




In addition to your includem worker, you can also contact the following organisations:
AberdeenCityCouncilʼsWarm Spaceshubhasthelatest informationonplacesavailablethat providehotdrinks,activitiesor programmesthatyoucanget involvedwith
TheChildrenandYoungPeopleʼs commissionermakessurethat childrenandyoungpeoplehave theirrightsrespected Theycangiveyouinformation aboutyourrights,andletyouknow whomightbeabletohelp.
Childlineisafreeandconfidential helpline.Youcanspeaktoatrained counsellorviathephone,byemail, orthrough1-2-1chat.
Phone: 0800 1111
Youcancontactourhelplineonthe following:
08088000408(West) 08088000409(East)
YoungMindsisawebsitethathas informationaboutmentalhealth.It alsohashelpfultipsforsupporting friendsanddealingwithemotions. usefulinformationabout sexualhealth&wellbeing.
OurFifehasdetailsofCostofLiving supportavailablethroughoutFife includingfoodbanks,warmspaces andmore.
LGBTYouthScotlandis theretoprovidesupportto youngLGBTQ+across Scotland.
YoungScotisthegotoplace forinformationforyoung peopleinScotland, includingadviceonExam stress,travelandmore.
Offersconfidential, personalisedsupportforyoung peopleaged12-19livingin GlasgowCity.
Providesinformationand supportforyoungpeople whoaresittingtheirexams.
There are different ways to get in touch with us:
You can click here to tell us what you think Tell your includem worker what your thoughts are on any of the items in this issue.
I’m Karen and I manage the BRAVE service in Stirling and the Helpline Team at includem.
There is something about all of the seasons I love, but Winter is probably my favourite, from the celebrations of Christmas and the bringing in of a new year. It’s a great time of year to catch up with family and friends and have cosy evenings in.
However, I know it’s a challenging time for many as it’s a time we think of lost loved ones and the realities of the cost-of-living crisis hits even harder. I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you all of the helpline which has been a part of the support includem provides to young people and families for a long time.
The helpline is available 24 hours, 365 days a year (yes, even Christmas day!) and can be accessed by you and your families (if this is part of the service you are supported by).
There is a dedicated helpline team who work 5-10 weekdays, between 8-10pm on weekends with project workers taking the reins overnight (10-8am).
It’s a huge privilege to manage the team as it is a unique and valuable aspect of support, and ensures we are there for you when you need it most.
Karen Karen Murdoch Team Manager Includem Helpline
We’re coming to the end of our Transforming Lives campaign for 2024 - but don’t worry, we’re already planning next year’s campaign!
You might have seen that September was all about Mental Health and the difficulties many of you have in getting the right support, at the right time. Our Keeping Connected service in Fife is set up to support young people with their mental health and we shared practical tips for supporting good mental health across our social media.
We also called on the Scottish Government to fund mental health services for children and young people, saying that right now, too many people are missing out on this important support.
In October we took part in Challenge Poverty week, organised by one of our Partner organisations the Poverty Alliance. We asked for donations to our Young Persons Fund. We use this money to help those we support pay for activities, experiences and essentials when things get tough because of the rising cost of living.
We also launched our Family Finances & Support Needs research to find out more about how the rising cost of living is affecting you and your family. We will use what you tell us to speak to the Scottish Government and Local Authorities and campaign for changes.
We are pleased to say that we have a few meetings with MSPs and MPs lined up. This work is important for us because it helps us spread the word about our services, and things that you have told us need to change to make life better for you and your family.
This includes more support from organisations like includem, better support for mental health services, safer schools, and families having enough money to live without worrying.
So far this year we’ve met with Kaukab Stewart MSP, Collette Stevenson MSP, Pam DuncanGlancy MSP, Dr Sandesh Guhane MSP and later this month we will be heading to Westminster to meet with some of Scotland’s new MPs. Look out for more on that in our next issue!
If you’re on Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube, you may have noticed that we’re now there too!
We want to use these platforms to talk directly to you and to find out what matters to you. This could be through interactive stories or our new life skills videos (which you can find out more about in this issue).
We want to know what you’d like to see from us on these platforms. Click the link below to tell us what content you’d like to see more of!
Say hello to Radha! Say hello to Radha!
Click on Radha if you’d like to make a small donation to the Winter Fund.
entisconstantlyworkingtoimproveservicesandsystemsthatcanaffect ives. Todothistheywill regularlyaskforfeedbackfromindividualsand keincludem -ontheyplanstheyhave.Thisiscalledaconsultation.
YoumightknowalreadywhatChildren’sHearingsScotlandis.Theyareoneoftheorganisations thatworkaspartofthechildren’shearingssystem.Children’sHearingScotlandarethe organisationwhichmakessurethatChildren’sHearingstakeplacebyhavingthreetrainedPanel Membersoneveryhearing.TheyalsoprovidelegalandpracticeadvicetothosePanelMembers.
Overtheyearstherehasbeenalotoffeedbackfrompeople,especiallychildren,youngpeople andfamilieswhohaveexperiencesofHearingsaboutwhatcouldmakeitworkbetter.
TheScottishGovernmenthastakensomeofthatfeedbackonboardandagreedthatthereare somethingswhichcanchange,andsomewhichcan’t.Theywantedtofindoutwhatindividuals andorganisationsthinkabouttheseproposedchanges.
Theconsultationhadalotofquestionsaboutpotentialchanges.Forexample,theScottish Governmentwantedtoknowhowwecanmakesurethattheviewsofbabiesandveryyoung childrenmakeadifferencetotheirHearing.TheyalsowantedtoknowifsomePanelmembers shouldbepaidfortheirwork(currently Panelmembersvolunteertheirtime).Theconsultation alsoaskedaboutwhatdecisionscouldbemadebyindividualpanelmemberswithouttheneed forallthreememberstodecidetogether.
Ifyou’reinterestedintheconsultationyoucanreadmoreaboutit-andincludem’sresponse-by clickingbelow.IfyouwanttoknowmoreabouttheChildren’sHearingsSystemorshareyour experiences,
‘Careexperience’isatermthatmanychildren, youngpeopleandadultswhohavelivedaway fromhomeorhavebeenunderasupervisionorder whilelivingathomeorelsewhereusetodescribe themselves.Otherpeopledon’tusetheterm becausetheyfeelitmakespeoplejudgethem.
Somepeople,andthelawusetheterm‘looked after’todescribethesameorsimilarexperiences. Peoplewhohavebeen‘lookedafter’or‘care experienced’havetherighttoadditionalsupport forexampleineducation.Atthemoment,thereis nocleardefinitioninlawforthoseexperiences.The PromiseScotlandhassaidthatthereshouldbea definitionthateveryoneunderstandssothat peoplewhoidentifywiththoseexperiencescan accessthesupportthattheyhavearightto.
TheScottishGovernmentwantstohearpeople’s viewsofdevelopingasharedunderstandingand cleardefinitionof‘careexperience’.
Youcanfindoutmoreabouttheconsultationhere. Ifyouwanttotalktousabouttheconsultation,or giveyourviews,pleaseletusknow!
Thedeadlineforresponsestotheconsultationis 8thJanuary2025
TheScottishGovernmentiscommittedto KeepingthePromise(havealookatourlastissue toreadmoreaboutThePromise).FosterCarers playanimportantpartinmakingthishappen.
TheScottishGovernmenthaslauncheda consultationtoheartheviewsofanyonewith experienceofbeingafostercarer,orexperience ofbeinginfostercareabout:
Whatfostercareshouldlookandfeellike Howfostercarerscanbebettersupported intheirrole
Atincludem,weworktomakesureeverychild andyoungpersongrowsuploved,safe, respectedandabletoreachtheirpotential. Wewanttomakesureyourthoughtsand opinionsareheardbypeoplemakingdecisions.
Ifyouwanttoknowmoreaboutthe consultation,orwanttoshareyourthoughtswith uspleasegetintouchwithusat registeryourinterestandwewillbebackin touchwithyou.
InScotlandwehavealawthatsetstheScottishGovernmenttargetsthey mustmeettoreducechildpoverty.
Livinginpovertymeanslivinginahousehold(ahouseandthosewholiveinit)wheretheincome(money comingintothefamilythroughworkandbenefits)islessthan60%oftheaveragehouseholdin Scotland. AccordingtotheInstituteforFiscalStudies,in2023,theaveragehouseholdincomewas £29,500. (Ifyou’rereallyinterestedyoucanreadtheirreporthere!).
Thelawstatesthatby2030,lessthan10%ofallchildreninScotlandshouldbelivingin poverty.
Thisyearwasthehalf-waypointforthesetargetsandunfortunately,atthemoment, theScottishGovernmentwillmissthistarget.
ManyorganisationslikeincludemwrotetotheSocialJusticeandSocialSecurityCommitteeat theScottishParliamentwhowantedtoknowiftheLawisworking.Wesaidthatit’sgoodthat thesetargetsexist.NochildshouldbelivinginpovertyinScotland.Wealsosaidthatweare worriedthatthehalf-waytargetshavebeenmissedbytheScottishGovernment.
WewanttoseetheScottishGovernmentdomoreworktosupportfamilieswhoarestruggling becauseoftherisingcostofliving.
Have you ever been in an awkward situation where you feel like you should know how to do something but you’ve either not been taught how or have less knowledge than everyone else?
Maybe it’s as simple as how to cut the festive vegetables correctly or maybe you’re not too good at wrapping presents...
We are creating short Life Skills videos that you will find on our socials and on YouTube. From tackling everyday tasks, exploring how to write a good CV and even how to use AI appropriately to help with your studies, we’re here to help you.
BUT - we want to know what kind of life skills would be valuable to you? What would you like us to cover and what would you find useful for us to explore?
Let us know by clicking the ‘SUBMIT’ button below.
You can also drop us your thoughts by DM on Instagram or email at
InOctoberwejoinedwithotherorganisationsattheLoveRally-celebratingallthingsCareExperiencedon amarchthroughGlasgowCityCentre.WecaughtupwithourYouthAdvisoryGroupAmbassador
Williamwhojoinedourteamatthisyear’sLoveRally -here’swhathehadtosay:
Seeingthehappinessineveryone.There’ssomuchhurtineveryone’slivesitwasreallynicetosee lotsofpeoplecometogetherandfightforthesamethings.
Bringspeopleclosertogetherthatwentthroughsimilarexperiences.Togivepeople avoiceandsharewiththepublicaboutwhatpeoplearegoingthrough.
Theywereboldandbravetosharetheirstories,theywerepassionateaboutwhattheyweretalking about.Showedthatinclusionfromyoungpeopleisimportant.Makesmewanttosharemy experiencesandstoryinsimilarevents,wouldbeagoodopportunity.
Justgoforit!It’soneofthesethingsthatyou’llfeelempoweredby.Itmakesyourealisethatyour voiceisimportant,whichitis! Becreativeandmakeagoodbannerthatexpresseshowyou’re feeling.
Ithinkthereshouldbemorepeopletherenextyear!Maybemoreawarenessintheleadup, spreadingtheword,leaflets,somethingI’dliketogetinvolvedin.
Each edition we’ll bring you a new recipe for you to try and make either with your worker, friends or your family. This recipe was given to us by a young person supported by includem.
Once you’ve created your masterpiece - snap a photo and ask your worker to send to the comms team! We’ll feature some of the best pictures in our next edition! Have a recipe to share? Click on the ‘SUBMIT’ button.
175g plain flour
50g butter
40g golden syrup
1 egg
80g sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
Use icing, chocolate buttons or anything else to decorate as you like!
Mix the sugar, syrup and butter in a pan until melted and then bubble for 1 min. Leave to cool.
Add the flour, bicarbonate soda and cinnamon into a bowl and add the syrup and egg, stirring until mixed.
Once the dough is throughly mixed, wrap in clingfilm and chill for 30 mins.
Remove the dough and leave at room temp until softened. Heat the over to 200C/180C fan.
Roll out the dough then cut into snowman shapes, use any excess dough for more snowmen.
Add to a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake for 10-12 mins.
Leave to cool for 5 min and then it’s time to decorate!
Disney+ (PG)
Fred Claus
SKY Cinema (PG)
Harry Potter Series
Netflix/SKY Cinema (PG - 12)
Nightmare Before
Christmas Disney+ (PG)
Children Friendly
Christmas Dr Seuss
The Christmasaurus
Tom Fletcher
Teenagers & Young Adults
Impossible Creatures
Katherine Rundell
The Black Dog
Kevin Bridges
The Santa Clauses
Disney+ (PG)
Doctor Who (Anniversary Specials) BBC iPlayer (PG-12)
Dash & Lilly
Netflix (12)
Netflix (13)
Thanks for sending us your Halloween pictures! Here are some of our favourites.