I Mother Earth tour 2002 -pafie 23
Mayor disappointed with Feds motion Woolstencroft disputes student council's position on housing Tim Mollison
the Feds council meetingin question, VP educationRyan O'Connor stated that theyw-ereaware of the difference City of Waterloo mayor Lynne between the city and the region as Vl'oolstencroft said . iurisdictions and that she was "very thatwhde thecqhad disappointed"by thc 'ISt are beennotifiedofthc self-absorbed: mecting ' and had recent Feds council decision to end ubeeninvited to send pass negotiations,in they see themarepresentatiqthey a telephone inten~iew selves as the had not done so. iTcdnesday night Monday, the City "[The notice] people oFXratehreceived aletter EomtheFeds caught me off who rent informing them of guard," she said,addrooms." their decision to halt inethat the Feds'dccisionw7as"a m - u p . The Region of Waterloo [whch han.sit. dles u-pass negotiations] does not haveany jurisdictionover zomg." At See HALTED, page 4 IMPRINT STAFF
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Feds nooners furthering public discourse Higher tuition debated at high noon by young politicos that have taken place on campus. Kerrigan also said he feels that it 1s important to work closely with the A debatc organtzed by the Federation L W dcbating society in order to ensure effective andinformative debates. of Students marked the first of many Thc topics for each debate will be to be held on alternating Wednesday chosen through brainstorming sesafternoons this term. University of sions to choose issues that may be of \X'aterloo students Wll H a d t o n , interest to students. representingIn;Y'YoungLiberals,and 'l'opics will he limited to those for MarkPenner,representingUWCanad~anilllianceClub, kckedoff the first which there arc people available to debate. Kerrigan hopes that students of these debates with a discussion of won't justpicka sidc to debate forthe tuition costs. The bweekly debatesare intended sake of debating, but rather have a to increasc student involvement in interest in the side they are taking. Kerrigan admits that t h s is an various issues that are relevant t o u i versity students. The debates should experiment,however. Ifthere is agood presentdifferentperspectivesconcern- response,these debateswdlcontinue. Fine arts student,MargieMansell, ing the issues; howcver, the topics don't necessarily have to be about who witnessed the inaugural debate, campus issues. The debates wdl give said she feels that the debateswill"get representativesof myparticular per- people thinking" and make students spectivea chance to voice their opin- more aware of the issues discussed. The debates are scheduled to be ions. Feds vice-presidentinternal Mike heldat 12:OOp.m.everyotherWednesKertlgan said that he decided to hold day in the SLC Great Hall. such debatesafterseeingthesuccessof some of the political science debates Adele Pearce IMPRINT STAFF