MAY 2024 ISSUE 1
In addition to your includem worker, you can also contact the following organisations:
Childlineisafreeandconfidential helpline.Youcanspeaktoatrained counsellorviathephone,byemail, orthrough1-2-1chat.
Phone: 0800 1111
TheChildrenandYoungPeopleʼs commissionermakessurethat childrenandyoungpeoplehave theirrightsrespected. Theycangiveyouinformation aboutyourrights,andletyouknow whomightbeabletohelp.
You can find more information here: Children: Your human rights - The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland (
YoungMindsisawebsitethat hasinformationaboutmental health.Italsohashelpfultips forsupportingfriendsand dealingwithemotions.
Mental Health Support For Young People | YoungMinds
Providesinformationand supportforyoungpeople whoaresittingtheirexams. usefulinformationabout sexualhealth&wellbeing.
LGBTYouthScotlandis theretoprovidesupportto youngLGBTacross Scotland.
YoungScotisagotoplace forinformationforyoung peopleinScotland, includingadviceonExam stress,travelandmore.
Offersconfidential, personalisedsupportforyoung peopleaged12-19livingin GlasgowCity.
In this edition
Support Welcome
Get in Touch
Meet The Team We Need You
What We’ve Been Up To Competitions Know Your Rights Scran includem Recommends Kiltwalk 2024
My name is Claire and I am the Head of Services here at includem.
That means I’m responsible for ensuring our teams are supporting children, young people and families in the way that we said we would but also looking at how we can improve our services and our support for you!
Therearedifferentwaystogetin touchwithus:
Ifyou’relookingataphysical copyofthemagazineyoucan scantheQRCodestogiveus yourviewsonthings
Ifyou’rereadingthemagazine onyourphoneoradifferent digitaldeviceyoucanclickhere totelluswhatyouthink Tellyourincludemworkerwhat youropinionsare
I am delighted to welcome you to this FIRST edition of your includem magazine.
We are really excited to share the magazine (digitally and on paper) and to hear your views. Throughout this magazine you will find QR codes that gives you the opportunity to tell us what you think about the way it is presented and what information is included.
Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see included in future editions or what parts you find particularly helpful.
This first edition covers lots of information and topics, including what we’ve been up to recently, our participation work in setting up our very own Youth Advisory Board, a focus on YOUR rights and more.
Importantly, there are competitions to enter and ways for you to share your views about things that are important to you.
Claire Claire Barton Head of Services
Meet The Team
We are the Communications & Public Affairs Team and we have been putting this magazine together - with a little help from our colleagues!
“I am the Communications & Public Affairs Manager and I am responsible for all the things you see that are branded includem - from our social media, our website, documents and more. I also oversee our policy, research and public affairs work - speaking to key decision makers on issues that may affect your life!”
“Hello, I am Mabel, the Communications Officer at includem. I support Martyn’s work in promoting includem to you, your family and more. This includes looking after our social media profiles, creating marketing materials, raising awareness of fundraising events, creating different content and more.”
“Hi, I’m Lisa, the Policy & Public Affairs Officer. A big part of my job is to make sure that people who make decisions, like the Scottish Government, know what life is like for children and young people. It’s also my job to make sure you have information about laws and other government decisions that affect you.
“To do my job properly it is important that I know what is happening for you and what needs to change to make things better.
We hope that there is something you find interesting or useful in this magazine.”��
In Edition 2 we’ll say hello to our Promise Delivery Team!
Help us shape and design the future of includem’s work at our special workshop.
Scan the
Click me
QR for more information or let your Worker know you are interested in coming along!
We want to tell you about our Transforming Lives campaign.
We Need Y
A campaign is when a group of people come together to help fix a problem or to make something better. They make plans, tell others about it, and work as a team to reach their goal.
Our goal is to transform lives! We want Scotland to be a place where children and young people are safe, loved, respected, have chances to learn, play, have good health and a future to look forward to.
This year our campaign is abo
Children’s Rights Youth Justice Education Mental Health And Poverty
We will be recruiting for a Youth Advisory Board!
What is a Youth Advisory Board?
A Youth Advisory Board is made up of children and young people who currently get support from includem, and children and young people who used to get support from includem. The youth advisory board will help us at includem to make sure everything we do works for children and young people. We also want help to tell decision-makers what matters to you, in your own words.
If you want to know more about the Youth Advisory Board or have some ideas about how this could work, let us know or speak to your includem worker(s)!
We want people who make de rights, education and mental health to hear about your experiences and what needs to happen to make things better.
We want to hear from you! Tell us what is difficult about school, about home, about being online, in your community or anything else that matter to you!
Did you know some of us are doing the Kiltwalk to raise money for the Young Persons Fund? The Kiltwalk is taking place in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen on different dates.
We will hopefully have someone walking to raise money for includem at every Kiltwalk.
Interested in taking part in the Aberdeen, Dundee or Edinburgh events? Speak to your worker and ask them to let the Comms team know! Scan me!
Can you help us and in the process bag yourself a prize? We’ve a number of competitions that you can enter:
Competition 1 closes 21st June 2024
The Butterfly is our mascot for our Transforming Lives C want to see how colourful they truly can be! Ask your worker to give one of our Butterfly templates or design your own whatever you want. Snap a picture and ask your Worker to submit it to or to their Folder of Gold (they’ll know what we mean!). Throughout June, we will post the Butterflies on our Instagram - the Butterfly with the most likes will bag the artist in residence a £25 gift voucher - if you come in second and third - don’t worry we’ll have a prize for you too!
We want to curate a banging playlist that everyone from your worker, our colleagues and young people can enjoy - send us your top hit for our Jigsaw Jams playlist coming to a streaming platform soon!
What should this magazine be called? Do you have a preferred name for it? Let us know via the QR code below! The best name wins a £25 gift voucher!
Scan me! Click me!
This year is an exciting year for Scotland because the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is becoming part of Scottish Law.
What is the UNCRC?
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is like a big promise made by countries all over the world to make sure that every child is taken care of and has what they need to grow up happy and healthy. It’s a list of rights that all children have, no matter where they live or what language they speak. These rights include things like the right to a safe home, the right to play and learn, and the right to be heard when decisions are made that affect them
Scotland has made the very important decision to put this promise into Scottish Law. This is called incorporation.
Incorporation means that this list becomes part of a country’s own rules, so it’s not just a promise anymore; it’s something that has to be followed.
This means that organisations in Scotland like the Scottish Government, the NHS, and the Police must act in a way that protect and strengthen children’s rights.
Sound good? It is good.
Buttherearesomethingsthatwehavetopayattentionto: Everyfiveyears,anorganisationcalledtheUnitedNationsdoessome investigatingtofindoutwhatcountriesaredoingtoprotectrights.
In2023theUnitedNationsCommitteesaidthatScotlandneedstopay moreattentiontosomethingstomakesurechildrenandyoungpeople havetheirrightsrespected:
TheUNsaiditisverygoodthatScotlandisincorporatingtheUNCRCand puttingitintoScottishLaw.Ithasalsosaidthatrightsareonlymeaningful ifchildrenandyoungpeopleknowaboutthemandknowwhattodoiftheir rightsarenotbeingprotected.TheUNsayschildren’srightsshouldbe taughtinschools.
TheUnitedNationssaidthatitisveryworriedaboutthenumberofchildren andyoungpeoplewhoarelivinginpoverty TheUNhavesaidthattheUK governmentandtheScottishGovernmentmustdomoretosupport childrenandyoungpeople.
TheUNhassaidthatmoreworkneedstobedonetomakesurechildren andyoungpeoplegetenoughsupporttobeinmainstreamschools. Scotlandalsoneedstoworkhardertoreduceexclusions,sotheyareonly everusedasalastresortanddomoreaboutbullying.
TheUNisveryworriedaboutthementalhealthofchildrenandyoung people.TheUNsaidmorecommunitymentalhealthsupportsneedtobe madeavailableandthatScotlandneedstodobetteratpreventingbad mentalhealth.
TheUNCRCsaysanyoneunder18isachild.InScotland,childrenaged12 andolderareexpectedtoknowthedifferencebetweenrightandwrong wellenoughtobeheldresponsiblefortheiractionsiftheybreakthelaw. Thisiscalledageofcriminalresponsibility.TheUNsaidScotlandshould raisethisto“atleast14”.TheUNisalsoworriedabouthowsome16-and17year-oldsaretreatedwhentheygetintroublewiththelaw.Atthemoment, theScottishParliamentislookingataproposedlawcalledtheChildren (CareandJustice)(Scotland)Bill.TheScottishGovernmentthinksthatthis lawcouldmakethingsbetterfor16-and17-year-oldsintroublewiththe law.
The poster on the next page tells you more about your rights!
Each edition we’ll bring you a new recipe for you to try and make either with your worker, friends or your family. This recipe was given to us by a young person in Aberdeen.
Once you’ve created your masterpiece - snap a photo and ask your worker to send to the comms team! We’ll feature some of the best pictures in our next edition! Have a recipe to share? Scan the QR code at the bottom of the page or click on the apron!
Star Studded creamy chicken bake Scran
What You Need
340g Frozen Chicken (sliced or diced)
1 Jar Creamy Tomato & Bacon Pasta Sauce
1 Bag Potato Stars
3 Onions
900g Garden peas Serves4 60minutesPrep&CookingTime
Pre-heat the oven to 200ᵒC (Gas Mark 5).
Peel and finely dice 1 onion.
In a medium pan, heat 1tbsp of cooking oil.
Add diced onion and cook until the onion is softremove from the heat.
Take an oven proof, medium-depth baking dish, and arrange all the chicken in it.
Mix the softened onion through the chicken.
Pour the tomato and bacon pasta bake sauce over the chicken and onion.
Arrange all the potato stars on top of the mixture, covering the entire dish.
Bake in the middle of the oven for 40 mins.
Heat enough peas for everyone, either in a pan or, in a microwave proof bowl. Drain the peas once cooked. Serve and enjoy!
includem Recommends Movies Books Boxsets
Damsel - Netflix (12)
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar - Netflix (PG)
Homeward Bound - Disney+ (U)
Stand By Me - Netflix (15)
The Goonies - (12)
Pete’s Dragon - Disney+ (U)
The Jungle Book - Disney+ (PG)
The Girl of Ink & Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave
Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan
Inside Out: Book of Emotions
OverTheGardenWall TheDeadBoyDetectivesNetflix(15) Heartstopper-Netflix(12) Bluey-iPlayer(U) Got a recommendation? Click here or scan the QR code!