Making a herbarium

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Katyciai Basic School of Silute Region “Healthy Herbs Outlook” 2015-2017

“Making a herbarium”





Klasė Form


Mokinių skaičius Number of the students



Brigita Vitkauskienė, biologijos mokytoja


Brigita vitkauskiene, a teacher of biology




Making a herbarium


Išmokti gaminti herbariumą.

Objectives Metodai


The students will learn how to make a herbarium. Aiškinimas ir aptarimas, savarankiškas darbas, darbas grupėse. Lecture and discussion, work in small groups, independent work. Augalai, popierius, klijai, lipni juosta.


The plants, sheets of paper, glue, and tape.


Trumpas aprašymas

1. Mokytoja paaiškina kas yra herbariumas. 2. Mokiniai vietinėse pievose renka augalus. 3. Augalai yra džiovinami. 4. Mokiniai renka informaciją apie augalus. 5. Gaminamas herbariumas.

A short description

3. 4. 5. 6.

The students are acquainted with the herbarium. The students collect the plants. The plants are pressed and dried. The students search for the information about the collected plants. 7. The students make a herbarium.

Making a herbarium


Making a herbarium is an exciting and rewarding activity. Each plant you press provides you with a valuable experience, allowing you to connect more closely with the plant through observing and working with it, and helping you to understand and remember it in a way that is never possible from just reading about it in a book.

• Making a herbarium consists of three main steps: collecting the plant material, pressing and drying, and mounting.

Plants chosen should be good representatives of the species and should contain all the essential features necessary for identification, i.e. leaves, stems, flowers and seeds.

Materials for the mounting plants • • • • •

Cartridge Paper Double sided tape Water soluble glue Computer-generated labels Folded paper for making loose specimen pockets

The plants should be arranged carefully to represent the way they grow naturally. The aim of the herbarium is to show the viewer what the plant looked like in nature.

The plants have to be identified and labelled. • Example of the Herbarium Label • • • • • • • •

Scientific name: Vernacular name(s): Date of collection: Locality: Habitat: Habit: Characteristics: Medicinal uses:

• “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.”

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