4th semester assignments - July 2009 Jan 2010

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(4th SEMESTER) ASSIGNMENTS JULY 2009 & JANUARY 2010 (MCS-041, MCS-042, MCS-043, MCS-044, MCSL-045)


CONTENTS Course Code

Assignment No.

Maximum Marks

Last Date of Submission

Page No.




15th October, 2009 (For July Session)


15th April, 2010 (For January Session) MCS-042



15th October, 2009 (For July Session)


15th April, 2010 (For January Session) MCS-043



15th October, 2009 (For July Session)


15th April, 2010 (For January Session) MCS-044



15th October, 2009 (For July Session)


15th April, 2010 (For January Session) MCSL-045



15th October, 2009 (For July Session)


15th April, 2010 (For January Session)

Important Notes 1.

Viva-voce worth 20 Marks is compulsory for each course.


Please follow the guidelines given in the MCA Programme Guide for solving, presentation format and submission of the assignments.


Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Date of Submission

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MCS-041 Operating Systems MCA(4)/041/Assign/09 100 25% 15th October, 2009 (for July, 2009 session) 15th April, 2010 (for January, 2010 session)

This assignment has six questions which total carries 80 marks. Answer all questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words. Question 1: State the Readers and Writers problem and write its semaphore based solution. Also describe the algorithm. Can the producer consumer problem be considered as a special case of Reader/Writer problem with a single Writer (the producer) and a single Reader (consumer)?. Explain. (20 Marks) Question 2: Describe different schemes for deadlock prevention, avoidance and detection with major advantages and disadvantages of each scheme. (10 Marks) Question 3: What is thrashing? How does it happen? When are the two mechanisms to prevent thrashing? Describe them. (10 Marks) Question 4: What are the factors important for selection of a file organisation? Discuss three important file organisations mechanisms and their relative performance. (10 Marks) Question 5: How do you differentiate between pre-emptive and non pre-emptive scheduling? Briefly describe round robin and shortest process next scheduling with examples for each. (10 Marks) Question 6: i)

What are the main differences between capabilities lists and access lists? Explain through examples. (10 Marks)

ii) What is the Kernel of an operating system? What functions are normally performed by the Kernel? Gives several reasons why it is effective to design micro Kernel. (10 Marks) 3

Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Date of Submission

: : : : : :

MCS-042 Data Communication and Computer Networks MCA(4)/042/Assign/09 100 25% 15th October, 2009 (for July,2009 session) 15th April, 2010 (for January, 2010 session)

This assignment has five questions, which carries 80 marks. Answer all questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words. Question 1: i)

What are the Nyquist and the Shannon limits on the channel capacity? Elaborate through examples. (8 Marks) ii) Differentiate between the followings: a) b) c) d)

FDM and TDM Circuit switching and packet switching Virtual circuit and diagram Stop and wait protocol and sliding window protocol (12 Marks)

Question 2: i)

Compare the features of different 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps Ethernet technologies. (5 Marks) ii) Explain the basic operation of collision detection in Ethernet. (5 Marks) iii) Compare the advantages of fibre optics over copper wire and coaxial cable. (5 Marks) Question 3: i)

Describe how is the TCP/IP protocol stack organised compared to the ISI/OSI protocol stack. (5 Marks)

ii) Describe the relationship between IP addresses and MAC address. (5 Marks)


Question 4: i)

Why use FTP to transfer files rather than e-mail ? (5 Marks)

ii) What is the purpose of time to live field of the IP datagram header? (5 Marks) iii) How does the 3-way handshake mechanism for creating a TCP connection work? (7 Marks) iv) What is the difference between a port and a socket? (3 Marks) Question 5: i)

Explain the difference between distance vector and link state routing protocol through examples. (9 Marks)

ii) Why is the security of web very important today? Also outline the design goals and features of SSL 3.0. (6 Marks)


Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Date of Submission

: : : : : :

MCS-043 Introduction to Database Management Systems MCA(4)/043/Assign/09

100 25% 15th October, 2009 (For July, 2009 Session) 15th April, 2010 (For January, 2010 Session)

This assignment has four questions, which carries 80 marks. Answer all the questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words. Question 1: Consider a University like IITs having different Engineering departments. The University offers PhD, Master of Technology and Bachelor of Technology programmes in various Engineering disciplines. Each department has a number of full time faculty members - Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors. Several Guest faculties can also be visiting the University. A student may take up only one programme at a time from the University. (a)

Draw the EER diagram for the hospital showing all entities, relationship, aggregation, generalisation and specialisation. (5 Marks)


Create the normalised tables till 5 NF, highlighting all the different types of dependencies including Multi-Valued and Join dependencies (if your design does not have any such dependency, then you must explain the MVD and JD with the help of an example situation related to any University). (5 Marks)


Draw the class diagram for the University above and relate it to database design as done in part (b). (5 Marks)


Create an embedded SQL query to find out the list of faculties who have been involved with UG, PG and doctoral programmes. (2 Marks)


List the contents of the catalogue considering that the system has been developed using a commercial database management system? (3 Marks)

Question 2 (a)

Consider the following relations: (6 Marks) Faculty (fa_id, fa-name, f-designation) Student(st_ id, st_name, st_address, st_programme, st_programmeRegistrationdate) Project_Consultation (fa_id, pa_id, pc_consultationDate, pc_hours)


You may assuming that pc_hours represents the number of hours of consultation on a particular day. Write the SQL commands to find the total number of hours spent by each faculty on each student. Now, assume that there are 100 faculty records, 5000 student records and 50000 project consultation records. Also assume that in a block of data 10 faculty records or 5 student records or 50 project consultation records can be accommodated. Find the minimum cost for the query given above, if Block Nested- Loop join is performed. Also find the query evaluation plan for the given query. (b)

What is a timestamp? Explain a timestamp based protocol that ensures serialisability during concurrent transactions with the help of an example involving at least two concurrent transactions that are trying to modify the same data items. List the differences between timestamp based protocols and locking protocols. (4 Marks)


Consider the relations given in part (a) of this question. Design two types of users – faculty and the student. The faculty is allowed to view and change the data in Project consultation relation, but not allowed to change any thing in the Faculty and Student relations. The student users can only view the data about her/him. Design the suitable access control and use SQL to grant the desired access rights to the users. Make suitable assumptions, if any. (3 Marks)


Describe the process of distributed deadlock detection with the help of an example. (3 Marks)


Explain the 2 phase commit protocol with the help of an example.


Explain the log based recovery scheme with deferred database modification approach with the help of an example. (2 Marks)

(2 Marks)

Question 3: (a)

A University like IGNOU maintain a list of published blocks and its sales in its store management system. A block is a part of a course. All these publications have an ISBN number, block title, price and the course code this block belongs to. A student can purchase one or more blocks from the store. Design a suitable object oriented database management system with the help of ODL. Also write a query that finds the price that is to be paid by one student on purchase of some blocks. (5 Marks)


Create a semi structured data using XML for a software company employee (assume a maximum of 5 employees). You may include the fields – ID, Name, contact phones, address – home, office and emergency. Create a suitable DTD for this document. What kind of support is build by commercial DBMS for XML? (5 Marks)



Consider a data warehouse of a departmental store that contains three dimension tables and one fact tables – Dimension table of Year, Product and Branch and fact table of Sales. Create the star schema for the data warehouse with some sample data. Explain the process of ETL for the data warehouse so designed. (5 Marks)


What are classification, clustering and association rule mining? Explain the Apriori algorithm for association rule mining with the help of an example. (5 Marks)

Question 4: (a)

Explain the following with appropriate examples. (i) Multimedia Database (ii) Geographic Information Systems (iii) Web Database (iv) Data Grid (10 Marks)


Explain the following in the context of PostgreSQL a. oid and tableoid b.R-Tree and Hash indexes c. Isolation levels supported by PostgreSQL d.Postmaster process e. Query processing (5 Marks)


Explain the following in the context of Oracle a. Integrity constraints b. Tablespace c. Branch and leaf index blocks d. Locking mechanism e. Commit and savepoints (5 Marks)


Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Assignment Marks Maximum Marks Last Date of Submission

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MCS-044 Mini Project MCA (4)/044/Assign/09 100 25% 15th October, 2009 (For July, 2009 Session) 15th April, 2010 (For January, 2010 Session)

There are eight questions in this assignment, which carries 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva-voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Assumptions made if any, should be stated. Background and Project Specifications: ABC University has different course on offer. It wants to provide web support to their students mainly in Course Registration and Examination. In Online course registration, student can register for different available courses of the University after he/she filled up online registration form with details of DD/Cheque no. etc. The filled up students form will stored in a database and will be send to the administration section. Administration after checking the eligibility criteria, fee details and payments will provide the user name, enrollment number, and password to the students. The goal of second module Online Examination is to develop a system for testing a student’s knowledge of different available courses. Once student is eligible for examination based on duration, fees payments, attendance etc, student can fix up the time for examination of a course. After authentication using user name and password of the student. The system will generate questions at random from a database. Some questions will be factual, multi-choice questions. Some will require an exact answer. For example, the computer may generate a random 8-bit binary integer and the student will be asked to convert it into a decimal value. The examination system should be diagnostic and locate the student’s problems. For example, if students perform well in one area, further questions at the same level in the same area will not be asked. Question 1: Describe the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that suits the above specifications. Also, evaluate the systems requirements. (10 Marks) Question 2: Perform and evaluate feasibility studies like cost-benefit analysis, technical feasibility, time feasibility and operational feasibility for the project. Project Scheduling should be made using both GANTT and PERT charts. (10 Marks) Question 3: Design and draw the data flow diagrams (DFD’s) up to the required levels, entity-relationship (ER) diagram and also produce a data dictionary. (20 Marks)


Question 4: Create the systems flow chart and state transition diagrams.

(10 Marks)

Question 5: Decide the S/W requirement specifications and H/W requirement specifications.

(5 Marks)

Question 6: Plan the systems design phase and distinguish between logical and physical design requirements. (5 Marks) Question 7: Perform normalization to the required normal forms for the unnormalized tables.

(10 Marks)

Question 8: Design various test cases for different testing techniques/strategies.


(10 Marks)

Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Date of Submission

: : : : : :

MCSL-045 UNIX and DBMS Lab MCA(4)/045/Assign/09 100 25% 15th October, 2009 (For July, 2009 Session) 15th April, 2010 (For January, 2010 Session)

The assignment has two parts A and B. Answer all the questions. Each part is for 20 marks. UNIX and DBMS lab record carries 40 Marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the MCA Programme Guide for the format of presentation. If any assumptions made, please state them. PART-A: MCS-041 Question 1: Write and demonstrate the UNIX commands for the following:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

Find the number of users currently logged in. Find the number of lines in a specified file. Kill a background process. Display the current environment variables. Change the file permissions to Read only for everyone on a data file created by you. Find the lines in a file that contains the string like b or ab or aab or aaab or aaaa…b Transfer the names of all the files in a directory to a file. Display a file such that only 10 lines get displayed at one time. Create a file containing 10 lines, split it into two files containing 5 lines each. Display only those lines that are common in two different files. (5 Marks)

Question 2: (a)

Create a text file containing name, ID and addresses of students. Write a shell program that displays only the name and ID of the students. (5 Marks)


Write a shell script that counts the number of occurrences of the word “IGNOU” in a file. (5 Marks)


Write a shell script that displays the smaller of the two values given as arguments to it. (5 Marks)


PART-B: MCS-043 Question 1: A database Management system is to be created for a Study Centre to keep track of the students and the assignment records of the students. The database records the date of submission of assignment, the date of evaluation, the date of viva, the date of declaration of results, who evaluated the assignment, and the mark list description in which the assignment marks were sent to Regional Office. The database also maintains the details of the evaluators. Please perform the following activities for the description as given above. (a)

Design the database with suitable integrity constraints and create the database. (3

Marks) (b)

Write the following queries using SQL: (i)

Find the List of the students who have not submitted even a single assignment.


Find the details of the evaluators by whom average marks awarded are more than 70%.


Find the students who have passed more than 5 assignments.


Find the list of students who have not appeared in viva. Make and state suitable assumptions, if any. (2 Marks)


Assume two views for the above table. The first view is for the data entry person who is only allowed to enter new data in all the three tables, however, once he/she enters the data he/she is not allowed to modify it. Second for the students who can see only the marks that he/she has obtained in his/her submitted assignments. Create the two views and one user of the each view. Give the suitable access rights to the views/users. (4 Marks)


Write a procedure that creates a mark list for the specified subject and evaluator. The mark list at the top displays the subject code (course code) and title and the name of the evaluator. The details shown in the mark list are – student ID, student name, student marks and equivalent grades. Please note that Grades are to be calculated from marks by this procedure as per the following scheme – >=75% and above


>=60% and < 75%


>=50% and <60%



F (4 Marks)



Perform the following activities: (i) (ii)

Create a trigger that prints the assignment result of the student if he fails in that assignment. Create a trigger that automatically gives a grace of a maximum of 2%, if a student gets 48% marks in the assignment. For example, if an assignment marks are entered as 48%, then the trigger will automatically convert the marks to 50%, so is the case of student who gets 49% marks. His/her marks will be updated to 50% by the trigger. (4 Marks)


Create a transaction to enter the mark list obtained from an evaluator of a specific assignment. (3 Marks)



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