Concept Booklet Pavilions at Dunham Massey

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Dunham Massey As we are approaching the gate, a magnificient building was revealed. Surrounded by a moat, it is the gateway of where the journey starts.

The Bridge Connecting the outer world to the world where we would build the pavilions, where it shall be used to commemorate the First World War.

REST by Alan Pun

We don’t spend enough time looking up. There’s something really meditative about lying down, and looking up to the sky, whereby it could be the act of healing. Rest is a tribute to the Stamford Military Hospital. To thank them for their efforts during the war

On one level they look like sculptural beds people can lie on, relax and look up in the sky. The experience of taking a few minutes to look up to the sky is itself a healing process, which ties back to the important work the hospital partook.

But on another level, these sculptural shapes can also resemble graves. I wanted to leave to the visitors themselves to interpret whether it is about life or death. Because for a soldier in Fiirst World War in a hospital that is the reality for them. They could either be healing, or they could be dying from wounds or diseases they caught.

The Sentry by Richard Jefferis I want something that was highly interactive for children. Something that provided a sculptural statement when viewed from across the lawn.

It should also be something that embodied the beauty of the surroundings of Dunham Massey. While at the same time sending a message about First World War. The result is a pavilion based on the design for a periscope.

During the First World War, the roll was to appear on top of the tranches to spot the enemy. And here the design translates into appearing through the trees hence the sighting of the pavilion underneath the large cedar tree next to the lawn.

Slightly playable for lads and they are presented with information as well as things to spot through the periscope such as the main house, the orangery or potential targets around the lawn.

AfterWar by Tengku Inda What the project is about is to act as a memorial, or a place of remembrance for the First World War. However, remembrance is not just something a person can simply obtain, but the way they have to go through to reach the goal.

The project is not a static space, but it is a ‘pathway’ to remembrance. So the form is more of a pathway, with series of sound in an enclosed space, creating that hallucination effect making them remember and feel back how the soldiers felt during the time of war and after war.

The idea of using wind chimes goes down to the core nature of its literature. The meaning of the wind chime in the native language of Malay Archipelago (angklung) is incomplete tone. It is also similar to the sound of broken things, after a storm, after war.

The Peak by Omer Osman

The Peak is a monument for the fallen soldiers of First World War. It consist of series of timber panels whos formed and made. It was inspired by the simple and heavy form of tombstones, which many dead soldiers didn’t receive as they were buried in mass graves after battle.

The mount is located on an isolated spot adjacent to the whole of Dunham Massey, providing a secluded and contemplated atmosphere. Perfect for such a memorial whos primary conditions is not only what you see, but also what you feel when standing within it.

These panel are arranged such that each one of them is facing a certain First World War battlefield. Each panels will also be engraved with a poem written by soldiers while a battle during a war, enabling us to reflect on our own lives and what we owe to the soldiers that risks their lives to make the world a better place.

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