european architecture students assembly
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EASA [European Architecture Students Assembly] is an international architecture students and young architects network which has EASA [European Architecture Students Assembly] is an international young architects network which, been successfully organised since 1981 and is being renewed and in collaboration with professional architects and artists, investigates today’s architecture, city and enriched every year. It isexchange done by students in collaboratechnology. It isdynamically a communication platform for the of ideas, experiences and reflections, thetion starting point for interactionsarchitects in the city field. with professional and artists, investigating architecture, art, city and technology. It is a communication platform for the EASA_ of ideas, experiences and reflections, theinstarting point for 500exchange young architects meet for two weeks every summer participating lectures, conversations, workshops, exhibitions, related to the theme proposed by the specific city. The theme is related to interaction.
easa theme_
reflections posed by the place of conduction itself and the actions-interventions are in both the theoretical and practical levels.
400 young architects meet for two weeks every summer participating in lectures, conversations, workshops, exhibitions, related to the The 27th meeting of EASA will be organized in August 2007 in Elefsina, with the theme of city_index. proposed the specific organising country.2005 Thein theme Thetheme place and theme wereby selected after a competition in November Brighton.isThe city posed by theandplace of conduction itself the in related transition,to thereflections need of identity redefinition the latent potential aroused the and architectural interest. actions-interventions are in both the theoretical and practical levels.
place_ Elefsina is a complicated system of structures, flows and data, organized in multiple layers. Each one of those carries information about a different time period, while the complete image of the contemporary city results from their intersection. The aim of EASA007 is to read/comment on the place’s complexity through actions, which will be organized in a city_index [open actions_ movements_potential catalog] in an effort to describe the phenomenon as a whole. The N.T.U.A. , the TEE [Technical Chamber of Greece], the Municipality of Elefsina, the EIA [Greek Institute of Architecture], the SADAS-PEA [Higher Architectural Schools Graduates Union – Greek Architects Union] and other institutions support financially and scientifically the organization of the EASA007 congress [see attached letters of recommendation].
what is easa
The network strenghtens the architectural developement of architecture students throught out Europe.
USA (2) Sweden (17) Norway (11)
Russia (11) Finland (7)
Latvia (8)
Denmark (16)
Ireland (7)
Lithuania (11) Netherlands (12)
UK (14)
Belarus (9)
Germany (13) Poland (10)
Belgium (9)
Czech Republic (8)
Ukraine (6)
France (23) Austria (8) Hungary (20)
Switzerland (50)
Romania (11)
Slovenia (11) Portugal (5) Italy (12)
Croatia (13) Bosnia and Herzegovina (9)
Georgia (5) Armenia (4)
Serbia and Montenegro (17)
Spain (10) Kosovo (3)
Bulgaria (2)
Macedonia (9)
Turkey (15)
Greece (8)
Cyprus (4)
Palestine (2) Israel (2)
Venezuela (2)
Visa The following countries needed visa for coming
For Visa presentations, the applicants needed to present a personal invitation at the Swiss embassy of their country. That’s why we had to provide an
of bureaucracy. We also arranged a special arrangement with the
EASA was founded in 1981 when architecture students from Liverpool, invited their fellow students from the rest of Europe to come and discuss, proposing solutions for the problems of their city. Approximately 300 young architects gathered, starting up with EASA’s collective institution: “starting up the easa experience”, was the first theme of the congress. Since then, every year, European architecture students, meet in a different location with the intention of exchanging ideas and views on architecture, as well as interacting within the location.
1981_ England LIVERPOOL
Starting up the EASA Experience
1982_ Netherlands DELFT
Architecture of an Uncertain Future
1983_ Portugal LISBOA
Social Spaces
1984_ Denmark AARHUS
Turning point in Architecture
1985_ Greece ATHENS
Interpretation and Action in the City
1986_ Italy TORINO
Architecturi Latenti
1987_ Finland HELSINKI
Architecture and Nature
1988_ Germany BERLIN
The Dimension Between
Heritage et Creativé
1990_ Sweden KARLSKRON
1992_ Turkey ÜRGÜP
Vision 2000 Environment
1993_ Scotland SANDWICK
The Isle
1994_ Belgium LIEGE
Consommer l’Inconsumable
1995_ Poland ZAMOSC
Beyond the Borders
1996_ France CLERMONT L’HERAULT Dream Builders! 1997_ Scandinavia THE TRAIN Advancing Architecture 1998_ Malta VALETTA
Living on the Edge
1999_ Greece KAVALA
2000_ Belgium/Netherlands ANTWERP/ROTTERDAM Dis-Similarities 2001_ Turkey GÖKEADA
No Theme
2002_ Croatia VIS
2003_ Denmark FRILAND
Sustainable Living
2004_ France ROUBAIX
Metropolitain - Micropolitain
2005_ Switzerland BERGUN
Trans, Transit, Transition
2006_ Hungary BUDAPEST
Common Place
2007_ Greece ELEFSINA
2008_ Ireland LETTERFRACK
2009_ Italy VAL CAMONICA
2010_ England MANCHESTER
One of the most important EASA activities are the workshops, which are being conducted during the two weeks. Their subjects also dethe European EASA main network with the city residents the constructive, wider Greek public. The exhibition will rive from the assembly’s theme andand are theoretibe part of the city annual festival [Aeschylia], which is being held by the municipality of Elefsina at workshops_ cal, and artistic.theDuring years, there been during a tendency end of every the August,past while later, in [October 2007] it has will be presented, the University’s of One of the most important activities are thewith workshops, are being conducted during culturalEASA activities in collaboration the N.T.U.A.which In November 2007 the exhibition will “travel” use of weeks. new Their technology, therefore, results are to a large [transferred] to the organizing cityworkshop of INCM [intermediate national meeting] in the two subjects also derive fromEuropean thethe congress main theme and arecontact constructive, Croatia, in order to give the national contacts the opportunity to evaluate the produced result of theoretical,digital. and artistic. During the past years, thereto has been acity tendency of use of new technology, extent Workshops lead by architects or artists [tutors] easa007, and offer theare opportunity the hosting to be informed about the general institution therefore, the workshop results are to a large extent They are constituted byThessaloniki, architectsPatras, or of EASA. After returning to Greece, the exhibition will be hosted in cities such us: from the organizing country and alldigital. the other European countries. Chania, Xanthi, which, as all seatsthe of other Architecture Schoolscountries. have a public interested in artists [tutors] from theVolos, organizing country and European Thehighly participants matters concerning the city, architecture and new technologies. are being informed on the subjects at the presentationon at the beginning of theat congress, choose The participants are being informed the subjects the presentaAn example of such a “travelling” exhibition is the easa005 exhibition [Berguen, Switzerland 2005, according to their interests being dividedAfter intothegroups. The provide largest theme: and Trans,are Transit, Transition]. opening inchoose theorganizers city of Berguen [Swiss the city of easa005 tion in the beginning of the assembly, and according to their part of the materials and equipment the tutors areZurich responsible for conduction], the required exhibition for wastheir held realization, in Zurich withwhile the support of E.T.H. [Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich]. Laterthe on architecture schools in Europe exhibition, while inand interests. organizers provide largest part ofhosted thethematerials the workshops’The coordination. November 2006 it was presented in Moscow, organizing city of INCM006 [05.11-12.11], and is continuing equipment required its Europeanfor trip. their realization, while the tutors are responThe easa007 workshops will be based on new technologies and will be immediately related to the city sible forInteresting the workshops’ coordination. of Elefsina. spots [hot spots] in the city will be commented on by the participants with constructions, installations and artistic happenings. The results will be interconnected creating a architectural competition_ catalog of open actions, movements and possibilities catalog; a platform that will cover totally but During the last years, before the annual summer congress of EASA, the organizing country announces changeably the urban an organism phenomenon. The result be a city_index; theaspoint of view of a architectural student competition. The will first prize, which is selected the best architectural 110 European network of young architects artistsby[EASA] forand theprofessionals city easa005 in theofcontemporary era. proposal by a jury, and constituted professors the country, starts materializing the
during the two weeks of the congress, after an application study by an architectural office. The process of a student competition activates the members of the easa network before the congress begins, and is also sometimes a choice criterion for the participants by the national contacts; at the same time it leaves the hosting city with a complete architectural work. ( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( (
CURIOUS organization of an architectural competition for easa007 is under consideration by the Greek SUITCASEThe organizers, while there is already the thought of giving more emphasis to new technologies. exhibition_ INCIDENT Apart from the various architectural and artistic exhibitions, which take place during every EASA, thereBudapest is also the meeting main exhibition, where the results from the workshops [constructions, 2006,exhibition installations, video art, performances] are being presented. The exhibition gives the opportunity not Denmark 2003, pavillion 2005, pavillion but also to a wider public, to acquire a complete image of the congress’s onlySwitzerland to the participants, produced work. ) TE M S
The easa007 exhibition will be opened at the end of the meeting [04.08.07], bringing in contact
Switzerland 2005, workshop
presentations, discussions] that are being organized in relation with EASA, are always in correlation with the theme. The formulation of the theme is being conducted in a modern way, in order to concern and inspire new architects and artists from the whole of Europe. The detailed presentation of the theme is being registered in the organization website, from which the Europeans as well as Greek participants can be informed. lectures At the INCM [intermediate national contact meeting] held in England, in November 2005, [Brighton] the Greek proposal was chosen by the national representatives [national contacts] from 40 European countries. In the summer of 2007 [22.07-05.08], the 27th EASA congress under the theme of city_ index, will be organized in Elefsina. Elefsina, as a highly complicated in transition, feedsare thebeing themecarried of easa007. The city Duringurban everyorganism EASA assembly lectures out by constitutes a structure, flow and data[professors system, which being organized successive The architects and isprofessionals] but in also by artistslayers. or other interference of a team of 500 new architects and artists [EASA007] in the field related of this city, intends scientists. The lecture subjects are being directly to the to activate its complicated,basic multilayered organism. teamthe of easa007 willtheoretical transform the city of theme and intend The to pose assembly’s frame, Elefsina, for two weeks, in aactivating field of actions, movements potentials. It will comment on thelecture urban the thought andand creativity of the participants. The organism through constructions, lectures-discussions andbyexhibitions. The programartistic as wellhappenings, as the speakers’ selection is made the organizers, interventions that will occur, organize an open catalog, aand totalscientific reading of a complexity, in will order to achieve thecontent best theoretical coverage of the a system receptive of the continuous meeting. evolution of the contemporary city, a city_index.
e s,
lectures_ During every EASA congress lectures are being carried out by architects [professors and professionals] but also by artists or other scientists. The lecture subjects are being directly related to the basic theme and intend to pose the congress theoretical frame, activating the thought and creativity of the participants. The lecture program as well as the speakers’ selection is made by the organizers, in order to achieve the best theoretical and scientific coverage of the meeting. The lectures, during easa007, will bear on the central theme: city_index and will address not only the 500 European participants, but are also open to the Greek public. The speakers invited from Greece and the rest of Europe originate from the fields of architecture, research, technology and the arts. The program will include a lecture marathon at the beginning of the two weeks [22.07.07-05.08.07], and individual proposals during the congress. Further details about the speakers, the titles, the days and timetable of the lectures will be announced at the organization website and the press.
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Apart from the various architectural and artistic exhibitions, which take place during every EASA, there is also the meeting’s main exhibition, where the results from the workshops [constructions, final report_ installations, video art, performances] are being presented. The exhibition gives completion, the opportunity only the [constructive participants, but After each EASA congress the theme andnot results of theto activities workshops, lectures, projects, exhibitions etc.] are collected and published in a of special The also totheoretical a wider public, to acquire a complete image theedition. assem‘final reports’ of each organization, are published for the congress participants, the cooperating bly’s produced work. institutions, as well as for a wider public of architects, students, professionals, artists etc. They also enrich the EASA archive which is located in Copenhagen, while at the same time ideas, information and guidelines can be drawn out of them for the next organizations. other events_ The Greek organization team of EASA007 began its preparation immediately after the INCM005 in Brighton. It has already held two exhibitions about the EASA work and the presentation of the Greek proposal. The first one was held in N.T.U.A. last April, where the undertaking of the organization by the Greek team was introduced to professors, students and other architects. The second one was held during the annual festival Aeschylus in the municipality of Elefsina, 27 August to 16 September 2006. Apart from the results from past congresses [constructions, videoart etc.], it included an interactive map of the city, in the creation of which residents and visitors participated. In this way, a first contact was made with the resident and an introduction to the activities in which his city will be involved together with the dynamic of 500 young architects next summer. The exhibition was published in the press. Until the beginning of the EASA007 [22.07.07], during but also after its end, the organizing team will hold other events as well, in order to inform further and promote the event, in Athens as well as in Elefsina and the other cities with Architecture Schools [Thessaloniki, Patras, Volos, Chania, Xanthi].
interactive game/ exhibition/ projections, Aeschylus festival, Elefsina, aug.-sept.2006
During the last years, before the annual summer assembly of EASA, the organizing country announces an architectural student competition. A jury, constituted by professors and professionals of the country selects the first prize. The winning proposal, starts materializing during the two weeks of the assembly, after an application study by an architecture office. The process of a student competition activates the participants of the easa network before the assembly begins and it leaves the hosting location with a complete architectural work.
Approximately 300 young architects gathered, starting up with EASA’s collective institution: “starting up the easa experience”, was the first theme of the congress. Since then, every year, European architects-students, meet in a different city with the intention of exchanging ideas and views on architecture, as well as acting within the city itself. In Greece, easa has been organized already twice, in 1985 in Athens with the theme “interpretation and action in the city” and in 1999, in Kavala with the theme “osmosis”. Last year [2005], the organization was held in Switzerland [Berguen] with the theme “trans, transit, transition”, while last summer [2006] it was held in Hungary [Budapest] with the theme “common place”. In the summer of 2007 easa will be held once again in Greece, in the city of Elefsina, with the theme “city index”.
Denmark2003, pavillion
09 the easa network
other activities
legal framework
final report
how does it work
Apart from the annual events, EASA supports the international communication and exchange network through its’ representatives in every country [National Contact]. The representatives [2 for each country] communicate with each other during the whole year and meet every November, for one week [Intermediate National Contact Meeting] in a different country. During these meetings the results from the latest summer assembly are being discussed, and the proposal for the forth coming events being chosen. SESAM [small EASA meeting]. These are smaller meetings that take place during the year in different countries with the participation of approximatly 100 members and consist of workshops, lectures etc. The summer assembly EASA is an organization that takes legal substance every time, at the level of the country that undertakes the organization of the annual meeting. Each country defines the selection procedure of its representatives and participants in the EASA activities. After each EASA summer assembly completion, the theme and results of the activities [constructive workshops, lectures, theoretical projects, exhibitions etc.] are collected and published in a special edition. The ‘final reports’ of each organization, are published for the assembly’s participants, the cooperating institutions, as well as for a wider public of architects, students, professionals, artists etc.