April-May 2019 Issue of Inside New Orleans

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APRIL-MAY 2019 VOL. 6, NO. 2

April-May 2019

Vol. 6, No. 2

Publisher Lori Murphy –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Editor-in-Chief Anne Honeywell

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On the cover


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fax (504) 934-7721 Artist Mary Helen Seago. Find more on page 14.

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INSIDE NEW ORLEANS is published bi-monthly (February, April, June, August, October, December) by M and L Publishing, LLC, PO Box 6048, Metairie, LA 70009 as a means of communication and information for greater New Orleans, Louisiana. Bulk Postage paid - New Orleans, LA. Copy­right ©2019 by M & L Publishing, LLC. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written consent of publisher. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts and artwork. Inside New Orleans Magazine is created using the Adobe Creative Suite on Apple Macintosh computers.

page 64


10 Publisher’s Note 12 Contributors 13 Editor’s Note 20 INside Scoop page 30

contents table of

61 Flourishes Extraordinary gifts and home accents 64 INside Look 78 IN Love & Marriage


11 Do you think you know the Blue Dog? 14 Lyrical Abstractions Cover Artist Mary Helen Seago

86 Haute Plates

68 One-Of-A-Kind Landmark The New Orleans Pharmacy Museum

87 INside Dining 90 Last Bite Annunciation Restaurant

75 Senior Care Resources

page 68 Inside New Orleans

80 INside Peek Featuring: Caliphs of Cairo Carnival Ball 84 IN Great Taste Marvelous Meringue

30 Gayle Benson


28 INside Story You Say “New Orleans”

Women IN Business 2019 Begins on page 39

Publisher’s Note by Lori Murphy Everyone knows someone like him. The guy who loves to dance. He begins tapping his foot as soon as the music starts, and it is all he can do to wait for someone else to get on the dance floor. He is at every music club, every wedding I’ve ever been to, every festival—you name it. Something happens when he is dancing that is hard to recreate in life. Free and expressive, he is un-self-conscious and happy. Thank goodness there is so much music in our lives, because we need to feel like that as often as possible. Statistics show dancers—not only professional dancers, just people who dance—are happier and have better social skills. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Does it even matter? As we approach what is sure to be a banner year for JazzFest, I hope you go, and I hope you dance. If someone is watching, it is probably because they are trying to gather the courage to join you! In this issue, we celebrate Women IN Business, leading off with one of our superstars, Gayle Benson. What a great example of someone who has stepped up in so many ways for our city. In addition to being the only woman leading both an NFL and an NBA professional sports team, she oversees a business empire that includes everything from Dixie Beer to Benson Automobiles. I am sure that for her, every day is a very

Stage is a prime spot to see the South Louisiana boogie man in its natural habitat.


complicated quick-step. Business success is often like dancing. Feeling the influences around you and responding. Leaders listen to the pulse of the environment for opportunity, move in that direction and follow the beat. While considering these Women IN Business, remember: “Ginger Rogers made all of the same steps that Fred Astaire did—she just did them backwards in high heels.” Congratulations to them! And watch for them on the JazzFest dance floor.

Inside New Orleans


The Fais Do-Do

photo courtesy: WENDY RODRIGUE

photos courtesy: DOUGLAS MAGNUS

Do you think you know the Blue Dog?

SINCE THE FOUNDING of The George Rodrique Life & Legacy Foundation and Tour in 2017, Wendy Rodrigue has visited more than 60 schools and spoken to tens of thousands of students. Thanks to her successes, the tour has expanded into museums, cultural organizations and community groups across the United States. Wendy began this initiative as a way to connect students with the art of George Rodrigue in a personal, intimate way. In 2019, the tour will expand to include educational outreach through museum exhibitions, university lectures and classroom visits in Texas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. The George Rodrigue Life & Legacy

Foundation serves to inspire audiences of all ages and diverse backgrounds with the life and art of George Rodrigue (19442013), expanding his vision by showing how one person can overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams, while also making a positive difference in the world. Wendy was born to an artist mother and Air Force career father, both from New Orleans. She grew up on the Florida Panhandle until relocating for college to San Antonio, Texas. She attended Trinity University, where she received degrees in art history and English, followed by studies at the American University in Vienna, Austria, and graduate school at Tulane University in New Orleans. Wendy’s passion for art history delivered her to the doorstep of George Rodrigue’s French Quarter gallery in 1991, and as fate would have it, she began a lifetime with the world-renowned artist. The couple married in 1997.

Wendy partnered with George on the development of all aspects of his career and life, including his galleries, museum exhibitions, a dozen books, and the George Rodrigue Foundation of the Arts. Wendy continues to direct the Rodrigue Studios galleries in New Orleans, Lafayette, and Carmel, California, along with hands-on work with the George Rodrigue Foundation of the Arts. She is a passionate advocate for the arts in education, as well as the personal and artistic legacy of George Rodrigue. The George Rodrigue Life & Legacy Tour will be in New Orleans in early April, at Lusher Charter School on April 3 and at Ursuline Academy on April 5.. In May, the tour will be on the northshore, at Pontchartrain Elementary School in Mandeville on May 15 and in Loranger at Loranger Elementary on May 17. For more information on the Life & Legacy Tour, visit georgerodrigue.com. April-May 2019 11

Contributors Our contributors give Inside New Orleans its voice, its personality and its feel. Here we are proud to highlight a few of them so that you can put a face with a name and get to know them. Other Voices: Leah Draffen, Candra George, Thomas B. Growden and Yvette Jemison.

Linda Trappey Dautreuil Linda Trappey Dautreuil is a painter and writer on Louisiana arts and culture. A native of New Iberia, she moved to Covington in 1996. Linda received a BA in English and a BFA in visual arts from the University of Louisiana– Lafayette. An active member of the local arts community, she is a recipient of a Louisiana Fellowship in the Visual Arts from the State Arts Council. Her paintings are in many corporate and private collections, including the New Orleans Museum of Art and the Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum in Lafayette. On page 14, Linda writes about our cover artist, Mary Helen Seago.

Leslie Cardé

Michael Harold

Mimi Greenwood Knight

Veteran journalist Leslie Cardé began her career reporting for NPR in Los Angeles. From there, she landed in New Orleans as an anchor/health and science editor before moving on to anchor three hours of daily financial news and host an entertainment show for CNBC. She’s reported from the Middle East for CNN, worked as a producer and narrator for E! Entertainment and wrote, directed and produced the award-winning documentary America Betrayed. Leslie currently writes for The New Orleans Advocate and Los Angeles Magazine. She is also a producer/reporter for CBS Newspath. See Leslie’s article about Gayle Benson on page 30.

Michael Harold grew up in New Orleans and graduated from St. Martin’s Episcopal School, The University of the South and LSU Law School. Fluent in Spanish and French, he is also a classical pianist. Michael practiced law for more than 23 years and is now a legal recruiter. He is a contributing writer for Local Palate magazine in Charleston, South Carolina. In his spare time, he coordinates the renovation of a 19th century home in New Orleans. In this issue, Michael tells his INside Story about pronouncing “New Orleans” on page 28.

Mimi Greenwood Knight is a mother of four and a freelance writer with over five hundred articles and essays in print in national and regional magazines, devotionals and fifty anthologies, including two dozen Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She lives on a small hobby farm in Folsom with her husband, David, where she enjoys gardening, beekeeping, Bible study, knitting and chicken wrangling. In this issue, Mimi writes about the Pharmacy Museum on page 68.


Inside New Orleans

Editor’s Note by Anne Honeywell Spring has sprung! The temperatures are warmer, the days are longer, and right around the corner is JazzFest! April showers bring May flowers and another celebration of sorts—our fabulous Women IN Business issue and luncheon. Each spring, Inside New Orleans celebrates local business women by showcasing them in a different light. We try to get them talking about themselves and their passions to help our readers understand more about the person behind the title or logo. And every spring, as editor, I see the copy rolling through, reading the interviews and understanding the stories of these stand-out business women. I feel like I learn something new every day. And meet someone new. One particular woman in business I think you will enjoy learning more about is Gayle Benson. Mrs. Benson was gracious enough to sit down with Leslie Cardé for an in-depth interview. You may be impressed with her now, but wait until you read Leslie’s story! Another highlight of this issue is Mimi Knight’s story of the little-known, unique Pharmacy Museum in the Quarter. And don’t miss Yvette Jemison’s delectable ideas for meringue—the perfect topping for warm-weather desserts. Of course, you’ll find our regular departments, from Scoop’s jam-packed calendar of events to Michael Harold’s latest INside Story and Linda Dautreuil’s article on cover artist Mary Helen Seago. You can get a head start on what’s new for spring in fashion and home accessories in INside Look and Flourishes. So uncover your outdoor chaise, relax with this issue and a glass of your favorite cool beverage, and enjoy spring!

Lyrical Abstractions by Linda Dautreuil


Inside New Orleans

WHEN MARY HELEN SEAGO presented her thesis exhibition in the fine arts department of Newcomb College in 1961, she displayed sculptures in bronze and plaster of Paris. The bronzes became part of the Newcomb College Collection. Several other sculptures remain with her, including a striking relief sculpture hanging in her living room. Because of the limited number of pieces in this series and Mary Helen’s eventual move into painting, these early works are important markers in her artistic development. The theme of these abstractions reference birds and various aspects of flight, including lift off and destination. Titles such

as Moon Sails and The Dance suggest a poetic sensibility that continues to express itself in 2019 in a different form and medium. I arrive at Mary Helen’s home for a conversation about her life and her art. A wide-open studio is filled with colorful largescale paintings that catch my eye. These works appear to be in harmony with the springtime landscape of Southeast Louisiana. Mary Helen greets me in the gracious style of one born and raised in New Orleans. Her subtle accent is unmistakable and authentic as we discuss the modulation of color that creates mood and structure in her style of painting. >>

photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

Cover Artist Mary Helen Seago


Inside New Orleans

received the National Book Award in History in 1973. Later, these documents became part of an epistolary novel published in the 1980s. Mary Helen’s recounting of details relating to her family history at the time illustrates her abilities as a true Southern storyteller, “My father’s mother was born on the plantation right after the war. Sherman was raiding and burning anything in his way. He spared the plantation at that time because he received a dispatch that a baby, who later became my grandmother, was being born. Later, he returned and burned the plantation down. That is when the family left for New Orleans.” Mary Helen’s interest in the arts apparently springs from strong roots. British painter and watercolorist, Edward Brian Seago (1910-1974), a cousin of Mary Helen’s father, was well known throughout Europe. His atmospheric landscapes and scenic water scenes were painted in the Late Impressionist Style and highly regarded by collectors. The Queen of England acquired one of his paintings for the Royal Collection. Mary Helen’s brother Robert Seago is a recognized painter and musician. Her

photos: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

To fully appreciate Mary Helen’s transition from sculpture to painting, it is necessary to consider early influences. In her words, “the likelihood is that a few artistic genes have filtered down through several generations.” Her family history dates to 16001700 in Northern England, Scotland and Ireland. Her ancestors came to Georgia, acquiring property and establishing themselves as plantation owners near Savannah before the Civil War. At the time, record keeping of business transactions and personal histories describing everyday life was a common practice. Many such records were destroyed in the Savannah Military Campaign that began with the burning of Atlanta and continued as Union General Sherman marched to the sea. Among the surviving records were letters documenting Mary Helen’s family before, during and after the Civil War, approximately a 5-to-6 year period. They are preserved today in historical collections at the University of Georgia and Tulane University. A family friend compiled the letters in The Children of Pride: A True Story of Georgia and the Civil War edited by Robert Manson Myers. It took him 10 years to complete the book, which

brother John Seago “is a lawyer turned vintner. John loved science, and the challenge of growing grapes in Louisiana resulted in the founding of Pontchartrain Vineyards.” All three siblings now live on the northshore. Leaving the “way back” influences of ancestry behind, Mary Helen relates her journey to the arts. “I graduated from St. Martin’s before heading to Newcomb College. I worked hard, completed a full curriculum of classes, carrying 21 hours each semester. When I saw an opportunity to study with Jules Strubeck, head of the fine arts sculpture program, I immediately enrolled in his class and became the first fine arts sculpture major in the department.” After graduation, Mary Helen moved to New York and landed a job in a large advertising agency. She met and married her husband. “By the time we moved to Arizona in 1969, I had small children ages 4, 2, and a newborn. These were not easy years and included major changes in my family life. The responsibility of small children in an environment that was unlike New York, and even more unlike

my home in New Orleans, left me with little time for myself. Nevertheless, I had pursued the arts at Newcomb, and I continued to practice my skills in unexpected ways. I was always a good observer, so I became particularly attentive to the desert landscape. I visited the Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix and absorbed as much as I could in the hope that these observations would inform my art making. I considered the contrast between desert and tropical flowers to be much more interesting than the study of cactus alone. I learned that there is no gentleness about the desert. It is nothing like the luscious tropical atmosphere of New Orleans, so while living in the desert, I found myself creating gardens. In 1982, I had my first public art show.” Mary Helen traveled throughout her life. She returned to Savannah from time to time, visiting friends and painting gardens by the seashore. She also visited New York, where she lived in her early career, and added a twist to my question concerning artists whose work influenced her own. “While in New York, I took a side trip to Newport with my friends who had family there. We were invited to >> April-May 2019 17

lunch in a lovely home surrounded by paintings of flowers. Upon closer examination, I realized that I was surrounded by an amazing number of paintings by Georgia O’Keefe from the collection of her sister. It was like dining in a museum.” The subject of influences brings us to Mary Helen’s thoughts on spirituality. She is a devout Christian. Her spirituality seems to be nondenominational, with a strong connection to Christ. “There was a very stressful period of my life when I was riddled with fear about the future. It took about seven years for me to begin to feel at peace. At my age now, I see more clearly that life is a journey. One of the great sustaining influences on me has been the spiritual approach to life encouraging me to find peace within myself. We attach ourselves to certain things. The earth gives us energy, and we are connected to the earth because of it. Spirituality gives us peace, and we are connected to the spiritual life because of it. Each day, I am mindful of the gift of art and the making of it.” Mary Helen’s latest paintings may be described as lyrical abstractions. The compositions she brings to 18

Inside New Orleans

this style evolved after years of painting floral subjects, most often a single flower in a powerful reference to nature. These earlier paintings are grounded, usually in contact with the edge of the canvas, to achieve a feeling of being rooted to the earth. An example from this period is the centerpiece of the permanent collection on display in the Atrium Gallery at the Christwood Retirement Community in Covington. The process that Mary Helen prefers in her practice involves reference materials such as photographs as points of origin for developing her subjects. She makes preliminary studies of these images, usually drawing in black and white before going forward in her preferred medium of oil paint. “Oil requires more technical considerations for layering color but yields the kind of luminous surfaces I prefer. Over the years, I have continued to open myself to new ideas and experiences in the arts. I have taken classes and workshops with many notable artists, most recently with abstract painter Nell Tilton. I discovered how difficult it is to release the composition from the edge of the canvas and retain only the essence of the subject without

explicit representation. In this process of exploration, I find myself alluding to botanical subjects in a more subtle application of overall muted layers of paint with passages of intense color breaking through.” When Mary Helen returned to Louisiana about seven years ago, she had already had several exhibitions of her work. In recent years, she began to explore the New Orleans gallery scene and exhibiting in galleries on Magazine Street; she is currently showing at Degas Gallery through early April. Her work found an audience when she became reacquainted with an artist she greatly admired, Gretchen Armbruster. Gretchen was in the process of relocating her gallery in Covington to Columbia Street when she saw Mary Helen’s breakthrough works of abstract gardens and invited her to show. Armbruster describes the popular response to Seago’s paintings: “Clients are drawn to Mary Helen’s use of light, airy colors that go with any décor. I think I have a favorite until she brings her next painting in, and then that one is my favorite. I am delighted to have her paintings in my gallery.” Mary Helen has worked with art consultants who successfully introduced her paintings to a wider audience in Louisiana, along the Gulf Coast and the southern region of the United States. As our interview concludes, Mary Helen shares a question that she often asks herself, “Why do we attach ourselves to certain things? As an artist, something inside draws me to my subject. It becomes a love affair—a journey of peace, beauty, and love.” View additional works by Mary Helen at Degas Gallery, 604 Julia St, Ste 101, in New Orleans; Armbruster Artworks, 502 Columbia St. in Covington; or seagoart.com. April-May 2019 19

INSIDE the definitive guide to northshore events and entertainment

New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival

April Starting at the corner of Franklin Ave. and Royal St. 7pm. krewedufool.com. 1-May 31 Lighthouse Louisiana’s Summer


louisianastatemuseum.org. 3 Irma Thomas. Wednesdays at the Square

1-July 28 An Artistic Heritage: The Julius

Concert Series. Lafayette Square Park, S

Rosenwald Fund Exhibition. Highlighting

Maestri St. 5-8pm. Free. ylcnola.org.

Camp Registration. Camp held June

original works from Conrad Albrizio, Marian

3-28 for children in first through eighth

Anderson, James Baldwin, Richmond

Experience. Grand tastings, Royal Street

grades who have visual impairments.

Barthé, Aaron Douglas, and Jacob

Stroll, wine dinners and more. For 27 years,

Lighthouse Louisiana, 123 State St. Free.

Lawrence. Longue Vue House & Gardens, 7

the New Orleans Wine & Food Experience

899-4501. lighthouselouisiana.org.

Bamboo Rd. longuevue.com/events.

has combined some of the brightest stars

1-June 2 Keither Sonnier: Until Today.

Rise of Jackson Square. The Cabildo,

Crl. noma.org.

701 Chartres St. louisianastatemuseum.org.

of Louisiana. Newcomb Art Museum, Inside New Orleans

3-7 New Orleans Wine and Food

1-Oct 13 The Baroness de Pontalba & the

New Orleans Museum of Art, 1 Collins Diboll

1-July 6 Per(Sister): Incarcerated Women


Tulane University, 6823 St Charles Ave.

1-Dec 31 We Love You, New Orleans. The Cabildo, 701 Chartres St.

in New Orleans’ culinary scene with a wide selection of global wines to create a

four-day lineup of exclusive pairings and tastings. nowfe.com.

3 Pelicans VS Hornets. Smoothie King


1 Krewe Du Fool April Fools Day Parade.

April 25-28, May 2-5 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. This year’s line up includes: Earth, Wind & Fire, The Doobie Brothers, Santana, Katy Perry, Leon Bridges, Van Morrison, Al Green, Bonnie Raitt, The Rolling Stones, Tom Jones, Chris Stapleton, Gary Clark Jr., Dave Matthews Band, Dianna Ross, Jimmy Buffett & The Coral Reefer Band, Aaron Neville and hundreds of other artists. Art market, food and more. nojazzfest.com.

Center, 1501 Dave Dixon Dr. 7pm. nba. com/pelicans. 6 Tulane Crawfest. Crawfest is an annual music, food, and arts festival located in the heart of Tulane University’s Uptown campus. LBC Berger Family and Newcomb Quads on Tulane’s Uptown campus. 11am-7pm. crawfest.tulane. edu. 4 Purpose and Passion: Photography by Eric Waters. New Orleans Jazz Museum, 400 Esplanade Ave. Opening reception, 6-8pm. 568-6993. nolajazzmuseum.org.


April-May 2019 21

Inside Scoop 4 Royal Street Stroll. Led “parade-style”

(Strengthening Outcomes with Autism

during three decades of strife and progress.

by the Krewe of Cork, a world-famous

Resources), food, music, raffle items, silent

The Historic New Orleans Collection, 520

wine industry phenomenon, with several

auction, and more. Lakeview Regional

Royal St. Tues-Sat, 9:30am-4:30pm; Sun,

renowned winemakers serving as Grand

Medical Center, 95 Judge Tanner Blvd,

10:30am-4:30pm. hnoc.org.

Marshals. Royal Street. 5:30pm. nowfe.com.

Covington. 10am-2pm. soarwithautism.org.

4 Sabertooth Swing at Ogden After

7 Made in Louisiana Festival. Food,

6 Freret Street Festival. Freret Market, 4421

beverages and culinary products made

Hours. Ogden Museum of Southern Art,

Freret St. 11am-6pm. neworleans.carpe-

in Louisiana. Southern Food & Beverage

925 Camp St. 6-8pm. ogdenmuseum.org/


Museum, 1504 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.

event/sabertooth-swing/. 5, 6 BODYTRAFFIC. Co-presented with

6 Starry Night Gala & Masquerade Ball. Silent and live auctions, $10,000 raffle

12:30-4:30pm. Advance $15; at door, $20. natfab.org. 7, 14 Music Under the Oaks Concert

the New Orleans Ballet Association and

and more to benefit St. Catherine of Siena

the NOCCA Institute. NOCCA’s Freda

School. 105 Bonnabel Blvd, Metairie. Patron

Series. April 7, LPO String Quartet. April

Lupin Memorial Hall, 2800 Chartres St.

party, 7pm; gala, 8-12pm. Masks required

14, New Orleans Concert Band. Newman


first hour. 501auctions.com/scsgala.

Bandstand at Audubon Park. 5-6:30pm.

5, 6 STS9. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 5-8 Great Louisiana BirdFest. Eight different trips in and around the Southeastern Louisiana bird fly-zone during spring migration. northlakenature.org/birdfest. 6 Autism Awareness Walk and Family Day. Half-mile walk/run fundraiser for SOAR

6-June 8 From Sea to Shining Sea: 200 Years of American Art. M.S.

auduboninstitute.org. 9 Pelicans VS Warriors. Smoothie King

Rau Antiques, 630 Royal St. Mon-Sat,

Center, 1501 Dave Dixon Dr. 7pm. nba.

9am-5pm. Free. rauantiques.com.


6-Oct 6 Art of the City: Postmodern to

9 Willie Nelson. The Fillmore, Harrah’s

Post-Katrina. New Orleans artist, curator,

New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St.

and educator Jan Gilbert assembles the


diverse perspectives of artists reacting

10 Eric Lindell with Deltaphonic.

Wednesdays at the Square Concert Series.

Swamp Funk, Flow Tribe, Lynn Drury,

Cinderella. Saenger Theatre, 1111 Canal

Lafayette Square Park, S Maestri St. 5-8pm.

Shamarr Allen and the Underdawgs, The

St. neworleans.broadway.com.

Free. ylcnola.org.

Ronnie Kole Show featuring John Perkins,

10-14 A Taste of Covington. Vintner dinners,

13 JLGC Spring for Art Open House.

Waylon Thibodeaux Band, Bucktown

Food, raffle and meet the 2019 Harvest Cup

grand tastings, live music, champagne jazz

All-Stars, Honey Island Swamp Band,

Polo Artist. Sponsored by Lee Michaels,

brunch and more. atasteofcovington.com.

The Pfister Sisters and hundreds more.

Inside Publications, Champagne Beverage,


Nola Lending, United Way and Mercedes-

11 Godsmack. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 11 Seva Venet Bicentennial Celebration of the Banjo in New Orleans (1819-

12 Big Easy Blues Festival. UNO Lakefront Arena, 6801 Franklin Ave. 8pm. livenation. com. 12 Business & Breakfast. Jefferson

Benz of Covington. 529 N. Columbia St, Covington. 6-9pm. jlgc.net. 13 NOMA Egg Hunt & Family Festival. New Orleans Museum of Art, 1 Collins Diboll

2019) at Ogden After Hours. Ogden

Chamber of Commerce. Copeland’s of New

Museum of Southern Art, 925 Camp

Orleans, 1001 S. Clearview Pkwy, Jefferson.

St. 6-8pm. ogdenmuseum.org/event/

7:45 -9:30 am. Chamber members,

art and performing arts in downtown


$10; nonmembers, $20. 835-3880.

Covington produced by the St. Tammany


Art Association. 6-9pm. sttammany.art/

11-14 French Quarter Festival. More than 1,700 artists on 23 stages; the most famous, can’t-miss dishes in the city. • Line up includes: Jon Cleary, Preservation

12-13 IGOR Fall Trunk Show. Ballin’s LTD, 721 Dante St. 866-4367. ballinsltd.com. 12-14 Resort and Easter Promo Event.

Crl. 10am-1pm. noma.org. 13 Spring for Art. A celebration of music,

spring-for-art. 13 Tori Kelly: The Acoustic Sessions. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second

All-Stars, Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk

Palm Village, A Signature Lilly Pulitzer Store,

Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com.

Revue, John Boutté, The Iguanas, The Soul

2735 US 190, Mandeville. (985) 778-2547.

15 Aces Against Aneurysms Ladies’

Rebels, Al “Lil Fats” Jackson, Cyril Neville’s

12-14 Rodgers + Hammerstein’s

Tennis Tournament. Pelican Athletic

April-May 2019 23


Inside Scoop Club, 1170 Meadowbrook Blvd, Mandeville. inbrainsupportnola.com. 15-May 27 Summer and Fall 2019 Registration. All Delgado Community College locations. dcc.edu. 16 Fidelity’s Concerts in the Park: Swing in the Oaks. Bring lawn chairs, food, and

26-May 26 50 Years of New Orleans

Small Press Fair. New Orleans Healing

Music & Culture. Highlighting everything

Center, 2372 St Claude Ave. eventbrite.com.

that makes New Orleans and JazzFest

20 Allstate Sugar Bowl Crescent City

special; the culture, music, photography, art,

Classic 10K. Mercedez-Benz Superdome,

tastes and people who shape the Crescent

1500 Sugar Bowl Dr. ccc10k.com.

City. Featuring works from Michael P. Smith,

22-28 Zurich Golf Classic. TPC Louisiana,

Sydney Byrd, Frenchy, George Rodrigue,

refreshments and enjoy a program of familiar

11001 Lapalco Blvd, Avondale. 342-3000.

Terrance Osborne, Danny Clinch, Zack

musical favorites from the past and present.


Smith, Jay Blakesberg, Michael Weintrob,

New Orleans City Park, Goldring Woldenberg Great Lawn. 5:45pm. lpomusic.com. 17 Dungeon Family Tour 2019. Starring Big Boi, Goodie Mob and more. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 17 Kermit Ruffins with Space & Harmony. Wednesdays at the Square Concert Series.

24 Marc Broussard with The Iceman

Scott Saltzman, Clayton Call, Eric Waters,

Special. Wednesdays at the Square

and Marc Millman. New Orleans Jazz

Concert Series. Lafayette Square Park, S

Museum, 400 Esplanade Ave. 568-6993.

Maestri St. 5-8pm. Free. ylcnola.org.

nolajazzmuseum.org. relix.com/nola50.

25-27 Warm up to Summer. New prints.

26, 27 The Disco Biscuits. The Fillmore,

Palm Village, A Signature Lilly Pulitzer Store,

Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6

2735 US 190, Mandeville. (985) 778-2547.

Canal St. fillmorenola.com.

25-28, May 2-5 New Orleans Jazz and

Lafayette Square Park, S Maestri St. 5-8pm.

Heritage Festival. Earth, Wind & Fire, The

Free. ylcnola.org.

Doobie Brothers, Santana, Katy Perry, Leon

19 Chevelle. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New


19 New Orleans Poetry Festival and

26-27 Comfort Event. Ballin’s LTD, 2917 Magazine St. 891-4502. ballinsltd.com. 26, 28 Verdi’s Rigoletto. Presented by the

Bridges, Van Morrison, Al Green, Better

New Orleans Opera. Mahalia Jackson

Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St.

Than Ezra, Bonnie Raitt and hundreds more.

Theater, 1419 Basin St. 529-3000.




Inside New Orleans

27 Michalopoulos French Quarter Fest Exhibition. Michalopoulos Gallery, 617 Bienville St. 6-9pm. michalopoulos.com. 27 Spring Stroll Garden Tour. St. Francisville. lsuagcenter.com/springstroll. 27, 28 Angola Prison Spring Rodeo &

866-4367. ballinsltd.com. 1 Deacon John with Trumpet Mafia.

26 50 Years of New Orleans Music & Culture. Highlighting everything that makes

Wednesdays at the Square Concert Series.

New Orleans and JazzFest special; the

Lafayette Square Park, S Maestri St. 5-8pm.

culture, music, photography, art, tastes

Free. ylcnola.org.

and people who shape the Crescent City.

1 Foundation of Funk: Zigaboo Modeliste

Featuring works from Michael P. Smith,

Craft Show. Angola State Prison. Gates

& George Porter Jr. + Guests. The

Sydney Byrd, Frenchy, George Rodrigue,

open, 9am; rodeo, 2pm. (225) 655-2060.

Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second

Terrance Osborne, Danny Clinch, Zack


Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com.

Smith, Jay Blakesberg, Michael Weintrob,

27, 28 Covington Antiques & Uniques

1 NOLA Crawfish Festival. Presented by

Scott Saltzman, Clayton Call, Eric Waters,

Festival. Covington Trailhead,

the Crawfish King and hosted at Central

and Marc Millman. New Orleans Jazz

419 N New Hampshire, Covington.

City BBQ. 1201 S. Rampart St. 3-10pm.

Museum, 400 Esplanade Ave. 568-6993.



nolajazzmuseum.org. relix.com/nola50.

29-May 1 NOLA Crawfish Festival.

1 The Wildest: Louis Prima Comes

1-31 Lighthouse Louisiana’s Summer

Presented by the Crawfish King and hosted

Home. New Orleans Jazz Museum

Camp Registration. Camp held June

at Central City BBQ. 1201 S. Rampart St.

exhibit of Prima’s photos, recordings,

3-28 for children in first through eighth

3-10pm. nolacrawfishfest.com.

instruments and stage wear. Sponsored

grades who have visual impairments.

by the Gia Maione Prima Foundation.

Lighthouse Louisiana, 123 State St. Free.

29-May 1 Comfort Event. Ballin’s LTD, 721 Dante St. 866-4367. ballinsltd.com.

May 1 Comfort Event. Ballin’s LTD, 721 Dante St.

Opening reception, May 1, 5:30pm; special

899-4501. lighthouselouisiana.org.

performance by Lena Prima, 6:30pm. New

1-June 2 Keither Sonnier: Until Today.

Orleans Jazz Museum, 400 Esplanade Ave.

New Orleans Museum of Art, 1 Collins Diboll

568-6993. nolajazzmuseum.org.

Crl. noma.org.


April-May 2019 25

1- June 8 From Sea to Shining Sea: 200 Years of American Art. M.S. Rau

Bringing authors and illustrators of children’s

Antiques, 630 Royal St. Mon-Sat, 9am-5pm.

books to read for story time, lead craft

Free. rauantiques.com.

projects and interact with the children and

1-July 6 Per(Sister): Incarcerated Women of Louisiana. Newcomb Art Museum, Tulane University, 6823 St Charles Ave. newcombartmuseum.tulane.edu. 1-July 28 An Artistic Heritage: The Julius Rosenwald Fund Exhibition. Highlighting original works from Conrad Albrizio, Marian

5025. facebook.com/WFCBF. 6 Alt 92.3 Presents An Evening with Shinedown. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 7 The Noise Presents Meshuggah. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second

Barthé, Aaron Douglas, and Jacob

Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 8 Cyril Neville’s Swampfunk with Miss

Bamboo Rd. longuevue.com/events.

Mojo. Wednesdays at the Square Concert

1-Oct 6 Art of the City: Postmodern to

Series. Lafayette Square Park, S Maestri St.

Post-Katrina. New Orleans artist, curator, and educator Jan Gilbert assembles the diverse perspectives of artists reacting during three decades of strife and progress.

5-8pm. Free. ylcnola.org. 8 Rob Zombie. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com.

The Historic New Orleans Collection, 520

10 Garbage. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New

Royal St. Tues-Sat, 9:30am-4:30pm; Sun,

Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St.

10:30am-4:30pm. hnoc.org.


1-Oct 13 The Baroness de Pontalba & the Rise of Jackson Square. The Cabildo, 701 Chartres St. louisianastatemuseum.org. 1-Dec 31 We Love You, New Orleans.

10-11 IRIS Fall Trunk Show. Ballin’s LTD, 721 Dante St. 866-4367. ballinsltd.com. 11 Crawfish Mambo. All-you-can-eat crawfish festival. University of New Orleans,

The Cabildo, 701 Chartres St.

2000 Lakeshore Dr. 11am-5pm. $15-$35.



2 The Revivalists. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 2-5 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage

11 Magazine Street Champagne Stroll. 5-9pm. magazinestreet.com/event/ champagne-stroll. 12 Collective Soul. The Fillmore, Harrah’s

Festival. The Rolling Stones, Tom Jones,

New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St.

Chris Stapleton, Gary Clark Jr., Dave


Matthews Band, Dianna Ross, Jimmy Buffett

15 Kristin Diable & The City with The

& The Coral Reefer Band, Aaron Neville and

Quickening. Wednesdays at the Square

hundreds more. nojazzfest.com.

Concert Series. Lafayette Square Park, S

3 The Cult: A Sonic Temple. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com.

Maestri St. 5-8pm. Free. ylcnola.org. 15 NOMA’s Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden Expansion Opening.

3 Whitney Zoo-To-Do. Silent auction, more

New Orleans Museum of Art, One Collins C.

than 70 restaurants, over 40 specialty

Diboll Circle, City Park. noma.org/sculpture-

and full service cocktail bars, live music, luxury vehicle raffle and more. Audubon

Inside New Orleans

their parents. St. Francisville. (225) 245-

Anderson, James Baldwin, Richmond

Lawrence. Longue Vue House & Gardens, 7


4 West Feliciana Children’s Book Festival.

garden. 15, 16 Foo Fighters. The Fillmore, Harrah’s

Zoo, 6500 Magazine St. 8pm-12am.

New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St.




16 Spencer Bohren at Ogden After Hours. Ogden Museum of Southern Art, 925 Camp St. 6-8pm. ogdenmuseum.org/event/ sabertooth-swing/. 16 Top Taco Fest. Live music, tequila lounge areas and some of the best chefs and mixologists in the city. Woldenberg Park, 1 Canal St. VIP, 6pm; general, 7-10pm. toptaconola.com. 17 Crawfish Boil. Enjoy crawfish, catfish and Cajun cuisine with the Jefferson Chamber. 3421 North Causeway Blvd, Metairie. 5:30-8:30pm. 835-3880. jeffersonchamber.org. 17-18 Lafayette 148 Pre Fall Trunk Show. Ballin’s LTD, 721 Dante St. 866-4367. ballinsltd.com. 17-19 Mid-City Bayou Boogaloo. Art, food, marketplace and live music by Cowboy Mouth, Tab Benoit, Little Freddie King, Amanda Shaw, The Tumbling Wheels and many more. Along Bayou Saint John. thebayouboogaloo.com. 21 Delgado Community College Spring Commencement. UNO Arena, 6801 Franklin Ave. 10am. dcc.edu. 21 George Benson. The Fillmore, Harrah’s New Orleans, Second Floor, 6 Canal St. fillmorenola.com. 22 Mia Borders with co-headliner Billy Luso. Wednesdays at the Square Concert Series. Lafayette Square Park, S Maestri St. 5-8pm.

W. Mike Stewart AIF, RFC

Freaked Out by Market Ups & Downs?


Susan from Mandeville asks: The market ups and downs are freaking me out. Is there something not as risky that will

provide market competitive returns?


Unfortunately, no there is not. Some financial services’ reps would tell you there is and sell you an annuity. The story is told to sound

as though you cannot ever lose money while experiencing some of the market upside. The problem with these products is that they are written by very sharp actuaries (people who crunch numbers) to favor the insurance company and not you. There are “gotchas” throughout the fine print, usually a decade of surrender charges and nose bleed level fees. I have reviewed many and I have yet to see one actually provide what is expected.

Free. ylcnola.org. 23-26 Greek Fest. The first and oldest Greek Orthodox congregation

Risk is perfectly matched with return. If you really wish to get the

in the United States hosts a celebration of Greek food, music and

results needed to fulfill your goals, then I believe you need several

entertainment. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 1200 Robert E.

things to succeed. First (in my opinion, the most important), you need

Lee Blvd. $8. 282-0259. greekfestnola.com.

a true financial coach. Someone who will constantly explain current

25-26 Bayou Country Superfest. Kenny Chesney, Jason Aldean,

circumstances and keep your head straight. Second, you also need to look

Florida George Line, Kane Brown, Dan + Shay, Brett Young, Cassadee

at your investments in longer time frames than just the current quarter, or

Pope, Chase Rice and more. LSU Tiger Stadium, Baton Rouge.

even year. It is unrealistic to not expect both ups and downs, as they are


inseparable. You have to realize that market volatility is actually a healthy

25-26 Treme 7th Ward Arts and Culture Festival. Celebrate the

market activity. Third, you also need a diversified portfolio of investments.

history, traditions and culture of two of the oldest neighborhoods in the

Done properly, you can certainly achieve good results and cut down on

United States. Live music by: Treme Brass Band, Shannon Powell,

volatility. I find that these three things done together will result in creating

James Andrews, Corey Henrey & the Treme Funkets, and many more.

the wealth needed to achieve your goals and dreams.

Under the bridge at Saints, Saint Ann and Saint Phillip Streets. Free. treme7thwardcd.org. 28-June 2 Come From Away. Saenger Theatre, 1111 Canal St.

You will never get rich by just saving money, it takes both saving and investing for that to happen!

neworleans.broadway.com. 30 Water Seed at Odgen After Hours. Ogden Museum of Southern

You have financial questions? Call or email Mike today.

Art, 925 Camp St. 6-8pm. ogdenmuseum.org/event/sabertooth-swing/. 31-June 2 Walker Percy Weekend. A three-day literary festival in St. Francisville featuring books, ideas, discussions, bourbon, crawfish and conversation among Percy devotees. (225) 635-6330, (800) 789-4221. walkerpercyweekend.org.

W. Mike Stewart AIF, RFC • Wealth Management Services Send your event information to scoop@insidepub.com to have it featured in an upcoming issue of Inside New Orleans.

985-809-0530 • wmsgroup@advisormike.com Check out Research Materials and Video Library at: www.advisormike.com April-May 2019 27

INside Story

by Michael Harold

EVER SINCE I COULD TALK, I’ve been obsessed with local accents. God decided early on that he would curse me as a kid with a paralyzing inability to build model airplanes, light firecrackers and appreciate Star Trek. Conversely, he blessed me with a talent for music, foreign languages and accents. I’m the last person friends call when figuring out the source of a leaking roof, but I’m the first person they call to help translate for the person fixing it. Growing up, my parents were thrilled when I would return home from neighbors’ houses and report on what I saw—and more importantly, what I heard. For example, “Dad, did you know that Miss Debbie’s sister just returned from a trip to Italy (Pronounced ‘IT-lee’)” or “Mom, I heard Mista’ Joe tell his kids that when he’s on the ‘turlet’ he wants to poo in peace.” True story. “I kidja’ not.” Imagine my pleasure upon returning home to attend LSU law school and meeting other classmates from around our state. When teachers called on

students, I found myself concentrating on their different accents more than the cases at hand. I could peg a fellow New Orleanian in a heartbeat, but the Cajun accents differed by region and northern students (Shreveport, Natchitoches) ironically sounded southern. What also fascinated me were the different ways they pronounced their “Looziana” cities. People from Monroe were from “MUN-roe,” people from Lafayette were from “LA-fee-yet” rather than “La-feeYET,” and students from Alexandria were from “Elikzandria.” I could never figure out why—just an hour away—we called the capital of our state “Baton ROUGE” (as in red makeup for your cheeks) while the locals referred to their city “Baton ROOJ.” As far as cities go, not one can compete with New Orleans when it comes to the sheer volume of different inflections and pronunciations. A newcomer to the city once pointed out the odd fact that on a given afternoon, a white-gloved lady might attend a reception at the venerable Orleans Club, in the city of

You Say “New Orleans”


Inside New Orleans

New Orleans and inside Orleans Parish. Three different sounds emanating from the same name. It doesn’t stop there. Ask any Garden District swell over the age of 60 where he grew up and he’ll likely tell you “New Oyenz.” Ask the people working in the grocery store meat department and they’re apt to say “New Wallinz.” My out-of- state cousin grew up in “New Awlyinz,” yet my friend’s mother from St. Francisville called it “Nyeu’awlins.” And, for some reason, the local news reporters employ four syllables when saying “New OR-lee-unz.” Whenever friends from England visit, it’s invariably pronounced “New OrLEENZ,” which no local would ever say unless he’s singing a few bars of “Do you know what it means …” Some Cajuns tend to switch “AR” and “OR,” making it “New Arlinz.” However, no one—and I mean NO ONE—who was born and reared here would refer to our precious Big Easy with two syllables. The word “Nawlins” should be permanently surrounded with a big circle and red slash over it. You say “Metry” and I say “Medderie.” She says “Kenna’” and he says “Kenner.” We all put a “shoe” at the end of LSU, and we call our local university “TOO-lane” rather than the outsider way, “Ta-LANE.” If you live in Denver, Jackson, Salt Lake City or Portland, you pronounce your city’s name as it’s written. It’s all very uniform and dependable. Not here. We appreciate our spicy varieties and relish the fact that no one, local or visitor, would characterize New Orleans as “uniform.” As for dependability? Well, let’s talk about the weather in July. That’s something we can count on. A whole nutha’ story. April-May 2019 29

e l y Ga n o s n e B

IT’S BEEN A LITTLE OVER A YEAR since the beloved Tom Benson passed away at the age of 90, leaving control of both his NFL team, the Saints, and his NBA team, the Pelicans, to his wife of 14 years, Gayle Marie Benson—or GMB, as she’s known affectionately to those close to her within the executive ranks of the organizations. This past year for the now solitary owner has been anything but dull. Drew Brees scored an all-time NFL passing record, Michael Thomas hit an all-time receiving record for the Saints, the acrobatic Alvin Kamara became just the second player in NFL history to total 1,500 rushing yards and 1,500 receiving yards in his first two seasons in the league, and kicker Wil Lutz set a franchise record for consecutive field goals, just for starters. And, of course, they roared through other contenders to make it to the championship game leading to the Super Bowl. But who can forget the game-changing no-call in that championship match against the Rams, which still has coaches and players alike calling for rule changes regarding reviews and challenges? And that is just a tiny snapshot of her NFL team over the last year. The Pelicans have had their fair share of drama as well, most notably when their finest player and one of the best in the league, Anthony Davis, asked the powers-that-be in February to trade him. The Pelicans couldn’t put together a trade deal that was beneficial


Inside New Orleans

for them, leaving “The Brow” with nowhere to land immediately when the trade deadline expired. He’s now been limited to 20 minutes per game until the season is over. Benson says they will trade him when they are ready, and when it makes sense. Subsequent to that tumult, Gayle Benson had the unenviable job of firing Pelicans’ GM Dell Demps in a move that may redefine the entire franchise going forward. So, just who is Gayle Marie LaJaunie Bird Benson, the first woman to be in the distinct position as a majority shareholder in both an NFL and NBA franchise? She’s a local girl who grew up in Old Algiers. “This was before it was trendy,” explained Benson from inside the former interior decorator’s immaculately tailored office at Saints Camp. “It was a working-class section of New Orleans back then. My mother was very religious and put me in Catholic schools for elementary and middle school, but when I got to be around 14 (when you think you know everything), I decided I wanted to go to public school. I was at war with my mother over this, but I was strong-willed, and at 15 I landed at Behrman High School.” To hear Benson tell it, culture shock ensued. Having been insulated her entire life to this point with strict rules of behavior, witnessing the goings-on at her new school was shocking. “People were in the halls making out and >>

photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

by Leslie Cardé

April-May 2019 31

Owner Gayle Benson meets with Coach Sean Payton and Executive V.P. and General Manager of the Saints, Mickey Loomis.


The marriage of one year ended, was later annulled, and Benson was back living with her parents. “I was 20 by this time,” Benson recalled, “and I went to work as a secretary. Then later, I took a job in a dental office, but I needed to make more money, so I found a jewelry company based out of New York that needed representatives. I reported to my bosses in Dallas but had trips in and out of New York, eventually becoming a regional director with 30 girls working for me.” Living at home and saving her money, her impetus for the next marriage was a bit different. At 29, she met a little girl and boy who were in a difficult situation. With an absent mother, they were being raised by their father, who worked for former DA Harry Connick. “I was waiting for God to show me what to do with

Inside New Orleans

my life. I figured He hadn’t sent me children, but I knew I could help these kids,” recounted Benson. “I was getting closer to their father, and I figured the children needed a more stable home life. Against advice from those around me, and some looming red flags, we got married—not in the church, but on a barge in South Pass, Louisiana. After the wedding, he got in his boat and went fishing.” It was a prophetic sign of more unpleasantries to come, but Benson hung in there for the children. Ten years after the “I Do’s,” she filed for divorce, vowing at the age of 39 she would never marry again. Already in business for herself at this point, heading up her own interior design firm while renovating and flipping properties as well, Benson’s entrepreneurial spirit had served her well. Meeting Tom Benson 18 years later was unexpected and totally serendipitous. “I had a number of renovation projects going on, and I had purchased the old Kung’s Dynasty in the 1900 block of St. Charles Avenue, where I had a trailer set up on the property so I could oversee everything,” she recounted. “I would go to Mass early every morning at St. Louis Cathedral, and on this particular morning, I was the reader. After Mass, the Monsignor asked me if I had noticed Tom Benson in the congregation. I hadn’t. But the church had been soliciting donations to repair the roof, and the Monsignor thought that perhaps I could get him to make a donation to the cathedral, so he introduced us.” Closely on the heels of that meeting, Tom invited her to an Arena Football game, and a dinner to follow, which she described as feeling like an interview, while the getting-to-know-you evening had still not elicited any donation to the church. Meanwhile, Mr. Benson seemed eager to impress her with his team and other worldly goods—and then informed her he would be leaving town for a number of weeks. Upon his return, however, the dinners continued for months with increased frequency, and Gayle Benson came to know his heart. “He was ever the gentleman, and completely respectful,” said Benson. “He used to blow me kisses at the end of our dates. When I finally asked one of

photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

in the bathrooms smoking and cursing, and I was like ‘whoa—what is this?’” With an abundance of class credits from her previous parochial school, her junior and senior year required only half-day attendance, allowing her to work the other half, a fact she was thrilled about. But soon after graduation, the reality of the ’60s set in, and her family’s credo that good girls got married, got pregnant and then took care of a husband and children led Benson to fulfill the goals that had been inculcated in her since she was very young. But marrying a man down the street whom she had known for years did not have a fairy tale ending. Her husband, from an Italian family, had an expectation of “a house full of kids,” so Benson’s failure to get pregnant had rocky repercussions.

the priests if he was a nice man, I was told he was an honorary Oblate, an order of priests. I thought, ‘He’s got potential!’ I later learned he often went to Manresa (a Jesuit Retreat Center in Convent, Louisiana), and realized we had our faith in common as well as our love of business.” Four months later Tom Benson proposed and requested that the wedding take place on a Saints bye week. They were married first in a civil ceremony at the New Orleans Museum of Art, then in a religious ceremony at The Immaculate Conception Chapel and Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. Their honeymoon was in California immediately thereafter, as the Saints had a game there. It was a whirlwind courtship leading to a 14-year marriage— one in which she attended every business meeting, learning the sports business with the same gusto she had previously employed to learn the jewelry business, interior design and real estate. “Mr. Benson wanted her to understand most of the aspects of the football operation,” said Mickey Loomis, Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Saints. “She was very willing and patient to learn many of the top issues facing our team—the salary cap and rules and various deadlines. I was very impressed with her questions and her understanding of it all. Keep in mind that while Mr. Benson was alive, she attended every owners meeting and every draft meeting here in the building. So, once she became a sole owner, it was a very seamless transition.” And, while digesting all of that information, she was simultaneously learning about the banking business, the car business and the various real estate holdings of her husband. Of course, this was before the advent of NBA ownership beginning in 2012, the GMB Racing >>

April-May 2019 33


Inside New Orleans

photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

Stables in 2014 or the more recent acquisition of Dixie Beer. The Pelicans acquisition came about in what can best be characterized as a collision of chance and a checkbook. Following the exit of the New Orleans Jazz to Utah in 1979, the Crescent City was without an NBA franchise until 2002, when then-owner of the Charlotte Hornets George Shinn relocated his franchise to New Orleans. He sold the franchise in 2010 back to the league, and by 2012, the team was in dire straits. For the Benson duo, who seemed to have a propensity and an affinity for turning around fading properties and floundering franchises, à la the 1985 New Orleans Saints, it was a match made in heaven. “I encouraged Tom to buy the Pelicans,” recalled Gayle Benson. “I was an entrepreneur at heart, and owning a team was fun. Eventually, when the deal was done, the league said they would have taken less, and Tom said he would have paid more. We renamed the team the Pelicans, because Tom owned the rights to that name, which formerly belonged to an old minor league baseball team that played its final game in New Orleans in 1959.” The name resonated with New Orleanians who were watching real-life pelicans struggling for their very survival off the Gulf Coast in the wake of the BP oil spill two years earlier, with the slicks of petroleum still present in the water. Turning lemons into lemonade, and getting good PR in the process, the Bensons gave money for coastal restoration and took their Pelican teammates down to the Gulf of Mexico to clean off the saturated sea birds. It was a sight! With the purchase of the Pelicans, the team secured the top pick in the draft. It was used to acquire Anthony Davis, a freshman center at Kentucky who had just led his school to an NCAA championship. A perennial all-star, albeit plagued with injuries, Davis was later joined on court by DeMarcus Cousins in 2017. Even though Cousins tore his Achilles’ tendon and missed the playoffs, the Pelicans still swept the Portland Trailblazers

before eventually losing to the juggernaut Golden State Warriors in the conference semifinals; ironically, the injured Cousins became a free agent and was picked up by the Warriors in 2018 for a song. But in February 2019, in a move straight out of the Chris Paul playbook of 2011-2012, Davis asked to be traded. The entire debacle turned into a public spectacle, with disappointed fans—and Davis exiting one particular game halfway through. “The Anthony Davis situation is difficult,” Benson told me. “Amidst all of the trade talk, he hurt his shoulder in February, and walked off the court mid-game with his agent. We didn’t feel the trade deals we were offered were in the best interest of the team. The Lakers put together a trade package, but the Pelicans would have gotten a not-so-great deal. We couldn’t come to terms, and eventually the trade deadline lapsed. We have Anthony through the end of the season, so he will play. But, we need to get the best deal for the fans in terms of draft picks. He’s young and he wants to win, and he doesn’t have the patience to hang on. All athletes live with the danger of getting hurt, and then you have no career. I feel that if we could continue to recruit and get some great people, we can have a championship team—but it’s going to take some time. I explained to Anthony by way of an analogy to the Saints that we only have one Super Bowl win, but we now have a great team together, and that took many years.” As long as Davis stays healthy, come the off-season, more teams will be in a position to orchestrate a better trade deal for all parties concerned, as the franchise looks forward. And, perhaps in an effort to infuse new life into a demoralized team and fan base, in mid-February, Benson fired the general manager of the Pelicans, Dell Demps, who had held that position since 2010, pre-dating the Bensons. “We’re going to get five or six résumés together,” explained Benson, “and put interim GM Danny Ferry in the mix and see who is best qualified. And then we’ll get the best players we can, based on that person’s knowledge. There are a lot of talented people who haven’t been tapped and whose full potential hasn’t yet been realized.” Clearly the natives are restless, as Benson says the front office receives three letters a day from the bleacher pundits (my words, not hers) as to who the next GM should be. She says the plan is to rebuild the team, whatever it takes, and they will choose the person who everyone thinks will get that job done. To say that no one needed the additional Pelicans drama within weeks of the now infamous and unarguably worst no-call in NFL history goes without saying. How seven separate referees seemed blind not only to a pass interference penalty but to a helmet-to- >>

April-May 2019 35

helmet call as well defies logic. “I was disappointed,” discussed Benson, “and hopefully, we are going to get the rules changed. We certainly want to be able to challenge calls like this in the future. Frankly, I think Roger (NFL Commissioner Goodell) was embarrassed. It was clearly a mistake, and although we’ll never be able to rectify what happened on the field that day, we can make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Roger Goodell had called Mrs. Benson personally and was apologetic, but felt like there wasn’t anything he could do considering the constraints of the rules. “Look, you have 32 owners who all saw that, who knew it wasn’t right,” said Benson, “but again, based on the rules, there wasn’t much that could have been done. It was over!” For Coach Sean Payton, a member of the league’s competition committee (one component of the rule-making body), hope springs eternal in the wake of such an egregiously blown call. “Certainly I believe a lot of people support change,” said Coach Payton. “But there needs to be a clear methodology in place before implementing any alteration to how the league utilizes replay. Look, the fans are seeing everything now in real time. The fans are getting access to great shots on the television screen. So, how do we improve those opportunities for the officials? We’ve discussed an eighth official up in the box who will have access to the same kind of video a fan would have—but as an official. We’ve discussed replay, and we’ve discussed all of those other topics at the preliminary meeting. I think in the next month or so, we’ll be further along.” For the detractors of rule changes relative to call reviews, the biggest concern seems to be delaying the game. However, the Canadian Football League has been


Inside New Orleans

photo: CANDRA GEORGE mycreativereality.com

reviewing pass interference calls since 2014 without any problems. When you look at the overall ownership picture nationally in both football and basketball as it stands in 2019, there are only eight women who have majority shares in NFL teams—and most of those franchises do not have sole ownership, as does Benson. As for the NBA, Gayle Benson and Gail Miller of the Utah Jazz stand alone as female owners. The Los Angeles Lakers are run by multiple family members within the Jerry Buss family trust. So, does a female perspective have any bearing on decisions to be made regarding the team’s choices? Or is it more about the personal character of those in the front office, regardless of gender, as it pertains to morals and standards? I asked Mrs. Benson about the recent signing of former Chiefs star running back Kareem Hunt to the Cleveland Browns just months after he was released by the Kansas City Chiefs for his involvement in a violent physical altercation with a woman in a Cleveland hotel that was caught in its entirety on security footage. Considering there were other documented instances of violence in Hunt’s case, could there be justification for re-hiring a player such as this? “The Saints would not have hired him,” said Benson, without missing a beat. “We have higher standards, and I feel if you hire someone like that, you’ve not only created a public relations nightmare, but you’ve completely sent the wrong message. And I’m not alone in that sentiment. Before we draft anyone, Sean (Payton) will get on the phone with them and explain the “rules of the road,” if you will. He’ll ask about their family life and if they can come to work without issues. He’ll ask if they’re drinking or doing drugs. And, in addition to background checks by the organization, he wants them to know we’re all over it. We have a great group of players on our teams, who give back to the community, unselfishly give of their time at local hospitals and are men of character. That’s the sort of integrity-driven individual we want as part of our family.” “We certainly place a high priority on bringing the right type of people into our organization, and that will continue to be important to all of us,” echoed Coach Payton. As far as stylistic differences between Mr. and Mrs.

Benson, I posed that question to Saints and Pelicans President Dennis Lauscha, who’s been an integral part of the Bensons’ recent acquisitions as well as overseeing all major decisions within both franchises. He now works with Mrs. Benson on a daily basis. “There are obvious differences in style, but the core questions, values and beliefs are the same,” believes Lauscha. “Her questions typically relate to how any decision will impact either team’s having the best product and delivering the greatest value. Her concerns are about what’s best for the fans, the community and other stakeholders. There’s a lot of attention paid to an investment having multiple bottom lines—not just good financially, but good for others. The Dixie Brewery investment is a good example. Although a great location for Dixie, we’re investing in an area of town that needs attention in both capital investment and employment.

So, there are multiple bottom lines. That decision was very important to both Mr. and Mrs. Benson.” And Gayle Benson continues to extend that generosity to the entire New Orleans community. Whether she’s paying off over 400 holiday layaway orders at Walmart to the tune of $100,000 last Christmas, making a $5 million donation to Jesuit High School, the largest in the school’s history, or on the oneyear anniversary of her husband’s passing last month, a $3.5 million donation to Second Harvest Food Bank, many believe it was her giving spirit which propelled her husband into the world of philanthropy—whether it was funding medical research, building a stadium, or contributing to the arts and beyond. To those inside the organizations who know her, >>

Saints and Pelicans President Dennis Lauscha is a frequent visitor to Benson’s office at Saints Camp.

April-May 2019 37

it’s her familial style which endears her to everyone. She is more than a boss. She’s the godmother to Saints quarterback Drew Brees’ daughter, Rylen, as well as to former special teams hero Steve Gleason’s daughter, Gray. She has invited Saints players and their families to the horse ranch, and she’s been known to give up her first-class seat to away-games to players. She is also well known for her personal handwritten notes and cards, sometimes accompanied by press clippings. Coach Sean Payton has a drawerful. “It’s almost like she’s saying, your mom’s not alive anymore to collect these, but I am,” Payton said. “I think the players, coaches and all of us involved have seen a bright light within her.” There may be a flip side to generosity in that there will always be those who take advantage of kindness, but her team does its best to keep her insulated from those who might be out to exploit her. One may detect a sense of protectiveness around the club toward Mrs. Benson, but according to Greg Bensel, Senior Vice President of Communications and Broadcasting for the Saints and Pelicans, she’s a savvy businesswoman who is very perceptive of anything that could be considered untoward. “She is very strong minded in her conviction, so being protective is not really the right term,” said Bensel. “She is much like Mr. Benson in making sure that our values and core beliefs are paramount when we are dealing with any of our constituents. I don’t think anyone can question her integrity, honesty and grace. We got lucky when Mr. Benson married Mrs. Benson.” To share story ideas or comment, you can reach Leslie at leslie@insidepub.com.


Inside New Orleans

W O MWomen E N In Business I N Presenting B U Sponsor S I N E S S

Women have played a prominent role at State Farm from the beginning. From Minnie Jones, who in 1922 was voted in as the first female executive, to Ella Turner, the earliest-known female agent, in 1924. It takes a broad range of skills, talent and experience to meet the insurance needs of customers. Mary Beth Rittiner and Nora Vaden Holmes, who collectively have 59 years of experience, continue the long tradition of successful women at State Farm. They are successful agents who help customers recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams.

Mary Beth Rittiner

Mary Beth Rittiner’s lifelong career in insurance began right after graduating

Agency,” Mary Beth smiles. “I’m hoping to do this for many years to come.” Mary Beth is a member of the Les Amies Du Jardin Garden Club, Interior

from Louisiana State University in 1981. However, she was not the first one in

Design Club, and Book Club for numerous years. She is a Junior League of New

her family to fall in love with the insurance business: “My father has been in the

Orleans Sustainer and supports local nonprofit organizations including St. Jude

insurance business for over 50 years and is still an insurance agent today!”

Children’s Research Hospital, Boys Hope Girls Hope, Second Harvest Food Bank,

In 1985, Mary Beth’s dream came true when she opened her own State Farm Insurance Agency on Wall Boulevard in Gretna, the second woman to open an agency on the Westbank. “I started with one team member in about 600-square-

and Comfort Cases for foster children. A New Orleans native, she is a St. Mary’s Dominican High School graduate and one of six siblings. When not serving her clients, Mary Beth loves to play tennis, garden and

feet,” she reflects. “As my team began to grow, we took over the entire building, and

travel. But her favorite pastime is spending time the weekends and evenings with her

we are still in it today! Even after 38 years in the insurance business, I still enjoy

husband of 37 years, her 2-year-old granddaughter and her three adult children. “I’ve

discovering new ways to protect our clients’ property and possessions.”

always been told grandchildren are the greatest gifts. It’s true! I cannot wait for our

Mary Beth and her team offer auto, homeowners, renter and flood insurance; and business, commercial, life and health insurance; and worker’s compensation. “I absolutely love my staff and what I do. It’s a joy walking into my office every day to work with this team and our wonderful clients. Many of my clients have been with me since I opened 34 years ago—they are the best! “I’m so thankful that I was given the opportunity to own my own State Farm


second grandchild’s arrival in September. They are as wonderful as everyone says.”

Nora Vaden Holmes

With a passion for helping customers, Nora Vaden Holmes began working for State Farm after graduating from college. Celebrating 18 years in business this August, Nora has grown her agency by making a concentrated effort to explain

You can find Mary Beth at 152 Wall Blvd. in Gretna.

You can find Nora and her team at 117 Metairie Lawn Dr. in Metairie.

504-392-5808. marybethrittiner.com.

504-831-0002. geauxholmes.com.

Inside New Orleans

insurance in a way that is easy to understand. “I love interacting with our customers, fellow business owners and our team. I have the opportunity to work with a high-energy, highly motivated team who inspire and energize me daily,” says Nora. “We really do think of our customers as an extended family, and we want our office to be a place they like to visit—one where

table of contents

they know they will get treated with respect and appreciation for trusting us with their insurance.” Nora Vaden Holmes Insurance Agency offers auto, homeowners, renters, life, flood, business, worker’s compensation insurance and financial services. “We are always looking for ways to provide the highest level of service to our customers and exceed their expectations,” Nora explains. “We spend time doing comprehensive insurance reviews with our customers to ensure they are not under- or overinsured. Insurance in the Greater New Orleans area is one of the most expensive in the country, so we want to make sure our customers are receiving all of the discounts they are entitled to while understanding their risks for some of their largest assets.” Nora has had both male and female mentors who inspired her to emulate their work ethic and think of innovative ways to grow the business. “We have consistently been in the top 50 State Farm agents out of 19,000 countrywide. I attribute this to coaching and developing an award-winning team while always properly protecting all the risks that face our customers. We have a very seasoned team, which provides consistency and efficiency for our customers.” Within the community, Nora serves on the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce Board, The Metairie Road Advisory Board and Friends of Jefferson the Beautiful Board. She is a member of the Leading Ladies

40 Mary Beth Rittiner and 53 Nora Vaden Holmes State Farm
 54 42 Tara Ledoux Clearview Center 54 43 Lauren Lightfoot MLCworks 44 Joni Friedmann-Lagasse Dependable In Home Care 45 Erin Saucier Didriksen Saucier & Woods

47 Jennifer DiCerbo The French Mix by Jennifer DiCerbo Interiors

Anna Tusa Briquette and New Orleans Creole Cookery

56 Erin Steen French and Amy Steen Reggio Compass Point Events

56 Stefanie J. Allweiss, JD, and Patricia Pannell, JD Gotcha Covered HR

50 Dr. Shondra Williams Jefferson Community Health Care Centers

Dedra N. Louis, PhD, LPC-S, CCFC, NCC Greater New Orleans Counseling Services, LLC

57 Ingrid Rinck Sensible Meals

58 The New Orleans Steamboat Company

58 Katie Witry, Adrienne LaBauve 52 Terri North and Sophie Brunner Providence Community Housing Witry Collective 59 The Event Glossary

Guild, St. Catherine’s Women’s Club and Old Metairie Garden Club, and a sponsor of Jefferson Performing Arts Society, Jefferson SPCA and Animal Rescue of New

Women IN Business 2019

Orleans. Nora is also NAIFA Greater New Orleans Past

Presenting Sponsor

President, Boys & Girls club past board member and a

State Farm

Junior League of New Orleans Sustainer.

Agents Mary Beth Rittiner

Nora likes cooking, gardening, interior

Elizabeth Sconzert Blue Williams, L.L.P.

55 Dr. Karen T. McNay Ursuline Academy

48 Rebecca Pennington, Ph.D., CFRE Girl Scouts Louisiana East 57 49 The Greige Home Interiors Design Team

51 Candra George The OWEL Project

Tarah Keech The Real CREW

59 Z Event Company

and Nora Vaden Holmes

design and working on beautification projects of our community. She adds, “My husband Bruce and I enjoy

Event Patrons

travelling and spending time with our family and

Fidelity Bank’s P.O.W.E.R. of Women

friends, especially our 2-year-old granddaughter!”

Antoine’s Restaurant April-May 2019 41




Tara Ledoux Celebrating 50 years in business, Tara Ledoux is excited to see

more of an entertainment destination. From more eateries to fun

what is next for the ever-growing Clearview Center. No stranger to the

events, like Family Gras and Brunch with the Bunny catered by Zea

Center, Tara has seen it evolve throughout her life. “Clearview is very

Rotisserie & Bar on April 13, Clearview will be home to an exciting

special to me. As a high school student in 1999, I began working

array of shopping, activities and more.

at Clearview as an administrative assistant in the management office. In 2004, I graduated from the University of New Orleans and was promoted to Assistant Mall Manager. Two years later, at the age of 24, I became General Manager,” Tara reflects. Tara worked as General Manager for four years before relocating

“Clearview is on the move. Compared to last year, the years to come will see much more substantial changes,” Tara adds. As a military wife and mother of two, Tara’s role as a woman in business is much more than her career. “It’s important for me to be a positive role model to my children, especially to my daughter. I

to Fort Polk, Louisiana, in December 2010. While her husband was

want her to see that she can be a mother, caretaker and a successful

stationed in Korea for one year, she and her two children returned to

business woman all at the same time.”

New Orleans. Shortly after her return, the Richards family offered Tara

When returning to Clearview in 2017, Tara proposed the

the position again in December 2017. “I am grateful to the Richards

following quote to her staff: “When looking at a field of dandelions

family and for the opportunity to return to my prior position. I am

you can either see a hundred weeds or a hundred wishes.” With the

also excited to be a part of what is to come,” she says.

constant dedication and hard work of the Clearview staff, the Richards

Since Tara’s return, the Center has been bustling with

family, SRSA Commercial Real Estate and MLCworks marketing

improvements—painting, additional kiosks, relaxation stations

agency, this phrase is slowly, but surely, becoming a reality. The best

and more. Last year, Tara and her team took the initiative toward

is yet to come.

rebranding Clearview with a fresh new logo and a new website to fit

all that it has to offer. The thriving 30+ retailers, department stores and restaurants are eager to see the next steps. While Clearview has always been a family-friendly location, Tara believes with plans slated for the near future, it will become even 42

Inside New Orleans

Clearview Center is located at 4436 Veterans Blvd. in Metairie. 504-885-0202. clearviewcenter.com




Lauren Lightfoot “MLCworks doesn’t fit into a box with words like ‘advertising’ or ‘digital marketing,’” says founder Lauren Lightfoot. Lauren acknowledges the pace of change in the marketing

The measurement of success through data analysis and metrics are at the core of MLC. “For me, the numbers don’t lie. You can put anything into a spreadsheet and analyze it. We look at the numbers, we connect

industry and that agencies need to adapt to stay successful. She says,

the dots, we go deep—this is what sets us apart from other agencies,”

“I don’t want to put the agency in a box. Whatever the marketing

says Lauren.

business needs to be, that’s what we’ll be. We live in a time when so

MLCworks pushes the boundaries to find more meaningful

much of what we do as marketers involves being and thinking outside

results—applying new principles to branding, continuously educating

the box and adapting to change. These days, technology and behavior

and evolving the definition of digital marketing.

change so fast, it’s not an advantage to remain boxed in. All of our

“I never thought I would be an entrepreneur, but I really do love

clients are different and have different needs. Whatever it is they need,

business,” Lauren adds. “Deep down, I have this connection to our

we can do that.”

clients. I really care about them and their businesses. Our clients have

Lauren has a passion for business and helping businesses grow and achieve their goals. MLCworks was founded in 2013 when she began as a consultant for a few clients to help them navigate the online

entrusted in us, and we value that. We want to perform for them and improve their bottom line.” While working diligently for her clients, Lauren also hopes to

and digital advertising world. Over time, she wanted to bring together

show her two daughters that you can achieve anything that you work

different areas of expertise and combine them into a team effort to

really hard for. “Hard work, honesty and transparency are valued at

function like a brain trust. “The more marketing can be 360º and

MLCworks. Under the hood of this ‘digital machine’ is a mushy heart

comprehensive, the better, so it made sense to add the required people

that beats with a love for business and watching businesses grow. We

and skill sets. The value of the agency is its people,” Lauren explains.

get behind the work we do for clients and rally together for their cause.”

“People are the assets and the experts. We put effort into keeping our skills sharp—otherwise, things can get dull fairly quickly.” Lauren cultivated the team into a workplace that was both analytical and creative. It grew into an agency that offers its variety of clients a wide array of services ranging from websites, eCommerce, social media, SEO/SEM, content creation, digital advertising and more.

MLCworks is located at 2628 Metairie Lawn Dr., Ste. 200, in Metairie. 504-222-2632.mlcworks.com. April-May 2019 43




Joni Friedmann-Lagasse It started with a phone and a Rolodex. Fifty years later, Dependable In Home Care’s phone number is still the same. When asked to share about her life’s background and the

nationally accredited caregiver registry. “No other caregiver service in the area can boast our credentials. We provide access to a vetted pool of nearly 175 experienced professionals, including direct service workers

business, owner Joni Friedmann-Lagasse replies, “They’re one and

and certified nursing assistants. All of the caregivers on the registry

the same.” While Joni was a child, her father was diagnosed with

have a minimum of two years of hands-on experience and have passed

Alzheimer’s. “From 7 years old to 14, I watched my mom care for my

drug screenings and national background checks. Our business model

father with additional help from ladies coming into our home. In 1969,

is a win-win for the family and the caregiver. That’s one of the reasons

after he passed, my mom and a business partner started the company

we have been successful and have been able to compete—and compete

because of the need for non-medical, in-home care.”

well—with national franchises,” Joni adds.

With a phone and a Rolodex, the successful company was born in

“My favorite aspect of this business is empowering the caregivers

Joni’s childhood home. Five years later while Joni was working in Texas, her

that work through the registry. With many of them female and head of

mom called, needing help with the business. “If you knew my mom, you

household, the registry allows them to control their own schedule and

knew she was a great entrepreneur—she could sell ice cubes to Eskimos,”

accept their own placement, unlike an employer-employee relationship.

Joni laughs. “I found myself back with my mom. Five years later, she

It is very rewarding for me to see their success.”

passed, leaving me at 28 years old with that phone and Rolodex.” Joni, after seeing the need for in-home care up close and

It’s impressive to see what has come from that phone and Rolodex in 1969. “One of the most important things you need when

personal most of her life, believed in what Dependable did and pushed

bringing someone into your home is trust. And we have brought that

it further. “It was hard work, and no one really wanted to do private

to the table again and again. Fifty years with the same phone number.

duty in home care—it wasn’t glamorous. My foundation at home made

Call away!”

me want to work in this industry. Yet, by 1980, the caregiver industry was beginning to evolve. I spent a lot of time on the hill in Washington with people like me talking to congressmen and senators to lobby for the legislation we needed to continue our efforts. I believe we did a lot of good for the caregiver industry and for the people who need access to affordable care.” Today, Dependable In Home Care serves as the region’s only 44

Inside New Orleans

Dependable In Home Care is located at 702 N Carrollton Ave. in New Orleans. 504-486-5044. dependablecare.net.




Erin applied to Didriksen for a part-time position to do document review after her hiatus. “I wanted to get back into law, just to sort of flex my muscles. It was supposed to be a part time gig. And ... well, I never left. I wasn’t planning to go back to work full time, but I found a place with interesting work and people that I liked.” The scope and complexity of the legal work that Didriksen is capable of providing to its clients is unique, and that’s why Erin jumped onboard. “One of the things I like about being here is that we’re all quite curious, and that helps when doing complex work for our clients.” Recently, Didriksen Saucier & Woods won the largest single plaintiff jury verdict in Louisiana history. “We tried this case with attorney Tony Clayton of New Roads,” Erin says. “The case against Daimler Trucks North America was incredibly specialized, but our expertise in complex and products liability cases provided the historic win.” Erin handles much of the firm’s estate planning and succession work. She provides free consultations for clients and potential to help determine their estate planning needs. “Estate planning is a gift you leave to your family by making things easier for them after you pass and I love being a part of that process. It is just as important for smaller, typical households as it is for complex multi-million dollar estates.” The attorneys work closely together, providing their clients with the kind of personal attention that they need and deserve. “We work as a team toward a resolution, and the more

Erin Saucier

It’s almost inconceivable to think that Erin Saucier was undecided about whether

perspectives we have on a case, the better it works out for our clients. We don’t have individual clients; rather, we serve all of our clients as a team. One of the things I really like about my

she wanted to practice law. Now managing partner of Didriksen Saucier & Woods, Erin

job is that if I had to leave, for, say a family emergency, I know

good-naturedly explains, “I always knew I wanted to go to Tulane law school; I just

that everyone would take over for me. The support is amazing

didn’t know if I wanted to be a lawyer. And, it was the only school to which I applied,

here, and that’s a great feeling that lends to a great work

so if I didn’t get in, I figured I wasn’t going to law school! In the end, it worked out,

product. When you have that sort of attitude, it makes you and

and I loved being there.”

your clients comfortable.”

She must have enjoyed her time at Tulane, because Erin graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2002. At Didriksen, she specializes in complex, multi-party personal injury, asbestos and products liability cases. She also handles estates, succession and insurance defense cases. Erin is a New Orleans girl through and through. After graduating from Academy of the Sacred Heart, she went to Emory, in Atlanta, for her undergraduate degree. But, she couldn’t resist the siren call of the Big Easy and returned home. “I missed New Orleans and my family too much, so I came back home as soon as I graduated from college.” After law school, Erin worked as an associate at Phelps Dunbar in its general business group before life took its natural course. She took a few years off to raise her three children.

Didriksen Saucier & Woods is located at 3114 Canal Street in New Orleans. 586-1600. DSWLawFirm.com. April-May 2019 45




and tell them I wouldn’t do that. I’m a perfectionist and want to make it the best it can be.” On the other hand, she says, “When clients have a special piece they absolutely want to include, I say, if you love it, it works. “It helps immensely that we have a retail design showroom where clients can have their imagination stimulated as they see furnishings and accessories up close, touch fabrics or sit on a chair or couch to get a feel for what they like,” says Jennifer. “We can also take pieces to clients’ homes to show them in their space.” The showroom is a 4,000-square-foot house on Lee Lane in downtown Covington. Charming and bathed in comfortable elegance, the two-story building contains an array of furnishings, window treatments, lighting, accessories, hand-knotted rugs from Nepal and original art by the Northshore or Greater New Orleans area artists. The second floor holds an intriguing hall of mirrors. “We’re not an ordinary store,” says Jennifer. Neither, apparently, is the customer service she and her staff offer. “We’re grateful for the opportunity to make clients’ experiences amazing.” Jennifer attributes the success of The French Mix to her partnership with her husband, Thom

Jennifer DiCerbo If what studies show is true—that beauty in our surroundings can positively affect our moods—then you could say Jennifer DiCerbo’s The French Mix is a mood-changing business. With a wealth of expertise in the various aspects of design, style, furnishings and materials at her

DiCerbo, who handles business operations; to her love for her work; and to her accessibility to her clients. She says, “Everything we deal with is something that can make a space beautiful. It affects the feel of the home and clients’ day-to-day

command, Jennifer is a talented professional who pays close attention to detail. She pays even more

lives. People should feel happy and love to come

attention to her clients and their wishes, in order to accomplish her goal of creating an environment that

home to everything they’ve worked hard for. I

expresses who they are. She takes the time to get to know them, which calls for another kind of talent—

want them to love it.”

the ability to listen. “It’s also about asking the right questions,” says Jennifer. “My first question is ‘How do you want your space to feel?’” Whether comfortable, welcoming, relaxing or refined, “It’s not always what I expect.” She questions her clients about their lifestyle, how they entertain and about their children, grandchildren or pets. “This gives me the insight to be able to design the space to be, for example, kid friendly or pet friendly.” Jennifer and the design team of her full-service, mid-to-high-end interior design company work within the client’s budget. When clients don’t know their style they want or can describe, Jennifer helps

The French Mix by Jennifer DiCerbo Interiors

them to create one, consulting various photo resources and listening for what they like and don’t like.

is located at 228 Lee Lane in Covington.

She also gently guides clients whose choices include pieces that she knows won’t work. “I’m very honest

985-809-3152. frenchmixinteriors.com. April-May 2019 47




In her current role, Dr. Pennington sees the need for a Chief Development Officer to assist in generating additional funds at GSLE. She says: “A lot of people ask about the cookie program revenue. After the baker is paid, the revenue stays local to maintain the three camp properties and train and recruit volunteers, among other necessities. While the cookie program is successful, we cannot solely rely on its funding. A fundraiser professional is an investment that will be beneficial to us.” Dr. Pennington earned a Bachelor’s in Communication Arts from

Rebecca Pennington, Ph.D., CFRE

Growing up in Baton Rouge, Dr. Rebecca Pennington loved being a

Nicholls State University, a Master of Journalism from Louisiana State University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Mass Communication with a concentration in Public Relations and minor in Higher Education

Girl Scout. “I still have my Brownie and Girl Scout handbooks and patches

Administration from the University of Southern Mississippi. She worked

from camp,” she reflects. “When I saw the CEO position available, I could

in higher education for more than 22 years, managing capital campaigns

not pass it up. I love this organization and what it gives to young girls.”

for Nicholls State University, Southeastern Louisiana University and

Since becoming the Girl Scouts Louisiana East CEO in December

Nunez Community College, as well as implementing and coordinating

2018, Dr. Pennington has been listening and learning from the staff,

institutional and athletic brand images for Nicholls State. She has

volunteers and girls. She says, “It has been great learning more about our

taught master’s level public relations classes as an adjunct professor at

organization and the 23 parishes we serve.

Southeastern and mass communications classes as an associate professor

“Every single day has been different! Between our headquarters in

at Nicholls State. She holds the designation of Certified Fund Raising

New Orleans and our regional office in Baton Rouge, I spend my days out

Executive (CFRE) and has also served on numerous not-for-profit boards

and about meeting our troop leaders, donors and supporters. Of course,

of directors. When not furthering the Girl Scouts’ mission, Dr. Pennington

I have also made a trip to Camp Marydale to see the horses—one of my

enjoys cooking and eating, fishing, camping and hiking with her family.

fondest memories of being a Girl Scout,” she smiles. Prior to joining GSLE, Dr. Pennington served as the Senior Director

“As a woman, I think it’s still a little more difficult for women in leadership roles,” she adds. “To be able to lead an organization that

of Walk MS for the South Central Region of the National Multiple

solely focuses on girls and building a pipeline of future female leaders

Sclerosis Society, where she also served as Vice President of Walk

is very rewarding.”

MS and Emerging Events and Vice-President of Development for its

Louisiana office. She has a consistent record of increasing revenue while serving in senior fundraising positions, with extensive experience in all areas of fundraising and public relations, particularly capital campaigns, the cultivation and solicitation of major gifts, annual and planned giving and brand management. 48

Inside New Orleans

To volunteer, give or learn more, visit gsle.org.



B U S I N E S S exquisite accessory and fabric selections for her clients. She says, “The extensive collection of fabrics and finishes available allows us to help you create your vision.” As a Registered Designer, Kathleen Hall McCullough has been building a rapport with clients for 18 years. She says, “Installation day is of course my favorite part of the process. I love seeing it all come together. But the time I spend with my clients selecting finishes, paint, window treatments, custom furniture fabrics and lighting is truly exciting. I always tell them to have fun and enjoy the process!” Designer Micháel Burns enjoys gathering her clients’ input to start a project. “People often know what they like and don’t like, but need the expertise and vision to pull the final look together,” says Micháel. “I like to see their inspiration, learn their wants and needs, and then interpret their ideas into a design plan. Whether beginning with one special piece or a blank canvas, we can assist with the process from start to finish. We provide the most comprehensive approach to reflect your personal taste and personality within your surroundings.” Last year, Greige Home Interiors had the privilege of staging the Northshore Home Builders Association Raising the Roof for Charity Home, which benefits local charities of the community. The staff enjoyed selecting the perfect pieces to stage the stunning home, from luxury home furnishings

From top: Kathleen Hall McCullough,

to fine art by artists of the Southeast region.

Corrinn Fisher and Micháel Burns.

The Greige Home Interiors Design Team The showroom at Greige Home Interiors

When stepping into the showroom, you’re

One satisfied Greige client says: “I took advantage of their services to help me design my master bedroom. I love the way it came out and get so many compliments. I could not be happier

is not your typical home accents and furniture

greeted by friendly faces that are ready to help

and would recommend them for your design

store, it’s a source of inspiration. From custom

you design all of your home interior needs—from

needs!” The team provides design services to

furniture to rare antiques, the showroom also

lighting to flooring to window treatments. The

clients on both the north and south shores, as well

features original art from the Greater New Orleans

designers at Greige are here to assist with the

as the Gulf Coast to Baton Rouge.

and Gulf Coast regions. Designer Corrinn Fisher

entire design process. Whether remodeling,

says, “With styled room vignettes, our retail space

freshening up or starting new construction,

enables the client to visualize how something

they have the expertise and 40 years design

may look in their home. We are able to provide


clients more than just a storyboard. It’s something

Encompassing a unique interpretation of

tangible so that they’re more comfortable moving

color, Corrinn uses her keen sense of design to

forward with projects.”

create custom home furnishings and choose

Greige Home Interiors is located at 2033 N. Hwy. 190, Ste. 10, in Covington. 985-875-7576. greigehome.com. April-May 2019 49




Dr. Shondra Williams, CEO It is Dr. Shondra Williams’ knack for caring for people that has led her to a CEO position in healthcare. “From a young age, my interest in caring for people grew into a more scientific understanding. I was intrigued by the body’s complexity,”

of your employees, have the latest technologies, find relevant resources, and most importantly, understand health policy and how it influences our healthcare, business and governmental communities.” Dr. Shondra’s busy life doesn’t stop at work. She is also a wife and

Dr. Shondra says. “I became a registered nurse by training to take care of

mother to a daughter in college and teenage twins. “Family and faith

patients. My passion grew from bedside nursing to ambulatory care as a

keep me grounded.” Within the community, Dr. Shondra stays engaged

nurse practitioner, to managing a statewide healthcare program to now

with many volunteer and healthcare organizations. She currently serves

CEO of Jefferson Community Health Care Centers.”

as chairwoman of the Louisiana Primary Care Association, is a member

Born, raised and educated in Louisiana, Dr. Shondra’s commitment

of the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and serves

to her career thrives with her desire to give back. “My love of this

on national and local boards aimed at mobilizing economic development

community is the driving force for my often 12-hour work days almost 6

for minorities.

days a week. Someone’s life is not being improved if I don’t keep moving, working, creating, developing and negotiating,” she explains. Dr. Shondra’s role as CEO of four healthcare centers offers a constant

“I enjoy diversity—diversity of ideas, values, culture, but mostly ideas. I encourage multiple ideas to create one good one,” she says. One good idea is Dr. Shondra’s motto for life that she adheres to

mixture of tasks and challenges. However, that’s her favorite part. “I love

every day: “Lift as I climb.” Her passion for patients also overflows into

the complexity and unpredictability of my day-to-day. In an hour, I could

female empowerment for young girls to professionals. “As soon as I

be managing human capital, managing budgets, deploying resources

realized the value of what others have done for me to get me to this

and supplies, recruiting medical providers like physicians or identifying

point, I adopted ‘Lift as I climb.’ I want to give to the community that has

strategic partnerships. It forces me to put my skillset to use, all in an effort

given to me.”

to bring people together for a good cause.”

As a female leader in healthcare, Dr. Shondra has shown her strengths in crisis management and practical problem-solving, using transparency to overcome challenges. “Whether it’s negotiating a contract or being offered the same level of respect as my male counterparts, I have learned to be intuitive and stay informed in all areas of business in order for our patient populations to benefit. In the ever-changing and demanding healthcare environment, it’s important to manage skillsets 50

Inside New Orleans

To learn more, visit jchcc.org.




internships and money for college, among others. Candra’s motivation for OWEL stemmed from her having been surrounded and impacted by strong, amazing women over the years. She says, “As a young girl, I didn’t realize the impact female role models had upon me. Women of faith, women of passion, women who have looked death, fear, and adverse circumstances in the face and laughed. Their voices still echo in my head.” She wanted to show her nieces all the options they had—and broaden their perspectives. “I want them—and all girls—to understand that no matter where they come from, what their childhood looks like, what celebrities, or even their families, they can accomplish greatness.” She started by calling a few successful women friends, asking to photograph them and interview them about their jobs. The photoshoots were glamorous, with makeup and gowns; the subjects exhibited beauty and strength. She posted the interviews on social media, where they were shared over and over and viewed nearly 100,000 times. “I knew we had something special when we placed two people into rehab as a result of one of our videos,” says Candra.“So we asked ourselves,

Candra George Candra George is a champion, an advocate, a mentor and a coach.

‘What can we do as a team? Where can we make the biggest impact?’” Today, The OWEL Project offers private, one-on-one consultations to high school and college students and workshops for girls ages 12-22.

She’s also a storyteller. “As a documentary photographer, I tell the stories

The highlight of the workshops are the group discussion panels where

of strong women to empower girls to be them.”

community leaders answer questions submitted by attendees. Parents

With a keen photographer’s eye and a camera, Candra George

get resources and attend classes on communicating with teens. The

began The OWEL Project—Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives—an

OWEL Project also has a heart for girls aging out of foster care, providing

all-volunteer organization focused on educating young women on

support and resources. Candra says, “We want to change their trajectory,

life skills geared toward personal, professional and emotional growth.

showing them that no matter their background, skin color, or what

She says, “Our mission is to be the source for role models, mentorship

society tells them, they can achieve their goals.”

and money—to showcase to girls all of the opportunities and careers

Candra credits much of OWEL’s success to her phenomenal

available. We aim to equip them with real-life applications and the

team. “These women are engineers, educators, therapists, doctors,

guidance needed to have a solid foundation in life.”

entrepreneurs, soldiers, artists, even a political oceanographer and

OWEL finds women already established in their careers, experts in

a submarine designer! They have experience overcoming poverty,

their field, and tells their stories through a photography and interview

addiction, abuse and disease and include caretakers, cancer survivors

process that is showcased online. Candra says, “We show girls regular,

and single moms. They are world changers.”

everyday women—ordinary only in that you could pass them on the

Changing the world for girls, one at a time.

street and not realize their greatness.” These real-life role models, attainable heroes, tell of their struggle and success and can relate to and inspire girls. OWEL supports these young women in ways that middle and high schools often miss. Experts (the OWELs) teach, mentor and coach on topics like career exploration, study habits, health and wellness, conflict resolution, résumé writing, how to interview for a job, how to get

For more information, visit theowelproject.com. April-May 2019 51


“Providence is a nonprofit real estate development organization



Terri North

Last fall, Providence Community Housing and Columbia Residential

operating in a for-profit world,” says Providence Community Housing

opened Sacred Heart at St. Bernard, a redevelopment of the former Sacred Heart

President and CEO Terri North. “While other companies certainly do good

Church with a new four-story building added to the site. Together, the community

work, the difference is in the holistic way we look at our portfolio. We’re not

now boasts 53 one- and two-bedroom apartment homes, a community living

only building homes; we’re building a better community for residents.”

room, meeting rooms, gym, andbusiness office. The community also houses 826

Terri is a founding member of the organization. She says: “I began this work 20 years ago. I was a consultant for the Archdiocese of New

New Orleans, a nonprofit youth creative writing group. “Being able to see the positive effects on our residents makes it all

Orleans when we evacuated for Hurricane Katrina. As soon as phones were

worth it. Sometimes that can get lost because projects take a long time to

available, I got a call to get to Baton Rouge to help. In addition to housing,

come to fruition. Yet, seeing Sacred Heart at St. Bernard residents live in

the Archdiocese of New Orleans had so many things to address. In

their new homes and kids going into 826 New Orleans is very rewarding,”

conversation with Jim Kelly and Charlotte Bourgeois, I suggested the idea

says Terri. “Ensuring all New Orleanians have access to quality rental

of Providence to handle the housing side, and that’s how it was born.”

homes they can afford is central to our mission.”

As a leader in a male-dominated industry, Terri has learned to stay

In addition to her work through Providence, Terri’s passion for the

true to herself. “Working with investors and bankers that are often male,

affordable housing realm reaches both local and national levels. She is

I have learned that my leadership style is just to be me. I tried to ‘harden’

chair of the Enterprise Community Leadership Council and serves on the

myself when I took the position as CEO in 2011, but that wasn’t genuine.

Enterprise Community Partners National Board, Executive Committee of

I’m a little more casual and sometimes emotional, but I can definitely

the Board for the Louisiana Association of Affordable Housing Providers,

stand my ground and get my point across.”

and Chateau de Notre Dame Nursing Home Board of Directors. Terri is

In just 13 years, Providence has provided over 2,100 people

also a member of the Advisory Council for Urban Land Institute Louisiana.

throughout the GNO area with a quality place they can afford and has

She is a graduate of Louisiana State University and the NeighborWorks

helped 600 families realize the dream of homeownership through

Achieving Excellence Program at the John F. Kennedy School of

the purchase of their own home. Providence’s portfolio encompasses

Government at Harvard University.

properties dedicated to seniors, to individuals and families and to artists and cultural ambassadors. To date, Providence’s major partners have included the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Enterprise Community Partners, Columbia Residential and Artspace. 52

Inside New Orleans

To learn more, visit providencecommunityhousing.org.




Tarah Keech

You are a professional woman who is good at your job, but you’re

Whether working one-on-one, at a workshop, retreat, or with

worn out and feeling unfulfilled. Maybe even burnt out or well on your

your team of professional women, Tarah applies brain science and

way there. Whether this is you, or you manage her, Tarah Keech, founder

how thoughts drive every outcome, including emotions. Focusing

of The Collective of Real Executive Women, The Real CREW, is here to help.

on Whole Self-Care,women are freed from the isolation and fear that is,

Tarah is a workshop leader and coach for professional women who excel

unfortunately, a part of many corporate environments. “I love what I do

at work but feel tired, alone, and sometimes unfulfilled. “I help women put

because it applies to every single aspect of our lives,” Tarah says. “I also

themselves back at the top of the list, so they can reach their full potential in

love creating a safe space for women so that they don’t feel alone.”

their careers and personal lives—and feel good doing it,” says Tarah.

The Real CREW offers retreats for intimate groups of women. “You

The Real CREW was founded following Tarah’s own journey to

get to practice being present and whole, to breathe, balance, and just be.

burnout and back. After the loss of her grandmothers, Tarah became

With absolutely everything provided, including ethically sourced clothes,

determined to serve Alzheimer’s caregivers. Yet, after moving her husband

bath and body care, and clean and compassionate eating, you’ll leave

and puppy to Denver for the master’s program, she realized it wasn’t the

feeling like yourself, only better, and with the thoughts that serve the new

right fit. She continued through the program, helping her new group of

and more intentional you. The first immersive retreat will be held in early

friends and researchers with project management.

November. We are looking for two to three corporate sponsors to invest in

“This work was life-affirming, heart-lighting-soul-fuel, and it was also a wake-up call. We were newly married and far away from everyone

two to five of their top performers for this retreat,” Tarah says. Tarah’s corporate credentials include over 16 years in professional

we knew. I wasn’t looking after myself and was feeling lost on this path.

project and program management for Fortune 500, 100 and 30

This was when I discovered self-coaching as a powerful tool, and also

organizations, tech and health startups. When not helping professional

connected with some great mentors to help me through this tricky time.”

women live a life of joy, connection, and intention, Tarah can be found

Tarah stayed open to possibilities, ultimately achieving her Project

snuggling with her husband, two daughters, and pup.

Management Certification and becoming a project manager consultant. As she continued to advance in corporate life, there was something still missing. “I realized that my psych program could be applied to complicated corporate situations, but more importantly, I discovered that my purpose is to encourage, enable, and support other professional women in fully realizing and wholly embodying their purpose,” Tarah adds. “I believe that when women choose openness, kindness, and intention, they can do anything.”

If you’re ready to survive burnout, recover and thrive, reach out to Tarah at tarah@tarahkeech.com or learn more at therealcrew.com. April-May 2019 53



Elizabeth Sconzert

Mental wellbeing may seem an unlikely focus for an attorney. For Elizabeth Sconzert, however, it is her passion.


Anna Tusa

Since 1995, Anna Tusa has been devoted to the New Orleans restaurant industry. As owner of the New Orleans Creole Cookery and Briquette, Anna enjoys serving guests in comfortable atmospheres with first class service.

Elizabeth has been a partner in the Blue Williams Mandeville office since

Briquette is housed in the former Rodd Brothers Molasses Refinery.

2013 and with the firm since 2009. She practices medical malpractice defense,

Nestled in the Warehouse District, Briquette features a contemporary, yet

insurance defense, healthcare law and commercial litigation. Her concern for mental

casual, restaurant interior marked by a signature open kitchen. “Our 18-foot

health and wellbeing fits hand-in-hand with her career. She says, “My dad is a

seafood display is filled with fresh sea bass, halibut, steelhead salmon,

physician, and I grew up in a science-minded family. I naturally gravitated toward

Louisiana redfish, and many other seafood favorites that are caught daily,”

healthcare law.” Elizabeth received both her undergraduate degree in English and

says Anna. “Fresh and whole fish are our specialties, prepared over red-hot

her juris doctorate from Loyola University and was admitted to the bar in 2005.


In addition to providing counsel for a myriad of legal concerns that

The building’s history still lives in the restaurant’s tables and 800-bottle

healthcare providers and facilities can face, Elizabeth assists Lakeview Regional

wine cuvée made from its recovered heart-of-pine wood. “We welcome our

Medical Center with unique behavioral health issues, helping the hospital to

surrounding neighbors to use our space as their living room,” Anna says. “With

protect its patients. She also volunteers her legal assistance to underprivileged

Wi-Fi and plug-ins, our community tables allow you to visit with your neighbors

families with children who have mental illness or disability.

while enjoying a coastal contemporary meal, crafted cocktails and more.”

“Every case is different, and there’s always a human element that drives

In the French Quarter, Anna hosts guests at the New Orleans Creole

me to do more,” Elizabeth says. She volunteers time to the Safe Haven project

Cookery. The courtyard, oyster bar and dining room offer a mixture of settings

and serves on the NAMI board. This year, she received the Women’s Choice

to enjoy traditional Creole food. The restaurant is able to accommodate 20 to

Award from Professional Women of St. Tammany and the Citizen Lawyer Award

3,000 guests for events of all sizes.

from the Louisiana State Bar Association. Furthering her mental-wellbeing focus, Elizabeth co-owns Bayou Yoga, a

Anna serves as President of the French Market Corporation Board of Directors, is a graduate of the Goldman Sachs Small Business program, and is

Mandeville Power yoga studio, where she inspires the community to “empower

a member of the Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, which is the oldest and

your being.” She uses her knowledge of mental health law and involvement

largest food and wine society in the world.

with the Northshore Specialty Courts to introduce yoga to sectors of the community that can most benefit from it. At Blue Williams, Elizabeth’s focus on wellbeing serves her well as a

“At both restaurants, I enjoy getting to meet people from all over the world,” Anna explains. “Seeing their positive reactions to our dishes and their interactions with our staff makes my job very fulfilling.” When not welcoming

member of Blue Williams’ Diversity and Community Action Community. She

guests, Anna enjoys traveling, eating and experiencing new cultures with her

says, “I am passionate about women empowering women. As women, we don’t

husband, A.J.

build ourselves up enough—we want to change that, and we will.” To view menus and learn more, visit briquette-nola.com or To learn more about Blue Williams, L.L.P., visit bluewilliams.com. 54

Inside New Orleans





Dr. Karen T. McNay As both the oldest, continuously operating school for girls and

as an elective entrepreneurship class where students learn from

the oldest Catholic school in the United States, Ursuline Academy

alumnae and community leaders to create products and services to

has instilled an education of innovation in young women for nearly

solve problems. “Girls learn best in social, hands-on settings. We marry

300 years. “The Sisters knew that educating women would change

STEM exploration with visual arts, orchestra and more, because the

everything,” says Academy President Dr. Karen T. McNay.

critical thinking of STEM and the creativity of the Arts are necessary for a

“The question is, ‘How does that education look in 2019?’ With more opportunities and fewer barriers for women, we want our girls

woman who is going to lead in the future.” Examples of outstanding alumnae continue through Ursuline’s

prepared for whatever opportunity they want to achieve. Through highly

history: At 21, an Ursuline valedictorian is now a Fulbright Scholar

interactive experiences powered by STEM and the Arts—and a nurturing

teaching English in Jordan. An Ursuline girl turned Tulane University

community, diverse by design—we develop tomorrow’s brightest

grad invented the world’s first glow-in-the-dark swim goggles. From

independent thinkers, innovators, and community builders. We believe

the first female law professor at Loyola University New Orleans to a U.S.

that we are preparing girls for jobs that don’t even exist yet.”

senator and a U.S. Army colonel, Ursuline girls learn to lead fearlessly.

Being trailblazers in female education, learning begins at

It isn’t only about education at Ursuline Academy. It’s also about

Ursuline’s Soeur Teresita Rivet, OSU Early Childhood Learning Center. In

spiritual formation and building women of integrity and compassion.

the Early Childhood Learning Center, Ursuline’s Reggio Emilia-inspired

“We want our girls to be able to make compassionate decisions in their

approach puts a child’s curiosity at the center. “Our Reggio Emilia

careers, homes and communities.”

approach builds each girl’s confidence, social-emotional resiliency and appreciation of others,” Dr. McNay says. Continuing through the academy, the all-girls’ environment

Fostering a lifelong commitment to Serviam: I will serve, Ursuline alumnae are set on a path of continued service and success in the future. “When I talk to alumnae, I find that this school has instilled

empowers students to challenge themselves, explore outside their

service in them. It’s often that I hear, ‘I am who I am today because of

comfort zones and expand what they are capable of achieving. Middle

Ursuline Academy.’”

school offers many avenues from sports to robotics to drama and various fine arts. Dr. McNay says: “It’s truly about finding her strengths and interests so that when she walks into high school, she knows a little

more about herself and what direction she may want to go.”

Ursuline Academy is located at 2635 State St. in New Orleans.

That growth continues in high school with opportunities such

504-861-9150. uanola.org. April-May 2019 55



Erin Steen French and Amy Steen Reggio Sisters and business partners Erin Steen French and Amy Steen


Stefanie J. Allweiss, JD, and Patricia Pannell, JD

Patricia “Patti” Pannell and Stefanie J. Allweiss “gotcha covered.” Your business, that is. Gotcha Covered HR is your outsourced HR department. After years of experience in law, consulting and mediation, Patti and Stefanie founded the

Reggio opened Compass Point Events in historic Algiers Point in 2015.

company in 2014 to provide human resources support and outsourcing to

“My sister and I acquired the former barge-and-push-boat property,

small and mid-sized businesses. “For me, it has been wonderful getting out

completely changing its use to become the events venue and bed and

in the community and meeting people. While practicing law, I had this tiny

breakfast that it is today,” says Erin.

bubble of a world,” says Patti. “However, as we began to grow Gotcha Covered,

Since 1983, Erin has been a licensed retail florist, actively involved in the wedding business. Through her intense involvement in the industry, she has developed many contacts with other wedding professionals and

that bubble became gigantic -- filled with amazing business owners and entrepreneurs. It’s fascinating to be immersed in it.” Gotcha Covered’s team of four has more than 50 years of combined

has built a reputation among clients and peers as a dependable and

experience in employment relations providing training and support on

honest service provider. At Compass Point, she works with clients to create

administration requirements, employment laws and regulation compliance, and

their vision.

policy and procedure implementation, as well as mediation and conflict resolution.

“Every wedding is completely different even though we are in the

Recently, Stefanie and Patti have added a new program where businesses

same setting for each,” she says. “We enjoy the challenge of bringing

can earn an HR Shield of Approval. “The Shield of Approval is a brainchild of

everyone’s ideas to life.”

Stefanie’s. She wanted to find a way to reward businesses that do everything

As a true community within a community, Compass Point boasts

right,” Patti explains. “Businesses that undergo training, have policies in place,

eight homes that are 100+ years old, including a large event hall and

and adhere to compliance can earn the framed certificate. It can be displayed

historic cottages that can be rented individually or for guests. Nestled in

and shared in the business’ social media as you would a food rating.”

200-year-old oak canopies, the cottages surround a manicured front lawn

“Earning the HR Shield of Approval is for any small or big business that

where friends and family can gather under frosted lights to celebrate,

cares about their employees,” says Stefanie. “It shows that you’re invested in

dance and enjoy food provided by in-house catering.

them and that you want to keep an open flow of communication.”

With 12 years of experience in New Orleans real estate, Amy

Whatever your human resources needs may be, Patti and Stefanie are

handles the management of the venue’s property, event hall and guest

confident that they can help. “We want to be a lifeline for businesses,” says

cottages. “Amy’s experience fits well into our family-owned and -operated

Patti. “They can call us with any questions regarding their employees—we’re

business,” Erin adds. “Together we make it happen.”

here to be a resource for them.”


Just minutes from the heart of downtown New Orleans, Compass Point is

To learn more about Gotcha Covered HR,

located at 200 Opelousas Ave.504-366-1768. compasspointevents.com.

call 504-737-2438 or visit www.gotchacoveredhr.com.

Inside New Orleans




Ingrid Rinck Sensible Meals is continuing to take the south and nation by storm. It’s the fastest-growing and largest meal-prep company in the country. Creator Ingrid Rinck calls both Mandeville and New Orleans

Dedra N. Louis, PhD, LPC-S, CCFC, NCC

Dr. Dedra N. Louis has always been preparing to be a counselor. Even as a

child before she knew what a listening ear and emphatic understanding were, she had an interest in helping. “I knew I wanted to attend college for something in social services;

home, as well as the corporate headquarters for her over 1,200 employees. The 38-year-old entrepreneur is a seasoned personal trainer with over 20 years of experience in the health and fitness industries. When her son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease, Rinck poured herself into learning everything she could about

however, my grandfather wanted me to be a reporter, so that’s what I did,” says

nutrition and controlling health through food. She altered her family’s diet and

Dr. Louis. “I quickly realized that my chosen profession was not for me. At 28, I

lost weight herself. Her portion-controlled meals led to the creation of Sensible

became a New Orleans Police Officer and served the community for a little over

Meals, which now helps tens of thousands of people lose weight, gain back

eight years before deciding to do what I believe I was called to do.”

their confidence and reach optimal health.

Dr. Louis received her master’s degree in counseling, completing a dual

Sensible Meals boasts countless testimonials from clients, many who have

track in school counseling and community counseling in 2009, and a doctorate

faced challenges such as diabetes, PCOS and heart disease, and have tried every

in counselor education and supervision in 2017 from the University of Holy

diet. They are amazed at what portion control has done for their health and they

Cross. She soon opened Greater New Orleans Counseling Services, LLC, to

continue to meet and exceed their goals through the Sensible Meals program.

provide a service to the community.

All diets stem from the same fundamental calorie deficit, but this program gives

“It takes courage to admit you need help and seek assistance. In my

clients built-in cheat meals, which keeps them on track toward reaching their

former profession as a police officer, not unlike being a therapist, no one is

goals. Her system is designed so clients don’t feel deprived or frustrated, and

calling because they’re having a good day. I observed how a person’s normal

then quit. “We focus on moderation, not deprivation,” she states. The program is

coping skills were no longer working for them and wanted to be a part of the

affordable and the company offers live assistance 12 hours a day.

solution,” she says. Greater New Orleans Counseling Services offers individual, couple,

Sensible Meals and Rinck have received numerous awards since its founding. This year alone the company was named Top Meal Prep, Top Weight-loss Company,

premarital and family counseling, as well as various professional workshops

Inside New Orleans and Inside Northside’s Women in Business, “Northshore’s

including Counseling Mandated Clients, Outpatient Clinical Documentation

Best,” Faces of Weight Loss and Top Health Food. Her passion for helping people

and Barriers Among Racial/Ethnic Minorities Seeking Treatment. Dr. Louis has

is as important to her as the success of her business. Rinck is a major sponsor to

diverse experience as a counselor for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, victims

many charities including the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation and donate to

and witnesses of violent crimes, law enforcement, offenders within parish and

children’s diabetes summer camps and medical supplies.

state correctional facilities, substance abuse, chronically homeless, disaster recovery and managed care organizations. She is a member of the Louisiana Counseling Association and a fellow

Sensible Meals continues to grow locally, win awards and expand nationwide. With Rinck’s leadership and business savvy, she is helping our local economy grow and waistlines shrink!

with The Restoration Institute. Dr. Louis is a Clinically Certified Forensic Counselor and Nationally Certified Counselor.

Greater New Orleans Counseling Services, LLC Greater New Orleans Counseling Services, LLC, is located at 3308 Tulane Ave, Ste 305, in New Orleans. 504-410-5033. gnocsllc.com.

Find out more at EatSensibleMeals.com @sensiblemeals and @ingridrinck April-May 2019 57



Steamboat Natchez

The Steamboat NATCHEZ epitomizes New Orleans–a historic gem


Katie Witry, Adrienne LaBauve and Sophie Brunner

Witry Collective is revolutionizing the traditional brokerage model by bringing a dynamic collaborative approach to New Orleans real estate. The firm

that welcomes all cultures with her southern hospitality creating a unique,

utilizes decades of industry experience, innovative ideas, trusted resources,

familial environment. The women of the New Orleans Steamboat Company

and leading technology to yield results. Their culture of extreme customer

(N.O.S.C.) including Food and Beverage Executive Assistant Shannon Lewis

service guarantees their clients maximum exposure in the market, reliable

alongside Food and Beverage Managers Amy Martinez, Marilyn Davis, and

information, and comprehensive support.

Carolyn Davis nourish this personality. As a New Orleans native, Shannon was thrilled at the idea of working

“We combine our knowledge, personal strengths, and established business relationships to create a support system for one another, but more

for a reputable city icon–the Steamboat NATCHEZ. Shannon has been a

importantly, for our clients,” says co-owner Adrienne LaBauve. “We thrive in this

member of the Steamboat family for nearly eight years, conceiving new

fast-paced environment and are extremely passionate about what we do.”

ideas for the department to improve guest experiences. “The N.O.S.C. is an

Co-owner Katie Witry brings 20 years of participation in local networks to

organization that not only offers such a special and unique experience to

the firm. She says, “I believe that collaborating across industries and within the

people from all over the world, but also makes [one] feel like a special part

many layers of real estate is essential to supporting New Orleans residents and

of a bigger family,” says Shannon.

preserving the historic neighborhoods they call home.”

With twenty-five years of dining management experience, Amy carries

While Witry Collective has long-standing expertise in historic residential

high standards of service to the community and an invaluable level of

neighborhoods, the group has recently dived into larger developments

expertise. “A lot of time people look at the negative side of what they cannot

and created a successful strategy for listing high-end condominiums in the

do,” Amy says. “I always look on the positive side of what I can do.” Amy

downtown market.

harbors love specifically for the variety of culture and guest satisfaction. From real estate on land four years ago to now management on the

Realtor® Sophie Brunner’s in-depth knowledge of the real estate process, neighborhoods, zoning ordinances, and historic housing regulations makes

river, Marilyn offers comfort to the high-volume and quick-paced dining

her an asset to buyers, sellers, and Witry Collective. “I encourage clients to take

environment. “Coming from the small town of Edgard, I enjoy meeting

time and see enough listings to feel confident in their decision, but not to be

people from all over the world,” Marilyn says.

too indecisive—it’s easy to miss the right one,” says Sophie.

Carolyn joined the company, nine months ago, finding herself

Witry Collective can assist whether a client is buying a first home,

attracted to the unconventional office setting of working on a riverboat. She

building new construction, or investing in residential or commercial property.

describes working on the Steamboat NATCHEZ as “living the dream, day-to-

Not surprisingly, their business is 98 percent referral based. “Our confidence,

day, as the paddlewheel keeps turning.”

trustworthiness, and truthfulness allow us to develop lasting relationships with our clients,” says Adrienne. “We are building an incredible local network of community around housing and equitable development.”


Learn more about the Steamboat NATCHEZ

Witry Collective is located at 900 Camp St., Ste. 301, in New Orleans.

at neworleanssteamboatcompany.com.

504-291-2022. wcnola.com.

Inside New Orleans



Katie McNulty, Susan Zackin and Susan Wormser


Andrea Lockwood, Susan Zackin and Reilly Rendeiro

The Event Glossary Events have always been Susan Zackin’s specialty. For over 30 years she has created spectacular events both large and small. Six years ago, after moving home to New Orleans, Zackin began

Z Event Company Ever dream of being a guest at your own party? Then call Z Event Company. A New Orleans native, Susan Zackin is the president and owner of Z Event

researching venues and resources for her event planning business, Z Event

Company. With over 30 years of experience, this former interior designer will

Company. She quickly became frustrated with sifting through the search

create a beautiful and seamless affair for you whether it’s a wedding, intimate

results. “There are over 1,000 different venues alone in the greater New

dinner party, nonprofit fundraiser or large-scale debutante celebration.

Orleans area. When I began making lists and spreadsheets of venues, vendors

Zackin has a sophisticated vision and has produced parties that range from

and suppliers, I realized there was a need for a website.” Not one to rest on her

elegant to outrageous. When asked what sets Z Event Company apart from the

laurels, Zackin took on the monumental job and launched The Event Glossary.

pack, she says, “We have tremendous depth in our artistic ability. Since I have

She tasked Katie McNulty and Susan Wormser to run the Glossary.

lived and worked in South Florida and across America, I have many resources. I’ve

Susan explains: “The Event Glossary is an online marketplace for everything event related for all types of events, weddings, nonprofits, social and corporate. The website provides a curated list of vendors and venues

mixed it up a little and brought a different flavor to events in New Orleans, with new entertainment from around the country, fresh aesthetics and different styles.” An athlete at heart, which goes all the way back to her Country Day youth,

that can be sourced when planning an event. The user can make an inquiry

Susan uses that mentality to achieve the success she envisions for her events.

and request pricing for hotel rooms, transportation, photography, florals

Her team members work together as a cohesive group with no “stars”; they

and décor just to name a few. It’s that easy, one-stop shopping. The Event

rely on each other to be there to get the job done for their clients. The Z Event

Glossary also has a virtual concierge to answer questions and walk users

Company office also functions as a showroom where rentals are showcased,

through the process.”

and Susan and her team can meet with clients by appointment.

The Event Glossary can be used by both novices and professionals who have

One thrilled client says: “Susan’s experience in the event planning

a need to entertain or plan an event of any size. As a marketplace for all things

industry is evident and she helped us tremendously from beginning to end.

event-related, venues, vendors and more can be searched by neighborhood—

Our joyous 11 a.m. wedding ceremony at the St. Louis Cathedral was followed

Bywater, French Quarter, CBD, Lakefront, West Bank and everywhere in between.

by an epic second line parade to Brennan’s for the most incredibly gorgeous

“We give you the best estimates for pricing on the items you request, and then finalize the booking process by coordinating with you and the suppliers,” Katie adds. “Our team will assist you until you are totally satisfied

and fabulously fun party any of us could have imagined. Our friends and family are still raving about the entire day.” What is Susan’s favorite kind of event? “The one we are focused on at the

with the event you are planning and have placed your order. After that, our

moment!” says Susan. “They are all special. We love our brides, debutantes and

venues and suppliers will make your dream event come true!”

nonprofit/corporate clients alike.”

The Event Glossary is located at 508 Metairie Rd. in Metairie.

Z Event Company is located at 508 Metairie Rd. in Metairie.

504-510-5838. eventglossary.com.

504-510-5838. zeventco.com. April-May 2019 59


Inside New Orleans


2 1


1. Laris Settee, discounted


at $1,499. Arhaus, 5816684. 2. Ice bucket with leather handle and scoop, $58. Niche Modern Home, Mandeville, 985-624-4045. 3. Alberto 2-Tier Chandelier by Visual Comfort with each 5

light in elegant cup for organic look. Greige Interiors, Covington, 985-875-7576. 4. Gardiner’s Island: The Back Dive by Childe


Hassam featured in M.S. Rau Antique’s premier exhibition From Sea to Shining Sea: 200 Years of American Art. Price available upon request. 273-7391. 5. Clear crystal vase, 3.75” wide x 5.5” tall, $75. Hilltop Shoppe, 533-9670. 6. Modernist series lantern available in copper or stainless and gas or electric. Bevolo Gas & Electric Lights, 522-9485, bevolo.com. 7. A well-designed wardrobe is like a piece of custom-crafted furniture. California Closets, Metairie, 828-5705. 8. Custom dining tables available with multiple size and finish options. The French Mix by Jennifer DiCerbo, Covington, 985-809-3152. 7

8 February-March 2019 61

Flourishes 1 2



1. A multi-colored Easter egg wreath from The Royal Standard, $88. Chateau Drugs, Metairie, 889-2300. 2. Writing instruments created with wood from a 150-year-


old live oak in Audubon Park. Limited, one-of-a-kind with 24K gold. Large pen, $29.98; small-pen, $15.98. Nola Pens, woodmenfurniture.com or 258-3916. 3. Fire Pink III by Deedra Ludwig, 10�x10� mixed media on panel, $500. LeMieux Gallery, 522-5988. 4.Four-piece swing set includes swing, tote, back-printed pillow and bottom stripe pillow. Assorted designs available, $159. Outdoor Living Center, Covington, 985-893-8008. 5. Gas or electric Georgetown Lantern, 7

French Quarter Quick Ship Style, available in five sizes, starting at $324. Gulf Coast


Lanterns, Covington, 985-900-2232. 6. Herend Butterscotch bunny ring holder accented with 24k yellow gold, $275. Friend & Company, 866-5433. 7. A gift basket for any occasion. Love Swimming, 891-4662.


Inside New Orleans

April-May 2019 63

INside Look





1. 18 karat yellow gold amethyst, peridot and pink sapphire earrings, $12,000. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, 832-0000. 2. VANELi natural cork sandal with geometric heel, $127. Cork convertible satchel with buckle, $135. Ballin’s Ltd.; New Orleans, Metairie, Covington. 3. Tom Ford Miranda in Gold, $463. Optical Shoppe, Metairie, 301-1726. 4. Native shoes, $35 to $45. Auraluz, Metairie, 888-3313 or shopauraluz.com.


Inside New Orleans

April-May 2019 65


Inside New Orleans

INside Look 1




1. 14K rose gold checkerboard green amethyst and diamond branch ring, $850. Symmetry Jewelers, 861-9925. 2. 18 karat yellow gold Marco Bicego Lunaria Collection petal necklace. Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, 832-0000. 3. Krisie Wedge, $198. Palm Village – A Lilly Pulitzer Store, Mandeville, 985-778-2547. 4. Jade ombre bunch earrings by Quilling Card, $20. The Shop at The Collection, The Historic New Orleans Collection, 598-7147. 5. My Saint My Hero bracelet and necklaces, $38.50 to $60. Auraluz, Metairie, 888-3313 or


shopauraluz.com. 6. Original painting by Becky Fos. Gallery B Fos, 444-2967.

6 April-May 2019 67

One-of-a-Kind Landmark The New Orleans Pharmacy Museum by Mimi Greenwood Knight 68

Inside New Orleans


RUTH MASCELLI BEGINS TOURS of the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum with this disclaimer, “We’re going to be discussing some gruesome subjects during our tour. If you feel faint, you can step outside for some fresh air.” That sounded sensationalized until I discovered that swooning during the tour isn’t uncommon, and the warning seems to help. The three-story building that houses the museum first opened as a working pharmacy in 1823. Now, it seems to serve as a testament to good intentions from bygone eras; uninformed, misguided, often deadly good intentions. While there’s a single exhibit devoted to Questionable Medical Practices, that theme is echoed throughout the museum. (Think lead baby bottles, arsenic-coated pills and opium tampons, for starters.) The building at 514 Chartres Street in the heart of the Vieux Carre was originally constructed as the home and apothecary of Louis Dufilho Jr, who in 1816 became America’s first licensed pharmacist

when Louisiana became the first state to require oralexam licensing for medical practitioners, including pharmacists, physicians, dentists and midwives. Opened as La Pharmacie Française, it originally included the pharmacy on the bottom floor, family home on the top floor (with an “entresol” or mezzanine level in between for storage), a courtyard for cultivating medicinal herbs, an outdoor kitchen, a carriage house and a slave quarters just beyond the courtyard. Reopened in 1950 as the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum by Loyola College of Pharmacy, it’s widely believed to be the largest and most diverse pharmaceutical collection in the United States, one that can be quirky, eerie, macabre and just downright sad. The main exhibit space is a re-creation of Monsieur Dufilho’s apothecary shop, with thousands of period bottles and jars and ominous-looking medical implements lining the shelves of elaborately carved, ceiling-to-floor fixtures. It’s a lot to take in, especially once you realize most of >> April-May 2019 69

animal parts, etc. Everything in this room was donated by individuals or institutions, and all the medical instruments on display were used on human patients, a fact that can make your knees buckle when you read about their intended uses. The amputation knives and saws, bullet extractors, stone searchers and trocars were all used without sterilization and with only rudimentary anesthesia. (We won’t even talk about cranial saws and tonsil guillotines.) The original pharmacy opened at a time when New Orleans and other large cities were unsuccessfully battling almost constant outbreaks of cholera, smallpox, yellow fever, dysentery, malaria and other tropics-related epidemics, and the discovery of germs and sterilization was years away. Louisiana had the dubious distinction of having the highest annual death rate of any state; because of its heat, humidity, frequent flooding and transient sailor population, New Orleans was a petri dish of all these diseases and more. Some of the attempts to ward off sickness seem laughable in hindsight, but they were doing what they could with the knowledge they had. La Pharmacie Française would have been a hub of the French Quarter, which was at that time a family neighborhood. Like other pharmacists, Monsieur Dufilho would have offered diagnoses, made house calls, given injections and compounded all his medicine, as well as formulating makeup, perfumes, paints and varnishes and poisons for household pests. Most residents would have bypassed their doctor and brought their ailments straight to him, since physician’s prescriptions were only required for medications known to be poisonous. Many southern pharmacies also sold Voodoo potions for luck and love under their counters, using the numbering system 70

Inside New Orleans

thought to have inspired the song Love Potion #9. As our tour guide, Mascelli did an outstanding job of bringing us back to a time when open-air sewage ran in the streets of the Quarter or sat stagnant in open trenches attracting the very flies that were fostering disease outbreaks and prompting residents to walk about with perfumed rags over their noses and mouths to offset the stench. This set-up also inspired the iconic French Quarter courtyards, which families used to escape the unpleasantry just outside their front doors. Mascelli pointed out a display in the front window depicting the multi-tiered “show globes” that would have told residents—many of whom were illiterate—that this was a place to buy medicine. “Show globes were used as a symbol for the pharmacy as early as the 14th century. Bottles were filled with red-, blue-, and green-colored water, representing the animal, mineral and vegetable


the containers still hold remnants of whatever medication is delineated on their fading labels, including patent medicines, voodoo potions, compounding supplies, herbs, minerals,

products Dufilho and other pharmacists used to concoct their remedies. It was also a way for pharmacists to show off the colors they could create by mixing different chemicals. If the waters on a given day were all one color—often red—that was a warning system telling the citizenry there was a disease outbreak in the area and they should stay home.” One exhibit that’s not for the squeamish is The Methods of Administration display, which shows how Monsieur Dufilho and other pharmacists administered the drugs they compounded from herbs, minerals and animal and insect parts. The mortar and pestle are innocuous enough. The pill roller, powder paper folder and cache maker—no worries. But the syringes could make you hide under your bed. Originally sans needles, they had to be injected into an incision in the body. Even once the needle was invented, it was large, made of lead and didn’t detach from the syringe. So, everybody received injections from the same needle. One case displays artifacts excavated from the back garden, including a toothbrush made from a pig’s rib with pig hair for bristles. Another presentation concentrates on treatments derived from morphine, cocaine, heroin, opium and laudanum. “Laudanum was cheaper than whiskey, and it carried no social stigma,” Mascelli said. “It was marketed toward women. Godrey’s Cordial was opium mixed with red wine. Also known as Mother’s Quietness, it was prescribed for teething babies. Another popular concoction was red wine and cocaine. The pope at the time went on record saying he drank a bottle a day.” Mascelli explained that it wasn’t until 1906 that pharmacists were required to delineate on labels what was >> April-May 2019 71

in any mixture they sold—and many recommended heroin for daily use. Perhaps the creepiest exhibit (if you don’t count the veiny glass eyes in the optical case) is the Questionable Medical Practices case. Until recently, it still contained a tureen of live leeches, which in Dufilho’s day were purchased at the pharmacy and then taken to a physician or barber for bloodletting. There’s plenty of arsenic, lead-and mercury-laced cures and gold- and silver-coated pills for purchase by the wealthy. There’s a bezoar, a calcified ball of hair removed from a goat’s stomach that was thought to possess magical curative powers, and a “scarifier” used by door-to-door bleeders, who removed toxins from a patient’s body by bleeding them until they passed out (believed to be the cause of George Washington’s death). Beyond that, there are too many oddities to name. An extensive collection of eyeglasses, pince nez, ophthalmic instruments and texts includes items from the United States, Europe, Japan and China, including eye baths, surgical instruments and charms that speak of the religious and superstitious beliefs once associated with eyes. There’s a replica of a sick room with wheelchairs, doctors’ bags and an ominous-looking birthing table. The display of dental implements reflects a time when visiting the dentist was synonymous with having a tooth pulled. And my grown daughter forbade me to look into the case devoted to childbirth. “You can’t handle this one, Mom.” (Although my imagination might be worse than the actual display.) Just inside the front door in the main exhibit space is an ornate marble soda fountain dating back to 1855. Mascelli says sodas were considered medicinal, concocted by pharmacists to be taken with liquid or powered medicines to disguise strong herbal or 72

Inside New Orleans

Did you know? • Because so much of the population was illiterate, a system was adopted in the 19th century to easily identify poisonous substances, even if you couldn’t read the label. It began with the British “Bill for the


Prevention of Accidental Poisoning” and

chemical tastes. While sweet syrups covered bitterness, the bubbles in the sparkling water were thought to have their own curative properties. Sodas such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and 7-Up all got their start in a pharmacy where they often contained cocaine, caffeine and lithium. In a classic case of good news/bad news, Mascelli told us the 160-year-old soda fountain is still in working order. But it was constructed with lead pipes. Of course, it’s easy for us to condemn the crude and clumsy attempts at combatting the maladies of the 18th and 19th centuries, often with substances more toxic than the

disease they were intended to cure. But what will our ancestors say about our current medical practices? What things are we doing now that in 100 or 200 years will seem laughable? In the meantime, The New Orleans Pharmacy Museum is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a $5 guided tour at 1 p.m. each day. It stands as a tribute to good intentions, naivety, hubris and the indomitable human spirit. If you go for the tour, be sure to ask about the resident ghost who’s rumored to move objects about at night and, on occasion, set off the burglar alarm.

made its way to America where poisons were sold in special hexagonal bottles made of either cobalt blue or emerald green glass, often with raised ribs, so they could still be identified in dim lamplight. If you saw the color by day or felt the hexagon and ribs by night, you knew the substance should be treated with caution. • Dr. Francois Marie Prevost performed the second recorded Cesarean section in the United States somewhere near Donaldsonville, Louisiana, when he delivered the baby of an enslaved woman by C-section, between 1820 and 1825. Baby and mother survived.

April-May 2019 73


Inside New Orleans

Senior Care 2019

Senior Living Resource Guide

Lambeth House

Whether we are planning for our own senior living experience or

for our loved ones, there are many choices to make and many options

“We want people to spend their time living at Lambeth House, not

to consider. Lifestyles for seniors have become more vibrant and

just residing,” says Scott Crabtree, Lambeth House President and CEO. “We

fulfilling with choices to suit most people and a wide range of care

feel strongly about active aging and the benefits it has for people, not only

requirements. The list below will provide a quick look at some of the best

physically, but mentally.”

choices available in the area. You can get to know a little bit about these

The Wellness Center at Lambeth House has over 21,000 square feet

resources before you schedule on-site visits. We hope it will help you feel

dedicated to promoting mind, body and spirit wellness. “Lambeth House is

prepared and confident in your options!

among the nation’s most progressive retirement communities as it relates to active aging,” says Jeré Hales, COO. “The term active aging describes the

Avanti Senior Living

processes that optimize an adult’s health and wellbeing through physical,

2234 Watercross Parkway, Covington

intellectual, mental and social stimulation. It embraces the notion that life


as we age can be lived to the fullest.”

Technologically-advanced senior living community offering assisted

“We’ve watched residents improve their life here. It is a

living and memory care.

comprehensive wellness program that goes beyond physical fitness. We offer stimulating educational programs and cultural amenities such as an

Belle Vie Living Center

extensive art and historical letter collection, as well as the opportunity for


artistic self-expression,” says Scott. “We are committed to helping people


age in a healthy way.”

Skilled Nursing care at Belle Vie Living Center is dedicated to providing

Within the Center, residents and outside members can benefit from

quality, compassionate care that meets the changing needs of residents.

the fitness center, indoor salt water pool, meditation room and garden, and art studio. “In addition to individual exercise programs, we offer Tai

Christwood Retirement Community

Chi, yoga, balance and strength training plans and aquatic programs,” says

100 Christwood Blvd, Covington

Jeré. “Residents are discovering talents they didn’t know they had. Some


have become amazing artists and more. Lambeth House is not a place to


find an easy chair. It is a place to discover yourself.”

christwoodrc.com Independent living, assisted living, cognitive memory care, rehabilitation, skilled nursing, companion services, Christwood at Home, and Christwood Dementia Home Services. Colonial Oaks Living Center

The campus includes 118 independent living apartment homes,

4312 Ithacia St., Metairie

56 private nursing care residences, 15 secure memory care rooms and

887-6414 colonialoaksliving.org

61 assisted living apartments. Lambeth House is located at >>

150 Broadway St., New Orleans. 865-1960. lambethhouse.com. April-May 2019 75

Senior Care 2019 Senior Living Resource Guide Residents enjoy an invigorating lifestyle with new adventures each day, new friendships and companionship, predictable budgeting, and nutritious and tasty meals that they no longer need to prepare for themselves. Dependable In Home Care 702 N. Carrollton Ave., New Orleans 486-5044 dependablecare.net The caregivers you request, when you need them, at a price you can afford.Locally owned and operated since 1969. Home Care Solutions 3421 N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie 828-0900 homecareneworleans.com Better solutions for aging well in New Orleans. Offering care management, family consultation, in-home care and Alzheimer’s care. Lambeth House 150 Broadway, New Orleans 865-1960 LambethHouse.com Lambeth House is New Orleans’ only continuing care retirement community with LifeCare, which guarantees access to on-site assisted living and nursing care, if ever needed, at stable monthly fees. Oak Park Village at Hammond 17010 Old Covington Hwy, Hammond, 772-6109 oakparkvillagesl.com Maintenance-free retirement community or independent living, or if you need more personalized attention with supervised independent living, personal care living, assisted living or memory care. Oak Park Village at Slidell 2200 Gause Blvd E, Slidell 309-1599 76

Inside New Orleans

oakparkvillagesl.com Maintenance-free retirement community or independent living, or if you need more personalized attention with supervised independent living, personal care living, assisted living or memory care. Poydras Home 5354 Magazine St., New Orleans 897-0535 PoydrasHome.com Independent living, assisted living and nursing care with secure memory care available in assisted living and nursing; adult day program. Sensible Meals EatSensibleMeals.com Sensible Meals offers fresh, affordable (15 meals for five days costs $80 to $120), chef-prepared meals made in a licensed, certified and insured facility with an A+ health rating. Easy drive thru local pickups in 11 cities or $15 fedex shipping to your doorstep. St. Anthony’s Gardens 601 Holy Trinity Dr, Covington 985-605-5950 StAnthonysGardens.org A ministry of the Archdiocese of New Orleans specializing in independent living 55+ and older; assisted living; and memory care. The Trace Senior Community 19432 Crawford Rd, Covington 241-4310 thetraceseniorliving.com Health and wellness care services; outstanding amenities; comfortable apartment homes. The Windsor Senior Living Community 1770 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville 624-8040 windsorseniorliving.com Twenty years of providing seniors with independent and assisted living services. April-May 2019 77



January evening. Officiating was the Reverend Jefferson Millican, of St. Martin’s Episcopal School, where the bride and groom met. Katherine is the daughter of Anne Dunlap Honeywell and the late Jefferson Daniel Honeywell. Ben’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lanthrop Amoss.


Katherine Dunlap Honeywell and Benjamin Marks Amoss

were married at Christ Church Cathedral on a beautiful, crisp

The bride was escorted down the aisle by her brother,

Jefferson. Katherine wore a sheath gown of ivory lace by Yvonne LaFleur, a gift from her grandmother Alma Dunlap, along with a cathedral-length veil. The bride’s attendants wore vibrant Alfred Sung hunter green dresses. Samantha Oppenheim was maid of honor; Ben’s brother Daniel, best man, stood alongside the groomsmen, all of whom Ben played basketball with at either St. Martin’s or Loyola.

Following the ceremony, family and friends gathered

for the reception at the Orléans Club. Guests were welcomed with hand-passed items, including fried oysters with blue cheese, crab cakes with remoulade sauce and maple pecan bacon candy. Other delicious fare, all prepared by the club’s own Chef Sarah Wood, included wild mushroom ravioli with Marsala cream sauce and julienned beef Marchand de vin with whipped potatoes.

The bride’s cake was a four-tier white almond cake with

French buttercream icing by Chez Pierre; it was decorated with fresh flowers by Meade Wenzel, who beautifully implemented basketball jersey, complete with his name and number.

Everyone danced the night away to the high-energy

performance and music of BRW led by Billy Kennedy. Candra George Photography captured all the fun of the night. The bride and groom left the reception to the cheers of the guests waving white ribbon wands before heading off on a week-long honeymoon in St. Thomas, a wedding gift from Barbara and Steven Bossier. The couple resides in New Orleans, where Katherine is practicing law and Ben is working in finance. 78

Inside New Orleans


all the flowers. The groom’s chocolate cake was Ben’s Loyola

April-May 2019 79

INside Peek 1. Executive Chef Guy D. Sockrider, Tom Fitzmorris and A.J. Tusa checking out Briquette’s daily catch during Tom’s visit. 2. Sacred Heart National Honor Society after Michelle DeRussy Dodenhoff spoke at the induction ceremony for nine juniors and seniors. 3. Sr. Melanie Guste, RSCJ, Headmistress of the Academy of the Sacred Heart, and Michelle DeRussy Dodenhoff.






The Caliphs of Cairo ball in the Royal Tent hailed Queen Lauren Lee Paysse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rene Sylvain Paysse Jr. Guests were treated to a tableau recalling the rise of King Kamehameha the Great.


Caliphs of Cairo Carnival Ball

INside Peek 1. Dr. Mostofa Sarwar, Dr. William Wainwright, Dr. Suri Duitch, Mr. Harold Gaspard, Mr. Eric Lane and Dr. Robin Forman at the signing ceremony at Tulane University’s Bea Field Alumni House where Tulane University and Delgado Community College signed an agreement to give Delgado graduates a new pathway to four-year degrees at Tulane in high-demand fields. 2. Dr. Mahyar Amouzegar, Dr. John Nicklow, Dr. William Wainwright and Dr. Mostofa Sarwar signing at the Delgado City Park Campus Student Life Center. 3. Seth Knudsen and Sarah Covert celebrating their wedding.





Inside New Orleans

1. Mary Ann Koch and Anna Tusa celebrate Mardi Gras with the Krewe of Cleopatra. 2. The 2019 Krewe of PACE gathered for a Mardi Gras celebration at the Shirley Landry Benson PACE Center at St. Cecilia to present the royal court. 3. U.S. Senator John Kennedy and Colonel Rob Maness at the D.C. Mardi Gras Party hosted by the Louisiana delegation. 4. Celebrating their 50th anniversary, the Ladies Leukemia League installed new officers. 1




April-May 2019 83

IN Great Taste by Yvette Jemison

Marvelous Meringue 4 egg whites 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar, divided 1/2 cup water 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Special equipment: candy thermometer

For all your warm weather desserts. DELICATE IN TEXTURE and heavenly in flavor, meringue is the perfect topping for your warm-weather desserts. Meringue is simple in terms of ingredients, but timing is everything. When done right, your egg whites are whipped into stiff peaks at the same time that your syrup bubbles to the perfect temperature. The two mixtures are carefully whipped together to create the fluffiest meringue. Swirl this luscious topping on our favorite dessert recipes, creating lemon meringue pie or banana pudding with toasted meringue. Master this recipe, and you’ll be topping all of your desserts with this sugary confection. 84

Inside New Orleans

Lemon Meringue Pie Servings: 8 Crust 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for work surface 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt


Marvelous Meringue

1. Using an electric mixer with a whisk attachment on medium speed, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks form, 5-7 minutes. With the mixer running on low speed, slowly add 1/4 cup of sugar. 2. Increase the speed to medium high and beat until stiff peaks form, 8-10 minutes. Try to coordinate the timing of the egg whites reaching stiff peaks at the same time the following boiled syrup reaches 248°. 3. Meanwhile, in a small sauce pan fitted with a candy thermometer, whisk together remaining 1 1/4 cup sugar and water. Bring to a boil until thermometer reads 248°F, the firm-ball stage. Pour syrup into a heatproof cup with a pour spout. 4. With the mixer running on slow speed, slowly pour the vanilla, then the syrup, in a steady stream in the space between the beater and the bowl, avoiding pouring onto the beater. Increase speed to medium high and beat until the meringue thickens into a marshmallow-like texture, 1-2 minutes. Immediately scoop onto prepared dessert.

1/2 cup (1 stick) chilled, unsalted butter 1/4 cup ice water 1 1/2 teaspoons white or apple cider vinegar Parchment, dried beans or pie weights for blind baking the crust

Place pie dish on a baking sheet. On the bottom oven rack, bake until the crust is golden brown around the edges, about 15 minutes. 7. Remove the parchment and beans, and return the shell to the oven until the bottom of the crust is deep golden brown, 5-10 minutes. Set aside to cool.

Filling 4 egg yolks 1/2 cup flour 1 cup sugar 2 Tablespoons lemon zest 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 cups water 2/3 cup lemon juice 4 Tablespoons butter, sliced

1 batch Marvelous Meringue for topping Crust 1. In a large bowl, whisk flour and salt together. Grate butter into the bowl and toss to coat with the flour. 2. Stir ice water and vinegar together and sprinkle over the flour mixture. Using your hands, combine the mixture until it forms pebble-size pieces. Some of the flour will not be incorporated. Using your hands, rub while flattening the butter and the loose flour between your fingertips until all the flour is incorporated. If necessary, add 1 Tablespoon of water to incorporate the flour. Do not overwork dough. 3. Gather the dough and press into a 1/2-inchthick disc. 4. On a floured surface using a rolling pin, roll the disc into a 13-inch round. Gently wrap the dough around the rolling pin and transfer to a 9-inch diameter pie dish. Unroll and place the dough overhanging the pie dish. 5. Gently fit the crust into the bottom and sides of the pan with a 1-inch overhang. Fold edges under and decoratively crimp crust edge. Using a fork, poke holes on the bottom of the crust. Place pie dish in freezer until crust is firm, about 20 minutes. 6. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 425°F. Line chilled crust with parchment, leaving about a 1-inch overhang, and fill with pie weights or dried beans.

Filling 1. Place egg yolks in a heat-proof bowl; whisk and set aside. 2. In an unheated saucepan, whisk together flour, sugar, zest and salt. Add water and lemon juice and whisk to combine. 3. Turn heat to medium high, frequently whisking, cook just until the filling begins to bubble and the mixture thickens, about 5 minutes. Turn off heat. 4. While whisking yolks, add 3 Tablespoons of the filling, one Tablespoon at time, until eggs are tempered. 5. While whisking the filling, slowly pour in the tempered eggs and whisk until well combined. Add butter and whisk until butter is melted and well combined. Set filling aside while preparing the meringue. Assembly 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. 2. Pour and evenly spread filling in baked pie shell. Dollop meringue on top, making sure to seal meringue to the edges of the crust so that it doesn’t pull away while baking. Draw meringue up into decorative peaks and swirls. 3. Place pie on a baking sheet and bake just until the edges of peaks and swirls are golden, 8-10 minutes. 4. Cool pie completely, about 3 hours. Chill uncovered until set, about 8 hours. Do Ahead: Tightly wrapped raw crust that is formed into a disc can be refrigerated up to 2 days or frozen up to 1 month. Baked and cooled crust can be stored at room temperature up to 1 day ahead. Filling can be cooked, cooled and chilled up to one day ahead. Pie can be completely assembled and chilled uncovered up to 2 days ahead April-May 2019 85

Haute Plates


A selection of restaurants and haute dishes found in and around New Orleans.


Bayside Grill







NEW ORLEANS 504-568-0245

Annunciation Restaurant,

Established in 1840, Antoine’s









Whether enjoying a stay at

Award-winning contemporary

located in New Orleans’ bustling

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Come see what it is all about and

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Caffe! Caffe!


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METAIRIE, 504-267-9190


Legacy Kitchen


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New Orleans Creole Cookery

La Carreta

Celebrating over 20 years of fresh food in a fun and festive

504-309-5231 Bright, casual eatery offering


NEWORLEANSCREOLECOOKERY.COM Experience the traditional

atmosphere, La Carreta offers

sophisticated American comfort food

Creole tastes of New Orleans in the

Beck opened the first Caffe! Caffe!,

authentic Mexican cuisine at several

and crafted cocktails. Photo features

historic French Quarter. Specialties

a friendly neighborhood café that

locations across Southeast Louisiana.

the Grilled Shrimp Taco platter with

include jambalaya, crawfish

would be a gathering place for

Daily lunch specials, fiesta time daily

house pico verde.

étouffée, shrimp creole and raw and

business, pleasure and after dinner

and family friendly.

chargrilled oysters on the half shell.

coffee and dessert. Meet me at …

Craft cocktails and signature drinks

Caffe! Caffe!

with Happy Hour, weekdays 3-6pm.


Inside New Orleans

INside Dining

Legacy Kitchen’s Oyster Counter

New Orleans is home to more great restaurants than we could hope to list

here. For a comprehensive listing of restaurants in the New Orleans metro

Common St, 504-827-1651 MiLa aaaa Eclectic, 817 Common

area, please refer to Tom Fizmorris’ nomenu.com. In this guide, you will find

+ Tap Room aa American, 817

St., 504-412-2580 Morton’s The Steakhouse aaa

some of the best bets around town.

Steak, 365 Canal St. (Canal Place

Tom’s fleur de lis ratings are shown.

Mall), 504-566-0221 Mother’s aaa Sandwiches, 401

Note from Tom: Alon Shaya’s great new Israeli Restaurant Saba was #6 on my

Poydras St., 504-523-9656 Rivershack Tavern Hamburgers,

list of the Best Restaurants of 2018 of a

seafood, 3449 River Rd., 504-

month or so ago. In that list, I incorrectly stated that John Besh opened Saba. In

834-4938 Ruby Slipper Café aaa Breakfast,

fact, Besh has had no connection with

Neighborhood Café, 200

Saba at any time. I regret the error.

Magazine St., 504-525-9355 Ruth’s Chris Steak House aaa Steak, 525 Fulton St., 504-587-7099


Windsor Court Grill Room aaa


American, 300 Gravier St., 504-

Boucherie aaaa Southern Barbecue,


1506 S. Carrollton Ave., 504862-5514 Brigtsen’saaaa Contemporary Creole, 723 Dante St., 504-861-7610 Jacques-Imo’s aaa Cajun, 8324 Oak St., 504-861-0886 Mikimoto aaaa Japanese, 3301 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-488-1881 Mona’s Café aa Middle Eastern, 1120 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-861-8174 Panchita’saaa Central American, 1434 S. Carrollton Ave., 504-281-4127

FRENCH QUARTER AcmeOysterHouse aaa Seafood, 724 Iberville St., 504-522-5973 Antoine’saaaa Creole French, 713 St. Louis St., 504-581-4422 Arnaud’s aaaa Creole French, 813 Bienville St., 504-523-5433 Bayona aaaa Eclectic, 430 Dauphine St., 504-525-4455 Bombay Club aaa Contemporary Creole, 830 Conti St., 

Riccobono’s Panola Street Café aa Breakfast, 7801 Panola St., 504314-1810 Vincent’saaaa Italian, 7839 St. Charles Ave., 504-866-9313

2237 Bourbon House aaa Seafood, 144 Bourbon St., 504-522-0111 Brennan’s Contemporary Creole, 417 Royal St., 504-525-9711 Broussard’s aaaa Creole French, 819

CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Blue Room aaa American, 123

Conti St., 504-581-3866 Court of Two Sisters aaa Creole French, 613 Royal St., 504-522-

Baronne, Roosevelt Hotel. 504-6481200 Bon Ton Café aaa Cajun, 401

7261 Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse aaa Steak, 716 Iberville St., 504-522-

Magazine St., 504-524-3386 Borgne aaa Seafood, 601 Loyola Ave. (Hyatt Regency Hotel), 504613-3860 Chophouse aaa Steak, 322 Magazine St., 504-522-7902 Desi Vega’s aaaa Steak, 628 St. Charles Ave., 504-523-7600 Domenica aaaa Italian, 123 Baronne St. (Roosevelt Hotel), 504-648-6020 Drago’s aaaa Seafood, 2 Poydras St., 504-584-3911 Herbsaint aaaa Creole French, 701 St. Charles Ave., 504-524-4114 Liborio aaa Cuban, 321 Magazine St., 504-581-9680

2467 ElGatoNegro aaa Mexican, 81 French Market Place, 504-525-9752 Frank’saaa Creole Italian, 933 Decatur St., 504-525-1602 Galatoire’s aaaa Creole French, 209 Bourbon St., 504-525-2021 Galatoire’s 33 Bar & Steak aaa Steak, 215 Bourbon St., 504-335-3932 GumboShopaaa Creole, 630 St. Peter St., 504-525-1486 Irene’s Cuisine aaaa Italian, 529

Bienville St., 504-529-8811

Kingfishaaaa Cajun, 337 Chartres St., 504-598-5005 Mr. B’s Bistro aaaa Contemporary >>

April-May 2019 87

Creole, 201 Royal St., 504-523-

Turnbull Dr. 504-455-7363 Austin’s aaaa Creole, 5101 West

2078 Muriel’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 801 Chartres St., 504-568-1885 New Orleans Creole Cookery Classic Creole, 510 Toulouse St., 504524-9632 NOLAaaaa Contemporary Creole, 534 St. Louis St., 504-522-6652 PalaceCaféaaa Contemporary Creole, 605 Canal St., 504-523-1661 Pelican Club aaaaa Contemporary Creole, 312 Exchange Place, 504523-1504 Port of Call aaa Hamburgers, 838 Esplanade Ave., 504-523-0120 R’evolution aaaa Creole French, 777 Bienville, 504-553-2277 SoBou aaa Contemporary Creole, 310 Chartres St., 504-552-4095 The Country Club Contemporary Creole, 634 Louisa St., 504-9450742

Esplanade Ave., 504-888-5533 Caffe! Caffe! aa Breakfast, 4301 Clearview Pkwy., 504-885-4845; 3547 N. Hullen., 504-267-9190 Carreta’s Grill a Mexican, 2320 Veterans Blvd., 504-837-6696; 1821 Hickory Ave., Harahan, 
504305-4833 Dat Dog a Craft Hot Dogs, 3301 Veterans Memorial Blvd. (Lakeside Mall), 504-304-7005 Drago’saaaa Seafood, 3232 N. Arnoult Rd., 504-888-9254 Impastato’s aaaa Creole Italian, 3400 16th St., 504-455-1545 Legacy Kitchen aa American. 759 Veterans Memorial Blvd. 504309-5231 Riccobono’s Peppermill aaa Creole Italian, 3524 Severn Ave., 504455-2266

Trinity aaa Contemporary Creole, 117 Decatur St., 504-325-5789 Vacherie aaa Creole Homestyle, 827 1/2 Toulouse St., 504-207-4532

Ruth’s Chris Steak House aaaa Steak, 3633 Veterans Blvd., 504-8883600 Shogunaaaa Japanese, 2325 Veterans Blvd., 504-833-7477

GARDEN DISTRICT Commander’s Palace aaaaa Contemporary Creole, 1403 Washington Ave., 504-899-8221 Coquette aaaa Creole French, 2800 Magazine St., 504-265-0421 Delmonicoaaaa Contemporary Creole, 1300 St. Charles Ave., 504-5254937 Jack Rose 2031 St. Charles Ave., 504-523-1500 Mr. John’s Steakhouse aaaa Steak, 2111 St. Charles Ave., 504-6797697 Tracey’s aaa Sandwiches, 2604 Magazine St., 504-897-5413

LAKEVIEW Cava aaaa New Orleans Style, 785 Harrison Ave, New Orleans LA 70124, 504-304-9034 Mondoaaa Eclectic, 900 Harrison Ave., 504-224-2633 Triple B’s Hamburgers & Wine Bar, 911 Harrison Ave., 504-289-8025 Ralph’s On The Park aaaa Contemporary Creole, 900 City Park Ave., 504-488-1000

Vincent’s aaaa Creole Italian, 4411 Chastant St., 504-885-2984 NEW ORLEANS EAST Castnet Seafood aaa Seafood speciality, 10826-1/2 Hayne Blvd., 504-244-8446 Deanie’s on Hayne aaa Seafood, 7350 Hayne Blvd., 504-248-6700 Messina’s Runway Cafe Creole Homestyle, 6001 Stars and Stripes Blvd., 504-241-5300 NORTHSHORE Acme Oyster House aaa Seafood, 1202 US 190, Covington, 985246-6155 Café Lynn aaaa Contemporary Creole, 2600 Florida St., Mandeville, 985624-9007 Carreta’s Grill a Mexican, 1340 Lindberg Dr., Slidell, 985-8470020; 70380 LA Hwy. 21, Covington, 985-871-6674 The Chimes aaa Cajun, 19130 W. Front St., Covington, 985-892-5396 Dakota aaaa Contemporary Creole, 629 N. US 190, Covington, 985-892-3712 DiCristina’s aaa Italian, 810 N.

METAIRIE AcmeOysterHouseaaa Seafood, 3000 Veterans Blvd., 504-309-4056 Andrea’s aaa Italian, 3100 19th St., 504-834-8583 Andy’s Bistro aaa American, 3322 N.


Inside New Orleans

Columbia St., Covington, 985875-0160 Fazzio’saa Italian,1841 N. Causeway Blvd., Mandeville, 985-624-9704 Gallagher’s Grill aaaa Contemporary Creole, 509 S. Tyler

St., Covington, 985-892-9992 George’s aaa Mexican, 1461 N.


Causeway Blvd., Mandeville, 985626-4342

CENTRAL CITY American Sector aa American, 945

Keith Young’s Steak House aaaa Steak, 165 LA 21, Madisonville,

Magazine St., 504-528-1940 Annunciation aaaa Contemporary


Creole, 1016 Annunciation St.,

La Carreta aaa Mexican, 812 Hyw 190, Covington, 985-400-5202;

504-568-0245 Briquette Contemporary Coastal

1200 W. Causeway Approach, Mandeville, 985-624-2990

Cuisine, 701 S. Peters St. Café Reconcile aaa Lunch Café,

Lakehouse aaa Contemporary

1631 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.,

Creole, 2025 Lakeshore Dr., Mandeville, 985-626-3006

504-568-1157 Cajun Cookery Breafast, brunch, 719

Mandina’s aaa Italian, Seafood, 4240 La 22, Mandeville, 985-

S Peters St., 504-333-6010 Cochon aaa Cajun, 930

674-9883 Mattina Bella aaa Breakfast, 421

Tchoupitoulas St., 504-588-2123 Legacy Kitchen’s Craft Tavern

E. Gibson St., Covington, 985-

aa Refined American Fare, 700


Tchoupitoulas St., 504-613-

Mellow Mushroom aa Pizza, 30 craft beers on tap, 1645 N. Hwy.

2350 Emeril’s aaaaa Contemporary

190, Covington, 985-327-5407

Creole, 800 Tchoupitoulas St.,

Nathan’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 36440 Old Bayou Liberty

504-528-9393 Grand Isle aaa Seafood, 575

Rd., Slidell, 985-643-0443

Convention Center Blvd., 504-

New Orleans Food & Spiritsaaa Seafood, 208 Lee Lane,

520-8530 Josephine Estelle Italian, 600

Covington, 985-875-0432 Nuvolari’s aaaa Creole Italian, 246

Carondelet St., 504-930-3070 La Boca aaaa Steak, 870

Girod St., Mandeville, 985-626-5619 Ox Lot 9 aaa Contemporary, 428 E

Tchoupitoulas St., 504-525-8205 Mais Arepas aaaa South

Boston St., Covington, 985-400-

American, 1200 Carondelet St.,



Pardo’s aaaa Contemporary

Pêche Seafood Grill aaa Seafood,

Creole, 69305 Hwy 21, Covington, 985-893-3603

800 Magazine St., 504-522-1744 Rock-n-Sake aaa Japanese, 823

Ristorante Del Porto aaaa Italian, 501 E. Boston St., Covington,

Fulton St., 504-581-7253 Root aaaa Eclectic, 200 Julia St.,

985-875-1006 Sal and Judy’s aaaa Italian, 27491

504-252-9480 Seaworthy Oysters and Cocktails,

Highway 190, Lacombe, 985-


Tomas Bistro aaaa Creole French,

Zea aaa American, 110 Lake Dr.,

600 Carondelet St., 504-930-3071 755 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-527-0942

Covington, 985-327-0520; 173 Northshore Blvd., Slidell, 985-3270520 UPTOWN BistroDaisyaaaa Creole French, 5831 Magazine St., 504-899-6987 Clancy’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 6100 Annunciation St., 504-8951111

WEST BANK KimSon aaa Vietnamese, 349 Whitney Ave., 504-366-2489 Legacy Kitchen Steak + Chop aa American, 91 Westbank Expy., 504-513-2606 O’Brien’s aaaa Steak, 2020 Belle Chasse Hwy., 504-391-7229

Dick & Jenny’s aaaa Contemporary Creole, 4501 Tchoupitoulas St., 504-894-9880 Gautreau’saaaa American, 1728 Soniat St., 504-899-7397 Patoisaaaa Creole French, 6078 Laurel St., 504-895-9441 Upperlineaaaa Contemporary Creole, 1413 Upperline St., 504-8919822

WEST END AND BUCKTOWN The Blue Crab aaa Seafood, 7900 Lakeshore Dr., 504-284-2898 Deanie’s Seafood aa Seafood, 1713 Lake Ave., 504-831-4141 Lakeview Harbor aaa Hamburgers, 8550 Pontchartrain Blvd., 504486-4887 R&O’s aaa Seafood, 216 Old Hammond Hwy., 504-831-1248

April-May 2019 89

Last Bite

Annunciation Restaurant

by Leah Draffen

Annunciation Restaurant is located on 1016 Annunciation Street in New Orleans. 504-568-0245. annunciationrestaurant.com. 90

Inside New Orleans


HOUSED IN A RESTORED turn-ofthe-century warehouse, Annunciation Restaurant serves modern Creole and Cajun dishes in a comfortable, finedining environment. Executive Chef Milton Prudence has been perfecting his Southern culinary skills for over 50 years, first as Executive Chef de Cuisine at Galatoire’s, and then at Tommy’s Cuisine. Surrounded by exposed bricks and beams, Chef Milton plates creative dishes including Seared Tuna with Creole Fried Rice, Oysters Rockefeller, Seafood Stuffed Eggplant and Pan Roasted Chicken Bonne Femme. Guests keep coming back for the Fried Oysters with Brie, Fresh Drum Yvonne and Roasted Duck with Raspberry Reduction. Cocktails are equally impressive, pouring The Devil’s Beating His Wife with white rum, ginger syrup, Stiegl Radler and grapefruit, and the Blueberry Sazerac—a modern twist on the New Orleans classic. “Annunciation is upscale enough for a date night or corporate dinner, and comfortable enough to grab a quick neighborhood bite,” says Kristin Sparks, Special Events Coordinator. “Our staff from the kitchen to front of the house is a major asset, always friendly and knowledgeable of the menu.” Private dining is available in one of Annunciation’s upstairs party rooms, complete with private bar.

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