Regular content: Micmfiles Experiments on she point to brain differences which m lnflucnce homosexuality.A new ty of fuclcellusese. coli to release ener from sugars. Those yummy brc crusts may actually be the healthic part of the bread. -
patio If you could genetically modify sornethin~ Bomber licensed -finally After months of delay resulting from administrative hold-ups and inadequate blueprints, the new portion of the Bombshelter patio is finally licensed and slated to open this Saturday at 11 p.m.
A look at on-campus grub
Where's Radio II? Scheduledtopremiere October30,the on-line, primarily talk-radio station has yet to take flight.
ZlotIlikovcomparesselection,pucmg and opening times of on-campus eateries
pagc 12
U W field hockey After winning OUA champs, the dies getbronzc at the nationals, deck ing themselves the third best in 0 tario and the best m the province.
Festival of lights "Myself - w h o wouldn't want lobster claws?"
"A human - more interesting than any other animal."
Amshar Basheer, Brittney Evans, Mike Poaps, Andrew Blackbourn, Callie Watson and Katie Dawson
Tan Loi 4th year CS
Streets named after U W pioneers Two streets in north campus have been named after tu-o of the most mfluentialpast memebers of the U\\ cominuity
WLU opposes city Kilfrid Laurier Cniversity Students' Union stood up to the city and joined UX'Federation of Students bypassingamotionlastTuesday.Theypassed a motion to oppose the City of \Y:atedoo's 75-metreMinimumDistance Seperaaonrestrictiononlicensedlodging houses.
"Junk food -so free."
that it's fat
Leora Bereskin 2A actuarial science
"My dog, so he could live forever." Amber Smith 3A RPW english
Regular content:\Y;Wexmincs the iesources available to the university.
The Hmdu festzvalDiwaliiscelebrated with candles, fireworks and gfts
page 12
Cooking for the Queen St Jerome'schef GerrvLangis earned local fame bl cooking for the Queen on her jubilee visit 1ight secuntyprcvented him from meeting the mon arch,--holcftpartway through dessert for another engagement
page 12
Changing neighbourhoods
page 8
page 16 Regular content: Imprint Cooks-Comfort food for the fal1:chicken soup and apple crisp.
A s k L a n d e r s Imprids advice columnis t tacklesmedicating depression.
"My grade."
Laurence Lui and Jeff Meyer 1A planning
Ziad Bhunno 26 comp eng
page 8 Undefeated -Cowan asks readers for insight on why there aren't more TV lesbians.
Page 9 City off the Hill -Hayes seeks to continueveteran's legacy.
page 9 EssentiaiInsanity-Lamis shocked as she tries to become better acquainted with the paper she writes for.
Page 9
"Apples and bananas t o make them bigger." Liz St Aubin and Megan Hamments 2A health and 1A health
"Beer and chocolate m m m...chocobeer." Paul Gvildys and Rob Hunter 2A comp eng
Maps and Lagends -Edey turns a criticaleye to hydro privauzauon.
page 10 You!Offmyplanet!- Ixe-\Vudrick argues tuition -aga,in.
pagc 10
page 2
Warriors in the water The \Tarriors fight off the Brock ir wcekcndmcct that leaves the Badge licking thelr wounds. 'l'hey wallit away with 18 gold medals out of events.
page 2
page 13 Short order- Short experiences tea and jazz at the 1ocalcafeMoodyBlues.
Speculations- I<~~ecznadiacusses what makes students unique.
"Turnkey staff, so that they can stay up all night."
A homecoming tradition that w startedin 1968 celebratedits 35th a niversary with thundering slam, alle oops and 3-pointers that could teal the NBA a thtng o r two. liead abo how three days of basketball tra spired.
Travel to the prcscnt with Doris Buschert, \X'aterloo landlord , who discusses changes in her community.
page 13 Regular content: Finding Balance-Asariadiscusses the difficulties of being bluslim.
Mustangs take Naismith
page 17
SCIENCE Chemo-cise UTLY fitnesshelps improve the quality oflife of chemotherapypatientsin the I<-IT,-area.The new-\Tell-Fitprogram, run by CJ\Y' graduates, is gettmng a posaive response from participants.
page 18
A cure for AIDS?
ARTS Constructing the sei
Hehmdcx cq actora couple of tech loom Learn marc about those \t dents behind the scene5 of A I M ~ V O mer3 Nght Drem
page i
Down and dirrty Christina Aguilera transforms in somethingracicr, scxicrandmorc co troversial. Inzprir2fexplores thc sour accompanying this artist's new loo1
pagc 2
The discov-ery of a gene shared by sun-ivors of the Bubonic plague and those exposed to but not infected by the HIVviius causes doctors and scientists to speculatewhethcrpharmaccuticalscouldimitatethe influenceof the gene on the human body.
Chin enjoys a remake of the 196( television show I Spy and has agoc laughdespae the weakplot.The mov will bring home no awards, unlike tl TV show, he predicts.
page 18
page 2
Murphy and Wilson
Layout &tor
I a"rn Fox page 6
copy e&or Tim h i o ~ s o n
zlssstant Sean Laurm. n e w s ~ p n uwaterloo t ca
Feds midterm review 11: Feds businesses Three smaller elements of the Feds' bigger picture
Radio 2 ,where are you? Station misses October 30 launch Michelle Titus
Matan explained that there is slow progress but they are indeed getting there It is technicalities and A few weeks ago it was announced management issues that are holdthat a new radio station would be ing them back Most likely it is not entenng the Umversity of Waterloo until Matan returns from co-op m area This project, spear-headed by the winter that live recordings will Alex Matan, president of the newly- occur Although most of the de establishedMuskoka Club, is a talk vices are easily a7 ailable for suck based station, among other things shows, it is a matter of more hands Matan decided on this format with that are required to move forward the goal t o appease the masses Matan is currently planning trainUnfortunately, this welcome, low ing sessions for those interested profile addition and is looking for to a'aterloo soways in which to ciety didnot precreate a more miere on its pro available system ~ e c t e ddate of Matan remains for volunteers As of now, get october30.Af optimistic while ter speaking ting involved is Matan refusing to set quite straightthe reasons another deadline. forward euplaintng why software is availthe date was not able free on the met became eviInternet and all dent The first you need t o and most ohvi supplyis a microous was that October 30 held no phone (something that Matan ad real significance to the organizer mits is a dexice harder to come by H e just chose a date that seemed than expected) realistic in hopes to get "fire under For those interested in either our butts to get going " Matan mis- participatingor merely listening to calculated the amount of planning Radio 2, log on to radio2 feds ca It in relation to his available time might be taking longer than exKegardlesc of this slight setback, pected, hut hlatan reminds us to Matan remains optimistic while retake into account thatit is "awhole fusing to set another d_eadline In radio station "Hopefully 1n the near stead they will continue to place future students can tune in to hear various pre-recorded pieces "on the Matan's own radio savvy voice fly" on the Web site where six such recordings already exist IMPRINT STAFF
The Federation of.Students, a 4.2 million dollar corporation, aside from running the Bombshelter and Federation Hall,runsaseriesofsmallerbusinesses. Thisweek I willexplore variousissuesandchangesfating Ground Zero, Scoops, and the UsedBookstore. Tim Mollison IMPRINTSTAFF
Ground Zero's bottom line
This Feds owned restaurant, according to VP admimstration and finance Chns DiJ,ullo, lost approximately $60,0001astycar As part ofhis election campaign, DLullo promised to do something about the deficit operation In an interview Wednesday, he said that the deficit had been reduced largely by shortening hours of operation Hc also noted that the future renovation will hopefully turn G Z intoaprofltableoperatm Whenasked when the renovationswould be completed,DLullo said that the plans had "not left the office" and added "in all honesty, I don't see it being done for January " W internal Mlke Kerrigan, whowas also presentin the interview, saidthat if the rCnovauonwasn't com pleted by the end of the current exec's term in office, that he would personally perform a "baseball bat renova tion" on the facility
A used bookstore you can use
The scoop on Scoops
The Used Bookstore is currently updating its computer system to better serve the student body Soon, students will be able to check the day to day status of their books from the Internet "Also, there will be weekly cheque runs," DiLullo said, explaining that patrons would be able to request a cheque from theKrebsite as well, eluninating the drawback m the current system where everyone must wait until the end of term to get their money
Another project that DLullo is lookmg into is the expansion of the s e n ices offered b) Scoops, the popular reds run ice cream stand Opening Scoopsinthe eveningafter Brubakers closes at 7 p m andproxding snacks such as chips and possibly mini piz zas untd after the bar crowd lets out, closing at around 4 a m , is being entertained "X'e'vegot the spacc,wc might as well use it," DiLullo said
Tech park streets named for UW pioneers Daniel Dharmasurya
city councilat ameeting on October
Two streets m North C a m ~ u have s been named after two of the most influential past members of the UW community The road running eastwest, a continuation of Parkside Drive, will be named Wes Graham Roulcvard, after James Wesley Graham, considered by many to be the "father of computing" at U\V An extended North Campus road will become Hagey Road, named after bseph Gerald Hagcy, UWs founding president This will not be the first UW facility named after Hagey The Humanities Theatre, I Iagey 1 Iall, is also named after him The street names, which were suggested by staff, were unanimously approved by Waterloo
Hagey and Graham known for their comm ment to innovation. Back the 1950s, Hagey believe people with scientific and technologicalbackgrounds He was also interested in the cooperatwe mode of education Thanks in no small part to FIagcy, thc first classesatwwereco-operatwe en@neering, which has become the urn vcrsity's hallmark today Hagey was initially president of \Vaterloo College, a church college affiliated with the University of Western Ontario His term there beganin
errors in programming. Both government and business quickly adopted Watfor, and UW earned a reputation for WLERTHOMAS strength m computing 1953, but he resigned in 1959 to Grahamalsoinfluencedtheuseof become the first president of the computers in all levels of education newly incorporated University of He helped to design the curnculum W'aterloo IIagey remained U\.Vs andwrote textbooks forthe firsthigh president until he retiredm 1968due schwlcomputercourses In the 1980s, to illness He died on October 26, GrahamcontinuedtoassistUWcom1988 putcr science graduates by helping Graham's influence on comput- them start their own software bus1 nesses that maintained clo5e relationmg was not h t e d to the university He was the &rector of UWs first ships with the university \T1atcom
(now Sybase) was the first such business; other compames include Open Text and Waterloo Maple OnAugust23,1999, Grahamsuccumbed to cancer, a disease he had been fighting for 10 years He had become a member of the Order of Canada only three days before The J \V Graham Medal is awarded to a UW mathemattcs graduate who best embodies the quahtiesofthelate pro fessor 'I'he two pioneer5 are fitting for streets m the north campus m i l e currently onlyhome to a few buildings such as Optometry and Columbia Iceficlds,itisthe future locationofthe university's new researchand techiiology park, as wellas a270-acreenvironmental resenre along Laurel Creek
WLU opposes city restriction on student housing Saranya Yogarajah
Housing set to deteriorate with restriction and double cohort, says WLUSU Nitin Gonsalves SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
\Vilfnd 1,aurier Uni~+ersay Students' Lnion passed amotionlast luesda), October 29, to oppose the Citv of \X aterloo's 75 metre Minimum Dis tance Separation@IDS) restriction on licensed lodging houses In doing so, the) joined the Federation of Stu dents in wanting the restriction re moved This rule, contained m bylaw number00 110, subsection 4 1 9, restricts the placement ofhcenscdlodgmg houses within 75 metres of one another A lodging house is a house where more thanthrcc unrelatedpeo ple live I h s h F'vards,executix evicepresi dent ofuntversitvaffairs for\\T USL, manmtemiew onNovember 1,justified\T'I.USL'srcasms for j o m g Feds m their decisionto oppose the restratton. "With the double cohort coming up, student housing is not unpro5 ing The restrictioniscausingaprob lem now The double cohortwill lust exasperate the current housmgsitua tion " She said that the double cohort and the deteriorating housing situation had forced WLUSU to look mto this restriction and after discussion with Feds about the ramifications of the bylaw, thcp decided that the best course ofactionwould be topass their own motion of opposition Edwards feels that if bylaws, in particular property standards bylaws, were enforced more rtgidly thcre would be little need to keep the re stnction Howevec, sheadmittedthat thts is also a problem "One of the concerns of the bylaw is that thcre are a lot of houses and not a lot of bylaw officers," said bdwards She added that it was more of a reactive than a proactive situation in which the stu-
about their housing con dmons, rathcr than the bylaw officers actmgaspohcemangoingfromdoorto-door "A lot of students are extremely concerned that if they call the city and their house is helow standards, they willgct ktckedout and have nowhere to live 'l'hey are not aware that the landlord cannot kick them out andif there are any exiosedwires or other standards of housing not being met, they must take action by contacting the right authorities " Waterloo Mayor Lpnnc Woolstencroft addressed the ibsue in an article called rtudenthouszng One perspeatzfte from G t y Hull, o n uwstudent org, uwstudent org/ s t o ~ / 1 0 5 8 5She supported the decision to stay with the bylaw rcstriction by argutng that "student ghet tos" do not provide the right ktnd of social mix as adviscd by the United Nations, the Safe and Sound Com munity Movement and the Healthy
Obuyash; Professor o f Engineeriny A Brief Information Session on Focus Humanitarian Assistance by Alykhan Suleman Will Follow the Presentation '$
uo Tiei~ , S nti
<:as:I+: cr:eiio
For more informaton on FOCUS, please coll 4 1 6 ~ 4 2 3 ~ 7 9 8or8 ernoil Alykhan Suleman, at alykhan suieman~dfuco~hurnilniiar~rtn ca
Communities Phi losophy She addcd that if "youngsters" are allowed to mix with famihes andoldermembers of the\Yater loo community, they would bc morc tolerant of the feelings ofthe rest of the community and be ablc to contribute m a more positive way and play amore active role She feels that in the current situation, students fccl they are lessercitizensofthe cornmunity and this has led to, in some extremecases, arson, vandaliqm and even death As a result of this, fami liesmght feeldiscouragedfrommovmg into neighbourhoods with a strong student population for fear that their neighbourhood will dcterioratc This will deter growth ofthe community as a whole as more and more people will not want to tnvest in the city Ryan O' Connor, Feds vice presi dent education, in an interview on November 4,arguedagainst this line of reasoning "[Students'] needs are
Undergraduate program reviews
generally diffcrcnt from the rest of the communtty Students have aneed A review process that began thrcc toconcentrateandcongregateon cam- years ago rcsultcd in a number oi pus Hecause of this, it is veryimpor changes in undergraduate programs tant that they hx e close to campus," 1his review comes fromassociatevtcc he said Fdmards agreed a tth this president Bruce hfitchcll and wa' point b~ \ayingthatuniversities t q to brought to the attention of the Uni encourage students to take a more 1 ersitJ of\Yraterloo's senateand boarc active rolc tn uniaerst~and feel a part of go\ ernors of the campus communiq This is According to the report "Adjust not facilitatedby ha,ingthe students ments ha\ c bcenor are bemgmade it live farther aural from it plans,asa result ofthe programrcxxx O'Connor also reauoned that, be- process, or as a result of it incombma fore the state begns to force students tionwithothermit~atix~cs Spcctfically on families, it must rcscarch cvactlv notable changes have been orare beink hc~wmany famil) neighborhoods made in economics, fine arts, geogra would like students living amongst ph) ,human resources, managemen them Both he and rdwards believc studies,political sciei~ce,plai~ninganc that it i a the market that must decide soc1ologJ " where people want to In e General problems about plans in As to playing amorc actim rolc in clude heavy teaching loads, f u n d q the Waterloo community, Edwards for dtstance educationand poor rctcn affirmed that there are already many tton rates in some programs students volunteering their time and Some ofthe departmentsthat haw effort in all facets of community life, gone through the review process arc includingcare of the elderly and hclp findmgit time-and-resourceconsum ing chddren However she encour ing, but according to Mitchell, "thc aged students to take a more activc proccssisconstructi\ e anduseful, smct rolc O'Connor went a step farther for many departments it is the firs and said he feels that students should tune theyhave systematicallyand thor mobilize themselves andvotc in thc oughly assessed strengths and weak municipal elections, something that nesses, and considered future direc some students are not aware that tions " thcy can do in Waterloo I his would East Asian Festival makemore citizensaware of the housing problem affecting students and The eighthannual East AsianFes challengecandidates to consider stu tival took place this week at Renisor dent issues as part of their platform, College andit presentedpanel discus O'Connor said sions alongwith cultural activities tc Feds has already sentaletter to c i ~ celebrate East Asian culture and edu council stating their demands and t b cauon waiting for a reply, while Wil,USL is Acheeseandwinereceptimopenec in the process of sending their own the festival on Monday with award But students could help themsel~es wnning author artist and illustrate about this issue by being proactive U arabc Aska who signed books an( themselves reportingpoor housing addressed the crowd His work ha condit~onsand votingin the munici receivedacclatm bv the JapaneseImpe pal elections is a ghod way to start rial famrlv and ts tccogni7ablc n
Protest: what are you eating?
Campus Clips: I1
Continued from cover
Continued from page 4
According to Shah, the lecturc "will explore the challenges and opportunities that are available to engineers to utilize their expertise to gether with other disciplines toaddress the problem of catastrophe risk management." Shah has been a pioneer in such fields as risk analysis, and earth quake analysisfor over 35 years. Hc has been involved with Stanford University, being chairman of thk department of civd engineenng and founding dlrector of the John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center. The lecture will take place on November 14 in the physics bwldmg, room 150, between 5.00 and 6:30 p m.
According to Canadianlaw,stated on the Health CanadaWeb site, food productsdonot requue that alabelbe put on foods statingwhcthcr they are, or are not, gcnctically modified. But some foods already indicatewhether they are or are not genetically modfied Zehrs storesacrossthe province intentionally cover up labels of food productsthat areidentifiedascon-ing GMOs. When asked why Zehrs stores cover up labels, Geoff Wilson, the spokesperson on behalf of Zehrs, stated,'WealthCanadaregulates which products are allowed to be sold in Canadaandallproductsonourshelves a r e d e t e m e d to be safe." However, the ~oncemaccordifigto Greenpeaceis that the public has a rtght to know what it is eatmg. Pamphlets thatwere handedout to customers entemgthe Zehrs store during the protest stated that "over70percent ofthe processed
not naturally o c c u r q and contam genes from other organisms." Greenpeacebelievesthat this IS aprob lem because environmentaland health effects of GMOs are difficult to pre dict. Greenpeace also stated in their pamphlet, that "testing [of GMO$] has not been sufficient to determine long term risks. "The safety assessment process for novel foods and agricultural products of biotechnology is a rigorous one." T h s testing answers questions determining how GMOs are developed, how their cdmposition and nutritional qualitycompares to nonmodifiedcounterpart foods andwhat potentialthe food has for being toxic or causingallergic reactions The specific criteria for the development of GMOs can be found in the Health. Canada publication, Gaidelinesforthe Sa$g Asesmzent of No~elFooh. In this publication it states, "GMO are as safe and nutntious as foods al-
Regulation m the Canada Gazette, Part 11, on October 27,1999. Moreover, when asked why Loblaw Company Lunited deems itnecessary to cover food labels that state food is genetically modifiedif GMOsare safe, Geoff Wilson only replied by reiterating his origmal statement, "our shelvesare determined to be safe " The protest began on Friday at 4.30 p.m. and ended at approximately 7 p.m. The storemanagers at the Lincoln anduniversity A protester is wearing a label to state location threatened to call a point. poke, but that never came to fruition. There have been s d a r protests Actiongrouphopes tocontmue hostin the past, including one at a Zehrs mg such protests so that the public mWaterloolastyear. The K-WFood may be educated about GMOs.
Trick or e a t
started the event and according - to its Web site,"Trickor Eat, the newest MealExchangeprogramme, puts a new spin o n Halloween as costumed students canvas their neighbourho?ds collectmng food for local food banks, soup kitchens and shelters. With 5.5 mill i o ~hungry Canadians, there is much work to do." , Meal exchange allows students to get involved and address the issue of hunger. The popular program represents 22 campuses nationwide and over 250,000 students have been involved.
Thinking About Grad School?
physical an'd biomedical sciences
WLUSA strike finally over
The WLUSA strike ended late Monday night with the ratification of a three year contract The new contract includes a three per cent Increase mpay for the three years of the contract,lmproved vacationand the creation of a tune-line forgrievances to ensure they are dealtwithin a timely fashion - After seven weeks of striking, students were able to walk to thetr classes on Tuesday without crossing a picket line. Bob Rosehart, president of WLU, said theuniverslty recognizes there will be a period of readpstment before things return to normal, but "the fact that Laurier is a unique community with a lot of passion will help the hcalingprocess "
Stooping to tie laces is so beneath you. Blundstone boots are pull-on, kick-off easy. Weatherpt'oof, too. With just minimal care, they last for years - and with nary a broken lace. Good value? Damn right.
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Technology use at UW to be reviewed Ed J. Eby IMPRINTSTAFF
Next week in Needles Hall room 3043, Ub's deans, senior staff and student senators will discuss the current and potential uses of infor mation technologiesat UK' The purpose ofthe meeting is to promdc David Barnard, president ofthe Unix-ersity of Regina, withplenty ofmfor mation duringhis campusvisit o n N o ember ~ 11 and 12toremewmformatioi~technology at L\k His final report is evpected to be alailable by January 2003 This review will improx e the quality of educa tmnandex~enencesCX'prowdesits students In turn thiswillextendouroutreach topre universitv studentsandlifelonglearnersat homeandabroad ProfcssorBarnardwdrecommend the appro pnatele~elofm\estmentmmformatioi1tcchi~ol-
Information technolojg is a term that encom passes all forms of technologyused to create, store, exchange a i ~ duse information in its various forms (business data,voice conversa tiona, still images, motion pictures, multime dia presentations and other forms, including
ogy apphcations,a5 well as an effecti~e admuus trationoftasksamoilgcachunit ofcxqxrtiscatthc university The aim is to develop a strategl for UK 's limtted resources to be put to optimal use in the unilersity's mssions of l c a m g and re scaich The atratcgj is like11 to influence new policiesgo\ ernmgmformauon technologyatL b Overall, the remew will pro1 ide an evaluation
responsible for the information systems ;u informationtechnologyinfrastructure of theu versity. This review will also put the search for a n c those not yet conceived) associateprovost (informationsystems and tec It is a coin enient term for including both nology) inmourn.JayBlack,theassoclateprovc telephony and computer technology m the since May 1996,will finish his term nest spnn same word It is the technology that is driving Barnard will identify the key competencies r n hat has often been called "the information qutred of the nest associate provost. nrolution " One topic thatwillnot be part ofthis review the umrersity's actual methods of mformatic technology. In Professor Ilarnard's words, "TI of the current success of U\Y 's applications and method of developmg applicationsof informa- remewis about ITapplicationsandadoption,n tivn technology for leamgandresearch Barnard aboutresearch." The commumty at large is invited to ma1 will detail these elaluations m his report, 1~1th comparisons to vther uux ersities written submissions to Dr. Barnard. Hts e-m address is David.Barnard@urePaacaa I he chief departmentof mformation teclmol o a admmstration at U'A is the Information Systems and Tcclulology department, which is
Deregulation part 2: qualit7 How university resources have changed
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In discussingaccessibility of auniversity educationan often heard retomder is. "Access to what'" It i~ natural inprotectingaccess to somethtng of value, t o n ant to protect the xralue If ensuring that a growing number of qualified applicants can attend unix ersitymeans that the mi\ ersig experience is diluted, then the goal is less laudable So alongwith considering the question of accessibilitywe must also consider the question of quality It i\ not control e r s d at all to state that we want the most qualified applicants to haw access to the highest qualitl of education Gn en scarce resources, the question ofhow J nu can balance these two paramctcrs 1s a tougher problem The qualig of auntversity education 1s difficult to measure Xithout a standard defmtion there can't be one answer to what the quality is Univcrsi~rankings ma? look at quantitative factors or cublcctlr-cjudgement Here I will discuss the resources available to umversities,as comidermg the changes in inputs, we can then have a baas to consider how easilj output can be produced and what kind of pressure is put on that production Uiaversrtics nced money to operate and restrictions on the supply of that money can negatively affect their performance Thc &istry of T r a m g , Collegcs and Umversities provides information on the changng situation of university hnding in Ontario From the h e p n i n g to the cnd of the 1990senrolment increased, operattnggrants went down and tuition went up Between 1990and 1999 enrolment in Ontarlogrew by 3 9 per cent from 257,823 to 267,888 In constant dollars, adjusted by Ontano consumer price mdes, operatinggrants decreased by26 3 per cent Over the same period tuihon charged in Ontanouniversities increased 109percent Amragc tuition and fees for the equi~dcnt
of full time students incrcascd from $7,420 9: to $4874 28per school vear,ddifferencec~f 92,453 36 This mean\ that tuition and other re1 enue has had to male up for funding c u ~ s I hesc financial figure\ account formflation using the Ontario consumer price indes whick is an estimate of tke changes &prices for consuincrs. LT7prcsidcntDayid Johnston suggests that the change m costs for a umrersity is about double CI'T because the universit consumes more higher pnced goods and \en ices If this is accurate then the chai~gcm
It is not controversial to state w e want the most qualified applicants to have access to the highest quality education.
revenue u ould muchgreater In 1996 UKThad $20 d o n cut from its operatinggrantwhich represented a 15per cen cut and prompted the university to imtiate a special early retirementp r o w to cut costs That year hutionincreased 19 8percentin eve1 program With the retirement of many professors in 1996 and a growing enrolment, the student tc faculty ratio grew. Student to faculty ratio is often used a? a measure of the quality of education because it relates to the amount teachtng attention that 1s available to students From 1990 to 1999 m Ontano the ratio of full tune equivalent enrolment to ful-time faculty changed from 18 0 to 22 1 This change represents a drop m faculty members by abou 2,200 from around 14,000 m 1990 With impending increases in enrolment, universitiesare facingeven bigger challenges Under restnetions and cuts from the govern mcnt,umverwies may lose accessibdityto protect quality or may sacrifice quality to kecp educationwithmreasonable reach Clearlyuniversities needmore revenue; where they willget it m not necessarily an easy answer.
MP speaks about experiences in Iraq UW gets some insight from two travellers Bashar Al-Husseini SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Member of Parliament for Kindsor-St. Clair, Joe Comartin, paid avisit to the University of Waterloo on Monday to tell us what he observed duringhis trip to Iraq four weeks ago. IIewas here, alongwith Professor hfohamed Elmasrp of the electrical and computer engineermgprogramat the University of\X'aterloo, to present his view on the evolving conflict between the United States and Iraq. His presentation began with a criticism of the media coverage of the crisis, noting how they had perceived the gap of media coverage between the biasedNorth American outlets and their more objective European counterparts. Among the observations he made while in Iraq was his strong feeling that Iraqi society is unable to cope with further military conflict. The country would be unable to withstand further military force, especially in parallel to years of economic siege and almost daily bombardment from the U.S. and Hritain. Signs of this sentiment were expressed throughout Iraqi society, according t o Comartin. When asked how he responds to those who state that Saddam Hussein must be terminated, despite a few Iraqi "casualties," Comartin explained that the people within Iraq feel that there is no tangible opposition present that could provide credible leadership in a post-Saddam Iraq. Further, he
explained that Iraqis will resist any outside -intervention in their affairs. "The Iraqis are a proud people," he explained saying that they feel they alone would be responsible for a government change. IIe also said that he believes this will create more resentment towards Americans in the future. During his fact-finding mission, he got several responses from ordinary lraqis regarding any future war. However, he found that what was common among them was the shift in responses, usually from an initial indifference towards the inevitable war, then to denial and eventuallya feeling o f 'paralyzing fear." There is also anxiety toward the refugee crisis that would certainly emerge as a result of any such conflict. Growing fears ofurban warfare in Baghdad, a term consistently used by the American media, where a city of eight to ten million people will effectively be used as a fortress and its people as shields, is a prevalent concern for most Iraqis, Comartin explained. H e also painted several disturbing images during his travels. Among them, he describes how he was greeted by several Iraqi school children chanting songs graphically describing how they would sacrifice their blood for their leader. This tookplace during the referendum held t o prolong Saddam's leadership in October. This is where Comartin began to ponder how these same children wouldmost likely become victims, either during a war or during the displacement that is to follow
afterwards. Although the sobering images that he painted were quite depressing, Cornartin's ultimate message was more hopeful. He described how, through activism and knowledge seeking, particularly from alternative unsanctioned media outlets, one can resist American policies effectively. He also described the position of several Canadian par-
Comartin believes that strong Canadian public opinion against a war with Iraq is the only factor maintaining Canada's neutrality. ties on the matter, among them the NDP, which outright rejects any military confrontation, evenwithU.N. approval. H e stated that any war provides a dangerous precedent and is by no mean justificd by international law. H e also stated his disappointment with the current neutral position of the 1,iheral party. Comartin believes that strongcanadianpublic opinion against a war with Iraq is the only factor maintaining Canada's neutrality; otherwise strong Amcricanand Britishpressure
to accept unilateral action against Iraq would be the accepted Canadian policy. Further, Comartin described how he foresaw Canada acting in a leadership role. A role where a "middle power" (like Canada) could motivate and coordinate among several nations in order to resist Amcricanpressure. Currently South Africa has taken this leadership role and Canada must do more to complement the emerging drive of non-aligned countries. "We must move from peace keeping to peacc making," said Comartin. 'l'he MP also expressed that social activism is essential in order to maintain strong public opinion against war and said he felt a peace movement is strengthening on both sides of the border as well as in Europe. November 16 will witness mass rallies throughout Canadian cities andpossiblpother world cities against the war. This is a continuation of a mass movement in recent weeks that saw a 150,000 persons strong demonstration in Britain and several more taking place in Europe, the U.S., Asia, Australia and Mexico in protest of U.S. policies on Iraq. Closer to home the University of Waterloo's Amnesty International is planning an "Crisis: Iraq" event in the Great Hall of the SLC to take place on November 13-14 from 8 a.m. to 3.30p.m. l'his is organizedwith the intent of providing alternative views on the emergingconflict. One of the events that will be happening November 13 is a debate in the Great Hall around 1 2 3 0 p.m.
Pge 8
All letters must include a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 300 words Letters should lnclude the au thofs year and program, or faculty posl tlon where applicable All materlal IS sub ject to edltlng for brevlty and clarlty The
Opinion d
Challenges of student living
When did it become OK to hate Muslims?
FINDING BALANCE I'he other day, a ICfuslim came up ro me and asked in a whisper, "Is ls~amreally aviolent religmn?'TThat a Muslim would ask thts question shows lust how far the media's bias has penetrated m to the minds of
e\-eryday people. An Al3C News poll from last month rewaled that one-third of Americans hold an unfavourablc npmion of Islam-that is up from one-fifth of Americans who said so (rightafter the tragedy of September 11 Now, at the American border, people from predominantly Muslim countries are fingerprinted and photographed as a "supplementary security measure." 'The fact is, it rcally sucks to be b1usltm right now. \Yith the announcement that the \Y'ashington sniper was Muslim ;actually he was amcmbcr of a Xroup called the Nation of Islam whtch is essentially unrelated to Islam), people are more and more
ready to accept the idea that Islam promotes violence. It has become difficult to sort out the information from the misinformation regarding Islam. I want to tell people that ~f they want to make lud,ments about an deal such as Islam, they should look at I ~ Sroots. Let me go eyer some simple truths about Islam and TvIuslims. The root of Tslani is the lioraneven Tslamic rule and belief has its source in t h ~ ssingle book. If you read the Koran, you would discover that Islam forbids all terrorism. The I<oran forbids fighting c ~ c c pIn t defense or agatnst oppresston. Ltsten, the word "Islam" means "peace" and nothmg ts more important to h,luslms than this ideal. T am not a terrorist and I am not trying to bomb the school. Please believe me. I am not saying that there are no psychopathic people out there who claim to be Muslim. But the idea Of associating Muslims with terrorism is similar to associating Blacks w ~ t h crime. \Then I was askingabout how police in Ontario could be justified in using racial profiling when performing their jobs, an anonymous police academy student
told me that it is reasonable because Blacks commit alarge proportion of crimes in Ontario. That is false logic and most educated people would be quick to realize that. So why aren't Americans so quick to object to the statesponsored racial, religious, and ethnic profiltng used at the Canadian-,4mcrrcati bordcr? On my last co-op term with Research In Motion, my job required me to trat el to America. T went on tsvo trips, once to Orlando and later to San Francisco. It was business travel and, both times, I went with about 70 other co-workers fromKlh1. lnterestmngly, I was the only person in my company who was ever "selected for a random s e a r c h ' a n d I was selected all four tunes I boarded a plane. \T'hJe others whizzed by the ticket booth and onto the plane, T had to stand back as agents sifted through every detail of my luggage in full view of everyone eke on my fltght. At one point, they asked me to remove my hat and belt, lift up my sh~rtand hands and open the top button of my pants'l'hen they told me to "stay silent as me pat \mu down." See SECURITY. page 11
SPECULATIONS Khat seems to haw bccn forgotten in all this reccnt discusston of the fatmess of lodging house bylaws is that students, reall!. and truly, are req-different from average citvens. 1mas reminded of this when reading about the experiences of Thr (Jlobr's Michael Valpy, whomas part of an event by the Daily Bread I'ood Badwhere 15 people were asked to lwc on the equivalentofwelfare for one week. 'l'he esperience seemed to really open hts eyes; he wrote on September 28, "1 now know that orpnic carrots are $1.99 a bunchbut ordinary carrots are only $1.29.I know apples are the only affordable fmruit." \That student doesn't know these thmgs, or that bananas arc even cheaper than apples? In many fundamental ways, students arc different from nonstudents. \Ye pay a fee every four months for the privilege of hard work with lots of unpaid overtime.
Production staff Esther Chcn, Rpan CAen-Tmg, Chus Fdcy, Nmn Gonsdvcs, jauce Iun, T O LJ u~m ~ a ~ n , Kourrney Short, Felix \.rp
Editorial Staff hdltor-in-chief, Alagda Iion~cczna cditor@unpm~t.~~~vaterloo ca ,iss~stantedtor, D w r Barsam Photos, Damd C q p e r Assntant photos, Etyll Prospero Graph~cs,'l'ylir Thomas .issnta~tgraphics, Jeff Trm \fib, 'l'ushar Sing11 4ss1stant wrh, LIZ Atarton . Systems admm., Simon Lair Liss~stantsystems admm., Stephen W~ebb Lcad proofreader, Neal Moog$-Sod~s Proofreader, Dan~elDharmasurya Proofreader, .\sliley Kakade Proofrcadcr, Adclc Pcarce Proofreader, lason Yu
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Impnnr 1s the officld sh~dentn e m p g e r of the Ilmverslty o f Waterloo. I t IS an cditor~allyindependent nrwspzpcr publ~shed hy Impnnr Pubhcatmns, Waterloo, a corporahon wthout share capltd. Impnnr ia a member of the Ontano Commun~tyNewspaper hssociauou (OCN A).
We put our lives on hold for four years to invest in our future -how could we not be different? Interested in Valpy's obsen-attons of how difficult it is to live o social assistance (he biked home at lunch timc to drink leftover coffee because the cafeteria at worhwas tc expensive), 1wondered how this situation compares with a student On welfare, someone living wlthout dependants or income an( recetves $195 for basic ex~enses $325 shelter allowance,includ~ng utilities, for a sum of $520 per month. T i 1 comparison, the maxtmum you can receive on OSil as a single student at a publtcl! funded university in Canada is $1,192 per month (note that wry fewpeople actuallyrcccirc the maximum). The average tuition fo a student m a regular program at LJ\Xris S2,656.25per term and the average termly cost of books is $525. This leaves a student w ~ t h $396.36per month, or $123.64 lcs! than a person on social assistance would recetre. Couple that with th esorbitant prtce of rent m \Yatcrloc and deregulated enerB costs, plus hours of assignments and txams that dctcrmin~J our futurc, and you're 1n quite a ptckle Many people remmsce about their universtty days,\\ hich makes me wonder where they went to school Valpl seems to indicate tha he has newt been m the situation someone on social assistance migh experience,let alone thatwhvhich many students find themselves tn As we approach the city in hope of being treated ar equals, we need to realize that the! don't have an understanding of our situation \T as students are tn a unique positm to understand atld coinmuntcatc the challenges thatwe face. Other groups pursue thew own Interests first. If we don't stand up to makc our interests heard and understool we won't stand ail equal chance.
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Monday, November 11 12lOpm,SLC1116 Wednesday, November 1 5 30 p m , SLC 1116
Absence of TV lesbians
UNDEFEATED Does anyone remcmber that episode of "Roseanne" way hack in 1994when Roseanne kissed Munel Ileminpay) I know I do I was m grade ninc and very much aware of my sexuality I remember watching that particuiar moment in my hvmg room, quietly rooting for the two ladies kveryone had lmown that the controversial kiss mould happen In fact, a number of religiou5 extremlst groups had protested the show because of it and AH(, had threatened to pull it from the schedule In retaliation of the th~eats, Roseanne herself had threatened to leave the networh, taking her highly ratcd series with her rhat was all that needed to be said Money is money and on March 1,1994, the episode aired, but not before a sufficient telecast advrsory for parents about adult content was broadcast
One season later, the show's character"Nancy" (played by Sandra Hernhard) came out of the closet, one of television's first full-fledged lesbtm supporting leads Lesbian charactershave hada rock) history in the media Most memorable charactershave come from MadADouf You, E R and of course the infamous Ellen. But can those characters be compared to the e5 er-popular gay male ones) In this respect, one mtght compare Jack from Willand Gra~eto Ellen from the show of the same name Both are hilariously funny, but as I recall no one ever talked about "Fllen" like they do now about 'lack " \Yhy is that? And whv have there ne-;er been anj out-and proud lesbians on Suurrer? And why does Qmer UJ Folh centre on gay men more so than the tsx o recurring lesbian characters; It seems to me that tele~islon and movies focus more. on (or are more succe~sfulwith) ga? male characters as opposed to females I am confused as to why this is Of course I am happy with the media's slow acceptance ofgays and lesbians and its resulting portrayals of them. FTowcvcr, I think that lesbians need to be far more
prominent in the media I wonder if maybe the general public lust finds gay men to be more entertaming than lesbian women Or perhaps television networks and movie producers recognue that a gay male audience would be sta~sticallylarger than a lesbian one 1 mean, surely realitv TV seems to portray those attitudes Gay males on reality shows beat out lesbians hands down, Sunzzot has had three, Bg Brother two, A w a p g Race four, and the Mole one That's ten prominent gay men as compared to zero lesblansl T'm so confusedl This is most defmtely an issue that, I ha\ e to admit, I really don't undcrstand In all of my research m preparing for this art~cle,1ha\ e found no answers and no one that seems to acknowledge thig apparent lackoflesbiancharacters m televi sion and mo\ ies I wonder d I am alone m making these obsen atiom, or if other people ha\e noticed the same problem nith lesbian representation in the media These are a feu questions that I thron at my readers this week and if anyone might have an opinion on the topic, please, feel free to enlighten me acowan@~rnprmtuwaterloo ca
The orgasm at home and napalm abroad
ESSENTIAL INSANITY In an effort to become better acquaintedwith this paper I write for (I think a's called mafbi"vewr),I decided to r ~ a the d "Letters" section last week And, lo and behold! Thc pressing question of '%%o real4 is Andrew Landersl" T alw stumbled upon something near11 as exciting an irate student, "e-iiraordinarily angry'' about certain posters ad\ ertising a talk namcd "Question Democracy," held by the h4uslm Students for I niversal Justice Ah, irate students They never fail to pro\ ide columnist bait I'll leave it to the maps, ciaes and planets to attack the issues of free speech and democracy I'm going to use this opportunity to plug one of my favorite people, Scott Adams, the creator of IlilD~rfIn a recent Salon com article about his new book, Dilberf aud the Way of the 1P"urel,he claims, " 1here is a weasel
bubble in effect right now," -A weasel being a sniveling, backstabbing httle crcature,with no qualms about stealing bilhons of dollars from the unsuspecting public (read Enron) and the bubble being the culture that allows said weasel to do so A bubble lets you feel good about yourself You relax m your specially4esigned spherical lawn char, a drink in each hand, and 1ou watch the world float by Only you don't really see the world as it is You see it through your bubble lens, so e~erythingis multi-colored and glimmering, a film of oil on water Yup, you feel good \\%at's more, everything within your bubble praises you As David Brooks writes m the November issue of The Aflatzfi~Mouthly, "Communications technology has expanded the cultural space You can construct your own multimedia community, in which every maga zinc you read, every cable show you watch, ever) radio station you listen to, reaffirms your values and reinforces the sense of your own rightness In pour enclosed sphere you will feel vcry Important " So what if, m North America, we are hx mg m this collective w easel
bubble' \YTcstroke each others' hacks, telling oursel~es how magnanimous we are for having "allowed people from all nations to immigrate here" (here I am, quoting Irate Student) and how we trust in democratic principles that stop us from going around and rippmg s i p s of dissent off the walls In turn, we can use these signs of dissent as proof that we are not completes easek,m case someone eren dares to hnng up the notion of \+easel ness, or other small mammal related matters I hen we go back preemng To quote George Grant, "One is tempted to state that the North Amencan motto is the orgasm at home and napalm abroad " I am feeling p r e g good tlght now too From my perch in this paper, 1can say my piece, then retreat and end this column with something c1e.i er and dismissive like "Chch, that hurts, having a point and all" (somethtng I read in the last issue of mafbbYe~v~) I float about tn my llttlc bubble, sipping my frothy tropical dm&, and I wax-e to you, m your little bubble, and we bubble our days away
Peace in our time
CITY OFF THE HILL Monday is Remembrance Day and our duty as patriotic Canadians calls us to spend two minutes m reflective silence for the \wath of blood the 20th century has carved through the body of manktnd Maybe one minute, if you take the busj person's light Iersion Maybe none, if you slcep in until noon but J ou can make up for it by wearing a poppy on your lapel l'he important thmg, though, is that you take time tu reflect on things that you can't see and remember people you n c x r knew \\ e stand firm in the face of the war to end all wars and say m unison, "ilever again " \X e seem eager to ignore, though, that the war to end all wars did nothing of the sort Too ready to congratulate ourselves on the peace m our time, we look back at the world wars as isolated incidents e'dprefer to think that there was something in the minds of M y s s o h , Haler, S t a h , Taisho, Wtlhelm and their cronies that was m q u c to their generation and thus relegated to history \Yearing a poppy because that's just what you do in No\-ember that's just saccharine for your ego Spending a few minutes in remembrance of hx es that ended for yours is a pale substitute for the recognition that thc ideas and actions that stoked the fires in Germany, in Japan and in Russia are readily found a n p here 1o say never agam and to stand and watch 800,000 lives betng lost m a uny Afncan state m a few months is worse than lust not
remembering it's spittmg on eves 1 ' hey may have died for us, but that doesn't mean they've set us free A great deal of sufferingwas endured to remove the worst evils for all of us But the inheritance they've given us is not a gift, it is a debt - and our obligations to those still liwng will always outweigh our obligations to the dead Action will always trump remembrance Lct's end the war5 we can Let's stop treating Africa as a photo opportum@for our largesse Let's free the child soldiers Let's clear the land mmcs Let's stop the dictators I Iell, let's lower our agricultural subsidies Let's see the tortured prisoners instead of the untapped marhets Let's stop burning svnagogm Let's get contraceptives to the people n h o need them Let'\ stop child prostitution altogether Let's stop our allics from jailing homosexuals Let's be our brother's keeper Let's take up our quarrel with the foe Let's stand tall and never refuse a burden Let's protect Jews from Muslims, Muslms from Hmdus; Wmdus from Christians and in everything be our brother's keeper They neither started nor ended the monumcntous task at hand (neitherwill we), but they sacrificed more than I hope I will e5er have to By all means, set aside a day every year for rememberingwhat had to happen for you to enjoy the hberties that you have There's still 364 left to defend those liberties against thmc who would still take them and to bnng them where they are needed 1,et's never let what was won be lost and m acting, neT er break faith with those who died
Ontario gets electric shock therapy
,:' MAPS AND LEGENDS Those of YOU not lucky enough to either lme m residence or have one of those "allmclusive" rent deals should expect to be getting somethtng hghly dangerous m the - mail soon, and it's not a fine white powder It's your hydro bill and here's the funpart on average, bills m Ontario are 60per cent higher than theywere h s time last year, except m Toronto This sudden shock to the wallets of ' Ontano comes m the first year of Ontario's newlyderegulatedelectricitymarket r Tlus has come as a great surpnse to Ontario's conservativegovernment, as this was clearly not supposed to happen. In the magicalt~orldof right wing ideology m which
they hve, deregulation and the wonders of the free market make all prices go down not up Conveniently,they ignored the disastrous historyof deregulatedelectncitymarkets (California and Alberta) and assumed rhat the same massive price mcreascs would simply not happen m Ontano In fact, a lot of unexpected things have happened The introduction of competition into the electncity market was supposed to open the flood gates for private mvestors to build new power plants, but exactly zcro power plants are now under construction Furthermore,the average consumer was supposed to be able to choose who would generate their electricity(in theoryallowing them to shop around for the best pnce), instead, a host of shady firms flooded the provmcewith door to door electricitysalesmen trying to sucker people who had never before had to consider what a fair pnce for electncitywas into signing bmdmg long-term contracts. Not content with the chaos that their half baked deregulation scheme caused, the Tones, then under the leadership of Mike I Iarns, also
screwed Ontano over by concludmgquite possibly the worst business deal m the 135year history of the province I refer to the lease of the Bruce nuclear power plant to Bntish Energy PLC The Tories, displaymgtheir famous financial acumen, leased the eight nuclear reactors (worth $7 7 billion) for the sum of $3 1 billion And that's not even the worst part of the deal At the end of the lease, who do you think is on the hook for the estimated $6 8 billton that it will take to de conmussion the plant and store the radioac tive waste?The citwens of Ontario, that's who British Energy, on the other hand, gets to stuff its bags full of our money and hop on the first Concorde back to London. They wdl certainly have no problem affordingthe ticket As you can probably guess, financial viability was not the key goal of this deal Its motivations were purely pohtical Harns desperatelywanted a high-profile firm to enter his newly deregulatedelectncitymarketand wasprepared to offera complete sweetheart deal to make it happen In the end he got his deal and we got expensive radioactive waste
All things bemg equal, we probably shou pap more for electricity As things stand we use it profusely and higher prices mght tend to discourage us from using the oven to ma1 apiece of toast But theTories approached this issue m the worst possible nay Bhnded by their love of "free-market soluttons" they decided that it would be better to blow up Ontario Hydro than to reform it Now, confronted with the rutn of that approach, they are planning to compound the disaster by issuing massive hydro refunds to Ontarians m the hope that voters will forget about this whole electricity thtng during the next election. To sum it up, we are paying more monej for the same amount of electncity,but that's okay because the government is going to pa) us back with our own tax dolfars to make us forget that Bntish Energy andwhoever else got in on the privatization gravy train arc lackmgupelectncity rates towhereverthey please. Oh yes, there also rmght be brown01 next summer. Am't privatization grand?
it's too high; maybe it's too low I would venture to say Mr Schaan would think the latter, but then, he would probably also argue that smce the coming of the pathologcal Mike Harris et al, we've all also been shamefully under-taxed. Actually, I'm not sure what Mr Schaan is even argutngwithI already agreed that "society benefits." We're lust at odds about how much and, subsequently,what this should translate mto in terms of tax dollars for universities. Most of the rest of Mr Schaan's response is of a predictable theme. the state as a guarantor of freedom and equahty for all Not lust by making sure we don't lull each other, mind you, but with all sorts of extensive meddlmg m our hves from cradle to grave By speaking of "empowenng ourselves" using the levers of the state,Mr Schaanpullsa classic linguistic sleight of hand Whom are we empowering? Indtviduals Where did the money come from? Society Read othermdividuals, through the roercit e act of taxation Robbing Peter to pay Paul freedom and equality in actton He goes on to cite a Kawls (shudder) quote explaining how "voluntary" relations aren't fair Fancy that I want to buy X, you want to sell X, and we make a deal Yep that sounds
pretty unfair. Better to force people to buy and sell things at pnces approved by the Mlnistry of Fairness Now that? fair. The true irony, though, is Mr Schaan's invocation of mdtvidual freedom and maintenance of a free market system as reasons why the state should pay our bills fc us The "constramed" hberty and "managec free market systems he envisionsare such contradictions m terms that a scholar of his stature should easily discard them as mtellec tually dishonest and philosophically inconsic ent Contrary to his claims, I'm not presentm a false dialectic at all Deregulation is about tl m e d i a t e future of our umversity and the realchoicewe face Barring massive injections from the priva sector, deregulated tuition is the only way to ensure continued world-class quahty of education at Waterloo We can lurch along t same hazardous path as our crumbling heal care system, or we can finally abandon the unsustamablecharade of universality in favo of being the best university on the planet Prattle on about being accessible, or be the best We will soon have to choose \Y"nich will you pick>
Deconstructing Mark
- YOU!
Well ladies and gentlemen, it looks like yours truly has tinally "arrived." From across the mighty Atlantic and the hallowed halls of Oxford came lastweek's " c o ~ ~ m ~ ~ l i t y " editorial Who, you mght ask, would take the time to scour the humble columns of our dear old student newspaper? \Why, none other than Waterloo's most celebrated alumnus son Mark Schaan, Rhodes Scholar,part-time Tory and full time socd conscience1 T'm overloyed that Mr Schaan took time out of his busy schedule of pondering-the subtleties of-the-universe to respond to my deregulationpttch He certainly flatters me, placmgme in the esteemed company of FriednchvonHayek Alas, he demonstrates that ivory towers often climb high mto the sky, leavmg Mr Schaan's head shrouded m
cent of its funding from private donations That's fme for ~ G t e r nbut , what about the other 17 universities m Ontario? Havmgworked for alumni affam, I can tell you it certainly isn't that high at Waterloo; but then, maybe only schools which have ivy clunbmg the walls and 150years worth of oldboy alumn~should be able to maintain quality m the face of reduced government funding Let them charge more for tuition? Heav ens, not That would be, as Mr. Schaan mght opme, mdicative of a society which does not cultivate conditions for a lust society, or some other cloaked appeal for more socialism m our country. As if we didn't have enough already Mr Schaan also seems to belteve that mvoking the measurable ts a sufficient counter to the concrete VEMe agreeingthat soctetal benefits are abstract, he offers no way to mcasurc them So then, if they cannot be measured, why is the mrretlf level of funding assumed to be proportionate to these benefits? Did someone lust pick a percentage out of a hat and declare it to be fair? Maybe
as a pretext to silence thought and exprcssion 'IheMSUJ was createdasawindow To the editor, of communicationto enable a healthy It is unfortunate that Matt Strauss exchangeofideasbetween the Islamic became "extraordinarily angry" last perspective and the non-Islamic perweek about the Muslim Students for spective.Therefore,weencourage dc UniversalJustice's advertisementsre- bate and invite all to challenge the garding their talk on democracy last views presented by all We invite the author to dlscusa his Saturday Sure,the title ofthe event'Democracyo n T d ~ w a s p r o v o c a - views with us and demonstrate why tive Rut such a provocation ought we shouldbowblindly to the author's not to have ledMr Straussto lash out ideology, or any othcr ideology for publicly about the talk even before a that matter He can reach us at happened Instead, I suspect that it info@msuj org would have been far mare instructive for hun to have attended the talk and - WueI Nu& MSLr]pr~stdetzt then commented on it I think that this would have been E-zide e-sucks a p o d approach because, having attended the first half of the event, I 1 o the edztor, found it to be a stimulating discussion on the state of our dcmocracy The first speaker, Rocco Galati From recent attempts to rent out my room in Waterloo for any period be(uho is not crcn a Muslim), is a wellknown constitutional lawcr who tween now and the end of neut sumspoke about the serioua infringement mer, 1hax c found the following i I here is no longer aconveniently of our liberties by Bill C 36, the new located housing board in the ST G, and Anti TerrorismAct, which "codifies thc sign in its place states militarizationand a police state " This is a unibersity and we'rc hcre ''ww ezide com " 2 Students andlandlordsalike arc to scrutim7e ex erything But if A s is to happen we cannot be afraid of chargcd $25 for posting rooms dl discussingthoseissuesthat forceusto rectly onto the ezide site (but the site itself doesn't tell you how they plan on move out of our comfort zone. For me, the disappointing aspect collecting the money) 3 After repeatedmits to theTurn of the event was that few students key desk (usuallyrehablc),theywiUsell showed up. I hopc that people weren't turned off the event for the same you a password to post on the ezide site for the cost of $1 (Who does this reasons asMr. Strauss Inany case,it's money actually go to?) their loss. 4 Ezide has no editing capabilities, no confirmation ofpostmg,isusually "down," and whcn information 1s entered error messages are emitted frommy screen. MSUJ encouragesdebate 5 I fccl that student to student rentals shouldbe freeand easily acces sible by board and Internet postings This letter is in response to the stu- (and that UK7holdsresponsibdity in dent who was angry at the ads put up providing this hervice) 6 S~tcsthat let you browse and by the MSUJ The author is in love with the post rentals for free are notion of freedom,but does not seem w w w p l a c e s 4 r e n t . c o m , to have internalizedits values On the www homes4students com and one hand, he lauds "democratic prin- www ochl0l com ciples," and on the other hand, he Nume v~ithheld$ request criticizesMuslims for "free1y"eqress ing their ideas Shape up, Imprint What is more insulting is the au thor's naive and stereotypical view on 1b the editor, the Tslamic ideology, compacmg it to "Feudalism, fascism,and rule by tribal elders" when it is clcar that he has no The little things I value manewspaper information on Islam as an ideology 5eem to have fallen by the wayside lately in Impnnt. Reing"nurnero uno" to begin with What is even more disturbingis to at the paper, could you please prevent see individuals using "recent events the following from continulllg: puttingincomplete stones onthe involvmg;urplanesand bigbuddings"
Don't judge talk by poster
frontpage withlinks to the rest of the story that have incorrect page numbers I don't likc having to be directed topages of advertisingmstead of caring landlords, puttingin columnist photos that make your columnists look a tad bit showy All the "regular" columnists -being Chris,Ryan,two Aarons, Ah, and the CKMS contributor -look professional \%ly can't the new ones look like they care a little more about the work than having a column? taking no stand with campus issues I miss the one line shots di rectedatad-strators, construction projects,p~licies,politicians,the pub hc,ANYTHINGIII I couldn't be convinced that the housing bylaw was the only conten tious thing on campus this term Let's bite back at whatever can be bit, not just landlords and co-op (as always) And please keep printing all those lcttcrs 9ou get, especially after how grcattheywerethisweekpast,andgwe some more focus to the cartoonists They'll tackle a local issue any day
attended the debate they would have discox-ercdthat Ms Grayusedaseries of scientific and philosophical argu ments to defend the pro life position Not once were religious concepts ce ferred to Inaddtionif you review our news lcttcr archive available online at www you will note a large selectionofpro-lifeinformation includinganabortion argumentseries that exclusively uses scientific and philosophical arpments In sum, Impnnf is moving in the right direction, but I hope that the next time around you will provide complete coverage of campus events for your readers
Continued from page 8
Getting patted down with my fly undone was uncomfortable enough but I still wonder why they dccided to do 50 right m front of the tunnel that leads to the plane-in plain view of my co-workers I understand that America needs to step up airport security, but tf they are going to humiliate pcople, why don't they humiliate everyone equally? We must all be careful to eradicateprejudice m all of its forms, whether a is in the form of state policy, or everydayjokmg, stereotyp ingpeoplc by their gender, race, or religious background it is unjust Peace
A l e x caisur CTWSFLetetztJ ~oordznutor
Big thanks Imprint, but next time. . .
7 b the edztor, I wanted to thank Imprint and espectallyopinioneditorMatt Strauss,for your initiative morgmzingcontrasting abortion opinion pieces for the October 25 issue of Imjmit, in anticipation of the abortion debate that tookplace on October 29. This initiativeappears to be part of a r e f r e s h trend at I q n n t t o include news stones and features on campus eventsbefore they occur. Indeed, this is beneficial for all involved.Students will have greater information about campus events, allowing more to be involved Unfortunately the absence of a fol low-upaficle in the November 1issue was disappointing. Close to 300 students attended the debate and many others told us -while we distributing flyers m the SLC - that they would have liked to attend but could not. I am sure that they would have appreciated a review of the debate in Imptint Addingtothe disappointmentwas the fact that Imprint missedanopportuility to obtain an accurate understandingabout UW Studentsfor Lifc and share thatwith your readers.The image of a Bible next to the pro-life amcle was msleading Had a reporter
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For more Information, vsit our Web slte or call toll-free 1-866-844-UOlT (8648).
page 12
Continuing the story of Waterloo's legendary landlady -page 16
Diwali lights up the SLC h
Faculty CBDs: providing some of the friendliest service on the UW campus
.... -- L
Accounting for taste Dan Zlotnikov IMPRINTSTAFF
Hungrybetweenclassesanddon't feel tke w a l h g homc? Tired of pizza? The solution might be right in front of you. Numerous student societies on campu5 run their own coffee and &onutshops,orC&Ds Thepricesare usually better thanwhat you'd find at Brubaker'sorUmversitypla~aandthe food is not bad Rutwhich will youvisdThe clos est, Will other factors influence you, If so, h s review and comparison of the campus C&Ds holds the key Currently, there are four C&Ds on campus, one each run by the math, enginecnng,scienceandentironmen
tal studies faculties
The firstpointofcomparisonthat comes to mind is price Close as they are in that respect, each C&D has its deals When a comes to pop, science takestheleadwith50 centcansand90cent bottles of your favounte CocaColaproducts Engmeeringandmath follow closely,with$l 10bottles I 3 is lastat$1.50, the same price as campus vending machines In terms of selection, math and engineemgare clearlyin the lead, due toboth their sizeand the fact that they are subsidizedby their respective stu dent societies Math, according to manager Rita K'iebe, works u ith roughly 22diffcrcnt suppliersto keep students, faculty and staff wcll-fed According to manager Mary Bland, engineering C&D has 20 suppliers,
many supphers have product sin both math and engineering $hops ES and sciencearemuchsmallerandonlystock a small number of products These two C&Ds have eight and five iuppli crs,respectwely Selectioninbothmath and engineering C&Ds ranges from sandwiches and subs to Indian Halal meals. Math has the added bonus of both soups and cntrCes, whereas engineering only offers soups Science offers soups on some days, whereas ES sells cans ofChefRoyardee which can be heated in the on site micro wave Anothcr thing tonote is the layout of each C&D Math and engmeenng are similar in w e , but not setup
Sarika Baksh of UW's SaiBaba group writes about an annual Hindi celebration Sarika Bakshi
and lit with inanj candles, known as dips. Diwali is often celebrated with The CX' S ~ Baba I Group organued a fireworks. Gifts are cschangcd and a11 large Di\v&celebrationhs year,called dine onlarge, festive mealswth sweets Dmali Dhamaka Diwali is a five day known as m&qee. ' h s celebrationis Hindu celebration that usuallv occurs sharedwith family and friends ma veq eighteen days after Dusshera, a c m - joyful manner memoratton of the burning of the evil Diwah's official date this year u w God Rawan. Dnvali, alsoknownas the No\-ember4,butitwascelebratedintht festivaloflights,celebratesthe corona- Student Life Centre on November 6 tmn of Rama,a good God from scrip The Great Hall was decorated brightlj ture, as lung with lights, while festival booths wcrc Dm& is one of the most widely setup by theSaiBabaGroup Aninfor known Hindu festivals, celebrated al mationboothexphedDixvah'sorigu most as widely and loyfully as Chnst- and history and a food booth, senuy mas, lust before the religious new year. samosas and IncLan sweets, fed b w a l The celebrationwelcomesLaksm, the celebrants. Therewasalotofmusicanc goddess ofwealth andprosperity, into dancing and many people wore tradlthehomc, sqpfyingthe renewaloflife. tional Indian clothing,includingwom ~h~~ t h -lenghasand sarees and Kurtapyjz - & c e l e b r a n t s ~ v e a r n ~ c l oen's mgand colourful, traditionaldress.The mas for the men. SPECIALTO IMPRINT
See CID, page 17
Serving the Queen, Waterloo style Jeremiah Sabadoz. SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
On October 10,midwa) through her GoldenJubilee visit to Canada, Queen Elizabeth I1 was invited to Sheridan College I here she met students,un \ elled a plaque and attended a lunchcon hosted by Ontafio I'remer Ernie Eves Two hundred and eight). peo ple were in\ ited to the luncheon, mc1udingse.i era1Sheridanstudents and faculty members Gerry I.angis, St Jerome's Uim ersity Food Service5 manager, attended the luncheon as well, but not as a guest Me attended asachef L pon hearing news of the Queen's visit, Chartwells Catering Services -which serves Sheridan 13ollegeas well as St Jerome's Uni'ersity c h o s c siu of the best chefs in its employ to cater the event Said L a n p , "I was honoured to be asked, I was quite surprised " IIailing from Montreal, Germ Langis recelled his chef bomGeorgeBrnwnCollegem1984 f n d has been working for the Uni t ersity of b aterloo since 1988
Gerry Landis serves food fit for
celebrities thanks toa tenurework ing in restaurants in Stratford, whtre it wasn't unusual to hate a famous actor walk in (rerry was too busv to notice, though "You may be cooking for a cclebrrty and Langislsnostrangeftocooklngfor not even know it, but the staff is
decided on the menu, which was designed to shoncasc local dishes S e r cd ~ at the luncheon was Ontario beef tournedos rossini a i t h Madeira sauce, apple dumpling n ith M u s k o h maple syrup, a selection of Ontario wines, shrimp cocktails, peas and potato dutchess The luncheon began with the playing of "God Save the (&een"NteLwatrls, a Queen Premier Ernie usually exc~tedand tells you about r v e s made a speech, there a a s a it toast, andgrace was saidlust before The luncheon for the Queen was lunch was senred Gerry 1anglsand held in Oakville at the Trafalger the other chcfs missed all of that, Road campus of Sheridan College however, as they were busy coolung The t i o ~ e r n m e n tof Canada and for t\vo hundred and eighty C h a r ~ e l l ~ C a t e r i n g S e n i c e s ~ o i n t l ~ The six chcfs ere too f o c u s ~ d
on their work to think of meeting the Queen but with the lavish secu fit! at the luncheon, it hardly mat tercd SaidLangis, ''EX en if we hac wanted to, me couldn't see her " The luncheon staff needed ipccia security cards to be admitted to t h ~ kitchen and the banquet hall waG patrolled by officers of crcry l c el~ o law enforcement in Canada, as we1 as Scotland Yard 1he Queen had a full ichedulc and was only able to stay an hou and tmentyminutes "She left half way through desseit," said Langis \%th the p1a)ing of 0 Canada, tht Quccilwas hurricdout of the build ingand on to her next engagement HOT\ 1s cooking for a Queer different than cooking for a stu dent> 'She person for whom he' cooking is of little consequence tc Gerry Langis, his main conccrn i his craft "Ob~iously," he said "there's a lot of conccrn over pres entation. You nant to make surf you do the best you can Is that an! different from cooking for stu dents? I don't think so."
Warm your soul on a cold
Beat the blues without losing the mood
Add the noodles until cooked, cooktnp time will vary depending on the size of the noodles you use Add the shredded chicken to warm it through Taste and season again if necessary
Nothing beats comfort food on a cold, rainy night in November Instead of calling mom for a care package or eatingout, try your hand at malung your own These classic recipes for homemade chicken noodle soul; 2nd apple crisp are both delicious and easy to make Chicken noodle soup 6 cups low-sodium chicken broth '12 cup water 1%CUPSshredded cooked chicken (about one breast) 1 small carrot, thinly sliced. 2 sprigs flat-leaf parsley % pound egg noodles salt and pepper
Put the chicken broth, water, carrots and parsley in a medium pot and season with salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat arid simmer untll the vegetables are tender (about 5 minutes).
1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon % cup melted butter 4 cups peeled, cored andgrated apples % cup s hite sugar 1 thsp cornstarch %cup water l 4 teaspoon vaniila extract
There is medication that can raise your libido counteract this effect and perhaps he'll know onc that's right for you, or have another so@ tion There is one thing I'd try before playi g prescription roulette again Often people w o aren't interestedinmtiatu~gsexcan bewarmed up to it Your boyfriendhow s what'sgoing& and is supportive, so try tekng hltn to give d a chance Once m the moment you might &id yourself more into it than pre5iously tho
Apple crisp Christine Loureiro
Not in the mood
HiAndrew, Ihaze been snfferingfrom Ilepressionforthe par^ tnw months. I hate~ypart-timejobanditseems I have been q i n g alL the time. I atas recent4 gil,en Paxil my doctor. It bus he&edul&aierny moodht one $heside effectr is lhat I'm l e u in the mood to haze sex with my bq[n'end. Wehacc been fogetherfor 10 month andthe l i t h i bw: :/:,q rehtionshiphas been rea(~gogootisoju~:
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees P. In a . s y p h c ~ eand hm been working hard to he@ mefee/ medium bowl combine the flour, brown sugar, better. He bas been therefor me and is doing his best. tr taking atollon ourrelafiumhip. y cinnamonand melted butter. Stir u n d the 6 -B u t ~ lon~sesdriue ture is crumbly. Spread half the mixture into a I durz 't want to lose him. What should I do? 9in.xl3in. bakmg dish. Covcr with the grated SadandBlue apples. Put the white sugar, cornstarch, water, and Dear Sad and Blue, As I'm sure your doctor has alreadytold you, vanilla extract into a saucepan. While stirring, cookuntd thickandclear. Pour over the apples, anti-depressants are notorious for the number of side effects they can cause. A low sex drive is then cover with theremainingcnunble topping Bake for 45 minutes or until &den brown and a common sidc cffcct, sowhile you could talk to bubbly. Scnz with whpped cream orvanillaice your doctor about trying a different drug, that cream suaestion may be problematic. You might want to make an appointment with your doctor and tell hunwhatis happening
FRIDAY, NOwhlBER 8,2002
Grannie B, Waterloo's legendary landladv Meal Moogk-Soulis
cr's fields behind her house to avoid being stngled out as a first-year en@LJ n~eek:, ~Irrpriif jd11re11the sfory of neenng student. At that time, as a Doris Bnscheif,o /anr/ludy who had rented form of initiation, first-year students rooms in Woterloojr 2qyeurr. Read the hadalogchained to their legs. Shealso remembersDickDay takingpartinthe /Irst parf at 2234. This nmk she sharer .come sforieJ \YJaterloo-Guelphri~~alry. "The Guclphengneeringstudents ahout her former fcnant~and obonf the ihange in WaterLoni- sfndenfhornsing sit~d- came over here and creatcda bigrumpus and these guys went back. 'l'hey afion. l'he house rules were simple. stolc the city fire engine. He didn't Don't do anything you wouldn't do at come back for four days. I remember home and no 'IT if Doris Buschert Ferhusband] Bill said, Where's Dick? hadcmnpany. \Then the boarders had I haven't heard hun,' and I said I breakfast in the morning, they were hadn't heard him either. W'henDick came back,] he was pretty sheepish . ,-qectcd to nnse their dishes. Huschert was entertained on nu- bec2u:t. he k.c! ?J1 his h i r shaved off merous occastons. ltwas not uncom- and has spenta few days in the untvcrmon for her boys to come home and sity hoosegow." Day later went on to announce that they were taking her to become a fire chief in London. She also remembers brilliant h e r and a movtc. Xith another pair of boarders, there were monthlppizza Stephensou. Buscheareturnedfrom nights. If she pro~-ldedthc juice, they California with a predecessor of the would provide the pizza. It was also rubis cube in the form of a linc. Her tradition to have a Christmas dinner other boarder and a friend spent hours before the boys went home for the trying to figure out the mathematical' formula for solving the puzzle. She holidays. The boarders provided light mo- came home to find her kitchen full of ments forBuschert She recalled Don scrap paper and the s t u n e d boarder Craighead sneaking across the f a m - and his friend. Stephen had come 'MPRINTSTAFF
1 I 1 I I I I I I I
home moments earlicr and solved the puzzle. Buscherthaskeptin touchwithten of her formcr boarders and exchanges Christmas cards, phone calls and letters regularly. For many boarders, she actedasamotheraway fromhome. At various times shewouldprovidemeals and do the laundry, which was a drawing card for some. When Trevor Anderson and his wife Diane moved to Calgary in 1979, they asked her to come along, at their expense, to babysit thehdersonchildrenwhde they settledinto their housc. Buschea spent two summer months out west and took weekend sightsee ingtripswiththef a d y Before &eleft, the Andersons promised to bring her backtocclebrate her e'ghttethblahday, a promae fulfilled m 1998 The Andersons also brought their new' ara, now a mother born daughter, 1 herself, to see Buschea because there were nograndparents nearby Porhcr75thlnahday,Buschert,her boarders and their f d e s hada reunion Many of the boarders wanted a chance tomeet other boarders In recent years,her former boarders
suffcrcd. "Oh gosh, those houses were a mess," shc said. "1 had to smile the other day. I was going to church and two fellows camc downSeagramDrke from the university and said, This is a mess isn't it?' There was an old store on the street. I said, 'No tt isn't and if it did it wouldn't be out here.' This is what happens with no landlord residences. Oftentimes people go by my housc andaskme if I have studentsand I saynotanymore. People can tellwhich houses have he-in landlords bccausc the houses look cared for." Huschea has also appeared at ciq council to let them know what she thtnks ofthe developmentinher neigh bour'hood. '%%en hey p:~p thi: building on the comer [thenew-Laurict residet~ce]I put my two cents m at council. I'm so happy to see one building [ratherthan several separateproperties] that will be managed by tht university because thenitwill be taker care of." With the incrcasedpopulation,shc hasn't scenmuchchange."I don'thimx that much trouble with the kids really We get the occasional beer bottles or the lawn. I get more noise coming from Loose ChangeLouie's than from the residence. "As long as [my neighbour] Mrs VesninandI are here theywon't chase us out," she said.
- Get the car you want before you graduate! NO $$ DOWN WHEN YOU BUY
I I I I 1
have come tomsit herwhenthey haw brought their own children to Waterloo to study. Don Craighead comes back forhomecomingcelebrationsand others have staycd with her, transforming her house into a bed and breakfast. Frequently, more than one b~~willreturnatatime. 'Zastyearthey [George Clapham and Bill Alderson] were here between C h s t m a md New Years'," remembersBuschert'That's when I wished that I had had a tape recorder. 'l'hey reminisced and were just having a ball. They wcre telling stones that thcy were quite sure that I didn't know about " 1houghawasn't expectedofthem, PAI: cfthebbo~&r~fc!tconyejled to help Buschea with odd jobs around the house Theywould mow hcr lawn if they found her doing it, they would wa5h herwindows,or do other chores Only in the lastdecadehas then&& bourhood changed. As old families moved out, non-resident landlords purchased their houses off-site. S c v eralofthe houses have been renovated or rebuilt to create small apartment buildifigs. KJith the landlords living off-site,thebuildingsandhouses have
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Exercise to good health AIDS immunity UW's Well-Fit program benefits chemotherapy patients
linked to plague
Adele Pearce
For the first tlme ever, chemotherapy patients in IGtchener-Waterloo have thc opportunity to take part in an innovativenew exercise and wellness program, right here at University of L\ aterloo \Tell-bit, a fitnessprogram started last January, combines carefully~ l a n n e daerobic exercise, strength training and flexibility exercises Xith the permission of their oncologists and after an assessment b\ the Tt ell Fit staff,paticnts can begina 10 week program Sessions arc one hour long and occur twice a week Activities include functional weights, treadmill activities and cychg on stationary b&s All exercises are supervised by employeeson a four to one patient to staff ratio LJntilnow,chemotherapypatients in the region have had few options for dealing with the side effects of the treatment, which can cause fatigue, anemia, hair loss, gastrointestinal problems, nausea, vomiting, mouth sores andmuscle pain Many present methods of coping with side effects are milder in nature, including meditation,prayer, hypnosis,imageq (imagining the pain as an object that is floating away) and massage therapy However, fitness therapy has been gaining followers and Well-Fit is a testament to the grow% number of patients turning to alternatives to improve quality ofhfewhdeon c h m therapy Though it is not the only program to use controlled physical exercise to help allcvlate pain in cancer patients (there are others like it in Ottawa, Calgary and in countries around the worlf),Well-FifsdirectorCarylRussell said that "to our knowledge it is the only exercise program offered in this area for people undergoing chemotherapy " She later noted that "one aspect of this program that is unique is that each client is treated, assessed and ~rescnbedexercisebased on their individual needs " Russell, a CLV graduate with a master's degree in kinesiology, runs the prograrnalongwithLonKraerner, another UDG' hesiology graduate, trams the cancer patients The dean of the f a c u l ~of applied health sciences, professor D r Michael Sharratt, helped campaign for \Y'ell Fit's funding, he currently serves as a connectionbetweenIGtchencr-Water loo's medical community and \X. ell Fit "As for the medical community, the tri hospitals and the oncologists are support11e of this program and play an important role m referring clients to this program," said Russell of \K ell Fit's ties to the medical com munity Russell said that there is a "partnership" between the region's
1he quest to find a cure for AIDS is racingonemore stepmthe nghtctrec tion Recent studies on people n h o mysteriously survived the bubonic plague in the 17th century have revealed a link between survi.corship and presence of the human CCR5 gene,also called"de1ta 72 "This gene has bcen obsen ed to prex ent HTV
tion which usually occur tw-o to st7 days afteresposurc toanaffectedani ma1 The diseaseadvanccsrapidly Oncc infected with the plague, a humai acqures a progressive and possibh fataldlnessunless treatedwithantibi otics AIDS, on the other hand, is ax Ira disease that affects thc immune sys tem and challenges the bod1 's abili~ to protect itself against mfcction anc disease The disease is caused by t h ~ mmune sv stem bj in
infecting thc body
The FTTV infec tmn causes in
fleas There are
Trainer Lori Kraemer helps enhance quality of life for chemotherapy patients like Dale Avelings by combining variou5 aspects of fitness. cancer care providers and Well Fit Though the initial fundmg for the program came from w i h applied health sciences, sheaddedthatthey are currently looking for funding to continue the project Only the first 10 weeks of the programare free,patients may continue the program after that time period if they wish, but on a feefor servicebasis Russell said that they have clients "withmany different forms of cancer, in different stages, in different treatmentprograms andindifferent stages ofwelhess " The program appears to be benefitingthesepatients "of the 20 clientsin the program, they have come fa~thfullyand each day has indicated some improvements, either quality of
hfe,less fatigue,feeltngstronger,more motivation [and] cnpyment,"RusseU told Imprznf Her colleague, Lor> IGaemer, said that another benefit ol Well-Fit is that patients meet others m the same type of situation as theii own, ~vhichgives them a sense oi communtty, helping them cope with the emotional difficulties caused bl cancer. Overal1,Russellmpleasedwiththe innovatwetreatmentprogramand sac that they have receivedwhatshe callec "a very posaive response from thf community, especiallythose who haw had chemotherapyand can appreciate what the Well-Fa program can pro vide "
KUO to healthy pen the death of rats, the flea hosts harmless infec WhenratsAcfrom Both HIV and the plague t h e ~ l a ~ , t flea5 h e bacteria, Yersinia pestis can be tmnS may eve' prove tobe fata that lived on them fought by the same gene. in patients wit1 must seek out new sources of blood This makes hu AIDS Dr Stephen O'Bnen, fromthe Na mans and other animals targets for infected fleas. Another method of tional Institutes of Health in KasE transmissionisthroughdirectcontact in on UC, has studted HIV, as we with an infected animal through a a he CCR5 gene He hypothesue that carrying this gene could have a break in the skin Inhalation of air borne viral particles is also a factor in lowed certain people to survive th the spread of the plague, but person- plague O'Brien's research is based o to-person transmissionofthe disease is uncommon Between human out- Eyam, a small village m England thi breaks of the plague, the bacterium came into contact with the plague i 1665 Eyamwas quarantmed for a yea travels among rodent populations in order to prevent the spread of th without causing extensive damage Tnep!aguc affectsthebody inmuch disease to surrounding regions the same way as AIDS Symptoms include swollen and p m f u l lymph See AIDS, page 1 nodes, along with fever and exhaus-
Don't throw out your bread crust Jennifer Holdner SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
Homosexual sheep
Studies done on sheep show that structural differencesin the bramare assocmtedwithpreferencesfor sexual partners These results complement studies done on humans. Theresearch ofKayLarlunandh s teamat the OregonHealthandScience University found that the hypothalamushasgroups of neurons called sed~dimorphtcnucleus.The bundle of neurons is smaller m sheep withsame-sexpreferences thanthose who prefer the opposite sex. Ramswereused because theyshow distinctmenaturalvanations 111sexual attraction Twenty-seven sheepwere studied for two years, some ofwhich preferredmales and the restefeferred females I Iuman sexuahty is more complicated but researchers hope that this study wdl help them further understand human sexual preferences. Food scraps to fuel cells
Microbactenalfuelcells,oncemefficient and expensme, are closer to becoming a reality. An ultra-cheap bactend-dnvenbatterywhchms on food scraps has been developed by Chns Melhuish at the Umversity of Western Englandin Bnstol.
A w h a n - s i ~ battery e is stuffec with E.coli that breaks down carbohy drates, releasmg hydrogen atoms Other chemcals inside the cell dnm redox and oxidation reactmns which stnp electrons from the hydrogen sending them to the fuel cell anode creatingavoltage These battenes canpowera4Owatt light bulb for e~ght hours on 50 grams of sugar Carrots are next on the hsl of potential power sources. Previous mcrobacteiral fuel cells were mcfficient because theyused energy-guzzling pumps and filters in stead of dumping the bactena and chenucalsdirectlyintothe battery This battery produces eight times more power and Melhwsh is s t 4 looking for Improvements. Eat your bread crust!
Researchers at the Umversity of Munsterm Germanyhave discovered that the crusts of bread may provide more health benefits than the rest of the bread. The research statesthatthe cancerfightmgpotentd of htgh-fiberbread is found mostly m the crust. Baktng produces a novel type of antioxidant, pronyl-lysme, which is eight tunes more abundant m the crust thanin the dough The anttomdantwas found m both yeast and yeast free bread, but it was not present m the original flour This anti-oxidant 19 likely to be more abundant in darker breads and in broken pieces of bread which have more surfacearea for the reactions to happen. Burnmgthe bread, however, reduces the amount of antioxidant.
AIDS: old England gves new hope for a cure Continued from page 18
After this penod, outsiders ven turedmto the vdage anticipatingnoth ingbut aghost town They found that half of the town's population had survived O'Bnen researchcdthc wuaimnand tookthe opportumty to test h s hypothesis. Since everyone in the town must have been exposed to the bactena,he found it probable that some genetic trait shared among the survivors had given them immunity to the plague. DNA sampleswere collectedfrom descendants of the plague survivors and then harvested. "Delta 32" was found in 14 per cent of the samples taken In order to determmewhether the percentage of "delta 32" found m the DNA of&gue survivor descendants was mdeed higher than in other areas, O'Bnen brought together a group of scientists from around the world to test for the existenceof delta 32"elsewhere. The fmrlmgswere surprising 'I'he presence of the gene m Native Africans, East Asians and Indians was zero.The onlyplaces that had comparable levels of "delta 32" to that found mEyamwerc other regionsmEurope that had expenencedoutbreaksof the plague and areas of America which were populated by plague survivor7 and their descendants O'Bnen took the blood of people who were exposed to the HIV virus but did not become HIVposttive and exposed it to 3,000 times the amount of I IIV that would normally mfect a human cell The blood never became mfectedwithHIV. Research showed that "delta 32" was stopping the v m s frommfectingthe cells. The bI0clungcapacityof CCR5was
In 1665, half of Eyam, England died from the bubonic plague. firstdiscoveredm1996and,smce that timemanydrugcompmes have been attempting to develop new pharmaceuticalstomtate the functionof the CCR5gene.Researchisstamtheearl~
stages, but this relatwely new fin+ provideshope that somedaya cure for AIDS will be discovered
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mg. hlilic SIP i-nn en s11i-cdthm cwu! r 1ncgi 11 ri I d i e :I~Ie;irl> sent 1'1 ~lsnltungatiir-ee prmwi0ilI)- 11 1 >cclIil&. 111 L C 1 tllc garnc. l'lii\ \cemcii to rci ~ l i ctoni for the \\ n i - t - ~IS.; , a.; [lie\ ne\ citlailccl 1 4 t l l ~j<,llllC, ccm i ~ ~ l ~ ~ l n die\\ ~ r o111i l ~ 1 CIILI~ ~ -0 1 74~f i - ~ nrl ,ci Nte. (;r-nlinm Ialmnn led rbc \'\,irsior~offcilsi\el! \ \ it11 24 pomts and tight rc1~111~1d.;. I > ~ ~ t n l i i .ct. ~lc\ tlic iilue, got c l o w 11 \\.IS the adk! s m ~ x ~ t h sll~loiltlg o f n c l l - e .\lunlde\- that held them at hay hlunldey sc11rcc11Gp<ti~ltsiii the mmc, 12 h-om b e h ~ n d the arc,;uid chipped 111 Gerard Magennis part of t h e 71-70 victory over Saskatchewan elgh~rcb~~unils3s\~C11.
Sean Furfaro
- -
I'lie fir\( N n ~ i m ~ ('lasstc th t~~ol..plac~ m d \ n s the I I ~ J ~ I ~ eI l Icnt I ~ I' \(. I I I 75111 ~ f~irthcr~peiiingofthc . i m ~ u a Nai~;mrtl? l ('In5iic to111\place o\ ?I- ll,lillcc~lill,ilglaht \\ tcI<ctlilm1C lic~ilietb.dl includctl ,!Bnic o f thi te;itui in the c i n u ~ t r ~I lui ., LGIS', cell11,m n-2.5 esceptli>;~all~ nriling. and Ilcse'\ 110\\- It 'Ill pI;r;,c'I Ollt ti1 1 ')(,ti
Day one, November 7
'1 hi. fisst 51mc oiillc t ~ i ~ m a i n ~ n t fe.rt~~i-ecl tlic hlc( ;ill Rcclmcn \ ersu> t11c\Y~11 h~clI .airier L ill\!~(;oltlc.n I I;~\~ksntici\\ ,~s~~k~~t-pucccl,c~tremcl!ph! sic,il contc\t. 1 ht. I I;m h i kept it close uilti Ixilftttne. but rlic h e a d \ fa\ i~ureclIicdinw pulled a~va!111 the weld li;~lf,~ I L I I ~ ri] I I :1I :77-6 , ~ 1 11 111. Chme I \ \ ( ) pttcd the \\-cstern I\Luit:nlgs n p t i ~ srhe t St,hl;ir!'s f~luslcxi ; r i d tlurgamc \\ as A b,~slic.tbnllfail'> dream CI ,mi. ciu- \\ cites11I~elda 41 32lcadn:liai t(ttni,hui I ~ e e i r m ~JC~~rc~ c u p ~ d \1t11 \ rhc ~ ~ l h c t ainl stlie scccml 0 half. sccmingl! k x g c t t i n ~ahout their opponents. I'hc FTusldcs capitallxd nn {hi.;op1x]rhmtt! and toilk the lead, h~~lilrnga 7572:idx-antage \\ rthuniics a minute to p h \ . 'Tkcn, \;-it11 34 \cci ~nds (111 the p i n e clock, \\-cstern's h[nskJ'~xtchi,^ tl~ccc131~intsliot ~ ~ i ~ i l \\ as fouled on the pl:i\ . pr 111.i. Iiini xn i~ppuvtuni~y ti1g11c ihc \iuit:~ngs he IGKI \\it11 a rare ~ O L L Y - 1 7illit , play. IIc ci1011y S L I I I ~ hii f o ~ dshot and the \ l u i t a n p 11clJ iln t11nin 81-77,1-llc I luskics outplayed thc hluitangy In the sccomi balf,Ix~t,nsthe! often clo, 0 \\ cites11 f 1 ~ 1 xdnay to pull i r out .\U h e st;irrer\ ic,rYt hl,li-y's \coscd In c!ouhle figui-e.;,but\\citei-11 reapeel the Lc.llciits of a stellxr game b! h e t~r(~remcnrioned l'ixte, \\ 110 \cored a 31 p ~ i n t scimtilg off rhc gxtl~c-li~gh
(;erard I\lagenms c i ~ r n uil~~f f (~ftliebenclito le,~iitlic \Y'ai-itors In scoring and mtcilsit\ d n i x ~ ~thc g champiotlship game Ihe Ttrs~half illdn't &cappoint, 21s
St. \Iar!'i c o a c h Ross (Jualiciihush stibm~tt~ng :in 11i~orrect I-osterto the scr )ref's tablc fi11-each of Ills ream's three pine.;, 'esultingtil;~ilc la!-in the atnrtorihe ftsstgame.
n~uchmoresuhcl~~eclas e;ich tcam gar mtij :I b11of f o ~ dtrouble m d 11 was ktil ltrcii at 71 I-:( lnrth t\\.~)mii~utri tii
lusr111gto ~ h pace. c \\ itli these( I*-c tied;it22.Sasl~atclie\~-;it1~~ct~t ;ibit i1Is1111u bi~aling,rft~tn ai-di.l'criln n 10 ( 1 run be firre \\ ,rtcrli~occ~ulJ haps this 111 ;,fire ~niderthe \\ arr-iors >11rs\\el\\ 110 Iil<dYrccogl1i7cd t11;it sllplliilL> 'l'hc \Y~;lr.i-i~~rs also scemeii ti1 be xli,ned<~ ~ l ' t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ L : ~ c ! ~ caughtoifg~lariibythc.leapingzbi1ih s~ot.rne~1bach tonat-rim-thegap t 0 3 9 ~ I )f Sa.;lintche\\ ail'< 1~'mtiianuel Cliicli, 7 i nr halft~mc \\ lit) had tlirec imn sllattcring clun6\ See NAISMITH, page 21 111the f1s.t half, but felt the i ~ c ~t c i ) l<I( I
Mid-season and stil swimming strong Jen Law SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
LastFnday,swimrmngmthepool that will host the Ontario championships m February, the Warnors put the St. Catherme's Brock to the test and emergedthe victor The men had a phenomenal lead fromthe startandbeatBrock 139- 85 The women fought hard for every
m free and bronze mthe 50 m breast. Parsons scoredgoldm20Ommdimdualmedleyand 5Om breast andElFityam scoredagoldmh~s100breast and bronze m 100back. Top scoring veterans included MelissaThomasand KristenBrawley on the women's side and Matt Mams and Kurt Rohmann on the men.
point and won with a two p a n t lead 118 - 116. Many of the team's rookiesproved their value with Kayleen Binga and J e m e Meilerleadingthewomenand Danny Parsons and Kader EI-Fityam leading the men. Binga took gold m the 100 m breast, 50 m breast and silver in the 400 mmdlvidualmedley Meijer took goldin the 100m free, silver mthe 50
See SWIMMING page 22
Field hockey: t h d best in the land Continued from cover
Player of the p m e Julia Morton demonstrated outstandmg strcngth on the ball throughout the game, cre atmgnumerous offensive opportunt tics and leading the Warriors to their first wm at the nationals K ithan 1-0-1record,theWarnors
advanced out of pool play and mto the sem-finals where they met the number one rankedumversityofVic toriaVikings Aftcr a p e & , strong defensivehalf,the scorewastiedat 00 The Warriors' defensive efforts wcrc beingchallengedbutwere effective agamst the Vikes bmmng - - some of the&ayers to tears of frustration
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TUCK EVERLASTING ... (PG) ... nlghtly at & I 5 pm Ends Thursda November 14 JONAHA VEGGIETALES K ~ O V I E . . . ( F )at6:15 ~~~Um ~ Mats Sat &Sun 2:15 m Ends Thursda , November4! THE RING . . :. nyF! at TOO"&910 pm Mats Sat & Sun. 2:0b ~ r -n s Thursdav. November 14
November 1 - November 8 Men's basketball -
Natsmith Classic (PAC) \Xrarriors79, Toronto 74 Warnors 71, Saskatchewan70 (sem-fmals) Western 72, Warriors 64 (fmals) Women's basketball
Women's tennis
OUA mdwidual championships at Mchhster Ana Mam Mera -bronze medal Men's tennis
Steve Blanchet - 4th mdmdual championshps Men's volleyball
Warriors 53,McMaster 50 Western 67,\Xrarriors 45 Field hockey
Women's volleyball
CIS championships in I Iahfas UBC 2, \Y.'arnors O Warriors 2, UNB 0 Victoria?,Rrarrtors 0 (OUA seml final) Warriors 2, Toronto 0 (CIS bronze mcdal)
Western 3,Krarriors 0 (25-19,25-16,25 19)
Men's hockey
Noo 9 (A) Western, 10 a m
Guelph 4, Urarnors3
Men's Basketball
Women's hockey
Nov. 9 NCarleton, 8 p.m.
Guelph 7, Warnors 1 Concordia 8, Warnors 1 UQTR 4, Warriors 2
Women's Basketball
Men's rugby
Western 53,Warnors 12 (OUA sem fmals)
Coming up Navemher 9 - Novemller 16 Badminton
Nov. 9 (H)Carleton, 6 p.m Men's Hockey
Nov. 10 0. York, 2 p.m. Women's Hockey
Nov. 10 (H)Laurier, 330p.m
W'oinen. Warriors 118,Brock 116
Men's Rugby
Men: Warriors 139,Brock 85
Nov. 12 ( T)lQueen's at Western, 11 a.m. OUA bronze medal
The Vikes came out strong m the secondhalf,sconngback-to-backgoals at the 36th and 14th minutes of play, followed by two more late m the sec ond half puttmg the Vikes ahead for good. Honourable mention goes to defensive centre back Beth Nordemannfor excellentm a h g a n d tackhgandplayerofthegame &tie McNeil for her goaltendingthroughout the game and save on a penalty shot attempt. With the snow f a h g m d the temperature hanging below zero, the Warnors were relegated to the bronze medal match up agamst their nval team,the Untversity o f 1orontoBlues With a tie m regular seasonplay and a tight 3-2 victory for the OUA Gold, the Warriors were eager to play the Blues and prove their OUA titlc The game opened up in the Warnors' fafiveminuter. Apenaltycorneropporm t y gamed this goal with a shot from Julia Morton, a rebounded shot by Robm Leslie hitting the far post and an open net backhandedgoal by forward Samm Viswanathan The score remained 1-0 until thc Blues scored midwqy through the second half to make the game 1 1. The War nors showedpaticnceandcomposure while workmg to put the ball in the net The Warnors still remamedcalm m the last five minutes of play With the ball m the Blues' circle,agoal line scramble saw Viswanathan force the ball under d sprawling goalkeeper to put the Warnors ahead for good at 2I, earning hcr player of the game for the LY.arnors Also of note were tournament au stars Erin and Julia Morton Both were CIS All Stars named to the first and secondtcam rcspcctivcly Captain Robin Lcshc was named to the CIS first M-Star team and also pickedup the CIS Gad Wilson award for outstanding contribution to the sport of field hockey Withonly five CIS appearancesm the history of Waterloo field hockey the Warnors have earned themselves two national berths and two medals m the last two years Rookie coach Dave Hammond descrrbed his team as "hard workmg, determined and a pleasure to coach " varnrnond also commented on the amount the team matured throughout the season "In additionto speedand skill,we learned how to play a strong defensive game whichwasthe key to our successat the national championships." With this impressive accomphshment, the Warnors are looking forward to a similar showmg in their indoor hockey seasonmthenew year
November 8 - I 0
WARRIOR BASKETBALL Fndaj November 8,2002,(W)6:00 PM,(M) 8:W P M vs Ottawa Gee-Gees, UWPAC Gym Saturday, November 9, 2002,(W) 6:00PM,(MJ 8:00 PM vs Carleton Ravens,UWPAC Gym
Naismith: Western kept Waterloo at bav in the end Continued from page 20
'l'he second half was filled with tension and excitement for the Warrior faithful,as both teams exchanged theleadanumber of times.However, with 30 scconds left to play, it was IX'aterloo leading 70-69 when a K'arnor turnover led to a Mitchell Grant basket for the I Iuskies to take a onepoint lead with only 20 8 seconds remaining On the ensuing poses son, the Warriors worked the ball around the perimeter as the scconds tickedoff the clock,eventuallypass% a down to rookie Michael Davis in the post, who scored off the glass to take a71-70leadwith3.4seconds left.'The Huskies inboundedimmedtatelyand pushed the ball up the court to take one final shot and as that last shot went up, out of nowhere came Graham Jarman, flying through the air and swatungthcballout of bounds as the finalbuzzer sounded.The crowd went wild as the team celebrated on the court. The Warnorswere offtotheir first Naismith championship game since 1998. Dave M d e y led the 7XJarriors with 19 points and Michael Davis clupped inwith 17poiuts,10rebounds and a lot of hard work that won't appear in a box score. Championshipgame
The championship game had
Waterloo t a h g on Western and unlike previous years, the 7Xramors actually matched up quite well w~th the Mustangs The loss of Andy Kwiatkowslu, Chris Brown and Chedo Ndur tograduationleftWcstern with a big hole to fill in their frontcourt and, as a result, the team seemed to have refocused their attcntion onguard play and shooting,two aspects of the game that Waterloohas excelledat in the pre-season The first half saw the W7arriorsfall behmdearly, but they came back to exchange the lead with the Mustangs a few times The SLL saw battle continued until halftime and the Warnors went into the break up by 3 points, 32 29 l?leWarnoncameoutofthelocker room lookmg to extend their lead and they did justthat They lead by as many as sevenpointspamvaythrough the second half,thanksmlargepart to the inspiredplayof second-yearguard GerardMagennis Magennisproved an unexpected source of scoring in this game, as well as a signtficant contributoron the boards The War nors maintained their lead, but hit a roughpatchwheretheycouldn't score for over four minutes As tough as the W'arnor defence was, it was virtually impossible to keepateamlikeWestemoffthescoreboard for four m u t e s and the Mus tangs took the lead The Warnors fought to stay in the game andaMike Sovran three-point basket with 1 37
by a h a 1score of 7264.Adam Peakerled Western with 21 points and Gerard Magennis was the Warriors' top scorer with 14points and 6 rebounds. It was a hard fought game and the Warriors have nothing to be ashamed of -they stayed in the game the entire way and h s h the preseason with arecord of 7-2. In other action, the U of T Varsity Blues won the consolation championship title by disposing of Ryerson 7163 and the St. Mary's Huskies 62-58. The Laurier Golden Hawks claimed sev enthplacewithaconvincing 84-67 win over Ryerson and Micheal Davis battles Toronto's Toby Scott. McGill stomped Saskatchewaninthe left cuttheleadto four,butMarkPorte third place game, 87-79. again hammered the h a 1 nail in the Naismith moments cofhwitha trey,a.ndthere justwasn't enough time for the Warriors to dig Mkd,the35thNaismithClassic their way out of the hole. livedup to its name and was just that The Mustangs won the game, and - a classic. For those who saw it, their third consecutive Naismith title, you'll appreciate the excitement cre-
Come to the Imprint Office, Student Life Centre, room I 1 16 to receive your FREE tickets from November 8 to 22 between 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.
ated by this past weekend and for thosewho didn't, be sure to come out for regular seasonWarrior basketball, beginning this weekend. From what we saw at the Naismith, it should be an exciting season.
Swimming: Badgers scurry back underground Continued from page 21
'l'hese four are no strangers to top swims as Thomas tookgold in 400 m free and 50m back, and silverin 200 m free,Brawleytookgoldin l00mback and silver in 50 m back and 200 m indiviudal medley, Mains capturing three gold swims in 400 m free, 50 m backand 100backandRohmann takinggold in SOm free, 400 mindrviudal medley and silver in 100 m breast. The team had an excellent meet with many swimmers achieving personal bests in individual eventswhilt the most improved swimmer of the week was unanimously agreed to bc Scott at hers. It might be mid-season, but these warriors are not showing any signs of slowing.
Backstage preparation, ready, set, go Kyle Rea and Nick Walsh SPECIAL TO IMPRIN~
As you, our faithful readers, have no doubt realized, m past weeks, Imprint has been reporting on UPZ Drama's production of A Mid~ummerNght's Dream T h ~ sweek, the producbon team forrheplayhad the opportunity to talk with Inapnnf and relate the~r experiences Jessica (Jeca)Bowman, stag manager for this production, takedabout her role hexpe&encedtechnicalcrew member, Bowman worked her way up from a pamtcrew member, to the paintmanagcr, thenup toanassistant ditcctor for last year's production of ZwIfrh Nght No- &man is m charge of stage managing the current production bor those ofyouwho have no clue what a stage manager does, Bowman explamed."The stage manager makes sure the production runs smoothly They run rehearsals, set up photo shoots, troubleshoot andco-ordmatc between cast and crew " On top of th~s,the stage managerls also recponsible for sound and lightmg cues The hst goes on The point is that a stage manager is absolutely crucial for aproduction to run smoothlyand if the stage manager is inexperienced or favours either the cast or crew too much, the production could suffer It's clear that this will not be a problem, since Bowman can see thmgs from both sides She has empathy for the actors "I know what it's likc to have their workload, but I also know when to pressure them m order for them to do their best J also know what ~t'slike to be a crew member, which means I am able to strtke a balance between these two different and conflictmgpart4 of the production " 1he job is difficult, as one could imagine Bowman described stage manapgas "a full time job on top of acadermc responsibilities "And, as Bowman pomted out, "Although it's
Getting something for nothing Canadian bands do a free show to momote new store Ian Blechschmidt SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
When was the last time you got anythmg for free? The last time you signed a fake name to a credit card applicationtogeta freeT shirt?Ilow about when you stole your room mate's last bottle ofKeith's2 Wellon November 1,2002,more than 15,000 fans of Canadian super band, Our 1,ady Peace, found out that sometunes the best thmgs in life are free The conccrtwas part of apromotion set up by Amencan electronics andapphnce chamBestRuy,which recently opened severalnewstores m the GreaterToronto Area It featured performances by Vancouver's Noise Therapyaswellas I reble Chargerand of course, Our Lady Peace The concert was staged at the Air Canada Centre mTorontoand best of all,no one in the capacity crowd paid a thing to be there In the weeks before the concert, fans lined up at the new Best Buy stores, some for more than eight hours, fortheschance toattend 0thers gottheir tickets frommobile Best Buypromoters or fromradio station Edge 102 The show openedwith hard-rock quintet Noise Therapy who did an admirable lob warmtng the crowd, even though (to paraphrase Nozse Therapy themselves) most audience members had probably never heard of them before Their set startedoff alittle stiffly,withlittlemovement by the band, but after a few songs they seemed to warm up and fmshed withenergy and enthusiasm Though their all-female mosh-pit was foiled by the reserve seatmg,Nor~eTherapy's heavier sound was a great way to get the show started. Itwould be a while untllOur Lady Peaceperformed. Next on stagewas C a n a d i a n m stay Treble Charger Always enter-
taming lire, Treble Charger worked their way through their set with en erg7 and style malung sure to include their more popular songs One ofthe highlights of Treble Charger's stage show was their "stupid stage games" in which audience members performed sillystunts on stage 1he first saw two volunteers attempt to down entire 2 litre bottles of ginger ale m less time than it took for the band to fmsha song The secondinvolvedan audience member doing a lapdance andaPG-rated striptease for his girl fnend. After their set,Treble Charger signed autographs for fans outside the main seating area By this pomt, despite the great performances, I was starting to get annoyed with the shamelesspromo non of Best Buy It was expectedafter all, they did pay for the concert But I prefer my concerts without, as audiencemember Bmn Smithreferred to it, the pure pandering by the kdge 102radio personahtieswhoMC'd the show "I would be more receptive to the ad~~ertising,"said Smith, "if I could afford anythingthat I'dwant to purchase at Best Buy " I guess it lust goes to show that nothing is truly free But the commercialbreakswere a small price to pap for the show "I got more than my money's worth," adds Smith After &,what matters is the music and at approximately 9 38 p m ,O h Lady Peace hit the stage and gave one of the best performances I have ever seen.Their stagepresencewaselectric as frontman Rime Maida convulsed his way around the stage m typical sde Aninterestmgnotc to this concert was the performance of SteveMazur who recently replaced foundmgmcmber Mikel'urner as OLP's leadguitar 1st.Suchas~ficmtpemonnelchanff: may have hindered a lesser band, but Mazur fit m perfectly with the Our
)own and lir tv
t first glance, Christina Aguilera's
:w album Ytnppedappears to be t h ~
Bands like Treble Charger performed for free. 1 ady Peace sound,contributmgto the no nonsense rock feelwithhis blistering guitar solos Mamr and Maida, along with drummerJeremy Tagart and bassist Duncan Coutts gave a stellar perform ancc on fan favourites like "Inno cent," "Starseed," and "Superman's Dead "The stage showwas simplemostly lights and fog- but elegant Overallthe showwas fantastic,but there were two moments that really stood out One was the extended version of the song "Birdman" from the album Naueed. Between Ma~ur's solo, Maida's powerful delivery and the unadulterated energy that all four musicians put into the song, it was a moment mrock history The second big moment came at the end of the three-song encore when the band
played "4 A M " fromthe album Clumy b e Maida made the song, a fa5 ourite for fans, parttcularlypowerful for the audience by stcppingbackandlettiilgthecrowd sing the whole thing The show, as Smith puts it, was "absolutely amazing " Despite the corporate undertones, no one could have asked for more from any rock concert,let alone a free one.Despite the corporate undertones, no one could have asked for more from any rockconcert Our Lady Peace earned their su perstar status by proving that they are a high-class, high talent band Itwas aperfectwa~ toendanamanng show To sum up Our Lady Peace is good but free Our Lady Peace is better.
test off~ringinthe slim-bearing war lat has engulfed the music mdustry he pettte blonde, who only a few vears p battled a out with Britnej for ominance of the teen pop market, ands tall and proud on her new bumcover She is completely topless, f course, mtnus a few strands of ratcgicallvplacedhair Armed witha rovocative htle, an oversexed mage nd a steamy new smglc entitled Dirrty," Christina Aguilera's follow palbumis destinedto beaht, regardsswhcthcr theinusic is a~tuallv~oo .r not. So, is it? 'l'he answer is no: trippedis not good -it's fantastic. Aneclcctlcnm of rock,popa n d j u ~ avoured tracks, Ytnjped is chock full f single worthy songs dymg to be layed on radto stations worldwide canngbehmdthe ManahCare) csque ocal gymnaqhcs which littered her therperformances, Chnstma has dis overed melodious ballads and up :mpo numbers that complement her otce perfectly Workingwith such talentsas Alicia Legs, Lil' Kun, producer Imda Perry nd guitarist Dave Navarro, Stnpped ffers glimpses into every avenuc of :hastinaAgutlera's musicalalnlity Ihe d f u l "Impossible,"penned by Keys, howcases her downplayed vocals, ihde the femalepower anthem"Can't Iold Us Down" allows her to vent bout society's double standards. Likeme, songs such as the edgy "Get Line, Get Yours" and the orgamzed haos of the Perry-produced track Makc Over" prove that the girl who lnce sang about being a genie in a lottle no longer exists. In her place stands awomanproud ~ f h esexuality r Oust listen to the song Dirrty"), who is prepared to defend ~erselfin both relationships and the ~ubliceye Truth is, Stripped affirms that :hristma Aguilera is an artist with nore on her mmd than feigned 1 t r p y.And when she bares all, you had cttcr be listening
Join us for our Orientation Day for prospective graduate and summer students. IotentiaL areas of research. P Molecular Genetics of Cancers P Cellular & Molecular Biology 2. Medical Physics & Imaging > Molecular & Structural Biology When? Saturdav. November 16. 2002, starting promptly at 10:OO a.m. wlth a welcome presentation Where? Ontarlo Cancer hst~tute/~r~ncess Margaret Hosp~tal (OCIIPMH), 610 Univers~tyAvenue, 7thFloor Atrum, Toronto, Ont Vrsrt the varrous booths set up by labs, meet Professors, PostDoctoral Fellows and Graduate Students for mformal drscussrons, and tour the research facilrtres. For more Information, please visit our website at
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Creating an imaginative dreamworld Imprint reviews Theatre and Company's newes t production Red Lips Connie Gault Theatreandcompany October31 -November16
Imagine thts you find yourself sitting in a handmmely-designedtheatre on G n g Street in downtown Iatchener, embarkmg on a journcy through a middle-aged woman's m a p a t i o n 'That dream can become a reality at Theatre and Company's second play this season, RedLp,wntten by Connie Gault This play b e p s m a museum somcwhere m Europe, where three women onvacation explore the museum's aittfacts. SomethIngisawakened ifi one of the three women and she deslres to have a history of her own. And so the play takes off. ~ e s p i ttheincomprehensibleand e often fragmentedplotline of thtsplay, the cast at Theatre and Company did a superb lob of b r e a h g-h f e mto the script. The secondary characters dida mapficent job of proving to the audience the common fact that there are no smallparts, only smallactorsthankfully there were no small actors at t h ~ sshow Melissa Haller, Elise Bauman and Madeleme Donohue, whoare allnewcomers to Theatre and Company, all gave'stellarperformancesandcaptured the audience's m a p a t i o n . Haller,
playmgJame's friend Sarah, as well as the streetperson Norma, d d a fantas tic jobofswitch~ngfromone character tothe next and from one accent to the ncxt Hauman, playing the part of the httlegir1,htup the stage and proved to have apromisingcarccrin show business hnally, the bulk of Donohue's workwascrossingfromone sideofthe stage to another and looking mystenouslyat Kathleen Sheehy's character's Jame But it was not difficult to becomemtrpcd bpthts character '&ken she was fmally able to speak in the second act, it was obviouq that Donohue has more than lust a commanding stage presence
"Red Lips is an enjoyable yet directionless experience." Complementing the highly magi nattve and dreamhke script, Dennis Horn's stagc design is a work of art This stage is not only pleasing to look at and is able to capture the audicncc, but it is also highly functlond Wtth a script that jumps around from one locale and image to the next, the multi lev~ledandmulti-facetedset served to reduce thenumberofvcksetchafiges In addition to this, the set is bor-
dered by audtence on all four sides somethngrarely triedm the theatre world But Horn did a superb job creating this set to be as func tional as possible Director Stuart Scadron-Wattlec also commanded his cast beautifully,ensuringthat all four sides of the audiencegot equal exposure to the action \&i'tha script that at times seemed disjointed, directionless and random, the hghtmg did not serve its ultimate purpose of umting the en tire production Lighting cucs at times seemed forced and appeared simply for the sake of bemg there However, designer Andrew Lakm can be credited with an efficient method of using the lightmg to sugest a change m location, or to direct the audience's attention to another part of the playful set Theatre and Company'sproduc tion ofConnie Gault's two actplay I(edLp~is an enjoyable yet some tunes directionlessexperience The cast and crew did a noteworthy job of domg thts script justice, but Broadway does not have to lookout or make way for this production
The actors give the script justice in Red Lips.
November 4 to 9 co-feature: Mayhem
For more mformation or tick ets visit their website at or call the box office at 519 571-0928.
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Time for some sexual healing M w h v and Wilson create an im~eccableduo in the remake of the 1960's television show ISpy 1 SPY Directed by Betty Thomas ColumbiaPlctures
I'he problem with super top secret US weapons 1s that they'rc usually not super top secret enough toavoid capture by sleek European evil-doers As a result, movies like I Spy are to be made Based on the 1960s television show, which fcaturcd Hi11
Cosby andRobeaCulp asglobe-trottmg secretagentswhopretendedto be a professional tennis playcr and a tr;uner,respectively. The 2002 release wanders away from its source material Whde the movie keeps some of the same basic elements as the TV yeries (two male leads, one black, hnc white, one aprofessionalathletc) and the same names from the TV show, their names and roles are reversed In the televisionsenes,CulpplayedKelly Robinson and Cosby played Alexan der Scott In this movie,hd&e Murphy
Murphy lounges back imitating a previous role of Cosby's.
plays Robmson and Owen W11son plays Scott The TV show was the first to fea ture a black actor in a lead role and though it lasted only three years, it garnered Emmy nominations each year for both Cosby and Culp, with Cosby the perennial winner I don't cxpect the movie to bring home as many awards as the TV show did, m fact, I'd be surprised if it brought home any at all The story is a hash ofbastcallyany spymoviemade to date W t h a stealth
character suffers fromamassivc mferiority complex brought about through his competitionwithCarlos, the slick super spy Pla Bond Murphy alsoplaysthe same characteras he does in many of his o t h ~ films, r although he contrastsWidson's performance by playinga fast takng, cocky and self absorbcdcharacter You pretty much know when you are gomg mto this film whether you will lke a or not If you're a fan of Wdson or Murphy,then youwdlprobably enjoy the expcirence What fasci ~etandanot-so-super-secret-weapon nates me is howthcsc guys cancreate that has been stolen by a suape Euro such hilarious moments from the pcancvil doer (is thereanyotherkind?) less-than-adequate script The com In an effort to retrieve it, George i& ' is very much in the deli%eryand edy Bush has to enlist (who else), but a not the material But there are several second-ratespec& agent plagued with of moments that are s o r t h the price a massive mfenonty complex and an of admission One of them is tcascd arrogant loud mouthed prize fighter through the t a l e r m a scenemolvmg I he plot acts as a device only to Man m Gaye's "Sexual1 Ieahg "Ths bring the two stars of this movie scene represents the prefect comtcmtogether Therefore the whole movie teraction between thetwoactors,lea% hinges on thetrperformances E7dson, mg the audience wanting more who has previously been in B d e Directed by Betty Thomas (The Rackeland ThehyaITe~zenba~~tn~, plays Bra4 Bun& Maize, I'nuate Parts), this h s role perfectly He portrays the same movie does not take itself seriously, character as he does m most of his which makes it rather fun towatch It other films His1 lust put-down-my- shiesaway from theuntouchableBond bong performancesmake him a funny, persona as well as Inspector Gadget clueless and down-to-earth guy His
genenc formulas of many of the sp movies already out on the marke However, where it succeeds is m th chemistry between Wilson an Mrphy It's theamteractmnthat keep this film going and not the car chase and explosions They pale in compan son
.. ' 1 .3 .," 4-
Nw 8- Nw 27, Tnree Weeks!
Fri. 7:00pm, Sat. 1:50pm, 7:00prn, Sun. 1.45pm & 7:OOpm Mon. 9:30pm, Tues. 7:00pm, Wed & Thurs 9:30pm (Pick up film guide at turn key desk or see website for other showt~mes.) - 1
6 Pr~ncessStreet West, Waterloo 885-2950
page 27
Career Services Workshop: Resume Writing - Discover the techniques for writing an effective resume. Workshop rnns from 1 l:30-12:30 p.m. Sign up a t
Fall or Winter $17.75 Summer $ 8 . 9 0 mes:zows,overzo+w,
Architecture : Job posting expires at 8 p.m. 1 room for wmter sublet. Fully furn~shed,free parkmg, laundry, extremelyclean. 20miosfrom UW. $3601 month unlltles (negot). Call Sharon (519) 747 7813. Room for rent - 209 Dawson Street, ava~lablenow or W ~ n t e r03 or Sprmg 03. $330/month (not mcluswe), con tact t f l n m i a n ~ @ h o m a ~ l . ~ oomr 519747.951 7
tury buildmg, new modern design. Phone 1-866-655-5573 Must see room for rent! 6 8 A Churchill St., 18 minutes from UW campus, 5 mins from Zhers. Spacious clean house, laundry, high spccd internet, nice deck with BBQ, lots of parking. Jan-April for $320lmonthorJan-Augfor$300lmonth. 1 promise you will love i t ~you f see it, call 886-3801.
T w o rooms available starting January 2003 for 4 ntonths or 8 n~onths.Fully furnished, grcat vicw and ncighbourhood, central d c and heating. $400 a.b.0.. Near IlW. CallJoe at sly-8848292. 3 Bedroomavartment available lamar\ 2003, 8 months. $375~Montl1+ u t d tles Knig & Llnivers~ty, 1 5 minutes from IJW, bus route, parklog, lanndrv, tree cable, close t o grocerlev G o ~ n g fast, see today Call 746-3796 Br~dgeportLofts - b~cycleroom, b11hard room, laundry, parknig. Co-op studcnts welcomed' lurn of the ccn-
P a r t - T m e Students! Wanted 75 low-~ncome earners lookmg t o change them I~ves. Lcarn $avc can help you turn every $10 uito $30 for school, traiiung o r startmg your own bns~ness. Call 742-2460 ext. 411 I earn s a v e is a project of I utheruood CODA and 1s sponsered bv the government of Canada.
ESL teachers needed m KOrea. Bachelor'\ degree o r h~gher educat~on 15 manda tory. Good worklag c o u d ~ t ~ o nand s wage. C o n t a c t l n f o & Money a t lgp114@ hotniail.con~ o r 1-519-5745853 for more ~ n f o r m a t ~ o n . Apphcants wanted to study Part IV of The Urant~aBook. Earn $25,000 For
$$ guaranteed. TESOL certified in 5 days. Attend a free information seminar. Frccinfopack: 1-888-270-2941 or Weekend counsellors and relief staff t o work In homes for indiv~dualswith developmental challenges. Experience, mi~ii~iiuni eight month commitment. I'ad positlous. Send resume t o Do11 Madcr, K-W H a b ~ l ~ t a t Services, ~oi~ 108 Sydney Street., Kitchener, ON, N2G
Need Some Extra Money? Aver InHome 'l'ntormg 1s hmng math and sclence tutors. Must have own transportatlon. Fax Resnnie t o 888-7125. Christmas Gift Wrappers - Crcativc Iiidividuals, Locations; Downtown Toronto, North York, Richmo~idHill, Mississauga. Managers to $9.75lhour bonuses. Wrappers to $7.75/hour bonuses. Fulllpart time, December 124. Call 416-533-9727.
FREE to a good homr frlendlv and affectionatc black cat needs a loving family. If intcrcstcd, please contact Jewca at 635-2531. "Ultimate Questions" The Lord Tcsus Christ is the ditterence. Learn abont Him. Bible study by correspondence. Please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church 1238 Main St. Sheffield, O N LOR 1Z0 o r email: Sign up today. It's free. Cancun Mexico, Readmg Week Snecial! Saturdav. ,, February 15, one week. All-inclusive beachfront from $1 133lquad. Thames Travel a t 1-800-962-8262 (Todd). Daytona Beach and Montreal @ New Year's, specials from $159. Montreal at New Year's. Two nights stay In Mmtreal. December 30-January 1, return bus, $1691Quad. Book three friends. vou eo for half nricr o r book , " seven go trce. ContactThamcsTravcI 1 800-962-8262 (Todd). DaytonaBeach-Reading wcck, six nights. Stay at Heachfrout Hotcl from $1591 Quint. (U-Drive) Book four friends go for half price or book 9 and go frcc! ThamesTrwel l-800-962-8262 (Todd).
Professional Tutoring Services. Dcvclop critical reading and writmg skills for current courses. Contact Marlon Rahn at 463-5758.
111 Luther Village on the Park, in Waterloo, is looking for strong and dependable people to clear
Architecture: Job posting avatlable by 12 noon. WEDNESD iY, NOVLLIBER 13
Architecture: Job posting expires at 8 p.lll. Be a Big S~ster.Female volunteers from all cultural backgrounds who are 1 8 yeanofage or olderhavethe o p p o r t u n q t o make a posltlve d ~ f ference 111 a child's 11fe. Each B I ~ S~sterir matched w ~ t ha gn-l between thc agcs of 4-17. Prcscntly there IS a large wa~tmglist with over 60 k ~ d swaltmg for a f r ~ e n d Can you share three hours a week for one year t o e n r ~ c ha chlld's hfc) Next tralning date IS November 23, 2002 from 9 00 a.m. t o 4 00 p.m. Call 743 ,206 to register. Engl~shTutors are needed to tutor @ 5tudents and scholars for two to t h r u hours per week Shadows are n ~ c d e dt o help new lnternahonal s h ~ dents adjust to hfe m Canada durnig t h c ~ rfirst tcrm at IJW For more intormatlon about thc proqrams, please mew the IS0 meb51te at. www intcrnat~onal.~iwatcrloo ca Volunteer a few hours weekly durmg the s ~ h o o lday and make a l~felong d~ttereniet o a chdd The Fr~endsServ ILC a t CMHA matches volunreers w ~ t h chddren who nced add~tionalsupport a t school. Fr~cndsoperate? In partnersh~p with the local school hoards and helps ch~ldren4 t o 15 years Call 744-7645, ext 317. Volunteer to visit an individual with Alzheimer's Disease. Matches made based on interest. Training providcd. One to four hourslweek. Call Jill at thc Alzheimer Soc~ety742-1422 o r e-mail jmercier@nonline.nct.
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Auct~onand Celebrat~onof Natwc art. Prev~ew at 5:30 p.m., hvc auctlon at 7:00 p.m. Location: St. Paul's U n ~ t e dCollege, Westmount RoadNorth, Waterloo. A d m ~ s s ~ o n ~ncludesa b o r ~ e ~ nenterta~nment. al wme and finger food and more. f Call 885-1460 for more mfo.
E Q Technology Yard Sale a t Stanley Park Senlor Puhl~cSchool T h e U n ~ v e r s ~of t yWaterloo would like t o welcome all prospecttve \tudcnts and t h e ~ rfaniihes t o You @ Waterloo Day from Y:OO a m . - 3:00 p.m. Act~vit~cs mcludes faculty and program mformat~on,campus and resldence tours, and co-operative educahon sessions. SUNDAY, NOVWIBER 10
Salsa Workshop at the Waterloo Community Arts Ccntrc 25 Regma St. S. 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. N o partner but some experience necessary. Call leff a t 7479850. hIOND IY, hOVE\IBER 11
Flu Clmc!! Held at the SLC and w ~ l l run untd Thursday November 14. ImprzntStaffMeetmg, 12:30- 1:30p.m. Rm. 1116 111 thc SLC TLESD 41, NOVFhIBER 12
Trade Talks - A cerles of eight mtcrai
tive career talk shows exploring careers in the skilled trades and local apprenticeshipprogram. From 6:00-9:OOp.m. a t Palmerston D~strictCommunity Cenrre THURSDzIY, NOVEhlBER 14
Dr. Shah, Prof. Eng., Stanford University will speak about the new age of engineers m developing countries. 5 :00 p.m. , PHYS 150. T h e AnnualTex Mex Bake, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. in Environmental Studies main fover. FRIDXY, NOVEMBER 15
V~etnameseStudent Assosc~at~on Antum Dance at Festwal Hall, South Campus, 7p.m. - 2 a.m. For t1cket?call721-3226 SITUIUII', NCOVhhLBEK 16
Lwe Jazz! UW Swmg Club prcscnts " D a n ~ m g111 the Moonl~ght" featurmg Alex Pangman and her Alleycat,. From 8-12:00 p m . at the Royal Canad~an Legloo, 1 9 Regrna St. N. For T ~ ~ k ee-t \ mad dance@wat?erl Concert. 1 lapjack at the Church 1heatre, 1376 Kmg St. Norch, St. Jacobs O N at 8 v.m. TLIESD AT, NOVEMBER 19
Hair Rasingevent attIic Bomber at6:30 p.m. Richard Dang is cutting off 111s "tail-hone" length hair t o raise moncy for Camad~anCancer Research Soc~ctv. Eventheld by the I1W ES Coffee Housc.
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