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EASA National Contacts Guide Easa network Promotion Easa is an expanding dynamic network of students. Easa relies on everybody contributing, from main organizers through NCs right down to each and every participant. As NC, it is your job to promote EASA- not just the summer assembly but also any other smaller events, competitions and any EASA literature - in your country. Current NC´s promote EASA in a variety of ways, from giving presentations, holding EASA exhibitions, to more media based promotion. For example, publishing articles for national architecture and design magazines, posting on blogs and requesting links to EASA on school of architecture websites among other possibilities. But, ultimately, how you promote EASA is each NC´s choice and making, although you can find guidelines in this guide. The blog is a grate way to keep informed on current EASA issues. Check it out at http://easa. •

Make a poster in your language and select pictures that show whole EASA experience. If you want, you could make small flyers Make a presentation on Powerpoint, there is an example on the website Use the general logo on presentations and posters Use the information available on the website

Try to find contacts in other colleges to help you

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NCs are also responsible for advertising to potential tutors and giving them relevant information. Informing participants and tutors are separate skills.

National Platform EASA, as a platform and network, has the potential to be not only active on a European scale, but also at a national level. Several countries have established EASA national organisation. It is a good way to raise sponsorship either from the college or private sponsorship to subsidise the participants fee and if your lucky travel expenses. You can find examples on the website.

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