


to access
In addition to your includem worker, you can also contact the following organisations:
Childlineisafreeandconfidential helpline.Youcanspeaktoatrained counsellorviathephone,byemail, orthrough1-2-1chat.
Phone: 0800 1111
YoungMindsisawebsitethat hasinformationaboutmental health.Italsohashelpfultips forsupportingfriendsand dealingwithemotions.
TheChildrenandYoungPeopleʼs commissionermakessurethat childrenandyoungpeoplehave theirrightsrespected. Theycangiveyouinformation aboutyourrights,andletyouknow whomightbeabletohelp
Providesinformationand supportforyoungpeople whoaresittingtheirexams.
Brook.org.ukhasalotof usefulinformationabout sexualhealth&wellbeing
LGBTYouthScotlandis theretoprovidesupportto youngLGBTacross Scotland
lgbtyouth org uk
YoungScotisagotoplace forinformationforyoung peopleinScotland, includingadviceonExam stress,travelandmore.
Offersconfidential, personalisedsupportforyoung peopleaged12-19livingin GlasgowCity.
Meet The Team What We’ve Been Up To...
Youth Advisory Group
The Promise 24-30
Transforming Lives Update
A Letter from John Swinney MSP In The Know A Guide to Fact Checking And More!
There are different ways to get in touch with us:
You can click here to tell us what you think
Tell your includem worker what your opinions are
My name is Tracey Stewart and I am the Head of Services who oversees our Projects at includem.
Projects are the work we do at includem that is a little bit different to our other services. We do this work because we think support for children, young people and families can be better and we want to show this by doing it.
This issue of URSPACE is all about education. I know that for many of you, school can be challenging for many reasons. Education is also a right that you have.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (more information about this in the last issue of URSPACE) says that every child and young person must have a chance to go to school. It also says that schools should treat pupils with respect.
The UNCRC also says that the Scottish Government has to do work to make sure fewer young people drop out of education.
At includem we are working with young people to raise some of the issues you have in school and education. You can read more about it in this magazine.
Don’t forget, we always want to hear from you!
Make use of the links in this magazine and tell us what’s going on for you.
Tracey Stewart Head of Services: Projects & Programmes
Say hello to Beth, Charles, Hannah and Justine - our Promise Delivery Team and also join us in welcoming John, our new Communications & Engagement Officer!
Hi, we’re Beth-Anne, Hannah, Charles, and Justine, and we’re the Development Team.
We’re here to promote policy and children's rights and to make sure that includem does the very best it can to support YOU!
We help carry out lots of research across Scotland, to find out where there are gaps in services, so that includem can try and fill these gaps.
We’ve also helped start a Youth Advisory Board, where we get young people, like YOU, together to hear your ideas and opinions on the work that goes on at includem, and to get your help with a number of cool projects. The Young people involved will be paid for their time, be given an award that looks great on your CV, and there are lots of other cool perks such as activities and pizza. Please come and join us if this sounds fun to you.
We'd love to see you there!
JJustine ustine
I’mJohn-includem’snewCommunications&EngagementOfficer! Myjobistolookafterincludem’ssocialmediaandotherbitsthatyoumight seefromtimetotime.Ialsoplanstrategiesonhowwecanconnectwith YOUandalsoonthoseweworkwithondifferentplatforms.WhenI’mnot workingonthese,Icanbefoundputtingtogetherourownnewsletterfor ourcolleagues,helpingoutwithcreatinganddesigningpostersandother commstasks!
In the next issue we’ll be saying hello to some of colleagues from across the country!
In June, our Transforming Lives campaign became our #votetotransformlives campaign. On July 4th people in the UK voted for the next UK Government. Voting for a Government is a big decision, and we wanted to make sure that you and your families had all the information you needed so you could register to vote and decide about who to vote for.
As part of our Transforming Lives campaign, we wrote an open letter to Scottish Ministers of Parliament who were successful during the election.
We even launched a URSPACE General Election special!
We also used to this time to highlight how important the rights and voices of children and young people are, and that any future politician must listen to you
In the letter we told them how important it is that they amplify your voices in the UK Parliament when making decisions and talking about things that matter to you.
We also supported a campaign by our Partners the Poverty Alliance. This campaign was about making sure that people who usually find it difficult to vote, can vote.
We also invited them to visit includem and speak to you about what matters
We also wrote to the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the new Home Affairs Secretary and Ian Murray, the new Secretary of State for Scotland.
You can look back at what we did as part of our campaign by searching our #vttl
If you are over 18 years old - did you and your family vote?
If not, what stopped you from voting? Click on the image below to let us know!
You can read our Open Letter on the includem website - visit inlcudem.org/news.
Hello Dundee!
In July, a few members of our Youth Advisory Working Group met in Dundee to get to know each other more.
The group enjoyed a trip to a Titanic themed escape room and finished the day having a discussion about the Youth Advisory Group over lunch.
The group are looking for more members and you can find out more on the next page!
On5thFebruary2020,Scotlandmadeapromisethatallchildrenwouldgrowuploved,safe,and respected.
“ThePromise”cameaboutbecauseoftheCareReviewinScotland.Thiswasabigprojectwhere lotsofpeoplecametogethertolookathowchildrenandyoungpeoplearecaredfor,especially thosewhocan'tlivewiththeirownfamilies.Theideawastounderstandwhatwasworkingwell andwhatneededtobebetterforthesechildren.
TheCareReviewtalkedtothousandsofchildren,youngpeople,parents,andworkerswho supportchildrenandyoungpeople.Theylistenedtotheirstoriesandexperiencestoreally understandwhatlifewaslikeforchildrenwhoneededcare
TheCareReviewfoundthatsomethingsinthecaresystemwerenotasgoodastheyshouldbe. Forexample,childrensometimesfeltliketheyweren'tbeinglistenedto,ortheydidn'talwaysget theloveandsupporttheyneeded.TheReviewsaidthatthisneededtochange.TheReviewgave ideasofwhatneedstochangetomakethingsbetterandThePromiseistheplanthatsayshow andwhenthingsneedtohappen.
ThepeoplewhoareinchargeoffindingoutifthePromiseisbeingkept,andwhatstillneedsto happen,havewrittenanewplanthattellsuswhatneedstohappenbetweennowand2030. Tohelpthis,thePromisecovers5mainareas(foundations).
Care–thestructuresofthe'caresystem'careandwork,andchildren,youngpeople,and familiesexperiencesitaspositiveandsupportive
Voice–thevoiceofchildren,youngpeopleandfamilieswillalwaysbeheard,andnodecision willbetakenaboutliveswithoutclearevidenceofhowviewsshapedthedecision.
Family–careexperiencedchildrenandadultswillbepeoplefirstandforemostandwillnothave tobedefinedbytheircareexperienceineveryserviceandsupporttheyhave.
Scaffolding-careexperiencedchildrenandadultswillbepeoplefirstandforemostandwillnot havetobedefinedbytheircareexperienceineveryserviceandsupporttheyhave.
People-peoplewhoworkwithchildrenandyoungpeoplewillhavetheskillsandsupportthey needtodotheirjobswellandbeabletobuildrelationshipsandmakedecisionsbasedon listeningandkindnessandunderstanding.
DoyouhavequestionsaboutthePromise?Wanttoknowmoreabout whatitmeansforyou?Getintouchwithus!
an includem campaign
Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP Visit
In June we met with Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP. Pam is a Glasgow MSP and she is also the Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Skills and Education.
We wanted to tell Pam what children and young people tell us about school.
Some of the things children and young people have told us about school:
It’s difficult when school doesn’t understand what’s going on at home
Sometimes you don’t feel listened to or respected at school School can be overwhelming
We told Pam that children and young people need more support to build their confidence, learn about their emotions, and have the right environment to learn.
We would love to hear from you!
Tell us what is good about school. Tell us what is not good about school.
Collettee Stevenson MSP Visit
In July, we welcomed Collettee Stevenson MSP to our National Office in Glasgow. Collettee is the MSP for East Kilbride and also the Chair of the Social Justice Committee in the Scottish Parliament.
We spoke to Collettee about the work we do to support you in East Kilbride and across Scotland - particularly about our work in youth justice and restorative justice. We also spoke about some of the work we are doing to amplify your voice on issues like education and access to mental health support.
It’s great to have Collettee’s support as a friend of includem and we are looking forward to meeting other MSPs to amplify your voice in the coming months.
As part of Transforming Lives, we wrote to Scotland’s First Minister, John Swinney and asked him what he will do to about children living in poverty in Scotland. This is what he said:
Ending child poverty in Scotland is my top priority as First Minister. I know this won’t be easy, but I strongly believe that every child deserves a fair start to life.
My government has already done a lot to help families. We’ve given more money through support like our Scottish Child Payment, so parents can buy what they need. Across Scotland children and young people can travel for free on our buses until they turn 22. And we’ve delivered thousands of warm, safe homes for families to live in.
We continue to support children and young people to do their best at school. This includes delivering a free school meal for every child in primary 1 to 5, so they’re not hungry in class, and making it so nobody needs to pay to pay to take part in practical classes like home economics.
But we know we need to do more.
My government is committed to working with everyone, including businesses, charities, and local councils, to make the change needed. Importantly, we’re also committed to listening to children and young people, like you, to make sure we’re doing what you need us to.
I want Scotland to be the best place in the world to grow up, and for every child and young person to have good health, safety, education, and opportunity.
I will do everything I can to deliver that future, and to help every child in Scotland to live a life free from poverty.
Best John Swinney MSP First Minister Scottish Government
Do you have something you want the First Minister to pay attention to? Is there something you think he needs to know about what life is like for children and young people? Let us know.
DidyouknowthattheScottishParliamentiscurrentlylookingatapotentialnewlawthat couldchangehoweducationisinspectedinScotland?
TheEducation(Scotland)BillwouldreplacetheScottishQualificationsAuthority(SQA)witha newbody,QualificationsScotland.
TheBillalsosetsouttheroleofanewoffice,HisMajesty’sChiefInspectorofEducationin Scotland.
Whatdoesthatmeanforyou?Thechangesarebeingmadebecauseofrecommendations thatweremadebyProfessorKenMuirin2022.
Hisreport,"PuttingLearnersattheCentre:TowardsaFutureVisionforScottishEducation" said:
ThatEducationshouldnolongerbetheonetocheckuponschools.Hesaidsomeoneelse shouldbegiventhatjobsoallschoolsacrossdifferentareasofferasimilarqualityof education.Atthemoment,someschoolsarereallygoodandotherarenotverygood.
Thatchildrenandyoungpeopleshouldhavemoresayinwhatyoulearninschool,how youlearnitandwhatqualificationsyouget.
AtthemomenttheScottishParliamentislookingattheBilltomakesureitwillworkwhenit becomesalaw.
Todothis,MembersoftheScottishParliament(MSPs)whoarepartofspecialcommittees (likeagroup)speaktodifferentpeople,readthebill,lookatwhatothercountriesdo,andfind outwhatthepublicthinks.
Didyouknow?TheScottishGovernmenthaspublishednewguidanceonMobile Phonesinschools.
TheScottishGovernmentdidsomeresearchaboutrelationshipsandbehavioursin school.Mobilephoneswerespokenaboutalot.
TheUnitedNationsConventionontheRightsoftheChild,anagreementbylotsof countriesonwhatrightschildrenshouldhave,hassaidthatalldecisionsthataremade aboutchildrenshouldbemadeintheirbestinterest.Thatmeansdecisionsabout thingslikemobilephonesinschoolsmustbebasedonwhatisbestforchildrenand youngpeople.
TheguidancesaysthatHeadteachersshouldmakedecisionsaboutmobilephonesin theirownschoolsbythinkingabouthowdevicesshouldbeused,whentheyshouldbe used,andwhatfor.
Havetherebeenanychangestomobilephoneuseinyourschoolsinceyou’vebeen back?
Fact check (thank you to our friends at Young Scot for sharing this information)
Ifanewsstoryorpieceofinformationdoesnʼtseemrighttoyouitcouldbepossible itsmisinformation.
Doesthestorymakesense?Ifthestoryorinformationseemshardtobelieve,this couldbeasignofmisinformation.
Lookoutforspellingandgrammarmistakes.Often,asignthatinformationisnot correctiswhenitislowquality,withspellingmistakesandgrammarissues.
Ifthesourceisasocialmediaaccount,checkthatitisreliable.Lookatwhathas beenpostedpreviouslyontheaccount.Iftheyhavelowfollowersortheaccounthas beencreatedrecentlythiscouldbeasigntheyarenotagoodsourceofinformation.
Ifyouaregivenaphysicaldocument,suchasaleaflet,thatclaimstobefactualyou cancheckonlinetoseeiftheinformationonitisthesamealignswiththe organisationʼsofficialinformation.
Use a Credible Fact-Checking Website
AllthebelowmentionedaremembersofTheInternationalFact-CheckingNetwork (IFCN).Clickthelinksbelowtofindoutmore:
TheFerret–Allstoriesarereviewedbyexperiencedjournalistsbeforepublication andcheckedbylawyerswhenrequired.
FullFact–Aregisteredcharitythatusesateamofindependentfact-checkersand campaignerstofind,exposeandcountertheharmmisinformationspreads.
Poynter–CreatedTheInternationalFact-CheckingNetworkandadvocatesoffactual informationintheglobalfightagainstmisinformation.
TeenFact-CheckingNetworkonPoynter–Awebsitethatdebunksmisinformation andteachestheiraudiencemedialiteracyskillssotheycanfact-checkontheirown.
BBCRealityCheck–Asourceofarticlesontrendingnewsandhowfactuallycorrect theyare.
Each edition we’ll bring you a new recipe for you to try and make either with your worker, friends or your family. This recipe was given to us by a young person supported by includem.
Once you’ve created your masterpiece - snap a photo and ask your worker to send to the comms team! We’ll feature some of the best pictures in our next edition! Have a recipe to share? Scan the QR code at the bottom to send us your recipe ideas.
Peel and dice the onion, pepper and cloves of garlic finely.
Add to the soup pan on a low heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
Peel and roughly chop the carrots then add them to the pan.
Add the lentils, stock cubes, and the water to the pot. Chop the potatoes up and add them to the pan. Bring to boil and then turn the heat to medium, leave the pot simmer for appox 30-40 minutes until the lentils have softened and the soup has thickened. Add salt & pepper to taste.
Serve and enjoy!
(available on Netflix)
Dune Part 2
(available to rent or buy on Prime)
Inside Out 2
(available to rent or buy on Prime)
Gone in Sixty Seconds (available on Disney+)
Grinch (2018) (available on Netflix and Prime)
The Lion King (1994) (available on Disney+)
The Wave
Todd Strausser
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J Maas
Discord Series
Terry Pratchard
Simon Vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Becky Albertalli
The Harry Potter Series
Blue Lights (available on BBC iPlayer)
Emily in Paris (available on Netflix)
Slow Horses
(available on Apple TV+)
Spidey and His Amazing Friends (available on Disney+)
Centaurworld (available on Netflix)
Click me!
We’re curating a new JIGSAW JAMS playlist for those we support - and our staff - to enjoy. What would you recommend?
Click me!
Can you help us and in the process bag yourself a prize? We’ve a number of competitions that you can enter:
Competition 1 closes 25th September 2024
WewillposttheseanonymouslyonourincludemInstagram(followusifyou don’tyet).
y p
ght of the year - Halloween!
This year, we’re looking for the most spookiest Halloween picture to use as part of our social media graphics and to be the centrepiece of our internal staff newsletter.
This could be a Halloween drawing or the most spookies pumpkin designs!
All you need to do is send us your drawing or photograph by the 25th October 2024