Bombshelter Closed until 8:OO p.m! due to I-cdcral clcctions. l’ilc-l’oldcrs. mirror. 884-2806. I,iv\Cr therapy and, other diversions available free for t ho<c 9:30; Last I :30. \lil$liink to share * curious enough to join the Varsity gay. Call Doreen,- 622-1963. _ Watcrpolo team. * l’l!ync: 885-680X. for D.M. and F.‘l . Laura & Shit-l. l able rates; six year’s expericncc terms). Non-smohcr prclcrrcd. >,ou’ll find a real man. Watch out gramtiiar. punctuation. Reason- 1. 1 . , (klNGi'UNIVERSINf'