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I Mother Earth tour 2002 -pafie 23

Mayor disappointed with Feds motion Woolstencroft disputes student council's position on housing Tim Mollison

the Feds council meetingin question, VP educationRyan O'Connor stated that theyw-ereaware of the difference City of Waterloo mayor Lynne between the city and the region as Vl'oolstencroft said . iurisdictions and that she was "very thatwhde thecqhad disappointed"by thc 'ISt are beennotifiedofthc self-absorbed: mecting ' and had recent Feds council decision to end ubeeninvited to send pass negotiations,in they see themarepresentatiqthey a telephone inten~iew selves as the had not done so. iTcdnesday night Monday, the City "[The notice] people oFXratehreceived aletter EomtheFeds caught me off who rent informing them of guard," she said,addrooms." their decision to halt inethat the Feds'dccisionw7as"a m - u p . The Region of Waterloo [whch han.sit. dles u-pass negotiations] does not haveany jurisdictionover zomg." At See HALTED, page 4 IMPRINT STAFF

1 iI


Feds nooners furthering public discourse Higher tuition debated at high noon by young politicos that have taken place on campus. Kerrigan also said he feels that it 1s important to work closely with the A debatc organtzed by the Federation L W dcbating society in order to ensure effective andinformative debates. of Students marked the first of many Thc topics for each debate will be to be held on alternating Wednesday chosen through brainstorming sesafternoons this term. University of sions to choose issues that may be of \X'aterloo students Wll H a d t o n , interest to students. representingIn;Y'YoungLiberals,and 'l'opics will he limited to those for MarkPenner,representingUWCanad~anilllianceClub, kckedoff the first which there arc people available to debate. Kerrigan hopes that students of these debates with a discussion of won't justpicka sidc to debate forthe tuition costs. The bweekly debatesare intended sake of debating, but rather have a to increasc student involvement in interest in the side they are taking. Kerrigan admits that t h s is an various issues that are relevant t o u i versity students. The debates should experiment,however. Ifthere is agood presentdifferentperspectivesconcern- response,these debateswdlcontinue. Fine arts student,MargieMansell, ing the issues; howcver, the topics don't necessarily have to be about who witnessed the inaugural debate, campus issues. The debates wdl give said she feels that the debateswill"get representativesof myparticular per- people thinking" and make students spectivea chance to voice their opin- more aware of the issues discussed. The debates are scheduled to be ions. Feds vice-presidentinternal Mike heldat 12:OOp.m.everyotherWednesKertlgan said that he decided to hold day in the SLC Great Hall. such debatesafterseeingthesuccessof some of the political science debates Adele Pearce IMPRINT STAFF


Two students lose seats on Feds council Susan Bubak IMPRINTSTAFF

Students' council voted to remo5e two councillors on 5eptembcr 15 be

cause o f their lack of attendancc at council meeting5 &in Young, engi neering councillor, and Michelle Bokhan, science co gcouncdlor,havc not attended any council meetings since talungoffice last term rhe vote to remove Young was 18 in fat our, 7ero opposed and one abstention Rokharilostherseatbyavoteofl5In fatour, 7ero opposed and four abstentions Young explained that her ab scnce at council meetings was due to assuming too manv responsi bilities "I feel bad that I was unable to perform actively rn stu dents' council, but 111 my own de fence, 1did ha1 e an extremely busy schedule l a ~term t and there were some unexpected activities w hich

took my time," she said Young added that she will not run for students' council in the future "Someone who can better rcpresent the engineering facultj should definitely take m) place," she s a d Hohhari attributed her absence t o "pressing famil) commitments " She added that "removal from council was not an act of negligence on my part, but a result of the problems that I was under going at that time " Bokhari said she mtends to run In the next students' council election and has already submitted her application A byelectton will be held later this term t o fill the seats vacated by Young and Bokhari The seats for engineering, environmental studies regular and Renison arc also vacant Federation of Students presi dent Brenda Slomka said she was disappointed with the lack of com

munication from both councillors. "1 was upset that the communication and willingness to keep in touch with what was happening was not occurring," she said. According t o subsection VI1I.I of the Federation of Students bylaws, which pertains to absentees, "Any voting member of Students' Council who satisfies any of the conditions listed below shall be deemed to have relinquished his/ her scat and the scat shall be vacant, subject to ratification by a simple majority of Students' Council. Councillors facing removal shall be allowed to defend themselves during the debate on the ratification of their removal.

Danielle J eanneault, scicr regular councillor, stressed the i portance of regular attendancc council meetings. "I believc tha the councillor is not present, students are not adequately rep sented because the students' cc ments, recommendations and s gestions are not being heard," said. Alex Cassar, arts co-op coun lor, echoed Jeanneault's sej ments. "If I am not at coun how can I serve my constituent he said. Although student councill are expected to attend all cow meetings, only three councill have perfect attendance records year: Liam McHugh-Russell, m co-op councillor, Cynthia KO science co-op councillor and I< Law, St. Jerome's councillor.

late for two or more mectings without being excused. 2) The councillor has been absent and/or more than 30 minutes late for four or more meetings for which their travel costs would have been paid for by the Federation of Students. 3) Thc councillor has been absent and/or more than 30 minutes late for 5Operccntof regularlyscheduled meetings." Although Bokhari and Young were notified that they were at risk of losing their seats, neither councillor attended the council meeting on September 1 5 to defend herself. Bokhari said she was unable to attend due to illness, while Young is currently on a work-term in Nova Scotia. Both councillors said they notified members of students' council about their absence from the last meeting.

Conditions for removal from council 1) The councillor has been absent and/or more than 30 minutes

Good news for Ontario university graduates OUAC reports good emolovment rates for recent grads Will Peters SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Crowded facilities, deregulafion, mtionincrea~es,pooreconomy; bad news seems in abundance On September 17, the Ontario Umversities' Application Centre announced some good news for university graduates: high employment rates. Specifically, the employment rate for 1999graduates six months out is 95.8 per cent and 96.6 per cent for graduates two out The average annualsalary for 1999gradstwoyearswas $41,70Oand $34,700 for 1999 g a d s six months out.The average incomes continue to increaseand the numbers are consist-

ent across disciplines. This suwey reinforces previous fmdmgsthat university gads are gamfully employed, have the lowest unemployment rates and make significant contributions to the provmcial economy. There is also good news with respect to skills matching. The majority surveyed said that the sMls required in their jobs related to their university education. Graduates out of university for six months gave a sMls-matchlevelof77.9percmt;graduates two years out gave a skills-match level of 84.4per cent. Of the 42,833 that were surveyed, 14,3663 or 33.5percentresponded.


Program Area

1 Architecture I

Agricultural and Biological Sciences

1 Comnuter Science

1 Engineering


Avg. Annual Salary 6 Months after graduation (employed full time)




Fine & Applied Arts Humanities Mathematics Optometry Physical Sciences Social Sciences

$28,000 $44.700 $45,100 $26,300 $29,800 $40,500 $61,100 $30,800 $30,300

Avg. Annual Salary

2 years after graduation lemoloved full time)




$37,000 $54.600 $53,700 $33,100 $36,100 $40,400 $63,600 $40,100 $37.300 TYLERTH

*Salaries averaged using midpoint of range.

Katherine Sparks --



\\\llfi.ld 1 . ~ L l t ~ l ~ t Sl~lil~tlt .~ll ~IC\VII~IIJX!T needs a n d ~rearclung s f o r m edltur 111 chief Llaneesh Schrlcv, as former edttor-m-cliief\\~asfired Sunday, Septetnber 15 by Lkx-id held,pres~de~lt ofK7dfreclLauricr Student Pubhcatlons fiY7.1 'SP) a11d Lucan \Yat,Vl'finance forthe bo;ircl ofdtrcctors. Accorda~gto I:tlcd, hc~vastermni~tedhecause "hewam't d~11i1gIw lob a.; requmd". On \Yc.dncstiaj., \\;7.1; Student Publtcat~onsPrcstde~ltD a d I d d re p(>~teii to Lmprint that the p1pc1-had

.liat~i.r::hSchc1cr.n ns tct-miixite~l Scptern1:er 12. .\ccordmg to hlaclenn, the applrcatiotis for rhe ediclue S.xn!rd;l!, tix 111 chlcfpr~slt~!mare ( ktobcc 7; liaclcan stated rhat \\ Mi. he \\-1I1fill the. rc 11cI111 :I(: ~lritilthat d a ~ cht , has rlo plans to apply for. the p"\'tl"n. r11e C(1l-J 15 ,,ffer111'$z271 IlOtiO.

The new Cord banner, above, has been replaced by the old style that characterized the paper last year. In fact, many details of the Cord might be remniscent of the past upon his termination, Sehdev did not give permission for his new design t o be used.

ter, presented the a n n ~ Jdo h n 1 . \Y'intertneyer 1,ecture in Christianity and Public Policy at St. Jerome's Criiversity o n 1,rlda~September 20, the first of a series of free lectures for the St. Jerome's Celltre for Catholic Ikpcrtcnce. (:lark, a Roman (:atholic, examined falth and puhllc lrfc rn Canada. I I e f~rrnl! statcd hat prix-ate doc trine and p u h l ~ cservice arc t o he separate p:lrts of one's llfe and L ~ I , I L \chile hi.; hit11 dm ttectly i i ~ f l u ence\ h ~ \-te\\-s, s he cla~insthat h l t h is n o t influent~al111 111s poliiicnl clecisjotls. 'I'hc former prlnic minister loc,ked ,it (:;ln;d,~'arole in \\ ar allci In giohali7at1~):1,claitnmg that n o natton ga111et.s more respect than C;lll;~ii;Lcl;Lrl, qi01,e o f 111c ll1s~ol-~drive t o cli) hat is beilcficml to the o r I J cotmnunlt!., s p e ~ r h e a d t n g pmcc rffiwr, I~ketlic crcailon of tlie United N;itions In 1945. ( h a d i \\

cauhe t : ~ inccchsat-!- f i v u s t o d o so, hut because the acttous tlicinscl\-es arc r ~ i c i s s , ~ t \ ~ . (:lack \\-cnr on t o dct;itl hts p e r c e p t of ~ ~the~ (:xnadiar~ ~ goreinmental ttatljtion of finding a n a \ t o makc the state nark for thc p w p l e of (;analla. Stalmg, "Our enem!ii nnt go\-crnmcilt. O u r enern! 1s h a d gox-ernment," h e stressed the itnportancc of good

1eg;timacy of g o \ c m m c n t . in jeht, v a r i o ~ ~ s ' i n c r i t ~were r~ns rnadc of Calgary Archhirliop Fred J Tetlr). who is incemcd that Clark IS pro-chotcc, calling htm "a dtsapp o i ~ l t r n e i ~as t , a Catholic." IIenr\' mas he;ivtl! quoted in a pamphlet chat circulated the lccturc questinning Clark's legtt~macyas a choice

Order o f ( l a m d a recrptent, profes sor c:f l'cdratrics at Dalhouste L'ntversity and former d c p ~ t ~ n i l n r s t c r of health lor No\-a Scotia, spealcIng 0 1 1 justice aiid compasslnn $71 health care reform; atid Dt-.Danrne



Halted: student ghettos early next week, but that's not con hrmect" Slomka said "one of the foca GRTwasnegotiattngaufilve~~albuspoints that the city has is not havq passwtththeFeds The letter statedthat student ghettos (and creatind a bal the Feds willnot return to negotiations ance of people studenthousing as ai until Waterloo bylaw number 00-140, issue is an extremely important lssu andone that seemsto lustget subsectlon4.2.9isrescmded This bylaw - talkaboui butwe're not mox-mgfor restricts the placement of ward Closer to campus i licensed Iodging houses one of the most impoi w i h 75 metres of one tant h g s , the other be another A lodginghouse is ahousewheremorethan %quality" Woolstencroft agree: threemlatedpeoplelive Smceherclectiontocounc While b r q m g the is m1985,shehaspressedfo wc of housmg supply to better and safer studm the forefrontof the public housmg. "I'd ltke you t~ agenda, this also brings quote me as saymg 'a ha negotiations between the less to dowith density an1 FederattonofStudentsand Grand River Transit to a L. W00kten~r0ft more to do wit1 safety."Meafiwhile,shebelieveshstu halt These negotiations,supposed to be h s h e d by &month, werealready dents do not see the bigger picture "Studentsare self-absorbed(intha~ behind schedulewhenthe resplutionto halt them was passed by council. they see themselves as the only peopl 'llushasleftWoolstencroftdefend- who rent rooms." mg the city's planningpolcies. "If you \Wen asked about the expectel have a neghbourhood full of old peohousmg shortage due to the doubl ple, then youhavetoomanyambulance cohoanextyear,WooIstencmft~mplie calls(mthatarea) "Infurthersupportof that she isn't worried about the m the city's policy of spreadingoutzones, pendtng situahon. She has been to11 thattherewere400excessbedrooms~ she stated that in the case of -1 term, A d that those combined wid houses, mixed zcnung "a a way of controllingaggress1veness." renomtionsandexpans~onstoresidenc should h Meanwhile, Feds president Brenda fadties at both ~~mversihes ~lornkasad that she is looking tomeet abletoaccommodatetheextraburder withMayorWollstencroft"some time Continued from cover

From s p o r t i n g g o o d s t o e l e c t r o n i c s y o u c a n f i n d i t a t R e g i s t e r now.


There are five cameras, eight lenses and two motor winders. Each item has a reserve or mlnimum-asking price on it. Anyone wishing to bid over that minimum is welcome to by signing an offer to purchase sheet posted in the Imprint Office in the SLC, room 1116. The bidding begins September 20 and ends October 4 at which time payment is due in full from the highest bidder. For viewing or questtons, please contact Felix Yip at felix@imprint.uwaterloo.caor call 8884048.

Nikon FM2 - fair condition ... reserve $350. Nikon FM2 - good condition ... reserve $400. Nikon FM2 - fair condition ... reserve $350. Nikon FM2 - far condition ... reserve $350. Nikon FM2 - good condition ... reserve $400. 2 Nikon MD-12 motor winders ... reserve $200. each 3 Nikon 50 mm MF 1:1.8 ... reserve $60. each Sigma 28 mm 1:2.8 ... reserve $90. Vivitar 28-85 mm MF 1:2.8 - 3.8 ... reserve $150. Kiron 80 - 200 mm MF 1:4 ,.. reserve $150. Sigma 400 mm MF 1:5.6 ... reserve $400. Tokina 70 - 210 mm MF 1:4 - 5.6 ... reserve $150.

Frustration and optimism side by side at Laurier pickets Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF

The labour dispute betwecn\Y7ilfndLaurierand its staffassociation is finishmg its secondweek today Mediatedtalks began Tuesday under a mutual media blackout and as of press time there were no new developments in the contract negotiations Strain was be-g to show on both sides, but while the staffassociation kept up their optmsm, Laurier vice-president of finance and a h s t r a tion Jim Butler was visibly drained. BuderamvedatI~urier from his position as Urn MEAL MOOGK-Sl versity of Windsor's directorofhumanresources Staff association president Bruce Wolff talks with picketers. the day after Labour Day, less than twoweeks before the stnke a has everything to do with meetmg negahve events The WdfrtdLai facuIty association voted Septer the servtce expectations began. Butler is m charge of negotia tions fortheuversity. LaunerpresiBruce\Volff,presidentoftheWLU 20 to advance$50,000 to the \.Y/Zl dent Robert Rosehart is taking a sec- staffassociation,said tl~a<sofarnep strike fund with a further $50,0( suppoa by September 27 In a ondary role with the negotmtions tiations have not beenabout what the Butler said that Rosehart was roustaffarsociation wants, but what the tion, faculty joined staff on the p tinely briefed on the status ofnegotia- umversityadministrationwants "We ltnes d u r q their non assignedhr September 20 also saw a large tions batwouldonly become directly were shocked at the university's pro mvolved in important negotiations posal " The staff association felt the which,mthewords ofJoyce Lon The goal of the negotiatlons ac- clawbacks were disrespectful When facultyassociat~onpresident,shc cording to Butler, was "[to get a] col- not at the bargaifllflgtable,K701ffspent the administration, the public lective agreement that allows us to be tune with picketers on the sidewalks studentsand the staffassociatior the staffassociationisnot alone a around WdfndLauner, boostmgspir viable in terms of delivery thatpeople expect of us," but at the same tune the its, dispelling rumours and briefing strugle "The semor adrmnistr: mal is to get members onwhat to expect once ne- is seeinghat tbis isa family that t " an aereement that the together " staff association is happy wtth. Ac- gotiations began Tuesday The facultyassocmtionheldatl cordmg to Butler, government fundThe second week of the dispute ing has nothing to do with the issue, has beenmarked by both positive and in Monday, September 20 as a p forum tomve - information to tht dents. Facultv member T I Castncanoread an e mail that sht to president Rosehart, expressin disappointmentthat "the botton has won out over mutual rcspec fairness " Castncano's letter foci on theprewnce ofAccu Fax Int tional Tensionsrose followingthe t ofpersonnel from Accu Fax Int tional, a corporate mvestigation pany who also special~sein mor inglabour disputes. Accordingt Butler, Accu-bax was htred 01 fourth day of the strike followii Earn certification at the incident on the picket line In UNIVERSITY OF AT PRESQUE ISLE. tion, he received "three or four" plaints from students who felt tl An UMPl representative will be on campus enedbythe presenceofthe picket Accu-Faxwasobtained toprovi Wednesday, October 2 from Ilam-3pm. oblectiverecordofpicket-he acb For more information, contact Carol Gordon mcascanj-ihingcamebefore the c 207.768.94 19 -h according to Butler If the Wat Regional Police required exriden, anmoesttgation, Butler said, Acc University of Maine at would turn it over According to Wolff, presidc North $Ordi*wy



beromr o tearher. your



See WLUSA. 02





Early morning candy dreams shattered A late-night photo essay courtesy of imprlnt staff

Lauren Fox

IMPRINTSTAFF CKMS elect a-new board

At the Radio Kraterlooannualgenera m e e t q ths pastmonday,ancw boarc of directors was elected C U S Till 100 3' are run as a wbcidary of Radic \\ aterloo Inc ,which is a non profit organization Thc 2002 2003 boarc or directors elections produced the following results Student Directors IanHoward,BarryPeMs, Matt Peloyc and WinsorRyan CommunityDaec tors Mike Junker, Dna K~eswettei and JessicaKwik The CKMS officer arelocatedin theBauer Warehouseon north campus If you would like to get involved with Radio Waterloo you can call tht station at (519)886 2567


:30am, Thursday morning: a long production night is in full ~ i n gOh, . for a chocolate bar. . . never fret, it's not far. . . /hat happened here?

Personal Saftey Audit

Volunteer\ are needed to help out with annual aaftey inspections of the campus ?he*e inspections are to agument caftcv on campus 1he areas which will be uun eved on O c t o b ~9r are the church pass, the optomcty buildii~g,the PAS budding, I-iagey I Ia11, bast Campus and UW place Pmmhrareasa h~chthe~will belooking at include bushcs and whether thevileed to be trimmed (if they're m the %a\ of pathways), lightc in the buildings andalongpathwa~s, as\~ell as many othergeneralconcerns Volunteers wdlreciet ea free h e r for participating Please contact the reds for more information and to sign UP

dream ...


,Ilyrancher under glass anyone?

The 22nd World religions conference

On Saturday, October 5 from 11 00 a m to 6 00 p m distinguished schol ars from various faiths and phtlosophical traditions will be speaktngin the Humanities theatre attIagepHall I he theme for the discussionis world peace. There wd1 be eight speakers repersenttng Athei\m, Hinduism, Judaism, N a t i ~ e Religons, Christiau1 ity, Buddhism, Sikhism and Islam Admission i q free, with a free dirL ncr included at the end of the confet ence If you are interested, please contact the information and publiC relationsofficer, worldrellgions conL ferenc~2002 at (519) 620 1047to re serve your place

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WLUSA: negotiations continue Continued from page 4

the staff association, the staff on the picket line felt inttmidated and angry by the presence ofAccu Fax and resented being treated as a threat According to Accu-Fax's Web site, "our Private Investigators will gather video evidence for injunctions and will docu mcnt and testifj7 regarding criminal activity " Accu-Fax had two vehicles monitoring the two road entrances to the Laurier cam pus 'A'hen intervrcwcd by Impnnf, two Accu Fax ~mplopeeswere observedvideo taping the picket line on Uni~ersityAvenue andkccpinga record ofthe number ofpicket crossings During the course of the inter iew, one emplo) ee said, "misquote me and T'll be after you a i t h a l a w y ~ " r ilccu-Pax came recommended b) the McMaster Universitl administration accordinq to Nutler McMacter Lnirersity expert enced a f i v W ~ L C labour ~ dispute with their staff association in the spring of XI01 As a gcsturc ofgoodn ill, Accu-faxu as withdrawn with the beginning of negotiations, according to Butler T ~ Univ~rsitr L of I\ aterloo has been enlisted to help students affected b, the strike According to an c mail from Ruth MacNeil, administrative manager for the Laurier 11 brary, Tri Universities Group Guelph, 1.aurierandR aterloo-library sen-iceswill not be available at Laurier Instead, 1,aurier students can order books from Guelph, K\ atcrlooor TL~GCcntralStores canpichup books from the Dabis Centre library "\Ye -

respcct W1.USA's nght to withdraw their scnrices,however we are also committed to trying to serve the students of WLU as best possible," MacNeil continued. Laurier students have become frustrated by the continuing dispute on campus, and many simply want to see it end In the course of two days, two Laurier groups, Laurier Actvist New Democrats (LAND) and Laurier Students for Public Interest Research <;soup (LSPIRG), collected over 400 signatures to, "hereby petition president Rosehart to affect an immediate end to the R'ilfrid Laurier University Staff Association strike b) dropping all or most of the Universit\~'sunreason able demands relating to the collecti~c agr~emcntwith \T LUSA " According to Anthony Piscitelli, president of 1 AND, the majority of students arc neutral to either position, but they manta deal Students for the mostpart feel uninformed about who's in chargc of negotiations and what the problem issues are There were no plans to take a similar petition to the staff associa tion since the students see them on the Jim Butler is Laurier's vice-president finance and administration. picket lines everyday Since the administration isn't seen by students, they dent Rosehart, the students were directed to I h e I aurier strihc will hit thc road need to hear the student's message,accordButler "It's disappointing t h a t he weelendm hen staff 1% ill picket tht Ont, ing to Sean Geobev of LSPIRG LSPIRG is posehart] doesn't get involx ed in the nego Univer\ities Pair, held atthc Mcti o Torc neutral to eithei pusition and LAND sup tiations," said Pisc~telli,"It was like I was Convention Centre The conx ention ports the K'LLSA talking to a third party " Michael Horrelli, expected to attract 60,000 student, pare LY hen the letter mas presented to presi president of LSPIRG, who signed the letter and educators who would be using the along with Piscitelli, said that to most stu formation collected at the fair to mal. dents Rosehart was invisible but "he should decision about which unitersitl to attt take an active leadership role " According to Frailh Anatol, spokesman 111 addition to collecting signatures, the K LLSA, Laurier facult? members withd pctitiongatherers erected a clothesline in the their senices from the fair in support of Fred Nicholls student centre to which stustaff In addition the staffx ould be 101 dents could attach messages with their on their picket line by members of ot thoughts "Students support staff!" said union locals and various N D P MPPs one, "We want faces not faceless corporations " "Rosehart/R'LUSA kiss and make upl" said another Butler said he was glad t o receive the pctition from the students, but he was disappointed that the letter and pctition did not enumerate what constituted "unreason able demands " It presumes that the administration demands wcrc unreasonable and doesn't address the staff association proposals As the week drew to a c h e , the two sides were still negotiating Solidarity rallies con tinucd throughout the weekend Friday, the X'LUFA hcld a barbecue at the 1,utheran seminary on the corner ofAlbert and Brickcr streets in support of the staff association

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Errors and negligence cause problems Daniel Dharmasurya

zeds policy like a dirty toilet


U W and Western hold joint entrepreneurship conference

Over 150participants will be attendlncgthc secondannualConvergenceof Canadian Entrepreneurial f i n d s at the University of Western Ontario. The aim of the conference is to discuss entrepreneurshtp in Canada, and in particular, the relationship between technologyand innovation. The conference will be presented by both the Entrepreneurs' Association of the Uni~~ersityofKJaterlooand\Vestern's RichardIvey SchoolofBusiness."This is the second time students fromCatm da's top business school and C a da's top technology wdl interact in a forum designed to not only foster creativity and interaction, but also to address as best as we can the current market conditionstoday," said Andrcw Chung, the conference co-chair.The two-day conference runs September 27-28. Faculty of math honours alumni

As part of its 35th anniversary, the faculty of mathematics has created a new annualawardtorecope acheve ments of UK math alumtlt in research,business,and commumtyand public service.The inauguralwinners received their awards at a specialbanquet on September 26. Three of the winners did undergraduate work at the University of K'aterloo. James Brierley completeda BMath in actuarial science in 1976. Lynn CurtinLangegraduatedin 1986 with a degree in mathematics and accounting. Ross Prentice, who graduatedin 1967,helpeddevelop the bone marrow transplant treatment at Fred Hutchtnson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle, Washington. The fourthand finalwinner,Nell Robertson, did his PhD at Waterloo andwent on topioneerrcscarchin the field of graph theory. Alan George, dean ofmathematics,said the winners "demonstrate the high calibre of our alumni." Renter organization holds open forum

1,ocd volunteer-run organization Renters hducation and Networking Together, or RENT, will present an open forum Wednesday, October 2 The forum, which w~llbe held at the &tchenerCityHdRotunda,200 King Street West, is designed to educate tenants and potential tenants in the K4Trareaabout current tenant lemslau uon, local rental housing issues and maintenance and safety regulations Dhplays wiH be open from 6 30 to 9%b p m tcanswer questions and p f o ~ d einformaiton on various issues related torenting, from property standards to fire and safety A panel diicuasion will run from 7 to 9 p m , focussing on the new Tenant Protec tion Act

olicics exist to providc the rule of w m an organization and to andardize the conduct of the rganization's activ~ties. Feds policies are not properly laintained. For this and other :asons,they don't properly mction. It is fme for people to say that dicies are not important, if that is hat they believe. If that is what ley believe, however, they should 3t have policies and should not )use those that they do have. For all of last pear the Federation [Students had no co-op service. It not from not wanting to serve co2 students, nor is it from co-op udents not wanting to benefit om those services it is because in [arch of 2001 Feds removed the )-op service structure and d d not

replace it. This situation persisted for more than 12 months, although it could have been corrected in two different general meetings, until last May. They said that they would continue as though a co-op service did exist, whch defeats thc purpose of their bylaws. In the Watpaign referendum last November we saw how the Feds continued to use an obsolete policy after discovering it was invalid. This was done to suppoa the side for which the Feds president had shown he was a proponent. The results were appealed to a thud level, Feds board of directors, which was an act last permitted by policy two years prior. In last winter's election, the election committee applied an obsolete policy that had been changed by councd only two months earlier. The wording of the new policy indicated that what some ckdidates were f m d for was not a violation. Ignorance of the rules is not a valid excuse for candidates but it has been for the committees that apply them.

On April 7, ctudents' council pasaed many changes to the election procedure The orignal motron that was circulatedwas to change all four policies that deal with elections, that is the electionproccdure, rcferend m , byelection, and senate election and by election procedure The motion that was passed was to change only one procedure This means that the general rules process and campagning for referenda and elections are dfferent Councilchanged the procedure si,pficantly, reorganizmgitand modxfymg many parts The changcs include the definltton of campaigning, spending limits for candidates, the process for checkingthe validity of nommations, liabilim for campaign violations, allowing

unattributed complaints, and the campaignperiod. This will cause difficulties especiallyif a refcrendumrs hcldat the same time as the beds elections inFebruary The senate clections,whtcharc held at the same time as Feds electionsand co-ordinated by Feds, will encounter difficultyas rules of the process for one differ from the other. Developingandcorrectingpolicy isn't always a popular job, but the Feds policy, procedure and bylaw rcview committee wdlhave to clean it up.

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The truth hurts

This letter ism response to the article wntten by Aaron Lee-Nudrick con cernmghis blunt criticismof our PM, Jean Chrttien I was appalled at the ease atwhich you disregarded the truthfulness of Mr Chrttien's comments andalso by how you focused on dependence on the U S to "defend us if we are ex er attacked " True, Chretien's remarks may have not made h m win ally buddies m theV'hiteFTousebut it's about time someone laid out the shocking truth We all know that the western world is by far richer and more mflu ential than most parts of the world I am not condemning the wealth that the firstworldhas achieved I Iowever, the west's constant humiliation of someeastern countrieshas r c d t e d m a lot of angry resentment I am not justifying terrorism by sayingthis but the fact of the matter 1s mpsticc will mevitably result in negative feedback, often in the form of violence in response to people beingrobbcd ofthe basic human right to choose, which we, in thc western world, take for grantcd I-iaveyouevergiven athoqht as to hn,itwould feel tolive everyday at the mercy of anattonthat controlled cverypenny you spent, or how itwould feel to be a homeless refugee or a prisoner of war? Mr Chrttien is not %laming the wctims' as Stcphan Harper pomted out but condemning the circumstancesthat have resultedin brutally lullmg the undesen,ingmdividuals of September 11, who had little control on the U S '5 foreign policy Something has to be changed and the PMhas taken the courage and the unselfishness to pomt this out \Ye should open our eyes and gtve credit to Mr Chretien for his action5

Letterssuck To the eddur,

lack of lctters in last week's Impntz/ I always read them, eager to see what others student think about campus issues Ilowe~er,when I ihpped through the paper this week, the Let ters sectionwas hard to f u d (onlyone letter \+as printed) If )ou guys can't getpeople to\%ritem,thenmaybcjou 5hould write some 1ctters,yoursehes togenerate mntercst Ofcourse inthe pait I couldalways turn to the Campus Question if the


permission (unless it is obvious that youareinphysicaldistress) Ifapatron isuncomfortable m front of the stage, a fallsupon them to signalthe secunty staff that somethingis wrongand that they wish to be helped We are there to help you and to make your experience at Ped Hall as safe and enjoyable as possible. Wc cannot, however, read m d s andmust rely on you to mform us about problems of which we are not aware. This lettcr also comolained that some door staff refused to give discarded guitar picks and set llsts to audiencemembers It evengoes so far as to suggest that the door staff was taking these items for themselves I submit that this was not the case The Fed Hall staff does not go homc as soon as an event is fimshcd We stay and clcanup after ourpatronshave left and, in many cases, we set up for the event taktngplace the next day In the case of the Matt Good con cert it is likely that the staffwas taktng these items to begin clcaningup mthe hope of going home earlier Remem ber that these people are studentswho have been in class all day, studymg afterwards, and must get up the next m o r m g togo to classes or their co-op lob I am sorry that the writer of the orlgtnalletter has found faultwith the way m which the event was handled All of us at Fcd I Ian attempt to pro vide our patrons with a safe and wclc o m g atmosphere I must pomt out, however, that at concerts unexpected things will occasionally happen In the words of Pete 'I'ownsend

thingbecause Iwas thcrcm ednesday (as I've been p i n g to Mel's two or three tmesaweek for three years) and they were the same "He said, "I asked a waiter, they changed them onThursday mght " So that bastardMe1decided to put one over onus when their customers were in a drunken fog from Loose Change He didn't even have the decency tocallafter the three yearswc've known each other Soon, acceptance and depression fell upon me, it must have changed Afterabnef rant tomygrlfnendabout it, she told me to at least try them before I got too wound up over it So we went and I tned them My worst fears had been realized I was even forced to put ketchup on potato that hadn't been deep fried I had stooped to a new low and the potatoes sttll sucked 'I hey really did Mel's was not a pretty sight that day Most of the customers were staringat their plates m bewildermentand disgust at the new potato side that sulliedtheir onceproudMel's favourite Waitresses werewarningpeople m Cut door staff some slack advance that the potatoes hadchanged to avoid both ugly scenes durmg the lunchtime rushandanypotentialloss To the elitor, in tip All of the surprise, anger and deAs a staff member at Fed Hall, I feel spair that day amounted to one dung.. compelled to respond to the latest the Mel's we knew and loved was piece of Fed Hall bashtng iri Imprint, dead. I wrote apolite, honest,note on the letter titled "Bad bouncers " the bottom of my bill, paid and left I wasn'tworking that night, I wntc vowingnever to returnagamuntil the only as an experienceddoorstaffwho homc fries return can hopefullyprovide analternateopm Latermtheweek,Ineededanother ion on the subject &day breakfast fix so I tnedMalor's The original letter states "The bouncer<&dnot seemveryconcerned "ThsisarockandroUconcertnotatea at Ground Zero for the first tlme It about the safety ofthe people up at the party" and1 askthat ourpatrons keep was okay apart from the fact that my sausage frtmtwhowere bemgcrushcdby a few this in mind at future events - tumedout to be half a hotdog. Recent events had left me with one hundred cagcr fans " AC'frequentcon thought "Thew are indeed sad tmes certgoer" shouldbe f a d a r w i t h thiz wc livc m as we slowly watch the situation This has happened to me at gradualerosion and dcath ofthe $2 99 concerts staged at Maple Leaf Gar Mel, Ithought we had all day breakfast "So fellow students dens, Skydome,even though theywere something special of U\Y, fight backandrestore aWatcr staffedb) professionals Flevenpcolooinstttution to its once grand form ple once dicd at a\T'ho concert Yv'hat Arts majors can wnte essays,mathtes is expected from the staff at Fed1 Iall? can do some projections on rcvcnue Those who work at Fcd I Iall, except the general manager, are not profes- J.ast week, I was waiting for my grl- loss, planners ham a beer and en@ sionals.They are students who work friend to finish class so I could deal to earn money, make friendsand have with that rumbling g r ~ w m geber fun \Yhy can'tpcople cut them some louder and dlsturbmg some of my slack and accept them for what thcp fellow shdents My Friendrncnrioned that perhaps I shnuldget some food are; \Thatwould people have us do for T answcrcd,"As soonas mygirl fr&d futureconcerts>Erect barners every 10 gcts out ofclass I'mheadingtoMcl's " rhen he rephed with something I fcctin frontofthestage?Hire 1Otuncs more doorstaffin order to assignone wasn't quite read7 foi, "You know staffmember to cveq five patrons to theychangud their home fnes tocutup moiutor their beha\ lour more closc1~-; potatoes)" I was shockcd and in de A "frequent concertgocr" should nial H a w been there a few days ear be aware of the protocol forsituations such as this Security staff al concerts her, I pressed him onit "Are you sure I cannot remove you without your they weren't out of stock or some

letters were no good But even that section seems to be lackmg thts scmester Either your questions are bad, or you don't get good answers Someone needs to spark some life mto the Campus Question by c o m g u p with some good questions, or finding m tcresting people to make lame questions better On another note, I thmk that 1 would rather cut off my toes one by one, rather thanwastemy valuable free time donning hip waders and l o o h g for a missing duck Wasn't that duck mssmg for a while last year> And didn't someone wate a letter saying that they had kidnapped it and ate it for h e r ; I don't see the importance of worrying about a wild animal, but perhaps I have my priorities messed up Like worrymg about school and where I am going to find the money to pay for it

neers do somethingthatwillmake the rest ofU\Vbeheve that youareasgood as youkeep telhgus. As for youMel, next time I'd appreciate a call

Outta my way!

U'hile making my way from class to class, a has come to my attention that there are too many of you on campus Youlike to "mosey" your way around, on yourway through the SLC or Needles Hall, twiddlingyour thumbs and thmlung about the colour of your undenvear 1hate been behind youwhile you are crawhgbctween buildings,dream ing about the mathie who lives ncwt door and practising swtnging your bum m just the right way to get his attention There'sadfference between me and you, slow walkers,when I see someone on campus I'd like to talk to, I pull them off to the side and get out of the way of the masses of people trying to get to class \%'Me I may sometimes daydream on my walks around campus, a small part of me remembers that there are people behind me also trying to get somewhere,who have no patience for acluelesspackofpcople holdingthem UP Sure, you may find stairways and lecture hall doorwaysanideal place to chat or pick your nose, but the '38 people behmd you beg to differ Grin L Giher





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FRIDAY, S k P l EWE3Eli27,200:

The futility of the Kyoto protocol

YOU! OFF M Y PLANET Global warmmg -is it real? It really depends on who y h talk to Hardcore environmentalistsswear on their lives that the end of the world is imminent, conjuring up images of the planet awash in black smoke and seagulls drowned m oil Bollocks, say the enviro-skeptics,it's all treehugger propaganda and proceed to produce a swath of statisticsthat show the earth's temperature changesare clearly cychcal One Web srte evenlinked to a 1975Ne~mveekarticle thatwarned of the sinister "global cooling," which mas to bring a new ice age The truth and you don't hear me say this too often hes somewhere in the middle Is our world at risk? Probably But how great is that risk) \Then we view the issue of environmental fragliq this way, the Kyoto protocol can be assessed as a sort of insurance policy for the Earth Most people buy insurance for plenty of things -their cars, their property, even their lives So why not the Earth? Actually, the question isn't so much whether or not we should buy Earth insurance -we should -hut rather, are the premiums too high? Agam, both sides of the debate h e up No, says Quebec the cost (to Quebec) is relatively small compared to the galn. Yes, says Alberta it will put their economy in a straightjacket, and the gain will be negligible The government of Canada,

more specificallyJean Chrttien, weighed m with its usual attempt to agree w*th both sides of an issue So as a result, we're sign% Kyoto -except it isn't Kyoto It's Icyoto with an asterisk Why? Because Canada decided to unilaterally (as m without consulting the other countries who signed the agree mcnt) alter some of Kyoto's terms in order to allow a to meet its obligations By giving ourselves credit for exportmg"c1ean" energy -hydroelectricityandnaturalgas -to the United States, Canada reduces its obligations by some 30 percent So let's see of the 178 countries who agreed to the pmfully-hardto-hammer-out protocol m its existing form, Canada expects to retroactively revise it just like that Unsurpnsmgly, when this intention became public the Europeans, ever the commrtted environmental dogooders, were unimpressed The Amencans,always clearer tn their stance, couldcare less, havingalready said they're not going to ratify Kyoto, period Oh right -I forgot to mention that little detail The bigest polluters on the planet have said they arcn't going to commit Neither are China, India, Russia or Bra~il,all developing(read heavily polluting) countries with massive populations This is the reason why the Kyoto debate is useless Most of the biggest polluters, or soon-to-be biggest polluters, are excluded It's like a puz7lc with half the pieces mtssmg Or, to go back to the insurancepolicy analogy,it's Lke buying insurance from a guy on the street. if you won't get the payout, why buy the insurance?

A look at American involvement in the Middle East

MAPS AND LEGENDS Jean Chrttien said in his now famous comments on the terrorist attacks of September 11, that the West must accept some responsib& rty for the terror attacks in America Horribly tuned? Without question Completely off-base, as my colleague Aaron-LeeWudrick sug gested last week? No. Now before you break out the angryletter writingpens,consider this K h l e America is not to blame for what happened, it has not done the people of the Middle East any favours over the past half-century and a number of its foreign pohcies have had an enormously destructive impact on the regon People have a long memory for inlustice and unfortunately, the United States has passed around more than cnough to go around for the people of this regon Here's a historv of all the wonderful things America has done for the Middle East over the past 50 years In 1951, the people of Iran democratically elect P m e Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, who promses to nationalize the nation's oil industry, whch was up until that point controlled by the British hlyr in a little anti-communist hysteria and m 1953 President Eisenhower


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Meanu hile in Afghanistan, the Soviets werc mred in a rather unsucccss Ful invasion The United States,looking for some payback fc Vietnam, arms eveq warlord ilnd Mulahaddcn a can find, mcludmg dedicated anti communist Osama Bin Laden In 1989, the Soviets withdraw, Amenca nods approvingly and leaves tts well armed me: behmd To everyone's astonishmcnt, Afghanistan becomes wracked by . .warlordism! '1 he Tallban later arrive to transform thi country into a Home Depot for terrorists, who also hate America Lee Wudricktmphed that the terrorists attacked the Umted State' f o r as core values, "freedom" and "democracy:'whichcmcidentaUj~ are the very things that America's policies have denied to the people of the Middle East America acted, as most powers do, to advance its interests, without much regard to the consequencesendured by millions People who really hate America hate it for what it has don not for what a represents K'hile nothing can justify the murder of 3,000 mnocent people, the absolute refusal to examne the motives of the attackers and more importantl~those who support them is terribl) short-sighted and bhnds the public to the unpleasan~ consequences of Amcrica'sactions in the twentieth century America, responsible for the terrorist attacks?No Responsible for the rising tide of anti-Amencan sentiment around the globe, Yes

Women's Studies 101 trivializes women's issues Gloria lchim

Fri Sat and Sun. Screenings!7pm. 9pm 4:30pm Mat. on Sat. &'sun.

has the CIA overthrom Iran's elected goverilrncntand mstalls the more pliant Shah into power This keeps the oil flowing for another quarter of a century but the pcoplc of Iran gradually tire of being oppressed by the Shah's CIA trained sccretpolice and of seeing their country's massive oil wealth being spent on expensive weaponry rather than on develop ing their nation In 1979, the Iranians overthrow the Shah and mittate the Islamlc revolution Ayatollah Khomemi assumes control and much to the actual surprise of the United States, he hates America After itsgreat success in Iran, Americanpolicy moved next door to Iraq. Luckily,a friendly,oil-rich, communist-hating dictator (Saddam Hussein) was already in charge there, making another coup unnecessary In 1980,he invaded Iran (to thc secret delight of the Americans) and thenpenodically unleashed chemical weapons on the Iranians and his own people Apparently, the fact that IIusscin had (and used) chemtcal weapons was not a justification for Ll S Invasion at that point Ten years later, I Iussem invaded the wrong country and the Americans turned Iraq into a parhilg lot, but decided to 1eax.e Saddam as chief attendant Another decade later,the Iraqis are in the rather unique situation of bcmg ruled by a terrible tyrant and being periodically bombed by the world's only superpower And the Americans mght invade, again They, too, hate America

Is it any wonder that western f e m s t s are perceived as, in the words of a female L a t i n h e n c a n revolutionary"ugly, overprivileged women trying to be men"? I recently signed up for Women's Studies 101with professor Jean Noble hoping to disprove this perceivedimage ofwestern fern nism, but, to my dismay, the content of this course drsappointcd and disillusioned me This course started from the position that women are the same as men and thus there should not be any distinction between men and women This sounds like a nice philosophical assumption that one might mdulge when speaking of an ideal society However, the course fails to ground as position in any empiricalevidenceand to recogime many of the problems that women face such as pay mequity, violence

agamst women, date rape and the disproportionate number of women living m poverty I fear that the ph~losophicalposition that this course adopts leads to extremely dangerous positions that downplay the discrimmation that many women do in fact facebecause they are women Havingcome face to face with discrimination aimed at women specificallybecause of their gendcr, I would like to take you to Jordan, a little country m the Middle East where I spent some time this summer and vividly encountered women's oppression in the form of sexual harassment against women on the street, zero legislation against domestic abuse and honour killings I'll never forget the look of shame on the face of the girl who told me about how rape was a common thing at the university she attended and about her neighbout who was honour killed by her

f d y because she was raped Or the way the women laughed when asked about laws that protect women from abusive family members or that provide women with any way of escapingdomesttc violence. Thts made me realize that some women do in fact face issues which are profound and impact tht vervccsence of their being Many o these women do not live in distanc lands but are right here in Canada where one in three womcn faces sexual abuse in her lifetime, where many women face abusive partners rape, or are forced mto the sex trad~ because ofvarious reasons Yet for some reason, these issues are rarely addressedin women's issues classrooms or otht "feminist" activities such as KTIRCr's wymins week These socalled f e m s t s prefer to occupy their tune talking about masturbation and making clay goddesses, thaneven paying lip service to the real problems many women face.


Welcome to co-OD

Everyone for every mu

As a pre\chooler, I loved Sesame Street In fact, to this day I still remember wonde;ing at one point if I could ever outgrow the show Nope, I never did Perhaps that is due to its educational value or as entertainment value Or, perhaps it is due to an carly permnal identtfication w-ith Telly, the most neurotic and the most fuchsia of the Sesame Streetcrew. SesameStreet createsmuppets that are vibrant, funny and extreme. There is the Count with h ~ s obsessivenumbering, Oscar with his lack of sympathy and hygiene, Kermit with his slow acceptance of "being green" and of course, all those dancing sheep. PBS does not, however, create muppets out of spite or vain There is a place and a lesson for every one For example, what can be made of Erne and Bert?Klile the station has vchemently denied all mmours of the

male pair's supposed sewality, any child can see that the two sleep in the same bedroom, share the same clothes, baths, and often pm-a ;md p c e (usually to Rcrt's dismay) \Tho really cares if Erme and Bert are really gay? 131 tuning into them, children deri~ e all sorts of lesaons on cooperationand alternative relationshms Plus Bert looks super cute m a turtlencckl Additionally,PBS has created Cookie Monster, a frequenter of cookics and also "healthy food" and 'l'ingo, a new international muppet th& "makes learmng English fun " In every muppet then, there is a lesson to be learned Just look at what'^ happening in South Africa This upcomng Monday thc South Africanchapterof Sesame Street will introduce a brand new character to its cast of muppets Kam, the yellow-furred,green vest-weanngmuppet enloys nature, collecting things and promoting healthy self-esteem. Oh, she is also infected with the HIV virus It is estimated that 1 m 9 South Africans are infectedwithHIVand preschoolers are no exception.In fact, with only one South African hospital offemg a drug treatment


to children with AIDS, the virus has become a national problem So, in an effort to educate the nation's children, 1abalam Sesame i q acquaintmgchildrcnandparents alikc with ]<am, thc muppet whose name is derived from the Tswana word for "acceptance " Not surprisingly, the new muppet has become international news and PBS has been stormed by a largely Republicanprotestm the United States Most of t h c s ~ govcrment officials are arguing that an HIV infected muppet would not be appropriate for a preschool audience and want Kami to keep to the other side of the Atlantic To that PBS is pointing out that Kam is to be introduced as an orphaned muppet, onc that was born with the virus Also, very few scx references should be expectedas ~ a mwill i be teaching her TakalamSesamcfriends wch things as what to do with a cut finger Thus far, Kam has no plans to pack her bags for America Surely Kami will make a we1 come addition to the Takalani Sesame gang. Note 1% hen asked for comment, Barkey the Dog gavc an enthusiastic"ruff"

The eightfold path of studying

:?:$s:, :i$T iTj FINDING BALANCE The Buddha taught that life is suffering. I think that wversity is suffering.There is so much stress as we try to get the best possible marks and be at the top of our classes. How can wc escape the meanmglesscvclesof stressassociatedwith schooling?Let us take a look at the ancient Buddhist principles of the Eightfold Path and see how they can help us escape. 'She first p a n t of the path is called right view h g h t view happens when we take an open, accommodating amtude and try not to impose our expectations on everythingaround us In school, right view means that you have to take the successes and mishaps of university life as they come


Heramb Ramachandran

COMMUNITY EDITORIAL Wclcome to the co op process 1f you're a first !rear then ignorance on the subject is justified But for y'all otherq, no excuses Ok, reco~ermg amnesiacs are excused but e\en then somewhere in the nether regions of your brain, I'm sure there exists that instinctive reaction to the name "Nccdlcs I Iall" - the gag reflex Start that resume package n o d If you haven't updated the rewme in a year, take one of them big psychology textbooks and smack yourself upside the head 'Cuz you need a wake up call If that doesn't work, grab a cup of hot coffee and scald your ears That'll usually tnggcr something \%'hencreatmg that resume package, some people agomze over the inclusion of marks Just do it1 If the marks aren't so hot, at least the recnuterwill respect your honesty Just remember, people with bad marks respect othcr people with bad marks It's the bond of failure that we share And there's always ghnna be one recruiterwho ex~erienced your pain A job offer out of pity is money in my book1 She co opproccss is like sex ere constipation -a major pain in the arse But getting an interview prowdes fast relief Of course,- hen you botch up the inteluieu by

bragging about jour pet cobra and his affinity for jellybeans, those stingingcramps resurface A bad inter\ iew is inevitable \men a happens, just let it go Think of a llke a game of mo nopoly - the other dudc has seven hotels on Boardwalk and the odds of you landing on it ark 1000 to 1 but when you do, you pay up, regroup and ham him land on Baltic Avenue 35 times You break even Co op is all about breahng even You get three interviews, fail two midterms, lose 12 pounds, get a job offer, ace your finals, gain 15 pounds,celcbrate excessively,r~nd lore fhreepol~nd!.Voila Back to where you started \Yell, at least you've got a lob now, hot shot The single most imtating situation that most aged co-ops have expenencedis that one student who brags about the number of lob offers they've rcceivedand how they must filter out all low s i p n g bonuses Most of these people arc bull-shating, but occasionallv they're not exaggerating so the best response is to pelt thcm \%ithrotten fruit until they start sobbing like a baby A httle forced humility is money m my book1 All in all, embrace the co op process because there is no simple route to findmg meaningful cmployment,unless you're a weed dealer -then a's easy.

~ I Irnpn,\ J c !I till. m~rli.;, you 'I'hc wc<mJp rlnt of thc p.irh I \ ~houldn'tgo srw! anJ stud! t1II.1t rlghr ~ n t ~ n t w'l'hc n nght mrcntion liurr>.\\.~thr~gliteffort, ch;m~* I < 1,) ,tl>,in~lon hope, and fc.~r> . d c, m c , mx)othl! .tnd pdu.ill!.. LI,,! ,ur bcsr \\ 101\\.hat co~iics!.cur on hcrrcr \ I \ I \\ I 1 1 ~ ~ i t ~ i rI ~ o n s I ~ \ L c : I c ~of ~O~llilllg marks, focus on simplifymg your you continue to traverse the path life and study until the learning The third point right speech Be becomes natural. honest and careful about what you 5 Ontario Medical School Application Service The two final steps are very say In school, this translates into NEW! October 7,2002 never cheatingad never submitting important during study. They are Last day for registering for on-lme appl~cat~ons right mindfulness and right copied assignments. With right October 15, 2002 Application deadllne concentration.In combination, they intenion, this step is simple. form a precise form of t h i h g and Rlght - discipline and right awareness that encompassevery livelihood are the next two steps of detail of our lives. When you the path hght discipline requires concentrate,concentrateonly on the you to gwe up your natural ten now. When studying, only think of dency to complicateand stress over O L S A S things Studying, writing exams and what is before you. Do not think Ontario Law School Application Service about how far behind you are, or being with fnends should all be NEW-Apply on-line! how much more you have to do done m a calm, disciplinedmanner November 1, 2002 Application deadline--first-year Just work at the task at hand and fight livelihood means that we May 1, 2003 Application deadline- upper years do it with full concentration on the should be pleased with our work, never complaining about studying now. Once you have traversed the or worlung. When you master this TEAS www.ouac.on.,ca/teas/ Eightfold path of studying, you will step, you will no longer feel the Teacher Education Application Servicereach theultimateacademcnuvana. Apply on-line--Save money and time! need to compete with your classecember 2, 2002 Application deadline We won't all reach this point. mates because you will be glad with However, if you manage not to fail, your own pace of learning. that is a good thing too Peace The slxth part is right effort. fight effort is making changes without struggle. So when it is tune





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Or have soup and

Sundav brunch on the patio reviewed

salad, homestvle Kourtney Short IMPRINTSTAFF


Beef and barley soup

Although homemade beef soup takes time to make, a is absolutely worth making because it is inespensi~~e and bas amazing flavour. It also keeps well, reheatswclland freezeswell. Beef ribs tend to be fatty, so if you use them, you'll definitelywant to remove excess fat from the soup, but their meat ret&salotofa~~.ouraftcrthe\.'re cooked.

King Street Trio on University 65 Universiq ATe E \f aterloo 88+1507

At $16 95,hg5treetTrio's Sui~dav brunch offers good \due and, more rinportantly, great food \\'bether you're loolung for seafood, angus beef, made to order pasta or tra& tional breakfast fare,) ouwon't lea\ e hungry 7he brunch includes one glass of lute andunlunitedcoffee or tea r h ~ sen icewas fast and fficndly,with the wutress taking our plate5 soon after we had finishedand refillingour coffee frequently The seafoodcounterwasthe hgh light of my \ islt The shrimp were well cooked and fresh 1he oysters on the half-shell (raw oysters) were still attached tothe shell Perhaps thls was a concession to the mstabhy created by melting ice, but itwas still freah and tasty Since my last visit, a pleasingly spicy calm seasoning had beenaddedto the crawdads (acrusta ceanthat lookslikeatiny lobster) I'm d t w o mmds about thc change, I like the seasomng, but it tends to mask the crustacean's delicate flavour The seafood selectionalso included cold pieces of cooked salmon alongside cream cheese, capers and sliced red onions, these tender morscls were quite delicious

A sunny afternoon on the patio. The selection ofvcgetablesincludes cruditks, such as carrots and celery, mesclun (mixed greens) and sliced tomatoes with pcsto and grated Parmesan. There were only two types of salad dressing offered, Caesar and raspberry vinaigrette, but when my companionaskedthe waitress for some balsamic vinaigrette, shc quickly brought him a dish of it. The generous slice of angus roast beefwas closer tomedium-wellthan to the me&um-rare that I prefer, but still moist and tender because of the q d t y andmarblmgof the meat. Fresh roasts are prepared throughout the morning, so timing is everythingif youwant your meat medium-rare. The horseradish was fresh and quite spicy. Alongside the roast beef, a cook prepared fresh omelettes and pasta. There are numerous fillings to choose from, includingcheese,hamand fresh vegetables.No one atmy table tried the omelettes, but they lookedrery good.

Tra&tionalbreakfastfare, such as bacon, sausage and eggs Benedict, is made in advance and kept in warming trays. The eggs Aenedict, in particular, suffered from this treatment, with the sauce drying out and the English muffin becoming soggy. A selection of baked goods, including croissantsandpitas,was all freshand quite addictive. Dessert selectionsincluded fresh fruitaswellasmore calorie-ladenfare. The fruit consisted of mostly watermelon with some honeydew and freshpineapple. One of my companions was quite taken with the strawberrymousse,whichwas fulloffresh strawberries and not too sweet. My favourite is the chocolate eclairs,although the brownieswere alsogood. 'l'he Sunday brunch runs until 2 p.m., so early andlate risers alike can sample this rcry satisfying buffet.

3-4 large beef ribs or several soup bones and 1/2 Ib. stewing beef 1 onion, quartered 1 carrot, halved 1 stalkcclery, halved 2 bay leaves 2/3 cup pearl barley 3 carrots, shccd 1 omon, h l y sliced other vegetables (optional) diced potato (optional) salt and pepper.

Place the beef ribs, onion, celery and bay leaves in a large pot. (If you are using soup boncs, you will add the stewing beef during the final 2 hours of coolung.) Add sufficient water to corer by 1inch. Bring to a boil, cover ,reduce heat to low and simmer for 56 hours,oruntil the meat is tender and the brothis richlpcoloured.Addmore water ifit is necessary to keep the bones covered. I,me a colander or sieve with a couple of layers of cheesecloth and strain the soup. Remove the boncs to a plate to cool, along with any meat

d that has fallen off them. Discard the xygctablesandbay 1eaves.Atthis point, you can refrigerate the soup and slum the fat off, or continue. Bring the stock to the boil. Add 1-2 tsp. salt. Remember,you canadd more saltlaterbut it'smorc difficult to take away. Add the barleyandcook for a 1/2 hvuroruntil itisalmostcooked. Add the carrots, onion and any other ucgetables have on handand cook until the vegetables are done. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve hot. If you did not skim the fat whtle you were m a h g the soup, you can skim the fat offthe finished soup.'l'he soup will keep up to 2 weeks m the refrigerator or for several months m the frecxcr. Honey-mustard salad dressing

Salad drcss~ngis so easy to make, there's no reason to buy it. This dressing will keep up to a month in the refrigerator. Avoidusingolive oil because it congeals in the refrigerator. Honey-mustard saladdressingisgreat for traditional spinach salad, which consists of spinach,hard-boiledeggs, bacon, red onions and sliced mushrooms. 1-2 tbsp. dijon mustard 1 tbsp. honey 3 tbsp. malt vinegar 1/8 tsp. each salt and pepper 1/2 cup vegetable oil

Combine the mustard, honey, vinegar, salt andpepper. Add the vegetable oil. 'l'aste the salad dressing and add more vinegar if you preâ‚Źer it tangier,morcvegetable oil if ~ o u w a n t it smoother. You can add minced garlic,onions or fresh herbs, but they will reduce the shelf-life of the dressing to approximately one week.


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Help is on the way The important, the ridiculous and all questions in between

Trying t o d o t h e right t h i n g

Q. I broke up with a man named "Rick" after dating him for three months. While the relationship wasn'tbad,InowknowthatIstarted dating him because I wanted to be in arelationship,notbecauseIwas genuinely attracted to him. After breaking up, we have remained friends. I love banging out with him, but know that I'd never date him again. Is this unfair?

A. Assummg that p u have told

Rick that there is no chmce of you hvo datingapin (andaw~danyrelapses), you're on solid ethicalground. I ie has chosen to continue interacting with J-ou and to be your friend, and it would be patronizing to him to cut offcontactwith hun for his owngood. Be prepared though; there is a p o d chance he ~ 1 1 disappear 1 when your ncyt relationship gets serious or get angry at the tune he has wasted being hung up oil you. Had enough o f Waterloo

Q. I'm a firstyear student at Waterloo who is not enjoying the experience. Frosh week was depressing. I felt totally out of touch with the otherstudentsbecause I'm underage and can't go to the bars. Dorm life is also lonely because

there are so many people around butno one to connectwith. Classes are impossible because theprofessors expectns to knowthings that I've never even heard of before. I hate this place and want to leave, but my parents keep telling me to stick it out. How do I convince them to let me come home?

altcrilalixe uses to !-our lime hcrc. There is a high volume of people here andchances are you'll connect with someone by Christmas. I laying someone to share the anxieties and trials is helpful in any environment. l'ry sittingdo\\nwithpeople from your floor at meals. Join a club, a sports team or chat up the person next to you at a lecture.

A. Belie\ e it or not, \ ou aren't the First student to feel this way Many students find adaptmgtoanew ~ h o o l , city and home to be too much to handleallat one time The eastestma! to get backhome ~fyourpaicilt\ arcdt buclgmgis to sit back, download porn on the residence high speed mternet connection, and get sent home with \\ aterloo's blessings a hen \ ou flunk out in December N o n that 1 ou ha\ e a <paianteed escape route,! oumightcondx some

Waterloos around the globe R. M. A. Chen-Wing IMPRINTSTAFF

Are you down about being around a town called \\'aterloo? If you leaw you will ha-e plenty chance of Einding another \\laterloo. Not unltke the \*.ell-hifiownandcommon springhelds across the tT.S. there are also abundant \\ aterloos. There are 26 alone 1%; the United States of America, twoin Canada andat lcast sixen in othcr parts of the ~vorld. The \T.aterluo xfterwhich others are named is \I'atcrho, Hclgiuin. It mas the site of a battle where allicdmith Dutch, l3elgtan and P r u & u ~forces, General \Tellington's Ihitish troops defeated Napoleon's French army oil Juiic 18, 1815. In 1947 an Tnrilan labourcrnn\\l'atcrlvo, 'l'rinidad a m sent to prison for building a hinch temple on land of a sugar cane plantation. EIis temple \\-as demolished. I Ie then decided that he x~muldrebuild the temple in the sea, t a h g 2 5 !Tears to coinplete it, transpoaing budding materials on his bicycle. Residents of\\-a~erloo,(~uebec proclaim itthc Cai~adiailcych~gcap~tal.l'h ~,therCamrLan\K'aterlooislocated about 90 km east of Monlrcal. \Yaterloo, New Yorkwms foundcdin 1790,2j years before the battle. \Katerloo, Oiltariois the mostpopulous Ontario and the one that has received the mostmoney fromMicrosoft.

Ontario Quebec Australia Belgum bngland Ireland New Zealand SierraLeone Surinam 'l'rinidad and 'l'obago Alabama 11rkansas California Georga Iowa Illinois Indiana Kansas IGntucky I~~uisiana Maryland hhchigan







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orkshops 42-12:30 p.m. Speech: deputy enviroment minister Alan Mymark 1 :30-3:00 p.m. Panel on building the sustainable campuses network 3:15-5:00 p.m. Conference strategizing session 7:30-9:OO p.m. Keynote Speaker: David Orr, distinguished author and professor, Oberlin College


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~11111~ll~.lll>T< till' EnviaortmentaBIy friendly transportation is ons C \\ Sl'h~lnidct-S:imi! l < i , ~ n p a ~ l ~ t . ~tlic ~.~cl~c~l of the topics on %Reconference agenda. Sierr;~Y O L ILoahtion I~ at the yai-3Il 11 1 C I m k r encc in Rritisli (:~>ILI~TI~I:L alxiut l i i )\tiilg the tal impact 1x1the u;in erzih-." cimferei~ceat L-\\, L\\ \\-on the pi-i\-ilcgr of sust:itil;tbiltt! lor untwrsity ;~iiilcollcge camhostingthe con fei-encct h ~\-car;~ndprcp:iratiiin\ s I C\-crsince tlieirnplemciitat~~ rnof \\~;\' p~~sesxcross ( :anadz. in 1990, r\\. admitnstrario+i h;l>,nmde tt clcar haw been made m-er the past six month\ b!. a Uilts cornmenred rm thc or~mi~izers'cspcctnthat it has hem lxlxnd an! envisi auncnlal1nttia prcilect commirtee tcain made up of members ri~msaildnishcs for.thc outcomcoFthe confer tiws on canipus and that hcult! 1.. i-ncoumged to encc, say~g"\\-e'rehoping that students will be from universities m Rsittsh (:olurnbt:~,Albcrta, cooIxLate hut \wrlc can alnays be doilc in this ( himrio, (&ebec m d N m a SCIma. inspired b!: the inttiativcs taking place at other arm to tmpnx e the --a!- in \ditch stuilents and i'his n-eeh's cidesencc will include man! colleges and unirrrsities throughout (;anada." facult!-work together. ~\cactiaand hlc(;rll already recognized speakers, including (Abcrt l'arcrit, The cducational\due is also not lost on coilferh a w student eild(ur-sedemwonmental pohcies "I x e tl~cci~nfei-et~ceaa\~. a!,for enceorgmi~ei-s. Canada's atnbassadi 11- for thc cn\rr.onment; and ;IlaniKymarli,depu~iniiitctcr for en~ironmcnt implemented and it is anttctpated that L'\\.will students to add depth and breadth to their education," says Lhlts. f()llo\v thetr esample. can ad;^. Another a~tncifthecoilfercnce I S ti)help hutld Sunda!- inorniiigwill feature a sustainabilit!. fatrmcludttigbooths from~ari( )uslocalen\-troi1- a comprchcns~r-enational action plan on C!1\ 11.1

9-12:OO p.m. Sustainability fair 11-1:00 p.m Panel 2-3:30 p.m. Student best practices revisted 3:30-5:30 p.m. Strategizing session 6-7:30 p.m. Dinner and conference wrap-up: Casey Pickett (Oberlin College)

Big men attract bugs and children grow new fingers


Physicistsdo the wave Justwhen you thoughtphysicists had run out of things to study, they defy the odds. Researchers inHungaiyhaw determtned how thcmave, that popular crowd raiser, is initiated. After studying taped soccer matches, the tntrepid sc~entistshave determtned that the wave usually travels as a speed of 30 seatsper second,

cluck\~me. They also found thrcsholdc needed for a wmc to estst. I!p toacertampomtpcople\x-illtlot react to a m a w The chance ofa\mve succeeding wtth 25peoplcis slim, butitlcrcaseswhenmore spectators join 111. A w a w is also dependent on the match the spectators arcmatchtng. 'l'hc more exciting it is, the more Itkely a ware is to be initiated and be successhl. This might make a lot ofus wonder, how did thc sctentists get away with watching soccer matches'

Men attract bugs Somctime thetr bodies may need more upkeep, they may still get paid less, but women clearly have one advantage 01-er men- they lire longer. This has bcen known for a long time, but why? One might think that hazardous occupa-

tiuns mdpass-tirncs,aswellas inale hfestyles,are Sctentists at the Utax-ersttpofCalifornia, I n m e responsible forthcc~mhfcespectancybet\~een feel salamanders may hold the answer. the twi, sexes. Not only can these lizards re-grow limbs, Not necessartly, suLggestsa new study that they catlalso rcplaceptecesoftheir hearts andeyes. targetswonns as the source of men's shorter life Researchers are hoping thcse properties may expectancy.Kesearchersat the Lynil-ersity of Stirsomeday be applied to humans. lingm Scotland have concluded that men's larger Until now, most research on regeneration bodies are more attractive to parasttes, causing has focused o n stcm cells. This method uses thcm to live shorterltves. In the tJ.S., the IJ.K., stcm ccllsgrown outside the body, hlrning them and Japan, men arc twice as likely as women to into t~ssuc,and trailsplatlting thcm. suffer a parasite-induced death. Some scientistsspeculatethat anothermethcd Some researchers have also suggested that a would be to reproduce regenerative abilities exreason for shorter male ltfespan could be that istingin some animals and in humans. This may testosterone, which suppresses the tmmune sjabeaccomphshedmtth drugs orgene technology. tem, puts males at a greater risk for parasitic Science is still far from abrealrthrough, but infection. there is hope. For example, children have bcen known to rc-grow fingertips above the top jomt, Give me a hand including the bone, s h n and nail, as discovered \Y'ouldn't it be grcnt to regeneratea mcsingiri~~b when a chdd's fmgcrtip bcgan tr-gowingbefore it was treated. rather than wear one of those scary hook hands,

Affiliation between Toronto's Michener Institute and the University of Waterloo proposed Students may soon be able to get a joint degreeldiploma from UW and the Michener Institute Natalie Assouad



In a press release last week, Mike Sharratt. the dean of health sciences. announced aproposal for some le~rel of affiliation to be initiated with the Michener Institute for ApphedHealth Sciences in 1oronto The Mchener Institute, founded in 1958, is the only Canadian postsecondaryinstitution dedicated solely to health care Learning takes place both in an educational environment as well as in clinical settings \17tthan enrolment of 800 full nme students in a variety of programs including acupuncture,nuclearmedical technol-


T h e average Canadian will benefit overall as a result of this very complementary relationship."

ogy and magneticresonance unagmg, Mtchener producesgraduateswhoare highly trained in various speualued technical fields The school provides hands onexperiencemvariousCanadian health care instltutlons including

the Children'sHospitalotruternont"""mom'va~P" cess Margaret 130spitalinToronto,and Grand River FTospital mKitchener "\% e have a ma

AppliedHealthSciences at U W ,butwe also recogiwe the other side of the coin that there are people out there that do have health problems and need technological cxpertisc," Sharratt said "The average C d a n w d benefltoverallasaresult

Wonder why your hot dog buns grow fungus before your feet do? we


,p -,,,

of this 1 e q complementary relationship " The new partnership behbeen C\Y and Michener is aimed at taktng the Etrongest featuresofboth schools and using them to produce highly speciah~edhcalthcarcworkcrs It 15 hoped that the affiliatton will bnng breadth to existing bhchener programs, byprovidingtheir students withaccess toclasscsm faculticsatLTX' such as arts and engineering 'Ihis agreement would potentially allow Michener students, who currently graduate with a diploma in their field of study, to graduate w ~ t ha degree Michener has been recommended to partnerwithU\Y7becauseof its highly regarded reputation as an mnovaave school Thisproposedaffiiationis not the first combined effort bctwcen U\Y' and Mchener In October 2000, an agreement was signed involving the creation of two joint degree/diploma programs involving the two schools The programs involxre the kinesiologv department at K'aterloo and the c h ropody and respiratory therapy pro-

grams at Michener l'articipants spcnd three \ ears at\T aterloo stucfvinghnc siology, and two \ears at hfichcncr studying either chiropodv ot respira ton. therapy This results macollabo ratibc Bachelors of Science degree in hnesiologv from L \\ ,witha diploma in one of the two options from hhchener Mi~htnerisakead~~affhatedwith \. ariet) ofother schools,includingthe Universityof Toronto, Queen's, and Kyerson It also has linkswithvanous education and health care institutions overseas An upsurge in combined degree programslike those described between LVat~dMtcheneriscome mresponse to increased demands on our health care slstem After all, accordmg to Sharratt, "Any comprehcn\ivc uni versityin the 215t centurc that doesn't pay attention to health~sunfulfilled " These types of affihations between post secondar) institutions will help to provtde well-educated and practic d y ex~enencedgraduatesto Wl health careneeds.

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page 19


@@if logs @Sit


The men's team at a glance -pale 20

Coming up this week

In the last week Baseball

Baseball -

Laurier 3, Warriors 1 Guelph 7, \Warriors 4 Warriors 7, Guelph 4 Brock9,Warriors 6 Warno~s6,Brock 5

Sept 28 (A) \Yestem, 1.00 p m Sept 29 (A) McMaster, 1.00 p.m Cross country

Sept 28 (A) Western mvitational, 10:30a.m.

Cross country

Waterloo Open Women ranked f ~ s t (top finisher - Kristic Hcnry, 4th overall) Men ranked first (top fmsher - Scott Arnald, 6th overall) Field hockey

Warriors 5, Guelph 1 Warnors 3,Western 0



The 1968 UW band marched to a different drummer.

Back in time: the Warrior band I


\%en you think of a sporting event here at the University of \Xratcrloo many thmgs come to mind players and fans sporting the lovely blackand ,gold coloursof our schoo1,cheerleaders andof course, UVinsown Warnor band The \Warnor band has been an essentialpart of most athletic events smce a was founded in 1966 It has provided endless support for the Wamor teams by rallyingthefansand by showinggreat school spirit ingeneral. However, the band itself was started for slqhtly less than altruistic reasons. Founded by Dave Greenbergand three friends, the onginalmotivation for starting the band was to grt into the football games for free. In 1968, seasonticketswereofferedby the ath-

letics department for$10.These covered fi17e footballgames, 12basketball games, 14hockcy games and 20 to25 games m other sports such as soccer, rugbyandwrestling.In1966,thepnce would have been even less, but still too mhch for these three young men and thus the band was formed. The band was founded on three basic ideas there would be no designated rehearsal time; m fact, set rehearsals were "officially banned". Howevcr, the band was (and std is) known to meet at 5:30pm on Thursdays to practise. They would not wear any umforms, although the Warrior band was oftenknownto sport the Warrior football sweater tomost events Individual and interestmg hats were also encouraged to be worn by members These days the wearingof hats seems to have fallen by the wayside and the decisionto wear no officialumforms

still holds true. The last rule on which the band was foundedwasthe decision not to march. The \Tarnor band felt that their role was to play music and to

Sept 28 (A) Trent at Lamport Stadtum Football

Scpt. 27 (H) Western, 7:00 p.m. Golf

Sept 27 (A) Laurier Tournament (at Grey Silo Golf Course) Women's hockey

\YJindsor 21, WJarriors 11

Sept 27 @) Stonep Creek (exhib.), 7 30 p m

Women's hockey

Women's rugby

Launer 6, Warriors 0 (exhibition)

Sept. 28

Men's rugby

Men's soccer

Earners 24, Guelph 7 Western 31,\Varriors 15

Scpt 28 (A) \Yestern, 1.00 p m

Women's rugby

Vi'arnors 29, Brock 5 Men's soccer


the field As with most teams, even the \T7arnorbandhas rivals Competition has always been strong bctween UKJ and bands at U of T and Guelph, however, Western has always been andremainsWaterloo'sgeatestcompetttor As band member Tm\Vindsor said, "1 he band at Western is large, but I wouldnot necessartlycall it good " The faces oftheWarrior bandhave changcd since its b e g m g , but their views remamthe same The members donot view a as achance to showcase their obvioustalent. Instead formany of thcm it is simply a chance to have some fun and play really loud music

Field hockey

Niptssmg 3, \Varriors 1 W'arriors 3, LaurentianO

Toronto, 1.00p.m

Women's soccer

Scpt 28 (A) \Y estern, 3 00 p m Men's tennis

Sept 29 (A) Queen's, 9 00 a m Women's tennis

Women's soccer

Sept 28 Queen's and Toronto, 9 00 am.

Warriors 2, Nipissing 0 Warriors 3, Lawentian 0

Men's volleyball

Men's tennis

Sept 27 @) National Team Masters, 7.00 p.m.

McMaster 4, Warriors 3 Western 5, Warriors 2

Women's volleyball

Women's tennis

Sept. 27-29 (A) Ryerson tournament

Warriors 4, Launer 3 Wen's volleyball

York 3, Warriors 0 (exhibition) Warriors 3, Windsor 2 Western 2, Warriors o


I www athletics uwaterloo ca

Heramb Ramachandran --


~ i ing [heir heads, the (:;ln;lih;ln LLIIIversrt\-golf scene begms ;in( ither! eat

iwrs arts and bust ncs.5) Cl,tllpr1slllg the restoftlie team, each mcmhci-has a 11a11iItcnpof three or a1111a\sistnnt coach Mark Egcrs li;i\-e selectcdastrongcoreof etgl~tatuilents to malic up tlic team. 1 Icadcd hy c o captams Ian hlacl>onalci (A1optomerr!) ; ~ n d Justm Fluit (2R chen~icnl t ~ that c the team n-ill itnprow on la\t year's successes. ''I111 the fall 300 1 \casonl n-e had ail outstandmg yc;ir \\;-c won tu ( J tournaments, came in second in miother and third in the OCA ch;lmptonshps. 2\ltl~oughnvo of our top guys Tram last !-euare b c n g ieplacecl, \L e're countu~gon the hrst !.car l i d s to step up," Painter s:ucl. 'l'lic ci)i-c fi-eshnien d u d e Ster c


(111 October 4 and, along\\ ~ t h l a u r i e r , bouts the ( l l 7 FI1m1s it Gre! Silo (;olf(;luh, (ktoher

Contact sportsat

illustration by E~~~ ~~~d~~

31-22, ' I ' h OC,A

Doug Painter, UW golf coach and professor.

OKTOBERFEST IS HERE! October 11 to 19 -


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I NOT VALID WITH V.I.P. CARDS 1 COUPON EXPIRES October 4, 2002 Lmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmd 6 (

Women's rugby sends Badgers scurrying Women's rugby defeates Guelph 29-5 on home turf to capture the season's fust win Adrian Benincasa ~PEC~ALTO IMPRINT The Yniv-ersity of \X'atcrloo's women's rugby team has always been associated with determmation and that fact was proven on September 71 against Brock's Badgers. In a hardfought match, the \\-arriors won by a score of 29-3. Even though the loss to \X'estern in the season opener was stdl fresh m their minds, the women sho\x:edthatperseverancelntheface of challenge pays off. 'The\Tarriors are two-time de fending OUh champions; naturally, they went into their match wtth\Testern's Mustangs with high expectations. Head coach Eric Gezar stated that the loss was "disappointing," because those high expectations were not f u l fdled.Nevertheless, Ciexar views the 1ZOWesternlossas awake-up call a reminder that there IS a lot of work to do. He said that the LX'arrioi-s have settled into their style of play. The

roster has many new additions this were scored at 30 minutes year, so the team will need time to and 55 minutes, respecadapt to a style of plat n hich suits tively. Other tries were ex eryone scored by Beth Booker, \Y atcrloo, as a tcam, still fought Meghan Shaw and Megan for the commongoal and that is what Goemans. These amazing ledtothclatest victory Tf thc\X arrtors plays were more proof that the teamplayedwithintegwcretopla~~\Testern~it~toda)~,Cte/ar \aid it is likely that we would see a rity during every minute. much different \X aterloo tcam They I<erri\Yebb,a teamveteran, scored two convermere qtronger and faster m thetr sec ond match, which shows that the sions, which added to the team gained considerableexpenence team's grand performance. from game one to game hvo 'She \Varriors played as a L4gamstBrock, Mr Ciezarnoticed unit and everyone played that the team's "attitude changed" as ex+remely wcll. The dcterthe women did an cxccllent job of mnation that earned \XJaterloo success in the past mamtammg defense and moving the improved was truly evident in this ball fonvard Ruckin,galso tremendously in contrast to the p r e game. The Warriors' next match is Sepvious match. In addition, there were fewer awkwardpasses, which fuelled tember 28 against Toronto. Also, be the increased ball movement. Tries sure to check out scored by rookies Allison Bergin and ~vw.athletics.uwaterloo.caâ‚Źor the NishaWellsteinmade thcvictorythat latest information regarding Watermuch more memorable. l'hose tries looathletics.


What a pain in the leg!

Fridaq: September 27, 2002, 7:00 PM vs Western Mustanm. Universihl Stadium

Muscle cramps getting you down? Here are a couple of tips Erin L. Gilrner IMPRINTSTAFF

Many wnous and recreattonal athletes have expenenced muscle cramps at some point m their careers Ordtnary muscle crampsarccommonandweall know they are annoymgand debilitat ing, but lust what are muscle cramps and what can one do to prevent their onset or to speed up recovery?

long pemds of time Remember to get up and walk around 3 If you tend to be susceptible to cramps,try eatingmore foods that are high mpotassium and calcium These mclude bananas, yogurt, cheese and fiber-emched breads 4 After a workout, try to replenish your nutnents and rest your muscles

How can I soothe the muscle?

What is a muscle cramp? Muscle cramps most oftenoccurin the legs but can affect almost any muscle.They can be quitepainfuland because of the contractions, the muscle often becomes hardandappears to be bulging. Muscle cramps tend to occur durmgpl~ystcalexercise or after a workout.

If you experience muscle cramps, the following may help: 1.Stretchthemuscle, or do some kind of non-weight-hearing exercise like

walhng. 2. Massage the muscle. 3. Apply a heattng pad. 4. Rest and rehydrate.Try to replenish the salts in your body. If you fmd that muscle cramping is a big problem and prevents you from enjoying your sport, and especiallyifthe cramps staaoccurningwithout aprior history, you should consult a physician to rule out a more serious conchtion. This is important since diabetes,neurological&orders orwscularproblemsmayalsobe causes for cramping.

What causes it? There are a number of possible reasons for muscles to cramp up. Dehydration may do ~tand so may a deficiency in sodium. Sodium is mvoll-edin sending electricalsignals to musclcs.%,when thereisadcfictency, this tends to make muscles irritable and susceptible to stress. Sweat contains sodium, so during vigorous activitywe canlose a sipificant amount of our body's salt.

How can cramps be prevented? 1 Always drinkplentyof fluids before andduringexercise to kcep your body fluidat sufficicntlcvels. Drinktngwater also helps to flush wastes from your body 2. Don't staymawkwardpositions for



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LRO preptest date: September 28,2002 MC 2017 & MC 2054 9am-4pm Costs (to recover the costs of photocopying): Registered: $2 UW Students, $4 others $1 extra if you don't register. Register by emailing your full name and student ID to

OCTOBER 4 Froraaron o i Sruorws un.*n l*wab.


Notice of General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THE GENERAL MEETING of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held:

Wednesday Oct 23 2002,4:30pm, SLC Great Hall The agenda for this meeting will include by-laws changes and the presentation of the Auditor's Report for 2001 - 2002. Any other item for the agenda of this meeting must be in the hand of thepresident of the Federation of Students by 4:30pm., Friday ber 4&, 2002 to be considered at the General Meeting. Brenda Koprowski President Federation of Students

Loud show, crazy crowd Large or small, the crowd loves it all

Ash is a band to discover Katrina Koh SPECIAL TO IMPRINT


I Mother Earth Bombshelter September26

There are some shows~.ouremember for the rest of your life For me, one such shou was I Mother Jzarth at the Volcammdo>xviltownI(itchcncrThey also played a smaller ~ e n u e ,the Ilombshelter, thelr first show after more than a year's hiatus Around 1996, soon a f t ~the r release of S1me9 mid F/sh an album that brought the banddeservedrecogl~itim,theyplayed to an audience of about 4OO crou ded and excited fans The chon was loud, the crowd \%a\craq and the barn as small \\'hen speakmgwith the band be fore the show Thursdaj night, I asked Jaj: I anna ifhe rememberedthat e\ ent and he responded with a resoundmg J es ''The Volcanol Thatuac cra~yl"I think this explains whj a band like I Mother Earth chose to play at the Bombshelter as awarm up toacrossCanada tour with the MTV Campus Invasion After an almost two year hiatus from tounng, there is nothing better for the first day backthan play ing a packed bar and as Tanna put it, "It'll be a good day for fuck ups " The talk about the band never strays far from their break-up from Edwin, the band's former lead singer Having seen Edwin on Labour Day weekendat the Pans, Ontario Country Tair,I was astonished to hcar him play a couple of tracks from S~erzeyatzdFzsb Edwm is a good singer, but h s band is a bad I Mother Earth cover band Tanna commented, "It's really

From Downpatrick, Ireland, Ash has accomplished a lot in their musical career I heir latest album, Prrp All Atgeh, has recei? ed amarmg renews Both the UK 2nd North Americaare slowly starting to discover this tal ented quartet Back m the mid '905, Ash kicked up some power-pop tunes with chc sics such as "Girl from Marc," "Goldfinger" and "Kung Fu " Their second album, 1977,hit the charts at number onc 1im \\heeler (singer, songwriter, and gutanst), MarkHam ikon (bacsict) and Rick McMurrat (drums), achiex cd all of this before thcvreached the age of 20 Followingtheir soundtrack single, "ALifeLess Ordmaq ,"Ash recruited a new guitarist, Charlotte Hatherlv, and releaced their third album, NN Clear ro7imi~ Lnfortunately, this a1 bum did not produce agreat fmished product FrceAI/A~gd~, however, has helped the band to rediscover their cnthusiam Khcnaskedwhether they feel\m dicated b r the success of this album, IYhcclcr replied, 'Yeah, definitel~m I Mother Earth from left to right: Christian, Bruce,'Brian and Jag. this caw People were rooting us on and it was warm '1hmgs were work funnybecause they are actuallyplaying ha1 c wntten He caid many people a tounst or on tour, he said a tourist the songswrong." 'l~henyouplay,~ouarecommgin ing out for us this time and we are - Further, the music don't recognize it as I Mother harth for all the songs offDgand \ ~erzetyantl when they first hear a at iught tune and then you are sleep- really happy about it " "We took a long time off to write Fzrhai-ewnttenbyJagmdthe lyrics by "X e are gomg to tour like c r a q ing to get ready for the show You it [FreeAIIArgeh] K e wrote somanp Christian, h s brother and drummer behmd this one Last time, we stood don't have any tune to walk around songs \Tehadajearandahalftownte "It is kind of flattering that he is out back fromit ahttle bit more 'Ihis time redly " Ckherpastuncsinclude hockey trying to make a living off songs that we are like 'Scrcw it We'll play any- This past season, 'l'anna was on the itwhereas N74 ClearSozind we hadltke I wrote," said Tanna where ''1 hat m whatwe do and that is wmnmg Exclaim Cup hockey team, three months to write," added The band is finishingup the fmal how we make our fans, by playing with teammatessuch as Chns Murphy \%'heeler Thenew album openswith"Wa1ktouches on their fourth release It is h e " of Sloan and others expected out some tune after Feb? So,what dothey dowhen it is their Playinga smallervenueis d e h t e l y 1% Barefoot," a catchy melodic tune aqr of next year Jag described it as off season?Tanna mentioned travel the kind of show that many will re- with a summer esque feel to it This is fobwed by the smgles "Shimg some of the hardest material they hng When asked if he would rather be member for the rest of their hves Light" and '3urnBaby Burn," which l are bothenergctlcpq-rock song that keep you hstemg The band beheves they parttally owe their unique sound to Beach Boys, Nirvana, Scott \Y alker and Dr Dre 'W'ell, it's a pretty eclectic album ncvcr &d ltke a twisted, living-dead- satire and creature +feature refugees, angst comes a jaw droppingly wonbut those artists are definitely influonentedwrsionofAmencanGraffrtl, but the charactersaG more recogniz dcrfulmusicalepisode,with thewhole ences on it," said Wheeler itfollowedXanderaroundSunnydale ably human than anybody o n cast breaktng out m witty, tuneful Their album is doing extremely 'Dawson'sCreek "' as he looks for h ~ "thing," s tries to songs advancing the plot creatively wellm Europe, so the next thing is to resolve insecurities about his courage The writers take mcre&blc nsks In the two part finale,\Villow, the break the North Amencan market and attractivenessto womenand bat and triumph through them, never sweet,geekywiccawhois the favour Wheeler said, "We would hke to, tles a gang of leather jacket wearing more so than last season, which saw ite of some fans, became one of the but what we really want is to make zombies In the meantime, we see m Buffyresurrectedafterdyingattheend scariest villains the show has seen, a ourselves known thatwe are different the background snippets of a hilari of the fifth season This ktnd of thing vengeful sorceressxviththepower of from the othcr UK bands and sepa an atom bomb, all the more scary rate from the 'Brttpop' kind of t h n g ous deadpan parod) of the show, m not unheard ofin fantasy series, but w ~ t hthe world in peril once agam theweightitcarriesmBuffymakesall smce her behawour came from her We know we've got a handful of , hardcore fans over here and a's been " (Buffy "I can't watch you die again I the difference one crf the darkest cur own rage, not some kind of demonic lox eyou " Angcl "Nothmgcanchange rents ofthis most dark anddisturbing possession six years smce we've toured here So, that Not even death '3 of seasaps was thabshe didn't really Shewasfinallydefused byXander, we've got to come over for them 4 Three J earslater,Ruff\ i s a f ~ ~ t u r e seem t$r$ happ* be back her f n e ~ cmce d childhood,wh~1c Kuffy anyway s " lil The kason alsb had the group seemed to fiilally findareason to hold o f m ~c\lstcncc,asforalargeie~number Ash is cunentlymaNvrthAmer~beginning to drift apart and besides of mt friends It's fast and loon!, on to life in htryoungcr cirter, Dan n can tour with Coldplat 1he\ \\ 111 theusual demon? and \ ampires,wme (kho didn't c\ist until the fifth cea smart and unpredictablc, cx Ln a lit& rctuinneat month to plat a fcn shm%e with the band Dashboard Confec- 1 frightemngandthat'sbeforertgetsits ternf\ininewenemies,llkeaddlctlon, aon, but that's another ctoiy) emotional hook\ in leu A\ Joyce monel problems, i m p e n d q wed 1 he L fin cisit).of I\. aterlooDuff\ clonal Release dates are to come McMillan of Salon corn's TV column dings and bad fast food lobs appear \\ ntcher's clubincctsTucsda) night\ Ash also plans on releasing a srnglcs writes, Yes, 'Ruff\ 'ic filled n it11 dark And then, 111 the mrddle of all th15 1n PO& r$to catch the latest episode collection and a R sides album

Buffy returns; fanatics relieved Daniel Saunders ---



Buffy the Vampire Slayer Premer~edSeptember24

It all startcdwhcn I actually sat down and watched an episode of B a f i the Vampm Shyer. As itopens,Buffyis chastismgthe non-superpowered Xander for puttmg hmself m harm's way m the battle that juct fmished "Maybe vou shouldn't be Icapmginto the frwllke that Maybe 1ou should be fra) adla cent" Xander protestc '?\bo at a ciucial moment distracted the main demon b~ allov ing her to pummel me , h u t the head>" I laughed, a lot, and kept 1%aiting for the episode to settle down into a comfortable cliched template, but it

* %



Baby, do you want to dance? Tunes that get your toes tapping and take your spirit on a mystical voyage to Ireland taktngpmate~ocallessons Hermterect in Ccltic m u w mas spaded while w o r h g at the Collcge of Piping and I'm sitttngin the ba~withmy friends, Cehc Perfomu1gArt\ofCanada After and suddenly I'm caught by the mu- u o r h g there she learned the tech sic. It's ahoppy,hwly tune, that makec niques to smgingCeltic/Gaehc songs me want togetup and dance 1,ittlcdid Murray also learncd toplay the piano, I know that this Newfoundland band guitarand the bodhran (aCeltichand wv~oneofthemj~foU/Celticgoups held drum) She has recorded two CDs, the from castemcanada, thstare becom first, Portrazk, was released m 1998, mg popular all over North America T h s wave of folk/Celtic music m- and captures traditional Irish and cludesarttstssuchas Great RigSea,the Scottish songs as well as her own composmons mspired by CelticmyR a h Famtly, The Insh Descend thology Released m 2001, l'nmrose ents and new-comer PatnciaMurray ~sMurray'ssecond CD Listemng to Patricia Murray is a singer/song writer from PET, now residing in Pnmmse, you will find a mixture of Halifax. Hermusic is basedm folkand traditional and ancient airs to conCeltic traditions. Murray became m- temporary folksongs based onlove, v o l ~ ~ d i n m u swi chen she was young, loss and passion \%%en asked about where her smgmgat church and school and thcn Lauren Fox


song ~deaaorignate she said, " 1he songs I smg are story based I love cteatingasettmgandcharactersthrough the mus~cMan) of these songs come fromorare basedon traditional Cclttc Gaelic culture Iusemyvcnce toportray the emotions that evolve from these stories from grief and loss to passion andlove "As Murray sings these songs

'The songs I sing are story based. I love creating a setting and characters through the music." - Patricia Murray of the east coast landscape andculture,


I'atnciaMurray has a performanceSeptem ber 27 at the I\ ater 1ooCommunityArts Ccntre,wherepouwill be able to experience foryourselfthemagc of Celtic music If you are tired of overplayedmusr and are l o o h g for some thtngalittle different, I suggest that you p e the Canadtanfolk music sceneatry. Folk songs range from verylively,get-up-outof-your-seat, great mood songs to Rowmg, calm and moving songs which ease the spint Whatevcr your preference, Patncia Murray m likcly toplease your musical taste withher brilhtvoicc a t ~ tales d of the past So if you feel like getting up and dancing, don't be afraid t e t h s is what her music does to every one Vtsit www patriciamurray c m for moreitlformationonupct)mgcon-

certs and review5 Prepare to take a cpiritual journey to a place you will never want to leave U s i n g i s e a s i e r t h a n y o u t h i n k . R e g i s t e r now.



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"Word on the street" coming to Kitchener September 29

A look at the state of hip-hop


That quote from Ruck 65 is one of the most interesting obsen a tions that I've seen on the subject of hip hop In a way Ruck 65 is completely dead on. Think of a stereotypicalhip hop artist or fan You're probably envisioningbag@ jeans, overpriced shirts and a backwards cap Now, think of your stereotypical hip-hop music You're probably hcamgmisogynistic, materialistic, dumbed down music in your head 011 the &p, you don't often hear of the many great underground crews out there mainly because they don't follow thi5 mould Hip-hop, like any other genre, has its share of the good, the bad and the ugly, but where Buck 65's quote comes into play is in how it challenges the boundanes of the art form Just what is hip hop? And is much of the new music coming out nowadays, especiallythe more experimental stuff, true to the genre's ideals2 I've got split feelings on h s In my mcw, what Ruck 65, Anticon, El-P et a1 are dotng is hip hop At the same tune, one has to look deeper into a quote. O n e of the biggest criticisms of the expenmental underground grouping of hip-hop is that it acts like it's too high and mighty for everyone else There's an obvious ehtist bent to it all Consider Anticon's Music For TheAdwanted Lsfener The album title alone should get my pomt across On top of it all, there exists a racial undertone to the entire issue t h e majority of these expenmeiital artists are white So basicallj,

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So much shouting! Ani DiFranco So Much Shouting, So Much Laughter RighteousBabeRecords

you've got a subsection of the genre, most of whom are new jack kids who wouldn't know the differencebetween Kakun, Big Daddy Kane and Kool G Rap This dictates how and where the music should evolve Anyone who doesn't believe in this ideal is either a) a stupid commercial head orb) not a true hip-hop head It's a ridiculous concept The reasoning for this reqmrcd 'crolution' is that hip hop is stagnant, that is going to die if left to its own deviccs 11' 1 clue T ou in -a's not going a n p here brankl), I find a lot of the talk a little condescending It's like, 'Don't be afraid1\h e u hite college kids a ~ e here to sa7 e the poor black folks from fuming their art form with \ iolence and b i g o t ~\\'e're l so much smarter than them1 ' It's a load of tnpc and cxtrcmcly reminiscent of the way that the blues and rock and roll were swept out from under the feet of their o r i p a l founders Evolution m music is not something that is dictated It is not something that needs to be taught It happens naturally Just as the e5olution of hip-hop occurrcd from a couple of reggae breaks and toastmg to sample dtlvcn beats and MCtng And I like Buck 65 UJM1. horf~part one.f/iq h q Thm & y ~ caled Thz Rmku~.It ran be heard Thursday nzghtsfrom 6 8p.m

Nick Walsh SPECIAL TO IMPRINT Anyone who has resided m the K \X' region for any ewtendedpenodoftune cansafely saywearelivmgmthe world's capital of bookworms WltK twouni versities known worldwide and a na tionally established college, why wouldn't our hcads be stuck in telt books Icarmng about why the wind patterns mox e in a clockwise fashion ~nthe nothern hemsphere and counter clockwise m the southern hemi sphere However, there is more to reading than your textbooks provide Relieve it or not, quite a few indi>idual5have actually come to thn reahation and decided to participate in the National Book and Magazsne Famly Pc\tival, "The \Y ord on the Street" You, pour family, friends and neighbours are all invited to celebrate the joy ofreadingat this fair onSunday Septcmbcr 29, from I l a m to 5p m to unite the cities of Iatchener, Van couver, Calgary,Toronto and1Ialifax in the celebrahon of the written word The main premise of the festlvalis to highlight the importance of literacy m t h e h es ofallCanadians It achieves this by brmging the writing and pub lishing of literature communtties together toencourage and foster aposi twe attitudetowardsliteracy Sunday's festtvalwd feature a fascinatingschcd ule of events mcludmg a roster of

authors, editors and publishers engagmg in readings and discussions with festival-goers There will also be childrens events and much more "The T o r d on the Street" ex entis a very popular one-day festival m Canada, attracting an estimated 300,000people nation-wide Fach citv dcrclops a festival lme-up based on theinterest ofits respect1x.ccommunities Visitors to the I<itchencr fair can exTect to find nen and used booh stores selltng<heirmerchandise The1 will also see regional authors r~admg from their latest publication and sign ingcopies of their books Inaddition, e there wdlbe a celebnty spelhg b ~and ln e entertainment Not only does the festix a1 empha size the joy of reading and enhance public apprec~auonof the pnnted word in a fun environmcnt,aalso increases public awareness in the quality and quantity of Canad~anauthoured and produced books So this Sunda~,stuff away those texbooks which cost you half your bankaccount and take a jaunt over to VtctonaParkand jo~nlntheexperience of this wonderful world of words

As the loyal cult follower that I am, I picked up the newest CD by Am Dfiranco at my local record shop,put it into my CD player and listened away It has becn dcscnbed on her K'eb site www righteousbabe cum, as "much anticipated," so I was e l c~tcdto experience her nea sound> 1 must admit that a hilc listenmg to this collection written within the past 1 1 )ears, I canclosc my eves, shut out the uorld around me and almo\t pretend that I am right there in tht concerthall screamingalongwith the rest of the masses So Ahah Y/ml*//1~, 5 o M i d lmgbfer certainly does gi\ e youa f l a ~ourful tastc of what an Ant concert is really all about. My only qualm is that it doesn't give a ven different tastc from the first recipe Her combination of folk, rock, jazz, and spoken word blends mto somethingutterly u q u e that cannot be duplicatedby any other artist This collection takespreviously s ~ m p l i ~ c songs adding new elements, horns keys, more strings and drums flood into this songtomake you forget that it ever existedbefore the year 2 0 0 0 See SHOUT, page 26



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Posters, beanbag chairs, and more stuff t o impress t h e Ladies for s a l e a t Register now.

iqxonagc and m:llic it I c n cxcttitlg thin smring a 1 a crntll mar! phstii bag. \vuoii \T) ch ''I<a<,s" I<nl ~sa!ananda's 111111~ debut film, /%ii/ir/i~:.Elk.) I:,. Jtw is a ; d e x u s e for a mane. ICavs, wlx, crcctlts &rectors J o h n Lucy Liu and Antonio Banderas in the art of video games. \Thoand ilhchacl liayfor~nfluei~crngIliin,ado~~ts Treating the plot the \\.a! porn movies do, m n q of \T'oo's and Ray's trademarlis but mall1 ohn\\;'( ~omov~es,hlcLlroy was able tocomeup ICaos \\as able LC) sprmklc ihe almc~sction\\ ith abom a mlnute of dralogue and plor. Not ages to suck the entertainment right out of allofthis crcdttsho~~ldgo tvhlchlroj ,Ix~\veves, existent sti~ryhithcrandtli~thcrbet\vccnallt!ic e\-erythlng. I<ao? previous work rncludrs L,l/ii. bangs. Luc! Liu stars as "Sc\ ern, the perma-krce since it \\as I\ms \\'no \vas talented enough t( one of the top ten h~ghestgassing hlins o I t h r killmgmachtne. She dellrerz o n l ~a handful of take tme-tnim~tcofdialogue anti oiic minute of a film that lasl fi\-eye,~rs.It\vas said that I '/~i/\vas s putlchcs She lmes hut a rrucliload of I ~ c l iand plor and trmsforni it mtc~a full-length featare c o about ~ a half-milli~nd ~ l l a r but s lo&il like I X ~ thc T h ~ frxmidablc s ~aslic(1uld not h a w beer1 hits (.~nl!one f x ~ C~ ~: ~~ SI S I througl~out ~ it c~,st$501nll!rotl. I n c mtrast, R d h h ~ s x m ~ ~ m film e enttic movie. '11~ fi.o~enl o ( k of embarrass; ~ . accotnplisld without all of the qxc1;1l effects that seemed to cost S50 million d ~ ~ l lbut sequences, \ili1ci1 l i li-tunCxtel!xwre all sI111t111 ment combined nit11 a slraight face make tt look looks hke 50 cents. s l i ~ ~ m o t i i r\T'hether n. ir \\ a\ car.. flipptiigo~w, like s l x n a s cage~-ly\\a~t~11~tc1fieto11t~vit11~~11~1c '1'11~ screenplay, \vnttcii by '\Ian hIc t:lro!., IS i i ~ g ~ u tinr.xr. ! .?i~trmoiiandecns co-stal-s as l~asedo n 1khs ~ sSerer, . the 'tlot-ac,-pi~pul;ti' Jcr;~rni;diI~chs, the orlcl's cl~~nmbes~ I*lilagcni. d e o game ior h e Game Roy A ~ i v ~ n c(c:IIIII. Fie hns bceii m11uri1ing the death ofhisn~iEc:for hininghis sem:xrk~hlcins~ght into the p n i . \I 1111 ah1,ut adecaik m d t s f ~ ~ u in w thrl< l ~cals:d g i ~ j his profound knowledge of 7 %.\l~&i\ ;ind old


Celeste Dixon, specla1 to lrnpr~i

lERMSU6SCRll'llONS Fall or Winter $17.75 Summer $ 8.90

Needed lmmed~ately - volunteer and make a d~fference~n a g ~ r or l bo)'\ hie, become a R ~ gS~sterOver 60 kid\ malting for a friend Call 743 5206 to reglstcr prior to the next tranllrlg \essloll 011 Saturda) "Ttembcr 28, 2002 tronl a m t o 4:00 p m Car an a s e t Be a B1g S~ster.R I I I ~ I volunteers C from all cultural ba~kgronndswho are l 8 yearso* agcorolderhave the opPortu""Y ton'akc aposlhve

#1060:TheRotary C h l l d r ~ ~ i ' s C e ~ ~ t r e ~ l e et edcs h n ~ q u t~osfnld rcfcrenccsvou need gardenen t o manltanl a personal qarden Kcg~stcr in advance a. near the Centre1\ xhool entrance w u w lib uwarrrloo caluseredlform! S IIABITA 1 kOK IIUMANI?Y OF WA ~O~~l~lteer5 I h i a oo RELION. to complctc 2 budds on Star Flower Avenue ~nwaterloo 10 t o 15 volunteer\neededper Monday, September 30 ESL teachers needed 111 Koday Mon , Wed , I rl., Tat, 8 1 0 a m: rea Rl~helor'sdegree~rhlXhY' 4.3op lluhl o ~12 ~ ~ L ~hpwat ~ staff meetmg held at 12 30 p 111 , SL( , room 1116 e d u ~ a t ~ oInS mandatory 'jF1 #3671: od the AOsteoporosis Soc~ety I ". of Lome out audvoluntecratyour Gnod workmg ~ o n d l t ~ o nand s u aqc newspaper C n n t a ~ t Info K Moncv @ Canada and brmg h ~ g hquahtv programs (Igp Il4@hohnad con1 or 1-5 19-574Saturday, September 2 8 and S L ~ I es C to our m m ~ n u n mInd~v~duals , 5853) for morL iuformat~on ages of prcsclltly wlm are mtcrested 111 p r o v ~ d ~ naleadershlp g Alex Pavanel Run for Funds tor Weekend counsellors and rel~efstatf to role are mvred t o an orgaolzahona~mcetBram Tomour Research 5 K therelsalarge waltlIlgllst wltilover work ~n homes for n ~ d i v ~ d u a w l\ ~ t h kids waltlllg for a friend can n~gonOctoherlst, from7toY pm atLuther 10 Km Walk/log/Kun Enterd e l e l o ~ m m f a cl h a l l e w s Pxptrlcn~c, you sllare Vdlage on bather I l a ~ ~Baucr d Dr Watcrtan~ment.lI.00a.m -3.30p m llours a week for one loo. WalkIKun Start l ~ m c 10.30 mlnlmunl elsht-nlonth c o m ~ i l l t ~ n c ~ l tvear to eIlrlcll chlld8slltC?N~~~ 7.m Paid posirions. Send resumi. t o Don a.m. tor lug dates are September 28, 2002 or Mader, K-W Hab~litationServices, 108 November 23, 2002 from 9:00 a.m. t o dcta~ls. Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, Ontario, 4:00 p.m. Call 743-5206 t o register. Tuesday, October 2 9 N2G 3V2. English Tutors are needed t o tutor stuContactICall Centre Career Fair from Tuesday, September 24: Find JourApplicants wanted t o stndy - Part IV of dents and scholars for two t o three 2:00 t o 7:00 p.m. The Kegion of Wahours per wcck. Shadows are needed ro nalArticlesFastat 10:00 am - 1 1 2 0 The IJrantia Book. Earn $25,000. For terloo buildlug lobby located at 150 help new international students adjust am in the FLEX Lab, 3rd floor, details visit 1:rederick Street, K~tchener.Exhibiro life in Canada during their first term Dana I'ortcr Library. Arts and SoUpscale furniture retail store in Watertors are Rogers, ATBIT, KIM, Nordia, at UW. For more information ahout the cxal Scicncc Students: In this handsloo is searching for both outgomg and etc. For more info call 884-5962. programs vlew the I S 0 website at: on session you will learn how t o a~nb~tiousconsulta~~tsand dellvery drivSwingworkshop @ search for articles online and how t o ers to ]om o m team. (need own transnlunity Arts Centre (25 Kegnia St. S) Volunteer a few hours weekly during make effective nse of electronic portation, abllity to lift furniture) EN o partner necessary. For cost and the school day and make a life long jonrnals and full-text articlcs. mad: r fax registrahon contact Jcff at 747-9850. d~fferenceto a child. The Friends SewPlease Register in advancc a t 747-4469. St. Tacobs CurchTheatre DresentsFred Ice at CMHA matches volunteers with www.l~b.uwaterloo.caiuscrcdl Want to make some cxtramoney? FurEaglesmith-solo. T h r St. Jacobs Prochildrrn who need addttional support at fornil. TRELLIS ...Find books, niture movers are needed in the SLC. fessional Preforn~anceSer~eshvc from school. Friends opcratcs in partnership course notes, etc., in the librabry Please see Nancy O'Neil in room 1112A St. Jacobs at church 'I hcatrc at 2:00 w~tlithclocal school Boards and helps from 2:30 pm - 3:20 pm in the FLEX Lab, at the Turnkey Desk. p.m. For i n t o i t ~ k e tcall 664-2293. children 4 t o 15 years. Call 744-7645, 3rd floor, DanaPorter L~brary. Learn the Now hiring student tundraisers! $8.001 cxt. 317. Key search features of TRELLIS through Saturday, November 2 hr to start, Work on campus, Flexible t h ~ shands-on workshop. Please register Volunteer t o visit an individual with T h e Faculty of Applied Health Science hours, raises cvcry term! If you are a in advance a t w w ~ , . l i b . i ~ w a t e r l ~ ~ o . c aisi Hosting the Applied Health Sc~encc Alzheimer's Disease. Matches made good communicator, enthuslast~cand userediform! basedon Interest. Trainingprov~dcd.1Homecoming 5 KM Fun Kun. Run is dependable, then we want to talk to 4 hrslwk. Call Jill at thc Alzheimer Wednesday, September 25: Find Journal taking placc around Ring Road from you! Apply at the Office of DevelopSociety 742-1422 or e-mall Artlcles Fast! I'rom 10:00 am - 11:20 am auurox. 10:15 a.m.-ll:30a.m. ment, 2nd floor, South Campus Hall. ] in the FLEX Lab, 3 rd floor, Dana Porter Behavioural Therapist - part-ttme stuL~brabry. Sc~ericeaud Englnerrnlg S h T h e YMCA of KitchenedWaterloo 1s dent requtred t o work 2 days a week dents: In thls hands-on session you will looking for volunteers in the following w ~ t hautistic boy, implementingllCLA learn how t o search for articles online and area's: Computer Litcracy, Resource Help yourself to a workshop Behavioural analys~sprogram, training how to make effective use o t electronic Development, Children andYouth servprovided, e m a d r e \ u m e to: W ~ n t e2002 r Study Skllls- Study journals and full-text articles. Register ices and spec~alevents. For more iuforsteffen rter .Not Harder, Study 111 advance a t matloll please contact Sam a t (519) s Workshops and Preparing Bass Player Wanted - orig~nalband useredlforn~l 576-8856 or bv e-mail a t tor and W r ~ t ~ nExams. g Career seeks experienced bass player. Rock, Thursday, September 26: Keepmg CurDevelopment Explormg You3 alternative, grunge, ska. Call Matt 880rent - Digitally! Offered t o gradnate Volunteers needed for study Hall, 1206 or had 575-0323 (UWIWLU). Personal~ty Type, Interest As students, faculty, and staff. Engineermg: Laurentian School for rnternational sessment. PersonaVSoc~al - As Part-time employment - starting SepCoversengineering databases. This handsSomali and other foreign studcnts. scrhvc Communlcahon, Procras tember. Fun games, sports and crafts on session wrll show you how t o save your Students will choose either Tuesday or tlnahon, Redunng, Releas~ng81 with after-school children at search strategies in various databasees Thursday. 7 p.m. t o 9p.m. Starting Managmg Anger, Self-Esteem Laurelwood Public School. Only a 10 October 1st t o December 6. Orientaand have the results e-mailed to you on mi11 walk from thc university. InterEnhancement G r o u p , Stress a regular basis. Registration opens on the tiodtraming t o be given a week III ested persons should leave a message a t Management Through Relaxafirst day of the month thc course is being advance. For more info. contact Abdi 741 -8997. offered. Held in the FLEX lab, 3rd floor, tlon T r a m n g , IIealmg from Nosur 662-4936, e-mail at Dana Porter Library. See IST - Skills for Gr~ef-SupportGroup, Grammar First year PhysicsIChemistry tutor the Academic e-workshop, for registraWorkshop, Essay Wnhng Workneeded Waterloo area 5 hourslweek Volunteer Action Centre (742-8610) is tron form: shop. For more lnformahon and $20/hr. LindaS19-646-2949 8:30-4:30 seeking volunteers for the following html. Smart Searching Techniques! at u, v ~Counselhng t Serv~ces, positions; $10.00/hr Firm! We require people t o 1:30 pm - 2:20 pm. Learn how t o develop NeedlesHall, room 2080, duectly across C R I M E PREVENTION AND REcanvass door-to-door for a local charyour search strategies and techniques t o the hall from the Reg~strar'sOffice. A STORATIVE JUSTICE: #1031: Curity. We canvass evenings between 5:30 find the references yon need. Please m ~ n n n amaterials l fee apphes for most rentvolunteer opportunitiesincludepre- 9:00 pm Saturdays - 4:00 - 7:00 pm register in advance at workshops. senting crime prevention workshops in Cash paid nightly Call 747-5850 schools, assisting with courses for young Wait Staff Part time required apply Meet a t the information desk, Dana Poroffenders, and acting as a community with resume The Turf Club 4263 King ter Library. liaison. St. East beside Lulu's Attention Undergraduate Stu Tuesday, October 1: Find Journal Articles CHILD AND PARENT PLACE: Waterloo Inn Now Hiring! Banquet Fast. From 10:00 am-ll:20am In the dents - Interested m applymg f o ~ #2049-1379: Supports parents and chilServers (lo), Set-up porters (2). PartFLEX Lab. Dana Porter Librarv. Science u n d e r e r a d u a t e scholarshios -m. dren after a separahon o r divorce. Nantlmc p o s ~ t ~ o n ssome , heavy hftlng. Englneerlng students: Learn how t o awards or bursaries? Check out judgemental, open-mmded volunteers Contact Human Resources, Waterloo search for articles onlllle and how to make the Builehn Board on the Stu are needed t o prov~desupport and superInn 473 K n ~ gSt. North, Waterloo, effechve use of electrotllc lourtlals and dcnt Awards Ofhce home page ON. N2J 225. Call (51 9) 884-0221 vlslon for exchanges or v~slts~b Fr~day full-text artlcles,~calstcr advance at mm . t , httn./ ----r.,, evenings, Saturdays o r Sundays. ext.518 o r Fax (519) 884-0321, e-mail, I E N '1'0 TWELVE STUDENT For International Students: 4:30pmfoawardd for detailed list o: TIONS: # I 0 3 1: Available in the YWCA Mathiscience TutorsIMentors needed 6:00pm, FLEX LAB,DanaPorter Library; awards open for application thi" ~outm h action volunteer program. A 11 as part of waterloo clinical team workLearn the key search features of TREI.IIS term. Further information i! 2 day training session is offered and mg with students ages 8-18 with learnonhne catalogue and how t o find journal available at the Student ward? involves youth in two special projects ing disabilities. 2-4 hours per week. articles using online databases. Tour of Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall between November and June. Avallibility through falllwinter, possithe library will follow.Register in advance A.R. GOIJDIE EVENTIDE HOME: Musicians a n d e n t e r t a i n e r * bly summer. Call (519) 837-3169 tor at #2189-1822: Volunteers needed t o asneeded for the Turnkey/Warrio! ~nterview. Wednesday, October 2: Find Journal sist with bringing seniors t o chapel scwCoffee H o u s e IIomecoming Articles Fast. From 10:00 am-1 l:20am in ice. Must be able to push wheelchairs, he Weekend on November 2. l'leasc payable in cash. the FLEX Lab, Dana Porter Library. Arts frinedly and work w ~ t holder adults. see Nancy O'Neil in room 1112P and Social Scmecc Students: Learn how Trainmg 1s provided. at the Turnkey Desk. t o search for a r t d e s online and how t o English Conversation Classes are held IF YOU KNOW COMPUTERS AND Menningococcal Immunization is avail make effective use of electronic journals on Fridays from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in NeeIIAVE 2 HRS. PER WEEK: #1125able a t the UW Health Services. f a n d a r t ~ c l e s in t h i s h a n d s - o n dles Hall, room 2080. English Language 12810: assist women in a homeless sheldoctor's appointment is required ant scssion.Register In a d v a n c e a t ter with basic computer literacy. TutorLabs are held on Mondays from .3:30the vaccine cost IS covered by the Stu ing includes use of internet, search en4:30p.m.andFridaysfrom12:30-1:30 dent Supplementary Health Plan. FoThursday, October3 and 7: Smart Searchgines and setting up web based e-mails. p.m. in Modern Languages, room 113. appointments call 888-4096. For in ingTechniqnes. 1l:30am-12:20pm, mcct Alpo assist in developing rcsume, and International students, visiting scholformahon on Meningitis please visi. a t info. Desk, Davis Centre Library. Learn cover letters. ars, and their spouses are welcomc t o H o w t o develop your scarch strategies and IF YOU HAVE A GREEN THUMB: attend. N o registration is required.

CUS s1

Rates: 20 Wordslover 20 + FeePaylngStUdents s3mw N O ~ - S ~ U56~ 001 ~ ~25~ BusmesslStudents$1 0 001 25e

~ 1 ~ ~ s



Book-cases& brackets: cases.. ash.. teak,. $30 each. Numerous wall mounted brarkcts-lmce negotiable. Call after 3 pm, 749-9684, Women's Fitness Club me~nbershipfor sale. Small transfer tee plus $40imonth nnhm~tedvisits. Call Nancy x5828 on campus o r 1113 115A if interested. Save on huge sign up fee. 1996 White Chevv 1,umma V-6 7-Pass 209,000 km Please call 747-8176. Computers for Rent - I'll's and PIII's. Froni $2.51rno1lth, No commitment, Dellvery Available. Onlinc Traming $22.95, Call Jeff 1-800-263-8433.

Great l o c a t ~ o n- 1 5 m n u t e walk, four bedroom condo w ~ t hairconditioning, gas heating, parhally turn~shed,bus stop #12 at door. $395 $430, eightmonth lease. Call 886-6054 or 807-3740. Verv downtown Toronto. Seekmt: one room mate for September 1 ln studio space near City-TV (Osgoode Station). $450/month including mtcrnet. Female preferred, IIOII-smoking. (416) 8.541231. Sublet Required Immediately! 1Bedrm, Rogers InternetKV access, extremely clean, 2 bathrms, 15 ~ n ~ n u t from e s UW, 5 mms from LchrslWaterloo Rec Com~ l e x ,year-long lease, $400/n1onth negot., u t d a ~ e s~ncluded,free parkmg, wa\heridryerm basement, 4 grcatroommate? I o ~ ~ k l nfor g a t ~ f t h !Move III n~i~ncd~ately! 2 Great Rooms - flex~blclease, great location near Amos Ave. Wcstgate Condos, bus at door, clean and roomy, Includes laundry, $395 and $415 unl~tles(exceptwater ~ncluded),Call John a t 886-6054 after 4 pm, 578-0400 durme dav. ,ell: 807-3740


Develop your creatw~ t y ,make b e a n t ~ f u l g~fts,ceramlc classes begin Sept. 25. Introduction t o Stained Glass Oct. 1. For info call Margnarite 885-1397. --. -~ "Ultimate Questions" T h e Lord Jesus Christ is the difference. Learn about Him. Bible study by correspondence. Please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church 1238 Main St. Sheffield, O N LOR 1 Z 0 or email: Sign up todav. Its free. Student Moving Service - man with full size van available for light moves, call 578-9793, reliable & honest, leave a message, $30/hour


FREE t o a good home - fnendly and affect~onateblack cat needs a lovine familv. If interested, please contact Jessica a t 635-2531.



TUESDAYS T h e Test of English as a Forelgn Language (TOEFL) Preparation Course begins on September 1 7 and ends on November 21. This 10 week course is held cvery TuesdayandThursdayfrnm2:004:30 p.m. T o register, go the International Student Office between the hours of 1:30-4:30 p.m., MondayFr~day.The registration fee is $150,




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