FACULTY MEMBERS RECEIVE GRANTS Recently announced grants from the National Research Council and the Defense Research Board to University of Waterloo faculty members total $60,160 for 18 research projects in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and civil and electical engineering. By departments, the totals are as follows: Chemistry, $14,000; Civil Engineering, $19,800, Electrical Engineering, $8,940; Mathematics, $2,000; Physics $12,250 . . . There is also a general research grant of $3,000, Grants last year totalled $28,500. The grants with their recipients are as follows: Defence
Dr. J. A. Cowan, $1,370 for the investigation of the information content of speech with a view to frequency compression, plus the loan of certain equipment required, Dr. Ling Y. Wei, associate professor, Electrical Engineering, the study of tunnel triode and unequal band-gar junction, $4,200. National
General Research Grant to Dr. Hagey, $3,000 on behalf of the University. Dr. R. A. Aziz, associate professor, Physics, $2,500 for operating grany in a study of the properties of substances at low temperatures. Dr. F. W. C. Boswell, associate professor, Physics, $5,000 for the study of imperfections in crystals. Dr. W. L. Eldson, Chemistry, $3,000, the mass transport of metals in their molten salts (J. R. Mills). Dr. Donald Mackay, Chemistry, $2,100, production oJ heterocyclic free radicals. Dr. W. A. E. McBryde, Chemistry, $3,100, stabilities oj complex ions (Dr. Doreen Brisbin). Dr. B. R. Myers, Electrical Engineering, $3,000, contra system synthesis. J. K. Oddson and J. D. Lawson, Mathematics, $2,000 diffusion of a magnetic field into a moving conductor performance variables of an arc-discharge light-gas gun. J. L. Ord, Physics, $2,500, protection against corrosion Dr. G. E. Reesor, associate professor, Physics, $1,050 a study of the effects of a static electric field on certair microwave absorptions (Dr. I. R. Dagg). Dr. Horst Rosatzin, Chemistry, $2,800, determination o the electron density of some new eight-membered hetero cycles and their spectroscopic properties. Professor J. D. Scott, Civil Engineering, $3,000, Geology and engineering properties of the surficial deposits in the Kitchener-Waterloo urban area (0. L. White). Dr. L. Y. Wei, Electrical Engineering, $1,740, investiga tion into the realizability of a tunnel triode (J. Shewchun) Dr. R. G. Woolford, Chemistry, $3,000, abnormal Kolbc electrolyses involving halogenated carboxylic acids. Dr. D. T. Wright, $7,000, research on the safety o structures by the grantee and those named, Profess0 N. C. Lind, R. Green, V. K. Handa. The names appearing in brackets are those of researcl associates. The grants are used to buy necessary equipmen and to pay modest salaries to graduates assisting th( professors in their research.
Scholarshipsfor Undergrads Beginning in September, 1961, any undergraduate who has attained an average of 80% in the academic year immediately preceding the year for which he registers, will be named a University Scholar. Students who have obtained the 80% in a repeated year will be given consideration on an individual basis. A University Scholar is given free tuition and incidental fees for the remainder of his undergraduate course provided he maintains adequate scholastic standing. Undergraduates need not make application for these scholarships. Thus students in “B” terms in Engineering, now and in the summer, and those in Arts and Science who have completed an academic year in 1960-61, will have had the opportunity of becoming University Scholars in September, 1961. T. L. BATKE, Chairman,
A NEW CLUB ON CAMPUS We take pleasure in announcing a new club on campus. This club should be of interest to anyone who either likes a good argument, feels strongly about something, or is interested in learning how to hold his or her own viewpoint in an argument. The Discussion Group of the Unitarian Club of the University of Waterloo, as the group is known, was organized solely for the purpose of giving the people an opportunity of getting together in though t-stimulating, intellectual jam sessions over controversial ideas. Prof. K. Piekarski, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, and James Rouback, 4B Electrical, are the representatives of this group. They will endeavour to bring forth speakers committed to viewpoints other than “the great Canadian ‘middle’.” Those who attended Thursday night’s meeting in the Students’ Common Room and heard Dr. R. B. Meyers give the short introduction to the topic “The Use and Misuse of Leisure Time,” were delighted with the hot debate that took place afterwards. If this interest keeps up, these meetings will become a weekly event on Thursdays at 8.00 p.m. in the informal atmosphere of the Students’ Common Room. So, come out to the next meeting and give your ulcers a break.
GRADUATING YEAR EXAMINATION RESULTS A total of 15 young men and women have successfully passed their examinations in the final year at the University of Waterloo and have been recommended to the University Senate for degrees in arts and science. They will become the first undergraduates to receive degrees from our new university. Two students have completed honours courses. The
of Arts
Walter David Hill Bachelor
of Science
Eric George Manning Bachelor
of Science
Guelph, Ontario (General)
William Grant Adams James David Kohli David Arthur Mathies Dorothy Ann Nicholson Bachelor
of Arts
of Science
Harold Gordon Bell James Murray Corbett Donald Douglas Cowan Ian James McGee Robert Barry Reed Herbert John Schwartz Peter Yi-Do Woon Master
of Applied
Port Credit, Ontario Hespeler, Ontario New Hamburg, Ontario Highland Creek, Ontario
Virginia Anne Leon Clement August Bruder Harold Leonard Bruns Barry Richard Bullis Rene Michael Fleurant Gary Patrick Gerth Gerard Arthur Schell Kenneth John Thompson Beverley Clifford Stewart Barbara Ann Hausman Master
William Cousins Miller John Shewchun Frank Takacs William Jacob Vet ter
Kitchener, Ontario Waterloo, Ontario Hartington, Nebraska Alliston, Ontario Johnston, Rhode Island Kitchener, Ontario Galt, Ontario Brantford, Ontario Clifford, Ontario Kitchener, Ontario Mathematics)
Scarborough, Ontario Port Colborne, Ontario Toronto, Ontario Mimico, Ontario Weston, Ontario Toronto, Ontario Iowa City, Iowa (Electrical
Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario Kitchener, Ontario (Hungary) Kitchener, Ontario
Two Changes Announcedin EngineeringCourse Two changes in the scheduling of the Co-Operative Engineering program have been announced by the Registrar’s Office. Beginning with the 1961 fall term, the pre-engineering year will be offered on the conventional academic timetable (September to May) and students will not begin their industrial assignments until they have been admitted to Year I of the engineering course. The pre-engineering year provides special courses for candidates from the Technical Grade 12 level or for adult students from industry and prepares them for entry into Year I of the Co - Operative Engineering course. Removal of the pre-
Ted Bounsall accepts trophy emblematic of defeat in Annual Student-Faculty softball game. (For full story see page 4). engineering year from the co-operative timetable will enable these students to devote their full attention to studies during this important academic period. The second change concerns the members of the first graduating class who
will begin their final year in January, 1962, and will take their academic studies for a continuous six-month period in order to graduate in June. Schedules of the engineering course were rearranged last year to bring the first two groups of senior students into a single class.