What can you do With a Nursing Degree? There is really no end to the things you can do with a nursing degree. The possibilities go on and on. If you are about to graduate nursing school, you will see plenty of recruiters from various places visiting your school. It is in your best interest to accept some information from any of the recruiters, so you can carefully review what each has to offer. Most, if not all, will be from hospitals, however the benefit packages can be quite different so be careful to go over them. Some may offer a generous signing bonus, however, be sure to read the stipulations associated with it. Many will have in the contract, that if you don't fulfill a year or two of employment with them, you are obligated to pay the bonus back. This is a time to look at the whole picture, and not just the signing bonus. Is it possible you could make more in salary elsewhere, and would it actually even out to as much or more than the bonus? Just some careful consideration can make a huge difference. Related: Social Service Roles in Patient Care Regardless of the decision you make with recruiters, a hospital is always the easiest position to get for a new nurse, and most hospitals are always looking for nurses. A private medical practice usually has several nurses, and this is another option when you have a nursing degree. Many times, private practices prefer some experience; however, this is not always the case. Working in a prison or a jail may seem dangerous, however the odds of you being injured are no higher than a hospital. Most nurses in prisons are behind glass and give out medications to inmates, always while in the company of guards. Some preliminary exams take place in prisons, again always with a guard. In a jail setting the nurse often provides intakes to inmates, collecting vital medical history and information. School nursing is another job available to nurses. This is usually a job that coincides with the school year and schedule. This is especially convenient for parents with school age children; in most cases daycare is not needed. As a school nurse, you would primarily see minor issues, and administer medications to students during school hours. A nursing degree can open the doors for you to become an educator to the public. Nurse educators that work in the public specter may provide health related information to groups, such as diabetics or expectant parents.
Nurses can teach student nurses; however, that role is generally reserved for nurse practitioners. Community nurses usually work in a health department operated by the state, city, or county. The job functions vary, and can range from giving vaccinations and TB tests, to providing instructions for new parents. Related: What is Prader Willi Syndrome? Traveling nurses live a busy and often exciting life. They take assignments usually for 3 months at a time, and go to a hospital where there is a shortage of nurses. As a travel nurse, you would work in a location away from home. You would be put up in an apartment, usually with a couple other travel nurses. You work regular working shifts while the hospital pays your salary, and covers rent, travel expenses, and usually a meal allowance. A call center nurse usually works for either a hospital, or a health agency. This position is a much slower pace than most fields of nursing. Your position is generally to answer incoming phone calls regarding health questions. You do need to have extensive medical knowledge so that you can quickly provide answers, and judgment is a big part of this position. You are responsible, based on information provided, to offer suggestions such as visiting the emergency room. Many companies outside of the health care field would hire nurses for their expertise. You, could be asked to sit on a, panel such as a human rights committee contributed. You may be asked questions of a medical nature, Nursing jobs are available in many areas and fields, although the largest still remains within a hospital. Ultimately, you have a huge assortment of possibilities with a nursing degree. You are a very valuable commodity to many employers. Related: Skilled Registered Nurse, Certified Hospice Nurse and Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Lucinda Perkins, RN, will be Spotlighted in the Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter