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Figure 4: Existing and extinct water systems in Dharwad

2013). Presently the tanks that remain are heavily polluted and prone to eutrophication (Kudari & Kanamadi, 2013), there are few which form part of restoration plan of AMRUT25 and other schemes.

An example of Kolikere lake further elucidates these disruptions. Kolikere located on the eastern periphery of the city is a highly polluted wetland (in the present date26) (Comptroller and Auditor General of India, 2015) It has been enlisted as a wetland to be restored under the AMRUT mission since 2016. The tank was called Bagh Talab and attracted tigers, wild boars, and panthers along with various migrating birds during earlier days. An IISC study notes that around 800- 1000 open wells and 100 -120 bore wells in the area were fed by the Kolikere lake system (I.T. & S.G., 2002). Apart from supporting rich biodiversity and recharging the groundwater table in the area, 50-60 years back the tank supported the livelihood of a dhobi community residing at edge of the tank. The water level quality in the tank and the surrounding wells degraded over time, and the dhobi and other communities residing near the lake transitioned to other water sources. These wells were earlier used for household purpose, cattle grazing and for irrigating nearby fields (located in eastern part of the city). The decrease in the wetland coverage area, pressure on the existing groundwater resource, and degradation of the existing water systems necessitate the need to enquire into possible measures to counter these effects in the city. Figure 4 shows the city terrain overlaid with the existing as well as extinct lakes and lake systems in the city.


Figure 4: Existing and extinct water systems in Dharwad

25 PHYTORID wastewater treatment plant is proposed to be installed for Kolikere and Kelgere. A lake park is also proposed at Kolikere. 26Based on the field work as part of the study, the team observed the tank is polluted, covered with water hyacinth and has become a breeding place for mosquitoes.

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