Independent 3-14 -18

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E v e ry t h i n g e a s t e n d


Vo l 2 5

no 28

March 14 2018


i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m


What Lies Beneath p4

Independent / Courtesy CCE and GEE

Princess Diner, p 10

School Enrollment, p 13

Michele Dragonetti, p B-1

Bees Fall, p 2

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Bees Fall In Regional Final

losing in the final minute to Moriah, and the Trojans, winners of 20 of 22 games, are bent on getting back to the Final Four. They didn’t buy into any of the Killer Bees mystique—the visitors had the better team and they knew it. The Bees didn’t help themselves by coming out ice cold with a shooting malaise that was to linger the entire game. Despite scoring only two points in the entire first quarter though, the locals were miraculously still in the game, 9-2. The Bees were blocking shots, playing tough defense, and controlling the defensive boards, and the feeling persisted that if the shots started falling they could make a game of it. The Trojans knew better.

After all, they had spent the entire first quarter virtually ignoring a six-one bulldog named Josh Wood, who stood in the left corner all by himself, as if he had been banished there by a teacher for not doing his homework. Certainly the Bees must have known it was Wood who torched Martin Luther King Senior High School in the other regional semifinal, bombing for 27 points.

The Bridgehampton Killer Bees succumbed to a strong Newfield team in the New York State Class D regional final. This page: Nae-Jon Ward looks to score over the tournament MVP, John Wood.

Still, the Bees left him standing there alone. Suddenly the ball started swinging his way. Wood as it turned out, can do two things extremely well: he can bury the open three-pointer, and he can charge into the paint like a fullback smelling the end zone. The Bees finally woke up in the second stanza. J.P. Harding scored to make it 9-4, and Elijah White drilled two free throws to make it 10-6.

Independent / Gordon M. Grant

By Rick Murphy

Bridgehampton hoop fans who attended Friday’s tournament game felt the magic in the air. Their Killer Bees, like so many times before, would accomplish 2

the improbable, rise up and defeat a bigger more talented rival, and make the storybook ascension to the State Final Four tournament.

But on this night in Center Moriches, playing for the New York

State Class D regional final, reality quickly set in—and it wasn’t pretty. There are no Cinderellas in high school basketball. Newfield advanced all the way to the title game last season before

Then Wood took over. He scored on a put back. He stole the ball and drove the lane for a layup, and he answered a White put back with another bucket to make it 23-12. His layup off a nifty pass from Greg Moravec made it 25-12 at halftime. The Bees had one more run in them. Nae-Jon Ward opened the second half scoring with two long

Continued On Page 46.

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


The team, disconsolate after the loss, was told by head coach Ronnie White to remember what it feels like to lose.

Independent / Gordon M. Grant


i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Enviros Reveal ‘The Smoking Gun’

Test samples show extensive aquifer contamination under this sand mining operation in Noyac.

By Kitty Merrill

The scientist’s soft spoken and matter of fact manner belied the nature of the news. Last Friday, Dr. Stuart Cohen of Environmental and Turf Services, a consulting firm in Maryland, articulated eyepopping findings: the Sand Land mine has contaminated the aquifer. Levels of heavy metals and toxins that exceed federal drinking water standards — in some cases by orders of magnitude — were found in court-ordered test samples of both the surface and groundwater at the 50-acre site in Noyac. Manganese, which has been tied to delayed neurological development in children and pre-Parkinson’s

conditions in adults, was found at 87 times the threshold allowed in New York State. Linked to “blue baby syndrome,” nitrates were found at double the state standard. Elevated levels of lead and arsenic and cobalt were also discovered.

To reach the aquifer, the contaminants had to travel over 100 feet through the soil. The county recently studied legitimate and permitted vegetative organic waste management facilities and found contamination at sites where the depth to groundwater was far less than it is at Sand Land. But Sand Land is not a legitimate vegetative organic waste

management facility. It’s a sand mine. In 2016, its operator sought permission to expand because it was out of sand. Environmental groups and civic organizations suspected the mine morphed into a dumpsite. Test results revealed Friday validate that suspicion. The Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE) and the Group for the East End (GEE) have been working eight years to get someone to take action, Adrienne Esposito, CCE executive director explained during a press conference held at the Old Noyac Schoolhouse. With the results from test well samples, she said, “We sadly and tragically have a smoking gun . . . this is severe degradation of our groundwater that must stop.” “What we’ve got here is evidence of contamination of the aquifer,” Dr. Cohen imparted. “I’d bet my paycheck that it’s migrating off site.”

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GEE president Bob DeLuca alleged Sand Land has been accepting waste for more than a decade and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation “has known.” Environmental organizations and community groups like the Noyac Civic Council repeatedly asked the state to look into the impact of a waste processing operation at the

Independent / Courtesy CCE and GEE

site. “We were ignored over and over again . . . The DEC essentially did nothing,” he said.

The agency refused to acknowledge the possibility of illegal dumping. “We saw mulch being dumped and buried,” Esposito informed. The DEC said it couldn’t be happening because Sand Land doesn’t have a permit for such activities. It was a case, Esposito said, of the DEC saying ‘Don’t believe your lying eyes.’

Cohen said he’s never been involved in a case “where a government agency turned aside like this. It’s unusual for government to turn a blind eye like this.” The State of New York needs to be held accountable, DeLuca said. Additional sampling should get underway to determine the extent of the contamination. The findings revealed Friday provide a “snapshot” of the contamination, he said. Offending matter should be removed and Sand Land should “cease and desist” the operation. Sand Land’s mining permit expires at the end of this year. “If they’re out of sand and polluting the aquifer, the DEC needs to deny the permit,” Esposito said, emphasizing, “The DEC needs to hold our drinking water to the highest priority and that means

Continued On Page 5.

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

‘I’m Horrified’

Smoking Gun Continued From Page 4.

Sand Land closes.”

“The chickens have now come home to roost,” Assemblyman Fred Thiele said in a statement released Friday afternoon. “Years of regulatory neglect have yielded a stew of contamination that would more likely be associated with an open dump than a legitimate business,” he continued. By ignoring the voice of the public and repeatedly rubber-stamping permits for Sand Land, “The State DEC has utterly failed to protect the public,” he charged.

Independent / Justin Meinken The Noyac Civic Council hosted a press conference to detail the findings of a groundwater investigation at the Sand Land mine.

By Kitty Merrill

A heavy metal found in the groundwater under the Sand Land mine has been linked to developmental delays. Manganese was detected at 87 times the drinking water standard.

At the press conference held Friday to report the results of courtordered groundwater test samples, a young woman in the audience stood up.

Identifying herself as the mother of two children with developmental delays, Sharon Bates said, “I’m horrified.” She lives near Sand Land and asked, “Should we assume our well water is contaminated?”

Dr. Stuart Cohen, the expert hired to study the test results said the county health department has yet to conduct a study of public and private wells down gradient of the toxic site. Still, he said Bates should have her well tested, rather than wait for the county to act.

Bates wondered if the sampling results provide grounds for a class action lawsuit. Dr. Cohen suggested it was too soon to tell. However, he noted that he has worked with famed activist Erin Brockovich on other cases. According to an EPA health advisory, a study of the health effects of individuals who ingested

March 14

contaminated well water found health effects including lethargy, tremor, and mental disturbances. Three people in the study died and autopsies revealed manganese levels two to three times the levels found in unexposed individuals. Another study cited in the EPA advisory considered a 10-year old child who had been drinking water contaminated by a neighboring toxic waste dump. The child had difficulty in both visual and verbal memory, the study found.

According to the Centers for Disease Control’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, “Studies in children have suggested that extremely high levels of manganese exposure may produce undesirable effects on brain development, including changes in behavior and decreases in the ability to learn and remember. In some cases, these same manganese exposure levels have been suspected of causing severe symptoms of manganism disease (including difficulty with speech and walking). We do not know for certain that these changes were caused by manganese alone. We do not know if these changes are temporary or permanent. We do not know whether children are more sensitive than adults to the effects of manganese, but there is some indication from experiments in laboratory animals that they may be.”

All levels of government must act and must act now, the assemblyman demanded. He compiled a list of actions that must be taken immediately: 1. We cannot wait until April for the Suffolk County Department of Health Services to release its report on the contamination. The testing was done months ago and the SCDHS has had the raw data for weeks. Their report must be made public in the next two weeks. 2. The SCDHS must also begin to survey for contamination by testing all drinking wells that are down gradient of the contamination. 3. The State DEC must launch a full environmental investigation to determine the full extent of contamination at this location.

4. The State DEC must take action to stop the processing of vegetative waste and other industrial activities until the extent of the contamination is known.


5. The State DEC must reject any expansion of the sand mine at this location.

6. The Southampton Town Supervisor must exercise his authority under State Law and inform the State DEC that mining is a prohibited activity under the Southampton Zoning Code. Reached for comment, Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman said he has informed the DEC that mining is not permitted in in Southampton. “The town has taken the lead on this,” he said. “There have been multiple court actions. We had oral arguments just this past Thursday on one aspect. I have already notified the DEC that mining is a prohibited activity in Southampton.”

In fact, Schneiderman said he launched the ground water investigation in this area when he was a county legislator. “I passed a bill directing the health department to conduct this investigation,” he reported. At the press conference Friday, Elena Loretto, president of the Noyac Civic Council informed that in 1961 her predecessor, Mrs. William Koch, expressed concerns about the concept of a mining operation just up the hill from the Old Noyac Schoolhouse. She worried the operation would result in noise, odors, and pollution. “We were way ahead of the curve,” Loretto said. The attorney representing Sand Land did not return a request for comment made Friday.

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12/22/17 12:24 PM

the Independent

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Jerry’s Ink

by Jerry Della Femina

PROPOSITIONED This is an old column (from 2007) that I thought about last Wednesday, when three inches of snow closed every New York airport. It left tens of thousands of people stranded without hotel rooms and doomed to sleep on those uncomfortable airport seats that were designed by sadists.

I wrote it because, every once in a while, I have to sit back and remember how clueless I can be at times.

Last week I was pitching a new piece of advertising business in Fort Wayne, Indiana. So, on Wednesday night, I went with two of my associates to LaGuardia Airport to catch a 9 PM American Airlines flight to Chicago. Now there was, indeed, an American Airlines flight that was leaving for Chicago at 9 PM, but unfortunately, that was the flight that was supposed to have left at 6 PM. The 9 PM flight was scheduled to leave at 11:05 PM. So, it was after 1 AM when I arrived in Chicago and dragged my tired, slightly drunk ass to the Hilton Hotel, which is



located right next to the American Airlines terminal.

This may be one of the most successful hotels in the world. It’s obviously always packed with people who have missed their connections because of perpetually late flights. I checked in, and got on the elevator to go to my room. The elevator was packed with unhappy men grumbling about their flights. There was an attractive woman standing next to me, dressed in a dark blue jump suit. I assumed she was working for the hotel. She leaned close to me and said, “I love your suit.”

Now you have to understand, at that point, my suit looked like an unmade bed. I was a rumpled mess. “Thank you,” I said. “You look tense,” she said. “When is the last time you had a massage?”

“Never,” I mumbled. “I’ve never had a massage.” Now the elevator had reached my floor, and the elevator door opened. I smiled and said, “Good night.” My newfound friend followed me out the elevator. I started to get a bit suspicious. “I give massages and it’s clear you need one. You are too tense. That’s how you men die. Tension. You hold everything in and are too tense. Did you know the football player Walter Payton died when he was in his 40s, and that ballplayer Ken Caminiti died when he was in

his 40s?”

“They must have been flying American Airlines,” I thought to myself.

She looked at me, smiled, and said, “You must get a massage tonight. I don’t like that tension I see in your eyes.” I didn’t have the heart to tell her that she was making me tense. I was puzzled. Did she work in the hotel? Now she was moving closer and I backed up.

“How old are you?” she asked. Before I could answer she said, “Don’t tell me. I’m very good at ages and I would say you’re in your late 40s? 47 . . . 48 . . .”

That’s when it registered with me. OH MY GOD — I’M SO CLUELESS. SHE IS A HOOKER AND SHE IS BLIND. “Yes, that’s right. I’m 47 . . . 48 . . . got to go to my room now,” I said and broke into a trot toward my room. “Don’t you want me to do something for your tension?” she called after me in a clearly seductive voice. “No, actually, I sleep better when I’m tense,” I answered, as I ran to my room and double-locked the door.

At 5 AM, I was awakened by my cell phone ringing. It was American Airlines informing me that my 7 AM flight to Fort Wayne had been canceled. “Why?” I asked. “Bad weather,” was the answer. Well, the weather in Chicago was perfect and my contact in Fort Wayne later said the weather was perfect there, too. “Bad weather” is airline talk for “We didn’t have enough passengers scheduled for that flight so we canceled it.”

So, we rented a car and I drove four hours to Fort Wayne. After our

March 14


meeting, we all decided to avoid American Airlines and come back via another airline. The plan was to fly Northwest Airlines from Fort Wayne into Detroit, and then on to LaGuardia. As I was going through security in the tiny Fort Wayne airport, a pudgy security guard looked at my boarding pass and said, “You have been chosen by your airline, Northwest, to undergo additional security measures.” For the next 20 minutes, he and his associate went through every part of my carry-on bag and my body.

This pudgy guy, wearing white rubber gloves, patted me down and “massaged” me (his words) in places that the Hilton Hooker would have charged double to touch. He ran the wand over my fly and said, “That’s a metal zipper, isn’t it?” “Yes,” I said nervously.

“Got to check that,” he smiled. Then he started to check me in an intimate area where I expected him to say, “Turn your head and cough.” “Do you want to go into an area behind a screen?” he asked.

“No, this is fine,” I said, thinking to myself that this guy was enjoying patting me too much for me to risk being alone with him. His partner was taking every item of clothing that I had in the bag and rolling it into a ball and stuffing it back into the bag. Every five minutes one of them would say, “We don’t want to do this but your airline, Northwest, has selected you for an additional security search.” Clearly, I was the victim of a jurisdictional dispute between Northwest and the security staff at the airport. Naturally, when we got to Detroit, our 7 PM Northwest flight to New York was delayed until 10:30.

I will end this column with a prayer: God, please put Northwest Airlines out of business, before they hurt someone. Amen.

POSTSCRIPT: Less than a year later, Northwest Airlines was merged into Delta Airlines and was never heard from again. When I heard about it, I remember thinking the good old Della Femina curse is still working.

If you wish to comment on “Jerry’s Ink” please send your message to jerry@dfjp. com.

the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


Pond Bacteria Boosted By Animals

By Peggy Spellman Hoey

so that the bacteria and their sources could be properly assessed.

This is one can’t be blamed on ducks and geese.

Other contaminants common in stormwater runoff, which flows over roads, parking lots, driveways and lawns, are motor oil, sediment, garbage including plastics and fertilizer and pesticides, however, they are not considered major contributors to nitrogen pollution in the pond.

Preliminary study results of Georgica Pond in Wainscott found spikes in fecal bacteria within two of its tributaries can be attributed to dogs, and potentially several other mammals including cats and rodents, according to a press release issued by the Friends of Georgica Pond Foundation last Friday. The Gobler Laboratory of Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences found that animal, not human-derived fecal bacteria dominated the inventories within the Georgica Pond tributaries, with dog, and potentially cat and rodent waste, prevailing as the top contributors. The mammals’ waste averaged 67 percent of the total bacteria collected from the pond during the lab’s study. Bird waste did follow in a close second, though, accounting for 24 percent of the bacteria collected from the pond, followed by deer waste, which accounted for six percent. Human-derived bacteria made up less than five percent of the total amount of bacteria collected from the pond.

Road runoff was implicated as the “primary delivery pathway” of the bacteria, according to multiple lines of evidence within the report, such as spikes in bacteria following rainfall events, and “differing relative abundance” of bacterial groups within tributaries with differing connectivity to roadways, according to the release. Helmed by Dr. Chris Gobler,

Dr. Gobler said “actions to divert runoff ” to the pond’s tributaries should be a “top priority of the responsible governmental agencies.”

Dr. Chris Gobler released preliminary results of a study of Georgica Pond this week.

the lab used cutting-edge DNAbased microbial source tracking techniques to identify the bacteria sources and were quantified across multiple tributaries of Georgica Pond.

to moderate levels of pathogenic bacteria.

Surveys of the pond’s waters were performed spatially, seasonally, and in response to large rainfall events,

Sara Davison, executive director of Friends of Georgica Pond Foundation, Inc., credited the Village of East Hampton and the Town of East Hampton for initiating an engineering study of a drainage pipe feeding into Georgica Cove. However, she said a “major project to redesign” the rest stop north of the pond “is warranted.” The study will continue into 2018.

During the study, high levels of bacteria were detected in both Talmage Creek, which is located in the northwest corner of the pond, and Georgica Cove, in the southeast corner of the pond, areas that are located adjacent to roads and receive direct road runoff from stormwater drainage pipes.

The bacteria levels are amplified after rainfall events and were first documented by the Surfrider Foundation and then verified by the Gobler Lab. The pond’s open waters have low-

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the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


Sand In My Shoes by Denis Hamill

WEARIN’ OF THE GREEN Hurry spring.

As the wheel of life creaks forward, it reveals the early signs of the season of rebirth. On Saturday, the Am O’ Gansett parade — which prides itself on being the shortest parade anywhere — kicked off at noon on Main Street in Amagansett. Townsfolk lined the streets dressed in enough green to resemble human money trees. Dell Cullum, a wildlife rescuer, environmental activist, and town trustee, led the march with his big green hat and walking stick, like a dance to the ancient Celtic music of life itself.

“This started 10 years ago on a kind of a dare between friends,” says Patty Sales, the parade’s cofounder. “I’m all about St. Pat’s Day and I said, ‘Why don’t we have the shortest parade anywhere right here instead of going to Montauk for a big one?’ Someone said, ‘You can’t do that.’ So, I said, ‘Why not?’ So, we used green duct tape to stretch a green line from the middle of Indian Wells Tavern, down Main Street, [and] around the [Stephen] Talkhouse. We had a toy fire truck and a little toy horse and we marched one block down Main Street and back up.”

The parade had gotten a little more sophisticated over the past decade. “We still have the toy fire truck and toy horse but we have a real Hampton Jitney that drives down the street now,” Sales says, laughing. “We also have a real green line painter now instead of duct tape and a real parade permit and we make cupcakes and give them out at the library free to promote the Chamber of Commerce.” This parade is now a festive farewell to the last icy days of winter, proud marchers holding banners for the kinds of organizations that keep a community alive: The Shoreline 8

Sweep: The Great Montauk Cleanup, Girl Scout Troop 711, The East Hampton Group for Wildlife, Town of East Hampton Recycling and Litter Committee, and The Am O’Gansett Library. Cullum created the Shoreline Sweep. Everyone there was celebrating this dress rehearsal for spring after a hibernating deep-freeze of Arctic Blasts, Canadian Clippers, Bomb Cyclones, Nor’easters, and other new fangled meteorological phrases that sound like the names of hockey teams.

This brief Irish march in the month of March now foretells Easter bonnets and chocolate bunnies and longer days and April showers that will bring May flowers which will bring pilgrims from all over the world to our glittering East End emerald of popping buds, verdant lawns, high lush hedges and leafshaded streets, white sails on blue waters lapping tan beaches that will soon be jammed with the thonged throngs of summer.

“It’s a way of saying we’re sick of winter and so let’s celebrate spring,” says Sales. This was but one of a half dozen St. Patrick’s Day marches this month on the East End, with the Friends of Erin parade on March 25 always one of the largest in the state. The wearin’ of the green at Montauk’s large St. Patrick’s Day Parade also means that this is the season of the spendin’ of the green. And so, the front doors of the eateries and watering holes of Montauk frozen shut by the coldest months of the year will soon be thawing open and putting locals back to work for the earnin’ of the green. Parents will also start the countin’ of the green, comparative shopping for kids’ Easter clothes and

Independent/Lee Satinsky Parade co-founder Patty Sales, Dell Cullum, 2018 Grand Marshal, and Joi Jackson Perle, executive director Amagansett Chamber of Commerce.

summer camps, registering for the annual Easter Egg Hunt held on the Saturday before Easter by the Ladies’ Village Improvement Society, which just opened two new shops.

Younger kids search the Sunken Garden for candy-filled eggs. Older kids scour the entire LVIS grounds for thousands of eggs. Lucky kids who find one of the golden eggs win special prizes. All kids get to pose for pictures with the Easter Bunny. All year round, LVIS lives up to its mission statement which could be written on a leaf blooming from the Tree of Life: “The purposes for which the society is formed are for the maintenance and preservation of historical landmarks and for the maintenance of ponds, parks, greens, and trees in the Village of East Hampton and vicinity, as well as for charitable and educational improvement and the advancement of the general welfare of the said Village of East Hampton and vicinity.” That just about covers all of life in the East End.

When I first started coming to the Hamptons from crowded Brooklyn, I stayed with an older brother who had a summer rental on Dune Road. I loved the summers out here so much that I started booking hotel and condo rentals, like the Montauk Manor, in the fall and winter when the prices were lower

and a restaurant tables easier to reserve.

I ended up renting year-round, writing in the daytime solitude and reading around a roaring fire on cold winter nights. But when the cymbals of parade season clashed in March, it was a special thrill to take my little kids to see the small-town spectacles of gleaming fire trucks, proud school bands, and local Celtic civic groups celebrating the Irish heritage that flowed through the centuries and across an ocean into the veins of my children.

It also told my kids that the Easter Bunny would soon be hopping their way, and then summer vacation would begin, and sleepover friends would visit for barbecues around the backyard pool, and they’d be riding the crazy waves on the nearby beaches. When the kids got excited, it made me feel like a kid again too. So as the parade season continues in the East End, the clock shoved ahead for a glorious extra hour of sunlight, I see green everywhere I look and I can now feel the warm breath of spring on the back of my neck.

It’s making me feel like a kid again. It’s making me feel alive. Hurry, spring.

To comment on Sand in My Shoes, email

the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

By Kitty Merrill

March 14


Mull New Mill Pond Plan

as much waste as a single septic system, Dr. Souza informed.

Mill Pond was once “the best swimming hole in the whole Town of Southampton,” Steve Abramson of the Mill Pond Association recalled. Nowadays, “the blue green algae gets so dense, it looks like someone dumped paint in there,” Trustee Ed Warner said. Signs warn visitors against even touching the contaminated waters, which could sicken them.

For close to a decade, officials have tried varied techniques to ameliorate the contamination. Last Thursday the Southampton Town Board hosted a discussion with Abramson, town trustees, hydrologist Christopher Schubert of the United State Geological Survey(USGS), and Dr. Stephen Souza, an expert with the ecological and engineering consulting firm Princeton Hydro, with an eye toward conducting a comprehensive limnological assessment of the pond. (Limnology is the study of biological, chemical, and physical features of lakes and other bodies of fresh water.) Founder of Princeton Hydro, Dr. Souza’s expertise encompasses aquatic resource restoration and management, aquatic ecosystem sampling and investigations, and stormwater quality modeling and management. His study would be a step towards creating a management plan for Mill Pond.

The pond is adjacent to fertilized farm fields, Supervisor Jay Schneiderman noted. Councilwoman Christine Scalera offered that atmospheric decomposition and septic systems could also contribute to the problem. Even the volume of geese that visit the pond could be considered. Four geese produce

The idea is to conduct an eight to 12-month study, “to have a place of departure,” Councilman John Bouvier explained. “You can’t have a solution until you’ve found the problem.”

Independen /Kitty Merrill Just four geese produce the same volume of waste as a household septic system. There were hundreds of the waterfowl on Mill Pond last Friday.

Town trustees have conducted extensive monitoring and “a lot of groundwork” at the pond, Warner emphasized. Stormwater coming down Deerfield Drive was considered among the culprits, but

Continued On Page 51.

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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


The Princess And The Fraud

Operators of the Princess Diner in Southampton this week pleaded guilty to defrauding their workers.

By Justin Meinken

The owner and manager pleaded guilty. Last Friday Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced Princess Diner owner Richard Bivona and manager


John Kalogeras pleaded guilty to repeatedly failing to pay restaurant workers and scheming to defraud them by continually lying about when they could expect to receive full compensation.

They stole a combined total of over $132,000 from 23 workers at the Southampton diner. Bivona faces up to six months in prison and he will have to join Kalogeras in paying the $132,000 in restitution

Independent /James J. Mackin

to the workers.

For the exact figures, the plea mandates that the defendants pay a total of $132,011.11 in restitution to their workers and it will be

Continued On Page 12.

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

By Kitty Merrill

Revitalization efforts in Riverside, the hamlet adjacent to the Town of Riverhead, kicked off the agenda last Thursday in Southampton Town Hall.

Restoration of the Peconic River shoreline and the creation of a pedestrian walkway are components of an overall vision for the hamlet’s future. Neighbors to the north in Riverhead town installed a boardwalk to create the Peconic Riverfront Park. To its south and running east from Peconic Avenue is land in Southampton town — some of it in private ownership and some owned by the town and county.

the Independent

March 14

Riverside Rumination

Independent / Kitty Merrill Southampton Town officials are looking to create a maritime pedestrian walkway that mirrors the boardwalk across the Peconic in Riverhead.


town’s director of housing and community development, Diana Weir, informed the board about new economic opportunity zones established by federal tax law. The program will establish opportunity zones to boost private investment in underserved communities and distressed neighborhoods. “Census tracts” will be reviewed for eligibility based on poverty and income levels. Riverhead town, “one of the most distressed areas on Long Island,” qualifies

Continued On Page 51.

The concept under consideration includes a trail that would have its genesis off Route 24, meander through the woods to the riverfront, then follow the pedestrian walkway to Peconic Avenue, linking to the boardwalk on the Riverhead side. The land on the Southampton side was traditionally used as a dredge spoil depository, Kyle Collins, town planning and development administrator told the town board. It’s also home to invasive plant species. The goal is to create the trail system, a passive park, and restore the natural shoreline, he said. Private property owners along the waterfront can use the same concept for shoreline restoration as the town does, Collins explained. At some point, the planner said, the trail might “jump over 24” and tie in with the trail that goes all the way into the Central Pine Barrens.

A state grant is in place to cover the design phase of the project, $23,000 for the shoreline restoration plan. Supervisor Jay Schneiderman wondered if the town had budgeted for the actual work when the design portion concludes. Once that’s completed, the design can be used as a foundation for a grant to cover the actual construction costs, his deputy Frank Zappone explained. The board is slated to adopt a resolution calling for requests for proposals to prepare the conceptual design plan tomorrow. Turning to another facet of Riverside revitalization, the

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w w w. s c h e n c k f u e l s . c o m 11

the Independent

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Continued From Page 10.

broken into two payments. Fifteen workers will receive $88,428.11 in unpaid wages for incidents that took place between August and December in 2016 and eight other employees will receive $43,583.00 for incidents that took place between January 2017 and

February 2018.

Located at the 27/27A junction, Princess Diner has been a popular restaurant for many decades. In 2016, Bivona took over the diner from Kalogeras and his family, but kept Kalogeras on as the manager to run the day-to-day operations. Restaurant employees – including cooks, dishwashers, bussers, and servers – many who had previously


worked for the diner for over ten years, continued to work under Bivona’s stewardship. Between August and December 2016, workers were not paid their hourly wages, which often included overtime hours, on a weekly basis or at all. Employees who received cash tips lived off those cash tips exclusively, since Bivona withheld most of their credit card tips from them or paid them only a partial


Good Fortune: Success that seems to happen by chance.

March 14


amount several weeks later.

Both Bivona and Kalogeras made repeated promises to the workers that payment was imminent, but many workers either never received any payment or only received sporadic payment after waiting for weeks to be paid. Employees continued to work at the diner in the hopes of eventually getting paid as promised, but quit when they did not receive payment after months of promises. Together, the defendants cheated 15 employees out of $88,428.11 in wages. Separately, Bivona cheated another eight employees out of $43,583.00 by failing to pay them and reimburse them for restaurant expenses between January 2017 and February 2018.

In a release announcing the pleas, Attorney General Schneiderman stated, “Employees deserve fair pay for a fair day’s work. Companies that scheme to exploit their employees and stiff them of the wages they earned should take note: We will take you to court to win back workers’ hard-earned money.”

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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


In Depth News

Springs School needs a building expansion, even if attendance stops increasing.

By Rick Murphy

Independent/James J. Mackin

Is School Enrollment Peaking?

The Hampton Bays and Springs school districts are often painted with the same brush, and for good reason. Both enclaves are comprised of working class people who live, for the most part, in modest houses — that is, when compared to the opulence that is the rest of the Hamptons. That makes the two communities similar in many ways. The relatively affordable real estate market makes them magnets for young couples that in many cases have or intend to have children. Also, the percentage of second homeowners in both hamlets is comparatively low. More homeowners live in those communities year-round, as opposed to most other areas in Southampton and East Hampton townships, where a large percentage of the homes is often unoccupied,

especially during the school season.

It all adds up to one thing: children. Enrollment has swelled over the years in both districts. But the long-held argument that undocumented immigrants are enrolling in the schools and causing the upswing — and overcrowded conditions — is a simplistic conclusion often not supported by facts, according to data compiled by the New York State Education Department. In fact, a study by The Independent of enrollment trends shows attendance at most local public schools has or will decrease, and that most school districts have probably peaked already. That does not mean a new school expansion project in Springs isn’t needed, however. Voters approved a $23 million expansion by a vote of 484-323

on March 6, though opponents maintained the added space wasn’t necessary. In the days before the vote, bloggers complained if the district and town eliminated “illegal” residents in the hamlet, the current building would suffice.

Other critics, like Manny Vilar, who ran for East Hampton town supervisor last year, said the future is too uncertain to burden taxpayers with a huge bill. “If home prices go up, enrollment will go down,” Vilar said, noting Springs is the most affordable place in town to purchase a house. “Locals can’t afford a $6 million house. They are bought by second homeowners,” he opined. No Doubt Springs School Superintendent Debra Winter said there is no question the district needs more

classroom space, and disputes the assertion undocumented immigrants are swelling the population rolls.

Winter said she recently checked the residential status of the graduating class. More than half of the children lived in homes their parents owned, and about 33 percent lived in rented, legal singlefamily homes. More important, “Ninety nine percent of the students were born here. There is no doubt about it.” That’s because they are required to produce a birth certificate when they come into the school, Winter pointed out.

The expansion is needed for obvious reasons, she said. The original school, always tight, is now dangerously overcrowded. “In 2008, we had 577 students [kindergarten through eighth grade]. There are

Continued On Page 24.


i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Evans Named Deepwater Liaison

By Rick Murphy

Captain Julie Evans of Montauk will serve as the local fisheries representative to Deepwater Wind, a position that will be paid for by that company. Deepwater wants to build wind generators off the coast of Montauk.

The East Hampton Town Fisheries Committee selected Evans and recommended her hire to the East

Hampton Town Board last week.

In order to gain the federal approval it needs to go forward with the project, Deepwater must hire someone to represent the fishermen, whose livelihoods could be affected by the installation of the 15 wind turbines. It has proven to be a political hot potato — members of local fishing groups said anyone among their

ranks who would take the job would be considered a “traitor,” in the words of one commercial fisherman.

But Robert Valenti of the fisheries committee called the selection of Evans, who is a licensed captain, “a slam dunk.”

Evans, a longtime Montauk resident, served on the board of directors of the Concerned Citizens

of Montauk (CCOM) for 18 years and on the Montauk Citizens Advisory Committee.

On The Beat

Compiled by Rick Murphy

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In The Baby’s Shoe A Riverhead man came up with an original way to hide his stash — inside a baby’s shoe. At least that’s what Southampton Town Police said.

Kilder Ortega-Dubon, 28, was stopped along Lake Avenue in Riverside on March 5. Police said he did not have a valid registration. As it turned out, it had been suspended twice. Police searched the vehicle and said they found a clear plastic bag containing a white powdery substance believed to be cocaine, as well as some marijuana inside a small shoe inside the center console. No, the baby wasn’t wearing it at the time. Live Wire Residents of a Wading River neighborhood were lucky to escape disaster on March 6 when a live power line on a watery street snaked out of control. A resident cutting down a tree was the culprit, Riverhead Town Police said. A branch from the falling tree clipped a power line on Sylvan Drive and fires broke out in several neighborhood houses.

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The Wading River Fire Department was called in shortly after 1 PM. The chief reportedly then called Riverhead, Manorville, Ridge, and Sound Beach fire departments to assist.

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Finally, PSEG-LI cut power to the area after being notified about the mishap. Firefighters went door-to-door to ensure other fires weren’t smoldering within houses on the block.

the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


Ten Times Too Much?

$1,600 million


Estimated Non-Existent Cost Reimbursement by Long Island Ratepayers to Deepwater Wind



Forecast Market Price Decline vs Deepwater Price Increase (¢/kWh)


$1,200 million

¢37.1 ¢35.3



Accumulated Non-Existent Costs (NPV) by Deepwater Wind ¢30.0

¢32.1 ¢29.1 ¢27.7

Deepwater Built-In Price Increase (5% p.a.)









$800 million




Total accumulated non-existent costs passed on to electricity consumers by Deepwater Wind may be more than $1.5 Billion (NPV)

¢17.0 ¢15.3



¢12.5 ¢11.4

$1,000 million


Bloomberg Forecast Price Decline (71% by 2040)



$1,400 million

¢43.0 ¢40.9











$600 million

$400 million

$200 million



In the final year, DWWSF's price is nearly 10 times the market rate. During 20-year contract term, the average price is over 4 times the market rate.








$0 million











Independent/Courtesy Deepwater Wind












Independent / Courtesy Si Kinsella

A Deepwater Wind Farm under construction.

A Deepwater critic, Si Kinsella, created a graph (above) that alleges the wind power generated by the company will cost ratepayers much more than it should.

By Rick Murphy

multiple by which DWWSF will be overcharging LIPA during the 20-year term of the Purchase Price Agreement is likely to be over fourtimes the forecast market rate for wind-generated electricity.” The missive was sent to own officials, Wainscott residents, and others.

A critic of the proposed wind farm to be built off the coast of Montauk charged this week that Long Islanders will end up paying as much as 10 times more than the market rate for wind-generated electricity.

Si Kinsella is a Wainscott resident who lives near Beach Lane, where Deepwater Wind intends to land a cable from the wind farm and then run it underground to a PSEG generator a couple miles away.

Kinsella, in a missive mailed to town officials and Wainscott residents, noted that PSEG/LIPA agreed to buy all of the power generated by the Deepwater facility for the next 20 years. The contract also states the price per kWh

(kilowatt hour) will increase each year. All of the companies involved balked at revealing exactly what the price will be. “Why are town residents being bound into a 20-year contract to pay for wind-generated electricity without being told what the price will be? Why are local voters and taxpayers being kept in the dark?” Kinsella asked. He said LIPA/ PSEG officials said it was omitted from the contract at the behest of Deepwater.

Kinsella said he calculated, “The rate that Deepwater Wind South Fork, LLC (“DWWSF”) probably will be charging is nearly 10 times the market rate for wind-generated electricity in the final year of its contract with LIPA. The average

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Clint Plummer, vp/development, Deepwater Wind, said the projections in Kinsella’s graph are inaccurate. However, he agreed that the rate structure is front loaded to provide cheaper power at the beginning of the 20-year project and more at the end. “We did that to help ratepayers,” Plummer said. “We took all the risk on our party in the near term but it will tick up over time with inflation.”

Kinsella said the Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s annual long-term economic forecast of the world’s power sector forecasts that power will be less expensive in the future than it is now.

“There are very few people against wind farms but no one is in a favor of deception,” Kinsella commented. Plummer said it is important to remember how Deepwater got involved in the process. It was one of 21 companies that answered a call from PSEG/LIPA to provide new sources of electricity to the South Fork. “They determined our project would be the most cost effective. We’ve had 16 public meetings. We get paid only when we deliver.”



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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Government Briefs

Independent/Courtesy Fred Thiele Assemblyman Fred Thiele presented the great-grandchildren of Chief Petty Officer Frank Louis Hunter with a legislative resolution, posthumously recognizing his 33 years of distinguished service and heroic actions with the US Navy. Pictured from left to right: David Hinson, Anita Louise Hinson (great-granddaughter), Franklin Wilks (great-grandson), Assemblyman Thiele, Cheryl Brown (great-granddaughter), Michelle Wilks, Harry Hodge, Andrea Hodge (great-granddaughter), and Nia Arnold (great-great-great granddaughter).

Compiled by Rick Murphy ZeldiN Awarded National Sea Grant Award Congressman Lee Zeldin was awarded the National Sea Grant Award by the Sea Grant Association, which advocates for a greater understanding, use, and conservation of marine, coastal, and Great Lakes resources. Last year, Congressman Zeldin and Congressman Joe Courtney (CT) spearheaded the largest bipartisan appropriations request in the history of the Sea Grant Program. The request had 95 total cosigners and secured full funding of $72.5 million for the Sea Grant Program for FY18, despite President Donald Trump’s proposed budget zeroing out the program. “Representing a district almost completely surrounded by saltwater, funding to support our fishermen, our oyster growers, protect our beaches, and support marine science research is essential for our local economy and environment,” said Congressman Zeldin. “The Sea Grant Association plays a critical 16

role in securing and providing this funding to the Long Islanders who rely on it most, and it is such an honor to receive this award from such a worthwhile organization.” “Last year, when the 2018 budget came out, Sea Grant was zeroed out. Congressman Zeldin stood up and said, ‘Not on my watch,’” said Bill Wise, New York Sea Grant director, Stony Brook professor and NY-1 constituent. “He has continued to fight during this year’s budget, and it is because of champions like Congressman Zeldin that we are hopeful this critical funding will continue to be provided.” Cuomo: Don’t Drill Here

Governor Andrew Cuomo, joined by former vice president Al Gore, announced Friday that New York has formally requested an exclusion from the new five-year National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program. In January 2018, the federal government unveiled the abovementioned program, which proposes to make over 90 percent of the total offshore acreage in the US available to oil and gas

Independent/Courtesy Lee Zeldin Congressman Lee Zeldin and Congressman Joe Courtney are honored by the National Sea Grant Association.

drilling. This plan would open two areas of the north Atlantic coast adjacent to New York state for fossil fuel exploration. At his appearance at New York University, the governor also announced $1.4 billion in awards for 26 large-scale renewable energy projects across New York. According to Cuomo, it is the single largest commitment to renewable energy by a state in US history.

The competitive awards, driven by the Governor’s Clean Energy Standard mandate, are expected to generate enough clean, renewable energy to power more than 430,000 homes and create more than 3000 short- and long-term, well-paying jobs. In the face of a concerted federal assault from Washington, New York state is taking aggressive action to protect our environment for future generations, the governor noted. “Instead of protecting our waters from another oil spill, like the

one that devastated the Gulf, this new federal plan only increases the chances of another disaster taking place,” Governor Cuomo said. “This is a total disregard for science, reality, and history, and their actions defy everything we know. We believe the future is a clean energy economy and New York is going to lead a counter-movement to what this administration is doing to the environment and illuminate the path forward.”

“Governor Cuomo is demonstrating outstanding leadership in helping to solve the climate crisis and building a sustainable future,” said Gore. “His vision and leadership stand in stark contrast to the Trump administration’s malignant mission to make us even more dependent on the dirty and destructive fossil fuels. Now more than ever, it’s up to all of us to step up and act on this urgent cause of our time. Governor Cuomo is showing how it can be done.”

the Independent

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Starting at

March 14



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the Independent

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By Valerie Bando-Meinken

March 14


A Daily Dose Of Reality

Sag Harbor School District parents and community members walking into the Pierson High School auditorium last Thursday night were greeted by a slide which read, “Schools can no longer assume safety. They must plan for safety.” This statement by Pam Riley, Director of the Center for the Prevention of School Violence, epitomized the School Community Safety meeting. In this sentiment, the Sag Harbor School District scheduled a safety

Independent / Valerie Bando-Meinken (From left) Police Chief Austin McGuire, Assemblyman Fred Thiele, and Legislator Bridget Fleming at the safety forum hosted by the Sag Harbor School District.

forum to assure parents and community members of the steps the district has taken over the course of several years to enhance security at its schools. According to Superintendent Katy Graves, the school district began partnerships in 2015 with IntraLogic Solutions and the Sag Harbor Village Police. “We have been proactive in enhancing security to ensure the safety of our children,” she said. “We have done many things, some of which we can’t discuss here, to protect the students.”

Lee Mandel, CEO of IntraLogic Solutions explained, “IntraLogic is a security technology company. Our clients are mainly school districts. We have partnered with over 150 school districts nationwide providing our expertise in security services.” Mandel spoke about hardening the school’s infrastructure, monitoring its perimeter and providing technology that at a push of a button would put the school into a lockdown or lockout status while turning access to the school’s cameras over to police.

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With over 100 cameras installed throughout the school buildings and their perimeters, Village Police would be able to assess the situation and respond much more quickly in the event of an emergency. “When seconds can mean lives,” stated Mandel, “the use of sophisticated technology can make the difference.”

Mandel stressed the importance of drills. He said that children know the routine for fire drills very well. “The last fire in a school where children were killed was in 1956,” he stated. “That’s because everyone knows how to react with a fire. But an active shooter is another story.” According to Pierson Principal Jeff Nichols, the school district has been conducting an average of five drills a year which include lockdown, lockout, and early dismissal drills. “After each drill is completed we review it as a team,” added Elementary Principal Matthew Malone. “Then we review the safety protocols with the administrative staff and students.”

Continued On Page 51.


i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

By Peggy Spellman Hoey

the Independent

March 14


Police Explorers Lead Way

discussing recent shootings such as the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Young cadets used their hands to flatten their Navy blue ties against their light blue dress shirts, smoothed their hair, stiffened their bodies, and gulped air before sucking in their stomachs in an effort to appear taller inside Southampton Town Police headquarters in Hampton Bays one recent Monday night.

The neat looking not so dirty dozen or so stepped into formation — two single lines, one behind the other — as they waited for uniform inspection as part of the department’s Police Explorer program. The youngsters’ display of self control is in vast contrast between the seemingly rag-tag group of chatting teens who ambled into the building with uniforms dangling off hangers just 10 minutes before. It’s called discipline.

“Here, we start preparing them for life,” said program advisor Lt. Susan Ralph of the explorers, who range from 12 to 18 years old. As part of the co-ed program, which is run under a charter of the Boy Scouts of America, the explorers meet twice monthly for two hours to learn about law enforcement, and the steps they need to take in order to have successful careers. What they learn will come in handy whether they choose a career in law enforcement or not, Ralph said. To be part of the group, which now

‘They do training the same way the cops do,” Ralph said. “The same things we learn, we expose them to.”

Putting theory into practice, the explorers participate in role play scenarios in which their police officer advisors often play bad guys with fake weapons. Monday’s session delved into use of force and how far an officer can go with a suspect and the levels of restraint that can be used. Independent/Peggy Spellman Hoey Southampton Town Police Department Police Explorers line up for inspection.

has roughly about 30 members, candidates have to write an essay about why they want to join and then take part in an interview with not only Ralph, but senior members of the program.

Eighteen-year-old Haley Hernandez, an East Hampton resident in her freshman year at Suffolk County Community College in Riverhead, said the program has enabled her to make new friends, hone her skills about the backgrounds of complex laws used by police, and prepared her for the police academy. “It gives you step into the academy,” said Hernandez, a founding member of the explorers, noting her advisors expect tasks to be performed the way they would in the academy and make them aware of the consequences of

Cop’s ‘Lead’ On Youth Activities

By Peggy Spellman Hoey

Southampton Town Police Lieutenant Susan Ralph is hard at work developing leads, but they are not entirely the kinds one might think.

The police force veteran, who serves as the department’s community relations liaison, has been charged with generating activities for young people as part of her work on the town’s Opioid Addiction Task Force.

And she is going to have some great help on her side.

Ralph, who started the department’s Police Explorers program four years ago, will be asking her cadets their advice on how to steer other youngsters away from drugs, and instead toward more productive activities, explained Police Chief Steven Skrynecki. The explorers, who will be introduced at upcoming Continued On Page 20.

failure. “It just makes you ready for your own experience later.”

Just like full-fledged cops, the explorers have a similar rank structure — lieutenants, sergeants, and corporals — with senior members of the program allowed a say as to who gets in and who gets kicked out. Under Ralph’s oversight, the explorers can also dole out discipline such as restricting members from field trips for absences, and have the power of expulsion if there are too many unexcused absences.

“Although the young people who join are interested in law enforcement, [Police Explorers] opens the door to help them, aiding in decision-making, preparing for life, and preparing to go out into the job field,” said Ralph. The explorers study topics in law enforcement such as the use of force, the laws of arrest, and constitutional law, often touching on contemporary examples of those elements by

For C.J. Slovensky of Manorville it was a valuable lesson to be learned. He and his partner unwittingly confronted an armed man, who got the drop on him and wounded him with a fake gun.

“I sort of knew he probably had something, but I wasn’t sure and I wasn’t going to freak out because it was just a scenario, but if it was real life, I probably would have drawn my gun sooner,” he said.

In hindsight, Slovensky said he would have ordered the man to get on his knees and to put his hands behind his back to protect himself much sooner. Though the role play scenarios can take a serious turn, Hernandez said the scenarios are not scary because the explorers have a bond with their instructors.

“It’s scarier imagining [the scenario] could happen,” she said. The program is kind of like a mini civilian police academy, but with an addition of trying to guide the youngsters away from drug use and

Continued On Page 48.

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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Phragmites Project Moves Forward

detached garage and a 361-squarefoot finished and insulated studio room within a garage for Richard Furland of 79 Hither Lane.

By Peggy Spellman Hoey

The East Hampton Village Zoning Board of Appeals gave the nod to six Lily Pond properties — one on Lily Pond Lane itself, the other five on Apaquogue Road — to move forward with a phragmite removal project. Left unchecked, phragmites can grow out of control and impede swimming, fishing, and boating in a water body, as well as affect water quality by contributing to nitrogen buildup as the invasive plant species degrades in the water during hot weather. Bruce Horwith, a natural resources manager with Clearwater Environmental Management, said the removal project is similar to other projects the village has approved over the last few years in that it involves a freshwater system and would involve all of the homes along Lily Pond. A seventh property will also be included in the project once a survey, wetland flagging, and associated paperwork is complete. “But the idea will be to approach the whole pond holistically, as one project,” Horwith said. There is a minor difference in the project in that the state Department of Environmental Conservation guidelines for freshwater allow the phragmites



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The board found Furland could maintain the studio with insulation and a half bath, but requests for variances for a heating and cooling system and indoor shower inside the garage were denied.

Independent/Peggy Spellman Hoey Jamie Coy Wallace and her architect, Christopher Coy of Barnes Coy in Manhattan, addressed East Hampton Village’s Zoning Board of Appeals Friday morning about additions to her home on Mill Hill Lane.

to be cut down to grade level, according to Horwith. Saltwater species can’t be cut as low.

Zoning board chairman Frank Newbold said there is a public benefit to the project in that the removal of the phragmites will allow people to view Lily Pond more easily with their view unobstructed by the invasive species.

“It’s very similar to the [applications] we have approved before,” he said. “It’s very straight forward.” The phragmites will be removed by hand over a period of four consecutive years. But before moving forward, the project requires approval from the DEC and the East Hampton Town Trustees.

In other news, the board seemed to have issues with plumbing in accessory buildings as evidenced by the denial of two applications in its final determinations. The first denial was a request by Nonsuch Productions Ltd. to install a powder room, a small bathroom with a toilet, in a 436-square-foot detached garage at 75 Mill Lane. In its determination, the board denied the application because the bathroom would be so close to the rear and side yard of the property that its use would likely produce a change in the character of the

neighborhood. The determination also states that the benefit of having a toilet in a garage in close proximity to the house is unclear.

In the second case, the board agreed to allow variances legalizing a


Continued From Page 19.

meetings of the task force, could possibly be asked to develop and take a pledge in the fight against drugs, but the concept is only in its infancy, he said.

“I want these young kids to say, ‘I have an idea’, so she will brainstorm with them,” he said, adding that the group could develop a slogan that could be displayed on a pin or a t-shirt to go with the initiative. Ralph recently gave a presentation about the Police Explorers program at a meeting of the township’s school superintendents. The police department is looking to “really drum up a conversation” with school officials to encourage youths to join, Skyrnecki said. So far, the program is showing terrific results and the young participants seem to be enjoying it, he noted. “We think we are molding leaders for tomorrow, whether they choose an oath in law enforcement, or in government, or in the military, or are going into the private sector,”

Also at the meeting, the board sent homeowner Jamie Coy Wallace back to the drawing board to revise her proposal to construct additions, including swimming pool, decking, and a detached garage, to her home on 56 Mill Hill Lane. Wallace agreed to have her architect, Christopher Coy of Barnes Coy in Manhattan, revise the proposed decking to line up with the western wall of a new garage in response to the board’s concerns over its size and location. She also agreed to place pool equipment behind her garage and to submit a new site plan.

he said. “The skills that they are picking up from [Lt. Ralph] will help them in anything that they choose to do, and will help them stay on the right path between now and at the point they begin a career.”

As part of her work with the task force, Ralph will also be using patrol officers who are trained as school resource officers to conduct preventative lectures at the township’s schools as part of the department’s Problem Oriented Policing initiative. But for now, she is focusing on her secret weapons with their insider knowledge of youngsters.

“I was playing with Barbie dolls till I was nine,” said Ralph, noting, children are different from when she grew up. “They have so much more knowledge. So, these kids that I have are really good kids, and not the kids who are ever in trouble. These are the kids that I can utilize to go out and say, ‘Hey, I don’t want to do that stuff and I am not going to get involved ever.’”

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


WHB St. Patrick’s Day Parade Photos by Peggy Spellman Hoey

It was easy being green on Saturday. Droves of revelers lined the sidewalks of Main Street in Westhampton Beach to view the village’s 51st St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Grand Marshal Peter Cuthbert kicked off the line of march under this year’s theme of “Hometown Heroes,” leading hundreds of participants, including local Veterans of Foreign War posts, fire departments, police, and ambulance companies. The parade featured pipe bands, classic cars, floats from local businesses, and a Westhampton Beach parade staple, the Coneheads. 21

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Hearing, Homes, And Hessel’s Hairstreak

By Kitty Merrill

“Unsafe, dangerous, and improperly maintained” conditions at a Robinson Road, North Sea, property prompted a public hearing before the Southampton Town Board. Rescheduled from yesterday to tomorrow due to a predicted storm, the hearing is designed to allow the public to comment on the property conditions in advance of the town jumping in to make it safe — secure the main structure, demolish a partially collapsed

portion of it, and remove debris — and bring it into compliance with town code. All expenses incurred by the town will be passed on to the landowner.

Independent/Kitty Merrill How slow can you go? Could be even slower on Montauk Highway, if the state decides to drop the speed limits along the Water Mill-Bridgehampton corridor.


Also during deliberations tomorrow, the board plans to consider a resolution asking the state to review the speed limit on Montauk Highway along the Water Mill–Bridgehampton corridor. It’s been over 10 years since the state Department of Transportation last reviewed the data. Since then, according to the resolution, there’s been a 32-percent increase in traffic, and crashes, and development. Against the backdrop of the three contributing factors, town officials are asking the state DOT to consider lowering the speed limit in the area. Limits in the vicinity range from 30 to 45 mph currently.

Thursday’s agenda also includes the setting of a public hearing to consider the acquisition of a .49-acre tract on Cedar Lane in North Sea. Community Preservation Fund monies will be used for the purchase of the land as open space. Located within the watershed of Little Fresh Pond, it’s one of the only remaining fragments of coastal Atlantic white cedar swamp on Long Island’s East End. “Cedar bogs” are a key habitat for rare species such as the Hessel’s hairstreak, a green butterfly whose larvae feeds solely on the Atlantic white cedar, according to the resolution.

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“These towering evergreen stands also offer unique outdoor research and educational opportunities,” the resolution continues. They provide a “striking contrast” to neighboring developed land. Development and pollution are the greatest threat to the North Sea swamps, the hearing notice notes.

In other business, two lucky winners will soon have the chance of obtaining the American Dream in a new housing lottery offered by the Town of Southampton. Letters were sent to 252 applicants to notify them that they

Continued On Page 51.

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Am O’Gansett Parade Photos by Kitty Merrill

It might be the shortest parade in the universe, but it was long on fun Saturday, as the 10th Am O’Gansett parade hit Main Street in the hamlet. Led by Grand Marshal Dell Cullum and his miniature fire truck escort, the procession traveled one block (and back) from the municipal parking lot to the Stephen Talkhouse. Last year’s Grand Marshal Joan Tulp was on hand for the festivities, as were the Friends of Erin, the Amagansett Fire Department, Mr. Amagansett, and East Hampton Town Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc, a former Mr. A himself. Credit parade founders Patty Sales and Lee Satinsky for conceiving the amusing annual display.



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Enrollment Continued From Page 13.

currently about 730 students,” Winter said. In addition, there are about a third more students who attend East Hampton High School. They do not use the Springs School building, but the district pays tuition for them (about $23,000 per student) and supplies busing services. The student population is no longer rising precipitously in Springs, however. According to documents obtained from the NYSED, upcoming classes are all about the same size –­­­ 77 in the second grade, 73 in the fourth, 76 in the fifth, though the eighth grade was a bit larger. In Hampton Bays, battle lines have formed, and even President Donald Trump is indirectly involved. The school district is suing Southampton town, claiming lax code enforcement is to blame for the rising influx of students. Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman bristles at the suggestion. His contention is

aggressive code enforcement has put a dent in the number of illegal residents in the district and thus in the school.

School population in Hampton Bays is trending down, according to the numbers. “The kindergarten class at the school is the smallest in 20 years,” Schneiderman pointed out. The first grade is small as well.

The supervisor attributes the decline to increased emphasis on code enforcement. In Hampton Bays, grades K-2 average about 133 students. The 12th grade class has about 200 students. Hampton Bays School District Superintendent Lars Clemensen said there are a number of good reasons to sue Southampton town and that the action is “long overdue.” The problem is one-time motels and hotels that have been converted to illegal year-round residences. That means 80 students currently enrolled in the school district are living in illegal housing. The district wants the town to pay the $10 million it costs to educate the students in question.


Non-Conforming Clemensen bristled at reports in some media outlets, specifically the New York Post, that suggested the school district was cracking down on “illegal” immigrants. “It’s not about the kids. I don’t know who they are. I’m prohibited from even asking their immigration status,” he stated. He said where the kids come from has nothing to do with the problem. “‘Illegal” is a word that gets thrown around a lot. But it’s a non-conforming use,” added Clemensen.

Schneiderman recently blasted Congressman Lee Zeldin, who used Hampton Bays as a case in point while stumping for President Trump’s border control policy. Schneiderman said Zeldin took verbiage from the school district’s lawsuit without checking the facts. The town has already closed some of the offending motels, he pointed out, and there are hundreds of violations issued against some of the others. A Newsday study of enrollment in Long Island schools reported a five percent decline from 2008 through 2015. Six districts closed elementary schools.

In East Hampton, a decline in student enrollment at the John M. Marshall Elementary School over the past four years might make room to bring the pre-K program back to the building for the first time since 1997. The number of students attending John Marshall, 643 students in 2014, is down to 507 students this year.


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The situation is similar at most East End schools, even on the North Fork. At Mattituck High School, incoming classes average about 90 students while 111 students graduated according to 2016 numbers compiled by the NYSED. In Southold Senior High, there are 42 coming in and 71 going out. At the Riverhead Middle School, attendance was pegged at 849 students, with 95 coming in and 112 exiting. More Consolidation? Enrollment in elementary schools will likely continue to decline in the foreseeable future, said experts quizzed by Newsday who reported

March 14


births are declining. The US Census Bureau also found the number of children between the ages of five and 14 is down compared to a decade ago. Robert Hannafin, dean of the College of Education, Information and Technology at LIU Post, told Newsday that Long Island is experiencing a “perfect storm” that likely assures a decline in student enrollment. “Taxes are high on Long Island, real estate is expensive, and it is difficult for younger people to replace the older population,” he said.

Declining population may increase calls for more consolidation. Southampton School District sought voter approval to merge with Tuckahoe but was rebuffed. Tuckahoe, where school board members also complain about illegal housing, has a population of 312, with almost 70 percent Latino, according to its board of education. But there is no indication the school population is still growing. There are 32 students in the first grade, 34 in the second, and 29 in the third. The higher classes average a bit more, about 35 students. Southampton, though, is experiencing a student population drop. According to the BOE, there are about 1650 students in the district, and it is among the most diverse population on Long Island, with 119 Native Americans, 49 Black, 652 Hispanic, 33 Asian, and 18 multi-racial. The upper grades average about 150 students per grade. The first three grades average only about 90. It is this precipitous drop that led school board members to consider a merger with Tuckahoe. In Amagansett, critics are becoming increasingly vocal about rising administrative costs. Class sizes have shrunk from 12 to eight students per grade.

“There are multiple variables,” Vilar said. “There is going to be a national change in immigration policy, a dramatic change. How will that affect enrollment down the road?” With East End real estate on the upswing, the middle class could be forced to move where housing is more affordable, he said.

the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

Editorial To The Top Of The Food Chain

March 14



Sometimes there are situations that warrant hopping over a middleman and going straight to the boss. News of toxic groundwater contamination that could be flowing into private and public wells is such a situation. Government types charged with protecting our drinking water are “doing the bare minimum with the bare minimum number of people for the most extended period of time,” one environmentalist informed this week. The only light at the end of the tunnel comes when the public, and enough members of the public, demand action. The public has been demanding action. It took a court order for the county health department to embark on water sampling that revealed toxins in the aquifer under the Sand Land mine. It took formal requests under Freedom of Information Law to wrest the results from the county. The samples were taken last summer, and the poison continues to flow as government types take their time composing a study. Time’s up.

The county needs to find out if the toxins have contaminated neighbors’ wells. Like, right now. The health department’s moving slowly, so let’s ask its big boss, County Executive Steve Bellone, to demand swift action. Hop over the middleman and make some noise. Call the CE at 631-853-4000. Email county.executive@ or send snail mail to County Executive Steve Bellone, H. Lee Dennison Building, 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, P.O. Box 6100, Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099. Over and over, for years, the state Department of Environmental Conservation has ignored pleas to investigate pollution and illegal dumping at the Noyac site. Let’s ask that agency’s big boss, Governor Andrew Cuomo, to step in. He paints himself as a protector of the environment. Let’s give him a chance to intercede on behalf of homeowners horrified by what might lurk beneath the bucolic soil in their backyards. Call Cuomo at 518-474-8390. Write to The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Governor of New York State, NYS State Capitol Building, Albany, NY 12224. Or visit to send him an email.

Ed Gifford

Is it just me? How did your job interview go?

© Karen Fredericks

I don t want to talk about it. I might jinx it.

Don t worry. You re not that powerful. Should that disappoint me or make me feel relieved?

That s a decision only you can make.

Karen was chosen Best Cartoonist by the New York Press Association in 2017. She s also the recipient of multiple awards for her illustration of the international bestseller How To Build Your Own Country, including the prestigious Silver Birch Award. Her work is part of the permanent artist s book collection of the Museum of Modern Art.


the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


E v E ry t h i n g E a s t E n d


1826 THE




What are your plans for St. Patrick’s Day?

Loves A Parade Publisher James J. Mackin

Associate Publisher Jessica Mackin-Cipro

Executive Editors:

Main News & Editorial kitty merrill In Depth News Rick Murphy Arts & Entertainment Jessica Mackin-Cipro

Staff Writers Bridget Leroy, Peggy Spellman Hoey, Nicole Teitler, Justin Meinken, Jade Eckardt, Valerie Bando-Meinken

Copy Editor Lisa Cowley

Columnists / Contributors Jerry Della Femina, Denis Hamill, Zachary Weiss, DOMINIC ANNACONE, JOE CIPRO, KAREN FREDERICKS, Isa goldberg, Laura Anne Pelliccio, MILES X. LOGAN, vincent pica, Bob Bubka


Media Sales Director JOANNA FROSCHL Sales Manager BT SNEED Account Managers TIM SMITH Sheldon Kawer Annemarie Davin Ryan Mott Art Director Jessica Mackin-Cipro Advertising Production Manager John Laudando Marketing Director Ty Wenzel Director of Business Development Abby Gawronski Content Creator Nicole Teitler Photography Editor CHRISTINE JOHN

Contributing Photographers PEGGY STANKEVICH, ED GIFFORD, Patty collins Sales, Nanette Shaw, Kaitlin Froschl, Richard Lewin, Marc Richard Bennett, Gordon M. Grant, Justin Meinken Bookkeeper sondra lenz

Office & Classified Manager Maura Platz Delivery Managers Charlie burge Eric Supinsky

Published weekly by:

East Hampton Media Holdings LLC

The Independent Newspaper 74 Montauk Highway Suite #16 East Hampton, NY 11937 P • 631-324-2500 F • 631-324-2544

Dear Editor,

One wonders, while we would be watching these American soldiers bravely marching from the White House to the Capitol in Washington DC, with a “heavy air component at the end,” just how many would not be doing so if they had a history such as that of The Donald. He managed to dodge the draft gathering five

Michelle Moliski I run Rowdy Hall so I’ve got great plans for the day. We’re having a traditional St. Patrick’s Day Bash with corned beef and cabbage and bangers and mash. It’s going to be a fun party. Come! Wear green!

college deferments and finally devoid of colleges, initiated the last dodge with the aid of his family doctor with a 1-Y dubious medical deferment with a bone spur in a foot successfully obscuring military service. For some mysterious reason that same footy boo boo was of no problem while actively and constantly playing football, tennis, squash, and golf at the time. A proper name for the Trump “I Love a Parade” would more accurately be called, “I Love a Charade.”

Nicholas Zizelis

Poison Prevention Dear Editor,

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Andrew Patrick Mahoney With a name like mine, you can be sure I’ll be celebrating the day! I’ll be wearing a tee shirt my girlfriend found online that says: Mugs, Not Drugs. How sweet is that? Brilliant.

It brought back old, old memories of a Warner Bros. Looney Tunes, Merrie Melodies short. Often the cartoon was more entertaining than the featured film. The song and the music to match the cartoon was by Harold Arlen and it was titled as was the music, “I Love a Parade.”

or email to: send photos to:

Business Hours - Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM 9 AM to 1 PM Wednesdays

Patricia Robert Since my name is Patricia, St. Patrick’s is my namesake day. Most probably, my husband and I will go out for dinner to celebrate. Something low-key but fun.

Trump said, “We’re going to try and top it.” Trump would also include tanks if possible plus military vehicles, preceded by a sea of soldiers with arms marching in lock step under a full sky full of military aircraft.

Financial responsibility for errors in all advertising printed in The Independent is strictly limited to actual amount paid for the ad.

Julie Siegler-Baum I’m planning going to the Montauk Parade. I grew up out here so I’ve been going to the parade forever. I love it because it’s such family oriented event. We live in such stressful times that it’s wonderful to spend the time with other families and people who just want to have fun and be together.

Trump after witnessing the Bastille Day parade in Paris, stated that he wants a full dramatic Veteran’s Day military parade of his own. It should be in full colorful regalia just like the French do in Paris on the Champs-Elysees each year … but fuller.

It opens, showing a fat clown joyously jumping up and down preluding the start of his parade. Thereafter, came all the participants one more dramatic than the next ending with a lion taking a bow at the conclusion of the parade. Starting as a clown and ending as a lion. Interesting, how a love of a parade can as a parable, transform a clown to a lion. Enigmatic.

By Karen Fredericks

National Poison Prevention Week is March 18-24, and it’s a good time to ensure that all members of the family — including our animal companions — are safe from common household toxins. It only takes a second for a crafty cat or determined dog to open a cupboard or knock over a garbage can, so ensure that foods that are toxic to animals — such as

chocolate, alcohol, grapes, raisins, macadamia nuts, onions, and bread dough — are always safely contained. Xylitol, a sweetener often used in toothpaste, gum, and mints, is extremely toxic to animals, as are many medications and vitamins, so store these out of animals’ reach.

Hundreds of plants can sicken or kill animals, including tulip and daffodil bulbs, sago palms, lilies, azaleas, and rhododendrons. Poisonous mushrooms can pop up in lawns overnight, and cocoa mulch and many fertilizers are also toxic. Keep these plants and substances out of your home and yard and keep animals indoors and closely supervised when they are outside. If you suspect that your animal has been poisoned, call your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-7647661 immediately. Visit www. for more ways to keep animals safe.

Lindsay Pollard-Post

The PETA Foundation

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Arts & Entertainment

Watercraft, Through Dragonetti’s Lens

Luzzu in Malta, and similar boats in Sicily. While I’ve been able to see boats that are specific to a region in terms of purpose or design, I’ve also seen boats in these countries that are indistinguishable from what I see domestically or anywhere else. I like that. While there are unique aspects, ultimately, they are all very alike. It’s about celebrating what is unique and universal. [There are a lot] of parallels to be drawn there.

By Nicole Teitler

East End photographer Michele Dragonetti is known for her Boat Hull photography series. Dragonetti will share what inspires her about the sea and the vessels that explore them, and discuss her approach to composing these photos, at “A Night Out With Michele Dragonetti” on March 21. The night will start with a talk at The Golden Eagle Studio in East Hampton, and will be followed by a dinner at Nick & Toni’s.

What do you look for when taking an urban photograph?

She said she will discuss her architectural and street photos as well, and expects the night to be informal and interactive, and useful for those with or without photographic knowledge.

When did you take your first photo of a boat hull? Several years ago, I was out with my camera and taking photos in and around the marinas of Montauk. I saw a boat out of water, on stands, to be repaired. I was struck by the texture, colors, and structure, and photographed it in different angles and compositions. I ultimately decided on a square format to highlight the essential geometry of the images. It started out as a single image, and [shooting boat hulls] has grown into a very personal and unique series of work that continues to inspire me. Any interesting boat stories?



Photographing boats in the boatyard just outside of Havana where Hemingway kept his boat, Pilar, was an unforgettable

Michele Dragonetti’s Galadriel II.

experience. Boats are a closely guarded resource in Cuba, and I saw the remains of those that were part of failed defection attempts. Above all, I’m mindful of respecting the time of the people working on the boats and at the boatyards, and want to make sure that I don’t disturb them in what they’re doing. Boat owners are incredibly creative in naming their boats, and I have come across some fun and quirky names. There are so many: Vermonstah, Thunderduck, Waterfront Property, Wet Willey, S.O.B. What’s your next destination? I don’t have my next trip planned

yet, but am eyeing Iceland, Nova Scotia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Greece internationally, and Seattle, North Carolina, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Maine domestically. The list is limitless. I will be exhibiting images from my Boat Hull series in Barcelona this autumn, so I may try to work in some shooting if I travel to the show. How have the boats differed in countries you’ve visited? I did find those cultural differences, with the traditional colorful wooden fishing boats known as saveiros in Portugal, as Dgajsa or

I’m always drawn to geometric qualities, and particularly seek that out when I’m shooting architecture. Modern, as well as older or even ancient architecture, draws me in. There’s always so much visual interest, as different as it may be, and it’s fun to capture. I love exploring and finding the human element in my street photography — revealing human truths, capturing a moment, conveying a mood in an image. What are the dimensions of your photographs? My Boat Hull images are all square photographs in limited editions of 25 at 20, 25, 30, 36, and 40 inches. I started out mostly showing these images at 20 inches. I’ve come to think of them as abstract portraits, each portraying the unique identity and experience of the subject. More recently I’ve also printed them larger, and I appreciate the drama of that presentation. In all cases, utmost care and attention is given to the quality of printing

Continued On Page B-19.

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the Independent

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March 14


Arts & Entertainment

Parrish Honors Young Artists

Gillian Donaghy, Noah Gualtieri, Kayla Berman, Amber Carangelo, Emily Esposito, Emma Jones, Grace McKeon, Eva Reese, Stella Westlake, Scout Austopchuk, Gianna Gregorio, Wyatt Malave, Samantha Paulicelli, Bismar Trujillo Barrios, Angela Acampora, George Cortes, Alexa Mosca, Jennifer Suarez, Julia Bogart, Griffin Federico, Alexandra Fisher, Josuel Jerez Puello, Sutton Lynch, Milo Munshin, Emily Prunty, and Alexis Schnyer.

By Jessica Mackin-Cipro

On Saturday the Parrish Art Museum in Water Mill honored 35 young artists participating in the 2018 Student Exhibition for their outstanding work. The up-and-coming artists were picked from more than 200 high school students by Neill Slaughter, a painter and a retired professor of Visual Art at Long Island University.

At a ceremony at the museum, Parrish Art Museum director Terrie Sultan and Slaughter presented Awards of Excellence to 27 seniors, and “Ones to Watch” Awards to eight underclassmen. “Regardless of the medium or whether the art is abstract or representational realist in its approach, I try to be as objective as possible while judging an exhibition,” said Slaughter, who has been the judge at several student exhibitions.

Independent/Tom Kochie Neill Slaughter with Pierson High School junior Sophie Borzillieri and art teacher Peter Solow.

“While I certainly value skill and technique, ultimately, I look for an honesty and truth in the artwork,” he added.

Participants in the Student Exhibition explore both traditional

and non-traditional approaches to art. Working with their art teachers and their school’s art clubs, the students presented diverse media including painting, sculpture, drawing, illustration, mixed media, printmaking, and photography. The winners of the Awards of Excellence were Gillian Cordes,

Underclassmen honored as “Ones to Watch” were Sophie Borzilleri, Tyler Brock, Caraline Oakley, Amanda Piecora, Ava Rotunno, Caroline Slovensky, Katherine Vignona, and Emma Wiltshire.

The Student Exhibition is a more than 60-year tradition at the Parrish Art Museum. This year’s show, which closed on Sunday, featured 1000 young artists from public, private, parochial, and home schools on the East End. @hamptondaze

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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Arts & Entertainment

Springs’ Eaton Journeys Through Music

By Nicole Teitler

Inda Eaton will bring her musical storytelling style to two East End stages this weekend. Eaton moved to Springs in 2004 after stints across the US, and even GarmischPartenkirchen in Germany. Her acoustics mentally transport concert-goers to the backroads of America, simpler life, and open skies.

Eaton will perform at Bay Street Theater in Sag Harbor on Friday at 8 PM, and the Stephen Talkhouse in Amagansett on Saturday at 7 PM. The latter is a benefit for Share the Harvest Farm and will feature multiple musicians. At the Bay Street Theater show, Eaton will be joined by lifelong partner and percussionist Jeffrey Smith.

What inspired the name behind The Bay Street event ‘Authentic Adventures?’ The ‘Authentic Adventures’ inspiration comes from the concept or line of ‘You just can’t make this stuff up’ . . . ‘There is no substitute for reality.’ My favorite creative process involves people and their lives. I enjoy creating from live shows and developing the tunes with musicians in a live studio setting. What’s your favorite American road to cruise down while listening to music? Out here, the best road trip with tunes is driving to Montauk. As a westerner, I still can’t get over seeing the ocean in this direction. Out west, my favorite road with music is the Windriver Canyon highway, north from Shoshoni to Thermopolis, Wyoming. What’s one of your fondest memories from your travels? I was addicted to road trips as a youth. One of the most outlandish adventures happened in Northern Australia. After financing a camping trip to Kakadu National

Independent/Courtesy Inda Eaton

Inda Eaton and Jeffrey Smith.

Park from a visit to a black jack table at a casino, I hitchhiked 2000 kilometers down the outback, from Darwin to Alice Springs. The twists, turns, live music, camping, strandings, and characters still make me laugh. what is your Life motto? Good is simple. Simple is hard. When you play, where does your mind go? When I play music, my mind and soul go into the zone. I’m not exactly sure where my zone is, but it’s not quite here and yet it’s part of and present to every finite detail that surrounds me in that moment. How long does it take you to write a song? Sometimes a song takes three to five minutes, and sometimes it takes three to five years. How did you and JeffREy Smith meet?

What’s the meet-cute story? Jeffrey Smith and I met in a gas station parking lot north of Milwaukee. There was an instant connection and suddenly we had a lot to talk about. The meet-cute story is part of the show and will be revealed at Bay Street on March 16. How did the other musicians get involved with the upcoming album? The musicians that play and contribute to Shelter in Place are as lovely as their talent is deep. Our relationships and cross relations have grown for many years. Mike Guglielmo (who plays drums on the record) is a new friend, and we met two years ago when we played in Meghan Chaskey’s band at the Yogafest at Hayground. How did the album Shelter in Place come together?

The recording of the basic tracks in the kitchen came together smoother than I expected. The good experience is largely due to Steve Remote and Steve Kolakowski who came out from Queens to record, camp out, and transform the kitchen and house into a sonic friendly space. It was like a movie where the FBI takes over a house and turn it into NORAD. Do you feel the East End has influenced your music? The people, seasons, and isolating natural space of the East End have influenced my music in a huge way. Shelter in Place is the first collection of songs that was written entirely from this kitchen table. In all aspects, there is a lot of open space in this album. For upcoming concert information visit @NikkiOnTheDaily B-3

the Independent

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Hampton Daze

March 14


Arts & Entertainment

by Jessica Mackin-Cipro

Rosé Tasting

the subject of everyone’s favorite Hamptons summer libation, rosé.

On Saturday afternoon my husband Joe and I headed to The Baker House 1650 in East Hampton. Domaine Select Wine and Spirits was hosting a rosé tasting. A representative from Domaine was on hand to guide us through a tasting session that focused on six different rosés. The event started with a delicious spread of cheese, fruit, and charcuterie. We took our seats in plush chairs in the living room at the boutique inn. The home-awayB-4

from-home decor and a cozy fire set the perfect backdrop for the main event, the rosé tasting.

When it comes to wine, I’ve never been great at describing the nose, body, tannin, or any other characteristic. The extent of my knowledge: truly understanding that I really enjoy wine. My goal is to fake it well enough to order wine at a restaurant and not look like a complete amateur. That being said, I love to learn and was excited to gain some knowledge on

We started with a Bollicine Rosé Non Vintage from Veneto, Italy, from winemaker Serafini & Vidotto. It’s a great “rosé-allday” rosé we were told, because of its lower alcohol content. This sparking rosé also pairs well with prosciutto or manchego cheese. The steel barrel fermentation process— which is quicker than a traditional bottle fermentation—yeilds a crisp sparkling wine that’s 90 percent chardonnay, 10 percent pinot noir, and 100 percent on my shopping list this summer. Next we tried the 2013 Peter Jacob Kuhn Spatburgunder [Sekt] Brut Rosé, which came from Rheingau, Germany. Made from 100 percent pinot noir, this wine is hand harvested by 11th generation wine makers. It is also made using the

traditional Champagne method.

The Lamiable Rosé Grand Cru Non Vintage from Champagne, France was next on the tasting menu. This was my favorite, and unfortunately for me, the most expensive of the bunch. This champagne is 60 percent chardonnay and 40 percent pinot noir.

The last three were also very enjoyable. We finished up with a 2016 Barone Ricasole “Albia” Rosé from Tuscany, Italy, a 2017 Mas des Bressades Rosé Costiere de Nimes, and the 2017 Two Rivers “Isle of Beauty” Rosé from Marlborough, New Zealand.

The Baker House 1650 is open year round. Visit www.bakerhouse1650. com for more information. @Hamptondaze

the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


Arts & Entertainment

Wine Widgets By Zachary Weiss

Make no mistake, there’s no shame in being a wine snob. No matter what you choose to drink, there are plenty of splurge-worthy gadgets that make storing, opening, and, perhaps best of all, consuming your wine a breeze.

Take TRNK’s decanter for instance. This daring contraption instructs users to simply affix their next bottle to the neck of the glass and tip it over to provide 10 times more oxygen, for enhanced flavor. Tip it a second time and the wine easily returns to the bottle for safekeeping. There are automatic openers, vacuum pumps to remove air for storage, and wine refrigerators, which altogether can elevate your experience — even if you’re just swilling some affordable rosé.

Cuisinart Cordless Wine Opener, $29.99

EuroCave Pure Double S Wine Cellar, $5,990

TRNK Wine Breather Carafe, $85

Vacu Vin Wine Saver Vacuum Pump Set, $9.89 B-5

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Arts & Entertainment

LVIS Reopens After Renovation

By Jessica Mackin-Cipro

In 1895, 21 housewives joined together to do something about the newly-constructed and unsightly Long Island Rail Road station and a dusty Main Street in East Hampton. They formed the Ladies’

Village Improvement Society and began washing the street, sweeping the crossroads, cleaning up the train station, and installing oil lamps. Shortly after the formation, the LVIS Fair, a summer tradition to this day, was born.

COME VISIT US IN BRIDGEHAMPTON! 2487 Main Street Behind Helen Ficalora


Flash forward to 2018, on March 6 LVIS reopened its thrift shops after a renovation of its historic building this winter. In recent years, the historic house, built in 1740, had begun to deteriorate. Costly repairs of the building began to be a problem, as was public safety. The existing structure needed to be brought up to code, and the functionality of the space needed to be updated, particularly the thrift shops.

Architects Lee Skolnick and Paul Alter were chosen to re-design the Main Street space. Demolition began on January 15 and builder Ben Krupinski offered his expertise, and completed the construction in just six weeks.

Walls were removed to open up the space. Racks for women’s accessories and shoes were installed. The former books area has been transformed into the new Men’s Department, and a new book area was created. The space provides a plethora of hidden treasures, such as vintage glassware, first edition books, and designer jackets. While the LVIS started with just those 21 ladies in 1895, membership has grown to more than 300 women. Their mission: the preservation, conservation, education, and beautification of East Hampton.

For more information visit www.

the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

Gallery Walk

Arts & Entertainment

by Jessica Mackin-Cipro Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon. Email to jessica@indyeastend. com.

architecture through the subjective interpretation of the photographer.

A Night Out With . . .

Guild Hall in East Hampton will present a gallery talk with Jess Frost on “The Artist Curated Collection: Toward Abstraction,” organized by Bryan Hunt, on Sunday at 2 PM. Reservations are encouraged at

Nick & Toni’s and The Golden Eagle Studio in East Hampton continue their series of art workshops called “A Night Out With . . .” an artist of the evening. The art workshop is followed by dinner with the artist at Nick & Toni’s. Tonight, it’s Darlene Charneco. On Wednesday, March 21, it’s Michele Dragonetti.

The evening starts at 5:30 PM and the cost is $75 per person, which includes the art workshop (with any supplies needed) and the specially priced dinner, including tax and tip. Retrospective Paintings Haim Mizrahi presents “Retrospective Paintings” at Ashawagh Hall in Springs this weekend. An opening reception will be held on Saturday from 4 to 8 PM. Image Building The Parrish Art Museum in Water Mill presents “Image Building: How Photography Transforms Architecture,” organized by guest curator Therese Lichtenstein. The show is a comprehensive survey that explores the dynamic relationship between architecture, photography, and the viewer. Seen through the lens of historical and architectural photographers from the 1930s to the present, “Image Building” offers a nuanced perspective on how photographs affect our understanding of the built environment and our social and personal identities. The show opens Sunday and is on view through June 17. The exhibition features 57 images that explore the social, psychological, and conceptual implications of

March 14

Gallery Talk

Breaking Boundaries “Breaking Boundaries,” an exhibit of collages and paintings by Garance and Jewelry by Elisca Jeanfonne is on display at Suffolk County Community College’s Eastern Campus Lyceum Gallery in Riverhead. The show runs through April 14. A reception will be held on Wednesday, March 21, from 4 to 6 PM.

ONGOING Seven Artists Folioeast presents “Small Works by Seven Artists,” including Kirsten Benfield, Diane Englander, Donna Green, Joe Loria, Lesley OBrock, Jerry Schwabe, and Janice Stanton. The show runs through April 1 at Malia Mills in East Hampton.

Island and New York City, through Sunday. The selection of more than 50 photographs brings together the textural, melodious images of Scott Farrell and the sharp and expansive works of Mike McLaughlin to create a provocative photographic juxtaposition. Mixing It Up Folioeast presents “Mixing It Up,” a show of abstraction and realism. The show features artists Mark Webber, John Wickersham, Amy Wickersham, and RJT Haynes at the Kathryn Markel Gallery in Bridgehampton. The show runs through April 1. A RADICAL VOICE Southampton Arts Center presents its first exhibition of 2018. “A Radical Voice: 23 Women,” curated by Janet Goleas, will run through March 25. The show features contemporary art by a selection of women artists. Artists include Olive Ayhens, Amanda Church, Martha Clippinger, Connie Fox, Regina Gilligan, Tamara Gonzales, Jacqueline Gourevitch, Lisa Hein, Priscilla Heine, Hilary Helfant, Elana Herzog, Alice Hope, Laurie Lambrecht, Judith Linhares, Erika Ranee, Judy Richardson, Bonnie Rychlak, Toni Ross, Drew Shiflett, Jeanne Silverthorne, Zina SaroWiwa, Jude Tallichet, and Almond Zigmund. Laura Westlake

“Cannabis: Herb Of The Hour” is on display at East End Arts Gallery in Riverhead. The show runs through April 20.

The Art Gallery at Quogue Library presents “Laura Westlake: The Art Of The Bird,” throughout the month of March. Westlake, a painter and naturalist, fuels her creative energies with her love of birds and nature. With color pencils and oil paints, she recreates the rich colors and moods of still life and landscapes.

People and Places

Spotlight Series

“People and Places” by photographer Mery Flaherty will be on display at Riverhead Town Hall through May.

The Suffolk County Historical Society Museum in Riverhead presents “Spotlight Series: The Paintings,” highlights from the



permanent collection. The museum has more than 25,000 physical objects in its collection, most of them held in storage, sometimes for years, until placed on view for a specific exhibit. This is the first in a new Spotlight Series of exhibits designed to bring some of the objects out on display for all to enjoy. The show runs through May 19. The Drawing Room The Drawing Room Gallery in East Hampton presents its winter installation, with new work by Stephen Antonakos, Antonio Asis, Mary Ellen Bartley, Sue Heatley, Mel Kendrick, Laurie Lambrecht, Vincent Longo, Aya Miyatake, Dan Rizzie, Alan Shields, and Jack Youngerman. Media include sculpture, painting, drawing, photography, and printmaking. The show runs through Sunday. Take a Closer Look “Take a Closer Look,” a photography show by Sag Harbor artist Bob Weinstein, is on display at the Suffolk County Historical Society’s Gish Gallery, in Riverhead. Weinstein focuses his lens on architectural details of historic homes and places in Sag Harbor, which make up the richly textured story of the village. His work aims to create an understanding and appreciation of the unique village, its culture and heritage, and its place in American history. The show runs through Saturday. Five And Forward “Five and Forward” is an exhibition that celebrates the Parrish Art Museum’s fifth anniversary in its Herzog & de Meuron-designed building in Water Mill. On view through October 31, the exhibition takes a closer look at artists whose work represents major trends, themes, and concepts in American art history, and underscores the ongoing artistic legacy of Long Island’s East End.

Imagined/Actual The William Ris Gallery in Jamesport will present “Imagined/ Actual: Photographs by Scott Farrell and Mike McLaughlin,” an exhibition featuring landscapes, seascapes, and architectural abstractions inspired by Long


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the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


Arts & Entertainment

Entertainment Guide by Nicole Teitler All singing, all dancing? Readings, stagings, and slams? We can’t print it if we don’t know about it. Send your entertainment events to nicole@ by Thursday at noon.

Film A suitable girl A screening of the documentary A Suitable Girl will be held at the Southampton Arts Center on Friday at 6 PM. It is co-presented by The Hamptons International Film Festival. The movie was directed by Smriti Mundhra and Sarita Khurana, and was the winner of the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival Albert Maysles New Documentary Director Award. Tickets are $10. For information, visit www. Portrait of a lady The Hamptons Take 2 Documentary Film Festival presents a screening of Portrait of a Lady at Shelter Island Library on Friday at 7 PM, followed by a Q&A with producer Walter Bernard. For more information, visit Do The right Thing The Sag Harbor Cinema Arts Center presents a screening of Do The Right Thing on Sunday at 2 PM at Pierson High School in Sag Harbor. It will be hosted by BAM

senior film programmer Ashley Clark. Visit www.sagharborcinema. org for more info.

Music INDA EATON Bay Street Theater in Sag Harbor presents “Inda Eaton: Authentic Adventures: Acoustic Highway” on Friday at 8 PM. Tickets are $30. Call the box office at 631-725-9500 for tickets. Townline BBQ Music Townline BBQ in Sagaponack hosts live music every Friday from 6 to 9 PM. This week, it’s a performance by Points East. For more information, call 631-5372271 or visit www.townlinebbq. com. dave mason Dave Mason will perform at the Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center this Friday at 8 PM. Visit for ticket information. Springs Tavern The Springs Tavern will host live music every Friday from 9 to 11 PM. Artists will change weekly and there is no cover. The tavern hosts karaoke night every Saturday beginning at 9 PM. No cover, just bring your best singing voice. For further information, call 631-527-7800.

Points East performs at Townline BBQ.

Benefit for harvest farm Stephen Talkhouse in Amagansett will host Fred Raimondo, Inda Eaton, Job Potter, Nancy Remkus, OCDC Sarah Green, and Cynthia Daniels on Saturday at 7 PM. The concert benefits Harvest Farm. Tickets are $20. SUFFOLK THEATER The Suffolk Theater in Riverhead presents The Marshall Tucker Band on Sunday, with sweet sounds of classic southern rock. Doors open 6:30 PM, with the show beginning at 8. Tickets start at $65. Visit for the details. WINTERFEST

Long Island Winterfest is happening through Sunday on the North Fork. The event celebrates East End culture,

including live music. For more info and full schedule, visit www. Theater Romeo and Juliet Guild Hall in East Hampton presents William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, directed by Josh Gladstone. Show times are today and tomorrow at 10 AM, and Friday through Sunday at 7 PM. For more information, visit www.

Words HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR TALK East Hampton Library will host a talk with local resident and Holocaust survivor, Judy Sleed, on Saturday, from 1 to 3 PM. She will recount her memories of the year 1944. Call 631-324-0222 ext. 3 or register at Pechakucha night hamptons



PICTURE YOUR AD HERE! To Advertise in The Independent call 631 324 2500 or visit East Hampton • Southampton • Riverhead • Southold • Shelter Island

On Friday night at 6, Water Mill’s Parrish Art Museum presents PechaKucha Night Hamptons, Vol. 23, a speaker presentation about living creatively on the East End. The roster includes Annette Azan, Josh Halsey, Matthew Hartline, Robert Hooke, Tanya Malott, Anne Raymond, Barbara Thomas, and Nina Yankowitz. Advance reservation required. Call 631-2832118 or

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Indy Snaps

Art Barre

Winter Ball

Local artists and Martha Clara Vineyards staff joined The Peconic Ballet Theatre for Art Barre, a collaboration of the East End’s finest music, dance, visual arts, and wine. Guests sipped wine from the vineyard and snacked on artisanal cheeses while perusing artwork from notable East End artists displayed on the studio’s walls. Rounding out the evening was a professional dance performance, with musical accompaniment.

Philanthropist and author Jean Shafiroff served as mistress of ceremonies at the 66th Annual New York Junior League Winter Ball at the Pierre Hotel in New York City on March 3. The evening also featured an awards presentation by NYJL president Suzanne Manning. The Riviera Romance themed fundraiser raised more than $530,000 for NYJL charitable activities.

Photos by Peggy Spellman Hoey

Photos by Patrick McMullan


the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


Indy Snaps

Denim And Diamonds

Women’s Day

The Ellen Hermanson Foundation hosted its annual Denim and Diamonds event on Saturday at 230 Elm in Southampton. Proceeds went to the Ellen Hermanson Breast Center at Stony Brook Southampton Hospital and Ellen’s Well. The event honored Dr. Louis Avvento and New York Cancer & Blood Specialists, Jason and Theresa Belkin and Hampton Coffee Company, and Shirley Ruch and South Fork Bakery.

The Independent hosted a celebration of East End Women for International Women’s Day, with a networking event at Windswept by the Sea salon in Sag Harbor last Thursday.

Photos by Nicole Teitler


Photos by Richard Lewin

the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

East End Calendar

Arts & Entertainment

by Kitty Merrill Each week we’ll highlight local community events and library offerings presented by area institutions and organizations. It’s on you to send ‘em in, kids. Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon. Email

East Hampton

wednesday 3•14•18

• East Hampton Library hosts ongoing ESL classes every Wednesday at 5:30 PM. Register at the adult reference desk or call 631-324-0222 ext. 3.

• See Lady Bird at the Montauk Library at 7 PM. • The Retreat Teen Leadership Project is partnering with East Hampton Library to host “In Their Shoes,” a “choose your own ending” workshop game. It is intended to help build understanding about the challenges teens can face in unhealthy relationships and learn strategies for supporting others. Held at the library at 5:30 PM, the program is open to all high school students, and participants can earn community service hours from The Retreat. Pizza will be served. Sign ups are encouraged but not required, at Call 631329-4398. THursday 3•15•18

• Kids can read with Tara, a certified therapy dog, at the East Hampton Library at 4 PM. Sign up with the librarian in the children’s room for a 15-minute session. Call 631-324-0222 ext. 2. FRIDAY 3•16•18

• Citizens for Access Rights or CfAR ( will host Trivia Night at the Amagansett American Legion Hall, Montauk Highway, Amagansett, at 7 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Teams of four can register in advance for $25 per person ($20 for 2018 CfAR members). Singles may also register and will be put on a team. To register in advance, send team name to citizensforaccessrights@gmail. com. There will be a cash prize for first place. Snacks and refreshments will be available. All proceeds will go to CfAR to protect beach access on the East End. SATURDAY 3•17•18

• East Hampton Library presents a

March 14

talk from 1 to 3 PM featuring East Hampton resident and Holocaust survivor Judy Sleed. She will recount her memories of the Holocaust, living under German occupation in Budapest, Hungary, in March 1944. • Montauk Community Church holds a rummage sale from 9 AM till noon. Rain or shine. SUNDAY 3•18•18

• Captain Pat Mundus, daughter of legendary shark hunter Frank Mundus, shares tales of the sea, and her career path from dock rat to oil tanker deck officer at 2:30 PM at the Montauk Library. Tuesday 3•20•18

• At 3 PM, there’s a Birthday Party for Dr. Seuss at Amagansett Library. Children ages three and over are welcome to celebrate his birthday month, with read alouds, craft, and a snack. Register online at amaglibrary. org or call 631-267-3810.

to 9 PM at the Hampton Bays Public Library. Join the staff of ECI for an evening of seed sorting and socializing. Lend a hand in organizing seeds for the Good Ground Seed Library, located near the library reference desk. If you can, bring any locally harvested, heirloom, or native seeds to donate, or just show up and join in. Register with the Hampton Bays Public Library: 631-728-6241.

THURSDAY 3•15•18 • Learn about the lost British forts of Long Island at the Rogers Mansion on Meetinghouse Lane in Southampton at 11 AM. Author David Griffin will discuss his research on the subject. Call 631-283-2494 to register. FRIDAY 3•16•18


dark skies of the South Fork Natural History Museum ( in Bridgehampton and give guided tours of the heavens to all who attend from 7 to 10 PM. Telescope operators will answer questions about astronomy and the celestial objects being viewed. Feel free to bring and set up your own telescope or binoculars, even do some astrophotography. Bundle up and stay awhile.

On the day of the event, you may check viewing conditions on the Clear Sky Chart on Montauk Observatory’s website. Please note: The star party will not be held if it is snowing, raining, or if it is cloudy. Refreshments will be available. A family-friendly event. Call SoFo at 631-537-9735 to register. SATURDAY 3•17•18

• At noon, the Westhampton Free Library is hosting a workshop as part of its “Lunch and Learn” series that will help participants spruce up their wardrobe. During the discussion, participants will hear from Laura Fabrizio of Coastal Concierge. Prior to opening her own business, Fabrizio worked for 26 years in the fashion industry. For more information, call 631-288-3335 or visit www. • Montauk Observatory astronomers will set up their telescopes under the

• The Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons Book Review Group meets from 11 AM till noon. Join in for a stimulating discussion of words on horticulture — no need to have read the books! This month’s selection: The Company of Trees written by Thomas Parkenham, Head Gardeners by Ambra Edwards, and Rock Gardening: Reimagining a Classic Style by Joseph Tychonievich. Admission: Free and open to the public. Location: HAH John LoGerfo Library, ground floor of the Bridgehampton Community Continued On Page B-23.

WEdnesday 3•21•18

• Young Cowgirls, ages eight to 12, create their own theatrical garden party at Guild Hall in East Hampton on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 PM through May 9 plus Monday and Tuesday, May 7 and 8. Croquette, cake, and creativity abound with some of their own thoughts, ideas, and jokes thrown in just to make it authentically YC. Cost: $230/$220 Guild Hall members.



To register, call Jennifer at 631-3244051 or email


Wednesday 3•14•18 • There’s one-on-one Medicare Counseling at John Jermain Library in Sag Harbor. Register for a 30-minute appointment to meet individually with a Suffolk County RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) member from HIICAP (Health Insurance Information, Counseling & Assistance Program) to answer questions and provide information specific to your own needs regarding Medicare health insurance and benefits, Medicare Savings Programs, and EPIC. Call 631725-0049 for an appointment. • The Ecological Culture Initiative will host a Seed Sorting Party from 7

Our Seder table will not be complete without your presence. Please join Rabbi Franklin and Cantor/Rabbi Stein for an inspiring




ADULT JCOH MEMBERS: $85 each ADULT NON-MEMBERS: $95 each CHILDREN AGES 5 to 12: $40 each


Rabbi Joshua Franklin | Cantor/Rabbi Debra Stein Rabbi Emeritus Sheldon Zimmerman Diane Wiener, Executive Director | Harry A. Katz, President




the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


Arts & Entertainment

Reporting From Broadway by Isa Goldberg Religious persecution, the dysfunctional family, assimilation, and loss of identity ripple down in a domino effect in The New York Theater Workshop’s An Ordinary Muslim. Such is the predicament of many a Pakistani family living in West London in 2011, where the play is set. It’s an especially timely production about the sad fate of immigrants worldwide.

In Hammaad Chaudry’s beautifully crafted drama, we meet the Bhatti family — young professionals striving to succeed, while maintaining their traditional beliefs about family and domestic living. At the same time, Azeem, his wife, Saima, and his sister, Javeria, try to support their aging parents. They live with one foot stuck in the India of their youth — before the British Partition of Pakistan and India — and the other curiously surfing social media.

While these contrasts are humorous to us, they highlight the cultural disparity at the heart of this story. They also reveal the effects of British imperialism: the loss of nation, state, and home. Expelled from India, where they had been wealthy landowners, driven from Pakistan by poverty, and oppressed in the motherland, England, they are society’s underdogs.

Faced with racism in the workplace,

both Azeem and his wife become too disillusioned to continue. Their frustrations, like their parents,’ pour out in their home lives. Spousal abuse, infidelities, and divorce become a pattern — juxtaposed with the traditional beliefs of their Muslim faith.

In this way, they become their own victims, and appear to us as the jaded cultural stereotypes society depicts. As if the bigotry they face was not sufficient, the grandmother, Malika, speaks to her daughter with hostility, yet she is adoring of her son. Similarly, she ignores her loving granddaughter, giving gifts only to her grandson. While Jo Bonney’s direction is fueled by proselytizing, it also draws out the humanity in these characters, showing us their conflicts and their self-loathing.

At the center of it, Sanjit De Silva’s Azeem is articulate and passionate — not just a mouthpiece for the issues. Bluntly, he sums it up in a heated conversation with a colleague: “After all that, you still keep killing us, bombing Muslims any chance you get . . . So David, is it any wonder that people such as those British Muslims, with their British passports, have finally woken up and decided to start killing you back?”

Anthony Bennett L A N D S C A P I N G “No job too big or too small”

631-461-7337 B-12

Independent/Suzi Sadler Purva Bedi, Rita Wolf, Ranjit Chowdhry and Sanjit De Silva in An Ordinary Muslim.

It’s a well-wed ensemble, with Ranjit Chowdhry as Akeel, a shrinking, self-serving patriarch. As his wife, Malika, played by Rita Wolf, is two-faced and edgy. Azeem’s wife, Saima, portrayed by Purva Bedi, is a study in love and betrayal. The cycle of prejudice goes ‘round and ‘round. A Walk with Mr. Heifetz Discovering the inexplicable language of music is the divine pleasure of playwright James Inverne’s new play, A Walk with Mr. Heifetz, at the Cherry Lane Theater. This drama is carried by its parallels to harmony and dissonance in the creation of the state of Israel. In Act I (1926), we come upon the titular hero, Jascha Heifetz (Adam Green), on the occasion of his first concert in Israel. There he meets Yehuda Sharett (Yuval Boim), a musician and kibbutz leader, who is on a mission to create the music of Israel.

But, his need to discover the bridge between the composer’s craft, and the socialist’s dream are far from the virtuoso’s reality. “For a mission? I think most musicians would say they’ve found one,” Heifetz imparts, as he impatiently, albeit sensitively, tries to entertain Yehuda’s ambition. Throughout their conversation, we’re serenaded by the violinist, Mariella Haubs, whose strings bow to Yehuda’s inner thoughts, alternately reflecting the strain of the men’s conversation and their camaraderie.

Later, in Act II, set in 1945, Yehuda and his brother Moshe Sharett

(Erik Lochtefeld) discuss Heifetz’s third, and last Israeli tour, during which, against popular sentiment, he performed the music of the Nazi sympathizer, Richard Strauss. As Yehuda laments, “One of us, one of our dear brethren, attacked him outside the King David hotel with a stick. Now he comes no more.” These narrative elements are historically accurate. Moshe is of particular interest here, as he served as Israel’s Prime Minister, during the turbulent years, 1954 to 1955. As brothers, they share the loss of a sister, along with the more recent passing of Yehuda’s wife, Rachel, who perished in an accident. In Act I, she is the girlfriend, and the muse, he talks about to Heifetz.

Arriving to lift his brother’s spirits, Moshe brings music — a recording based on a melody sung by the inmates of Theresienstadt. It’s called “Rachel’s Song,” by Yehuda Sharett. It’s based on a poem his deceased wife had discovered, and which he recites to Heifetz, in the first act. As Moshe Sharett, Erik Lochtefeld is especially convincing. He even looks a lot like the historical Sharett. Adam Green’s Heifetz looks the part of the playboy, the Russian Jew who captured the American dream. Yuval Boim’s Yehuda earnestly paves the way to enlightenment.

In director Andrew Leynse’s hands, the production flows easily, focusing on the music we hear, and hear about. Art as inspiration is beautifully evoked, and the need for hope is wondrously rekindled.

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Charity News

A Concert For A Greener Good

This Saturday, Share the Harvest Farm will host its fundraiser music event on the greenest day of the year, St. Patrick’s Day. The benefit, held from 7 to 9 PM at The Stephen Talkhouse in Amagansett, will raise money to feed local families in need. The East Hampton-based organization prides itself on growing high-quality produce, through sustainable farming practices, and donating it to local food pantries. Its mission is also to increase the availability of healthy products and raise awareness about food insecurity on the East End.

“Springtime is the most crucial time for our farm to fundraise, as this is the time of the year that we are beginning to sow our seeds and plant our dreams, none of which would be possible without the financial help of our wonderful community,” said Melissa Mapes, Share the Harvest’s director of community outreach and education.

This is the time of year when seeding preparation begins for the summer growing season. Share the Harvest Farm plants crops based on the needs of local organizations which lean towards a vegetarian diet. Crops range from asparagus to zucchini and every veggie in between. Board member Maxwell Plesset coordinated the event, but an overall team effort is working to make it a success, Mapes noted.

“Supporting your local farms is crucial for any community, as it helps to build up local economy and decrease the amount of carbon emissions by avoiding the long transit of grocery store items,” she said.

“Eating local is so much more experiential as you sit and chat with the farmers about what they grow. Honestly, the food tastes way better when it is harvested the same day from the same sliver of earth you walk on every day. We are so grateful to have that experience ourselves and find that it is very important for us to share that with all members of our community. Access to local healthy foods should

be a right to all, not a privilege only for a select few,” Maples expressed. In a single week, the farm donates to approximately 450 families through more than 10 different organizations. It’s become increasingly apparent that as the cost of living continues to rise, so does the number of persons afflicted by food insecurity, specifically lack of affordable nutrition. The event perfectly coincides with March being National Nutrition Month. Sponsors of the fundraiser are Whitmore’s Landscaping, Weber and Grahn Air Conditioning and Heating, ZOE Builders, and the

i tt


Concertgoers will hear live performances by Fred Raimondo, Inda Eaton, Nancy Remkus, Sarah Greene, Cynthia Daniels, Job Potter, and Rorie Kelly. It is Share the Harvest Farm’s first spring fundraiser.

The organization has 15 to 20 yearround volunteers, welcoming more during donation days.

Malafronte Family Partnership.

The Stephen Talkhouse is located on 161 Main Street in Amagansett. Tickets are $20 at the door. Volunteers can sign up to hand pick vegetables for the farmto-community website, or make donations to purchase seeds on its website www.sharetheharvestfarm. org. Follow the farm on social media @sharetheharvestfarm.

Be on the lookout for the organization’s annual summer BBQ fundraiser during the first week of August. @NikkiOnTheDaily


By Nicole Teitler

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the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

Sweet Charities

March 14


Charity News

by Jessica Mackin-Cipro Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon. Email to jessica@indyeastend. com. Bowling Bonanza Riverhead Community Awareness Program’s (CAP) sixth annual Bowling Bonanza Fundraiser will be held tomorrow from 7 to 9:30 PM. Join for an evening of family, friends, and fun at the All Star in Riverhead while supporting CAP.

Participants are invited to organize a team of up to eight players for this event. Guests may also participate as an individual or pair, and be assigned to a team. Each team will bowl one or two games, time permitting. All ages are welcome, but children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. The cost is $20 per person. Advanced registration is required. Sign in begins at 6:30 PM sharp. Bowling, shoes, soda, and chips are all included. There will also be raffles, prizes, and food available for purchase. Visit www.

Shelter Tails

Operation International Join local Hamptons Charity, Operation International, for a winter fundraiser in New York City on Friday from 6:30 to 10 PM at American Whiskey Restaurant. The event will support Operation International’s Team New York’s mission to Rakai, Uganda this April. The team will treat in-need patients, with complex surgical pathology, and will provide supplies to orphans in the area. The fundraiser will feature light fare, drinks, and a silent auction. Tickets are $125, and are available for purchase online at www., and at the door. KendalL Karaoke The annual Kendall Madison Foundation Karaoke Night takes place Friday at 8 PM at the Stephen Talkhouse in Amagansett. Expect prizes for the best female, male, and group performances, plus best costume. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. The Kendall Madison Foundation was formed in 2000 to provide more than just an annual scholarship. The foundation provides financial contributions to help the East End community,

Operation International will host its winter fundraiser in New York City on Friday.

such as The Kendall Madison Fitness Center, as well as financial assistance for the purpose of enhancing the student-athlete experience.

The Kendall Madison Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 in memory of Kendall Madison, a model student-athlete who died at the age of 21. Madison was beloved by the East End and UCONN community and the scholarship was created in his honor to reward a male and female student athlete who exemplify Kendall’s core characteristic of being a role model, not only in sports but community service and academics as well. St. Baldrick’s The North Sea Tavern will host a St. Baldrick’s Fundraiser on Saturday at 2 PM to help raise money for children’s cancer research. There will be raffles, giveaways, and haircuts. Visit www. for more info.

• Largest Selection of Rose in Montauk Adopt a Shelter Pet Bring your new best friend home!! Pet of the Week: Mr. Bojangles

Meet Mr. Bojangles! Mr. Bojangles is a cute, chunky 4 year old. He’s one of the biggest cats at the shelter, but that doesn’t slow him down! Sweet and social, Mr. Bojangles has a lot of love to give. You can usually find him roaming around one of our Cat Rooms, saying hello to all the visitors. Mr. Bojangles would do well in a variety of homes. Come meet this big boy today!

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Casino Royale A Casino Royale Masquerade party will be held at Seasons of Southampton on Saturday, March 24, at 7 PM. The event benefits The Paul Koster Memorial, a non-profit group working to help young people in the community of Southampton through education and scholarships. The cost is $65 or $75 at the door. Visit www. East End Hospice East End Hospice’s Kanas Center in Quiogue is in need of supplies. There are many families at the residential facility for critical patients and water, soda, and snacks are needed to restock the center’s pantry. Cases of Coke, Diet Coke, water, and ginger ale are in high demand. Individually wrapped snacks are welcomed, as are singleserve boxes of cereal for family members who spend the night. Donations can be dropped off any time at the center, located at 1 Meetinghouse Road in Quiogue, or at the East End Hospice development office, located at 209 Mill Road in Westhampton, during regular business hours.

The Independent is proud to serve as a drop-off spot for South Fork donors. We’re open during regular business hours, Monday to Friday. On Wednesdays, the office is open from 9 AM to 1 PM. Find us in Suite 16 in the Red Horse complex, 74 Montauk Highway, East Hampton.

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14



By Nicole Teitler

Donut Fans: Follow Your Nose To The Grindstone

around the holidays. For example, for St. Patrick’s Day, a Chocolate Guinness Stout glaze, with Bailey’s Irish cream graces the menu.

Grindstone Coffee & Donuts first opened its doors at 7 Main Street in Sag Harbor on August 1, 2016, and has proven to be a delicious indulgence East Enders can’t get enough of. Owner Kyle Shanahan grew up in Ohio, dreaming of opening a café. He dropped out of college, twice, to pursue this dream. It was upon visiting his parents’ summer home in Wainscott that he decided to move to East Hampton in 2012.

Proud of his upbringing, Shanahan explained the name Grindstone comes from a little piece of family history. Shanahan’s grandfather worked in Berea, Ohio, a town that once held the largest grindstone manufacturing quarry. Shanahan recalled, “When I was little, my grandmother and I would hike through the river where the workers tossed the remnants of broken grindstones and carving stones. I would hunt for them as if they were ancient treasure. It’s one of my favorite memories.”

“As soon as I got here I knew this is where I needed to be. It’s so quiet and beautiful in the off-season, and so lively in the summer. I love the balance,” Shanahan said. The rent of East Hampton storefronts proved cost prohibitive for Shanahan. He bought an RV to scope the country for places to settle and sold as many possessions as he could for the start-up money. With a fortunate turn of events, the space at 7 Main Street in Sag Harbor became available, a location seen as a home run by Shanahan.

Since the area was already saturated with coffee shops, he took a unique approach, donuts — a concept that was already familiar to him.

Long-time friend Brett Eskra, frequently seen behind Grindstone’s front counter, would venture with Shanahan in the Cleveland suburbs, where donut shops were plentiful. “Our favorite was a place called Donut Pantry. It has the little counter for old people to sit and read the newspaper, and all the walls are stained yellow from decades of cigarette smoke. It’s awesome,” Shanahan reminisced. “I tried getting a job there when I was 15, but I guess I wasn’t qualified.” Creating flavors at his donut shop is a team effort and very causal. Shanahan flips through a “flavor bible” and waits for inspiration.

Try Shanahan’s favorite, a Boston Cream with homemade pastry cream, dark chocolate glaze, and cocoa nib, or the fan favorite, Cinnamon Sugar, to perfectly complement your cup of coffee.

The brioche dough, made in small batches of 125 donuts each, is made of 83 percent butterfat, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, and fresh yeast. It then goes through a 24-hour fermentation process, is hand cut, and fried every few hours to maintain freshness. All toppings are made in-house.

The shop has sold 150 donuts a day during off season and a record 2200 one hectic summer day. Other flavor staples are the Classic Glaze, Chocolate Sprinkles, Lemon Poppy, and S’mores. Stop in during the afternoon hours and potentially snag a complimentary, day-old donut (which still tastes better than any generic brand donut). The roster of edible heaven rotates often, popping up new themes

Grindstone is open year-round. “I always took it so personally that places come here in June to leach money out of the tourists, then give a middle finger to the locals as soon as Labor Day is over,” Shanahan explained. “Even during the crazy apocalyptic blizzards that shut down the rest of town, we open at 6 AM so people can come in.” Entering Grindstone’s doors makes as indelible an impression as exiting them. The vibe of the shop is a direct expression of Shanahan himself, a mix of old school donut shop and an extension of his

Continued On Page B-19.

469 East Main Street, Riverhead • 631 727 8489 • B-15

the Independent

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March 14



Guest-Worthy Recipe: Claudia Sidoti

By Zachary Weiss WHO: Claudia Sidoti, Head Chef of HelloFresh INSTAGRAM: @CSidotiFood CHEF SIDOTI’S GUEST

18 Park Place East Hampton 324-5400 Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Take Out Orders

WORTHY RECIPE: New York Strip Steak with Sweet Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, and Blood Orange Sauce WHY? “This is the perfect dish to serve a steak lover. NY Strip is a great cut of meat that is juicy and flavorful, especially when topped with a blood orange and rosemary sauce, which adds just a touch of sweetness. Additionally, the mashed sweet potatoes are creamy and luxurious, but offer a nice change of pace from your standard mashed potatoes. Plus, the bright orange color looks beautiful on the plate and will be sure to impress guests. Last but not least, crispy Brussels sprouts sprinkled with cranberries round out the dish, and if you don’t follow food trends — anyone in the know knows that Brussels sprouts are sexy again!” INGREDIENTS (serves 2) 8 oz Brussels sprouts 3 sweet potatoes ¼ oz parsley

1 blood orange

1 Tbsp brown sugar

12 oz New York strip steak B-16

¼ oz rosemary

covered off heat until the meal is ready.

½ oz dried cranberries


1 Tbsp beef demi-glace DIRECTIONS

PRE-HEAT AND PREP Wash and dry all produce. Adjust rack to middle position and preheat oven to 400 degrees. Trim Brussels sprouts, then halve lengthwise through stem ends. Peel sweet potatoes, then cut into half-inch cubes. Mince parsley. Halve orange, then squeeze juice into a small bowl.

Meanwhile, heat a drizzle of oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Season steak all over with salt and pepper. Add to pan and cook to desired doneness, two to five minutes per side. Remove from pan and set aside to rest on a plate for at least five minutes. MAKE SAUCE


Carefully pour out any excess grease in the pan used for steak, then return to stove over medium-high heat. Stir in half cup water, orange juice, one rosemary sprig (use the rest as you like), and demi-glace. Bring to a boil, then lower heat and simmer until thickened, three to four minutes. Add one Tbsp butter and half the parsley, stirring to melt butter. Season with salt and pepper.

Place sweet potatoes in a medium pot with enough salted water to cover by one inch. Bring to a boil. Cook until tender, about 12 minutes. Drain thoroughly, then return to pot. Add brown sugar and 1 Tbsp butter. Mash with a potato masher or fork until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Keep

Divide sweet potatoes between plates. Toss Brussels sprouts with half the cranberries (use the rest as you like) and divide between plates. Stir any juices released by steak into sauce in pan. Discard rosemary sprig. Divide steak between plates and drizzle with sauce. Garnish with remaining parsley.

ROAST BRUSSELS SPROUTS Toss Brussels sprouts on a baking sheet with a large drizzle of oil. Season with salt and pepper. Roast in oven until lightly crisped, 15-20 minutes. TIP: Arrange the Brussels sprouts cut side down to help them cook and crisp evenly.


the Independent

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Where To Wine

March 14



by Peggy Spellman Hoey Baiting Hollow Farm Vineyard Check out the music of Ricky Roche from 2 to 6 PM on Saturday, and at the same time Sunday, it’s Acoustic Soul. www. Castello di Borghese Vineyard There will be a Winemaker’s Walk Vineyard Tour and Wine Tasting at Castello di Borghese Vineyard at 1 PM on Saturdays in March. The tour offers a peek inside the winery and production facility, as well as a wine tasting. The cost is $30 per person. For reservations, call 631734-5111. For more information, visit Clovis Point Vineyard and Winery Bob Blatchley of Perfect Strangers will perform from 1:30 to 5:30 PM on Saturday. Stick around for a performance by the HooDoo Loungers at 7 PM. Tickets are $30, $25 for wine club members. Space is limited, so call 631-7224222. On Sunday, The Earth Tones perform from 1:30 to 5:30 PM and there will also be a tasting with Vines and Branches from 2 to 5 PM, in which patrons can sample different olive oils and balsamic vinegar, olive tapenade, Champagne jalapeño mustard, and black truffle popcorn. For more information, visit Diliberto Winery “Sundays with Grandma” continues in March. The series features a pasta demonstration, four-course homemade meal paired with award-winning wines, and live music including classic Italian songs. The total cost per person comes to $114.54. Wine club members get $10 off for the member and one guest. Visit www.

Duck Walk vineyeards There is live music in the tasting room on Saturday from 12 to 4 PM. Indoor seating is available and light snacks are welcome. Some snack items are also available for purchase. For more information, visit Jason’s Vineyard Come get your jig on with Irish music by Dinny Keg on Saturday — St. Patrick’s Day — from 3 to 5 PM. On March 31, Marc Morello will perform at 1:30 PM. For more info, visit www.jasonsvineyard.


Martha Clara Vineyards

A Master Class featuring Bordeaux will be held March 24 starting at 1 PM. Each person will taste several vintages of each wine with an explanation of the winemaking style utilized to create each one. The class will include light artisanal pairings accompanied with each flight. Tickets run $40 to $50. For more information, visit www. Palmer Vineyards Couldn’t sleep it off ? Try a good old-fashioned ‘cure’ Brunch with Biscuit on Sunday in the vineyard’s historic farmhouse. Brunch will be provided by Main Road Biscuit Company of Jamesport. Tickets are $45 per person and $40 for wine club members. The cost includes the first glass of wine. For more information, www.palmervineyards. com.

Independent/Peggy Spellman Hoey Sherwood House Vineyards in Jamesport.

Thursdays to Saturdays throughout March. Barrel tastings are also held Saturdays from 1 to 3 PM.

In April, enjoy a complimentary taste of Spring Splendor with a paid tasting flight. Spring winery tours will also be held on Saturdays throughout April and May from 1 to 3 PM. Go behind the scenes, inside the barrel and tank rooms,

and view the production facility to find out how your favorite wine is made.

Tickets are $20 per person ($15 wine club member), which includes a select tasting of five wines in the tasting room after the tour. Reservations and advanced payment required. For more information, visit Japanese RestauRant and sushi BaR

Fine Dining Specializing in Japanese Cuisine & Sushi Offering Lunch & Dinner Menus and Exotic Cocktails We also have a Tatami Room

Open 7 Days for Lunch & Dinner

Pindar Vineyards Stop by Saturday for the Irish beer menu, from 11 AM to 5 PM and a performance by Bob Carney, beginning at 1 PM. Visit again for a complimentary taste of Riesling and shortbread cookies with a paid tasting flight from 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM

631-267-7600 40 Montauk Highway Amagansett, NY B-17

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the Independent


March 14


Recipe Of The Week by Chef Joe Cipro

Cinnamon Kettle Corn

! Y D N I N columns O D N E P E dining D r u o S f F O OoDm eIwEh e r e t o e a ta ti nwownwe. I on d y e a s t e n dE.SC o• mVINEYARDS Find s


CIP he web ES • RE R U T A or on t E NT F STAURA


Ingredients ½ c popping corn 3 Tbsp canola oil ¼ c sugar

1 Tbsp kosher salt

2 Tbsp ground cinnamon Directions Begin by adding the canola oil to a medium hot pan. Spread out the kernels evenly, covering the bottom of the pan. Stir often. When the


631 324 2500


kernels become hot, coat them with the sugar. Cover the pan and continue to shake it so the kernels heat evenly.

When the popping begins, shut off the heat, but do not remove the lid. Continue to shake the pan until the popping stops. Put the popcorn in a mixing bowl and sprinkle with the salt and cinnamon while it’s still hot. Allow the popcorn to cool, then enjoy.

the Independent

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Continued From Page B-15.

“vintage minimalist” apartment. Grindstone features a diner-esque style board and white counters, and a 1940s-era TV fitted with a new screen plays classics such as “Twilight Zone” or Betty Boop cartoons. The walls display local artwork for sale, something to keep the decor fresh and community driven. Designs, like coffee beans, donuts, and skulls, are featured on Grindstone’s signature cup sleeves. It’s a twist on a classic donut shop, where edgy details meet Sag Harbor charm.

What goes better with donuts than coffee? Books! Enjoy reading from the shop’s mini library as you sit, or bring a book of your own to exchange with one on the shelf. Grindstone merch is also available. With three collaborations recently announced, Grindstone Coffee & Donuts is staying ahead of the game before the warmer weather sets in. It is offering coffee from Stumptown Roasters. Ace Coffee Co. cold brew, brewed in

Patchogue, is now on tap. The shop also carries Kombucha from Montauk company Monbrewcha, for those seeking a healthier beverage alternative.

March 14


Grindstone Coffee & Donuts is located at 7 Main Street in Sag Harbor. Call 631-808-3370. Stay updated, and hungry, by following its Instagram @grindstonecoffee. @NikkiOnTheDaily

photographer? The ever-present potential for discovery. When I go out with my camera, I know I’m going to see and capture and create something that I could never have imagined. I never know what I will see when I’m out in NYC or in a city that I travel to. These are moments that I love. Creating these images is a must for me, and sharing them is a great joy.


What advice would you give to an aspiring photographer?

and mounting or framing, while keeping a dynamic and creative approach to how I present my work.

Don’t hesitate. Get started by taking photos — with a camera phone, with a traditional camera,

Continued From Page B-1.

Upcoming projects? Images from my Boat Hulls series will be exhibited in a Biennial exhibit of Fine Art & Documentary Photography, to be held in Barcelona this September and October. I also continue to work with Roman Fine Art in East Hampton. Of course, I’m shooting as much as I can, here on the East End and elsewhere.

Wholesale 725-9087 Retail 725-9004


with something. Shoot what you are drawn to. Think about what draws you in and how you can explore it in different ways, or how you can take it further. It can be about seeing the familiar in new ways or simply expressing how you see things. Shoot portraits or candids of yourself or a family member, photograph something in your home or elements of your local community. Your work should express your vision and ideas. Reserve your spot at www. To see more from the artist visit www. @NikkiOnTheDaily

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(631) 329-2500 • B-19

the Independent

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March 14


Long Island’s BEST Happy Hour Open 7 Days A Week 631.377.3500


40 Bowden Square, Southampton, NY 11968

ASTPORT LIQUORS Monday 9-6, Tuesday-Thursday Friday• &•Closed Saturday 9-9, 12-6 Open 12pm 6pm onSunday Monday OpenSunday Sunday 12pm-9-8, - 6pm Monday 12-7pm

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15 Eastport Manor Road • Eastport • 325-1388 • Open 9 am (In the Eastport Shopping Center, next to King Kullen)


Food & Beverage by Jessica Mackin-Cipro

Deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon. Email to jessica@indyeastend. com. The Springs Tavern The Springs Tavern is hosting a special party on Friday, from 11 PM to 2 AM, in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. The evening will feature live music by DJ Matty Nice and there will be drink, beer, and shot specials for guests to enjoy. There is a $5 cover. 1770 House Chef Michael Rozzi celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with a traditional American presentation of an Irish favorite at the 1770 House in East Hampton on Saturday. Corned beef from Oregon will be slow cooked for several hours, along

with cabbage, fingerling potatoes, and heirloom carrots in all of their juices. House-made Irish soda bread will also be served. Rowdy Hall Rowdy Hall in East Hampton celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with special Irish fare and drink specials on Saturday. Anthony from WEHM radio will be at the restaurant, broadcasting live from 4 to 6 PM. The food specials will be brought back on Sunday, March 25, to honor the Montauk St. Patrick’s Day parade. All entrees, such as the shepherd’s pie, bangers and mash, and corned beef and cabbage, include Irish soda and brown bread. For more information, call 631324-8555.

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364 Montauk Hwy, Wainscott, NY 11975


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Time Travelers timetravelers

The Shelter Island Historical Society hosts a week-long summer program for children ages six to 12. Participants will journey back in time to explore Shelter Island’s story through music, art, performance, crafts, gardening, and games. Monday, July 30, through Friday, August 3, 9 AM till noon in the Havens Barn. Registration opens March 26. For more information, email info@ Bulldog Ball Club summercamps

Based in East Hampton for the summer, the multisport camp is now open for registration. The Bulldogs camp programs are designed to improve children’s

the Independent

March 14



knowledge and skills of sports for both beginners and experienced players alike. All children can enjoy sports with the right coaching and approach. Camp offerings include soccer, flag football, and basketball in the mornings and baseball or softball in the afternoon. All coaches are year-round professional youth sports coaches. SoFo Camp 631-537-9735

South Fork Natural History Museum in Bridgehampton hosts a marine science program each summer. Visit their website to learn more.

Summer Day Camp offers a robust and fun-filled camp program, which provides children with positive developmental experiences and encourages them to forge bonds with each other and with staff, enhancing confidence through skill-building activities suited to their age. Children can experience a sense of achievement through opportunities in the outdoors and are welcomed to a physically and emotionally safe and stimulating environment. Summer day campers are also able to explore creativity, teamwork, and leadership in a wide range of physically active programs that influence lifelong healthy living.

YMCA East Hampton RECenter

The Art Farm


YMCA East Hampton RECenter


The Art Farm on Wheels hits the road! Small groups and tailored schedules that meet the desires of

each camper create the unique Art Farm experience. Campers spend their morning on the water and the afternoon on Art Farm’s organic, sustainable farm in Sagaponack. Mornings are about being active, challenged, informed, and fulfilled while exploring. Afternoons add a chance for creativity, time spent nurturing the animals, teamwork, and fun, always combined with composting, reducing, reusing, and recycling. Camp Shakespeare camp 631-267-0105

Going into its 19th year, Camp Shakespeare is a fun, creative, and welcoming place for kids and teens, ages 8-15. Activities involve acting, improvisation, movement, voice, and theatrical arts and crafts, and are led by trained theater educators




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the Independent

March 14


Future Stars Camp



For the camper who just can’t get enough of the world of horses, have we got a camp for you. Beginning June 25 camps will run Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 12 PM through August 31. Sign up for one week or the whole summer. Raynor Country Day School 631-288-4658

in an atmosphere of discovery and cooperation. Each weeklong session culminates in a performance for family and friends. Camp Shakespeare is held on the expansive grounds of and within beautiful St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Amagansett Camp Invention 800-968-4332

Camp Invention is where BIG ideas become the next BIG thing! Local educators lead a week of hands-on activities created especially for children entering grades first to sixth. Camp Invention gives boys and girls the opportunity to investigate circuits, disassemble household appliances, and much more. As they dream, build, and make discoveries, they will have a chance to examine science and technology concepts during team-building exercises. It runs from July 23 through 27 at Springs School. East Hampton Indoor Tennis

631-267-CAMP (2267)

East Hampton Sports Camp @ SPORTIME offers children between the ages of three and 13 an exciting program of sports and games that includes tennis, baseball, swimming, basketball, soccer, dodgeball, capture-the-flag, and more. Experienced art and music teachers also provide campers with a variety of creative activities, special events, and fun theme days.

The best gift you can give a child. Kids can enjoy an all-inclusive summer camp offering both indoor and outdoor options. 12-acre grounds offer manicured fields, gymnasium, two heated pools, aquatics center, and sports courts designed for various uses. Flexible options include two-day, three-day, and five-day experiences from 9 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday. A mature and experienced

Future Stars Camps is offering junior summer camps focusing on multi sport, soccer, tennis, basketball, lacrosse, and baseball programs. Future Stars Southampton LLC, which operates the 46,000-square-foot stateof-the-art indoor complex, is an affiliate of Future Stars Tennis, LLC, one of New York’s largest sports management companies. Buckskill Tennis Club 631-324-2243

Located in East Hampton, the Buckskill Tennis Club offers a program to help develop wellrounded tennis players. Instruction is given in form, technique, fitness, and proper tennis etiquette. Buckskill instructors stress the importance of enjoying tennis, “a game for life.”


www.countryschooleasthampton. org

Ages 2 1/2 to 7

The Country School Summer Camp is for kids ages two and a half through seven. There is a full range of activities to choose from, including art, music, gymnastics, jewelry making, team sports, swimming, and more. Located on Industrial Road in Wainscott – call for dates and rates. Peconic Dunes 4-H Camp

The Davis Cup Tennis Program provides top summer tennis instruction on a daily, weekly, or seasonal basis. Players of all skill levels are welcome to attend and each camper is placed into an appropriate group.

B-22 camp

The Country School Summer Camp


staff is on hand. Located in Westhampton Beach.

Amaryllis Farm Equine Rescue Pony Tails Compassion Camp

East Hampton Sports Camp @ Sportime

631-727-7850 ext. 328

The Cornell Cooperative Extension sponsors a sleepaway and day camp for youngsters eight through 15. Includes training in outdoor survival, marine science, forest, pond, and woodlands study. Call for more information.


Sports • Swimming • Art • Yoga Science • Gymnastics • Music • Special Events 7 Industrial Road P.O. Box 1378 Wainscott, NY 11975


the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14



Camp Pa-Qua-Tuck 631-878-1070

Specifically designed for campers with disabilities. Each session is designed to help the campers (children and young adults up to the age of 21) achieve equality, dignity, and maximum independence through a safe and quality program of camping, recreation, and education in a sleepaway environment. The camp aims to help each child reach beyond the limits of their physical and mental challenges, encouraging them to join fellow campers in activities. It’s on Chet Swezey Road in Center Moriches. Camp Blue Bay 631-604-2201

Camp Blue Bay Sleepaway Camp, located in East Hampton, provides girls with an outdoor experience in which campers can choose to live in a troop house or go tent camping. A variety of program choices are available for one or two

Calendar Continued From Page B-11.

House, on the School Street side of building.

• Close-up views of WWII bunkers, rolling surf, and one of the most awesome views on the East End along the dramatic Montauk bluffs make this a very special hike through Shadmoor State Park in Montauk. Meet at the Shadmoor parking lot on the south side of Route 27, about a half mile past Montauk center at 10 AM. A large sign marks the entrance. Leader: Aggie Cindrich, 631-227-6193. • Our Beautiful Simplicity, Unpublished Letters (1968-1974), Georgia O’Keeffe’s Correspondence With Me is an artist’s book published by Mym Tuma in 2016. Tuma is a local poet and artist who has had an extensive career painting fiberglass sculptured paintings and pastels. Meet her at 1 PM at the Hampton Bays Library. SUNDAY 3•18•18

• The Easter Bunny hippity hops over to Harbor Pets in Sag Harbor. From 11 AM to 1 PM get your picture taken with the big rabbit, and enjoy balloon games and treats for your dog. • The Friends of the Rogers Memorial Library will present Liam Kaplan in concert at 3 PM. Kaplan, a young

week sessions. Girls will participate in general camp activities including swimming, boating, crafts, nature, campfires, and more. Girl Scouts and non-girl scouts can sign up.

award-winning pianist and composer, will perform music by Schubert and Ravel, along with his own Variations for Solo Piano. A reception will follow. Register at or call 631283-0774 ext. 523. • The Westhampton Free Library invites the community to enjoy an afternoon of traditional Irish music performed by local musicians Erin Doherty, Jan Hanna, and Peter Lynch at 1 PM. The musical session will feature many classic Irish favorites and some surprises. For more information and to register, call 631-288-3335 or visit • The Sunday Service at 10:30 AM at the Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse in Bridgehampton will focus on the theme “Every Story Matters on Immigration.” Speakers Hendel Leiva and Ellana Fernandez discuss the importance of one’s story in the effort for equal justice. Their documentary, From One Mistake, will be shown after the service. Monday 3•19•18

• Tweens (in grades four to six) are invited to the Westhampton Free Library at 4 PM to participate in a melted crayon art program. Participants will recycle used crayons to make colorful and unique works of art. For more information and to register, call 631-288-3335 or visit www.

Hamptons Baseball Camp 631-907-2566

For children of all experience levels, ages four to 13, who want to play baseball and soccer in a safe, fun, positive, and organized learning environment. Emphasis is placed on effort over talent, team concepts, and core fundamentals. Also included are tips on diet, fitness, and “intangibles.” Week-long summer sessions are available from June through September.

The Southampton-based camp, for ages four through 14, offers a wide variety of activities including swimming, tennis, sports, and arts and crafts. It is family owned and operated. Transportation is available. MBX Surf Camp 631-537-2716

The leading surf camp in The Hamptons provides 10 weekly sessions, Monday through Friday 9 AM to 3:30 PM.

East End Hospice

Pathfinder Country Day Camp

Camp Good Grief



Every year East End Hospice offers a summer camp for children who have experienced the loss of a loved one. This year Camp Good Grief will be held July 30 to August 3 at Camp Pa-qua-tuck in Center Moriches. There are fun activities and plenty of surprises, plus the camp gives the children a chance to bond with others who have had similar experiences. Sandy Hollow Day Camp 631-283-2296

Treat your kids to a summer they will remember in scenic Montauk. Activities include swimming instruction in a heated pool, basketball, baseball, archery, tennis, cookout, and much more. Transportation included. Theater Camps 631-725-0818

Bay Street Theater’s summer camps and classes run the gamut from puppetry to musical theater to Shakespeare. An array of offerings suitable for kids between the ages of four and 14. Visit the website to see it all. B-23

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14






Appearing in the following issues of The Independent: April 11 .......................

(Due April 6)

April 25 ....................... (Due April 20) May 9 .......................

(Due May 4)

May 16 .......................

(Due May 11)

June 13 ........................ (Due June 8)


July 11 .......................



2018 CAMPS & RECREATION GUIDES featuring camps, kids activities, services, gear, sporting goods, apparel, health and fitness, trends & so much more!

WE WILL CREATE YOUR STUNNING AD FOR FREE. Contact our advertising department for more information. P. 631 324 2500 • F. 631 324 2544 • B-24

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20% off if you run all dates This special section, including advertising, will also appear on our website at no additional charge.

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i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14



James R. McLauchlen Real Estate INTERIOR DESIGN NEWS

Worth Interiors: Tamara Fraser DEEDS Latest sales stats with a feature on Above $5M / Under $1M HAMPTONS REAL ESTATE NEWS


i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


REAL REALTY: James R. McLauchlen Real Estate

Independent/Ty Wenzel

Jim, Jim Sr., and Jennifer McLauchlen discuss their family business.

By Ty Wenzel Before the heavy-hitting real estate firms flocked to the Hamptons to get a piece of the tony real estate pie, a family was selling real estate, using a wealth of local knowledge since 1962. Patriarch James McLauchlen left advertising in the big city to launch his namesake real estate company, James R. McLauchlen Real Estate, in Southampton. Today his son, James, and his children, Jim and Jennifer McLauchlen, run the company.

Which home are you most proud of selling in your portfolio?

Jim Sr.: I sold a spectacular shingle style home built in the 1890’s in the “Art Village” designed by Stanford for Compass Superstar,White Jane Doe 28

William Merritt Chase, to house his visiting artists—a glorious home retaining its charm and elegance through the years. Jim: The Long Island Auto Museum Property. It was 8.5 acres in size and had over 26,000 square feet of buildings on site. This deal took over a year from accepted offer to closing. It is always very satisfying to bring off a deal with so many moving parts. Jennifer: That would have to be the sale of 120 Meadow Lane in Southampton for $26 million, back in 2009. The oceanfront property had just sold to a Wall Street tycoon, who a month later was arrested for a ponzi scheme—the government seized all of his property, and my customers were the

successful buyers in what was a very unique and interesting sale.

There are lots of brokers—what sets you apart from the pack?

Jennifer: We are a family business, which prides itself on the personal service we provide to buyers and sellers. Technology has increased the speed of our business and our ability to move large quantities of information, however, this industry is about people and their homes. Taking the time with our clients to make sure they understand this process and helping them solve the issues that arise before closing makes it a better experience for buyers and sellers.

Jim: I think what sets me apart is that real estate is in our family bloodline. My grandfather, who had summered in Southampton since the 1940s, started our company in 1962. He sold many important properties, including the oceanfront Du Pont Estate on Meadow Lane in Southampton, what is now Calvin Klein’s property.

What’s the single best piece of advice you can give a buyer when listing their place, or seller before finalizing their home’s sale?

Jim: Be patient and be prepared for unanticipated issues to arise. Everything has a solution it is just a matter of finding it. Jennifer: The best advice I would give to a seller who is

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listing their home for sale would be to list it at the right price, if you list too high, you are chasing the market. Pricing a property correctly is important! Jim Sr.: Focus. We work to be immersed in the process of every property listing—very important.

Is there a current property that we need to know about? Tell us! Jennifer: I have a fantastic oceanfront property available for rent for the U.S. Open in June, or for the first two weeks in July. Contact me for details!

When you’re not ruling the real estate market, where can we find you out

East? Jennifer: I love going to the beach…even in the wintertime. My parents took me camping at Shinnecock Park when I was two weeks old…and every summer following through my youth. So in a way, the beach was like a second home. It’s a place where no matter what’s happening, I can find peace. Jim: On the water or on the beach usually with a fishing rod not too far away. Jim Sr.: On the beach, surf fishing, or cruising Shinnecock Bay—searching for the elusive striped bass.

How has the industry changed since you’ve

March 14


had your license in the Hamptons?

It is a business of personal relationships.

Jennifer: It’s changed so much. When I got my license, we were still keeping track of listings in big binders that would be organized by location or type of property, such as vacant land/ residential/commercial/rental. The computer entered into our business and that made things easier. Now, with the technology changing so rapidly, it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends in marketing and selling.

Jim: I’m really lucky to be able to work with my family. We are all very close and support each other. It’s fun when we can joke and laugh at work, and just know that you are completely supported.

Jim Sr.: WOW!!! The entire business has changed especially since the introduction of computers, but the bottom line, it is still about people.

What’s your favorite part of your day in relation to real estate?

Jim Sr.: The drive about—taking a tour of various neighborhoods and market areas that I haven’t checked up on recently, observing changes, potential listings, and reviewing recent comparable sales data.

AVAILABLE THROUGH James R. Mclauchlen Real Estate 231 Deerfield Rd, Water Mill This gracious home is on a private acre, overlooking farmland. Lovely entry foyer, keeping room with fireplace and wet bar, country kitchen, formal dining for 18 or more, den, card room, living room with fireplace, spacious master bed and bath, guest rooms, beautiful floors and custom Newell posts, separate legal guest cottage full bath and kitchen. $2,950,000

1449 Deerfield Rd, Water Mill Horse Country with Ocean Views boasts 12 spectacular acres. 55,000 square foot building lot can be purchased as a package. The lot would allow for a horse farm barn/stable or a multitude of other related uses. This is one of the last large parcels in Water Mill. $1,695,000 29

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the Independent

March 14


Worth Interiors: Tamara Fraser

By Nicole Teitler Worth Interiors takes inspiration from organic elements and urban touches and incorporates them into each home. Tamara Fraser, an interior designer with the company, opened its Bridgehampton office in 2015. Worth is based out of Vail, Colorado, with additional offices in Chelsea, NYC. The Independent talked with Fraser about the firm’s approach to interior decorating.

What’s your signature touch?

Worth Interiors’ signature touch is clean and modern with a warm, comfortable feel. We are asked to create homes for people who really live in them, who entertain and play and enjoy their families. Being a company based in two resorts, we primarily work on second homes. These homes are always used for fun and activity and family gathering. They need to be comfortable and livable. We create that for them, while keeping it well thought out and elegantly designed.

Favorite room to decorate?

I love outdoor spaces — we do a lot of them in the Hamptons. I also love the dining room. Master bedrooms . . . there 30

really isn’t a true favorite!

How do you find your clients? Our clients find us through word of mouth mostly. We do some marketing, but it’s mostly as a recommendation from real estate agents, architects, and other clients.

Does The Bridgehampton team consult with the other offices?

We are always working together. I lean on my Colorado team every day. Each project is generally run by at least three people.

What is it about a Hamptons home that captivates you?

The space — tall ceilings, large rooms, walls that open to the outside, outdoor spaces, and water views.

How long does a typical project take?

A project usually takes about six months for space planning and furniture. If we are doing a remodel at the same time, it can take up to a year, but that depends on the scope and the pace of the construction schedule. But a client can call us and say, “I just bought a house and want to be in for summer” and as long as we

have floors and windows, we can get them living in the home in four to six months.

What’s new for Spring/ Summer 2018?

A fresh color palette, browns and creams and greys, not quite as stark as the past few years have been, and green and yellow. Outdoor furniture inside

the home, and a continuation of using outdoor fabrics everywhere. Glance through the firm’s portfolio at Contact Tamara Fraser at her Bridgehampton office, 631613-8010, or email tamara@

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March 14



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March 14


Min Date = 1/29/2018 Max Date = 2/4/2018 Source: Suffolk Research Service, Inc., Hampton Bays, NY 11946


FEATURED Above $5M 140 Egypt Ln East Hampton BUYER: 140 Egypt Lane LLC SELLER: Kazickas, J by Exr SELL PRICE: $9,000,000



East Hampton Town ZIPCODE 11930 - AMAGANSETT 11 Cliff Road Inc Bastin, M ZIPCODE 11937 - EAST HAMPTON Leathers, N Trust East Hampton Capital 63 Highview LLC Lia, R & E Zeng, L Haitsma,B &Moncayo,J Jackson Street LLC Scainetti, M Barnett, R & R & M Held Holding LLC Simmons, S Kophelm, A 140 Egypt Lane LLC Kazickas, J by Exr ZIPCODE 11954 - MONTAUK 9713 Kettle Hole LLC North Neck LLC MontaukSunsetCottage Bridgeford,E&E byAdm McCarthy, B Pontecorvo, T & D Geller, D & C Wakeham, G & S Reda, T & D Ferdenzi, C & S ZIPCODE 11963 - SAG HARBOR Thomas, H & T Urban Books Realty ZIPCODE 11975 - WAINSCOTT Brodsky, D & S Kanter, C 3GeorgicaAssociation Seegal, F & R Riverhead Town ZIPCODE 11792 - WADING RIVER Schneider,C &Bambino Losee, J Mackinnon, S & S Mohrback, P ZIPCODE 11901 - RIVERHEAD Byrne,M&B & Spano,M Vitale, G Kellar, J & P SecHousing&UrbanDvlp White, J & A Picerno, S & V Miller, T & Mapes, M Regional Asset Mgmnt ZIPCODE 11931 - AQUEBOGUE Kordaszewski,T&Opoka Cobis, J & A ZIPCODE 11933 - CALVERTON 21st Mortgage Corp Schroer, M by Ref Rossetti &Mustacchio Pekar, R & P ZIPCODE 11947 - JAMESPORT O’Donnell, J & J Acker & Born, et al Shelter Island Town ZIPCODE 11964 - SHELTER ISLAND Oxford Hall LLC Abbatiello, J Ting,W & Keohan,M Lutkins, P Southampton Town ZIPCODE 11901 - RIVERHEAD Cuddihy, R & N Sonmez, E Flying Point 2 Assoc HSBC Bank USA NA ZIPCODE 11932 - BRIDGEHAMPTON Latrowski, L Dilworth, C ZIPCODE 11941 - EASTPORT Sigerson, J & T Matson, J by Admr Schram, S & J Honey,J & Trueman,J ZIPCODE 11942 - EAST QUOGUE Dolecal, K Hamilton, J & L





11 Cliff Rd

485,000 1,100,000 1,045,000 740,000 1,150,000* 520,000 9,000,000

147 Three Mile Harbor Hog 178 Bull Path 75 Miller Ln E 11 Jackson St 51 Cedar St 260 Montauk Hwy 140 Egypt Ln

3,000,000* 5,100,000 766,500 1,450,000 1,375,000

73 Kettle Hole Rd 41 & 31 E Lake Dr 27 Fairfield Dr 35 N Surfside Ave 42 Agnew Ave


66 Meredith Ave

2,650,000 7,705,000

7 Glen Oak Ct 3 Georgica Association Rd

382,000 200,000*

32 Acorn Ct 87 Barnes Rd

499,000 231,000 329,000 395,000

46 Dolphin Way 64 Ellen St 33 Joyce Dr 523 Washington Ave


903 Union Ave

516,804 209,100

1905 Bluffs Dr S, 1756 Middle Rd


1379 Peconic Bay Blvd

400,000* 1,300,000

4 Oxford Ave 4 Simpson Ave

365,000 169,000

171 Woodhull Ave 76 Oak Ave


94 Butter Ln

255,500 605,000

13 N Bay Ave 14 Drew Dr


102 Aerie Way

the Independent

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March 14




FEATURED Under $1M 33 Joyce Drive Riverhead BUYER: White, J & A SELLER: Picerno, S & V SELL PRICE: $329,000



Houlka, A & A Equity Expo Inc ZIPCODE 11946 - HAMPTON BAYS Herrera, O & J & E Minunno, N & J Monogioudis&MetaxasM Guerra, R & J Reyes, N & M Vecchione, A Salazar, H & E Wheeler, M & S ZIPCODE 11959 - QUOGUE Rebel Ventures 1 LLC Nizen, I Trust ZIPCODE 11962 - SAGAPONACK Bonner, L Town of Southampton ZIPCODE 11963 - SAG HARBOR Clemente, D & G Tisch, D & Essner, E Caan, W & M Ehrlich, B Zuckerman, I & Li, W Fingar, D & J Claxton House LLC Deubel, B Trust ZIPCODE 11968 - SOUTHAMPTON Porco, P Lischewski, P HSBC Bank USA NA Macpherson, D by Ref DGCV Hamptons LLC Aldrich,G & Smith, L McLaughlan, K Kelly Trust&Hefferon Kearns, D & E Czelatka, A Benacquista, T Chiarello Fam Trust O’Brien, J Adler, M & N & E Minuto, L & D Barritt, D Sprint Capital LLC 27 Sugarloaf Co, Inc Five Chimneys CH LLC Missett, B by Exr Marinovich, D Donohue, J Trust Geary, A & Tieman, O Schwartz, K & B Surf Holdings 1, LLC McManus, J by Exr ZIPCODE 11976 - WATER MILL 57 Halsey Lane Assoc Villa Maria LLC ZIPCODE 11977 - WESTHAMPTON Schwitzer, J & S Papile, A Southold Town ZIPCODE 11935 - CUTCHOGUE Browne, C & L Greenwood, B & K ZIPCODE 11944 - GREENPORT Umut’s PetroleumCorp M & N Auto Inc ZIPCODE 11952 - MATTITUCK Vinbar Realty Corp Mill Lane One LLC Hance, M & J Shaffer, S McDavid,S & Hinton,M Flaherty, K & P 5645 Aldrich LaneLLC EWH LimitedLiability Sullivan, B & P Brockbank, J Hard Corner Partners Capital One, Nat As JMJ MattituckPropety 11775 Main Road Corp ZIPCODE 11971 - SOUTHOLD Hahn, S Stares, D & C Trusts Lombardi, J & S Jaquillard, H & A Rubinstein, R & A Rumpler III &Swiskey




45 West End Ave

555,000 715,000 495,000 360,000

5 Camille Ct 20 Stuart Ct 54 Lynncliff Rd 14 Faith Dr


13 Southwood Ln


185 Merchants Path

2,850,000 2,003,875 1,975,000 2,650,000

1 Clearview Dr 27 Stock Farm Ln 22 Redcoats Ln 8 John St

730,000 1,637,781 365,000* 560,000* 1,300,000 775,000 685,000* 750,000 35,000 1,600,000 3,478,000 4,350,000 1,375,000

29 Roses Grove Rd 1768 Majors Path 1071 North Sea Rd&006&007 260 Millstone Brook Rd 142 West Neck Rd 174 North Sea Mecox Rd 239 Sebonac Rd 55 Shrubland Rd 27 Sugar Loaf Rd 471 Hill St 160 Heady Creek Ln 45 Captains Neck Ln 26 Hill St


57 Halsey Ln


2 Country Estates Rd


7065 Skunk Ln


74200 Route 25

1,150,000 570,000 1,570,000 2,500,000 1,185,000 1,700,000 479,000

p/o 6300 Wickham &lot 9.1 1020 Cox Neck Rd 1250 Lupton Pt Rd 5645 Aldrich Ln&lot11.014 3825 Camp Mineola Rd 50 Pike St &lots 4-2,3&30 12125 Route 25

1,035,000 335,000 1,100,000

1110 Lighthouse Rd 2555 Youngs Ave, Unit 19D 470 Goose Creek Ln

Source: Suffolk Research Service, Inc., Hampton Bays, NY 11946 * -- Vacant Land


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Iconic Brand Reinvented Century 21 Real Estate LLC this week unveiled a rebranding campaign representing a complete overhaul of one of real estate’s most recognizable icons. “This rebranding represents what Century 21 today is all about,” said Victoria Kahn of Century 21 Agawam Town & Village Realty in Southampton, a local affiliate. Complacency and mediocrity have taken hold of the real estate industry, and consumers have become distrustful and indifferent toward real estate professionals. That mindset is brought into sharp focus by a just-released Wakefield survey, commissioned by Century 21 Real Estate, in which 63 percent of respondents thought buying

a car would take longer than finding a real estate agent. When asked if planning a vacation would take longer than finding a real estate agent, 55 percent said it would. And nearly 40 percent thought selling their home would be worse than getting a root canal. The new brand seeks to connect the investment people make in buying or selling a home with the perceived value they receive from finding the right real estate agent. This campaign is launching with a new visual identity, TV, digital, social and print components, plus an integrated crosschannel media partnership with ESPN. “This is just the beginning of the bold ambitions we have for challenging existing conventions in real estate relationships and to progress

East Hampton Summer Cottage Rentals Steps To Maidstone Bay Beach Charming cottage. Newly renovated, 1 BR, air conditioning, Two charming cottages. Rent justone-bath, one or rent both. cable ready, with indoor and outdoor shower. Newly renovated, 1 BR, one-bath, air conditioning, Long Season: April 15 through October 30: $14,900.

cable ready, each with indoor and outdoor shower. FOROctober 2018 SEASON Long Season:NOW MayRENTING 1 through 30: $13,500 each. Or call re: shorter rental

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the industry in ways that favor the consumer, yet directly help our agents and brokers break through the clutter and noise and win in the markets they operate in,” said Cara Whitley, chief marketing officer, Century 21 Real Estate. As part of the brand campaign, Century 21 Real Estate introduced a sophisticated new logo. It features a refreshed color palette that stays true to its iconic gold and black scheme, while embracing new graphics. By eliminating the complex and dated iconography, the new identity gives Century 21 System members a chance to show their unique personality and style, while still providing a simple and timeless “gold standard” seal of approval, according to the company. The new logo also enables the brand to project a modern view that makes it relevant to consumers buying other properties, such as apartments or commercial spaces. “Our rebranding campaign is more than a logo,” however, added Whitley. “It is recognizing that every broker and affiliated agent has their own way of doing things that work for them, and providing a clean and clear stage for their individual personalities and unique stories to be told.” “It’s very exciting. It gives us the tools to fully service our clients,” Kahn said.

631-276-8110 or 631-324-5942 Pictures and movies:

March 14

The brand introduced the new campaign with a 30-second TV spot, “Don’t Settle for Average (Unless You’re In The Market For It).” The creative profiles a young boy boasting about the characteristics of his home, only for viewers to find out it’s not in fact his, because his family was never shown the place. The spot positions the Century 21 brand as a solution for the 70 percent of homeowners who

Independent/Ty Wenzel Century 21 Agawam Town & Village Realty in Southampton.

settle for the first real estate agent they find, according to the company. The ad is airing as part of an integrated media partnership with ESPN that aims to build the association between the Century 21 brand and its relentless pursuit of excellence, while also tapping into the passion that consumers and agents share for sports. As part of the cross-platform partnership, the Century 21 brand will be sponsoring “relentless moments” in sports, creating “live commercials” featuring ESPN fixture Kenny Mayne alongside Century 21 System members, and executing digital content integrations that will be distributed across ESPN social media. This brand relaunch is the latest evidence of a new era at Century 21 Real Estate, which was ushered in by Nick Bailey’s appointment as president and CEO, and comes on the heels of a recruiting campaign aimed at targeting relentless entrepreneurs. There are approximately 118,000 independent sales professionals in approximately 8000 offices spanning 80 countries and territories in the Century 21 System.

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the Independent

March 14


Pictured from left to right: Allie Domingo, Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Joseph Piper, Chantel Bizzle, Tiffany Armstrong, Jacobe Nall.

Students Visit Thiele

By Justin Meinken

Assemblyman Fred Thiele welcomed several Suffolk County Community College students to his office in Albany on Wednesday, February 28.

The students traveled there to advocate for higher education initiatives and the inclusion of increased funding for community colleges in the state budget for 2018–19. This is expected to be part of the assemblyman’s platform.

Kindness Poems

By Justin Meinken

Artists, writers, poets, lend us your ears.

The Westhampton Free Library is hosting a children’s poetry contest, as part of its “Kindness to All” program. Anyone in grades K-12 can submit kindness themed poems along with a parent permission

form available at the library. Submissions will be accepted through March 29. Winners will be announced at a Poet-Tea at 4 PM on April 27 at the library, when prizes and certificates will be presented. For more information, call 631-288-3335 or visit the library’s website at www.

New Sheriff Site

By Justin Meinken

Suffolk County Sheriff Errol Toulon recently announced the launch of the redesigned website at The project was one of the new

Independent/Peggy Spellman Hoey Montauk Highway between Stephen Hands Path and Green Hollow Drive in Wainscott was closed — snarling traffic for several hours — on Friday morning, while PSEG secured a downed utility pole following a single-car crash. East Hampton Village Police received the emergency call just after 9 AM, and the driver was transported to Stony Brook Southampton Hospital and treated for minor injuries, according to Det. Sgt. Gregory Brown. No charges were filed as a result of the crash.

For The Aging

By Justin Meinken

Stony Brook Southampton University is offering its Stepping On program for the second year in a row. The class is designed to help older people stay healthy and active, and reduce their risk of falling by 50 percent. Participants will receive support and encouragement from trained Stony Brook University Hospital

physical therapists, students, and each other as they regain the confidence to stay active. Stepping On will begin March 23 and continue every Friday for seven weeks from 10 AM to noon at the Stony Brook Southampton Library. The library is located at 39 Tuckahoe Rd, Southampton.

To register or for more information, visit trauma.stonybrookmedicine. edu or call 631-444-8385.

sheriff ’s first priorities, to ensure that the public can easily access the data collections for the special programs the office promotes. These include visitation and bail instructions, filing for income and property exemptions, and volunteer and internship opportunities.

A Day At The Beach

By Justin Meinken

The Town of Southampton is once again offering beach permits for this year. To beat the lines, complete the application on the Parks

and Recreation website at www. All yearly back-up information must be submitted to process the permit. For more information, call 631-728-8585.


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Rick’s Space


March 14


In Atlanta, a lot of Deadheads fanned By Rick Murphy out around The Omni, the concert

Once I spent the night in the Sequoia Mountains after a show at Shoreline Amphitheater, outside San Francisco. “Wow, these trees are like, older than my parents!” exclaimed one of the hippie girls in the group. We ate at Taco Bell, by the way.

locale, and stayed there. There was food to be had along “Shakedown Street,” an improvised neighborhood that pops up when the Dead play.


by Rick Murphy

Travelin’ Man I’ve never been to Europe. I’ve never been to any other country other than Mexico, and that doesn’t count because I was in Cancún.

at Cartier’s. Karen had her eye on a jewel-encrusted watch but sadly, it only told time in Mexican or I would have gladly purchased it for her.

It’s not even real. It was a narrow strip of land until 1970. The population was three, literally. Three people lived on it. They all knew each other.

Most of the places I’ve been to are places where the Grateful Dead have played. I inevitably make time to take a tour of some of the local landmarks and partake of the local culture.

Cancún, if you’ve never been there, isn’t really Mexico at all. Let me put it to you this way: Taco Bell is authentic Mexican cuisine in Cancún.

The Mexican government decided to turn it into a tropical paradise, and built nine hotels. Mexicans work at them. None of them live in Cancún. Nevertheless, we tried to embrace the cultural heritage of the place by going to Ruth Chris Steak House and the Hard Rock Café, and ogling jewelry

When we got home, I kept calling my friends in New York “amigos” until Karen made me stop.

OK, I’m lying.

When you are on tour with a rock band you check into the hotel, crash, get up around 6 PM, grab something to eat, go to the show, and then party all night. In a day or two, it’s back on the road, where the process is repeated. You don’t do much

In Kansas City, I went out of my way to eat burnt ends, the crispy twicecooked tip of a brisket. It was well worth it, but once I read that the end is “the fatty point of the pectoral,” I decided against it. I don’t do pectorals. I was on the infamous Dead tour of 1989. Deadheads are like the “St. Stephen” character in the song: “Everywhere he goes the people all complain.” As we rolled into Charlotte the signs in front of the motels and businesses said stuff like, “Deadheads Welcome Here,” and “Jerry Slept Here.” “These people must be nuts,” one of my traveling companions said. “They have no idea what is about to happen.” Because the band finally had a hit record, the ranks of the Deadheads had swelled considerably. They were not terribly well behaved and Deadheads do not play well with others.

You buy stuff like patchouli oil, tiedyes, ponchos (which you couldn’t buy in Cancún), beads etc. And food. In those days “natural” and “organic” were still relatively trendy. A “veggie wrap” was a new phenomenon. I actually ate one, once, and only once. “There’s no veggies in this here wrap,” I observed.

In Greensboro, authorities made the mistake of letting Deadheads fan out across downtown. Later the estimate was at least 30,000 or more, far more than fit in the Greensboro Arena. The hotels were filled with Deadheads who smoked pot freely and played bongo drums in the lobby. Everyone had a bottle of something or other or even worse, a “wineskin” which contained god only knows what. The jail was filled in one hour. Greensboro police were so overwhelmed that they gave up the first day.

Two days later, the caravan headed towards Pittsburgh. The Deadheads were front-page news all over the country. The police in the Steel City were ready. In fact, they had threatened to cancel the show until organizers intervened.

One strategy was to stop suspicious looking vehicles, which were owned by all of us, coming from Greensboro.

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“Are you folks headed to the Grateful Dead show?” they would ask the occupants of a VW bus who were dressed in tie-dyes, the men with hair down to their shoulders. “Why no, officer, why would you possibly think that?”

Deadheads aren’t your typical peaceful hippie-folk. Thus, when the scene at the Civic Center became too unwieldy, when the line that formed stopped moving because the police were a little too nasty, the Deadheads simply decided to take a shortcut — through the huge wall of glass. What happened? “Stephen would answer if he only knew how.” Karen wants to go to Istanbul — honest. “Are the Dead playing there?” I asked with all sincerity. “Otherwise, I’m out. That’s way too dangerous for me.”

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East End Business & Service

March 14







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March 14

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the Independent

March 14


Erin’s Eyes Were Smiling Photos by Valerie Bando-Meinken

The Friends of Erin served over a hundred hungry friends at their annual corn beef and cabbage dinner at The Point Bar and Grill in Montauk on Saturday evening. Songs by Todd the Guitarman added just the right touch of spice to the event and a 50-50 raffle guaranteed someone was going home with their own pot of gold. Proceeds from the event will help fund the upcoming St. Patrick’s parade. Make sure you put your green on and catch the festivities starting at 11:30 AM on Sunday, March 25.

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March 14

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the Independent

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March 14


Traveler Watchman Capital One Building Home For Court?

By Jade Eckardt

“It’s an ongoing crisis. It has been for years and probably will continue to be. There’s no simple solution and the town board recognizes that,” he said.

Southold Town Supervisor Scott Russell delivered the annual State of the Town address last Thursday. Russell discussed “pertinent topics” listing what the town accomplished in 2017 and plans to achieve this year.

In 2017, building code changes were made in hopes of finding solutions. With the zoning board of appeals approval, a maximum of six apartments are now allowed in commercial zones, while previous codes allowed just three apartments.

The most notable points of the address are twofold. Southold ended the 2017 fiscal year with $1 million more in the fund balance than anticipated, and is currently in the process of acquiring the former Capital One/Southold Savings Bank building to serve as the new location for Justice Court. The acquisition would offer the court a permanent and exclusive home. It’s been sharing a meeting room in town hall with the town board. The building, located on the corner of Main Street and Youngs Avenue, will cost approximately $5.5 million to purchase and renovate. But that’s a number Russell says is the least costly of all the options the town explored for the court, including alternative properties for sale, for rent and for lease, or constructing a new building. According to Russell, the sale is expected to close within the next few months.

“We’ve worked so hard to develop a good credit rating and we still

When it comes to environmental preservation, the town is currently making an effort to acquire 113 acres of farm land. Russell said an estimated $7.36 million will be spent on the property. Independent / Jade Eckardt Town officials are in the process of acquiring the old Southold Savings Bank for use as a Justice Court.

maintain the highest credit rating we’ve had in the history of this town. Why do that if we’re not going to take advantage of it and buy when the opportunity presents itself ?” he said.

Russell said the cons of buying the building include new debt and the additional work and maintenance the building will require, because it’s an older structure. He added that the Southold Town Annex, which the town rents for approximately $64,000 a year, will remain in its current location in the bank building and Justice Court will occupy the front area Capital

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One called home.

“The estimated debt service for $5.5 million is about $380,000. That means we’re going to be adding about $315,000 of new spending in budget for next year. It’s a substantial amount to offset, but we think we can,” Russell said. The building comes with 93 parking spaces that will remain in municipal control and the purchase will require an increase in staff for the Department of Public Works. Russell moved on to identify affordable housing as “a key critical issue in Southold town.”

“But, there’s a lot of property out there we want to acquire,” he said. In an effort to expand community recreational property inventory, there’s a 10-acre parcel of land that Russell says may be the future site of Life Sports East, an indoor sports center. “It’s a great location for an indoor sports facility,” said Russell.

Also at the meeting, town engineers secured a $611,000 grant to offer financial assistance to replace water service lines that may leak lead. In addition, Russell noted that 52 percent of all refuse taken to the transfer station was recyclable material, with 82 tons of electronic waste collected. In 2017, Southold was designated as a clean energy community by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.

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the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14

North Fork News


Compiled by Jade Eckardt SPRING BREAK CAMP Peconic Community School, an independent, project-based learning school in Aquebogue is offering two spring break camps for school aged children. There are two programs available from Monday, April 2 to Friday, April 6 from 9 AM. to 2 PM. Process Art is for five to sevenyear-olds. It allows children to engage with materials in an openended way, with few instructions and no samples or examples of what their work should look like in the end.

The experience is often calming and the results highlight each child’s unique expression and imagination. They will use recycled materials, items from nature, fabric, yarn, wire, watercolors, oil pastels, clay, glue, and much more. Meanwhile, STEAM Camp is for eight to 12-year-olds and explores the past, present, and future of our communities. In this camp, students will work with artists, archivists, activists, environmentalists, and urbanists to learn about the amazing career paths Long Islanders are utilizing to effect positive change. Both camps are $385, $365 each for siblings. Learn more here: http:// www.peconiccommunityschool. org/springbreakcamps2018/. To register, email Maggie Kritsberg at maggie@peconiccommunityschool. org.

Tomorrow, the Shelter Island library offers “The Modern Genius: Art and Culture in the 19th Century.” This art history course, offered by the Otis College of Art and Design, investigates the role of the French avant-garde in showcasing modern approaches to art and visual culture in the 19th century.

The course includes segments on Realism, Impressionism and Post Impressionism. It runs for five sessions over six weeks. There will be video podcasts, which will be watched at the library as well as online readings. The course is free and registration is required. Contact Jocelyn Ozolins for further details at On March 21, the library offers “Guided Imagery for Relaxation.” Guided Imagery is a gentle but powerful technique that focuses and directs the imagination in proactive and positive ways. Join Loretta Dalia, licensed massage therapist, from the Ed & Phyllis Davis Wellness Institute at Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, as she guides attendees through simple relaxation techniques that can help reduce tension and manage daily stress. For more information and to reserve a seat, call 631-749-0042. Yoga for children takes place at the library on Saturday at 10:30 AM Get ready to stretch, pose, and bend with yoga instructor Leith. Limited

mats are available, so bring your own if you have one.

Mashomack Preserve Happenings Enjoy an off-trail woods walk on Saturday from 10 AM to noon at Mashomack Preserve on Shelter Island. Take this unique chance to ramble through the woods. The walk will travel by truck before heading north off the Blue Trail towards Coecles Harbor. Come see some very large oaks, a huge glacial erratic, visit the back end of Fan Creek and one of our oak forest research blocks. Auditions for OLIVER! Children ages eight to 16 are welcome to audition on Saturday at 1 PM for Oliver! at the North Fork Community Theater in Mattituck. Those auditioning are asked to be familiar with “Consider Yourself ” from the show. Callbacks will be held Sunday, March 18, at 5 PM. Callbacks will include character specific songs, sides from the show, and additional dance if needed. Performances will be held May 17, 18, 19 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 31 and June 1, 2 and 3. Show times are Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 PM, and Sunday at 2:30 P.M.

No performance conflicts will be accepted. For more information, contact director Kelsey Cheslock at

2018 MATTITUCK LIBRARY HAPPENINGS Tomorrow, Green Pancakes will be prepared by Chef Rob for children ages three to five years old with a caregiver at the Mattituck Library. Registration is required, event is free.

Also tomorrow, enjoy Luck O’ the Irish Tea with Chef Barbara Sheridan as she reveals her secrets to making a “real” Irish scone, tea sandwiches, Irish soda bread, and tipsy square trifle. You may bring your favorite teacup. Register at the circulation desk, $5 per person and space is limited. On Friday at 1:30 PM, watch the film Just Getting Started, an action comedy about an ex-FBI agent and an ex-mob lawyer who put off their petty golf course rivalry to fend off a mob hit. Free. On Friday at 5 PM, teens in grades seven to 12 can enjoy Game Night. Registration is required, event is free. Next Tuesday at 10:15 AM, caregivers can attend “Babies Boogie” for ages three to 24 months. Enjoy this high-energy, interactive movement and music program. Registration is required, event is free.


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the Independent

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Pipes And Drums For St. Pat Photos by Jade Eckardt

The North Fork Chamber of Commerce and the Cutchogue Fire Department celebrated the Emerald Isle on Saturday, with their 14th annual St. Patrick’s Day parade. Kilts and bagpipes, drums and uniforms, and even a marching pig were the order of the day.






March 14


the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


School Days Submitted by local schools

Independent/Courtesy Tuckahoe School District Tuckahoe eighth grader Amy Garcia’s artwork was chosen to hang at the Long Island Museum from February 28 through April 8.

Independent/Courtesy Riverhead Central School District Riley Avenue fourth-graders Kailey Gomez, Skyla Migdalski, and Denzel Maltez explored 3DBear, a new augmented reality application.

Riverhead central School District Riley Avenue Elementary School fourth-graders equipped with iPads recently explored 3DBear, a new augmented reality application that superimposes computer-generated images over a real-world view. Students used the online learning technology to create an augmented reality scene based on the book Saving Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. To assemble their AR scene, students enhanced the real setting of their school library with computergenerated graphics provided by 3DBear. They also had the ability to print the imagery they created using the school’s 3D printer. After generating their images, students shared them with their peers and provided feedback to a 3DBear engineer. In other news, the Riverhead Middle School Blue Masques are presenting The Addams Family on Friday and Saturday at 7 PM in the Riverhead Middle School auditorium, which is located at 600 Harrison Ave., Riverhead. Tickets are $7 and are available at the door. Westhampton Beach School District

With a first-place trophy in hand, Westhampton Beach Elementary School’s Odyssey of the Mind team secured a spot at the state finals competition at SUNY Binghamton on April 7. The fifth-graders competed against 25 teams from across Long Island at the regional competition, which was held March 4 in Freeport. The team, led by coach Katherine Haack, earned the top spot at regionals by using their collective creativity, problem-solving, and acting skills to form long-term solutions to problems created by competition organizers. The Westhampton Beach School District extends its congratulations to team members Cole Dawson, Maya Farnan, Lily Graves, Fahtima Iqbal, Jaime Kelly, James Monserrate, and Lilly Pereyra. Hampton Bays School District Hampton Bays Middle School student Ryan Hughes has won his school’s geography bee, the first level in the National Geographic Bee.

The eighth-grader took first place after competing against his fellow students and edging out runner-up

Independent/Courtesy Westhampton Beach School District Westhampton Beach Elementary School’s Odyssey of the Mind team earned a spot at the state finals competition, to be held April 7. The team is pictured with coach Katherine Haack.

Robert McNamara. Ryan will now advance to compete in the state bee in Albany on April 6.

The Hampton Bays School District congratulates Ryan and wishes him luck at the state competition. In other news, life skills students from Hampton Bays and Southampton high schools recently engaged in a first united hockey game at Hampton Bays High School. During the sporting event, 23 life skills participants teamed up with high school student volunteers and staff to play three nine-minute periods with two floor hockey challenges.

“These unified games are a great way to give our life skills students a real athletic experience,” said Drew Walker, director of health, physical education and athletics for the Hampton Bays School District. “They also offer all students the opportunity to build bonds and relationships with their peers.” The united hockey game was organized by physical education teachers from both districts and was modeled after a unified basketball program that the two high schools initiated several years ago. The Special Olympics of New York supplied the equipment for the unified hockey game, including helmets, sticks, pucks, shin guards, and gloves. 45

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


Sports Bees

Nae-Jon Ward drives for a score during Friday’s playoff loss. The Bees found the going tough against Newfield’s 2-3 zone defense.

Continued From Page 2.

bombs from the top of the key, and for a moment—just a moment—it seemed as if the fabled nine-time state champions were back in it. White, with a chance to cut the deficit to nine, missed, and Wood, fouled, converted both charity tosses.

Harding answered, scoring in heavy traffic deep in the paint. But Wood dropped home a bomb, and Jacob Humbe followed a Bees’ turnover with another trey. Opera singers could be heard in the distance. This thing was over.

Wood pounded the final nail, a three-point play to put the Trojans up by 22. The final was 61-44, but it really wasn’t that close. Harding (18), Ward (14), and White (12) led the Bees, though the team had a dismal shooting night. Wood, only a sophomore, tallied 22, all but one in the second and third quarters when it really mattered. Newfield also got its wish—the defending champions, Moriah (24-0) will be their opponent tomorrow.

The Bees knocked Moriah from the ranks of the unbeaten to capture the State Class D title in 2015. Newfield is 21-2. The Bees labored much of the season under first year coach Ronnie White, wining only eight games in the regular season—six of those came against League VIII doormats Ross School, Shelter Island, and Smithtown Christian. But with Ward returning to the nest after a brief sojourn to Southampton the Killer Bees return all five starters next season, and might well get another shot at Newfield come March. Independent / Gordon M. Grant


i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

the Independent

March 14


J.P. Harding (#44), a fourth team all state selection, will be back next season along with the entire starting five of the Killer Bees.

Independent / Gordon M. Grant


i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

By Rick Murphy

March 14


Clippers Living The Dream

Watching the sophomore Ahkee ‘The Dream’ Anderson, the feeling persists that all good things in the hoop world will come his way before his career is over.

The accolades are already flowing— next come the trophies, the titles, and the awards. It’s Ahkee’s world to take, the rest of us get to watch. Saturday his team, the Greenport Clippers, took on Alexander Hamilton in the New York State Class C Regional Final at Pace University. The winner would earn a trip to the state Final Four tournament in Binghamton. Was there any doubt Anderson would ascend to the biggest stage? Anderson drove through and


Continued From Page 19.

gang affiliation, according to Police Chief Steven Skrynecki. At the same time, the program aims to make the explorers stronger, empowers them to stand up as individuals and make the right choices when they are experiencing peer pressure, he said. “It’s about leadership, decisionmaking, and child development,” he said.

The program provides the essentials from the ground up, starting with grooming skills by teaching the explorers to keep their appearance clean and tidy — combed hair, crisp uniforms, and minimal accessories for girls. Similar to the academy, sloppy buns on girls don’t fly in the explorers. “If you push somebody to do better, nine times out of 10, they are going to do better,” said Police Officer Katie White, a former military drill instructor who has been teaching the explorers about proper hygiene, and was on hand to perform an inspection. “I feel like the minimum standard is not enough.” It’s a skill that the explorers will use for the rest of their lives no matter what field they go into, according to White.

“If you are okay at a job, and you don’t want to push yourself, that is exactly 48

the Independent

around the Red Raiders bobbing, weaving, stopping and popping in a jaw-dropping performance reminiscent of Kenny Anderson many decades ago.

When he wasn’t scoring (28 points) he was dishing off to open teammates, or stealing the ball, or hitting the boards. It was the kind of dominance that had old timers shaking their heads—it’s been a long time since a player like this graced East End courts.

That is not to say the Clippers are a one-man team, you don’t win state titles that way. Anderson has the perfect complement of teammates, starting with Jude Swann, the center. At six-foot four, Swann, a bruiser, is the perfect counterpart to Anderson: the perfect insideoutside combination. where you will stay,” she said. “You are not going to continue to be more successful, so you need to challenge yourself to be more successful. In our job, we are supposed to be perfect.”

“If you are just meeting the minimum standard, it’s not enough,” she said. Communicating and public speaking are also part of training.

Advisor Police Officer Christopher Florea said sitting the explorers down and making sure they have proper eye contact and don’t fidget with their hands when speaking is an important aspect of the program because it’s a problem with young people. “We concentrate a lot on public speaking because they use a lot of filler words, like uh and um, every other word,” he said. “Every other sentence they will say it 10 times. We just teach them to take a moment, think about what they want to say. They are going to sound a lot more educated when it comes time for them to interview, even if they don’t want to go into law enforcement.”

The explorers support themselves by holding fundraisers for their uniforms, which cost close to $200 per member, and their field trips which often take them upisland to visit other explorer groups at one of the various precincts of the Suffolk County Police Department. They have also travelled to hear speakers such as

The Clippers also are graced with several long range bombers, players like George Fonseca and Julian Swann, who can nail the open three-pointer. With Anderson creating so much space, it is almost impossible to cover everybody. That’s the way coach Ev Corwin designed the offense.

entire repertoire of spin moves, no look passes, and shake and bakes. He scored seven straight points to blow the game open, and Swann, a dominating presence in the paint, made sure the Red Raiders couldn’t respond.

That’s when the Anderson highlight reel began rolling. The youngster led the Clippers on a 23-8 run, dazzling fans with his

Both losses came against Class A teams.

Credit the Red Raiders, who were almost bombed out of the gym in the first quarter courtesy of Myles Murray, a Greenport bench player who scored nine points late in the stanza. Hamilton closed to within nine at halftime and then opened the second half with an 8-1 run to close within two.

Anderson, by the way, is at the head of his class academically and serves as class president. It’s all part of the Dream. Swann finished with 21 points but his 17 rebounds proved to be his biggest contribution. Fonseca added 11, Greenport, now 22-2 on the season, advances to the state Class C semifinals against Lake George on Friday in Binghamton.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, and just this past September visited the 9/11 memorial in Manhattan.

both forks and as far away as East Hampton. Ralph would like to see it expand with more youngsters participating.

Charity and community involvement is another aspect of the program. In the past the explorers have organized a coat drive for the needy and have also been used as ambassadors in the community.

Ralph, who is the department’s community relations liaison, said she recognized there was a need for more youth programs when she was a rookie back in the 90s. “I was a part-time cop working in summertime, and I saw it,” she said. “There’s nothing for kids to do out here, and it’s been something that the department really didn’t get involved in.”

“Many of them were either not born or were an infant, so they have no idea about the memorial and it was wonderful to watch them because they now understand what that day meant,” said Ralph.

“We might have a crime problem in a retail area where people are breaking into cars,” said Skrynecki, noting the explorers will then “go around and distribute flyers that give tips on how to secure cars especially around the holidays when people are leaving cars open.”

In December, the explorers helped with the department’s Shop With A Cop program, which pairs underprivileged children with a police officer who helps them shop for clothes and toys around the holidays. Soon, they will be integrated into ceremonial events at the police department, Skrynecki said.

Southampton’s Police Explorers is the only group of its kind on the East End, drawing members from

“I can tell you we started off with about 18 kids and they all came in very quiet and not really talking to each other,” said Ralph. “And we have watched these kids become a family and really grow together.”

Ralph first approached the town board to allow her to start the Police Explorers program because she believed the police department needed “tentacles into the community” and “And I said, ‘You have to get in touch with the youth.’” “The adult that is doing bad — they are already gone,” she said. “You have to get the kids young, so you can teach them. You have to teach them that there is more to life outside of Hampton Bays or Southampton, or the Twin Forks.”

the Independent

i n dy e a s t e n d . c o m

March 14


Indy Fit by Nicole Teitler

’Tauking Health with Monbrewcha It seems Montauk is just brewing with new ideas lately.

It’s a literal hot spot of innovation. Beer, whiskey, tea, and now kombucha. As much as I’d like to write about beer or whiskey (again), being a fitness column and considering it’s National Nutrition Month, this week I’m putting the spotlight on Monbrewcha.

Molly and Jean Nolan are the sister duo who created a kombucha brand right in their hometown. The fouryear age gap, with Jean being the older sister, proved to be a family recipe for success. Flavors range from Tart Cherry, the newest yearround flavor, to Lemon + Ginger + Cayenne + Tumeric, to Elderberry, Hibiscus, and the seasonal Chai Spice. This #MagicForYourBelly (company motto) fits right in with their life motto of ‘Food is Medicine.’ Let’s get ‘tauking. Molly, where specifically did you travel that inspired the business? After I finished my masters, I turned down a job, my boyfriend quit his job, and the two of us traveled to Kauai, Australia, New Zealand (South Island, only), and Thailand. The two of us were drinking Remedy Kombucha (an Australian brand) mid-afternoon when we were feeling zonked after exploring. After a few sips, we felt more energized and ready to keep going.

The ‘bucha struck a nerve and I found myself tinkering with the idea of starting up a kombucha business when I got home. I applied to the Montauk Farmer’s Market, was accepted, and sold Monbrewcha by the bottle along

side raw vegan treats (bliss balls) the summer of 2016. Some places in Montauk wanted to carry it, and so we started wholesaling more seriously that fall (that is when Jean joined forces with her). What are the benefits of kombucha? Kombucha, although acidic, has an alkalizing effect in the body. It is also packed with probiotics, which is why many people report improved digestion. Kombucha contains B vitamins, B12 included, which is why some experience increased energy levels. It also contains organic acids like glucuronic acid that binds toxins, helping to detoxify the liver. Hence its nickname, the “tea of immortality.” What’s the process like to make it? Essentially, tea is steeped, sugar is added and dissolved, and then a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) is added to either a one or two-gallon glass vessels for fermentation. The vessels ferment for at least eight days and upwards of 21 days for the two-gallon batches. Once the pH and taste is just right, the kombucha is flavored and then bottled. We don’t force carbonate our bottles, meaning the fizz is au naturel. How do you make Monbrewcha stand out so with a smoother taste? We went with simple flavors to cut kombucha’s vinegar-like taste, to ultimately create a smooth drinking experience. To add to that, we don’t force carbonate, making it more tame than other brands.

Independent/photo by @samfebrizio courtesy Monbrewcha

What’re some of your favorite places to eat healthy and stay fit on the East End? Happy Bowls, Joni’s, Naturally Good in Montauk, The Squeezery, Organic Krush, Hampton Chutney in Amagansett. The Market in Greenport, Love Lane Market, Good Food in Mattituck. Saaz in Southampton is Molly’s new favorite restaurant—they have a ton of vegan options. Many of the places we sell our kombucha to are great, healthy spots. We both try to get outside everyday and go for long hikes/walks. Navy and Shadmoor trails are our favorite spots.

Favorite meal to pair the Monbrewcha with? Molly prefers her bucha on an empty stomach, but if she had to pick a food it would be bliss balls. Jean’s morning routine: coffee, water, kombucha, smoothie As a fairly recent start-up, it seems your growth is consistently increasing. What’s been the biggest hurdle you’ve overcome? There’s been many hurdles across all aspects of the business from accounting to labeling rules to inspections to delivery logistics and more. It’s been a learning curve for sure, but has made us stronger as individuals and a business. Our biggest hurdle thus far has been getting new accounts—there’s no business without the accounts.

We have learned the value of forming a relationship with each and every account. For us, the best part of wholesale is getting to be a small piece of each business we sell to. Sisterly advice you constantly give to each other... Jean to Molly: Take a deep breath and relax. Molly to Jean: Step it up, let’s go. We balance each other out. Finish the following sentences... I religiously stick to a health/ wellness philosophy of … Molly: a plant-based diet.

Jean: everything in moderation.

My friends would probably laugh at me if they knew … Molly: I got colonics.

Jean: the amount I drool in my sleep. I’m most myself when I’m… Molly: in a giggly mood. Jean: with my family.

Mombrewcha is best enjoyed … Molly: on a hot summer day straight off the tap.

Jean: straight after fermentation.

Check back with their upcoming partnerships with Tote Taxi and Beauty Disclosed, other femalefounded brands. Visit www. for a list of where you can purchase their kombucha, follow them on social media @ monbrewcha. Find Nicole Teitler on Instagram & Facebook @NikkiOnTheDaily or email 49

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Chip Shots by Bob Bubka

Shinnecock to Alter Format Note: As you read Chip Shots, I just wanted you to know that this week’s edition is coming to you straight from the middle of the Gulf of Mexico as I’m on a seven-day cruise so I can re-charge my batteries for what I know will be a very demanding and exciting ‘Major’ golf season. The very first U.S. Open Championship was played back in 1895. This upcoming June marks the fourth time it will be contested at Shinnecock Hills Golf Club.

In 1986, circumstances changed the fortunes of the United States Golf Association (USGA), the U.S. Open’s governing body, in a huge way. Sometime in the early 80s the USGA made the decision that they wanted the U.S. Open to be played at Shinnecock. The first time was in 1895 and it was the second ever U.S. Open Championship.

A meeting was held in the Shinnecock Clubhouse, which is the oldest clubhouse in the country. The USGA presentation was made by Frank Hannigan, the executive director of the USGA at the time. As the meeting was coming to the end, the membership let the USGA know that they weren’t really

interested in hosting a U.S. Open at Shinnecock. Hannigan, on the spur of the moment, suggested that the USGA might just rent the course and run the event themselves. The Shinnecock membership liked that idea and an agreement was reached. The silver lining was that all U.S. Open Championship merchandise was part of the deal and all sales would be handled by the USGA. That strategic move has put hundreds of millions of dollars in the coffers of the USGA. Plans for this year’s U.S. Open have the merchandise tent open for business starting the Thursday through Sunday the week before, and the good news is that it will be open to the public with no ticket required to gain admission to the merchandise tent on those four days.

The title said…Shinnecock to alter format…well, for the first time ever there will be no 18-hole playoff on the Monday after in the event of a tie after 72 holes. The USGA decided to change the rules earlier this year, which means that in the event of a tie a two-hole aggregate playoff will decide the winner—

March 14

unless it doesn’t. If it’s still tied after two holes of aggregate score, then sudden death match play will be played until there is a champion. So, the question is why mess with this 18-hole playoff tradition? The obvious answer is that it is not ideal for television. Fox Sports, who paid billions for the exclusive TV rights, has to be delighted with the new format that all but guarantees them a champion Sunday.

Based on some excellent research by Gary Van Sickle, current president of the Golf Writers Association, had this new format been in place in previous US Opens, history would be drastically different. In 1913, a 21-year-old caddie, Francis Ouimet, won in an18-hole playoff. With this new system, he would have lost. Sam Sneed, one


of the all-time greats in the game, never did win a U.S. Open but under the new rule, he would have won the 1947 US Open instead of Lou Worsham. In 1950, Ben Hogan, just 16 months after his near-fatal bus crash, would have lost at Merion if this new format was in place. In 1963, an 18-hole playoff identified Julius Boros as champion. In a two-hole playoff, the winner would have been Jacky Cupid. Don’t you just love it? These are just some examples how golf history as we know it would have been totally different. It’s no secret television pays the bills and gets to call the shots, but, having covered this game for such a long time, I wish that in the battle of the T’s, tradition versus television, that tradition had come out on top.

Sports Shorts

By Rick Murphy

Lady Tuckers Lose Mattituck lost its bid for a second consecutive Long Island Class B title, losing to Nassau champion Carle Place 45-26 on March 6. The Frogs completely dominated the locals, holding all-county standout Liz Dwyer to four points. Jane DiGregorio paced the losers with six. The Lady Tuckers finished with the Suffolk Class B championship and a 17-4 record. Twin Wins Mattituck came home from the New York State wrestling

championships with two title belts– from one family. Jack Bokina won the 145-pound weight class, and twin brother, Luke, prevailed in the 132 pound class despite being behind with 14 seconds left. Mercy/McGann Upended Mercy lost the Class C title game to East Rockaway 48-42. The Lady Monarchs, based in Riverhead, compete in public school League VII. Melina Santacroce finished with 24 points, 17 rebounds, three steals, three blocks and an assist in her final game for Mercy despite being in foul trouble for part of the game.

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Continued From Page 18.

Assemblyman Fred Thiele and Legislator Bridget Fleming, both Pierson High School graduates, spoke at the forum. Fleming and Thiele emphasized the importance of the school administration engaging the community and parents in this type of discussion. Thiele stated that it is important to “maintain a constant vigilance.” As a representative for 20 different school districts, the assemblyman said he is pushing to ensure that, “expenses spent on these security resources should be exempt from the tax cap.”

Fleming assured parents and community members in attendance that there is a great deal has been done to enhance the security of the school. “We can’t really talk about it because we don’t want the bad guys to know,” she said. Both Fleming, Police Chief Austin McGuire, and Superintendent Graves emphasized the “See something, say something” philosophy. Ensuring the safety of students “is a balancing act. How do we have a safe open learning environment and still keep the children safe? We think about this every day. We certainly don’t want the children to be scared every day. But, we need to strengthen our security,” Graves said. She said the forum was scheduled to determine the community’s feelings on the matter. “Understand that this is the first generation of kids who have had to deal with this,” added Chief McGuire. “We need to do the right things to keep them safe.” The Village Police have participated in the drills that take place at the school and provide a presence at school events including outdoor events. A member of the audience who described himself as a “Sag Harbor Lifer” raised concern over the student walkout planned for Wednesday, March 14. “They can’t be prisoners. They need to be able to go outside … but they are sitting ducks out there.” Chief McGuire indicated that police presence will be provided during the walkout. The superintendent described the protocols used when the students were outside the building. She

stated “staff carries radios. It’s not the best system and we are looking to improve it.” To date, Ms. Graves indicated that they have installed over 100 cameras in the school, have instituted a picture identification electronic swipe card system for staff, as well as a visitor management system, installed “state of the art lockdown technology,” installed special tempered glass in access areas as well as emergency strobe lights and improved door locks.

When the forum was opened to the audience for feedback, many raised similar concerns. One parent stated that she brings lunch to her child and arrives at the school to find “no one’s around.” Parents asked why there was no visible police presence at the school. Some requested that security guards be hired. Others raised concerns over events held by the school. “Spirit Night there was no security. People were coming from all over. The doors were open and anyone could come in,” stated a freshman parent. Several others asked why there were no metal detectors. “I had to go through a metal detector to pay a parking ticket. Aren’t our children more important than a parking ticket?” asked another parent. Although the superintendent could not promise that all these requests would be implemented, she indicated that it was extremely important to the district to see how the parents and community felt about security in the school.

“It’s a dose of reality,” she said “that we think about every day.”


Continued From Page 11.

for the creation of the zones, Weir explained. The legislation allows for adjacent areas to be included as well. Requesting inclusion “costs us nothing” and enhances incentives for private investors, Weir summarized.

A resolution supporting Riverhead town’s inclusion in the opportunity zone program and requesting the addition of Riverside and Flanders in the zone is on the agenda for a vote tomorrow. The board’s March 13 meeting was rescheduled to tomorrow due to the threatening foul weather.

Mill Pond Continued From Page 9.

new drainage has been installed to mitigate the runoff. The drainage wasn’t in place when an earlier project was underway. About five years ago, a mineral compound called Phoslock was spread across the lake to reduce levels of phosphates, but heavy rains and runoff derailed the project. Warner suggested, “The process we started needs to be continued.”

Schubert noted the USGS conducted an analysis of town water bodies between 2001 and 2008 to define the overall health of surface and groundwater quality. The focal point wasn’t Mill Pond, but it was sampled on a quarterly, then annual basis. The data did pose the question of whether there was an internal source of phosphorous in the pond. Dr. Souza said he would include the data in his diagnosis. Can Mill Pond be remediated within the financial ability of the community? Schneiderman asked the expert. That depends on what the data, collected over an estimated four-month period, reveals, Souza explained. He said he will try to recommend “sustainable techniques” that result in measurable improvements in the water quality in the pond.

As the discussion came to an end, Abramson thanked the town board and trustees for “getting together to produce something that makes sense.” He said he looks forward to the restoration of the health and recreational use of the important natural resource and envisions “a swimmable body of water one day.”

Souza spoke to those assembled via Skype. Wonky audio had speakers and the experts repeating questions often. Bringing discourse to a conclusion, Schneiderman said to Souza, “I don’t know if you can hear this, but you’re hired.”


Continued From Page 22.

have qualified for a lottery for two newly constructed three bedroom/ two bath homes in Southampton. The lottery will be held at town hall today at 2 PM.

March 14


Qualified first-time homebuyers were required to submit applications to the Long Island Housing Partnership by the February 28 deadline. The homes, located on Moses Lane and Magee Street, will sell for $332,400.00. The Town of Southampton donated the land. The homes were constructed under the direction of the Southampton Business Alliance Housing Initiative Corporation and the Southampton Business Alliance. Finally, discussion points at last week’s town board work session included updates about the recent storms, the opioid task force, and the community center in Westhampton Beach: • Supervisor Jay Schneiderman pointed out to colleagues that there were “two nor’easters since we last met.” Seven roads were closed during the storms, but he said, “On the whole, things held up pretty well.”

• The opioid task force will hold its next forum, one designed for youth, on March 24, with a community forum planned for April 11, and a candlelight vigil slated for Mother’s Day weekend in Good Ground Park in Hampton Bays. At the vigil, candles will be lighted for each life lost to overdose in Southampton Town in 2017. So far, Schneiderman reported, “We don’t have to light a candle for 2018.”

• Councilman John Bouvier reported community members in Westhampton are “quite excited” about the prospect of having their own community center. The councilman and the supervisor recently met with the developers of the complex at Gabreski Airport to see if they might consider building a 4000 to 5000-square-foot center, then leasing it to the town. Stakeholders will provide input and the developers are willing to explore the idea. “We’ll tell them what we want and they’ll tell us what the rent would be,” Schneiderman said. If the numbers jibe, the community center would be designed along the lines of the Crohan center in Flanders. 51

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March 14





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