We isolate the problem, not the people.
L Lifenet Texas Cornerstone Center
Your support provides a safe drop-in center for the homeless and others in need. Since 1977, Lifenet Texas has helped people living in need rebuild their life. In this time, we’ve learned that most share one common problem - isolation. With little social structure, such as support from family or friends, isolation threatens their hope for a better life.
You can help
We are determined to help solve this problem by introducing The Cornerstone Center - a new drop-in location to serve the greater Dallas community. We’re dedicating 4,000 square feet of space to activities that support recreation and socialization. Our goal is to do so at no cost to our guests. But we still need a few items. Your generous donation will help.
2 ways to donate mobile Text 41444
from any mobile device with your pledge amount
online Visit lifenettexas.org/give and select “one time” or “monthly” gift
lifenet texas
al disorders homelessness unemployment hunger addiction mental disorders homelessness unemployment hunger addiction mental disorders homelessness unemployment hunger add