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Presented by Deadcenter Entertainment and sponsored by INCLINATION, Metal Fury, Chicago Women Of Metal, Jenn X Music and WGTRadio.com, Hell On Earth is a celebration of Chicago’s most in your face metal where you can expect to get your face melted off. Deadcenter Entertainment is a promotional company that hosts Hell On Earth and the highly acclaimed celebration of female artistry: Dame Nation, as well as representing some of the finest talent from Chicago like Deadmanswake and Circle of Fate. They also book at Chicago’s premier rock and metal venues, like Reggies and Nite Caps.

Armored Assault is a no-nonsense type of band that just want you to come out see them play their unique style of metal. Dead Before Dawn, their new recording will be out soon. A Soundtrack To Violence have played at a lot of Chicago’s coolest venues including the infamous Double Door, they combine a hardcore, punk sound to delightfully rape your eardrums. Bleed For The Fallen has been around for about a decade melting together a mixture of hardcore and progressive metal.

Impale, from the Evergreen Park Hell On Earth metal fest is on May area are an all balls out met21st at the Clearwater Theater al band and play a mean show! in West Dundee. It’s an all ages event, which starts, at 3.30pm, so Orion Nine are a hard rock/ metal bring out the mini metal heads band from the ‘burbs of Chicago. and enjoy the entertainment, They list their influences as Kenny which will be brought to you by: G, Barry Manilow, Ricky Martin to name but a few... I think as well Bloodstream Parade. Signed by as being a fucking awesome band, Dark Star Records they are an they have a sense of humor too. all-out metal band influenced by everything from 80s classic Psychopathic Daze is a relatively to modern times thrash and are new band but don’t be mislead, they well known for their live shows. are a hardworking bunch that give Rhemora, a melodic death metal band nothing less than the kind of muare all about their song structures sic you’d expect with their name. and bring you brutality at it’s finest. Kastasyde will be finishing the Heal The Wicked, currently record- night off in true metal style with ing a new EP are a band of four their strongest line-up to date self-taught musicians. Look out that’s been ten years in the makfor these guys tearing up stages all ing. Their constantly growing fanover Chicago-land this summer! base is sure to bring out a crowd

so get your moshing shoes on. Read the interviews here and tune in to Generation INCLINATION on Wednesday nights from 9-11pm to hear songs from these bands and other local and indie artists. KASTASYDE












A SOUNDTRACK TO VIOLENCE www.reverbnation.com/astv






www.reverbnation.com/rhemorametal www.facebook.com/hellonearthfest deadcenterentertainment.com/

Tell us a little about the history of your band

Interview with Bloodstream Parade’s singer, Tony Greinke

Bloodstream Parade was started in 2004. It’s gone through its share of members throughout its history and its current line up has been together since mid to late 2010 when we added our new lead guitarist Jaymie Robertson. We’ve done everything from bar shows, to charity events, to opening for nationals such as Anthrax, Otep, Obituary, Cannibal Corpse, Hatebreed, Unearth, Carnifex, Lazarus AD, Dirge Within, Unleashed, and many more. We are signed to Dark Star Records where we do have an album out worldwide, with a new one in the works as we speak. We’re slated for a video shoot this year. We have all kinds of merch. We have songs on horror movie soundtracks such as Jezebeth, and soon to be Headline News. We have our album on Internet jukeboxes nation wide. You can also find us on Jango (which is much like Pandora). Our album can be found on ITunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, and much more. Our latest single was released in April 2011 which is a cover of Deep Purple’s 1971 double bass drum classic “Fireball” which can also be found at the same dot coms listed above. We’re ready to put our metal stamp on every metalheads forehead!!

which we have cameo appearances, and a song on the soundtrack. We also have a cameo in the movie Headline News, and a song on the soundtrack to that too. We’re slated for a video shoot this year as well. We’re also really going to focus on getting our metal in the heads of all metal fans with this new album. You’re playing “Hell On Earth”, what’s your definition of “hell”?

I don’t know about the rest of the Where did the name come from? guys, but my definition of hell would be a place with no metal, It was in place before I came along motorcycles, video games, horLOL!! (Tony singer). But if memory serves ror movies, or guns. me right they said it was supposed to be a song title, but was pretty catchy Have you played the Clearwaso they just named the band that. ter Theater? What’s your favorite thing about the venue? What do you have goFavorite thing ing on for the summer? Yes we have. would probably be that they caOur main focus is on writing new mate- ter to everyone with all ages rial for the new album. But we’ve got and you can drink with ID. fests to play, and other shows as well. Plus, the movie premier of Jezebeth, in Have you put out any albums?

Yes our debut album “The Apocalypse In Retrospect” can be found via Dark Star Records at ITunes, Amazon, Best Buy, Rhapsody, CD Baby, and many more retail dot coms worldwide. What’s been your biggest accomplishment so far as a band? I would say it’s getting to play with all those national acts I mentioned above and getting the exposure I know we deserve. Other than yourselves, what’s your favorite Chicago band and why? For myself personally, that would be Trials. Simply cause of their badass sound. You hear their songs like Powerless and you just wanna beat somebody!! LOL!! Can you tell us about the song “Blood For Blood” that we’re playing on Generation INCLINATION right now? Blood For Blood is actually an almost 20-year-old song I wrote back in my original band Concussion. I revamped it for Bloodstream Parade and made it more brutal than it was back in the day. It’s about the way justice should be. Eye for an eye type a thing. No questions asked. Where can our readers find out more information about you? You can find us at a few dot coms of course. www.bloodstreamparade.com www.myspace.com/bloodstreamparade www.facebook.com/home.php#!/ bloodstreamparade1 Also follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/BSPMETAL

interview with rhemora Tell us history

a little about the of your band

Rhemora started in 2010 as a garage project of Tony, John, and Slavik. Jon Lapso (Vocals) hadn’t been in a band since Embrace Chaos (With former Act of Destruction Guitarist Keith Pedziewatr) which broke up in 2007; Jon discovered them via craigslist much later down the road. After constant line up changes and months of hard work and the addition of the very talented Tom Munaco (Drums), Rhemora finally became a five-piece band and starting working on our demo as well as playing shows. The only thing that really matters about our history is that we didn’t settle, we sought out each member with expectations of skill, reliability, and the drive to make music we love. Where did the name come from? It means absolutely nothing; we just thought it sounded cool. What do you have going on for the summer? Lots of writing, recording, playing shows, and partying.

complishment so far as a band? Melting everyone’s faces at “Hell On Earth” Other than yourselves, what’s your favorite Chicago band and why? My favorite Chicago band has to be Maggot Twat, They are funny as hell as well as write some brutal shit.

Can you tell us about the “The Silent Hand” song that we’re playing on Generation INCLINATION right now? By no means are we a religious Have you played the Clearwa- band but this song to me is about ter Theater? What’s your fa- how I perceive the spiritual realm vorite thing about the venue? and how I believe there is a dark No, but we are very excited to!!! spiritual force tainting all of mankind. It’s written from the perspecHave you put out any albums? tive of the said force. Just finishing up our 3-track demo that will be in circula- Where can our readers find out tion at “Hell On Earth”!!! more information about you? www.facebook.com/rhemoraband What’s been your biggest acYou’re playing “Hell On Earth”, what’s your definition of “hell”? We’re living in it. “Hell On Earth”, No Hell IS Earth.

heal the wicked Tell us a little about the history of your band


We started out playing shows in high school just for fun in 2005. After we all graduated, we realized this is what we really want to do with our lives and are working on playing more shows recording and getting signed

We’re working an EP on


We split with our guitar player recently, it was really tough but it had to be done. We are really excited to be working with RJ who replaced our old guy.






Basically we all mess up and screw up and that’s where our music comes from, our pain and the things we don’t like about the world. We find music very healing, that’s pretty much where heal the wicked came.





on it; we iTunes later

albums? will this

have year.

What’s been your biggest accomplishment so far as a band?

Other vorite

than yourselves, what’s your faChicago band and why?

What do you have going on for the summer?


Right more there. studio

Can you tell us about the song “Flem” that we’re playing on Generation INCLINATION right now?

now, we are working on getting some shows booked, getting our name out We are also going to head back to the and get some more songs tracked.

You’re what’s

playing “Hell your definition




On of than






Earth”, “hell”?

Whether its your parents, boss, girlfriend or whoever, everyone has a time in their life where you feel like you are getting walked all over, and Flem is about standing up for yourself and saying your not gonna take it anymore.


Where can our readers find out more information about you?

Have you played the Clearwater Theater? What’s your favorite thing about the venue? No, but we are pretty excited about playing there.


armored assault a little about the Have you played the Clearwater of your band Theater? What’s your favorite thing about the venue? We have been playing together since high school and tearing shit up!! We have never played there, our Pindy our vocalist joined the band guitarist Rob has played there bea few years after we had started, but fore in his old band Air Raid. Great we have been working hard since he venue, great sound, we are really joined the band to write some killer pumped to play on that stage. music and get our name out there. Have you put out any albums? Where did the name come from? We have a lot of small garage reIts actually from and old video game. cordings, but Dead Before Dawn is our first real release. What do you have going on for the summer? What’s been your biggest accomplishment so far as a band? LOTS of shows and our new EP (Dead Before Dawn). The Dead Before Dawn EP is pretty big for us. You’re playing “Hell On Earth”, what’s your definition of “hell”? Other than yourselves, what’s your favorite Chicago band and why? A night without booze or bud. Tell us history

That’s many

tough, there are so great Chicago bands

Can you tell us about the “Dead Before Dawn” song that we’re playing on Generation INCLINATION right now? This is the title track off of our first EP we are releasing called Dead Before Dawn. Where can our readers find out more information about you? We are on Facebook, reverbnation, myspace, all over them interwebs!

impale Tell us history

a little about the You’re playing “Hell On Earth”, Staying of your band what’s your definition of “hell”? ing

Impale started back in 2001. Began playing backyard shows, birthday parties, and brisks... Moving onward to bars, national venues, and sacrificial ceremonies....woah. From 2001 to present, we have beaten ourselves up keeping this band alive. With lots of new member changes up to present date. The 2 original members Frank-guitar, Phil-drums stuck together eventually joining with Kenguitar, Jay-vocals, and newest member Bob-on that bass motherfucker. Where did the name come from? A dictionary What do you have going on for the summer? Currently playing mostly in Chicagoland and surrounding areas. Booking shows out of state in the works, shopping our music around while building a bigger fan base. A lot of ball sweatin’ going on.

If its earth, then earth is our pussy we fuck everyday.... Hell is a constant evil one inflicts upon themselves... for example...fist pumping in clubs... . Have you played the Clearwater Theater? Yes, some of us...it was a battle of the bands...

Alive, Musical


Other than yourselves, what’s your favorite Chicago band and why? First off, we can go fuck ourselves. We’re pretty sure they’re from Chicago, but we will go with Veil Of Maya... Hard to say a Metal band from the chi. That we know of at least.

Can you tell us about the song that we’re playing on Generation INWhat’s your favor- CLINATION right now? ite thing about the venue? Wong ATE Me. Fun song to play We really can’t say, it was too long just comes in slamming! ago, just cant wait to play there. Lyrically written about war, government using people to get rich, Have you put out any albums? while deaths of others are just a plaque on the wall. No just plenty of demos....an EP back in 2004 or some shizzz. Where can our readers find out Constant member changes and that more information about you? bastard thing called life made it very hard to get things finally rollCheck us out on Facebook and reing like they are today. verbnation...we’re really active on those sites promoting the shit out of What’s been your biggest accomour music, come ask us anything! plishment so far as a band?

Have you put out any albums? ing on for the summer?

Where did the name come from? The name came up when someone had asked Mark (guitarist) what he wanted this band to sound like. He said, “ I want it to sound like World War III....a soundtrack to violence.” The name stuck. What








LOL! What’s been your biggest We will be accomplishment so far as a band? continuing to play shows Probably finishing in the top ten around Chi- bands in Chicago two years in a cago every row at the international battle of few weeks the bands, Emergenza, and getting while we try to play the Metro and Double Door. to save some money to record more Other than yourselves, what’s your songs, which favorite Chicago band and why? will make us broke so Local H. Not a very “metal” answer, we’ll start but there is a certain energy that band p l a y i n g has that inspires us in our live show. shows every few weeks a r o u n d Can you tell us about the C h i c a g o song “Language of Brutalwhile we ity” that we’re playing on Gentry to save some money....... eration INCLINATION right now? and alcohol, lots of alcohol. With Language of Brutality we were trying to write a good thrash You’re playing “Hell On Earth”, song with a catchy chorus and it what’s your definition of “hell”? took us months to find the right one. It is a simple chorus which we The dictionary defines “hell” as “the were iffy on, but sometimes simplace or state of punishment of the plicity is better than writing a comwicked after death; the abode of evil plicated part just because you can. and condemned spirits” and so do we. To quote Antoine de Saint, “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when Have you played the Clearwa- there is nothing left to take away.” ter Theater? What’s your favorite thing about the venue? Where can our readers find out more information about you? No we have not, but we are looking forward to discovering our favorite thing! www.asoundtracktoviolence.com

A SOUNDTRACK TO VIOLENCE Tell us a little about the history of your band Once, we were babies. We grew up to become Men with big penises and pubic hairs and some of us play guitars. This is easy, next question.


Tell us history

a little about the length album called EconoLodge of your band? Sessions. W e are looking forward to scheduling a fall tour as well. We all started out in high school together in the fall of 2001. We were You are Playing Hell on Earth, all friends from the neighborhood. what’s your definition of hell? Orion Nine began as a serious project with the release of a four song Kinda like that episode of Different demo three weeks after starting the Strokes, when Arnold gets his butt band. We spent four years relent- fiddled with by the guy who owns lessly touring the Midwest, and the bike shop -mixed in with that releasing several EPs. With the feeling you have when you are trying release of our first full length al- to get out of the pool and you have bum, we were lucky enough to be an erection…true story by the way! picked up on The Balls Strength and Volume Tour and maintained Have you ever played a constant schedule of shows the Clearwater Theater? throughout the country. We are currently back home recording our Absolutely! After consuming new album, EconoLodge Sessions. large quantities of psychedelic hallucinogens and alcoholic bev

ting to meet and share the stage with some of our biggest rock/ metal heroes whom we grew up listening to…it’s a great feeling! Other then yourselves, who is your favorite Chicago band and why? Well there are a lot of bands out there that we enjoy and each one of them bring their own flavor to the table but there are a few that stand out. Bloodstream Parade EL Diablo The Pimps, the list goes on. Can you tell us about the song “ChiTown” that we’re playing on Generation INCLINATION right now? It was about a girl Frank knew

orion nine Where does the name come from? erages, we found that the stage can be a death trap…it’s gotWe were originally named ta be a 15 ft. drop to the floor! Killswitch. In 2001, Killswitch Engage surfaced, so after long de- Have you put out any albums? bate, Front man, Frank Horvath came to the table with the name Yes. In 2005 we released Kiss Orion Nine. The actual decision The Sun and in 2010 we released [why] to take the new name is lost Drunker In Heaven with sevin the smoky haze of Frank’s mind. eral EPs throughout that time. What do you have go- What is you biggest accoming on for the summer? plishment so far as a band? We’re very excited about our iPhone app which just launched. In addition, we are selectively booking shows while staying very busy in the studio recording our new full

We have been together for so long time. We’ve made a lot of accomplishments over the year in which we are proud. However, our greatest achievements were get-

from Chicago that liked to “Party” backstage some clothes were optional. Where can our more information

readers get about you?

Download our new app on iPhone that has all our information on it. Also check out the facebook.

Tell us a little about the history of your band Mike Fitzpatrick and Rick Romero formed psychopathic Daze in early 2010; they recruited Ken Morahan and Ryan Kinsella after putting out an online ad. Shortly after forming, the band hit the recording studio to record a 4 song EP. Shortly thereafter, the band hit the live circuit and hasn’t slowed down since. Dustin Poole was recruited to fill the second guitar spot after placing a second online ad. After approximately a year of live performances Rich Romero resigned from the band and Kyle Meiser was found to replace the bass guitar and continued playing progressively bigger shows. A few months after Kyle joined the band, Psychopathic Daze lost their second guitarist, Dustin. Frank Adamo was quickly recruited to fill that spot, then immediately went into the recording studio where the band recorded their first full-length album. Where did the name come from? The name of the band was originally a song title that Ken came up with while writing the song ‘Psychopathic Daze’. When Fitz (Mike Fitzpatrick) learned of the name of the song, he immediately liked it and stated that that would be a great band name.

Have you put out any albums? Yes, the band had a 4 song EP come out over a year ago, and finished recording a full length album in late April, 2011. What’s been your biggest accomplishment so far as a band? What do you have go- The band’s biggest accomplishing on for the summer? ment has been to push through the hardships that come with being in a After completing their first full band and completing the full-length length album the band plans to play album. as many shows as they can to promote the new album. They plan on going on a mini-tour in the surround- Other than yourselves, what’s your ing states to get exposure in places favorite Chicago band and why? outside of the Chicago land area. Dirge Within and Unvisioned You’re playing “Hell On Earth”, what’s your definition of “hell”? Can you tell us about the “End Of Daze” song that we’re playing on Hell is an abstract idea to describe Generation INCLINATION right pain and punishment. It’s torture, tor- now? ment, and brutality all in one. Playing this festival with all of these bru- The song ‘End of Daze’ came tal bands and sharing the same stage together within 20 minutes and is going to ignite the flames in the immediately became a fan favorsouls of the listeners- Hell on Earth. ite. The song is about the fall of humanity as punishment for their wicked ways. Have you played the Clearwater Theater? What’s your favorite thing about the venue? Where can our readers find out more information about you? Psychopathic Daze has never perFacebook.com - keyword: Psychoformed at Clearwater Theater. pathic Daze

Psychopathic Daze

We do this because the five of us love writing music together and we feel that we have something to say through our music. We’re not out trying to prove something to anyone. What do you have going on for the summer?

Tell us history

a little about the Kastasyde capped off a successful of your band 2010 by appearing at the annual “Holiday of Horror” show in ChiKastasyde was formed in Chicago cago (featuring metal icons Macain 2001. The band began writing bre.) The band also began work music and performing intense live sets throughout clubs and bars, creating a buzz in the Chicago underground. In 2006, the band released its debut fulllength album, “Hundred Hollow on their next release by recording Words.” The album showed a band three songs with producer/engicapable of diverse and honest mu- neer Sanford Parker (Nachtmyssic, and Kastasyde began touring all tium, Minsk, Yakuza.) Kastasyde regions of the U.S. Their hometown is planning for a busy 2011, with appeal grew rapidly, and the band new music and constant touring. was soon providing local support for bands such as God Forbid, Death Where did the name come from? Angel, and Mobile Deathcamp. In 2010, Kastasyde released their We just wanted something to rep6 song EP, “Poisoned, Ripped Off, resent being on the outside of any and Lied To”, creating their stron- tendencies or expectations that are gest material to date. The music brought upon a band. As a band, we combined the influences of extreme do things our way. We write music metal, thrash, blues, and country that we want to hear, at the pace we with a strong message promoting want to write it, and we don’t worry free thought and the EP has received too much about what we “should” nothing but positive feedback do, or everyone else’s opinions from fans and underground media. about things relating to the band.

This summer we will do some regional touring as well as focusing on the creation of our next record. We have tons of new material and ideas, and we’re going to be spending a lot of time putting it together and trying to create the best music we’ve done so far. We are definitely looking forward to getting out and doing some gigs though! You’re playing “Hell On Earth”, what’s your definition of “hell”?


Well, hell is the place in Christian mythology where all things evil exist…..evil, by the definition of religion. The imagery of hell, especially in the “metal culture,” is exploited just to say ‘fuck you’ to religion. So for me, hell represents freedom and liberation from religion. Have you played the Clearwater Theater? What’s your favorite thing about the venue? Yes we’ve played Clearwater Theater many times over the years. The venue is great! It’s a big room, with great sound, and everyone there always treats us very well. We’re definitely looking forward to getting up on that stage again!

Have you put out any albums? Yes, we have 2 albums out. Hundred Hollow Words was released in 2006, and last year (2010) we released Poisoned, Ripped off, and Lied To… What’s been your biggest accomplishment so far as a band? Our biggest accomplishment is that we still love being in this band. We’ve been able to do a lot of cool things over the years, so it’s hard to pick out one thing that is our “biggest”. We’ve shared the stage with some great bands, made a lot of friends, and have been able to keep exposing our music to new people. That fact that we’re all still doing this with the same dedication to writing good music is our biggest accomplishment. Other than yourselves, what’s your favorite Chicago band and why? Oh, that’s tough….there’s so many great bands in this city, it’s crazy! My favorite is probably Yakuza. I think they do something with their music that is very original and comes off as being very organic and raw. Their newest album was probably my favorite release in 2010. Can you tell us about the song “Release” that we’re playing on Generation INCLINATION right now? This was one of the three tracks we recorded with Sanford Parker in December of 2010. It’s a thrashin’ type song, and definitely shows some of the punk influence on the

band. Release is a super fun song to play live; we’re really happy with how it came out. Where can our readers find out more information about you? Check us out on Facebook or Reverbnation: http://www.facebook. com/kastasyde http://www.reverbnation.com/kastasyde On the Reverb page, we’re currently offering a free download of “Release”


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