DECEMBER 2017-JANUARY 2018 VOL. 4, NO. 6
December 2017-January 2018
Vol. 4, No. 6
Lori Murphy
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On the cover
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INSIDE NEW ORLEANS is published bi-monthly (February, April, June, August, October, December) by M and L Publishing, LLC, PO Box 6048, Metairie, LA 70009 as a means of communication and information for greater New Orleans, Louisiana. Bulk Postage paid - New Orleans, LA. Copyright ©2018 by M & L Publishing, LLC. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written consent of publisher. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts and artwork. Inside New Orleans Magazine is created using the Adobe Creative Suite on Apple Macintosh computers.
contents table of
page 34
Features 18 Bold Integrity Cover Artist Kent Walsh 34 Holiday Sparkle
page 36
page 44 36 A Tale of Two Trees 42 One Germ at a Time Xenex Disinfection Services’ Joseph Authement 44 The Luck of Garland 52 Rebirth of Tradition Ted Brennan’s Decatur 60 Florentine Splendor Why the Saenger Theatre is of Paramount Importance 66 Meet Me at Caffe! Caffe! Celebrating 25 Years! 90 Meet Matt Neely Metairie Park Country Day’s Head of School
page 60 8
Inside New Orleans
page 68
58 Wine Cellar Holiday Wines 68 Designer Spotlight David Yurman Transformative Design 70 Flourishes Extraordinary gifts and home accents 80 INside Look
contents table of
12 Publisher’s Note 14 Editor’s Note
Inside New Orleans
102 IN Great Taste Cookies, Cookies, Cookies
16 Contributors
06 At the Table 1 Reveillon 2017
24 INside Scoop
108 INside Dining
32 INside Story The Office Party
114 Last Bite Messina’s Runway Café
page 102 10
92 INside Peek Featuring: WYES Grand Opening NOMA Sydney Award Celebration United Way of Southeast Louisiana Tocqueville Gala St. Martin’s Founders’ Club Dinner Aristocracy Exhibition Opening Reception McGehee Celebrates Eileen Powers Lambeth House Foundation Gala
The Perfect Gift by Lori Murphy
This is a first for me. I don’t have an idea of what to get as a gift for my son. Mind you, last year I didn’t even have a son! Our family has always been all girls, except for Rick and Max, the dog. So, I am great at chick presents—but a guy? Clueless. To make matters worse, he is French. What does a new mother-in-law get a French son? I googled it. Recommendations included everything from a Louis Vuitton iPhone case or a leather man-bag to a really nice backgammon set. I poured through back issues of Inside New Orleans to find something, and there were plenty of choices, but I couldn’t settle on the perfect present for my new son. Then it came to me that he had my most precious gift already. Maggie and Jeremy were married in Covington in the rain on January first. It was a beautiful and precious day. There is nothing I can wrap that will feel as special as that. It can be hard in this season of giving to feel like everything we choose is perfect. This year, I’ve decided to let the shopping guide me. No lists of what I am looking for—just family and friends in my heart. When I see something that sings “perfect for …” then I will buy it. If all else fails, on the last day I will get everyone books. Who doesn’t love books? The gift is not nearly as important as the love and time we share during the holidays. Have a blessed holiday season.
Editor’s Note by Anne Honeywell Sometimes we try to recreate childhood memories and they just don’t work out the way we remembered them. When I was growing up, our family Christmas tree had all red lights on it. By the time I was out of college, Mother had switched to all white lights, and I was traumatized by the drastic change. It was different from what I was used to. But as a young newlywed, I too donned our tree with white lights. It was perfect. A few years later, with babies celebrating their first Christmases, I crossed into uncharted territory—multi-colored lights!! I had read somewhere that babies loved to look at all different colors—so we were having multi-color lights! My kids are now 24 and 21. Last year, I decided I wanted all red lights on our tree. I was yearning for my childhood tree. I bought strands of big-bulb red lights and carefully placed them on the tree—a process I take very seriously. I stepped back and hit the switch. Ewwww! was my reaction. This won’t do. It just wasn’t what I had remembered so fondly. Not for my tree anyway. I took them all down and put up my multi-colored lights! If you appreciate a beautiful Christmas tree, you are going to love a glimpse inside Michael Harold and Quinn Peeper’s beautiful home with their exquisite Christmas trees (pg 36). This issue is chock full of holiday sparkle with gorgeous jewelry and gift ideas galore, plus Tom Fitzmorris’ take on Reveillon on pg 106 and Yvette Jemison’s celebration of cookies on pg 102. Plus, Sandra Juneau introduces us to the newest Ted Brennan restaurant (pg 52), and Joey Kent tells all about the little-known history of the Saenger Theatre (pg 60). While working on this issue, I revisited another childhood memory. Unlike the red lights, it did not disappoint. I grew up watching Garland Robinette on the Channel 4 news. What a treat it was to meet this gentleman and legend—he was even more charming and gracious all these years later than I could have imagined. Karen Gibbs tells us about the Luck of Garland on pg 44. I hope you can relax with this issue during the holiday hustle. It’s our gift to you, along with wishes for many blessings during the season and for the coming year.
Inside New Orleans
Contributors Our contributors give Inside New Orleans its voice, its personality and its feel. Here we are proud to highlight a few of them so that you can put a face with a name and get to know them. Other Voices: Gretchen Armbruster, Leah Draffen, Tom Fitzmorris, Candra George, Shauna Grissett, Thomas B. Growden, Michael Harold, Yvette Jemison and Bill Kearney.
Sandra Scalise Juneau Freelance writer Sandra Scalise Juneau continues her many years of writing for Inside Publications. Sandra’s passions as a culinary arts historian and cultural/community events coordinator and fundraiser keep her involved. She represented her Sicilian heritage to the Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, tracing the influences of la cucina Italiana on Louisiana’s cuisine. Sandra and her husband, Roland, have been married for over 50 years. On page 52, she writes about Ted Brennan’s Decatur restaurant.
Karen B. Gibbs
Joey Kent
Anthony “Chopper” Leone
Longtime contributor and former managing editor of Inside Northside, Karen B. Gibbs enjoys writing about the fascinating people and places of New Orleans and the northshore. A contributor to Today.com and iVillage.com, Karen recently completed the biography of her fatherin-law, a WWII paratrooper. When not writing, she enjoys traveling with her husband and spoiling their grandchild. On page 44, she shares her interview with Garland Robinette.
Joey Kent, a longtime author, historian and archivist, relocated his family from Shreveport to New Orleans several years ago to continue work in the movie industry. He has over 60 film festival awards for screenwriting and is wrapping up work on a coffee table book about the historic Louisiana Hayride radio and stage show, which is due for release next summer. The Kents—Joey, Amber and daughter Adelaide—love the rich history and culture of their new home. On page 60, Joey tells “the rest of the story” of the Saenger Theatre.
Northshore freelance photographer Anthony “Chopper” Leone’s passion for picture-taking began with a gift as a teenager—his first Brownie camera. With 60 years of photographic experience, his collections portray his world travels, but at home Chopper focuses his lens on his town, Madisonville. A community activist, he serves on the board of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Maritime Museum and is a charter member of the Tchefuncte Lighthouse Committee. Chopper’s photos of Ted Brennan’s Decatur restaurant begin on page 52.
Inside New Orleans
“My works are not timid. I push myself to express what I want to say and make sure it comes through.” - Kent Walsh
Bold Integrity
by Shauna Grissett
Kent poses in front of her works at The French Mix by Jennifer Dicerbo Interiors in Covington, Louisiana. 18
Inside New Orleans
COVER ARTIST KENT WALSH is the living, breathing manifestation of her abstract paintings: enthusiastic, vivid, exuberant, passionate, energetic … bold. The petite blonde has anything but a dainty artistic talent, and her large-scale canvases display an expert command over color, artistry and composition. The Alabama native was born in Birmingham, raised in Mobile and now resides in Point Clear, Alabama, where she has lived for the past 14 years. Walsh explains the origins of her love of art and paint: “I started painting when I was very young; my grandmother gave me my first set of oils when I was 5. I always took art in school as well as private lessons. However, I didn’t start doing abstract painting until about 20 years ago. Growing up, I painted flowers, fields and landscapes, >>
photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
Cover Artist Kent Walsh
her studio in Point Clear, Mississippi. 20
Inside New Orleans
a week, here in Point Clear. My students tell me, ‘I can do that!’ But then they get frustrated, because it’s not as easy as it looks. We have a really good time, but we work really hard. I’ll set out a still life for my students, but I never make it a pretty one. I want them to look at the lines, at the shapes and at the negative shapes and not just look at the still life … at the bowl of fruit. I ask my students to really push themselves, and by the end of the day, everyone is exhausted. They’re ready to ‘throw in the brush!’” Walsh laughs as she talks fondly about her classes. When it comes to abstract expressionism, unfortunately the old “my five-year-old could do that” adage still lives on, and Walsh
photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
Kent works in
still lifes and portraits. First, I went to Mary Baldwin College, where they had an absolutely wonderful art department, and then I transferred to the University of Alabama and continued my work there. Back then, abstract art wasn’t part of the curriculum. I learned the basics and received a strong foundation in realism and color studies. I learned how to mix my own paint with primary and secondary colors, which I think is so important. Now, you can buy all of these beautiful paint colors that are already mixed—lavenders, chartreuses and metallics—but I still mix my own paints, which I think is one of my strengths.” After graduating from the University of Alabama with a degree in studio art, Walsh moved to San Francisco, then lived in Houston, but eventually made her way back home to Mobile. She started painting professionally by happenstance, explaining, “About 25 years ago, I donated some paintings, and they sold. So, after that, things snowballed, and I began painting professionally. I also teach classes and give workshops out of my studio in Point Clear; I travel to other cities to teach, as well.” Walsh is clearly devoted to her students and to teaching what she loves. “Most people want to take classes in abstract expressionism, and they think it’s going to be easy. I teach a regular abstract class once
fights this inaccurate perception. “I try to convince people that realism is so much simpler—at least for me it is. Because you’re not pulling the whole thing out of your insides, out of your mind and your emotions. To be a good abstract expressionist painter is hard. I paint mostly abstract paintings, although occasionally I’ll paint something representational. ‘Abstract’ can be anything from abstracting realism, such as a tree that is out of focus but still recognizable—like my landscapes—to a tree being non-objective and completely unrecognizable. My landscape paintings are more recognizable or representational. They are about a mood, a feeling or an atmosphere rather than trying to paint a leaf or the water. >> December 2017-January 2018 21
Inside New Orleans
Walsh’s paintings are mixed media, mostly acrylic or oil with charcoal, oil pastel and various other media. Her canvases are large, typically 3’ x 3’ or 4’ x 4’. Her work can be found locally at The French Mix by Jennifer Dicerbo Interiors in Covington, Louisiana. In addition, her work can be seen through her website, kentwalshartist. com, or by calling 251-929-2576 or 251-605-2297. Walsh offers classes and workshops out of her studio in Point Clear, Alabama, or call to make arrangements in a different city or location.
photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
When I look at a tree or look under a tree, at how the sun shines through the branches, I don’t see the details of the leaves of the tree; instead, I see the patterns they form and the negative shapes. And I try to remember that when I go back to my studio.” As Walsh talks about her work, the word “integrity” comes up again and again. “The most important thing to me is the integrity of my art and of the design. If you don’t do the work and put in the time, where’s the integrity? Where’s the sincerity and strength of the work? If there’s one criticism of my art, it’s that I don’t have a consistent body of work that looks alike. But I just can’t be redundant. I’m constantly evolving, and my process is different every time. I refuse to restrict myself to one style. I continue to learn by pushing myself to knock down boundaries. And I like to stay away from gimmicks, like gold leaf and just pasting things on the canvas, layers of modeling paste. When struggling with a composition, it’s tempting to over embellish using metal leaf, pastes and texture materials, but it only makes the work look crafty. My layers are built up from paint because I like to have a history underneath that you can see through—lots of line, lots of scraping.” What is Walsh trying to express through her art? “My works are not timid. I push myself to express what I want
to say and make sure it comes through. Whether the color is exciting or not exciting—whatever I intend to show. Or a balanced composition. If you don’t have composition, you don’t have anything. I like contrast, all kinds of different lines—broken and straight lines and hard and soft edges. And there’s a lot of movement in my work, so much so that sometimes I’m out of breath when I’m finished!” The exact emotional reaction of observers of Walsh’s work may be unpredictable, but certainly, collectors and viewers alike will be left breathless by her remarkable paintings.
INSIDE a handy guide to events and entertainment in and around New Orleans
Irving Berlin’s White Christmas
December St. 528-1944. nationalww2museum.org. 1-30 Billy Solitario: Slivers of Land.
806 E Boston, Covington. (985) 892-
shopping opportunities and old-fashioned
0025. chanluu.com.
family fun. St. Francisville. (225) 635-
LeMieux Galleries, 332 Julia St. Opening
3873. stfrancisvillefestivals.com.
reception, Dec 2, 6-8pm. 522-5988.
1, 2 How to Start Your Own Embroidery Business. Hands-on seminar presented
1-3 Christmas in the Country. Intriguing
1-27 Home for the Holidays with the
by Paulette Bell of Brother. Precision
Victory Belles. Victory Belles harmonize
Sewing, 3997 Hwy 190 E Service Rd,
sacred and secular favorites, Rockettes-
from Water’s Edge. Degas Gallery, 604
Covington. 10am-2pm. $24.99. (985)
style choreography, beautiful costumes.
Julia St #101. Preview reception, Dec 1,
National WWII Museum, 945 Magazine
6-8pm. 826-9744. marciaholmes.com.
Inside New Orleans
1-Jan 3 Marcia Holmes: Anecdotes
1-2 Chan Luu Trunk Show. Ballin’s LTD,
December 19-24 Irving Berlin’s White Christmas: The Musical. The timeless movie White Christmas is adapted for the stage in a lavish new production. Saenger Theatre, 1111 Canal St. (800) 982-2787. broadwayinneworleans.com.
1-Jan 20 Aristocracy: Luxury & Leisure in Britain in the 19th Century. M.S. Rau Antiques, 630 Royal St. (888) 557-2406. rauantiques.com. 1-Feb 25 Prospect.4: The Lotus in Spite of the Swamp. Citywide triennial of contemporary art. prospectneworleans.org.
December 2017-January 2018 25
Inside Scoop 2 Artist Workshop with Horton Humble.
Panel Discussion. Russell Lord,
Inspired by Solidary & Solitary: The
NOMA’s Freeman Family Center Curator
Joyner/Giuffrida Collection, Presented
of Photographs, Prints and Drawings;
by The Helis Foundation. Using Norman
and John Valentino, Southeastern
Lewis’ Afternoon as inspiration, artist
Louisiana University Professor of New
Horton Humble will lead participants in
Media and Animation. St. Tammany
several exercises aimed at finding their
Art Association, 320 N Columbia St,
own abstraction through the intuitive use
Covington. 4pm. (985) 892-8650.
of color. Ogden Museum of Southern
Art, 925 Camp St. 10am-1pm. For
2-3, 9-10, 16-24 Teddy Bear Tea 2017.
18+. Member, $30; nonmember, $35.
Holiday food, Santa and Mrs. Claus,
specialty teas and tasty pastries. The
2 Azúcar Ball. Benefiting the New Orleans
Roosevelt New Orleans, A Waldorf
Hispanic Heritage Foundation. Presented
Astoria Hotel, 130 Roosevelt Way.
by Pan-American Life Insurance Group.
1pm. Reservations, 335-3129.
Hyatt Regency New Orleans, 601 Loyola
Ave. Patron party, 7pm; ball, 8pm. 6360107. nohhf.org. 2 Brother Martin High School Ladies of
3 Flannels, Fur + Fizz. Holiday market featuring Greige, Cameo, The Villa, Suella and more. Maison Lafitte, 402 Lafitte St,
the Shield Holiday Home Tour. Old
Mandeville. 12-4pm. Adults, $18; kids,
Metairie. Patron party, 10:30am-12pm;
$5. flannelsfurfizz.eventbrite.com.
tour, 12-3pm. 284-6700. brothermartin. com. 2 Christmas Tour of Homes. Tour
3-9 Shop Local Artists Week. Weeklong statewide celebration of the arts. Holiday art market at St. Tammany
contemporary homes in West
Art Association, shopping events, and
Feliciana Parish. (225) 635-3873.
performances, including Chris Rose
with Dustan Louque at Playmakers
2 Episodes Performance Art
Theater Dec. 7. Various locations,
Installation. Episodes, a dance theatre work offers atypical depictions of black
downtown Covington. (985) 892-8650. shoplocalartistsweek.com.
womanhood. Part performance and
5 Art of Giving. Center for Southern Craft
part performance art installation. Art
& Design holiday shopping event. Meet
installation, Newcomb Art Museum
your favorite makers; unique, handmade
of Tulane University, Woldenberg
gifts; enjoy music, cocktails, and crafts.
Art Center, Newcomb Crl. 12-3pm.
Ogden Museum of Southern Art, 925
Camp St. 6-8pm. ogdenmuseum.org.
2 North Oaks Medical Center’s NICU
5 LUNA Fete Artists Lecture. Hear
Reunion. Graduates of North Oaks
from the artists behind LUNA Fete
Medical Center’s Neonatal Intensive Care
2017. Presented by Pan-American
Unit (NICU) and their families are invited.
Life Insurance Group and Arts New
E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center,
Orleans. Pedro Narvaez and Emma
15837 Paul Vega MD Dr, Hammond.
Lopez of AVA discuss transition from
Register online. northoaks.org/nicu.
graphic design to projection mapping
2 Self Reflection: Photographs from
and application of design principles in
the New Orleans Museum of Art
new media. Newcomb Art Museum
of Tulane University, Woldenberg Art Center, Newcomb Crl. 5:30-6:30pm. newcombartmuseum.tulane.edu. 5 Power Lunch. Sponsored by Fidelity Bank. New Orleans Chamber, 1515 Poydras St, 5th floor auditorium. Networking, 11:30am-12pm; program, 12-1pm. Members, $10; nonmembers, $20. neworleanschamber.org. 7 Luminaries at St. Paul’s. Drive or walking experience, prayer luminaries, refreshments and carols. Open to the public. At dusk. St. Paul’s School, 917 S Jahncke Ave, Covington. (985) 892-3200. 8 Changing the Face of Homelessness Gala. All funds raised will benefit the New Orleans Mission. Hyatt Regency, 601 Loyola Ave, New Orleans. 6pm. neworleansmission.org. 8 PRC Holiday Home Tour Patron Party. Cocktail reception, live music and cuisine to kick off the holidays and Preservation Resource Center’s Holiday Home Tour. The home of Liz and Terry Creel, 3102 Prytania St.. 7-9:30pm. $325-$600. prcno.org. 8 Sips of the Season Stroll. Mugs for stroll available in advance only. Old Mandeville Businesses on Girod Street from Mandeville Trailhead to Jefferson St. 5-9pm. (985) 624-3147. oldmandevillebiz.com. 8-9 InClan Studio Trunk Show. Ballin’s LTD, 721 Dante St. 866-4367. 8-9 Luxury Pearl Event. Ballin’s LTD, 721 Dante St. 866-4367. 8-9 Sennod Jewelry Trunk Show. FeBe, 474 Metairie Rd, Ste 102, Metairie. 835-5250. 8-10, 15-17 Tuck Everlasting. Jefferson Performing Arts Center, 6400 Airline Dr, Metairie. jeffersonpac.com. 9 1-2-3 Tea. Rising Toddler 2 through rising Kindergarten girls will love playing in Ursuline Academy’s Early Childhood
December 2017-January 2018 27
Inside Scoop Learning Center, meeting teachers, and
Resource Center, 581-7032. prcno.org. 9-10 Start Their Day Off Bright. Gift with
having a tea party. Ursuline Academy,
Lakefront Christmas parade; seasonal
2635 State St. 9-10:30am. Register at
music, performances, Santa’s arrival
purchase event. Palm Village, A Lilly
(bring your camera!); lighting of oaks.
Pulitzer Signature Store, 2735 US 190 C,
Mandeville Lakefront, Lakeshore Drive
Mandeville. (985) 778-2547.
9 Christmas Past Festival. Old-time
9-10, 16-17 Deanie’s Holiday Sing-Along
holiday theme, arts and crafts, food/
from Harbor to Gazebo. Sat, 4-7pm;
beverage booths, bands, strolling
tree lighting, 5:15pm. (985) 626-3147.
& Dance Party with Vince Vance.
carolers. Girod St, Mandeville. 9am-3pm.
Buffet breakfast, photos with Santa, arts
(985) 624-3147. oldmandevillebiz.com. 9 Running of the Santas. Five-block
9-10 Orpheum Holiday Spectacular
and crafts, and holiday sing along with
with the 610 Stompers. Presented by
Vince Vance & The Valianettes. Deanie’s
fun run to the “North Pole” located at
the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra.
Seafood Restaurant in the French
Generations Hall, 310 Andrew Higgins Dr.
Orpheum Theater, 129 Roosevelt Way.
Quarter, 841 Iberville St. 9-11:30am;
Holiday food and specialty drinks at the
Dec 9, doors, 6:15pm; show, 7:30pm.
show starts at 10am. $45 per person;
“South Pole” located at Manning’s, 519
Dec 10, doors, 1:15pm; show, 2:30pm.
kids 3 and under, free. 515-1635.
Fulton St. runningofthesantas.com.
$20-$140. lpomusic.com. orpheumnola.
9 Tea & Theater. Rising first through rising fourth grade girls are invited to Ursuline
9 Winter on the Water and Boat Parade.
com. 9-10 PRC Holiday Home Tour. Seven
10 Covington Heritage Foundation Holiday Home Tour. Historic downtown
Academy’s winter production of Peter
private residences dressed for holidays.
Covington homes. 2:30-5:30pm.
Pan, followed by a tea party with the
Headquarters and boutique, Trinity
cast. Ursuline Academy, 2635 State St.
Episcopal Church, 1329 Jackson Ave.
12:30-2:30pm. Register at uanola.org.
10am-4pm. $30-$45. Preservation
Inside New Orleans
11 American Factory Direct Furniture Outlets Soft Opening. 210 New
Camellia Blvd, Covington. 871-0300. afd-
Christmas. Louisiana Philharmonic
Orchestra. Orpheum Theater, 129
12 Craft Happy Hour. Hand lettering and
com. nobadance.com. 19-24 Irving Berlin’s White Christmas:
Roosevelt Way. Doors, 6:15pm; show,
The Musical. The timeless movie White
holiday card workshop. Basic principles
7:30pm. $20-$140. lpomusic.com.
Christmas is adapted for the stage
of calligraphy; hand lettering the easy
in a lavish new production. Saenger
way – no fancy pens or pots of ink
15 End of Year Sale. Paisley Boutique,
required. Anna Dearmon Kornick of
2180 N Causeway Blvd #10, Mandeville.
The Welcome Note. Ogden Museum
10am-6pm. shoppaisleyboutique.com.
of Southern Art, 925 Camp St. 6-8pm. ogdenmuseum.org. 12 Luxury Pearl Event. Ballin’s LTD, 806 E Boston St, Covington. 892-0025. 13 Delgado Fall Commencement. UNO Arena. dcc.edu. 13 New Orleans Chamber Annual Meeting.
15 Sonny Landreth. Friends of the Cabildo
Theatre, 1111 Canal St. (800) 982-2787. broadwayinneworleans.com. 20 Members Holiday Party. Live jazz by the Nick Ferreirae Trio, baked treats
Concert Series. Old U.S. Mint 3rd Floor
by Ruby Bloch, and holiday cocktails.
Performance Space, 400 Esplanade Ave.
For Newcomb Art Museum members
$25. 523-3939. friendsofthecabildo.org.
and alumnae. Newcomb Art Museum
15-25 Christmas on Ice. A magical snow
of Tulane University, Woldenberg Art
globe of a show come to life on stage
Center, Newcomb Crl. 5:30-7pm.
made of real ice. Beau Rivage Resort &
newcombartmuseum.tulane.edu. 21-22 Jazz Brunch with Santa. The
Hyatt Regency New Orleans, Empire
Casino, Biloxi, Miss. Two shows daily,
Ballroom, 601 Loyola Ave. Networking,
3pm and 7pm. Tickets starting at $12.95.
Court of Two Sisters, 613 Royal St.
(888) 566-7469. beaurivage.com.
10am and 12:30pm seating. 522-7261.
11am-12pm; luncheon and presentation, 12-1pm. Members, $50; nonmembers, $60. neworleanschamber.org. 14 Outside the Bachs: Baroque
16-22 New Orleans Ballet Theatre Nutcracker. Orpheum Theater, 129 Roosevelt Way. $38-$78. orpheumnola.
courtoftwosisters.com. 21-31 NOLA ChristmasFest. Ice skating, life-size gingerbread house, carnival
rides, holiday characters, inflatables and more. Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Convention Center Blvd. $20. nolachristmasfest.com. 23 CBS Sports Classic. Smoothie King Center. cbssportsclassic.com. 24 All the Trimmings. Gift with purchase event. Palm Village, A Lilly Pulitzer Signature Store, 2735 US 190 C, Mandeville. (985) 778-2547. 24-Jan 1 Celebration in the Oaks. City Park. 483-9415. celebrationintheoaks.com. 26 Christmas on Columbia with SSA. Seiler Bar and Patio, 434 N Columbia St, Covington. 6-9pm. ssacad.org. 28 A Very Electric Christmas. Presented by Lightwire Theater, Semi-finalists on America’s Got Talent. Jefferson Performing Arts Center, 6400 Airline Dr, Metairie. 1pm and 6:30pm. (877) 840-0457. lightwiretheater.com. jeffersonpac.com. 29-31 New Year’s Eve Special. Featuring the Revivalists. Orpheum Theater, 129 Roosevelt Way. Doors, 7:30pm; show, 9pm. $44.50-$250. orpheumnola.com.
January 1 Allstate Sugar Bowl. MercedesBenz Superdome. 7:45pm. allstatesugarbowl.org. 1-3 Marcia Holmes: Anecdotes from Water’s Edge. Degas Gallery, 604 Julia St #101. 826-9744. 1-20 Aristocracy: Luxury & Leisure in Britain in the 19th Century. M.S. Rau Antiques, 630 Royal St. (888) 557-2406. rauantiques.com. 1-Feb 25 Prospect.4: The Lotus in Spite of the Swamp. Citywide triennial of contemporary art. New Orleans. prospectneworleans.org. 3-12 Spring Semester Registration. Delgado Community College, all campuses. dcc.edu. 30
Inside New Orleans
9 Power Lunch. Sponsored by Fidelity Bank. New Orleans Chamber of Commerce, 1515 Poydras St, 5th floor auditorium. Networking, 11:30am-12pm; program, 12-1pm. Members, $10; nonmembers, $20. neworleanschamber.org. 9 Tuesday Tours. Academy of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans. 8:3011am. ashrosary.org. 10, 17 Elementary School Tours. Open for Toddler 2 through 7th grades. Ursuline Academy, 2635 State St. 8:30am. Register at uanola.org. 11 Admission Open House. Grades 6-12. Metairie Park Country Day, 300 Park Rd. 8:15am. 849-3110. mpcds.com. 11, 25 Admission Open Houses. Louise S. McGehee School, 2343 Prytania St. 8:30-10am. 561-1224. mcgeheeschool.com. 12-13 Brahms Symphony No. 1. Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. Orpheum Theater, 129 Roosevelt Way. Doors, 6:15pm; show, 7:30pm. $20-$140. lpomusic.com. orpheumnola.com. 13 Delgado Spring Semester Begins. Delgado Community College, all campuses and online. dcc.edu. 18 Admission Open House. K-Grade 5. Metairie Park Country Day, 300 Park Rd. 8:30am. 849-3110. mpcds.com. 18 Winter Open House. Arden Cahill Academy, 3103 Wall Blvd, Gretna. 9am. 392-0902. ardencahillacademy.com. 19 Marcia Ball. Friends of the Cabildo Concert Series. Old U.S. Mint 3rd Floor Performance Space, 400 Esplanade Ave. $25. 523-3939. friendsofthecabildo.org. 19 Open House St. Martin’s Episcopal School. George Cottage, Pre-K and Kindergarten. 225 Green Acres Rd, Metairie. 8:30am. stmsaints.com/openhouse. 20 Bal Masque. A carnival celebration to nourish and educate the youth of New Orleans. RAM, Lost Bayou Ramblers, Cha Wa and The Roots of Music. The Sugar Mill, 1021 Convention Center Blvd. General admission, $300. linkstryjewski.org. 20-21 Jurassic Park Film with Live Orchestra. Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. Orpheum Theater, 129 Roosevelt Way. Jan 20, 2:30 and 7:30pm. Jan 21, 2:30pm. $20-$140. lpomusic.com. orpheumnola.com. 27 Tango Fire. New Orleans Ballet Association. Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St. 522-0996. nobadance.com. 30-Feb 4 An American in Paris. New Orleans Theatre Association. Saenger Theatre, 1111 Canal St. (800) 982-2787. broadwayinneworleans.com. 31 Jefferson Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting. Location TBD. 10am-1pm. jeffersonchamber.org.
Send your event information to scoop@insidepub.com to have it featured in an upcoming issue of Inside New Orleans. December 2017-January 2018 31
INside Story by Michael Harold
brought out make-up and transformed officedrab outfits into sequined, sparkly holiday-wear. The first hour of the party was like an eighth-grade dance where the boys stood around awkwardly folding their arms while the girls formed gossipy cliques. After a few drinks, when everyone loosened up and mingled, the party divided into two seriously opposing factions: the Electric Slide and Achy Breaky line dancers who knew every choreographed step versus the dancephobes who remained paralyzed with fear that someone would pull them onto the dance floor. By the end of the party, two groups
The Office Party AFTER 23 YEARS of practicing law in New Orleans, I resigned from the profession and started my own business. Admittedly, I don’t look back with loving affection at billing hours or answering law suits, but there are some things I still miss. I miss the camaraderie among lawyers, the old Parish courthouses, the spectacular view each day from the 30th floor, and—I’ll go ahead and admit it—I miss the office holiday party. Well, actually, I take that back. I miss observing the office party. The firm’s holiday party was essentially a study in how offices split into two groups. The first groups developed in the late afternoon when the initial excitement buzzed through the office halls. One group consisted of holiday Scrooges working quietly and diligently in their offices like it was any other day, while the other group, the merrymakers, sprayed perfume,
Inside New Orleans
remained that were defined, in part, by alcohol consumption: the “naughty club” and the “nice” one. Over the years, I have been members of both. Phyllis Diller was spot on when she said, “What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is looking for a new job the next day.” Every year, one employee pushed the envelope and woke up the next morning wondering what he or she said the night before. Personally, I took perverse pleasure in bestowing imaginary gold, silver and bronze medals to my colleagues who made the biggest fools of themselves. Some were justified, like the chardonnay-fueled paralegal who fancied every chair in the room a stripper pole or the secretary who was caught making out with the copy guy. I empathized with one poor lawyer whose wife humiliated him by screaming obscenities at the managing partner
for not paying him enough. Poor thing had to be carried out. It was all fun and games until the year I was forced to hand over the gold medal to none other than myself. This was in the early days, before email, when a typed memo bearing the words “Please see me immediately” meant serious business. At that time, Santa would make an annual visit to the office party and hand out gifts to the lawyers who had screwed up the most that year. I was on the recipient list. Months before, while working on a disastrously fatal accident case that took place at a shopping center called Meadowbrook, I inadvertently put my own address on the citation and ended up suing myself. I recognized the mistake and my handwriting the minute the deputy rang my door bell and served me with the lawsuit. I deserved any and all laughter at my expense when Santa handed me my gift, which was a map of New Orleans. I thought I was so drunkenly clever when I said, “Thank you, Santa, and thank you, ‘Murder Brook’ Shopping Center, for my wonderful map!” How was I supposed to know that the Meadowbrook client had stopped by the party for a drink with my boss? It goes without saying that neither boss nor client was amused. All I can say is, thankfully, Phyllis Diller’s little quote was only a little joke and not a prophecy. December 2017-January 2018 33
1. 2.
3. 4.
Holiday Sparkle
1. Double-halo pendant with 2.5 ct oval tanzanite and .34cttw diamonds, $2,100. Carl’s Fine Jewelry, Covington, 985-893-1595. 2. 14 kt gold pendant with 10 cttw London blue topaz surrounded with 0.17 cttw diamonds and chocolate diamonds on bale, $695. DeLuca’s Fine 7.
Jewelers, Covington, 985-892-2317. 3. Hearts on Fire Beloved stud earrings 1cttw, $5,500. Beau Rivage Hotel & Casino, Biloxi, 228-386-7111. 4. Platinum pear-shape diamond pendant and chain with diamond accents, $65,000. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, Metairie, 832-0000.
Inside New Orleans
10. 9.
5. 18k yellow gold drop earrings with emerald-cut amethyst and diamond halo, $6,950. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, Metairie, 832-0000. 6. Platinum ring with one 6.41ct cushion sapphire and two trapezoid diamonds weighing 0.96 cttw, $32,500. Friend &
10. Handmade platinum, diamond, and ruby 16” necklace containing approximately 10 cushion-cut Burmese rubies of 25.68 cttw and approximately 304 round, pear and marquise diamonds of 27.30 cttw with average color of G-H and average
Company, 866-5433. 7. Diamond eternity rings starting at $2,795.
clarity of VS2, $175,000. Friend & Company, 866-5433.
Boudreaux’s Jewelers, Mandeville, 985-626-1666; Metairie,
11. Vintage platinum, sapphire and 1.63ct diamond ring,
831-2602. 8. 18k white gold ring with 2.04 cttw yellow and white
$27,000. Symmetry Jewelers & Designers, 861-9925 or
diamonds, $5,500. Carl’s Fine Jewelry, Covington, 985-893-1595. 9. 18k white gold cushion-cut diamond drop earrings with pave diamond halo $395,000. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, Metairie, 832-0000.
symmetry-jewelers.com. 12. Peacock baroque pearl necklace, $550. Ballin’s, Covington, 985-892-0025, Magazine Street, 504-891-4502, and Dante, 504-866-4367.
December 2017-January 2018 35
Inside New Orleans
A Tale of Two Trees
photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
INSIDE NEW ORLEANS GOT a peek into the home of Quinn Peeper and Michael Harold all decked out for the holidays. For their first Christmas in their newly renovated residence, there was much ado over the Christmas tree, its dĂŠcor and its placement. And so, we begin a tale of two trees! QP: We were hosting Christmas at our house, so all of my family was traveling to New Orleans from the Arkansas Delta. The family was excited to change things up from our traditional Tennessee Christmas Eve meal of duck and wild game to Louisiana seafood. So, the dining room was the perfect room for our Christmas tree; as we hosted our Christmas Eve meal, which we titled Delicacies of the Deep, the tree would become part of the celebration. We added all kinds of sea-themed ornaments: oysters, lobsters, seahorses and coral. It really turned out to be a stunning tree. Opposite: The
MH: Well, I started off thinking I wanted a red and green traditional Christmas tree with colored lights and the whole bit. But since we were
dining room >>
Christmas tree.
December 2017-January 2018 37
photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
going with the dining room, Quinn selected bronze, gold, and silver to go with the room. Even though the tree was very pretty, I was missing the Christmas reds and greens. QP: Red and green would have looked garish in that room. So that was not happening. Since there were so many ornaments collected over the years, and
since Michael wanted a tree with colored lights, we decided to put up two trees. MH: Yes! And it ended up being a lot of fun. We both love spending time in the library, and it was the perfect room for ‘my’ tree. The reds, greens and colored lights were a much better fit in there, and we got to enjoy a tree when we were in that room >>
The library Christmas tree.
December 2017-January 2018 39
Left: The foyer, featuring a monogramed Louis XVI hall chair, decorated for the holidays. Right: A Rockingham English porcelain tea set from Bardith of New York. During the holidays, it is used to enjoy some Fortnum and Mason Christmas Tea. Below: Vintage ports and crystal glassware adorn the cocktail table in the library. Quinn’s grandmother’s pink miniature Christmas trees add a holiday touch.
too! Since the library was in the front of the house, I loved that you could see the tree from the porch, which lit up the street. Do you have a favorite tree? Library or dining room? QP: We liked them both equally. They were very different, but each beautiful.We enjoyed the tree in the dining room very much. The lights on the tree created great illumination in the room. Everyone looked good around the table. MH: When friends come over for a drink, the library ends up being the best spot for gathering. It was great that we 40
Inside New Orleans
ended up having a tree in there as well. Are your trees fresh or fake? MH: With every passing year, and having to deal with needles all over the floor, I think fake is the way to go. But there is nothing like the fragrance of fresh spruce and pine, so we opted for
the real ones. A pine-smelling Glade Plug-in does not count. QP: Fresh. I like a Frasier Fir. What on earth is a Glade Plug-in? Do you have a favorite ornament? QP: I like them all. I love decorating
with glass ornaments because the lights sparkle and reflect off them. MH: Of course, the favorite one ends up being the one that breaks and goes in the garbage can. Goodbye ornament. This should be the tale of two vacuums to clean up all of the holiday mess all over the floor.
photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
What is your holiday must-have? MH: Louisiana navel oranges. I think our state’s oranges are the best in the world, and they always remind me of Christmas. Plus, the satsumas are great decoration when put in a bowl. They’re also fragrant. QP: Every year I order a large hamper from Fortnum and Mason, which is a department store in London. It usually contains Christmas spiced tea, plum puddings with brandy butter, rose cookies, Turkish delights, marzipan, relishes and chutneys, and little mincemeat pies. December 2017-January 2018 41
that cause them. Every day, I’m reminded of our mission when I watch my father continue to suffer from the MRSA infection he contracted in a New Orleans hospital years ago,” says Authement. The Xenex Germ-Zapping Robots are the only portable, broad-spectrum ultraviolet disinfection system that quickly destroys antibiotic-resistant bacteria in healthcare facilities. More than 350 hospitals, long-term acute care, outpatient surgery and skilled nursing facilities use Xenex’s room disinfection technology to destroy deadly superbugs before they harm patients and hospital employees. According to studies published in peerreviewed journals, Xenex robots have been credited for helping healthcare facilities in the United States decrease the infection rates of MRSA by 50 percent, Clostridium difficile by 70 percent and Surgical Site by 100 percent. The Xenex room disinfection system works by pulsing xenon, an inert gas, at a high intensity in a xenon ultraviolet flashlamp. This produces intense ultraviolet C light, which photo courtesy: XENEX DISINFECTION SERVICES
penetrates the cell walls of microorganisms, including bacteria,
One Germ at a Time
Xenex Disinfection Services’ Joseph Authement
them unable to reproduce or mutate, effectively killing them on surfaces without contact or chemicals. The robot is effective against even the most dangerous pathogens, including Clostridium difficile, norovirus, influenza, Ebola, and MRSA. The robot disinfects in a five-minute cycle, so a single device is able to decontaminate 30-60 rooms per day. A graduate of Jesuit High School of New Orleans, Louisiana State University and the University of New Orleans (MBA degree), Authement spent much of his career at Medtronic and then at Intuitive Surgical, Inc., where he was one of Intuitive’s leading sales executives before taking on the sales leadership position at Xenex. He has served on numerous local and national boards and
JOSEPH AUTHEMENT’S DEDICATION to improving healthcare is
has been honored by The American Diabetes Association and the
Father’s Day Council of New Orleans.
Authement, who serves as senior vice president of global sales at Xenex Disinfection Services, watched his father, Rickey Authement, battle a Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
In 2015, Authement donated a Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot to his high school alma mater. Authement explains his generosity. “Jesuit taught me about
infection contracted during a hospital stay years ago. His father still
being a man for others and serving my community. At Xenex, we
suffers daily with the side effects of MRSA.
want to eradicate the pathogens that cause infections and pose a
The next time his father was hospitalized, Authement was
threat to patients and hospital workers. Germs and bacteria can
ready. He arranged for a Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot™ to disinfect
also cause outbreaks in schools and locker rooms among students,
his father’s room at the skilled nursing facility in New Orleans
athletes and sometimes entire teams. Whether it’s preventing my
where he received rehabilitation and treatment for complications
father from contracting another hospital-acquired infection, or
resulting from diabetes.
preventing student athletes from contracting a MRSA infection,
“Xenex’s mission is to stop the pain, suffering and deaths caused by hospital-acquired infections by destroying the pathogens 42
viruses, mold, fungus and spores. Their DNA is fused, rendering
Inside New Orleans
I’m honored to be able to serve my community by destroying the pathogens that cause infections.”
by Karen B. Gibbs
Inside New Orleans
photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
WHEN ASKED TO DESCRIBE HIS LIFE, esteemed portrait artist and local media legend Garland Robinette simply says, “It’s the luck of Garland.” Luck? According to his lifelong best friend, Bill Sirmon, Garland’s a bit too humble. “Sometimes, you have to work hard to have luck.” You be the judge. The adopted son of Cajun mom, Lou, and Texan oil driller, William “Bill” Robinette, Garland grew up in the swamps of Des Allemands surrounded by other Humble Oil families. While asthma restricted his time outdoors, it gifted him with time alone to sketch. It also afforded him the opportunity to take piano lessons (from age 4 to 13) and cultivate a love of classical music. When Garland was 10, his dad was diagnosed with scleroderma, a fatal condition that hardens the skin and blood vessels. The year before he died, Bill moved the family to Hahnville, to a simple house he’d designed but, sadly, never got to live in. After her husband’s death, Lou lived a comfortable life thanks to Humble Oil stock and a handsome nest egg that Bill provided. Comfortable, but not stress-free, at least for Garland. At 13, he wanted so badly to fit in with his seventh-grade peers he accepted a dare to fight a classmate. That classmate was Bill Sirmon, and the two became best friends from that day on. Garland struggled again socially as a freshman at Hahnville High. “I felt out of place. I tried sports but wasn’t any good. And there wasn’t a band. I liked girls a lot but was too bashful to talk to them.” Instead of bellyaching, he took action. “I set out to become well-liked. I started saying hello, how are you, asking people about themselves. In my senior year, I was voted most popular!” His A in popularity, however, belied his poor grades in academics. Unprepared for college, Garland failed out of Nicholls State and USL. Ultimately, he enrolled in LSU and signed up for ROTC. “They paid you sixty bucks a month and expected you to become an officer in the Army.” In his senior year, the Vietnam War was raging, and Garland didn’t want to be part of it. He purposely failed a couple of courses,
thinking that would buy him an extra year in college, but at LSU, seniors couldn’t go on probation. “The Army was pissed and put me at the top of the draft!” Garland joined the Navy, hoping it meant no combat, good food and clean sheets. Instead, he ended up in PBR—Patrol Boat River. “They called it the Riverine division, but we were never on anything bigger than a bayou. We could barely turn the boat around.” A team of four rode in each fiberglass boat and took turns manning the boat and shooting 30and 50-caliber guns. Garland had several boats shot out from under him and was the only man in his original group to survive. Although he sustained serious wounds that earned him two Purple Hearts, he eschews praise. “The guys that went and believed in it deserve praise. There was no courage in my decision. I didn’t want to go, but I had no choice. I couldn’t run to Canada, and I was afraid to go to prison.” Garland survived the war but didn’t emerge unscathed. He had physical injuries, and emotional injuries scarred him for life. “When you survive a very dangerous situation, the chemicals you get— dopamine and serotonin—flood your brain. You go looking for danger again. You have a hard time adjusting to the white-picket-fence lifestyle you left.” Once home, he disdained the “cush” life that Americans had. “All of a sudden, my brain chemistry wasn’t used to that. I’d gotten tough over there, and I was tough back here.” Garland became belligerent. “My mom was heartbroken.” “There was no talk of PTSD back then and no talk of getting him help,” says wife Nancy Rhett. Many former soldiers tried to quiet their demons with drugs and alcohol, but Garland was never addicted to anything—except to “the edge,” to danger. For most of the next year, Garland worked as a janitor, first at a chemical plant and then at radio station KJIN in Houma, where he bluffed his way onto the air saying he had radio experience in the Navy. Shortly after, the owner opened a new TV station, KHMA, and hired Garland as news director. “If you bluff, you better be able to deliver,” says Garland. “And I did. In every circumstance!” >> December 2017-January 2018 45
Inside New Orleans
photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
Various portraits by
KHMA was a low-budget station with a crew of two. Garland and the sportscaster alternated doing the weather and operating the camera. Once, while Garland was doing the news, the entire set fell on top of him, pinning him to the desk. “So, here I was, with a live mike and the cameras rolling and I kept saying, ‘I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!’” While the set knocked him flat, the station’s faulty film processor actually helped lift his career. With no processor, Garland had to go to WWL in New Orleans to develop film. “Phil Johnson saw me and offered me a job as ‘barely a reporter.’ I told him I was a news director and had studied in college—but I didn’t. That was another example of ‘the luck of Garland.’” A few months after joining WWL, that luck came through again when he was appointed temporary replacement for a news anchor who’d gone on the air drunk. “I’d only done a little bit of anchoring at the Houma station, so I was scared to death they were going to find out that I’d lied my way into the job.” But they didn’t. Thanks to the support of co-workers like Angela Hill and Jim Henderson, Garland received excellent on-the-job training. “When I had an assignment, I’d ask Angela how she’d handle it.” Eventually, Garland and Angela became co-anchors of the 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. news—the first co-anchors in the United States. Their on-air friendship blossomed into romance, and they married in 1978. Nine years later, the couple divorced but remain friends to this day. “I have great taste in women; they just had bad taste in men,” says Garland, taking responsibility for his three failed marriages. “Jim Henderson said he was getting a bumper sticker made that read: ‘Honk if you’ve been married to Garland.’” Garland teased Jim, too—with a kitchen mitt that looked like a giraffe. “While we were on the air, I’d back up in my chair, put the mitt on my hand and make the giraffe come up behind Jim while he was doing sports. The crew was cracking up. When we’d go to commercial, Jim would ask what the hell was going on. I’d say, somebody told a really good joke.” Management wasn’t laughing, however, and Garland “retired” the giraffe mitt that night. Another time, Garland was suckered by longtime friend Bill Sirmon with an April Fool’s joke. Bill called
the station and told Garland his mom was downstairs trying to get in. Garland dashed down the stairs but found no one. “April Fool!” laughed Bill. Not to be outdone, Garland asked viewers on the 6 p.m. news to call Bill and tell him what a terrible thing he’d done. He flashed Bill’s name and number on the screen. “My phone started ringing so much, I took it off the hook,” says Bill. But Garland wasn’t finished. During the 10 p.m. news, Garland told viewers, “It’s okay. You can call Bill back and tell him you forgive him.” Again, Bill’s name and number flashed across the screen, and once again, his phone started ringing like crazy. But Bill didn’t realize that they replayed the 10 p.m. broadcast at 1 a.m., so his phone started ringing again at 1 a.m.! Although a joker, Garland took his job seriously. When Dr. Sherwood Gagliano, a geologist, asked his opinion about the loss of the wetlands, Garland asked what a wetland was. Dr. Gagliano showed Garland a book of transparencies of the Louisiana coast. Flipping through it, Garland could see the coastland breaking up “like bread in a goldfish bowl.” At 60.2 square miles a year, Dr. Gagliano figured, if something weren’t done, Louisiana would disappear up to Baton Rouge. Stunned by this revelation, Garland began the first in-depth documentaries on Louisiana’s coastal erosion. From 1970-1984, WWL sent him all over the world—the Netherlands, Israel, the Amazon rainforest—to document environmental problems. However, after fourteen years, audience interest waned, and management told Garland to stop.
The art of broadcasting Garland mastered the “art” of broadcasting, literally. While on the air, he decorated the margins of news scripts with sketches of the floor crew.
December 2017-January 2018 47
After the show, he’d toss the script in the trash. Unbeknownst to him, floor director Chuck Meyers retrieved them. Eventually, he confessed his “crime” and asked Garland to autograph the scripts so he could make copies, sell them and earn enough to pay for his books at Loyola. He even offered to split the profits. Garland responded, “If you can get money for these images, you can keep it.” Sometime later, Fr. James Carter, president of Loyola, invited Garland to lunch. Loyola owned WWL, so Garland thought Fr. Carter had found out he’d been lying about his experience. Instead, Fr. Carter complimented him on the sketches that he’d seen around campus. “I can recognize every one of the floor crew. How’d you like to do a portrait?” “I’d like that,” replied Garland. “Who is it?” “The Pope.” “That’s when I said, ‘S___! I’m an artist.’” Pope John Paul II never sat for his portrait. Instead, Garland worked from photographs and sketches he made while the pope greeted people at St. Joseph Seminary. Remarkably, before John Paul’s visit ended, Garland had completed the portrait, and
Inside New Orleans
posters were selling like hotcakes. Garland loved painting. Truth be known, although he’d spent 20 years at WWL-TV, he never loved the business except for the documentaries. “I never liked shoving a mike in somebody’s face and being confrontational.” So, it was only natural that Garland retired from WWL in 1994 and moved to a farm in Folsom to pursue his painting career. Or so he thought. To his surprise, Jim Bob Moffatt, CEO of Freeport MacMoRan, offered him a job restoring his company’s image. Garland had reported on Freeport MacMoRan’s legal, though unpopular, disposal of gypsum. “My plan was to get ’em, not work for them,” Garland admits. After visiting the company’s operations around the world, Garland told Jim Bob that his oil and gas exploration and strip mining were harming people. Jim Bob replied that without copper and oil there would be no cars, phones, electricity, eyeglasses, cosmetics and more—people can’t have it both ways. This was Garland’s “Ah-ha!” moment. “I had done 20 years of uneducated reporting. We say we don’t want drilling and mining, but we’re so damn spoiled, we couldn’t possible live without it.” Ultimately,
photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
Garland’s PR program helped turn Freeport MacMoRan’s stock around— and its image. Garland also turned his life around when he began a relationship with Nancy Rhett, a former co-worker at WWL who worked at Freeport. Though she was beautiful, sexy and 24 years his junior, Garland says he was attracted to her intelligence. Their lively discussions made Garland re-think his intellectual inferiority complex. “Garland is incredibly smart and self-educated,” says Nancy. The couple married in 1994 and welcomed baby girl Charley three years later. “At 54, I never thought about having kids,” says Garland, “but Nancy wanted a child, so I agreed. When I saw Charley in that nursery, O Lord, I had fish hooks all over me.” Garland took to fatherhood like a catfish to a bayou, working from home
and caring for Charley while Nancy pursued a career in jewelry, accessories and weaving. Eventually, Garland left Freeport MacMoRan to form his own crisis communications company, Planet Communications. Three years later, he closed the company to focus on what fed his soul: Nancy, Charley and painting. As idyllic as that life was, Garland couldn’t refuse when Diane Newman, operations and program director at WWL Radio, asked him to fill in for David Tyree, who was battling cancer. After Tyree died, Garland continued with The Think Tank, priding himself on looking at all sides of an issue. Then Katrina hit. Recalls Newman, “The G-man’s time in The Think Tank post-Katrina was explosive. Emotion and passion kicked in. Garland was the ‘voice of the people’— the rescue, recovery and rebirth. He was on fire. He didn’t care who he had >>
December 2017-January 2018 49
to pounce on to move our city forward. Washington insiders told us the White House listened every day. President George W. Bush gave one interview when he came to New Orleans—to Garland. “Garland’s was the first show to broadcast live from the state legislature. And he was the first to push for Louisiana’s fair share of oil and gas revenues. With all that toughness,” Newman adds, “there’s the art in him. He’s an amazing painter. Godinspired, really.” Indeed, Garland has the soul of an artist. Some of his most beloved works are portraits he’s done of Charley on her birthdays. “My favorite’s the one from my eighteenth birthday. It’s in color— and he gave me a crown,” says Charley, a college junior. “My dad’s the greatest man that’s ever walked this planet,” she continues, “but, he’s too humble. I wish he could see how great he is! He’s a New Orleans icon, yet he’s still so genuine. He’s the most generous man I’ve ever met.”
Charley’s voice softens. “My dad was on his deathbed when I was in first grade (2002). Doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. They thought it was pneumonia.” “It wasn’t until the year after Katrina that doctors at Mayo Clinic diagnosed him with Wegener’s, an auto-immune disease,” says Nancy. After having chemo and being hospitalized for flareups, he’s in remission. “I was having a flare-up while doing Jimmy Buffett’s portrait for the 2011 Jazz Fest poster,” Garland adds. “I was really very sick. I’d drag myself out of bed, oftentimes coughing up blood. I had to finish the portrait and I did.” “Making art is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration,” says Nancy. “Garland shows up in the studio every day ready to let that magic come through. I admire his work ethic as much as his talent. It takes fortitude and discipline to do something so technical as portraits.” But they’re timeless portraits
photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
Garland with his wife Nancy.
and will be handed down. Garland agrees. “Portraits are where the magic is. I didn’t know my grandparents, but I’d love to have portraits of them to pass on to Charley. People hardly look at photographs, but they’ll stop to see a portrait.” “Making (and viewing) a portrait is about slowing down, connecting and really seeing a human being,” says Nancy. “That’s even more important these days with the world speeding up.” While creating those portraits, Garland strives to get every detail right. Randy Fertel attests to this. Of Garland’s posthumous portrait of Ruth Fertel, founder of Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Randy says, “Garland captured my mother’s likeness, her presence and the history of the restaurant. There’s this lovely, shimmering image of the steakhouse in the background.” Another collector, Linda Baum, admires how Garland depicts more than physical appearances. “The portraits he did of my daughters make them come alive. He portrayed their spirits and personality so well that when I look at them, it’s almost as if they’re here.” For Garland, such accolades evoke profound appreciation. “I’m grateful to so many for my incredible life. They’ve accepted me on television, radio, in the corporate world and now as a professional portrait painter with a waiting list of clients. I’m grateful and surprised to have a life I never planned for and one I never expected.” So, was he lucky? Absolutely not! Garland Robinette made an ordinary life extraordinary by offering no excuses, accepting no limits and painting his world with broad strokes of “can do” and bold colors of passion! To commission a portrait or view Garland’s works, visit RobinetteStudios.com. December 2017-January 2018 51
Rebirth of Tradition
Inside New Orleans
by Sandra Scalise Juneau along with his brothers Owen “Pip” and Jimmy Brennan, were the principals who ran the Royal Street restaurant for decades, steering it through post-Katrina rebuilding, until the restaurant’s final closing in 2013. Teddy and Bridget shared in their father’s initiative for developing Ted Brennan’s Decatur. Their collaborative effort began in 2014, but just like their Grandfather Owen, who died months before the realization of his dream, Brennan’s Restaurant on Royal Street, Ted Brennan did not
N THIS CITY THAT EMBRACES REBIRTH with pizzazz, the return of Ted Brennan’s family to our fine dining scene in New Orleans is cause for celebration! At the helm of the newly opened Ted Brennan’s Decatur are siblings Bridget Brennan Tyrrell and Teddy Brennan, both of whom learned first-hand the nuances and fineness of Brennan restaurant traditions. Following in the footsteps of Owen Brennan, Bridget and Teddy’s grandfather, who founded the Brennan legacy, their father Theodore “Ted” Brennan,
Ted Brennan’s Decatur
live to see the new restaurant’s opening. With Teddy and Bridget holding firm to their heritage and blessed with assurance from their mother, Ellen Cohen Brennan, the opening of Ted Brennan’s Decatur is a tribute to their tenacity and a living testament to their father’s vision. The intimate setting of the downstairs dining room is traditional café style; bentwood chairs and polished marble floor in classic black and white, accented by soft luminescence from overhead chandeliers, give the ambiance of a European
bistro—until you open the menu and realize you are about to encounter the luscious flavor of true New Orleans cuisine. Just reading through the listing of delectable choices, you know you’re home with such classics as Turtle Soup, Trout Pecan, Eggs Hussarde and Bananas Foster Blangé, along with fresh tastes that celebrate our local bounty with delicious chic. To Teddy and Bridget’s credit, what enlivens the restaurant’s tradition and truly sets it apart is the amazing team they have assembled. As Bridget explains, “Everyone here cares about our customers—the entire staff, from the kitchen to the waiters to the bar to the managers. Every member of our staff who came here with us from Royal Street is here out of loyalty to my dad. They loved him, so their job is more than just work; it is their career.” Heading up the kitchen is Chef Lazone Randolph, who came aboard Brennan’s as busboy in 1965 and by 2005 was proclaimed Executive Chef at Brennan’s on Royal Street. Having trained under Chef Michael Roussel, who had been the protégé of the first chef at Brennan’s, revered Chef Paul Blangé, Chef Randolph insists on excellence from kitchen to table. He says, “This restaurant is a part of Louisiana. We take great pride in bringing our seafood directly from local waters to our table.” According to Ellen Brennan, “Right out of college, Ted was set for opening Brennan’s in Dallas. Instead of hiring a European chef, he took New Orleans native Chef Lazone Randolph with >>
Bridget Brennan Tyrrell, Teddy Brennan and Ellen Cohen Brennan.
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Inside New Orleans
him for continuity of recipes. Lazone stepped right up to the plate.” As Chef Randolph explains, “After Katrina, when Brennan’s Dallas had closed, I was happy when I came back to New Orleans.” About developing the menu for Ted Brennan’s Decatur, he says, “In creating our identity, we worked with developing our menu from what had been successful at Brennan’s.” Teddy adds, “From original dishes created at Brennan’s, we kept the best of the best.”
Growing up, both Bridget and Teddy worked in the restaurant, but as their mother Ellen insisted, “Their job was to get a good education!” Bridget recalls her early experience working for her dad and Uncle Jimmy, “I first started out helping in the office with accounting and bookkeeping. Then, with my law degree, I just eased into the management end of the business.” As Teddy recalls, “I knew from the beginning I wanted to be in this restaurant business—even while working in the kitchen as a teenager. My dad started me out in the kitchen while I was just in high school. I learned everything from dishwashing to proper plating and eventually came to know the likes and dislikes of our customers. Back then, the kitchen staff used to tease me, saying, ‘Someday, you’ll be the one in the suit and tie running the show, telling us what to do!’ There was no AC in the kitchen then. It was Boot Camp!” With a nod to their legacy, the restaurant Bridget and Teddy have created is stunningly organized—it’s a place where the business traveler can enjoy a full menu of specialties while
comfortably seated at the bar, where locals can celebrate in the privacy of exquisitely appointed upstairs dining rooms, where drop-in diners can experience traditional New Orleans cuisine just steps away from Canal Street. While traditional in every sense, Ted Brennan’s Decatur sets the tone for dining in casual ease. Separated from the downstairs dining area, the mirrored wall behind the bar expands the space with reflections of carriage lanterns, casting soft light onto the copper bar top, stretching its welcoming glow the entire length of the room. The second floor houses banquet space that can host five separate events but may be reconfigured as each event requires. The most intimate of these, the Wine Room, which accommodates from twelve to twenty guests, is staged with a massive original art rendering depicting vintage bottles of spirits from the fabled Wine Cellar. Ideal for larger receptions is the grandiose Patio Room, its bank of floor-to- ceiling windows overlooking the tropical foliage of a neighboring Vieux CarrÊ patio. Named to honor Chef Lazone Randolph, the stylishly appointed Randolph Room combines a touch of emerald with the elegance of softly polished pine floors, flooded by the natural light of a windowed wall set in antique brick, and graced with mirrored reflections of sparkling crystal chandeliers. Most reminiscent of gracious Southern hospitality are the adjoining Red Room and Gold Room. Individually, each has its distinctive character apropos its name. The rooms are separated by massive pocket doors, which when opened, extend the spaces for seamless flow of cocktails to seated dinner or for occasions of receptionstyle entertaining. >> December 2017-January 2018 55
Rebuilding the award-winning Wine Cellar to the standard set by their Uncle Jimmy, is a goal for Bridget and Teddy. Jimmy Brennan’s passion was realized in his world-renowned collection of vintage wines. “He knew his stuff.” says Ellen Brennan. “That was his life.” As Bridget remembers, “We were all devastated when the power outage following Katrina destroyed every bottle in the Wine Cellar, but Uncle Jimmy quickly set about to rebuilding the collection. He was my second dad.” Bridget and Teddy reminisce about what it was like for them growing up in the “First Family of America’s Restaurants.” Bridget recalls, “In Louisiana, we live to eat—while eating lunch, we’re already speculating on what’s for dinner!” and says, “We went on vacations mainly to dine out, always with an eye open to watch and to critique each taste.” Teddy concurs, “When we travelled, it was not just for going places; it was mainly to dine out and taste the various cuisines. I remember on a trip to Paris when I was 9 years old, I had my first taste of escargot. As the dish was presented to me at the table, I asked, ‘Bridget, have you ever eaten these?’ to which she answered, ‘Of course, they’re delicious!’ It wasn’t until much later that I found out she was testing me to see if I would survive this exotic dish before actually trying them herself!” Grounded by their close relationship, Bridget and Teddy share more than just sibling shenanigans. Teddy emphatically states, “I always knew I wanted to be in the business with Bridget.” Their shared experience allows them to work together with common purpose. That, and the expertise of their loyal staff—like Chef Randolph and 56
Inside New Orleans
maître d’ Jorge Blanco, whose thirty-plus years with the Brennans presents poise in overseeing the “front of the house”— all combine to bring continuity to Ted Brennan’s Decatur. Putting their stamp on the restaurant, Bridget and Teddy have created a menu that is fresh with innovative classics, like Crêpes Tyrrell, a luscious mélange of sour cream and cream cheese, with chocolate ganache, sweetened whipped cream and slivered almonds, enveloped in a feathery light crepe; or Eggs Érin Go Brágh, described as “poached eggs atop fried fresh trout, creamed spinach and finished with Hollandaise sauce.”
According to Chef Randolph, “I have more creative freedom here in this kitchen to innovate my style of New Orleans cooking.” About their legacy, Bridget says, “Growing up, we really took for granted how special all our foods were, like our Turtle Soup.” Chef Randolph clarifies, “We put a different spin on our original Turtle Soup; it is thick and deliciously infused with rich layers of flavor.” He adds, “But butter is the soul of grits!” Ellen Brennan wistfully recalls, “When Owen was alive, he was noted for his gracious personal touch; his charisma was legendary. Ted was so much like his father for how he catered to his customers; he was known for his congeniality and generosity. Ted Brennan lived by his creed, “Make our guests feel special while they are with us.” Teddy adds, “I learned so much from my father. He always said, ‘Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family.’”
Wine Cellar by Bill Kearney
THE WEATHER IS FINALLY BEGINNING to turn somewhat chilly. For many wine enthusiasts, this change of weather also creates a change in styles of wine to be consumed. The seasonal transition from warm weather to cooler lead many Burgundy and pinot noir consumers to transition to heavier wines like cabernet sauvignon or cabernet-based wines from Bordeaux. New Orleans summers make the notion of consuming deep, brooding red wines unappealing. Fall and winter seem to enhance the
There are as many different styles of wines being produced today as there are palates to enjoy them. The extraordinary diversity creates opportunities to try various wines through the year. There are no rules about what you should drink; the guiding principle should be what you enjoy most. I have heard from
delightful notion of a nice steak accompanied by a dark, powerful wine. Without question, there are many oenophiles who have a singular preference for either pinot or cabernet, and their palates delight in drinking them year-round. There is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying a soft and balanced Burgundy throughout the calendar, and many will also find joy in imbibing an unctuous Bordeaux. Yet for those of us whose palate might seek a slight change of pace or who want to have different wine experiences, moving from a Domaine Serene Pinot Noir during the summer to a Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon in the winter solstice makes perfect sense. Yes, drinking a pinot noir-based wine during Thanksgiving dinner with turkey is as euphoric as a California cabernet with standing rib roast at Christmas.
many readers who regularly read these articles that they enjoy my recommendations. Accordingly, please consider a few of these wonderful wines for your holiday consumption. There are more California-based cabernet sauvignon wines today than ever in the history of wine making; regrettably, the pricing for many of them borders on the obnoxious. Current
Holiday Wines
Inside New Orleans
investors who want to enter into the wine-making business are paying ludicrous sums for real estate, and this in turn is reflected in the cost of the bottle on your favorite restaurant’s wine list or the retail shelf. The best example of this is from Napa Valley, where it is becoming onerous to find a value-based wine. Though I am loathe to create a habit of recommending $75 bottles for regular consumption, there are some tremendous options that will reward those in search of a bright cabernet. Many of you will be familiar with the wines of Joseph Phelps, and I think the 2014 release of their Napa Valley Cabernet is really wonderful. In a time where stylistic variations are becoming difficult to ascertain, Phelps creates some exciting wines true to its region. I would also encourage you to consider two other large wineries from Napa, Mt. Brave and Dunn. These are two of the boldest examples of Napa Valley cabernet that you will find in the market, and some may want to cellar them for a while to create a more harmonious drinking experience. They are not for the pinot noir lover, as they exhibit deep, dark experiences of cabernet. Choose them for your dearest friends and loved ones, as they will create a memorable wine experience that will delight many. Please accept my heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year filled with the quaffing of your favorite glasses of wines. December 2017-January 2018 59
Why the Saenger Theatre is of Paramount Importance 60
Inside New Orleans
NOT QUITE FIVE YEARS AGO, the Saenger Theatre on Canal Street reopened after a $53 million restoration, its opulent marquee shining forth as a beacon of hope in the post-Katrina era. Once more, it fulfilled the promise of its creator, Julian Saenger, as “an evidence of our faith both in the amusement-loving public and in the commercial future of the city.” As Hollywood struggles to find its footing amid the latest torrent of scandal, it is worth noting that the movie industry in this country might look very different today were it not for the vision of the Saenger Amusement Company of New Orleans. Allow me to elaborate. Our story begins in 1890. Rabbi Israel Saenger has just moved his family from Norfolk, Virginia, to Shreveport and assumed the reins of the B’nai Zion congregation. His seventeen-year-old son,
Julian, takes a job as a clerk for a local druggist and begins pharmacy studies with his younger brother, Abraham. Within five years, the two enterprising young men establish the Saenger Brothers Drug Company on Milam Street, among the first “open all night” drugstores in America. Julian and Abe run a successful business, and the soda fountain is soon a favorite gathering spot for area teenagers. Fast forward ten years. In a corner of the drugstore sits a small amusement machine, called a kinetescope or penny arcade, through which viewers can watch short visual displays of still images flashed in rapid succession for the price of one penny. The huge popularity of this early movie machine is not lost on the brothers, and they begin to consider possibilities in the entertainment industry. In 1911, they open a vaudeville theater on >>
by Joey Kent
Theatre interior photograph originally created between 1950 and 1959.
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renovated theater (inset) features a recreation of the vintage marquee, as seen in the image above, originally created between 1930 and 1939. 62
Inside New Orleans
becomes the largest in the South, and New Orleans is proclaimed in the trades as “the most important exhibiting center outside of New York.” The newly expanded enterprise takes up residence in our city at 1401 Tulane Avenue (now part of Tulane Medical Center), and the Saengers’ quarter-million-dollar Strand Theater is born on the fourth of July. With the death of his father the following year, Julian Saenger relocates from Shreveport to New Orleans, and the real expansion begins. Saenger and Richards are hailed as major players in the movie industry as offices expand to New York and Hollywood and movie houses are acquired or built throughout the South, more than doubling their holdings to 75 by the dawn of the Roaring Twenties. In April 1921, the rumor mill of Hollywood is
Then and now. The
the second floor of the drug store. The following year, the two meet and befriend E.V. Richards Jr., a former vaudeville performer who sells them on the latest concept of motion picture houses. The Saenger Amusement Company is officially chartered by summertime with Julian and Abe in partnership with their brother-in-law, L.M. Ash, and the enthusiastic Richards, who oversees the conversion of the Saenger Theatre to this new medium and finds a lifelong friend in Julian. One by one, the Saenger concern acquires the theaters of Shreveport that suffer and fall under the demise of vaudeville. Through a series of new partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, Julian and E.V. rapidly expand the company and leave the drug store in the capable hands of Abe, who is content to sit back and watch the movie money pour in. In 1917, the Saenger Amusement Company joins forces with Herman Fichtenberg and his New Orleans-based theater chain, resulting in the ownership or control of 35 movie houses in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Florida. By virtue of this merger, the Saenger operation
photos courtesy: JOEY KENT
Saenger Amusement Company Building.
full of speculation as to the source of capital funding for a $3 million building spree announced by Julian Saenger and reported in the April 8 issue of Variety. Plans are unveiled for a new $800,000 theater in Shreveport, and one each in Texarkana, Monroe and Pensacola. Another state is added to their network as a venue for Arkansas is confirmed. Topping this impressive list is the flagship of the Saenger chain, its namesake theater to be built on fifty feet of Canal Street frontage in New Orleans at a cost in excess of $1 million. “That’s a lot of money,” Variety observes, “and has everybody South rubbing eyes and making all sorts of guesses.” When asked where all the coin is coming from, Julian Saenger smiles knowingly and replies, “We never worry about money. It is always at our command.” The Saenger Theatre in New Orleans would take nearly six years to >> December 2017-January 2018 63
finally come to fruition—at more than twice the stated budget. The result was described at the time as “a Florentine Splendor,” referring to the theater’s spectacular interior designed to look like an ornate Italian courtyard. The Texarkana Saenger (now the Perot Theater) opens in November 1924, followed by a Saenger in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. The Pensacola Saenger opens in April 1925, followed by Shreveport’s Strand Theatre a few months later on the Fourth of July weekend. All are hailed in their time as masterpieces of architecture and accommodation—and each has been spared the wrecking ball in the modern era, carefully restored to stand as great show palaces for their respective communities. As the 1920s roar to a close, the Saenger chain of motion picture theaters grows to number 320 at locations in twelve southern states from North Carolina to New Mexico, as well as Cuba, Jamaica, Panama and Costa Rica. Once more, the rumor mill swings into action as talk of the acquisition of the Saenger Amusement Company becomes daily industry fodder. As much as Julian Saenger enjoys the role of movie mogul, he is always quick to say “everything has its price.” In August 1929, the price turns out to be just over $10 million dollars, well shy of his “buy it now” price of $15 million, but still representing the largest financial deal of its kind in motion picture history to that date. Paramount Pictures, in partnership with Publix Theaters, inks the deal with Saenger mid-month, and the August 29 issue of Variety reports “Julian and Abe Saenger, who lately disposed of their Saenger Circuit stock holdings to Publix and retired from the show business, intend to engage in the manufacture of airplanes, it is said.” E.V. Richards, an aspiring pilot, moves over to ParamountPublix to administer the Saenger chain 64
Inside New Orleans
photos courtesy: JOEY KENT
but tells Variety he is planning on partnering with the Saengers once more in their new venture. Less than two months later, however, the stock market crash changes everything for all parties concerned and the nation at large. In 1932, like so many great companies in America, Paramount-Publix finds itself struggling to stay afloat. Faced with bankruptcy, the company files for protection from its creditors and is allowed to enter into receivership due, in large part, to the real estate holdings amassed by the Saenger brothers during their seventeen-year run. This proves too much for Julian
Saenger, whose entire wealth is tied up in ParamountPublix stock; his death that February is attributed to a heart attack brought on by excessive stress, although some contend he took his own life. E. V. Richards mourns the loss of his dear friend, later naming a son in his honor. By 1935, Paramount-Publix emerges from protection and goes on to become one of the giants of the movie industry to this day. Richards reclaims twenty of the Saenger properties and manages them for many years to come. So, the next time you find yourself on Canal Street staring up at the marquee of the magnificent Saenger Theatre, take a moment to realize that were it not for the dreams of a couple of pharmacists from Shreveport and their belief in the commercial future of New Orleans as evidenced by the theater that still bears their name, the mighty Paramount Pictures would most likely not be around today. And that means no Forrest Gump, no Godfather series, no Shane, no Star Trek series, no Holiday Inn, no Breakfast at Tiffany’s, no Titanic ‌ you get the idea. Wow. Someone should make a movie about that. December 2017-January 2018 65
Meet Me at Caffe! Caffe! Celebrating 25 Years
personal twist on them,” explains Lisa. But more than just food and coffee, the Becks wanted their café to be a gathering place—a place people could make their own, whether for business, pleasure, quiet time, meetings or after-dinner coffee and dessert. They wanted it to be more upscale, but with a casual atmosphere and a friendly staff. “We thought, ‘We want it to be everyone’s café: kid friendly, students, professionals, lunch with friends, etc.’
photos courtesy: CAFFE! CAFFE!
IN THE SPRING OF 1992, Lisa and Gerard Beck wanted to open a friendly neighborhood café serving a quick but delicious lunch—the type of lunch they grew up eating! “Gourmet coffee businesses were becoming popular at that time, and we decided to expand our dream a bit further to include coffee and pastries. We wanted our patrons to experience one-of-a-kind desserts, so we tapped into family recipes and put our own
Lisa and Gerard Beck.
We needed a name that would explain the feel of the café just by saying it. Knowing we wanted to use the Italian word for café/coffee, we combined all of our ideas and the name came to us. It would be Caffe! Caffe! with exclamation points for emphasis and excitement.” Caffe! Caffe! has received numerous awards and accolades over the years for “Best Salads,” “Best Soup,” and “Favorite Food in a Coffeehouse,” just to name a few. “None of this would be possible without the many talented people who have worked at Caffe! Caffe! over that past 25 years. Their loyalty, service, and strong work ethic are a large part of our success,” says Gerard. “We have a lot to be thankful for, and mostly it’s our customers who have made it the gathering place it has become. You came to meet friends, co-workers, family and clients. You brought your children after school and met each other for evening coffee and dessert. You made Caffe! Caffe! whatever it needed to be for you, and we are delighted to still be here for you. Your continued patronage over the years is why we coined the phrase: “Meet me at Caffe! Caffe!” Two locations at 4301 Clearview Parkway and 3547 North Hullen in Metairie. December 2017-January 2018 67
Designer Spotlight
Inspired by natural crystal formations, the 18K Gold
Barrels collection features unique creations in amazonite, black onyx, or 18K gold—faceted
David Yurman Transformative Design
David Yurman transforms ideas and materials into beautiful forms and
shapes—the static becomes dynamic with movement; the play of light reshapes objects into ever-changing configurations. Faceted gemstones become alive with color. He creates jewelry as sculpture for the body, not completed until worn, each person enhancing the piece with their own individual style.
Inside New Orleans
the way a stone would be. Featuring accents of pavé diamonds and rings decorated with cabochon rubies and sapphires, these unique pieces are expressions of a sculptor’s love for natural crystalline structures and shape.
Pure Form
Pure Form is a deeply personal collection for David Yurman, as it incorporates a distinctly sculptural element and scale; sculpting is the designer’s original passion. With strong, graphic proportions and a modern sheen, the pieces are a wonder of engineering, while remaining simple and streamlined. Furthermore, the collection is light; both the smooth and cable elements are hollow inside, ensuring all-the-time wearability. This is the first time David Yurman has introduced a necklace in the collection. You can find the necklace and the entire Pure Form and Barrels collections at Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry.
December 2017-January 2018 69
1 2
6 7
1. Currey & Company Fantine Small Chandelier, $1,460. Susan Currie Design, 237-6112. 2. Large 34” victory angel, $395. The French Mix by Jennifer Dicerbo Interiors, Covington, 985-809-3152. 3. Original oil painting on canvas, $700. Studio Solitario, 905-4175 or billysolitario.com. 4. Globe of the Earth, $44.95. The Educator, Metairie, 454-5147; Gretna, 3678 9
8910. 5. Bluetooth wireless microphone with builtin speaker, $41; USB mini disco light attaches to mic, $10. Olive Patch, Covington, 985-327-5772. 6. Deep In The Pool platter from the Brett Smith Sporting Art Collection by Glitter Gallery LLC, $168. Little Miss Muffin, 482-8200. 7. Beau Rivage logo’d stainless steel insulated tumblers. Two sizes, $22 and $28. Beau Rivage Hotel & Casino, Biloxi, 228-386-7111. 8. Steamboat Natchez, New Orleans & The History of Mississippi River Steamboats; great gift item; hard cover, $40; soft cover, $25. New Orleans Steamboat Company, 587-0724. 9. Diamond leather sideboard with pearl marble top, 63.25”W x 18.25”D x 34.5”H. Eclectic Home, 866-6654.
Inside New Orleans
December 2017-January 2018 71
Inside New Orleans
2 3
1. Thymes Frasier Fir and Vanilla Blanc collections; home fragrance sprays, $18; candles, $30. Auraluz,
Metairie, 888-3313 or shopauraluz.com. 2. Mixed Media on Paper, 23” x 23”, $1,950 framed. Marcia Holmes at Degas Gallery, 826-9744. 3. Governor Lantern available in multiple sizes and in Antique Copper or Stainless Steel. Bevolo Gas & Electric Lights, 522-9485 or 5
bevolo.com. 4. Antoine’s Restaurant 175th Anniversary Celebration Cookbook, $39.95. Antoine’s Restaurant, 581-4422. 5. Kohler Whitehaven Self-Trimming 36” x 22” undermount single-bowl farmhouse sink with tall apron in white. Southland Plumbing Supply, Metairie, 835-8411. 6. Sandy Neck Oversized Outdoor Table Lamp, 30”W x 13”D x 40”H. Outdoor Living Center, Covington, 985-893-8008. 7. Martini glasses, $55 per glass. Judy at the Rink, 891-7018. 8. Theodore Alexander morning room cabinet in vintage blue and
white finish, $2,995. Greige Home Interiors, Covington, 985-875-7576. 9. Red tin reindeer made of license plates, $48.99. Braswell Drugs, Covington, 985-892-0818.
December 2017-January 2018 73
1 2
1. Uptown Rulers: The Meters Live on the Queen Mary vinyl, $30; and Sister Gertrude Morgan Double LP, $27. Ace Hotel, 900-1180. 2. Holiday special on the Brother 10-needle
5 4
embroidery machine and other wish list items for your sewing
enthusiast. Precision Sewing, Covington, 985-249-6156. 3. Wood and vinyl playsets, starting at $1,499. Ultimate Outdoor Play, Metairie, 828-8118. 4. Variety of cheese boards starting at $75. Acquistapace’s Wine and Cheese, Mandeville, 985-9512501. 5. Ornate finials featuring a distressed, aged ivory finish with gold leaf undertones and light burnishing. American Factory Direct, Covington, 985-871-0000. 6. A locally curated selection of the finest caviars and artisanal roes. Orleans Caviar, orleanscaviar.com.
Inside New Orleans
7. Assorted holiday pillows, starting at
$40. EMB Interiors, Mandeville, 985-626-1522. 8. Elegant oil painting embellished with gold gilding, 48” x 48”. American Factory Direct, Covington, 985-871-0300. 9. Handmade porcelain orchids by Karen Gundlach, $50; Shagreen
books, $55. Sotre, 304-9475. 10. Nationally recognized New Orleans-based author Stella
11 9
Barcelona’s Concierge, $15.99; Kindle, $3.99. Garden District Book Store, 895-2266. 11. Green marble cheese board, $78; agate bottle stopper, $17.95; set of agate spreaders, $29.95; marble salt jar with brass spoon, $18. Fur.Nish, Metairie, 702-8514. 12. Full-body workout; low impact, joint friendly, relaxing; features sounds of moving water and rhythm of rowing motion; starting at $1,099. Fitness Expo, Metairie, 887-0880.
Flourishes 2
3 4
1. Voluspa CortaMaison candle in Casa Pacifica, Branche Vermieil, and Prosecco Rose, $26.95. Earthsavers, Mandeville, 985-
674-1133. 2. DON’S Seafood famous cuisine is featured in the Cajun Since 1934 cookbook, $24.99. Add seasonings for the perfect gift, $3. DON’S Seafood, Metairie, 889-1550, donsseafoodonline.com. 3. Multipurpose washable paper bag that looks and feels like leather. Available in a variety of sizes and colors, starting at $18. Hilltop Shoppe, 533-9670. 4. Golden Goose 11”H x 15”D x 5.5”W, $110. Eclectic Home, 8666654. 5. Bake, stuff, smoke and chargrill! Loftin Oysters stoneware oyster shells, $69/dozen. Mélange by kp, 6
Mandeville, 985-807-7652. 6. Cowhide ice bucket with tongs and cocktail shaker on tray with inset handles. Hilltop Shoppe, 533-9670. 7. Plush russet brown tufted reversible cushion dog bed, $398. The Lifestyle Store at Franco’s, Mandeville, 985-792-0200. 8. Pillows with gator-embossed leather mixed with silk velvet. The French Mix by Jennifer Dicerbo Interiors, Covington, 985-809-3152.
7 8
Inside New Orleans
December 2017-January 2018 77
1 3
1. Solar LED fuchsia glass and metal garden stake, 38”. Outdoor Living Center, Covington, 985-893-8008. 2. Embroidered, heirloomquality custom linen cocktail napkins, set of 4, $98. The Linen Registry, Metairie, 831-8228. 3. One-of-a-kind kitchen iPad 6”x9” holder available in a variety of woods, $40. NOLA Boards, 516-2601. 4. Gift cards are always the perfect fit: Buy $100 gift certificate, get $20 gift certificate free. Andrea’s, Metairie, 834-8583; Andy’s Bistro, Metairie, 455-7363; Precision Sewing, Covington, 985-249-6156; Mia Bella Beauty Lounge, 510-5963; Love Swimming, 891-4662; Audubon Nature Institute Membership, give 13 months for the price of 12. Audubon Nature Institute, 861-5105 or audubonnatureinstitute.org; Exterior Designs by Beverly Katz, 866-0276 or exteriordesignsbev.com; Buy $100 gift card, receive a $25 bonus card until Dec. 31. DON’S Seafood, DON’S Seafood, Metairie, 889-1550, donsseafoodonline.com; Receive a $20 gift card with the purchase of $100 gift card. Carreta’s Grill, Harahan, 305-4833; Metairie, 837-6696, carretasgrillrestaurant.
5. Entertain Effortlessly Gift Deliciously cookbook by Yvette Jemison. Ydelicacies.com. 6. Holiday cheer decanter, $78. Water/wine glass prices on request. EMB Interiors, Mandeville, 985-626-1522. 7. Gift cards available for everyone on your list! Caffe! Caffe!, Metairie, 885-484; 267-9190. 8. Writing instruments created with wood from a 150-year-old southern live oak in Audubon Park. One-of-a-kind, limited writing utensils in 24K gold. Large pen, $29.98; small pen, $15.98. Woodmen Furniture, woodmenfurniture.com or 258-3916. 9. Flambeau Azalea Gold Lamp by Elaine Gleason, $320. Chateau Drugs and Gifts, Metairie, 899-2300. 10. Handmade Moroccan lanterns, small, $75; large, $98. Little Miss Muffin, 482-8200. 11. Stainless insulated beer mug, $38. Wine bottle, wine glass and martini glass also available. Niche, Mandeville, 985-624-4045.
INside Look
1 2
1. Vegan leather jacket with two interchangeable collars, $218. The Villa, Mandeville, 985-626-9797. 2. Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra, $5,400. Boudreaux’s Jewelers, Metairie, 831-2602. 3. Amika Show Off Finishing Dust with reflective shimmer adds halo effect to hair, enhances luster and brings out highlights, $24. Alchemy Aesthetics, Metairie, 304-1235. 4. Men’s soft, 100 percent leather VIP Voyager Traditional Fit Bomber Jacket with full zipper closure. Jos A Bank, Metairie, 620-2265; and New Orleans, 528-9491. 5. Seasonal Whispers 24K gold and Swarovski crystals necklace handmade in New York, $149; bracelet, $129. Shoefflé, Covington, 985-898-6465.
Inside New Orleans
December 2017-January 2018 81
Inside New Orleans
INside Look
2 3
1. Art Deco platinum, diamond and sapphire pendant on a 14K chain, $1,190. Symmetry Jewelers, 861-9925 or symmetry-jewelers.com. 2. Naadam 100% cashmere cutout sweater in Shell, $350; matching Dolce Vita Tay ankle boot in rose velvet, $134. Bliss, Mandeville, 985-778-2252. 3. Starburst drop earrings, $48. Palm Village, a Lilly Pulitzer Signature Store, Mandeville, 985-778-2547. 4. Bishop + Young metallic bomber jacket, $99. The Lifestyle Store
at Franco’s, Mandeville, 985-792-0270. 5. Modern column dress with bodice that drapes into one shoulder, wraps around the back and ties into a ribbon bow at waist; voluminous sweep train at back. Shown in ivory. Le Jour Couture, 608-6227. 6. Sammi slipper by Pretty You with black and white faux-fur, diamante detailed bow trim and velour-topped padded soles. The Oasis Day Spa, Mandeville, 985-624-6772. December 2017-January 2018 83
INside Look 2 1
4 6 5
1. Sequined apron, $49.95. Nonna Randazzo’s, Covington, 985-893-1488. 2. Kathy Kamei Relationship Bohemian chandelier earrings in sterling silver with 18K overlay, $200. Sotre, 304-9475. 3. Gold-tone dress by Willbeth in sizes 12M-4T, $85. Baby & Me, Mandeville, 985-626-0267. 4. Sophia Earrings + Nail Laquer Gift set from Kendra Scott. Paisley, Mandeville, 985-727-7880. 5. Lip Kandy Glitter Lip Kit for glitter lips that stay in place all day, $24. Alchemy Aesthetics, Metairie, 504304-1235. 6. 14kt gold wire and sterling silver bracelet by Ronaldo Angelina, $231. DeLuca’s Fine Jewelry & Gifts, Covington, 892-2317.
10 8
7. Marquette shift dress in navy silk leaf jacquard, $278. Palm Village, a Lilly Pulitzer Store, Mandeville, 985-778-2547. 8. Kathy Kamei Relationship cuff, $490. Sotre, 304-9475. 9. 1905 Collection quarter-zip cable-knit cotton
sweater, Traveler Collection merino wool v-neck sweater, and quarter-zip sweater, all available in an array of colors and sizes. Jos A Bank, Metairie, 620-2265; and New Orleans, 528-9491. 10. Gold frame Roberto Cavalli sunglasses with inlaid rhinestones around eye frame and temples, $495. Optical Shoppe, Metairie, 301-1726. 11. Stainless steel 43mm Gent’s Rolex Sea-Dweller featuring a black dial, numeric bezel, optical date and oyster link bracelet, $11,350. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, Metairie, 832-0000. 12.100% cotton River Shack T-shirt, $20. River Shack, 834-4938.
December 2017-January 2018 85
INside Look 2
3 1
1. Streetcar bracelet, $29; necklace, $29. deCoeur Gifts & Home Accessories, Covington, 985-809-3244. 2. Porsche Driver’s Selection limited edition automatic waterproof watch with date and leather and stainless interchangeable bands, $1,995. Porsche of New Orleans, Metairie, 832-2112. 3. Sequined bomber jacket from Zadig & Voltaire, $598. SOSUSU Boutique, 309-5026. 4. Navy dress with gold-lined cape-sleeves. Elizabeth’s, Metairie, 833-3717. 5. Olivina Men Bourbon Cedar Grooming Essentials Kit essential oils create subtle sophisticated aroma, evolving from red cedar to vanilla, $35. Niche, Mandeville, 985-624-4045. 6. Open shoulder, V-pullover dress with half sleeve; black with sequins; wrinkle free, $119. Columbia Street Mercantile, Covington, 985-809-1690 or 985-809-1789. 7. Cowhide and gold-leaf clutch, $70. Stone Creek Club and Spa, Covington, 985-801-7100. 86
Inside New Orleans
December 2017-January 2018 87
INside Look 1
1. David Meister A-line brocade cocktail dress with jeweled 5
embellishments. Ballin’s, 866-4367. 2. Platinum ring features an emerald-cut emerald center with round and halfmoon diamond sides, $45,000. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, Metairie, 832-0000. 3. Soshanna “Howden” V-neck lace evening gown, $660. FeBe, Metairie, 835-5250. 4. Fallon bracelet in antique 18k gold finish, light peach and aurum details, $228. Cameo, Mandeville, 985231-1332. 5. NOLA Couture Tie designed especially for The Pontchartrain Hotel, $65. The Pontchartrain Hotel, 941-9000.
Inside New Orleans
6. Pewter accordion pant and cap sleeve top set. Suella, Covington, 985-276-9775. 7. Omega Constellation with mother of pearl and diamonds, $6,600. Boudreaux’s Jewelers, Metairie, 8312602. 8. Lossi Designs and Cheldena Artwork tassel necklaces, $150 each. The Shop at The Collection, The Historic New Orleans Collection, 598-7147. 9. Red polka dot extra soft cotton pajama set, $84. Woodhouse Day Spa, 482-6652. 10. Mock scuba dress in turquoise with low rise pleated pockets, $150. Kevan Hall Sport by Beth DePass, kevanhallsport.com. 11. Hand-embroidered corduroy collection; longall and dresses available, starting at $66. Auraluz, Metairie, 888-3313 or shopauraluz.com. December 2017-January 2018 89
Metairie Park Country Day School serves to enrich the lives of talented young people in a dynamic learning
Meet Matt Neely Metairie Park Country Day’s Head of School
future under Matt Neely.”
Neely earned his bachelor’s degree in History, cum
environment, building strength of intellect and strength
laude, from Yale University. Subsequently, he earned
of character within a community that is simultaneously
his Master of Arts in Education and a California teaching
challenging and supportive.
credential from Stanford University. Matt taught History,
Established in 1929, Country Day is a co-educational,
Advanced Placement English, and Leadership for 15 years
non-denominational, independent school where care and
at Mountain View School. He was Assistant Principal at the
cultivation of each child, from Pre-K through Grade 12,
school from 1998 to 2006 and earned a second Master of
comes to life with exciting and innovative approaches to teaching. New state-of-the-art engineering, science, and art-centered learning spaces combined with our use of curriculum, opening the world to our students. This past summer, Country Day welcomed Matt Neely as its ninth Head of School. “Neely’s 25 years as a teacher and an administrator gave him experience with nearly every aspect of school leadership, from maintaining financial sustainability and overseeing capital projects to recruiting faculty and setting policy and strategic initiatives,” explains Andy Weinstock, Chair of the Board of Trustees. “We are confident in our 90
Inside New Orleans
advanced technology support our expansive, rigorous
Arts in Administration and Policy Analysis from Stanford University. Matt’s focus at Mountain View was increasing access to high-level curriculum and providing a broad array of activities and athletics for 1,800 students. Following Neely’s time in Mountain View, he served as the PK-12 Principal at the American Overseas School of Rome in Italy. At AOSR, Matt focused on teacher coaching, balancing three distinct secondary curricula, and creating an inclusive community with students from 55 countries. In 2008, Matt returned to the States to serve as Head of School at Epiphany School, an independent elementary school in Seattle, Washington. There for nine years, he facilitated a $12 million capital campaign for a 12-classroom building, and led the campus through a revision of the teacher evaluation, mentoring, and compensation system, working to increase teacher pay and professionalism. Neely has a deep interest in civics and educational policy and has served on various state-level boards, including the Northwest Association of Independent Schools’ Accreditation Committee, the Washington Federation of Independent Schools, the California Reading and Literature Project; for the past two summers, he has served as a faculty member at the NWAIS New Heads Institute. Matt’s interest in public service led him to run for City Council of Mountain View in 2002, and he served as Council Member and Mayor of the city of 75,000. “During my first six months on campus, I am consistently struck by the common vision to provide young people with outstanding experiences in academics, the arts, athletics, and service and to promote the critical balance between intellect and character. This vision is affirmed in word and deed, in remarkable programs and in the fantastic people of the Country Day community,” says Neely. “It is my sincere hope to serve the community as a leader, facilitator, and cheerleader for Country Day’s culture, and its past, present and future. Go Cajuns!” Metairie Park Country Day 300 Park Road Metairie. mpcds.com. December 2017-January 2018 91
INside Peek WYES Grand Opening
photos courtesy: WYES
Guests enjoyed an elegant gala evening celebrating the Grand Opening of the WYES Paulette and Frank Stewart Innovation Center for Educational Media. Among attendees were Frank and Paulette Stewart, Mary Kevin, Larry Kornman, John Koerner, Alan Philipson, Bobby Bories, Danny Conwill, Pat Bulter, Pat Harrison, Cleland Powell, Allan Pizzato, Lisa Romano, Vince Giardina, Herschel Abbott and David Edwards.
NOMA Sydney Award Celebration
In celebration of Sydney Besthoff’s 90th birthday, the New Orleans Museum of Art announced the establishment of The Sydney Besthoff Legacy Award, or “The Sydney.” To be given once every several years, “The Sydney” honors individuals who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the visual arts. Besthoff, the first-ever recipient of the Award, epitomizes devotion to supporting art and culture in New Orleans, as evident through his service in a variety of leadership capacities at NOMA over nearly three decades. Designed by renowned artist Frank Stella, the inaugural award is a small version of a large-scale, star-shaped sculpture that will ultimately be featured in NOMA’s Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden. 92
Inside New Orleans
INside Peek 1. Ron and Anne Pincus with Penny and Al photo: TERE KIRKLAND
Baumer at The Historic New Orleans Collection’s 2017 Bienville Circle and Laussat Society Gala. 2. THNOC Director of Museum Programs John H. Lawrence, Beth Terry, and THNOC Executive
Director Priscilla Lawrence. 3. Hosts Penny and Jack Bryant with Julie and Drew Jardine. 4. Founder Arden Cahill celebrating her
Academy Student Council and husband Harry L. Cahill. This year, Arden Cahill Academy is celebrating its 50th year of excellence in education. 5. Mary Spain and Mary Eliza Aston at
86th birthday with members of the Arden Cahill
the Junior Auxiliary of Gulfport Charity Ball “J.A. in Disguise” at the Beau Rivage. 6. Mary Monk, Aron Belka, Kathryn Hunter and Billy Solitario at Art for Arts’ Sake 2017. 7. Janice Foulks and Kit Carrière Stumm being recognized as the Rosary Alumnae Association at the Academy of the Sacred Heart’s 2017 Alumnae Award recipients for their outstanding service to the school. 8. Charleen Boos, Richard Buchsbaum and Dawn Miller at the Cancer Crusaders’ 17th Annual Celebration of Life Luncheon. 9. Dr. Jennifer Lentz and Dr. Prescott Deiniger.
8 94
9 Inside New Orleans
United Way of Southeast Louisiana Tocqueville Gala
More than 400 attendees gathered for the United Way of Southeast Louisiana 2017 Tocqueville Gala. In an unexpected change of script, J. Wayne Leonard, the distinguished recipient of the 2017 Tocqueville Society Award and former Entergy Corporation Chairman and CEO, and Entergy Corporation separately presented $1 million gifts to United Way to support its mission to eradicate poverty and its new J. Wayne Leonard Prosperity Center. As the longest-serving head of Entergy, Leonard facilitated more than $50 million in charitable donations to moving people out of poverty and improving early-childhood education. “I am privileged to receive United Way’s highest honor and join the distinguished group of Tocqueville Society award recipients,” said Leonard. “I am fortunate to continue to be a part of an organization that is advancing my life’s passion—ending poverty in Southeast Louisiana. It is overwhelming to see a part of my dream for the people of New Orleans become reality. For years to come, the J. Wayne Leonard Prosperity Center will provide individuals and families from all walks of life the ability to achieve financial stability—for which I am forever grateful.” The Tocqueville Society recognized for the first time a lifetime achievement award recipient, bestowing the honor on C. Allen Favrot, the founder of UWSELA’s Tocqueville Society and first UWSELA Campaign Chair to break the $10 million threshold in 1981. “This evening and award stand out among my countless memories of volunteering with our United Way over the last six decades,” said Favrot. “I feel remarkably blessed to look back over all those years and know that we’ve made a difference.”
December 2017-January 2018 95
INside Peek St. Martin’s Episcopal School gave special thanks to their Founders’ Club members and their Mobile Idea Lab donors at its annual Founders’ Club Dinner. The event was held in home of Chillon and Lewis Kahn and featured innovative cuisine and craft cocktails. The school’s new Mobile Idea Lab was on hand for all to experience as they entered the party. The Lab is the school’s amazing new classroom on wheels, the first of its kind in New Orleans. Head of School Merry Sorrells and Board Chair Ana Ortega welcomed the guests and updated all on the latest dynamic programs and projects the school has in place.
Inside New Orleans
St. Martin’s Founders’ Club Dinner
Aristocracy Exhibition Opening Reception
photos courtesy: M.S. RAU ANTIQUES
M.S. Rau Antiques celebrated the opening of Aristocracy: Luxury and Leisure in Britain with a reception. Guests gathered to view the exhibition that highlights the evolution of leisure in 19h-century England, offering a glimpse into the lavish lifestyles of aristocracy. “Aristocracy weaves a compelling narrative about the intersection of entertainment and innovation, and is the first of its kind to explore the culture of 19th-century leisure on such a grand and comprehensive scale,� says owner Bill Rau. The exhibition is on view until January 20.
INside Peek 1. Paul and Lisa McGoey, Becket and Kathryn Becnel with Bob and Katherine Diliberto at Galatoire’s for Halloween. 2. A lively crew celebrating Halloween! 3. Country Day Seniors John Wisdom, Conor Taliancich, Darby Le, Logan
Stouse and Reese Koppel with Head of School Matt Neely celebrate being recognized as 2018 National Merit Semifinalists. 4. Denise Schimek, Alma Dunlap and Jan Wootan celebrating Alma’s 80th at Superior Seafood. 5. Jefferson Honeywell, Alayna Adolph, with John and Jill Dunlap at Alma’s fete. 6. Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar Operating Partner Andy Captain, Tom
Fitzmorris and Chef Partner Pauly Dauteriv at the grand opening celebration in Metairie. 7. Sandra Scalise Juneau presents New Orleans Garden Society President Lee Pitre a year’s subscription to Inside New Orleans during A Bewitching Affair at the Audubon Tea Room. 8. Diane Lyons, Pamela D. Arceneaux and Priscilla Lawrence at the FestiGals Cocktails & Conversations: Storyville–Madams & Music. 9. On the corner of Girod and St. Peters, Briquette cuts the “net” at the grand opening.
7 98
8 Inside New Orleans
photos courtesy: MCGEHEE SCHOOL
McGehee Celebrates Eileen Powers Over 80 members of the Louise S. McGehee School family gathered at Ralph’s on the Park to celebrate Eileen Powers’ 20th and last year at McGehee. All enjoyed a lovely, seated dinner with remarks from Board Chair Richard Currence, Life Trustee Muffin Balart ‘64, and from Eileen herself. The evening was a special honor for Eileen and also a fundraiser for the renovation of McGehee’s Science Wing. McGehee School would like to thank the hostesses, who represented McGehee’s Alumnae Row on St. Charles Avenue: Adelaide Benjamin ‘50, Paulette de la Vergne Stewart ‘57, Jill Nalty, Mathilde Villere Currence ‘89, and Mary Alice Quinn ‘54. Mathilde also co-chaired this special evening with Molly Baumer.
Lambeth House Foundation Gala The Lambeth House Foundation hosted its 10th Anniversary Gala commemorating a decade of the Foundation’s mission. The elegant evening was filled with a cocktail reception with hors d’oeuvres donated by Antoine’s, Arnaud’s and Calcasieu; a dinner buffet by Lambeth House’s Executive Chef, Jacques Saleun; silent and live auctions; and entertainment by local band, 5 eaux 4. Among attendance were Lambeth House CEO Scott Crabtree and Foundation Chairperson Dr. Polly Thomas. The Lambeth House Foundation, a nonprofit organization, raises funds to enhance the environment and quality of life of the residents and to build an endowment to assist residents who have outlived their resources.
December 2017-January 2018 99
INside Peek 1. Lauren Fowler, Anselmo Rodriguez, Mark and Maegan Hanna, Lloyd Dennis, Peggy Kirby, Dr. Clyde Johnson, Jonathan James, Verni Howard, Kim Winston Bigler, Tammey Cook and Michael Tipton at the Blue Cross
Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation Angel Award Ceremony. 2. Neal Kling, Gayle Benson, and Headmistress Sr. Melanie Guste, RSCJ, at the Academy of the Sacred Heart official dedication of the Gayle and Tom Benson Sports Field. 3. Chancellor Joan Y. Davis, J.D., speaking at the Delgado Community College Chancellor’s Breakfast. 4. Mary Martin France and Rosalind Jenkins
celebrating the grand opening of their new store, Hilltop Shoppe. 5. Shannon Jefferson decorates a Lilly Pulitzer-inspired pumpkin at Palm Village in Mandeville. 6. John and Jackie Morgan at the Jefferson Performing Art Society’s Pasta and Puccini Gala. 7. Cree Merriman-Jourdain, Brian A. Monk, Midori Tajiri-Byrd at the opening night of the New Orleans Opera Association season. 8. John J. Kelly III, Timothy Todd Simmons and Maestro Robert Lyall. 9. Debby Hirsch Wood, Drs. Ranney and Emel Songu Mize, and Maestro Robert Lyall.
8 100
9 Inside New Orleans
4 1. Jennifer Rice, Denise Merlone, Christy Turlington Burns and Cindy Nunez at an evening of Cocktails and Conversation with Every Mother Counts at Cindy’s home. 2. Christine Lemoine and Susan Illing. 3. Collier Maxwell and Steven Putt. 4. Brady Dugan and the Academy of the Sacred Heart’s Fathers’ Club President Mark Connor at the group’s annual golf tournament in City Park. 5. Marc, Megan and Taylor Jaynes at Boo at the Zoo 2017.
5 December 2017-January 2018 101
IN Great Taste by Yvette Jemison
FOR MANY OF US, celebrating the holidays consists of baking cookies for the dessert table, baking cookies to share with coworkers, and the annual search for the perfect cookies-swap recipe. There are so many reasons to celebrate the holidays with cookies, and we couldn’t be happier. Here are some recipes with make-ahead options so you can get a handle on the holidays. Not only will your kitchen smell like holiday cheer, but you’ll be one step ahead in preparing and sharing this season’s most delicious cookies. The melt-in-your-mouth Almond Pecan Sandies are buttery and addictive. Simply shape into crescents or discs and bake for an oftenrequested holiday cookie. Cacao Nib Crips allow you to enjoy the essence of cacao in a sweet and crispy batter. The added twist of using cacao nibs rather than sweetened chocolate chips gives these cookies a rich chocolate ‘oomph’ factor. Jazz up your cookie platter with Glitter Cookies from the Entertain Effortlessly Gift Deliciously cookbook. The silver-and-gold-coated cookies are the perfect treat to ring in the New Year. The adventurous baker will enjoy the cookbook’s additional recipe to transform these Glitter Cookies into mini gourmet treats. Whether you’re looking for a cookieswap recipe or simply celebrating with champagne and cookies, these recipes are sure to bring joy and merriment
Cookies, Cookies, Cookies
Inside New Orleans
Cacao Nib Crisps
3/4 cup powdered sugar
Servings: 2 dozen cookies These delicately crisp cookies are wonderful on their own and a great addition to a cookie tray. Be sure to let them set on the baking sheet before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 1 large egg 1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup almond meal
Colored sugar crystals
3/4 cup granulated sugar 2 Tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 3/4 cup butter, melted 1/4 cup cacao nibs 3 Tablespoons sliced almonds, coarsely chopped
1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment; set aside. 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together almond meal, sugar, flour and salt until well combined. Add butter and stir to combine ingredients. Add cacao nibs and chopped almonds and mix until incorporated. 3. Using a 1-tablespoon-size scoop, place scoops of dough on the prepared baking sheets 3-inches apart, about 6 scoops per baking sheet. Bake until the edges are brown and the center is golden brown, 13-15 minutes. Let cool until firm, about 5 minutes. Transfer to wire rack until completely cool. Do-Ahead: Cacao nib crisps can be baked, cooled and frozen between layers of wax paper in an airtight container up to 1 month.
Glitter Cookies
1. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, cream of tartar, salt and baking soda. Set aside 2. In a large mixing bowl, using an electric mixer on medium-high speed, blend the butter, powdered sugar, granulated sugar, vanilla extract and almond extract until light and creamy. Scrape down the sides of bowl. 3. With the mixer on low speed, add egg and mix until well blended. Add the oil in a steady stream until blended. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl. 4. With the mixer on low speed, slowly add the dry ingredients just until combined. 5. Cover and chill dough for 4 hours, but preferably overnight. 6. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment or a silicone mat. 7. Fill a small bowl with colored sugar crystals. 8. Use a small, spring-release scoop or a tablespoon to scoop dough and shape into 1-inch-size balls. 9. Dip each ball into the colored sugar crystals, and gently press down. Place on prepared baking sheets 2 inches apart with sugar crystals side up. Bake until the bottom is light golden brown, 10-12 minutes. Let cool slightly on baking sheet, then transfer to a wire rack and cool completely.
Servings: 3 dozen cookies 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 cup butter, softened
Do Ahead: Glitter Cookie dough can be prepared and stored in the freezer in resealable freezer bags for up to 1 month. Thaw in refrigerator overnight, scoop into cookies, dip in sugar crystals and bake. Individual cookies can be shaped, dipped in sugar crystals and frozen on a baking sheet. Transfer frozen cookie >> December 2017-January 2018 103
dough balls into resealable freezer bags and store up to 1 month in freezer. Place frozen cookies on baking sheet, and let thaw at room temperature 30 minutes before baking. Baked and cooled cookies can also be stored in an airtight container in the freezer for 1 month. Simply thaw and serve.
Almond Pecan Sandies Servings: 3 dozen cookies Whether you call these buttery cookies Cocoons or Sandies, they’re always a favorite on a cookie platter. 1 cup unsalted butter, softened 5 Tablespoons powdered sugar, plus 3 cups for dusting cookies 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 teaspoons almond extract 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup finely chopped almonds 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans
1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line baking sheets with parchment or silicone mats. 2. In a medium bowl, pour 3 cups of powdered sugar for dusting cookies and set aside. 3. In a large bowl, beat butter and 5 Tablespoons powdered sugar until smooth. Add vanilla extract and almond extract and beat until incorporated. Slowly mix in flour until dough forms. Add almonds and pecans and mix just until nuts are well distributed. 4. Shape cookies into crescents or discs and place on prepared baking sheet 1 inch apart. 5. Bake until cookies are lightly brown on the bottom, 10-12 minutes. Let cool on baking sheet until set but still warm, about 3 minutes. 6. While warm, coat in powdered sugar and transfer to wire rack to cool. 104
Inside New Orleans
Do-Ahead: Unbaked crescent-shaped cookies can be frozen on a baking sheet. Transfer frozen cookies to freezer bags and store in freezer up to 1 month. Thaw on baking sheet for 30 minutes before baking and coating with sugar. Baked and sugar-coated crescents can be frozen up to 1 month in an airtight container. Coat again with powdered sugar when ready to serve. For more recipes and the cookbook Entertain Effortlessly Gift Deliciously, go to Ydelicacies.com and follow on Instagram @y_delicacies.
From the contributor of IN Great Taste and author of the blog YDelicacies.com comes Entertain Effortlessly Gift Deliciously, a tempting collection of artisan-style recipes for use as you entertain effortlessly and share edible gifts throughout the year. Yvette has transformed her family recipes into small-batch edible gifts that are easily transformed into quick dishes. Having a stash of edible gifts has been a timesaver during the busiest weeks of the year when she’s hosting houseguests and attending family gatherings and parties. During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, her vividly photographed dishes will inspire your entertaining menu and edible-gift giving as you capture the season’s spirit of sharing. In this book, you’ll find easy-to-follow recipes, gift packaging ideas, printable gift tags, online resource list and mailing tips. This collection of recipes is filled with countless hostess gift ideas and is sure to inspire cooks and edible-gift givers—all year long.
At the Table
THE CHRISTMAS SEASON is a puzzle for restaurateurs. They’re either insanely busy with private parties—some of which can take over the entirety of even very large restaurants like Arnaud’s—or they have very little going on. Adding to the perplexity is an increase in recent years of independent travelers (as opposed to conventioneers) showing up in large numbers throughout December. That’s a calendar page which historically has been very slack. A new strategy came along in 1988, when Sandra Dartus came up with a great idea that played right into this. She was one of the key people at the French Quarter Festival at the time and created a program called “A Creole Christmas.” (It’s since been named “Christmas New Orleans Style.”) The concept: restaurants create special holiday menus at attractive prices for a complete, festive dinner. These are typically four to six courses of fresh, original cooking themed to the holidays. Dartus named this “The Reveillon,” recalling a 106
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historical feast in New Orleans and other francophone places going back centuries. Local diners, ever keen for an excuse to dine festively—especially if the price was interesting—became the Reveillon’s best customers. The word got out, though, and now people come from all over for Reveillon awakenings. This year, at least sixty-six restaurants will officially take part in the Reveillon. That’s a record. Another five to ten restaurants will put on similar menus, without hooking up with the Reveillon program. Going through this year’s menus, we see some new approaches to the Reveillon concept. Most striking is that a handful of restaurants have abandoned the traditional bargain aspect of the Reveillon in favor of dinners similar to chef’s tasting menus. A few of these approach the $100 mark—a long jump from the top-end Reveillons of the past. The dinners involved are quite alluring and certainly worth the price of admission. For example, here’s the
by Tom Fitzmorris
Reveillon 2017 $100 Reveillon devised by Chef Tory McPhail at Commander’s Palace:
Collars & Caviar Champagne-brined and smoked redfish with butter-warm, black-skillet blinis, grilled red pimentos, gin-soaked cucumber and salted winter lemon. Lobster & Grilled Corn Pudding Lobster bone and black truffle-infused Louisiana golden-grit pudding with sea salt, chervil and Cognac-whipped European Plugra butter. Foie Gras & Riesling Pie à la Mode Foie gras and pecan-cake-flour pie crust slowly baked with luxurious foie gras custard, boozy white chocolate, and duck liver ice cream. Grande Isle Flounder Stew A French fish stew with crusty French bread, rustic bacon, Absinthe and double cream. Squab-Stuffed Texas Quail Game bird boudin stuffed with prosciutto-wrapped hen’s yolk, braised squab, ham fat-grilled cabbage, preserved figs and warm whiskey jam. Tasting of Artisanal French & American Cheese Accompanied by winter preserves, fireroasted nuts and warm breads. Santa’s “Milk & Cookies” Melted white chocolate, Bourbon, strawberries and gold.
Commander’s Reveillon menu above is exceptional. Most of the dinners run between $40 and $60 for the minimum four-course dinner. A good example is the Reveillon at the Windsor Court Grill Room, which will feed you elegantly in four courses for $54: Fried Oysters Charred Okra, Brussels Sprouts and Kale Slaw, Red Chili Lemon Butter or Mushroom Fricassee Truffle Potato Purée, Egg Yolk, Caviar Butternut Squash Soup Duck Confit, Toasted Pumpkin Seeds and Sage or Baby Lettuce Shaved Beets, Radishes, Asparagus, Candied Pecans Yogurt, and Grapefruit Vinaigrette Ginger Anise Beef Short Rib Parsnip Purée, Shimeji Mushrooms or Red Snapper Savory Bread Pudding, Crawfish and Corn Ragout Apple Galette Brown Butter Ice Cream or Chocolate Crepe Orange Brandy, Creole Cream Cheese Custard
Another change I notice this year is that almost every restaurant has come up with a completely new Reveillon menu for 2017. For years, menus remained the same year after year. But not even Antoine’s and Galatoire’s can get away with that anymore. So, we get new menus from them, too. The Reveillon menus persist through at least December 23. Most of the restaurants carry on the Reveillon through Christmas-New Year’s week. A few—including the Pelican Club, which has what I think is the best Reveillon menu in town— keep the Yuletide menu in force well into the New Year. There’s no way you could try all the Reveillon dinners (and I have tried). But you should shop before you go. As I write this in early October, when the Reveillon menus come out, I am hard at work compiling the menus and my ratings. I should have all of these done by the time the Reveillon begins on December 1. I will have all the info by then on my web page: nomenu.com. We’ll also feature the best of the Reveillon there. The French Quarter Festival’s website has all of the menus and schedules for other Christmas-season events. It’s here: followyourjoy.com/foodand-drink/.
December 2017-January 2018 107
INside Dining
Hotel. 504-648-1200
Bon Ton Café aaa Cajun, 401 Magazine St., 504-524-3386 Café Adelaide aaaa Contemporary Creole, 300 Poydras St., 504-595-3305
New Orleans is home to more great restaurants than we could hope to list here. For a comprehensive listing of restaurants in the New Orleans metro area, please refer to Tom Fizmorris’ nomenu.com. In this guide, you will find some of the best bets around town. Tom’s fleur de lis ratings are shown.
Chophouse aaa Steak, 322 Magazine St., 504-522-7902 Desi Vega’s aaaa Steak, 628 St. Charles Ave., 504-523-7600 Drago’s aaaa Seafood, 2 Poydras St., 504584-3911 Herbsaint aaaa Creole French, 701 St. Charles
CARROLLTON, RIVERBEND AND BROADMOOR Babylon Café aaa Middle Eastern, 7724 Maple St., 504-314-0010 Barcelona Tapas aaa Spanish, 720 Dublin St., 504-861-9696 Basil Leaf aaa Thai, 1438 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-862-9001 Boucherie aaaa Southern Barbecue, 1506 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-862-5514 Brigtsen’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 723 Dante St., 504-861-7610 Cooter Brown’s Tavern aaa Sandwiches, 509 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-866-9104 Cowbell aa Hamburgers, 8801 Oak St., 504866-4222 Dante’s Kitchen aaaa Eclectic, 736 Dante St., 504-861-3121 Dat Dog a Craft Hot Dogs,
5030 Freret St., 504-899-6883
Hana aaa Japanese, 8116 Hampson, 504865-1634 Jacques-Imo’s aaa Cajun, 8324 Oak St., 504861-0886 Lebanon’s Café aaa Middle Eastern, 1500 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-862-6200 Louisiana Pizza Kitchen aaa Pizza, 615 S.
Ave., 504-524-4114 Liborio aaa Cuban, 321 Magazine St., 504581-9680 Lucky Rooster aaa Pan-Asian, 515 Baronne St., 504-529-5825 MiLa aaaa Eclectic, 817 Common St., 504412-2580 Morton’s The Steakhouse aaa Steak, 365 Canal St. (Canal Place Mall), 504-566-0221 Mother’s aaa Sandwiches, 401 Poydras St., 504-523-9656 Poppy’s Crazy Lobster Bar & Grill a Seafood, 500 Port of New Orelans Pl., Suite 83. 504569-3380 Poppy’s Time Out Sports Bar & Grill. Hamburgers. 1 Poydras St. (Riverfront). 504247-9265 Rivershack Tavern Hamburgers, seafood, 3449 River Rd., 504-834-4938 Ruby Slipper Café aaa Breakfast, Neighborhood Café, 200 Magazine St., 504525-9355 Ruth’s Chris Steak House aaa Steak, 525 Fulton St., 504-587-7099 Windsor Court Grill Room aaa American, 300 Gravier St., 504-522-1994
Carrollton Ave., 504-866-5900 Maple Street Café aaa Creole Italian, 7623 Maple St., 504-314-9003 Mat & Naddie’s aaaa Eclectic, 937 Leonidas St., 504-861-9600 Mikimoto aaaa Japanese, 3301 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-488-1881 Mona’s Café aa Middle Eastern, 1120 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-861-8174 Panchita’s aaa Central American, 1434 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-281-4127 Pupuseria La Macarena aaa Central American, 8120 Hampson St., 504-8625252 Riccobono’s Panola Street Café aa Breakfast, 7801 Panola St., 504-314-1810 Vincent’s aaaa Italian, 7839 St. Charles Ave., 504-866-9313 Ye Olde College Inn aaa Neighborhood Café, 3000 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-866-3683
FRENCH QUARTER Acme Oyster House aaa Seafood, 724 Iberville St., 504-522-5973 Antoine’s aaaa Creole French, 713 St. Louis St., 504-581-4422 Arnaud’s aaaa Creole French, 813 Bienville St., 504-523-5433 Bayona aaaa Eclectic, 430 Dauphine St., 504-525-4455 Bombay Club aaa Contemporary Creole, 830 Conti St., 504-577-2237 Bourbon House aaa Seafood, 144 Bourbon St., 504-522-0111 Brennan’s Contemporary Creole, 417 Royal St., 504-525-9711 Broussard’s aaaa Creole French, 819 Conti St., 504-581-3866 Court of Two Sisters aaa Creole French, 613 Royal St., 504-522-7261 Crescent City Brewhouse aaa Pub Food,
CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Blue Room aaa American, 123 Baronne, Roosevelt
Inside New Orleans
527 Decatur St., 504-522-0571 Criollo aaa Creole French, 214 Royal St., 504-
i 681-4444 Dat Dog a Craft Hot Dogs, 601 Frenchmen St., 505-309-3362 The Davenport Lounge Small bites and cocktails, 921 Canal Street (The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans) 504-670-2828 Deanie’s Seafood Seafood, 841 Iberville St., 504-581-1316 Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse aaa Steak, 716 Iberville St., 504-5222467 El Gato Negro aaa Mexican, 81 French Market Place, 504-525-9752 Frank’s aaa Creole Italian, 933 Decatur St., 504-525-1602 Galatoire’s aaaa Creole French, 209 Bourbon St., 504-525-2021 Galatoire’s 33 Bar & Steak aaa Steak, 215 Bourbon St., 504-335-3932 Gumbo Shop aaa Creole, 630 St. Peter St., 504-525-1486
R’evolution aaaa Creole French, 777 Bienville, 504-553-2277 Red Fish Grill aaa Seafood, 115 Bourbon St., 504-598-1200 Rib Room aaa American, 621 St. Louis St., 504-529-7045 SoBou aaa Contemporary Creole, 310 Chartres St., 504-552-4095 Stanley aa Breakfast, 547 St. Ann St., 504-587-0093 Ted Brennan's Decatur Classic French Creole, 309 Decatur St., 504-525-7877 The Country Club Contemporary Creole, 634 Louisa St., 504-9450742 Trinity aaa Contemporary Creole, 117 Decatur St., 504-325-5789 Tujague’s aaa Creole, 823 Decatur St., 504-525-8676 Vacherie aaa Creole Homestyle, 827 1/2 Toulouse St., 504-2074532
GW Fins aaaa Seafood, 808 Bienville St., 504-581-3467 Irene’s Cuisine aaaa Italian, 539 St. Philip St., 504-529-8811 K-Paul’s Louisiana Kitchen aaaa Cajun, 416 Chartres St., 504596-2530 Kingfish aaaa Cajun, 337 Chartres St., 504-598-5005 Louisiana Bistro aaa Contemporary Creole, 337 Dauphine St., 504-525-3335 Louisiana Pizza Kitchen aaa
GARDEN DISTRICT Caribbean Room 2031 St. Charles Ave., 504-523-1500 Commander’s Palace aaaaa Contemporary Creole, 1403 Washington Ave., 504-899-8221 Coquette aaaa Creole French, 2800 Magazine St., 504-265-0421 Delmonico aaaa Contemporary Creole, 1300 St. Charles Ave., 504-525-4937 Juan’s Flying Burrito aaa Mexican, 2018 Magazine St.,
Pizza, 95 French Market Place,
Mr. John’s Steakhouse aaaa
M Bistro aaaFarm to Table Restaurant 921 Canal Street (The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans) 504670-2828 Mr. B’s Bistro aaaa Contemporary Creole, 201 Royal St.,
Steak, 2111 St. Charles Ave., 504-679-7697 Sushi Brothers aaa Japanese, 1612 St. Charles Ave., 504-581-4449 Tracey’s aaa Sandwiches, 2604 Magazine St., 504-897-5413
504-523-2078 Muriel’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 801 Chartres St., 504-568-1885 Napoleon House aa Sandwiches, 500 Chartres St., 504-524-9752 New Orleans Creole Cookery Classic Creole, 510 Toulouse St., 504-524-9632 NOLA aaaa Contemporary Creole, 534 St. Louis St., 504-522-6652 Palace Café aaa Contemporary Creole, 605 Canal St., 504-523-1661 Pelican Club aaaaa Contemporary Creole, 312 Exchange Place, 504-523-1504 Port of Call aaa Hamburgers, 838 Esplanade Ave., 504-523-0120
LAKEVIEW Café Navarre aa Sandwiches, 800 Navarre Ave., 504-483-8828 Cava aaaa New Orleans Style, 785 Harrison Ave, New Orleans LA 70124, 504-304-9034 El Gato Negro aaa Mexican, 300 Harrison Ave., 504-488-0107 Lakeview Harbor aaa Hamburgers, 911 Harrison Ave., 504-486-4887 Mondo aaa Eclectic, 900 Harrison Ave., 504-224-2633 Munch Factory aaa Contemporary Creole, 6325 Elysian Fields Ave., 504-324-5372 Ralph’s On The Park aaaa Contemporary Creole, 900 City Park Ave., 504-488-1000
December 2017-January 2018 109
g Sala Cocktails and Small Plates, 124
Italian, 1917 Ridgelake Dr.,
Lake Marina, 504-513-2670
Steak Knife aaa Contemporary
Ruth’s Chris Steak House aaaa
Creole, 888 Harrison Ave.,
Steak, 3633 Veterans Blvd.,
504-888-3600 Sandro’s Trattoria aaa Creole
Italian, 6601 Veterans Blvd.,
Acme Oyster House aaa Seafood, 3000 Veterans Blvd., 504-309-4056
504-888-7784 Shogun aaaa Japanese, 2325
Andrea’s aa Italian, 3100 19th St., 504-834-8583
Veterans Blvd., 504-833-7477 Taqueria Corona aaa Mexican,
Andy's Bisro aaa American, 3322 N. Turnbull Dr. 504-455-7363
3535 Severn Ave., 504-885-5088 Vincent’s aaaa Creole Italian, 4411
Austin’s aaaa Creole, 5101 West Esplanade Ave., 504-888-5533
Chastant St., 504-885-2984 Zea aaa American, 4450 Veterans
Caffe! Caffe! aa Breakfast, 4301
Blvd. (Clearview Mall), 504-
Clearview Pkwy., 504-885-4845;
780-9090; 1655 Hickory Ave.,
3547 N. Hullen., 504-267-9190
Harahan, 504-738-0799
Café East aaa Pan-Asian, 4628 MID-CITY
Rye St., 504-888-0078 Carreta’s Grill a Mexican, 2320
Angelo Brocato aaa Dessert and Coffee, 214 N. Carrollton Ave.,
Veterans Blvd., 504-837-6696; 1821 Hickory Ave., Harahan, 504-305-4833
504-486-0078 Café Degas aaa French, 3127
Casablanca aaa Mediterranean, 3030 Severn Ave., 504-888-2209
Esplanade Ave., 504-945-5635 Café Minh aaaa Vietnamese, 4139
China Rose aaa Chinese, 3501 N. Arnoult St., 504-887-3295 Crabby Jack’s aaa Sandwiches, 428 Jefferson Hwy., Jefferson, 504-833-2722 Cypress aaa Contemporary Creole, 4426 Transcontinental Blvd., 504-885-6885 Dat Dog a Craft Hot Dogs, 3301 Veterans Memorial Blvd. (Lakeside Mall), 504-304-7005 Drago’s aaaa Seafood, 3232 N. Arnoult Rd., 504-888-9254 Heritage Grill Contemporary Creole, 111 Veterans Blvd., 504-934-4900 Impastato’s aaaa Creole Italian, 3400 16th St., 504-455-1545 Little Tokyo aaa Japanese, 2300 N. Causeway Blvd., 504-831-6788 Martin Wine Cellar Deli aaa Deli, 714 Elmeer Ave., 504-896-7300 Mellow Mushroom aa Pizza, 30 craft beers on tap, 3131 Veterans Memorial Blvd., 504-644-4155 Mr. Ed’s aaa Neighborhood Café, 1001 Live Oak St., 504-838-0022 Mr. Ed’s Oyster Bar & Fish House aaa Seafood, 3117 21St. Street, 504-833-6310 Parran’s Po-Boys aaa Sandwiches, 3939 Veterans Blvd., 504-885-3416 Pho Orchid aaa Vietnamese, 3117 Houma Blvd., 504-457-4188 Riccobono’s Peppermill aaa Creole Italian, 3524 Severn Ave., 504-455-2266 Ristorante Filippo aaa Creole
Inside New Orleans
Canal St., 504-482-6266 Cafe NOMA Contemporary Creole,
1 Collins Diboll Circle, 504-4821264
Canal Street Bistro aaa Mexican, 3903 Canal St., 504-482-1225 Crescent City Steak House aaa Steak, 1001 N. Broad St., 504821-3271 Dooky Chase aaa Creole, 2301 Orleans Ave., 504-821-0600 Five Happiness aaa Chinese, 3605 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-482-3935 Juan’s Flying Burrito aaa Mexican, 4724 S. Carrollton Ave., 504486-9950 Katie’s aaa Neighborhood Café, 3701 Iberville St., 504-488-6582 Little Tokyo aaa Japanese, 310 N. Carrollton Ave., 504-485-5658 Liuzza’s aaa Neighborhood Café, 3636 Bienville St., 504-482-9120 Mandina’s aaa Italian, Seafood, 3800 Canal St., 504-482-9179 Mona’s Café aa Middle Eastern, 3901 Banks St., 504-482-7743 Parkway Poor Boys aaa Sandwiches, 538 Hagan Ave., 504-482-3047 Ruby Slipper Café aaa Breakfast, Neighborhood Café, 139 S. Cortez St., 504-309-5531 Rue 127 aaaa Contemporary Creole, 127 N. Carrollton Ave., 504-483-1571 SWEGS Kitchen Healthy comfort food, 231 N. Carrollton Ave., Ste.
i B, 504-301-9196 Toups’ Meatery aaa Cajun, 845 N. Carrollton Ave., 504-252-4999 Venezia aaa Italian, 134 N. Carrollton Ave., 504-488-7991 Willie Mae’s Scotch House aaa Chicken, 2401 St. Ann St., 504822-9503
892-0708 Mellow Mushroom aa Pizza, 30 craft beers on tap, 1645 N. Hwy. 190, Covington, 985-327-5407 Nathan’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 36440 Old Bayou Liberty Rd., Slidell, 985-643-0443 New Orleans Food & Spiritsaaa Seafood, 208 Lee Lane,
NEW ORLEANS EAST Cafe Trang Vietnamese, 4637 Alcee Fortier Blvd., 504-254-4109 Castnet Seafood aaa Seafood speciality, 10826-1/2 Hayne Blvd., 504-244-8446 Deanie’s on Hayne aaa Seafood, 7350 Hayne Blvd., 504-248-6700 Messina’s Runway Cafe Creole
Covington, 985-875-0432 Nuvolari’s aaaa Creole Italian, 246 Girod St., Mandeville, 985-626-5619 Ox Lot 9 aaa Contemporary, 428 E Boston St., Covington, 985400-5663 Pardo’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 69305 Hwy 21, Covington, 985-893-3603
Homestyle, 6001 Stars and
Ristorante Del Porto aaaa Italian,
Stripes Blvd., 504-241-5300
501 E. Boston St., Covington,
Sal and Judy’s aaaa Italian, 27491
Acme Oyster House aaa Seafood,
Highway 190, Lacombe, 985-
1202 US 190, Covington, 985246-6155 Café Lynn aaaa Contemporary Creole,
882-9443 Zea aaa American, 110 Lake Dr., Covington, 985-327-0520; 173
2600 Florida St., Mandeville, 985-
Northshore Blvd., Slidell,
Carreta’s Grill a Mexican, 1340 Lindberg Dr., Slidell, 985-8470020; 70380 LA Hwy. 21,
OLD METAIRIE Byblos aaa Middle Eastern, 1501
Covington, 985-871-6674
Metairie Rd., 504-834-9773
The Chimes aaa Cajun, 19130 W.
Café B aaa Contemporary Creole,
Front St., Covington, 985-892-5396 Dakota aaaa Contemporary Creole, 629 N. US 190, Covington, 985-892-3712 DiCristina’s aaa Italian, 810 N. Columbia St., Covington, 985875-0160 Fazzio’saa Italian,1841 N. Causeway Blvd., Mandeville, 985-624-9704
2700 Metairie Rd., 504-934-4700 Galley Seafood aaa Seafood, 2535 Metairie Rd., 504-832-0955 Porter & Luke’s aaa Creole Homestyle, 1517 Metairie Rd., 504-875-4555 Vega Tapas Café aaa Mediterranean, 2051 Metairie Rd., 504-836-2007
Gallagher’s Grill aaaa Contemporary Creole, 509 S. Tyler St., Covington, 985-892-9992 George’s aaa Mexican, 1461 N. Causeway Blvd., Mandeville, 985626-4342 Keith Young’s Steak House aaaa Steak, 165 LA 21, Madisonville, 985-845-9940 La Carreta aaa Mexican, 812 Hyw 190, Covington, 985-400-5202; 1200 W. Causeway Approach, Mandeville, 985-624-2990 Lakehouse aaa Contemporary Creole, 2025 Lakeshore Dr., Mandeville, 985-626-3006 Mandina’s aaa Italian, Seafood, 4240 La 22, Mandeville, 985674-9883 Mattina Bella aaa Breakfast, 421 E. Gibson St., Covington, 985-
UPTOWN Amici aaa Italian, 3218 Magazine St., 504-300-1250 Ancora Pizzeria aaa Pizza, 4508 Freret St., 504-324-1636 Apolline aaaa American Gourmet, 4729 Magazine St., 504-894-8881 Atchafalaya aaaa Contemporary Creole, 901 Louisiana Ave., 504891-9626 Baru Bistro & Tapas aaa Caribbean, 3700 Magazine St., 504-895-2225 Bistro Daisy aaaa Creole French, 5831 Magazine St., 504-899-6987 Casamento’s aaa Seafood, 4330 Magazine St., 504-895-9761 Charlie’s Steak House aaa Steak, 4510 Dryades St., 504-895-9323 Clancy’s aaaa Contemporary
December 2017-January 2018 111
g Creole, 6100 Annunciation St., 504-895-1111 Dat Dog aa Sandwiches, 3336 Magazine St., 504-894-8885; 5030 Freret St., 504-899-6883 Dick & Jenny’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 4501 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-894-9880 Flaming Torch aaa French, 737 Octavia St., 504-895-0900 Gautreau’s aaaa American, 1728 Soniat St., 504-899-7397 High Hat Café aa Creole Homestyle, 4500 Freret St., 504-754-1336 Joey K’s aaa Neighborhood Café, 3001 Magazine St., 504-891-0997 Kyoto aaa Japanese, 4920 Prytania St., 504-891-3644 La Crepe Nanou aaaa French, 1410 Robert St., 504-899-2670 La Petite Grocery aaaa French, 4238 Magazine St., 504-891-3377 La Thai Cuisine aaaa Thai, 4938 Prytania St., 504-899-8886 Lilette aaaa French, 3637 Magazine St., 504-895-1636 Mahony’s aaa Neighborhood Café, 3454 Magazine St., 504-899-3374 Martinique aaa French, 5908 Magazine St., 504-891-8495
Cochon aaa Cajun, 930 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-588-2123 Emeril’s aaaaa Contemporary Creole, 800 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-528-9393 Grand Isle aaa Seafood, 575 Convention Center Blvd., 504520-8530 Josephine Estelle Italian, 600 Carondelet St., 504-930-3070 La Boca aaaa Steak, 870 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-525-8205 Mais Arepas aaaa South American, 1200 Carondelet St., 504-523-6247 Opal Basil Artisan Sandwiches, 719 S. Peters St. Pêche Seafood Grill aaa Seafood, 800 Magazine St., 504-522-1744 Rock-n-Sake aaa Japanese, 823 Fulton St., 504-581-7253 Root aaaa Eclectic, 200 Julia St., 504-252-9480 Seaworthy Oysters and Cocktails, 600 Carondelet St., 504-9303071 Tomas Bistro aaaa Creole French, 755 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-527-0942 Tommy’s Cuisine aaaa Creole Italian, 746 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-581-1103
Midway Pizza aaa Pizza, 4725 Freret St., 504-322-2815 Mona’s Café aa Middle Eastern, 4126 Magazine St., 504-894-9800 Pascal’s Manale aaa Creole Italian, 1838 Napoleon Ave., 504-895-4877 Patois aaaa Creole French, 6078 Laurel St., 504-895-9441 Rum House aaa Caribbean, 3128 Magazine St., 504-941-7560 Salú aaa Eclectic, 3226 Magazine St., 504-371-5809 Slice aaa Pizza, 5538 Magazine St., 504-897-4800 Sukho Thai aaa Thai, 4519
WEST BANK Kim Son aaa Vietnamese, 349 Whitney Ave., 504-366-2489 La Fiesta aaa Mexican, 1412 Stumpf Blvd., 504-361-9142 La Providencia aaa Central American, 2300 Belle Chasse Hwy., 504-368-5724 O’Brien’s aaaa Steak, 2020 Belle Chasse Hwy., 504-391-7229 Panda King aaa Chinese, 925 Behrman Hwy., 504-433-0388 Pho Bang aaa Vietnamese, 932 Westbank Expy., 504-872-9002
Magazine St., 504-373-6471 Taqueria Corona aaa Mexican, 5932 Magazine St., 504-897-3974 Upperline aaaa Contemporary Creole, 1413 Upperline St., 504891-9822
WEST END AND BUCKTOWN The Blue Crab aaa Seafood, 7900 Lakeshore Dr., 504-284-2898 Brisbi’s aaa Seafood, 7400 Lakeshore Dr., 504-555-5555 Deanie’s Seafood aa Seafood, 1713
WAREHOUSE DISTRICT AND CENTRAL CITY American Sector aa American, 945 Magazine St., 504-528-1940 Annunciation aaaa Contemporary Creole, 1016 Annunciation St., 504-568-0245 Briquette Contemporary Coastal
Lake Ave., 504-831-4141 New Orleans Food & Spirits aaa Seafood, 210 Hammond Hwy., 504-828-2220 R&O’s aaa Seafood, 216 Old Hammond Hwy., 504-831-1248 Sala Small plates and great cocktails, 124 Lake Marina, 504-513-2670
Cuisine, 701 S. Peters St.
Two Tony’s aaa Creole Italian, 8536
Café Reconcile aaa Lunch Café,
Pontchartrain Blvd., 504-282-
1631 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., 504-568-1157
0801 Wasabi aaa Japanese, 8550 Pontchartrain Blvd., 504-267-3263
Inside New Orleans
December 2017-January 2018 113
Messina’s Runway Café
by Leah Draffen
NESTLED INSIDE the restored Art Deco Lakefront Airport Terminal Building, Messina’s Runway Café has been serving the best in traditional New Orleans cuisine since 2014. However, the Messina Family celebrates 55 years in business this year under fourth-generation management. Owners George and Stacey Messina have been in restaurants and catering for over 35 years. Their family is known for the now-closed Andy Messina’s Restaurant, which opened in Kenner in 1961. “When opening the Runway Café, we partnered with Executive Chef Leon West to offer classic Creole cuisine in the unique setting overlooking the Lakefront Airport Runway,” says Stacey. Chef Leon won the 2016 Chef of the Year award from the New Orleans American Culinary Federation, and just this year, the restaurant took home the Kenner Food and Wine Festival Best Dish award. Open for breakfast and lunch Tuesday through Sunday, popular dishes include: Chef Leon’s Crabcake Benedict, Eggs Hussarde, Lindbergh Crabmeat-Brie Omelette, Shushan Burger, Shrimp with Fried Green Tomato Remoulade,
daily house-made soups and Chef Leon’s famous baked-toorder bread pudding. “We serve all fresh, local seafood and produce,” says Stacey. “All sauces, soups and desserts are house-made, and all burgers are hand-formed.” Speaking of all fresh, Runway Café holds seasonal specials for each shrimp, crawfish, crab and oyster season. Other specials include holiday buffet seatings for Thanksgiving, Easter, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and daily Blue Plate Specials Monday through Friday, including Southern fried chicken, meatloaf and fried catfish. Join Runway Café for brunch on Saturdays and Sundays to enjoy a full bar of bottomless mimosas, bloody Marys, martinis and several boutique-style select wines. Be sure to finish your meal with the delightful King Cake Bread Pudding.
Inside New Orleans
Messina’s Runway Café is located at 6001 Stars and Stripes Blvd. in New Orleans. Open Tuesday-Sunday for breakfast and lunch, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Private parties available. For reservations of six or more or other information, call 241-5300.
photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com
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