Keratosis Pilaris, Coconut Oil Keratosis Pilaris, Get Rid Of Chicken Skin, Treat Keratosis Pilaris
What is Keratosis Pilaris?
When you have tiny red bumps or patches on the upper portion of your arms, back portion or even at your thighs that appear like that of chicken skin that may seldom itch, you may have keratosis pilaris.
The same with acne, this skin problem affects around 50 up to 80% of the teenagers and about 40% of the adult persons although nobody knows the exact cause of it.
Mechanical exfoliators like soaps and loofas together with scrubbing beads can aid to smooth away your bumps. There many chemical exfoliators which can aid you to treat the bumps such as;
• Malic acid
• Urea
• Glycolic acid
• Citric acid
• Retinoic acid cure
• Lactic acid
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