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University of Waterloo ceremony Rt. Rev. H. F. G. Appleyard, Bishop of Georgian Bay, was installed as ViceChancellor of Renison College, in this traditional ceremony on the evening of April 24, 1961. From left to right: J. G. Hagey, President of The University of Waterloo; Rev. J. R. Horne placing the Academic Hood on Bishop Appleyard; and the R-t;. Rev. G. N. Luxton, Chancellor of Renison College and Bishop of Huron.

“ Stardust Weekend” The “Stardust Week-end” will officially begin with the “Stardust Ball” ,at 9.00 p.m., Friday, May 12, at Seagram Stadium, and end after a Weiner roast, on Saturday evening. The musical entertainment for the “Ball” will be eondueted by Ronn Metealfe, with his 14 piece orchestra, and trio. We are confident that this year’s entertainment will far surpass anything we have had in the past. To achieve the “Stardust Theme,” we are going to use a rotating mirrored globe to give a star-like effect against a dark blue false ceiling. A


water fountain will be loeated in the middle of the dance floor directly under the globe to further add to the outdoor theme.A canopy over the table area will serve to separate the sitting area from the dance floor. As an added feature, we hope to have a lounge room for those who want to talk rather than dance. Saturday evening we will be having a Weiner roast; but information as to time and place have not yet been determined. The following is a list of people and the jobs they are heading up for the dance: Conl’d.



Thursday, April 27, 1961 3.10 p.m. Meeting __ Senate, University of Waterloo 6.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. Examination - Adult Education R.I.A., 8.30 p.m. Meeting -- University of Waterloo Women’s Club.. . .. . Friday, April 28, 1961 7.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. Examination ~ Adult 9.00 p.m. Dance. Recorded

1.00 a.m. . . . . .. . Music.



Saturday, April 29, 1961 1.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. Modern, Language Teachers



P205 .

P216 Faculty Lounge

R. LA.. .


on Page 2



Seagram Gymnasium will be in use until examinations, Arts and Science. 6.00 p.m. __ 10.00 p.m. Physics Library and P335 open to students.

Last Monday evening, the University of Waterloo witnessed the installation of the Rt. Reverend Harold Frederick Gaviller Appleyal d, M.C., B.A., D.D., Bishop of Georgian Bay, as the first Vice-Chancellor of Renison College, a newly-federated college of the University of Waterloo. The Physics Amphitheatre was somewhat changed for the historic oeeasion. A platform was erected at the front, and the blackboards hidden behind gold satin drapes. Over the Vice-Chancellor’s chair was hung the colourful coat of arms of the late Bishop Renison, for whom the College has been named. This coat of arms has been adopted by the College as its own. The colourful procession was led into the hall by the Proctor of Renison College, followed in symbolic order by the representatives of the Colleges, the Boards of Governors, the Senate of the University, the Deans of the University, the Viee-Chaneellor and Chancellor of the University, the Speaker, the Vice-Chancellor-Elect of the College, and the Chancellor of the College. After the Procession had been placed, all those present joined in the singing of God Save the Queen. The Chaplain of Renison College then gave a bidding prayer, imploring God’s guidance and good graces over Renison College in its infancy. The Secretary then read the Authorization of the Installation of the VieeChancellor. Following this preamble, the Chairman of the Board of Governors administered the Oath of Office: “Sir: You are now to assume the function and office of Vice-Chancellor of this College, to which you have been duly appointed. You shall now swear to keep and preserve, well and faithfully, during your period of office, the statutes, liberties, eustoms, rights and privileges of the College, and to promote its well-being and that of its members so far as in you lies. ” The Vice-Chancellor-Elect then took the Oath, saying: “God being my helper, I will so do.”

The Vice-Chancellor was then robed in the brilliant turquoise-and-white robe of his office. The Chancellor installed him, saying: “Sir: By the authority vested in me, I now install you in the office of Vice-Chancellor of Renison College, and I invest you with the authority, and charge you with the’ responsibilities which appertain to this high office.” The Vice-Chancellor then delivered a short address concerning his appointment and his hopes for the future of Renison College and the University of Waterloo. The Speaker of the evening, the Reverend Ramsay Armitage,M.C.,M.A., D.D., and former Principal of Wyeliffe College, then addressed the assembly, taking as his theme these powerful words, “Salute! Be of high courage.” A compatriot of Bishop Renison, he paid great tribute to the latter’s work, drawing from personal contact with the late Bishop, and from other sources eoneerning his life as Bishop of Moosonee and Metropolitan of Toronto. He showed how Renison College in its infancy exemplified the pioneering spirit of Bishop Renison, who spent a great part of his life as a missionary in the Far North. Renison College has come a long way since its founding in 1959, and the future holds even brighter prospects, as it continues to grow, year by year. After the address, it was announced that Renison College has embarked on a fund-faising campaign to raise $300,000 in order to erect two buildings on the University campus by September, 1962. One of these would be a dormitory, housing about 80 students of all faculties. The other would contain offices, common rooms, dining facilities, and a temporary chapel. The Right Reverend George N. Luxton, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Huron, and Chancellor of Renison College, then offered a closing prayer and pronounced the Benediction. Contd.

on Page 4

.P204, P206 P216 . Seagram’s Gym

P145, P150 Common Koom May 5 for The



. H.


G. Appleyard



The Reverand Ramsay Armitage, M.C., M.A., D.D., guest speaker at the installation.

N. F. CmU. S. N. F. C. U. S. is the Canadian student’s means of involvement with the activities and affairs of fellow students in Canada and around the world. It is the means of communication between the students of Canada on matters of Common interests, whether they be a stand opposing a limitation of academic freedom on’some campus, or a national program of scholarships to aid studetns from cost to coast. N. F. C. U. S. is the representative to the Canadian University Student, whether it be to the government, to the public, or to the students of another nation. But why involve yourself with the affairs of others? Are you your brother’s keeper? Yes! If you’re alive, you are! If you are alive, you are involved in mankind, the sueeess of fellow students will enrich your country and your destiny, the failure of fellow students will be the failure of your nation and your future. You participate in life by being a part of it . . . your enjoyment of a good party Comes from being there yourself, and not in hearing someone tell of it several days later; the reward in your University environment Comes from taking an active part in University activities, on campus and nationally, and not in remaining insulated isolayionists. Many claims are put forward that Engineering students are too wrapped up in their slide rules, transits and Lady Godiva to take part in student administration. Fortunately, this is not true, although t@e Engineering Students may be vastly outnumbered in the ranks of the administrative councils of the Universities today, a glance at the executive positions that they hold will show their redeeming grace. The Chairman of the Committee at The University of British Columbia who organized and ran the Third Annual N. F. C. U. S. National Seminar, a $40,000. venture, is an Engineering student. The past president of The N. F. C. U. S. is a Civil Engineering Student from Montreal; one of the past Honorary Presidents of The N. F. C. U. S. is Dr. G. T. Page, the General




The CORYPHAEUS Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society.

Editor-in-Cheif: Associate Production






and Circulation:

Advertising Manager Al. Marshall



Al Goar

Business Manager : Murray French


Engineering Editor: Wallace M. Krawczyk

Photographer: Brian Reid



Editor: John Stirrat Feature


Editor: Earlby




EDITORIAL It is our opinion that the so-called virtues of patriotism, nationalism, loyalty, school spirit, or whatever you will call the knack of sticking by your associates, Countrymen, or trade union through thick and thin, are much overrated and of ten despicable. Who doesn’t admire the man who forsakes his home to go to war? Who isn’t proud of the techniological advances of his own country, or the comfort and wealth of his fellow citizens? Who thinks it wrong to protect one’s military secrets from other peoples ? Yet for every one of these pseudo-heroicies there remains a lack of understanding of true loyalty and true generosity. What of the man our hero will kill or maim in war? What about the poverty and hunger of non-technical nations, or the crowded dwellings and superstitious ignorance of alien millions? We may protect ourselves with nuclear warheads but what have smaller freedoms to protect themselves with? What neglect of alongside one’s own the same tribe?

I’m getting at is the absurd hatred others in the same race as ourselves, and apparently breeds with, paradoxial kin. Are we not first and foremost human species before being members

and selfish that exists loyalty to members of of a specific

In a country such as Canada where it is no extraordinary thing to see a Chinese, a Slav, and a Scot (or any other nationality for that matter) working together with the same ideals, the same ambitions, and the same sense of national pride, such demonstrations of small-minded discrimination should be completely foreign. Is it fear or ignorance or prejudice or jealousy or what, that makes people insanely desire to exterminate other races? Why do people rally to the bugle of a Kruschev or a Kennedy in an attempt to kill or liquidate other people whom they artificially hate but actually have no knowledge of? If we had the same respect and loyalty for people the world over ~ leaving Idealogical differences to be debated in the conference room and on the political platform for those who wish to accept __ there would be no arms race, no communist threat, no war orphans, rather there would be better solutions for problems of undernourished peoples, population explosions, space explorations and uses, atomic power harnesses, land developments, and problems which face the world as a whole and all our existence in it. As Canadians, but primarily as humans we should be duty bound to broadcast a respect and genuine warmth for all peoples whenever the opportunity arises. Together with our own advance in civilization and education we should exemplify a true human understanding and loyalty. It is only when we are after doing our share to promote better human relations should we attempt to credit our particular clan with special graces . . . And what then?? ‘Love your enemies,” hate you, bless them that persecute and calumniate

says Christ, ‘do good to them curse you and pray for them you .’ Brendan

that that

W. O’Connor, Editor




“Where Natural Massage is An Art” Entire Body-One Full Hour-$3.00 By Male and Female Registered Masseurs 712 Belmont Ave. West SIC 4-2021



28, 1961

a2Question of the Week ?

Everyday prominent newspapers and magazines bemoan the fact that Canada has no “Angry Young Men.” One magazine went even further and stated boldly that the average Canadian university student is interested only in money, sex and pushing beds. How true is this? Can we at Waterloo proudly proclaim, “Yes! we have Angry Young Men on campus.“? NO. “Letters to the Editor” and other articles in the Coryphaeus indicate that we have feelings of frustration and hostility on campus but certainly we have no organized, well-thought-out policy towards loyalty to the crown, Canadian and world polities, or even a crisis on campus. The Constitution of the Students Council was accepted with only a slight murmur and I ask you, “How many have read the Constitution?” Today, we are living in a world that demands conformity. We live as sheep on the range with only the occasional watchdog keeping the wolves away. We feel secure in numbers. We feel happy with a buck in our pockets and a girl on our arms. Why change it? We never had it so good! Perhaps one day soon, some will look into their mirrors and see the ugliness that they have brought into the world; perhaps soon they will see the horror and suffering being inflicted upon millions ; yes! _ even in this country; perhaps, at first their faces will turn white with the horror of living and perhaps one or two will see red; the rest will continue to live as before.

THINKING If you think you XC beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don’t; If you’d like to win, but think you can’t It’s almost a cinch you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost For out in the world we find Success begins with a fellow’s will __ It’s all in the state of mind. If you think you’re outclassed, you are; You’ve got to think high rise, You’ve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize.



Life’s battles don’t always go To the stronger or faster man But sooner or later the man who wins, Ts the man who THINKS he can.

President Kennedy of the United States has asserted the right of his country to intervene anywhere in the Western Hemisphere to stamp out the infiltration of Communism, with or without the consent of the country involved. Do you agree with this policy? While I feel that no one country has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of another, if a significant majority of the Western countries feel that intervention is absolutely necessary, then any required action should be taken, regardless of the consequences. Robert George Gayton A country has the right to choose its own type of government, even if that government be Communistic. Any intervention by outside countries would be a violation of basic democratic principles. The example of a working democracy should be sufficient guide to other countries. R. C. Smith Taking Cuba as an example, would be improper, but support arms and the training of troops


direct military intervention of the rebels in the form of would be justified. Peter Ferry

United States’ action would be justified consent of the countries involved.




David Beasse Howie Dawson

MORROW’S CONF. 103 Dearborn St. W. Drugs -- Magazines Smoker’s Supplies Groceries and Meats

SWANCleaners and Shirt


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Service & Dearborn


N. F. C. S. Cont’d Secretary of The Engineering Institute of Canada, the only man ever selected from outside the realms of educational institutions. Although it is quite true that fifty percent of the delegates to the N. F. C. U. S. Congress are law students, it is just as true that many of the executive positions of responsibility in The N. F. C. U. S. are filled by students from the Applied Sciences. The question will be coming up in a referendum shortly at The University of Waterloo whether or not to accept The N. F. C. U. S. on our campus. I maintain that it should; as a new University they can contribute much to us in the establishment of Student Societies, the Student’s Union, the Student’s Council. They can draw from the experiences of 34 Universities across Canada, from Newfoundland to British Columbia, to give advice and assistance where

we need it; if we need it we will have the support of the students of 34 Universities behind us. And, because The University of Waterloo has evolved ah entirely new concept in the training of Applied Science Students, we need to be in The N. F. C. U. S., to contribute to them the lessons learned from this new venture. The Canadian Government looks upon The N. F. C. U. S. as the official spokesman for the University students in Canada. Since the very existence of any University of repute depends so much upon the support of the government it is essential that the Voice of Waterloo be included in the Voice of the N. F. C. U. S. This, the, is why The N. F. C. U. S. should be supported; because it is an organization of University Students from aeross Canada, formed expressly for the purpose of acquai&ng the Canadian Government and the Canadian Public of the problems of the student.

“STARDUST WEEKEND” Cont’d . Ron Walker, electrical hookup; Don Robertson, General Decorations ; Gerry Izzard, Tickets and Table Reservations; Gary Gregory, Refreshments; Glenn Hawley, Orchestra Stand Decorations; Ed Martin, Advertising; Bill Fines, Distribution of Advertising; George Yaciuk, Waiters and Personnel. These people are going to need a lot of help. If you feel that you would like to help on any one of the jobs please contact the person in charge of that group. We will need a lot of help on the Thursday before the dance and the Friday of the dance, for

decorating. We would appreciate as many as possible coming out and helping. The tickets, as you probably know by now, cost $5.00 for the week-end. Please place your order for your ticket through your class representative. He should be able to get your ticket by Friday of this week, at the Student Offices. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the “Stardust Ball.” Barry Ridgewell, 1st Vice- President, Engin,eering Society.






By Yimminy This is shaping up to be one of the most difficult columns that I have ever had to write. With hands wet from peeling potatoes and one eye to the kitchen, the task of writ& has become more of a chore than a sane outlet for my p&sonal feelings. For all intents and purposes, the smoke now diffusing throughout the living room could indicate either a flaw in the cooking process, or a tremendous loss in efficiency of my mental machinery. A short hop, skip, and a jump to the kitchen unmasks the culprit. The potato skins would never have stuck to the bottom of the pot as the potatoes, sans skins, are now doing. My kingdom for a busty maid, proficient in the culinary arts! The Kitchener-Waterloo Record recently carried a picture of U. S. President Kennedy and former president Eisenhower at the Camp David, Md., retreat. Kennedy, appearing as though he had the weight of the world upon his shoulders, looked like the prodigal son, seeking the reassurances of his father. The U.S. President has made one of the modern worlds’ greatest “faux pas”. By active support of the Cuban Exiles, the U.S. Government has placed itself in the unenviable position of not only supporting a losing cause, but of active participation in an act contrary to public opinion. The latter will, i-n all probability, make a considerable contribution to the increasing loss of prestige of the U.S. among the Western and Neutralist Countries. However, the full impact of this action is yet to be felt, since the extent of U.S. participation has not yet been fully determined. At the moment, involvement of the U.S., it has been established, has centred around the training of the exiles and the supply of transportation, gasoline, and arms. It has been reported that the Central Intelligence Agency has been working on a master plan for invasion of Cuba for over a year now. The culmination of this work came last week when the C.I.A. actively guided the launching of the invasion aimed at the overthrow of Premier Castro. All other information remains shrouded in a cloak of secrecy. That the Castro Government and the Communist Bloc will take full advantage of the situation to further their propaganda, is a certainty. And why shouldn’t they! The U.S. has been condemning Russian backing of civil uprising for so long that we are beginning to believe that the U.S. is caDable of no wrong. I sincerelv believe that thev are convinced that whatever they do is right. They are lik; the eye that sees but cannot se& itself. I ask, how on one hand can the U.S. condemn Russian activities in this field, while at the same time secretly be contemplating similar activities? Are we to close our eyes and ears like the monkey who sees no evil, and hears no evil? For years we have-been subject to a continual programme of American propaganda. Subconsciously, we have been held spell-bound, to the extent that we no longer know REAL Truth from American truth. But is the “American Way Of Life” ; America the Leader; America the Good; America the Decision-maker, the country that it is cracked up to be. The Cuban people are better off now than they ever were under the Batista regime. Food production has increased, housing developments are going ahead, food consumption is up, and public health and education programmes are proceeding very rapidly. What more need be said? The abortive invasion attempt has shown a lack of response from the Cuban people, indicating that they must be content with the personal benefits resulting from a more diversified and solidified economy. In this melting pot of human endeavour, where is one to find the truth? Is it to be found in the blind acceptance of American leadership? Or can it be found in the company of who frequent the local coffee truth-seeking iconoclasts, house? Perhaps it can be found in the ‘escapism’ of forbidden Eastern Cults. Allen W. Watts in “The Way ofZen” describes Zen Buddhism as the “way of liberation” comparable to a seulptor revealing “an image by the act of removing pieces of stone from a block” Chuang-tzu the successor to the great Lao-tzu, as contained in the works of H. A. Giles, sums uy: the approach to the Real Truth as follows: “Things are produced around us but no one know: the whence. They issue forth but no one sees the portal, Men, one and all, value that part of knowledge which iz known. They do not know how to avail themselves 01 the T_Jnknown in order to reach knowledge. Is not thii misguided?”

Page 3




PROFILE Canada and was awarded his Master’s Degree in 1957. While writing his thesis, he spent three months at Chalk River working on a reactor Fuel rod design for the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Incidentally, he thinks very highly of the team at Chalk River and strongly recommends that a student who is interested in nuclear research should work there for a while.

FOR GROWTH Toronto (CP) __ 21-4-61 The Ontario Research Foundation will launch at once an expansion program to aid industry and induce top scientists to remain in Canada, Dr. A. Donald Misener, foundation director, announced today. Dr. Misener said in a statement the expansion will be in preparation for a “forthcoming boom” in Canada’s industrial and technological development. He announed: An expansion of foundation clientele, both within and outside Canada; more research staff to conduct new work; broadening of research to include lewer technologies and techlieal specializations, and a 3hysical expansion, including 3urchase of new equipment, enlargement of present facilties, and, eventually, re.ocating the foundation in a lew “research community” .n the Toronto - Hamilton Irea. The program to be co-elated with Canada’s injustrial growth, has resulted Yom an extensive study of potential and .ndustrial scientific requirements, Dr. Misener said. Resources


Industrialists, economists and investors everywhere agree that Canada is on the brink of a great industrial expansion, yet our technical resources are inadequate and we have been losing some of our best scientific manpower to the U.S.

B&L SUPERSAVE (formerly


247 King

Market St.


at Dearborn

In these modern days, when everyone seems to be rushing madly from one chore to another without a minute to spare for themthe man who can selves, leisurely stroll enjoy’ a the countryside through every morning, even though being a member of the nati&‘s atomic research team, is truly to be envied. Such a man is Garnet Donald IllcPherson. Mr. McPherson, who has i penchant for seeing the world, has been satisfying ;his desire while educating limself. During the summers it Western Tech, he worked n lumber camps, on lake )oats (at 15 he was the youngest Watchman on the )I,~,~$ apd on . ocean-going m which he saw nany dea-ports on both sides If the Atlantic. Graduating from Western I’ech, he went to the Univer;ity of Toronto in 1951, and ;ook time to participate in ?is favourite sports, swimming, diving, and gymnas;ics. As the U. of T. representative for the senior onemeter diving event, he placed second in the Inter-Varsity league in 1953. During the summer of 1952 he joined the University Reserve Training Plan and was with the Air Force until 1955. This was a year of big achievements, for in April he graduated with his Bachelor of Applied Science degree in engineering physics, having taken the geophysical option; ,that summer he completed his with the three year “hitch” Air Force and so he got his three “wings” ; however, weeks after getting his licenwere “clipce, his “wings” ped”, for he got “hitched” to girl-friend Marion.

Outstanding During these four years he had remained on this continent but had toured the United States, Mexico ant Canada.

/iZSAW SWEENEY’S GROCERY 170 King St. North SH Z-1970 Groceries Meats



10 King Street Waterloo Special Student’s Meal Ticket


On graduating he workec for two months with Schlum. berger Well Surveying Corp. an oil well servicing compa,vlJ - Then in December, 1955 he joined the staff of Orend: Engines Ltd. and worked or vibration instruments desigr for the “Iroquois” jet engine which was to have powerec the Arvo “Arrow”. In 1956 he entered thf University of Ottawa taking a course in nuclear engineer ing, the first to be offered il

In September, 1957, he joined the Waterloo College Associate Faculties as a lecturer in physics. However, h.e was awarded a scholarship by the French Government and, in September, 1958, on leave of absence, he packed wife Marion and baby “Emm” (stands for Marion) off to Saclay, near Paris, where he studied nuclear engineering at the Centre d’Etudes Nuclbaires. Thus he earned the degree Ing& nieur en Genie Atomique. At the end of this time ‘rofessor Davies (who is at Iresent on leave of absence rom this University and who s working towards his docrate in mechanical engin!ering at the University of London) with. his wife and )aby duaghter, joined the VIcPhersons for a tour of England and Europe. In September, 1959, Mr. VIcPherson returned home md, not being satisfied with riving physics lectures only, Divided his time between the J. of W. and the A.E.C.L., vhere he worked on the fuel mod design for the CANDU heactor. He applied for a \Jational Research grant, and s now conducting a research lroject called “Elemental inalysis by Critical Edge 2bsorptimetry using BetaIarticle Excited X-rays.” I’he objective of this project s to apply radio isotopes to control of industrial pro3esses. Still desirous of furthering 2is studies, Mr. McPherson .s planning to start working .n 1962 for his do&rate in rbadio isotope applications. Even though nine month old Jeanette and big sister Marion now demand more of Daddy’s time, he still finds time to play the piano, and he and Mrs. McPherson participate in several clubs, including literary and square dancing. He is also the representative of the University of Waterloo on the Education Working Committee of the Canadian Nuclear Association, and is a member of the American Nuclear Society, the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, and L’Association des Ingbnieurs en G&nie Atomique. To close this Profile, here are a few more interesting facts about this soft-spoken, blue-eyed lecturer. In keeping with his name, he plays the chanter, likes plaid neckties (MacPherson tartan, of course!) and is a member of the Clan MacPherson Association.











April Nick Hathway called minutes of the meeting. The Hathway.



was called



to order



at 5.10 p.m.


by Nick



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The Friday,


A great historic occasion has come to pass. May many more lie in the future. We convey our best good wishes to Renison College at this time.


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and Best Cofee

in Town

The better part of every men’s education is that which he gives himself.

NOTICE To Arts and ScienceStudents Arts and Science Students interested in obtaining copies of The Coryphaeus while away from the University are asked to fill out the following coupon and return same by mail as soon as possible to: The Board of Publications Student Offices (Annex No. The University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. NAME..

We are faced paradoxial fact tion has become chief obstacles to and freedom of

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***** Friday, April 28,1961 *** * * *

Lst, at 5.00 p.m.

Gregory Nick

Secretary. seconded

of the Engineering



Hathway, Robertson, Assistant

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to set up the committee.

It was decided to print the Minutes Society Meetings in the Coryphaeus.




Committee Fagin









Bertrand Russel, Sceptical Essnys, p.163

for further


This was Jcanes.

hate geniuses, hate saints.

use of one set of books

by George

This was accepted Oldham.

The committee Engineering Crest and George Wells.









This was accepted Oldham.



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Grant System was outlined revision and consideration. Jim


Colleges as convents

Emerson, Uncollected Lectures : Public and Private Education,.



The Bookstore ahead in its accounts.

Dearborn NOW


J. Ii. Lowell, M?g Study Windows: Lincoln,.

Carl Hamacher accounts.

No by Nick


QUOTES meeting

It was also announced that there would be a maximum of 150 tickets sold and these would be available through the Engineering Society Class Representatives.





Ridgewell announced the on Tuesday, April 18th.


The sports action on campus is for the moment rather hampered by weather. Once this situation clears up, both softball and track and field competition will be organized. For the moment, only rugger is active - very active indeed! After organizing practices themselves, the members of the rugger team - The Safaris - are already living up to their name. Their first game will be played this week-end at Ann Arbor, Michigan, against the TJniversity of Michigan team.



Barry Committee



These were Hribar.




$578.80 Mike


17, 1961

After the Installation, the assembly was treated to a buffet lunch in the Common Room of the Physics Building. Here, those present had an opportunity to meet and greet the Chancellor, the new Vice-Chancellor, and Mrs. Renison, the wife of the Bishop for whom Rcnison College is named.




President. Secretary.


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