February-March 2019 Issue of Inside New Orleans

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February-March 2019

Vol. 6, No. 1

Publisher Lori Murphy –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Editor-in-Chief Anne Honeywell

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On the cover


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fax (504) 934-7721 Artist Gretchen Armbruster. Find more on page 16.

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INSIDE NEW ORLEANS is published bi-monthly (February, April, June, August, October, December) by M and L Publishing, LLC, PO Box 6048, Metairie, LA 70009 as a means of communication and information for greater New Orleans, Louisiana. Bulk Postage paid - New Orleans, LA. Copy­right ©2019 by M & L Publishing, LLC. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written consent of publisher. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts and artwork. Inside New Orleans Magazine is created using the Adobe Creative Suite on Apple Macintosh computers.


10 Publisher’s Note 12 Editor’s Note 14 Contributors 20 INside Scoop 33 INside Story Phones 40 At the Table Best New or Reopened Restaurants of 2018 59 INside Look

contents table of

page 28

60 Flourishes Extraordinary gifts and home accents page 57 78 INside Peek Featuring: Leading Ladies League Lunch Friends of Jefferson the Beautiful Holiday Celebration Ursuline Academy La Fête 292 The National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Benefit Rach and Bach WYES Salutes Victoria’s Third Season Fête Du Champagne


16 Laissez Le Bons Temps Rouler Cover Artist Gretchen Armbruster 27 Summer Camp 28 Reborn after 40 Years The Machado House 34 Focus on the Fix Sidney Torres IV 44 “One More River to Cross” Martin Luther King Jr. Visits New Orleans 64 Music on Canal Street The Fillmore at Harrah’s New Orleans 66 More Heroic Women of New Orleans

page 34 84 IN Great Taste Cozy and Warming Soup 86 Haute Plates 88 INside Dining 90 Wine Cellar White Wine from Italy?

Celebrating Weddings Begins on page 48

page 76 8

Inside New Orleans

Health & Wellness 2019 Begins on page 72

page 48

Publisher’s Note by Lori Murphy You probably wouldn’t notice, but I rarely have a byline in the magazine. In fact, this is my first in Inside New Orleans. I always defer to the much more talented voices of the writers who contribute; it is part of what makes our editorial so special. I am making an exception in this issue because the subjects are close to my heart. Art and carnival. We dedicate our covers to talented artists from our area because they deserve our support. In addition, the work brings something rare and special to your coffee table. If we covered the images with screaming type faces and messaging,

it wouldn’t be the same. After 18 years, I still get chills when I see the issues displayed, treasured, read and re-read. This cover is another such special contribution by artist Gretchen Armbruster. It features the splendor of a beautiful, sunny Mardi Gras day. The pageantry of carnival is something that has been painstakingly cared for over the generations in New Orleans. The floats and the costumes dreamed up by designers around the city help us fall into the revelry, the fun of make believe. My Aunt Freddie and her latehusband’s cousin, Claire Stouse, were close friends who both lived in The Georgian in their later years. Claire and her three sisters were costume designers and seamstresses for carnival organizations during the first half of the 1900s. Because so much of the carnival work is done in secret, not much is published about the sisters. Since they devoted their talents to carnival, I assume they were among the many who cherish the clandestine nature of preparing the spectacle and the secrecy these organizations require. I hope I am not violating any trust by sharing the treasured images shown here. You can see in the borders, sewing instructions and float numbers for the maskers to be seen in each costume design. I believe these are from the 1940s, but feel free to correct me if you remember seeing them in a parade! As the floats roll by this month, think of how the theme is carried out in each float design and costumed masker. Watch the gold leaf dancing in the sunshine the way Gretchen has captured it on our cover. Celebrate those people who labor all year and give generously to the greatest free show on earth. Without

them our city would be missing a part of our soul. If you see any great costumes, share them with us on social media @insideneworleans!


Inside New Orleans

Editor’s Note by Anne Honeywell Who doesn’t love a great wedding? One that is an unforgettable celebration of two people, joyfully shared with family and friends. But what makes a wedding great? Over the past year since my daughter’s engagement, I often asked myself that question as we prepared for her “big day.” Good food? Pretty church? The right guest list? The music? A delicious cake? At times, trying to make everything the best it could be was overwhelming. Believe me, like all first-time mothers-of-the-bride, I have learned a lot. And while I am now confident that her wedding will be wonderful, I am also certain that all the externals we so carefully planned are not what will make it great. It’s the love. The love between my daughter and her husband-to-be. The love for them from their family and friends who will gather to witness their vows and to celebrate their marriage afterwards with good food and a terrific band. Their love will set the tone for what will be a great wedding. For sure. In this issue, one of two special sections features weddings and has a few suggestions for those who are looking forward to their own celebration. Also, My daughter, Katherine Hon eywell, with her fiancé, Ben Amoss, in City Park.

the Health and Wellness section includes information on the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women program as well as tips to help you achieve your personal goals for 2019. Among the interesting features in this issue is Leslie Cardé’s “Focus on the Fix,” all about entrepreneur Sidney Torres IV. And don’t miss Joey Kent’s story about a Martin Luther King Jr. visit to New Orleans. This year’s later-than-usual Mardi Gras Day is March 5. Check Scoop to keep on top of the parade schedule—but if you’re going out on a chilly night, warm up first with Yvette Jemison’s Vidalia Onion Soup. Happy Mardi Gras!


Inside New Orleans

Contributors Our contributors give Inside New Orleans its voice, its personality and its feel. Here we are proud to highlight a few of them so that you can put a face with a name and get to know them. Other Voices: Gretchen Armbruster, Sara Essex Bradley, Candra George, Thomas B. Growden, Poki Hampton, Joey Kent, Yvette Jemison, Jeanne Morehiser and Lori Murphy.

Leslie Cardé Veteran journalist Leslie Cardé began her career reporting for NPR in Los Angeles. From there, she landed in New Orleans as an anchor/health and science editor before moving on to anchor three hours of daily financial news and host an entertainment show for CNBC. She’s reported from the Middle East for CNN, worked as a producer and narrator for E! Entertainment and wrote, directed and produced the award-winning documentary America Betrayed. Leslie currently writes for The New Orleans Advocate and Los Angeles Magazine. She is also a producer/reporter for CBS Newspath. On page 34, she writes about Sidney Torres and on page 72, de-stressing in 2019.

Tom Fitzmorris

Karen Gibbs

Bill Kearney

Tom Fitzmorris grew up in Treme and ate red beans every Monday from his Creole-French mother until he left home. Not long after that, he began writing a weekly restaurant review column that has continued for more than 40 years. In 1975, he began a daily radio feature, which grew into his current three-hour daily talk show on 1350, 3WL. He is the author of several cookbooks, more than a dozen restaurant guidebooks, a daily online newsletter (nomenu. com) and joins us At the Table on page 40.

Longtime contributor and former managing editor of Inside Northside, Karen B. Gibbs enjoys writing about the fascinating people and places of New Orleans and the northshore. A contributor to Today.com and iVillage.com, Karen recently completed the biography of her fatherin-law, a WWII paratrooper. When not writing, she enjoys traveling with her husband and spoiling their grandchild. On page 66, she details the lives of historic New Orleans women.

Bill Kearney believes if you like a wine, it’s a great wine— and the best wine is shared with friends. For more than 20 years, he has added wines from many regions, grapes and friends to his private collection. Recently certified as a sommelier, he serves as the wine director for Galatoire’s Restaurant and also at 33 Bar and Steak, where he is a partner. A graduate of Tulane, Bill is president of Yenraek, a governmental affairs firm. On page 90, Bill talks about white wine in Wine Cellar.


Inside New Orleans

Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler

by Lori Murphy

ALTHOUGH OUR COVER ARTIST Gretchen Armbruster works with a wide range of subjects and media, our attention in this issue is on her Mardi Gras paintings. Capturing the mood and light of a carnival parade is a very special gift. Growing up in New Orleans with the music of the parade band in her heart gives Gretchen insight in how to tell the Mardi Gras story on canvas. Whether the focus is the sunlight dappled across the foil applied to the 16

Inside New Orleans

float design or the burning flames of flambeaux, it is the light and movement that bring her paintings to life. They capture the bons temps mood of the city at this time of year. “The words ‘Mardi Gras’ bring emotion and nostalgia; we all have been there and done that as folks native to Louisiana culture. If a picture’s worth a thousand words, then Gretchen’s paintings of Mardi Gas are a library! Her depiction of the joy, fun, energy >>

photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

Cover Artist Gretchen Armbruster


Inside New Orleans

photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

and excitement of Mardi Gras captures your imagination, sharpens your own memories and puts you in the moment. It’s not a painting; it’s an experience,” says Bill Stewart, who has studied with Gretchen for three years. Over the years, Gretchen has created invitations and posters for several carnival monarchs and organizations, including Bacchus, Olympia and Krewe d’Etat, just to name a few. Her annual partnership with Nonna Randazzo’s has sent her Mardi Gras posters across the country in special king cake care packages for displaced New Orleanians and others who wish they were here to celebrate in the Big Easy. “As a New Orleans girl, born and raised, I have to say that although I

consider myself a South Louisiana artist, my favorite subject is New Orleans. I just love the energy that New Orleans provides in a painting,” says Gretchen. That love of the subject has influenced many of the pieces we feature here and others in her body of work. Gretchen has been painting professionally since she was 12 years old. “That’s how old I was when I sold my first painting in an art show,” she says. She studied under the direction of renowned Louisiana painters Robert Rosbach, David Jinks and Alan Flattman. After majoring in art at Louisiana State University, she continued her art education at the John McCrady School of Fine and Applied Arts and the New Orleans Art Institute. Since 2009, Gretchen has owned and operated Armbruster Artworks Fine Art Gallery and School on Columbia Street in Covington. She says, “Painting with other artists every day makes me happy. They constantly inspire me.” The quality of the work created in her studio classes has put several of her students on our covers for Inside Northside and Inside New Orleans over the years. The students enjoy the comradery and learning experience so much that many travel from across the city to Covington every week. “I tell my students they need to try every medium and learn all the different techniques, because you don’t know your style until you try.” Armbruster loves teaching. “I get to

revisit everything I know, and explaining it to someone else really helps keep the fundamentals fresh.” It’s good for her art. “I have tried some different things within my own work—I think it has even more dimension in recent years.” Armbruster can paint anything in any medium. She primarily works in oils, watercolor and pencils. “I have worked in them all: acrylics, pen and ink and pastels. But I would have to say oil is my preference.” The 24-by-36 original of this issue’s cover painting, His Majesty, was done in oil. Regardless of the type of work—portraits, murals, landscapes or still lifes—Gretchen’s choice of media depends largely on the subject matter and the situation. An informal child on the beach, for example, has a laidback feeling that is appropriate to pencils and watercolors. Conversely, according to Gretchen, when capturing a debutante for a formal portrait intended for a dining room or other large space in the home, the richness of oil paints lends itself to the grandeur of the work. She says, “If it’s a beautiful floral, I often choose watercolor, but for a landscape I prefer the deeper values available in oil. The mood you are trying to convey will often dictate what medium best portrays the subject.”

Spearheaded by Gretchen Armbruster, a group of generous local St. Tammany artists and artists of Armbruster Artworks have created The Starving Artists’ Cookbook. A combination of each artist’s favorite simple recipe and one of their beautiful works of art, the cookbook is a labor of love that benefits the Covington Unit of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeast Louisiana. The 145 contributing artists say, “Art is food for the soul, and we hope you enjoy our banquet!”

The price of The Starving Artists’ Cookbook is $45.00. It may be ordered by calling 985-630-6295 or online at

To see Gretchen’s artwork, or for information on classes, go to armbrusterartworks.com. Visit Armbruster Artworks Fine Art Gallery and School at 502 N Columbia St. in Covington. 985-630-6295.

armbrusterartworks.com for shipping or pickup at Armbruster Artworks Fine Art Gallery.

December 2018-January 2019 19

Hogs for the Cause 2019

INSIDE a handy guide to events and entertainment in and around New Orleans

February Theatre, Beau Rivage Resort & Casino, 875 Beach Blvd, Biloxi. 8pm. 21+ event. beaurivage.com. 1-23 Caprice Pierucci. Callan Contemporary, 518 Julia St. callancontemporary.com. 1-23 Nicole Charbonnet: Key to All

xula.edu. 1-28 Valentine’s Day in Destin. Whisk the

Royal St. Tues-Sun, 11am. $5. hnoc.org. 1-March 10 Girl Scouts Cookie Sale. Girl Scouts from across southeast Louisiana will

one you love away for a Destin Vacation

sell those delicious Girl Scout cookies as

with Newman-Dailey Resort Properties. Take

they celebrate the country’s largest financial

advantage of the Valentine’s Day promotion

investment in girls annually. girlscoutcookies.

including 10% off your stay of 3 nights or


Mythologies and Robert Gordy: From

more at participating Newman-Dailey rentals.

the Estate. Arthur Roger Gallery, 434 Julia

Promo code KISSES19. (800) 225-7652.

of Louisiana. Newcomb Art Museum,

St. 522-1999. arthurrogergallery.com.


Tulane University, 6823 St Charles Ave.

1-28 ICONS: Ideals of Black Masculinity.


Drexel Dr. Free and open to the public.

1-March 1 Rites, Rituals, and Revelry:

1-July 6 Per(Sister): Incarcerated Women


Featuring works from the collection of

The History of Mardi Gras in New

award-winning actress and artist CCH

Orleans. Tour lasts approximately one hour.

Rise of Jackson Square. The Cabildo,

Pounder. Xavier University Art Gallery, 1

The Historic New Orleans Collection, 533

701 Chartres St. louisianastatemuseum.org.

Inside New Orleans

1-Oct 13 The Baroness de Pontalba & the

photo courtesy: HOGS FOR THE CAUSE

1, 2 Rodney Carrington. Beau Rivage

March 29-30 Hogs for the Cause. Barbeque competition, local beer and live music to benefit pediatric brain cancer outreach services in the United States. UNO Lakefront Arena Festival Grounds, 6801 Franklin Ave. hogsforthecause.org.

5-10 The Book Mormon. Saenger Theatre, 1111 Canal St. neworleans. broadway.com/. 6 Krewe of Chewbacchus. Marigny. 7pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 10 40th Annual B’nai B’rith Mardi Gras Mitzva Makers Hospital Parade. Bringing Mardi Gras to patients who are in long-term care and rehabilitation. Starting at Touro Infirmary, 3500 Prytania St. Mitzva makers gather, 9:30am; parade, 10am. 957-5310. 11-15 Lee Loves Local. Lee Industries is partnering with Rug Chic for a week of


February-March 2019 21

Inside Scoop local artists, exclusive specials and events. Rug Chic, 4240 Hwy 22, Mandeville. (985) 674-1070. 12 Power Lunch. New Orleans Chamber, 1515 Poydras St, 5th Floor. 11:30am-1pm. Members, $10; nonmembers, $20. neworleanschamber.org.

New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 21 Blackberry Smoke. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 21-27 Lisette Spring Event. Ballin’s LTD,

of Harvest Jewels and Lorraine Gendron.

721 Dante St. 866-4367. ballinsltd.com.

674-1070. 13 Lisette Spring Event. Ballin’s LTD, 2917 Magazine St #105. 891-4502. ballinsltd.com. 14 New Orleans Chamber 1st Quarter Luncheon: The State of Our City. The Roosevelt Hotel New Orleans, 130 Roosevelt Way. 11am-1pm. Members, $50; nonmembers $60. neworleanschamber.org. 15 Foo Fighters plus Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 15-16 Sympli Spring Trunk Show. Ballin’s LTD, 2917 Magazine St #105. 891-4502. ballinsltd.com.

22 George Clinton. Beau Rivage Theatre, Beau Rivage Resort & Casino, 875 Beach Blvd, Biloxi. 8pm. 21+ event. beaurivage.com. 22 Gucci Mane. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 22 Krewe of Cleopatra. Uptown New Orleans. 6:30pm. mardigrasneworleans. com. 22 Krewe of Cork. French Quarter. 3pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 22 Krewe of Excalibur. Metairie. 7:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 22 Krewe of Oshun. Uptown New Orleans. 6pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 22-23 Eagle Expo. Boat tours to view

15-18 President’s Day Promo Event. Palm

eagle nests, C.C. Lockwood photography

Village, A Signature Lilly Pulitzer Store, 2735

workshop, water and nature expo, birds of

US 190, Mandeville. (985) 778-2547.

prey program, and social with John Flores,

16 Foo Fighters plus Preservation

author of Louisiana Birding. Morgan City.

Hall Jazz Band. The Fillmore, Harrah’s

(800) 256-2931. cajuncoast.com.

New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St.

23 Krewe of Caesar. Metairie. 5:30pm.

fillmorenola.com. 16 Krewe du Vieux. French Quarter. 6:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 16 Krewedelusion. French Quarter. 7pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 16 Writers & Readers Symposium: A Celebration of Literature & Arts. Hemingbough, 10591 Beach Rd, St. Francisville. (225) 245-5025. literaturelouisiana.org. 17 Krewe of Little Rascals. Metairie. 12pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 18 Coheed and Cambria. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Inside New Orleans

19, 20 Duran Duran. The Fillmore, Harrah’s

13 Artist Trunk Show. Featuring the work

Rug Chic, 4240 Hwy 22, Mandeville. (985)


Canal St. fillmorenola.com.

mardigrasneworleans.com. 23 Krewe of Pontchartrain, Choctaw, Freret. Uptown New Orleans. 1pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 23 Krewe of Sparta, Pygmalion. Uptown New Orleans. 5:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 24 Krewe of Barkus. French Quarter. 2pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 24 Krewe of Kings. Metairie. 5:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 24 The Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale, Krewe of Carrollton, King Arthur and Merlin, Alla. Uptown New Orleans. 11am.

mardigrasneworleans.com. 25 West Coast High 2019 featuring Cypress Hill and Hollywood Undead. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 27 Krewe of Druids. Uptown New Orleans. 6:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 27 Krewe of Nyx. Uptown New Orleans. 7pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 28 Knights of Babylon. Uptown New Orleans. 5:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 28 Knights of Chaos. Uptown New Orleans. 6:15pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 28 Krewe of Muses. Uptown New Orleans. 6:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 28 WNOE 101.1 presents Dan + Shay The Tour. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 28-March 2 Sunny State of Mind Promo Event. Palm Village, A Signature Lilly Pulitzer Store, 2735 US 190, Mandeville. (985) 778-2547.

March 1 Dropkick Murphys. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 1 Krewe of Bosom Buddies. French Quarter. 11:30am. mardigrasneworleans.com. 1 Krewe of Centurions. Metairie. 6:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 1 Krewe d’Etat. Uptown. 6:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 1 Krewe of Hermes. Uptown. 6pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 1 Krewe of Morpheus. Uptown. 7pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 1 Rites, Rituals, and Revelry: The History of Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Tour lasts approximately one hour. The Historic New Orleans Collection, 533 Royal St. 11am. $5. hnoc.org. 1, 2 Sunny State of Mind Promo Event. Palm Village, A Signature Lilly Pulitzer Store, 2735 US 190, Mandeville. (985) 778-2547. 1-10 Girl Scouts Cookie Sale. Girl Scouts >> February-March 2019 23

Inside Scoop from across southeast Louisiana will sell those delicious Girl Scout cookies, as they celebrate the country’s largest financial investment in girls annually. girlscoutcookies.org. 1-July 6 Per(Sister): Incarcerated Women of Louisiana. Newcomb Art Museum, Tulane University, 6823 St Charles Ave. newcombartmuseum.tulane.edu. 1-Oct 13 The Baroness de Pontalba & the Rise of Jackson Square. The Cabildo, 701 Chartres St. louisianastatemuseum.org. 2 Krewe of Endymion. Mid-City. 4:15pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 2 Krewe of Iris, Krewe of Tucks. Uptown. 11am. mardigrasneworleans.com. 2 Krewe of Isis. Metairie. 6:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 2 Krewe of NOMTOC. Westbank. 10:45am. mardigrasneworleans.com. 3 Krewe of Athena. Metairie. 5:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com.

3 Krewe of Bacchus. Uptown. 5:15pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 3 Krewe of Mid-City. Uptown. 11:45am. mardigrasneworleans.com. 3 Krewe of Okeanos. Uptown. 11am. mardigrasneworleans.com. 3 Krewe of Pandora. Metairie. 6:30pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 3 Krewe of Thoth. Uptown. 12pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 4 Krewe of Proteus. Uptown. 5:15pm. mardigrasneworleans.com. 4 Steel Panther Heavy Metal Lundi Gras. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 5 Krewe of Argus, Krewe of Elks

mardigrasneworleans.com. 9 Franco Escamilla R.P.M. USA Tour. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 9 White Dress Event. Palm Village, A Signature Lilly Pulitzer Store, 2735 US 190, Mandeville. (985) 778-2547. 12-31 Hamilton. Saenger Theatre, 1111 Canal St. neworleans.broadway.com/. 15-16 ARTE Trunk Show. Ballin’s LTD, 2917 Magazine St #105. 891-4502. ballinsltd.com. 15, 16 The Avett Brothers. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 15-17 Audubon Pilgrimage. Tour historic homes and gardens, authentic 1820s

Jefferson, Krewe of Jefferson. Metairie.

costumes, living history demonstrations,

10am. mardigrasneworleans.com.

night festivities and cemetery tours. WFP

5 Krewe of Rex, Krewe of Elks Orleans,

Historical Museum, 11757 Ferdinand

Krewe of Crescent City. 10am.

St, St Francisville. (225) 635-6330.



5 Krewe of Zulu. Uptown. 8am.

17 Ben Rector, Magic: The Tour. The

Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second

Gala. “Harry Says Aloha” theme with food

and premium food and drinks. Ochsner

Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com.

from local eateries, open bar, live and silent

Sports Performance Center, 5800 Airline Dr,

19 Mad Hatter’s Luncheon and Fashion

auctions featuring a great variety of prizes

Metairie. jeffersonchamber.org.

Show. New Orleans Sheraton, 500 Canal

donated by local businesses, raffle events,

St. 10:30am-2pm. neworleansopera.org.

and more. Academy of the Sacred Heart

Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second

Nims Fine Arts Center, 4301 St. Charles

Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com.

19 The Noise Presents Nothing More, The Truth Tour. The Fillmore, Harrah’s

Ave. 6:30-10pm. harrytompsoncenter.org.

New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St.


fillmorenola.com. 20-23 New Orleans Bourbon Festival. Seminars, grand tastings, dinners and more. Contemporary Arts Center and Hilton New Orleans. neworleansbourbonfest.com. 21 Brothers Osborne. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 22, 23 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Mahalia Jackson Theater, 1419 Basin St. nobadance.com. 22-23 Jenvie & ELI Event. Ballin’s LTD, 2917 Magazine St #105. 891-4502. ballinsltd.com. 23 Harry Tompson Homeless Center

23 Haters Roast, The Shady Tour. The

29 Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit. The

29-30 Hogs for the Cause. Barbeque competition, local beer and live music to benefit pediatric brain cancer outreach

Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second

services in the United States. UNO Lakefront

Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com.

Arena Festival Grounds, 6801 Franklin Ave.

23, 24 Spring Break Event. Palm Village, A Signature Lilly Pulitzer Store, 2735 US 190, Mandeville. (985) 778-2547. 27 Hozier, Wasteland, Baby! Tour. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 27-31 Tennessee Williams/New Orleans

hogsforthecause.org. 29-30 Mack and Mack Trunk Show. Ballin’s LTD, 2917 Magazine St #105. 8914502. ballinsltd.com. 30 Tunica Hills Music Fest and Jam. Parker Memorial Park, St. Francisville. 10am-10pm. stfrancisvillefestivals.com.

Literary Festival. Hotel Monteleone, 214 Royal St. tennesseewilliams.net.

Send your event information to scoop@

29 A Masquerade Affair: Black and Gold

insidepub.com to have it featured in an

Gala. Silent auction, live entertainment

upcoming issue of Inside New Orleans.


Inside New Orleans

Academy of the Sacred Heart Summer

is the only nationally recognized, non-profit

Riverview Camp for Girls (Ages 6-16):

Camp (Ages 1-13): Calling all girls and boys for

summer enrichment program for kindergarten

Recognized as one of the South’s favorite all-around

an unforgettable summer. Enjoy a wide variety of

through 6th grade where girls are empowered

summer camps for girls, Riverview’s Christian

festive and fun summer camps and enrichment

to take on challenges that emphasize STEM,

emphasis and exciting programs are appreciated

opportunities. Arts, sports, water fun, math,

collaboration, and entrepreneurship through

by both parents and campers. Riverview offers both

cheerleading, Jump Start and our ever-popular

innovation. Camp Create offers a variety of fun

one-, and two-week camp sessions, with activities

theater camp. Don’t miss the return of Creative

classes in art, acting, singing, baking, sewing,

including: riding (both English and Western),

Choice for middle schoolers

swimming, tennis, ropes course,

featuring dance, music, baking,

climbing tower, canoeing, golf,

arts, fitness, yoga, sports, track ‘n’

archery, riflery, gymnastics,

field and more. All programs are

cheerleading, dance, flag-twirling,

directed by experienced, qualified

sports, outdoor-living skills class

and dedicated faculty and staff. Camp dates

and more. Mother-Daughter weekend: April 27-28.

available: June 20 through July 26. Located at

One-week sessions: May 26-31, June 2-7, June

the Rosary and Mater campuses, 4521 St. Charles

9-14, June 16-21, June 23-28, July 14-19 and

Avenue and 4301 St. Charles Avenue. ashrosary.

creative writing, cross stitch, music, sports

July 21-July 26. Two-weeks sessions: June 2-14,


and more! Camp of Champions offers athletic

June 16-28, June 30-12 and July 14-26. Located

camps for girls ages 8 to 14 led by both district

at 757 County Road 614 in Mentone, Alabama.

and state-winning coaches, as well as former


Camp Corral (Ages 3-14): Splash into summer with Arden Cahill Academy’s Camp

college athletes, and includes volleyball, softball,

Corral. Enjoy fishing, horseback riding, camp “in”

basketball, running, cheer, tennis, and soccer.

academic enrichment, petting zoo, STEAM discovery,

Camp Invention: June 3-7. Camp Create sessions:

4-13): Summer Day Camp programming

computer lab, art, theatre, archery, riflery, sports,

June 10-28 or July 10-28. Camp of Champions:

includes American Red Cross swim instruction,

color relay, waterslide, swimming and more. Weekly

TBA. Located at 2635 State Street in New Orleans.

a carnival, a color war, wet and wild day, the

and session rates available. Session 1 dates: May


culminating show, visits from the Saints’ and

29-June 1 (closed May 28), June 4-8, June 11-15, June 18-22 and June 25-29. Session 2 dates: July

St. Martin’s Summer Day Camp (Ages

Pelicans’ training camps, yoga, Zumba Jr., scuba, Kehoe-France Summer Camp (8 weeks-13

sports, arts, drama, and much more! Campers

2-6 (closed July 4), July 9-13, July 16-20, July

years old): Kehoe-France Summer Camps offer an

will also enjoy Minecraft, cooking, Project

23-27 and July 30-August 3. Located at 3101 Wall

ideal opportunity for boys and girls to grow in the

Adventure, woodworking, chess, and movie

Boulevard in Gretna. ardencahillacademy.com.

physical, mental, social and emotional dimensions.

making. St. Martin’s Episcopal School’s Summer

The camps and the staffs provide each camper

Day Camp is accredited by the American Camp

Camp U (Rising Toddler 3-8th Grade):

the advantage of adventure, fun, breadth, growth

Association. Campers will experience all that St.

Ursuline Academy presents “Camp U: A Camp for

and education promoting outstanding leadership

Martin’s 18-acre property has to offer: full-size

Every Girl.” Camp U offers three individual camp

and an enrichment of experiences including swim

gymnasiums, Solomon Theater, indoor swimming

styles for girls to mix and match. Camp Invention

instruction for campers 4 years or older, tennis,

pool, all-weather track, and outdoor classroom

archery, arts and crafts, computers and more. Six-

spaces. Located at 225 Green Acres Road in

week session: June 10-July19. Eight-week session:

Metairie. stmsaints.com.

June 10-August 2. Located at 720 Elise Avenue in Metairie. kehoe-france.com.

February-March 2019 27

by Poki Hampton


WHEN DONNA AND DAVID MACHADO found their current home in Gulfport, Mississippi, it had been on the market for three years. Built in the 1970s, the house was in its original condition. The Machados could see past the 40-year-old layout and décor, including floral wallpaper and green bathtubs, to realize the potential of turning this into their family home. “After we closed on the house, the previous owners, who had lived here for 40 years, rented it back from us for six months while they built their retirement home. During this time, we were able to make plans

Inside New Orleans

for the renovation,” says Donna. “I interviewed five designers and decided that Jennifer Dicerbo of French Mix would work well with me. We really hit it off.” Those six months were valuable, giving them the time to decide on finishes and buildouts before they began their 11-month renovation. Donna says, “We took most of the walls in the house down to the studs and replaced electrical and plumbing.” Heart pine floors run throughout the house. Donna was the contractor, but the Machados worked with architect George Denmark to do a buildout off the kitchen for


Reborn after 40 Years The Machado House


a new laundry room and pantry. An addition was added where the old laundry room and pantry were to make the existing kitchen larger. Now the kitchen is spacious, with plenty of light and a view of the water beyond. The 10-foot ceiling was vaulted up into the 22-foot-tall attic space, giving more visual space. Old beams from a barn in North Carolina provide architectural interest. Along with new lighting, new custom white raised-panel cabinets, stainless steel appliances, a custom vent hood and plumbing fixtures were added. The pendants are


solid iron with a soft brass finish and glass inserts. To top the 11-foot-long island counter, a special slab of quartzite had to be found; the backsplash is of the same quartzite. The family-friendly barstools are upholstered in faux shagreen. New custom cabinets and countertops of the same quartzite renew the existing butler’s pantry. “This is a wonderful place to >> February-March 2019 29


Inside New Orleans




have for entertaining,” says Donna. The existing block paneling in the formal living room was preserved and painted a soft white. Carrera marble replaced the old stone, and a hand-knotted wool and silk rug from Nepal was laid on the new heart pine floors. The sofa is a custom shelter style upholstered in off-white velvet; custom pillows, including one made of plumes, grace the sofa. The cocktail table is in silver leaf with a glass top. Two

Bergère chairs in a textured fabric have leather seats and pillows in a Greek key design. Hanging above the hand-painted demilune tables are gold leaf mirrors. The custom silk draperies are in a creamy coconut color. Two original contemporary works of art add a modern touch. Crowning the room is a handmade crystal-withgold-patina metal chandelier. “We really worked to create a serene, classic feel in this room that was formal but approachable,” says Jennifer. The opening between two living areas was enlarged to create a more spacious feel. The rug in this room is 100 percent wool in watery blues, warm cream and butter. An assortment of textured pillows >> February-March 2019 31


Inside New Orleans

quilted velvet Euro shams complement the butter satin duvet. Above the bed hangs a starburst mirror, and mirrored nightstands hold acrylic pillar lamps with cream linen shades. A gray-finished chest sits between French doors dressed in creamy silk draperies. Two Bergère chairs covered in a gray-and-white animal print top a wool hand-knotted rug. The Old World-style chandelier is wood and iron. The master bath was completely reconfigured to add a double-vanity sink, large soaking tub and walk-in shower. Sconces of polished nickel and

glass are mounted between the mirrors. Contemporary artwork hangs behind the oval soaker tub. The flooring is 9-inch marble tiles laid in a herringbone pattern. And a Tibetan hair stool adds a bit of whimsy. Jennifer decorated the Machados’ youngest daughter’s room to be fit for a princess. Ballet-pink walls with a solid iron canopy bed in a rich cream textured finish create a feminine feel. Dressing the bed are a ruffled linen duvet and a satin bed skirt, along with velvet and lace pillows. Sitting atop the fun animal print rug is a loveseat slipcovered in washable linen. The chandelier is made of feathers, and the ball gown-detailed draperies are in pearl silk. The teenage daughter’s loft-style room was created by taking in part of the attic on the third floor. Cool colors create a serene atmosphere any teen would enjoy. Donna says, “We enjoyed working with Jennifer to create our new home. She was very professional, and she understood from the beginning that we wanted a welcoming and family-friendly home.” “True luxury is when a home is both beautiful and comfortable,” says Jennifer.


rests on the sectional sofa, which is slipcovered in washable beige linen; the draperies are in alabaster Belgian linen. Serving as a cocktail able is a tufted leather ottoman. The swivel rocker club chairs are in textured linen. The chandelier is a transitional style of iron and wood. The colors and feel of the two living rooms flow into the dining room, where Jennifer was able to use some of Donna’s existing furniture. The powder room is a little jewel box with mink-colored grass cloth and a chest converted into a vanity with handmade crystal knobs and a glass vessel sink. The wall-mounted faucet is in polished nickel. Sconces of rock quartz crystal flank an antique gold-leaf mirror. Another major renovation took place in the master bedroom. Space that had housed hot water heaters was taken into the master bedroom, and attic space was converted into a large walk-in closet, complete with a center island, for Donna. Paneling mimicking that in the formal living room was created to add architectural interest to the walls. The gray-washed wood bed has a flax linen upholstered headboard;

INside Story

by Michael Harold Do you have rt Prince Albe in a can?

r You bette t u o m Let hi then!


WHEN I WAS IN FOURTH GRADE, my classmate told me it was against the law to say curse words while talking on the phone. I was skeptical, but just to make sure I waited one day for my mother to go on an errand and dialed 0 for the operator—the ultimate authority in all things telephone. Of course, the operator was happy to confirm the rule and to warn me that the phone was NOT a toy. I thought to myself, “baloney.” Our phones were some of the greatest toys in the house, providing hours of “free” entertainment. In fact, I’m sure that my proclivity for prank calling was one of the many reasons why my parents refused to splurge on what was one of the greatest home luxuries known to youngsters: the children’s line. Growing up in the 1970s, I can practically trace my childhood and adolescence through telephone technology. I was insanely envious of my neighbor and friend who had a blue princess phone in her room while we had the antiquated rotary dial attached to the kitchen wall. Our other phones were heavy as lead and had short cords. At least we were better off than my grandparents, who had one hall phone tucked inside a little nook in the hall. They referred to their phone numbers as “Twinbrook 5” or “University 6” rather than 895 or 866, and their Uptown ringtones were different from ours in Metairie. The one thing they all had in

common was the obnoxious, beating tone when a phone was left off the hook. 529-6111 was the phone number for time and temperature. It always began with a deep voice in a heavy New Orleans accent that said, “Guitars, drums, organs (pronounced “awginz”), everything musical at Werlein’s.” Sadly, in 2003 Werlein’s closed its last store, but the phone number still lives on. Try it. I never believed that myth about using a phone during a thunderstorm until one day a bolt of lightning struck near my house and sent a small shock into my left ear, scaring me to death. In the 1980s, when “Call Waiting” became the latest trend, my mother refused to purchase it because it was rude to put someone on hold but finally relented after onetoo-many busy-signal excuses. And, if I heard it once, I heard it hundreds of times that in her day, “Girls never called boys.” I imagine everyone’s attic has at least one outdated phone tool that will never be used again. A number of years ago, I cleared out our family storage bin and discovered dad’s bulky portable phone that he carried in a duffle bag. There was the old, dusty office phone, the answering machine with cassette inside and the little caller i.d. box. All completely useless. Who knows what’s in store for the future? Perhaps I should grab the old rotary phone and dial 0. She will know. February-March 2019 33

Focus on the Fix

Sidney Torres IV


Inside New Orleans

photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

by Leslie Cardé

CLAD IN HIS TRADEMARK BLACK ATTIRE, a GQ version of Voldemort of Harry Potter fame, he strode into his new offices along the ever-morphing Tulane Avenue corridor off Carrollton. As he answered questions from this inquiring journalist, over my shoulder he kept a watchful eye on a bank of security cameras detailing every move from around his new building. “I really like to see what’s going on everywhere,” explained Sidney Torres IV, with whom I chatted about his past, present and future. That seems to be an everprevalent theme in the life of this entrepreneur. If you live in New Orleans and aren’t familiar with Torres, you probably need to come out from underneath your rock. As part of the Torres dynasty of St. Bernard

no matter what happened to the New Orleans market, the students from those schools would always have New York and L.A. money. You want to be in an area that isn’t dependent just on New Orleanians.” To say that one deal led to another sounds cliché, but the hard work, which included learning every aspect of the renovation and flipping business, paid off. He went from small cottages, boutique hotels and large commercial properties to his ultimate renovation in Eleuthera in the Bahamas. When I inquired as to why he’d gone to the Caribbean, Torres told me it was partly to prove something. “I felt that I had to show everyone that I didn’t need to be in New Orleans, where I grew up, to be successful. So, I found this bankrupt, 8-room bed-and-breakfast called

(his grandmother Lena Torres has been a longtime Clerk of Court, and his father Sidney Torres III is a prominent attorney), the thrust toward upward mobility seems to be genetic. That doesn’t necessarily mean it was easy. “I think you’re born with the ambition and drive to find something you love,” explained Torres, “and I’ve had the good fortune to learn the real estate business from the ground up, with the help of some good mentors.” There were some initial bumps in the road getting there, however. After spending two weeks in college and deciding it wasn’t for him, Torres kicked around at a radio station in Baton Rouge before landing a job as a personal assistant to rock star Lenny Kravitz, who was on tour. “It got me out of my hometown and gave me a chance to see the world, but I was young and naïve, got into the party scene pretty heavily and an ongoing drug problem resurfaced. Off-focus, with no boundaries, two years into my employment, Lenny fired me. And he was justified. I crossed a line.” But failure can be a learning experience and a kick in

The Cove, right at the water’s edge. With permission from the Prime Minister and their Parliament, I turned it into 75 villas, three restaurants and two bars. I put $15 million into the property and finished the build-out in eight months. I sold it at a nice profit to a developer who owns Canyon Ranch and Enchantment Resorts. I undertook this project because it was a challenge.” The operative word here is challenge, and it’s a persistent theme in Sidney Torres’ career. When former mayor Mitch Landrieu, challenged the real estate mogul, who’d been highly critical of his law enforcement in the French Quarter, to put his money where his mouth was and fix the crime problem himself, Torres responded in a big way. He founded and funded the French Quarter Task Force, sending off-duty New Orleans Police Department officers to patrol the tourist-laden Quarter in their Smart cars. A smartphone app in which people can report crimes in real time yields an immediate task force response. The private policing app is now being used in other cities like Memphis and recently made its debut on the northshore.

the pants to establish a work ethic. The first step was getting into re-hab. Once clean, Torres decided to begin working for a contractor, cleaning up job sites before move-ins. A quick study, he became a foreman within a year. A former soccer coach, who did real estate on the side, became Sidney’s mentor, however, and with his grandmother co-signing his initial $50,000 loan, his mentor directed him to a specific area of the city to scout properties. “I bought my first property off Maple Street in 1997,” Torres remembered. “I liked the area because it was close to Tulane and Loyola, and my coach had taught me that

“With today’s technology, it’s become really useful,” said Torres, “because it finds your longitude and latitude coordinates, and allows us to find anyone in a rescue situation. So, if you’re on a farm, or out on the water where there are no cross streets, it still works.” Like much else in Torres’ life, he turned over the reins of that project to someone else—briefly, the city of New Orleans. But, in time, he took it back, because he had other ideas about what he wanted to do with the app. He now has other information integrated into the software, like how to pay a ticket, or where to find a bail bonding company. >>

February-March 2019 35


Inside New Orleans

photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

Sidney Torres is probably best known for his trash business, which evolved out of a vacuum when Waste Management’s trucks were flooded in hurricane Katrina and the city had absolutely no trash pick-up. He rented a truck to pick up the trash at his own hotel in the French Quarter, and word spread quickly that there was a trash truck rolling through the streets. Requests poured in, and in short order, he had a fleet of 50 energy-efficient trucks to service the city, replete with lemon-scented aromatics wafting through the Quarter’s corridors. With TV endorsements from friends Lenny Kravitz and Kid Rock, he was quickly dubbed Trashanova, for turning grime into glamour. Six years later, he sold SDT Waste and Debris Services at a healthy profit. “I got an offer I couldn’t refuse,” remembered Torres. “I sold it to Waste Connections, out of Canada. They are the parent company of Progressive Waste Solutions. At the time, I

was in 24 of the state’s 64 parishes. I had established relationships with multiple municipalities. It’s not just about price, believe me. Sure, we got brownie points for cleaning up New Orleans post-Katrina, but we also provided 5-star service to cities across Louisiana.” Two years ago, Torres made a command decision to re-enter the trash collection business. Under the moniker, IV Waste, he has begun with commercial clients. Parish-wide garbage services come up for bid infrequently, but when renewals do arise, expect Torres to be right in the fray. “Jefferson Parish is coming up in the not-too-distant future, and I’d like to get St. Bernard Parish back, as that’s where I grew up,” explained Torres. “I didn’t bid on New Orleans the last time it came up for bid, because I thought I was running for mayor in 2016. But with that behind me for the time being, I decided to concentrate on reinstating myself in the waste removal business. Beyond the numbers, there’s way more to this. For instance, recycling. Each parish has to come up with specific guidelines, train its people and most importantly, enforce the laws. In San Francisco, if you put trash in the recycling bin, you’re fined. With that sort of enforcement, you can actually affect the environment. Without it, you’re paying for recycling, but just wasting time and money.” Wasting money isn’t something Torres ascribes to. Not within his real estate empire, not in his trash business and certainly not in another one of his businesses using the familiar IV suffix from his name—IV Capital, a private investment firm that lends money to small businesses. “After I sold the garbage company SDT Waste, and paid off all of my debt, I opened IV Capital to do hard-money lending,” recalled Torres. “I always

remember when Joe Canizaro started First Bank & Trust, and we were looking down from his tower office, and he pointed to all of the properties which he had financed. I thought back then that one day I wanted to be in a position to help others, because I know what it’s like not to have the track record or collateral where anyone would even remotely consider loaning me a million dollars.” Those days, clearly, are over. But being a success isn’t all sunshine and lollipops. With any empire comes a fair share of headaches, sometimes requiring a lawyer on speed dial. To be sure, Torres is no stranger to controversy. Most recently, there have been ups and downs in a legal battle concerning a former French Quarter church on Rampart in which detractors argued Torres was in violation of Vieux Carré zoning regulations. After some legal wrangling and a lease with a church, he has now been granted an occupational license to run the property under the “place of worship” designation, which allows him to host various events without the zoning required for an official event hall. And, after acquiring a Frenchmen Street nightclub, Torres is at odds with the operator who claims the former owners failed to give him the opportunity to purchase the building himself, as was required in his lease. Attorneys, a court of law, or both will no doubt be determining a resolution to that matter. But don’t count Torres out— on resolving property disputes, or anything else. “I perform the best when I find something that’s totally messed up that I have to fix. I actually work better under pressure and stress. I’ve learned a lot from my mentors, and one of them, now a good friend, is Tilman Fertitta, the owner >> February-March 2019 37

of the Houston Rockets, the Landry’s Restaurant Chain and the Golden Nugget Casinos. I look up to him, and I listen to him. He doesn’t schedule anything beyond a week or so out, because he believes it’s important to stay focused on what’s right in front of him, right now. With those sorts of parameters in play, it’s a bit difficult to get answers to questions that involve the future tense. But Torres is not ruling out running for office … someday. And it could be for mayor. “When I considered a mayoral run previously, I was unhappy with the way the city was being run,” recounted Torres. “But you have to love what you’re doing, and the more I thought about going to the 2nd floor of City Hall, I realized it just wasn’t my time yet to sit still like that.” There’s certainly no sitting still on his nationally televised CNBC show The Deed, a docu-series Torres created in which he not only shows wannabe real estate developers the ropes, but finances their projects as well. Although the television network vets the prospective candidates, it is Torres who vets the future investments from a financial perspective. With his dollars, it must make sense. A recent house-flip in season two of the show focused on Preston Tedesco, a Tulane law student who teamed up with Torres to renovate a Bywater shotgun. “With Preston, we’re 50/50 partners,” explained Torres. “I put up all the money, and he puts up the sweat equity.” That relationship has survived long after Preston’s first house flip on the show. Torres appreciated the tenacity of this millennial, who wouldn’t take no for an answer. “The first time I called his office and made my pitch to have coffee with him, I was told he might be available in six months,” remembered Tedesco. 38

Inside New Orleans

“Sidney was filming the show at the time, but I didn’t give up.” That Bywater flip, by the way, went under contract within a week of completion and sold for $369 per square foot. In New Orleans real estate terms, that is a bonanza in anyone’s book. So, what’s next for the tycoon, with a $300 million net worth, who now has a 20-year-old son, Sidney Torres V, at Lynn University in Boca Raton who is now entertaining the idea of becoming an entrepreneur himself? “I will support whatever his interests are,” says his father, “and the best training he could get would be right here in these offices—but by another mentor, because I think it’s tough to be taught anything by someone as close to you as a parent.” Torres is also a parent to 2-year old Safina Donecia Torres, from his longtime relationship with former model Selina White. His eyes light up when he speaks about the precious little girl, who may have no Roman numerals after her name but is another SDT in a long line of them. “I realize it sounds egomaniacal to name your child the fifth, or give your daughter the same initials, but I’m proud of my family, and I’m proud to carry the name. So, I’m passing along that pride.” Just recently named as one of City Business’s 2018 Icons, he’s in the company of other business luminaries like Darryl Berger, William Goldring, and Donald Link. For the 43-year old, the real question may be where he goes from here. “Every day, I have to figure out what’s next,” Torres said contemplatively. “You asked me where I’d be in 20 years. To be quite honest, I don’t know where I’ll be in the next 20 minutes.” Wherever that is and whatever it entails, Torres is more than an idea man. He knows how to implement those ideas, and get things done. February-March 2019 39

At the Table by Tom Fitzmorris

IT MAY BE THE HAPPIEST SEASON OF ALL when we survey the best restaurants that appeared in New Orleans for the first time—or came back from the dead. Here is my top dozen such restaurants for 2018. The twelve best, because food comes by the dozen. And to give readers a bonus over the standard ten-best that other media outlets might lay on you. Overall, the main theme of 2018 is the buzz that restaurants were decreasing in their number and quality. This is pure bunk. There has not been any significant abandonment of restaurants from their markets. And if you went to a lot of restaurants above 40

Inside New Orleans

the fast-food category, you know that most of them were quite busy when you got there. As in past years, I don’t limit my survey to the span from January 1 to December 31, 2018. A few restaurants here actually opened in the last months of 2017. How can one rate a restaurant that just opened? Most diners give new restaurants some leeway before judging them. I welcome your thoughts about my list. Few people agree completely, which makes things interesting. Call me on the radio show: 3-5 p.m. weekdays, 504-2606368. Or write me at tom@nomenu.com.


Best New or Reopened Restaurants of 2018

Here goes! #1, Gris Gris. Garden District: 1800 Magazine St., 504-272-0241. I had trouble deciding which restaurant should lead this list until I recalled another list of a few years ago. In it, I called Square Root the best restaurant in New Orleans. I knew I was going out on a limb, but not to the extent the bold chef-owner of Square Root did. Indeed, it was excellent, but proved to be too far out to survive. Still, it will always be able to claim a unique creativity, remembered forever by the local gourmets with deep pockets. That was the gris gris that spills through time to inspire the namesake restaurant. Gris Gris, the restaurant, took over Square Root’s former space, and right there becomes distinctive. From a window-surrounded main dining room or a balcony on the second floor, the place feels good. The menu is much more conventional than its predecessors, with a decided Cajun-Creole tilt. It starts with first-class fresh ingredients and injects them with adventure. A whole redfish that surprised me on my first Gris Gris dinner lingers in my mind, as the eating just improved with every visit since. #2: Pardo’s. Mandeville: 5280 L. Hwy. 22, 985-8933603. “It makes you feel like you’re Uptown,” was the first comment I heard about Pardo’s. That captured the place exactly then and seems even truer now that the restaurant moved to its new Mandeville location. I had strong doubts about the new building, which looked shabby when seen from the highway. But when the new Pardo’s opened in November 2018, it had been transformed into a modern, airy, spacious plant for turning out classy meals. Even my wife loves it, and she’s a connoisseur of restaurant architecture. Everything that was good in the old Pardo’s is here, with one exception: no pizza. That will not be missed by most who will recognize this as a solidly fine-dining establishment. Not pretentious—if you want a steak, fried seafood or Caesar salad, you will find it without hauteur. But the presentations will be beautiful, and the best of the menu features a fair amount of topclass raw materials—foie gras, big sea scallops, great fresh fish and the like. The service staff is as fine as it was in the old place. Meanwhile, owner Osman

Rodas—a graduate of the Emeril and Commander’s schools, among others—tours the room with lots of great wines to suggest. He speaks the language of the younger clientele that Pardo’s has successfully wooed since it opened. All that keeps it from being at the top of this list is that it just reopened, and the kitchen seems not to have pulled its act completely together just yet. Which is entirely normal for restaurants this ambitious. #3: Vyoone’s. CBD: 412 Girod St., 504-518-6007. Step One: Get past the name. They are the first names of the two owners, both of whom are interesting to talk with, as you almost certainly will. Vyoone Sygue Lewis (pronounced “vee-ahn” is a pediatric doctor and a classical musician. Zohreh Khaleghi owned the Flaming Torch until it burned a couple of years ago. She was always an artist (still is), and got into the restaurant business when her husband passed away some five years ago. The restaurant is tucked away in the fringe of the CBD, in a restored building from the 1840s. A courtyard and a long, pleasant main dining room cater a menu of French-Creole bistro dishes, emphasis on the French aspect. Mussels, charcuterie, coquille St. Jacques, steak with frites, coq au vin, bouillabaisse, onion soup and that ilk. The Creole side brings in the shrimp, oyster, crawfish and other seafood, seasoned to the appropriate degree. Next to Emeril’s Meril, Vyoone’s is not obvious, but it’s a nice find. #4: Bar Frances. Uptown: 4525 Freret St., 504-3715043. Across America, a renewed interest in French bistro restaurants is spreading. I seem to keep stumbling onto them—to my pleasure. I’ve always been a fan of the style. Its soul really is French, and since most formally educated chefs learn about cooking largely through French examples, the cuisine is studied as much as any other fine-dining style. Bar Frances’s name tells us of salient facts about the place. It will indeed make an unusually strong appeal that you have at least a glass of wine. The first half of the menu is given over to cheese-and-cured-meat platters, salads, soups, omelettes and other small and very French plates. That’s just fine for the Millennials, who favor small plates. A lot of those on Freret street, where >> February-March 2019 41

Bar Frances fits right in. It all adds up to a fun meal with a distinctive French quality. No lunches. #5: Luvi. Uptown: 5236 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-6053340. The dining room and bar occupy the amount of space you’d find in a generous pair of parlors from a shotgun double, But its kitchen turns out such an array of unique dishes that it takes a while to comprehend the menu. Although I have it in the Chinese category, there are flavors from many of the Far East Asian culinary traditions. The menu itself is puzzling down to the dish names: “Snow White.” “Stoplight.” “Monkey Snack.” “Million Dollar Baby.” “Dark Forest.” Asking questions takes over much of your visit. But once you think you have a grip on all this, the ordering results in consecutive dishes of very intriguing eating. The service staff is very helpful, despite the puzzles, and in most ways, it turns out to be accessible. #6: Saba. Uptown: 5757 Magazine St., 504-324-7770. The runaway success of Shaya, the Israeli restaurant from Chefs John Besh and Alon Shaya, was such that when the two men broke away from one another, it left a vacuum. When the handsome Kenton’s restaurant shut down despite its very good Southern style and Magazine Street address, Chef Alon took advantage of the opening. He opened Saba with the same general spirit Shaya’s created, or so it seemed to me. It instantly succeeded— enough that the difficulty Shaya customers always had in getting tables was repeated at Saba. Few people are accustomed to doing that for a casual ethnic restaurant, but be aware that a reservation at Saba is essential. The food is not identical to Shaya’s, but Saba’s is recognizable and enjoyable. And the beautiful dining rooms, sidewalk tables and parking lot are alluring. The Middle Eastern restaurants around town have reacted to all this, and the whole category has changed a bit as a result. #7: Desi Vega’s @17th Street Canal. Metairie: 111 Veterans Blvd., 504-293-2490. Just when it seems clear that we have enough steakhouses to meet the demand, another two or three— always at the top end of the price spectrum—move in. Desi Vega’s is the best of 2018. After over a decade of success on St. Charles Avenue, the superb Mr. John’s Steakhouse reached capacity. With no room to expand 42

Inside New Orleans

where it is, it grew branches. This is the third under Desi Vega’s. The new Metairie location has a few great advantages. First, Metairie needed a high-end steakhouse other than Ruth’s Chris. Second, this was where a number of good restaurants have been over the years, memorably Charley G’s. It’s a handsome, comfortable venue with carefully chosen beef and other cuts and chops and a wide assortment of seafood and other eats in every department. The service staff has the feeling of a classic, old, almost New Yorky steak joint. #8: Francesca. Lakeview: 515 W Harrison Ave., 504266-2511. Scott Craig and partners—the owners of Katie’s in Mid-City—bought the former Koz’s (it was Charlie’s Deli long before that) in Lakeview during 2018 and added to its poor-boy menu an array of other specialty sandwiches. These include Cuban, Chicago-style Italian Beef, a few deli sandwiches, muffulettas and serious hamburgers. When they were rebuilding the place, they made a great deal on a massive pizza oven and added that to the menu. The growing restaurant community in the area didn’t have much in the way of such an accomplished sandwich shop, so Francesca became a full house instantly. #9: Copper Vine Winepub. CBD: 1001 Poydras St., 504208-9535. Without question, this cafe was created to appeal to the many people who work in, live in and visit the CBD. It is particularly convenient to those attending events at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome and the Smoothie Center, which can be a lot of people. The menu, design and service are adapted to Millennial tastes. But all I can think about when I go there is that this old building was the home of the extinct Maylie’s Restaurant for 110 years. It was a favorite of mine toward the end of that run. I admire the tasteful renovation the Maylie’s building received to become Copper Vine Winepub. Beyond that, there are no likenesses to Maylie’s. The concept here is to have a fairly large assortment of midrange wines served in a wide assortment of quantities. The menu is abbreviated, but given the elementary feel everything here brings to local dishes, they are better than one expects, if not by a wide margin. When full (which is often), it really gets loud in here. #10: Barrow’s Catfish. Carrollton: 8300 Earhart Blvd.,

504-265-8995. For decades from 1946, Billy Barrow and his family operated the city’s best fried catfish restaurant. Billy was also the impresario of his neighborhood and raised it to a higher level than its surroundings. He was killed in an automobile accident, and Katrina brought Barrow’s to an end. But it made a welcome return in mid-2018. The good news is that the new owners have Billy’s catfish recipe, which was a tightly-held secret. That was not just promotion. Barrow’s catfish was accurately called “popcorn fish” by an old girlfriend of mine, describing the lightness, greaselessness and flavor. Also this: the menu covers the entire casual seafood restaurant cafe spectrum. (Billy served only catfish, with potato salad on the side.) But the catfish is not quite what I remember. Still very good, and still a new place, so I expect it to improve as the days go by.


Look for the word … Fiduciary!


Gerald, age 48, asks: How do I know if my advisor is really an advisor and not just a salesman?

An advisor is someone who possesses knowledge and uses it to guide you down the path best suited for you!

An advisor is not someone who sells you investment products and earns a commission for doing so. The investment industry has become an “alphabet soup” of confusion. Most do not understand the difference between which one works for you

#11: Zocalo. Old Metairie: 2051 Metairie Rd., 504-570-6338. Old Metairie has a long history of ups and downs in its restaurant population. At the moment, it seems to be on the way down, if not dramatically. Among the eateries that have escaped the trend is Zocalo, from the mind of Edgar Caro. He comes from Colombia, but practices the cuisines of Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and the north coast of South America. Zocalo is a Mexican cantina, but refers back to the actual recipes currently or historically cooked in Mexico City. Most of the food here is very different from what you thought you ordered. This is a bit off-putting, but once you start cutting down through the meats, seafoods and tortillas, you soon get the habit. Just make sure you understand what you ordered.

and which one works for an institution. The first thought that should enter your mind is: Where does (his or her’s) paycheck come from? If it comes from an institution (bank or broker/dealer) then common sense will tell you where their allegiance lies. If you pay them directly, then there is no “middleman” dictating protocol. Have you ever stopped to think about how your advisor is measured in his or her’s job performance? If they work for a bank, a wire-house, a broker/ dealer, or an insurance company they are measured by how much business they bring in, not by how they perform for the individual client. Sometimes it seems that the most important function of an “advisor” is to make money for the firm, not the individual they are supposed to be servicing. A FIDUCIARY must act in a different manner. The fiduciary is mandated by law, and hopefully their own ethics, to act in your best interest over

#12: Half Shell Oyster House. Covington: 70367 S. Tyler St., 985-276-4500. Born in Mobile, Alabama, The Half Shell has gone from a long-running seafood house to a twelve-unit chain along the Gulf Coast from Louisiana into Florida. In 2018 came its first New Orleans area location, in Covington. The place was an immediate hit, and for months after it opened it was more likely than not that you’d have to wait as much as an hour for a table. Much of this success is owed to the handsome, casual dining rooms and the well-trained servers. Although it’s an all-around seafood restaurant, oysters take up a lot of space on the menu. They start out with the raw bar, then glorify the grilled oysters that have become so popular in recent years. The oysters have been very good in my experience. I’d eat there more often were it not for the dinner crowds. See you next year!

their own. The fiduciary’s performance is measured by YOU, the client, not some institution. The fiduciary advisor is paid by you, not an institution, therefore creating the right environment for YOUR success. Simply take the time to ask if your advisor is a fiduciary and clarify where his or her paycheck comes from. It could end up being the most important question of your financial life!

W. Mike Stewart AIF, RFC

W. Mike Stewart AIF, RFC • Wealth Management Services 985-809-0530 • wmsgroup@advisormike.com • www.advisormike.com

“One More River to Cross” Martin Luther King Jr. Visits New Orleans

by Joey Kent TRAIN #99 PULLED OUT OF Montgomery at exactly 10:40 that morning, right on time. Martin and Ralph shifted in their seats aboard the westbound Pan American streamliner, trying to navigate their feet to some level of comfort among the luggage stuffed below. Overhead storage bins, it seemed, were only for the occupants of every other Pullman car on the train bound for New Orleans that day, certainly not the lone “Coloreds Only” one they now occupied. But such was everyday life in the south during the Jim Crow era of the late 1950s in America. The two men held fast to their belief that change was coming. Indeed, the winds of freedom were beginning to stir, but the recent bombings of their respective homes made it clear that no part of the journey ahead was going to be in any way comfortable. “We must not return violence under any condition,” Martin had told the assembled crowd two weeks earlier from his front porch, where the scorch marks remained from the twelve sticks of dynamite snuffed out earlier that morning. “I know this is difficult advice to follow, especially since we have been the victims of no less than ten bombings, but this is the way of Christ. It is the way of the cross. We must somehow believe that unearned suffering is redemptive.” Fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin’s 44

Inside New Orleans

arrest for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus to a white person in March 1955 had unquestionably stirred the pot in Montgomery. Eighteen-year-old Mary Louise Smith’s arrest for a similar action in October had added fuel to the fire, and on the first of December, when a forty-threeyear-old seamstress named Rosa Parks followed suit, her arrest had drawn national attention and ignited the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a year-long act of civil disobedience that would introduce the world to a young, impassioned minister hell bent on changing the status quo for the Negro people—The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Now, at the midpoint of February 1957, Martin and his good friend The Reverend Ralph David Abernathy could see the campaign had been a successful one. Martin would later write, “The skies did not fall when integrated buses finally travelled the streets of Montgomery.” Martin and Ralph arrived in New Orleans just after seven in the evening on Wednesday the 13th. The weather was comfortable, with temperatures hovering in the mid-50s. They exited >> February-March 2019 45

the train into the Union Passenger Terminal, an “ultramodern facility” built just three years earlier in the shadow of the old Union Station on the fringe of Central City. The two were in town to attend a conference of southern business leaders where the agenda was to include the chartering of a national organization designed to pursue civil rights issues beyond Montgomery and the state of Alabama. In January, a group of more than 100 such leaders had convened in Atlanta and approved the framework for the organization. Now, a similarly sized group would assemble in New Orleans to formally vote the Southern Negro Leadership Conference on Transportation and Non-Violent Integration into existence, elect officers and get down to business. For the second time that month, Martin was in our city trying to initiate change. On the first of February, local lawyer A.P. Tureaud had filed a lawsuit on behalf of the New Orleans Chapter of the N.A.A.C.P. to end segregation on the city’s buses and trolleys, and King was on hand to address city leaders after the filing, warning them that “Old Man Segregation is on his deathbed, but the guardians of the status quo are on hand with oxygen tents to keep him alive.” Reverend A. L. Davis Jr. had agreed to host this multi-day event at the church he pastored, New Zion Baptist on Third Street in the heart of Central City. A contingency of right at 100 business leaders, including more than 30 from the New Orleans area, attended the gathering. A resolution chartering the organization under the shortened name of the Southern Leadership Conference was unanimously passed, and Martin Luther King Jr. was installed as the group’s first president. The delegates then heard addresses by Martin, his father, and Nashville minister Kelly 46

Inside New Orleans

Miller Smith. An optimistic King told the audience, “The opposition will soon absorb the shock and will see that the only way is to sit and talk things out with those who have freedom in their hearts.” Noting that President Dwight Eisenhower had turned down the group’s January request to “schedule an address in the South to encourage the maintenance of law and order,” King read a proposed telegram to the commander-in-chief outlining what he called a planned “Prayer Pilgrimage” to Washington if there was to be no response from the White House. “We are no longer faced with sporadic violence, but with what appears to be an organized campaign of terror. Against this shocking background, we have met in New Orleans to consider your response to our request.” King was mindful of the president’s busy schedule but characterized his inability to come south as “a profound disappointment to the millions of Americans of good will, North and South, who earnestly are looking to you for leadership and guidance in this period of inevitable social change.” The following month, Eisenhower’s chief of staff, Sherman Adams, wrote to King to acknowledge the telegram and report “the suggestions you make have already been given earnest study here.” King, on a recent trip to Ghana, had encountered Vice President Nixon and had, through his own efforts, set up a meeting with Nixon for the end of June, leaving Adams to conclude, “I know the president will be interested in having the further expression of your views as conveyed to the vice president.” Martin King awoke in New Orleans on Valentine’s Day 1957 with one thing on his mind, a telegram to his wife, Coretta, back home: “My darling, it is a pleasure for me to pause while attending

to important business which affects the welfare of this nation and attend to the most important business in the world, namely choosing as my valentine the sweetest and most lovely wife and mother in all the world. As the days go by, my love grows even greater, for you will always be my valentine.” The delegates dispersed later that day, and Martin and Ralph were not long on the train back to Montgomery when the seeds they sowed began to grow. Mardi Gras arrived late in 1957, on March 5 (as it will this year for the first time in the many years since). Leonard Burns, the head of a group known as United Clubs that represented several social clubs, proposed what came to be known as a “blackout,” an all-out boycott of Mardi Gras festivities by the black community. “New Orleans negroes will not dance while Montgomery negroes walk!” Burns told city officials. A new era of change was now underway in our city. The Southern Leadership Conference went on to rebrand itself the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, or SCLC, and would serve as Martin King’s banner organization in the struggle for civil rights during his lifetime and long after his untimely death. The New Zion Church still stands on Third near Liberty, where a small marker on the corner denotes the birth of King’s historic organization. Plans are underway to create an education park in a vacant lot adjacent to the church, and New Orleans filmmaker T.D. Antoine has a Katrina script he is shopping that compares the two eras of injustice through the eyes of a couple first recruited by King at the New Zion gathering, where he told them: “If only we can learn from these lessons of history …” Yes. If only. February-March 2019 47

celebrating weddings

The time between the excitement of “Yes” to the deep joy of “I Do” can be intimidating. So many decisions, from the biggies like when and where and THE DRESS to what to put into hotel room welcome bags for out-of-town guests—and who will deliver them in a timely manner! And so many people to consider. Who will be offended, maybe irrevocably, if not invited? Who will pick Aunt Beth up at the airport and see that she’s comfortable in the hotel? To say nothing of costs and a budget. Today’s brides- and grooms-to-be and their families have a plethora of resources available to help with planning a wedding, no matter what type of an event they choose. A wise choice for a first step is a reputable book on general etiquette and wedding etiquette in particular, such as the Emily Post books. One mother of a local holiday bride says she used the Amy Vanderbilt book as her go-to bible.

sought recommendations from friends for bands, florists, etc., but also trusted her own experience as a wedding guest over the years. She adds that she is very glad that she kept her eye on the big picture and did not get lost in minutia, unimportant details that would have wasted money and time. No matter how thorough the planning, there will inevitably be glitches of some sort. All experts advise that you try to “Be calm, and carry on” when the unexpected occurs. One MOB hosting a tented-over-grass wedding after days of torrential rain sent out for six pairs of white shrimp boots for the bridesmaids and held her breath as a part of the tented area flooded and had to be floored hours before guests were to arrive. A glitch can also take the form of something that is forgotten. Our holiday bride’s mother forgot to use the special napkins she had made early on. No one knew the difference. The most valuable resources, of course, are the personal ones who are there with a hug, a shoulder to cry on, a glass of wine and something to make you smile. For many, that may be a best friend. For one of our MOBs, it was the bride herself—and her mother, who besides her invaluable notes was also their inspiration for the entire event—from “Yes” to “I Do.” 48

Inside New Orleans

photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

reference detailed notes from her own wedding—her mother had carefully saved them. She says that she


Guidance can come from many sources. An Uptown MOB was fortunate to be able to

Wedding Planning Resources Books Emily Post’s Etiquette, 19th Edition: Manners for Today Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette Emily Post’s Wedding Planner for Moms The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette, 50th Anniversary Edition The Wedding Planner & Organizer (Mindy Weiss) The Everything Mother of the Bride Book The Knot Ultimate Wedding Planner & Organizer [binder edition]: Worksheets, Checklists, Etiquette, Calendars, and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Digital The internet can be a valuable source of ideas and planning help—from Pinterest to the websites of bridal magazines and registries. Many items are free. One unusual site is The 25 Best Wedding Planning Websites and Apps for Every Kind of Bride. Check it out, if only for fun. One example: A website best for anyone who loves a to-do list more than life itself.

February-March 2019 49


Boudreaux-Callahan Kristen Kay Boudreaux and Eric Thomas Callahan married at the St. Louis Cathedral surrounded by family and friends. The bride graced the aisle in a Justin Alexander beaded lace fit-and-flare gown with a detachable skirt. Lush greenery and blush blooms dressed the scene. A remembrance table was displayed at the ceremony to honor those who were not with the family on the special day. Following the vows, a second line led the happy couple and guests to the Omni Royal Orleans Grand Ballroom for a celebration. Reception goers noshed on delicacies from the carving stations and mashed potato bar and sipped cocktails from the carved ice martini bar. The traditional cake, accented with over 200 sugar flowers, was showcased in front of a flower wall. Other photos: TASHA RAE PHOTOGRAPHY

sweets included crème brûlée and bananas foster macaroons; beignets were passed at the close of the night. Groovy 7 kept the party dancing while light-up goodies and a photo booth added to the fun. The newlyweds honeymooned to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic before returning home to Covington. February-March 2019 51

David Cortez and Warren Backer.

It’s all in the details

The Wedding of Warren Backer and David Cortez


Inside New Orleans

sentimental value. Warren wore Louboutin dress loafers and David the newest Gucci’s with the signature Bee on the heel. These precious details deserved a backdrop that inspired the same feelings. The rich color and detail of the Proteus and Rex rooms provided Zackin with an incredible palette. She complemented the original decor with jewel-tone florals, gold-accented containers and crystal candelabras, all adding to a magical atmosphere. The colors were plum, burgundy, red, purple and dark blue and included hydrangea, roses, calla lilies and leucadendron. Gold-painted hot peppers paid homage to Warren, who is of the Pickapeppa hot sauce family. For the ceremony in the Proteus Room, floral designer Kim Starr Wise featured arrangements mounted on clear pedestals on either side of the Proteus shield. In the Rex Room, the florals for the long reception tables followed in the same suit as the ceremony, but added low, lush arrangements featuring tall crystal candelabras with glowing tapers. The linens were a modern metallic brocade that shimmered in the candlelight; the linen napkins were accented with a gold trim. Each place setting had the guest’s name written in gold script placed on their plate. “The wedding was classic and elegant, as were the


DETAILS ARE EVERYTHING. The planning of a wedding can be overwhelming. The celebration is a statement to friends and family about you and your soon-to-be spouse, about the joy of the vows and the love of your lifetime to come. Most other events in your life will not be captured in minute detail with photographs and mini-movies for the world to see. Though daunting, the details can separate a great celebration from a spectacular one. We asked wedding planner/event designer Susan Zackin, of Z Event Company, for her perspective on sparkling details from a recent wedding she executed for a New Orleans couple. The treasured Proteus and Rex rooms at Antoine’s were the ideal setting for the wedding of Warren H. A. Backer and David M. Cortez—on the 24th anniversary of their first date. Officiating the ceremony was Barrett Dippel, Warren’s nephew from Dallas, whose remarks touched all who were present. Attendants were the couple’s best friends, matron-of-honor Maury Rendeiro and Oby Rogers. Harry Hardin provided violin music prior to the ceremony and through the cocktail hour. Wearing matching Ralph Lauren tuxedos, the grooms walked to the altar to La Vie en Rose. Susan Seal, Maury’s mother, gave each groom an antique pin to wear that had

handsome couple. When guests entered the Rex Room for the seated reception dinner, their expressions were priceless, as the iconic room was glowing with the beautiful crystal candelabras and the jewel-tone florals on the stately long tables. Even the waiters who have been at Antoine’s for years said the room was the most beautiful they had ever seen it look!” says Zackin. Guests were served a traditional Antoine’s menu with soufflé potatoes as a passed hot appetizer. Starters included oysters Foch, shrimp remoulade and crabmeat ravigote; the second course offered a choice of the fish du jour amandine or the filet with Marchand de vin sauce. Both were accompanied by creamed spinach, Brabant potatoes or asparagus with butter. The wedding cake was a large baked Alaska, which was brought out flaming with “Congratulations David and Warren” written in chocolate sauce. Reception highlights included a special toast made to the grooms by the matron of honor when she pulled out a piece of toast to “toast” to begin! Making the details feel effortless and fun goes a long way in creating a memorable evening for all. Be fearless and take bold steps—it isn’t like you can add to the splendor the next time you throw this most special of celebrations. February-March 2019 53

celebrating weddings

Nina Friend dishes on registering at Friend & Company. Nina Friend wants every bride to have a memorable experience when creating her registry. That’s why at Friend & Company, brides are invited for a morning coffee appointment or a relaxing afternoon of sipping Champagne. Nina says, “We encourage the bride (and groom) to make a personal appointment with us. We are passionate and knowledgeable when it comes to assisting in the creation of a perfect registry, and we want them to enjoy the process.” Friend & Company’s world-renowned collections of china, silver, crystal and gifts are from well-known companies such as William Yeoward, Baccarat, Sasha Nicolas, Anna Weatherley, Herend, Fabergé, Annieglass and Waterford/ Wedgwood, to name just a few. When asked her favorite line of china, Nina pauses. “I love Herend because is so timeless, and I love all the colors; it mixes so well with everything, from pieces you have inherited or something you might add in the future. I tell couples not to be afraid of mixing and matching, and I really emphasize to them not to be afraid of color.” And for everyday china? “Sasha Nicolas. This gorgeous hand-decorated porcelain dinnerware offers four different monogram styles and four different colors. The gift and serving pieces can be made-to-order with a personal inscription. And the dinner plates start at just $29.00! We are proud to be the exclusive dealer in New Orleans.” When asked about the latest trends, Nina shares that picture frames are making a comeback. “An elegant silver frame engraved with a monogram or wedding date is a beautiful gift and keepsake.” And Champagne coupes. “This style of glass was popular in the late 19th century. I love William Yeoward—their designs have timeless appeal.” And if a bride changes her mind about her selections? “Well, at Friend & Co. that is never a problem. When a gift is purchased, we mail a card to the bride. And when she is ready, her bridal credit can be used toward anything in the store.” 54

Inside New Orleans






6. 7.

1. Baccarat Saint Valentin Red Doves, $360. 2. Herend American Wild Flower Passion Flower Salad Plate, $235. 3. Annieglass Mod Gold Large Server, $179. 4. Annieglass Edgey Gold Four Point Bowl, $284. 5. Waterford Lismore Wedding Cake Knife and Server Set, $310. 6. Waterford Lismore Diamond Essence Champagne Personalized Toasting Flute Pair, $160. 7. Varga Printemps Sky Blue


Champagne Flute, $248. 8. Bird and Company Blue Cork/Gold Leaf Acrylic Frame, starting at $75. 9. Gorham Chantilly 2 Piece Bridal Cake Set, $320. 10. Bernardaud Constance Green Five Piece Place Setting, $545. 11. Royal Crown Derby Aves Gold 5 piece place setting, $704. 12. William Yeoward Fern Champagne Coupe, $300. 8. 11.



7713 Maple St., New Orleans • (504) 866-5433 • friendandcompany.com

For the Event 1 2


4 1. L’Amour Crisscut diamond engagement ring, collection starting at $3,995. Boudreaux’s Jewelers, Metairie, 831-2602. 2. 1950s vintage pearl and diamond drop earrings set in 14K white gold, $1,750. Friend & Company, 866-5433. 3. Traveler light gray suit separates over 1905 white spread-collar dress shirt with Reserve Collection 100% silk tie in blush and a silk pocket square. Suit, $798; vest, $120; shirt $79.50; tie, $79.50. Jos. A. Bank Mandeville, 985-624-4067; Metairie, 620-2265; New Orleans, 528-9491. 4. NOLA Couture tie designed especially for The Pontchartrain Hotel, $65. The Pontchartrain Hotel, 941-9000.



1. Genuine leather Mollie cross-body convertible clutch in distressed platinum and silver with detachable strap and top zip closure, $155. Ballin’s Ltd, 8664367. 2. White gold Asscher-cut diamond engagement ring, $57,800. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, Metairie, 832-0000. 3. Platinum round diamond halo stud earrings, $25,500. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, Metairie, 832-0000.



Martin-Villanueva New Orleans was the dream

wedding destination for Sierra Martin and Dennis Villanueva from Arlington, Virginia. Sixty dear friends and family joined the couple in New Orleans for the wedding at Compass Point under the stately 200-yearold oaks. Sierra carried a lovely bouquet of David Austin roses in peach and white surrounded by lush foliage designed by florist Erin Steen. The reception featured traditional New Orleans fare of crawfish pasta, gumbo, boudin balls and crawfish pies, topped off with beignets prepared onsite by Beignet Belle. Rex Marshall with Full Circle Sound gathered everyone on extra hour. The fun continued when the couple and their guests hopped onto the ferry headed to Frenchman Street for more celebration. 58

Inside New Orleans


the dance floor and extended the party an

INside Look 1. Fitted gold metallic kneelength resort shift dress made of bouclĂŠ with functional welt pockets and embellishment at straps and waistband, $298. Palm Village, a Lilly Pulitzer Signature Store, Mandeville, 985-778-2547. 2. Platinum engagement ring featuring a 2.03 ct radiant-cut diamond center stone surrounded by .28 cts of round brilliant diamonds, $14,700. Symmetry Jewelers & Designers, 861-9925.




3. Christian Roth 4

cat-eye tortoise-shell frames with blueshaded lenses, $300. Optical Shoppe, Metairie, 301-1726. 4. Hand-embroidered sleeveless dress, $6064; boy two-piece, $66. Auraluz, Metairie, 888-3313.

February-March 2019 59




3 1. Acrylic, foil, glass and resin on canvas Mais oui, 24” x 24”, and Ready When You Are, 12” x 12”, starting at $349. Greige, Covington, 985-875-7576. 2. Absolute Repair Lipidium shampoo and conditioner. Shampoo, $24.99; conditioner, $22.99. Buy any two L’Oréal Professional-


Expert Series and receive 15% off. John V Salon Spa, 305-2745. 3. Bevolo’s Williamsburg Lantern. Bevolo Gas & Electric Lighting, 522-9485. 4. Fiona, 36” x 48”. Gallery B. Fos, 444-2967. 5. Memoirs console table by Kohler; various finishes available. Southland Plumbing Supply, Metairie, 835-8411. 6. Elizabeth W. Magnolia bath collection featuring soothing natural bath salts, triple-milled bar soap made from 100% plant base ingredients, and milky lotion to provide lasting hydration. Hilltop Shoppe, 533-9670. 7. Map of New Orleans serving board, $75.


Exclusive to The Shop at The Collection, The Historic New Orleans Collection, 598-7147.




Inside New Orleans

February-March 2019 61

Flourishes 1 2

1. Handmade wooden Mardi Gras pen, $39.95. Woodmen Furniture, 258-3916. 2. Durrance buffet, 44” H x 72” W x 24” D. Customization available. 3

The French Mix, Covington, 985-809-3152. 3. Pawley’s Island Poolside hammock in Sunbrella™ sling fabric, $189.99; Tri-Beam® hammock stand, $219.99. Both available in several colors. Outdoor Living Center, Covington, 985-893-8008. 4. One of a kind, handmade and painted Mardi Gras crown 4

by artist John Hodge. $35. Rug Chic Home Decor, Mandeville, 985-674-1070.





1. Bleak House, 9-14-18, 19� x 13� watercolor on paper by Kathryn Keller, $2,800. LeMieux Galleries, 522-5988. 2. Silver Cross Wave stroller with handstitched leather handles, stain resistant fabric, and double stroller compatibility. Kiki & Lolli, Covington, 985-900-2410. 3. Photos on canvas by local artist, $25. Judy at the Rink, 891-7018. 4. High-performance ceramic ware by Emile Henry. Oil cruet and spoon rest, $69. Niche Modern Home, Mandeville, 985-624-4045.

February-March 2019 63

THERE’S NEW MUSIC ON CANAL STREET as The Fillmore opens with an impressive line up. Slated to open with sold-out shows on February 15 and 16, the new venue has fans of the Foo Fighters and other music lovers buzzing. Fillmore clubs throughout the United States strive to provide artists and music fans unparalleled environments to connect through live music. The New Orleans location inside Harrah’s will be no different, paying homage to the very first Fillmore that opened in San Francisco in 1965. The venue embraces the beautiful aesthetic spirit of the ’60s and 64

Inside New Orleans

’70s, but in a contemporary setting that is state-ofthe-art in every way. The second level of Harrah’s has always been destined to be an entertainment space. With millions of people coming through the doors every year, it’s a great location that locals are familiar with and visitors seek out. Fillmore’s own dedicated entrance off Canal Street provides an ideal spot to bring a world-class venue into the building. Fans expect more these days when they look for entertainment, and this Fillmore delivers with incredible sight lines, lights, sound, food, signature


Music on Canal Street The Fillmore at Harrah’s New Orleans

On the Calendar February 15: Foo Fighters plus Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue February 16: Foo Fighters plus Preservation Hall Jazz Band February 18: Coheed and Cambria February 19 and 20: Duran Duran February 21: Blackberry Smoke February 22: Gucci Mane February 25: West Coast High 2019 featuring drinks and a variety of premium programs that allow fans to enhance their night out even more. Guests can expect to be treated to fantastic hospitality as Fillmore clubs are legendary for their sense of community. That was a hallmark of the first Fillmore, where founder Bill Graham started a tradition of handing out apples to guests as they left in case they were hungry from a long night of enjoying music. Rock, country, hip-hop, jamtronica, alternative, new-wave, grunge and other acts are expected to hit the club as well as comedy, burlesque, food festivals, special events and private parties. Headliners this month include Coheed and Cambria, Duran Duran, Blackberry Smoke, Gucci Mane, West Coast High featuring Cypress Hill and Hollywood Undead, and Dan + Shay. March brings Dropkick Murphys, Steel Panther, Franco Escamilla, The Avett Brothers, Ben Rector, The Noise, Brothers Osborne, Haters Roast, Hozier, and Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit. Visit fillmorenola.com for more information on concerts, food, drink, VIP programs and more.

Cypress Hill and Hollywood Undead February 28: WNOE 101.1 presents Dan + Shay, The Tour March 1: Dropkick Murphys March 4: Steel Panther Heavy Metal Lundi Gras March 9: Franco Escamilla R.P.M. USA Tour March 15 and 16: The Avett Brothers March 17: Ben Rector, Magic: The Tour March 19: The Noise Presents Nothing More, The Truth Tour March 21: Brothers Osborne March 23: Haters Roast, The Shady Tour March 27: Hozier, Wasteland, Baby! Tour March 29: Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit February-March 2019 65


by Karen B. Gibbs

Henriette Delille (1812-1862) Venerable Henriette Delille was born a free woman of color and grew up in the 500 block of Burgundy Street. She lived in New Orleans at a time when the plaçage system was practiced, whereby women of color lived as concubines (placées) with wealthy white men. In fact, it has been erroneously stated that the women in Henriette’s family were all placées. According to recent research by the Sisters of the Holy Family, there is no evidence that the women in Henriette’s family were placées. They had temporary liaisons with white men, but were not part of the plaçage system. It probably was from such a temporary liaison that Henriette bore two children, both of whom died before the age of three. Henriette’s longing to help poor people of color started early in life. At 14 years of age, she began teaching at St. Claude School for young girls of color and caring for the poor. In 1835, Henriette’s mother 66

Inside New Orleans

suffered a nervous breakdown and Henriette, then 23 years old, was given control of her assets. After setting aside enough for her mother’s care, Henriette sold the rest of the property. The following year, Henriette underwent a religious experience that transformed her life. Afire with the love of God, she founded the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a small order of mostly Afro-French-Creole nuns. That order eventually became the Sisters of the Holy Family. Their primary purpose was to educate and care for poor people of color. One of the earliest ministries of the Holy Family Sisters was housing and caring for elderly women—probably freed slaves—who had no one else to look out for them. This was the start of the first Catholic home for elderly people of color in the United States. Now called Lafon Nursing Facility of the Holy Family, it is still in operation today. When the yellow fever epidemics raged in >>


During the latter half of the 19th century, New Orleans women rose to meet the challenges of post-Civil War poverty, widowhood, poor education, minimal health care and sexual and racial prejudice. Eschewing dependency for independence, these strong women changed the educational, social and economic landscape of New Orleans. Most of us only know them by the buildings, streets and schools that have been named in their honor. As New Orleans celebrates its 300th anniversary, it’s time we learned more about these great women, the challenges they faced and the victories they won.

Henriette Delille, Founder of the Sisters of the Holy Family. February-March 2019 67

Grace Elizabeth King (1851-1932) Grace King. 68

New Orleans native Grace King was one of seven children born to Sara and William Woodson

Inside New Orleans

Josephine Louise Le Monnier Newcomb (1816 - 1901) Josephine Louise Le Monnier was born in Baltimore to wealthy parents, Mary Sophia Waters and Alexander Le Monnier. Largely educated in France, Josephine was only 15 when her mother died. Subsequently, she and her father moved to New Orleans to be close to her older sister, Eleanor, and her brother-in-law, William Henderson. The move to New Orleans proved to be a blessing because that’s where Josephine met Warren Newcomb, the man she would marry in 1845. A wise businessman, Warren provided a very comfortable life for his wife. However, money couldn’t shield the couple from tragedy. Their first child, Warren Jr., died shortly after birth in 1853. When their second child, Harriott Sophie, was born in New York two years later, the couple


1853 and 1897, the Sisters further distinguished themselves as caregivers of the sick and dying. Henriette Delille died of tuberculosis in 1862, at the age of 50. Indeed, she had lived her prayer: “I believe in God. I hope in God. I love. I want to live and die for God.” Five years after Henriette’s death, the Sisters of the Holy Family founded a girls’ school, St. Mary’s Academy, on Chartres Street. This was at a time when educating African Americans and slaves was illegal in New Orleans. Nevertheless, the school persevered. Today, 151 years later, St. Mary’s Academy is still in operation in New Orleans East. Henriette is the first native-born African American who is in the process of being named a saint by the Catholic Church.

King. Although once a wealthy family, the Kings were left practically penniless after the Civil War. However, through hard work, King’s father eventually became a prominent Uptown lawyer. As for King, she wanted to be a writer. After studying under Charles Gayarré, she launched her writing career, telling stories of women growing up in the post-war South. In Memories of a Southern Woman of Letters, she wrote about the many women who were left widowed by the Civil War—women who had to become independent and support their families. Influenced not only by the social but also the cultural scene of turn-of-the-century New Orleans, King’s writings were widely read. She was well-respected among her peers and for decades welcomed great authors like Mark Twain and Edmund Wilson into her home. Other works by King include: Tales of a Time and Place, Balcony Stories and Creole Families of New Orleans. She also had articles published in Harper’s and McClure’s magazines. In 1915, King was awarded an honorary degree in letters from Tulane University. King is buried in Lake Lawn Cemetery in Metairie. Grace King High School in Metairie and LSU’s Residential Life Administration building are both named in her honor.

was ecstatic. Warren was so devoted to his daughter, he quit working actively when Harriott Sophie was 8 years old so that he and Josephine could devote themselves to her upbringing and education. Sadly, that happy time ended after only three years when Warren died. Thanks to Warren’s business acumen, Josephine and Harriott Sophie were left with a sizeable fortune, one that continued to grow under Josephine’s wise management. This gave the duo a wonderful life, at least for four more years. In 1870, tragedy struck again when 15-year-old Sophie died of diphtheria. Understandably, Josephine—childless and widowed—became despondent. To ease her grief, Josephine looked for ways to memorialize her beloved daughter. In honor of Harriott Sophie, she made large donations to Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Kentucky, and to the Confederate Orphan Home in Charleston, South Carolina. Her most generous donation, however, was $100,000 to the newly established Tulane University in 1886 for the creation of the H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College for women. A year later, Newcomb College opened its doors, becoming the nation’s first self-sufficient women’s college connected with a men’s college. Over the years, Josephine donated another $1 million to Newcomb College. Upon her death, she gifted the college $2.5 million and named Newcomb College heir to any residual funds in the estate.

Eleanor McMain (1868-1934) Born in East Baton Rouge Parish during Reconstruction, Eleanor McMain described her early life as one of poverty. At the time, her father ran a plantation and a lumber yard. Remarkably, before he died, he became secretary and dean of LSU. Several years after her father’s death, McMain and her mother moved to New Orleans to live with family. She supported herself by teaching at Newcomb College, but she also taught poor Irish immigrants at the Free Kindergarten Training School. That school would later become part of Kingsley House, a settlement house that she directed in 1901. Modeled after Jane Addams’ Hull House in Chicago, Kingsley House was founded as a mission of Trinity Episcopal Church to serve poor immigrants. At the time, immigrants lived in poverty in crowded, disease-ridden tenements. They worked long hours and expected their children to work, too, instead of going to school. Typical of other settlement houses across the United >> February-March 2019 69

States, Kingsley House offered the poor a hand-up, not just a hand-out. Here, middle-class New Orleanians volunteered to live with the poor and share their knowledge and culture with them. They also provided services to help the poor improve their lives. These included daycare, kindergarten, adult education and vocational classes, healthcare, and social and recreational events. Located at 1600 Constance Street in the Irish Channel, Kingsley House became the largest and most influential settlement house in the South. During the city’s last yellow fever outbreak in 1905, McMain and Kingsley House workers spread the word that mosquitoes spread yellow fever, a new concept at the time. Working alongside residents in the Second Ward, they cleaned and fumigated gutters, and eliminated areas of standing water where mosquitoes bred. They even had a campaign that rewarded children for bringing in dead mosquitoes. It wasn’t long before Kingsley House became the center for the 70

Inside New Orleans

progressive movement in the New Orleans area. From there, McMain promoted women’s right to vote, child labor legislation, education and public health. She also set up a citywide recreation system, established the city’s first public playground and instituted a tenement house code. In recognition of her outstanding work, she was awarded the Times Picayune Loving cup in 1920. Working through Kingsley House, McMain help found Tulane University School of Social Work in 1921. It was the first program for training social workers in the Deep South. McMain died of heart disease at the age of 68. Eleanor McMain Secondary School at Claiborne and Nashville Avenue in Uptown is named in her honor. Kingsley House on Constance Street still operates as a community center.

Frances Xavier (Mother) Cabrini (1850 - 1917) Frances Cabrini was born in Italy in 1850, the youngest of

thirteen children. She aspired to be a missionary but, due to poor health, she was denied entry into the very order that educated her to be a teacher. Determined, not discouraged, she and seven other women founded their own religious order, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, in 1880. Although she asked the pope’s permission to work in China, Frances, now called Mother Cabrini, followed his suggestion to work among poor Italian immigrants in the United States. After establishing a convent in New York City, Mother Cabrini went to New Orleans in 1892 to assess the plight of the Italian immigrants there. At the time, Italians lived in slums around the St. Philip Street neighborhood and were thought of as thugs. Appalled by the situation, she brought some Sisters from New York to New Orleans to minister to them. Immersing herself among the poor, Mother Cabrini rented a few rooms in one of the tenement houses on St. Philip Street. When that house went up for sale some time later, Mother Cabrini bought it and, with the help


Eleanor McMain High School.

of neighbors, turned it into a convent and a chapel. The convent became a community center for the Italians, and further integrated the Sisters into the everyday lives of the immigrants. Among their many works, the nuns served as midwives, catechists to Italian seamen and dock workers and caregivers to the poor on upriver plantations. Mother Cabrini herself visited prisoners, especially those condemned to death, and delivered letters back and forth to family members. Since the Sisters never charged for their services, they begged for alms to support their work. Mother Cabrini left New Orleans to open new convents around the world, but she returned in 1905 and enlarged the St. Philip Street convent. Later, she converted this convent into a school for boys. This school later merged with St. Mary’s School and, in 1928, the St. Philip location became Cabrini Day Home, one of the city’s first daycare centers. Through the generosity of Captain Salvatore Pizatti, Mother Cabrini acquired a plot of land on 1400 Esplanade Avenue near Bayou St. John. There, she built a convent and Sacred Heart Orphanage for immigrant children whose parents died in the yellow fever epidemic. When the orphanage closed in 1959, this building became Cabrini High School for girls. In 1946, Mother Cabrini became the first naturalized citizen of the United States to be named a saint.

Grateful acknowledgement to Charlene Sinclair; Women and New Orleans: A History by Mary Gehman; the Historic New Orleans Collection; and the Sisters of the Holy Family. February-March 2019 71

Health & Wellness 2019

Stress Less 2020 may not be descending upon us until next year, but there’s no reason we can’t have a 20/20 vision of how to make this a healthier time right now. According to a growing body of research, the one thing we want to immediately eliminate, or at the very least reduce in our lives, is stress. It’s everywhere—at home, in the workplace and in life, generally. You may not be able to get rid of your work deadlines or re-train your spouse or your overbearing boss, but you can certainly find ways to keep their problems from becoming yours by causing undue stress in your life. Stress raises blood pressure, causes headaches and weakens your immune system. So, begin your plan to build up your body to be able to weather the effects of stress. Cardiologists and oncologists whose patients participated in a recent large study have strong evidence to believe that not only does a weekly regimen of exercise lower stress and prevent heart attacks and stroke, but it even prevents cancer, as it strengthens your immune system and wards off cancer cells that can turn deadly. Just 20 minutes a day, or two-and-a-half hours a week does a world of good. Additionally, your body produces endorphins during exercise, which gives you a sense of wellbeing, in spite of any stressors coming your way. The American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society have just finished tests on thousands of patients and have concluded that running up four flights of stairs in 50 seconds or under without becoming so winded that you fall over is a good test of what sort of condition you’re currently in. If you try this test and cannot complete it, it’s time to work up gradually to a good regimen of cardiovascular exercise. If you’re lucky enough to have gym equipment in your home, or even hallways to run around, it’s time to get your heart rate revved up now. Spend 20 minutes on a treadmill, and gradually raise the incline to really get a good cardiovascular workout. You can do this while catching up on the morning’s headlines, or while reading a book. High impact isn’t required as long as your heart is pumping. It’s recommended that you exercise within 55 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate, roughly calculated as 220 minus your age. That’s the upper limit of what your cardiovascular system can actually handle during physical activity. Do the math, figure out what your heart rate should be, wear a Fitbit or other tracking device and get your heart pumping! And don’t forget about the dietary component that should go along with any stress-reducing exercise program. Too much caffeine and sugar (both stimulants) cause stress, so moderation is the key. Alcohol is a known depressant, and depression leads to 72

Inside New Orleans

by Leslie Cardé

A Personal Vision for the New Year

stress, so keep alcohol consumption to healthy limits. According to the Mayo Clinic, low-risk drinking means no more than four drinks on any day for men and three drinks for women. And, because women generally weigh less than men and have less water in their bodies, the weekly limits are very different—not more than 14 drinks per week for men, but no more than seven drinks per week for women. Eliminate or moderate many of the harmful fats in your diet, but kick it up a notch on healthy fats like avocados and salmon. Take a multi-vitamin, and add in extra Vitamin C and calcium, both stressbusters. And last but not least, at the end of every day, try to find a way to relax, unwind and de-stress. That might mean meditation, it might mean relaxing with your significant other, or even a pet, and it could mean half a glass of red wine. Red wine contains resveratrol, a polyphenol thought to lower blood pressure, have a positive effect on blood fats and even ease joint pain. This particular polyphenol comes from the skin of red grapes, but it can be found in peanuts and berries, as well. So, for 2019, it’s time to put some real thought into de-stressing your life. You will be significantly healthier and live considerably longer as a result.

February-March 2019 73

Health & Wellness 2019

Listen to Your Heart Don’t be 1 in 3. Pledge to Go Red for Women One in three. That’s the price women pay for cardiovascular disease. While nearly 80 percent of cardiac events can be prevented, heart diseases continue to be a woman’s greatest health threat, claiming the lives of 1 in 3 women. That’s a third of mothers, sisters and friends. It’s time to change this fact. A woman you know and love may be affected by cardiovascular disease—at any age. It is the number 1 killer of women, nationally and in Louisiana. In fact, heart disease now claims more lives than all cancers combined. On February 1, 2019, the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women® movement will celebrate the Annual National Wear Red Day. Women can raise awareness of their number 1 killer—heart disease—by wearing red, donating to fund cuttingedge research and life-saving education programs that increase heart disease prevention and reduce heart attacks, and making a difference in their community by taking action and volunteering. • Be aware. Know your numbers (total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and body mass index) and talk to your doctor to lower your heart health risk. • Move more and eat smart. Make physical activity and healthy eating a priority by joining the #GoRedGetFit team on Facebook and sharing with your Facebook friends. • Manage blood pressure. Get it checked, and if you have high blood pressure, commit to monitoring it regularly through the American Heart Association’s Check. Change. Control. Tracker. Our community has a unique voice, and each one is needed to spread the word about the number one killer of women. Consider using your social media to: • List and tag 3 women you can’t live without on your social media, use the hashtags #NOLAGoRed

#WearRedDay #1in3, and challenge your friends to do the same. 74

Inside New Orleans


• Dress your babies and pets in red and use the hashtags #NOLAGoRed and #WearRedDay so we can see and share them. • Go on a red scavenger hunt and show off what’s red around you (it’s fun with the kids too!). Use the hashtags #NOLAGoRed and #WearRedDay.

• Post about why or how you won’t be #1in3 and use #NOLAGoRed.

leading cause of death among women. But the work is far from over. Heart disease and stroke claim the life of a woman every 80 seconds. Simply stated, there is no greater killer of American women. We need to rally together as a community to make preventative care of

The Go Red for Women campaign/National Wear Red Day is

heart disease a top priority. Believing you are low risk for heart disease

more than a message. It’s a nationwide movement that celebrates the

is not enough for a killer that does not discriminate against age, race,

energy, passion and power we have as women to band together to

social status, neighborhood or gender. Wear your red on February 1.

wipe out heart disease and stroke. It’s an easy, powerful way to spread awareness and support the mission of Go Red for Women, which is to provide them with opportunities to prioritize and take charge of their own health; build communities that support and provide access to healthy choices; demand equal access to healthcare for all women and their families; and increase women in STEM in future generations. Today, more women than ever recognize that heart disease is the

For more information or to join us for our Go Red Luncheon on March 29, 2019, please visit the New Orleans Go Red for Women website.

February-March 2019 75

Health & Wellness 2019

Planning to Cook Healthy Learning how to prepare and cook meals at home will improve your control over the nutritional content of the foods you eat. You can also save money. Instead of smothering them in flour, salt and fat, try one of these easy, better-for-you cooking techniques:

Get Fit At Home with Fitness Expo ANYONE WHO IS IN THE MARKET to get healthy, shed a few pounds or better their health in general owes it to themselves to stop in one of the Fitness Expo locations. Fitness Expo, a local specialty fitness company that specializes in high quality exercise equipment for the home or office, has been in business for 38 years and is the expert in the industry throughout Louisiana and

Bake: Cook foods slowly in dry heat like an oven.

Blanch: Boil the food briefly (about 30 seconds), then plunge into ice water

Mississippi. The sales associates have fitness backgrounds and will consult with

to stop the cooking. This is especially cool for veggies you want to keep a

the customer to help them find the best product for their needs.

little bit crisp or almost-raw.

Fitness Expo urges customers to not be misled by internet and TV gimmicks. President Rodney Rice Jr. says, “I am amazed by how many people

Braise: Cook food using both dry heat—from an oven or the stovetop—and wet heat from liquid.

have visited our stores and are so upset by the mistake they have made by either buying online or off a TV infomercial. Today, there are so many lines of exercise equipment that are made overseas and are very low quality. We represent brands that have been around since the beginning of the fitness industry and are very particular about the brands that we carry.” The best brands you can purchase for your home are the same brands that you would see in health club facilities, but they have models specifically for the home. On the Fitness Expo showroom floor, the customer will see Precor, Octane, Matrix, Horizon, BH Fitness, Vision, Lifefitness, Inspire, and Hoist. Rice says, “When you come to our showroom, you will see hundreds of machines. We want you to jump on and try our units to find the machine that will help you reach your goals. Ultimately, the best machine is the one you will use.” The bottom line is, if you are looking for fitness equipment, you owe it to yourself to visit Fitness Expo. With up to thirty-six months and zero-percent options, it is easy to fit any budget. Do not fall for the TV gimmicks or the false advertising of quick fixes. Visit Fitness Expo to experience the very best brands, a broad range of price points, delivery and installation and even service after the sale. There is no reason to shop anywhere else.

Fitness Expo is located at 4124 Veterans Blvd. in Metairie. (504) 265-1452. fitnessexpostores.com 76

Inside New Orleans

Broil: Cook directly under a heat source at high temperature. Grill: Cook directly over a heat source.

Poach: Cook by immersing food in simmering liquid like water, broth or wine.

Regain your Confidence, Happiness AND HEALTH in 2019! by Peggy Rodriguez, RN, BSN

At everyBODY Wellness and Weight Loss Clinic, we take a lifestyle approach to help our clients lose unwanted weight in Roast: Cook uncovered in the oven.

a fat-burning state while

Sauté: Cook food in a pan over direct heat using a small amount of liquid like

protecting the muscle.

vegetable stock, fruit juice, wine, healthy oil or cooking spray, or even water.

After my own personal

Steam: Cook in a covered pot over boiling water. Foods will retain more of their

weight loss journey with

shape, texture and flavor.

Ideal Protein six years ago, I added the program to our clinic. As a product of Ideal Protein weight loss, I firmly believe in its dependable, repeatable and predictable nature. Ideal Protein was initially created for the French Olympic athletes to help them burn fat and build lean body mass. In the United States, the program has been utilized to treat the alarming rate of obesity, which is the root cause of so many disease processes. Clients relate to me because I understand the struggles of what they are going through. I was a prime example—I thought I was eating healthy and exercising, but I was just adding pounds. Our program is a low-calorie, low-fat and low-carbohydrate protocol that allows safe and effective weight loss. We make sure that one does not over-

Stir-fry: Use a wok or large pan to cook food quickly over very high heat in a small amount of liquid or oil. Stir constantly to prevent sticking or burning.

consume proteins. Calories are based on proteins and fresh vegetables coupled with Ideal Protein products that help to adjunct the diet. These products help to ensure low calorie consumption. Working with the coaches at everyBODY Wellness and Weight Loss Clinic is not just about losing weight—it is about lifestyle changes, and maintaining a healthy weight is often more challenging than losing the weight. One of the main reasons we do what we do here is we love to make people’s lives healthier, happier and more fulfilled! The journey into weight loss is a personal and intimate one, which is why we work individually and confidentially with each of our clients to determine and achieve their goals. Watching people as they become happier, more confident and begin to lead healthy lives again gives me and my team more joy than we could imagine. Come share our excitement and enthusiasm for life! Let us take this incredible journey into a healthier lifestyle with you.

Try one of these methods the next time you cook at home. You can also look for dishes prepared in these ways when you eat out. And for you high achievers, explore even more healthy cooking terms and techniques you can use to get your chef on! everyBody wellness is located at 2901 Ridgelake Dr. Information courtesy of the American Heart Association.

in Metairie and 8216 Oak St. in New Orleans. 287-8558. February-March 2019 77

INside Peek Leading Ladies League Lunch


The Leading Ladies League convened for their December Lunch at the Ritz Carlton. Themed “Blue Christmas,” the lunch, hosted by Ingrid Rinck, Kirsten Rinck and Alison Barrios, gathered women dressed in blue and silver. The event raised over $1,500 for a single mom of two. Founded by Ingrid Rinck, the league’s 100 active members take turns hosting glamorous themed lunches to raise money for local women who could use a hand up. The combined northshore and southshore chapters have donated over $12,000 to local women in under a year. If interested in applying to join, find the Leading Ladies League on Facebook.

Friends of Jefferson the Beautiful Holiday Celebration


Friends of Jefferson the Beautiful gathered at the home of David and Greer Monteleone for a holiday celebration. Holiday décor, lights and a stunning table centerpiece of singularly vased roses set the scene for fun. Guests enjoyed passed hors d’oeurves, libations and a savory spread catered by Martin’s Wine Cellar. Notable attendees included: Nora Vaden Holmes, David and Greer Monteleone, Holley Hagg, Bobbie Gattuso, Philip Gattuso and Cary Hammett among many others.


Inside New Orleans

INside Peek Ursuline Academy La Fête 292

photos courtesy: URSULINE ACADEMY

It was a beautiful evening in the Ursuline Academy courtyard for the La Fête 292 Champagne Patron Party and Hancock Whitney Gala. The patron party showered guests with music by violinist and Ursuline Academy orchestra teacher Lourdes Reeks and pianist Jan Schaeffer Cox. Specialty cocktails by Jeanne O’Leary and Aleesha Gambrell featuring Poof Cotton Candy were served as well as bacon-wrapped scallops and turtle soup by Sage Dining Services. Blue and white lighting highlighted the courtyard’s palm trees as the center fountain shimmered from the lights’ glow. Gala attendees were entertained by MoJEAUX through dinner and auction bidding. The auctions gathered 245 silent items and four live items including a weeklong stay at The Little Gem Cottage in North Carolina and a four-course dinner for six at Cava. Captain Jason and Mrs. Paige Brown purchased Ursuline Academy from State Street, a Tuna Seither giclée specially designed for La Fête 292.

February-March 2019 79

INside Peek 1. Linda Skidmore Foreman, Denise Mehurin, Lee Pitre, Carole Parker Mc Ginity, Cynthia Glancy and Alice Reese at the Metairie Country Club for the New Orleans Garden Society Past Presidents Luncheon. 2. Rob Mouton, Martin Landrieu, Kirk Barrell and Johnny Denenea at the uncorking of Anasazi Wine Imports at Cava. 3. Camp Barney Medintz counselors getting excited about the summer with campers and potential campers in New Orleans.





Inside New Orleans


The National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Benefit A fundraiser to benefit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor was held at Frank and Paulette Stewart’s home. The well-attended evening featured guest speaker Brian Kilmeade of Fox News and Friends, who authored Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans. While Brian signed his book for fans, guests enjoyed delicious food from Elizabeth Anderson Catering.

INside Peek Rach and Bach

photos courtesy: ESU NEW ORLEANS BRANCH

The New Orleans Branch of the English-Speaking Union hosted “Rach and Bach,” a Gala concert to celebrate the Centennial Gala of the International English-Speaking Union, at The Orpheum Theater. President F. David Grissett worked with co-chairs Julie Jardine and Shauna Grissett on the local “grass roots” benefit. The weekend’s festivities began with a cocktail party for English Speaking Union out-of-town guests followed by the Gala on Saturday and a Sunday brunch. Michael D. Harold, as Bach, played Piano Concerto No. 5 in F-Minor, BWV 1056 and E. Quinn Peeper, as Rach, played Piano Concerto No. 2 in C-Minor, Op.18. Opera soloists and sopranos Irini Kyriakidou Hymel and Christina Vial Comer entertained by singing arias from various operas throughout the evening. The English-Speaking Union celebrates English as a shared language to foster global understanding and good will by providing educational and cultural opportunities for students, educators and members.


Inside New Orleans

WYES Salutes Victoria’s Third Season

photos courtesy: WYES

WYES hosted fans of the MASTERPIECE series Victoria as the much-anticipated drama kicks off its third season. Events held at the Paulette and Frank Stewart Innovation Center for Educational Media ranged from a private boardhosted dinner to a Champagne reception to a free screening. In attendance were WYES Board Chairman Cleland Powell, Tommy Westervelt, Marla Garvey, Donna and Vince Giardina, Mary Kevin and Larry Kornman, and Paulette and Frank Stewart, among others.


Fête Du Champagne Pink and white roses in vintage champagne buckets set the scene for the Fête Du Champagne luncheon toasting debutantes Juliet Eliana Detiveaux Cimini and Massey Demmas. Juliet is the daughter of R. Vaughn Cimini and Susan Cimini and Massey the daughter of George Demmas and Raine Bedsole. Music by the Gumbo Trio filled the room at Galatoire’s where 120 friends and family members dressed in white and gold gathered. Galatoire’s Grand Gouté, assorted oyster delights, trout almandine and bread pudding with rum sauce were enjoyed by all. Both debutantes are attending the American University in Paris.

February-March 2019 83

IN Great Taste by Yvette Jemison


Inside New Orleans

Cozy and Warming Soup DON’T YOU JUST LOVE a cozy bowl of soup on a chilly day? This recipe is cold-weather friendly and filled with layers of flavor as the onions, broth and butter slowly transform into a satisfying soup. The bottom has caramelized onions in a flavorful broth. It is topped with a toasty crouton that has gooey swirls of Gruyère cheese and smoked paprika. I don’t know which I most enjoy, the luxurious soup or the rich crouton. Be sure to make extra croutons because your family will enjoy snacking on them long after the soup has disappeared.

With a few simple tweaks, this recipe can be a great gluten-free or vegetarian dish. Easily make this gluten free by using a gluten-free stock and Udi’s Gluten Free Baguettes for the croutons. For a filling vegetarian dish, use a vegetable stock instead of chicken stock. If Vidalia onions aren’t available, substitute another sweet onion variety or simply use yellow onions. The soup gets its rich taste from the caramelized onions, so you won’t sacrifice taste with any of these adjustments.

Vidalia Onion Soup with Gruyère Croutons Servings: 8 1/2 cup butter 1/4 cup olive oil 5 lbs. of Vidalia or sweet onions, about 12 cups cut into 1-inch rings 2/3 cup Cognac 1 1/2 quarts (6 cups) chicken stock 2 teaspoons kosher salt 1 teaspoon black pepper French baguette, cut into 1-inch photos: YVETTE JEMISON

thick slices 6 oz. Gruyère cheese, shredded Smoked paprika Special equipment: extra-large, heavy-bottom pot

1. In an extra-large, heavybottom pot on medium heat, add butter and olive oil until butter is melted. 2. Add onions and stir to separate and coat the rings. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until onions are browned and translucent, about 45 minutes. 3. Add Cognac and simmer on low, uncovered, until liquid evaporates and onions are softened, about 30 minutes.

4. Add stock, salt and pepper and simmer for 30 minutes. 5. Preheat oven to 400°. Place baguette slices on baking sheet. Top with Gruyère cheese and sprinkle with paprika. Bake until cheese is melted, about 5 minutes. Serve bowls of Vidalia onion soup topped with a Gruyère crouton. We’d like to see your version. Share your creation by tagging us on Instagram at @insidenorthside. For more recipes, go to YDelicacies.com, or follow on Instagram at y_delicacies. February-March 2019 85

Haute Plates 2019

A selection of restaurants and haute dishes found in and around New Orleans.


Antoine’s Restaurant

NEW ORLEANS, LA 504-568-0245



ANNUNCIATIONRESTAURANT.COM Annunciation Restaurant, located in New

713 SAINT LOUIS STREET 504-581-4422

Established in 1840, Antoine’s is the oldest




Award-winning contemporary coastal cuisine

Orleans’ bustling Warehouse District, is walking

French-creole fine dining restaurant in New

featuring Gulf seafood, beef, lamb, chicken, Maine

distance to the New Orleans Convention Center

Orleans. Come see what it is all about and enjoy

lobster and unique chef specials daily. Lunch,

and WW2 Museum. Specializing in southern and

great food along with a memorable experience!

dinner, happy hour and private parties. Make your

creole cuisine, Annunciation is the perfect setting

Make your reservation today.

reservation on open table.

for an intimate evening out or corporate dinner.

Caffe! Caffe!

Carreta’s Grill

The Country Club

METAIRIE, LA 504-885-4845

HARAHAN, LA 504-305-4833


METAIRIE, LA 504-267-9190

METAIRIE, LA 504-837-6696


In 1992, Lisa and Gerard Beck opened the first



Since 1999, Carreta’s Grill has been

713 SAINT LOUIS STREET 504-581 4422

Hidden away in New Orleans’ charming Bywater neighborhood, The Country Club offers

committed to bringing you authentic, quality, fresh

an elegant escape from everyday living. Discover

Caffe! Caffe!, a friendly neighborhood cafe that would

food at reasonable prices. Carreta’s goal is to make

a beautiful oasis with award winning wines, craft

be a gathering place for business, pleasure and after-

you feel like part of the family. Lunch, dinner, and

cocktails and extraordinary creole contemporary

dinner coffee and dessert. Meet me at…Caffe! Caffe!

catering for a premier Mexican experience.

food and service. Make your reservation today!


Inside New Orleans

La Carreta

Legacy Restaurant

New Orleans Creole Cookery


NEW ORLEANS, LA 504-524-9632






Celebrating over 20 years of fresh food in

Bright, casual eatery offering sophisticated


NEWORLEANSCREOLECOOKERY.COM Experience traditional creole tastes of New

a fun and festive atmosphere, La Carreta offers

American comfort food and crafted cocktails.

Orleans in the historic French Quarter. Specialties

authentic Mexican cuisine at several locations

Photo features the Cast Iron Seared Tuna

include jambalaya, crawfish étouffée, shrimp

across Southeast Louisiana. Daily lunch specials,

Salad with mango, avocado, macadamia and

creole, and raw and chargrilled oysters on the half

fiesta time daily and family friendly.

tango dressing.

shell. Craft cocktails and signature drinks during happy hour, weekdays 3-6pm.

February-March 2019 87

INside Dining New Orleans is home to more great restaurants than we could hope to list here. For a comprehensive listing of restaurants in the New Orleans metro area, please refer to Tom Fizmorris’ nomenu.com. In this guide, you will find some of the best bets around town. Tom’s fleur de lis ratings are shown.

Bombay Club aaa Contemporary Creole, 830 Conti St., 504-577-2237 Bourbon House aaa Seafood, 144 Bourbon St., 504-522-0111 Brennan’s Contemporary Creole, 417 Royal St., 504-525-9711 Broussard’s aaaa Creole French, 819 Conti St., 504-581-3866 The Country Club Contemporary Creole, 634 Louisa St., 504-9450742.

CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Blue Room aaa American, 123 Baronne, Roosevelt Hotel. 504-6481200 Bon Ton Café aaa Cajun, 401 Magazine St., 504-524-3386 Borgne aaa Seafood, 601 Loyola Ave. (Hyatt Regency Hotel), 504613-3860 Chophouse aaa Steak, 322 Magazine St., 504-522-7902 Desi Vega’s aaaa Steak, 628 St. Charles Ave., 504-523-7600 Domenica aaaa Italian, 123 Baronne St. (Roosevelt Hotel), 504-648-6020 Drago’s aaaa Seafood, 2 Poydras St., 504-584-3911 Herbsaint aaaa Creole French, 701 St. Charles Ave., 504-524-4114 Liborio aaa Cuban, 321 Magazine St., 504-581-9680 Legacy Kitchen’s Oyster Counter + Tap Room aa American, 817 Common St, 504-827-1651 MiLa aaaa Eclectic, 817 Common St., 504-412-2580 Morton’s The Steakhouse aaa Steak, 365 Canal St. (Canal Place Mall), 504-566-0221 Mother’s aaa Sandwiches, 401 Poydras St., 504-523-9656 Rivershack Tavern Hamburgers, seafood, 3449 River Rd., 504834-4938 Ruby Slipper Café aaa Breakfast, Neighborhood Café, 200 Magazine St., 504-525-9355 Ruth’s Chris Steak House aaa Steak, 525 Fulton St., 504-587-7099 Windsor Court Grill Room aaa American, 300 Gravier St., 504522-1994

Court of Two Sisters aaa Creole French, 613 Royal St., 504-522-7261 Deanie’s Seafood Seafood, 841 Iberville St., 504-581-1316 Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse aaa Steak, 716 Iberville St., 504-522-2467 El Gato Negro aaa Mexican, 81 French Market Place, 504-525-9752 Frank’s aaa Creole Italian, 933 Decatur St., 504-525-1602 Galatoire’s aaaa Creole French, 209 Bourbon St., 504-525-2021 Galatoire’s 33 Bar & Steak aaa Steak, 215 Bourbon St., 504335-3932 Gumbo Shop aaa Creole, 630 St. Peter St., 504-525-1486 GW Fins aaaa Seafood, 808 Bienville St., 504-581-3467 Irene’s Cuisine aaaa Italian, 529 Bienville St., 504-529-8811 K-Paul’s Louisiana Kitchen aaaa Cajun, 416 Chartres St., 504596-2530 Kingfish aaaa Cajun, 337 Chartres St., 504-598-5005 Louisiana Bistro aaa Contemporary Creole, 337 Dauphine St., 504-525-3335 Muriel’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 801 Chartres St., 504568-1885 Napoleon House aa Sandwiches, 500 Chartres St., 504-524-9752 New Orleans Creole Cookery Classic Creole, 510 Toulouse St., 504-524-9632 NOLA aaaa Contemporary Creole, 534 St. Louis St., 504-522-6652 Palace Café aaa Contemporary Creole, 605 Canal St., 504-523-1661 Pelican Club aaaaa Contemporary Creole, 312

FRENCH QUARTER Acme Oyster House aaa Seafood, 724 Iberville St., 504-522-5973 Antoine’s aaaa Creole French, 713 St. Louis St., 504-581-4422 Arnaud’s aaaa Creole French, 813 Bienville St., 504-523-5433 Bayona aaaa Eclectic, 430 Dauphine St., 504-525-4455


Inside New Orleans

Exchange Place, 504-523-1504 Port of Call aaa Hamburgers, 838 Esplanade Ave., 504-523-0120 R’evolution aaaa Creole French, 777 Bienville, 504-553-2277 Red Fish Grill aaa Seafood, 115 Bourbon St., 504-598-1200 Rib Room aaa American, 621 St. Louis St., 504-529-7045

Creole Italian, 3524 Severn Ave.,

SoBou aaa Contemporary Creole,


310 Chartres St., 504-552-4095 Stanley aa Breakfast, 547 St. Ann

Ristorante Filippo aaa Creole Italian, 1917 Ridgelake Dr., 504-

St., 504-587-0093


Trinity aaa Contemporary Creole, 117 Decatur St., 504-325-5789

Ruth’s Chris Steak House aaaa Steak, 3633 Veterans Blvd., 504-

Tujague’s aaa Creole, 823 Decatur


St., 504-525-8676 Vacherie aaa Creole Homestyle, 827

Sandro’s Trattoria aaa Creole Italian, 6601 Veterans Blvd., 504-

1/2 Toulouse St., 504-207-4532

888-7784 LAKEVIEW

Shogun aaaa Japanese, 2325 Veterans Blvd., 504-833-7477

Café Navarre aa Sandwiches, 800 Navarre Ave., 504-483-8828

Taqueria Corona aaa Mexican, 3535 Severn Ave., 504-885-5088

Cava aaaa New Orleans Style, 785 Harrison Ave, New Orleans LA

Vincent’s aaaa Creole Italian, 4411 Chastant St., 504-885-2984

70124, 504-304-9034 Lakeview Harbor aaa Hamburgers,

Zea aaa American, 4450 Veterans

8550 Pontchartrain Blvd., 504-

Blvd. (Clearview Mall), 504-780-


9090; 1655 Hickory Ave., Harahan, 504-738-0799

Ralph’s On The Park aaaa Contemporary Creole, 900 City


Park Ave., 504-488-1000 Sala Cocktails and Small Plates, 124


Lake Marina, 504-513-2670

American Sector aa American, 945 Magazine St., 504-528-1940


Annunciation aaaa Contemporary Creole, 1016 Annunciation St.,

Acme Oyster House aaa Seafood,


3000 Veterans Blvd., 504-309-4056 Andrea’s aaa Italian, 3100 19th St.,

Briquette Contemporary Coastal Cuisine, 701 S. Peters St.

504-834-8583 Andy’s Bistro aaa American, 3322 N.

Café Reconcile aaa Lunch Café, 1631 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.,

Turnbull Dr. 504-455-7363


Austin’s aaaa Creole, 5101 West Esplanade Ave., 504-888-5533

Cajun Cookery Breafast, brunch, 719 S Peters St., 504-333-6010

Caffe! Caffe! aa Breakfast, 4301 Clearview Pkwy., 504-885-4845;

Cochon aaa Cajun, 930 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-588-2123

3547 N. Hullen., 504-267-9190 Café East aaa Pan-Asian, 4628 Rye

Legacy Kitchen’s Craft Tavern aa Refined American Fare, 700

St., 504-888-0078

Tchoupitoulas St., 504-613-

Carreta’s Grill a Mexican, 2320


Veterans Blvd., 504-837-6696; 1821 Hickory Ave., Harahan,

Emeril’s aaaaa Contemporary Creole, 800 Tchoupitoulas St.,



Drago’s aaaa Seafood, 3232 N. Arnoult Rd., 504-888-9254

Grand Isle aaa Seafood, 575 Convention Center Blvd., 504-

Impastato’s aaaa Creole Italian,


3400 16th St., 504-455-1545 Legacy Kitchen aa American. 759

Josephine Estelle Italian, 600 Carondelet St., 504-930-3070

Veterans Memorial Blvd. 504309-5231

La Boca aaaa Steak, 870 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-525-8205

Little Tokyo aaa Japanese, 2300 N. Causeway Blvd., 504-831-6788

Mais Arepas aaaa South American, 1200 Carondelet St.,

Martin Wine Cellar Deli aaa Deli,


714 Elmeer Ave., 504-896-7300 Mr. Ed’s aaa Neighborhood Café,

Pêche Seafood Grill aaa Seafood, 800 Magazine St., 504-522-1744

1001 Live Oak St., 504-838-0022 Mr. Ed’s Oyster Bar & Fish House

Rock-n-Sake aaa Japanese, 823 Fulton St., 504-581-7253

aaa Seafood, 3117 21St. Street, 504-833-6310

Root aaaa Eclectic, 200 Julia St., 504-252-9480

Parran’s Po-Boys aaa Sandwiches, 3939 Veterans Blvd., 504-885-3416 Pho Orchid aaa Vietnamese, 3117 Houma Blvd., 504-457-4188 Riccobono’s Peppermill aaa

Seaworthy Oysters and Cocktails,

600 Carondelet St., 504-930-3071

Tomas Bistro aaaa Creole French, 755 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-527-0942

February-March 2019 89

Wine Cellar by Bill Kearney

White Wine from Italy? WHILE THE SUBJECT OF WINE generally involves a discussion of generations of history and practices, occasionally something new and different will occur that seems to be both curious and puzzling. The insertion into a wine conversation of good Italian wines does not seem at first to be at all different or avant-garde. Indeed, one can recall drinking extraordinary Brunello di Mantalcino wines that rival fine cabernet sauvignon. Many of us have shared in the pleasurable experience of a fine aged Barolo that has evolved sangiovese into a great wine that is often Bordeaux-like. Certainly, some extraordinary wines have been created with the blending of sangiovese into Super Tuscan wines. Wines from Ornellaia and Antinori, along with those from Gaja, regularly rank in the top wines in the world. But the one thing that all of these wines have in common is that they are red wines. The past Italian entrances into white and sparkling wines have involved wines that are better known for their below average price point as opposed to their high quality. Many of us are familiar with prosecco and pinot grigio, whose endless supply of Italian wines are popular at large events. It can be perplexing to conjure up names of good Italian white wines that would rival our desire to replace either California chardonnay or French Burgundy. Yet, a movement has evolved in a northern Italian wine district whose focus is not centered on the mass production of simple pinot grigio wines. The northernmost wine district of Italy is called Tretino - Alto Adige and producers here are remarkably different from many of their Italian brethren, both in their production of white wine and also in their culture. This distinctive region is on the Italian-Austrian border, and much of the area seems to be more German in its ways than Italian. Historically, the Austro-Hungarian Empire still casts a cultural shadow upon this region, which has resulted in the Alto Adige area still speaking German. While there is production of pinot grigio here, there are 90

Inside New Orleans

also plantings of pinot bianco and chardonnay, which are creating a new wave of quality white wines that many have not seen previously. This focus on quality and new plantings has been a bonanza for Alto Adige as a region and also for the producers exporting their wines. The unique approach to wine making and focus upon quality-driven white wines has produced complex wines that many are taking note of. The introduction of chardonnay has also enhanced the marketing of these brands into a world marketplace. While wines from amazing Italian portfolios like Terlano may not have reached automatic recall for American wine drinkers, the white wines from Alto Adige have definitely put many on notice that Italian white wines can be high quality and interesting. While the noble producers of amarone and chianti are focused on the generational production of great wines, and other Italian wine growers continue to focus on Montalcino and Barolo, the mass production of pinot grigio and prosecco will continue unabated, as the huge consumption of these wines will indeed not be threatened. But there is a focus in northern Italy upon white wines of interest and complexity that will allow for a far more interesting experience. Many have suggested that good white wines from Italy is an almost nonexistent topic. Thanks to Alto Adige, that is definitely not the case.

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