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University of Waterloo ceremony Rt. Rev. H. F. G. Appleyard, Bishop of Georgian Bay, was installed as ViceChancellor of Renison College, in this traditional ceremony on the evening of April 24, 1961. From left to right: J. G. Hagey, President of The University of Waterloo; Rev. J. R. Horne placing the Academic Hood on Bishop Appleyard; and the R-t;. Rev. G. N. Luxton, Chancellor of Renison College and Bishop of Huron.

“ Stardust Weekend” The “Stardust Week-end” will officially begin with the “Stardust Ball” ,at 9.00 p.m., Friday, May 12, at Seagram Stadium, and end after a Weiner roast, on Saturday evening. The musical entertainment for the “Ball” will be eondueted by Ronn Metealfe, with his 14 piece orchestra, and trio. We are confident that this year’s entertainment will far surpass anything we have had in the past. To achieve the “Stardust Theme,” we are going to use a rotating mirrored globe to give a star-like effect against a dark blue false ceiling. A


water fountain will be loeated in the middle of the dance floor directly under the globe to further add to the outdoor theme.A canopy over the table area will serve to separate the sitting area from the dance floor. As an added feature, we hope to have a lounge room for those who want to talk rather than dance. Saturday evening we will be having a Weiner roast; but information as to time and place have not yet been determined. The following is a list of people and the jobs they are heading up for the dance: Conl’d.



Thursday, April 27, 1961 3.10 p.m. Meeting __ Senate, University of Waterloo 6.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. Examination - Adult Education R.I.A., 8.30 p.m. Meeting -- University of Waterloo Women’s Club.. . .. . Friday, April 28, 1961 7.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. Examination ~ Adult 9.00 p.m. Dance. Recorded

1.00 a.m. . . . . .. . Music.



Saturday, April 29, 1961 1.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. Modern, Language Teachers



P205 .

P216 Faculty Lounge

R. LA.. .


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Seagram Gymnasium will be in use until examinations, Arts and Science. 6.00 p.m. __ 10.00 p.m. Physics Library and P335 open to students.

Last Monday evening, the University of Waterloo witnessed the installation of the Rt. Reverend Harold Frederick Gaviller Appleyal d, M.C., B.A., D.D., Bishop of Georgian Bay, as the first Vice-Chancellor of Renison College, a newly-federated college of the University of Waterloo. The Physics Amphitheatre was somewhat changed for the historic oeeasion. A platform was erected at the front, and the blackboards hidden behind gold satin drapes. Over the Vice-Chancellor’s chair was hung the colourful coat of arms of the late Bishop Renison, for whom the College has been named. This coat of arms has been adopted by the College as its own. The colourful procession was led into the hall by the Proctor of Renison College, followed in symbolic order by the representatives of the Colleges, the Boards of Governors, the Senate of the University, the Deans of the University, the Viee-Chaneellor and Chancellor of the University, the Speaker, the Vice-Chancellor-Elect of the College, and the Chancellor of the College. After the Procession had been placed, all those present joined in the singing of God Save the Queen. The Chaplain of Renison College then gave a bidding prayer, imploring God’s guidance and good graces over Renison College in its infancy. The Secretary then read the Authorization of the Installation of the VieeChancellor. Following this preamble, the Chairman of the Board of Governors administered the Oath of Office: “Sir: You are now to assume the function and office of Vice-Chancellor of this College, to which you have been duly appointed. You shall now swear to keep and preserve, well and faithfully, during your period of office, the statutes, liberties, eustoms, rights and privileges of the College, and to promote its well-being and that of its members so far as in you lies. ” The Vice-Chancellor-Elect then took the Oath, saying: “God being my helper, I will so do.”

The Vice-Chancellor was then robed in the brilliant turquoise-and-white robe of his office. The Chancellor installed him, saying: “Sir: By the authority vested in me, I now install you in the office of Vice-Chancellor of Renison College, and I invest you with the authority, and charge you with the’ responsibilities which appertain to this high office.” The Vice-Chancellor then delivered a short address concerning his appointment and his hopes for the future of Renison College and the University of Waterloo. The Speaker of the evening, the Reverend Ramsay Armitage,M.C.,M.A., D.D., and former Principal of Wyeliffe College, then addressed the assembly, taking as his theme these powerful words, “Salute! Be of high courage.” A compatriot of Bishop Renison, he paid great tribute to the latter’s work, drawing from personal contact with the late Bishop, and from other sources eoneerning his life as Bishop of Moosonee and Metropolitan of Toronto. He showed how Renison College in its infancy exemplified the pioneering spirit of Bishop Renison, who spent a great part of his life as a missionary in the Far North. Renison College has come a long way since its founding in 1959, and the future holds even brighter prospects, as it continues to grow, year by year. After the address, it was announced that Renison College has embarked on a fund-faising campaign to raise $300,000 in order to erect two buildings on the University campus by September, 1962. One of these would be a dormitory, housing about 80 students of all faculties. The other would contain offices, common rooms, dining facilities, and a temporary chapel. The Right Reverend George N. Luxton, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Huron, and Chancellor of Renison College, then offered a closing prayer and pronounced the Benediction. Contd.

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.P204, P206 P216 . Seagram’s Gym

P145, P150 Common Koom May 5 for The



. H.


G. Appleyard



The Reverand Ramsay Armitage, M.C., M.A., D.D., guest speaker at the installation.

N. F. CmU. S. N. F. C. U. S. is the Canadian student’s means of involvement with the activities and affairs of fellow students in Canada and around the world. It is the means of communication between the students of Canada on matters of Common interests, whether they be a stand opposing a limitation of academic freedom on’some campus, or a national program of scholarships to aid studetns from cost to coast. N. F. C. U. S. is the representative to the Canadian University Student, whether it be to the government, to the public, or to the students of another nation. But why involve yourself with the affairs of others? Are you your brother’s keeper? Yes! If you’re alive, you are! If you are alive, you are involved in mankind, the sueeess of fellow students will enrich your country and your destiny, the failure of fellow students will be the failure of your nation and your future. You participate in life by being a part of it . . . your enjoyment of a good party Comes from being there yourself, and not in hearing someone tell of it several days later; the reward in your University environment Comes from taking an active part in University activities, on campus and nationally, and not in remaining insulated isolayionists. Many claims are put forward that Engineering students are too wrapped up in their slide rules, transits and Lady Godiva to take part in student administration. Fortunately, this is not true, although t@e Engineering Students may be vastly outnumbered in the ranks of the administrative councils of the Universities today, a glance at the executive positions that they hold will show their redeeming grace. The Chairman of the Committee at The University of British Columbia who organized and ran the Third Annual N. F. C. U. S. National Seminar, a $40,000. venture, is an Engineering student. The past president of The N. F. C. U. S. is a Civil Engineering Student from Montreal; one of the past Honorary Presidents of The N. F. C. U. S. is Dr. G. T. Page, the General

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Oath,saying:“Godbeingmyhelper,Iwillsodo.”Aftertheaddress,itwasannouncedthatRenisonCollegehasemba by Imprint Publications - Issuu