than just that. . j two-classical guitarist in the world-,-by the ‘I .I Also-on the same evening, but appearing in annual Frets ,Magazine Xnternationpl’,Gtj@r j the adjacent Studio theatre will be the Beaux hasBesn.acclaim$~~~c~~~~.the Arts Trio heralded as the leading piano trio in her superlative performances. , I‘:: Athe world today. , _ F;< She-. began studying guitar at the age of : Finally,. Sigmund Ron&erg’s The Stu’denl . fourteen and graduated from theUniversity of Prince, billed as one of the musical classics 01 ” Toronto Music Department-in 1972. In the last the 20th century is this year’s Oktoberfest : .ten.years, her career has advanced dramatic-. Operetta. That happens for five nightsstartins ‘EI %ally:il She has won _ two &no ,Awards, on October 12th. ‘performed at Carnegie Hall-in New York City; The, Centre in the Square is situated ir 1 appeared on , numerous television- sh_Ows downtown Kitchener between Queen ant I’ (Johnny Carson, Merv Griffin,-Mike Douglas Frederick Streets about a three-minute walk .r .and ‘the like). Her tenth album should be , from the Farmer’s Market. Box office hour: .. released early-in 1983. ’ 1’. ’ I , I are Monday to Saturday, 11:OO a.m. to 6:OC Boyd has perfoimed more than Snce at, the ’ p.m. Call 578-1570 for telephone orders, 01 ~ $+ntre over the past year, and on at least one L ticket information. r~ :. J , - ..-- _

- ’ by Gary

’ i : ’





“The Renaissance Spectacle” present selections from hei , from Toronto performing current repertory. L court dances of the early renUnless otherwise noted aissance. performances are in the The “Ontario ’ Ballet Theatre.of the Arts. ,:-Theatre)’ a diverse and talThe World of Dance Serie: ‘. ented. Toronto-based comis supported by the Ontaric ‘pany- performs classical and ArtsCouncil and is part of 2 modern-ballet on October 13 credit course “‘Introduction t( \. in the’ .Humanit’ies Theatre. - dance” (Dance. 110) which i: ’ The fourth event will be open to the university corn award-winning choreographmunity. j %r Paula Ross presenting her stunning solo work, “Shades T series of eight .dance events is of Red”, danced by Leslie $12.00; $lO,OO :for,. .students; Manning on October 20’in the -,and $20.00 for a family o?four.- . :. Humanities Theatre. _ Tickets may, be ordered from On October ‘27 in the, - theDance Department Office Humanities Theatre . “Spin: in B. C. Matthews Hall (ext. drift”, the en&g&packed ’ 3357). ~ -I Kingston company under dirBeginning September 22, ection o[ Cannes choreo-, I‘ “‘Kia” and, members ‘of her graphic award . winner, _Hamilton based troupe- will j Charles Brunelle, will present q‘iwrform trditinnal Fountian fir amatir tn rc ~Belly Dancing. October 6 has styles. Gina Lori Riley Dance from W-indsor \ Enterprises presents, highly -original modern dance on November 3.

The annual World--of Dance .‘series returns to the, UniverI sity of Waterloo this fall. The serjes,runs from September j ~22j_&$$Novemberl 24, every ::t,W&l&@sday.frpm 5$0 - 6:Oo p.m. in the Theatre of the Arts or Humanities Theatre. It “will . ‘feature dancers .and dance ,I ‘. from, -Egypt,“ t.he Renaissance ’ period, the. ,ClassiCaj period .-.--and .-. the mode :rn eraJ I i.he cost for the entire


-Novemba 10 by the newly formed’ Toronto-based “Len Gibson _ Inner City Dance Xompany”. The final event of c the series is.onNovember 24. ~ -Waterloo’s very popular ~ ~ Gabby Miceli and dancers’

A lavish hand -with entertainment budgets and an’ emphhsis on pubs, pubs, pubs; has characterized the F-ederation .&f Students’ Orientation program forthelast few years, and with minor exceptions, this year- will be no L different. . Perhaps the most useful aspect of’ the Qrientation program will be the presence of the Fed ‘clowps. Despite- being describecl-as “zany, crazy” and “loonies”‘ laden with “gems of, wisdom,. assorted paraphenalia and mindless antics’+’ by the Little Fed /Book, a guide the Federation as prepared foil-the Orientation events, as well .&s serving as a general information sourc,e and address/uotebook, the clowns may becableto provide useful information -oratleastpointanewstudentin \ the right direction. The clowns will be stationed at the main south entrance to the University, the biology underpass and ~around the Village walkway areas, .%ptembef 7 through 10,lO:OO a:m.- to 3:oop.m. , -./ ’ For those arriving on campus September 7, your- entertainmentschedule will be largely _c handled by your residence, or faculty society; The Spoons,-one of,the groups brought for Orientation, will be appearing atthe Waterloo ]tnn Thurs&y,.%Sept. 23. 2_;a schedules are available from these sources, o , : ! rt sponsored in part by Rothman’s cigarettes, from the Little Fed Book. : .Teenage Head wlill be returning for th& -- the: PA-C holds 4,000 people. Perhaps the highlight of this week wiil be the and prizes suoh as free cigarettes and other perennial visit, @October, at the Waterloo Inn, Also in October, a, street party c-’ or, presentation of two one-act comedies, Sexual ‘Rothman merchandise will be given away. c .- The highlight of the concert season willbe Waterloo Square mrty - is being planned for Perversity in Chicago by David Mamet, and Rothman’s is one of the organizations the UW Joe Jackson in the, PAC, on October 2nd. - UW students to take place in downtown Graduate Association I are boycotting for ‘ITicket prices will be-$9.00 and $11.00. The Bo_bc?lRap by John Lazarus. No weak-kneed Waterloo. Details as yetare scarce, but a beer investment in Apartheid iti Southern Africa. ’ Federation is expecting an enormous crowd absurd&t plays these, but two comedies that tent is promised. I’ cannot help but amuse. The press release \ warns that foullanguage is frequently used, so be warned. The plays will be presented i,n the ’ ~~~~i~~i~:n-breaking~ &eat++ &‘f&rs ‘fun’ .Theatre of the Arts September 8, gY-10 and 11; 1 / ’ tidketsa,re$2.00forfrosh,$2.50forFeds,$3.00 -, . , 1I -for\ others. The Creative Arts Board of the by Linda Carson requisite; enthusiasm is.. amentator at the game); novice 11 participate on Saturday, SeptemFederation’ .oft Students funded this proWelcome to the era of do-it-, workshopsare scheduled for Come and see Theatresports ber 18 at a painless “How:to duction. ’ s yourself entertainment! If you are rookies; and -anyone may form a first game of the new season on Improvise Cheerfully”co~se from ,Fed events es,sentially kick off at midnight, interested in seeing your ideas team and ‘book a date to play. Friday, September 17 at 8;OO p.m. ~ .lO a.m. tq 4 p.m. in the, Campus ‘_ 1.s; September 11 with an all-night-movie night, , come alive onstage, join the fans Acting experience. is not a prey i-nHH 180. Then __come .~-learnho@to. Centre: t Z1, . ‘n ’ c -.s ,, - . 3 . L , .-.featuring films running the spectrum from x, --- - _ . ‘_,6i - _.I .(. .; *.‘-.” ..* I -. _- - I who gather regularly in.Hagey Hall, 1 dramatic comedy to the silly. Thisevent is free, University of Waterloo, to, watch ’ It is. followed by a_brepkfast* prepared by the Theatresports;~ the farthest thin _ A A .+L Turnkeys at 7 a.m.. fromtraditi&&theatre1’ th&ioain b,% ’ . Monday, entertainment gears u.p with imagined. , -7t;tclrc I . Carolyn MasontheVillage Green. C,osting the .s .It’s improvisational acting in. a Federation ‘about $3,00&-ad&%-ding to Gary “game format. Two. team& ?of-,’ Stewart, I ,Fed.eration Entertainment/ intrepid actors meet to.playa series q ~ Education programmer, it’s billed as a rock ‘n of ’ challenges based on ’ audience roll barbeque. . suggestions. They are scored by a Mas’s last appearance at UW -was in trio of judges, - who, in turn, are : October, 1980 at the Waterloo Motor Inn; She praised.or abused by the audience.’ ) h&d the crowds on~their chairs’and cheering Improvisation is‘theatre without I ’ .@th her sheer exuberance. props, sets, costumes or scripts; \ - ‘Tuesday and Wednesday there are two’free Actors play spontaneous scenes“ &ows in the. Campus Centre..September 14 using the audience’s contributions . from noon to2p.m:Jackie Washingtonplaysa and personal. experiences. From .‘bit’of the blues:. Washington’s performance is out from, it’s fast-paced; chaoti_c, ’ co-sponsored by the Board of Entertainment colourful and fun, From the stage, .(B:Ent) andthe Campus Centre (CC) Board. it’s a new way to live dangerously. On WednesdaySeptember 15 at 8.p;m. in The first commandment i&Thou the CC, Mike Carbone presents a show of shalt not bore the audience”; magic and illusion. Also brought to you by the offenders are banished from the -CC Board atid B:Ent cooperatively, Stewart stageimmediately Theexperience _ called him “Really hot - just excellent”. L is not as bruising to the players’ Rock and roll fans will show up Thursday, _ egos as one might expect. Mostare -_ September 16 after 8 p:m. at the Waterloo !nn grateful to be rescued from a slow ._-_ .for the rock band Whitefrost, a pub sponsored - and mortifying death. a. ,‘byEngineering.Society and BEnt. J p -I ’ J”he gamewas ihvefite&.& && -On Friday riight, also at the WaterlooInn, is * Johnstone of the Loose ‘l%q& >_ . _ T&at@,’ Compahy Gf &&rqi; Blue Peter, presented by B.Ent. Blue Peter is danceable music. Beyond that J .-:After six years*‘ it is being ‘rplayecl Wh&‘s,ifi an Imprint/prits section?,I? AI* ’ Actually, :we -would, YOU know. You’r;?~a ’ they seem to .defy much of a definition. Their i from-Va&ouver to--Copenhageh, I “&@‘@pqd” .: .-- ;.;c: {S ’ :- .r::, ;. 2.’ universitystudent. . . you’reliterate.. . you$e ’ ~aggre@ve lead singerj Paul Humphrey: has -and ‘especially in Calgary, It was an Shuddap, ~s&.g@.J&olet~e &artass’- i c&ably got some’, slant on the way hii ‘I been compared to .David Bowie: The--band’s official event in the Alberta Sum\ _wQrld+works and your opinion might en&h ,’ 1’ ‘.) ..*guitar work is reported, to be respectable, too. mer Games last ‘year, and-.Loose in? “Hey, l’b& &&‘iG& ~;a &&& i , ~&Tquqlj~ of life h& &i (&/ . . -* b&de&, it ” Moose has its own theatre where .’ ‘’ jCr*What ‘may’. be ‘. the two best Federation ~e~@ents will be,:orfWednesday, September 22 at+ , shows ‘%re run twice-weekly. some books,and~or&reviews that d-o@ : ~lps-.fill in the s-pace.. around the z$$@.‘-~ “:7&O p.m.’ ‘~an&Thursday,,‘September 23 sat 8 Theatresports .Waterloo hasbeen qm&nt j$$ _im;lcq $~of& t&fi’ j&&$~u~~ 1~&emeptg . ,p.m. Respectively, they are Jim Carrey, playing sir&e last’ September,and A _L. $f$Gn$ ,of &j&&‘wj~~, 2-.: \) -‘impres,sionist -&nd comedian extra-ordinaire, teams ’ -began ’ springing up in, !-*.mastu&&j&~by appearing .:in the ti CC . Great Hall for free. think their opinion$@e so importantthey’ve , “Really? Hey; 1saw .this great’movie \the Toronto in December: Fans can 9 iCosting ‘$he-. Fedbration $1400, this twentylook forward to more matches with got to be-s-& down.. .‘; but 1 Efida like&e &her day - ” ’ I y+r old entertainer, Carson-show veteran, teams from “the big city”. “I’ve got the latest from the Tall&g.. Theatresporls articles. 2’ -.:~.qy be the prize of this week. . ,\ “Yeah, and covqingthe UW Arts Centre _Heads - ” To get involved ,- attend the 5 :!The Spoons, billed :as “Canada’s Hottest., “fve s-n - ” -, _ games. Theatresports will be -&uff is good, too. But their movie reviews..:tiew rock group? will be appearing at the played on Fridays throughout the .phew! Di$ja regd eat &it aboiirwrath of’ CL:“ ,Didn’t that Drama Department .pmi --:‘Ui$terloo- Inn. Tickets will be $4.50 for Fed I term. Imprint’s Campus Events b bhfi?+’ -’ . -:‘ : / $&embers, $5.50‘ for others and the ’ hall is duction suck?’ .-. 1 announces the time and location, , ‘41know what you mean! A& thosebook 1expected to be filled. i:j “You know, 1 could ” usually 9:30 p.m. in . Hagey -Hall, -I_’Winding up the Orientation season is a bus .tr*ip to Stratford to see the Merry -Wives of ’ room 180. Bufbe warned; audienc,e ,reivews!Jeeze!Don’t they read anything but _ . and they all trooped down to CC Ii0 _ members e-seldom stay in the I science f&&n-. and John Dl Macdonald F-AW&dsor. Sponsored by the Creative -Arts audience - forever. Recruits are %wiii their a*les. Of course, they were sent S ; Board, tickets will be $10.00 and $20.00: _ novels?’ enthusiastic fans. who ’ 1‘$Probably not. They ;did+, even notice back and hacjto type them, but when they, : ‘--‘-The Federation will be continuing its series - s usually suspect they c8n do as well -or !&f Thursday night pubs throughout this term how many new Canad&n writershave pub- saw them in piint - WOW! Like, fame, . . better. / \ ~ /&id- next, as well. The 30th of September I ‘lished this season.There’sthis one-guy who fortune, self-actualization . . .- other neat , features Belinda Metz, a Pat Benatar Newcomers are velcome at they: +QU know,I shouldwrittiomething about expletiveSIOf course, :: the Waterloo ‘Inn.- Admission. will ,be $2.00 for ._ they had to deal with .-regular’wor~sh6~-~~k2~~~~~~~~~,-~~f~i,. .‘I I_ __ j le@er~ter%-& .- -.--, ..--; 1.;.-.0-Y. -: :, bj+$~;~-W;Of$ &$$i&i&+~hiq .p$ ;is @iw -se: r,,. c . _, _ _._ i ., .n;aw,&$d i-, 1 nevert&$‘ .’





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.byR~gerCropk 3 ‘8, - . HqmosapSien ,.II Is _. 2‘. Fe’teShelley . PoSygg-ati ;

. _.

‘, __ ’ ,. , i ’ . _ , _. ’


Foimerly the leadvocali&witih& U.K. neti tiatie band, The Buz&o&s, )PeteShelley-l-+ --_ ‘: jumped ..on. the Glectrd-pop, bandwagotiatid _ -- tdkentip-8 $10 c+eer. r ’ ~\ i After the break-up ‘of- The Buzzco<ks,- in . ,’ IS&l, Sh:elley took-sotie-song lyrics he had ,plievi@y! writfen a’nd w&t into the studio to projedt: ‘1 - ,i ‘! work oeL the Homosapign 1’ 3-h&~ ‘later admitted in an. inteiviiw .tiith Pe$er $oddard of the Toronto St& (;b;pril 23r$, X982) that-Homosapien,was the reason . ‘for leaving the g<oufi’saying Y.-But thinking .I fovG .tihat I wanted TV do with the song, I - realiz%d ‘I hid no nsed [or th&’ group. SO I Few would deny the &erit of Homosapien if . . . . to. . leave.” . .. .. decided only for its danceability. The rest of thealbum, ’ Aceompanyitig, Shelley ok 6iomotiapie’b is ,however., is by no means deserving of sych @o--~&i~e~- h@qin ~R@ie,nf tih6 dlso ptiy+d acclaim. -t drtiti bnd synthesizer. -, ’ - ’ 4 The rkmdining songs, which comprise the ‘ ,:; : ARmgh, ,an accomplished musician,. ‘album, ar.e for the most part w’eak clones of - R&fie~~is~ better kriom’ for his prqduct’ion ’ Homoso$en. : work as with Human &e_a&e on HDareJ’.- brf In many of the songs, most> noticeably in-J ~ Jhe restiit of their union was the original Generate Q F&Fling a‘nd IDon’t Know What Homosapien album which until just recently -I$, Shelley. tries in vain to reconstruct th was G&avai&le in Canada ai an impbrt. It ’ Homosupien su’ccess formula. As a result th +as since beeri released domesti’cally with a song+ lack any discernable variety musically c Few cover sleeve a.nd three qewsongs: LoireIn. in thgir phrasing,. making the e&e L Vuin; Witness The Change, andIn Love With - I’ extremelv reoetitious throuahout. i .ULllW man me nir single 1 8Without d doubt, the focal point of part&&r on the albllmc+=Jcnl u*.av.u*.uuy cit. It qll comes Homosapien is the highly infectious Iitle - ‘acro& &-‘a jumble of electrpnically’synthe_ song. The single Hknosczpien was banned by . sizhd‘ mediocrity. Shelley could ‘have done the BBC for the. implied honiosexu& ,, hiF$elf a favour by compiling more ‘tiaterial relationships. \ ’ ,” -I I b&fore going intb the studio in&d *of ; Regard& -of- 2:whatevet *re$e&atioris the’. attempting IO’ b&e an a!bum $I a single; ,+ng 1 BBC might-have, Homosapieti has received ,-idea. . / - constant air rjlav on C&adian.rtidioLstations Pete Shelktl is-- tint m-w-tn-- hP VWt*tGy ..V.U.‘ &regarded since ihe da&t &as ~released. howetigr. rnllst ho-’ romp’ --.- -_ --- ‘lt-- -----.v. ,...,mbered thtit I Apparent.iy the : implicdtiork which dis- ’ fibmds.a@ien is only his fijrst solo attemljt,&rbed the *BBC programmers occur in the HoPefully he will hqve l&rned that ‘one sQng * .‘.I.I , I lin8s: ihdch’t m&b an album bi;* the tim&.he &ores ““I

I rcuuuy







.-Yau3-e a cow bow:


s&gHomosapien, ‘you’d I hdt. 4h* 7 ;A ELIA r\Y CL

, ,’ -.



\ i



Hagood Hardy, composer, arranger and. instrumentalist appears Janu$ry 14th.. He is Larger than life-puppets, physigal comedy, and four-part ;acappella are.all part of the new well-known for his famous tune The TieWinter: ‘83 Series’ for Students announced by : ,coy’ng, the UW Arts Centre -for its 198283 pro;. Thursday, February 17 is the date to see fessional se&on. .Dinah Cristie & Friends.. Dinah -takes a surBeginning the series ‘on January 22nd are prising new direction into jazz, disco and rock ‘n’ roll-;a11 delivered with the delightful Christie the Nylons, Bn up and coming a cappella ’ , group.. The Nylons muSica repertoire features ’ flair. 8’ not, only 9 varied selection of styles from’ the ’ - Rounding out theseries March 1st is Some 1930’sthrough to the classic do-wah .oldies, Like It Go/e, the sassy songs of Cole Porter. This is a Ihit musical revue from New York in a but also afrangements of songs by current per_krmers such as Bruce Springsteen, the Bee tribute to the man who gave us 30 musicals Gees, and driginal works by the-group. -- including Kiss Me Kute. Some tike 1[Xole Theatre sans fil on February.25th presents ’ features’manyof hissongs youmayneverhave ‘7% Hobbit, adapted from the book by J. R. R. heard. Series tickets are $30, students/sen‘iors $25.50. Tolkien. This fantasy production utilizes giant puppets (some measuring 10 to 12 ft. tall); an The Dance Lovers Series presents the outstanding musical score, and the voices : / of_ exciting and unusual Danny Grossman Dance some fine Canadian actors. Company, France’s.- leading modern dance Ballet Theatre du Silence; a _ .w~paw I favourite of K-W 1audiences, the Toronto Dance The&re; and Theatre Ballet of Canada, ’ “who-had their pre-debut performance on the s Humanities stage in January, 1981. The Danny Grossman Dance Company ’ ‘begins the Dance Lovers Series on October _ 14th. This company has created a completely ’ Xoriginal style of. dance and has left a major impact on the international dance scene. France’s leading modern dance company, ~ Ballet Theatre du Silence appears December : * 9th. This trbupe of classically and con:‘. temporary trained,danceks has been drawn mainly from the prestigious ParisOpera and its : repertoire includes ,many original pieces.. Thursday, Jauuary 20th brings back the’ ,’ ;Toronto Dance Theatre, a’ favourite of K-W j . audiences. This vibrant ,.-modern dance : company has been growing and evo&ing:over ’ the years and now takes it place :.s <’ inter- 1 nationally with the best. This series ends Februq&y,&h ;vi&.;lheatreX ‘. ’ ’ Ballet of Canada. Theatre Ballet of Canada brings together the art of ballet an#‘the +entertainment of-theatre ina way-quite unlike+ any other dance company. Series tickets are $29.50, students/seniors $25.00. As a special feature attraction direct from presented by these three dynamic young,men England, The LondonSavoyards appear with ’ from the west. 7&e World of Gilbert ond Sulliuan. Some of the -Series tickets are $18.50 for the three shows best known songs, arias, scenesand also some with reserved seating,.a saving of over 20 per lesser-known gems frommany of the-Gilbert/’ cent of the single ticket price. Series ticketsare and Sullivan famous musicals will be available now at the UW -Arts Centre. box . performed. subscribers get first chance for office with single tickets on sale beginning reserved seats. and $1 .dO ’ @iscount” on the / January 20th. . . regular price. Subscriber : price .is $8.50, Along with this series the UW ArtsCentre’ student/senior subscriber $7.00. y .’ presents three series for adults and two seriek Again this year the UW -Arts centre for children. continues its two children’s series. ,’ The International Stage Series consists of The Sorcerer$. Apprenticeby O&tario four productions, Beyond the Fringe, Corn’ Ballet Theatre; UW .Drama Department’s_ pagnie Philippe Genty , Terras de _Bacalhau production of Jacob Two-Tmo Meets the and An Evening withQueen Victoria. Hooded Fang; Theatre Beyond/Words Potato Beyond the Frrnge, an evening of British People; the Hugget Family with the Magic comedy, hailed by one critic as “the sharpest, Minstrel- and three, _deliciously delightful most outragiously funny set of ‘satirical clowns from Quebec L’Aubergine l dela sketches in’years” will play October 21st. - M&edoine comprise the Make- Believe From France, Conipagnie Philippe Genty Theatre- Series for children, .preschodl to 8 . on January 17th, presents puppets for adults. :years old, Series tickets’are $14.00, children/ Combining all aspects of puppetry, including seniors $12.00. y marionettes, marottes, hand puppets and The Imagination Theatre Series for ages 9 1 black light figures in their own ’ brand of - through 12 presents Nets Cana&iqn Kids by -Bntertainment. : Green Thumb Theatre of Vancouver; The .bySylvia



Direct from Newfoundland; the underground hit of Toronto’s Theatre Festival, Terras de Bacalhau willappear February 9th. The title is Portuguese for “Land of the Cod”, and the show takes a look iit the culture clash between Newfoundlanders and the - l&-tuguese fishermen who c&ne to the banks off St. I ,I-aI r. ‘Johns. From the *Old. Vic, Lo&on, England, An .Evening with Queen Victoria, starring Prunella Scales, ends the serieh on March 31st. A ‘portrait of Queen’Victorid drawn from her own ‘words (her diaries, letters and other writings ‘kept throughout her long life), revealing acontradictory and sometimes surprising person. sr*es tickets are $29.0,0, students/seniors i -. $24.50. ’ ’ -j Shirley .Eikhard; Hagood Hardy,‘~ Dinah jchnstie, and from New Ytirk, Some Like It .-Cole- comprise\ the, Easy Listening Music Series. ’ t ,On Saturday, October 16, the Easy [Listkning Music Series ,begins with Shirley‘E&hard in .Goncert: She sings.folk,.disco, pop Iand jqzz &&backed. * +.\:<%a, b$z her “ow&eyboard~ .uriei-it~d‘.~~~rtet.~“-‘.. __ ;,t.,.: :, _\.+.:.;*;l


Apalled at the cost of movies today? There are still a few deals around, at least ot campus: cheapand free. Who can beat that? \ . . The Federationof Studentspresents Fed Flicks on Friday, Saturday and Sunday eves ings in AL 116 at 8:00 p.m. It costs fee-paying Feds $1.00 and others $2.00. The Campus Centre Board runs Cinema Gratis on Wednesday evenings in thl Campy Cent-re Gre$t Half. The movies are free, so come early to get a seat. Show starts a I ” 9:30; p.m. , resow is alist of coming attractions. I _ . -- Cinema G&is Fed’ Flicks 1 Sept. 8 Monty Python & the Holv Grai Sept.-15 Bob & Carol’& Ted & Alice . Sep. 17-19 The Elephant Man Sept. 22 - -Three Days of the Condor Sep. 24-26 Serial Sept. 29 Mr. Hulot’s Holiday Oct. l-3 American Gigolo’ Oct. 6 Point of Order Ott: 8-10 No movies (long weekend) Ott:‘ 13 ’ Hair . Qct. 15-17 Airplane -_ , Oct.20 Paper Chase , Oct. 22-24 Atlantic City ‘* Oct. 27‘ ,_ North by Northwest Oct. 29-31 The Postman Always Rings Nqv. 3 Breakfast at Tiffany’s I : ’ Twice , Nov. 5-7 Some Kind of Hero (Restricted) I’$;. :8 _ Good the Bad and the Ugly Nov: 12%-14 Gallipoli Madam Rosa Nov. 19-21 .Paternity y Nov: 24 Body Heat -- ’ I Nov. 26-28 Escape from Alcatraz, Dec. 1 Battleship Potemkin **

’ -f.. fZON,VENlENTLi






Univeqity _., Of ,I 1’ I. L


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For I Waterloo I 3


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S/F National Tap- Dance Company with Oliver -Button is a Sissy; Jazzmpbile Jam with Jim , Galloway -Quartet; a new programme from Carousel Dance Centre and Quiet starring Internatio,nal singing star Jan .Rubes. Series tickets are‘$14.00, children/seniors $12.00. Another UW Arts Centre Programme is the International Film Series. The fall se&s presents Black Orpheus, Blonde Venus; Best - of Cannes Festival; The Red & The White; SG?@cir;lg; and Picnic at Hanging Rock. The Winter Series includes The Incredible ’ Shrinking. Man; Music Lovers; I Vintage; . Practice Makes Perfect; Grand Hot&l; and - ve Changling. Full Series tickets (Sept. March) is $22.50, students/seniors $18.00. MiniSeries tickets (Se’pt. -.Dec. or Jan. ’ March) is $12.00, students/seniors $10.00 which includes membership. Single tickets for all productions (excluding -student series) go on sale September 20th. Colour brochures, detailing-all productions of the UW ‘Arts Centre’s 1982-83 season, and tickets are available at the UW Arts Centre ; : -,l@qya -,$)@cg in -Hum&&$ _&: : b$‘: $&&j!. :* , ”uL ‘gf$s~~2&y~~;; * .‘i? * _ 1 “. 23c “.-i :9 Li+*% ,?A- s 1.‘;:‘*’





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still packs pu&h

. by Todd Schneider Marching throngs of banner-waving Argentinians cried out for “a bigger slice of every pie”, whilst the brave British defenders were trounced by some of Argentina’s finest met-i. And it all tdok place on the stage of Toronto’s O’Keefe Centre. It’s not the eleven o’clock news springing off the TV screen into the flesh. The British“defenders” were polo players, and the “throngs” were members of Actors Equity doing an impression of Latin American proletarians. These scenes are part of (he opera Evita, which has been .running for the last number of weeks. &though technically Evita is an opera (the lines of spoken dialogue are negligible), don’t get scared off; it’s not Die Niebelungen. The only spears ‘&here are the words the ’ characters throw at each other. Evita is the “true” story of Eva Peron of Argektina,a podr girl, child of a working mother and a bourgeois father, who escaped her roots to become deified in the eyes of a nation’s people. It’s about power: getting it (laying your way to the top); keeping it (liquidating any opposition stubborn enough to refuse self-exile); losing it (to cancer, but gaining a different level of power - sainthood - because when you die at thirty-three, lots of folks seem to find it significant. Yes, friends, you too can act like a fascist and end up beloved.). Following the original British album and-subsequent London stage production, the current New York road show has fallen (an apt word) under the misguidance of a Mr. Harold Prince. This version is certainly stylish. It even packs some punch. Lyricist Tim Rice’s prowess at deflating pomp and exp&ing the uglier side of public heros still predominates. And composer Andrew Lloyd Webber ( the news for his scuffles with - Toronto schlock king/impresario Ed Mirvish) has delivered, audience-milking potential, someone was think&g more of once again, a powerful (yes, and hummable, for those who care profit-margin potential than artistic integrity. about such qualities) score. I know of no other team that has broken the static confines of traditional musical theatre so As for the performances, honourable’mention goes to the admirably. extras, who remain competent and supportive throughout, especially as the army officers who bemoan the little lady’s But in its Atlantic crossing, Evita has been Yankee-iLed. I’d uppitiness. like to believe that it was -Webber and Rice’s personal decision rather than Prince’s to modify the show from its original Valerie Perri, as Evita, comes on toostrong for a woman who, incarnation. Whoever is responsible, there are so&e questions as she states in the program notes interview, acted macho to that need answering. hide her vulnerability. Maybe it was being up in the boonies that did it, but the characterization had all the vulnerability of an MWhy were some of the admittedly British (but easily understood) figures of speech changed (“get stuffed” becomes 16. _ “up yours”)? To her credit though, Perri makes a very effective Why have the orchestral arrangements been toned down, transformation in both costume an&attitude from a teenage making them less hard-edged and more showy? The recQrd army groupie to a ruthless adult power-monger. When Evita laG$ included a clever, far&i] production number that ,bad narratoi; on her deathbed, we see a procession of her former selves pass Che and a chorus link%%&gerit’in”s ‘s@aying bug(6sKapow, by, a tremkndous scene. die”), as a counter-point to Peron’s rise to dictator from an Robb Alton’s Juan Peron belies all the talk of the plaiisuader overseas skiing instr’uctor. Now we have Peron and other relevance because of the Falklands crisis. He’s topical as hell fol military types playing musical chairs. Still, clever, granted, but the fact that his arrogance as dictator of Argentins is onparwitt where’s the ironic touch gone to? that of our own’ leader. And while Alton’s attempt at a South When Che’s insecticidal song-and-dance routine gets American accent is valiant, it stands out like - weli, like a thumt scrapped, and a pleasant, innocuous (and easily otimitted) squashed by the secret police, torch song frgm Peron’s teenage ex-mistress is played for full The narrator and chief ch&acter assassin, Che (played by R Michael Baker) is the most compelling figure. ‘%&osedh __ modelled after Che Guevara, guerilla fighter and liberatior martyr, he’s a flaming Marxist of the Groucho faction. If there’s; heaven for radicals, you can just picture Che up there singing a! Emma Goldman dances. s It’s titie to put aside artistic niceties and deal with cold reality Despite the shortcomings in staging, Evita really was wortl seeing. But it’s not for the escapist crowds, those &ho mush ul tissues at E.T. or whose idea of a fine musical theatre is Gilber and Sullivan (G&S afficionados should be taken to see the shocl if only for the acerbic portrayal of Argentina’s aristocracy a something straight out of HMS Pinafore). C

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Imprint Arts. Tuesday,

A. Heinlein:words


A. Heinlein? Isn’t he some kinda wiiter or sumpin’?” That’s Iike saving, “Michelangelo? He drew, didn’t he? Something to do with cysts?” ) started writing in 19.39. After>-that short story Fifeline), he became Robert A. Heinlein (1907 3ne of the best-known and most popular science-fiction authors inNorth America. After the Second w&id War, he was responsible for bringing Science Fiction out of its twentieth century “ghetto”and putting it in the “slicks” (high circulation, high quality magazines]. He wrote a series of juvenile novels and upgraded that field. While Heinlein insists he is an entertainer; his books and stories carry a message, but not always pleasant one. In the following pages Imprint reviewer John McMullen discussed two of his most recent books and looks at a recent critique /biography of Heinlein. He also reserves absolute bias f the article below, an overview of Heinlein’s work. I bv Tohn McMullen accept anybody’s word for anything until you %u said you would, so go ahead, coward.” check the accuracy. But I don’t know where to begin! There seems to be a lot of opposition to this -“Try the beginning. Try a topic sentence. sort of thing today. Let each person make his own gnything, but this dialogue is confusing. How mistakes. Fine, but some of them are going to be nany of them are going to know I represent your irreversible. Especially the fatal ones. :onscience?” So why not sit and listen at Heinlein’s feet? No Now they do. Topic sentence: Robert A. one insists that each reader must agree with him. Heinlein. No verb, no adjectives. Lots of superJust listen, and judge for yourself. atives. What is wrong with listening to a man who has Robert A. Heinlein is referred to as “the Dean of “been around”, who has seen the joints and seams science Fiction Writers” by those who write the in the world? llurbs on paperback covers. I believe he shares Despite technological changes, humans will his sobriquet with Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. remain human, and any society birthed by a new Xarke and Frank Herbert. One assumes that technology is still a human society. (I trust that !ach represents a separate faculty. takeover by artificial intelligence is comfortably Robert A. Heinlein wrote the two classic tales far off as I write this.) Heinlein’s opinions of If time travel, A11 You Zombies and By His human beings may not be yours or mine, but he 3ootstraps: has three or four times the observations available Robert A. Heinlein has one of the largest to him. :ollections of Hugo Awards in the world (four for I can only suspect that most people are unable 3est Novel and a Grand Master award). to defend their own notions and feel threatened Robert A. Heinlein provokes opinions ranging by those of others. Ah, well. he spectrum, but there are always opinions. This is not a criticism of Heinlein; I don’t know enough about politics, sociology, engineering and nathematics in order to criticize the novels, and ‘11 never write as well as he does. Nor is it ntended to be another defense of Heinlein because Spider Robinson did it better than I :ould with “Rah, Rah, R. A. H.!“). No, this is frank adulation.



a master


Heinleiil’s books taught me that there are such hings as right and wrong, that man’s greatest asset is intelligence, that wisdom and intelligence hre not the same thing and that most people don’t lse what intelligence that they have. His books counteracted a great deal of the jessimism about humanity that was popular at he time. They gave me a lot of ideas about lonour, and honesty and the virtues of lemocracy and education. Try this on for size: “ ‘tell the truth and shame he devil’ is no virtue when your family and ‘riends and your whole race are at stake.” leinlein’s stories aren’t all black and white. Sure, I’ve discarded some of those opinions, but 1 lot of them have survived because they work. rhey correspond to reality so far, and I don’t see mything wrong-with it. I have examined and tested all of the opinions that remain which is snother thing I learned from Heinleindon’t

I’ll quote



Robert Heinlein’s following was ardent and instant with the appearance of his first short story in Astounding Science Fiction magazinemore than 40 years ago, and it has multiplied with each of his publications, His series of “juveniles” had a great deal to do with raising that category from childish to what is now called YA“Young Adult.” His influence on science fiction has been immense; his knowledge of the hard sciences and his gift for logical extrapolation inspired many beginning and a good many already established writershandsto knit fact and conjecture with a litttle more care and a great deal more literary quality than previously. The net effect over the years has been to erode the snobbery placed on science fiction. Nabokov, Lessing, Vonnegut, Borges and other luminaries have found it a worthy metier with full awareness that it is, after all, not all zap guns and specialeffects. And throughout this swift and steady evolution can, almost always, be seen the Heinlein influence. Heinlein’s three most recent books have been largely didactic, interior, sometimes pedantic, though each has its good measure of action. Some of his idolaters mou&ed the lack of the Heinlein of the decisive hero, the blinding pace, the magnificent sweep of very possible near-future and above all, that element of developments; capital-S, Story.

I’m glad we’re rid of him. Look, there’s something a little more serious to discuss. And it also has to do with Heinlein, and with what I said about listening to people who know whereof they speak. There is a trend in Heinlein’s books, a definable trend which I find worrisome. Look here: In the juvenile novels, published throughout the Fifties, Earth had a world government, and in the majority of the . novels, there was a Space Patrol which guarded humanity from itself. (Don’t snigger. Ask yourself, “Quis custodes custodiet?” and read Space Cadet.) These books represent an optimistic view of the world and of the future (surely appropriate for juvenile novels, one would think, but this view is shared in most of Heinlein’s short fiction of the period). There is hope for Humanity. Then, in the Sixties, with books like Starship Troopers, Glory Road and The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, the tone changes. The world will no longer have a unified government; Earth has a group,of squabbling politicians running it, and it is headed for trouble. By the Seventies (I Will Fear No Evil and Time Enough For Love) Earth is a place to leave. There is no hope at all for the planet, and only those smart enough to emigrate to other planets survive the collapse of civilization. Heinlein’s two novels of the Eighties have also abandoned Earth. And Heinlein’s collection, Expanded Universe, an update of The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein, is liberally sprinkled with warnings. Heinlein even closes with two different scenarios for the future, one gloomy (not even a scenario for the future; merely a listing of what he finds today) and one happy. The book is a warning. Heinlein is warning us, but he is also helping by giving constructive advice. I’m not going to quote; read the last 67 pages of Expanded Universe. So what to do? The only thing that I can think of (and Spider Robinson suggested this before me) is to heed Heinlein’s words and try and keep society afloat, alive and vigorous. Not only will it keep Heinlein \ alive and partly repay him, but I can’t see that we can hurt by it. In short, I want to thank Robert Anson Heinlein because he is one of the reasons that I enjoy living, one of the people who taught me to enjoy thinking, and I would like to spread that to others. Viva Heinlein! Life and longevity!




. by John - ~Halt,


So Friday makes the decision to leave the planet. There are, of course, forces acting ,against her, but she manages to %escape. , That is the story.


Friday Robert A. Heinlein Rjaehart, Win&on,


.Friday is the latest work by 3 .Robert A. Heinlein [who was, I ‘--believe, the first to becalled “the Dean of ScienceFiction Writers”. There .are-four or five of them now). ‘It is an aggressive adventure novel, taking place in the near future on a’ dying e&h. It is societ.y- that is dying. , ’ ’ Friday is an Artificial Person, an I AP, whoselegal status is that of chattel. Her “owner? has freed her and made her a courier for his-topsecret organization.She,has been genetically’ designed to be stronger, faster; smarter, iri almost every way better than the rest of humanity. c But there is a prejudice against APs, and Friday still feels inferior td inadequate because she has no mily, because ,she isnot human te attempts to, find.a family, but WI hen her boss ai&, she is alone and Tllll ust fend’forherself. _ - _ -






. _ -

This book will shut the reasonable ” cri45cs up: Some of course are . complaining because they like to complain. But the others will notice that this book is tightly structured, t that it does not have an ounce of fat on it, that it is good., i _

., r

California. The Chicago Imperium. kll this and more, set against a . _,@her planets have been colonized, wonderfully realized backgrouud. North Am.erica has Balkanized into a . but earth’s society is collapsing quickly. Prejudice, rudeness,.martial number of smaller states. British Canada. Texas. The Confederacy of law are all rampant. .



- Friday is a ‘tightly written, fast adventure combination of classic




story. It is a themes: the Continued on - page 13

- Milk and Cigarettebqn, the, . following. -locations: -

-Modem Languages Haiey -‘: . _. Hall, I Athletic Complex , Campus Centre ,’ Engineering No. 3 Block 1 Faculty ClubLibrary Building ’ Student Services Student Vill-tige 1 .Student Village 2 _ --AdministrationBuilding . Central Stores . Se Chemistry ’ \ r _-. Math &‘Computer Food Services’ . I. - . Optomet@ Psychology Building _






_ , --Robert Heinlein has come in for a lot of criticism in the past ten years _ or so for being wordy, dull, long_ winded; pedantic, didacticand a hack, “even if he used to be able to write,” they say, “he has collapsed in self-indulgenoe.” (1 don’t hear him -complaining. I don’t hear the publishers complaining.) \











In The Campus






1st Floor Room 106 2nd Floor Room 281 ~ : 2nd ‘Floor Room 2Qi5 ’ Great Hall . -’ 1st Floor Room 153i -.-mI Downstairs IStaff-Lounge 130 , I1st Floor Room 1202A c . 1st Floor East & ‘West 1st -Floor Adlmin. 1st F&or Room 1039 ’ _\ Main Floor . , _ j 1st Floor Stairwell i 3rd Floor-Room 3001 Up & Down Stairs 3rd Floor Room 3005 i st Floor Room. 1.052.

You Will Now-Find




/ I





And In Th&M

8c_’C 3rd ‘Floor!

, -

i Graduate

Portraits *

J ?,

traversesall the pos’ sible universes; these ‘possible universes all be found in works of/ - fiction. Therefore, all realities are’ equally fictionai [and all fictions are reality].


sure that

.” ,I.’




:‘QUALlTi _a _. 5. ‘.‘t’ j


Opposing them in their’ j,ourneys’ &e the Black’IIats, nonhumans who resemble beasts described in the Book of Revelations. .’ After crossing a / numb,er of universes, they eventually establish relations. with charactersfrom Heinlein’s ‘~FutureIIisto.r$ series ’ (not ably LazarusLong) andpl.ot the overthrow of the Black Hats.. . or &least the capture of .’. --23 .

&houldn’tthere be ’ . $IK@~?T,Q& honest(.I’m:: -- almost con$inced that ’ *’ “ the‘only p!roblem with ’ the book is myown - st,upidity - I just ’ ,’ ( haven’t managed to discern the meaning of it all. j I Ah, well. For almost . five hundred pag,es it’s .-a-romp by one of the .greatest authors of . science fiction, Who .:.cares about the ending?


350 King Street west, Kitchener,


2 .,




,. ../



Get this: chased out home, universe by,one these beasts. after ‘setting up the First Cen- .sion&l liar. It i’s an unsatisfactory tennial Convention ,of. H/ftruce ErankTli -__jgm#@-. I$:~g@r+$he s.toTy.. 1 ~, 1 ,\(,:: ~ , the Intreruniversal&& ..- *I . ~~f()+&:~fii+ei-~i~~ I‘.+ ‘E&i iS;dSSO \lY ~ iety for Eschatological Let’s face it: any author whois 1 I &&erik as - Pantheistic Multiple( ,published, who is paid money for his _, 3 ‘_ fd bed A: -I$eitil@n: SFience Fiction is an example of . writing, and who hopes to be read by Ego Solipsism; and well. written, . 1,:a-wide ‘audienceis after laying an elabo’r; ,’ those: books which:& in the business of I , from ate trap, theyfind one _ concise ,and logical., a.nd.lderive storytelling. Stories are.about one (1) more - but hi es: . problems, : 7 .‘Y ai w 1.assumption,The ‘1 -. val$e . . ’of the -_, ‘-- people with recognizable boo& depends. upon the!va,lue j one’, i -. 2nd t-he vast majority of stories capes, leaving behind .-‘, , _ which ignore-that ,fact fail. : .’ only his shiel-d [he was i assigns -- - to the -- assump_tion. .m_ c assumption is ’ H; {Bruce Franklin’s posing as tin Interspace So whenFranklin say& “Even at .: that “Heinlein, though,of-course Patrol Special Agent) this late date, Heinlein still present.s . in someways, . an ,individual entrepreneur and, his. _- I which bears the number 1 quite extieptional a veryrep’ 666.‘The plot of the ._’ I must, be ‘understood’as corporation as th,e force-necessaryto / 1~ carry out the-first resentative American.. Becabse’he . Black Hats seems un< travel to the _ ; ’ embodies the’con’tradictions that resolved. ’ , moon,” I have to take it with a grain ‘. have been developing in our society _ of salt, because the story of the I Or not, There are a ever since the Depression flowed‘ 1 thousands of people requirbd to send number of w-ays to talk c into. theSecond;World War, to 1 Z men to the moon lacks emotional around this problem, understand the phenomenonof : impact (too: dilute) and would not but all of them involve \Rob.ert Heinlein-is to finally ’ salable as science.fiction. X bringing in ext.ernal ’ ’ understand the culture that is the ‘,To support his argument,,‘Franklin ‘\. . matrix for ourselyes.“: , . .. , opens5each: information,which may chapter (he divides / _^ That seems like a-large order I be what is needed here. -I- “H,einiein’s career into-five periods) take it too seriously; ithas This is a strangebook. - cannot with a short historical, su&mmary.: .; ,: , long been a game to trace the .. ’ I (we also gives the best biography 1 / ’ of this event or that event It&also a fun book ,**influence have yet read‘of Heinlein.] Thes,eare in anauthor’s life upon a scene or .J., lots’and lots of f&I also the five periods of American . _ am tempted to think , ,” characterIt is psychoa+ysisI per: Depression&, World. _,. history.-The that it is one elaborate 1 -. War II; 1947 i 1959; the 1960’s; the joke, being played by ,: l,fM)‘s; and a note on The Number of ‘‘Heinlein on his reading the Beast, ;sYhich was Heinlein’s . The Kitchener-Waterloo Board -z public;. The number of novel for 1,980. (Any comments on , 0’ of’ BasketbalK Offlclals IS now 0 in-jokes to be found in the Eight& are premature.) the last fifteen pagesis Hav”lng criticized the cake, I*would ’ ...&~~it&~ new r&&&s .f& the b ,_ mind-boggling. like to saythat the icingis superb. , -a . , ‘:+,:: 1982 - _1983 ~seasOn-~~, __: : ,..,0 _ . Whenhe is confining himself to the ’ - . e. In.order to make, :: stories, Franklin is cogent andlI ; e- .’ complete sense.of it, one 0 A Full Education Prog&n “iii~o+idecj * concise, producing some of the most needs aknowledge of thought-provoking analyses of 0 0 ~Heinlein’s earlierwork, .-Heinlein&work to be found in book, _, -b :‘LM~e&& begin‘&ondai. Ser>f.15 ‘and i) prominent science-ficform. SometfmesI felt-he missed the/ e .contin% -ev& Moilday evening from, tion writers, their \~mark, b-utit is compellingreading I_ ’ ji j”til 9 l& -St: ;&#&& -S&6ol’~t, ’ 9 hobbies and> therwives . for a, ,&Ieinlein’s: (Don’t,, you ,, 0 and of a var’ietyof -&$ U&&ty Ave. (;icyjf$&--~ ’1 want to know what others thought.” e classic literature; (Qs of I will Fear No Evil? .or Stranger in ~ i --m odd. 1,had never before s aStrqqpLand?) I . Please use tir entrance 0 .suspected Heinlein of >And, of7course, there is th.e.. .I , _ L ,. 0 having this kind of., , .. possibilitythat. you will agree with. * Fbr fiirther information c$W74490~ . -..* maniacal ronaneqs ror i Franklin. In either case; -America as. a puns.) Science Fiction i” ,worth reading. ._ n,,








l l





.’ ’ -,,

\ March:



in Chicaal

L1: Let’s do a show! L*: Surewhich one? L1: I don’t know-yyou’retheclever one in this scenario. L*: Then let’s grab an armful of scripts from theArtsLibrary,go to the Grad Club and read ‘em. L1: Now that sounds clever. later the same night:


Ll : I want to doSexualPerversityin Chicago by David Mamet. L*: How about Babel Rap, by John Lazarus? L1: How about both? L*: I thought /was supposed to be ,the clever one. Ll: What do they have in common, though? L*: Is this a quiz?They’re bothoneact plays, and they’re both comedies. L1: But one’s about sex and the other’s about God. L*: how can a combo like that lose? L1: Hey, I think we’re in business! later that same month:


Our intrepid heroines coercetalented people toformthe basicproduction staff of the show, and Perversity Productions is born. A preliminary budget is prepared and presented to the Creative Arts Board (C.A.B.) of the Federation of Students. . These nice people are charged with the encouragement and sponsorship of creative student endeavours such as this, and, of course, our heroines (and company) are welcomec@ith-open .

They book theatre time, obtain the production rights to the plays and hold their collective breath until.. . June: : when auditions are held. The directors (our aforementioned heroines) cast, the two shows (cooperatively, contrary to expectation) and make all those terrible ‘f-thank you but . . .” phone calls (except those they conned the producer into making). Read-throughs with the full casts give everyone an idea of what they’ve gotten themselves into. Then they rehearse. -

_ -

at left, audit&on



Space for Autographs‘: -.

-I-- .

CWlect thecomple

!te set!-

Jim Gardner

as Danny



They keep on rehearsing.

For variety, the technical staff get . together for regular production meetings; someone has to plan and .execute set and lighting design, sound, publicity and all the other traditionally thankless tasks that actually put the show onstage. The actors learn lines, totally change their images of their characters at least oncea weekand learn that theatre means never thinkingyouMaveaIIoftheanswers in the first week of rehearsal. Sometime soon they will begin moving, rather than just reciting lines; the show is starting to come together.

. -:,;,& J c.y$$

Pat Andersc

Babel Rap: T&y Barna 5


, __.,,

I ’ ‘- , -,,.t

Ken Lynch (with beer 4%beard) as - Technical Qirector. ’ _, . Carol Lynch (with cigarett?) -as another Technical Director Bren‘da Parsons (with glasses, no beard) a$ Publicky Dkector and Stage Manager’-Gillian Teichert (with YAMAHA shirt) as Business Mangger Preston Gurd (with ma&grin) as The Bystander. -

Lil Green

as Deb- I .:_ _. ,-,



*. r

Ian! Allen as The Worrer-


,. . ,,‘,:-,’

_ .

Well, we don’t know what yoy did - on your Labour Day weekend, but the. cast and crew of Perversity Productions were in T. of A,, for what is fondly called the “tech weekend”. This includes setting lighting levels and running through both plays “cue to cue”, that is; skipping large portions of text to iump from one technical cue to the .next. A “tech run’! takes most qf Sunday afternoon and evening; the entire show is perfOFmed while stopping and starting. often to examine, change or practice technical cues. Monday’s “tech run” is swifter and smoother. , -

! Tuesday night - dress rehearsal. With complete costumes, lights and other technical wizardry, this is _ performed as a real show: We stop for nothing. Of course, we’d like to ’ claim it went wotiderfully, but the ‘II rehearsing.’ The~~z*:*-+~~- begt one can s%y~?~d@$$‘& is thatit I and indeed the set-.LWi**ou vrw.t ,borror ,c the sk “&,f opens :;; I “‘~s$embl&. ‘pfoi : duction meetings start to dagenerWednesday,” September 8 and all ate into ” . . . but you didn’t need a . we can do now is wait. To ‘use a’ follow spot . . .” and “doesn’t hackneyed phrase, “it’s showtime, anybody know someone with a folks”. beanbag chair?“, but everyone Babel Rap, by John Lazurus, and takes it in strid%e. A show poster Sexual Perversity in Chicago, by David springs .into Lexistence and the Mamet, are a pair of one-act comedies : press releases go out to tie papers being performed togetherin the and-campus organizations. Theatreof the Arts, September8,9,10, and 11. They are presented by the _Late in -the month, they actually Creative Arts Board of the Federation start working in the Theatre of the Arts (T. ‘of A.) where the show will of Students and showtime is8:OO p.m, General admission is $3.00; Fed be .performed, Sets are irregularly members $2.50 and all Frosh get in for available. Costumes are somehow arranged. Tapes ,of sound effects the low, low price of $2.00. We have towarn you that the subject matter and’ and music are made and fearless language are “mature” so you prob“techieS”cl’imbscaffolding intothe canopy over the stage-to hang and ably don’t want to bring yourfive:year’ ’ old kid brother. focus the lights. , . . / ‘>J



%t,wy photo?

by Lindq Carson by John Hi. B&j.



Sequel work o good storks of


by John



Get lost among the 120,000 Comic books Science Fiction books and records.


St. South,

W. Bast Majipoor Chronicles Robert Silverberg Priam Books, 1981

20% OFF

with this coupon 1 Day Only! Wednesday, September 22/82




rs more ipoor

Wheredoesthestorytukeplace? is their culture going to react to the presence ofour hero or or does the author change the ruies to bail the hero out of


What kind ofpeople live there?How heroine? Is the setting self-consistent trouble?

Usually the reader can be counted upon to have at least a nodding acquaintance cultire, local language, climate, etc. that are important to the story.

with the

This may not be the case and whose science and magic with science fiction books. (or psychic forces) are so The setting may be basically tightly intertwined it is hard to similar to the world we know; it separate them. may be an extrapolation of this The story is fairly simple society; it may be a story about Lord Valentine is deposed events so far in the future or from his rightful throne and is the past that the setting has to cast down to wander, membe completely artificial. oryless, throughout the huge One of the ways to judge the planet while the usurper rules. quality of a science-fiction He must regain his memory story is to consider the and his power. He does. He background. Are the natives has various adventures and indeed products of their enlearning experiences along vironment? Is there a reason the way to keep things interwhy their culture has devel- . esting. oped in such-and-such a way? The book is in fact interCan an earth-human survive esting; Silverberg manages to

that this is training for the young fellow so he may eventually become an aide to Valentine. A brief introduction starts this plot off, and gives the reader who is not familiar with Lord Valentine’s Castle enough background to follow the stories. It is certainly possible to read and enjoy this book without having read Castle. I, however, have read Castle and this has undoubtedly affec ted my reading of this book. Ifound the stories that were more or less directly

on the planet (i.e. if it is Jupitersized, why is the gravity earthnormal? What kind of star does the world circle, and what is its distance?) and if so, why or why not? Perhaps most important of all, is the setting self-consistent? The background to a story should remain just that - the background. The culture, the technology then in vogue, if the local creature’s skin is blue, and so forth should not be - the focus of the story. However, unless the background is clearly established in the author’s mind, the story will probably fail. This question of what is to remain in the background of the story was vaguely disturbing in Robert Silverberg’s Lqrd Valentine’s Castle, his work previous to the Majipoor Chronicles. Castle is set on the planet Majipoor, an enormous world (Jupiter sized, or bigger) with a gigantic population of more than half a dozen races, with millions of cities (each with their special culture, foods, economies, etc.) and a dominant culture whose government is carried on mainly through dreams and visions,

related to the previous story to be more interesting. It was fascinating to see what had started life as just a throwaway line in Castle turned into a complex short story.

Appearing at Centre in the Square Sunday; - Octobtir-3rd .at 8:OOpm Tickets: .$8..50,$10.50 and $12.50

Tickets available on Campus Arts Centre Box OfJice or at The Centre in the Square Box OfJice: 578-1.570 . A Warbucks Production

maintain Valentine as the central point of interest in the book, and yet let some of the most fabulous description and imagination I have read leak through when he talks about this planet he created. I suppose he must have thought it a shame to dump Majipoor after just one book - a planet with many thousands of years of history must have some stories left in it. No? It does. The Majipi>or Chronicles is essentially an anthology of stories that have formed the background for Lord Valentine’s Castle. There are ten stories here, each from a different historical period in the history of Majipoor , usually but not always centering around some important historical figure, each of them carrying some moral lesson. There is a relatively minor plot that ties all of these stories together. We experience them through the mind of a young boy who has gotten into the thought records, the “Register of Souls”, for amusement and who stays for education. We find out later that Valentine (now restored, of course) wanted him too,and

The story that impressed me the most was a trip back into Lord Valentine’searlylife. One wonders if Silverberg found this episode harder to write than a totally new story, or easier? I enjoyed this book. It is rather laid-back: there is little or no violent action involved and none of the reading isat all difficult. I had the feeling that I was in fact reading a fantasy (much of Majipoor has the atmosphere of the Arabian Nights) but this says a lot about the skill of the writing. It manages to be a very rare thing: a spin-off book that can not only stand on its own, but can contribute toandincrease the reader’s appreciation of the previous work. I have little doubt that anyone who enjoyed Lord Valentine’s Castle will enjoy the Majipoor Chronicles and vice versa.


by John.McMullen s

’ ’

I, 3982 [_


. ,

a *.

In today’s uncertain world, most thingsof which you can be certain are bad: politics, war, death, taxes, ,Barbara Walters specials, and the like. However, there is at least one notable exception: a John D. MacDonald novel. . -Cinnamon Skin, the twentieth adventure of.Travis McGee, by John D. MacDonald, is good; it is a must for any/fans of Messrs. MacDonald and McGee. -I . Shucks, you might even want to ‘shell‘:out $18.95 for the hardcover version. (On the other hand, this book is guaranteed for three months on the New York Times best-seller lists aft& it is released in paperback.) : . The characterization, as usual, sparkles the prose is light with a fine turn, and it is plotted with cunning: (This, incidentally: was a failure ‘with some of the earlier ?ravis McGee books; the gimmick was often lifted from MacDonald’sother novels.) Who are these people, and why am I enthused about them? - John D. MacDonald is one of the finest writersalive today. He has written in several areas (try to find his three science fiction novels; they are early effarts, but worthit), and finally hedecided that the best money was to be found in mystery/suspense/ adventure novels. %he has written 66 novels, of varying degrees of quality, from just above average to excellent, and it is obvious that writing is what he likes to do. He does if so well that at first you don’t even notice what he’s doing. Then you say, “Of course.” ‘-Travis McGee is MacDonald’s only series character. McGee has been called.“thebest of the Humanist rebel heroes”; he will probably out-live the author. (MacDonald keeps threatening to kill him’; I want to read that, because the books are told infirst person narrative style.) Every summer, you can look forward to a new McGee novel..’ Let me give you two samples from this Iatest Travis McGee novel, the first casual, the second philosophical. (Talking over the phone) Her voice dipped a half octave. “Yousound really kkrd of adventurous, Mr. Travis McGee. Maybe you could sort of whip over here and pick up the prints in person? I’Lngetting a little _ stir crazy with Sim away at one of those weird conferences about _ setting up trusts, in Liechtenstein.” “It certainly sounds like an attractive,idea, Mrs. Davis, and1 would really take you upon it likea shot, but onMonday I’m beingfittedfora new prosthesis.” / “Uh. Well, maybe some other time,” she said briskly. “The other one never hurts at all,” I said. “How nice foryou. I’ll put these in the mail right aw.ay:Nice totalk ’ __i to,you. Goodbye, Mr. McGee.” 3 (About television) “I krtmI know.. A laxative for the mind. Thinking makes lumps,in the mind. I3ad memories make lumps - Television flushes them away. At five o’clock, alone there aboard my boat, I’ve beenable tosetarerunofM*A*S*Hononechannelandthenswitch to another r&run on another. Old ones. Trapper, Hawkeye, Radar, Hot Lips. You know,the introduction has sta&d almost exactly the same. -The helicopters come .aroundthe side of the-mountain. Then you get a shot from on high of, the hospital complex. Then an ambulance, a closer shot of the choppers, and then people running up a hill toward the camera. In the left centre of the screen a young woman runs toward you, slightly ahead of theothers. Yousee her for four and a half running strides. Dark hair. Faceshowing the strain of running and her concern for the wounded. A pretty woman, maybe



. And to top it all off, this is carefully hidden in a fast-paced action-adventure story. _ , j


’ ,


McGee needs something to occupyihimself; he has just been. dumped. (Actually, he is dumped shortly after all this happens; but there is considerable personal pressure on McGee.) McGee is forced toadmit to himself that hiscapacityfor maturity is not as . 7high as he might like it to be. J’ \ And it begins to look as though the new h&band-is insane, a. man who must occasionally woo, marry and killa young woman. ’ It sounds sensational. But in MacDonald’s hands it is -plausible, gripping, real. . i . I This book’has nice touches. There is a lovely acknowledgement of Stephen King. There is less violence than before (because McGee is getting older,ands‘lowingdown). There&an ending Set in Yucatan, Cinnamon



- -*-:.



Ia ~&&.



Skin is another

from a master.,


#.‘,’ .

The UW’Arts Centre Gallery, a crescent-shaped gallery that forms the foyer of the Theatre of the _ Arts in the Modern Languages .Building, will pfesent an interesting series of exhibitions this year.

.. ’

book illustrator and UW Pro- _ fessor of Fine Arts wiI1 speak on _ Fantastic ’ Dr&inqs. Special hours: openSaturd:y, October 9,2 - 5 p.m.; closed Thanksgiving Monday, ?open Saturday, October // 16,2 -. 5 P4-r.




Meyer (who gives the above speech) was scared shitless (I ’ mean that literally) inthe previous novel. Cinnamon Skin is, in part, about his recovery of self-respect. His niece, her new husband, a hired captain, and his boat, the John Maynard Keynes, are blown up, ostensibly by terrorists trying to kill Meyer. r J But the hired captain may have been involved with-drug smuggling. And it looks as though the new husband wasn’t on board. So who was supposed to die? 2 _ _

’ featuring ::.. Lebanese. Cuisine id Shish Kebab ‘. Spbdizing t and kgettyian &ikine

1_a ’ C$ebrate With US! .

_ Drawn from the forefront of October 2iyt through Dethe contemporary art scene, cember 12th, Alhmni Art, these exhibitions are in-! original works by former triguing, thought-provoking, students who are practicing sometimes controversial, but - artists and architects ‘today. - 1st Anniversary! . , ‘Continued from . / always indicating the current Saturday, October 23rd page.8 trends in theart world. Shows from 2 to 5 p.m., an informal ‘dying earth and the spy story. Try‘this opening on for size: are changed-every month, and opening and reception. Spec. As I left the Kenya Beanstalk capsule he was right on my heels. He followed me through the door leading toGustoms, Health and’ .’ _ inform+ openfngs and meetial hours: Open -Saturday, / 50% Off During September!-‘the+&& rqeptions are featOctober 23 and Sunday, 0~~ Immigration. As-the door contracted behind him I-killed him. . Smooth,,fluidi not a wasted motion and yet now youarein the + 2 ured., Admission is free. tober 24, I1 a.m. - 2\p.m. middle of it all/Heinlein is back in control. - The 1982 Fall Season is as Begular Gallery Hours are <But it is necessary to say that this is not a cl&&c Heinlein follows:. Septemb_er 9th -Monday through Friday, 9 through October 17th Fannovel. It will stay in print next-to forever, I’m sure,but thereare &r& to 4 p.m. Also open on problems. c tastic Dirziinritigs, original --Sundays 2 to- 5 pm. from . Remember, Cedars of Lebanon ha& . &p&&r to &jt. ,Closed For instance, Friday’s decision th& ear.& is-beyond. hope wdrks by: Karen “Fletcher, Room*-For Parties Up Tq 75 Persons lacks emotional impact and makesit difficult$or me-toaccept the Peter M&y; K’enNutt, Nick _ Saturdays and-statutory holCall 742-4322 For Reservations ending, in which she settles don in colonial bliss. The logic of this : Bees -‘and- ’ Sally Spector; idays. Closed on Thanks. made more sense after waitingafewdaysandthinkingback. But” <Thursday, September.lGth at giving Sunday and Monday, when I read the novel, I shut it thinkins “Oh. Doesn’t she go and , ‘8 ‘p-m;, an informal opening ‘. Victoria Day Weekend, and 112 King St. W. Kitchener (Pprking’ in Rear) get somebody for all this? Even a $cape~ab,would‘feel’goodj, Dominion Day holiday. -. .r‘ .I:.I”-.with- _i Virgil Burnett, jauthor, . maybe. the planet Olympia.“, Friday is related to an rearlier Heinlein story(‘G@, and-ii can, be found in the Assignment in Eternity collectio$concerning an organization of genetically superior humans *who were working to improve the lot for humankty-at;large) by\way of her _i / being related to some of the characters in Gulf. OIympii isthe planet. the ‘“supermen” colonized. I wasn’t ready for a happy . ending, I wanted to blame somebody. .. ,. , \ Let’s just say that I’m not asmature as Friday. The ‘only other thing that interfered with the story was selfpity. This time it was Friday’slnot mine. Her own,inferiority feelings lead her to several fool&h displays, attempting to disprove the prejudice-against APs by admitting that she is one. 100 I could follow the logic other emotions, but Icould not partake of them. It was utterly necessary to the plot, utterly logical ThiS Cheque is Valued at $25.00 OFf Any Purchase of $75.00 Mover 6-n considering her situation and origins, but I got tired.of it. Back to the first hand; After listing-those complaints (whichAny Merchandise in .the Store. A Sma;ll D&posit Will Hold Any item U&it are highly personal and specific), I feel I should repeat that you Christmas., Limit One Coupok Per ’ . ’ t *‘I’ will enjoy Friday even if you threw your hands u>at I will Fsar No Evil, Time Enough for Love, or Number of the Beast. -Purchase, ‘Not Valid On Sale Item’s Arid if you didn’tthrow your hands up, why, you’ll just enjoy it _ that muchmore; j . %ffei Expires. November 30, 19’82.



even beautiful, withaitrong, lithe, handsome body. She isin uniform, A gle,am of dog tags at the opening of hershirt. I’ve thought about her often, Travis: That shot of her was taken years ago. She’s probably in herthirties now. Qrevenforty. Iwonder about her. When they filmed that introductionshe had nowayof knowing that she would be frozen there in time, anxious and running. Does she ever:think about how . ’ strange that is? Multiply viewers times original episodes and the countless reruns on fiundreds of stations, and you can see she has - : been looked at a billion times. What do you pay a person to be looked -at a billion times? How many thbusand miles has she run? It’s the fly.I in-amber idea, plus a pardox of time and space.” .


Cinnamon Skin’ . 2 John D. MacDonald ’ Harper & Row, 1982






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For niore information, come to a Public Information Meeting on Tuesday, September 21st at 8:00 p.m. Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St. North or contact: Susan Isaac, CUSO K-v, 234A South Campus Hall Extension 3144 (Or visit the CUSO display in the Campus Centre during Orientation week)

The Expatriate Matt Cohen General Publishing,


The Expatriate is a 1982 collection of short story material which Matt Cohen has writterr over the past ten years. The volume contains stories from two previously published collections Columbus and the Fat Lady and Night Nig)its as well as material which appeared in magazines such as Harrowsmith, Saturday Night, and Journal of Canadian Fiction. The story “The Expatriate” was previously unpublished.


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To enter the world of The Expatriate is to enter a land of inspiration and despair, a land of fantasy and nightmare. Upon first glance this world is recognizable; it contains all the details of modern life. The drudgery, the boredom; the hope and the frustration of everyday existence are all presented with painstaking detail. The author sketches in reality with both a careful and quizzical eye. But despite this mass of detail, the realism of Cohen’s work gradually adopts a surrealistic quality; it shatters upon close examination, it dissolves into layers of verisimilitude. The “real” adopts the qualities of the “unreal” until the fine line between fiction and reality fades into a gray haze.

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by Susan


Matt Cohen is presently one of Canada’s most widely respected authors and his work gives an indication of the calibre of Canadian fiction. In total Cohen has’ published seven novels, two children’s books, and two collections of short stories as well as The Expatriate. He is perhaps best known for the novel The Sweet Second Summer of Kitty Malone.


As a whole The Expatriate is an excellent chronicle of Cohen’s development as a story-teller. The stories themselves range from traditional short story forms, Death of a Friend and Vogel, to total experimentation, Uncle Philbert and Too Bad Galahad. There are also pieces, such as The Nurse from Outer Space, which are just plain fun to read. The twenty-seven stories in the collection illustr’ate a great deal of versatility and technical expertise in Cohen’s work. My favorite story in the collection is The Empty Room which is a study of the condition of Canadian wrjters. Cohen presents all the insecurities and frustrations of the creative process: “The



& ni

author sat in his study. It wasa dull gray day. His floor was littered with the crumpled-up remnants of unwritten novels. His desk was entirely clean except for his typewriter anda fresh sheet of paper. He lit a cigarette. He cleaned his nails. He inspected the wallpaper.“1 must admit that I have encountered similar situations at about four in the morning the day before an essay is due. The Empty Room’s hero is typically Cohen; one of his favorite subjects is the down and out artist who is struggling to hold onto the last remnants of his sanity. In the story The Expatriate he writes, “He was twenty-eight years old and since he had left university a few years ago he had been un-


Albert H. Robinson: The Mature Years, a major exhibition of paintings by the Quebec landscapist, is currently on display at the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery until October 17th. Albert H. Robinson (1881-l 1956) is recognized as a distinguished and subtle colourist; a contemporary of the Group of Seven, his work today enjoys considerable popular appeal. Thk exhibition, organized by Jennifer Watson, curator at the Gallery, to celebrate the centenary of Robinson’s birth, is the first large-scale retrospective of the artist’s work held since 1955. It comprises some fifty canvases and oil sketches drawn, as the title indicates, from ihe height of his career. Painting5 have been borrowed from both public and private collections, many of them not previously exhibited. An illustrated, bilingual catalogue is available which


employed in a variety of ways. Currently he was’an unemployed writer of films. Before that he had been an unemployed taxi driver, a status that he preferred.” The dislocation and despair of the modern urban condition are chronicled with wit and dispassion. Cohen’s work is a statement on the human condition; it is funny, witty, serious, and often bizarre. It is a manifesto of modern life. Cohen is clearly one of the most inventive Canadian writers to emerge over the past decade. His work is original and refreshing. But a final warning is in order; beware, after entering the world of Matt Cohen your reality will never be quite the same.


documents Robinson’s life and achievements (available for $5.00 from the Gallery). The show and accompanying catalogue and poster are supported by National Museums of Canada. Following its Kitchener showing, Albert H. Robinson: The Mature Years will move to the Art Gallery of Windsor during November. Also running until October 17th is an exhibition of watercolours and block prints by Woldemar Neufeld, an artist described by Charles Ferguson of the New Britain Museum of American Art as “both manually skillful and aesthetically sensitive to design, colour, (and) texture.” On view will be a special collection of the local scenes Neufeld completed while living in Waterloo during the 1920s and 193Os, and while living in the United States of America. After graduating from the Cleveland Art School in 1939, the artist used watercolour


and oil as well as the distinctive block printing style he had developed in Waterloo County to capture the scenery and life of rivers along the Eastern seaboard of the United States. In 1944 Woldemar Neufeld became an American citizen and he worked for several years to complete an historical recording in watercolour of 65 birdgces across the Housatonic River in Massachusetts and Connecticut for the Bicentennial celebrations. Many of his works are in the collections of Conrad Grebel College, The City of Waterloo, The City of Kitchener, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of the City of New York, Library of Congress, and several other public institutions and private collections. The Woldemar Neufeld exhibition is being held in conjunction with the 125th Anniversary of the City of Waterloo.

Quiet in the Land:


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Play s lows conflict d

Few shows receive such overwhelming public response and critical acclaim that they are able to set out on a major city tour, especially’ after being part of a theatre season for only two years. Fresh from Blyth Summer Festival, comes Quiet in the Land, a gripping tale about Kitchener’s Amish, which makes its first stop ori its way to Toronto and Montreal, at the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo, September 21-25. In 1917, amidst the first global war, public opinion was strong throughout most of Canada to fight for King, country and democratic rights. In the midst of this nationalistic fervour, rested a quiet Amish community which could not morally support a government’s and its people’s decision to take human life in the name of freedom. Set in Kitchener, the play centres upon the effect of war and conscription upon the lives of two Amish families. A young Amish man, Jake, is

in duty and religion caught up in the frenzy of wax and against his family’s and community’s pleas, he enlist: as a solider and is seni overseas. Upon Jake’s return tc Canada, he is considered z hero to his country but 2 traitor to his faith. This Canadian drama i! flavoured with the weddings ceremonies and songs of 2 gentle and sometimes mis understood people. Breakins all box office records at Blytl Festival last season, this pro duction is staged by one o Canada’s most successfu directors, Guy Sprung, who i! responsible for turning suet plays as Paper Wheat ant Balconuille ipto legends ix Canadian drama. Choice seats are availabl by calling the Humanities bo office at 885-4280, or ticks vouchers are available at a regular ticket outlets: Georg Kadwell Records, Water101 Square and Stanley Park Ma1 the Information Centre z Fairview Park Mall; and at th Centre in the Square. Adult $8.50 and students/senior $7.00.


Imprint Arts. Tuesday,


Crook Time and Tide Split Enz A&M

Contrary to popular belief, Split Enz is by no means a newgroup. Originally formed over ten years ago in New Zealand by Tim Finn, the only major group change came in 1977 with the addition of Neil Finn (Tim’s younger brother) and bassist Nigel Griggs. Their previous six albums have beena great success in New Zealand and even more so in their new home, Australia, but they have yet to make a lasting impression on the North American audience. True Colours, with its numerous sleeve colour combinations and laser printed vinyl brought them as close as they have ever been to breaking big, but they were unable to immediately follow it up. Wiatta, their next album failed miserably both artistically and commercially. The current Split Enz offering Time and Tide comes as somewhat of a change technically for the group in that most of the


lush, but lyrics add little

songs were produced by themselves with the assistance of Hugh Padgham. Padgham you may remember, produced and engineered XTC’s English Settlement, so it is no coincidence that the rythmic, string-based sound of XTC’s latest crops up from time to time. I Time and Tide far surpasses anything I’ve heard recently with respect to production excellence, English Settlement included. In a musical sense the songs are richly melodic yet remain true to the pop format with an abundance of catchy hooks. Six Months in CI Leaky Boat, the group’s current single well illustrates this idea. The song is a finely crafted pop tune containing an optimum balance of keyboards and strings, - complemented with the sounds of the sea and a short caliope interlude. Tim Finn’s vocal style is well suited to the thick string sound which dominates the song, never competing for the foreground and yet never totally overwhelmed. An interesting case of this string-vocal relationship can be found on Make Sense of It in which the bat kground -vocals seem -to


expensive f

7,1982 I-


Orchestrations by Roger


The Talking Heads’ 70 minute set- was fantastic, and made the Picnic worth going to. The seven-member band played with different weaves and textures of music, showing off their versatility and creativity even while responding to the audience’s emotion. David Byrne’s playing expertise and showmanship made the set as exciting to watch as it was to listen to.

A Flock of Seagulls followed, releasing a combination reggae and contemporary rock sound in the 45 minute set. The band’s energy, quality, and shine set people dancing in the field. They were enthusiastically re\ ceived.

The excitement generated by the Seagulls and the Beat was largely lost when Joan Jett and the Blackhearts took the stage. Some were entertained, but most were indifferent, while others were openly hostile (Jett’s entrance was greeted with a barrage of garbage). Jett continued undaunted through her opening number, but her manager followed with threats to end the show then and there, saying“If you see anyone throwing anything at the stage, punch him in the head. If he’s still moving, hit him again.” . The Blackhearts should be commended for their effort in

treat the face of a hostile crowd, and the manager will hopefully learn from this experience not to book a metal band with progressives like the Talking Heads, which followed Jett.

by Brian Grady The half-filled Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) stadium erupted with startled applause when a tiny figure on stage welcomed spectators to the Police Picnic 1982 on August 13th. The Spoons, who performed six numbers for the crowd before being replaced by taped music, were technically competent and energetic. However, they could not capture the attention of the picnicing and partying fans who didn’t care whether the music was live or taped at that stage.

Split Enz would have done far better to take some time off and write relevant or at least comprehensible lyrics instead of the trite, sometimes non-sensical ramblings scattered throughout Time and Tide. The weak subject matter is only a part of the problem. Instead of trying to make clear the ideas they were attempting to get across with concise language, they seem to consciously try to obscure the topic. Apparently the group needed more than the forty working days the album took to complete to create meaningful lyrics to complement their unique sound. It is unfortunate that the lyrics can add little or nothing at all to the lush orchestrations. Ironically the album contains a song so appropriately Jtitled Lost for Words which contains the lyrics:

I’m looking for words, ooh Zgiue it all Zgot, ooh . And I’m losf for words, you don’t even listen It’s all been said before, so III just turn and walk away. More meaningful song lyrics could have transformed Time and Tide into the success they’ve been waiting so long to attain, instead of another near miss. *



un music

English Beat maintained the momentum with a series of their hits, played quite faithfully to the recorded versions. Their visually exciting show got the rest of the audience rot king.


become a part of the instrumentation, blending in almost to the point of nonexistence. There is no doubt as to the band’s musical competence, however the lyrics leave much to be desired.

Last, of course, were the Police who put on a flawlessly excellent show for an hour and a half, including a double encore. Somehow, Stingmanaged to get 8,000 people to sing all together, all melodically, startling even himself. -

The group changed the songs enough from the recorded versions to make them interesting, while Sting cut capers with his bass guitar and bass violin along with Andy Summer on guitar. The audkience was all standing, about half on their seats, dancing and clapping through the whole set with unbounded glee. The Picnic was a success. The weather was fine after the first hour or so, the audience was enthusiastic without being destructive, and the groups were all quite good, seeming to get better as the day went on. Of course, the crowd doubled between 4 and 7 p.m., and the last two groups had the advantage of darkness and therefore lighting techniques. At $22, it was an expensive but fun treat.

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1 0 li A quick

by Jan Narveson president, K-W Chamber Music Society Many students entering the University of Waterloo are from places where opportunities 1hear classical music are rare. But in Kitchener-Waterloo music flourishes 1 an extraordinary scale. You can attend -0fessional performances of almost every nd of classical music, from grand opera to [abler symphonies to solo violin recitals. If )ur previous exposure to music has been nited, take advantage of these opportunities hile you are here. This article is essentially a crash course for zginners. I’ll define a few terms, say a little >out the great composers and suggest a few orks that might appeal to the uninitiated ,tener. I’ll also describe the local concert :ene and how to take advantage of it. The term “classical” is a hard one to define. is often used as a synonym for “non-Pop”. Ime call it “serious” music. But many assical works are iight-hearted, even volous. A narrower definition refers to-the style used I the main composers in the late 18th ntury. That Classical era was preceded by e Baroque period and followed by the Dmantic period. You can hear some fferences by comparing the ,utterly enlanting Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi broque) with The Clock Symphony by aydn (Classical) with The Pathetique jmphony (Romantic). There is also modern music, which is so verse that it’s all but impossible to select lything typical. But possibly the greatest odern composer is Bela Bartok. His Dncerto for Orchestra isa wonderful piece in ,elf and a suitable contrast. Here are some definitions of formal terms. A ymphony” is a large piece for orchestra lving several movements (four is the 3ndard number). A “movement” is a bntinuous piece with a high degree of internal ganization. Usually, it is built on one or two emes or melodies. The several movements, turn, are related more loosely, but gd gether as part of a related “whole”. Sonatas are the single-instrument counterrts of symphonies. The piano sonata is a 2in type, but there are sonatas for violin,


course for

) Piano Series (three conrts) December 8, February and April 12 (8:00 p.m.). ;ree major Canadian perrmers are on this series: a) nina Fialkowska, one of the est younger pianists in the )rld at present, teaches at illiard, and performs the lrld over; b) Bernadene aha, a young pianist just out Juilliard, attained semilals at the Gina Bachauer ternational Competition in lit Lake City last summer; c) Ibert Silverman, widelycon-

b ‘egE


7,19&Z _I




all of Beethoven’s 16, the last four of Shubert (12 to 15), those of Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms, and Dvorak, are the main Classical and Romantic ones; Bartok’s are the principal modern ones (6), though Shostakovitch’s 15 are important too. To generalize, any chamber music by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms will be of outstanding excellenye and well worth your attention, while much of what the other “name” composers did in. this realm is, too. One other large form should be mentioned: the Concerto. Here an orchestra plays with a soloist (or, especially in Baroque concertos, more than one soloist). They usually have three or four movements. Many very great pieces of music are of this type, in fact, Vivaldi’s FourSeasonsisasetoffourconcertosforviolin and small arc hestra. . In a concerto the trick is to balance the single soloist or soloists against a much larger instrumental group, to write a- solo line . apporpriate to the particular instrument, and to integrate it with the orchestral part. The above examples are outstandingly successful at this diffic’ult task; there are many more, of course. Nearlyeverygreatcomposer hasafew fine concerti to his credit. Soine symphonies, by the way, blur the distinction by having a mildly soloistic part: Berlioz’ Harold in Italy, for instance (viola) or Saint-Saen’s Organ Symphony (No. 3). There are no hard-and-fast examples in this field Bartok’s Concerto for Orchestra is so called because almost all the instruments have solo passages, with none predominating. An important respect in which classical music differs from other sorts is that it was composed and written down, by a particular individual whose “work” it truly is. So we identify “great” composers, and good but notso-great, and so on. The Greatsare household names: J. S. Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Berlioz, Schumann, Chopin, Brahms, Thcaikovsky, . Mahler, Bartok, Stravinsky. Ask a different critic or musicolo$st, and , you’ll-get different answers, but soAe of the Cot&ued on page 18 l

flute, or nearly every instrument there is, usually accompanied by piano. In between, there are quartets (two violins, viola, cello, in the case of strings) and many other small-ensemble pieces of similar length and construction to symphonies; these are - collectively known as Chamber Music, because they are sui,table for playing in small places. Examples of Symphonies of importance are so numerous that it’s very hard to select just a few. The late symphonies of Haydn (from no. 80 ofi), Mozart (35 to 41), all of Beethoven’s (9th), .’ Schubert’s 8th .and 9th, all of Schumann’s 4th, Mendelssohn’s 3rd and 4th, all of Brahms’ 4th, Berlioz Symphony

offered sidered Canada’s major concert pianist, has performed with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra seven years in a row, toured in Australia, Europe, and the USA, and recorded several fine albums on the Orion label. Silverman performs an “All Brahms” program, the first of a projected three for KWCMS. Student subscription i&$12, single tickets $5. Plus: Colin Tilney, (Harpsichord) who is one of the world’s major harpsichord players on November 24th. Single tickets $7 for students. Add to the Piano Series for $5 extra. (3) “Gourmet” Series: Four Saturdays, October 16, January 15, March 12, and April 23. These are after-dinner concerts with very limited seating remaining. The ens?mbles tin this series are as follows: (a) Hoebig Moroze trio, highly regarded young Canadian artists, doing graduate level studies at Juilliard; (b) Toronto String Trio - Moshe Hammer,newConcertmaster of the K-W Symphony Orchestra; Rivka Golani-Erdesz, very highly acclaimed Israeli/ Canadian violinist; and Peter Schenkman, former Principal

Fantastique, Dvorak’s 7th to 9th, Tchaikovsky’s&hto6th,Bruckner’s3rdto9th,allof Mahler’s 9th, lOth, or llth, plus 20th century pieces by Prokofiev (5th) and Shostakovitch ilst, 5thl9th), etc. wil get you off and running. Good.examples of chamber music are also too numerous -to be easy to manage. The String Quartet is the mainform, though there are many other combinations. The quartets of Haydn (57 main ones), the late quartets of Mozart (K. 387 upward - 10 in all),

to K-W

The K-W Chamber Music Society has for many years been the chief promotor of classical lsic concerts on the University of Waterloo campus. This year they are offering more concerts campus than ever before. The fourteen concerts on campus this year include four solo keyboard recitals and ten amber concerts. Here is a quick breakdown: ) Beethoven’s String uartets (Six Concerts) lvember 5, 6, 7, 19,20 and . The sixteen quartets of tethoven are among the preme musical emanations Western culture. The Pur11Quartet of Vancouver will rform this complete prentation on two weekends riday/Saturday evening, Inday afternoon) at the lapel. The Purcell is one of inada’s most reputatious amber ensembles and has rformed the entire cycle veral times on the West last. This is their first perpmance of the cycle in stern Canada. Student subription $22; half (any 3) $13; ogle tickets $5.

Arts. Tuesday,

Cellist of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. On March 12, The Musicians of Swanne Alley, one of the very best Renaissance Music groups in the business, will perform music from four centuries ago or so. On April 23, just at the end of-exam period, there will be anall-Beethoveneveningfrom the Borodin Trio, one of the world’s leading piano trios (piano/violin/cello). The Borodin Trio emigrated from the Soviet Union to the U.S. and Canada; its members were extremely distinguished musicians there. Its leader Rostislav Dubinsky was leader of the world-famous Borodin String Quartet. Subscriptions to the Dinner/Concert Series (without dinners!) is $22 for students. In addition to the 14 concerts in Conrad Grebel College Chapel, KWCMS offers another 23 concerts at its Music Room, 57 Young Street West in Waterloo. The Music Room is about a 15 to 20 minute walk from campus. Details about its many concerts may be obtained from their brochures, available in racks around campus; or you can telephone 886-1673 and leave your name and address to have one sent to you.


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Continued from page 17 ones mentioned would be on every list. The probability that a given piece of music will be really interesting is very high if it ‘was composed by one of the Greats. Start with those. But then there’s the joy of discovering the not-so-greats whose music is still well worth listening to. So far I’ve confined myself to instrumental music, but of course there is lots of fine music for voices - from one to roughly a thousand voices (as in Mahler’s Symphony of a Thousand - though you can get by with half that). Starting at the small end of the scale, there is the song , or Lied (the German term is usually used; Lieder is the plural). The great names here are Schubert, Shumann, Wolf, and Mahler. There is vocal chamber music, of which the English Renaissance period with its charming madrigals should be mentioned. (Thomas Morley is one of the main names here; also Henry Purcell). For small unaccompanied choir, the Renaissance Masses, such as those of Palestrina, are especially interesting. (The Mass is a musical setting of the Latin text of this Roman Catholic service. The great masses are admired by nonreligious people as much as religious ones, however, don’t be put off.) The greatest Baroque example is Bach’s Mass in B Minor. The later Masses of note are accompanied. Classical : Haydn, e.g. the Lord Nelson; Mozart’s Requiem Mass. Romantic: Requiems by Berlioz, Rossini and Verdi. The oratorio is a lengthy choral/orchestral work with soloists, in which a story is told or theme developed; Handel’s Messiah is a justly famousexample. Cantatasare shorter, Bach’s are the most famous. And then there is opera, in which there is stage action, with the actors singing their ‘parts. This is a field in itself,and since it is by far the most expensive form of music, it is not easy to find full-scale productions nor to afford them if you can find them! The Great opera

composers are (Classic:) Mozart (1756-1791); (Romantic:) Verdi (1831-1901), Puccini (18581924), and - in a very different vein - Wagner (1813-1883). So much for my sketchy overview. Now let us turn to the local scene to see what it offers. Starting with the University, the music department on campus is at Conrad Grebel College, which offers courses in music as well as outlets for vocal talent in its several choirs. Conrad Grebel also has some noon-hour concerts. They have a brochure, advertise on the bulletin boards, and utilize Imprint’s Campus Events. Wilfrid Laurier University, a few blocks away, has a very good music faculty which offers weekly noon-hour concerts on Thursdays. The Centre in the Square in downtown Kitchener has both a good concert hall and a chamber music hall, called The Studio. The KW Symphony Orchestra is well established and respected. Their schedule and literature are available at the Humanities Box Office and The Centre In The Square box office. The Beaux Arts Trio, probably the foremost piano trio’in the world will be featured at The Studio in September. Also, the K-W Chamber Music Society offers a number of exceptional concerts throughout the year. There is a related KWCMS story and schedule on page 17. -I-he Waterloo area also has many good choir> as well. There is a series by the Philharmonic Choir which will perform Beethoven’s Missa Salernnia this year. Wilfrid Laurier also has some excellent choirs. The finest local choir in terms of sheer vocal capability is the Victor Martens Chamber Choir. The Menno Singers, a Mennonitebased choir also performs local concerts, and there’ll no doubt be another of their massed choir concerts in November with several hundred voices. To keep informed, consult Imprint Campus Events, the K-W Art Council’s monthly bulletin, or the Arts Centrein Humanities Hall. Happy Listening!


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1 .



Biff 81Bdfy go t0for ourUnikrsity fall will contain different &fits ter-rific twosome,

an d you can go with them. r Issues this designed by Imprint. graphics editor, . Linda Carson. Follow the adventures of the big B & B as they .visit such exciting places as Oktoberfest, the disco., and Sing Sins. It’s easy, and important for your own personal growth. (1) Cut out Biff & Buffy below and-paste them to a stiff backing (e.g. cardboard). Don’t lose - these valuable B & B originals. First edition cut-outs can only increase in value as the-years , g0 by. Be smart and keep yours in A-l shape. (2) Colour the darling duo with crayons, pencil crayons, water colours, oils, etc. Be careful and reverent. (3) Colour and cut out each new outfit printed. Be tasteful and avoid excess. *’ (4) Dress B & B as suggested. Try mixing and niatching their ensembles. Be warned: crossdressing is right out. 1 Share the Biff & Buffy experience with your friends. Be the. first in your quad to dollect the entire B & B wardrobe’. Don’t miss the chance to get in on the ground floor of the next cult -movement. Biff & Buffy Live! . , Biff:

Here we are as we get out of bed on the day we go to University.


Biff, you’re gding to give them’ all the impression&at we sleep together! And. that’s ngt true, true, true! Like, Biff and I are just good friends, you know, and even thouih we’re here together with likenothingon,itd&?sn’tmeahanything. I mean, I’m-hot that kind of a girl. imean, I’m just blushing pink being here in my ,-F-smalls, you know . . . and I just knti somebody’s going to colour my tilhd&wear black, I just know it. 1 think I’m I ..I going to die of embarassment! < Biff : Don’t pay any attention to Buffy. She’s just a little keyed up about going to University. rp

. 1







__ I ” .

Buffy Joins A& Buffyg Here’s what * I wore foC registering in Arts. I took Arts because I thirik it’s important for a girl to learn about the culture$hat she lives in, and td cbme to grips with issues like Truth and Beatity. 1 I mean, I think it’s crucial to understand “, else in Arts, so I think it’s like

Story by Jiti. Ga+er Graphics-by Lin+ Cakson-




Biff & Buffy go to i’he RockyHorrorfi&e Show - -’ Buffy: They don’t really dress like that’ in public,,cjo they, Biff? Biff: They really dress like that. .Buffy: But we don’t have to, do we? Biff: We have to, Buffy. It’s compulsory. tiuffy: I think you’re just saying that. Like, I / mean, I think you just want to see me get dressed up in/kinky things, right?Imean, . c it’s not normal, is it? Biff: Are my stocking seams straight?

< 1



Black underwear! I thinkI’m going todie. Don’t do it, okay? Please? Color it whi&, okay? Please? I

. ‘&@qeering is for wo?kaholic .alcoholits. And I couldk’t take Kim&logy because I’m made of paper. Can you imaqine what would haDDen to me the - first-time I went into t& showers? i mean, can you imagitie it? -. ._







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A Cam@s

4 Centre Guide - page 10 ’

I , I -1


‘\ I .





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i ‘ - - band&my-CFRC ‘sr$XMS+FM fi@tigi &Ia”ger, -. at: Queen’s University ,i~~.Kingst~n.(w:hi~h: I i Volyntters’ I at‘: CKMS, work / in a;, -numbe.rqof different ~h’isfall;CKMS&&I&iestudent owned’and operated radio ’ departments. In addition to the on-;air‘ music. programmersr, received its ,broa1casting.-license ,from the- Department. of riqn~on:damp,,s; :will’celebrate its fifth anniversary as an on: ’ IFisheries in 1923) and CKCU-FM atX.&leton University have ‘+- volunteers ,work- 1n our‘ news and <public affairs department FM Istati-9%&h -6 varietyk of special programming *and ’ ’ a longe-r history of broadcasting,@ theF&l band.’ -; . (writing, reading; researching; , editing, producing _ and: Ivities!‘ In order to the fall special. programming, sort out and maintain our recordl~brary, provide L %. ‘\,CKMS has, however;< bgep around Imuch longer thanfive L _ recording), $!lS- will b&: br o‘ad casting.< live from the Campus Centre , years; A five.person -broadcasting ‘clubf~m&l-the nricleusfor _ . play by,play cover~~~‘for’sp~~rts.acii-~h~es, wor’lc$n the FM fat-Hall onSept&nber 1~5th~i&h and 17thfrom 1Oa.m. to 2 1. what ’ ev~tu~lly beca’me”$KMS:FM in .I965* This: ,broa&7 *’ ’ Times (which iri’cludes ;.writing; . photography;. layout, ‘and-, ,* ~ 7 ___ , :’ :._ I .!1 ;.: ’ . 65’ :,‘._ _I‘+ _ , casting cl&started with the-prodcutionof a three,hour weekly , :, distribution),,repairequ@nent,~build new equipment, workin. n ad&&n to the live broad&&, CKMSwi$be..presenting - ’ program for a local AM- radiostation;CK.KWI The club -was: -- our eight track recording studio, help-operate our;dis.c~jockey. cial-music-features andpublic affairs-programming during. j, _ und,erstAct orders from CKKW not to include any rock’and c . service, produce special. features, and work on ,ptom~otion& /’ :ntation week.: FolIbw~~‘o~i~~ta~io~, weiwill be holdingthe ;. ; activities .for the radio.station. 1 I&$ falIfund;raising raffle~with alargeassortment ofprizes. This listrepresents only a~mallpait of the-opportunit~s.~~~,l :h~~~~aldompB-nentiinour:fifthanrliv~rsa~~activi~i~willbe, CK,,&i S-FM; -WhateV&your intere.sts are, there will likely be a* ' pIa+ for you at ~~~-st~~~On;:_:'.:~:,::, -- ..a :,::,I‘f: ;; 3, first anrruaIfund-raising driv~e; which willbegin>on October tr (our -fifth, anniversary) and continue for 10 days. This _ i Individ’uals interested in:becom:ing volun$eersat CKMS &e d-raising drive will @r&de the airing.of some of the best encouraged tq drop by andkee us&ring eiffice hours (we’re,on gramming produced by CKti S ‘over ‘the.past five .years as, c the north +iq$,q:behind Ithe-$&tom&y building’---in the 1as t@e*airirrg of-a number of-new special features and music .. .-- .J3auer-:Warehou$e), giv.e us acall at 886-2’567 orcometo our fall,’

.e y$men’s Centre i’s60th which ran a,t the-same ti,me as, ~ Group-Several women feitthe ,;‘ )ac,e;,+?CC 149, and a and ’ complemented. i WAC’s’ . n&d- fgk:-& “.&$ inti$$g~ tackled. everything from 1the ration @vice, staffed by , ’ lunchtime discussions. The atm-osphere ~imi~which to. -talk Canadian food mdustry-,.:mere-n. Like other services, series’ was well-attended.; and . about. and“ work A;through ,,cury: poisoning, abid rain, oc{or&$ Centreis’&affed --/ included two full-h,ouse-showpersonal matters. \.,..‘, Ilu:nteer&:jn the past it has &S of Not a Love Stor.yand a _The *key: tothis ‘group iz ,‘,op’&y~c~&er .T-&&~h-~~s-He &panel/ audience discussion’, of validation which. is merely the more”tolume&% :- and 5 tChe film. .The film will be. discovery that women are not :ed the’m! - itwill beable ‘.‘screened again this fall. ._. . alone in their experiences and ; ,.. ,ya;@eplonge-,;. _ : ?; " 1 I Want toenhanceyourresume, build up your ,-; problems: -Many wornen find _, I 5' ', . _- . ' * ,.&&e, f&m thg day;t&da;.!' !'.z -& ~ the, experience of validation a leadership and group work skills, or helpplan e ‘Women:S- centre is .a , ru.nni&g of t.he centre, current _.’ tremendbus~ boost .t;o’ their, interesting and-exciting ev-eqts? ling organization~,having~ ‘. projects, are a .blitz during ! confidence and, sense ‘of. self,., ’ - .&in theWP1 RG Board: of .Directors, If you *., in qxistance forbarely a . >orientation ~.week.~,~~ &oth* , isolation. acting-as fuel%Ysu#~~. ii;i;e a U-W studentwhorhas paid WPI.RG.fees,cti ‘ +, youhave u&Friday, YAt &ei ~n&ment~$‘~is +a* I,fiJms, coffee $&use (do come ., problems. October 1 to turnin a.-.‘r-cl ce&e for referrals to . and ’ visit us) -I/- *and 9ft.&e At’ presents ’ the. support ’ no’mination form signed by-five otherWPIRG Cuii~$. alnd ,campt& Serb .’ projects might be: another film group is : closed. ’ It ’ will,. I.,members. Then yoy have two weeks- to an@-i&rmation -arid a: --*series,. a,speaOk&r series,.w&k-‘*; ‘>however, be openingits memcampaign-before elections are held on October +rn~Entre for a rest;:-chat,‘ “) end workshops, aseff-defense ’ bership for a couple of. weeks . .14th.;This year there are five’positions openon $.. &i’?qpk ‘rafj&& ::The ..course, counselling training, a at- the beginning of @it term- ’ ‘WPIRG’s-seven-studentboard. $:-also “has :a-,. growing ; newsletter . , .,Any otherbug/ L’ for any interested women.’ For Arid .if you make. the team? Board,members . :tidn \,of/books, magag i :gestions and ’ any- help from. I more i information. o.n this: ’ ‘set,iiV~P~~~~~.p-~~i~~~.~~~~~~i~~.r~~~~~ch~a~~ ed- I ’

-The .board- meets every two weeks on :<$:~~~f” 1 average. Sometimes special ~ubcommittees,..~~~~~~’ - e ‘. .: meet at other times to -work out detailed pl&&$‘~~?~~. ’ . ’ .:for a press conference, w.o.rkshop ‘mooroth$ ‘,i ,-I ’ ’ -<project-. There‘is:,at lea$t’oneda@ong meet$j$$ ...‘L\ -.~ _ each year, usuallyheld- in some pleasant ,rur&$i.,,$~ ’ .L. ‘. location, where we hold philosophical disc+&-.-$‘;I.‘:‘- ‘-: :, I sions;+enjoy gourmet meals,,and- d&lon&t&~~~ ’ ;*,I planning and. reflection. ‘-.q”.;‘.;.,: ‘-: If you’d-like to,-findout more,comk. to &#...;:+‘;.i I_ ’ im’ormation meeting on Thursday, Septem&$~:‘~${.-; , _ ‘$14 at 3:30 pm. in, the Gampus Centre-.: If$&@~! -t ~-:C J

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by Lasrra Ku&w Imagine that you are someone who likes to travel, who uses many modes of transport, and who checks into accommodations on a regular basis. If you became disabled, would you want your life to change just because you didn’t have enough information as to how to get about with canes, braces or wheelchairs? Something has been done to remedy the situation. Trip Tips A Guide for the Physically Disabled Traveller is a booklet designed specifically for anyone with a disability. It’s available on this campus from Dean Nadon (Federation of Students office) or Carol MoogkSoulis, at extension 2 130. Designed for disabled people who like to travel, it includes lots of valuable information regarding facilities on buses, airlines, boats, and Via Rail. It also includes time requirements for making reservations, batteries most recommended for wheelchairs, and locations of oxygen supplies for people who need respirators. Besides additional information on accommodations. entertainment ; recreation, travel agents, and medical aspects, the booklet also lists other helpful sources. There are many books, pamphlets. and agencies geared towarc assisting disabled travellers. The booklet is interesting and informative not only tc the disabled, but also to those concerned with the disabled Off campus, it is availablt from local libraries, but it if recommended that anyon interested in ,simply perusin] the contents borrow it am then return it, since there ar limited supplies. ’ This booklet is ideal. Any one can read it, and peopl from as far away as tie\ pealand are asking for copie: The Trip Tips booklet i small enough to be stashed ii a handbag or knapsack; thl print is bold and legible, am the pages are easy to turn. The Federation of Studen) along with the Waterlo branch of the Ontario Marc of Dimes are directly rt sponsible for this recent ec ition.

Carry-On Reading your favour&e quthsrs at &rq)-(En &&f&s 32 King N. Waterbo t!8t!#6-4%7 Mystery, Romance, Horror, Sci.-Fi., &l at HALF-PRKZE! New & Collector’s Comics, & a Fine Selection of Posters. Stu&nts: I@% off! (with Student ID Card)

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the ‘bookstore.’

Licensed. -Reservations at ext. 3196. Attention alI hungry pre-Fresh, Froshl and post: Fresh! - ‘. Fo&d Services; right here on campus, provides deEknt weekday Also located on the second floor of ahernatives to rhe disabpointyments South Campus Hall, the Festival _ of vending machine snacks a&more Room is the =largest cash-outletjex>eriiive, out-of-the-way offcafeteria run by Food Services. It is.“‘ campus restau2rants:-Believe it or not, open long hours and provides a very,+: there are over seven ‘eateries hidden wide variety of foods:’ proper.?‘. breakfast.;- -luncheon, and& \ dinner ’ ’ ,away iiz the ‘most 94nsuspecting _k .. places. meals,’ including sandwiches, sub:, _Operating-froth the central cornmarines, snacks, %n~Y-$.i~paytbyf >*,,>;-’ ’ i_’ I L*’ missary, next . ‘door , to camp_us weight salad bar. .Y .‘-,‘_ -_. ,. +:1.\ ::_i -.-i 1 wouldn’t vj’r;nf yob$6 ~~&j&&&,‘~ security, Food. Services ‘delivers its own freshly bakd goods’uncooked. . by the name df’ ‘tj$s~&f&@@)~~ foods, and icatering supplies to.<ea?h atmosphere is hard.l~~~~~~t.~~~~~~~~~ -of their -outlets on campus on a described as festive; but ~@$$$$$&;~; peak, ‘m$$ ;h$~$ weekly basis. I challenge you to \ rather crowded’& It’s not a badplace to gra$@!&@c&~ discover them. \ Whether it’s location, price, qualbite, or a coffee. .Some peo$l@i@$$ :: spend‘the&@n&~’@&$~~&~..Q&~: ,‘ity, speed, or atm.osphere you’re some work, as it’s often, fairI’$&&:: :.after, I think you ‘Ilflind some places Monday b Thursday: 18 ‘a$&:&&. _: \ quite suitable. Allow m’e to introduce yoic to them. Just remember, I’m not p.m. and .Friday:%a..m. ’ covparing them ,to the best of . 1 ‘./ Montreal cuisine. ’ \ Let us begin by. the bookstore at South Campus ,Ha;II and work, our wa3‘north.’ Although’ this 1restaurant may be the most difficult ‘to find, it will probably.provide you@th the most satisfyingdining experience on campus: all-you-can-eat for under $5 in a rather r relaxed; , congenial. atmosphere./Help yourselfto two hot entree ,’ items, a large I, salad bar selection,‘. fresh fruit, cheese, and assorted desserts. It% a good quality meal for a hearty lunch:Tuesday 2 Friday: 12noo&td i‘p.m., oranearly~, Supper,-Wednesday L Friday: 5 - 7 p.m. In fact, Friday afternoons , you can stayall day. In addition, you may feel more comfortable here if you disguise your . ;student stattus somewhat. The uni‘versity staff do enjoy this restaurant too. The Laurel ,Room is located directly -above the Eaton’s Travel



I‘to the effect-ive use of I windo? iliiokingout over the entire camps Pr&iding thestaffrem&msthe$sa~ you’ll’find the&l&dies %&i&l- 4 counter sincerely friendly, eager? call you by ,fiame on yoursa

-&quebtvi&&::k I .-’ ,I,’ _; ’

; 1 It is surprising how few peoI syem to know about thupiace. . J3,th, / the @$tween. 930 a=,@..,Fnd 2~30 p. sandwich’ bar ” will be open from 12 - Monday -’ Fri@yi it features 1 1,noon to 1’1 pm’, Wednesday, -Thurs- _ lunches, light snacks. sandwich day, .i-and Friday. J+$onday afid I’ / and- pastries. Breaicfast is. tiff& UuntilY.- 10;30:d_a.m.. ‘-Grilled! chec Tuesday _you can get sandwiches from 12 noon to 6 p.m; If you want a sandwiches and- hamburgers I good here toa$f you’re using a ml -,.-hot j meal, however, ’ you’ll have to I$. $‘. Matthews .Har( was ur l&ave yourbeerfora moment tocatch the coffee shop, next .&ot; before it .<+recently;. e@lc@ Administrative S $lidsess .I _, -- I. ,-’-- ’ &es. Do give’itatr~ It%veryclose available’ along with I_shake3 and .JJ,&&~~~;~ . 3.: - _ tf” P,SC ah$ t&,IW~~buildinge 1 .other snacks.;M,y advice isto beat the &&$&J~ is- gQuug‘$ood &vii --- A little farther north near the Arts rush’ and enjoy’ the tables .while--’ Library is a little cafeteria in the they’re clean. * x !“ x c disc.overies!’ -If: these, outlets do i Oft&&sea &@.trj.find ;,. -&$fy *i$i +$&es, ;you may want t.d ’ basement of -Mode& Languages, , Sometimes ythis’-daf&eria gives me : *‘fvdu g&$&t below the Theatre of-the Arts. It has *... the feehngI?m in Bumpkins, &hkre’~ r . ’ this lovely, friendly”caf~~ei’ia,.~~~.~irst.~.’~ &&k‘$v pap%-&& plansat 1he an outside ‘patio40 enjoy in the early one I.& usually obliged to sit with :_ time but if you%e. like mei you ‘w&t., ’ various eht+@c$lege cafeterias or at. t&+ sae&e tabj’&. yb.u&& .r,..g&d any c+j&&& tag&&. ‘$tc ’ I ..+ f&clu&t the student-run fall. There’isn’t too much variety at -. $$n&rs coffee a ld’ this snack-bar- but-thereTare light:- .-used to it.\ Perhaps youn%ght eve’n “>_j Situated, at the n&h end of’ donut s&di. If’ all else fails, b 4’ snacks, sandwiches, pastries, and meet 1S&r&friendly students here: campus, off.-& ;ring.r&&‘f&-e :is a.<. ‘-,knches’&an: -I$$ - pretty nutritio is, . .-.; ‘.deli&,us”a$(j &eaD, beverages. I ,The haurs are$4ondav‘-Th$rrsd&: ; - nl&k&nt-fedin& irf ~nddiinan~fc Aid

coffee are ‘ayailable here along ‘with. an ad#ed attraction?birthday cakes _ .made,to’order..,To place your order’ call ext. 3 196. ‘It is‘ certainly not ’ comparable to Toronto’s;-Le -Petit Gourmet, butwho cares? Some ofthe goodies are quite tasty. open until 6 p..m. Monday,-Thursdayand until. ’ 5:30 p.m..-on Fridays. s * ’

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has something -

disc), T.V. (colour, cable converter), piano, games and study lounge. These roomsare available regularly during the day and night. You must sign in at the Turnkey desk and present an up to date I.D. in order to gain access. The Turnkey desk is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

by Ann Woodruff Campus Centre Manger The Campus Centre encompasses a great variety of information, leisure and cultural services. You can borrow from the Turnkeys (at the northwest corner of the Great Hall) anything from a place to work, to information or telephone numbers. Over the counter at the Turnkey desk you can get playing cards, cribbage boards, games, magazines, chess and checkers sets, backgammon boards, change, coffee, matches, first aid, student and faculty telephone listings, events information and lost and found. It doesn’t stop there. If you look at a Campus Centre brochure, you’ll see a labyrinth of rooms. These rooms are set up for ping pong, stereo listening (bring your own

Now if you can digest all that, the Campus Centre Board provides free movies every Wednesday night, craft fairs, flea markets, poster sales and continuous music in the Great Hall. For your enjoyment, there are a wide variety of pinball machines and video games to test your skill. The Games Room is open during the falland winter from 10 a.m. to 12:45 a.m., Monday thru Saturday, and Sundays 12 noon to 11:45 p.m.

The offices of the Federation of Students are also in the Campus Centre and they provide the incomparable SCOOPS ice cream stand, the Bombshelter Pub, plus the Birth Control Centre, Gay Liberation of Waterloo, the Used Book Store and The Record Store. These last two servicescanbe found on the lower level of the Campus Centre along with the Campus Shop, Post Office, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Chinese Student’s Library and the Apple II Hair Stylists. Food Services provides a cafeteria located on the ‘main level and the Waterloo Research Public Interest Group coordinates consumer action from the upper level.

Birth Control an information

. .. . .. .....

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_.._........... worked



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Features. Tuesday,







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If what you’re looking for isn’t here, the Turnkeys may be able to steer you in the right direction. At last report the official student newspaper, Imprint, was still located in the office beneath the Federation of Student’s Office, as well as the Legal Resources Office and the Women’s Centre. So if you’re bored, just give the turnkeys a call at 884-8770 to find out what’s up, or mosey on over and make use of the facilities. The Great Hall is a great place to sit and chat, or to meet new friends in your spare time. The Campus Centre is “Your Place” to enjoy so come on in and see us.

Centre: source

by Gerhard Minttmann Birth Control Centre The Birth Control Centre is offered as a service of the Federation of Students, and operates from room 206 in the Campus Centre Building. We are a ‘peer counselling’ centre, that is, we are a group of specially trained students who volunteer our time and effort to help others. We are described as: “...a confidential information, counselling and referral service for birth control, venereal disease, planned and unplanned pregnancy, and other issues of sexuality.” This is true but people tend to think of’sex’ immediately, and that anyone seen approaching the Centre must be advertising their sexual activity. Not true. Above all the BCC is a learning and information centre. We provide clear, factual information (without being judgemental), and we have a large lending library including an extensive collection of vertical files. In the past, many people have used the Centre to research papers, thesis, projects and personal interests. The Centre views itself as part of a teaching role. We see it as part of our responsibility to create a public and individual awareness of sexuality, for people to be aware of their own sexuality. And as part of that sexual awareness, for an individual to make an informed and conscious choice as to what is best for them concerning birth control. All volunteers are trained to provide non-directive and nonjudgemental counselling, and are available anytime day or night through emergency numbers kept at the Turnkey desk. If the Centre isn’t open and there is a need to speak to someone, phone the Turnkey number (884-8770) and ask for an emerge-ncy number for the BCC. The BCCalso hasanextensive referralarrangement network with Health Services, individual doctors (both in and out-oftown), hospitals and public health units, and other family planning agencies. We have a continuing liaison with many related agencies including Children’s Aid Society, Birthright, Serena, etcetera to offer a direct link to students about their services and activities. The Centre has a wide list of resources and contact people, and can be helpful in arranging appointments. The Centre has long been involved with numerous conferences and seminars in the past, and offers to any interested group speakers to talk about birth control. More information is available and arrangements can be made through the coordinators. The BCC office itself is*a quiet room, the atmosphere is relaxed and casual. The office is staffed most hours of the day (hours are posted on the door and on posters around the campus) by both male and female volunteers. We invite anyone to drop by and see what we’re all about, or give us a call at extension 2306 (885-12 11). If you would like to consider becoming a volunteer, let us know. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you might find.





GLol;)i ._ .’ The sign at thenorthentrance of the centre for the office ,of Gay Liberation. ofWaterloo has/been up’ for many years. The sh$ck of seeing it, I’m sure, has long worn off for most people. But .have‘things changed much for gays on -campus,-,or in the surrounding community in the eleven’ years since G. L. 0. W. was first formed??. ,Everyone is familiar with the sterotypes of the mock-feminine “bar queens” or the iimpw&ted “faggot? Fortunately, anyone -who happens to know someone gay personally, is related to a gay person, or simply fails to fall for the lines and misconce@ions, knows full well how deceptive and- harhfhrthe stereotyped image&an be to both gayandsstraight people; Consider the ‘young gay, facing the facts about his/ her own sexuality. The whole world, it seems, reacts negatively to the mere mention of the word “gay” or heaven forbid,, homosexual. Family, friends, ebryone seems to have’an opinion, however misinformed-(with much thanks to&u illustrious media). 1 But the young gay isgay: she/-he is very much aware of the affective feelings for thwx, yet the very people needed for support and love during this time’of insecurity and vulnerability show, at best, tolerance and, at worst, disgust. ;Hundreds of examples of oppression and ‘discrimination, .based 1on personal experiences, -have been related. Gay people, for all the wrong reasons, have been the target off religious zealots,. save-the-family groups, politicians, toname just a’few. For many years now, however, gay peoele have been organizing in an ‘attempt to counter some of the effects of persesution by a hostile society. ,


-people are just people, albeit the slight , difference (but vive la difference!) .. creative, aspects of broadcasting a feature \‘ Specifically, GLOW (first known as the GLQW will be spons~oring films, speakers, * ^r-programme. 1, University of 1 Waterloo’s Gay Liberation and other informationgtype events this term. Each programme is written and researched.-I ,-Movement), was formed- inthe’early 19JlO% in ’ We ho@ that as weil~s@ysand lesbians, there _’ by a team of two or more women andis usually ;- \ ’ the midst of a radicalismdirectedtowardmany will be straights who;not satisfied with second 3 centred- about :a particular theme;, The net, i. - -_ 1 . 1‘I result is -an entertaining hour of interviews,;;. .: ! - __ * , issues and causes. . and third. hand propaganda, may attend our ’ GLOW was quite radical in those days, with events and come to learn more about a diverse pj women’s -music, . readings,) from femin‘ist” .t r ,,. literature, ‘humour and provocative, controtib , ,I1> _, demonstrations (“H-ONK IF YOU’iUi G-AY’ and omnipresent minority. r ‘. . : placards) and ZAPPINCi (going to straight es& ’ ,‘, GLOW has- tentative plans for a variety- of versial and opimouated d&&ion. tablishmen1s such as bars or dance halls and’ s social-events for the upcoming terms, Monthly Fn June; .WAC, embarked on another, .: I< , being totally open, e.g. dancing, kissing, etc.) pubs are planned+, as well as the regular ’ project, a series of sevenlunchtime discussions., X .’ As the social climate changed over the Wednesday evening meetings ‘and coffeeA large number -;of women and men ;_ -houses-. We hope to have monthly dances. . seventies; so did GLOW, becoming somewhat participated in these discussions, which.,,: I 1_ I less radiial,, being less and less in the public eye. included-sexist language, women&d religion,: ;A . Now,astheworldisfacedwiththeriseofthe by Aruna Srivastava , .I women -Fin advertising,, sexuality (includ$rgy- : ’ .,:. riew right, an even strongerneed has arisen for Thy Tustaip ’ 14 j f . / lesbianism), feminist men, and‘pOmography~~~-i . groups such 8s~ GLOW to have’a’voice in ’ Women’s Action Cooperative The last topic produced considerable response:. and lengthy discussion, which was fuelled by: ,. . ’ , society, to carry on a rational dialogue in the . WAC, The Women,s Action Cooperative, is the Women’s Centre showing of IVOZ A! L;OVC face of misinformation and false assumptions. a group of women of variousages, interestsand >4 . GLOW, Gay Liberation of Waterloo, exists backgrounds who have a common interest in Sfor(y. for three main reasons: / ’ s ” women’s issues and believe that change in the We ho&that ~furthe&eenings of thisf i!m 1) To act as a support network for gays and situation of women requires political action. will lend momentum to WAC’s current ml 1jor lesbians; +. \ ’ * i * L . in this campus-based feminist group there is \ proje& -- to have Waterloo City Council Fbass 2) To be a source of much needed infornevertheless great ‘diversity: We are grads, a*.bylaw which /would require shopowner! 5 ta mationabout’ homosexuality and sexundergrads, non-students, ,married,I , single, , keep pornographic . magazines under the divorced, gay, straight, fat,, thin, short, tall, j counter (thereby putting-magazines uality‘ ingeneral not only for the gay out of the ’ communrty, but’ more importantly for r radical, moderate, and tindecidEd; in fact a reach of children and those people offenda m! _ ’ ’ the straight majority; ,, fairly representative cross-section. of society. degrading Lportrayals * of women,’ men ,.,and -. . i Exceptthat we’re al1 wpmen. ’ children.) - ,: ’ 3) To organize. and present social events WI AC .,was -formed in October 198 1 during ~WAC is an ~outspoken group,:,of fernin ists ’ spe&fiCally for the gay community, e.g. Women’s Week when some members of the .’ pubs, dances, outings, films, speakers. _ We feel that controversymotivatesthopght GLOW is based in a setting where’ a?- Y ,Federatiorr Women’s Centre decided to f&ma . change; ve, .are in. many &ays, an adve& ceptance ‘of differ+& among‘ pso‘ple is ’ $iliti;cally and educationally active group, At. group f we +u&c.ome~&m,ments an&m thought to be greater than,in thecommunityat weekly meetings(Tuesdays,.7 pm,CCl49), half from other groups’andany individu& Zii.Li &f what is usually a two-hoursession is devoted large, However, as liberal .as a .univer$ty ‘, ’ For us, WAC isaspurce‘of Su~ort$h& ‘-campus may be (and that is debatable); itean _.:: to discussion of projects,’ >the other half to as women ‘and ,feminists- k@w 1 w@$ still be very difficult for a-gay personto come r informal ‘di,scu@on of prearranged topics. - apprediated and undFrstoo,d., -We Y&re~T@r~ out to him/herself and theworld; For: this 1 ,‘. ‘!In the .,past, ‘such topi& have included: to function sucdessfully as& dooper$i$$&~ reason and many others;‘GLOW operates a ‘” marriage, mothethodd,~sexuality, ,:guilt, and’ #are. trying to realize’our power as ‘womer independencejdependen&Y : In ‘these dis? , ac.hievethe’changes Ijhorieline where students as well-as .members we want and heed: * -5





Features. Tuesda

y p :-

, Se tember 7,1982 -,

around_- the

twhmt’$ I/:

s Centre 1






Having trouble finding your way around the notorious Campus Centre? Don’t feel badly; some people who have been around here for four years still feel as though they’re a ‘mouse in a maze’ when they enter the -building. To help everyone, staff graphicist Jim Kinney has devised this little map which should clarify things for just about everyone.

, ’





/ \


-/ -$ ’\



M .


-I .-




:Hillel, formerly the Waterloo Jewish Students &ganitition, serves students, fatulty, and staff at both ,the~niversity of . -Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University. Wi .are on campus to provide: 1) inforMation about Judaism and Israel, 2) a place for Jewish students to meet each other, 3) a forum for discussion of Jewish problems and issues, 4) . _ education and communication with the For -more than fifteen’ years this club has university community concerning *what Ju-’ .:‘NsfeIcome- all -,you new people! Hopefully. I 1.,provided an opportunity for women to meet :daism stands for, and 5) assistance for, you?re . not. too, ov6rwhelmed I,by your new 1 others with thesame majorgoil: putting hubby in&viduaI student, staff, or faculty. > ,’ - tI-r\ ‘I ,I -;As a ’ service organization, or. why we have a -LuIav and Etrog,‘ we have .environment ! Universitycan. be ’ quite : a, ;, through university. get out of the house we have been -’ ’ ’ ,. active on camprus for the gast ten years. information a’nd explanations for the inquisdifferent .experience,, and: sometimes it’s hard : I twice a month can do a lot to reduce’ the _ \. c ‘Plans for the Q&include -a weekly bagel L itive: ’ ‘. - : _ j to know where to start.getting involved. 2 t.ensions often found in the student home. The 1 . Kosher sabbath mealswill be catered-once a’. If you’re interestedin takingan,active partin‘ ‘- adjustment to the “student way of life” is much 1’ brunch, a wine and cheese-welcoMing party, an *_ organizational month: if there is enough interest. These meals changing your society, come be,a part of the , f easier when you know you are not alone. meeting, an orientation booth, , will be delivered -from Toronto and will-, be , Students for Life-club. We are a pro-life ciub. 1 . cults program, sukkoth dinner and’ a few . _ J- 1 served to Hillel members foranominalcharge. sabbath suppers.. providing an educational service to university, I2 The University of Waterloo Students’ Wives . _ This is &n.experiMenta‘l program and we need, ‘..; students. Our basic principles are five-fold: \, Club meets thesecond and fourth Thursdays of ’ ’ Once a week froM 11~30 - 2:00 there is an your help to succeed. ’ a .-y-Q --the right to live is the fundamental human - every month at 8 p.m. inCar informal meeting of Hillel. News and events Pollock Hall, Partiesand socials will also be held once the ‘: : -&$rt from which all- other huMin rights are. ’ are. discussed during a lunch- of- Toronto room 4362. Some activity of interest to the term begins. ’ Tentative plans call ‘for- an bagels, cream cheese andjam. In the past, bagel derived: mem~bers is planned for the first hour or so, interuniversity coffeehouse. and an - inter, brunches have been on Tuesday-or Wednes” r every. human life begins at. conception ’ . followed -*by a social time. Examples of .: university Chanukah party. ’ t’ _ - all human beings from. the moment of activities organized in the past are: cooking day; Watch Imprintand the bulietiri boards for . ’ ‘. information regarding thefirst and subsequent This year-Rosh Hashana.(Jewish New Year) I conception possess by. their very nature the and craft demonstrations; guest speakers with’ _I _- I bagel brunches. I, falls on September 18 and, September, 19. right to live topics such as first-aid, consumer rights and 1, Religious. services begin Friday evening, ‘, + every human Elf+ is worth living , 1. ‘+.-During the first or second week of classes we auto mechanics; an evening out touring a local -. 1. : L will rbe hosting an informal wine and cheese September 17. If you want to attend s&vices in ‘: 4, society hasa&uyio protect and to-promote I place of interest; or perhaps a tobbogganing or .: r party for faculty’and students to get to, know ’ Waterloo you may call the Orthodox. ,, respect for every human beings right to live. . bowling party. Congregation -T B&h..Jacob Synagogue at . -i 1 -b each other. I .i,17’.,. idt our first organi~ationalmeeting, 742-9996 or the Reform Congregation .--.., _,_.‘z ,a Our aim is to encouragea a vicegreater respect Our. first meeting this fall is Thursday, c- : .- president, treasurer and social convener will be+-- Temple Shalom at 743rO40 1. . J ~- 2- k -within the university community forall hFan September 23rd. The topicfor the evening will --,; -: begins, \..:- .life;, espedially for those whs might be .delected. If you want to help out or stay ; - .Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) be getting acquainted. with Kitchener-WaterSunday, SepteMber 26.O.nceagain feel free informed you should attend this meeting. It or burdensome, loo. To be discu.s+d are community and k ,’ to < -m&IabeIled‘as non-productive - _1 ‘, wiM3be’held at the beginning of September at a- y--- call the synagogues-such as the unborn child: the mentally and university facilities available for student => . ’ - t&&and location to be announced. If tests-must be missed an any-of th.ese.Holy physicaI.Iy handicapped, an&the aged, families, plus @aces to see, shop-and eat in the i, Days, simply consult j your professor; $ho ;. - +: --’ .,., * Hi&$, will have a display table in the Great / area. ’ . _: “P-- ’ ~ H$i of-the Campus Centre during club days in should allow you to write the test at a different ’ We ,will be. starting our activities this term a\ , 4 -with an information. table in the ! Campus - ,I .. The next meeting, Thursday, October 14th) tl@z second week &classes. Information on . time. If there are difficulties, pIease contact Hillel. , _J - programs, ‘as well as a sign up sheet wib be‘ Centre during Orientation week, and will-be/ j ‘will, be a dem.onstration of cake decorating. Hilelis sponsored joint&.by$he.Feddratidn . ’ us’mg films, speakers, book tables: newspaper Activities for further meetings will depend on available at that. time. of Students, B’N!Z B”Rith; the Can&Gait articles, and other forms of com&micat&n.+t. your interests. ,’ ..iR araise an awareness of life \ issues& campus. ’ c .ecalled’by popular demand will be a-forum. - Jewish Congress, and the .Jewish ComMunity of Kitchener-Waterloo. Please ‘come. out and join us. If you would disc ussion on cults.’ bits on Campus: What This term cad be a spectacular success with ‘Drop by. the, information table during like further info.rmation concerning our club, Who are They? There will be a debate, your help. For addi&nal Hillel information ’ Orientation for more information, or come to and i a movie the name and phoae number of a person to follc >we-d, - a discussion ;entation. This eventwiI1.b.e held sometime 7.: call Heidi at 888~6:777. c one of our weekly meetings (watch for posters) contact can be obtained from the Women’s j&&s,& : . ’ < ,’ ; :. ( “j. ‘:+,‘.,-A>; . _. --> _ ~ . Watch Jmprintfor dates and&es of events.’ to see how you can be a part. . ir$C Centre in the Campus. Centre. ‘. . -\

’ \



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Getting by bus,



by train by Micheline Duhamel That weekend visit to what the liversity forms call your “permanent dress” will probably come soon, parularly for first-year students who are :ling homesick, or for that matter, 10 are in need of palatable food (and It ncessarily off-campus students). New students heading home via car m’t face a problem. However, those ifortunate individuals who must bus it take the train must master local tnsit to get to either of these stations.

“THE BIG MAC RAC PAC” Ideal For Students and Racqueteers! 8 OUNCE



There are, of course, Gray Coach lses which leave from the campus ery Friday to Toronto or Hamilton, r example, and return the following lnday. There is always the possibility, lwever, that you might miss one of ese buses in the rush after classes,.or at perhaps isn’t one heading your iy. For information regarding de.rture times from the campus, you can 11Gray Coach at 742-4469 or inquire the Turnkey Desk in the Campus :ntre.

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If you are headed to the bus depot or e taking the train, and are unfamiliar th Kitchener-Waterloo and its transit stem, here are a few hints on how to get lere you’re going. The only bus which actually goes rough the campus is called the ainline-Fairview Mall. Depending on rere you’re catching it around the un:rsity, it may be called this or the ainline University. Either way, hop on d it will take you to King Street rough downtown Waterloo, and evenally to downtown Kitchener. Other buses service the area around e university; however only the ainline will take you close enough to e train station or bus depot so that you n’t have to lug your baggage any great stance. After you get on the Mainline in or Dund the university, expect a 20 nute ride, at least, to either of these stinations. The train station is located Weber Street in Kitchener and the s depot is located on Gaukel Street in tchener. The first indication that you are proaching downtown Kitchener lile you’re on the bus, is a small area of :tories close to the corner of Victoria. d King. On the left-hand side as you : nearing this corner you will see a ewer’s Retail. If you are going to the train station, g the bell. Another clue: you willcross :r four sets of railroad tracks just



Your one


printing shop before the stop you want. When you get off the bus, turn left down Victoria Street, walk for a couple of blocks until youget to Weber Street. Turn left again and in the space of one building you will see the train station on the right-hand side. For those Gray Coaching it, do not get off here. Continue on a very short . distance, your clue being the Canada Trust tower on the right-hand side, It is the tallest building you’ll see. After you pass it and cross the intersection (King and Water), ring the bell. Or (and I don’t mean to complicate matters) you can ring the bell after the next stop. The street which the depot is on is centered between both stops and either way, neither stop is at all far. When you get off the bus, stay on that side of King Street to get to Gaukel. As you’re walking down this short street you will see the depot on the left-hand side, just past the set of lights. Of course, instead of doing any of the above, you can simply ask the busdriver for directions. It is good to know where you are gonig, however, in case he forgets about you sitting there (it happens every now and then).

One more thing. If you happen to miss your bus or are early for it, you might want to head someplace for a coffee, since the bus depot isn’t exactly the most L charming spot. Put your things in a locker if you have a lot, and, if it isn’t past 9 p.m. Friday night (typical student departure night), walk to the intersection (Gaukel and Charles), turn left on Charles Street and walk to the mall up ahead. The building forms a street overpass, and if you enter the doors just under this overpass on the left hand side of Charles, you will find an acceptable shop on that level just past the escaIators. As for any other spot near the depot, there isn’t much. Charlies, just across the way (striped awnings) has Italian food which isn’t too expensive. As far as the train station is concerned, there is really only thecoffeeand donut shop on King and Victoria. And it’s open until I I:30 p.m. For more information regarding public transit in K-W, a large map is provided for you in the Campus Centre near the washrooms. This map indicates al1 of the routes and their names. Bus schedules are also‘ there, just next to the map.


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first met Emily in the park. She was making pencil sketches with frenzied jabs that had several times caused the paper to tear. Being curious, I went over to take a look. “What the hell are you looking at?” she snarled as she hunched over her sketches, obscuring them from my view. “I just wanted to see what you were drawing. You looked so absorbed in your work.” “Yeah? Well get lost you nosey bitch.” “I am nosey, but I’m not a bitch.‘” “You’re all bitches.” “Oh? Just what class are you including me in?” “All you moronic cutie pies who’d rather be having your hair done or putting on make-up than doing something constructive. I’ll bet you only read beauty magazines. Probably have to look up words in the dictionary to answer quizzes. If you even own a dictionary.” “I do own one,“1 answered, “it’sdifficult to get through a degree in English without one.” “Going after a MRS.,” she scoffed. “No, I had one of those before I started.” “I’d be in school now took if it weren’t for my damned parents. They decided it was useless for me to go past second year and wouldn’t loan me any money.. I’ve been working for the past two years so I can get OSAP as an independent.” “Why did they help you for two years and then stop?” “Well, they thought I was taking Chemistry, but the university screwed up and sent some of my mail to my parents by mistake. They opened it and found out I’d switched to Fine Arts after the first term. Then they stopped the money.” “Couldn’t you reason with them?” “No, I figure I was lucky getting two years paid for. Anyway, it doesn’t matter much now, I’ll be going back this fall.” “What do your parents think of that?” “Who knows? I haven’t talked to them since .” “I’ve always wanted to be able to draw,” I said, “but I can’t even make a straight line. “Get a ruler, they’re easy to use and they work.” “May I see your sketches?” “Well, okay. They’re pictures of the girls at the office where I work.” The sketches were all similar: Barbie doll figures with skin peeled back to reveal twisted mounds of worms, hordes of ants, cobwebs, and one that looked filled with leftovers, fungus and all. “You’re not too fond of them,” I said. “How astute.” “Feel like going for a coffee?” “Okay.” She picked up her things and, while we walked to Harmony Lunch restaurant, told me about one of the girls at work. “Joanis the one I hate the most. She’sa real wimp. She’s been on this hair craze for a month now, it’s ridiculous. Each Monday she starts a theme and talks of nothing else for the rest of the week. One week, it’s how she’s going to get a perm on Friday. The next week she comes in with her hair all fuzzed up and decides it’s too curly, so she makes an appointment to get it cut the next Friday. Then it’s too short and all the curl is gone so she’s upset about that. It’s so stupid. She spends more on her hair than I do on rent, I think. And now she really- looks awful, with those blond streaks she had put in.” *****


Club 884-2850

umily didn’t have a telephone, so I lost track of her for awhile. Then, I met her

again on campus, and she invited me back to her place for a coffee. On the way there, I asked her why she was carrying an umbrella since it was such a clear day. “For protection. If you were really smart, you’d carry one too. I always have it with me when I take the bus. Damned people pushandshove,steponyour toes, and grab at you - but with my umbrella I can defend myself.” I thought her aggression was mostly for show, but I soon realized I was wrong. On the bus, she started arguing with the woman in front of us because she wouldn’t open the window. “I need fresh air, it stinksin here and I’m suffocating,” Emily yelled. -’ “My hair will be blown to pieces,” the, woman answered. “Let’s move somewhere else,” I said quietly. “There are no other seats,” she said to me, and then poked the woman and asked her, “haven’t you got a comb? They’re easy to use, and they work.” “I don’t want the window open,” came the stubborn reply. The next thing I knew, the two of them were engaged in a hair pulling fight. Emily leaned over and whispered conspiratorially to me, “this is our stop.” We scrambled off the bus with Emily hurling insults at the woman until the bus was out of sight. I really hadn’t expected the woman to put up such a fight. I guess there’s more aggression in people than I’d thought.


umily’s apartment was above a used furniture store. The stairs up to it creaked; and so did the floor boards in the apartment which had been painted a bright red. It was a tiny place. You could sit on the legless sofa that was pushed against one wall and reach over to get a book from the bookshelf that backe,d on the facing wall. She made coffee, and we talked about Dadaism while we drank it. Then she stood up. “I’ll give you a tour of the place,” she said. Three steps took us to the kitchen door. We only stopped there briefly because there was really nothing to see but a stack of dirty dishes. ’ The bathroom was hard for even one person to move around in. In subsequent visits, I found that when the heat was on you had to sit almost sideways on the toilet or risk getting your leg burned on the radiator. Emily had only one towel, and I recognized it as being from the gym at the unversity. In the bedroom there were stacks of books and canvasses, and a single mattress on the floor. On the mattress was a sleeping bag and a pillow that appeared to be an old pillowcase stuffed with clothes. Beside the bed there was an extension cord with a timer built into it, the kind people use to discourage burglars while they’re away. For some reason, it was hooked up to a vacuum cleaner. Emily saw me looking at it and reddened. “I used to have the timer on my radio,” she explained, “but I knocked it over last month and it broke. I tried hooking the kettle up to it for awhile, so I could make coffee as soon as I got up, but it boiled dry several times. It wasn’t much good anyway. So I use the vacuum cleaner for an alarm clock now. It makes a lot of noise, actually, it’s better than the radio was.” ***** I rarely see Emily anymore. She moved to Toronto where she works as an illustrator. She really hasn’t changed much though. Shedid buyanalarmclock, but she still draws sketches of the people she works for.


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Contemplating the University Experience

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by G. Dame11 I feel like a plastic record the ideas of the guy before the guy before the guy before etched permanently on my mind

\ I open my mouth to sing my song but the melody is strange and the words are not my own

I cry out and someone turns the volume

The Incomplete (To the tune of “OctopusS

down I try to squeeze my consciousness into this pen but the tip only follows the groove . follows the groove follows the groove of the record

Song Garden”)

by J. Butterworth I’d like to be getting a “C” but all I ever get is incompletes. 1 I try real hard but no reward just these indefinite defeats. My transcript it is something to see all they ever do is “INC”, “INC”, “INC”, (chorus) I’d like to be getting a “C” but all I ever get is incompletes. It would be nice just once or twice to finish a course I have begun. What a surprise ’ . tears in my eyes but the work, it just never gets done. I would sing and dance around because I’d be no longer bound. (chorus) I’d like to be getting a “C’ but all I ever get is incompletes.

just like th.e mob with money in my bank and wallet too. I would be so happy, you see With no one there to tell me what to do. \ (chorus) ‘I’d like to be getting a T” but all I ever get is incompletes.


in an air-conditioned office Plasticman pushes a button ~ a selector arm takes me off The Rack of Thousands a stylus is pushed into me i am spun round and round and Plasticman sits back contented as the familiar music is played once more once more once

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Thefollowing article was prepared by threestaff writers who spent their summer co-op terms in Toronto. In our last issue of the summer term. we included a similar Toronto guide written by the same authors of this one (It dealt with other services and outlets available within the city; copies can be obtainedfrom our office). If you’re planning on spending a co-op term in Toronto, or if you?e considering getting away for a wild weekend in T. 0. and you want to make the most of it; we strongly recommend that you consult this ‘guide ‘before yougo. by Julie George Karina Kraenzle Cathy McBride Perhaps one of the main attractions of Toronto in the summer is the Islands. Of course, it’s no longersummer, but as long as the weather holds, the trip is worth it. Theferry cost is $1.75 round tripand goes to three locations: Centre Island (the most popular), Ward Island,and Hannlins Point. All the islands are connected, so you can take the ferry to one point and leave from another. Note: the Centre Island ferry does not carry bikes on weekends, holidays, although the other two do. The ferry leaves from the Harbour Castle Inn at the foot of Bay Street. HARBOURFRONT: Located just east of the ferry docks, Harbourfront boasts a variety of activities. Sundays, 1Oa.m. to 5 p.m., there is a massive antique show. The main building houses permanent craft displays where you can watch glassblowing, pot-throwing, and silk-sceening. Harbourfront also holds plays and operas (watch Toronto papers for details). ONTARIO PLACE: Four dollars is a lot to pay for admission especially since everything insidecosts more, but Ontario Place does have some advantages. That four dollars gets you into the

the Style



Good quality food at reasonable prices has always been IVYS style. Come and enjoy one of our delightful crepes, a gourmet sandwich or a spectacular omelette. We will also tempt you with our sinfully rich and delicious sundaes and our nutritious spinach salads. All of this served amidst lush tropical plants and warm hardwood floors make IVYS a great place to dine in style. IVYS The Waterloo House King and Erb, Waterloo

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Forum which hosts top musical performers. Other attractions are rollerskating, a water slide, a children’s adventure playground a Canadian destroyer and, of course, restaurants. Take the Bathurst streetcar to Exhibition Place. OLD FORT YORK AND THE MARINE MUSEUM: For the history minded, these two attractions are a must. They offer a good look at what Toronto was like before the skyscrapers were built. Take the ,Bathurst streetcar and get off at the foot of Bathurst. THE ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM: It’s been closed for two years for massive renovations, but the ROM is due to open this month, according to officials. A note of caution: full exhibits won’t be set up for a while. When they are, the museum should be bigger and better than before. Many works that had previously been in storage will be on display. Museum subway stop on the University line or Avenue Road and Bloor, if you’re above ground. CASA LOMA: Built at the turn of the century by Sir Henry Pellatt, this 98-room house really is a castle. Thecastlefeatures a taped tour as well as an informative pamphlet. Besides the castle itself, there are manicured grounds, stables (which are reached by an 800 foot long tunnel), and two towers, (which offer a view of Toronto that rivals the CN Tower). Take the University/ Spadina subway north to DuPont and then walk north on Spadina. CN TOWER: It may be the tallest free standing structure in the world but the view certainly isn’t worth what you pay. If you want a panoramic view of Toronto the Toronto Dominion Bank Tower is much better. THE TORONTO ZOO: If you have an entire day to spend, the Toronto Zoo is a marvelous place to go. Even for an afternoon, it’s worth the effort. All of the pavilions are open and you can see a variety of animals in their natural setting. For convenience, three “tours” have beendevised: Africa, Asia, and North and South America. Follow the coloured footsteps painted on the paths and watch for the signs. Yonge subway north to Sheppard and then the 85B bus. Beware: the bus ride alone is about an hour long, one way. THE SCIENCE CENTRE: The Chinese exhibit will be at the Science Centre until the end of October. Covering 5000 years of Chinese technological achievements, this isdefinitelyashow to see. But even after the exhibit isgone, the Science Centre will be worthwhile. From computers to genetically bred guinea pigs, it has everything. Yonge subway north to Don Millsand then the Don Mills bus east, or Bloor subway east to Pape and then the Pape bus north. CHINA TOWN:Stretching mainly along Dundasfrom Yonge to Spadina, with shops going off onto side streets and up Spadina, China Town is an excellent cultural delight and a good place to pick up a few bargains. The Chinese groceries are the best in town for items like fish and bean sprouts. Almost every other store is a restaurant, ranging from good and expensive (The Lichee Gardens) to good and cheap (The Phoenix, Spadina north of Dundas). China townisalsoagood place to pick up bargains such as incense, wicker, bamboo,and (of course) China. THE MCMICHAEL CANADIAN COLLECTION: Until the --- 1 Klemburg gallery is finished, Toronto is housing part of the McMichael collection. This all Canadian collection feature: talents such as the Group of Seven, Emily Carr, and Home] Watson, as well as a few artists unknown to theaverage viewer The Toronto collection also has a good display of native Canadian art. College Park Mall, Yonge and College Admission is free. THE ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO: On Thursday nights admission is free at the AGO. The Gallery covers art frorr Renaissance to Modern, and also has an adequate Canadiar display. It also hosts special collections, such as Japanese woodblock prints and The Dinner Party. Dundas, just east o Spadina. PLACES TO AVOID: Eaton’s Centre and College Park: botl of these shopping malls are horrendously over-priced, SO ifyor want to actually buy something, avoid both of them. If however, you like to window shop or people watch, the vas array of expensive goods and people is worth seeing. OTHER ATTRACTIONS: Frantic Times and The Roya Canadian Air Farce, both CBC radio comedies, tape ir Toronto. The Frantics tape Thursdaynightsat the Art College just behind AGO; admission is one dollar. The Air Farce tape! in Cabbagetown and admission is free but tickets are hard tc come by. Call CBC for details, times, and dates.

Food Located on College Street, west 0‘ Spadina, this small restaurant is great for those who like trend! places. Somewhat overpriced with rather small portions, tht menu consists of natural foods and vegetarian dishes. The management brings in little-known musicians almost ever! night, and if they are the reason you are going there, it’s worth paying the higher price for food. Licensed. THE VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT: Finally, a restauran that serves only vegetarian food. Unfortunately, the food isn’ very good. The serving size is decent and the prices okay, but tht menu lacks imagination. The best deal is the,daily specials which are generally more imaginative (items like Spanakopit; and vegetarian lasagna) than the soyburgers of the regular menu. Located on Yonge Street north of College. FREE TIMES



on page 1:

B'ERRYS CAFE: This small lunch room located at the: lack of Goldberry’s Natural Food Store isadefightful place.,o eat iii Toronto. Unfortunately, they are-only openduring. . he-day. Their menu is totally vegethrian,with many sinfully ood ‘desserts to< maI% sure you don’t 4eave feeling too : irtuous. The Jmain emp&sis is _on. &eft,y sandwiches ncluding fa$&eIs~‘an~ saIads;thougtithey. ,&rye adaily: jr-. p&al &q$~~ d&$/bqG$.: A)& be ‘for~~q&@&~s&& &$t LI:; zivi’ coffee,, dnIy, herbal and black, ‘t~a~,:j~~~~~.~~~--~~ 1-it> ,cated.;n~~~.‘N~ch~~~,i small str$tjustwest of Yongeand. T (jr~hofW~llesl‘epi~~’ k _.._I .‘, ,I::,” ;‘:’ -. . ,-k _ :- .. -. ._ *HE Bfc SLIcJ& This. @ace has ~about~the best pizza in ‘oronto.;,Their best trade-is-in the large slices of pizza they - ,: :I1 .for,$1.,29, Thetoppings are very,.generous.and I wish I : ad-their saucer&peso Icould sell&to Mother’sThe-$aIso :ave.‘other’Italiari dishes likelasagna. restaurant. , on Yonge Street-just south ofGerard. :Not~licens,@ -’, I * - THE SPQTfED,C@Wi,If you likehaving a sal&lfor lunch, z _ iis cafeteria -is. one of the best’ pIace&Ihaveb-f&nil. .For-; ’ 1.25, you can get a generous bows ofsah$rom their&m* tlad, bar. .Unfoitunate~~~-If_y~~u~,~ant anything else -other ian salad there are‘ no\ ~~~~lsr,lTCh~~-Spdtted. Cow is /SF tuated inside the Chelsea ‘Inn ,b;n Gerrard street %$st.. of 'onge.-ii~ens~d, ‘.I-; j ‘~ ~- ‘~I tl, , “: -.- :.: ,; ‘I.- : Jo_E.ALLE~~~Jo~~~il~~~~isa~ in~ere&tit&veningspot to \ ,

” ~explained’ de- Boer. Two de’ . _ vices were ad&d to- the if there is an-impending crisis 4~ bathrooms; .one in the shower 1 ’ L sponsible for -the distributiQn and oneinthe toilet. * , of the. )YaterT Conser~utio~ 1. or pod Just so people aren’t ;Mgmagement Update news-. / left ‘totally in -the dark and _ suddenly’ wake* up‘ one morn:Ietter and the-, public&ion of Will the Programme ever . ttl;C.; Wiitei” t&e.- I..&+ ‘Eva& \ : ing and realize they are faced -. become obsolete? t’1 do&see ti@h. The newsletter- is re- witrh a vast shortage of water.” the programme ending,” said TO prevent water wastage Benninger. “When it comes to:. ceiveoby~ 135,000 people t,wice a point .where water can be $early>.wi$h their utility bill, a . the Programme employed. gotten at. a cheaper rate then * The ‘@aluation”isp&zd in _ fourteen people to retrofit 2400 homes in the Freeport -tk;, X~d~,keco~d . . 1’ every m$ans of conservation can be : weekday &i&f during the Fir area of Kitchener. Retro-’ researched then . . . there ‘I , &i$t&r,~‘~ sai& Benninger. “It . fitting “is ‘the addition of a would be-no need for the-pro-. device to make an already exgramme, but we are a long way e&blisbes;the : amount. of _‘Iisting system more efficient,?’ .away-from that.”

slight. ifi-yr~~pt+~~dinn~~~,~~.r~~.~~~erith’~h~~Iied ‘-

*earn #a. must. ‘It is evident f{om&e-photograph3 onthe . alls that~a,nsirnbkro~Toront~~ theatrecel&ri&sfrequent ;- ’ De “Allen& The prices :~re$asc&jle but/not cheap. -86 ‘; ’ Bhn Street. * ~j!i, * -t . . iy15 : _’ I_ 5--’ -t JUST -DE’SSERl%: It i&umoured th& &me people, -. c Joycede $oeri. E&cation , :tually eat dinner in this--restaurant -and &at thefood ‘is ’ Project. Co-Or$&&$r in *he 1~‘. :cent. I, for one; have never seen&y one%r-there~whoisn’t i Progranime,‘l expl.&n$, “A lot,. urging himself -or he~self$n dessertThe $%ing size&are ’ . of people do@ realize that our ageand t~g&&&t’&&, wo@.“ ‘ a -, -.:, . l- yI‘,F-;;I +t. \iv~t~r,‘(Kitdhenei~W~~~~lo~fs-) PHOENiX GA&DENS:“&is restaurant% just one of the : cognes ,from wells, We$e th,e L, ! any gooh Chinese &a&ants i&hi&to-wni I ha%n% ~ r largest metropolitan barea ,in und one that especially stands .oogta-n-d the.q$ality oftheir ‘ ‘Canada 1to get all, out water A’! baking does vary from r&&t-to night, Ifyouarel6okingf.or f&m. groun& water sup,plies, good Chinese restaurant; 16’ok f+=acrumtiy%i&ng room: ‘a-ml it% very-specialwater. , -i ith sheets of plasticon the tables-and-&& -of4%inesej:.i I x-T,: ‘b&$x&&~ -*at-&lly, fil- - : :ople avoid any’place Qhat looks too niucb,lik~ an or@&: ‘y restaurant because it will :be overpri&$‘~and you cant. tere$ by., the-earth. $?s .,kept I, mobably ,get+eater foe+ just down- th& ro&:: ;The place to+ .cm.ii,!bj!t&qatthafi&+gt I$SI& . _it d,$&‘t req&-~‘L.&&&v~, (I. ok is down Spldina to Dundas and tnen~easton Dundas.i lso a must are the /Chinese bakeries scattered aIong 1 cooling orchlorination . .’ . It’s, , undas Street. ‘- _j : good for you, too? 8 ::’ ESPLANADQThe Esplanade is nota resta~nt but a row The goal: of the !&---month ? ‘them. Thky ares alI pretty much the same:. decent food at , Education .Project&onsor&.’ ii * : :+&, ~&~~;,p~~s.~~~$~y~~ j@t fiief~i&e gb;l~~~u~for~~~~~a~‘,-.’ .&y. @al :J@@&&&i;i~~~q!@&$p.~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~re~e~~~~~-f~~~a~~. $&$&@&i; ~~~~~.~&~~ c_ of~~at~~o~,a~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $5 a~t~~urKr4~~lo~ghe-$nd,~~~k &&au& I&&&J e& bl.&- ~-L @;I7T$tudibs :-Gf j$Jii &“YF!{&.- $ luth of Front Street; by the O’Keefe Centre. educate the people in this .TORY’S GOQD E&T% If you like’ hamburgers, this region-about watersupply and water conservation,?’ said de .’ &&rant is,for you. ‘They have all-kinds offancy hamburi rs, &od salads and:some ofthe best french fries in the city. Boer. . ~ j 1 ne’restaurant israther small The need for conservation is‘ ” Bcated on Bloor Street, east twofold. First, conserving . ’ means reducing-costs of supplying water because the need EL MACAMBO:%his club, one of the oldest in Toronto, for r.,drilling and’ maintaining ttures “two bands every evening, one downstairs, one new wells’is le&ied’. Second., stairs. Downstairs has no cover charge and ofta offers and perhaps most important4 aove average bands. Upstairs always has a cover of, reduced volume‘of water used proximately $5 to $7. However, the cover is usuaIIylifted reduces thecost of treatingand :er midnight.-Located on Sl;‘adina just south of College. cleaning it ip sewage plants. OCTOBER’S: October’s is Toronto’s elegant new rave. in The Project- members r# jrkville, just off Bloor Street. Like everything else incently , went I- to the-- school ’ jrkville, October’s is very,ihic - a@- very pricey. The . - hoard for the Region .of\ ver charge-is a stiff $5 andmixed drinksare almost !§*a* _ \Waterloo which was “very dt. It’s a good place to empty yourwallet fast. IIow_e’ver, if I keen _ on -\ expanding -?-the ’ u should ever feel the urge todo one particulai evening in : Dateri& 1they have ins their .~., ;h style, this club- offers big band_sounds, four vocalists, curriculum to include local d dining around the stage. , water supply . . . and con- es GROSSMAN’S TAVERN: -If you like jazz, lanytime’or ’ servation.” The i result $@:a 1,. ywhere,..Grossman$,istheplace to get it. It’s definitely not gra$Ie five .curriculr&$ ‘*it+ :;. Fancy joint, but\ it ha,s character._Locate’d -on Spadina; 1 --slide-t&es prepared by ‘-fqgfF the . Water Cor?serva&n uth of College. VOODOO CLUB: For a distinctIy’different club, which gramme~employees: uld never be mistaken for any other, vis,it the .Voo$po, = J Slide-tapes for -an adult.’ ub. This unusual spot is a punk paradise, sodon’t forget to ’ level ‘%havebeen produceed_and’-’ _. le yourhairintopoints-afteryoudyeitred-andgreenthat. “are, being used by students]in There’ is a $5 cover charge for ‘a DJ, and no liquor is class this year ‘in out’reach..; .: ailable. A final warning: Get lots of sleep Saturday caurses such as Environ- ., ‘1 ring the day - because the dancing starts at midnight and ’ mental Education.These ,‘. ntinues until .Sunday‘,morning at 7 a;m. Located >at 9 . tapes are also , for use. by , f seph Street. groups.“BRUNSWICK H’QUSE:. -Downstairs at the Brunswick “In Septemb$ weare going. ’ I Iuse is basically a massive beer hall, location of at least one to have a gala event and all the ATPUB per term, incidentally. Upstairs at the Brunswick, slide-tapes will be shown; .‘;?I wever, is a nice spottoacatch a good jazz band or a little, LThe fruits of our project willaII.1 untry swing. No cover, located on the corner of Bloorand b broughi* iq@h$“sd &@&&Ll--i unswick. I de Boer. The~~ress&&public ,;-‘: NUT* AND BOLTS: This bar is a decent place to go will be ,Jjlvit@, -~-~T~~-~;c, .’ ‘::y; . -Te. u&g, especially during the week when there is not a cover The Water 1 dons&&&ion arge. The music is danceable, the dance floor a bit small - Programme‘-‘is a mutliy lecially on weekends - and the service incredibly slow. ,, faceted .-approach’ to ‘.water lu-arefar better off going to yourself than trying to conservation,“< and *%ome- ’ . y,on a waiteFNuts and Bolts is one bIockeast oESpadina ’ times Six” projects ‘will raise ; ‘ Pundaq; rt’s.~rd~to,.~nd’so~-~ prepared toGask someone,. , ,‘their headsat the same time;‘.’ iMAjOR ,RORE&‘&I&ocateff on.Harbord between Major : said Benninger. “Prqbably the.. d Roberts Streets, this pub’still has decently priced beer. most controversial and con-

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, ’ %Jomatteithesizeof.thediationd, itsfiery brh~x sbeaks of love. A .perfect message . 1 . moqent.-.- T I 5. d. - ,‘s/,;- -.i for a very impoAant ,




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might a.s well engrave the licence number - per year, But-before you get any’type of insurance,-check around and read the fine on your ‘other valuables (stereo, radio, L -/ ’ _ ’ ._I -( ’ prim. ’ ., ’ ’ . furniture, etc. . : .). / ! I i --/ . , Pete Carr _of. McPhail’s *Cycle and i ’ Consid,er a policy where the stolen ,I I Spyrts Ltd. in, Waterloo gives his advice article(s) arereplaced at the current prices, onhow to protect your bicycle: &First have dot the purchase price. This type of policy ’ a good, lock, which-con&s of a--strong will cost-more, but it seems worth it. \ __ ’ _. cable. and a separate lock (heavy duty). ,; . -_ The lock can>a combination or - Injuries and’hcidents _ - . A ,’. , ‘. key as long as$is strong. You,can expect’ _ ’ to pay up to $2500 for ‘a,‘good locking i - Locally, the number of ‘accidents c 7 : _ * . -,‘I<s,ystem. - involving bicyclists have risen and so have ‘, the injuries. During-1980, there were 176 ’ . “Furthermore, when you lock your accidents resulting in injuries. One was a p .’ ,. bike, Itmake sure you ,1&k both wheels fatality. 19&l was not much better. In fact -. ;- -together, . and, also to atree or ametal post. the number _--of accidents -’ with injuries - ’ increased to 139 with one fatality. / 1 “If ‘you don’t lock the bike to a , stationary object the thief can pick. it up The reaso.ns for accidents ‘are ’ as ,’ .- ‘, and throw it into the back of a van or. -c y\ - - L 7 ,, :- - ,\.“‘J - ,, ;-<+ 1 , .,, -7 1. y,,.-I .. numerous as. -the accidents themselves. s_ -. I- .: - Bicycle riders and automobib drivers are -’ 1 open and under ‘a light, as a result your both to blame. ” ’ ,reciivere+wery year. “What can be dwe to friendly> neighbourhood thief’ can’t sit _ t - Eykry ye& $ver a. j&&&&e&&~& ..’ hop theie thefts: w&y are there so p ze$ b ,-, ,‘:there concealed.:‘, Drivers of cars, must remember that a “.“J ,___ ---- ---- _--___ - -~ ____-- --t- a VII I” grevent.ed? T&sarticle@temp& t&ff$&f$j~in f& WatecZo.0 _ yegfo”fi,, ,7Add&&a!~y; : Should you discover your bike has been car does. At the. same time bicyclists must thousand8 of bikes eke, stolen a&&ve~ . Ihew ‘questions ~nd-wwt ~~~~$$Jk~.$$$~~~~, “stor&, report it im:mediately to &e pblice. . . ._ ,.( L, remember thg tt they too are subject to ’ ‘ ... ‘.:.. _. -,‘. ) +G. acti@ for ,all bicyclists. ?-- :’ :’ be prepared to answera few questions. It -. thee rules,





,number,- make, model and the colour ‘of the&c-vcle. Sounds kasv, ‘doesn’t it? Trv right now and ’ put : these “easy” facts down -e -a--” .
















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. c_ I a. \ ,-z=r .

Some other reason&or accidents are: ,c, tz,,.,tk; d-f-2-,___~, - -l _I!-- ,--_----_- ---_ ,--a” -~-I -a,-,l,,, ------a -4 :_ : night with&t proper lights and reflectors, I In 1981,’ to : Waterloo , I ) and neglecting to usecommori sense. ., ’ _ k ,I stolen (each valued under. $200.00). and : A good rule & thum% is to’write’ - 811 of I’ Bicycles are just like automobiles’they ,’ o~$y 166 were recovered These,figures are this information, includinganydistinctive should be tuned every year and properly ;Io,w$ from. 19803, when ‘3jl99, bicycles ‘1 ‘/. markings, ’ cared- for. When youtupe @‘a p-iecej of p,aper ‘for all your your bike(or :c\i. l/;? ~*fby)rris~~A. ng&p, M$ke a copy and give “one-to j have it tuned at a- bi<ycleshop) make sure ,. ’ youl: -jpa&$t~ to keep-ina ,safety .deposit . everything is iworking. perfectly. Ad’ _’ To help’with the recovery of bicycles, I. box,’ and keep ‘one copy for yours& If a’ I-- ditionally,check your brake pads, reflecthe police have started a. relsitively, new tli& .@oes ,‘happenl y,o$fl increase your - . -. _ : tors, and lights. Ifany biece of equipment engr&ng,prc-ea- C2.L-A AAn+ bwr-l.* Ai- ~ sI -- _- .c * 1:‘** .__, . I , acc&di&~





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