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Italian Pizza & Pasta Restaurant
Themed in Homage of all ltalian personalities from actors to politicians, sports stars to fashion icons of past or current generations, Volti Noti is The City Pavilion new venture. With its 200 printed chairs with Italian "Famous Faces" (as per its name's English translation), you certainly won't have seen it anywhere else in the UK. Freshly cooked pizzas and pastas is the main focus but Marco CamprorasQ, appointed Head Chef. has added few twists and specialties, and as per Panna's restaurant, our fine Dining Indian. there are two pizza ovens to accommodate both veg and non·vegetarian lovers.
Every dish is cooked fresh from our kitchens by his experience team of Italian chefs. Live cooking of pizzas and pastas is an added feature and will certainly contribute to the ambience of this fresh and elegant eatery. With a private room for up to 80 people, there is ample space to accommodate birthday parties or corporate dinners.
With a strategy to constantly improve and develop our offering, the Directors and Management team at The City Pavilion hope you will all enjoy this new restaurant and look forward to welcoming you very soon. Volti Noti - Open Monday to Sunday 12 noon til 11 pm.
Fri 27th Jan £28.95 The amazing Blues Brothers Tribute act 3 Course Buffet OJ until l ate
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Collier Row Road
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t has become an annual tradition to dedicate January to making amends for the over indulgences which make the festive period, well, festive. Whether or not our current fondness for New Year diets and fitness resolutions are a throwback from a time when making the winter stores last till spring geniunely were a matter of life or death remains undecided. However, this year iN’s annual ‘Body Issue’ seems more topical than ever, as 2012 brings the Olympics, with all its toned, trained and athletic bodies beautiful, practically to our doorstep. It is refreshing to see the body celebrated not just for how good it looks in hot pants but also on its capabilities, strength and fortitude. And it is with all this physicality in mind that I introduce our body worship laden January issue. Things get physical as personal trainer Noel Germishuizen of Total Training System puts me and my glutes through their paces in ‘This Time It’s Personal’. But I am not the only one you will catch training this month, Linzi Pollard of The Kings Oak, High Beach, is currently in training to run the marathon in aid of MACS, The Micro and Anophthalmic Children’s Society. And we find out the deeply personal reason why in our real life story special. Performance wear gets a beautiful make over by Lucas Hugh, the gorgeous sport luxe brand which you will find on both our cover and in our fashion spread. And if, after all that sweat and calorie burning, you find yourself in need of little R and R we also have, my personal favourite feature of the year, our Annual Spa Awards 2012. Right, I am off to dig out my sweat band. Have a fantastic 2012 everybody.
06 10 13 17 18 22 24 25 31 34 41
Rose Keen
46 Who ever said ‘diamonds are a girl’s best friend’ simply didn’t know the right tigers. Especially when they are this snug and come with 30% OFF. Joseph Tiger Roll Neck. Now £227 Was £325. www.my-wardrobe.com
If it is one thing Tsarist Russia knew how to do well it was a winter palace. I am bringing a little Saint Petersburg grandeur home with this Emperor Wall Light from Just Interiors. www.justinteriors.net £239
What’s On Guide
Dates For Your January Diary
iN Spy
Local Events & News
Get The TOWIE Look
Don’t Be Jel... Be Reem
The Essex Wardrobe
The Best Essex Boutiques
Budget Beauty
Amazing Local Discounts & Offers
Perfect Smiles
Smile Design By Ash
Win A Spa Break
Champneys Competition
Spa Awards
And The Winner Is...
This Time It’s Personal
Total Training Systems
Cool Runnings
Lucas Hugh Fashion
The Grill
@ The Vault Champagne & Wine Bar
Beautiful Bathrooms
C.P. Hart
Fabia vRS
& Hyundai Santa Fe
Front Cover:
Courtesy of Lucas Hugh Photographer: Patrick Lindblom Model: Abi Fox
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January 2012 - Issue 83 iN Magazine 17A Raven Road, South Woodford, London E18 1HB T. 020 8504 7779 Publishing Director & Head Of Advertising Zoe Hopkins zoe@in-magazine.com sales@in-magazine.com Editor Rose Keen editor@in-magazine.com Art Director Ashleigh Mandie ashleigh@in-magazine.com Advertising Account Manager Sarah Boyton T: 07584 575 356 sarah@in-magazine.com Advertising Sales Executive Emma Morris T. 020 8504 7779 emma@in-magazine.com Senior Writer Sue Lovett info@in-magazine.com Motoring Correspondent Russell Campbell motoring@in-magazine.com Designer Rob Cannell design@in-magazine.com Accounts Paul Wynn accounts@in-magazine.com Subscriptions For your free e-zine subscription please e-mail: subscribe@in-magazine.com Words Alex Page, Caroline Polledri, LB Group, PURE Medi-Spa Photography SnappedOut, C.P. Hart, Patrick Lindblom, Guy Coombes
www.in-magazine.com All rights reserved. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those shared with the publisher. The publisher cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions relating to advertising or editorial and cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited submissions, manuscripts and photographs. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent from the publisher.
Contributer HANNAH PAGE - After graduating with a degree in Journalism from Westminster University, Hannah has interned within the field of advertising, public relations and magazine and online editorial. A reporter at theha1.co.uk and a travel and leisure researcher at Stylus.com, Hannah is this month’s beauty and interiors researcher. 4 in MAGAZINE
To advertise your business call: 020 8504 7779
FlKn f.CH NIShldub Nightclub ·- 1."'·rpl~y1hurs.tays t.onplay Th ursdays ~S8-t62 Road, G~nIS Gants ~hll. Hill , 458- 462 Cnnbrook Cnnbrook. 1I.(J.:Id.
FJ&VI, f..$$<';', IG2 tG2 61.E. 61£ 0208 0208 SS4 554 8899 8899 Sug.rhul Nlghlctub - Dirly Pop. 93-95 High Str~'l:t, IlrentWQ()(\, Usa, CM I "It R. 0845519 0019
' 1;~.~~,~AY
,4,'SUNDAY "II,d.
H,.! ;ark until 3rd 'an Winl er Won,krlan,1 WOl!d"rl~n d bri bringi ng ~I mallieal magka l Wlnltr nging f~'t'li lllliO n g 10 1,0I1<1on.l Lond on .llI)·\lt )·de P~rk. I'Jrk., Chrislmas ft't'li Chrbunu Lood~ London.
www.h)·<lcpark wlnler,,'Ono,le rland .co.uk www. h)·d'11arkwlnl\·rwunJ~rl .. n,l.co.uk let Rink atlht I llhe NaluraIIU"o. Natural History MUffum Itt y MilHorn unlillhe 81h '. Jan unti l 11K IIlh n Embrace "'inlt winlerr al at I[.ondon·s most F.mbr.&Ct QIl ....~n.. moo sptctacub r let Ice Rmk Rink Natural History 5p«1~cular Nalunllll.\tory Moseom, l.ondon. 0844 847 1576 Mustum.l.ondon. os-H &-17 151ti I ~ Rink at Somnwt Some~t Il Hou"" unt il I"" the Icc 0000H until 22nd Ja l! Und 'aD i>nxnled by lilfmy THfany III &- Co. Share f'mmt.,.! sture
un(orgellabk mnnorlft memurks on and oK off I~ tht kc. let. onforgrU;abk SonwrKl !100M', llooS(', l.ondon. 08-H 0844 11471520 841 1520 Sonwnd
I nd lhe 8eu1 Bn.t -.. Beau Bnutlyy.lKllhc Mercury l~atre, Iblkt'rn.' Gatc, MtKUrr ·l~alA'.lblUm .. Galt. 577006. IIPT. PT_ 01206 sn 006.
Nlllhtcl ub- Scandalous lIfct"'cry Cr.mbrook Jto.ad. (;~n t$ lilli, F.. ~x, lGl6LF. 02ill1 554 11899
I and I.~l in A m~rican ])Jnct 8.30· IOpm. Pau ls NurS('ry Ro.:ad, High lIeach, Essex, IG IO ME. 020S S-OS SOOO
Sugamut S U 8~mut
lhe Ch eQutn I'ub - Curry Nighl. CM 170PZ. Match ing Gn't"1l . 0127973 1 276
I'rid~y. -ISS·~62
Nightclub ·- Chaml'a8n~ Champag ne l:rjd~)'1 Frio,lays NIShlclub 93 -95 High Str~"l:t, Streel, BrentwuoJ. Brentwood, E5Kx. ~x, 91·9S CM I ~RR.08455190019 4RR. 0845 SIll 00111 CMI Li'luid Nighlclub Nightclub ·- Friday E.scaf"I Escape ("Vt'ry every Liquid Friday. 108 Soulh South Strffl. Street, ROOIfonl.~, Romford, F..ssex, FrI.lay. RMIISS. 0 1708 732456 RMIIss.OI7087lH56 ...'" gt 8u Hu .- U1iiH I.ad~ fli&ht night "Vi.. £ I 'ou for a gI:w ~Il mght. night. ([ gW4 of wwine ....ull Cranbrook Road, Cant. Gants Hill. Hill, EMu. Essu, 442 Cn.nbmok +&2 IG2 6LL 0208 554 0()33
Queen.1Matn Quftnl 1bnln" Magical Md ~1lI preienlS Piratc Patch. Mapa! Pir.ol~ Patch. IntenC1i,·~ music. gamt'S anJdal1C1 lnltncl" ... muoic.pmcs and dancing. ll8For agtS4 -7 yurs. The Qo...,n's 1II.-alr(', 8,11", La"", Horndmn:h Homchorrh R!.! tu.llIIl IQT. lIil1t"!.laM, 01708443333 01708+&3l1)
For~~·;)"nrs. ~Qu=li1M~I~.
C":khtste r, COl 0JI'1K~1n".
Ch riit m u Turt~ Turkey Walk off that Chrblmu W.lk La ngdon lIIIt1s 1ills Cou ntry Puk. P~rk, SUl1llfon!· Sla ndfordl.ang,J(>n Ie-hope. One Tr« Tre<.' 111lI. Hill, Stanfonl Su nford k I~ Hope. Hopt'. !c·hort. SS I7 9N Il. 01268 SSt? 9NII. 012611 5-12 $042 06t\ 066
3~SDAY Que(n, until Ql,I"", 1hul,.., lh tal~Un I Il 14th 1 4 I h Ja ' .. nn t h~ oot trad itional family Don't ml!>! miss the Don', ~ in Irold'ilonal enlcrt~i nntenl with wi th the-..wr the ew r popubr popul.:a r rnlcr1ainml'nt . 'l, .... ~ Quten's re, BUltl Cinde",lb ClnJcA'lla.• Q\jftnJ 'lhe~l ......1.1'. Rill.... lane, Hornch.ucn RM II IQT.017QI 4-l "3333. l.a!x.11omdaudI kM II IQT 01.".,
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u. MaIming Green, !'..-~, CM 17 OP'/~ 01 279131 276
BoU)"'"oods BoU,.wOC>cl, 2" 2 .. I Wc-oJnnoby.l Wednnday, 2 omln main mnls ~al$ for I"orlhetilt priCt prlen(1 of I C"VtT)'Wf\l.-by,131I1lgh e'~ry Wednn<by. 131 High Sir«t, l"Pri"lo F.pping. f..-x. CM 16 481). Sum. F...,.0116~11Il. OI99zsn 01992577 166.
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TM CMqU(~ Pub llw:~u,""Pub Curry Night at the ChcqU<.'ts. al till' ~n. Matching ~btdllna f..5St~, 0 12711731 276 Green, F-* GR'm. .. C~117 CM 11 OP7~ OP7. 0127'9 731276 lbamnide Theal,.., - Aladdin Th;t~lbnl", "lHdtn 50rvtl Road, Grays. 5 On.t!:1 Road. Gnp. RMI7 ItM 11 50]). SI}I). 01375382555 0117S 3082 5S5
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lht Ch"'!utn d a ddrink rink Cbequen Pub -· l'aSia f'.~ ... an and. ng G,."..,.., fo fOfr (U122 c''l:ry t'"t'ry W«Inesday. Wwun.day. Matchi M;dChlllll Gm..n, ~CMI 70 PZ.0 ( 27111) 1[ 276 ~CMI701'l...0I27'!171 lht 'Ihe Bungalow Bunsaluw C.ft e lft Hullhy ting wll lc of ho use H~dllhy utallug wllhh (r"" fm: bott hllUk ufhuu:IC: with an O costing red/white .~dlwh ll~ wllh IIn y mczc mC1.e for IW IW<! cu~tlng eaS(' bring (t 14pp. l~l'p. Pl I'I(II~ hrlns your you. copy (Opy of uf IN nc 10 reedve Magazi Magnlm.·to r«cl"~ IhlsOlfer. Ihl,ollh. 48 ~8 Spran Sl'rJIt El l 2RQ. 0208 m Hall ~ll Road, Ro.ld, Loooou, London,I:II 2I1.Q.0208 989 5620
~THUflS 'S~
l.>quid Liquid Nightdub Nip tdub Lm'e '[ hund~y w.~ lhursday 1hun.by ncry ~lhund.ly 108 m (ord, F..$$<'x, 1011 Soulh South Strut, Strffl. RQ Romfoni. f..un-. tu.l l lss.0 1108732 " S6 RMIISS.OI7087JHS6
flees faca Nisbtclub /'00l ptd ub Lm'tpI~y C"\... ry '1 hunday w.~y ·[hursday. lhundl)"l"YrY 1huOid..,. "58-462 ~sa--.61 Cranbrook. Cnmbrtd. Road, 1tC»d. Gant~ ("oanb Hill, 11iI1. ~~, IG2 6LE. 0 208 554 E»a..IG26L~_0204l 5~ 8899 8899 mul Nigh tclub Sup Su,",",ut Nishldub Dirty C"\'ery lhursday Dirty Pop Pop""Cf)" lhunday 93-95 £j~x. 9)·95 High IUlIh Sirttl, Strffl. IIrentWQ()(\. K.cnlwuOO,I:Nt"X. CMI RR. OMS 511100 19 eM I 4~RR.0S45SI"OOI9
Sumby 1.IIIKhtilM !au and Mods " Rockns Ennifl(l A ]960s Party 1Jw. QueftI's1hatre, BUIet lane. Ik>nw:hun:h RMII IQT. 0 1708 4-I)} II Sugamut Nighldub Sup rhul Nightd ub Ret'1ll Puties Partin e-.-ery Sunday nighl Reftn t'\:ery Sundar nlshL. '.13·95 High Sirec1, UK;', 91·9S HJ&It !ilfI.'d, Brentwood, lIrm"'vod. F.JJt'I, CMI 4RR.0845 51900 19 eMI ~RR. 0845SI90019 f len Nigh ldub facft tclub Predous [.ow n;gbt. Prc:dou$ w. ... e\'Cry t'\~ry Sunday nighl. 458-462 nbrook Road, Cranhrook Road. Gams Gants Hill, Hill. 458·-162 Cra Esse;., [G2 61.E. E5Kx.IG2 61..F.. 0208 554 5~ 8899 &1199 The 'Ihr IIrid'yard IIrkkyard liar Bar and Grill Grill Musi' (rom Sunda)' Roost unti l 5pm. l.iw Music umiI5pm.l.h't' from 8p,n. E»e~. 8pl1l. 222 South Strcet. St~~I. Romford. Romford.I'..s.'lCx. RM I1 2A O. 001708 1708 743 2AI). 7-11 167
ViSage Bar Mad Sals;a and lumb;o, get roo r Ilt r>eSS hac:k through dand ng. 442 Cnnbrook Road. Road, GlI\1S Cant. Hi!!, Hill. UK;" E.s.Kx. IG2 lG2 6\'L 61l.. 01<J5068,W1I6 079!i06&J..196 Oiffl O lff, Pa~ilion Pavilion Curry f lxTr or gI:w Curry buff", buff., and and a pint pmt oofMn" glass of of wine IO.SO.ldeal ..-jilt fo forr t£lO.50. I<kal for for aI prt·show prY-.now mc:al Circus CI.-cUI of of Horrors HolTOrs - Siation StatlOll Road, Road. ..5StX SSO Soutlwnd-on·$ta, Sout!wnd·on·Sn. FEs.sa SSO 7RA. 7RA. 135. 01702351 01702 lSI US. RC"\'olutions Rc-voIulion, Bar Bar · Mega Mega Mondays MotMb)"S 50% ff an SO"Io ooff all food, food. all all day. day. 140 140 I.eadenh~1I u-admluU Strt't't, Cityof l.ondon, EC3V St.«I. Cit yof l.ondon. fOV 4QT. 4QT. 02076219955. Ol07 61 1 9'JSS.
" ........--1 •
f aces Nightclub - SClIMblous Uff. 458-462 Cnnbrook Road, G~nts Hill, E~;.. IG2 61.E. 02011 554 8899
Nightclub Reem Parlin Parties evtry Sunday Sunday nillhl. night. 113·95 Iligb High Street, Sl rut, lInmtW\)Q<\. Bre nt ....uod, f,5~x. I'..sse~, CMI4RR. 0845511~OOI'J 9 0019 CM I4RR.08-455
Suprhut SU8~rhut Nlptd Nightclub ub ·· Challlp~gn~ Cha mpagne FridaYI' Frida)"" \/3 Street, n,,·ntwoOO. Urcntwood, Eila. !'..sse;., CM [I 93 ·95 ·95 lllgh IHgh :;trfft, 411.11.. 08~~ 5190019 4RR. 0845 519 0019
F.cn Nightclub ub Faces Nightd PreciO\lS \.ovc "wry every Sunday Su nday nIght. night. Precious 1..,.'( ~4511-462 511·~62 Cranbrook. C... nbrook RO;Jd. Ro ad. Gmts Gan l.! Hill. Hill, Ef.K~.IG2 E~~, [(; 2 6LE. 6\'E. 0208 020S 5~ 5S4 8899 8lI99
'I1w Brickyard Bar and G rill Sund~y Sunday Th, 'nd<yoo,d ROHIUnli15pm.llw Roast until ,,, 5pm .Grill live Music from Spm. fromSpm. 222 South Soulh Su·.·t"!.. Si!"ed, Romford. Ro m rord , U,wI, ~~,
RMI 2AP.01708 743 167 167 An Indianbuild~ Indian buff", ..,n ..-d from from 11 12 noon noon 10 to An I [pm. l pm . (10.95 (1 0 .115 pp. 1'1'. 201 WI High Strffll:pPUl8 Stlft1 Eppi ng 6 4HLO I992575 122. CM1 eM" -IBL 01992 575 Ill.
RMI u ina Kataaranl Rcstauf21lt Zaiba
Nightclub I'riday t~VC' F..sca!", I.IQuid I.lqu ld Nlllht cl ub ·_ Frida)' 108 South Stn.:rt Stred,, RUlllford.l~x, Rum (urd. Essex, RMI RM I ISS. 017rnl712 01708 732 ~456 56 Bar ·_ l.a.lid Ladies nillhl. night. (I for (or ~ 1111$$ glass Visage Hu V!JIIV of\\lIIc ofwine \III ~ll night. night . +&2 442 Cnnbn:lok Cranbrook. lI.oa.t. Rrod. ("",nll IG2 61.1 IHll, F.*x, !'.sso:~.IG2 6l.L.. 0208 SS4 554 0013 0033 Gant s lilIL
"" Chrqu,," Ch~Quu. Pu Pub b ,1M A K)'hl Kylir .\IIMtlul Minogut Tribl!lt Tribut~ Show Show. ~bt,hlng ~13tching (;rHn. Gr«n. F..IoklI:. f..urx. eM CM 17 OP7_ OP7_ olm 0 121<J 711 731 2i6 276 QU«JIJ Qu«ntl,,"I~ 111~~tre -' MOCIIWI'i'lpalnl MOIown's gre;>tesl hilS hits 'IM 1ht Qu«-n) QUNn's 1ht;at,... lhutre, Bi1kt n.llet lInr. Lant, Homchurdl RMII Homchurch RM I I lQT. IQT. 017011 01708 ~-I "4 Jl 33 11. 33.
Queens 111eatre 0--' ''''''' IIbdr: Black Dyu D)'ke &nd. Band. A A his big bfaM bn.ss Nod band
mt61mung audimcCii mt«taining audiences It.for O\"n ()\'t . I SO so )"t'an. )~ats. 1M 111.- Que-en's Qu«-n·sThr~tn. Theatre, Bi11et 8ill", lam, Lane. Bomchun:hR..M urdo RMII IIQT.0I7084-11l)1 I IQT.01708443333 Homch
-.olin 1 nuJ:'"
Liquid Nl&J1 Nightclub liquid tclub \.0'''' '1hu rsday e,..,ry hursday Saturday. &1lunlay. -1511462 458· 462 Cranbrook Cranbrook. Road. Road, Ganb Gants l..o\~ 'lhurJ(by f'~ry 'l'1 huffiby 108 Soulh !l1n:c:t. SIr,"" I, II.O!nfurd. Romford , I:Essex, F..s,",x. lG2 IG2 6L£' 61.E. 002011 208 554 S8\l\l Hill, IIHI, E.UfX, 55411899 lOll South UfX. RMII SS. 0 1708732 4 56 !.iiJnld Nightcl ub . L'::;~'~~:::.;;;;,,"I II.MI ISS.0 1708 7H ~S6 liquid Nightdub Nightclub Satunlay. Saturday. 108 Sou th Street, St~et, 1facti 1a( el Nightd ub I.o'""play h urs<lays .'w ry ·lhur$day '1 bu rsday RM I ISS. 01708 712 ~56 l.u'-':l'l~y 'l 'lhllrJ(lay$ c,·try RMIISS.01708732456 Road, Gan ts Hill. 4-I 5S· C .. nbrook. 11.0;1.1. rhul Nighldub 511· 462 ~6Z Cnnbruuk Gantt llHl. Suga Sugamul Nightclub Es",,~, IG2 61.£. 0 208 554 8S99 l h~ Only Is Sugarhut Sug;uhul evcrySaturday c-vcryS;.tu rday F",,'x, IG2 61.E. 0208 55-1 &11\19 lbc Only WJr Way is night. 91·95 '.13 · '.15 High HIgh St.r«I. Street, Brt'ntwood, Brentwood, Susarhul Sug~rhut Nlgh Nightclub t" lub nlghl. UK;',CMI 084551110019 ~Oll 4RR. ~RR.08455190019 Dirt y Pop Pupl"\~ry'hun.d~y e"ery lhursday Dirty _~,9),95 1I1ghStTffl. ~twood. F.»c:x. , . , -.... 1 93-95 F..sse~. 1[igh St red, nrentWQ()(\. CM RR. 0S45 0845 5190019 51900 19 CMII 4~II.R.
1~ 1M:a Nightclub Nishtd ub ·SalurWynighut'\"'Y - Saturday nights e-.-ery
Catch Cnlg N~i1 singing liv~. IS BlW.d~y, Woodford Gr«n, IG8 OH I~ 0208 506 6419
MeN MON S,"~,"d Zumha.gcl fi tn~S$ "M,d , .dS.')",od Zumba. gel )'(Iur your fitness hack dantlng. ng. 442 442 Cranhrook Cranbrook. back. through dand Road. Gam s Hill, E.sscx, E.<sc:<. IG2 6lL 61.L Road, Gants 079506834116 07950683496
nwy -. Satunby ~Iurday nlghlll nights e-.·ery Satunlay. ~Iurday. "~S3.462 58·462 Cranbroolc. Cnnbrook RNd. Road, C Ganu .. nltl HIli. Hill. 1' EurI, ..55(";', IG26lf IG2 61.E._ 0lO8 0208 S54 554 8899 88\l\l I'K ti 1\ 1 ghldub faces Nightclub
lUquid iqu id Nlghtduh t'\~ Nightdub •· l.!quld Liquid Saturday Salurdaye-.'ery \.1turdoy. lOll 108 South Strffl, Sireet, Romford, Essa. EsK"lt, Saturday. ItMIISS. RMIISS.0 OI7087J24S6 1708732456 Sugarhut Nightclub ·- 'Ihe On Sug_thut Onllyy Way \\I~y is Is :'ugoarhut every Saturday Mtu.,lay night. Sugarhut ""cry nighl. 93·95 High !;u· Street, .. rt . IIren\\\"od. Ilr~nlwood, Essex, F..i>t:x, 93 -'.15 111811 08~5 51'.1 519 0019 RR.. 0845 00111 CM I 4~II.K
Hyla nd.s llouw Hyland House l'<.>od Fre~· l'nod F"'~ . 1heOmtl1t')'anJ '[he o.utno:y and Jan! Jam Scri So.'I"ItS. .... Live demonslra\ions I.i .... okmonst .... ' ioru and cx!",rl <'lIpt"rt ad,·icc. a.t.,.k~ H)1ands [.ondon Rood. H)~ands Huose. Hoo$<".london Road. Chelmsford, 012 CM2 SWQ. 55 00. Owlmsford. 8WQ. 01245 012-1.5 60 SSOO Revolulions Bar - Mega Mondays 50" off aU food, all da.y. 140 ltaJen1lll1l Strttl, Cityof london, EOV " QT. 0207621 9955.
C"\wy Sunday n ight. llrentwood, F..5StX, I 0019
faca ndalou s Lik""\"f}" I.ifcC"\-cry F.ca Nightclub Nishtdub - Sca x-.andabH Frida.y. "-ISI-462 58-462 Cfanbrook. Road. Friday Cnnbrook Ro.id. Essa;, IG2 61.F_ 0208 554 Gants Ihll, Hill, f..McJ..IG16!.!'. Gllnu 55-1 8899 P99
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Suprhul /Ioilptdab Clum~ ' 113·115 I . St.~, Brmtwuod. I 9)·95 l-lipc F...sa. eMI ~RR. 0S45 SIll 5190019 00111
Li'luld Friday FF.tCapc' ..s<:apt cvery Uquid Nightclub NI&h td ub _ Frida)" f'TrY ay. 108 Suc.lh South Strut, mford. Essex, Frid I'rioby. Str«I, Ro ROOIftlru, F.ss.-x. RMIISS.OI70871HS6 RM I ISS. 0 I 708 732 456 Villlge Vbagr Bar Blr _· I.adies I,adl.., nighl nlllht (tlI (or a glaSS o(winc all night. fUrllllusofwlnr~1I Cranhmok lI.~d, Gants (~nt~ llill, IBII, 442 Cra nbrook Road. I~~x. 1(;2 61.1 611... 0208 020115So1 OOll Eu ex, IG2 55-1 0033
Music HalL An afternoon of musll:. comedy and ,,~.lJw.Q.-nl ... riery. ·[h.. Quctn·.lhcatre, romt"dyand l hell~. ",llc1 \.anc, l.an~. Horn(h Homchun:h RMII IQT, Billet u" h RM I I IQT. 0 1708-1.0333 01 708 44 33 33 11lt CMq Ch"'!utn 1"" Url"l Pub Pu b Curry Nillhl al at ttheCu rry Nighl he Chequcrs. Chnjunl. Ma Matcblng tch ing Gn-c:n. !'..ssex, Essex. CM 17 OP7_ 01'7_ 01 27111) 279 ill1 276 Gr""n. Cliff, Cli ff. Pavilion Pa" ili on Legally l.egall)· Blonde Uluntlc the Mu MU sical 5ka11171h-28 71h·28 th Jan )311 Station Slatiun Road. lI.oad. Southc Soulhcnd nd·on-Sea ·{)n ·~a.. Es",,~. 1!Js<-~. SS0 SS07RA. 7RA. 0I 01 702351135. 7023.5 11 3S.
f..,~ I'Ka Nightdub Nightclub
Salurd~y Saturd~y nights night. twry c\1"ry Saturday Salun.by night. nIght. ~sa·~l Cranbrook CnnbrouIt Road, Road. Gants (4nt' llill, Ihll, 458-462 554 8899 f..urx, lG2 61 .E. 0208 6IY. OlOll5~ NW F.M6.IG2
liquid Uquid Nightclub l'o1abtd ub l.iQuid c"\"'ry Saturday UqukI Saturday SlNnby"YrY ~nby night. nIght. 108 101 South '>wlh Stlft1, "'rm, Romford. Romf..-d, E~:o;. Uw-s. RM RMII 01108 132 ISS. 712 ~S6 "56 l'iS.Ol"roe SupmUI Supthlli NiSblclub /'oo1ahtdub '['lhrOlUyW.y ~ Only Wa)' is Saturday b Sugarhut Suprttut e,..,ry t'Y'ttYSitunby
·9 5 High nighl. niSh!. '.13 91·95 lUSh Sirttt, Stfl.'d.. IlrentWQ()(\, B.rnlwoOO. ~;., 5511100111 Ef.KL CM eMII "RR. 4!tR. 084 OM' '190019
Pasla i for U 2 C"\~ry Wednesday Matching Green, F..MelI, CM 17 OP7~ 01279 731 276
BoII)"'"OOds Z" 2" II Wronndly, W~. Z 2 mai mainn lIlfals rnnls for lOr tht 1M Wednesday. 131 pril:eof price of I C"\~ry "-nyW(dlWJ<hy. UI High HIgh Sttftl. Epping. Epping. FE.Na.. ..»t;., CM eMI6 16 4~BI). BD. 01\1\12 01'1112 Street,
R _'.
Ro,so'. RHtaunnt Rn:tu n nt
IJ,·~ t'\"try Sunday U,' ....t'ntrmlnnt~n\ ntcrtainmcnt ewry
I 'Iht.. Bro;adway, 11h IlroadWllY, Woodford Green, GlWn. IGII OHL 0111. 0208505 02()1I50.5 1770 Ino IG8
l!!srx. Esse~,
ViIllIlC Bar Mad Salsa and Zumb;o, ~ you r fil ness N (k th rough dancing. 44 2 Cranbrook Ro;ad. Gants Hill. F..5Stx.IG2 61.1~
RnoIUl ions Ba, -· Mega MfP MorKIays MundaY" footl • .all c-vny Monday. Monday. II .by, C"\"'ry i of london, 1-40 LcMlmIuII SUm. Cllyoilon!kln. E.OV 4QT. -fQ"r. 0207 621 621 9955. 99S5.
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'file Th e Chequcn Ch~uers Pub · Curry Nighl Matching Grt:en. Green, Essex, E!;S(x. eM eM 17 orz. opz. 0 1279731276 01279 731 276 Quueens een s Tllulrc Theatre Tuesday un until 28t h Q til 18th Shenfield Operatic SlIenlield Operolk Society SociNy The Que.m's1heatre, Queen's Theatre. Biliel Billet !.lIne. Lane. HornchurchRMll I708443333. Hornchurch RM LI IIQT.O QT. 0 1708 4-1 33 33.
Faces Pac ... Nightclub
Saturday nights night~ e\'ery every Saturday night. Road, Gants Hili, 458-462 Cranhrook Road. Hill. £ssex, [G2 6lE. Essex.IG2 6LE. 0208 554 8899 I.i<[u Liquid ld Nighlclub Nightclub Liqul(] Salurdayevery l.iquid Satu rdaye~ery Saturday night_ night. 108 South Str«t. 10M Slret't, Romford, Essex, F..ssex, RMI ISS. 01708 732456 01708732456 Sugarhut Suga rh ul Nightclub Nlght d ub The Only Way is i~ Sugarhut eI'Cry every Saturday E._x, 93-\15 High Slr«l. Stret.'l,lkt'ntwood, 93-95 8renlwoo<i. Essex. CM II 4RR. 0845 U1I4551\100I\l 519 0019
Holly House Hospi Hospital tal Fn.., weight loss surgtT}' Fn.'C ~U'~.'ry in(onnaUon infoml.lion ~'vening "wning Hully House, Holly House. High Road.lluckhurst Road.lluckhunu Hill. £SSex, Essex. lG9 JG9 SHX SHX.. 0208 936 1214 [1 14
HMV HM Y Hammersmith Ha mm .. rsmith Apollo 'Ih~ kids hero fi~man Fir~ man Sam 1$ is back and live Jiw -[he on slag~ On stag~ by popula popularr demand. d~rnand_ HMY HMV Hammersmith Apollo. Apollu.l.ondon London 0108 0208 563 3SOO 3800
'The >he 02
lh Tht02 .. 01 Strictly Come Dandng - ''[he [he Un' Live Tour 2012 '[he The 02, Greenwich, Greenwkh. 0844 856 0202
.lhe he live filming of the National National'elevi$ion Television Awards. '[he 02, Awards, 02. Gr« Grec nwkh, nwkh. 0844 08« 856 0202 Thee Chequers C h equen Pub Th Pasta Pa~ta ami and a drink for £[2 £12 e"cry Woonl.'l;day Wedncsday E~x, CMI7 opz. Matching Green, Grecn. Essex. OP7_ 0127!J731276 0127H31276 Cli ffs Pavilion Pa" ilio n ,An · A n Evening with Suggs Cliffs 'Th~ he Front man of Madness. Madnl'SS. Station Rood, -on-Sea, Essex, St.tion Rood. Southen<.l Southcnd-on-Sea. Essex. SSO 71tA, 7RA. 01702 351 135, 135.
; .
f' •... ~U'M
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BoIl Y"'ood. Bolll"'''''od. 2 4 I Wronl-.day, Wedn<"Sday. 2 main meal$ meals for the price of 1I """ry every Wednesday_ Wedne$day. 131 13 1 High Strel't, Street. Epping. Epping, Essex. Essc:., CMI6 41111 4BO. 01992 sn 577 166.
-Brentwood Theal Thealre r.. -B..,nlwood John {knver, owr over 2 hoo", hours Remembering lohn oflive music. musk. llreniwood ofl;"e Brentwood 'Iheatre, 'Ihcatre, Brentwood. Ilrem ...'OOd. 01277 200 305
Sugarhut Nigh Nightcl tcl uubb Rcem Parties evcry cwry Sun(]ay Sunday night. Str~t, 8renlwoo<i. Brentwood, £ssex, 93-95 High Slreel, Essex. CM I 4RR. 411.11.. 0845 UM5 5 1\1 19 0019 Faces Paces Nightclub Nigh tcl ub Pr.-cious e\"<"Ty Sundar Sunday night. Pr..-.:ious lLove ove C\'ery Gants HiU, 458-462 Cranbrook Roa(]. Road. GanlS Hill. Ess.:x, Essex. IG2 6lE. 6LE. 0208 S54 SS4 8899
lJ<[u li'luid id Nightclub Love '1 hursday ewry c,..,ry '[hurMlay low 'Ihursday 'thursday St reet, Romford. Rumford, £ssex, Sou th Street. 108 South EsseJ:. IlMIISS. RMIISS.01708 01708 732456 732 456
Faces hen Nightdub LO"eplay lhursdaYJ Th ursdaYf e"cry every "thursday '[ hu rsday I.o,·cplay Gants5 Hill. Hill, 458·462 Cranbrook Road, Road. Gall1 Essex F.Me>:, IGl IG26L 61 E 0208 S54 554 8899 88~
SugaThul NIghtclub Sugarhul DIrty Pop <\wy thu rsday <v.:ry Ihursday 93-95 HIgh ~hgh Slr«1 Street Brentwood E=x Esse;( C;\1I4RR 51~OO19 01l 4RR 0845 084S 5190019
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Fac Faces ... Nightclub Nig htclub Scandalous Samdalou$ lLife lf... e"cry c"cry Friday 458-462 458·462 Cranbrook Road, Road. Gants Hill, Hill. Essex. 6LE. 0208 S54 554 8899 Essex, IG2 6ll'..
a nd G Grill rill 1lh" h e Brickyard Ba Darr and 5plll, live U,-e Musk Sonnday day Ro.st Su RO'$t ontil until Spm. Mu";c from Spm.. 222 Sou th St"",t, Spm Str~ct, Rumford. Romford, Essex. Esse:-<. JL\.11 2AD. 01708 743 167 RMI
30 -
MOM I1'1 ,"
VIsage Sar Visage Bar Zumlla gel Mad Salsa and Zumha get your fnness fitness back through danCIng 442 Road. throughdanc"'& 442 Cranbrook Cranbrook Road Ganlsli,1I G~mslllll,fMa,lG26[1 EloSex.1G26[] 07950683496 RevolutIOns Bar ·- Mcsa M~ga Mondays Rc\olu lloDIi Uar SO% off all food. SO'l6 food, all day. c'cry C' ery Monday 140 Lcadenhall u.'adenhall Street. 511"<:CI. City of London, EOV 4QT. 0207 621 9955
Su garhut Nightclub -_ Champagne Champagnt Fridays SugaThut 93-95 IHgh High Str«1. Street. Brentwood, BrentW<JoO<l, Ew:x. ~~, eM CM I 4 411.11..08455190019 RII., 0845 519 0019 li'luid Friday EKapt' Escape c"ery tvery li<[uid Nightclub - friday Friday, Friday. 108 South Street, Street. Romford, Romford. Essex, E$SCx. II.MllSS.01708732456 RMIISS.01708732456 YliIagt \'lsage Dar Bar - 1.a(]les Ladies night U ' I for a glass of "'inc wine all nlghl. night. 442 Cranbrook Crnnbrook Road. ts Hill. Essex. Road, Gan Gants Hili. Essex, IG2 6LL. 1G2 6U~ 0208 SS4 554 0033 1he C Chequns heq utn Pub "A tribote tribute act aCt singing a sdectinn selecUon of nf Michad Rub Michael Bub le and Ronan Keating songs Gr ... en, Essex, CMI7 OPZ. Matching Match ing Green. Essex. CMI 7 01279 0 1279731176 731276
Q u«ns uu ns Theat.., Theatre Marlin lohnson Martin Johnson l.atin Latin jau Trio. '[he lhcatrc.lIlilct Hillet Lane, lane, -[he Queen's 1hcatn:, Hornchurch R,\! JL\.111 II IQT. 01708 44 33 33. 1he lht Ch equen eq uers I'ub Pub Curry Corry Night at the Ch..qul·",. Ch"'luers. Essex, eMI 7 OPZ. Matching G reen, Essex. Grecn. CMI7 0127!J731276 0127!1731276 1lht h e Clilf. Cliffs Pavill Pavillion ion Lonl Lord "fthe of the Danc Dance. .... Cliffs Clilf$ PaVillion, Pa"ilIion, Slalion Station Roau, Road. Westciiff-on-Sea. Weslciijf·"n-Sca. 01702 351 lSI 135, 135.
Bren!>...,od Theatre BTnlIWood Thrllt~ Silent «ho, Echo. Purple Drcams. Dreams. A thrillcrdonw thriller uotted wit h humour. with humour, Ilrentwoo<i·lheatre. Brentwood 'lheatre, nrentwood, 01277 200 305 llrentwooo. Pavilion on Romford Ro mfo rd City Pavili evening of Blucs Brothers An ''''eningofBlues Brothc", The City Pavilion, lht Pavi lion. Romford, Romford. 02089244000
Call the team on 0208 508 5000 Or email: info@kingsoakhotel.com
www.kingsoakhotel.com Brentwood Theatre IHabeas [abeas Corpu5. Corpus. Alan Bennett's Bennet!"s hUar;ous hilarious take ta ke on traditional traditiona l British Farce. Brentwood BrcnlwoOO. Bre111woo<i Theatre, Brentwood. 01277 200 305 01277200305
Pauls Nursery Road. High Beach. Epping Forest Essex. Essex • IG 10 4AE
Tweet, Tweet W hat we have is month What have been twiHering twinering th this @AshleighMandie Ashle ighMondie . Art Director Diredor 'After 'After December Duboi Duboi detox, detox, I am om looking looking forward to stuffing ,tuffing my my face foee until unnl Febl' Febt' @GlaamingRose @GloamingRose . Editor Editor 'Wasa-hyebye 'Wasa-byebye I' m off to Japan .'.'
@ SarahiNMagazine @SorohiNMogozine Advertising Advertising Manager Manager ''Well Well January's January's issue is is looking looking brilll brilll
lois lots of of new new things th ings going going on! on!''
@ @EmmaiNMagazine EmmaiNMagazine Adverfi$ing Adverfising Safes Safes Executive Execufive 'O nly three ths until 'Only three mon months until S5 SS 12. 12. Time Time to to foil fall out Qut of of love love with with Cadbury's Cod bury's and and in in love love with w ith my my juicer.' iuicer.'
â&#x20AC;˘ v#v#v#.ln VIVIVI.ln8 in MAGAZINE
Subscribe For Free Want to get iN iN Magazine direct to your door? iN N\agazine tv\ogazine is offering a four month subscription for FREE FREE.. Yes, you heard right right get get up to the minute news and reviews, information information on where w here to go and what w hat to do and all the best in in lifestyle,
FOR FREE! Just fill in in your deta detaiils ls and post this to: iN Magazine, 17a Roven Raven Rood, Road ,
Soulh Woodford, South Woodford. E18 1 I H8 HB Nome Name Address
--=~===; ~'-"'==::=:===~ L'. C., 'rll IJRS DAY, ' "IARCR I,l. THURSDAY,
rom its conception iN was to be the lifestyle bible bi ble and got-to-guide to Essex Essex,.
Since issue 1, a lot has changed .· both for the magazine, which like fine wine, and thanks to efforts of our brilliant and devoted learn and publisher, seems to
age, and for the area, area , just get gel better with oge, thonks in recenl at least, leost, to everythanks recent limes times 01 every· ~ body's favourite reality viewing -- The
Only Way Is Essex. ou r screens Essex Since TOWlE first hit our has never been so prom inent in the media prominent or in the minds o off the notion . But we
T Tel el No Emaiill Address Ema Or if you' re not a fan o off the postbox, simple si mple text your details to :
07585661 688 li{iN N Magazine subscription no normal rmal price £ 15 a year, £ 10 for six monthsl
always believed that the people, thallhe business and institutions that make up our brilliant county deserved their place
in the limelight. Which is why for 2012 iN Magazine is launching a new and exciting d irection focusing on a ll thaI direction thot is good and g reat about this home great county - which is, of course, you, our clients and readers. readers .
WIN A J..wcury
It is is because ooff you this year for us us the only way really really is Essex.
BEAUTY DucvllnJ;
""n.,-, TOWlE STYLE
BODY ~~ ISSUE '00 . . . .
.- .-
_.0. . -.. . -... -. . _ . __ ._ in MAGAZINE 9
youR monThLy updaTe To WhaT has Been happening in and aRound essex... The LiTTLe BeauTy Room offeR discounT pampeRing fRances fuRLong RunneR up in BesT moBiLe pRacTiTioneR aT The fiRsT eveR aesTheTic aWaRds
Even though Christmas is well and truly over, The Little Beauty Room still have some of that festive spirit to give out. They’re offering a one-hour Environ facial as well as a back massage for only £50. If there is a better way to start the New Year, iN Magazine would like to hear about it! And to nail the deal, they’re also extending an offer to your fingertips, offering Minx nails and a mini pedicure for only £30. T. 020 8524 4405
Congratulations to the charming Frances Furlong, owner and nurse practioner at Perfect Skin, who came second in the category of Best Mobile Practioner at the national Cosmetic News Awards. The achievement was especially remarkable as Frances has only been mobile for two years, and was up against 176 other more established consultants. The glitzy award ceremony held at Hertfordshire's Sopwell House celebrates the work of the best in country's cosmetic professionals. The awards were voted for by the readers of Cosmetic News Magazine and customers of the companies and clinics that entered. More than 4,500 nominations were received with more than 5,700 votes cast. On receiving her silver trophy Frances said 'Thank you so much to all my clients for your votes, support and loyalty'. Frances has eight clinic locations six of which are in Essex. www.perfect-skin.co.uk
fifTeen yoRk hiLL champagne BaR opens in LoughTon Conveniently combining its name and address, a brand new champagne lounge has just opened in Loughton. Its modern yet stylish interior manages to be both sleek and comfortable, and their selection of wines and champagnes is most exquisite. Those who want something to soak up the alcohol can order a selection of nibbles, and they also serve up a cracking traditional roast dinner every Sunday. If you’re looking to get your groove on, head down there Friday or Saturday when they’ve got a real party atmosphere going on, with a selection of popular music and 80’s hits. T. 020 8508 9655 10 in MAGAZINE
fRee WeighT-Loss suRgeRy infoRmaTion evening January will see Holly House Hospital play host to a weight-loss surgery information evening. If you’re considering weight-loss surgery but aren’t sure if it’s for you, then their experienced and sensitive staff members will be happy to answer any questions you might have. The event is free of charge but places will be offered on a first-come firstserved basis, so be sure to apply early. 24th January, 7-8:30pm. Telephone 020 8936 1214 to book your place.
‘do you Think i’m Zaikaa’ Rod sTeWaRT TRiBuTe nighT Indian restaurant Zaikaa in Epping, hosted a brilliant Rod Stewart tribute night recently. Confirming his reputation as quite possibly the best Rod Stewart act in the country Greg Dorrell entertained the diners, as they enjoyed Zaikaa’s ‘Art of Indian Food Menu’, with Rod’s classic tracks from the 60’s and 70’s. With ‘You Wear It Well’ and ‘Maggie May’ getting the iN girls and everybody else, dancing and singing along. Congratulations to Zaikaa owner Abu and his wife for putting on such an enjoyable night. www.zaikaa.co.uk T. 01992 575 122
To advertise your business call: 020 8504 7779
make 2012 The yeaR of enLighTening youR mind WiTh fisu iN Magazine caught up with Rajesh Ananda from the charity FISU who are running courses on meditation to calm our minds and help us lead more harmonious lifestyles. FISU will be running courses from January in Loughton, Chigwell, North Chingford, Chingford and Woodford from just £125. The benefits include a greater feeling of well being, a healthier outlook and a happier disposition. It is bound to be the perfect antidote to those January blues. Check out their website www.fisu.org or call 020 8523 3133 for more details.
cReam Tea and BageL Lunch on offeR fRom The viLLage aRcade Tea Rooms The Tea Rooms at the Village Arcade are offering a lovely refreshing pot of tea, as well as a scone with cream and jam – all for only £2.50. Perfect if you happen to be out and about and fancy a break from the chilly January wind. That’s not all though – their lunches are also quite excellent, and they’re doing a salmon-and-cream-cheese bagel for the same price. Not only fantastically tasty but a pretty healthy option, too! T. 020 8524 4405
compLeTe RejuvenaTion cLinic and BeauTy @ Lemonhed join foRces In celebration of Complete Rejuvenation Medical Aesthetics Clinic joining forces with Beauty @ LemonHed, Loughton, they are have a very special offer available for a limited time only. Including a free private consultation with their specialist treatment consultant, worth £50. Not only will you receive a full explanation of their treatments, but you will also have the opportunity to address any personal concerns you might have, enabling you to make an informed decision. This fantastic offer is available for a limited time only and to a limited number of patients, so book early if you don't want to miss out. www.complete-rejuvenation.co.uk
peTeR andRe and gino d’acampo spoTTed aT sugaR huT It has been an amazing winter at Sugar Hut. Amongst revellers choosing to celebrate the party season at the Brentwood nightspot, was none other than popstar and reality TV show favourite, Peter Andre. Who was spotted along with celebrity chef and previous King of the Jungle, Gino D’Acampo, supporting his brother Michael Andre’s set at his monthly DJ residency at Sugar Hut’s Champagne Fridays. www.sugarhutbrentwood.com T: 01277 200885
aRcade fLoWeRs pRovide fLoWeRs foR The cLaRe maguiRe TouR.
coco gLoW Launches spRay-Tan Wednesdays The kind folks at Coco Glow have tipped us off about a rather special late Christmas present. This nifty little boutique is offering bespoke tailor-made spray-tanning for only £10 every Wednesday. A fantastic deal, but they haven’t stopped there - also on offer is their finest beauty package, which contains eyelash extensions, bio sculpture nails and even Lauren’s Way spray tan, as featured on TOWIE. All down from £90 to £70. Let’s face it, after the crazy period of time that is Christmas and New Year, you could do with a bit of pampering. They’ve got a celebrity client list too, so you might find yourself having a spray tan next to Patsy Kensitt or Juliette Norton. T. 020 8524 4405
It’s been a big year for Arcade Flowers, Chingford Village Arcade, as they’ve just finished providing the flowers for the Clare Maguire tour. But they’re not resting on their laurels. With the promise of Valentine’s Day in the air, Arcade Flowers will have a gorgeous selection of sultry floral creations to express how you feel about that special person. From single diamante-encrusted roses to hotel rooms bursting with sumptuouslyscented blooms, there really is no limit with what you can do with flowers. T. 020 8529 6666
eLvis’s daughTeR aTTends aLL sTaR chaRiTy paRTy in BuckhuRsT hiLL
skid daZZLes opens in viLLage aRcade It’s the New Year, so why not try something a little different style-wise, from the most recent and definitely most chic addition to The Village Arcade, Chingford. Skid Dazzles has a collection that is sure to please even the most hard-core vintage fan, stocking original vintage, customised pieces and one-offs. Catering for all sizes, you’re sure to pick up something original and stylish. T. 07532 002 870
Singer songwriter Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of the King of Rock and Roll Elvis, was sighted in Buckhurst Hill handing out gifts at a Children’s party in aid of the Dream Factory charity. Other guests present were Eastenders star Patsy Palmer, who leant a helpful hand with the raffle and boxer Colin McMillan, who was spotted doing an impromptu dance on stage. Lisa Marie, daughter of Elvis & Priscilla Presley, a mother of five she is also a patron of the local charity. www.yourdreamfactory.org
To advertise your business call: 020 8504 7779
in BBC SOUND OF 2012 – This year’s shortlist list consists of acts such as American songwriter-singer-rapper Frank Ocean, electronic dance music producer Skrillex and South London based rapper Dot Rotten. Compiled by 180 pundits, DJs and reviewers, and with an archive of winners including Jessie J, Adele and 50 Cent. Whoever’s name is read out come awards night, it most certainly won’t be the last time you hear it.
GAVIN AND STACEY... THE MUSICAL – After no Christmas special this year, fans are sure to flock to London’s West End to find out ‘what’s occurring’ with the opening of Gavin and Stacy: The Musical in late 2012. The show is rumoured to feature most original cast members, including James Corden, Ruth Jones and funny-man Rob Brydon. Well lush.
THE KINDLE FIRE – Already having taken the USA by storm, the Kindle Fire offers books, films and music at the touch of a screen and is set to become the iPad’s primarily challenger, having already sold millions in its launch week, the new Kindle shows there is no smoke without fire.
out ARCTIC ROLL – The 1970’s favourite has been removed from four of the UK’s top supermarkets after sales figured turned frosty. The £1 dessert saw a shortlived revival in 2011 after a rise of nostalgic style foods, but it would seem that Britons are now giving the traditional pud the cold shoulder.
SNORING – With over three million regular snorers in the UK alone, Brits are losing an estimated three weeks sleep a year due to their partner’s pesky night time cacophony.
CANDY FLOSS HAIR – As sported by Katy Perry, Amelia Lily and Fearne Cotton, the trend for pink hair seemed to be everywhere last year and was no doubt responsible for a few misuses of mum’s red food colouring. With too many teens thinking pink, trendsetters are now turning to electric blue for an alternative to pasty pastels.
To advertise your business call: 020 8504 7779
The original Essex style was pioneered by ultimate WAG and Harlow girl, Victoria Beckham. Who introduced the notion to females all over the nation that we must be glamorous both day AND night, and led to swathes of women mimicking footballer's wives for the last fifteen years. he new generation of Essex girls however are taking the ultra glam look to a new, much bigger, level. Big hair and big lashes are the norm and the much-tanned skin tone has practically introduced a new race to our Greater London County. And with the popularity of The Only Way Is Essex, this particular trend has gone global.
bags and outfits that wouldn't be out of place at a (non Essex) wedding. Slick side parting hair styles teamed with cravats and a well pressed suit seem standard.
Essex’s attention to detail was bought to the nation’s awareness by the umber coloured cast of TOWIE. Most people probably didn't believe the levels of sensational glamour until they saw it Of course it’s not only the ladies that have for themselves on the hit ITV2 series. plucked and preened themselves into And we Essex girls are more than happy oblivion - no, Essex's men and boys have to get away from the tacky 'white stiletto' no shame in doing the same, stigma, replacing it instead with a glitter sporting designer flat encrusted pair of Christian Louboutin. caps, man But of course, this being Essex, short skirts are still the uniform. Something I am pretty sure will still be true long e after the TOWIE cast are long into n o ed as ar. their reem retirement. e ly list
W o n k yo u
recent ers of the y s a w n However much I love the OWIE e taste mak s have bee es T t a h r e T sal sta brazeness of the Essex style, the thr l d a p e n o t o m i big hair, high shoes, plenty of skin of the super groo osting nat demand d bo n e and immaculate make up. I am h a v The t i i s s % w 36 pre ed t y i m b i d secretly hoping that the post e y h r t s acc eye la 41%. Pret gals are e TOWIE generation will take a s l a f of ails of our Essex nomy. lesson from the Lydia and Arg n e s l t a o for f think tha ritain’s ec School of Fashion. Both Lydia to g B n and Arg are quirky and with their own i c n influe individual fashion tastes. I like that Arg feels comfortable in a bow tie and that
Words By Caroline Polledri
Lydia won’t think twice about donning a 70’s chic midi dress. There is a danger that with all this over exposure that Essex could lose its identity. If we’re not careful the image that used to separate Essex from the rest of the country will soon be no different from that of Newcastle, Manchester or anywhere else they have a football team. So now more than ever it’s time to embrace this new fashion statement that proves that Essex can re-invent itself as much as the next place. That it is as bold and sexy as it has always been. Because that is, after all what the Essex style has always really been about. in MAGAZINE 13
donT Be jeL ... Be Reem
hair EssEnsuals HairdrEssing - 15 ElEctric ParadE, gEorgE lanE, london E18 2lY t: 020 8989 8699 www.essensuals.com
For the Ultimate Style Fix! Come to Essensuals Hairdressing. This winter they have got a selection of fantastic special offers available for appointments.
tanning facials BEautY @ lEmonHEd 8 forEst road, lougHton, EssEx ig10 1dx t: 020 8508 8095 www.lemonhed.co.uk
Beauty @ LEMONHED is offering Elemis Skin Therapy Skin IQ+ Facials. The Skin IQ+ Facial provides an anti-aging boost for tired and stressed skin, tailored to meet the needs of a hectic lifestyle and to give men the ultimate skin overhaul.
room tHrEE - 158 gEorgE lanE, soutH woodford, london E18 18Y t: 020 8530 3583 www.roomthreesalon.co.uk
Room Three offers a brilliant range of tanning options including newest Ergoline sunbeds and Sun Angel. Special offer! Come along any day in January and receive 10% off your spray tan! Many other treatments are also available.
fitness Pro sw gYm - stErling HousE, langston road, lougHton, EssEx ig10 3ts t: 020 8418 9402 www.proswgym.com
Join before 31st January 2012 and get one free personal training or personal boxing session with one of PRO SW GYM â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;s qualified instructors.
clothes Enzo - 194-196 gEorgE lanE, soutH woodford, EssEx E18 1aY t. 020 8989 3338
Enzo specialises in fashionable unique pieces. Dress to impress with smart sophisticated menswear for all ages. Sale Now On!
manicure manor BEautY - 163 manor road, cHigwEll, EssEx ig7 5Qa t: 020 8500 8070 www.manorbeauty.co.uk
Manor Beauty provides manicures and pedicures for men and women and uses only premium products. Ladies why not indulge in a Shellac manicure or Bio Gel for long lasting stunning nails.
watches timE 4 diamonds - 3 morE london rivErsidE, london sE1 2rE t: 020 7043 2598 www.time4diamonds.com
If you are after the very best in Swiss timepieces with an individual look, the guys at Time 4 Diamonds are the very best in the game when it comes to customisation; creating some amazing pieces, at even more amazing prices. 14 in MAGAZINE
Copyright for the images is Nicky Johnston/ITV
grooming HuB HairdrEssing 2-4 crown ParadE, BrEntwood, EssEx cm14 4Ba t: 01277 229 777 www.hubhair.com
HUB Hairdressing is offering a free, detailed and honest consultation, where they will listen to your needs and offer professional advice so that their team can achieve the very best for you, your hair and your lifestyle. As a thank you for your first visit HUB Hairdressing is giving 50% off on a cut and finish.
tanning Bronzing BaY - 176a QuEEns road, BucKHurst Hill, EssEx ig9 5Bd. t: 020 8505 8777
Bronzing Bay is the longest standing sun bed salon in the area. With Ergoline sun beds & regularly changed tubes, they are making sure their customers, including the cast of 'TOWIE', have the best tans around. Bronzing Bay is offering 3-4-2 on all sun bed sessions as well as a celebrity endorsed spray booth 'Magic Tan' for only £15.00 with iN’s budget beauty voucher.
teeth smilE dEsign BY asH - 6 cHigwEll risE, cHigwEll, EssEx ig7 6aB t: 020 8500 0544 www.smiledesignbyash.co.uk
To help you see in the New Year with a new, more confident smile, celebrity dentist practice - Smile Design by Ash, is offering all iN reader's 50% off their first hygienist appointment booked within the month of January. As well as a massive 50% off home whitening kits. Simply quote 'iN Magazine Smile' when booking to receive your discount.
anti-ageing PErfEct sKin BY francEs furlong www.perfect-skin.co.uk t: 07508 404 8627
Perfect skin by Frances Furlong offers fantastic treatments for men, muscle relaxing injections to soften frown lines and crow’s feet, dermal rollers and skin peels to freshen the skin and close pores.
contouring national slimming & cosmEtic clinics 446 cranBrooK road, ilford, EssEx ig2 6ll t: 020 8518 6020 www.nscclinics.co.uk
With over 25 years of experience, NSC has helped tens of thousands of men and women reach their ideal weight. With their easy three-step weight-loss programme, they will make sure you achieve the weight-loss you've always wanted, making you look and feel great and boost your self-esteem.
fitness tHE zEn studio, sHaolin Kungfu, taicHi and Qigong 228B HigH road lougHton, EssEx ig10 1Et t: 020 8508 1837 www.thezenstudio.co.uk
Discover muscles in places you didn’t know you had them! Group and private classes for TOWIE Warriors in private studio directly opposite Bella Sorella on Loughton High Road. £50 OFF PRIVATE BLOCK BOOKINGS in January!
colonic ElEanor Hart-sPratt Bsc (Hons) golding Hill clinic, 1 lowEr road, lougHton, EssEx ig10 2rs t: 020 8508 7514
Fully qualified medical professional Eleanor Hart-Spratt BSc(HONS) offers colonic irrigation at the ten year old Golding Hill Clinic. Colonic irrigation relieves bloating and IBS, encourages weight loss and promotes clearer skin. in MAGAZINE 15
Welcome to iN’s society column, ‘Girl About Town’ where socialite Caroline Polledri gives her own hilarious take on being out and about in Essex and beyond.
I am no fool; I knew that last month was going to be hectic. That every weekend would be booked up with something I wanted/needed to do, but no way did I expect all the days in between to be so busy too! Not that I’m complaining, with my new ‘doing’ rather than ‘waiting’ outlook on life, I was fully aware of what I let myself into when I jumped on that party express. You see, it’s extremely hard to get off once you get used to the momentum. I imagine it a bit like learning to ride a skateboard. The theme this month was food glorious food and it all kicked of my visit to THE most amazing Japanese restaurant in W1 called Kikuchi. The food was divine. If you ever get the chance to go then make sure you book a table at the bar, that way you get to watch the chef prepare everything from scratch, something you don’t want to miss. He can only be described as an artist. Our annual girlie lunch was held at the Hawksmoor in Guildhall and it’s fair to say that my frequenting of that venue will not be as annual as the girlie lunch. It was overpriced, far too noisy and a bit like eating on a bank’s trading floor. On a positive note, the waiters were friendly (and pleasing on the eye) and they served very nice wine. Then on to Smiths Of Spitalfields for post dinner drinks, which was a lot more fun and judging by the food spotted coming out the kitchen, there is a good chance we’ll spend the whole day in there next time. Of course, winter wouldn’t be complete without an ice skating trip to Somerset House. We opted for the ‘Lovebox’ skating experience, which you can imagine went down about as well as we did after copious amounts of wine. This ‘festival on ice’ is the frostier version the summer event of the same name and the music, fashion and street art were just amazing. I have also been spending lots of time in Essex including, lunch at the King William, a crazy night in the Royal Oak and New Year’s Eve at Club 195 for Glamorazzi and Hed Kandi. The girls and I hadn’t seen in a New Year on the dance floor for a while, and it ended up being one of the best NYE’s yet! All this eating and partying has urged me to make some solid and healthy New Year’s resolutions - here are the ones I have made/broken so far:
• •
The joining of Fitness First: Broken - but only because I feel like I’m being bullied by the sales calls. Organize finances: Broken – I just bought a PS3 in the sales. Why? I don’t even have the excuse that I am a 15 year old boy. Not Smoking: Made - And kept!
To advertise your business call: 020 8504 7779
From towering heels to show stopping party dresses we list the best boutiques to get yourself TOWIE gorgeous.
ChiChi Boutique ChiChi Boutique’s SALE IS NOW ON, with massive savings on all clothes and accessories throughout January. With friendly in-house style advice and a relaxing, inviting atmosphere ChiChi’s brings big savings and luxury style to Loughton.
173 HIGH ROAD, LOUGHTON, ESSEX T: 020 8508 9102 www.chichiboutique.uk.com
iNFLUENCE WOMEN’S CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR AND ACCESSORIES. iNFLUENCE is the ultimate hidden treasure in Loughton. Where you will find inspiring and affordable clothing to keep you looking good.
SALE NOW ON! www.ellatino.co.uk
Crystal Touch
With Swarovski crystal customised footwear and fashion items. Crystal Touch crystalise Havaianas flip flops, UGG boots, Converse trainers, Hunter Wellingtons, T-shirts and many more items. And can personaliseT-shirts with your chosen name or wording for ultimate sparkle!
Copyright for the images is Nicky Johnston/ITV
T. 07961 815 496 E. eva@crystaltouch.co.uk www.crystaltouch.co.uk
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SAVE £10 Buy 2 get the 3rd 3rd free on Urban and Fake Bake Bake professionally professionally appl appliied ed tans. Buy 150 minutes mi nutes of Ergoline Ergaline sun-bed su n-bed course for lor £67.50 (Saving £30) G O) and get 30 minutes of Slimtone (Saving ng £15). ( 15). Slimtone sessions for free (Savi
For tthe he Ultimate S Style tyle Fix! C Come ome to Essensua Essensuals ls Hairdressing. Get £5 off cut and/or colour th throughout roughout January.
The Sun un Trap, Trap, 608 60B Chigwell R Road oad,, Woodford Bridge, Woodford Green, Green, 1 1GB GB 8M T: 020 8502 9559
Essensua Essensuals fs Hairdressi Hairdressing, ng, 15 Electric Parade, George lane, l a ne, E18 E1 8 2lY 2lY T, T: 020 8989 8699
Celebrate C elebrate Femme Femme Fatal's Fatal's 10th Anniversary and get the look of purrrfection 24/7 with £50.00 off any new permanent makeup treatment in January 2012 2 January 201
With eight clinic dinic locations locations six six of which are are in Essex. ssex, get 20% off your you r first visit to the the award E winning win ning mobile mobile practitioner Perfect Skin by Frances Furlong.
Femme Fatel, S 5S Station tat ion Road Road Loughton, loughton, Essex IG10 4NZ. 4NZ. T: 0208 532 1775
T: 07508404 862 www.perfect-skinn.co. www.perfect-ski .co.uk uk
New custom customers ers get £10 off a course when when th ey quote iN iN Magazine Magazine in any of S Sun un City City's 's shops.
4 Oakwood Parade, Pa ra de, Oakwood Hill, Hill , Loughton, loughton, Essex, IG10 3El3EL - T: 02085023623 18 Station Parade, Elm Park, Pa rk, Hornchurch. Hornchurch, RM12 GAB 6AB · T: 01708471000 RM12 389 Roman R Road oad,, Bow, london, E E33 5QR T: 020 8981 5151 +
£999 for a year yea r supply of laser hair remova removal, l, for 2 large areas and 1 small sma ll area, area , saving up to £2500.
446 Cranbrook Road , Gants Gants Hill, liford , IG2 6lL T: 020 8518 6020 www.nseclinics.eo.uk www. nsccli nics.co.uk
15% OFF HUB's philosophy is to provide the HUB's the highest level of hairdressing in all areas essentia essentiall to meet the the ever-changing fash fashionable ionable needs needs of discerning clients. 50% off introductory offer on cut and fini sh finish HUB Hairdressing, 2-4 Crown rown S Street. treet, Brentwood CM14 CM 14 4BA. T: 01277229777 01277 229777
3 for 2 on all sun-bed su n-bed sessions, prices start at SOp per minute. minu te. Celebrity endorsed 'Magic Tan Tan'' voted best in Now Magazine for just £15. 'Ice Whitening' teeth whitening lor for only £99. Non invasive fat lalloss loss 'Laser Lipo' at £750 for 8 treatments. Bronzing Bay, 176a Queens Queens R Road, oad, Buckhurst Buekhu rst Hill, Hill , Essex, Essex, IG9 SBD. 5BO. T: 02085058777
Gel 15% Get 15% off all treatments treatments over £20. Stockists El emis, Bare Minerals, S 51 I Tropez, OPI OPt and of Elemis, Lash Perfect.
Beauty @ Lemonhed Road Beauty@ l emonhed,, 8 Forest R oad,, Loughton, loughton, IG10 IG1 0 1DX. 1DX. T: T: 02085088095
or most of us the New Year is time to kick-start a new healthier lifestyle. And with PURE Medi-Spa there to guide you in all things beauty, you will be well on your way to achieving a body you can be proud of. For those looking to trim down and shift the cellulite, why not try the try the ultimate in body shaping with the Coax Med RF Machine, which helps to smooth out those lumps and bumps all around the body. You may have heard of i Lipo, but this is the next generation in fat busting technology. Not only does the machine help break down the cellulite, but also helps tone and tighten up the skin, helping reduce stretch marks, making it the closest thing to liposuction without actually going under the knife. There are four steps to the treatment. The first stage involves heating the area with infra red light, then targeted ultra sound waves are used to safely break up the fat cells before the deep massage and suction helps push the melted fat to the lymph glands. Radio frequency pulsation is then used to tighten and tone the skin around the target area. The best thing about this treatment is that it can be a lunchtime procedure; at most it will leave you feeling like you have had a heavy workout at the gym - so there is nothing to stop you going about your normal daily activities right away. What is more, because the Coax Med RF Machine can be used on almost any part of the body, it is ideal for those hard to treat areas like the flabby arms, that left over baby bulge, the tops of the hips and backs of thighs, and it can get you closer to achieving that famous Jennifer Lopez bottom. With truly remarkable results achievable, this is the ideal time to book your first appointment.
Treatments are needed every 2 weeks to achieve optimum results.
PURE Medi-Spa, 9 Chigwell Road, South Woodford, London E18 1LR www.puremedispa.co.uk T. 020 8989 1822 To advertise your business call: 020 8504 7779
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T: 020 8500 0544 www.smiledesignbyash.co.uk
hen people talk about having a good hair day, we all know what they mean. Truth is if you feel that you are looking good, you’re probably feeling good too. Confidence and wellbeing are so interlinked they might as well be the chain on a Chanel handbag. Why, is it then that so many of us harbour insecurities about perhaps the most important part of our appearance – our smile?
Us Brits are famously bad at teeth. You only have to glance at a US satirical cartoon featuring the English to discover exactly what our Atlantic cousins think of the UK’s dental desirability. However there is change afoot for the smiles of the British Isles. Slowly we are learning to take better care of out mouths, gums and teeth and pioneering dentists like Ash Parmar are showing the world just how good our smiles can be. We asked the celebrity dentist, star of TV’s Extreme Makeover and owner of Chigwell’s Smile Design by Ash, how you too can get that perfect smile.
THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR SMILE AND THE SUCCESS OF ANY COSMETIC DENTISTRY IS THE HEALTH OF YOUR MOUTH. So many people don’t go to the dentist or hygienist regularly. Meaning problems are only dealt with once they have become problems. Make sure to see your dentist every 6 months. Flossing is one of the simplest and least expensive ways to improve the general health of your mouth, it prevents plaque build up which in turn prevents decay and gum disease. But for some reason its not common practise over here. Make sure you introduce flossing into your daily routine. At Smile Design by Ash our priority is always the health of the mouth. A healthier mouth makes for better dentistry results, better well being and a more attractive smile. 22 in MAGAZINE
1. BASIC LOW DOWN: Healthy straight teeth with some staining and minor chipping to the edges of the teeth. ACTION: Zoom®! whitening for brighter more healthy looking teeth. Dependent on the client’s needs we offer either at home whitening with our home kits or chair side whitening followed up with at home treatment. And cosmetic contouring – this is my practice’s signature treatment – it involves the artistic, non-surgical, minor reshaping of the teeth, so that the edges of the teeth are smooth and straight.
2. THE MINI MAKEOVER LOW DOWN: Healthy teeth with mild crookedness or slight gaps and of a darker colour. ACTION: Zoom®! whitening, cosmetic contouring, session with the hygienist, use of white fillings to fill in chips and gaps and add length where necessary, to improve the shape of the teeth.
3. THE SMILE MAKEOVER LOW DOWN: The Smile Makeover is the ultimate solution for achieving that perfect smile. This is the ideal for more problem smiles, those with larger gaps, crookedness or severe darkening.
ACTION: Involving
TOWIE TEETH - JAMES 'ARG' ARGENT Arg and the TOWIE crew came to the practice as a part of the filming for the last series. Arg is a lovely guy, we quickly established that he had a problem with enamel erosion as a result of fizzy drink consumption. I recommended a mini makeover, teeth whitening and cosmetic contouring, combined with preventive action against erosion.
ASH'S TOP TIPS SMALL STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO A BRIGHTER HEALTHIER SMILE Reduce frequency of sugar in take – Everybody knows sugar is bad for teeth. But its effect is worst when sugar intake is continual. So, at least for your teeth, its better to eat that chocolate bar in one rather than spending the day nibbling on gummy bears. Cleaning between teeth – Using floss or mini brushes to clean between teeth can prevent plaque build up and decay between the teeth. Cut out fizzy drinks – The acids in fizzy drinks, even the diet ones, erode the enamel on teeth. So cut out the pop. And if you can't give up the fizzy stuff try drinking it with a straw instead. Clean your tongue – One of the main causes of bad breath is not cleaning the tongue. A plastic tongue cleaner combined with a good mouthwash (e.g. Retardex) will eliminate most cases of bad breath almost instantly. Visit the hygienist regularly. All my other tips you can do yourself, but there is only so much you can do. Visiting the hygienist every 4 to 6 months prevents build up of plaque and contributes to the long term health of your smile.
To help you see in the New Year with a new more confident smile...*
Smile Design by Ash is offering all iN reader's 50% off their first hygienist appointment booked within the month of January. As well as a massive 50% off home whitening kits.
a carefully planned series of treatments, starting with a mock up of your expected results. The Smile Simply quote 'iN Magazine Smile' Makeover uses when booking to receive porcelain veneers, your discount. Zoom®! whitening, *Terms and conditions apply. cosmetic contouring Please contact Smile Design and white fillings, to create by Ash for details. a new smile.
www.smiledesignbyash.co.uk Smile Design By Ash 6 Chigwell Rise, Chigwell Essex IG7 6AB T: 020 8500 0544 in MAGAZINE 23
Champneys Health Resorts are offering one lucky iN reader and a friend the chance to win a luxury two-night break at either the glamorous Forest Mere in Hampshire, the modern Springs in Leicestershire or the cosy Henlow in Bedfordshire. They all offer elegant and luxurious accommodation, healthy cuisine, the latest fitness regimes, as well as the most indulgent and pampering beauty treatments around.
The winner will receive two nights luxury accommodation, an indulgent facial and detoxing Thalassotherapy each, unlimited use of all facilities and all meals. If you want to escape for a peaceful couple of days away, a Champneys health resort spa offers an idyllic country haven where you can relax and unwind. If in need of space and outdoor exercise you can enjoy the fresh air, following the trails around the grounds, on foot or by bike, before relaxing in the spa. They can tailor the perfect treatment package to suit your needs, too. With the combination of a leisurely fitness routine, peaceful relaxation and some pampering beauty treatments, it’s the perfect way to rejuvenate mind, body and soul.
To enter simply email the word ‘Champneys’ along with your details to competition@in-magazine.com If you are not lucky enough to win call 0843 316 2222 or visit www.champneys.com for the latest special offers
CHAMPNEYS. THE PLACE TO BE … TERMS AND CONDITIONS Prize will be offered in the form of a gift voucher which is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. Non refundable. Minimum age 16. Not available at Champneys Tring or on Saturday nights. Subject to availability. All entries must be received by 25th January 2012. One entry per person. Winners will be notified by email after the closing date. Travel not included. Prize provided independently of iN Magazine. Entrants may be contacted by Champneys, iN Magazine and selected partners. By entering the competition you agree that should you be selected as winner that you will provide an image of yourself to be published within iN Magazine on condition of receiving the prize.
To advertise your business call: 020 8504 7779
Our judges have scoured the country and beyond, trying treatments and ur sampling judges have scoured saunas, to find very best most thethe country andand beyond, beautiful spas around. trying treatments and
sampling saunas, to find the very best and most beautiful spas around.
New Comer Treatment Highly nourishing the Sacred Nature Treatment Ritual includes both a facial and back massage and will leave your skin incredibly silky and radiant. Opt for the 90-minute extended treatment, including body scrub and full body massage for the ultimate in skin softening and relaxation.
Stay ROCKLIFFE HALL COUNTY DURHAM Historical country house grandeur meets 21st Centaury facilities at Rockcliffe Hall, winner of the Best New Comer category 2012. Located in the Durham countryside, the recently opened Rockcliffe Hall is flying the flag for the luxury spa retreat in the North East. Boasting one of Europe's longest golf courses, a velvet clad champagne bar, Michelin Stared dining at Kenny Atkinson’s The Orangery and a huge state of the art spa, Rockcliffe Hall impressed us with both its scale and attention to detail. Alongside the 50,000 square foot spa, which includes a hydro-pool, sound-wave therapy beds, comprehensive techno-gym, thermal bathing suite and 20-metre pool with spa butlers to keep you’re glass charged with either champagne and freshly squeezed juices, dependent on how saintly you are feeling, Rockcliffe also has little touches, such as the list of things to do on a rainy day, which mark it out as something particularly special - Which is why we have named it this year's Best New Comer.
Facts.. • • • • •
Rockcliffe Hall dates back to the 18th century and was in part designed by Alfred Waterhouse, the same architect as London’s spectacular Natural History Museum. Darlington is reachable directly by trains from London Kings Cross in under 2hrs 30mins. The spa offers a comprehensive range of packages from the indulgent to the energetic. With Nordic Walking being a particular must. Located between the villages of Croft and Hurworth-on-Tees, Rockliffe's location is perfect for exploring the North East, with both Durham City and the coast within easy reach. For more details see: www.rockliffehall.com
We stayed in the Forrester room which is one of Rockcliffe Hall’s superior doubles, each of which is individually decorated with the hall's history in mind. Located in the Old Hall, our room was intoxicatingly plush, and came complete with beautiful views across the countryside, a huge marble clad bathroom and one exceedingly large and comfortable king sized bed.
Eat Rockcliffe Hall offers a range of dining options but the star of the show must be Michelin Starred Chef Kenny Atkinson’s The Orangery. The fully restored Victorian glass house with views across the Durham countryside makes for a dramatic setting for local-boydone-good Kenny Atkinson’s, best known for his winning starter on TV’s Great British Menu, rather fine cookery. The only element which lets The Orangery is its rather uptight atmosphere, which seems to affect both diners and staff alike. No doubt a symptom of both location and its newly established status, and it is the only sour note to what is otherwise an excellent restaurant.
Over Seas
CHI YU - LONDON Located just around the corner from Selfridges and Bond Street, Chi Yu Japanese wellness clinic offers a welcome respite for the hordes of sale shoppers. Taking a holistic view of health and beauty, the well being begins with the delicious cup of genmaicha tea (green tea flavoured with toasted rice) which is served while you wait. Chi Yu’s signature Chidoriya Japanese Facial draws inspiration from the beauty regimes of the Japanese geisha, who know a thing or two about beautiful skin, to relax, restore and rejuvenate. Using Chidoriya Japanese Skin care products in combination with spa’s bespoke Matcha green tea mask and organic facial oils which are chosen on your particular skins needs, facial massage and jade stone rollers, this was one of the best facials we have yet to experience. What is more, unlike most facials where the skin is left pink and greasy after treatment, you leave Chi Yu looking fresh faced and peachy. What also impressed the judges was the comprehensive approach to aftercare, following our treatment we were taken through, in depth, the ways in which we could take better care of our skin and bodies. www.chi-yu.co.uk
THE SIX SENSE SPA BARBAROS BAY Located on Turkey’s Aegean coastline the Six Senses Spa at The Kempinski Hotel is the winner of this year’s Best Over Seas Spa Award. The Six Senses Spa impressed the judges with its turquoise infinity pools, holistic approach and the jaw dropping views of the Aegean which make a welcome accompaniment the spa’s yoga sessions. What, however, convinced the judges to name The Six Senses Spa top of its category was its detox programme. The combination of green smoothies, personal training, yoga, pilates, cleansing spa treatments (including the utterly superb detoxing algae wrap) and five star accommodation, makes detoxing a pleasure rather than an annual chore and is the ideal kick-start to any New Year healthy living resolutions. www.kempinski.com in MAGAZINE 27
Fitness Treatment A post exercise massage is must for those tired muscles. Luckily Residential Retreat has its very own beauty room available on site. Offering massage, facial, manicures and pedicures, pampering and located no distance at all from the residential lodge and its comfy lounge – a session at the beauty room is the ideal thing for bootcamp wearied bodies. Be sure to book any pampering in advance of your stay.
Stay RESIDENTIAL RETREAT BOOTCAMP - LOUGHTON Winner of 2012’s Best Bootcamp Award is the Loughton based Residential Retreat, which offers a welcome alternative to the ordinary weight loss and fitness bootcamp. Far from the militaristic, no frills, bunk beds and dinner in the mess, experience offered by most bootcamps, Residential Retreat recognises that after a long day of pilates, yoga, spinning, zumba, aerobics, stretching, core work, cycling and four hours of bootcamp training including kick boxing, kettle bells, scramble nets and much more, a few home comforts is exactly what most people need. Which is why the accommodation at Residential Retreat is designed as a home away from home, with fluffy robes and comfy sofas a plenty. Only with the added advantage of a beauty and pamper centre on site and nutritionist guided wholesome and homemade meals on the table. It is this combination of homeliness and hard work, its comprehensive weight loss and fitness programs and the fact that they offer tailor-made packages for events and special occasions, that has marked Residential Retreat out as the clear winner of 2012’s Best Bootcamp.
Facts.. • • • • • •
Located in the heart of the beautiful Epping Forest. Fantastic trainer to trainees ratio. Excellent links to central London, including the Central Line and the Residential Retreat chauffeur service. Many of the fruits and vegetable used in Residential Retreat's catering are grown organically on site. Six day, weekend and one day taster packages available. For more information see: www.residentialretreat.co.uk
Designed as a luxury home away from home, each of the bedrooms and the communal lounge has a contemporary country cottage feel to it. Sinking into one of the lodge’s incredibly comfy sofas is just the remedy for a day spent kick starting a newer healthier you.
Eat Dinner at The Residential Retreat is both delicious and educational. Eating during a stay at Residential Retreat is a lesson in wholesome cooking, as each of the healthy and calorie controlled meals are cooked in front of guests under the guidance of the retreat’s highly qualified nutritionist. And it is not just rabbit food either, the retreats healthy version of a carrot muffin is as good if not better than any full fat alternative.
Treatment For the ultimate in what The Scarlet has to offer opt for one of it's ten spa journeys. Lasting four hours and including a seaweed bath out on the cliffs, meditation and massage, we recommend the 'Restore' journey as the perfect antithesis to busy, stressful and modern living
Stay THE SCARLET CORNWALL This year's 'Best Spa' award goes to The Scarlet in Cornwall. Fighting off stiff competition from across the UK, the luxury eco escape so impressed the judges that they said of all the spas they have ever visited this was the best they had ever seen. From its dramatic cliff top location over looking the Cornish waves, The Scarlet is a contemporary temple of adult only tranquility. The beautifully designed spa, with its cocoon like, nap ideal, hanging pods and its outdoor log burning seaweed baths looking out across the ocean, has something almost magical about it. And because it is The Scarlet, everything from the architecture to the choice of products used in the treatments is done with sustainability in mind. For its calming affect, green credentials and fantastic design, The Scarlet is iN Magazine's Best Spa 2012.
Facts.. • •
• •
The Scarlet is 5 minutes from Newquay airport which has direct flights from London Gatwick. There are direct trains from London Paddington to Bodmin Parkway (25 minute drive from the hotel, enabling you to leave direct from work (albeit a little early) to catch the 4pm train and be at The Scarlet in time for dinner overlooking the ocean. The Scarlet Spa’s focus is on wellbeing, with relaxation being paramount. Alongside the famous deep relaxation pods, there is also a big squishy relaxation space where ideal for unwinding to the soundtrack of waves crashing on the beach below. The Scarlet Spa offers complimentary meditation classes at 3pm each day. For more details see: www.scarlethotel.co.uk
The Scarlet has 37 rooms arranged across five levels in order to make the most of the remarkable vantage point. Each of the contemporarily designed bedrooms boasts its own individual outdoor space. Ranging in size from 'just right' to 'indulgent', we fell for our 'unique' room each of which has its own private roof top lounge or pod with spectacular ocean views, accessed via a spiral staircase.
Eat Dining at The Scarlet is a surprisingly unpretentious affair. Focusing on great, in the most part locally sourced, ingredients, the select menu of simple, bold and punchy dishes, suit the atmosphere of The Scarlet down to the ground. Breakfast and lunch are relaxed affairs with dinner being (very) slightly more formal. Don’t expect a great deal of choice, a menu of four or so dishes per course is the norm, but with spring choices like roast sea bass with nettle gnocchi, purple sprouting broccoli and olive dressing and wild mushroom pie, truffle oil mash, roasted beets and young leeks, any more would be superfluous. The restaurant also has the option of dining at the large sharing table, perfect for guests travelling alone or those just of a more gregarious nature. in MAGAZINE 29
Want To Lose a Minimum of 71b Post Christmas? Thinking about a 'New Year, New You' You ' weight loss, loss , fitness and relaxation programme? Need some me time with friends, and get fit in the process? looking Looking for an alternative hen/stag
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The ultimate experience with toilor-mode packages pacKages for weight loss, fitness and relaxation. Includes luxury accommodation, expert training, training , nutrition and support within Epping Forest.
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Residentia l Retreat . Manor Road . loughton • Essex . IG 10 4 RP E. info@residentialretreat.co.uk • T 07740926230
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Alcohol & Drug Rehab
For discerning professionals The Clifton Clinic, Clinic. 2 Brewers Yard, Yard, Ivel Road, Shefford. Shefford, Bedfordshire. SG17 5GY Tel. 0845 686 0648 htlp:/Iwww.TheCliftonClinic.co.uk htlp:/Iwww,TheCliftonClinic.co.uk
To advertise your business call: 020 8504 7779
in search of the body beautiful in’s editor Rose keen signs up with personal trainer noel germishuizen of Total Training systems.
y decision to get fit and sort my body out happened about two years ago and coincided with the break up with my then boyfriend. Most women cut a man out of their hair; I cut him out of my diet. Previously to that I was never exactly what you would call sporty, a bit of hockey at school and a stint of rugby at uni was basically my entire fitness CV. But after my healthy conversion I decided to change all that, I started running, signed up to the gym and even did a few yoga classes (though I never could get the breathing right). However, though I am definitely fitter than I was before, I didn’t know enough in order to reach the physical goals I wanted to achieve. Which is where the charming, South African Noel Germishuizen of Total Training Systems, South Woodford, comes in. Noel is an expert in helping people achieve their fitness goals. The ethos behind Total Training Systems is versatility, education and encouragement. Noel’s warm and affable manner could not be further from the militant ‘drop and give me 20’ stereotype of a personal trainer. It is this unique combination and flexibility which has allowed Noel to train both elite athletes and post natal mums with success. So I was keen to discover what he would suggest for a well meaning if uninformed, rather clumsy, gym bunny like myself. Total Training Systems offers a full body analysis before you start training, giving you an accurate picture of your fat percentage, hydration levels and BMI. Though as Noel points out the
first two are really the significant ones. I am happy to hear that my body fat percentage is good, though I could do with drinking a little more water – which if I am honest, is something I already suspected. Having discussed my targets (work out more effectively, and avoid injury) and current fitness routine Noel tailors our first session around my needs. The first session could be described as a ‘getting to know you’ – accessing my strengths, weakness and any bad habits I may have fallen into and takes place in the company’s new studio in South Woodford.
an injury waiting to happen. However after a brief lesson from Noel in how to use what muscles in what order, I am soon working those ‘gluts’ correctly. The hour session flies by as Noel takes me through a series of in studio exercises making friendly and easily understandable suggestions on how to correct my stance or get that little bit more out of a stretch.
our first session took place in the Total Training systems studio but noel offers sessions both in the home and out in the great outdoors, making the most of having so much parkland and epping forest on the door step. Offering outdoor circuit training, bells, TRX, power bags, speed ladder and Noel’s personal passion, and suspect favourite, getting out on the bikes. I can say I genuinely enjoyed my session with Noel, and even through the aches in my gluts the next day, I can say I am genuinely looking forward to the next time. Body beautiful, here I come!
First up firing patterns. Firing patterns are essentially the order in which your muscles engage whilst performing a particular exercise. The correct firing pattern means you are doing the exercise right, the incorrect firing pattern means other muscles are compensating and you are essentially an injury waiting to happen. Turns out, as I run through what is a rather wonky squat, I am
Total Training Systems Suite 2 Maybank Business Centre 208 Maybank Road South Woodford E18 1ET T. 07500 893471 www.totaltrainingsystems.co.uk in MAGAZINE 31
Linzi & Calum
Calum Jensen Boyle is a special little boy. All babies of course are special. But Calum is extra special – he is a beautiful, cherished baby boy who was born with no eyes. Like all new parents, his mum and dad* made plans and they shared dreams. They chose not to know if they would be blessed with a boy or a girl, wanting the surprise to add to the special magic only a first baby can bring. Little did they know their joy would be shattered just a few short hours after their precious baby’s arrival. alum was born on St. Georges Day, April 23rd 2011. The birth went well and exactly as planned. The whole family had gathered at the hospital in Farnborough Kent, thrilled and excited, waiting to meet their new grandchild – the first for both sides of the family. When the moment arrived, there were tears of joy and texts of jubilation sent to family and friends. He was beautiful; he was perfect, content and 32 in MAGAZINE
sleepy. But after five hours Calum was yet to open his eyes. His parents began to feel anxious, even though the midwives reassured them that nothing was wrong. Eventually Calum was taken for a scan which would confirm his devastating diagnosis. The family were stunned. Tears of joy turned into tears of fear and anguish. Inconsolable, Calum’s distraught mummy, shook uncontrollably for ten long minutes. The whole family were heartbroken. Then standing strong, and holding
his baby boy tightly, Calum’s dad spoke to him in a soft whisper,
‘don’t worry my beautiful son... i will be your eyes forever.’ Staff at the hospital were at a loss. The consultant paediatrician, although aware of the condition, had never experienced such a case in thirty years of practice. It was four *Some names have been removed at behest of the family.
could look after him better than her? It was so sad to see them so completely devastated.’ It was around this time that the family began to receive much needed support. Sally Joliffe a Sensory Support Practitioner was introduced to the family to observe Calum’s progress and make suggestions to help with everyday life and constructive play. She will work with the family and Calum until he is 18.
agonising weeks before the family were able to find a consultant who might offer, if not hope, at least a way forward. Calum has Anopthalmia, which literally means ‘without eyes’. It is an extremely rare condition affecting just 1 in 100,000 babies and for which the cause, although thought to be genetic, is unknown. The disorder develops during pregnancy and because the brain forms at the same time as the eyes, children with the condition often suffer additional birth defects. Thankfully, following tests this does not appear to be the case for Calum. His dad burst into tears after receiving the results of the MRI scan, ‘I could never have imagined I would have been so thankful to hear that my son is ONLY blind,’ he cried. Initially Calum was referred to Kings Hospital in London and then onto Great Ormond Street where the family were introduced to Dr Yassir Abou Rayyah, a world renowned specialist in the condition. Calum’s grandmother Linzi said
‘dr abou Rayyah was our salvation. at last we were able to talk to someone who had first-hand knowledge of the condition and was able to be pragmatic.’ Linzi, who is proprietor of The Kings Oak Hotel in High Beach, said ‘Those first months were a truly terrible time. My daughter and son-in-law took Calum home and cut themselves off from everybody. The bottom had fallen out of their world. My darling little girl couldn’t stop crying every time she looked at her baby. At her lowest, terrified she wouldn’t be able to cope, she would ask me if we should give him away, give him to someone who could do better for him than herself. I would just hold her and ask who Words by Sue Lovett
Great Ormond Street and Moorfields, under the guidance of Dr Abu Rayyah, will continue to provide specialist care and support as Calum grows. From the age of 1 month Calum has had to endure procedures to prevent deformity of his eye-line and forehead. Every 4 weeks hydro-gel expanders, like small lentils, were placed beneath his eyelids to ensure that his eye sockets develop normally. His eye lids had to be glued down to keep the expanders in place. Then, in November tiny plastic shells were implanted. This time there was no glue, to encourage the eyelids to open and close, to improve their elasticity in preparation for prosthetic eyes. In January, Calum receives his first set of prosthetic eyes, which will be changed every 6 months, until his rate of growth slows, when he will receive a permanent set of hand painted eyes. Linzi, known to Calum as Ninny, says,
There is much debate in the family as to what colour his eyes should be. dark like his dad’s, or hazel like his mummy. i favour green, like his ninny - that or a pair for every outfit!’ Gradually Calums young parents began to find strength. Linzi explains, ‘In the hospital when Calum was born, despite her pain my daughter spoke to me ‘Mummy, we don’t know now what it is, but he has been given to us for a reason.’ After those awful first months I felt we needed to celebrate his birth. He is beautiful and he is ours. I had been looking on the internet, searching the web for cases like Calum’s and it was there that I found MACS, a charity formed by parents of children with conditions like his. I encouraged my daughter to get in touch and, although reluctant at first, she did and they became a life saver for her.’ MACS, The Micro and Anophthalmic Children’s Society, was formed in 1993. With members all over the world, the charity’s main focus is to provide support and a range of related services to affected families. It is run entirely by volunteer families who know just what it is that their members need. ‘It’s invaluable,’ Linzi says, ‘to be able to talk to others who understand what you are going
through because they have been there themselves. My daughter now has friends all over the world who she can turn to for advice, who she can talk to not only about her fears for Calum’s future but about practical problems too. She’s thrown herself completely in.’ So has Linzi. On April 22nd, the day before Calum’s 1st birthday, Linzi will be running in the London Marathon to raise funds for MACS. And over the next year the Kings Oak are hosting a number of events to support the charity too. Linzi says,
‘Training for the marathon is so dreadful that i plan to make the fundraising fun!’
Even now Calum’s mummy is unable to say to people that her son was born with no eyes. If asked, she will just say ‘there is a problem with his eyes.’ However, as parents they have managed to pull themselves back from a terrible place in their young lives to forge a positive future for their gorgeous son. Linzi says of her daughter, ‘I am so proud of her. I asked her recently if she was still sad and she said that she will be sad for Calum forever, but it is now her job to bring colour and light to his world. She takes him to Baby Sensory Classes and Baby Yoga and generally nurtures him to do all he can. I myself agree, we hate to think of him in his dark little world, and we are all on a mission to teach him to be strong, sassy and determined to live his life to the fullest.’
Please join Linzi and the team at the Kings Oak Hotel in High Beach to help Calum and others like him. Details of upcoming events can be found on www.kingsoakhotel.com or by calling 020 8508 5000.
Donations can be received at www.justgiving.com/linzi-pollard. Friday 3rd February LADIES NIGHT Saturday 11th February VALENTINES BALL Saturday 10th March MOULIN ROUGE CABARET BALL in MAGAZINE 33
Prince Albert Jacket £280 Long Peter Pan Leggings £150
Performance meets beauty with Lucas Hugh’s collection of futuristic luxury sportswear. 34 in MAGAZINE
Prince Albert Jacket £280 Long Peter Pan Leggings £150
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Hyde Park Shoot: Photographer: Patrick Lindblom Model: Camille Ringoir NZ Shots: Photographer: Guy Coombes Model: Courtney Fallow
www.lucashugh.com 36 in MAGAZINE
Not that we suggest getting sweat on any of this sport inspired style pieces. Fred Perry Laurel Red T-Shirt www.coggles.com £75
Kermit Sweater www.primark.co.uk £12
Tyber River Gilet www.fatface.com £75
Chateau Roux Carve Paths Sweat www.coggles.com £70
Adidas & Porsche Downs Vest www.adidas.com £290
Shackleton Jacket, www.fatface.com £200
Lyle and Scott Light Grey Marl Polo Shirt www.coggles.com £49
Marc by Marc Jacobs Cotton Shirt www.mrporter.com £65
Ames Bros Mow Em Down T-Shirt www.coggles.com £28
Lyle and Scott Hunter Green Sweat www.coggles.com £70
Barbour Leather Travel Explorer Bag www.johnlewis.com £249
Premium Wooden Resistance Bands £30 Premium Wooden 5KG Hand Weights £75
Premium Wooden Push Up Grips £30
Possibly the most stylish fitness equipment ever conceived. If Don Draper owned a gym, this is what his kit would look like. www.johnlewis.com in MAGAZINE 37
With... Jason Werth, Managing Director of Greenwerth, the company behind motoring’s latest craze - Lashes4Cars. iN: Hi Jason, tell us a bit about what you do? JW: I do a lot of different things really. I am a chartered surveyor, a commercial property investor and have a high profile property agency which advises clients on buying and selling commercial property. In 2009 I decided to sell my property company as cracks were appearing in the market and I predicted it was going to get a lot worse. But most recently I have launched Lashes4Cars with my business partner Alan Green. iN: From property to novelties, that’s quite a change... JW: I had always liked retail and design, and so with Alan’s expertise in gifts we hit upon the idea of creating a novelty accessory for the automobile market. iN: Why lashes4cars? JW: We played around with different facial features - noses, ears, eyebrows, before settling on lashes. We wanted something fun and different, and we seem to have started something of a craze. The design of the product is unique to our company, as we have a double layer of lashes, we manufacture it, wholesale it and retail it on through our website. iN: What’s your favourite bit of your job? JW: Ha ha, that’s like asking me to choose my favourite food or movie... I suppose a satisfied customer, I love getting positive feedback for our product and business. iN:
On the subject of favourite foods, where do you like to eat out? JW: Ha, I knew that would be the next question. I would have to say Wagamamas for its chicken katsu. For me it beats The Ivy. iN:
As it’s the January issue, have you made any New Year resolutions? JW: Erm, to eat less probably! But from a business point of view, 2012 has some great things in store for Greenwerth. We are currently working on our next item and are in the middle of a deal which will see Lashes4Cars in stores nationwide.
To advertise your business call: 020 8504 7779
WiTh LocaLiTy.
1. txP50g30B Plasma tv BY Panasonic
Whilst the fine folks at Panasonic are amazing with technology, they’re a bit of a George Bush when it comes to thinking up names. Once that you’ve videoed everything from your kids/pets/spouse with the camcorder below, you need something to play that footage on, and this plasma TV is perfect. It’s got a 50 inch screen, picture resolution which is better than real life and, of course, it’s HD ready. Armed with an SD reader, USB port and four HDMI inputs, it’s compatible with almost anything. £829, www.prcdirect.co.uk Prc direct - 78-80 cranbrook road, ilford, Essex ig1 4nH t. 020 8911 0333
2. sonY wi-fi ErEadEr Get on the tube with this baby and watch the Kindle owners shuffle off onto the platform to wait for the next train, their heads hung low in disgrace. This stylish eReader looks stunning in all three colours (black, silver and pink) and, as the name suggests, it’s capable of a wi-fi connection – something that was seriously lacking in Sony’s previous eReaders. No more will you have to plug into a computer to update your collection. £149, www.broadwaymandv.co.uk Broadway music and vision - 31 the Broadway, woodford green, Essex ig8 0HQ t. 020 8504 75001.
2. 3.
3. sonY dPfd72nB digital PHoto framE If you own a digital camera, you’ve probably taken heaps of photos with the thing, but never actually printed any of them off. The Sony Digital Photo Frame provides the perfect solution to the frustrated photographer – simply put your SD card in the frame, and it displays them all in a slideshow that will leave you hypnotised for days. It even flips photos automatically, making sure that they’re displayed correctly, whether they’ve been taken portrait or landscape. So no need to crook your head to the side, trying to see if Aunt So-And-So has got her eyes closed. £59, www.prcdirect.co.uk Prc direct - 78-80 cranbrook road, ilford, Essex ig1 4nH t. 020 8911 0333
4. Hdcsd90EBK camcordEr BY Panasonic All right, it’s not the catchiest name for a camera, but what it lacks in vowels, it makes up for in serious techno-punch. Capable of automatically eradicating poor image quality and flickering caused by sudden motion, it also has an ‘intelligent auto feature’, which is so intelligent that it has a BA in photography from the University of Oxford. It takes a look at the surroundings and adjusts all those troublesome settings for you, making sure that you get crisp clear videos and photos every single time. Even if you’re useless behind the lens. £349, www.rgbdirect.co.uk
rgB Electrical superstore - 543-549 High road, ilford, Essex ig1 1tz t. 020 8924 7744
5. nEff sEriEs 5 coffEE cEntrE
We speak from experience when we say that this is something that no magazine office should be without. Fully programmable, it’s got all the functions you’d expect – steamer, hot milk function and frothing nozzle for that essential cappuccino first thing in the morning. But it can also serve coffee at whatever temperature you choose, and after you’ve finished, it even cleans itself. To cap it all, the digital display and chic silver exterior make this the Holy Grail for coffee lovers. £1279, www.rgbdirect.co.uk rgB Electrical superstore - 543-549 High road, ilford, Essex ig1 1tz t. 020 8924 7744 Words by Alex Page
ALoul A~oul
All offers are valid until the 31st 9f January. Plei!Se liont;.rt 40 in MAGAZINE
oodford’s brilliant basement champagne and wine bar The Vault has extended its horizons from champagne and little dishes to a menu rich in comfort and beef, with the launch of their new restaurant area, simply named The Grill.
he bar grill combinations has been having a welcome renaissance in recent times. Perhaps it is due to the current economic situation driving people to seek out comfort and quality over bells and whistles or maybe because you just can’t beat a classic, but more and more diners are seeking out the hearty pleasure of an excellent cut cooked to perfection. Either way meat has never been more fashionable. Particularly when combined with equally excellent booze cellar, which of course The Vault most certainly does. Starters consist of a healthy mix of shellfish and game dishes, most with a pan-Asian inspired twist. The Grill’s rock oysters are served with a tangy slightly spicy Vietnamese dressing. The Grill’s signature starter is a modern take on the classic carpaccio, in the form wagyu beef served with reggiano parmesan and rocket salad. The earthy flavours of the beef combine elegantly with dairy sharpness of the cheese to create something worthy of the luxury meat. However the main event of the menu is undoubtedly the steaks. Offering five beautiful cuts of 21 day hung beautiful beef, cooked over a char grill, the thought alone is enough to get the belly rumbling. Served medium rare we cut through our sirloin’s smoky char grilled exterior to reveal the luxurious, melt in the mouth, pink red centre. The steak was impressive, flavoursome, tender and large. This is the sort of food that makes the January temperatures almost desirable, if only for the pleasure of getting in from cold and sitting down in front of a dish like this. However the menu doesn't stop at the bovine, with both fish and fowl making appearances. The grilled tuna steak with fennel and lime is fragrant and meaty, whilst the Thai southern style grilled baby poussin gives a fresh twist to delicate white meat.
The sides prove equal to the mains. Potatoes are, and ever have been the accompaniment of choice to an excellent steak, and at The Grill there is no shortage of choice in how one takes the starchy tuber, coming as it does in three forms – creamed, cut into fat chips or grilled on a skewer. The fat cut chips are excellent being fluffy on the inside with a lovely amount of crunch on the exterior, and are just the thing for mopping up those wonderful steak juices. Because believe us when we say you won’t want to miss a bite. Our personal favourite though was the less traditional char grilled new potatoes on skewers, which were very nice indeed. Not to leave out the greens The Grill also offers a pleasant variety of veg, amongst which the radicchio, cos and endive salad with palm sugar vinaigrette is particularly excellent. To wash down all this thoroughly wonderful cooking The Grill at The Vault Champagne and Wine Bar has a large and brilliant wine list. As in the New York style of grill house there is also a choice of cocktails to accompany your steak. The atmosphere of The Vault Champagne and Wine Bar is that of indulgent comfort. It’s lively and luxurious and feels very much like the sort of venue that one might stop for a drink and stay for the evening, particularly if you were to catch sight or smell of any of the dishes leaving The Grill’s kitchen.
The Grill @ The Vault, 15 The Broadway, Woodford Green, IG8 0HL T: 020 8506 6419 in MAGAZINE 41
To reserve a VIP Lounge table at LuXe. please call
020 8508 5156 or 07931341561 As well as priority entrance, you and your guests wiU gct the 'elite LuXe treatment' from our friendly team in your own private lounge. 126 High Road, IG10 4BE
Navin Iyapah & Darrell Privett
One year on from its purchase iN’s Rose Keen catches up with the brains behind Loughton’s hottest luxury night club, the appropriately named LuXe.
f you were lucky enough to have been one of the glamorous crowd that got to attend LuXe’s grand opening last year it is unlikely to a be a night you forgot, in spite of the plentiful and free flowing champagne. Filled to the rafters with the cool and beautiful people of Essex and beyond, it was one of the most talked about launches of the year, for all the right reasons. And I have it on good authority that, that was not a one off - it not being an uncommon sight in Loughton on a Saturday night to see crowds of hip young glamorous things queuing literally round the corner to get into the gilded venue. This must be a welcome sight for proprietor Navin Iyapah, who had to face his fair share of naysayers, when he first set out his plan to transform the corner venue into one of the area’s leading night spots. It is fair to say that the High Road address’ previous incarnations, Crystal Lounge and Minx, had a well deserved reputation.
‘I had people telling me that this location would never work.That the reputation was too bad.’ Navin tells me as I sit down with him and his General Manager Darrell Privett. Together the handsome pair have over 28 years of experience in the nightclub industry, so it is fair to say they know their stuff. Something that is apparent from the brand image and marketing employed by LuXe. Everything from the name to the black and gold colour scheme to the ‘velvet room’ for VIPs, suggests decadence and indulgence. The sort of place where it seems only natural that you should be drinking champagne on the dance floor. I ask Navin if he had a firm idea of
what he envisioned LuXe to be from the beginning?
‘The gold theme has been a part of the LuXe concept from day dot. We wanted to change people’s conceptions about the place. After all this is a great location.’ ‘Here we are’ Darrell continues ‘on the best high street in Essex – we’ve got ourselves, NuBar, Zee & Co, White Bull Brassiere, 15 York Hill, Bella Soiree to name but a few. Loughton has a lot to offer and it’s about getting people to realise that. Which is why we try to promote not just ourselves but Loughton as a whole with our marketing.’ One thing that has certainly influenced LuXe’s exposure in the media is its popularity with the TOWIE cast. I ask them how they feel about their association with the show? ‘Overwhelmingly positive’ they tell me, as I am given a much sort after glimpse inside LuXe’s velvet clad VIP lounge, ‘we are friends with some of the TOWIE guys and its great when they come down.’ However don’t mistake of believing that LuXe is just about giving the tourists a TOWIE safari. Both Darrell and Navin take the business of your good night very seriously. Especially when it comes to music, Darrell’s forte. Darrell, who started off in the clubbing
industry at the tender, and possibly illegal, young age of 15 as a DJ, has one driving passion in life and that is music. Amongst his past employments you will find listed amongst a myriad of other tuneful achievements, a period in which he was even a schools music teacher. You can just imagine the kids loving having a teacher as cool as Darrell.
‘Music is so important to the success of a night. You can have a brilliant venue, but if you’re playing the wrong stuff, it will be empty.’ Darrell tells me ‘I oversee the DJs we have at LuXe, and even DJ myself on occasion. A lot of the people you will find behind the decks at LuXe are not necessarily big names, though we’ve had some of the Kiss FM crew in, but what they are is big talent.’ Talent is something LuXe has no shortage of; both in terms of image, marketing, music and sheer fun it seems to be hitting every bull’s eye. As I say my goodbyes to the guys, one thing Navin said stays with me. ‘I want LuXe to be iconic’ and just over a year since he first purchased the venue he seems well on his way to making that wish a reality.
126 High Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 4BE T. 020 8508 5156 www.luxeessex.com in MAGAZINE 43
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TREVOR LAKE IS... THE BUSINESS DOCTOR My company has a number of people who carry out work for it. Some are self-employed freelancers and some are employed. Whilst they carry out different tasks for me and are under different contracts I am concerned that if I had a PAYE inspection HM Revenue and Customs may not agree with how I am set up and this will cost me a substantial sum of money.
Every month the LB Group experts answer your burning financial questions so that you don’t get burnt in the pocket.
Whether someone is an employee or not is an issue that has always been contentious with HM Revenue and Customs. There is a very real financial impact of the different tax and legal treatment if someone is treated as an employee or a contractor. An employer must operate the PAYE system for employees’ income tax and also pay employer’s National Insurance Contributions on their earnings above the earnings threshold at 13.8%. Whereas a business that engages someone that is genuinely self-employed does not have to concern themselves with the individual’s own tax or National Insurance. An employee also has statutory rights regarding minimum pay, dismissal, holiday etc. Over the years factors that are considered when determining someone’s employment status have been highlighted by case law and HM Revenue and Customs. Such as: The degree of control exerted to establish that the employee has a boss. Can the person substitute someone else to do the work? Does the individual bear any financial risk in the work they do? Do they have the opportunity to maximise the profitability of the work they do? Is the individual paid by results or for the time he works? Does the individual provide their own equipment and materials? Although no one factor is usually decisive, the option to appoint a substitute worker is a strong sign that the arrangement is not one of employment. It is important to note that a recent court case set out that an express term in a contract (which may be one of the factors noted above) can be disregarded if in practice this does not represent the true arrangement. For a business using contractors they should consider ensuring that they are used through the contractor’s own company. This makes it more unlikely that the arrangement could constitute employment. In what is a very complex and ‘grey area’ that can prove to be very costly if poorly set up professional advice on the matter would be advisable.
If you have an accountancy related question that you would like LB Group to answer in a forthcoming issue, please email editor@in-magazine.com. Trevor Lake, a Director, can be contacted by telephone on 020 8221 8282 or by email at trevor.lake@lbgroupltd.com
Horoscopes JANUARY’S
Just because you can’t put something into words doesn’t mean it does not exist. Language is a wonder, but it is not the be all of human experience. Lucky Colour: Electric blue.
Before you go through the hassle of chipping it out of the bedrock make sure that diamond in the rough is not just a cheap old rhinestone. Lucky Animal: Peacock.
That connection you are feeling might not just be a one way thing. Test the waters; perhaps you’re not the only one sensing the magnetism. Lucky Word: Positive.
When life gives you lemons use them as an alternative and delicious chicken stuffing. Making the best of things is a talent you will never regret. Lucky Time: 4pm.
Too many twists and turns can upset the stomach as well as the heart. Ask yourself: why can’t the course of true love run smooth? Lucky Fruit: Grapefruit.
We do not always want to be reasonable. But remember it is you who will have to look back and decide if your behaviour was worthy of you. Lucky Colour: Grey.
The New Year has left you needing a cheer up. Happy thoughts breed happy feelings, so bid farewell to the negative vibes. Lucky Spice: Nutmeg.
What is it exactly you are waiting for? The New Year is here, so make that change you have been day dreaming about. Lucky Date: 29th December.
Be careful not to make a judgement without knowing all the fact first. It is all too easy to become judge, jury and executioner without meaning to. Lucky Element: Gold.
Messengers come in all shapes and sizes. Be sure to hear whatever it is out before you dismiss. Or you might miss something important. Lucky Shape: Star.
Positive action is the path to achievement. The only way out of being down in the dumps is to scramble your way out of it. So get scrambling! Lucky Scent: Amber.
www.lbgroupltd.com This article is designed for the information of the reader and while every effort is made to ensure accuracy, information contained in this article may not be comprehensive and recipients should not act upon it without seeking professional advice. LB Group is registered to carry out Audit work by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
You must learn to walk before you can run. This month be sure to practise you stroll before launching into your sprint. Rome was not built in a day. Lucky Letter: T.
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Property Guide
EPPING GUIDE £1,650,000
ONE OF THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER VILLAGES IN ESSEX FRYERNING, ESSEX 6860 sq ft • 5 reception rooms . master bedroom suite with dressing room and bathroom • 5 further bedrooms (2 en suite) •
study . 3 cloakrooms . garaging . swimming pool . tennis court . gardens and grounds . long private drive . about 4.23 acres • mainline station 1.2 miles (Uverpool Street from 30 mins) • A 12 1 mile Guide £3.75 million
Buying or selling this winter? Talk to Savills.
A fine detached family house in a prime position . 4 bedrooms . 3 reception rooms . 2 bathrooms . mature south facing garden . garage
Grade II listed 17c house . 5 bedrooms. 3 reception rooms . kitchen and breakfast room . swimming pool • approximately 0.75 acre . double garage
Guide £795,000 Freehold
Guide £1 .095 million Freehold
An elegant Grade II listed period house • premier location close to tube
and shops . 5 beds, 2 baths . 3 receptions. study . celiar, office .
Building plot + consent for 10,000 SQ ft house . 113 acre . built to basement level + premier location
garage, mature garden Guide £1.14 million
Guide £1.85 million Freehold
Buying or selling this winter? Talk to Savills.
THE FABIA VRS, IT’S A FABIA WITH ADDED Most of the time we drive a car for a purpose: commuting, the school run, the monthly shop, to pick up the dry cleaning, but every so often we find ourselves driving for the pure thrill of it. This is the position I found myself in with the Skoda Fabia vRS.
It’s a hot hatch so it’s got all the flexibility of the standard Fabia, just with a lot more get up and go. Which comes courtesy of the 1.4-litre four-cylinder engine, with both a turbocharger and a supercharger. Thanks to these bolt-ons the vRS produces 178bhp and 184Ib ft of torque. But it is the way the power is delivered that makes the difference, the engine-driven supercharger making its presence felt low down in the rev range before the turbo clocks on at 3500rpm. Put simply, there’s never any delay in power and well past legal speeds (it can hit 139mph), the vRS is fast. Performance is improved further by the inclusion of a sevenspeed DSG, twin-clutch gearbox, which nibbles away at shift times over a standard ‘box. The twin-clutch gearbox offers the best of both worlds over both an auto and a manual gearbox, which is good as it is the only gearbox option. And it’s a quick thinker too shifting smoothly, choosing high gears to aid economy and shifting down quickly when acceleration’s called upon. In ‘sport’ mode, the onus changes from that of refinement and economy to that of instant acceleration. Gears are held onto longer and it drops down through the gearbox quicker; the Fabia vRS can muster 0-60mph in 7.3 seconds.
But there is more fun to be had with the steering wheel mounted. Approach a corner quickly, braking hard, drop a couple of gears and enjoy the rorty blips as the DSG gearbox matches engine revs to gear speeds. The turn in good with plenty of grip and nicely weighted steering. Only a touch of vagueness, torque steer and a lack of traction – especially in the wet – hamper the good times. For all its speed, the vRS is a subtle package. It’s only available as a five-door hatchback or an estate, no aspirations to youth three-door here. There are no shouty decals, either. The only hints of this being the loony of the range are a hushed body kit, contrasting roof, bigger wheels, twin exhausts and a vRS
badge on the grille. The vRS has got a Volkswagen air to it, hardly surprising, then, that it shares its internals with a Polo GTI. But at around £16,500 it costs around £2,500 less. Inside, it’s more of the same. It may lack some of the chrome and fancy lighting of the Polo, but it feels like a quality product in every area; if this was bargain shopping it would be Waitrose Essentials, not Tesco’s Own. The interior is equipped with air conditioning, electric windows and mirrors, a reasonable stereo and CD player with iPod connectivity. For an extra £525 our test car came equipped with sat-nav which, in spite of a small screen, worked well. And the sports seats to keep you firmly in place for those lary movements, and a sport steering wheel, are there to remind you that this Fabia can be naughty. And it’s this that makes the vRS such an interesting proposition. Yes it can carry five people, yes it has five-door practicality, yes there’s space for shopping, dogs, children’s accessories, and yes, it can do 45mpg. But, if you fancy blowing away the stresses of the day, you can grab they keys, switch the gearbox to sport and disappear down a country road forgetting all about the vRS’s mundane roles, while it lets you forget about yours.
HYUNDAI’S 4x4, A 4x4 FOR 4x4ERS In the leafy suburbs, the off-road ability of a 4x4 plays understudy to the art of being cool. It is into this environment that the Hyundai Santa Fe makes a less than textbook landing. It’s hard not to feel sorry for it, so we’ll keep this short and sweet – If you like Range Rovers, BMW Xs and Audis Qs, then you will not like the Santa Fe. However there are positives - If you need a cheap, large and rugged 4x4, then the Santa Fe is a good shout. Its exterior looks forgo the glitz and glamour of the aforementioned prestige off-roaders, but they’re modern and not exactly ugly. Inside, the plastics are hard, though doubtless durable, but the blue lighting, which is more ‘90s stereo than metro cocktail bar, doesn’t help the cabin ambiance. There are, however, loads of toys to play with. In the near £27,000, five seat Premium form that was our test car, you get auto headlights and wipers, iPod connectivity, reversing sensors, air con and leather, plus there’s plenty of space. All Santa Fes come with a 2.2-litre CRDI, four-cylinder turbodiesel engine giving a 118mph top speed, 0-60mph in 10.2 seconds and 39mpg combined. It grumbles out an impressive 194bhp and over 300Ib ft of torque. Refinement is below par, but it offers a flexible delivery and comical levels of poke as the 4x4 sends power to the rear, the front lifts up, and we hurtle towards gaps in the traffic. The six-speed auto’ box in our car was smooth shifting and the handling is safe and assured, if not massively inspiring. Locking diffs, and the plentiful tourque, will mean it’s good off-road. So, if you want a large, cheap, well spec’ed, reliable 4x4, that would be excellent for towing, has a five-year unlimited-mileage warranty and the option of seven seats, this is the car for you. It may not be new-money chic, but it is old-money sensible, and a 4x4 that is likely to occupy the courtyards of more landed gentry than some would give it credit for.
Words by Russell Campbell
- DALE CONLON A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE CHARMING DALE CONLON, SENIOR ADMISSIONS COUNSELLOR AT THE CLIFTON CLINIC AND THE THAMES CLINIC, ALCOHOL AND DRUG REHABILITATION AND DETOX CLINICS. person's medicinal history. I know that a person wouldn't be prescribed a certain drug if they hadn’t been diagnosed with depression. We also do a risk assessment for each client, both for themselves, in terms of self harm or suicide, and for the members of staff.
I have been working for the Clifton Clinic and the Thames Clinic for three years now, after I ended up in addiction rehabilitation myself. Most of The Clifton Clinic and the Thames Clinic's counsellors have a personal experience of addiction. You have to have something that draws you into this line of work, for most of us it the drive to help people. from diary e y a d A one ning coffe ut. o mor lights o t h g throu
y day starts with a caffeine hit. I usually have a black coffee before heading to work. Most days I get to the office around 7am. The day doesn’t officially start for a few hours, but I use the time to catch up on emails and paperwork. I will often have a meeting with the Managing Director in this time as well. None of us at TTP tend to sleep all that much, last night alone the MD and I were exchanging emails at 4.15am. Handover is at 8.30. Where I and the rest of the day team meet with the night team to catch up on any issues or news from the night before, due to the nature of rehab it is important to keep abreast of any changes as soon as they happen. I am based across the entire Trust The Process Group (TTP Group), which means I travel to each of our centres. Monday I might be at our centre in Preston, Wednesday Bradford, Thursday the Thames Clinic in Surrey. I go where I am needed. Most days I have my first assessment at around 9am. This is when I sit down with a new admission to establish usage; at Trust The Process we handle a whole range of addictions from alcoholism to cocaine use to the recent and growing problem of addictions to over-the-counter medication. We also use this time to cover their medical history and any other issues that might be important to the rehab process. Dependent on how complex the case, assessments can take anywhere between 45 minutes to two hours. Due to the physiological affects of detoxing, we have to be particularly careful when it comes to medication. People often ask me how we do we know that clients are telling the truth in these interviews. And it is true that people do sometimes lie, but just through experience I have gotten pretty good at spotting irregularities, particularly in a 58 in MAGAZINE
Lunch is usually a chicken salad at my desk, and a 15 minute catch-up with the football scores. I always opt for something cold, because no matter what I intend, by the time I am off the phone long enough to eat it would be cold anyway. When my phone rings I have to answer it as my number is the first port of call for new clients. You don't know how much it has taken for that person to pick up the phone, and so if we miss it isn’t just a call we are missing but the chance to help someone in the grips of an addiction, who might well have hit rock bottom. My being constantly on call can take a toll on those around me. I am used to the demands but it can be hard on social relationships, let’s put it this way, I am single. Which is not to say all the calls I get are that vital, I once had a call from a woman asking me to clear her garden. Apparently she had googled the words 'weed clearance'. You've got to have a sense of humour in this job. My office day ends at around 4pm, when I tend to go to the gym. But as long as my phone is with me, my working day isn’t really ever over. It is not uncommon to find me on the phone on the cross-trainer. There are other careers which are less demanding, where I could make more money. I've even tried them. But something always draws me back to rehabilitation counselling, I guess I am hooked on helping people.
The Plan B: If I hadn’t of been a counsellor I would have been… a music producer. I'd say a rockstar, but I can't sing.
www.thamesclinic.com www.thecliftonclinic.co.uk T: 07535 699747 E: dale.conlon@ttpcc.org
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