Submitted to Sir Inam
Arrival of Muslims in Sub-Continent (A great story of Indo-Pak) The story of Pakistan, its struggle and its achievement, is the very great human ideals, struggling to survive in the face of odds and difficulties. The establishment of Pakistan in the Sub-continent was a remarkable event of the 20th century. In the beginning, Islam was a social factor of the Muslims traders and religious scholars in the Sub-continent but when Muhammad Bin Qasim landed on the soil in 712A.D. It emerged as apolitical power and religion. Many religious, political, economic and social changes took place as a rational outcome of the principles of Islam. In the11th century mahmud Ghaznvi invaded the Sub-continent seventeen times and as a result of them he made Punjab and Multan a part of his state.Ghias-ud-din Balbans period was an era of Muslims revolution and progress. Equity and justice reached its apex in khiljis period The Tugluks are thought to be the mile-stone in the spread and progress of Islam. In this era Islam reached the south of the Sub-continent. After the Lodis and the Sadaats, the Mughals succeeded in establishing a strong empire. After Aurangzeb’s death, the Muslims of the Sub-continent started disintegrating.
Down of Muslims in the Sub-continent After the death of Aurangzeb Alamgir in 1707, his incapable and weak successors failed to control the vast empire. The governors of Bangal, Deccan and Odh formed their Independent states; consequently, it weakened the central government and skmuled a reduction in the income. Under these circumstances, it becomes difficult for the Mughal emperor to keep a huge army for the defense purposes. There was no definite law for succession in the Islamic governments. When a King expired, his sons fought for succession. This tug of was weakened the Islamic government, and many
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Princes, nobles and experienced commanders lost their lives in doing so. During the era of Muhgal emperor, European rafts and ships were afloat the oceans all over the world. The Muhgal emperors paid no attention to the need of naval defense. Due to absence of Naval forces, the Portuguese. The British and the French substantiated on the coastal areas. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, several revolution took place in all help of the latest knowledge many problem were solved. New invention revolutionized the strategies in the west. They started using guns and tanks, but the Muslims paid no heed to the changing trends and failed to cater to the need of time. The British came to the Sub-continent which the purpose of trade. Finding the weak political system of here, they defeated Nawab sirajud-daulla in the battle of plassi in 1757. Later, they got control over the whole Sub-continent after the war of independent in 1857.
Great Movement for Pakistani Muslims After the war of independence. The dark period of the Muslim history started and they as a nation became a victim of the British hatred and atrocities. At the time Shah Wali Ullah and Sir Syed Ahmed appeared and took the responsibility of reforming the Muslims. Shah Wali Ullah (R.A)was a mujaded of the 8th century. He started his Movement when there was frustration and hopelessness. He not only tried to unite the Muslims politically, but he also rendered religious service. Besides the performance of political and religious obligations he also tried to remove. Sir Syed Ahmed started Aligarh Movement, which had the following objectives. To build confidence between the government and the Muslims. To persuade the Muslims acquire modern education and learn English languages. He thought the Muslims politically weak and restrained them from joining the Congress founded in 1885 because it was just a Hindu Congress. He launched a Movement, which kept on serving the nation even after his death. On Ist October 1906 a Muslim delegation NARMEEN, COM
Submitted to Sir Inam
led by Sir Agha Khan met the Viceroy Lord Minto at Shimla to demand a separate electorate for Muslims in the forth coming reforms. The Viceroy gave a positive response. At that time, there was no political party of the need of it. God Almighty enable them to from Muslims League.The Deoband party of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi played a vital in the Pakistan Movement. To him, the Hindus were the oppesers of the Muslims. He declared the Congress a Hindu party and advised the Muslims to keep away from it. He issued a fatwa against Bande Mataram and the three coloured flag in the period of Congress ministries (1937-39). He persuaded the Muslim to join Muslim League. In 1916 Congress and Muslim League held a joint session at Lucknow to conclude an agreement called the Lucknow pact. In this pact, for the first time, the separate identity of Muslims and their demand for separate electorate were accepted. Earlier this demand was accepted by the government in the minto Morley Reforms in 1909.Quaid-e-Azam came to be know as the ambassador of Hindu –Muslim unity because he played an important role in the making of this pact. The Hindu Muslim unity could not be maintained for long. The Nehru Report showed the prejudiced attitude for the Congress. The right of separate electorate and the government which the Muslims considered essential for the preservation of their national identity and progress were rejected. This served as the last blow to the cooperation established between the Hindu and Muslims for the first time in the Lucknow pact. Quaid-e-Azam refused to accept the Nehru Report. In1929 he presented the guiding principles know as fourteen points of Quaid-eAzam. Thus we can say that Quaid-e-Azam not only protected the political rights of the Muslims but also provided the structure of the constitutional reforms in India. It was the desire of the Muslims that they should be acknowledged as a separate identity Allam Iqbals Allah-abed address clearly reveals this fact. The Muslims could not tolerate that religious, political and social rights should be denied to them. Therefore, the demanded a separate homeland. Allama Iqbal said in his Allah-abed address; “I would like to see the Punjab, the North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Balochistan amalgamated into a single state.” Quiad-e-Azam desired to see the Muslims of the Sub-continent emerging as an effective force. Allama Iqbal advanced
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this concept of a separate homeland in his Allah-abed address, Quaid-e-Azam said that the foundation of two Nation. Theory was laid on the day the first Hindu became a Muslim. Thus the two Nation theory originated with the arrival of Muslims in the Subcontinent. On later occasions its expression, evolution and stability got momentum. In 1933 Chaudhry Rehmat Ali named this dream of Iqbal for a separate homeland as Pakistan. The control of Muslim League was taken by Quaid-e-Azam in 1934. He organized it and made it stronger. In 1935 the British Government introduced a new constitution in which the provincial autonomy was given a priority. Under this constitution elections were held in 1937 in which the congress got the absolute majority. It formed ministries in six large provinces. The persecution of the Muslim started at the hands of the Congress and their separate identity was planned to be crushed. In this connection a ban was put on the religious of the Muslims Bands were played in front of the Masjids at the time of prayer. The Muslims were refused to have Government jobs. Urdu was replaced by Hindi in schools. The students were forced to salute the portrait of Mahatema Gandhi, and to sing Bande Mataram, which created towards the Muslims. They were also forced to put Tilak on their foreheads. The attitude of the Congress strengthened the Muslims demand for a separate homeland. In 1938 Mohammad Ali Jinnah was given the title of Quaid-e-Azam. When the Congress ministries resigned in 1939, he advised the Muslims to observe a Day of Deliverance on 22nd December 1939. Resolution was passed on 23rd March 1940 in the 27th annual session of Muslim League, which was presided over by Quaid-e-Azam. In1942, the British Government sent Sir Stafford Cripps to the Sub-continent with some proposal. He failed to have a consensus of all the political parties on some point. In1945 the Wavell Plan was presented, which was highly opposed by Quaid-e-Azam. He tried to promote Muslim League as the only representation party of the Muslims but the Congress kept on denying it. The British Prime Minister announced on 20 th February 1947 that the Government would had over the power to the elected representatives by June 1948, So the establishment of Pakistan became more definite. On 3rd June the plan of the partition of the Sub-continent was announced. According to the plan the power would be given to Pakistan by 14th August 1947. This bill was passed and came to be known as Indian independence bill 1947.
Submitted to Sir Inam
Dawn of Independence ďƒ˜
The concept of independence has a great importance for a nation. Pakistan came into being as independence state on 14th August 1947 (27th Ramadan) and India on 15th August. Quaid-e-Azam as the General of Pakistan.
Quaid-e-Azam took oath as the first Governor General of Pakistan on 14th August 1947. Liaquat Ali Khan was elected as a prime minister. As the constitution of the newly born state was not ready, the act of 1935 was amended and enforced. Quaid-e-Azam remained the Governor General of Pakistan for thirteen month. During this period he solved many important national issues with his insight and administrative leadership qualities. He over came many problem created by the Hindus after independence like the unfair division of assets, the problem of rehabilitation of the refugees and ill-treatment of the Muslims by the Hindu. Moreover, India transfers the administrative records to Pakistan in time. Realizing the sensitivity of the affairs Quaid-e-Azam served his country till his death. Despite his bad health, he kept on going through the important files. He did not succumb to the deadly disease of consumption. Thus we can say that he put heart and soul for the betterment of this country.
Submitted to Sir Inam
Wednesday, July 11, 2007